X V NG. 22. TIIOS. Y. ATKIN, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. iiiiris or Trie ncsscriCEix: Two Doixim and Fiitt Ccirri per annum i in sdrance, or Tuxes Doll am within toe year. i Na moer will Ite discontinued, excebt mt th m. r i " - -- - - w rr tion of tiie EJ.tor, until all arrearage are paid. f 'Advertisements will bo inserted at Uss Dotxxk a per i7nre cf ten lines or leaf, for the first insertion and TwEvnr-nvs Ccirra for each con t in oanee. " Tba nur:;!r of insertions desired roust be marked on ths n-.r-in, or the advertisement will be continu ed till forbid, and charged accordingly,' Court Or. ' - Icr will le charged twentv.five per cent extnu ! ; ..' , Ths cbarre for announcing the name of a candi. Late for office is 2 50, in advance, or 83 00 if par- MISCELLANEOUS. A Pine Wood's Wedding The Red River Republican give's the fol--Towing sketch cf life amid the forests of thp "Couth west. "" l 'TK l,:V':-': - ' -After describing a rural feist, and the beau; t ty of the ladies present thereat, the following - ii recorded-as an unexpected . interruption ,j v . Torn lime, to the festivities. J - ; :Mounted on a mule which had evidently been debarred the rights of his tribe to corn1 -cnd fodJer for a serious length of time, were , t)two .beings, certainly of primitive origin a gay cavalier and a; captivating dulcinea ! j The. charger, not exactly caparisoned like a ! palfrey of the Elizabethean age, walked de. libcrately,and we thought at the time, with V malice aforethought," up to a 'decayed pine vle,3flnd. came lo a dead stand. Off rolled "fho knight in a perfectly " duu'tcaro a d n" ..manner, and without casting a glance at" e ,'f ?.z ty his i:de,ef giving her the 1: . . c:t oxsiitaiea in dismounting, ha dre7 c I. UlA for llib encampment," jjtrprg ever cv -.thir.g llzA tTered any obstruct!?: til Is' p . age- Mdcisgiflgatihotepcf l.'.; t-ico . ,'CoiasU ye Virginny jaE l i U ! ;' - And listers to ray noise --j 0 , . Never do you wed - I ' ; Vtb the Carolina boys; J. , ITor if you do " J . i , ; : . i ybar portion It shall be " " . i Cora cake and hominy ' j , t And jansastanjt tea. 1 i Uy.waycf accompaniment V.e cracked r: !j J, irimitible crcc,a huge whip, which f c f -r-above his head, and gave aye tl.ai i would have met the approval of a' committee . cf Camancha braves. , , . I . r; 1 " The wild man of the woods," for" a V !" 1 cr!:d a v.'agcn our riht, who had mounted a ! I:g to have a clear view cf lh3 critter t" T"o to one hes the fe!!o'.v ; that ; butted ) t l ull ' cT the' bayou trii !ncrcUimcd ; Ben Rlower from Snake Crcc!:. ' I O'r hero heard not, cr 1.LJ net these , ,' complimentary remarks, bst made is way "'op to tlo coiran inlinestyfs. He was in. Cw. J en ciiginal. ,His height could not have "Uxsi kjs titan six feet two, without shoes or , Eto-cktags, which he considered " useless ap- - rtcniyes.' t He were a shocking bad ; hat, v. a hzz in tho top, through which tuft cf rc-Jfcdr; found egrc:':, end waved, lo ,and f.; lelhecap cf a' corn stalk on a tvindy djy, His coat was of nut-'dyed, home man " tfaerarej rhinus tho kirt, which he eaid he . J lost in an cticcunter, with a wild cat he " i.. j thin on the .road. His e!:irt collar was t!.rc.vn open, disclosing a Ire ait tinned by the czri cf tamo twenty years, end bli insxpress. v.I.:ch cpjpcared to to cn Isd t3ir:s with T-ct, leaving them about sixteen inches leeward," were' hitched up cn one tidj with a buckskin brace', givirg then a aig kag ap. pcirance, decidedly uc::2. Surveying' the 'assemblage for a moment, with the attention o Wuld have given to c rr.cnagcris cf wild ' ' " '3, 1 a broke forth thus : , , . l!!rs, I'd j-jstQe to Unow if ihsreV a ;utr3 in lh?se ptrtsr' " ' ' 'Do yci r.'