1 i V P. V 7ILLT3,- ( 1 1 A , THOS. W. ATiaN, EDITOR AND Pttb?RIETOR- I , C3Ji3 : fS - i y II L J U J Two Dollam and Firrr Cr.:.:i per twca in ? I J ranee, or Tirsrs Dollam Within the year, ; II paper w'.Tl le discontinued, except at 13 cpu ( lien of the Editor, until all arrears jes are paid. v Ad7crtLmcr.U vill be inserted at Oxt Doiaae per K-"ir3 cf tea lines cr I: t hr the fret Insertion; and T'-"nT-rrv Cr.vrs f ,r leach conlinaaneei 71. 5 r.er.t-r c i. .:r:i".s fired must te cirtcd (it': : r 'n.crlLe adrertialpent will be contino. l J ,. J...J carzed aceonxinriy. . uourt ur J "I L : c!.arred twenty-fi per cent eztra. , ' . , for announcing the name of ft candu I .:.zz la C2 -0, in'advance, or C3 C D if payj '. , XicU be delayed." " ; " ':.', t ijj' '( "' j ., V .-1 1 Letters to the EJItor must esja free of pottage, j. lo Insure attention. !J ' ' -, ,' '! : er-' ' ' , 1 y 1 "1 A Thrilli5 : Sketch. , - 1 night of terror and a love scene in Paris, J 1 v'?s startled by a tremendous uproar en the c -.ilio cf tha hcepital-itha drum: L : at a ?, tuid the'garrison hastily mustered, tho; . ;o!alIoa poured into the streets, .csd a tt;w.j zr. rtsrtlirj li.t, in ell tha cass. -rr.sr.'.s, iowcJ thit totr.3 ji;rcat conflagration : .f.ai ju:. Lrn: Tha inte'Iigerice r was oo.i crc-J t!.-t t! i ilziz da yi!!?, the noblest builJir int!.2 c:tjfa fins fj?:i men of Italian jarchitcct-73 cf t! 3 e:vcr.icccth century, and ccntaicisj c:.. ; i:. - ---ar;T,!3 pictures by jths Italian masters, cr. J a chief. d'ecurre of Ilu. had been tzl en firej by a bomb, and . ivts r.3'.7 in a blaze from battlement to groundJ l Tha next intelligence was'still more painfulJ ' .The principal convent in the city', which jwaa close ia ls rear, had taken lire ; and the un-j -fortunate cuss were seen iv "the windows in V - tV.i rnnkt imminent rfan?r; cf '-liin". ' ' 'Icellcas I was, I immediately Tha . Esuir.3 rushed ia at the rr.omcr.t, vvrir'.- "Lcrtands and uttering cries cf' terror ct tha prc-iLia destruction of . ail thos3 unhappy '.wonrcn. -1 volunteered thy services, which : . were accepted, and I hurried out to. assist in ' eavinj them if yossiMe. The spectacle was rer'.vhelmin. r ' - :: ;. ' " Tha Hotel ds'Ville was ajlarge and nearly ' ir.;uhtrd building, with a kind of garden walk r: :--thrca cf its tides; which was now filled with tha populace.:. The garrison exhibited ell ;!.a activity of the national character io Jr elbrts to extinguish the flames. Seal. 3 b jicrs were cj-plied lo he windows, men (..jur.ted them, thick as bees ; fire buckets .rc passed from hand to jnnd, for tho fire ;s had been long since, destroyed by the cannonade; andr there seetnei to be some i.apa cf saving the structure when a eucccc. cf cgonizing screams fixed every eyecn T. : c.'zvcnt, wkerc the fire jhad fjund its v. ay . j '. 3 st-res of wood and gII, ar;J shot vp like ' z i r; ! . -ioii of gunpowder TL ; cjrls cf i were now turneu 50 save ir.3 ccn. r I lj.a btensa fury of tho Cafr.e defcaU Tha cCili"."