u " mm it 'it. i 1 -. t r r------ :;r - ' i ' . i "I r! C '- pie iswl to n him feuum-d. hi my jby T p I f !"n. 'npSTH'TP ion that he will befliatMiuUht-il! frmn hi pVeVj lllullujitts lilLitslUiJ.. Ernt coUijtui-a iif jfyo lbtnet, ;and reiaim-i4 lor a time, usJeusiwy ui nnwu funn mtoh. lintMns. He wilt then, bv intrigue, or itniiv be bv duMw oHuiool L" hrctl inn. and Will go into honrab!eetilt; at u fmei$n Gmrijor retire, iikc viiHTinn.uu, m ins jmju;tii, jvs ibfy cohie b ick t(ffV 'fikiO'te; t gitHi . While he is in (Tic,!toof s m uy ot his in? v ruliar followers wilt wi served by .flices( as may be ueeued Ui segure llw supjrt oIJIk i cbirIry?;-la'llMs 'Adnitraluii. 1 i?V ' I am here n-rtiinoVd, air, that sMTH'.flh nilern-n fiJtvu xprrss'd tru' jfjw-j iti;i tJ.cy ill be able ' to overrun uwl.vurry villi tln;m the old IMriti bwr. ; ami I ,r'.ru that a great tflrt is tlie nWde I by tb com. Lined f-iergie of fh f;tri Iwr.ilinf purp.-. 3jI I canie'l ihose ijilt-iutii that J.C. C:l ;ou3 and his clique luiye never Ind tin; irt Uurih Carolina, (n lc32f with great unan t;r.itr, she took grarid'-igairii il in and for tl.e (jnitnt "and she is still for it. Shu U nl n EcnuinoWbfg Slate She was Whig in 770, when she mudetlie Grst decJaraiiorijiil ... ' nendctiCe'. and her slms still in their hearts chfci.Y and will mtintiiii the principles of th'.-ir ?rs. .Tennessee, too, . is VYJhig. I tivv $omt.n of the canvass tlii-re during ths aummerlVThere were directed o'iinst "1icr the combii.v ' influences f Vxas, the TaVi.T, Jackson, Tiid Polk , backed by the ponxrful organization wha:h J hftvedescriht-d, anil under it alio has b me up all ml,lv'. Tl.crs is o itato lo be depended on ia tiairs of i !il. On hr a timid rnun might rik his life, or a brave one trust- hi honon Loumu lauu U Whig to.c' iy, fnirljr tried. S i, tnit GcQrgia s or, if bct a moincnt by the blast unbroken her banner Will resume its pluce if the Wliir Hoe. 'Ho Whigs ar (inii'srverv vrherc ; Thu mennjf used ltMlcA:itu8trengih. cn us. i 'The fall, like that of Anttetn, wilt fjive rcdiiubted vt;:or tind energy. ; The terri t!a Calamity sustained will rouse tin; - nation to avert its constfjtjc-nces. Out we must eni deator S(i tu triumph that the Irutta of victory will not be lost. Our adversaries have set a' inoit lamentable exuinpte. Instead of eT, Icciing a man high iti the confidence or the Country, and rewarding him for past services) they have chosen a mere rr.n of si raw, one no unknown that he might be run on opposite principles in different sections. In thu de monstrating the availability if, sncli a man, they have dune all in their pot. to di scour, ego aiatesmnnliko eminence tind patriotism Our candidate was defeated because he ws too honest, loo open, and too mnily to con. ceal his opinions. Gentlemen on the othr aide of the House may exult in the event, but they know that he wai overthrown in no fair or manly contest.- It was the Hector of S!tk Vpcare, surrounded and impaled by inyrmt .dons .-'! .. .' ':-.:iy..'-'- '''''. MTh earth that bears kirn : dead bears not alive to . stout.? ' , ' I ' irr; Many a bright eye and minly lleart m urns over him, but he needs it not ' V7ol into a, not him, for ht rtttt wUf , In.lcad of the durll cypress there will twavc over him the bright green laurels of glory , and ihcy will become greener und brighter as centuries jruH n. . But wo bhU often -want hh cigncious head, his eloquent longuej und heart of fire. Sinche cairn; on the atagn ot eclton, in every crisM, " 1 . One Wist upon his bolc horn 1 ! j Was worth a thousand men. , i Sir, it is not tiilt ni alone thatjmnkes the jrent stati'sniaii. Tuenr miM U' addyd to hih intellei n pnr.in"Uiit devotion to our country, -ft determination to icrifia; eveiy thing of self to promote its advancement. ir, no statesman, no mm evr n il tun prim lp!3Ju.a greater degree than Henry Clay. ci And, till life shall fade, hu wilt htnnd erect, vit!jn spirit unbroken, in tin? front rank oi l!io.50 who rally: around the Constitution and the Untorj.; ; y:-" ; - . - J ' . : irhe beara himself well, aodoes fiis p rty I declare, air, I have seen nothing, I havt heard of nothing,, f hav read of nothing like it. Whether it bu n