70L; VBJO::27. ' THOS. V. ATKIN, I ; ' . "EDITOR AND PROPIMETOrl r:VAi7i5 or the zinr.zrGpn : Two Dollars and Fifty Cents per an:: 'era in t i ranee, or Tutec Dollars wilhin the year. 2o pT will be discontinued, except at l!.e cp-!!-.n cf tbe Edilcr, cr.lil all arrearages are paid. " Advertisements will be inserted at Oxe Dollar ; r F-'irc cf ten lin" cr !: fjr the f rrt btsertbn, f " 1 Tw'Evrr-nvs Cexts fbr each continuance. The nyr.l'T.'f inseiJions desired mutt be marked . c n rurr,'., or the advertisement will be eontir.o. c I 1. 11 forbid, and charged according!. Coort Or. :rs will be charged twenty .fire per cent extra. . , Tb cbarjc for announcing the name of aeandi iits for o&ee'k C2 50, in ad ranee, or $3 00 if pay. y .lie delayed. 1 j . Letters to the Editor mast come free of .postage, lo insure attention;' ' ' - j BLANK' BOOIMIANUFACTORY, ' ; At Lincoln ton, 17. C. j ; 'Tim subscriber would respectfully inform tbe citi zens of North Carolina generally, at also, the citi. Vnif Cfinfh larn'tn- (Vint tin airrmv rm Ik Vibove business in the town of Lincolnton, N. C- in fell its d i.Iarcnt branches. He keeps on handat all keeps on t. .vies t large assortment of ! '"'nm r:is isd-deioiuxdujb; of almost every description. IIjs practical knowl edge of tho liuii. .i of a clerk, enallf.8 him to know the best styles of ruling for the cjcdalhe Coorti ci" 'h stale he consequently 0. ke.; i cahand an ASSORTMENT of the differ vr.t 'dockets, from fourf, 'res lo ten, made of excel. v " lent paper, and bound to compare wilh any I'hila . cfchdjia 'orNcw York work : and can therefore, fill nn order on the very shortest notice lie has j -A FiriE SETXF TCCLSj AN EXCELLENT F.'jLir3 '.MACHINE, SUPERIOR VVC.IXMEN, AND A . 30D STOCK CF MATERIALS m iliat an order of any description can be filed on r ' ' t'. .t t. tiee to compare villi work of a :r.':r kind d;r: t any where cLs." IjlO would heroic:-.': J the RnADi!.;; community ..-.nf.' i'nirid kI having their periodicals thrown "T.z-CBftd tor: pieces, (as they too frequently re,)'1t wquM be much bettor to , , : ; r - " "icni to liincolnton, en J 'have t, " bound.' He would particularly re. i -id t'v3 'L. lHCS that they can hare ; .1 Kcatlj liaail in Llntolntcn,, N. C, t . t any other place in the United' States. In con .! ion, to would say to the Clerks, Clerks & Mas i , r.or l'rs, . e., iC, that old dockets, Regis I r e I ookai and all otlier record books that may need ar.lir.ding, if entrusted" to his care, shall be safely 1 ':: n " raof, and rc-bound wpithouinny injury to the record.. Ilia prices for all tho above work will bo ffuldtcd to suit the times. ' - ' j , : . F. A. HOKE. - J.'.-ttrintoiuN.'C., Dec. 13, 18t.--Gm. 225;. fltop the illurtlcrcr. s ' : A suitable reward will bo paid ,for the ap7rchcn :,.n rr I'rnstoil Jo II C. who committed a ' rd;r on tho body of Josci Shepherd, in Yancy r.,.i-r. N. C. Said Jones is a pun-smith and Lhek- ith bv trade: he is between 35 and 43 years old, f ' ,al G fret 1 or 2 Inches high, black hair and beard, i i w --" hr"e black whiskers: he weighs aVont 1 j cr 1 - ) founds, Ho left the country soon after I'm. .rd.r, on fiat, "with a tG C'i"14 1 ore -n. i!:if! jcans'coatand psntouoons, bb"": f. r : i it it f lid he had other clolhes with him, l aw. r r. tr.J may chanjja them, i If he is apprcl.cr.did ' 1 'tc'J in any jail in the Unitr .l State?, irjf a. " i cf the fact communicated to tho subscrir -it . -rr ivilie, Taney county, N. C-i Will be promptly 1 1 ti. and all cost and charrcs with a suitsble J to the inan who aprwehenda hun will be j-aiJ. . T - JOHN SIIEFnr.UD. :r Knoxti"? PoslVr.1 ilcaseccpy 3 li:...j eni : ?rJ r?ro. m.c.at rrr?v;". . ; I'tb.7, 1815. . ' 4t2:5 ; , ; : , , c Xfc JLi 11.13 M. L JL i" W " ; : . . ,; j Ti:2 undersigned, beps leave most respectfully to ' rm the citiicns of Western North Carolina, that , f .v;atcd to execute all work in his line in a Irior manner..; Lie leels cor.f4di.Tit ra sayi-g that ' w ork will compare favorably tvilh the work of ' ia the state, " 1 Lc'.lrrs tljion basincss Can be Edre-rJ lo tx? at ''oyille, and any information that may be desired i U had by application lo Tbos. V. Alkm, Editor cf lie1 MesiieaffCE.il i: tW ':t ..,i:ti'-"-:' :' , rTIIO.MAS YOUNG,j . ! : RECOMMENDATIONS. 1 " . Dandridge, Tcnn 21st Nov. 181 U "i rv: tj tr7.cwi these frescxtt nay cv7.it : ,la undertone.! c':'.' ' i c f t'.e eou-.ty cf Jrf ..l'and slate of Tcnnc? trj v.-t'.l acruaintod TI- n,. Your-, tlia tcarcr i 'i,a luster.:. - Ration, andVc T viih - "re Certify t3 . , ..:.iic that he U a gentler: :a t. strict f ..vt-.;. in fdlin"- and dipchariug ail ha tontracy.3 U 1.3 3 cf I incfs; tliat he his dcr.s wcrk fcr r.i, ' 'lLai tccii'tVre T" i-V-ich ex1,'.- .z'S.3. t - -, i in a mnra workman-' ie manner than we 1. . e -,r irrrfnf rp ' ii his lin?, r -. J wer.r?cf " lit ii e-il, if r .1 ' tlcr,i::nLnyi: I ft e have seen dor.o t y any oUcr person. ; . , , : , .v i.i" fcAJI'L CARSON, .- i - JOSEHl HAMILTON. -Ictsntlally concur wilhthjibwUtaaeBt. lMruary7f 1845.- " ir13 225 ' T4 s copartnership of J. CUNLAP & CO. was tV.a day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons JniU. j p d to come and make payment to J. Dur.' p, he has bought out the Conors ..j io ih nr,--v r person to setUe with. AUW.irTciiinis a-air.it tl.a cor ccra wUl rrcscnt ' local-) I .,a OT payment. . c J. DUNLAr, ' roLLYZi: SUMMER Jamarj 111845. ; . . ; 1 . . n tadcrsigoed will continue, the business at the old star. a t and as he expects to sell i , c- :j Entirely for CazZi in hand 8eu jjf UCII LOWER than he has done bor::' '..re he therefore hivitea all persons trishinji) ,., . fr casatjsi7ehimaealL . ' ji DUNLAP, Ashevl!AeJan 17-1845. "TiL.f tf23l j. ' subscribers respectfully, inform their custoro e '-o have actounU, that agreeable to tho lernii ( :h l-ey Keero contracted, became dae on the 1 ; t - -aT7 Wlih which they are expected to com- tlj- ' ' 5 U; j V 1 ' " : " '1 v. S f re indctte by noto are pressl jljT invi J rai13. payment, as it is! imperative they -.Iect t)sustaia their business; therefjre t -"Jte attention inj'order to prevent j. . :it of collectinffby law. ' ' - ''j. T ; - PATTON & OSBORN. ,.5nuaryl7ti3.i5. V ." 331 " -k or Bushel for sale, cheap, by WILLIAMS &. ROBERTS. I"; .a the St. Louis Reveille, ' ' C : : ; Wxrlns O f ttcrt All ve. i At:!:-.) hosr, tbe other night, the door of an oys'.er house in car city was thrust; open, zrA in .