r ' - 'l f:J'.Sf' ilk1 1 4 rr - r- os r 1 il I -V I .TIIPS.AV. ATI C IX, i:nn;o;t a:;d rnorturrorL . iJva.. r '14.23 Uiijjisj Willtti tae year. to t r rf. villi i lion fit T n I! !it ' ! AtlrctlU -;:; .n . .... - niiian-j rc '4 til, - i iriftirtcii iiAOxe- Dot i , rvurc uf tea 1,.-.: cr for tkr. f rutin rtioa, -j nl Twr.xTt.rir jt'r.tT for rcU fiuinurvco. TUe number of innnkwu dcnlrtd iajtt b marked on lh margin or t he adrerlJcmrril Will !o continu. , ed till forbid tfrwi eir;ed accurdmirfr. , iwi titr win ix3 nusrirca iwer.iv.Lfc tr ei-ot extra. , A CJtiiln- Institute. -A needy ison of New England founJ him. uclf, rcccnlty, nHaluno.unliDowoand 14 hard in NcOf-icanj;' 'Oficoursehe inm " scf about guesiung komij1 way In get oul of the Vcrapo ; nud jbc'foro lie quite wlm'tltd his stick vvn.v ho became obWbeit in the inc(Mti.i xif a prand jtboiiylit. It seem j. Sitting dwwu lo gursa, 111 lUtule brain m.uJo In i1un"f n't once, among injs ,me!aphyipal nfui-scieutifij: . tor, hemiphl haio been ubVervcd, with n so. bcr sort of i twinkling in liij eye. inarchin" o.'I nVmgtho lcjvee-", nripatviilly looking Ltr u ; lioiiKi. to let;, jiujnming m J t' . j! "Vi . ; :t..j w , ; , Ysnkq a DooJlo I come !nrt . ilT' '' j a (il j I ". j :i ' ii ' ",'.''-"1 j ' ! . " ' Wbrri fartune fa. I dttreinj, ' TUorc4 noilii'itjj like tt'Vaakcc eonir And clc'tHific ru;jiirt'r !. f flf'tl'! J'JIU I ::( ,,r .t,; ,r , i ! s , r.: Iuly nvAl uuy: our heruaua another odJ. , . ' il.H'1 I I f.-T .!.: i j i ' ; . . j. j. . ;: . km-' 2rnilii were aeon un-a- lailJor. nail. ttg;i)rt brQMtripiif cau.iH all across thev front nf a !uw4q oh the LeVecx u"d the job b iug cotnj!plc;d, there vvaj disptajed, infl irr inr epra wlt sifogin-j, broktn.backed, djftriKek.kuecdi .fnminI.bliMuMcred, :- - I lull !. ":! i , .1 L : f iV. 1 i ' 1 il ;. limping Icittops, ; Unman, Ger. lrj:wi- jCHlinijihir, chirographic, 'Ill H l Hfi I"'' ".!. I "V. 'T:! ' I.,1'.-' rew l(- crtlinij)lir, cliirograpluc, f rti'i iiui, tui'l Pkit.houk.iaii : ! iBNSGlCSslNG INSTITOOT. !!!!! J I I I' i II I- v i : r ... A NU OIILE CSJNq ItAUT IN ,oNB LESsON. U 1:1 1 The thing produced ii- sensation at once :. among saiforL bt-uier.", lJveo luburerrt,-und n!I ortsi of trigglers. O jr professor bor. 1 v h'Tf0! ; ii , . . rwed nn old rikltcn awning, hum': it up, am! divided Jiis'l'cHiin in"; two;1 jput hji a.ssiittint ttt tiiu door tu tnkt: in quartern, 'turtu-d ;i tin cup up side dowji lii the miudlq of (n old rickeiy tabic; - got ;tH&j: Via 'at vinegar, a pot tif t ir, a ,.-boHjo of whUiuty, jnndi ;vlri.ui oilier well kiiown odvirlfeiloui! ufTiirJ nrr.inged aroutid him ; nnd, black skml-car on hii lie.nl and a red (lrk ill hi h'tudilm cnudc no bad he represetil tionf n modern , 'Faust. Marine LuJwJg jmiltt have taken niesson from liinl, nnd llerr Ak'k udi r should have Hcenbiinl Jlu drew a;' rnysiio riog on the ceilingliiiih charcoa-lj filling up with" nvRStindescribablc " curltjufriln right oyer the table, and business koo commenced. ' i In struggled an open-mouthed enquirer af., te'r'tbe mysteries of; guessing. . ' Sirntiger, good morning, walk up and, proscribe youisblf as a trjuo enquirer alter1 tlie irrevelation of Geesilogy. iPut'your 1 Ii .'IV hand imon ttlo converted tin cup. Very! w:ll. Lilt your right hand; to the ceiling, atul fiY voorfves uron the music circle. Svi.i i : ' ':( -i - i if .!-' I-".