voice from the mountain cf my own district, or from thu densely p'pj l-!itcd cities if the North, ' it breathes" the Lsme gpiritJ 1 have seen no one Whig who i regretted his course ; no olio who would not rr.ther bo in exile with Brutus than triumphing with Antony i mf one who will dt it into Little again with more ardor than heWent in-t tohe former action. ! Considering its num t?rs, so help me God, I believe there ihas ex-l i:rd not tipin earth a p irty so noble. If ft' c-nnot preserve this great country, then, .irj yb'i may burn the Curtitution, for it is worth Verite snn ftur.m Friday, -January SI, Z'JIZ . Tte pvtch of Mr. Ciingman fills a large ipace in our piper to.day, for knowing the iiixi ty f ur readers tu see it, we preferred giving it to them entire In one number. ' II rt fl-n.i credit upon !its autltor, and the Mttunl lain District has j-ist cause to be proud of iti Rt presentativc. ; , " '- Prtli c Dtl an! tcr. Mr. McNu ty , the Dem' z C!. rk of the House of Representatives L. vKVjress," vatl brought vp a ttanihag" fr b;ing a defaulter i the Governmeii., to th tune of some fortv five thousand dollars i ; Verily th cohesive jKjwcr of public plunder is wonderful ! Thi MeNutty , our readers j will remember, uc. ceeded Alatthew St.Cinir Clark in ;ho oCice of Clerk ,j purely on party grounds;' and al though he h is held the ofoce but a short pe. riod it has been long enough for the " cohe. " . , i . , sive power to induce him to appropriate for. ty.five thousand dollars of the public money lo his own purpose! s He has been removed from oHice, and suit instituted against him for the defalcation. It is said that his secu rities, one of whom is Senator Tuppan, of Ohio , arc able to make good the bond, and that no lots will be sustained by the Treasury. The letter, writers at Washington are of opinion that Gen Saunders, of this State, is to be Post Master General under Po'k. VVe are pleased tvith nnyi mark of respect, or show of kindness, to I he Od North State, . . - - ' .1 ' " . - - - . - - but in this instance, how much so ever our Slate pride nny bo gmtifird at having a North Carolinian in the Cabinet, the b-lief that Gen. Saunders is totally disqualified for the station goes far towards removing the joy we would otherwise feel at this in rk of reinject to our on Slate. , - . U." S. Se.NATJSIS. The L' "iliture t M trylaudh'is elected Rcverdy Jhntn, Eq., (Whig) United Slates Senator, for six years from the 4th of March next. John M. Clay ton, of Delaware, and Dniiel Webster, of Miissachuiictts, huvuaLso been elected to the Senile for t!;:i next six year:. The Legislature .of Indiana adjourned ivithoiit electing a Senator to Congress, as j;hey were in duty bound to have done. It is jWobable, from present indic.'itions, th;t the lLe"ilature of Virginia will do likewise. John Tyler is already striving to conciliate Jitmes K. I'olk, by tendering to his brother tne appointment of a foreign .mission, '-which it is s;id he" declines itcct pting. Mr. Tyler is in expectation of the compliment being re. turned, after the 4th of March, by President Polk ollering him the opjKuntmetit of Minis, terto England, or KOme othei high station for which he is unfit, j l ! i , i Cl:i. Grrcn nrl ZZicci'.Uvo cf We have scrn a , Icttt-r, iiays the N.O. Pie. ynas of the 11th inst.ift, written by gentleman rcsiJin in Galveston, v. ho 'mjlit to be acquainted wi:!i political r ii Texas, which Blrcnlli. era the rcr: -r, I by us yesterday, that Ccn. Dufftlr'n I I r l with indiiTerent treatment from thd Executive of that Republic. It wan be lieved by the writer tha Gen. Green's exequatur had tcn revoked. Capt. Elliott, the CritL-h Cliarc, arrived in Galveston from the Capital on the 6ih in- tant. He is reported to have luid that Gen. Ds!F urccn s uiuicuuies wiui mo iimiiiiBintoon are 01 a crious character though ho ia adent aa to what they really are. Tho British Charge, and .Mr. Sa. Vjny, the French Charge, are said to be in a joyoua Biood, at something or ol.' t rtliat has transpire i in the diplomacy between Texas an-i the United State, and both of these gentlemen have slated that annex, ation is impossible for three years to come. The aonrce whence we have received