t P -i I 'Captions idt he - Actsi 1 1 Passed by the Legislature tf.XforA Carolina, al Us Session tf i 8 1 i "45-. ' ; public. I . t. , An Acl more rflcctdall to snrpre lle off.ncc of trading tviih slaves. M.y charge ; ' in the same Bill of Indictment briy.dcfcn.'tar.t teith-trading with Slave-; receiving stolen ' ' Roods, know in j thcrn to bo stolen j .and jnelit larceny . ... '", 'V ; u i 2. Coucerningrueadmiis:i;j'iJjr of evidence ft pains: the sureties of OiHces ond otqers. ' Makr-s t!ic receipt or tickruwlcdgement of the OITicor admissible and competent against Lll or any of Jils securities " j - ; : : 3. ;To provide for a vacancy in l!.a OiTiee of County Surveyor. 4 Give -the appointing power in the Cunty Courts. . . ! 4,'To hrncrid the) 5th1 iiection cf tho "'l9h f rhaptcr of tho UcvieJlStati:'..3.-.;:Diit:cis the SficrifTto summon the M-t-gi.-strntcs within ' fifteen ''day afier the death of any' Clerkfof . I he County Com!, who ahall die between t f lie 1 sitting the Courts, lo fill the vacancy uaiil 'the D'"Xt regulir election by the people. ''- ; 5.! To' amend the section of the-Revised Statute i, concerning Clerics onj Registers. Makca it tvhe duty of the i County Slicit'ir to I'xarhinc.'the offices of tha IU-gU-trrs and of tho Clerks of the County and Superior Courjs, "at bf shortly tefor.c the scssiu'nj.'of ach and every , County Court, for the purp-c, of as. ccrtaining w hether all papers xi quired td be recorded and registered have btien done so ac Vbrding to law.. ; I, 1 0. To amend An Act, rnlitlrd an Act lo Jice'popcn French Broad River, in the cuWiy cf Uuncombe and tlic Tecnesiee River Jn ilia county of Haywood, for the passage tf Fiili, pissed in the year 1825, 'chapter 118f Impu-cs tlie same penalty prescribed in.rtlje first section of tlie beforo recited-Act, on ariy rsortor persons who shall fi-11 timber tri'thc 'rt'n'jh Hi oid river from lha three forks there ftt lo thy Henderson county line, uhero said lino crrs l!ie French Brand rivcr.l . . : U 7.; Concerning Jury TrfaU. Gives the. Tight Jo the parties or their ' counsel, in till such; trials, tc argue to tho jury thfr.vhote cii.; v.i well ofaw as of fact .... ' . :8.iTo extend iho time lor- registering Grants, 'Me?nfi Conveyances, Powers of At torney, . Bills of Sale and Deeds . of Gift, f t'.xieiidjho time to two years,' cxemptir. ; Mortal "cm, Conveyances in TruJ, or to the Swamp Lmd.f in the Eastern pjrt of. the . Ltate.J - , . .i . ( ' ,vf ' : 9. To ccdo to. tho United Stales a certain trait 'of land lying on the Island of Ports'. n,u:li, Carteret County, for the purpose-f ending a Marino Hospital. 8 v, , 10. To amend the 9ih section of 'the Rei iscd Statutes, entitled an.Act'concerning tho Comptroller. Directs the Governor to have ' 20ccicsof tho Comptroller's Report printed in Pur;.; !i!ct form, for tho year when the Log; I iataturo i3"not Jo. session. Atso, repeals that p-rt ct. tr. Aci,-vnicft requires tno puunca. .....a of the Comptroller's Report in ce'newa f a errs of this Siatc--and amends the Act by I ulliihing it hereafter. In wi newspapers- in the City, of Raleigh. " .V- ' r-'ll. To cede a portion of Rutherford Co'V S 16 tho' County 6( Henderson;" Ccdcsthat ' i portion of' Rutherford County, lying west of n line bcrinninir at a point on tlio dividinir line . e n .' i i . f .' r.ii-rj. en iup oi ouar loai innuniain, -luuijuifjj thenco Suuth 10'Degfecs East to the South Carolina lino, then West with jsaid lino to the I' '-rrson County lihk, then, commencing at t . - ginning point and running another hno , t the dividing Ridge, between 'Fall -Creek "d Uccdy Patch Creek to .Bjroad Rvef, at an's Gap, then North 5 Degrees East, to the . IcDowell County. line, then with 6ft Id line to ? ho Henderson line. ' 12 To auihorizo the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road Company j to charge tolls " on their Bridge over Roat;okol River, near , the town of Weldon. t:-. ' Z 13. Extending tlie jurisdictlon of Justices of the Peace over JudgemcntSp, and anienda.' tory of tho Gih Seclinn of tho Revised Sa i tutes,. entiled u Justices of the . PcacA"--and , the 4th Sfctiortof the Re vi-drSi .Mutes, enii: j tied ' Courts, County and Superior.'," f Gives j a Justice of tho Pcaco,'cxc!usiyn jurisdiction over all sums n)t exceeding. $100 in thd rineipal. The 2d Section dismisses all suits rougt.t in cither tho County of Superior 1 Courts for a Ipss sum. T '. t ' 14. Morn efitctually to prevent tho impris- mcnt cf Honest Debtors. Provides that rcaficr no capias ad satisfacienflin shalf 4 jc,1 ricss Plaintiff,' his A(;cntor Attorney, T ,1 r..:.!s3 nfiidavit in 'vri:ingf before the i ' ' ."i!,c Court, in which said judjrrmcnt !j r r t!;c Justicn of the Peace, to w hom ..i.-.i is made for such process, that ho tLs defendant has not property to - -i j : foment, which can be reach cd by a fieri facias, or has fraudulently con.' coaled his property, money or effects, of is - . about' to remove 'from' the State. 