-" ""-I.,; Nuw if yi,i w ink, or remoVo'tour eye, you II ruin the hul busincsl, stranger; so j just' hold still. Now I percede to nervoke the guess irut Kniril to descend unon Voil. What is this that I hold under your noe Vinegar?1 M Urimint Jingo! you llara fast:! whats thi.r i "That's tar." 11 Riglit again, my pupij Hrimstonc.V . Good ; you: cnvelopoj ; i wh it's this?Mi - ii '"- ' r ' 1 the f-icuhy raaly amazing ! Can voU guess r what this is ?" i VVjiiskpy,bYJhlut;j,'i: . ; ; , ' All rrpfttioti ! hijw outck vou take It ! are you sure its whiskey IV 41 Sure! well I reconlV ' You'd bolter taste it and see. Is it whis- key!" Well it is ' Take a good swig, thep, youll do, tran. gor; you're ready -to pradnate. C!oin.;in, next. Hallo ! .mister, don t take that bottle -away. J .h--, '':,'! : :yV ,-.'''' CSfia niter another, as fast as he could dis. poseofliicm, the ProfessrJJ found his custom. ' and' whiskey, jho ew England j Magician BtHfmVnngcd to send him satisfied. Every -body coming out was questioned by the ca. ger crowd in wailing as to what -sort ytj a - i r - ..... r ' . .k... it vvi.o nWv how t" And tho answer . was p rclty generally the si me : , " Ii rst ra le , -and no muiakeand thejiast experiment is ; Will half 'the- money.' ! The Professor counted his receipts that "niht. finding n round such to help him on Vst; soIdhU ' insiitoul" or a premium toTHis enteVprising assistant oiid next morn. 'ii,.-w itf' imflm! the silver. in hUnock ct. "and blessing devoutly the benefits ,of ill" !-., ' J O .- . , , . k, ' !K ' f ; I- aibiiw., i H . . , Js. v.;;j tah-jhWcfJ.ts ovc-xnat in crs sideling A half 'si.yly in upon htm oil day long, ond when In Jw' and then one , Woulu ex. hibFt a belliiierent spirit, bf ween1; good humor A drover wai roblwd yeitPrJay mornin jt at 5drov- yarJ h-Jtcl, in jCallowhtirstrl. of CiOD in i...ucv end CCCtrj in checks.' His .' .Ojr'.rtudert nrn!!ct t!:o tilrf which were i;iblU:ifd sum-; thue' since, uf the mortality r.t Wji;:!-.," ,c" by the yellow fever.. The editor of tho WWjvihV Ittpublican, a cony-U$ccni fn :i lite number f hi piper, pn-nu t!m ftH..v;mg pnhetie and touching cVscrip:joa of thy Afocu uf the-' epidemic ; .j1 t:'..? f. -' j 'V' -' Ujr .heart is Iienvy and bhnost drsolate, 'ur.(,iuti diHithin U5,n4 up sit down and ihink ut the cene of , the hst f.;w wvi k Wc have jut crawled frr.ni the; brink uf tl.e gr.ive, otJ, pining in fftlrVoessarid cxhaus lion' not far from tho ld.Mr wr, wo look around for th old lainiliar faciv;--bu we Cft Ihrriri not. The eyes that j bti.acd upon u in .-.Joyful Svelcoinr, will.'hiok upon 'uL ivi morf, The vou-rsi t-foquent and harmonilus, to which wh livVd lu listen, arts still, nnd! the Innd that spokfj thewurni1iearr friendship in their manly prcssurej tiiT uud cold, 'are crossed upon 'those fjitliful boiorn? whence wc have been )uccutoin?u to derive counsel una fnCounigqment, now a siilj and. unfeel. iig a the cloU , lio iuUive thiim " AVc call, but they answer hoi again," and friendship and love in all, their anguish seem ed constrained to inquire, j - " Ul they love us yet?" . " - But the question fall without tin echo, and no answer comes hick from that 'shore where our friendi that so lately walked these streets with uf, have gone. VVe look! around us. Yon ierf heap besitfe heap, in j many a row, lie gathered into one neighborhood the old and . I ' !' j ' ' ,pi ii i . . : the young the lich and thujpoor; all the cafes nnd anxieties of life forgotien ; and the ' .f . X i I1 ... x i . S .1 :, i I T tenements that held th3se fiery spirits arcps quiet how as if; they had never, been aught sivcpa.pt and pircel 'of that dust with which they now mingle. 