these itrtna of in. tellijeaee imparts great weijht and authenticity to them. Something has gone wronj. The picayune of Uie - following 'day, makes the s-l.j'incd remark in relation to tho suhject: ' "Ititnow ascertained that President Jones "a reTokei Gen. Green's recognition public agnt. Variout conjectures have beep indulged as to the tifthis extreme measure erae of then quite dercatury to the diplomatic acumen of the United States functionary, and others a little leas equivocal to t!ltir import. Thc Tcxaa President, for soin reason or o'hpr tchpllher of a ocraonal or political chiratter whether because Gen. Green insinuated a acnare 0ra bribe to his Excellency as the rumorU have it -h imd fit in wnel all further intercoure with L.'.j. ee the KMon for thisl condact what it ir.ay, aauxpoi of nomo jboH has been made which. f -r.i iurou2t, the-medium of surmise and exajjera I :i. I jokiuglj md boding in a high degree. ( , " AaaKSTUoLo Fsaco Attesutko. We learn t ' t Charle l- Df Gallatin, who killed fcaaC C -ill lt pring, and fltd from justice, has been t:.. committed to jail at Clinton, Lou V 1 a;athata bold and fraudulent attempt wa lue a daya aince by two of Lewis's friends, post '. t Louisiana, to procure from tha Ex ecu tire cf this State, by representing themselres as the prty 1 a rn! the arrest, a requisition upon tlie Cover rcf Louisiana, fyr the detivcry of the pri. . -.r Guf. Jonea beinsron hia farm in Wilson tiie - conReqii nt delay in carrying out this daring n.s : ,-.trc. v the cause of its bein frnsl rated. Some )f the lat-3 Mr.GoodalP friends siMpeeting th.- fraud. despatches a messenger to the Oovcrnor, who in . -piln CxpVcM' to NusliTille, to stop the iasu. i- . "S. .. - --,!,;.' '1-1'"'" '' ' ! "!''! .;' : ' Tiie Defeated TurupIIic. The Soutliera Citizen Speaking of the rc. j-etion of the bill for ihe construction of turn. pike roads from Rileigh and Fayctteville to the westtru part of the atute, says : ' V We VcTmuch regret the loss of this bill, us the construction of these Ruads would have conferred a lasting U nePi on Ihe western and middle p.rtions of thti statu; nt:d the meinua by which they were proposed to be con. siructed, would have been no burden on the people. In fact, if we are correctly 'inform, ed as to the provisions of the bill, it was int. feasible tor uny demand to artsei ngainst the slate. TIm vote by which it was n jecteil waa almost a party vote Mr. Cameron, of Cumberland, and Mr. Edwards, of Warren, being the onlv Demo;rtic Senators who vo ted lor It. Four Whis voted against it. How some of the Demiicratic Senators can reconcile their vote on this bill with their du. ty lo their constituents, we cannot see. The Legislature made amends, in pari, however, for this rejection, by ordering the Goternor before the meeting of the next Legislature, to cause surveys to e made wiili the view of con. structin these Rwds." i T::3 Lsle Ir.rl. ! !'. : ; ; J tl.at Mr. Clir.mn a ball pnssei c.cr Mr. Vancy'a hesd, and Mr. Y. struck t!. - ground nddway between thet prVftj. In relation to this aOir the Peteraburg Istelligcnccr cay J, . Tbe more ve lxk at this matter, the more surprise do) we""et;l at tha conduct ol Air. laucy. It may be asked what we have to do with the matter Is Oar reply is, that the principle involved concerns every man in the country who ialues the liberty cf peech. e have rrad Mri Chngman speech, as rc. ported int!ieGlbe and National lotelligen. cer,nd cannot find one single word in it which could reasonably have provoked the at. lack made upon him by Mr. Yancy. The at. tack of Mr. Oingman was ojMn the general conduct of the Lam ofoco parly. He arraign. el no individuals except those very worthy gentlemen, the member of the Empire Club. I he attack ot Mr. i ancy was grsly and (lerstinally oflcrmive to Mr. Chngman, and if he liad f illeu in the duel, his blood would have been on his own head. v i , - ' If the DerrxjcrncT think their recent triumph gives their conduct an impunity from censure, iihey reckon without their host; and if they Suppose that threats and insults will deter the Whigs from exposing to public indignation heir inconsistencies and corruptions, they shont wide of the mark. j It is a