'Provides "further, that no Court in this State shall per. mit an issue offraud in be made up and tried; under the provisions of the Act for the relief ". of Insolvent Debtors Rev. Statutes, Chapter Da, section lOvh unless the Creditor, his Ageni-or Attorney, shall file-a suggpstion : : writing, oi such fraud orconrralment. thci . in specifying the particulars of such fraud or concealment, and shall'anncxto tho said si;- - gcslion," his aQJavit, that hej verily beliefs the matters therein stated are true.-' Provides also,, that whenever the Plaintiff, in any judgments-shall bi desirous of; subjecting the bail f.f the defon.ianl in said judgement lo the payment thereof, RUch Plaintiff slnll beat lib erty to prpcec! in i!.3 .fir3 instance by scire facias rgainst r.-.ch baii, without having pre. viousty issued any C7pw ad satisfaciendum ' nguinst "the dch-: J3ntt but'Wli scire facias shall not' star.J ;or trial ai the appearance term. ' ; . 15. In favor c.r P.ior-D.jl.rs. Exempts in ndditioi" to the j injrty now by law ex. empted from Ewcuiin, after the f.i-st dav of July next, the nccecry farmirgjlcols-for'one laborer, cr.3 tc!, U-d-stcadanJ covcrmg for every two. nicml ,,f ii.e family, four bos nnd all :.?c. 'y.r.- M ar. rkiichenfur-' r.: , 1 t u nr- i ; -jt jn vai. The 2d i-s, tint whenrver any",poor ,'ply for tho ben?it t f this Act, it f... 2 the d;:tyof the j)' zi of the iT.c :d whom Vupfi application s!;h11 be made, to appoint three respectable, freehold, crs, disinterested and- unconnected "with the parties, 'to lay ofT and assign to "such pobr dulldrs' ll.j portion to whicli - he is Willed, "The 3rd Sc-ciion declares null, and voidmd of no elTtcttall ard every conveyance by sale, ' deed of trust, or other wtse, for ihe payment ,of any df;bt or. demafnd Vhatsclcvcr. of the 'r'lG. To proirct the i.., ds ui Ty r- reH,;Vashington cn!i C.slo. Countu . In flicts i!a fino of CC J for forcibly running arv decked Veils J, L at or rafi'againsl any.p-l!!c n !J ....... t ..... n ',.. - ' unogc in uicsc oiunues.j . . I 17. Concerning ihc Superior Courts of Cleaveland County. 1 f fv I " " 18.j Supp!ementa!j;to :an "Act pissed in 1839 j-cntitted an Actj?',',-; '.mental toan Act passed 3 to )ty otT and 'establish a Road frtm'MoriT.:oa to the Teoncssf line. Appoints thrco Ctimmii!ners fur the pur pose of carrying said; Ac more cGlctuufly in; lo operation. ' ill ,'"' " UJ. As'seiuing.to i the purchase by ; the TJ. Siaf s', of certain lacdm i!w ToWn e miingtonj and ceding he Jurisdietiu:1, . ,,orth Carolina over the sa mi?', under CLt: ...i limita tions fi'nd conditions tlierein cer.tu'r.e I..L'nd ori which the New Custom House is erect- 20. To; appoint Ci(: i-uoners, to view and lay,-ofT n Ilt)ad in' the. County of Ashe. ' S2I." Supple'rncntal 'to an Act passeel at: the prcsr-nt St s.iion of thai General Assembly, en tilled an Act to amend sn Act to incorporate the President, Directors and Company of the Yatlkin Toll Bridge j Authorizes a rharge of 75 ccrits for a folded wajron, dran by four hdrscs. 'r -. 22. ,To amend an Act entitled an Act, to punil tlxj ft'faultcf returning OHiccrs, in the election 'of 'Prcsidenj ahd Vice Pres" ' " r tho United Slates, passed 18 12 3, C. , .r 20.) Difccts, that the' offence created by the above recited Act, be1 cognizable in the Su perior Courts of Law of the County wherein tho .defaulting CiTieer resides. i 23. Concerning the bupenor Court 6f Cur rituck Ctunty, , Ri-'iaics. Jo ihepssuing o the picrkVcertiQcatcHn the Jury: t -24 To loan to th'. Xdrth Carolina Military Academy at Rilc.lghjf 'for the use of vi thefpof the ' necessary! Military Arms and Eqti'ipmcnts.i"-".'' ii'i 1" - ' ; To prevent the falling cf timber in the Creaks and Rivers, within the County o! Ca barj'us. Imposes a fin? of S10 if any person pemits the timber to 'remain 20 days. , ' - 2r To; authorize the foreclosure of the Mofjgnge'of the Raleigh and Gaston Road. Directs the Governor So the St-: j to have all the iIortgoges on the Road foreclosed at the Spring Terrn of Wake Superior Court.'- The Rof'l is. then to be sold o-the highest bidder, aficrj due advertisement-, onMhe following tcriris, viz : C25;000'in six morvand tfie rcsiJ'i-3'of the purchase money divided into fourecjual instalments, to be paid at intervals often months, with interest. The Governor is to hid for the State thc'sum'of 8 100,000a sum fsufltcicht io cover the last Mortgageand .,Sttef,ey;;v ;ri.t . 27i To attach that part of Carteret County, known as Ocracokef to tTyde County.. ' , ; 28iTb authorize the IWilmington and Ra leiglt iRaif Road Company to Issue Bonds to the .n'moimrof 0100,000, to redeem a like amount of Bond issued 'under tho Act, entf. tied nn Act for the relief of the Wilming. ton and Raleigh Rail- Road- .Company." Pledges the faith cf tho Stale for the payment of the Bonds, authorized "to bo issued.! The object of the bill is "lo' relieve "tho" Statelrom the payment of GIOU.UJO, as the security of the Wilmington and Raleigh Rail RoVd, he- fore the meeting of 'the Jiext Legislature, by ' . r t ... t' i issuing new. uoncjs to lane up tnose due,, un der the Act of 1842, on tho first of January, 1840 1 nnd 1340 respectively. ..Hio liability of tho-State for the Ruad is not increased by this Act. i ( " 20-: More 'effectually to secure the debts due for