f I err. tit H J t -' I? t. -al t It . 1 A - I V ")f if IE ! .!.,. Fur the Highland Messenger. .- JLTr. Editor :-rl have met wuli nothing !o tny readings ot late, that o well accords with my own jemimenUj with regard to the barbarous and unchristian practice of duelling, es tho following from thej pen of J. i. Rous, ccau. v Please pive it art insertion and oblige ' Yours, kc; '"'?.' ' : ; EdaeyvilIe,N.C.,Feb,25, 1845. , Da not confoyr.d tl $acred name of Hon. crwithjtiis brutal prj"jdice, which places all lbs virtues faahc point of the sword, &ndt3 proper only to make brave vidians. Io what docs this prejudice consist?- In the most ex iraragaht nd barbarous opinion that ever en. tc:cd t!;3 huraaa mind ; namely, that air the tilths cf eoctely are supplied by bravery j air.-n is .tinrrern knave, a villian, or o :f tr; .ij humane, polite, and baa every ooJ Quatitv when ho wijl fight; that a lie tcccrr.es truth, rclfxvy becomes lawful,. per. Cdy. becomes honesty, and infidelity laudable, , T M.sa cvpporttJ afford inh V ffbnt is cl K'i y t jepai red by ja r ' j 4 ,;e i tr.ao tirster injured provh Jisa cvpporttJ s.ydrd in hand; that an af. a lunge, and that jured provided he is killed. ThsTo Is, I acknowledge, another kind in WDicn gentility is rrwxeu wuo crueuy , inu persons are killed b chance" only, I ean fihtin? till food Is drawn only. Till L.od is drawn! Good jGod! and what vc ' ld'st thou do will) this blood 7 Cruel brute ! yvC-Tsthou idrir.'; it! . J , It 3 most va!!?r.t hcrcss of antiquity nevef "drcs.. Jof revc: -; - their; personal' injuries kj-v ccfr.h:'.. Cbzir ever .send a cl.z'J-:. 3 to Cato, or Toirpcy to Cczir, for - to rr.-"; 'rq':fprc:! "Tror.tsjj or was the great. it "c; i cf Grc ; dis'.unored by suffenng tA.i:f u t3 I' rc-- -i x-lj a cane.' Dif. fercnt tir:: i, di.7irc:.t cus'oms : I know it; iur.ars tc.? nose r.o.v fcul good ones; and xr,iy we not inquire whether these custom ej5 suzli cs tal honur rcquircst No ; hon. or is invariable ; it c6cs n at depend on preju dices; it can neither decay, rr hz revived ; it has aa ir.t?rr.2l force inthe'heirt cf the just man, :1 la the unalterable rub cf his duties. it th'or'.cr-t enlightened, brave, and most vir tuous people in the world, had no knowledge Kf it, I insict lis not an institution of honor; but a d'Cbtable, barbarousj fashion,' worthy of its savage original. It remutns to inquire -whether, when his own or another's life is at tstake, an honest man follows the fashion; and whether there is not mare! truo courajre in Ibrivirj, than in complying j with it. What Tculd a man do, who is willing to comply v.vhh it, in places where a; contrary custom rnrrailsT At Messina or Naples he would trait fur a man at the-cornerpf the streets, and V.-'j him -behind; in these poultries this is ceiled bravery, and honor does not cor:st in . r.-irg killed yourself by your enemy, Lut in killing him. The just man whose life is spot. csd vho will never show the least mark ' cf cowardice, will refuse td soil his hand v.i.h snslaughter, and wilt; on that account, fca the more honored; ever ready to serve his country, protect tho helplcs, fulfil the most darsruus duties, and defend on every just ar.J honorable' occasion, what is dear to him ct t!: 3 expense of his life; al hijaction3 nrq accompanied with that unshaken firmness, vl.!:h true courage alone possesses. .Through the tssuracco of a good conscience, he walks lardiccd and neither avoUs nor seeks hh csmy; be fears dying, less than doing'a b:id tenon;-he dreads crimo and not danger; if vie prejudices arise one moment against li,ti', tery day of his honorable life u a fresh wit. ::33 v.hich contrndicts them and in so con. ' tent a conduct tve judge cme action by all l3c;hers. Men who am easily a.Trunied-, " Jto ready o of;Tend others, are, for the :-t fart, very dishonest pceple ; r;ho, for ( r .ho werld shoeld show thm openly the . . r.terr-t ; "which they are Leldaitempt to 1 ."amy of their whub lives, ty see aCiirs cf Vjnor. Such a one mikes an cf. ' fort, crJ -cents himself c.n.