! Ic-'isrs no .M -Itched the casements than they took , -Very CC'V rut sivent down a flame Artillery was now brought out to -::ch the wtlls ;j but whilo there remained a JrcJcsJ,Cfty human beings rjjhin, it : irrpc:sibIo to make use of the guns. All ."irts at last ceased, (and ' the' horror was ;r.ed,.if such' could be, by seeing now i tt.ba a'distracted figurb rush to the case. ty toss up her arms, to heaven and rush Sir-ua with a ho.tvt of d::rpair. ! -rc-crl to the French ,c fleers that t! ey !l!iusdsr tha foundaticrs, ar.l thus) ' . : 1 a vray to escape ' ' ;h . th3 vaults. ) til:--;! w:3 r- ii " 1 -.3 iIU-js. ': cf all tha rett. i. :r3too ma;cive l:r cur ttrcrthj r-d t' , '-"se and epade v.:ra thrown as;J. ... t -Ir. From tha si-!:-a w!.:-h cs-.v 1 ta rci-n within and t..2 trr.o8 r.:c from tl cr.scmscts, rc .1 tbattha t z. j-y ccci--d i and hlcgaa ta I i t'..-1 f-.3cf tha t.:3 lv-5 cheers wero "thoil to "limber cp their I -1 and retire, when I begd their chief to r:.ba ona trial more end fira ; at a ,huga ircn - icor which closed a lofty archwayjeadirg to tha Hotel da Villa. ; Ii3. carrplicd ; a tix round ball was sent t?r ' :" th3 door, and it Cewo2 us hinges. '-To tha boundless exulta. 1 lioaaaa astonishment cf til, vro saw the ef- feet cf this fortun?.t3 Lst: in tha emergence cf tha whole body of tha nuns from thssmok ing c( the shattered building. .They j had fccca drhca step by step: from tho intend: to xha long stone.built passage which' ia old times Lid formed a communication with the . town, zzl which hii probably not been used for a century. -Ths troops and populace now rush I-ta t--5 Ilctnl da Villa la meet and, con "vcy ia pliccs cf safety.- I followed r. !'h t tame object, yet ' with some'.' unac . fueling that I had a personal inter. t L . ; : :izs The halls and apartments - ,cre ca a hvja and heavr "scale, of ancient rtimes.and l wcj mor3 thanj once bewildered ia ranges cf corrl-:rs C!!cl with the grim fe- ' liqucs of civic magniCcenoe, fierce portraits of forgotten mea cf city J fame, potcntious burg'-s" r tnallcJ captns cf traia bands. TL v "happy women 'were 'at length gathered : from I'- difTereiit gtlleries to which they had , cc-tlc: 1 ia &ir fright,, and were , mustered . - at tha b-i( f the principal entrance,' at whose - fact the escort was drawn up tot their protection . But the terr-rs cf that Lar.'. l.t VC,-3 not yet ct tner.J. The To'..i cf the coLf.,. graticn!.- J ctrght the eye of the bcseiger, ac J a wlzlz .".ight of ish:!' ; were seot in its dircci! Gome bun: : . tl.a street, putting tha p?pu!ace to T-' : ,n every siie; and while the wcrr.- . n the point cf rush ingdown tha t.i:r, ..j.s!j v-- ' rd above, and an cnorrr.cji tl.tU Viti '-, the roof, carrying down thsttered rafic. . :tones, and a cluud cf dzzl. The battens Lnd found our range, an J a succession cf shells burst ." ,i above our heads, or tore the way downwards All was cow . confusions- and shrieking: A lergth cr.a fell on the centre of the escalier, rolled dawn a few steps and, bursting, tore up the whole stair, leaving only a deep gulf be tween cj and the portal - The women fled back through the apartment. "I now regard ed all as lost, and expecting the roof to come down every moment oa my head, ans hearing nothing around me but the bursting and hiss ing tf those horribla instruments of havoc, I Lurried through the chambers in the hope-of finding some casement 'from which I might reach the ground.1 .They wera all lofty and diCIculi of access, but I at IenB;h climbed up to -one, from which,' though 20 or SO feet from the path below,; I determined to take the plunge. I was about to leap, when to my in finite surprise, I heard my name pronounced I stopped. I heard J tho words1" Adieu, poor tonjours!". Alt was dark within the room, but I returned to discover tha rpeaker. 