Cherokee Lands, and lo ficih'tale the collecting of the same. Dircc'-i the Govern or io appoint a iommis?: jner, to examine the BondVl given by purchasers of Cherokee lands, ar.d ascertain if the Principals are s jI. vent. iAlso directs the Governor to cancel alMlonda where the Principals are insolvcnr, upon condition tint t!.n j.jrcl.ascrs surh-i.Jer to the Agent, for the use cf th.3 Slate, p joics. sion ol the hnds' purcii-scd with all. the im- proverricnts thereon, nnd ft release of all claim to any, money rpaid- thereon. Also, gives further .induk encc to Purchasers. I 30. To secure to" the citizens of this State the right of fishing in the navigablo" v,r .iters, of t he St a t er Pro v idc O fi at ,no persons shall fish with semes, nor:be ' interested in fishing, untiljhey shall .have resided in this F'u-; 12 rnonhs,;undcr a pcp'aliy of 8100,' 6cc j 31. To prevent obstructions in Hitchcock's Creek in the county of Richmond. , 32. To amend tho 1231 chapter of the Act of tho Revised Statutes, entitled an Act con. derning; Wrecks and fV recked pror'erly. Chances the ?V reeked . pistricidisqua lifics any P Io to. ict as a.Commwsioncr of Vrec!;s; allows J lZ per- cent, to 'the Uommiioioncr an the amount of the value'of property saved, whe'n not sold by auction. . s 33. Relating ,'lo the. l"tuncombe Turnpike Road in Buncombe end Henderson counties. Hands working on Roads, only subject, to pay 50 cents for failure j j 34. To cede a portioij of Rutherford coun. ly to the county of Cleaveldnd. I 33:;,To allow the Justices of the Peace of Hyde county to lay a 'tax for the purpose "of purchasing. t!.j .Mala.... '.:c-.,V and Rosebav 1 c.:i Act Ci;..x:u!;v itii0.!tivrj shares,- an 1 lh? II l viocJ Statutes, D-srcnts. Directslhat in tho divi sion cf It:!::.: :itc's Real Instate, that they sh.-ill charg-.J with thu excess in value, which ho or fho has rrcrivct! over and above .an en ul ' 'rii-jtivo !:arj t.f t!.::r rcrsocal cs tales. ' ' !:V,'tt f'";.i;-:li-rrv v.-".-' . tn7.. To open tho Peilti -rd Ycd!;:n j'vers. . ; S3. To amend ti.o 9-.h section cf tV.j 50lh chapter ?f tlia Revised Statutes, cniitlcd an Act concerning Frauds and Fraudulent Con v: ;-ar.ce.. Makes all .contracts void f jr L-as. lands fur the purpose ;of dijrinj; for goJJ or other mirjerala,- unless they arc maJs in writing I ' V" ,). r 39. Pjovulm for thsj re-oranizition. of the Portsmouth and Roanoke Rail Road Corn pany. i Directs the Governor to appoint a Commissioner on behalf of this Siate, to act with the Commissioner appointed by the Sinlci of j Virginia tu fix the amount of Capital Stock of.thc Company ihu formed, nnd t'oclaro the rwmlr of shares," provided, that sa:J Stock shall notj' exceed 8300,000, nor less tin n $300,00(1, nor any sliarc xs less than S100, norrnAre than $200.' " Provides further, that, thre sluiV'bc no li-;s' than; twenty Stockhold ers, no one of Avhomshnil !. M more thin one half of the Stock,.. Direct ihni at any time afier thebaic herein provided for, and forma, tionof a not her Comply, (;ie Pcmrsburg and Roanoke Rail Road Company shall have pri vilrneto'pafVo'ver'thclr Bridire on rnp-.?n to W sell led by the Cjmmissionivs.l l Concluded fcext week. 1- v BLANK BOOK IIAaUFACIoMf, At U::r-!nton, !7. C. ? 1 ;TE r:Vrrlbrr v-" 'i rcpcctfaily tnfona t3 citi zens of Norlli f'ar ..a rvnerallj, as !?, l.'ic.ci: ttnnT Sou'Ji Car -. llat Jc is carry on tlie alwTC Luf-iuerS in i. . -.ra of Ijincf-laton, N. tn all its duTtrcnt !:rdicr. lie keeps Iiand at all tixnes a Vt?" nort0iCBt of m ' " : " ', cf tT.nobt every description. ''His practical knowl. f 1 'i cf lite duties of a clerk, eaatL3 Lira to Laow t!.e best strlea of rnJinfor the .'..,-, : ... jyimo vn . c a ousts--. Dsedin jtlie Courts' of this 'ate he congeqacnlly keeps oalaad an ASSOR TZIEXT of the diC r. cnt dockets, from four quires to ten, made of excel lent jmper, and lsound to compare with sny.Pliila. dclplia crNcw York 'work: andean therefore, CI an order on the very shortest notice.; ' lie lias' - A FINE SET CF TC:iS, AN EXCELLENT- F.ULflQ . mackke, rjFE?.i:a vvcmiEN, atd a .; ? Y 1 ' C3C3 STCCiC CF MATEF.WLS . ; so tliat an. order of any deECription ' can be filled on short notice to compare with work of a similar kind done ; any where else. lie would here remind the i! "j READING C03I2ICMTY- v. that,'' instead of, having their periodicals fltrown about and torn to pieces, (as they too frequently are, it would be much better to ...... 5 fJciid ilicm to Lincoln tori, and have them bound. 'lie would particularly re. mind the LADIES that they can have IIzsiD as1 Neatly EsnnJ in Lincblnlon,' 5, C, as at any other place in the United States. - la con elusion, he would say to the Clerks, Clerks & Mas tcrs. Registers, &c, &c, that old dockets, RcU ler's books, and all other record books that may ru-ud. xe-wndinj, it ent rusted t a his care, fhallbe safety taken care m, and re-bound without any injury to the records. His prices for p'.l the above work wilt be regulated lo suit the tin ' ' ; ' F. A." HOKE. Uncolnlon, IJ. C, Dec. 3 3, 1S44. Cm ' 225 j Lines: Addressed- to . Dr. Crandrcih x- ;,r . BY A LADY, ; ' - " !Vlial is the conqucrer's farr; - j1 Gained on tho hallle-fkl.l ? . . ... pij, Drandreth! pre ater is thy name - ' ! . Who cnur-s D'.'if.': toyield.