1 i ; The '.enible disease has robbed us of ma ny of the vo,y best citizens jnf which we could boast. i jVith the grasp of an invisible Hercules, iis almighty hand came dowu upcin the hearts of. men, crushing out the very spark of'liie,' ere people were! well aware that their fiiends were in dinger. Then c om- the sound foul sight of woel, such as our little village never e)nceived of before. Th'e :-"'( 1 I ! ' anvil ceasetl ii ee'h'o forth its clang, the sledge was uulifted, jtlje . bi.'Ilows br.eiihed not, ttie fire of the furnaoce bnrii'-u out. ' The .saw, tin? plane, and the jf ammer grew Mill. Merciiiuils4 hhu. up ihe'ij stores, anjj wilked home to ii. No soiiiiji camu upon the car"1, save the clink of the Kiiiuner, or the grating of the saw, as the undertaker hsslily threw tigether the last h arrow withdrawing room of poor morlaVnv Then there was suiforin!'. Disease and - death soon had p tnat remaiil sick, lookeJJ great nmjoriiy, and the very few id to take care of the many more like the ohosts nfltliosa vlio had died, .. . i limn livimr irinti' t nil "nlfMl I I'eonle fled their homes in ifliiiht ond con sternation. Every thing scqmpd to partake of tho treneTali terror, i The foil;ge of the i ! was of a pale trees turned lyellow, the sky sickly! green, und lor six w: s the hollt ow wind canm from the north andieast incessant;- lv. with deuthliness in 1 its touch enough to shatter the nerves of the hertlthvN Our stieels were deserted. . . ! , i ' - i ' ! : , '- II' .'' II' .' ' I'j Tho rra-?s bid fir to spring; up where mer- . ! P . . J ( ... , : . V I : 1 1 rv feet had so recent lv gone, down. Yet there J ; i ' '.L.-i. I i : i I as one road; in which no grass grew. It 3oo to tho gr;ve! ynr.d- Along ''.tljat track! the hearse eonstatnly journeyed! wpth its gloornV rumble, followed by a lew friends ot those. ' ;i ' - - .in r i.i - i i I within, and obliged to black; it pace ngnin and ns'tin t lei the tottering 'invalids, -tlui) ! ...... I . M : ' I I . . J -. .. ' 1 struc'lcd hard to lollow, come o; joor', h ilf.sick cieatures," expending their last strength in the last sid olfice ofj friendship, a deed soon' to be performed for many of them bv others as feeble ns themselves. , J. , i i . 1 ...... : Ml I . But the disease has nearly Ceased its rava ,tPS onlv because there are no more subjects to act upon.. It lvis swept us like fire nrn whirlwind. Had it been in New York City J, with its teeming thousands, and bYn as final in propnrtin nt it has with us. it would have -'i I !:': 1 I i I ) i swept oil fifiy thous-md persons 'TIki crcu Onarteis of JLIIc. The seven ages of man have been prover-t iiini; 'but in' respect toJ the condition of the mind, there are granted to us put four periodsj of life. The first fifteen years me childhood j wo know nothing iff hope The next fifteen vcarsi arc passion and romance -iff? dream. During the third period of fifteen years, from thirty to foirty.fivewe are what nature intend; cd us to be. j Character has formed ; -we pursue a course of life ; we reason, wo raedi tale, i This is the period in wjiich we may be saidtoMivc.; The fourth period is that oi" commencing flecay. We .may grow wiser; K.,t it "w n ui.dom that sneaks in a. shake of the head. I Pain and penitenca beginr-trf with haipinessand love, and as they pp I i i fit t lheir destined enct, insieau oi pe gion rally accompanying decay, Vncyy ' with a ray from beforp theninn cast behind us pi our path; fe f xorr Nevertheless if the third period h passed in providing against a' fourth, nity SJ'Vli.Tn'crHd '-"'oiip' declining Years 'are Hgi a .... . , . f' -A LoreCI:s!?....;;4 : Thn Portland Argcstvts ii."cccount of n love olTilr.whI;!i l."p' :::d Inthtcity rtcent. ly, and which Soullbe cxtc-Tively circuh. ted for ih L r:f;t