.can the f.arhrr Judge 1" asked ca citimaL!a citizen. ;'J"V. : '''' V'S; Vv' 11 Yes, I Vposo don't "care a pine knot hof So'she can . do the thing,1 replied !the ''ringer, giving his whip a peculiar crack. : ;. What may be your business, friend 1" in. quired a'demure'sovereign in the crowd.'! Nothin much, 'no how," . replied the Cnoderh Nimrod. ,vu I only wactj tha feller that can harness me .and that gtxl ca old Rat, : tier, yonder. Sho's just the loudest gal I : reckon ia the settlement as slick as a peeled rr.spld and as clear grit' as a skinned later jc'!:d fh the sand ; and Vtn called a whole tram and a big dog under thevaggon. Fve 'cnahedit about theso woods for a week look-! :ir tor a 'squire to hitch us, and wore out'a . : t -:rof deerskin britches looking foriiirq; arid . i .ish I may bo rammed through a gum tree l.Vil forcmckt, if Tm going to pack Suze any .fjiihcri Tcamehere to yoke her, and here Vu goi'a to stay!" : ' ' ' ' ' ' . ; U ""Ths rear '',of laughter' that, followed this E:rr''.3 recital was deafening. . We lost four i ia'cbnvulsiv'e fits, and if is quite 'proi I -V - we snbuld have suffered largely' in. that I'-.a ! i pet the Parish Judge arrived at that :oert zzd Hven anew, turn to anairs.t.The C3 all our readers know, is supposed rT.::y to Ucf', Gallic descent, although we 4'r- rityia faying "that he is .native t' rr.?r torn."' Udike th.3 great I ' 1.3 i3 a3 lean as a . Grahamite, Jy on bran pudding and fricassed With the undying zeal of an Is. ' " hdera forth, anathemas against etc i animals, -and considers oxnithob- gy a til study j lor cannibals. These are the sentiments of the Jcdgt, albeit in! politic be trangIy enough " goea the whole hog." On the present occasion he was dressed in the height of the fashion. Me wore a "west of England" invisible green coat, the collar of which was perpendicular and corded a la col legion, giving the wearer, quite a magisterial appearance. His cashmere rest was button ed close up to bis chin, over the top of which protruded an enormous pair of jet 1 whiskers, smv.m mo nuni uy uriganus, wuom sensioie 'J t. i J- i . . young ladies hold in such high esteem. His pantaloons, of j fancy stripes, were neatly gripped to a pair of patent leather boots ; and French kids encased his small, delicate hands, in which he held the license that was to bind together "two willing hearts." : ' ' j The Judge now proceeded to business, calling on tlie gny Lothario we havfe imper fectly described; to " trot out" his bride '.You're the man for my,yaller quarter " half eagle wi-l cur hero li ecstasies, and away he went in a run f: Cjzs. With one effort of his brawny arm, . " !: her from the mulo nnd brought her to tt.. ?ntro cf an enclosure formed by thecorr;Ty, ? "eyodi- lating and his whole frame cxhil:::r. ' ns of joy unspeakable. The lrL'3 v;ii a L.-.jacinT prairie beauty, on whom Tio Lad srfdoJ in .is rapid course. Che wore a blue cal'-) dress, a string of blue beads ornamented a good, substantial neck none of your swan. ike things and her head gear was a c ton handkerchief .with scarlet stripe.-!, ni yellow ground work, tied gracrfully! under the chin, and concealing the'flixr curls that struggled for liberty. Her ehoci mi ;ht Inve vcn your fashionablo bd! tho kyz :ncs t they united comfort - JuraLKty r . J cf ' -My c!::cdt! :j that f.:i dv!roy. :::;:icn. I., tl:e hi:rry t.f t'..3 ro ; ..t, c.iUwi! y , l::3 mads an invidious dia tinciion lcf".ecG those necessary appendages classic-)' ' called " insect destroyers, V one f .,l,!l. -I I L 1 ' I. I I ' . . I wi . vj nig uiue sock dui tnts was an r;L- !. ,r t a fault. Her blue eye as it f .'