-4- , ; -. Full miny a lon a:.i .. i. y'f, ; .'. ,!,,., Hacked Ly ci. . .;, . jlVith anguish greit.-1 sufT-rirj I iyt Nor thought to rise a Tain. ' 1 f - , . , What was Physician's boasted skill 1 ; t;' t . I " Alas ! it cased rue not ; . ' feul by the aid of thy famed pill t. It' . ; . - Ilowr changed is now my lot ! " ' m ' '' Restored to health' res) ore J tu th3 ,V - Comp;inicr..-s w Loin I ijvo ; s. ;r For the reliever cf r.y v.. . '' , ?-Iy iruycrst!.a!l ri"; alove. v T g Yes, Urandrcth, 'lis to t!ice alme ' '.' - My thanks arc j- '!j !," u,; o 1 ,4 v For life I gratefully mut own ( .. , - - - : " ' 'My constant debt to you. ' ' . i - : - -fi-..' - " . : ii-Euza."' These Fills. are .for sale in every county in this slate, at 25 cents per box; and may be Lad by the lollowinj ajt-nts : . 1 PA1TO.V '&i OSLOIi:i'. Ahevillc, I.'. C. - . i J. M. ALCXANDLII, iid.cii 1 . J, IT. C. . , ;JAS;C. SMYTII,'Morj:anloj,i,.C. ... ft WM. L. GILL & CO., Marion, N. C. Drc. 6,-1044. ... J ' - ' X 4 W Jte. LA 1z copartnership cf J. DUNLAP & CO. was this day tlissolvtd ly mutual consent. All persons indebted to the concern are requcstc J lo coins a:. J make payment to J. Dunlap, as he has bought c-t the concern and is the. proper person to ertilc v ith. Allhavin' claims against tho concern will pn?nt lhera lo him for payment - : J. DUNLAr, FOLLY r.l. LUMMEY. January 1I( 1845. The undersigned will continue the business at the r'd t!.and, and as he expects to 6i.Il t - CtcodsZSxiUrcly. for: Cash in hand will soil MUCH LOWER than he 1 ; done heretofore Lo 1 il.rcfure wishing lo for cash to give him a ca!!. . Ashcville, January 17, 1J 15. all f' DUNLAP. If 31 d Sf2 13 C 3 s The subscribers respectfully inforn fheir cu.cicm ers who have accounts, 4 L 'it n -eo; ' i to t':? It-i on wliiv.li they vere contracts J, bee mn ti :-; ( :i ti 1st January, wi'.h which they ar ejjKCtt J to e-: : ply. And all vlio r.rc ir Ucd by r. 'c are rrt '. ini:ed lo i.iuLo j ayi.. :.!, it h i. .;-ra1ivc t :. ; ::;ct t.t.-t;.i t:..:r i then; they i.ivile i ...... Jiie t.li. n i.i i ' -r to prv. : tliC L.r.; IcLL..it taii t f .ii. fti. r .; ;aV,-. l'AT iu.; u "( );:::. - Ashii ille, Ja-.ury 17, I t . j . C'l - ! A Lr ' Er.-:i: " o en the 31st pf Dcccr -.t ill'-1 no ' --, Oco as tiv jd Lt r; Drown W Cra;!.' .i;v Ti i Coe:.!y Jac-.'j 11 Eyi.u:.t J C Cv.1 Urown '.V C Uarncl J ?3 "?v Crown '. ..i o 2 13 liiari li.iii.vuolii '! Lam well lI.Mins IJrown Jolirj Col Cowan John Craig Uobt C -Cole man W T Candler G V 2 ' " DcnksJNl Daii-jhitv John Sen Er "i W:-;:r. A a j-Vi. . i i . .r i'rcv . IIuUc. -Hardy J Ilughcy CJeor i Hall Joseph Inle L L ; . . Jan 3, ISll. j ti -- 1 ieencr u i. TIi i. l, i y.;:. : i i' rr.iirr VatlunTl J!: .rts rz? L..cr. 3 Jr. ' ' 1 1 c c. iv.r j Tec trr TAT p. ' a he alLv.iii.un c.; . , called to liie New A. printing oilice, where AT ' KLXDS OF may-chad at whoL. .!e l. . voraWe terms. Allkinvl3 cf T 1 iCKpcctfulIy , ia rear of the rT TTr 4 T "t? -1 tl.3 1, ,t f GtilSeri:: and VM ;: i"t l!ie nr:-t approved sllc, such as - nlw-boucsC, '.' s coily, ' ' 1 1 leak, I..J most at 1:: r . t." 1 . ir. Jj-aic's ar sp " v will ! 2 t- .-rf. 'will dune at the therlcst no!l;e, ' ,TjiO j-rou-i e cf t--r change for Tin ware and tronagc oT the public i? err bo t. iirin. en i.i civ. A your g r.r.'i cf -to3year3 6f fg", this cstablishrr.:':'.!, t - liberal comriensa...! made immediately. Dec. 13, IS 14. 1 :.. -A (1 .Jcst rccefved and for ?a,'by"- ' - - ' - - i I i1' 1 ' DUNLAP t CO. Not.23. 1S1 1. -r ; a ;t-- iniv.;: Dr. JAYiSlivS MEDICINES. - Is this MrricsxET' we tm!a;rncd the dltior dj j. on tatin j some, of Jayne'i Tome enr.ifuge: -It one CO 11 SI J- raUtt-s are ffratifico"and their health restored at tht:atue lime. Jayne's Tonic Vcrmifoje not only dotlroy. oMis, but carries oi the tnucus in flitch Ihcv arc imbed- ded, and edxts a radical and fjornuncrt cure JJve r) mother knows Uic prominent symptoms of worm, kuch as veracity, leanness, fvlcJ Lrtath, jjrindinjr of the teeth during sleep, palciuU cf the I psj ilehinj of the nose, &.c.,lu tlierc arc jpther indxatios;s not H gcncially recognised- -Adj-j co!:h, dull eyc, enlarernent of the abilotnen, e!nd many other fyrrp- loms common to other cca'-cp, Irtqutntly denote the presence of 'worms. If the ir cilsicncc even euj-pected, this Vermifuge shoq'J be aJaiL;stcred, because it can do no harm in apy ease, and may do incalculable good. N. V. TrU.''ie. J .. . rrt parcd only by Dr. D. Jj;ic, No. 2v), South Third street, Philadelphia. - j - j' . . War!. War! Tha Yz rjaj.ers have declared hostilities against onr neighbor Dr. Jayne,; on ic countof his Hair Tonic, which jis knocking pll their business into a coci;rd hat. L:d;es and gentlemen, old and voun'r, are flocking lo tle Doctor's standard. Heads lou; iiveeU-J of even-the first rudiments of hair, efler u?iti lis Iluir Tonid, soon appear -with new and Cowing lucks, whicli Absalom himself migtil have envitd. , ' licaraiess oys are seen wun large and bushy whjkcrs ; andiladies smile ngalrt through their ravrn J-irIi'ts more beautiful and be witching than ercrt-s JJald heads are dctllrig- their wigs, and throwing them lo the, moles and bara while the wig makers stand aghast as thcyi behold the demolition of thcir'.bueinees. i What will be the consequence of this wsr we know not, as the ,wtg gics arc outrageou, and" llie" Doptor1 remains .firm, and declares that "some things carrbe done as well p-3 c'LcrV ;.n l t!:?t 1-"';1 !. ad- rnsy as vri." wear t.'itir own h?sr lbs hair cf cll.crs. V'teJ. 