-:,:d a hero from the Sucker Slate. He v:ts q-!:c six feet high, jpare, somewhat tocp?d, v, ii!i a h'jrry, cnxio- countenance, and hi3 handj pushed clear t' i to the bot torn cf his breeches pockets. .lij outer cot. cring was hard to define, tut cfier, surveying it minutely, we camaj to the conclusion tint l.:3u:lhad been niais in hh boyhood, cf a dingy, ycIJoWlinseyrw3oUey, and that, having sprouted up with ostdnishing rapidity, he had been forced lo piece, jit out with alt colors to keep pace with his body. In rpile cf Us ex- ertions, however, r he had fallen in . arrears about o foot of tho necessary length, and, consequently, stuck, that far through his in. cxprcssillcs. His crop cf hair was surmount, ed by the funniest little seal skin cap imagin able. : After taking tt position, he indulged in a long stare at the man opening tho liv jives, and slowly ejaculated i Isters?" : 'Yes, sir," responded the attentive opera- tor,- f. and fine ones they are, too." Well, I've beam' tell of isters afore'1 says he, " but this is the fust time I've seed 'cm, and perhaps HI know what tJiar made of afore I get out of town." : j Having expressed his desperate intention, ho cautiously approached a plate, anJ ecru tinized tho uncased ehell-fish with a gravity and interest which would havo done honor to the most. illustrious searcher into tho hidden mysterious of mtura. At length, he began to soliloquize on the difficulty of getting them ; out,' and how que re they looked when out. l never seed any thing hold on so takes out, anJ nir.t tlicy slick and slipVy when they docs ccrr.o ? kjmooih as an eel ! I've a good mind to give that fellow lodgins1, jest lo real, ize the effects, as uncle Jess used to say about epekelation," . , . ; " Well, sir.V wa? tV.3 reply, "dj'.vn uih two tils, r.r-J yo'.i cn ! " v c c j " Two Lits!'1 exclaimed the SucZer, "now, come, that's t'lickia1 it on rit strong, Iioss, furiir. A dozen on 'cm oint nothin to. a chicken, and tharVno giitin niorc'n a pica, yunc apiece for them. Tvc only re-alizcd '45 picajxnes on my hut ventur' lo St. Louis. I'll t; !! yoj v.hat, I'll gin you two chickens for a dzen, if ycu'll conclude to deal." A'v.-ag wh'i was (tandirg by inJulging in a dozen, vinked to tho attendant to shell out, and the-kl!jr was accepted. rov mind," repeated the sucker, "all fair two chickens for a dozen you're vit ncs3, misicr1 turning at iho samo time to t!.3 wag;, 41 none of your tricks, for Tve hcarn tsll lhatyo'j city fellars arc mity slip'ry The'hargain being fdrly understood, our sucker squared himself for the onsctde!ibe ratcly put off his fseal.&kin, tucked . up his sleeves, and, fork in; hand, awaited the ap pcarance of . No. 1.; It came -he' saw and quickly it was bolted !i, A moment's dreadful pause ensued. Iho wag dropped his knife and fork with a look of mingled amazement and horror, something akin to Shakspcare's Hamlet on seeing his daddy's ghost while he burst into the exclamation, . 1 " Swallowed dlitt I, as I'm achristian." Our sucker heroj had . opened his mouth with pleasure a moment beforej but now it stood open. Feara horrid dread of he did'nt know whata conscionsnes3 that all wasn't right, and ignorance of the extent of the wrong-tne uncertainly ;cruiai monism, was tcrriblo. , Urged to derpcraticn,. he fal t:rcd out - ' ' . What on dfth"s the row tn : "Did you swallow it alive?" inquired the ttBov ' 1 j"' i -;" '.