11 was a lemaieon ner Knees near tr.a ense ment, and evidently preparing to dio m pray er. , I took her har.J arJ led her passively to. wards the window ; sh0 wore" the dress xf a nun, and her veil was on her face. rv As she seemed fainting, I gently removed it to give her air. A sheet cfi flama threw a broad light ocrccs t!,3 garden end in that fca ! cav :o my cra:s. . Our escape was accomplished soon after byjonecfjthe scaling-ladders which was brought at my call ; esd before I slept, I seen tha Lzir.i in whom mv very existence was concc-trttcd, EifJy 1- 'j, J v.i:h t! 2 nri :ira1 family in tha town. Ci.-pt, c'! 1 I cay? I never rested for an instant.,'. Thoughts, tsvc ric3, a thousand wild speculations, rose, (ell, chased each ether through my brain, and all left rhe feverish, half-frantic, and delighted. At the earliest moment which could be per. mitt; J by tha forma!i:ir3 of France even in a , besieged town, J Cevvj! to Clotilde. Sho'rci ceivcJ ma with tho candor of her noble na ture. Her co'jntenanrc brightened with sud den joy as sha approaclicd rao. In the salle Cc rccc; tL:i sha sat surrounded by ilia ladies cf tha family,' still f-!l cf inquiries on the rcri!3 cf tha night, ccrgrslvhtions on her rr.arvc"c-3 crccpa, ar.d na slight approval of tha cIT-ct cf tha convent ccstuma on the con tour iof her fine form and expressive features. My tr.trance produced a diversion in her fa vor, tzl I r;z3 showered with showy speech, es'from tha seniors of thecircle ; the younger portion suddenly relapsing into that frigid pro. priety which the Mademonsillo retains, until she becomes the Madame, and then flings ofl forever likxj her girlish wardrobe, t But their eyes took , their full share, and if linces at the Erglb-r.-n'' coIJ hava been transfer, red into .words, I should have enjoyed a very animated conversation on the part of . the Jeuncs tnnooences." But I shrank from tho panegyric of ' heroismV cs it was pronounced in all tones of courtesy ; and longed for the voice of CIctilia alone Tho circla at' last witnarewana l was leu totno most exquis. ite enjoyment of. which i the mind cf man is capablethe fullfahdnnd f.i.ful outpouring of the heart cf tho woman he loves. Strange losay, i had never exchanged a syllable with Clotilda before ; and yet we caw as deeply understood each ether -were as much in each ether s canliJence, ana had as. little oi trie rcruleivo ccrcr.ionial cf .a first interview, as if wa had conversed for years. i thirteen free men of : color, who came here ca board vessels from the freo states of tha Ur.iaa,. were jestCTday placed ia confine- merit by the 2d Municipality pcli suance of the . act forbidding free persons of eclor . to. come within the limits cf the State. Such an impertinent interference with our in ternal laws as that of which Massachusetts has been guilty but tends to increased vigilance on the part.of our police in these matters. iV. Or-Ficayune lOiA inst j - : Lines " written by ' a young girl of London, 11 years of ag?, on the suggestion to erect a ttatua in honor cf Henry Clay, by the ladies ' ' Erect it yes, erect it, ' '" Tis in a glorious cause ; 1 And millions wiljj respect it, ' As passing they will pause To look at that great Statesman, V-. ;. Who rny years, ago, ; T; . " , Had saved our dearest country, . . V From ruia end from woe. v ' ' 0 And let tha stone be pure and white i!': As svgUcss as his heart ; ; - i ' f Although hia rr.iad so rich and bright ! ' We can't to it impart ; . 