.cd cn ! chosen one, spoke eloquently of aw:..rglnve, ar:J her handsome faco'was r.Tc-.l.eJf.res.' . : 4 :, ... J T:.3 Judge glanced 'at the paper in his hand, and then in a c!emo, impressive, tone demanded x)f the groom j ; ", Will ycu take usan Jenkins as ' your lawful, wcdded.wife f 11 - . " Well, boss, I reckon I will. .1 1 wouldn't have rid since daylight and packed her here if 1 didn't mean to do the clean . thing," an. swered our hero. ' j ''-;-; -'..: : ; , And you, Susan,1 will , you "lake Cyrus Snorter as your lawful, wedded husband VI " Yes, 'squire, that I will. Dad said I oughter married Bill iSwizzle ; but Til see hirn hanged first.. He danced with old ugly Bets F oler, and give her a bran ' new shawl. Besides that he got drunk, . fell oT hi3 horse and faroko his leg, Sy ; is good enough fjr me,rt replied the spirited beauty. . . ; j ' This was too rrjch for Sy. He jumped for joyj and clsped the adorable " Saze.? to his bosom, giving her a smack that resembled the noise created by the popping cf a cork from a charnpaigne bottle. ! ; ' ' ; ' " uiuf a"t. i ov4 iiiu 4uoc( tug cere mony is not complete." , . " r " Go it my 'squire,ni shouted Sy. , The silken knot was inow tied, and amid the huzzas of the men, and the smiles and whito kerchiefs waving of the ladies, Sy cari ried hCs blushing, bride! to the mule, placed her behind him and in aj twinkling was on the road to home and happiness. , 1 . ." The Governor of Geobgia, jn pursuance of an act of the Legislature of that state, has offered the Western and! Atlantic Railroad for sale, to enable the stale to meet her liabilities. The improvement is an important one, and, when completed, wiH connect the Monroe apd Georgia railroads with the internal improve, ments of Tennessee. No bid will be , con sidered which does notofer at least 1,000,. 000, together with a sum equal to the expen. ditures of the state uponithe work since De. cember22, 1843. Three! hundred thousand dollars is to be paid by the purhaser .within thirty days the balance at any time after twentyVfive years, with six per cent, interest, the pursharor to assume and' discharge all contracts of the slate for iron, timber, &c. , j.v..;',.-!;,', na.tssraIl2:atioii7i: -'J'r-ilft ; : A petition was presented, to the Court of Common Pleas, a few days since, from a for eigner who resides in this city, to be natural ized. After the petition was read, the usual question was put to a witness whether the pe. litioner was attached to the1, Constitution and Laws of the United States, and had so ex. pressed himself. JuHge Staples asked the ap. phcanttheyery pertinent question, whether he bad ever read the Constitution and upon his answer iiUhe negative, the Judge advised htm to do it before he could take Jhe oath to support it. 'x!:c r "v", U y I '; I i The example of Judge Staples ought to be imitated, fqr it is notorious that not one fori eigner in : a thousand, who is admitted . as a citizen cf the United Slates has ever read the Constitution which he swears to support. j It is true that, with but few exceptions, they are sodeplorably, ignorant that they are ifbt able to read it, and this is but another illustration of the inefficiency of a law which allows the i.v. .' . . ... ;,. . ... -: .... . ,.