yonn marriageable damstU who ore prone to fall in love - nv first tdht. Jtsppcirs that a itnmger who went M Portland on business, fell in wuh a, prrtty, iiK'Xperiecccd girl, and after a few inlerviews promise ti her "Tnarrlago and'tlH'y agreed to start for B 5ton in the afternoon traiuto have i he knot Vied, Jn the mean limo .llm mother of the girl go! an inkling of what waj going on, and hc wrnt to tin? car& to restrain . hnt roving daughter from throwing herself into thenrinsjof a comparative'stranger. The second' fAct i opens at 4the. depot, with the train jabout to start. The mother had en tefed lha cars and confronted her daughter and her lover, by tarns cntreo;:d the one td ret ur:i 1. u hither, and uphraiJed tho other for. stealing away an old woinun's daugh. tcr." 0e daughter would not heed her rn. ' . ;. 11 .', !' ' .o . treaties :i.d tears. -The love was cold, and indiffotvQi to her threats. She told him he was a nrprricd man and unprincipled- and bade hirji beware of retribution. . .To her duughterislie appealed, that she might relurn with herl and mike home glad, which was now desolate. The passengers1 feelings were rn-inifesijy on the sido of the mother but her appeals outd not draw her daughter out iol thecar-jj iMeanwhile time flew, and the moment of departure came. The mother ,was still be seeching tho daughter pouting- the lover frowning -when daine Fortune for once heipw ed the matron and disappointed the maid. The conductor inquired if the girl had a lick- et ? She had nol and is the rule requires passengifrs to be so provided; she was advis ed to step to the office and obtain one. She stepped jlut, and the scene being now quite exciiing some ,ne passengers happened to be veryjmuch in the way of tho lover, and he couldtit get! out so easily. ',. " Finding his. egress through tho door straie. ly prevented, ho rushed to the window and with a ' $3 bill bet w'ejen Us fingers, endeavpr- ed to convey j it to icr. She was evidently leaving home, in this man's company; without money, j But lie could not reach her. A tall hack drjyer, laying ;his thumb by the sides of his nose; and tvvirTnW his fingers, politely in formed jiim tljat 41 he couldn't come it.'; Here vviis a situ ition ! The "ill without the infcatM'titv fmrchaso ja ticket ; the fellow with in unublb to get out and, every body laugh. iugatliim.1 ' j ";' , J ; jj: '; .' Il is an old proverb time and tide wait for no man," neither does the mail 'train for womanieilher. ' It- i tiaie arr,ived, t At this moment the starting le b:ll tolled,1 ihe engineer; let on the steam the fireman grinned -the spec la tors. l;n)he.d and on went the train, with the itinerant, but without his victim. Then .' ' .. f! ' '" ' '.; - (- '' ! " j.j V ' " ! it was that the force of the- girl's love broke forth. .When she saw the g-ip every moment widenirjg them, she could endure the thought no longer, bul sot Hi ' i off with frantic speed in full chase after the Cars! Some fchouted, some opened wide jlheir eyes, some Unfeeling ly cneq put on more steam, my dear; a few pitied thc'giil. S!ie soon found that her speed, even when fmpelled by IoveL1 was not equal t the mail train ! She returned jde jeettd a;iid in tearJ to repeat the thought of the -old boot, ' lh course of true love never did run sino-ith.1 An Honest Man Found at Last. The Aih m Argos gives the subjoined j"noliee ol an individual living in that city. Jf nil men were as conscientious, the world vrt nuieh better : . i Tliet e is a m.in living . i " . It' ! - t for ma i - r .i-i. ny years gain' ii.e oare. necessari Mr " 1 l means lot employ from pace