t , . ' krjJ m - "n If, 3 - fpkia "; piking ' J'5pcctci ;'-;-;n' , ' ". ' ': ?r-wd ; ; ; W, ... -.-'.f.-P ) ' "'rilis Of' f ' J ,) l V"-' , (" i ; , .'0;; -" J v.':. i 'l JCJ.I '" - cton for I jrtnaont .... . kveek.. . a is, lat't .;xtcr,(Dc: ,' clioicc! tv2r ;y. 'xi , rvV ed: ..d . - " Two D ' ;,,. . lio fe.'. 1 ef V ICflU J:5.; V. A'Vlti ., and ruci'ir ; la i. l ' " u f t-." . ...,,.(.r( jor,,' cir'. ff or tljc aJvcrtiscuK t ivtiity.fi vc; ., f e RtaKe ) anoIo?v fur . 1 Xi" icIlowiDj Jcltc r la our, readc ' :'V haf u rf'oot tlo'Ien, and-wa ' r? ; ?n lho mud, "If Pathrick ;. 1 1 nil! explain the manner' c . to hl$'mUo'slsfact! J, : '4. ,' V' ;CTrtca'-4a; ''TJidael. C,. I" -. ; wotfiiog toybu';Miciqe! c0' P.'lc5i; -..I upyour'" liitfc ; -il&n ijiod J comino ovii"r iio? isi L!ced ' coi:'-' '.""In;; rtwnef esi. ' Drlct, ' & and ?alrick, nni lltilc Mtchac, J'r lwins ad ilia baby, an J the re 1 pull bo a'fihcr comin- ' slof 'paratica, tint cin '-'"S.ahdihen yuue-n I. . ' . 1 -in the mor:.::r, eaJ 'it, and sjatccnJ pare -s-ia tin week brides - ' -'l'-3t won't L.': Aod if , ,ivs on the r t!ic i!Tf; ani para. ;;J lay at . you r.'iy v. .ate. ., wo w;:,ot 1. ..J o'-iiL. - -niofilioC' xtz'li .-' " r !cc ; "reside; l!,lt ,;v 'T" tell youT'lidvitl. It's ' -' 'ankces, ar. J gives the r' " ; i, rven. .'I want you to com? t mc t, nt! help. u choosy Jem. ; furAm.Jeot ; and he's as gud,2 . " : a?' :'5( of 0!ly hf wasn't born atiyfocryiTrlt hs that ras ; ' .. ..ho -V,; wlieri they . wou! la .: ! t ' .0 at a ; . 1 :r here' titc..cl, belUfJ man from' the ! ) h.urrali for Young at oy O'Poke, thiOs ''kc,- his grandlathcr.. ntut ila son .of his tiint child; of OulJ -....iJtlv '- : u ;tti' I." 0 mane 1 Q 1 1 1 J C 1 ... ' ' Tube's'. I;'..','" ..ckson,a; 'J I JakcryV mother f vns anl'":n. 'I tc'.l ye f.like, l!;? ;feat rp:l uhcra you can c'hj on l! i-road in th ner, aa J live in the Wc:'' -so oil wintc nothing at all,, and no r.'ey;,. ;;; .' .' ' ; , V .' X. tncricans h. a jrcat ugly thing I.crij.y call the '1 - but wliat it is, il likes o l : U y 0. Tlicy say t fence acr ; harbors, and all icrica, to I in tivikc l! mikes tli a everything the t::,:. S, you see i "icans. have aj vork to do, 'what. is worst of tall.tlfmc -doia'it. IIow v w!int-t,c h'.jjv It rnakes 2 i ' cir 1 "te 1 'and wear their WnJ ate i0fce' and tayj .. -.ata c.r.J j" ga to their r M th ,.,;che3 ; anv. :;'; :.l gooJ Ci hacl,;yoVe ; irj'Jiilmorc .. 1 : i-"br.,t:;"? 1 vuunts o 1 'i' ry ' O'So; r,.r in on lho D:. iat downright .1 Iuiiiibre. I rubier, and no 'o you in in a. on ihc and,:sup- -ogues,'' lor 3 rest of us -'d .Don't ; a 1 . .'your bath 'I'ill:!'-, .r to c: "'nanJ tour p it you git ' And don't ! lasts, and . ur lining t'jn't" you HvDoon -fed'.'" vJr prog 3. ani t y.O Ti no. that i0 it ten. r J then, to 1. .kc . i lo make y .; 11 c.n .10, ar...' y ia this v.r.y ? ; Patrick IJcNc; - tins sit?:? upj' I' Kil:.iore,':Ikeii: '';:J, Pat rick tnji "el . mark Michaclz-'dbuixc y'it to . Uory,rand ihljc -c3 git ;r 5p cents', 4 iuead ikying -ing1 arid Mistfr 'l the 3;mafecrs,v; a'doJar ? r0 we v ; i why ? safe you Vait x y my.noneykaysixhis I rsticks uplhis fl;0 'in -..stops you Jotce'i of ' hrick Al'lloggio'and 'x . 