1 We'll raise it to his memory, ' - And countless years 'twill stand, But yet as longtne name ci ywy , Will live throughput our land- ' About fire o'clock . ca yc . : r Jay (Friday) r.'.orning; ar - txt cf Cr . . - p"v:afj and a iwa stor ,;rr.e housr?, r. ' j Daniel Baker, IiUq , and cccupie i z : '. . sly Thos. J.Anderson, was discovered ;i .-'.!y on fire; fromj top to bottom. Before it could be arrested, a small new framed house next door owned by Mr.'D. Carver, took fire, which burnt rapidly, and endo it cccesnary lo blow cp the next small frame, ' a new bouse owned by D.- Carver, Sr. j The block cf two brick houses, owned by f.Ir. Zadock Borroughs, and occupied by himself and Mr. David McDuGe; as stores, were burnt to the bare walls. The house' next the bricks, occupied by Mr. Thos. Lutterloh was sived by great exertions. Mr. Thos. LutterIoh8 goods are much damaged and.'wasted but were insured. !.f r. Burroughs houses were insured for O1CC0, worth 01509. He and Mr. McDufie lost considerable by ivaste and damage of goods. Ttos. J. An dewoa lost every thing in his store, as did also both the Messrs; Carvers. Every thing was dorte thit could be done, considering the mise rable organization, and want of. unanimity (of which we shall speak hereafter) to save the property, It is with j regret that we mentica that a valuable citizen,' Mr. Ilervey Leete, :was dangerously wounded by ra:r.2 timbers cf the housa that .was. Llawn up. He h ciid ta be on tlie recovery.' -The wound is on - the back partN?f tho skull, in a very vital part. It h lo ha heped ha js out of danger.t : P.!any suppose the fire an act of incendiar- is m FayetUrttle Carolinian , Jan. 1 8. A' child was left upon a gentleman's door step in Rochestcr,N.,Y, some days since, nicely packed in a basket, and with a cote conlainir: G10 tbasoxwords "More will 1.3 cent when tl.i is exhausted" .The gen tleman aslcs which, more money or more babies! Urazicli nint, Charlotte, IT.' C. Letter form the Secretary of thf Treasury, transmitting a copy of a Letter from the Li . rk'tcr rfihz Zlir.i ct Philadelphia). .. - Td ha suet Department, " - Dcccr.lcr 17, 1GU.' Dra : In ccmplianpe with v. re'J.uturof the "House cf Ileprcscctativc3 c tha Cth m start, I have the honor to transmit a copy cf a-tetter received from tho Director cf tha Allot at rhiladeiplua, accompanied by " an estimate of the cost of again placing the branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, in a condition for rcrurr.ini its operations.11 i ; I remain, very respectfully, -? GEO. M. BIBB, - " Secretary of ihz Tr?ir. ri: The Hon. the Speaker, . ' Of the Ilcuse cf Eeprc::. .,f Mint: of tiie Ukited. States, . ' , Philadelphia, Dec. 11, .Sir: Inhave now the honor to r:;',' to your, letter of the 7th instant, requesting rr.a " to furnish the department, as early ca rr.sy be, with an estimla of the cost cf again r!i cing tha "branch .mint" at