-e, toe1,. -tin t!.e rijltta hiJ.hitnself the rcstcT his l.fj ; trus course haitnoro. constancy ar.d 1cj c :-er. .c:f,is alw:;S what it ough: to te, er.J t. -.r.ts -:e::hcr to I; excited nor restrained. The jocd man pc esses it every wherc-j in tattb J the er. -ny . in company, in favor cf i .he absent and !ruih ; in his bed csinSttbc Attack's cf pah tn(j death. The force cl soul ! "vi'""8 1 , is ofuse ajl all times; it , iU.uTwnaoiyve events, and does J$? 'viaXo. tat in fearihg nothing." J-' ' " was i cr Iebrated Genevean phi. ?t borao 17J2,anddk(lin 1778. - UP - - - pssTsrqjJYS Thia j morning, aj ' !f r-st2 o'ejoct, a fire-was discovered .'fcurstio out fnm he interior ;cf the large .wooden buildir; o;cd and :cepied by Mes- arsi J. H. ci.J' t brbe, the upper story as a . Tia?Eiheet-I:on '"inufactory , and the low. cr with a'larpi jtct of Hardware, Oils, raits,r&c. T-3 firmen and citizens were " prcrr.ptly.cn ths spot but the fire had npde such progress before was discovered, that ' it was impossil'jto c more than 6ave the i r.sio"boring buvu ngshicb were in immi. cent danger, but, will jhe 'exception of a f.U r2r buUd.:Tf were preserved. -irceW any't. '-T v. rescued from the I .'.cs .were lonur. -eiy i oweuig ox wr. j. ;!artine. Mesi. M. Vro insured C9, C ' il hch we re griev-Wo learn is only ", ' ...'..,. " j . 1. 1 . . mm - t r.alt ine Ov3. ri- u.e nre onginau -:s. net known. The Vjrthy sufferers ;hs sincere sytr-athy :he whole com. . ! Ir. Z-V E:rr6u: 'arin sulTered s by damage t0 h lQda in remov. , p II 11 ' ii." in -T l.iiiwini".., ':!.r V, '"' 1:' '.'i. Pennsylvania 1-uirc' ys, Ex-Gov. , . "'.c.i3, ct Maryland, aid to be on f presenting a pamp' k n exposition lC". pc'.itical and privat s of Sena. 4 " . ; i ney arc relative r marriage For the Highland :X: V Col;: CJ O. Cnltlicr. ,.;C;.;,- t Al ' a meeting ' of I the c:;:zec3 cf Morgan, ton and vicinity, held at the 2ourt House on Monday, the 17th u!r., for the purpose of mak ing some public demonstration of their eenli nvnls towards the above named gentleman, ujron the occasion of j his charge of residence, IV- J. C. C;iytii having been called to pre. Elds, and W. C-En'IN to acta Secretary, the following p:eam'aie and resolutions, offer, ed by E. P. ones, were unanimously adopt. ed: .;V-:5;-v f T;ijyir: rS-Up' Whercss, tho unwelcome intelligence has reached us that our esteemed fellow citizen, Gaither,' 'iconlemplaUJS a removal from our village ; and whereas, we are on. feignedly anxious to vince our high apprecia. jiion of his great worth and the warm person a! regard which his many moral and' social virtues could not hive! failed to excite wherev. er he has been knowt therefore ; paohfd. ' That Vc, his neighbors and friends, on this tnrcasEon of his regretted de. arture from among lis, do lender ,lo him a 'ublic Dinner, to be given in Morganton, at ttny time which he may be pleased lo desig nate. : i : '; j-' .: .L'f ":' Resolved, further. That a Committee be i ppointedwho shall Apprise Col. Gaither of tne great gratification which his acceptance of the above proposal, will aCard us, and at llie ame time justly express to" him the sin. eerily of those fcclirgn in which it has its origin." - j j After appointment if the Committee, the meeting adjourned, and having again conven- ed fqr the purpose cf its reception, a report was submitted by the j;Committee containing thp following correspondence 31 OEG ANTON, feD. 17,1010. . Dear Sir The citizens cf ' f.Iorginton and. its vicinity, having heard with unfeigned regretbfyour contemplated removal u As.!c ville, and having determined on mahirg cerr.e public manifestation of their high regird and esteem for you as a citizen, gentleman, and friend, convened in the Court House on this day and appointed the undersigned a Commit ted to tender to you in J their behalf a Public Dinner at such time as pay suit your conven. ience. ) l.; ; " -: " " ";. Vr The undersigned are instructed by your feljow.citizens to state that while this testi. manial will be but a slight and imperfect ex prssiopof their respect' and . attachment for you as a citizen, companion, nr.d personal friend, and can sen rnely! convey even partial evidences of their Ceep re"rctat ycur depart ure, much less compsn-ate them for the loss which they will individually sr.J cu'Icctivcly curtain by your removal from arrergst them; yet they cannct permit th:3 oec-iijn to pass by without making some c:;!.ii;:ien cf their personal consideration for yourself and faml. ly, and without availing 'themselves of an op portunity to express the hope that happiness and prccperily may attend you and your fam ily in the new home which you have selected. The undersigned take'pleasure in convey ing j this invitaiion from your ell friends to meet them once more around tho social board, and beg leave to add their individual solicita. tions that the invitation may be accepted. With high considerations cf esteem, and regird, and affected with sincere regret at your leaving us, we remain respectfully and sincerely your friends j; VM. McENTIRE, TII03. WALTON, R. C. PEARSON, JAS. f.lcKESSON, J. C. SMYTH, WJ(. C. ERWIN, J. J. ERWIN, E. P. JONES, c. Mcdowell. D. CORPENING, Ii T. AVERY, W. W. AVERY. T. IL CALDWELL, V. II. WALTON. j MoKGiSToJl, Feb. 10, 1813. Dear Sirs-: 1 have the honor to acknow. ledge the receipt cf your,' communication of the 17th ixrzX.t informing )me that the citizens of Morganton and its vicinity are desirous ol makin some iublic manifestation of their rt gird and esteem for msj as a citizen, gen. tbrr-n, r.rJ ffbr:d, before my removal to Athcvilb, an -3 tendering me, in iheir behalf, a p-l!:e (.r.?.2T. at sech time as m3y cj;t my convcr.cr.ec. I rerel that my enlevements are such f.3 lo render it impeej,:!.!.-; Id accept of S'zh a'-marifeslalioa cf their kininessend respect, arJ that I c-r.r.3t ir.dj!o3 myself in the pbasers meeting ay frier.ij - eround the sochlfcoita. ' 1 ;1 I cm c'erp!y ter-rble cf t!.3 t-.zt.y c'LIiga. liens that I am under to tho citizens of Mor. gir.tenand it3 vicinity, and duly appreciate this renewed evidence of j, their regard. In severing the fnd associations with which my residence at this place has been connected, nothing affords me so muc;h pleasure as the consciousness lhat Icarrv with me. the esteem of those with whom I have been so intimately connected in all the relations of life, i I came to the county of jiDurke in 1823, a school boy, an entire stranger, without an ao. quaintar.cS) and I can say with great propri. ety that no native son of he county has been treated with more partiality and kindness than myself. , She has sustained me liberally in my profession and indulged me in my desire for political preferment. Her worthy citizens have a right to feel that I am under many and high obligation:! to them, and if 1 know my own heart, no man could feel greater reluc tance in being impelled by imperative conoid rations to leave a society thus endeared io him. 1 will cot indulge ray feelings on thi3 occa sion, but permit me to assure the Committee thai I fully reciprocate the sentiments express ed in your letter towards nvyself and family, and that whatever may be my lot in future, I shall always look back upon my residence at Morganton with pleasure, as among the hap. picst daysot my existence. j 1 have the honor to t?f with great respect, ypur client server.!, - ; . j D. C. GAITHER. i ..." . . , j To Messrs. McEotire, end cli.ers. - The above prceeedir3, teg::L;r r.::h the correspocJer.ee, were, on mc;ion, ordered to be trac-rri::: i v !;h"a request for pel:aiion to the Ewt jrcf the HJgMand !!c r. .'Whereupon, the meeting edjjurr . sine die. - . .! "J. C. SMYTH, C Cn.' :VV. C. Eavris, Secy. " The Stale Convention of Louisiana, which is jcharged with the duty of rrmodeling lh State Ctinsti'ution, on the CCih Jan.",; in J' cated its intention to make an itnportant change in !he qualifications of electors, by refusing to strike out a clause which prescrib ed a residence in the Slate of two years as one of the prerequisites to the right of suffrage. The vote on striking out was 23 yeas to 44 nay s. This the Uulletin presumes to be the final de. termination of the Convention as respects the basis of the electoral franchise. Every white male citizen is invested with the. privilege of voting, with the limitation that he be not a pauper, nor a felon, nor insane; and lhat he has been a resident of the State two years, (one of which in the parish where he offers to vote.) Resides a property qualification, the old Constitution required one year's resi. dence in the S:ate and six montir residence in the parish. National Intelligencer. 