'and thejrest jc'us, irgues'uiifolp)iy v ,aeyitoma-'eni:bst aintthatchati -.:1deihq,'progue VT ''; '- " '";dii; ' i'nonibcr ; v i :Ze ir?ar' , ' t.J till f,fli..!, Fl . tiers will lo " , ... '" ' ' F :' derf and iBcnny i M'Blubberlh. Courier? Aud Isn't if chatinj th6 Doblio folks t!uit made the lasts,. anif,iool and pegs! And aim il a rhaiinr( the Jarmer that sell ihe pa. raties; arid lho ca rpi n:pr, M'AdzeJ. bo made the box, and the Fraste you confess too, and Doctbur that curcdSawney O'Tool's ninth ' 1 ' 0 f r ihc ty pus (eve J , . , I :. ' : . 1 1 !'" . .1 ; , i say1, Jlikc,rdonr yoo in Iretand, and nM3nd,and , Germany j and France- and all ' ttherej want gor4 Houses,' and mate and - ell as 1hi3 Yankees. And iaint the i i.ia'ei proguea in Kilmore every bit tber Manning, and Mother , men j tha;is 'doio their work'? : live in i tnud houses, and ate ; :cs. without any sat,: as well as Billy L ' nd Sawney -O 'I jooleT Then come (or Yodn IIakery-rthais for :!..' !: ; !. 'u'.,TinVa;is.'the ' ?nUs.in Ou!d Ireland.' ' ram yours, c.4.-';.. " GIN, lseod ; git It T.in j re t : iiUVC no Jilarncr fit all, L'.:t it tLr uijj lil.tinn, so 1',', a I .thcr before it ia vvi :: tcfjro I'sinJ it?' -ncV."C:i:ir:e..T. ' Tho trial of this unfortunate :..'.. wis, concluded .on Monday, Dec. 2 .,.!, : v. rJici -of guilty .'ca all thre-j ir.j'ti. .. . Ui was .charged with; carrying ' c.T thixu tliycf, and tliero was' an indictment. . in e.nch case Tin ;;'";..h:u?nt isl imprison me", b t''? penitentiary for noMess than two yc h eacl) case, making at least six years ia ti'h yffho Baltimore correspondent cf .tho Bcr. tDR-Atl:.:j iys':' ; '. ' - - Hi-J cour.'d, eti lho rcri;tion..;cf tho vcr diet, give notice i!.,:;,.t they ghoul'd move for an arrpst of j-Tjtr:r.t rr.J a r.cvv trial.. Kothirg but th-3 pardon c f , Governor, however, will keep him, from the .penitentiary, , And even if this were given him, it would scarce. ly uv:.;l. . He is Indicted in Virginia, for aid. ing f; r slaves lo escape from that state, and .2tz I : a ; arrant in ihe hands of the ofiacers hare (. i.ica c.i tho requisition of the Govern, or c f Viiginia) lo arrest him,' and hand him over !-, to-tho authorities', of Virginia; " If ho houi4 toVpirdor.cd in . Maryland he would bo i named lit fly taken to Virginia ; and, from what Ij ri:J, ho would no doubt be , convicted there. T Tiid nuaiVament in that stale is twen. ty.one years on each count, making,1 in the four ;cas'c3, 1 -eighty -four years! - tinder the circumstances ; there, i nothing left, in the choico'of evils, but to go to. the penitentiary in Mary hind. It is truly to be hoped, that this will be a warning to others, and tha no simi. lar attempt Will be made by the aboliliooists. Let them bo assured they cfo their cause great injory and 'do no service to the slave, by such 'efforts; which at best ca n 'only jbeVvery partially ' successful, and the risks of which are , too crreat- for an? pradent! man to en. counterf-id ''It'-u t ti.