- ." ASHEVILIiE, N..C?,' FRIDilin 'JiBIinT 10, ' roost ignorant classes of Europe to come here and make cor, presidents and governors. e trust the period b fctt distant when a remedy will be applied ta tbeck the enormous abuse ondet the naturalization' lawsLPrvili. dence Journal, - he Axxtl-Cettt Rebellion in Ttext The' mob is carrying all before it in some parts cf the Empire state. :The excitement in some of the counties grows more. serious continnally, and it is feared that the laws must yet be enforced with Lloocdhed. The law which 'protect private property, and which secure to the owner his just income; are resisted. SheriSs are seized and unmerci fully treated. The life of the land owner is in perit. Law is set aside: End the mob rules. The, law and order men l.-vo Loco calling for decisive measures, L-t ;. j uch' measures come, and' the prc-ect is a very, dark one. Governor Boue!; J.JJ haveolHired the ami. renters, the choice between submission and the gallows, and have given no time to. think of any thing else.' , i ."..., The above is from the Philadelphia Gazette: The occurrences to which it refers are a coni tinuaiioa of outrages ca the " Rensselaer rianor," such 03 we have had occasion i floral times heretofore to notice, perpetrated ' persors who refuse to pay rent for their ! nds, and who commit those acts of violence in tte disguise of Indians. , -J : . - Tnls excitement, which has hitherto been conned to Albnny and Rensselner counties, ij now said to have extended to some parts of Delegare, Schoharie, Green, Ulster, rr.J Ct.T ' ' ecu ' j. - - 1 et....: j r. . : r - 1..3 I-ltr Cwr.ty, tatc- ;! , C:.2ri.Tt v.:.;!o proceeding to make a c-',, un der distress, warrants, for a refusal to pay rents, was met before he re'ached the ground by a body of " Indians," who first escorted him to the appointed place of assembling, and then, under a threat of personal. violence, compelled hirn to give up all his papers, which were burr.: in IU prince, r - " tV? cheers of sorr.o two hundred InJiac: ... . . "fteen hundred fpcclaton. ' Another letter, dated at I .i cn ti.o lC'.h instant, cays that the organiiu i cf t' 3 r - .: renters is moit elective for rr:!. '' .":.":!! kinds. " A part cf their plan i.3 to i t cr. J industriously circulate all sort3 cf f! '3 to keep alive th6 agitation amcr.;,.t . are bold statements that tho landj cro r.ev.r owned by those who claim them, end ll.ct tl.o Indians .'were never paid for tl.ern, d:o presenting a state of things calling loudly for energetic action on the part cf the z'.z'.i Exec. utive, who is invoked toicterpo-3 to cruJ.i organized rebellion that is e; ttinp; the law at defiance in many parts eft!. 3 slate. ' Tho same writer escorts that no real cauee of grievance exists on tho prt cf those who refuse to meet their cngegsments on leases or contracts relating to land. But, notwfch? standing this, their ignornr.es and cupidity have been practised ca to such a degree, that hoards of Indians" are reedy to be celled out whenever it is understood that cny pro prietor of lands has come into the country, and hundreds cf absurd reports cf landlords, SherifTs, &c. are constantly kept in circulation to fan the excitement. In addition to this, tarring and feathering, and other kindred out. rages, are frequently commited-by the rr.ti- renters on their neighbots who will not cc.r.o into their measures j and it is even proposed to strengthen the anti-rcnt cgitalion by includ. tng "other interests, so that the lengue shall be made to, extend to the refusal of payment either of principal or interest on mortgages and notes given to banks. v netner me aoove statements bo exacr. ated or not, we of course cannot determine. We give only the substance of what has reach, ed us through