Charlotte, North Carolina, in a condition for rceurr.irg 1:3 ct - erations." ' 1 From tha oHicirs of the Charlotte mi:.:, and from a special acnt sent frc;.i l.zrc, with your epprcbation, to examine inta l!.a state of the machinery, I have obtained, as I believe, all the requisite information as ta tha amount of damega done by tha firs v,hie!i re curred on the 27lh of July 3sst. Of the main building, it may ba c; that nothing is left that can bar:- 2i except a portion cf tho materia!:-, "r 1 :! of the old foundation. Tha c:-l JM.. . vrerci all saved. : . In the. department ; cf tha rvr " t andjlreasurer, the coin, bu'.iien, c::! furniture, books and rr::.3 v'cr3 ' lb the essay department, end ia t! inTrbom-. but litt'a ir" :rv ", e3 ce-e. I a 0 - . separating rcer.i t..a l::..-:..: consjderabla ; tnt all tha!: :z rf : andVnaterial can ba replaced vithcut rc::rt to apy netv epproprbtion. ' Iri the coiriet's department, t. " :m cn. gine was but slightly injured, and r:. zy ba put into' working order at a small cost. The shafting may be repaired, and alroVhe hous. ing and gearing of the tolls.- Tha draw.bench is so m'uch icjured that it will be expedient id reMace it by a new one. Of the cutting- presses, one can be r2paired, but the other must bo replaced. Tha cc::.: -rr--e3 are pasid rcpnir: but one caw pr. . . . iil ba quite sufficient for the work., Tho milling-machine and Jlhe rolls are destroyed. Io regard to tho new building which it is nroriosed "to erect, tha superintendent, Mr. Caldwell, has cr":--eJ -A va: re. as well.as the economy, ct cer...r.:ng u ia one story abbe the basement. All tha cperct'eni coulcl be amply provided for ia this arrange ment, white they would La mora direct!;- tn- der the view of the :rs, na tr.'.:3 ce.-.ven. ience and safely secured at the s U:r.e. Having' called for preree::er."l cdvica end assistance. I send voa, herevi".!;, p!"-"3 cf tha proposed building,-with full pee.eet;cn3, and ; a detailed estimata cf ti.3 c- whole amount is C2),CZd. I also send es'iiates, ia detail, cf tha cc:t of . the new machinery which v.ji!I be r.e:J-d, and of the repairs required to the" old ; Jti.a whole amount of which is $10,003. . K . ;arv fer r!af the branch mint ct! Charletla ia a ccn a for resuming its operations'" is, thcrtf-ra, C3 simatedatCCo,CC3. Very r-rpectfully, ycur fsithful ssrt'tf R. M. PATTE?0:it Dirccter Hon. G. M. BiE3, " ! Stcrelzry cf tb Treasury - V Estimate for the rebuilding and maclJrry cf the Branch Hint at Charlotte, ZIecLLz.1 Birildin Remcivic rubbish of old building, and , rebuilding base. Brick work, 1 j ': o r i 4,CC3 2.C03 623 1,750 1,000 ec3 CZd 4C3 2,CC3 Carpenter's work, t Lumber, j , Plastering. Ironmongery, Blacksmith's work,' Roof, ' ; fclona work, , Rocgh-caetinj, Gutters,. I ;' Stone work, 1 t Contingencies, Tctil, 3,c;3 i!jc.,.:::r ' ta 'd, end cost cf r.; team crri--1, main shafk, ccL , ,', , . C d Roll housings and gearingi, Chilled' rolls, (new) ' "jj Poinli. - rIij, (r..w) ! Drar-.' V.., (rzy) j Shcrsr-, i i Cutti. 4 :e,(cna r.eTv) riii"r -'- , - : Pre:j,(r.a;v) 3,Q0 : 200 240 2C3 c:3 73 3o03 200 !;ar;ir' and hangers. . Cleaning, anncalipgtnd other - furnaces, -1 , Grinding-mill, (ne'.v) - 7r. Larga h:I:a, ' i e:;j;rc;t, . 500 :S33 CO 1C3 15 150 350 1C3 C5,915 . 