-.n.i i-u - 'lie Grave 'Yard I love to steal away from the busy sc dnes oi lifer and .pay a visit 4o the dark'abodei jbf the departed fead ;.: tho!rf ihoughtfuf melabcholy which is sdlvell calculated to inspire, is prate, ful rather tBan disagreeable to my heart., It sends ho thrUHnj;' ;dar'tv thVough .my squl 16 my t read cpdn lho green '1 roof of that da rw and 1 Li' 11. !'t!l' f luaeiy mansion uovvn 10 wnose cuaiuucrs 1. must soon go, to return no more From choice do I often wander to the place whe're the! re is neither aolitjdev nor society.'. Although! the folly, the busfe.ihc vvanit'yV" -the pride of hu rnanity are ul gone, it Is S place of solilude. Men are there, 'but their pas'sions are all hush, ed into everlasting silence, tin j 'their splits are still j malevolence Willi all its kindredivu ces, havo lost l-Il their power of harming; am. bitioo, the caulje of many a fall , lies low acq at best is forgotien; anger has done its last wor.k ; all disputes have endedf and the darkest sins are covered over by, the thickly piled clods bf the valley V vice, that monster of the . lower regions, ia dumb and powerless", and virlucL robust in innocence,.ia Waiting in silent relief for the voice cf Gabriel and the trump of God.; when these thall utter their voices like th sound of the far distant ihunder; then; sh will mount open tvings of the eagle, and wid, her way up to the throne of God.; ? '..' .-- "' -": " - . ..-.:' ' 1 J.r ' ".I"'" : I ; f Poor things--how cold' they must.bef to have their coats taken off this weather,11 said a tender hearted damsel to a man' skinning eels. " Don't it hurt theriiT! " Not a whit of it, mattm-rthey are used to it and then you see we vvarins emi directly, jn fat, what ' heals ' up their J hurts. Fat are good for sores." Z Pass 'em aloci g' Bill" "'':J" f - JS;A ;BAD .ritTTTM'-;dit(rof;rihej;i,a. grange '.(Texas) Inte)ligencer ilin a. badfix , an awkiard situation. , ;He;- wanted to, go to a campfeeeting, ibff I? ipouldn and he cause ya, or the causes weris i ; his shoes were oZ!ess-his saddle , Jiad sbeen stolen-f-his bridle.was broken has martingales tlosthis tlanketjornhis ,,horsoiws.ho4?s.hi3 coat was Jtedhis pantalppnsWeroj loan. eoy-his';: shu-t-, was ! with; the . washerwoman, '.ri""''-5"'.." -' "V -h-y ' --':'J .SV Ti"' . ".r''.., ',,'"'.- l" '-'.''" mfier miseries ?u fill up, as it were,;, the cup of hi sorrow he .insinuates that a pair of pretty bright eyes had been operating en his heart. V Alas, poor lediior ! , V v . " '.-V; ; . A young American sailor, by the name of Turle, was recently Slrungs up on board the receiving ship,' at ihe, Philadelphia Navy Yard, and had 12 lashes laid pn his bare . back, for the terrible crime of having spoken in abrupt terms io rip!y to a loafing En'i l n.n, who is employed about theiyard in the c 1 city pf a '' boss'1 i over the laborers, Tn r!r u the son of the old sailor of that nan ?, who has beett in the United States service far ZZ years, and who was under Commodore Stuirt in all his naval ' engagements. We wonder tvhai particular order of the service -authorises the employment of such Englishmen to 4 bosst" over ihe laborers in oUr Navy Yards t " v "'': ;: !. , ' : . ,' Knoxvilk Pod, ". SnLaNDHEaSE?: Friday ITIorniiis, Dec. 137, 1811. ; 1lMore of ;lZici;EffccUr,l:.