-" " ! i I sw&llowed it just as he gtn it. to me! i.!.cutcd the sucker. , 1 4 ' - , " Yoa're a dead man !" exclaimed his anx- icui f.!:ni; " the creature is alive and will ct ri0'.t through j'ew," added he, ta a most hcpclrritose. j , Czl a pizen fimp and purr.p it cut!" rcrcr.' :d trie sucker, in a frenzy, his eyes fairly iiirting from their sockets.. , Oh gra ciou3! v.hat'lll do! It's got hold of my nards already, and I'm dead as a chicken! do somethin' fur me, dodon't let the infar nal sea-toad cat me afore your eyes." Why (JidnH you pet some of this on it?' Inquired the wag, pointing to a bottle cf strong pepper-sauce. s. " Ji - s j The hint was "nough-the suckeV, upon the instant, seized the bottle and desperately wrenching out the cork, swallowed half the contents at a draughu He fairly squealed from its effects, and gasped' and blowed, and pitched and twisted, as if" it were coursing through him with electric effect, while at the time his eyes ran a stream of tears.- length, becoming a little composed, his ivarr'Msh adviser approached, almost ' bursting with suppressed laughter, and inquired, ii How are you now, old fellow did you kill it!" !.:,: Well,' I did, hoss ugh-ugh-o-o-o my in. nardsl If that iser critter's dyin agonies didn-tir a ruction in me it squirmed like ksament when; that killm' stuli touched it i..jv -nri'hrTB.;with a countenance made of uu - , . , ...... snnnressed agony and present determination he paused as if ta givd forco Jo bis.; words. and slowly and deliberately remarked" If you git two chickens from 'rio for that live animal Vtn :d d !" anJ . seizing hb seal, skin he vanished. : . . : . r . x " ; From the Saturday Ccurier. ' : 1 , :' The ;; Mercenary7 Cride i h$ u She stands at the alter in silence end fear, t- Her cheeks wear no roses, her eyelids no tear And the smile on her lips b as cold as the gleam That at moonlight is Vent from the ice-crested stream. ';v:itf Jr 1y!-:- :(..; j y 1; ; yi:::i, The bridegrocn. is near here a tremulous thin j, . , Gray-beared and wrinkled. Oh, how can she cling With a younjj heart's devotion ; afTcetion'a pure pride. To the aged diseased one who claims her his bride T And yet she baa taken the rin and the vow, . ; And sworn to love, honor, obey him, as now ; l " And the old man in glee chuckles over LU prize, ' As be gloats wilh his love -lit and peclaclcd eye. t " tier, father has gived his fair child away. To twine like the ivy," around but decay ; Euttlie brides-maid i3 tad as the Lissca her check, And she looks a regret that tho dares not to speak. Tis.mcanncs?, fV.i ml.iczs. extremes thus to wed; To tie the sweet bud to a stem that is dead ! The Lride ia her beauty was purchased and 6old. For the jounj girl was bought with the o'J rr. tin's ,, cold. , i 1 1 , -; t". ;. ' , , ; (. ; ; , , . . . .. , :, For Wliai is a notlxcr IlcspoirsiIc ? A mother is usually also a wife,, and has the management of a family and a direct in. fluenco over those subordinate to her; she has the scat of authority and wieldj the seep. Ire of government. From a position cf en tire dependence she ha3 risen to pv.xr cr.J rank,' and though her thrcne may t3 in a cot. tage, and irr flxr.'z'. : z t! : Y.:'.i worlJ cf :cu'.!:c'l cCTArs, yet ii t':.2 net tho lees reaily responsible, than i3 thit youthful q'jecn who now sways a sceptre over the four quarters of the earth. But for what is sho responsi. bte 1 She is responsible for the nursing and rear" ing of her proge-y ; for their physical ccnsli tutipn and growth ; their exercise and proper AchilJL.Itorrc. up dcformcil, Lloated, v-r meagre, i3 an ob ject of rr.e.:err:"l r.eli ..ee. She is responsible for a child's halits; in cluding cleanliness, ordr, conversation, cat. ing, sleeping, manners, and general propriety cf behaviour. A child deficient or i:ri"h! - . o in these particulars, will prove a Iiric; : :3n- ument of parental disregard ; I -? -to. rally speaking,- a met', r cr.2, . ...e will, greatly control children tl.ere rr-".:rj. Sho i3 re-F pen fr:' C - - She can make them foarf..! cr. ! cr: ? can make them modest cr I : uous or deceitful, mean or ir.er!y, ' : ' ', or polite. The germ cf r'l th?:n thir-i i? ii d, and a mother cen rcpr. : cr L.'ing them forth." ' 1 i ' . She is responsible fortLo pr:r.eii o ... 