4 1! : : : ' . LS 1-.::Ji ??,": APPOINTMENTS EY THE PaESIDEST By and with the advice end consent of the Senate. Thomas W. I!erndbn,of N. C,tobe Consul of the United States for the port of Galvcs. Ion, Texas; vice Duff Green, resigned. " Washington Rpedf cf Norih Carolina, to be consul of the United States for (he nort of Sugua la Grade, in Cuba ; vice P. J. Devine, rejected by the Senate. j " SCRAPS. It is rumored that Mr. 1 Gardner, Tyler's brother-in-law. is to marrv the ex. President's daughter. T. W. Fiskc", of N. H.. a rhidshmmsn. re. ccctly returned from a cruiie, committed sui. ciJo by taking laudanum at Jones1 hotel, in Philadelphia, a few days since. ' Can:? dis appointment. Mr. Jones, the Editor cf the Madh-enian, has disposed of his half ? f thrj paper to S. Laughlio, ex-cd;tor cf ll.e Nashvilla Union. It U presumed, therefore, ihafihe Madiser.ian is lo be the official organ of the new ad.-.i.-:-tration, notwithstanding the exertions have been madj to secure thai poskicri for the Globe. From information received from Ai! -"tn Ia-t evening, we learn'that on affair of . : :or took place near lhat city last week, be tween Mr. John Parilow.of Abbeville District, and Mr. Durtoti, cf Laurens DistrictSouth Car. olina. The parties -fought with muskets at ten paces, and Mr. Burton was hilled. Willis says that the ladies cf Paris c-3 ir the common practice cf srr,oki.: i'-irj. e:.J have introduced the fish'on cf vearir T L jotj with hbh heeli. Ve bed heard cf t!;3 zri. but the boct business is semethir ne v. A man is supposed to be tolerihlv well oc cupied when he has hi3 wife on one arm, a baby on the other, carrying a basket nr.d c:;r -? in his hand, a cigar in his mouth, and a h; tut heir holding on lo the skirtgcf h:3 ecu. . ft v.. ... ' " sj Eably Marrying After noticirg the marrtage in New Orlenr.s cf a ycurg rrr.n aged seventy year, lo a lady nged cr.iy cih ty.four jears, the Planter s Gazette tJ.cn rc. mariis we are not nn advocate lor early marriages, nnd feel indignant at the rarer.: cf these children for permiltingthem to go cn so. - Descriptive ' Advestisemest. A down caster advertises fjr a wife in the following manner : ' i, : - ., ' Anv ril what's rrot a cov. a pood feather bed, virli camfortable fixins, five hundrJ dollars fn t!.; hnrd pewter ; one twit's had l!.e mcas.,:3 nr.d understands lendtn children, ran find a cu-tnrr.?r for life by writcn a "!! billy dux rddrr d Q. Z., ar.d ttickin it in a crack of Unelj Eour.cZw'r's Larii, Lac side. jinen1 the hng pen." - Intense f tu dy cf the DiL'3 will keep eny mn frombcin profar.p. In Haywood county, on the Ct!i inst.,.T.Ir. D. KarATics ta Mrs. Ann IItatt, wido.V cf 2l. 2 Ilj'att, deceased. Ia Ilcr.Jcrscn county, by ths T.: :. L. II. 71;-. i man,7.Ir, Eu Gonr.E, of Newlerry D'--i-t. t ., to Mies Car cu, ' :rcf J ' " :!i Jchrrcn.' The Trintcr acknowlcdjcs hla . " ' -, t" -happy pair many Ion j years of we.'.-i I.;4 1..;-? to which the Devil responuJ Ancn." Ia Rutherford co-.-.ty. on tho IS:1: t!:.', T!r.J::.v fccHSETT to T.Ii3 CaRCUSZ WlLS.i. " . In Columbia, S. Con the 8th ult., iliss Sali t Ann, only daughter of the Hon. W.TJ. Preston. We arc authorized and requested to announco A. C Clillli::, n., as a canJidale I r Clerk of 'the Superior Cotirt of Eancornbe county, at the Ac?:st election. 