vital principle of free government , that the conduct of political parties is public property , and the humblest citizen has a right t'j scrutinize and animadvert upon it without swbpxting himself to hazard, of his act, or ij The people ol North Carolina will b?call. ilnnt the next eierthm for members of the Legislature, to vote oil th6 subject of a Peui. tentiiry for ir against itand the result of that election is to decide wru ther we are to have a Sl-fe Prison or continue to its Vm up and give "tvx tJiirtj nine. New Wat o Receipting a Debt. Pot- ter, who figured in Columbia u tew wet ksago ns Manager of the Theatre, and whor in a fit of absent. mi udedues, slorw d without pay. ing his debt in this pi ee, Ivislieeii cowludcd iiiL ivautiah, G , by a Mrs Rums' II, nil ac tri'K, belonging itiliu company, for reluming to pay her little li II-" In a note address. -d t- bun ailei ward: she is he m y Consid ers the fl giritf- as a rtreKiet' in full. We kIkmiM like to give her an account against the s;oie gentleman t collect and let her receipt it in the same way. Columbia (5. (7.) Cftrcn. And we have an nccount against a certain b iliooii in:m, of her own name', which she tiiiiy collect too. We expect to publish a re. reipt for him shortly. iar.itTj Jcjirr.zl. If Mrs- Russell, in her peregrinations, should meet with a certain Charles Quirt, an itinerant Professor of the Art cf Penman. shtp". she will please receipt a little bill we have against him, in the same way. " Another steamboat accident occurred on the Mississippi a few days since.. The boat took fire in the night and burned to the va. ter edge. A number of lives lost, as usuil. The Madisonian siys that intelligence .::s reached Washington from an authentic source that the army of S nta Anna has duricd him, and that he has been, by a decree ol Congress formally banisher) from Mexico. i " 1 ;". ' ' ' The New Yark Tribune says, Tennessee will be the theatre of another spirited ccn'.eil next summer. A Governor and LegiiJature will be chosen on the first Thursday ia Au. gust. Gov. Jones, we hear, will not be a c didate for re-election, and.it is trobuble tl.t the Vhis will concentrate on Gustavus A. Henry, who was one of the Clay State Elect. ors in the late contest. The Locofocos are expected to run Cave Johnson, the worst dem. ogoguo in Congress from that state. A U.S. Senator depends on the Legislature, unlet, s Governor Jones should call an extra session of the present Legislature. A new gold mine, promising a great yit-IJ, ha lately been discovered in Franklin county Virginia, i ,; . .'. Cill has p -tssed both Houses of C ingress providing that tha election for. President; and Vice President of the United State sli Jlhere. after be held ia all the States on the' same f " ! ' ' dy. This law, will go far Ito prevent tin frauds heretof re perpetrated in elecii-ns Loafers cannot be hired to g j from one S'vite to another to vote, or from one county to an. other, ns was the case in th Ute t lecti n. Thomas V. Dorr. j The Legislature of Ruode .sl -n I piss d Ihw releasing Dorr from the St-ne Prison, in hich he is eonfiihl for treason, up -n eondi ttn tint he will iake tin n.tl ath-noe. to the State G v nun i it U Nu..:, before tht-Judges .it ih; Sop P. m- C-Jit'o the gt.'te.: :;-"j i'--' -C y J.' :. . .1 I y: The fawning, ringing, tiimWiviug ofTien seekers at Washingt. n are vtejiiig , with e;u h other in making preparation for the reception and entertainment of Preside his arrival, which, it is said, will be' about the tCih of next month The Legislature f Aransas haschangifl trv'nnme of oneol tn- rmnin in i nt o'an frtwn Liberty to Polk bxcnmge raper. find 11 kf the people of trt? United 'States dt not d, before the expiration of fur years, that thev,toit have exchanged Liberty for Pdkt we shall beVgreeably disappointed thali all. Some; of the calumniators ot Henry Cby have already commenced rctraclin- eoT: " ' the slanders which they prpt-tr-lcJ c ;.:. : that distinguished mrin. One poor f !' : i thus comes out in the Ronton Atlas: " A lllS RETRACTED I desire 'pullirly to express inv deep r-gret, in view nt thegrent injusiice;donelo the Hon. Henry C!a) , by the issertiorf, nvtda by myseli, of having &een him oet St a horse race on Sunday, and em plov thisjruethod of eoui.teno ling, as far I on. ib!e Hie. injuMice done lo him and the Will; rnusi'i. , . i ,D M KIM CALL. E-isihatnptontD.