'c'.j herlchildren entertain in early lifj. Ft r I r it is to say whether those who go f..K!i, herftrcside, shall be imbued with ::r.:i. ; of virtue, truth, honor, honesty, t r.:-c.. , industry, benevolence, and morality, or t'..e:s of a contrary character,' vice, fraud, ur1:. enness, idleness, 'covetousness. Tlr L:t will be found to be of the m::t nature 1 "re v.! but oil I. or is devolved the uily,' l. :rly l":'; of weeding her little garden cf ere Seating these 6diuu3 prcJjetians, J !;;.:ir- t!.3 human; with the lily, the rose end t' l t- rar.th, that fadeless Cower, cr.;l!.;., , ; if..;;. She is to a'very considerable extent rc"on. sible for the temper and d:epor":::n tf ! ; children. Constitutionally ' t!.ev r..:v! m- 0 J lentj irritable, or reverj:."-! ; L . : f , ulation or corree:::n cf l!. j - ,. ... . - - i j mother is responsible. cne 13 rc?rcr.:s.3 1 :r ;. quiremcnts cf her cb:!.!r: :, th .. bound to da v, beli!; : Schools, academies, end c portals th rcihei: : cj: 1 " : ther is under heavy re;4 . her sons and daub:.;e :", which these afford and wl.l.i. will permit them to enjoy. Sho is responsible for their rJ.' tion:"" The'begthning of' all whd. i ti.e fear of1 God; and Jbis every meiher ::'j.t teach.' ') 'Reverence for God, acquaintance with Hi3 word, respect fer the uV.:;3 nnd cr. dinances cf religion aro 'within tho ability of every parent to i:. ! r.:, . c!.i!dren grow up ignorant cr r. ; . . t ;l."'i end thoSaviour,r.h:.t : '!.er, . . . j en-Id. ers the wicked.. j e I. .. .n I ert, cea expect them to riso up z.l call her L'.sscd? Mothers Jonrr.il. McNcLTY.- C. Calhoun's i -Tho PcrJb 4n Mesrerger, J. ec::l c: - v-.iy is from Ohio, and was a Democrat cf tbo Denton school.". We differ with L:-n : Nulty belongs to the school , whoso her.d C. unity is ," the cohesive po.vcr cf p':b!!c ; ' : der." As Mr. Calhoun . is correct? J I.'. that school as a teacher, we do r:t r e '.-ny Benton should be mada reet"or.:Ib' !!: Nylty's sin, more than C-b'-.-e. " r.:ea never said ihat; " clunJer" c.j tl.o i j . -. principles of, iho party Calheua hie, lumbia (S. C.) Circr.ic.j. Oa tho 6th instant," ut Mebllo," a rr.in najtned McDermont killed a wc.r.aa r.-n.-J Julia. Williams by UaLlng-. her tcilh a dJt unfil heell rdead. : The wretch' fled cr.d ha?, so far, eluded pursuit. r low, they are ll.; me carclcEs, vc1.-.f. ecf good bea rled tr.e n ; k z. j ing bov. ; n t -; ter th3athey do., ICcLLjct timesi j tt c. thing if occasioa retulri.3 ii; .0 Le,ve s.... one and iho same InidivIJii cf tho c. "l, a minister i.i Carolina, aboalm-n c:i tl.e .. -e-tern canal, a sheriffia Ohio, asa;'..V -r..: :r on board a priT;icer,:a . saddler iaT'er.