the newspapers, But that there is sor.it ground for them, we have. suHicient evidence In the acts of violence that are known to have already occurred in the same quarter, In resisting civil oHicers, maltreating land. lords, ao4 in some cases warning the latter, f they valued their personal safety', against visiting thpir own property ! It is high time that effective measures were taken to put an end to suci a state cf anarchy, and secure the owners of 1 lands in the4r right ful'possessions. If the mob; is to decide what is right, and en force its decision in regard to one7 question, it will very soon do the same in regard to olhers.ira&tfui IrJellhencer. - , fx ; : j J ; Z . ..; m From the Loaisville Journal. . Terrible C ten. rub oat Accident. ' Ve are again cillud ca to record a i : 1 ' 1 . t . - ... meiancnoiy cc . " cr. 1..3 .;:.Odippi rr.- er, bj vh'ch i.. . ' tj llzcs t:zrt lost. About 12 o 1 cn Saturday crghl, th3 14lh ultimo, as the Eclle cf Clarksvilla, f. . New Orleans for Nashville, trr.s rou... the bar below the Horoeshes Cut-cCT, il,o carne In collision with tho Lou":oiana, from Memphis, on her way to New Orleans. Tho Belle. of -Clarksville did not obey her helm, but sheered off, by which she camo ' directly across the bow of the LcuLtana. The engines of both boats were irr.nr4eJ!otcIy stopped, but not in time to prevent collision. The C:! of Clarksville " was entirely derr.cllihcj, t' -hull parting from .the cal:a and "the cel.". breaking into two piece?. f;) j-:: r ' went; down,- and . ths cal la ; f :?.:?d to Old Towis lahdihg; about twenty.Hre r.l'.es te!ow Helena; " -lt . : 1 ... I ; '-" t 1 j LoUIsiafia iock frcra tas frsgo:ei3 c" th; pjtssts ca them. As far as can li ti. tc:.aaped Ihirtne lives were lost. Eclaw - ci8 l fct cf thcii TLey t-re ttarJ) all residehtl cf V,Tcrt Tcnzcaica. Wip Tatbi 1. L:r, 7. L:3, 1 Ryan, 0. Uajisle, N. rd!s, Wrs. Jcncs, T. A7Li:!ey , N. TrAJlen, A.-KirkLzd, J. As!:ew, G. Hjer,Wof I. W.HcIl, J. PeayrJco: Hclli. daJj (sistant engineer,) four cf grces belong. imVtoi Peay, twelve negro Izzlz L Jor:rg tokhe 6oat 31, f . LThesunrivorsi lost, all their L: -: Nearly "tall, the passengers who wero ! carne up 03 the Duke of Orleans, to of whicrj boit vo are indebted for.th in? particulars. - u oc! A vc t.'Ixst mr Ijorses were l:zj ; t ' 2 of this country. Ill; ; were infrodoci Laj ;! , untilS about twcr.ty yaij r..'. but the 'oung f . ' 3 c :' ! notwithstanding. VI,cn J marriedand .T " - v . r-o . it rr.a 1 co-n. .h the in hi day, a v : I rr cinor, v. ;u t laduo, I."- of cutti t.cd C .-.".3 iJtandifch. who cut the fnrti.ina Vbn rt, ...i John A!J; i :i , oiuuuio wueu r-n was married, there was a great car: cn cbuut Cape Cod where he wooed 1 -1 iheCptsin's intended, riissPns. f e gr:-t I.": cf il.e erJ ' Itoila t! 3 thing w L J r '.-w.;.;an, rohe pot a i..S L. d LOO 3. COVnrd hU Yinh uitU, m r ; r T 1 .) piece cf L?t--JcIoth, mounted and'rode to the wec'Ji-T. Tdiss Prisfit'i .,.fJ ki 1 cf thy . at r fear r - u (7i. nil! a piUUU a i.LarJ; end, to prove herself wor. .-tLly 1; eontcJ the 'bull 1 t-HiLluJ eIop-' riihri'-t 0 "II-: . f " 3 I. J ! !m ty the Jiroj."-- by the tidaofhis -:.i:!e-an who led, and the re tl.3 ancestors of some'of tl 1 urit'fami'.;c3 in the country," including n-cmlers of Congreej, heads of collcgesand ii.-o Pit "J-3 cf the United Ctates. Err&r Tiizzzlrx Cir.Ta. A bdy ia Mont -cm crycc-r.:y, Alabama, had throe fine healthy c.ilJrtaat one birth, a few days ago. ' Th lather being a Democrat, named one boy after Mr. Pplk the other after Mr. Dallas, and caiiuu is- daughter Texas. ' , j , i i ' : A i.3 r-..i-.vic.i 13 an abstract, from tha nf. f.ciol -1 rc-crt cP. the Department, cf the hum- cer c: p: United C ::r.