1 i;i'.:3, . , ; . . Vices, , . . ". Stocks, teps, and dyes, . Blacksmith tools complete. v -1 Pump end well repairs, Contingencies, j 1 ,w3 i 1.C23 Total ;io,c:3 nnCAriTULATTON. I C J j C - 3 !,1C3 . 1.CC3 ::.eb:.-ery, Pur") and well repair?, Tct-l- 4 Xmf : . JL- -1- - -i I Tnnss persons to m !.:r.i v.e ezM ro-s cn a cr'.t r".Lty:rf v.;: f'- '3n:." t t.-t it ;z.i a ,-.-' vc u-.,rf: 'rr. l.A t'..:;r dilU v:c:i t3 j ret. ! n V i M t.l Z:- ry. V.. t tf c:. . j it to l!.-ir rccr.:'.: " ' i. .3 tl.cn Ij cr.. z f . j i...lr i'.;3 fwr wl.it II. y r.. ray. - , ' ' . 3 , .!.-.i . z I i j : - v. ..1 Lj r. r-.i f ti yerrs ' only S. t.T2 I . ;;;; V.Te i. : t:. r.-t r c :n -1 C:t. ll, IZ'A.-'i . IV. -t::'s f : ' " J Tns cr -it:::- this day Wtd Ly .mutual consent, indebted 1 .- tlie coiccrn arc rc"-- 1 A!! per os tit..' J make paj i-iet to anlap. 3 lor- .-.:t All Lav! them lo L c1 t l..jccr.c"" . !. ;j. rJ. i January 11, 11 '' rhe underside J .'.'A c.-.l the old stand, erJ 1 t in hand will et'l 1- -j done heretofore : wishinjr to : fgrc-.:. ta - t:i crs v:ho I o !.' 1st Jan-: ir.r'. 1 i' If t' , f. -t acreei ,li tLcy &re e s to t!.e t?rrr.s .u'.h.; t: 2 t;UJ to ccn- o i- MJ ty nsts tre per: "-: :-., as it ia i-;'cr-tive t!.ey i" C r I - i t-crc.'.re :e alter.:.' -n i.i crJrta jrcrtzV "' c r C ' ' " " ' " t 17 -." r tl Tick or E-iLcl fr e'. , el. 1 r WILLI AT I J &u J,1U. Tha eppropriatin ncc - C ;'.::r-3t3tL: A:Lv-; . Passed I j : " :Wre cf IVri. Czrz' :, cii:: f;; . ; rIC!l izz.z- - j - rUBLIJ. .;; ' X To pravida far tr.cbi: g zz:r f. : ?z'-'.i end rsTelteti.a, Ue.t ta tha C.Ji Viz. "Ci:.::ii:.2C-.:rr.er, L:.'-i3 t!.a C.-: ."::.-:y ia Ker., 1C 13, ta cauea a rurrcy it ' - r ia, r:;h a vie; rf makirg a Turrpil;a V- : 1 ca Act emi.'.. :, t - provida f,r ti. j c " :'.i-a and ma:..:; : cf a Rever.ua fe r T-i : . : ' Returns In: ,! r. 1 laxibles to tha C! 2. For a Cari U em Cepa Fccr to Lura L ;r fiver. Acthorircs tha c, ...i. j ef V. j-ks iit" :l. -a cf Wi!.T.;ngtca fr ". iff ft. ';ta t! 5 c-e-int cf CC03,CC3 ia-.'.l' l 1 . To e.r-:r.: tha r.ev!:ed Statutes, en titled RcIi-.euiSeeieti rCm-Jwers then to appoint Trustees ta hold property and re. ccive donations. ; . ; 41. To alter the time cf hcldlrg tha Sj. jerier Courts cf Law and Equity far the cuur.:..e c. t.c:ir-ara ana uui..ora. . , 45. To nu.'.arira tha'making a'TerVpihe Road ia Wiikcj c"-vnty, and ta inscrpercta a company far l' it p urpcea. 40. Ccncnirg C.:'Ss r:.d Cr.:.-b':e. Makes the cC.cer liabla pr tha c.bt, hcn due dlliezence in collecting the sams has cot been used, notwithstanding the parson egainst whom such -'-.im' existed, mny ta cb!a ta pay tl.a . 47.' Sjrr--:r.:al loan Act pa; 1, c General Assembly cf lQ12-'43, cr.tl.l 'aa Act to by . T and cb!!.h a cjunty by tha name of McDowell, and to fix .the lima at which the Superior Courts of Law and Courts of Equity, and two terms cr tha ca.7 Jury Courts cf Pleas" and Quarter Sessions, shall be held ia tha counties comprising tha 7th Ju. dlcial Circuit. ": 43." Tocutherizathal.e:::. cf tracd- ditienal ter;-.a cf tha Court cf Pleas and Quar. ter See::er.3, ia end fbrths county cf Ca. tawb3, at which thcra shall ba no Jury trials. - 43. ' Concerning inspectors cf fiour ' Au thorizes tha appointing of an inspector in the town of Wilmington by tha County Court, who is to hold his oGce for tha term cf f.ra years- 'i '; 3. To cn-.end the 7ih ccctica cf tha Ra. viced Statutes, ; entitled GuarJian z Ward. 51. To repeal tha C:h ceetieii cf tha Re vice J S:atv'.:3." cr.ti:!"d an Act c "e:::-:n cri:r:ei end puni-.h.