--. 13, IBJir -.The Washiii'itoo corr poudent of the fj itiinoe Son rys J This iiiiiruing, Coi-f JusMee Ttt''y di liv..r d til'.-' opinttm f the Crt in jh- case ef Stuekti il & Stakes vs A'hoji K'odiil. TU d. cisi.-n is in ftVor os A oo K- nf -11 AlJIBAMA REl't'DUTFOnUa the 17ih oil , ilti - H Ue of R prreut.tives id tlu Mtate'of Aiidiont pissed by nn almo.stunan nn .us vote, a series' of resolves denouncir;: the repudiation of tictts by tI;J states. United States Baks Thj C:er!-.!.- ers had a meeting n short time ii.ee i:i Ti l! adulphia. The Europe jh cMf ' "1 t" CI2,004,la, for whklr lc:. . abroiid, to the amount of CU,C31,U'J,C Z Outstanding riotesof the Bank, and balances due oilier B inks fZ23,Zj Business Notes in hmJof j " e condense fru.n llzilzzzX I..:cV.:--a-...2 proceedings it CX: t!r;;jt!.e seTen:h tverk cf thejtrrtha: I Cy far l!.e rpnst Irr - -r.t tualr.. :i i!. :! his yet tccii transacted M tirs session, i t!.t which belongs lo the sjente in its Excculii chararter ; and it miy Ij czIJJ, ty t!.3 way t that the sulject which 1.-3 occupied c-3 halt of il:s whole time tf i'.::': cf tU other bnr.rh cf Congress isijbualnesj (the annex, atb d question) which prcparly telor.gs Id the Senate, and upon w'hich the II juj2 cf Re. preseclativcs cannot act without usurping au thority iliat,so ifar as either Huu:j cf Con gress is concerned, belongs lo tha Senate onlyJ,;7- -r " ' 'p. The most important action by the Senate during the last week wa$ upon the Treaty wi:h China, which had the tarts honor of being ratified without a disseming vc!e. J" T j The most interesting legislative transaction of th Senate during the last wck jr. ss llt? report back fromjhe committee, with amend, ments, of the bill to carry into cCcct the Smithsonian bequest. r " , In both Houses?, we need scarcely syt the Texas question o?cupid jls fi;!l sliare of at. tf-ntion during thtj last, week, ns during the two or three preceding ones. Its ; diicu irlon has been pursued an the JIojsc with a j deal more of. pertinacity '.than of novt'i V v.r force on the part ;of its supporters. . A Vi .j. nesee plan, less rash ia its provisions ilia u the others, has been brought into the iSenate by Mr. Foster, and ir.io the Huse by ;Mr. M. Brown, further schemes hj'tve also been inifo. dueed by Mr. Hay v. cod; in the Senate, and Mr. Burke in the Houci, .1 . ! ; ; . How much longer the debate upon the Tex. as question will Ij?t, Wc Cannot undertake 'to say certainly, tvt ; ruhatly for ceversll days ; there I'ir n t irt:. ' z.l .lemsnt cf ,lhe anxiciy of r;:. ' 1 1 j c, : c-3 their cpidons in regard to ii. "a "jo greatest object ioni which we have lo theprolnga lion of the discussion is, that it overlays and obstructs ahogather the proper businecf the .House VVuhave heard, however, i!,r.t it vas determined in caucus, on Sjturdayievcninj, to bring the do. bate lo a c!o-;e ia a i-,v: c'ays. " i Amoftgc:l.tr inciJents lT lha last week is the final ration cf Conress upon the bill d. reeling (he election of President and j Vice President of the United States he rtmftcr! to be made in all the Stattjs of the Union ort one and the ama day. j Thus for once, should the President approve and sign the bill, one measure of a national character will j have passed into a law by the approving votes of all parties iti the Government. . . 'j Two days of the time of the House of Re. prcsentatives during the last week have been consumed in dismiiiirj the Clerk cf the Hou.;2 fjr miconducl and defalcation'-in his ncc. .T.t2. I.i t!..-! prc-:-cedir"3 upon I his, case l!.. rjtl.er.