-er3 that have arrived In' the tcs from forei-ja countries. durin" tho car cr.e.rg Coptcmlcr C3, 1G 14 ' rew Hampshire, Massachusetts,1 , ; Rhode Island, , Ocnneeneuf , f Nov; Ycrk; j ! i' rcnr.lvaniaj f D.lu-..are, , ' ::aryhr.J,- ! -District cf Columbia, Vermont, ... North Carolina,'.- Cuth CuroiiCo, j i Fi .!.'" lori-a, i ; Louisiana i j - c,4ia 1154 C3,i u2 .. f f .... ! 't3 3,e:a Ct,7G4 43,CD7 25,834 Of which were' males, , Of which v.cre'fcmales, ..... 1 ! , 81,701 t in pTrt for the Polk ma. T;.:3t.;.r. jonuee. j ; j Sixty i: : : I , 1 1 the city cl' 2 : V. .t a II fj:.c.!.n, in hi- 1 1CJ10 prohally ever .2'.y.cr.2 ye.ir3 cf ago ; c.vi therefore, cccorc'lr1' to trr"-?, ret !avt rood Locofoco Voters. emJ7 YcrZ Arr.crizatt. I Tho fallowing extracts,' taken from one cf the most trusted uf the organs cf " 1! - Dur.3. ocfacy" cf New Yok, rrr ' ., 3 revc- lalica, if v.e rr.ny c; " ' ;'i cf the state cJ thin i i . - rcre:-n ACairs : Frcrx t: The f - ;.-;Ij, frurn r letter v, ;.;e:i '.0 . rcea ri c.- ' ' -..It.o which . ,:.T.cd corrcepond. - . : cur re- ers: ; 1 j ' - '.l:-et, individualy, have c : : J 1 1 r. . . :r!oa's ccn.:et, and were it:.:'.- C 1 c rr:ecdenc3 cf the Depart, rr.. r.t.Ci" L.. , c . -ry act would be disavowed, if th" cf Mr. Calhoun could prevaih Ho,. , I: ce.-It:eatlhrough tha improper vzi ' f a L patch and this accounts for tl ? ' rrnish over rr.Ietahea, to which tl r're ! red to lo'h.er periies.", . Clh.r 3 Curry, cfMacoa t, Vice Proeiient la ii hi: cra houee.ty rirt Court. ,A dinner " 1 c r. 13 ceee::en. 1QCB. Th3l:::-e!s IL. jcf neprcrentathes.by a Tcta cf 1C3 to 4, hi. 3 tzziti a till re. r-"'-"g the Merreea chertrr t3 the Jcfleliry Ccr.-;ttta. that b righL It cvght crrcr to I -re loea granted in th? nzzzlrz fcna iat.!.l.!i It Was granted. The rote cn t. 2 qjci'Jca eff : rerecce was, we rr.ey tay, t :r.. "3r thsf.-r ntys, being Morcscs. Lz P 5 net d:-V.:d by a Kke rr-jor;ty. ' Ti Is cctba i!:o.vj -in'y cnevh th- felly ci any cect leaning upca II. 3 cm cf a pr'j. The eppecition led cn thrre :z -by step ; they rave an cxtrave; :. : cl - r:;r t3 get their vctc ; t!.-.t cor-, and ll.::e I '-to further or irr.mrclate need for their l.-'v' y ' : j I i overboard without a passing sjrn. - " f::endly parting. So'it will te : cf rrea who "sacrifice self.re. ' '? !" t' e !:ope cf gaining some 1 j .Lyan unnatural or, unholy al'.i : : e v. i:h any party.;' 'f ' , ' If these Mormons had been dealt r?"1 ' with, or the Legislature of Illinois had trciu c J them as they would have done any Chris, tl-n body, .we should have beea rpared the ul:nee and murders which have ocrurredia cr near the Mormon, settlement. 1 Urea the LLLtorsof that state rest the rerponeiblllty cf this violence end theee murders. Th:3 retribution (not yet exhausted) rr.e'.ed out to Illinois, must te seen and understood by her citizens. Cinrinzsti Gazelle. J cmcuL Decision. Same time ago a slave escaped from Kentucky to Ohio. , lie v. as aboll::e- -i r ' : , buy LV.i. L'li rr.ee. ter . j tj bond fur cr:: l:!un and to: r.'.ly th-y their payment, alleging that, ia the canic-.-.tlsn of the laws of. Ohio, they had received r.o cn. tidercllcn. The case came rpf!.nf Kr,i-o the Su: 'Court ct Chlllicothe, r.h!ehgnve a fsv- cf the chi.