'y tenser. ' , ' ' Prepared only byjDr. D. Jayne, Ho. Z2, Tliird street, Philadelphia. -.v 4, I . Have tou a Coi cjU iDo not nqglcct it ; thousands have met a premature death for tlie want of a tittle attention to a common cpld. ! . .-"Have yon a" CougTi T vDr. Jayne's Expectorant is a fafo medical prescription, containing no poisonous drugs, and ncd in an extensive pr1! fur fcvcral yearp, will most positively aflord ni f, and sure yyj from that awful disease pu)r.y..:.ury Cvjr..-jrr; t.-n, which annually sweeps into' the grave hunJrtJj cf the young," the old, tip 'fair, the lovely ar.J the gay. Have von a -Cough? J3c pcriiu ivird to purciiase a bottle of the Expectorant ! . To-day J to-morrow may be tod late. ! ' ' " ' Have you a Cough J Jayne's Expectorant is -the only remedy you etiould, take to cure you. - j , . - For lli is plain reason, that in no one of.thc thou sand cases w here it has been ticd had it failed to re lieve.' . " ' i p i . .- . . Tj-epared and sold by .Dr. D. Jayne, No.2D, Soulh TLird btrcet Philadelphia. ' ' " ' - j What can be more trying to the feelings of a moth er, than to behold her infant writhing in the agonies of chclic, or wasting a way u.uLr that tcrri'J.c scourge cf infancy, cholera infantum, or si'M-ulk cojin.Ai.vr? And yet a radical cure can leiJil rtid with speed i-i.d certainty, by adminidtering to the htlle suliercr l! ;t inestimable preparation Jayne's Carminative Balaam. No house should be without this indispen. fAIc family medicine, winch is adapted to all torn. plaints of tho stomach, bowel?, livcr,"orriervous pys. tm. . In the south and west it occupies a prominent place in nearly every domestic medicine chest. , Prepared only by Drl D. Jayne, No. 20, Soutli Third Ftiect, Philadelphia. tj y. -,-.,!, O ly C;ve it a Faih TauL. We ask no more of y t than to give Dr. Jayne's Expectorant a f jir trLl, c.iJ if it dvcs not cure the various diseases for which it is recommended, sooncrand more effectual ly t!;an any other medicine that has ever been oITered to the public, the proprietor is willing to undergo soy penally, however severe, the j c may gee proper to upon him. -Itha", 1 it will cure coii;:?is, col-ij, Uftllima, bronchitis, l-leeJing from tholtiror t! - it, wl"jr;fing C'' ' , rrurp, L::d a .ry bre m.i-;-- 4 v r.f the no5t 1 !s caF-'"! of co. -mplioii, .. i j !iy?iciaris a.id their re-eritions fail to do r-j-gofij. Again. we S3y, only try it. It will uot h ro you, b3t it must and will do yoi pond. . Pre; arcd only by Dr. D. Jjyrc, I'J". -J, cJsdlli Third Etrect, Philadelnhia. . " , ... - Notiuxgcan rauiLiT for cnrinTonsumnilon nnd other pulmonary diseases. , The following letter of Dr. Ihi of Lowefij 'Ikss.', but rpeaks the Uni- j r..i 1 ;-."ju'ire ol Imnrireci ol other I hysicians, who c li.-il, anJ therefore know how to app;ecialc Lov.-ell, T.Ia?a Jan.27, 1SIL . . ..r li.r, I have 1.-..J voi:r t.ieclicinc, sounivcr- .u!iy kn-jwn Lv the name of Jayne's Expectorant,) i.i uy ?' i fjr a nir"Acr of years, and can most tn.,y kiv, t;...t I J,ave been moro successful in Ihc v-e ' t -i ri "id, fafo, and thorough expecWratit, T i ( f arv which I have ever oscds It is the best f:. i i V. jiving obvious reasons. It does not (if giv. r -i : i r Lf.gwc, . a disagreeable nausea. It t " - V(.".'.;cn the lungs and prostrate the sys- ' i I . . i.iot other expectorants in common use, ."v! jcs it abate the arp' tile of the patient like other .'--"-ng medicines, which have been used by the jucuVv. In a word it is nearly or quite the tiling w...;:i lias tecn 60uiit ti by uiany of the faculty for ages gone by. ; . j ,. 4 - I remain, yours,; &.c, . . Luther Brigimm, M. D Prepared by Dr. 'D. Jayce, No. J, " South Hurt! ftrrct.l 'iclj'hi. cbv- - y-.vrpT A-at. f:' 1 !' 2 sfomach and bowth l y Jjyr' Tcr.ic Vcrir 7 :g , 3 by the bc,som of de&'ruct.o.i. They perish u"der its tcarching in-C-crsc3 irs-!-ntly, nd are t tipcllcd v. ah the mucus in v. ..:;.i ti.cy are imbed Jsd. ii.e cure is in almost all cans p n.iancnt, and if a recurrence yf t!e dis- order sl.o .i J l .l.e lace, a few doses of the prepara tion ill uc er fa 1 to rror' e the desired ohier.t fr the cflect docs net .v .' 1 with repetition. Those who suiTer fru.i " - r r. ... i4..- nt fever, or any com plaint v. l.ere n ' - f r alternative may be de- fiiraij.'', wi 1 . 'Taluub'.ariuit IV; r.l f Third tlr-. vr.c's ionic c:n.. j;c, a most 1 y Dr. D. Jayne, No. 3, South The IIvi.i ca..ot grow while the roots aro clog ged with scurf and dandruff, any more than the rce can flourish whose trunk and branches arj encrusted with moss and canker. Scurf -and dandruff are caused by suppressed perfpfration, and are a certain sign that the vessels of the t"alp require il?igoratmg fo as to enable then to throw elf the moisture which row tlriiS r.nd hardens on the "surface of the t-kin. 