-r-T.':. : Z Pre v i : ; r f -.- t : . 3 r p p . : r. : .v. : r.t c f c a greeting C::;be. Ci, . ; tl. j t; peir.tirgpev. er tatha two principal Clerks cf tha Lcgiila lure, and reJ-eea tha number ta two, whcea pay iita ba CI p.r dr , .: 53. To amend tha C?:h rectioa cf tha Revised Smiutc,:, cniitleJ -:l:f County and Cjperior. .Tib. : R t-:.:-;..V. f.r nr.y c.V.eer to executa cry civil prccc:, cn nry persona attending ci-.i. 3 er:'..:p, d::rirg tha tinaa cf ieehv.e:-:.ptc :r a p entity cf C 5. , tl, To p:J.: tti.3 levying cf cxecutbn3 L-pea grov.i:.jcr.;3 Lof-ro they arc matured. Cj. To r-'.ive and cc a line a ia' ferca ca Ael p?.::ed in ll. i year 1CH, entitled ca Act ta nutherlna the laying cH and cetablishing a Turnpiha read f:ewiLajtea Lyneh'ji.a Ru:i) crfcrd county, ta tha 'arid aw Sail's ia F en combe county, j t. . C3. Concerning a Penitentiary. Declares 't pr:e? end expedient to have a decisive ex- prce-ioa'cf pebiia cpicioa upea tha subject, Laeed upea tha knav.leJja that tha fund ta erect r. V:'"''rry rr.u:t ta rci-cd by a di reel tax, and thcrcibra directs that ct tha next election f-r i..:rr.bor3 cf tha General As-em. b!y, every vc.trrj entitled ta vcte for a mera- er cf t!.3 Ueuea cf Commor.3, shall be at rty ta veta fr cr rjc.'.ari a Penitentiary. C7. To r-ge!D the 7C:h and 7let Rcgi rent cf North Careiir.a n-.iliila; ' ' ; . j rw, i n:.d c- i .-3 in ferca f.n izc-'r a r T:I-2, ceutled . r - cxtT I tha prcv .... C.. f .-4 .: u:. . . .;'jL " C: pa:': C":.J any, ca Act la cr.r.r. J n:i Act l-. :cf tha C- r:l As. Drummord r chapter lCJ,t raaaedcilbah scrnbly cf tha tta:?,. c:..i:!ed aa Act ta I - car. pera:ath3LaheL--:..:-ae::dendOf.a;- ' . r 1 c a :n " r ' , a :. 1 f. r ether purpoees. Tj "emend tha' ICCd ch--?r cf t' - - "a. Led L.ate'.es,cnV.e(l aa Act coce i. reve.r.ent cf ri.eri and creahe, : . : prevent cb tructiahs to their navigation. C3. For lh3 relief of tha biind, deaf, end dumb. Apprepriates, C:CC3 cnnualiyc.t cf tha Literary Fund far tha education cf these ucfortnr.ate Individuals.) CI. .To p rave r.t frea negroes and ma!at. tees from traCcking ia ardent rpirits. Di. rcctsa f.na cf C10 for the first ciTencc, end f-rtha saeend, to b3 inieted in ;:aj Zj( zilor Ceert cud fined cr impriecned ct tha direre lioau;f thaCa -rt. . ... ; . C2. f:. v-::.t-l tana Act peat: JlytV pre:::.t C:Vt:il Aa::mb!y, enti:::d : i c.tt:.:'.i that ; cf Cart'ret c.'.r.:;, ! ... C:r:-.eb-t ta Hy-a cLty. C3.' To prevent fre-:i ia I-r;:rg Erec lion issued by n, air g!a. ITr'atrate, and to J er??c'Jra3 tr- I praetiea cr taking i ... - "c:. . .-7 : I it r..j c. j tT i. i ..:y l:::Jc-, ia 2 naeerity al! t cf cecrrity f. r t a."..: under ciccL.i ( "zzt-tar;.:!' . hi.l.r-V cndtDf. iV, r-. , I , t ; p:-t-:t7 letleJcntabs -:-J cf I! : ::cu;::yta tb 01. tn!tm::.d t' ? reject cfCe. a . : . 2 t.."e. ! r-'a-'erapasr ie:: - - .a ti ..-.a thaiape.I,: ; Court next th tebcr .sa ercrTt . .'.'I i , . - -r C:-.bcr, that cemm!::: : bi ;:; i '.raturJaycf C:t ru C .1 t t y iaOctcbcr; f -t p:i l r t Committees shall centinua ia cT'ea ur.'