-r.ar.t. -Lis. adecis: tiVsJc - LEGISLATIVE, ; - ; : SEN ATE SATURDAY, Dec 14 th. , Mr. Cowper introduced a bill compelling the Clerks of the County and Superior Courts to iesue Executions within a certain time af. ter the rise cf their respective Courts ; refer. red to tho Juo'iciary Committee. . Mr. r-yiea introduced a bill in farcrcf Poor Debtors. - , . Mr. Shcpard introduced a bill to emend aa ct passed January 1841, to secure the Ctate agaicst any and every liability incurred for the Raleigh and Gaston Pail Road Company, and for the relief of the same ; which was, on motion of Mr. Waddell, ordered to be printed, and made the order cf ". the day for Tuesday next. 1, ' . . HOUSE OF COMMONS.. Mr. Cherry, from tho Joint Colcct Com mittee appointed to inquire into the insolven cy cf the Raleigh and Gaston Rail. Road Company nad3 a Report, which was ordered to be tent to the Cenato with a proposition to prist. The Co:r.:r.::!e3 declares ths Conena- nv 1 Cut , - . v t Oametioa cf Itr. Vi!d:rk Eic&ei, Th-t the Ccrr.itt:e cn Tinance be instructed to inquire into the ways and mar.s cf'the f.-.tecf . North Carch'r.i t7 rr-et lh.3 liabilities which will ba chargeable t-ea her Treasury, for-lhu-rest two years, cr.d that they report ty bill cr otherwise. ' A number cf tills and resolutions paed to a second reading. :,. ' - SENATE. MONDAY, Dec. ICi. -Mr. Joiner; the Senator elected frcrn the county cf Pitt, vice Mr. Foreman, dccc-ecJ, appeared and lock his scat Mr Jeffreys Gflbrcd a resolution, which wa3 adopted, calling upon tho Treasurer for information cs to the amount of money, &c., received by thi3 state under the deposite act. A resolution, ' u 1 v . 4 r eey.pro. cf Junu. posing to r. ary, we 3 by in- " j iheC. . i cf ; t .... , it 1 . a ooo'y ..ah!J 0 11. t I "I . ' . . J h J - ".Mr. ' C5th r cf the Cl:h cha vieed il.zl-'.zz) v.hieh y. -ing. C 1. i first r: The till to e' - the time cf I 'Jin the elections H thlsstate was rejected -3 to 17. IIOUSE OF COMMON'S. Mr. IL T. Paine presented a bill to gi ve to citizccs'of this state the. right of fishing in the navigable waters of the state; Mr. Mc. Nair, a bill to prevent obstructions in Hit?h. cock's Creek ; Mr. Poicdexter, a bill to alter and circumsciibs the corporate limits cf. the town cf Milton; which bills severally passed their f.rst readings. - Mr. Cherry,' from the Select Ccne-ittee ca the subject ol Hail Roads, mdi a report, c companied by a till to au'b .1 tho fereele. sure of the mortgage cf the r.il.lghsnd Cs ton Rail Road ; whie,'i ptx:ed ths firet reed. ing, were ordered to to- printed and cad3 the order of th3 day for Tburt-iy next. On motion cf Mr. Scales,.- the Cornm&eS cn Education ; were instructed to inquire into theexpeiiency of applying a portion of the net income of. the literary Fund to ths cduca. tioacf the deaf, dumb, and blind. , r .' Mr; Atkins presented a resolution, de'clar- :.'j"lhei th 2 territory d V. tt . .:,; ?Ut::;JC:-::3i; lble, i.-.IJ.J tho t r.:.hr.!ay co .. . Urcle, tiJ ho-e.- c . rteo!utIo3 a Lrg : :::3cf Mr.T.V; . lUUt . h.., la. : "9-.1J C.t t...." ir? '. v.s c:..:: . C.::::C. cfr.-hh ij.'-wi ir 1.. 3 t.. I - n ' ... v '.j i-hj a jniit ir.toih..,.;-ty ' .'.3 Ji ' J CiS a 1 l:l. t. 4r. vav.e.i j. grant tha heirs cf David lu y a r.lh.iry iftt ' warreni for ICC 3 ceres cf land I lr. iVancis a rc !-::,a ia T-vor cf Anna Fuzzy j r.:.":h rcsolu:lon3 paeeJ their f.ret rcadlr-. . A . 1 Tho Senate lock i- the till to z:.zzzi il act cf 1C41, to secura tho t'.-le cgeli.t llb.l. : ;;I's fr th? Raleigh and Ci::ea T.-i: IV.oJ j v.TUch Wis reaJ the.ccccnd th. ej z:.l t'rr a lozgdel-te cf cno cr tv.o l'.Ja. ate adjourned without" arrlvi .eU s , irourr, ofco::::c::3. Mr.Claytenr r-e.'a bllirr' rcgu!::l.n cf Cen.:v.