-V;1,'.i," T v,u-ving is an extract of a letter i to i a friend in New York city. .-ct like this speaks volumes. .: No .-"is of thoss very men who have been 'scharged voted for "Polk, firmly believing 't he w,!?. - '"enled to them, the friend tion. Will .; not bitter 1 the heads of those -ictlng. and ig- n the oread j ' ;r;;r.3r3? ' "" .. ;!i cf Lcco- ""..r.-r lliemselve3 after t' .i r; c: : . of IV. k anJ i: ..... the number 'of ;c y, and have, sinei more. . . ',.;.'. .. V. szitli r c I r ; ; , ; :.. Our reader 3 are no cV .gtate'of. Jleeeeehu::.!!..' h ,,J South Carolina, Mr. Hoar, : ,;,... trvtho constitutionality cf a h ! ; that Ctato in 1CC3, by v.h'eh c,...,,. and others coming into tho , slave holding States are sVj :..- ! to i, ment. It seems. tint Mr. II .- ; .. 'lions from ihe State cf Mc . .1 suit in'the Supreme Court of the U against South Carolina,, for the d ; i i. t of such of lho citizens cf tho , f .,;; ;.er C.-ta as may: now.be. suChring under t!io ) i"r. Whilst we look upon the whole pre-; a's novel in tho extreme, we rnu.it c;; - 1" think South Carolina has acted wised; he : .a. ing the emergency as promptly s.s sh did. If :citixensof:Maseach'J3ett3 will go. vo!,.;.,U rily into another. State, they ce-'.t, by all means, to W willing lo abide' by i ; Wo have ho doubt 'tliat the'Iaw . a !! 1 d to is essentially necessary to -the pre-:-::' Vi cf the pcaqe. and property of,lhe ci ,, 3 t-fCoUih Carolina, and therefore .Maeeeeh;,:. ,..:tw !e ; right .whatever to' medd'o With it. -Below .we'giveithe Hvhola proceeding : '. J;''" .'Hi' ExEcu"trtTE Depart." ent, s . ; 't olumbii,;Nov.-C), ISil. ; y Gentlemen :qf. Ihe Senate c I House of Representatives-: ' ThO iaccompanying commurdc: ti, V . ' received by the last mail, and I d : i it ; per that it should be laid before ye : f information." It will bo' seen that v Massachusetts has appointed a" Spee; I ..; . to reside in Ihis state, f jr the purpose cf ;ce ;:- testing, by a series tif law suits, "a h;;g star J. ingelaw of I a peculiar; character, nde'i is deemed of vital importance to the security cf our property 1 and the peace of our citizens. She has also appropriated a fund lor the pu r pose of defraying the expenses of ihe litigi lion. ;tThese facts I gather only from the communication cf her Agent, which is trans muted lo you. I have received no notification from the! Authorities of Ihe state. It is for you lo ' determine whether " any, and what measures should be taken, to maintain the po lice regulations cf this -sfat-o- within her lim. ils;:.:;T:rpV;--.V; J.; H.. HAMMOND. I ' Sir : Your Excellency is already inform ed... o f 1 remonst ti pees mad4 by :- tho ' Co rr: rre e r: -wealth of Massachusetts pqnd net lho arrcrt and imprisonment of hercitizens in Ssuth Carolina,-against whom tho commission of