7 "mmff rmmf)-f ) r rJJFfa . Tfts puLM&hed curinr pjeat changes in the weather. Take it for what ii ii woitj. it ia appii. cable more ot less at all times in this wde extended country, j i . . . . . The present Season. Thcr? is net a man. woman, or child, bat should take medicine &l this season of the year but more especially 1 this present time; for there were probably never so many causes exist. ing at one period, aa there are now, so likely to rri uce a stale of sickness. The repeated char"" ? :i the atmosphere, by acting as they do upon IL . c i. sistence and quality of the blood itself, gire or - : for the most fatal and malignant disorders. TI : Lile becomes (and often without an j warning) ia' a most acrimonious condition from these rr" ' I changes, and if the stomach and borre!? h-nr-Mected previously, the first sTm""- r mediate attention. To remove t:.j .' whlcli the human frame is llal?3, r- ' , ; been faun d so cfTectual as Er ;3 Universal Pills, which are know j Ly t'.2 c of thousand?, t- perf.c'.!y c!.ir-3 tl.3 V. i foulness, and renovcta wc:.': a-J er' ' " ' 7 tiens tor-crfoct beallh v!:r. Tiiese Pilia are fcr bz.12 i.i'ci , j j.i tlij state, at 25 cents per box ; z- i . Lj J.iJ lr tL3 follawin asentsi - patton & 03 so r.::,v: 3v:::j, ::. c. J. M. ALCXANDIZr., I h irrcaJ, K. C. JAS. C. SMYT", Morranlon, xV. C. . WLl. L. GILL Cu CO ; Izr'.zn. i:. C . vitrei 7rldi5 , Eriee; Ceo. U. Cancroa; II .rsi, Ilarr. J w tJL. ; J. H. Z.ZcCrlr ;C T7, H., :z ; I..t, Towns . ad::e?:r?.i:i; nrrzrill-ji; V.'ecJ&rt-u r.inj; JoI.a ::'pr-j ; C. A. L :Y.j; CLarica Crccrj CU&sLaiui;; A. II....-J ; J ? C:?y; John HoCjcs; A!peias Eanho'.-.rc vr' C t. .i to all, ao J alnjular, my crtJ.Uis nlrj iIl.-T . concern ,.r k . ' , .. Yoc will p tea to to lake notice, that at icr next SccTtr Court cf Litr. to be helJ lr the ccu:;'.v cf Henderson, at the Court-house in IIpt:?tt:t:,!, on the fourla Monday in 3larca next, I t;,all ive the Court, t be permitted to Ufce the bcr-f.t cf the law for the relief of honest debtors in such c?.ci m&e and provided, and thereby d'scLr-e ir.tlt from arrest in one cr more cac where L...r.a I and others are taintl and I aa CJ.zlj.zi. joii:; :.r. i:r.izcr. J KarcS 7, lEiS.'' ; :RV. F?.:f. f.cr.cANA. f.!m f;j:;:::.m.' : . r' ' Got. 'lotEiiiAO. sole proDrielcr cf ths" lY:r. ;!e Seminary, is bappy to announce tu the' frie". j cf eaucauon, mat Hie has succeeded in preennrj t:.e eminent servicct of Prof Morgan in this inst ' " lie comes Tecommendcd byjrmecf ths rr.c .. tinguuhed literary men in the Union. Dr. Alexan der, of Frinceton, in writing to Lis numerous friends in ; the ou!h, says: - There 'ah few. men fn this country who have tlzl'.z i the Imporlar.l tuVjecltf education with mere care, cr have enj.ired nvire ad. vantages to test princ'rUs by predict thaa the Kcv. Gilbert Morffan.T . .. - - The Cottrs of Studies will be the fo!!3wir: , Firit Department Davie Arithmetic, E3:::3l3, English, Latin, and Greek Grammars, Town's Cptll. ins: Book and Analysis, Webster's 8vo. Diclionarr. Woodhridye and Wi Hard's Geography with the use of Mitchell's Outline Maps, History of tha. United csiaics, IjCl ci commerce, JLlements of r.Iy!i.obry with Lectures 011 Jewish! An liq tities, Watu on 11. s Mind with Lectures on Self Knowledge and Cdf Culture, the French language, the ; Latin cr ths ureek, with one or Hie Urnamcntal branches. - Second Department Da vies' Algebra, Lcenf re's Geometry, Newman's Rhetoric, Lincoln's "botany, Paley's Natural Theology; Ancient and Modern fits, tory, Burritt's Geography of the Heavens fair's Lectures. -'.; i Third Department Natural rhiWphy, with experiment!, Critical Study of the English Language as the vehicle of thought Its etymology, lexicography, and hislury,UAbercror-!;ie9 chaptered Reason with lectures, as a system of practical Logic, Sracilie on Natural; f I is tory with lectures on Acitj. my and 1 liywology, and Alexander's EwJ;4ice3. ruuxlh Vevrttr.tr.illohy cf fifing tronomyasa oimce. Ilame's Llpmcnls cf Crl:;-r-lillon, Shakfpuare a:ij ll.j eipjn, Crirical ftudy cf Constitut:-:n cf the U.. lr:nc:;Its cf L.U.;:.:a. 10 L'jt.nvea irci i..e practice, ? ayianu s ...or. si PI.:! ':y, Galz-.t c.t Civilization, l:.J Z".r'a Ahgy. Lccturccn t'.s harmony cf Tiu'.h, or J.Ittl.ad, and j '. .n c' C.I." J j with pnpira tion for grad ja,ti.g. , :, : . . t . . , . The EliiU J v. LtivIy exercises fur euch D:; .rtmcnt eje rhetorical read.ng, rclicarsals, corupirion, ex &::.!.iaticn of fcveral classes in ro'ation. Arfiori cf izca illath is given to tLettujy af the E.tls I ' . .11 tr.tcr upon IJa c;;:i. 3 in Tlay, assisted ly r.jl.. :. lV.j quii.f.jj ia their respective ds. tf a i.' aid ornamental education. Li-.jv. !.d rt.