-j l.ave Lec.Tj soma unomalous traits. Tho cor.Jemuation if tho couduct of the Clerk, and his dismission, were however proper under the circumstances unprece. dentedly unanimous, i Tiie lesson it may be hoped; will nut be lost upon officers placed under temptations similar -to those by which the late Clerk was seduced from the plain path of his duty. 7 ' - " j I Benjamin B. Frencli, late Chief .Cleric, is now, by appointment, Clerk of the Housu of Representatives of ihe United Stutcs. ' Tha J5c::iocral9 printed at WayresLurg, Pa., 1.3 lioisled tho naraa cf Gen. WinfIJ S-otf, cf rieir Jerser, for President, and James C. Jones, cf Ter, n., for Vice President in 13-13. i i'i L. :rl:r C.vrt cf Lz. , I . v IZiL c:.Lethu.:u jcsi: :. . ;..v"-- j atin;.' rc rrroacs; OrJrrrd ty the (Xurl, l! : 1 t-r! n ? raaie f.rt!.ree xaoniLs ia tu Vie . i i - ! I! :Mand .'la... -r. frtlie it fi-ndan!, Ja: . j; . " " t--rar at l!.e Z ;t r:?r Coirt tf Law. U I ' f r the Coor.tr if II-" tf rd, at the Coort ii. :t nutiierfor-:jn, ni : r. Yj l -1 ij a.n.er the ( j .'i Monday ia Marta i.cxl; t. j r. Jtl.creto p!tuJ, ansTrr trt m ::t to t!.e p. ! eriast h'tn by Eliza be ill 11. !, tr jiJjr.c.t - v "I be entfred e t LIj, and t!,- ..ifr I. .' ex jart. A tree cc47 f;c3 U.S I" trfjrdten N. C. Vzz'-: iViV."' " . It is slated in a New Orleans "paper, that fortl.?r vmcf Cl-3,C:3, PenrI river "may be rcr. !ercJ nivij;L!; fjr a di tTnce cf ciht hundred miles from hs mouth. , ' j . ; i --;. ,:-,.. -.. ; Cr.r.iT t?c7 t. z Cc:.;:cct::i-t. 0.;s cf l' t: s' .1 ccc-rrr-s-s f f t!.3 ecaroa m t'.a bre-skirj u.iuf tl.e ice in our river on Christmas. TI.e niiU weather and rain of Tlonday rose the river so tl.tt'ie ice startcJ on TucfJj-; Lut it tr i J c;) rrGh'tjr.b'jry, l) -n c: .2 a 1:1. It ' ' .1 ru-2 cf water, ivjrJ iti." e!Uf t' ? v! ;r;t .l'.I us ll.e elorcliO': - sai reicrTS ti t! ? t-'lacf tha river. nnJ f. iz I'.r Cc::r:ncrce slretl ia several flcj. ice tgdin Lrc!.e awsy yccterjjy at ul u!." 'i t:..-s tl.e river was aiiout twenty fret l', 'i:! .j v.' rr:ar!:. TI.e ice appears to have cr frcrr.e a l:.' dlaldnce tp the river, behave hfjrd of no eerious damage resuliin-j from the f .J, as yet. 'C .1 of tlj'j : ro..Jj msl cf the river llirtjord Couri-r. ! - i mi.. , , , ;' t ( .- I Mcrehi. 1 li " ivnion J(Iiss.) Titrinerof Jan. 3, gives thu tern, t cf a murder which took flce in that vi'!.iT t'.e ' ;t ;r.' it rrecefdinr. It c earsl!." t zlti cf arbour cour.t v, Ala., re 'y, f.-T.j t!ie henT, J. li. Gran- . if 1 V.,e Clwvcrr.or of A!a f r r. , ..ir r i'.-i t ri. oncr,ar J "'' 'C 't !. ':ri -rr.lly ry ..- a;'.! 1 eccrcl.'y '.-r,cJ t! 0 c rjJcnls i n T .- ' ) c ;tJ I...M1 A W. i I y t!.e o.i u i.i t... J tvo v. i-.mjj r it"': r J7M T t,' t i ' - - a ...-.iUij i.VXk... Tl.e r.ext fetMon rr rnjoncca Ttl -y 1 i J I Z, nni cr. .Jen the 2.U Dccenjcr. Tl.n L.;:.t:t:on I i r.".v vrt I! c'an;zcd, tiie terms rnfM.'m'.r, ar ! ( crv i .:; -1 r U i.r r.-3 provided f.r t! 2 i ; rjvf:..?r"t an J ci :..... t cf t'.e" r"-r;s. Ia l-.e IJ ,:iru'.i:,? Iltise, KndcT ll.e c-.-o t f l'.. 3 Prl.Tc'-jl. Dr. Jcii t. younjbJIcstra received tt Ci l-'T month, wa-' :tj not incmoea. i ae uirooct aiie-niion w p.-l t e health, manner, and moral inUrrsts cf tJic.-efwho ere committed to his charge. He Las t!,e 1 '.ot. - of Jlia M. IL cozssa, a lady well tcuv.a ia nmityv' .".... -; t i tai fjr instruction in Mosie, it wilt be a cm, i,. c ..JdtTalAy lower than in other Inatitotions ; wh,!j i.i t!.s fel .' lj and tuccew of the Searber, Mr. IL Stajisrrss, it f tresses nt. 4 ;5 for ths jssssioa ' or ten months: : Primary Deparlccit, fncladin Heading, Spelling, and the usual '-.'flenientary course m Arithmetic, WrUin. and Grz:.:.-irt . . . -- CO . i t i Continuing the above stodiea, with Geojra- phy, Cooipoeition, History, &.cn " ' ' 0 C3 First Divl:!:n, 1 Artnworay. riiilofophy, Natcral end Jloral, , Lojic, and other branches of "-icncc, 21 CO He .V; 33 00 4 cn 3 C3 3 C3 3 C3 10 C3 On the riann, I . my Use of the inttxamcnt, On Guitar. .(-.. Draw in lessons, i - For French or Latin, Aljre ia and Mathematics, rot- the benefit of both teacher and parent, it is requisite that payment should be made ty in&tal. merit, at intervals which will be made cunvtri.nt to the patrons of the school. Provisions, we., will be received in payment to such aa extent as nay Le for mutual accommodation. r The health fulness and pleasantness of t!.s t.'iua. lion, the moderate terms, case of access to tie r lace bv good roads and efs;'c:s, with its total cic;:!;n from intern--; fiar.s to improvement, give Asheville superior advantages for , da education of younj la. dies. -' - . The vacation Commencing 3th December will continue till 3th February following, so as to make it embrace the short days and bad weather, of the in. clement season. , By order of the Trustees. 