to ph ' ' in contrjuence! permanent sitiy considerable lJc ri roiif-nBt'' cept, ilntil cuintieiil, f gard,.jivoUj by. A IiM . (-. be trusted j g'e mani tending tempta his ne Ocsf V I Tl.ti wliioh iV.:owa is tho extract' from Lis Utter; t - e woulJ firt!;cr ir.ie j:ou rrq-InteJ with i!nt hat juit )np;-c::cd - in O;o.nr.:ih, amort those Americans wh- are fesidiag thcrc. Quito aquirrcl jlni taken phcc br twceo the B;fliops ahd people on oncsid3 and , the Ambrican-j on jho other, on Hccount of thc improper proceedings of the latter, in the i said town. Thi- led. to the courso of the zealousj 13'! tru.i shp-rd, with their ration- nl tshcrp, and the-y closed up ar.d disbanded tht vvn jhooJs which tho American! had es. tablisljcd at Oroorosah. -" We have written to them a leitr iliat morcqyer, the schools should remain closed,' and that lha Americans should be sent awav fmm thcrr.' . . : x Tho, above Icttec.was communicated to us from a rc!i--ib!o source. JV.';Y. American.. : &oh T ut of a Tf r-:::la Jlaldcn. : A-cornripoft?int f - Joarnal rof Com. mercc, writing from Harp-; 3 Ferry, ielU a story which 13 worth: repeating. . In ie vil. lagoof Charlestown; Va., a short time since, there -was a I Whig celebration. rThe villace was' well stocked wijh LocofocoSj hnil .they in a- fit of despcratje- party ! madness,-quite rharactertstte, determined lo interrupt; tho procession, and for 'this purpose stretched a rope across tno street. : Al lms juncture, when danger '.thickened, and when neither naitv seemed inclined to recede, the Whiffs advancing and the Ijocos muttering defiance, a happy thought struck the bosom of a young ludy, a .sterling 'Whig. .'With; n resoluteness of purpose rijit always found in the ex the Virginia maiden seized a suitable instrument, ascended to, ihe window, near which the end of the rope was fastened and cut asunder Ihe obnoxious stj-ands, which were likely to be the bone o( such serious contention! A hap. pier expedierlt could jnot have I been devised. The parties wcreat a loss which most to ad. mire the ingenuity or the bbldnej of the undettaking.j! TRo . success was complete. The way waisj cer. Who would dare to lay a rudejiandjfon he courageous girl? Her very veakqss vas her protection. The sterner sex were subdued by the heroism of the act, nndj the procession passed on in peace., i ftru gui deserves a laurel. MelanchoLy: Death. Mr. "j Geo. P. Hath away, of Bedford; Michigan,! was married on the Qih ult. to Miss Harriet. Cornell, of Erie, Michigan. On the Saturday following their innrrtaj,- Mr. andMrs. Hathaway left to Srish ..iis(V;ends in Farmingtort, Ontario county, NrYji and on the 22d ult. on their return home,vhen about eighteen miles wesl of RochcsterJ the stage was upset, and Mr.' 11. was so severely injured that he died in a few days, j aeing RdipiBEuv. As the Exchange clerk of the N Liberties Bank, Philadelphia, was Kninghis rounds on Tuesday.! when in the neighborhood was seized bv of Gth and Market street, he two men in the open street, and choked by cue of them in such a manner as to prevent jjis giving alarm, while the other forced a wallet;, containing over S3000 in dii ferenl notes, from him, and both made ofT. Troops otjiTiiE Uevolution. The num.' ber of solJiersj furnished by each section of the country i.j,as follows : ;!.! : ;' Bv New Eldgian.dj ; 1.7,141 -. By the ;Mi(le;S!aies,. - - '' ''. jv, 50,571 . By the Souticrn States, '. j 57,279 Thiv whole 5 number of men furnished bv Squill Carolina was 7,447, while Massachu- mm count rv. . ! ! : ; j 4 .' ! :' ... j. Li ,'IIOtVi: Or.C0M:'0N:?. TTh f.M- ;: -in: f rc. marks rud- y ;!r. Ci! I-cIlcf 1: irV.e, ia reply to M. Jy B. w!:?pard, on a thoiL-n to print 10 copies cf t! j C jvrrrr's rr.: for. each member of th5 LMlsturoJ, - : i . ..' . - . . - ', .. Mr. Sprakcr In tbo "remark nl ich I sub miilrU on a motion to f rinl ten copies ofthe Governor s roesnge, whicli has : j'.t$t ' been read, I did nut-propose ij express t!?