--rltj 11 'e worth to qualify them, f H-cs Utoach :.', ctt.:.' will find rn-at facilities. 'i'hs cxp:r::-c:8 are twcr.ty iive dollars for term cf l.ve montiiS beginning on thei;3th of ?.Iay.' ijeUcrs are e .'Jrcssed to Gov. Morehcad or Gilbert Tlor.:i. Grc.-boro' N. C. - . T.Iarch 7, 1545. , Ti C3 F0.1 -rJ r:.;. . f c, t .:. - :r .r.:3 ..il.j n ACt issed at the Lit i,.. t-i" ti.j Ac ...lly, it has made rrvi.i-.i f-r j -'.t.V.g in ccratiun a C J f r tl.s ed. ucation cf tl.s Deaf and Bu:r.b, E.t cr 1. -r V h, la ct:..:ncncc on the f.rst day cf T I : ; Tlie expense of each , .1 v .' I ! j i. j per year, including Lo'-.I.s c.J LI-., er", v . .'-i' rl'i-"-, CL'.'..:.- ;c - J I i jV.cLr.'s I " -; ) - i J"! t:. .. 'r iX li'J Iustrii'C i.(U':J. A3 t . i c'..f 1' ' -d ii l f . i ' ; .' r i j r . - r j c.. '...-.-. 1... 1 c 5 - - . -'ii.... 3 cf L.e Coun ty C.::'t5ij r ,J t.i 1 -.iki : such provision, the I crJ i-. ; 1 im..-:i request cacii Chiirnnn cf a Liuvly Cu-.t, ur.J County Solicitor in tLe ijULoito Lrinxthe Act aforesai l to t!i -s notice of the Justices cf their county at the f.rst Term, hereafter, when a m-'jrily shall be presw nt. And V aacertainf, ly irs. r-iiry then made, what. number cf defend d-n.! andllmd, wliite persons, (distj.iguiihiii the e.xcs) ever c'-'.t a-1 under thirty years cf sg-j there tr.iy 3 in euc!i. co::"ty, who or whose p?.rcr.Ts, are ur.allj i') i-y f. r their t-ducation. Al.-o, whether the Court wi.'l levy 1 y tsyttion, the eniount Ellavcd Ly hw frt!.c:rc ! A'zn, cr that of any of the:.:, zr 1 c:.:;i. ir.--'-"; ti : fj.r?.s Vj this board aa earlvtJ ; raclica 'a! 3 r::;-:-t cf c; , rcpriaticn f-r ths c'oaf and dn:ii, wiil &iijw of the instruction cf thirty.ve I :ri:j ecli year, ; rovided the Conr.ty Courts t' :i r-i. o ,r C2cli ct.5 cent, from - tlicir cc::ntics, th -::--:nt cvr.tcmpl.sted Ly lha law, to wit : Seven-tj-js D":rs. TJis I'jard propose at the Cum. 1 .'.r. c::".f r.t ' rccei ? f.ce hnnpC.ziT" frc .1 tiz Judicial Clicuit i: t!ie state. If a jrreater number .'.. .II ly, .lie selection, in ciscs cf q ;i crracity f r Ck.calio". v,-:"l Le rf!e ty lot. 1 IJjLch per.. .) . , ;'vi to he aih-r.itted as a tenr.. ciary of the sl.-te, u (. he required to produce a Ccr. tiucateof the County Court of his county --. 7 its seal, and with the Kigrat?ire of its Clerk, staling 1st. That such applicant i? 1 r-1 J-.-.it cf"':cli ccur.ty. 1 - ' - i. J. T ! i.i rr s!', t' -net c':cned to baiJ.'o' z r 1 Crd That the t ;'- " cT cr her pnrcr.ts, h r:t r ... to r iy fcr elcc. -'' i. f r- . , hlar.t, cr ct h;s j cr.JJ.z h:n cr l.cr Th n?::r:I Y.i c; -r.ri 3 rr.-rcrp jndence with a p. prove 1 Int:tu::cr.- ;m:' .rsi-sTjr the education t f !' 2 Th 1, lo rr...'.' j it to c!;r..iias whclheT the 1 , . -1 !i-i'n f .r tlieirtent.'t can be better expended i 1 i ( ::.i..g - tv.h-1 fr t!.i.i within the state, or by e .i.g thi.i.1 uhroad. ' fn theraean tnfs it is h- td :i.t every cou..ty will Uiake returns to the L j.rJ, cf r. ..or, sex, and age, cf tie cuatitutc Llirj J r.r. feu.s wilhi.i iU. limits, in the cacner already i.ill. cated. 1 i':" - '"""" " . "" : , - "WILLIAM A. GRAHAM. President ex qjlcio Literary Doard. Ieb. 21, 1845. CZcztc cT mTjrlh Carolina rU.VCOMCE COUNTY. IX EQUITY. FALL THRU, A.D. ISH. 1- , . .. CI'IGINAL RILL ' . '.Reuhen Di'avcr . ; ' - ' - ' T9. ' WilTiaa'Zr. rrfctt tnl the 1 "--.Issai J-rrctt,::. C. J-rr 1. cf J: 1 it 1 ivir :"r r- - 1 FuL'aTaCtiu.i 1 of lie Ct.urt, that V..h ...j i.. Jarrctl, onecf the'deffnc.t.t!, ij -r.ot fia iuhahitant of this state, 60 lhat the ordinary rroccri cannot be served on h.'ra f it was there fare ordered ty Court, that pub. 1 ."cation be mi Jo for six wee!;s successively in t' . Highland Messenger, notifying the taid Wii'h'r". Jarrctt t' it, uttlesa he be and 1 ; , jcr Lc'. : C-,-rtcf i" ..'y for said county, at lh .l - h.'