1 J. V. TATTO::. See. November 23, 1844. . , 2 21 Ths copartnership of Tryan L. Hicl.-rd. cn fa the Commission. business is this day d.r-clved ty mutual consent. - r I now beg leave to inform r.:y -da a:. J l!.epub. lie generally that I will carry on Ilia - - wu4JiwOji tii . Jfc J ij j. at the fame house, a r,J hope, by prompt nttcnliou to business and pullir. cl.arcs lo suit tl.a hardness cf the times, lo hare J.bcraliy of the public patron. 8e, (ana lor a trial liere goes.) I'or reccivirj and forward. r.u-rr'.and.zs 2 cents per par' aje: for reccitir ui.J tl.-ing by t!ie river or radroad 12 j cer's ptrf-:!.:- -s: fr re ceiving ar.J selling produce 2 per ccr.t.: f.r LayifiT Lavin g-ojor L.ds of lad.r- an f r ;-tl p.r cent. " Jl) lAil J.'tVAM. , III nib jrg, R. C. Jidy 1 3, 1 : 1 1. , 1 07 ' " . --. .., 0 Txttoi 'iO :nitv hive f ,r si!e " 1 D ::. j.: ;v,:;v; ctoiia .vr i: a ro:;ict ual: dyi:, ca i: ::ina ti rr DA Lsx. ' SANATIVE TILLS, vuzxifugi:. , i r.:ay:t,i::i. iC3 ,; etived into 1.1 eL 1 crry, i- ! r :i r t . "hi t . , I r-- , . ! j i c ' '; a L : prison. """ " zzzi: ttc!.i-T LI::i. C: Cl-to icS 7ort:i Carol.::, . j I!.bZRS0N COL' NTT. :::zz::z czizt t? l.u7.-fall Tr:if, isn'. Calharinc Modn) , , . . '4 ', Qiiilh-n Utoore. . - j fETITlON FoB DIVOECi. . . .' It eppearinjto the eatipfjctMn of the Cort that the defendant, Quillcn Moore ia not an inhabitant of this state ; it ia therefore ordered that publication be randc fur three months in the Highland Messenger and Rulhe-fjfdtoTi Hrpullicnn tat the defendant ap. pear et tl. f-itTt-m cf ll.is t.ojrl la te held in the town of IIvTdcrsonvi'la oi the Mnday in March next, and plead, answer, or demur, or the raid petition will Le heard ex parte, and decree made accord ." j tot. e prayer thereof. , Witness Tcr-ris H y.iLLrx, Chrh of our said Court, at cCZcc, tl.e 4th Monday in Spptember, A. D., 1844, and in the C2ih ) ttr of Acicricau Inde. TIIO. U. MILLER, Orrl. Jixt7,lS13. irrs.fteC3.37j 2m 231 ok and job pri::t: Tirs snbscril . ..I resume t&e duties of hu school on Mondar c . l of February. - tfTJinirv i.zp. January -1, It 15. I - ' 3 1JOTI Tiiosspcrsor.it'-!. i i ?i Jj ca a cred.t the MUtyear, wl 1 . rt-ci; l..jt it was a posi tive undf rstarid-j tu it their d wcrs to tc -1-tled on the lt t I ---y. a hepe the fi, le fact bf Cil" it t'J ! -r recollection- will I : eUZI. cient loiiid-jjt" t crr.e forward aii tl least give their totes i" r ' -t ll.ey ray n.t I : pre; tj pay. " - The? rpnn w! i r:s holJ nctcrf -j jcz.rs f! ind'.n, i 1 rpt'Cl fully ir.f.ir; d I i vr.'j C.'.Vl - vu-jx C ' LVijL ty l .. -.L.ce . r .t ua- ' 1 i " r :1a j -1 e: , llca- C - 2 ' 1.: " -0, i I y I in. . Assignee5 lv-7-7;7- 01,777,03,0 ; tf i:::rch Tern, 184 L XS. - - .. -'-.. ...v"- -as C-l.rar. : it the riefendarit; Thomas Coch Itr.t cf this statc and lirca without . cf tL'.s Cnurt, it .ihcrtfora i" J.reJ . n he tiadc- in the Ilc'.la- 1 '"cwn. i weeks that the wid f. f - J j -1 a- r fit the next Court of Ez''-t I - I 1 f r tl.a county of Cher-kec, on t'.sf. ..u'.Jyia March reit, and plead, crs"tr,;c :st to the complaiant's la'.!or the ei:r,s w 1 li Ultra proesm. ft, and set tor bearir accord . - :y. - -. dt. i:::. :t liux'sfcvV- . Art;:: :; ..: ; 4; '-syC . C 'a-v-. will de DoF;r: at thc zy 7v:::;t Acco:::;ouATiNa tcs::s. r, He: 's els a:zcZ Z l m. -...-. .J ' " Printed in scperior style. A ISO llArrTtts, I tvitatttoji Cards, ZJakts. Vhr.n-.t Ticxets, Tla.nx Notes or IIa.kd, IIt Tirs, VATCII ASD SaVDUC TlCKSTS, GoOl Ejijus, or sll sizes. War dixs . HoKzZ axo JacS Ellis, tc ; rSIXTED TriTII EiTXESS AXD VES?AtCUf reroiis wisliln printing demo of any description, a il! Cnd it gfcatly to their advantage to give cs a call. ' " ' " ' , C'LEatrs, SKiarrrs, CosrmslLES.ard fcihef public ofUcefn, aie particclarly invited to cull cr end ift theit orders, we keep cv-.Elaatly on band a vari;!yof which we r t cn tl.s rr.ost reason-al!? terms, a;!j will tilc-j'-.-ure in ilslinor Icrv.crd. g to order r"r.' ' '-- rn3J t dctired. , . ' .j--.V;-,;..: -:;-'.