no i rime is alleged. v The Legislature cf Mas sachusetts has recently passed a resolve, au thorising the "Governor of lhat state to" appoint an Agent ! for the purpo'so jef colle'ctiDg and transmitting accurate infarmaiion respecting the number and catres of citizens of Massa. chusctt3 who have heretofore been,' or' may b , during the period" of tho :j?5gfge me nt c. f the ogent, 2mprisoned;;withb:;t tho;'aj'?g"tlon oflanyrim?;,; The agent i aha authe::.::" :! to bring and prosecute one cr teeoro . suits 1 :i bealf of "any citizen thajt may bo so i:r;r::. I e I or.ed, at tho ;seu 1 , tho purpose cf living the?ega!;ty of suchim; prisonment irirj sn-J- determined . ia tho Cu. pre mo Court -of t!ie Ucf.c-J'.EtstLS.. ;'. "' '. . The Governor5; of MaStch-'rttS I.13 c. pointed mc'agcr.t'ijpf V..zi '4atei .for.lho pur. poses above mention:-i ; a&dj arrived in this city .this -morcu for thii. -purpose; 1 1 do not know-that your, Esccllchcy will consider it properdin cny; wsy to noiice this - subject, yet propriety seemed to fcrj-jlre ll,;i cocimu nicatioo. ; l.''t';.'.;! -2,,. X ! . I . - . , .'.With great' respect, your. Excellency V oto. dient.scrva'nf, . t,,: ... . ,' . - t ; - .--Samuel noAii. To his, .Excellency J!, II, Hammer, d, f-.vcro. -r6rtf South-Carolina - ;' i iHie message and letter, hfiir a very t "'-. ing discussion, was' referred to 'the Comr: :":., on Foreign Relation?' who . rr.'i .,,; l!.o f I!,,;,,,,-. iw9 ' -'- - -- - ; '!"'.., i o. . ' . ..- - - ' - ' . T' t ' r 't -1 ... .. I i Lt i;UH 1 . .- - Ti-0 Comrr.ittco ion Fi '.: ! ' whom was referred 't!i 3 c. .. Excellency lho Governor, tr ler addressed to hi::;) ly Bent of the state' cf ."! tajn purposes, iubmit tr. :: " : r-By no ret passed cn ';ih3 1 c'emler. IOC 3. the '" - --! ' -. vorcJ to guard eg'," , .,- ' negroes and per: r upon principles , s tfety and her mo. of exc:: r - 1 .,. : ri;;ht' :ep-irutors cte-d per jus to her et. It is territories cl sons ,,r . f , : iverr; he Conitituiton cf -th-j orbi'ds Soutlt Carolina ;.3 - LeUatuVe cf the : " - . h!ic eefety. . 1 ..'." lo' contest this ' ! reside- in the ' ; ?et is tp - defeat 1 ::.) cur pcee. , r . t ;t citirdm cf t!:o 3- t!:o c ;'.i! 3 t - ry ci a . Sor '3 rustic in. 'etate cf rre'dene. if vva e re.I.'..eocf such a mission. ;: r (... v e 4 to the consequences of 3 vviili cur domestic concerns, n cf thee 3 States vee f)nrd for ;".e;e, amor;; ether things, t lio trar.-prlh'ty, end' pros!.': 1 d .'"-T'eo ; and in ccr::: ' '.::!. th3 rigi.t to - timo of" let while the: eho has in nb', t et surrender,: i ir- -1 ,.;., icrr.mer.l and police, en 50 nc : fo? the ion ihc re-. - 1 If r- 3 tho d lho her right nd cri the of i " ry ihcreuf, I.e. 5 expressly 'reserved all ." et (h-!?g-itcd to tho United States, it to the states. . , . e. . Mereechusctts" denominates : re ens for whose protection ' 1. has devised this extrabr k if it were admitted that f e t . . i cf that state, your Commit. ? that she will challenge for immunities, and 4 privej. 