.1' . , cn the 1st zr.lSy th ;r 1. j . c' yi-, :.r:li next, t.r.1 th:n .' , j -.. j -, c r cVmvrr, t? the c ... ;'.h... : .j 4 r::: ; ro c:rf:::y v. ill h: r ' I e-tf.r Leari: cxpzi rf T r, C. . : t 2 ! '-.ster fn . t- ? lit :ir isy cflcr the I - v h . . ;..u r, I .. : :. ' II. '!rCLUiRIL ' th. 1, ICi j. i rs. fee "3 37 6w. C3 - CcvEHAj. rmall rTocr, r-.!sr:J fjmale, from t:at? tr-.lrt y ra -1 ;?.I ts. -Apyto the subscriher, th. 1 ni'.es east of Asheviiie, on Swannano.'- . I . . . - - THO. T. PATTON. Dec. 6 tSJi. At 225 Uv the Sank or Dat-hel for s.'e, cheap, v . WILLIAMS i ROCZJJVTJ. h--r; -t i. . . rtrit . . t . . . . . . l-t 'Tier. . . ; Lis wcrk ""vr i. cia ia lis i lxV:T9 epe L 1 c- : 1 adjrc . J t : -Ashcvtiie, and anv fcfjnzali") nT ta c' ... c.a Is hid tvs;; i.ciiioa Ut'ml.. ... ,vSE-i"..r cl t-3. ,E.":r-tr. - . 1 "1 IkCUNG.'' Vaszz:. zz, Tt tiiu, lst llnx. 1. it. ,Vt,tl.?r..'.- ' - I ci. : -nf tls c-rf Jef- fcrio ar.d t .. i ci t-.:r.. tra w.i tr .11.; v;illi Ti 3 Vt. -, t' ; h.i:; r hrrcif, a I by occt. it.on, tr i v., Lo w. a r sasurs eer. - t- l Fii...o i.e u c -.... :.t cf s'.:.-tp" . i. ty in C'.'-gtrd c - v'll'jt ii? 1...9 cf business; that ts j - we -Is f - v. , tthichtas been i!cre . v '.".'i r . h r"." ' i tir and in a more wori:--i-!.,.;s t rt' i' ? I'? had any heretfare ij I.hi I " . , r. ! . 2 t ? cf npic-cn it is e-il, IT ret t ' n r - j . ' -that we have scea done by any c '.:r - ' . saM'L ca:. , ,; Joscrn i:..:::lvc::. "iTe s-l-lr.thtlly Concur wi'Jj the aLove :. :..zt. T" - ' .OAl'l.il. A ...... ri.rui.ry 7, 1 -Ij. Cn L-j Siycrior Cc-jirt cf 7.;:.:, IZll. ... n::i'.7.:i 1:.::, 'rKi- janc kti. ;: rrrmoN roa urrcics. Ordered by the Court, that pull icailon I . t frthre3 lt. lhj in the Repuhhcan and 111.... :j !!rr--r--:r, f r the defendant, James I Ml t? a" at the 1.. it L rricr Cc-jrt of Law, to be heid f r t:.3 C:.:y cf ;::hcrf..rd; at the Cort llzz i.i RulhcrrJ: c t the Moniy after the t-r. Mcnday i.i .... 1 ricit; then thrrc ta jh - f, answer cr dmur to the petition f.hd e- - ":-.:t !. i t -Elizabeth Hill, cr judgment pro c:-j ". - j v- il t' entered against h."j, and the t:'t f,r Lci:h j ex parte. - " A true copy from the Minutes. , . T 1 ; -f - j. m. went c"' "." Rutherford ton N. C. Dec. 1:3rd, I844L." . " ' AND BLAIill EOOI irAIiUFACT w r . . x-i vL...y i....,r.j c.w ally, ts t! lha ci'.!.' L.u Cro...;a, t,at he is carrying on the th ,ve Luiir.wjs in the town of Lincoliitw-n; in all its dhTrcnt Lranches. He keeps oq band at all ti...:s a large assortment of cf alracrt every .'descriptioa. II:s praclicil Lno.. I. edge of the duties of a clerk, er.il'.jj I.Ira tr? the best styles or ruling firths W m,-t. v '- . . . j used in the Courts cf this t?:.t"" ! - c:. keeps on hand ct A ZZOT1 TIT.ZIT 1 1 i'.J . r. cnt dockets, fi-cri fozrr'.zcn U t.;, i.;ahj cf ejUwL. lert paper, zr.i I rjr.i ta c-rr prj v..:h c.y I ;ia de!;hia crNcw York v.cfk: arilcjn I -r;." f.il t.i crdcr c.i the vLry fchcit.t tolioe. I 3 has . - a r;:;s c:t c? tc:lc, A:i E;::aLr;T rjL::; . f.:'.::::-;s, c:rF.::.i v.'cr.'rrrsn, a::d - ' CCCDSTCCXCFMATEuLUGj so that an order of any description can to LJ.cA cn short notice lo compare with' work cf a si :': r 1 hi J done, any where else. He would here rrrvr; I V 1 ' READi:;a co::::u:.r.T Hit, isi:iJ cf hi-.i. g t: abort erl t-rn t-. p'r??3, ( ,)itT..:jlJL-,jl: . . . .' . (I.urtU y l frc-J-cr.tly wv wi k y w ,, , .wtitWM); c-i !.v Ihrm !.r-d. I!:.. .! ! ---rly ri. r-i-i tha LADICo thatlhey can l.'.ve . 1....." r.i ..viitly lcuzJ i. Li.".r.lr"j C, as at any ether place in the Unilr J Z'.-.Ac.t. j ,i con cl - :9n, he would say tt the Ctrrr , Cl rhs ; .:3 ters. Registers, etc., fcc, t!.?t t!i c :r! -As. T "i tcr's book?, and all oilier record Li. 1.3 lht i..ay r...i re-biadin, if erfrtr-ied t- V.a c- , r' -.!!' : tali.cn care of, and re-Lcund wiihii t..y i. J .ry ti ti.e recordi. His frlzzs f;r t.l thj th-; j 1. ;. . 