- cpinton of any gntlemsn crt this fijor, savojny own. Nor can I conceive. what :l did . that should have; aroused the, eloquence , of the gentleman from Wake,. who has just taken hii seat.; i 4My.opin?onwas, and, siill is; that lb4 document contains a great, deal, of. valuable information, whiclyit is drsirablo therno' j ! of our state should havc-and coming c: it i docs, from tho Chief head of the mic manyho has bc:i licted by our own con. stituptits to preside over the destinies of Trari'i Carolina, f and conioinilywith ourselves, tJ do that which wo 4hink,thc best interest of the great body of tho4 people, requires, thought jhat;".tho? people," to whom JbptV the Governor, and . vvc arc responsible, had a right to knew what measures lie had brought before their representatives for their. gravq delibera. lions, and whether those representatives pro fited by, and endeavored to carry them into fleet as lar.as practicable, rT''whelher atto gether heedless of the welfare of: our beloved state an4 pur commoa.. constituents t ihe j to tally Deflected them, Jt Is conceded, I hope, Mr. Sjvcaker, at all events, it is my .opinion( that the Governor of the State, from the very positiouwhich ho occupies and from the fre quent opportunities which ho. enjoys of cor- responding .with the different sections of the state, ought to know, and. docs. know, more than any member on this floor, what are our wnniA and necessities and knowing ihem it is his duty .to administer to,ihoso. wants, and lo supply that which ii needed, ns ,far as it is within hi power.. The, people, Sir, look fur this at bis hands. Huw arc they to know whether lheir expectations have been realized, if it is not permiuedhat they shall read his message X They have as much, right to thb document as we have. My constituents wish to have it, and it is my desire that it should be placed in their hands. t But, sir perhaps . 1 . ! .1 " r tit 1 - ' . 1 . ' . me genueman trom waite supposes tnat the newspapers will give il sufficient publicity ; so they weuld, if every reading man wusable lo subscribe for sx papet;. but it is well known thai few others limn men of .property sJ scribo to papers, and consequently (it would fall only into the bunds of. ibe 'rich. My ob ject is to give the poor; who aro as much' af fected by our legislation as any. other, class, an opportunity to learn what improvements are contemplated in our stale.' But, Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from Wake remarks that ho should not have said any thing, had it not have been fort the com. phmentary illusions which I made to the mes sage 1 upon my motion to jirint ten copies for each member. He then launches forth into a discussion of all the beads'cf the message, dissecting ond exposing each as he' passes, and finally carries himself back' into the 27th Congress, of the United Slates, and arraigns and condemns that HonorabJe body. for their acts and deeds. Now, sir, it i nol my pur pose to follow the genllemiri in the track which bethought proper to take, or to speak of the merits or demerits of the paper before us, because I do not conceive it to be a proper and I think it ill a PM? nuNfin in nnu . i n m" " r v. v towu a 14 .. . ..... .. ' m r I - . ' XN t.ur....,l.:.u,.ri,l:,il,4i;lji tLjpty: ,- tIlj :cc;;..,, -4 nt!cmin and his rarty J ii tl.oy er. wc!crni3.uihJrri-f:!ci;t,t:.J ; 1. j cza xrcc-irf:.ir.i. - I hope, tlr, ,..y r.;.i! f ' ta print ten ce;:.., vijl provail. - docu mcnt i:sc!f uzV.y Curves It;, nnd 'when Cgtriuccs tot V.I.lcl: it will U referred rnako thar report , th 2 rrcper tima wiH'atrito' to discuss its merits. ' : ' ; I ; : -' 1 1 t: ..:.