'ories than are enjoyed .3 class in South Caro. they ; tc,, c. " i Una. izens vi;h nor did ! f persons cf its, chher ci eco ;"; ;ed to ny that they arc ciu g of the ; constitution! tts herself treat asfcitizens .residing within her Jim, t the ;;t on ption "of the constitution j contrary, they were sub- fr: ni veh;c her t regard this ex- 3 lUit vi ; hit ion (..I' pact, Ge-1 r! subsist tetw whicli they stared ee!e: ;- -. ' ,. ..' -e !... Your Committco rec t!;e ed? en c...f t'io following resolulicns : - - ' ,. ,;; , ' Mcs: " it tho r gh: ;...,..... Judo '.from their territories.. seditious persons ior others whose presence may bo dangerous to their peace, is essential to every independent state. Resolved, Thai free negro'e3 arid' pr" of color are not citizen" f,f the !e " within the i':,:ee:.ir'- cfle r . - :..."; the- e 11 t!:e; confers u; ; '! t v ' privileges en h ie, ... ": several ' ' . '.''" ddeefwv.,, el th ,. e .l. :.ry sent Ly'tho s.:.a:e cf Me. .eh'-tU to tho ttato: ct Se::h Careheee, v.idi the eyaed . purpceo cf i-- . ' fhrleg ; iih her institutions and dlsturl'-- peace, is to bo regarded in tho char: ;;' hascssuihcJ and treated accord!.: Jy. . ''.' e- Ilesotted tr Tlzl his E:.e;!!;r.oy tl 3 'Gov. ernor, bo request; ' to tea pel frc.j 'cur territ-3. ry the srxid agent, a.'er due 'retiee to depart, and that tho L:0hd tore ';, hi ,: ,.,tdia" 'tho Ex- ecutive - - p-. j re.e: :s '".it 'may T"7; F. DESAUC3URE,;;? r:. : -". '.-I A. Chairmen' f " ; , , , ',-,.: v ,:; - ..",r. ; . 1 .. , , . : .-j ; .- .. , : ;;retJ lo by ihs Ileuee cf lie; rcsen. ' 1 rer.rjrr.c4is by i!;.3 Ccnate, j.. K -.. v ""t r rT!T . ' , -v . 1.. . - - L i.' , :. : In obedicei:::: lo lho'"IL ;t! .'" . er:;.er despatched tho At erne i'-..eyjEnaUol. JL: , :, ; Cempj. to Cliarlcston, i t " the llz hid, J:,,-,::::: thecdviercftho cril:::r,.3 C i !r. Hoar f.e :-::""t:e..! r , tr ,. , :r sonal s" f.Jv, f,-.:::i- t: :ir: - ! f ,. I ... 1. before t! o v: e r : in him a e r 1 Fron 1!; ? "";.Ia the II. ;. n , a r.ii::i c: ... ;;." -ti-T, c f D , 1"!. ;TL,e:.:iiivcj, il hi ! ,.s we.3 yesterday rcj ;d.tvcs for lho acne:;: t. 3 Or;:ted - e l i 1 ' 7 tho L t :t ti is suhicieni. : eg '.been zL eo de ta oeration, L v ' .-.-.-i.-.T .t to .. .;::.;,..;., a ne, '-3 tieuo ia tiro uo:::r.-..t:co with t. . even to feru,:.!., 1 x.lih il.o'duc v .::... :;ts (in prir.'.ed r.no) comnVertcated" to Ciingress : by Ik "dent cf tho United L'tates on th:.3 sect.- '''-" d any thing tj to to do. i at this sceeioa cf "'--' " "' 1.1 regard to Texe.,, let it,-we-:cn. tiwi:, I: i,i a form at least r.ut to hock the -:- '"' i eeeh cl c ;r ecu. ' "ymcn cs yet e... :.; ;.,...o urp-ct for tho -ood eld Consliiulioii cf the United fdtate.; se. 3 re gard for tho cL .-acter cf pi ia i.ih. cur dl...'drt"-j 1 1 a 1 corno' do.vn to o frer.i t : , too; Ci. r. J w . 0 i '". ly. peep.e, -. ;e tho :::Ut which ; f Cceeetitiell-e' ;, .- Hi,. to;, , are "!""v , :.: ,. ' ; , ',; Ca . .' 1 - ' 1 ' ...... ' Deiii't.