- C. leans, a,, d&cdy in Broadways Ne'7 York,- a pressman in a grrret printing c!Ttce! , Haying nothing to loose, no calamity can overwhelm them, and caring to fyain nothing, no tide of fortune carries them upward from the level where they choose to stand, the hap piest dogs in Christendom Fi.i!osop!.er3 ty practice, spendthrifts ,by tcclicitioa. " They complain not whsn.ha stomach cries for bread and they havo none to give ; and ia the next hour, if fortune favors the mesne, ex pend more for unnecessary delicacies thsn would serve to keep them on wholeeerr.e; feed for a whole week. J ;j ...A - ; ; f i '' : v.: ; . .Tcai. " sJ ti-! .; .'j :"t ' : , A late arrival, at New. Orleans, from - Gal. veston, briri late d Jibs from Texss. Nclh itig cf impcr!-: ;e, t:3 f-.'jwirg pa. pers, v.!.!.-h tl.row so.-r.a !H.t ca tho quarrel between C;. Gs.zlI tl.j President of :Texas.:l 'Vt4f ;;t ;-f-.-7 C TIIE PRESIDENT CF, TEIAS AND GEM. GHEZN. "., .POCLAilATION. 1 j -pj the President cf the Republic of Texas. Whereas, on the C;!i day of Octobci, 1844, r :. ,:: :.! tv.t' i:3 ' . J 'C 1 cf United tur cf il.-t die, ieeu:d by'Lia Excellency, Sam IIe-et2n,thcPrb:dentof the Republic of Texas, recognficcl as such Consul, nnd, thereby, authorized! to exercise and enjoy such functions, powcrr, r.nd privileges rs p.rs.al. lowed to Corsulicf th3 most favored nations, in th.3 Rr- "z f Tc::e.3,in which cfTice die re.id D- j Green-ii still actin,T.. ,1 , A: I v.l.erce', c,i. ti cire'jr:::!r.ecs ! n to t!.3 L.t:e.i e, t!.e ir.!:rt-ts, honor, . I cf t'..e il:, -L::e u jJi? th-:t the nu.!.e; ;ty c:;U nJcd C3 ufjrcs-id, to iho said Dj.T Green to revoked. ;J Therefore, be; it known, that I,;ANECN JONES, President of the Republic of Texas, by virtue cf the power by law in rrie vested, do hereby solemnly revoke tha exequatur cfjrcer.iJ, nnd the cijv:e i3 cccordirly re veked, with all tho powers, immunities, privi !e?3, end ri"'..:3 therein cr l! ereby conceded, tj: '.-d, crc.Me:. Jed to zsJi D-f Green, as C L.r....jid. 1 j)--.; a vc.:.;..ot,n, thj cm d cf De. cember, ! VisniXGTOS, (Texas, J" 2t 1915. Xr Sir: T! " Pre:: dent cf Tex3, cn account, C3 ho alleges, cf prive'o cr. j con:1- .1 c- ; .. v.'.! 1 : . .1 ir.i cd myself j..el....e:l-.i rcicirj the Ex. '.J.. :r.o z z C:.---l Lt G .Ivlj ;.J Ij n:ako it a r;.e.i'r te... r. ,d th 2 U .1 cf the cf th- D. e; t -. I.im ' m 'i rii'::- , 1 er, cr.d f-vcr . i . , r r t- :.t . .i rt .3 1 .nd i:iy r iln so. i.vjtui It :3 ir':n- 3 cccuter 1 c ........ 1 r.ej k-et i e..j i..k u. m per.Jed, until I cen p!eeo tbo f-cl3 f-lly lo. forotba country, v.hea it will to found lb"' the President of Texas has not ihe slight possible ceu:o for the manner ia which ho ' i treated me. I write thi3 nolo fer tbo p-rf : e . ' ' y."j in "advance, that il.l e I i.. . J ,' :e my own character, I i.....d to do it ia my own way at iho j rtrer lb..: ;bat I villi i.e.1 if I caq prevent, pcn..Ittbo; ereecal injuellco dona to me, to becomo tho caueo cf a c n troversy between tbo I C evernrr.:.".:, cr Irs BP7 - r ' r ' - - ' t i r T . , :j liy- '3 r:e:' .ary "eri v.hich bllyyeurs, C t t" f r 1 . L. 1 1 . I . ih.j, i; i 1 lo cerrec: ErixoaT. .ai.bj Sir. i r: ru.r. r..::3ia c ::;liea. hiz: :.red, by i: -roper rrccrj, to c' ifia t a Jlrc?- , "J! g f; : . - :- "'7'""'''' "" "I to tho measures is, . ..1 r--: -rl ... 13 C thit IcoutJ ha;. !:-. , , ; -th3c-S. Q J - ' : J - i - . - - -1 o ii.."-:r.e2 l.'.s cTiciai r-tic" "v ccsery ta i !.un, further i.n u, s th-ir c!.! . . C ' . arrcett:. -rr DrilLli i.; :j c:i cur Ytc:t:rn ct.iriciL. we;tern frer.lrr, r.r cr-eeii!!v to r:- : t tbeir g-tli.-g peee:::Ie.T ci tbe country L. tv.crn tho recces ar.J tho Ri? Gr-::dj f.rthj ; . . .eft libllihicj :h-ro c-l-.