-- "---r." : . ;..7:-; Tks debts i --! ! y r . ?, ccos-.t, cr ci!.crwise. In the late fni rf 11? :.J.'r C CI - ity, hate been" pot into the hands rr ..' lit' rif Collection, and be Vme is l!:s a- -1 . . the Zra. . All pay- me..ts iiit t I.cfet.'Lcr Le !i to Lira, as bo will set tle all the tur--"!.' 5 3 Ft::::. ,-"rt t.-r "rtntom4 t 213. Ccrrtcud .'. i t1.e W ' T f - '.Irjtorilia. Ih. hi tvt .: ' S'."i:,'.r " ' o . dt - :..:.cieif, erf 4 Ctfre.V", j C. "fJ-r.d - r 2 ' - " t'j ;.'.:t'.trsi r m m 1 i ICIT, !rrinz u : -We!, ,V. 1 ii. ;j.2 .. D'tUhaert - trr'ar'rsj Country rz An ir.Rs Dttpan?sjy lf Jo 7 CLASS, 10 hU 6mI3 LTtJcs, assorttd Hoop Sheet Kail Itsds LEAD, Dar SZe't ixati::::c: CalfSiins LAP.D ZIOLASSLS, JV. OrUar.9 fat. Ilarawt . JJugtiik ItUnd , .: , ; Unseed Tanners OATS PMZTs.riisnd r, W hite Lrni . jtr- Spanish Druicn lb Yellow O. .'.; j PEPPER, Illark raisi:;s,:'.' i . i3X x.IL, I n..:e, etc I::rijr g09J SUGARS, N.Odean " Ilarttrnt iaAiVs cfj. rote a . ; : LTugcovada ' ' ' St. Croix ' , . . Porto Rict .'. Lump , ' Voullt refined " SPICE .: . SOAP, Anrriczn, Xo. I . c?j. A'o. 2 . M SALT, Lizrrrzzl rronnd lath do. d. - mark STEEL, German ' . lb. Clittered SHOT, all fixes la TO 2 AC CO, N. Carol in . V. Virginia TWINE TEA, Bnhfit . , Souchong Iltjxon Gunpowder dot IL. 15 7 ti l'' ti 14 13 Zl 12' 2ti 15 n 5f 3 j ; 13 r j , c:; iS5 6C3 4C3 3C3 n r 7(3 713 4 W G 8 6 7 13 9! 9 10 13 23 15 3 C7 ! 15 i T- "4 1 l : ) . ri : Li 1 15 1 fj f 3 j T5 -. 1 1JC3 in ::C3 1 2 r 3 " ;: 1 1 1 ) 7( J CM -G5 5(3, u . 15 7f3 4T 3i3 3D I Z 1 ' 5(1 j ) : ) 13 17 Z7 I k : i e t T : 2 LJ " c;i : ) 2:3 ) c Ii 7 :i ; 43 1 75 15 . ' 3 l n 8 15 ' I C' - .... n f 3 u . 7 :3 2 0 15 Of) "l5 Corrected from- the Was"iinfoninn. i : , AUGUSTA n 0 T C 77 7 iTfcttanlc? Rank j ..r . Crvnvrirk P nk .' , ' ' Rank rf -y.j.'J -,, , ',-, .,'.','' .' ,,; j'-". " " - Augusta a,.: irnr,: i'. banking Co. ' - Rra.tch Georgia a... ' li'jud .,'"' Cranch Sl&ic rf Georgia -i f ' - 4 SAYAf.rJAH fi3TC. ' J?oe Z?aife lltri'-t and Fire Iusuranct Dank ., . Planter Rank ' Central Rail Road Ran '. 5 t,'.'; 4 c:::.tpj nqtec. Slate Pink Rranch,!.Iaron yrr Other Rranr.hei Slate Dank Commercial Dank, IJacoa HUled rerille Rank " Georgia Rail Road Dank, . ' . ' M.. City Councilor Augusta :" RtickerKville Lank M , r A llxri-f 4" rire Inrurar.it Rink , 7. ;:.ry 7anA Central Rank Exchange Dank of Drunneiek P. , ' . Insurance Dank of ColumbiU, llacon I'i '. Fi7nixPnk,C!v::-s- ' 1 i . CtnkffL'.'-li-'-'e 1 ; t City Council cf I '..'le .' ;ttZl ' City Council of IIj rou Ciy Council ff Ci.linrJjU ' ' '. I.Ioaroe Rail R.ad Dunk Rank of Darien and Drunrkr Chattahoochie R. R. and RanV.r.g Co. Western R.mk of Georgia t Dank of CJ, nlu , Planter Sr lltchamit Rank cf Columl&s Dankcf Omul? ' . .. Georgit 6 ft. ct. liond forepeeie, Gcorgij U jr. rf. Rondx ' - '. C:JTH CA.13LTiA f.3TEG . Charleston Rmkf " Rmkof Ilam'iut (H 'iun'ry Dinlce ' .. '. '.oma Holm ; ,'w; 7 U"2- 7 , m it . : J Cack or Dunhel for rc, rlieUp, rr WILLIAMS & ROC II nr.: . , i .1 C lo 1 1. A f :.!:--!e reward h hereby cT-icd fjr r U I r.ation a maycnaMe me to eoorict the por. persons who have b en inj'jrir my yacant Ik p-cr.T!cs neaf nw'o.i Aca !-my; onde'lf i fenders aJ fa warned, a t tL.lr --rll, to del-t ir-o, , r OUtfajf. tOlllI 13 1 II.. Oct. 4,181;. 4 ros tiic i:;r:. ; c; rtr Tnitta bein r jr 3 in T !, irigonth- F3ockit i f t , Cr-.rt, J; n-jrlfc;f .". is tl.fr. f c.d ..J (1. ll.rr"!T r " ':."'- '"' - 1 t i. with.t f - r --- ' 7 '' ' will te dlr:.;-- J f r w - -1 r f f r ' CokIj. And the c!-U r -; .'rc J to j dct three r; -iat'.aWi! ipre'isd i: : . .tu. v paUiioufrs. v V'T. & A;;di:::co:; " Wifm'incfon, Nor. 4. l4t. , : I C: ' r:. . -: ' - r t t' , Z:::7.--.:ic:i XVan:. Ir there J Jiving any ofHcer or sol ' - ' ' rier jlution, " t any relative cr friend r f fcrrnierly of North Carollnv, who can f v. . Ihation reP?etip tiie fervice or d.s-.. 3 tf Ls said John lies in the Revels'' -, y . . xs gen erously rewarded by t",:rr. . t if.cisa may be within their knowkd .' . d. TL'.;s Post Master. Eden, fldr.eocfc c z r. J.r ihey may hear scmelhirj perl to Lhclradvr-. tae. . John Tloss enlisted in Crtt V.T.'i 4th ncjiraent, in 1777, f;r aid - Jan. 3, Iti 15.-