-: .; :. e v t ; t ' 1 -1,' of the I:.. . V; J(,e,I i.. -t !: its as re. , , i :i i i -' ' e t ; e; ::, i ; ;,, d 3 ' ; protc ' ; against it undvr any - - for ti kc cf lho inter. .; ' ' " .ieti, both eld rerrJ r , .." ". ' , ,niou deeply involved h. it; j'ei, if i,;,... Miiy form there should bo a determination in j Congress toact in reference to Texas, it cei.ei n.',t 1-.f -AnrXnA tUm't" - I- M '. .t. I. i I uvuunu itiai, us u ic5t"r evil,., i,,e.,; of - f.Ir. Bcntoni is greatly "to,; ho preferred to ahycthcrshnpO( which a proposition ' cn this subject is likely lo aseurrso. . 'lo enable our'ruders to form 'an oph on this question,' we give the bill cf Mr. ton at larrjo : ; ,'. ..''''."' A Pill h provide for '" .. 1 cf .. '. 1 . ' ' Texas lo tp U.. "..':;! r:.;!:.:., ,. ..... Be it enacted , Tieet t!;a Presiderfi cf the United Stales be er;J he her.hy is cud. 3. rized and cdvi :ed open' nettatiens tridi Mexico ondi.Tcxs lor htha -.'adjustment of boundaries and tho en, nex'ion ;cf the letter to tho United States, cn the LI! 0 '.vim be- ;. to wit::'.,.' ; y'- .'...-; 4, ? -, The boundary cf the .territory's.?. r. enc d to be inf. the desert p - irio rr rf th-'Mu-e.::, and alon the hi"! d rid" and i.e ur n nei I-,',.;, which fJivido th- eters .cf. lho- Mississippi from tho waters r ihe llio del Norte,. and to latitude forty.two degrees north. .... :. ; f !: II. THe people, cf Te.ti-?, by a leg'elit'ive act, or by any authentic Let which. .s!:ows i!ie will of th? majority, to; exprc ; ; !.'..'- -e-.t to said annexation. ; ""-: '' AIL ' A state, to ,be called 5 S'..z' ' rf Texas " with boundaries fixed by herself, e i an extent not exceeding tint cf t'--; l ir-eet state in the Union, bo adn.dtte J kiothe U.eie., by virtuo cf the lho crigi: 1 : IV. ', 'lorv to l j i . . " life vvo her cf; live . annexed terri- iT--"-1 cf Ly th? United ir territuriea, r " ! 1 " ledieel: .3 13 c ti t, felie-I 44 Aj.Set ' V. The exi; re-;- Tern'":: co cf ehivr poldbltcd i.i.tho norther' i t.-.-r:':-' part cf said territory," . - r t" " I' g;rcc cf lengltudo west . ore- , i. es to divide as equally as may bo !.' " - cf tho annexed country between rdee ., an.d non-slaveholding states. -r r.LvThe assent, of Mexico lobe cbtele -byltreaty to." such "annexation and boundary ortto be dispensed with when tho Corgre:3 c thel United Slates may deem eeii i ;-.'eret toL; ; a necessa ry. 1- VII. Othe'ri detail cf tho renneietlei" to bo adjusted by treaty, so far as tho same-; rnav comb within the 'seeps cf tho 'trcaty.making ; ?e , r '.Tho tic? n too on the 7 '7 Cjhedonia arrived at, Bos- ; e ;. , ! ringing.', London ' and ..to the lC:h of Nor."''" h..h;-: itve.e Tho C;.ten near! ;t Teat index of commercial prcrperi- ty off cri"nttrv'"n nt; r in a relet, hea.h';e-::e. . i, ,"' :, -. ' ..,'. . r-erretly t: eh j v,e'3 b'tr"" i two me.h J,.; tf .the Polytechnic Echoed, " ia - tho neighborhood of. Marseilles.'. --'One w.as'ki":d, and" theolher;Ced.;'", The seconds "ani thi surgeon have been arrested., r ':'" j ' 1 The oe'wlly;appointe(XsuI of the iffc-ited l Stales;, tbe Honoraria Joel ;W.;viuter nee.. errived iiLivjrp.oo! and having been ?p ' ( : -J t . - j i. I . . J ; c. togl- I re:eshe3 cuteJ a -" e e ,. ; 1. 1 . o zi z r. e z u : . . 