-;. . ,5" . 11 j- j. ir"' ,.. M :; jv.:V: .;r''i)iu;,i::.r "Tho LouvilIj Journal ,rjticci a ruT.T ' circulated that Mr. Clay wa tcry ill; n.n?iTO5"ye .ftr. TVl. lo, inform Mr. Clay V many warrtt and dqvoted frienujs that ho not only enjoys most excellent health, but. "hibits tho.samo, buoyancy ef spirits thai has fifkeri distinguished Jiim in Viiany darl; ,and iry:rj hours during l;U lonV arid eventful rub h ' I. ":J A -':x.-.:.:;bcr' cf s frien J v '. t.ion htm a few days since to make kiiowii' the result - of tho election wcro astonished that ho rcceiyca! the news with a checrfclncss i. almost "amounting lq plenjure-,v Myfiiendsi1 said lie, it would bo ridiculous for moitasay - I do not feel 'disappointed , bijt' I feel so cliief rrZ' f-i - - r, n y? Vi ,i i u -, i - - .'--.: ly for you and our country : as regard my seir, I am relieved from a load of nn'xr' . ' I ' have ever been, ready and willing' to . jrvo my counlryi even with my Jifp.' I allowed my name, to ho used m the, lata ct ntesL be cause it was unanimously called Tor, for tho sake of the Union ( ahd I am consoled by the fact i that I have becnj f supported, by' tho fact that I haye beuh supported by so largo a ptSr tion'oTThclntclirgehcp Vnd'nalriotisrn 'of tlio nation. Now, I hope'lo spend the remainder ! i of my days in peace nnd quiet.j" . , . - - certainty that jTehnusVeo has cast her electoral - vote for Clay;-and ;FrcHnghuysen now: proves that-the loss oi eW Vork was ihe really fatal loss for' that ticket. 4 The ; states ot Massachusetts , Vermont; Connect!, cut, IlhodV Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, North CirUina, Tennessee,-Ken. tucky, and Ohio givp together 105 electoral votes. Add New', York 33,! and wo havo 141, or three more votes thaq are necessary When we consider tho fit'et that the Polk ma jority in New York js only sorncwherV 'about J five thousandi" ahd" tjlianfull thai hUmbert of; foreigners were natufalized, in the Slate With- . i.r.a, short4 period, piiorto tho election, we l) have Ihe lamentable of strangers the gr evider.co that, n handful - " jat mass of them utterly ignorant 'ir instituUonsf our laws," cur- policy, our condition j our resources, jand our wants as a naiionf-havo .deiermined Uho. choice of the Chief Magistrate of our Union and its twenty milliotwof people; ' -The Cincinnati Gpzettd has the followln paragraph in reference to the improvement o of the Western rivers Beyond all question therels no one subject in which the people west of the Alleghariics have "so direct and universal a concern as in thattjiist mehtiohed. It comes homo to thc Interests; domfort,rand prosperity1 of 'ntl f nod if; the public voice in that di tsiorr of the tj nion is expressed wfth concert and emphasis, a ready response will be given by Congress; : - ' Western UiVEfts. After a long strng. gle, Congress votcid to the AVcst a. beginning , in the way of opproipriailons for our Tivert and lakes These appropriations are. trifling asyeu And if wcntern members do not in form themselves on Ihe subject, and "securer this session some vnnrgedr8'y stein of act'c, " ' 1 rim ill, i.i I ""Hi ''" I """ " . . . ...i.:t k.Ul-rur Phil NorLii ' tho cur roqai, , 1 cd by us tee rrpice.