'e know of nothing f hit jviil d'j tltis half so cfTec tiilly j.3 Jayne's Ilir Tonic, which by promoting the jjealthy circtalinn of the Llood and 8trcngthen irg the rebels of the skin, Jjecps the. hair Always io a prfv-ctly healthy ktate. . ; . . -' Prepared and bold " by Dr. D. Javne, 20,' Soutli Third ttrcct, Pl-li i Jphia. - f - . Tax .4 Wo-jas 12 DEACTirtx, strictly Fpcakin", . '. ;tsi;'! a f.'ie head r-f hair ? We think not ; : .t il any lady Jacks but t i.;s to make her hair criti. f A!y L -iu-if :!, rcrrc'-i 1 i. vi;l.in her riach.-.' Le is only to op iv Ja-e'. Iluir Tonic to t!:e ppar' 'y -attLrcJ, cr l rc unJ wiry trti,.s, ; r,d in a very f-.,t' r-.'-';t complete with Vc:.j 3 herself, . t. ; i.c..:.c.-3 'au'i !-JXtiri.i-.',e cf her (shinn-rcurl. ?d or.lv bv Dr. J Pl'i'-dcJr-Lia. JjjnL.,' No. J,- South certamlT nas none vi Vienufus ntvr wiiica asTOciales with the idea of rhyve. . Children cr it cuitc a treat, and in takiss it tuf ir '- ;r.t,fJ':::Jr ! u;tt I -r.i , ' . .'. 1 1 . r.GTcred C-r:-' , f r bowel and Sara- - -t f- ' It t-" cr.'y medicine : ."' - .r : 2'.'i tLculi rrcr i t . . : v I. P. Jivr.c, :;o. 2'Sc-.' M:.--:.',:.ii. ; i re;- TI.":J. ZiwSs Vxxz . s.ir. -0' r ;.. IU..-HC 1 t r f.-f ri ll. as tills. It c... cUulI.'t l.ioscns the r from the i2eialrr.d Licit lines ll. j l. every rwgh the patit wi!l bring j dicngatd matlf r. I 1 t.'. c r; i'r.is t : nary errn v 1 r' r : ' not!" : : t' -r-.v t 7 ! . "j" runt r . ' ' . and ci. ' - . ' 1 r :. ... obti; .. - ' . 1 .. , - J .! tl.-..r f Cou'.-, t ' . : y ; paratk-:), i. ; . . . y a i-t: J. Prpircil f.,-y ty Dr. D. Jjv::', No TLird street, P.:lad.'- !.ii. .e will Iv.sff t 01 tiati jtJtlr Thk, wnoiE "VoID F! fvtt it, r r.t r.-. Jayne'W Expectorant is a certain cure f.r A$:!.r.i, ar'd that for CoC1.e. Gil-'.-, Cunur:l : . V.'l. .. ; '.. g Cough, Croup, Ilronctiilis, and Cvrry otl.er vlif,J. f th Lungs or Throat, U sure to ruducc ll.e i:iot decided benefit. It is rccommi-r.vled ly tl.ju.-anJ', w ho have tried it, and all say that it ia the bet rem edy, without any exception, fat all Pulmonary Dis eases, that has ever been known, or it always fires relit f, and cures when every ether means have fail ed. . ; ....;,.' Prepared onlv bv Dr. D. Jayne, No. 3, South Third street, iY.iljdelphia. Jatxe's Vr.ki::rrcE, bss gladJeiicd tl.e bnrt cf many a motr.rr, v. l o l.ad cxpecteJ men t j r. her child to th- rav, L: t found it rec ' ! : ' aJ icy!. .1:".. 1 , Ci.'.v.bratcl ttv.L....j l. . pt-U wor'iis v. ' l. .'. irritating the coals of the fU.l ach and bo -.!--, and combines the virtues of a tonic with thoc cf m alleri-livc. Neither the Vermifuge nor the Expectorant has a rival in the whole range of the materia mcdica; for diseases to whicli each is atl.-pted.-i ' - ... ' Prepared nly by Dr. D. Javr?, V) SocUl Third siren, 1 niiaatipnia. , , Tub Mcaet is retusxed if Jatxe's Carminative, does not produce the most decided benefit in ("holies. Sick ILadacl.c, Griping Pains, Diarrhea and all derangements of ths Stomach, and Dowels. .For bale at No. 23 South Third street. "5 It Never Faiij. The American Hair Dye nev er fails, when used as directed, tj change the hair from any other color to a I c it.TuI auburn or j"t black. iSvild at No. 2J Suv' 1 Third street. ' Pur- If-1ft' c r f f P' pre c'-i"-d bv t' is. Jav.e' VenmrcuBcure irritation of email 1 u.j.,.s. J. 1 'I !-;!ir !rr i : !' jr-g a'l.cu!.: y t. : 0 t j tl.j L . J Souta Th.rd t..Lt. Asthma or Phthisic is caused, by a lodgement of phlegm or mucus in the air 'cells, which oWlrucls the passage of the air through the wind tubes. Jayne1 Expi'ctor&nt removes the obt-trurt:on, with the greatest facii.t, cr: 1 t -.res tl " ! -'""ve at 1 -r-n. It is prepared at No. ) V ' '; 1 . . ' ' . t. Coup:: 3 and Com J ! p IeaTnt r ' errt l'4i r--: Lr : ! !' ' . r;:.'. .j. lions. Prt; .rc J eU'i'j.L j ;'. r.li T..lri it'-. -1. Eao.vcnm3, Cov: ", Cl-n-tviticn. T1.out: die annually with tl.c abuvc il.iUJt. June's llx. jtectoraut never fuiljlo ri.Iice, u:,J riiiam ntly cures nine out of tc n who usj ii E.i t.tfu. Pre pared at Nc. 20, South Tl ;r 1 t'r-. l. Worms Dstp.oy the I.r only of children, Li:t rf " prpsia, Emaci..-i...r., C.-r.," horrible tnin rf ttv " '' fugc to le had at No. J i onlv rtmcdy " i.wJi tj 1. hcjlli. " . ., . j a .. t., la t '. ' r ' . 1 j Lo;.oL Jiri io.v, AnO.Nv..n 1.-, ;.. :a.