.Il - - - a 3 ra : d .y l.e . .c I t- I ; . c... . 2 thjweJ c...:...:t c. I..1...J.. cf t' 3 rr.en-y thai rmy ct;; par. 1 It l..r: jr.:.r;:: t' t..:j -1 printed r- ! lV :!:.'. : d r-.e"g tha c: -'.!:3 J thct all pa rear, a ever four years cf r-a ihail adta r 5 t t:.a Ci.eo'.f : zlI ii.il JUhall rat Izl : ' cnahalf cf tha cr'Imttcd r :"X ta I a r I frera lha rtata. ...j - ; C. To !-::: -:::.) tha ricrlh: C.re.i. i :.. ' z: e: ! Larl -V ---.. l.ea. ; C r. t la eac? c 1 C IC 3,t. - t ' area cf v 1 T V;i.e n r : 3,C : 3 c r ib is subscribed fer era i!::!ared ince; -: ; 1 1 .: C3. Ia re!atiaa to tha Stata I.". l k - fines lha c.;y t; t'..j Li.:ar.;. C7. na' tiva ta r:..::.ri:c. ?.-" f-a t3 i ) c...::. . . I i.:t t I,'.- struct.ca ta t:.e r.a..-atiaa cj cccasIoneJ by tha crectiea cf tho . Ra.ilrc-J tridj3, cere, j tha ta;.. . " j tha ccprry t3C?:tt:ta a .: capacity ta cd.r.:. c." t' a c a..Jc:a ' t p.r2ga cf c:::!i;:..::::::".i zzi r.:;:.:d; : t:ljut::'w.;jr..... ' ail..-.' C?. ,."cr t 3 rera rpcciy td.cb.i-: .i a cf je.:Iee. At ' erinca t'..3 Judja ta rp; t a rpecial term cf Sepcrlef C:izt r. . t' i businccs cf tha civil docket caa.r.,1 L ' : e; ihb regular terra.' 70. .To codify' ta Act con: and free Persons cf ce!cr, p- . : . -( ?. ; -.7U,.Tpcmcrd.lha C::h cbep.er cf tha Rcviecd Ctat-tc?, and 4C;h taoti. j tft-Id Act. Rjitca ta tha inepeoliea cf ter4-. tlna. . ' '-V .tn cd 'i::ea ta lha Rcviecd calitlaJ ViiU end Tc::ar.:cnta, ta cm;:.d tha tinea, and ta rc;ej pirt cf tba K.h raetiea cf lha ftlc.I.eJ Ciaietce, cnll-l.d Landj l7 S ccnreJ debtors, j Authorizes tee'.atar f q-::ath every ir. tercet, cr.d c".'r:;!s a fr:a r ctroeiioa cf willa. '73. 1 Ccnoerningcgfr.acfC.erohcal.r.1'-. Directs a cepiieata tte:e;..e:.l cf til ..:.i.j, ta la r.:ada la tl.3 Ce -ptrwilar. 4 : Tl. To r hl :': 1M: caeiiea cf i' -4wth chapter cf th- Revised S:a'. - Au. ibeillca T..a C.-:i cf Hz,-' ; ts tppcint tl 3 trrra end rd-cVcf r': cT ti! prcpariy r.ida by a decree cf raid Court. . . ao c.m::.d ca Act paeeed tt 1..3 zz Seealea cf lb j C ::...-.! A: en Act ta taa-.d cn Aotca-rerr' cr3, ilcil-ed r: -Votes, ch-sptrr tl ), Gives tha pa .cr ta three Z-... Peace ta rppch-.S a Cerer.er t. I.-r ; i: vl,! :c..-, o:.d i: tball ba r.ae ca j 1 3 . .tii !.1j c.V.eial crpie.'iy. Z. TopreTent fre-? el e nt vc ti rg it ca inJ.'etabla ciibnea, leaving tha r . tali iC :rt. 4 7. !()(.. read ia t: 3i ca Acnne: 3 . . ccrr.m..-i,.a tO. iOC. f-it..jcf z"i tea T "'i ; a tha : I:- L.ii c:.i r:ga! e r f .f !accn,ta tacai " L' . ; :e c.7 tha read oa. -a ti. 3 C-I:ra.:d rr.a :- c:.J Soj-r cmerg tha Cba. j. Ihiictata. fE.t:en:3 t:' . . j cf tha Act cnoeor- ' , ... t j ia thij ttata, paced ia thayrar ti.:-o ' ::ivaT2. " v ... Act ta extend tha previalcns cT ca !rt t'.a t::::cr. cf ti : Cancre! At. .." I3C3-CI, entitled ca Act f : 3 ' : pcreai::3 tsmay .-.'. frfc ;l. 1 f i ! ? rccr r .S cf II;. r rd c ' a I ' - tha turning cf tha Cocrt-' ' 3 ccce:, er.d ci;:h,t;::acr eft: :i;L!amerytndL C. To. i r;a. Goardiia l! re. " C Mekinjc:. tha c'ennly cf I" . . . 4." To i" far es it c '. . r : :;a. v ." ii - Io'..j"b Ci c ... - C. . Tor; dec y. E.:...1- 1 c. ing up ta tt aJjcfcppe.:. ci. Court. . :acf ---.'.me-., 'a - C. Tot'-: lh.3 CC:h T.: the cevnlics ci con, Mecca t; aC cr Che; f

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