1 j regulated to suit the lirr.rs. Lincolnton, 17. C, Dec. 1 5, 1 C 1 1. r 1 cr'oxviLLi: C " 1" T ft rr n j Rrr. D.r..::'A:,TA!.V, Tr :-, ".t t-lTrz..r cf Intt ilictual e. 1 Moral LV.-nce. Rzt. c. ::ov;i.z a.::, r-w...-.r tf Ar.cr.t tr.J MoJjrrt Larguagcs, and teacher cf Hat:'. ' i-;u.tics. "' ' ' ' ' ... 3 . u.-.o;...,,! Airj i.-iPL., Acacher cf Instrumental Musio. Mas. M, A. r. McAI ALLV tfistnrctress la Draw. ing. Fainting, and Fancy work. , ... . , r. 7.1 iss -- " ' Tutorcta. Tal'stelS. James Park, Esi., Chaifrrr'n ; Xtnn. t. tww.wiury , i.i.. ui.ijra...3, 1 rras. . urrr; S. D.JicN,- l. f?. IlcUkell, IL A, U l.hiie.J. II. Cowan, G. V Church well. C. WaL lace, I. Lewi. A. R. Crnzicr, II. 1. T.IcCljn". ViriTC-s roa IiI3.Rev. A. ILMath-s, A." M.; Ifti;j,:.lrf i:-h;'...n Ccllege, Cl.airrnn ; Rev. . Ci ?il 3 Ci A. 7.I., IVeeiirst rf Lmry and llenty rr.hVge) Rev. ft. H. ri-'MwIIen. Rrv.T. ruilefts. Rev. J. Atkirtf. Rev. T. frr-ffMt T. W. Humes, Eq, M. D. Dearden, J. 71. V.'clcher, L'sq., Rev. T. isullcns. Agent. Tl;e fpring Session cf this Irr !"!:.! :!,',-:" tr:.:. mence as above organized, on rrii'y. thuitljcf March next. - . 1 ri rTi"jt yr - :-i t' - -rj r f Taj. "' i'!.-3 , :! Lcn s.:.-re Cattcriny or Us 1. - r ' r- ' - t' -n .t.'fyr-: t j i!s C.tcrr?, Trv :. trc.-, t.;A'.' "j ...wiilly, Ij circorcr 'g ihs parcrt in t -ction cf "the e-, l-J thc -..?.;.-.-, an increasing intfrft in tlie proper c irci1!. a cf their daughters. This I.as t;ea cvi;.;ii Lj- J; j increase f scholars d "ring ihs -r.-: .1 i aUoby ncmeroui e-'hcatFons frcn ci: jc( this and af'j'iiningffaf-"'! fjr the td-:jr.-1 1 . ters In the ensulrg er?i."?n. , The course of tiuJy is dcVgr:-; .1 t j -j er-.' - '.Tg the rubctan!:ilrs wT'l '1 Ir; -ls cf education. Readi; . t - - '. r:::;,cr!d Cr:r.:r.a irs n-ar'd t Lf!.!.:;".! c: t.n cj jcauon, ar.3 pu; ..s a.-e r .t p rr.:ittcd t r..:e c.cr 1t3-.es excej t Uccgr K ..j ... j IL.iory tin I.I three ere cn" Ti-ioJ. lr.::?in. .j) 1.4 a ti..y, tr.itc- ;? :'.ion a week! CiCi'L. J i i u.i I j.. - . A d-far ii c--r.:-,';r 1 with the Inrtitste . c j ..1 ij a4-e chred those who wi.-h - ; , f.r t ' ! 7 '-hing cither a full Cel. 1 '. rj.r-i cr a n .radt r.uc oneonly. ,.. J ...i J ...w.-l ar.d AstronomicaJ apparatus 1 1 '.J i 1 :cn procured with a cabinet stid ether jhh.c.i.t.ts' Lr comniunicating a know-Ice cf the f: nccs, so lhat few if any I'ettale Ir.il. . jticr.j Ihe south-west ofTcr greater ad van luges fsr ecT;:;-g a ood education. ; . Tlie health of Knoxvilleisas g?d as erjr'.h r portion of Tennessee. ' i , i Coarding t private booses tot's f. c m 1 " ; 1 j t dollars per month, r ,,,, , t ' , " A regular boarding honse 1 - - . ; j 3 2 c'rneJ in connexion wWi fr' ' ' 1 1' j c-t .Vnce. ment "f tlie next sc--i jn, v. ; t - t(J co?u stantly Vndcr the ?r. ... r-. J.2t..tf cf Ihs Institute. - - I- i . r 5 ? ? Inc t ,.: " ' l: -Ijt Gr mar . 13 C"t I-::: : r, - . C-itya Tcsr-U:. '-::t cn l.ve w. : ct ":-- . - r j i..-. i:: I tj r ; th .1 c . .: : , th. : . ; lh:"ur. 1 t : . 3 It t- nit U ! -"-"Ir: rt tr.d! ...3.. ; .-..-j w . . ., ; :. . t..J 1. t" :j, C.w.-.s r ...',. . 1 w-j r .1 , .... L.":jL-.iriwulif '.r,rt' grated tl.8l!.:.r. w ' " - T r m-.. f Ccrrcc'.wd Article 1. li.iCON.i!ji t rt r . i. . . . i , - , I.'rt'i Car Jll. .5 corrrz;. crm c. c.::.h: .2 J 1 riCU.I'rrr; llltft'Td, J ) r M T.'l hr c .. - I 4. J ( ni.n:: err. r O-V, JT.Mt.hr ' Seet Kill Hals . . f 4 - rt r. c-i ' r 7.'.t,7 GILU.J.- - JJ'-el 0 " rr.prr.r. RATai:;a.:: rich, rr: rV't - . v w .. c. : ii Zrr. i,. Cr 'r Porta U.e spici: i. M t aODacco.::. c-:;3 TX7i:;n Ccrrecl : J . . ; lh Hecksnie T Crmtt-Z lc i . Ainfd lit . r,-c.- Cc: 7 Vr -Jt : State " IJari:e r ' -2.?-' c:;:;T It Tit a ""' C:Vr.'-:";':-:-7i Cfrr,tnrrci'il L ' , I r-' n 11JJ.-J -r lie 1 f v cil ef -' '.; Cer.tr zl J1 - IZxc1 i znlt cf Zmr I rir.rfC-:l.'J. iJ JxC-XCz'-r t . -tf Ci:y flncil if Ilzez 1 cr.? c -rJ-f c r.T; ;7:--f .'" Claf:-'"?'-'?;'.. . -Twr'fT.7 ' ' 1