- . ..o rcr.. has e vcr btt 'i f.und tircr..jve tlie a!. Jt c ui promptly and allbctnally as Jayne1 I2rpectpr"-t. clcanws Iho lun. ivt.r all irritating matter.'1, w . at the fame time it heals nnd int:-:r t"3 tl.cr Prepared at No. 20 South Third street. Cnoucs andFb"tti's orlxrXT". Evrry r should have -Jayne's Carminative. It id th' thing they nccdr their thll-rcn 3 il ir.: . cures ti Cuolic and allays all irritation i.f t!. ac'-. l:;J Dowels. For sale at No. i) ; 1. . The above rJici;.3 tre pal. , i ; . by . ' ' PATTON O. ' 0 - August 231844. . fll; : vtry ...Liy f:m "k hird ;t Thr subscriber offers -for pale, the 'SULPHUR bPKlNGS, in liuncnmbe county, N. C 41 mil:3 west of Afcheville. He cannot, within the hmits cf an advert ipem'it, give a f 11 dv script;., a of the pre. mi-fs or cr ' - of t'.c w; r, f.r.t will content him tclf by Fiio' that ths v.::' r'i EQUAL TO ANY LULPLUll WATER . in the Southern countrj, taid by tlie b"?t of juHgr-s to be the same as the While Sulphur in Virginia, only not quite as strong, and its effects mach approved of by ii me. entire crp-iy whil.sve fre;'ac:.u uie ' ana is loca'a n r"j of t'c bet cli.mates in the , rlJ, and forti:- 'ly, the vwf-l wa1rrir,'T jlacc (. , a l.L-lLhycl ....:.) U tl.e t-.tli and oi.ii;. v.-etT" :at.!i and i., .siiuatvJ c.i c.e cf Ihc most Z2c::::ir:Z bl3 in i.'.c ,Joi::i:l:i -r - Country Persons who I tvc br-n at the r ce know th:.;, ctl.cra wishnj top ?rs hvll.J to.cc.je and cx&n. ine for tliernl ! rf o. , . , ... - T'-- : , .....' . . " - i s .' ' " ' . . . : a in. Jtn . iuvvi,., ul tut; place ccmmcncea in the yc-rlLH3, and arc no quite cxtenbive, and has been wr .1 patroni2cd, and a fud house every year since. ; i here ii altac'ictl lo the establishment about LCI) IlCrCS Of Ltlllil (besides mountain lands ad joining) 00 of which are susceptible of cultivation and produces abundantly. Also, a tuhjciency of nmraie ineacow lanus ior tuc entire s-rpport tf the place.' .... ... J; ,, J Tho suWriber propo-s j(j 8CU the j!i ?? cr.i' - r one half (al the option ef t''e pnrchiecr.) f pt the purchase money wih'-jin six njoMJ.s.o.-.", . , and three years f ,j the remaining, and pcih; 4 1 er, with interestfrci that time, and a pirt v.x 1J to aken m negro poorly if ccsircd If a tale i ef fected an indipputable ti'Ie will be made. . The undersigned proposes to lake bids (private) either by leXter or personal interview on ihc prcmiiM , until the mcctin trf the Legislature in Columbia, f. C, in November next, at which time and place Le expects to be in attendance ready to treat with 3ny pcrwn wishing to purchase. v .Tha subscriber -would merely remark "that the wish to sell is not caused by any discouragement, but owing to a providential loss in his family, which causes A settlementcf Hi?" pro; r-rty V -irablc; and further, lie would iaylo his fii.r,-, L.at should he not effect a sale in daa tin', they may expect to flad him here n?xt M-8on in gwa readiness to receive corii(tny, and with fi.ilher iinpr vtLatnls; and ehoald he eell lie would expect to j ..jain, una year with the purchaser. Apply in time and pet a harrain n. de.vveIl' Sulphur Springs, N. C, Oct: 18, 1644. 1 Zi 218 ' istrAc orrorlIi Carolina. ciieplOxee county. - : ;cori:T of tleas ASD QrJASTEE'SESSIO.NS-.. William G. TiJac:: 1 Original Aitaclmeat lexi. . eilci a cro lj railed L-.ount x. i id well. r. . Itarfearin5'lo the. ni'.'-,,n ,r(t.r 1 ... S3 - ..-.ul.nu,i ,i UCVUUIUJUI l..e dclendant, Llount N.TicTwcII, is not an inhabi tant of tliis state: it istherefure ordered, adjud-red, and decreed that publication b made in. the High land MessergT, for sixjrjceeewceks. for the defendant to apjjear'at tlie next Court of Picas and Quart-r e?sldn to Lc opcneJ and LtlJ for the coun ty of Cherokee,; al the Court-house in Murphy, on the 1st Morstfajr in 'larch; next, then aod there Ao plead, answer or demur, 'otherwise judgment pr? confess will be ci-tcred cp against b!m, and the prol perty levied on condemned tu ihe plaintiff cse. ; i Witness, Dairar Weeks, Clerk of our said Court, alofHsp;the let JMondiv in December, A. JJL, 1841. ' - - . " " DUURY WEEKS, C. C. C Di.271344. - IPrfttrS3 25- ' CV3Zi - to t;::: riioicGoi:::; c To jv-ia ti.o r.--r.--Ex LrnxAir 7 ' . of tLefezs rrr" ' - A yiu have, r r. for rcrp,"Tt- C. -t cc-cr.t rl . . i: i rank cf A: . ,i;;n j ri ' ca! ; r !s r ' doe your own i.-: - t' ; :i , . give it that tctJc r 1'. it v. ti u. . sr.cces und.-r gr.-l 1 ' . . i t :.i..i j I; It u f !!hed monthly, ct .' .'Ive tl-.Ir ptr ar.r.- s advsncc, Mi:'r ' rc . . f 1 'M'f r-'-'Vr- t. r; I ; t' 1 1 r rf t, (' , . e ct t . ".' t ; i! ' ' 1 '! f r 1 ' . t l-ir-c t ;, : contain nreit vari f " Mill. -; . rwr i ..:J , 7!l.-. v . .r l" A ' ' wl.vti c..ri I..., . '" - i!, ir r.i i . -5 r-J v.l. t f ' " t . Tt BE that will ' ii t:. . li : V.. . . l .1 : 1 1 c V. '1 1' rvr! -. It ! t...e ana i,., a.w&f t.c.n. ; ir.tt r Lr:d Ij jpj f ? ' . r rr- and dcUrinim J t .t, ,.'c r v;e .1 at ten thousand e' - : ' . a fc. - . . cf tl. -e ho can easily t.'ii-. J i; ; ar.J v. 0 . V 1 i.ij cf every cro who Las the 1:1 e -: v our iCbrts. This 11 the time for tC -v. i to come in, as we Lave nearly completed t'.c I 1 1 J.ae. . EDiTOi:oFTiiEME3:,::Nr.; . Richmond. Va N'qt. 1814. ; 1 . tlfrlvcte 2 ZJcpczrtura o e . AT AXD FROM ASIIEV1M.!.. EA .'TrrJ.Y From Salisbury I a A ion, arrives iy, TucsJjy, r ' y 3 a.m. Ar ' -.vca Tt .: 'y.tt a. :. ; . ; ..1 " -! .iv ( . '. 1 1 1,1 I lor . ( iUu.. . -. . f. m.j ...... day an '. ." , . . From A- . .1'. .-. t m - ' . hor( .. . rrivts Wcv1 - ' - ' v U r. m., 1-r( s Mo:i.! y tnd 1 1 Frr.M A.-l.:viilj I ) Murgant.. i i arrive i r.l.iy l r. hat s W ' r. ;;. L-:. . ; back. .' 1 .. so utiiee:: r. .:, n. c.f fji:r l,-rc ci ifi.r . j , Ti. '.