1 it, ti j i h e i h t'i n cerrh., r. Jo a rr,e:J ',' ine! T it ii vr.y l'r.::3. ,0 vi"I:;:e:,j t!,3 7,".v.:.:.:i.i3 :.,""Jn ; -. r, C 1 f 0' f i . it n i, I in 1 fTM . 1 . LO V: 4 e e-wi..:;.,. I t j , by a Lver Trcra-V: 'i that lho Cnpercr cf ";' cedetcd the e:ppr:::.: tea from tl.3 !,;t Jar.. j.i'rectca ia tho Gretk t ulject cf rdirr::... .....:' rrillo murrain ' : rr; ".. '; v.- l-.O s - . : 1 .1. 1.- ;r:'U!;i ( I t 3 r' ! I , , 1. cf Od.ssa "'',, 3 fame 7 I rjrti to !.,!: - 1 is e :izeJ a I ,co ,f.l. ..J at tho net. h cf ' I "' """"" t fer th,.3da!iVief rfeit s jv?rei ' r: r C..-..; .. m 1 " t,:,:;,t re: . first ni: ti.o vcri ',t" l,, '3 1 ;!i f. - r t: 1 a a t; .1 t- """t'i f sr. d arc.v 0 '; eted i : ti' "t " cd r',;,,;.:ee"I " " i r, cf (' -.' "' . . tha L : :. J" cr: I cf 'C-'"' - .i".. been : re ::d ('iid. bet ia both c :.t was t tr ! cf Lh 1 tv'3 i i.; 3 daty c "i rav c t. . r. F, S?;-dien', jr. n v .;... , et i.'Yeete.r)., has fe 1 f .. r ; "At a men; in'. Dut ' wiiica trie UUiiie rj r r ,;,, determine'.;! to. red -.: ,de '1,'"") for :' cf Father Mithe""? from h!j ch . ,; hd ' ,Tho;d?men J for tTurttngs Tort' ; market -is prodigious-. The expert tielo alone will.it is" said, exceed t year by 1 ,r00d03 pieces. . ' '-.Mrs. Ilodind, tho aivhcrev, i: k at the 'c-ac'f 73. '.;' "... iirsou, i Tiller llif : ",T - . , "f .,, v., . Parson Miller, it ttt.: c ou et s , p e r c e t v l n g lha 1 1 i -i re: 'rc '.Irecs still to run i; ore; ry to hlejer revil. '-eJ to,44 cM ib-ie" neer ',and::i ;:o J,.ig deiee e 1 .. ;., ac-! ;! or su e -1 ,. ..... - c c n t e e. ... e ; e e; ". , ,., ,. i ,r .... t ; ' . - ' . 're i ci mt e .. . a to. j 'or ..J ci c. ... r " 3 a s c ; . ro a e:e,i 1 3 r. 1 ( peehl cf thij dieee-very, a day cr 0 lo a Irierd. -ee were net a little su. ri. I t j h ere that the Cu tail rep, ho Preacher eni : ; "";h';:::i Liijevcrs are treading; a! eeet e 3 very footsteps 'of some Cherokee ce-t .rand his - lenhtel followers, who l'.ve, 3 bifore thcm.:,,SomeA'...djvlrur5 t j re :!en spread am:, g lho C - rekce's, ;; e I credence of many, tharjhe world '- h, troyed; cn a certain day 1. : y dir.et:, not, however, by iha n.iel;g d cf f.ro and brimstone, let by wind and V and tho falling of -hailstones lar-'ees tl fcr in which was" poor :e.J tho ' corn f.....f - -king i-orajiy'-The destruction vves 1. t ; '" complete ; one small p -t, cf soroi te square, was to bo spared, and lo.Y i ' who fled would find r ye; wo and annihilation. ' So firmly fixed was t 7" ii ';'.:l,ii: ;'.! cyt mqst'eve; or t a verb f'"S,-anr;:; of many that,; desorlh.g. orchards, their bees, cr. .! ; about them that came f;c . pale-faces, ihey tore it r -1 ties and tears, from. th and started1 for lho 44 . . in that part of their c North CarcV-" - ' relative cee(jjf c'-' - not - z2t , v'orfcj'an' 1 j,. have I ny 0i' : J , ,v-ihe sr 'ifof. e Kjn - :; ct C 3CU -. r- yeinor. i-roveu 01 oy xnc viuctn nss cc...;...: clal duties at tl.3 pert cf Liverpool.' 1.. .J disc ore ry c f a f j r,;, ,ry cf I .. . 1 A e

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