-a Z.zin '.' ceenty ; !!r. Vi. .Mrgtcn, a ti l r act for the e&tallishreLt ar ! b - - r r -of Ccmmca Seho ,1s ; Mr ! ' ter the th-r.e cf heMingthe : ! Guiir-r! t l Orergjj.r,:.!;h tl"! r: -j f.rst time and pr-? !. II r. ! loore, from the Ju.'":!t" r?;":,:d uufavcrably.cn the I! F -id ca the tr.b'? . . Llt ATi.J'v!D hcday, r .Mr. Wco-V.a from ths JJ. :: ' mitteecnt' ; C -rckca-Cer.J: cr I ..:. v.! ei - e r - rr- i the rerr-rlil c re-rCI ' :e county, fcror'.":.!- cr.c!'j:'ly to recuro tha deb:j f C ' ry xt, j hnd.trJ to fucillilats tho celle came, which was ordered to mads tha order cf the dey fur re- ' . ..The following is the till at ':r - . i . . 1. :A DILL More eir.ctua!ly ta rreure . th z .1 : ; Cherokee Lands, cr.d to f-el!l.:.; ; lection cf the time. , : ' Etit er.ac:d Ijths Gcr.ztdAt" v.t cizt: cf i;cn ten::.-., a : ;: ;: trailed ly ts cnihsrVj cf tbi. T Governor shall arrcint cerr.3 Clzzn : 1 . t 4 rc t.. t th- ju:i a commissioner) who, with ths t".r :;p :;-: cd under ths act prrrrcd ct tl.3 z: '. ; General Assembly held cn tl.3 th!. : of November, A. D. 1213, cr.;;:1 1 '.- ' authorieirgths Governor to cp.-el - j iathe couety cf !!accn or C! ' ?' constitute a board chargedwith tho full?- i duties, that is to say, the board t 1 '!, r: as convectently maybe, carcf-l'y cie- all the bends, given by purchasers cf Cl.l.'i." kee lands, and ascertain In t-! "e'i cf - "J bonds the principals are solvent, c:. I . ' ' I; ths principals :crs ir.eelvcnt; rr.J ' ' i ' cremine'.Ioi shall have teen cctj . ;' she;ll mahs cut duplicate ll:tsrf c .'. bends, rellirg cut there! a the tz::: c," ' principals ard their sureties; tha cr.: the said bonds ; th3 payments, if any r ' , ihorciaj and shall certify, unJer lh:ir 1 l, thet th.3 raid llets ccn.tei j a tru3 c ! f Y ".! account cf tha matters fa'.ej Ih::" .; r ' chill tnn:rrt:t, x, i:houi tMay, cn.e 11. t C . c!e;3 cf tonJj to the Governor, nr. J t' . ; " ' agent thillrctala the ether cf zzll II.' . II. Ez it farOir cr.zc'.cl, Thet . error te, cr.i he I3 hereby cuthori ', ' -eel cr surrcr.Jer up to te cat:e " ! : ' bondi in which the principals eh .11 ' ; -to be insolvent as aforesaid, upon the .Ml ing conditions, that is to say,: th-i 13 charers re.pcclivcly, their hrjrz, c;.l ::; -c:::g:-, shill, whh'ln three rr.cr.tl ; h lietsfhill havi; toys made, urr:;;J.. te t' r.ilr-r.t, for the ess cf the refe, t'.cn cf 0 Innds purchased, wi:h r'! h":;-; end c'.h;r i.. erovcmnts which have rev t: r ' cr ihall be made thereon ct t e - ? teeh surrender; and that tho pure!."-:.-?, tl .1. hcirs, devisees or assigns rejpectir:' " ". deliver to th.3 -overcor a writtca rur: cr release cf ail right v.lzr such rur' : enJcf all clai.-n to any money t.h::'. : hav3 beea piidca ccccunt thereof. II L Bt ii fvr:zrtzzlzi9X'Z-'' to ascertaia to the Governor the 'erf, r by the parties respectively cf the z.:l -. . ; dent conditions, ibefald rri::un re!:--bu proved cr cc!:nowIecg-d b-"-ro c;;. cf th" 5 t :. i JuJjea cr ia cne cf the Courts T Quarter Sere:on;icf th:j c.:t3;' c ' parl::s cr witcc.: j rrJ2 tycr. J s' te proved crre':n:-,I-iiit' present:: . :rly l e C.lj, C:h, cr ! tToa cfthe Re:: -'.dCietutcv, er.':''' ' " andConveyane ci th-sf-.idr ZZC.3 '-It certify to ths Ge. :rt..t:- with the i . e.-uver.cats, I xt2-A to ! ' 1 -? required ty th c:e::ea ci th. e.r:er which, ar. . 0, the Gov; .nor r.e :y caL - II cr d . II . to be cancelled ihs caid toudj icrpcetiv: IV. Vz it Ur&zr er.zcudt Tht c r.Jrla which the priocip'3 sh-M - tajni In the manner aforceid to 1 - ' -' paycinit' -ih' X a nd n: ey b " r: : : I v : I ; - manner acr5 at the tirrrer . "e-vi--. yr-z

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