--! ;y j ar, J S-lali.rJ.iy, 10 r. . Jiy.Tucs; dav and Trivia', 4 a. J.. ' " ' WESTER!: f.cm A" t) V..::j f..-g's, , f ur horse cdaclits .' daily. 4 a.m. - , 1 A, M.t From Ashcville to Citl.ey'H ("1 1 lv, i 1 V:: '.. . r't 'prings-lcai 1'ji ' v,Ga. , iiiivt Saturday 7 r. . " . ' - ' P:!rn?villJ cr. (' ' '-rr . !; nz.h r.rc c:rrici cn bore,!.-'-. ' t sj Ti-o v": 1 'i 1 .l arrives every Frl-'-y rt 12 1 ' tuiA h.. v.3 tiiiac day tt 1 o'vi-, TL ; " ' j licrc;if:er will bc.cpeneJ. .t, r... diyf-rtl. t. ..vtry of K Iters und ivi-ktf, It. 1 8 and 0 o'clock a. m. M. I'A2"aO l , A'icviile. July .'). IP 13. i ATTENTION! T T l, ... y, y.i.ip . ; w v. IlAtsr. n J ll. !r cheap store to l. , .. :.!;( :-t. ,,. J 1 y 71r. r.Iofitravilie Pr .... ' . j rerrntly by ll.o piinting cilice, where t! I 1 rtctived a large ond beautiful ttock tf French, and Ameriran Good?, cw-' '.: j i ; t!;e following articles : DRY GOODS. Trench and ri!;lili u;.r. v. v.. ' Cloths; blue, brown, and ttetl mijrc J C '' beaver and pilot r.k,i!) fi-.rovcrco.it. ; i and rii.'.J Cueii.i''rK and Katinct.s, (a ;. t!e; Kentucky Jcan a frr't vrr' V. 1 circle tlmrr.'y srrl Iymc! -n f '!,"(. 4 ' ' 1 rtl- i3 fr r tl rTn's wear.) 1 '! r- I f ,f 1, iiint, VL.hr.tii, :i 1 : f ". -g vt:4 '-. 111. irk ' f','1" ! ; I". I .!!?."; i.', ,a h:itr ; V: l-'Jl ; ti! ' , f'i .l' ' : I"- n Cl.::-ms cnJ ll ! :ir.(.-, (a, e! ' lv i.v-w lir.d fplcndid artielj f,r lau ic -s !r LlacI; Itaho.i fills; fracy tiiLs ; Fir.cli a- J A. can prir.t", ch- t laidit, ai.d tti. -,(ir- t. , and handsdme.) Jllack, blue, f . ' ,1. ,J v,i.,.:( I.' Jaoiift; i , j.Ial.r, t Larrr ! ; 1 1 " 1 ; 1 inuVn3 j 1 ' i;i nnd f gu;. J ; ' !!' i. f !l ; v ir c o , bo'.iin tjl.-r''- 'J ' 1.. - ; i t'.:i : I ' ;i: 's end laC(.f, 11 t -it r, - ' v wort! an ! ! b.. ' ca,. ' ar: J i hari.' ho -. "y 31; 1 !jc!s c-J J y;..; ;. 1 ' . i I - !ivg F-prrj (;r .. j - ! i ' ' . ; f:t;n ar 1 u- r4' ! ' Il.t t 1 Frf.ch cp-ati. i ( . z'. j' 1 f.u.'-y t tl: I. - if.''-; .1 j .r.- , an.! i, .. . ' " ' " " L ii ' 1 v ' : 1 t ' rv. . c r -.! 1 ' til's c:rl I.. mills; Ll jv-.i arid u I.. . ,..t and Lid glj . -; r ' men's ujtr. shit and t. . ,iJ gloves ; suppr'. black Ital.-in h wirg '...is.r.d tr. '.-t- . colors do.; padding, K'.-sia duck ar. I 1 bombazine and tatin pliin and farys. t'.' : . " eo:;:;ets. , Ijeghorn, open willow, French , trim:..' - ' "7.. Alpine, Amazon willv, Deavon straw, Ti. Lcncycor.i!., i.r J Lawn Lonni-ta, (rcmu.ALly tl. and Landco.-.c.) ' juts. ; , E'r-i, Hack, drsp, jljln and r-;ej'f..r 1 , (-Ti run-' r';uMy , r! --p ; Igliorn, P. r . pa!."i 1. its; cl .tli.tif J,i.: .hair, and f.:rcjps. IIARDVSAEE AND CUTTLERY. Knives art'! f:l at- - r.cti; f n ar.d por !.f t Lr.i . raps and fl'-s; (' i;,-,-l i"- " h cr-''rg r- mowirgFylhc.v, 1 ' r;C.i ; I - f.. i . ..... Crawly, C t: , r 1 ' !; . .t i. . 4; l..1 irtr.3 ; irn t t ; , ' r 1 1 - ! I 1. uw ; tar ; I xcs ir.Jln 1 s; 1, J I . " ' ClCJA, Lo.t i I, I ,..!. L. .. , assorted; toil. lie ! I.-.. l.. . ; . . . , .Lv. .; 4; rnaiL. ,0 . l. ..... r v. hi; .i, Lc. EOOES AH I . , LcUcr and cap ivr.l . ; r ; : ; :J c'.! tr school books. Ice. drv a n and :i;:dl;ixer. A Tirc Report;..' - t, f. ..rrl-'rg e:.-fcr oil, i;' -. l''rp--'.:.T, l'c., v f r-.'f A.r.'.!3 f.r fa::.:,' 1 t " t , itli 1 r-. ..- r . Ji'j::.- s never tefrj 1. . 1 -fi- 't! , ! ' ', li.i., i.,....in)f ijc. 'v'h '.3 1 r'-l l'-i . ' jragT, PruJan L?"", clir.T.:-grv m t- "go, mi'Jder, cnpera t'..-.j, Lii.-. 4 --.- ' - . ' r',ir..'. c(J.; n, r'" r, r, g-rger, r jr"?, rv"' V.I ''. -- V . , r.f.nr.: ri": '.". 1, J'' ' A hrg as8.iMm:'t cf .. tn ! 1 1 ::-Lr43- j shoes, ladies', l.ctl m ,r'eo sr 1 kid t' ' tir.'j il.'-v per', boy's find r j: - - ' jL. ' s ari 1 L' L.z. , , ; Er iron eid plo1'" -t Ci-'-irg. r ' -, f and u;pcr Jeail.er, (a rt rale article a- It" s TfO IT'inJred I -.les cf ccllcn yaT f ber, together wisii every other arti-.lj ' in stores in tl i country, i-Jes many c".' - -io Ihc Irad?. and never b'.:'.T5 inr " 1 4 , t marker, which wi.I be solj at o-jr U 'JA I.LV rAV' rPJCE-S fjr CAbll or the produce ( f t' - t -j. and while, we tender to our fri-nit i. ' our warmest tbar.ks for the kird ptr:- . -' fore tcy'owcd on uh, Wc rarrs"Lt!y rol'-ita' t ation'of .tint i-atrorfage, being d. tr rrr, ir. Jl t . Leil . iheirirjterert to tra'i; iLfi us. We will r; ;;r- ., of the produce ui the cour.lry. in cjf roods. ds, for which the Liz'.it,t price will La ri,L,.i" I for ca4-1, goo-'? .will t t'M 1 1 ri-r t -1 r-"-! and not iJ tiLfati, uLLcniion. , --v. we ; i to y. -i . .... : .j . "" t ii :: . . and txirn.:.e tur stork and priv s b i" r - -5 j : ; . ; .v,illia:i i i Ol. ;t ! !Ahevnie, April 5, le41. tf r i Jr"mrf ' j - f , I' JCiS ... w . Avm m 'L' . Wisri to . purchase Wool, Tt V. 1. -. -, 1 Tallow, for which goodj at the L .. ; givsn: - ' - - . ' fa io 1S44. . Several email.; netrroes, r-.!; 6-.J f.;;ial? ; -j lento twelve years oii. on r.jl t-., , I . , tlie .subscriber,' three inilts. tat cf A.l.c v'....,' c TIIOj.T. PATTO' Have You zrzr. Tried it 7 If not, Jo not delay jut': cr ; L; u. J imiacd.iately ; if.yoa have bcea " - ' t - ' I 1 - v -j ' ' - ;.i ;