-.y f f. L" :'.3 r . I rer.i'vay negroes; cxperier :2 h"V ir J i!::r.en. ::... ! tbet their lldck c-te-y i Canada, like their cboli ion in Jamaica, i3a failure. I havo many very important feels, bearing upori this subject, which it i3 my fur. pose, in due time, to give to the pub!" 3. I , I learn, ubo, that ru:ner Liys t!. . - cf myobJ:ct3 v. ej lo bring ir.t3 Tciis a I-rj tjjy cf Ir.d!....:; co fe.r frc:n tbij, cr.3 cf the measures whie' I proposed was to remove bc yond our limits, tho Indians the.t ere raw in Texas. ''.:. - ' ' "i . - ; I repeat that I supposed thit tho President fully concurred in my views, end tb.et I cm I,,,.- Hi-' i ! !',.-.- .... . . der a mi",. !e, -J -.. i'l yet do r..e the justice to say so. : v'As you have published lliO Proclamation, I ask the favor of you to insert this likewise, and I trust' that all who publish tho Prcela. matioa will publish this nolo. - - v duf? gree:;. "Tns NoRTnrsN Mail. Wo Invo lerr.t from Messrs. Bjycc end Porter, tho Gn:i. mittfo apr-.f"-' v.r (t. r:.;,.., ( fC -:n toprocc. J to '..':'.!. -rgtca cr.d pr-euro l!.2 cunlinuar.ee cf the mail transportation, Ly tho Wilmington Leets a3 heretofore, that they have received iho cesurances of the President tfihe Vih:.:ngt03 ' and Raleigh Rell Read Company, that tho mail will costing to be carried on that line, until Curgrces, .h:e!i will be memorialized on the subject, shall do. tcrmino whether t!.o r:!j cf ccmenration shill not bo ir.err- :d in t!:o ratio ct com. peneatien piid c.her ccr'r-c'.ere, i"r.!':r'y situate J, il.e IV Master C r. .1 h.vl. j, in hi3 c( !:.; j:i, cuihrity toa.'dio l!.3 com- A m? t bTrb ".reu3 r.r.d revcltirg deed v.-es ce-mi'.'.eJ recently in Tcxcs, tl:e particulars cfv.!.!c!ii;o given iat!.3 I-.; Orlr-.ns Tie. siycr.e. It cpr eirs lh-t c:i l! ; C;!i ull. Tlr. t 7 1 )::.-: cf r-e, !!r. riatihewJ:t v.: la r-.nn nsmcd J. Cb'-!:z, were travelling from GonzaIe3 county ta Gal. vciten by 1 -:. J, : 1 r.cimed l!;2t rvgbt ia tho preirle. ,Ji: . I .fore break of day Shultz g-:t i'p, ' 1 1 ' ii"; ' ; ! .',! in cich hand tired over lb 2 t.zri' ; f. :rr.3 cf- Datcman and Jell, e:.J . .!.."" ".eicnco.- Mr. Jt ltl!.: - t ce; ,r ucar; r.r.J Mr. B-tc... .j, i !. j . ... j t.j ! ; j t j cV'rata rcr.":la:.: e i ..:r ha wr !.-.., I oro tho mrks cf severe LIuws. Mr. Baieman, it is known, had about CCCCOon hij person on leaving hc.nc,'cr.d Mr. Jett had between CCCO and 0IC03 In h:j pe::- ..j.i. 1 i.o mure ercr was overs- - :r Mr. Eitcmin, end tho rebbery, it is c;.J:r.t, vaslbj cr.!y mclive fer lbs murders. lie hc3 b:ca treeed to Mobile, ar.d can nut pciii.' Lly ceee; e ibe c.T.eer3 that ere in pursuit cf Tr.i f.3 ::cw York Triune. IZv, Atl..: i .1 CJ c :i. r:cl;e::. A very cerir:. ;r.:ou3 cer.trcversy hr.s Leer. f. e tb..2 err! I ' : ' a John Q-Ie.. .rrz ca cr. " " - J--k"-a -' A . . r, t rr'rgcn i . e. . . , j ' r.n. J"' i , . - t '..".3V.I::: r lb .a r.rg.ll .i.Jly to C3 Fieri J i c 1 ia Oi-e;;-.i, reb. . f tboTr:-' : 3 c '. ' up toTcxrsT. .Mr. Ad.:3 celemr.ly c .e! :;. : ihatGcn. Jaebeen J-'J . o r r.r.J r,. . iaevider.ee the Lllc.-.Inj :.. ...erer.Je.a f. .ra L:j Clary, ;n.::a ct l! 3 l" : General Jackscn carao to : .y hcu-3 !i mar:.!, j, r.r.J I ;!.t.. ed !.!:a ibj b dary ll-.o v.hich has Lecn cff.rcd to tbe T -.!. M;r'; ter, crJ that which t- e pre; : 3 Vj t ..er,1 i; MelhVs mp. He said there were many in dividuals vho v.eJd lake c:::;'..-.i tj c re'eedingso far from'the Louc lary cf tbo Rio d-1 Ncrlo, which wc claim ca tbe V '.'"?, end th3er.cm:e3 cf the Adm:n:ctrat".:r. v. 'd c:.:a:r.lyma':o a hcndlocf il to : ; but tbo pc:-c cf .! . FI..I. j : l. . t"rcat irr;:.. -eta tbo f:-:bra f;er.:! ' eUr" ': : " :,: I ucc :.:::-l j t' " t! 3 v-'t r-j-:.:y cf t' e r -. j .3 c-i .a t. " crer-t. r. er cr J : " Ijtbet-bi'o iho i-.-lbs c' tho Florida rlveq ib.'Jd bo aocc;:!',!; to r I - -1- " 1 L ' : - y br-''- t...."' V 1 ! " i 3 cr . ! ch it U - . ' ' " 4 - l3 f l.c: . 3 c N th.t.Lr-iiV :'j':r;i.i I -tho :,t-V" currr-,-ti-.cor.:...j;-V;" I.-...3 trr: c-r c- . - i iij.h.;.:..:..;:.::;.,,, j ... r,e:3cf cur p:;u!et".:nt;.: '. . i i ::url y to cur f.-cr.::?r. ,"t ' . i ia cur peseccs'en, curferill.caiLr-c, , Cleans,' tho -reel c. t ;1; . . ... secure. " Tl:o Ti :1 j ia l power, yea can Lo Ir.v-' l,ye :rf ' i j t . ..'".- l- J l- - -.. ceu:.:ry r:J-::d. Te.:: .... r y : . . b . i,; t j-1 i... J Cil I,..,., i . ... r -' I rt I c-::rr:- Z f ? r T this reject , w-;.v tznc r : : pay for his ttncri'j. "Veer r.:u' '"".:: - "Ai;i):i!:v j:.' ;. JA... . ... I 1 - - St-te;.'1 - " -. ....... jl i. . j i j i . . . . i. . . . (.- . prov.I;!, i.l!.:j(j:. Jta.'-. i . 3 b. .a i'r.I: t".r l' o 1 :t f.va cr thr. o - Cotxtzz A:,:;nxAT:cn. Tl.oD.tr..!: I. " A dcertiscf c f lb o C Ut c ! t, t ly s : " . staled by cur citizens for Iho cc-'.:: ; -r annexation cf Ccnada, In caso Tc ::;!.; annexed, takes lib o wi! Jf.ro in I V.z'. ' .. .." , fires v. o hive l.eerd, it h ur.Ii ;': ..' cd. We gave caC: tur..' v:nr.:.- if. e : '." i Ana Arber Jc rr-J, f.-.tl.-g t!.-t - - '!:-s h-d f .ar: : I ia tl -t I!!. Wj . 1 r:; i . .;. do cleoia t!.o replies Cr:"j, tr.r.cur.,1.- t!.o c;rc-!-:!:3 cf a !.."' ; ail f rlecc, and warrr.'y ce.m:r '!" it." . Cunt. Tho i rr. pe rt a r.e o c! t' Cuhi can bo cpprcciatcd ly tbo : " t r 1 produce, cr. 3 tbo cmeur.t cf !: i . geographical pceitiea render? it i:..'. r.:-: ; t -peri;r.t totb!3 ceur.try, the.' 1 1 1 I cdtoEnhnd or Frr.neo. ". e . ; o f r i. de.irirgto f eo this c:;r try invelveJ -Lut wc v.-ca! J cry e! ! f.r :: r,: : : European prcr c'-'.-.Ia thitIiI-:.df.w.-aC( .1... CyrwCcr.tLe:.. .'....itho L!.:. !l .1. mated t!.o r r crc,- cf lGiS.'v'.'l t!.ert J ;-r- : t - red - lih t" " ' , ccccsioned by ' o deetrciivo.'hurr!":-- . c." Oeteher! .:, n.:-..;;!. ::r. '! ; ' ' that v,i!l ' J, tbo cx: c." H-.v- , - i J" iry 1,1 . . . c r;.' , :t d to CZ')ttl : : , ,e::l;:i In CI . j . r . I-;t, Vice Ci.ir.ct .ier, i i ., a . ! y n cp this city, mad? a r'-ci ' :a r ' - ' ;: V3 t - -:TC z'.r'.'-"":s over b" - . I ly, v. I !:!. 1, :o cdicreo lo tho ger.'T-by J J f' Cf ' 1.13.1, t! t . crel y -viry wi:o b , it may to the mc.".ri c - f ' !ara which rr.:' t t !y -.ce'd ia ir.ve:t;j".:!r oVico Chcr.ctllor dllf - cccordl: !y, that ibe ; :a, cr.? frevca er.d l o c:1 - r i ' ; 1 c. fizz- -'-'-:J ecl r...e;o t! r t' -.ri c -'I cf tbo jurjjdlclica cf this Cur:, (. . cl.y f-i;cwYork) tr.J tbet tbo meib.r hi volber .. to vieit lir.i L:!: to tbeta r.t .11 j t'.:.:r.i" c' 1. j tbo per. brj t a . it ia t":' C- ' -V.tby thefitberfer a -r'.'vcrccf. -j: !!; .. ; 1 in this CxeoCof '-rr . j tho chtUrta .1 n .ha-Va short dlita:.: f-. "7 ?.Oa Me:.; -I!.' i-caa - . :r. IJlc:: I - r.Li:. 'y Aider: wilh a young i quer.ily nr;. took her egaia 1 r'.r-rest prl Lclharlo . . f:.:r:::ar L-.lr" JH!" ler.erry.f j--e 1; . r: :' " . lo I.Jraoder'i a tbad ia r .i r.Ld.kloki.j1; D:-.:ii"--" ' ' : 1 :v ; 1 j -