o VOl-NO. 32; n , ITT EDIND PROPRIETOR. A -..-nnajxnc ncsscGEzi Two Did Firrr Cexts pcij annum in Xd ranee, oDoluu within the jrcar." I f ITo papd discontinued, except at the op. " -rlioa of tht intil all arrearages ar paid. , . , Advcri; !ill b inserted at Osx Dpix per f quire he or lew, for the first insertion, T'wE.vCiMTf for each continaance. K-jim crtiona desired roust jbe marked ' ca jnirie adrertisctne&t will pe con tin u. t rd till forblf barjed accordingly. Court Or. c will be d twenty-fire per cent. extra. The chartnneuncing the name of a candi. ta for cZ2 50, in advance, or $3 00 if pay. La deli I ''izr$ tJJitcr mast come free !of postage, Ft i.?ure att. I ' - . cr.:a Swallow, ,. ; T.HXOM AN TAMER.; . - wife, and have a wife." i ; , , r ' ; i v 1 ' ' j. ,'.' 'J .:. ' ., 1 1 "i . j ...i:"' ; f : , , - ,i t ' ' ' v Sulorhon alio . aai a bachelor, and a one, t b .vcrtheless ha.had made y? mfrijf cr v.- thai he was the on ' v Ilvi ' . . I cc.:ired any know. i '2,.c( ' arl c!r -"-hing; care of , a -. t wi'a. a I. j rr.irricf e n ere dulls,1 was ":ca,r ?r.t cscervation. "There j for .;-:aacef j f r -hbor Tum Tangible; Hia "'ja raafcci j eo.t cf lisrccs legged stool of L'a; c.'il- k3 ij-! ia c::3 corner, and thin a -ctcr, a. ! cits him," end, walks oh ta jf h0 f,s no)oc!j in the houss while V V r3?r. man, t-.tccs it cs cascs! tV.uugh it ya tho most natural thir the world. Wow t!.-t I ncre only Tom Tarj-iU-j; I'd --'rT! cf matrinK-nial rules, and ' ' it llrs. T. 'it abide by them, I'd submit I--Mot!-3 :3r.;2 (l!jci,'.!ine cf bread and . '-ilcr, cnJ JIjcI: ; ar:d rnayhaps brighten ' -J i '--3, :'.!;: j her co: JjjiI duties, by the Tt'zzl'z a good crvhiJc. And there ain aro ;.et Easy, Dick Snooks, ond a 'host m iro them in . the same condition ; Vm tboy that will set them all right, f'fi ey'll c follow my example, after I have " - ' 'csccc.1, to endow some fortunate female v -' the V! claim tothe title of Mrc.SwaU ..arej2-i3rf1ion Swallow. ".ell, E.'.jmon , said a neighbor to him t -norr.ir.j, 'as you aro always ! ,a;in fur skill ia managing a wife, how comus ii t! I you tr3 not married J - j f ' hy, l;;iuj3 I have not quite perfected yvstem! You poked your head into the withe; making any preparation, and r.3 Mrs. Ercrly makes what she likes of "j.''JJut I 0 to work logically. I begin - Jyirg tha erudite works of Zinubraz j, rp!.!::r;phy cf a Vomans hold;: j gt!3. I then read i'?veral treatise ' "-ct cf tread and water discipline i:i "t akinj ct jood wives.1 Shakspcaro's ' .irig a Shrew,1 furnished me vith a fjv i Icr.t practical lessons. .And I ;.:n now ; ralbirg all their systems into r,..:, v.!.:;'. i carry thsway in all future gen':r-ti.-:: invert the plague of matrimony into a 1 .-o 1 course cf a year or so,"1 i Solomon, 1 my Uv.!;3 for tho regv.!jition 'omen (I intend tj h ii) . . i ! I L j ' :tcJ, anil th?a 1 f ':-11 t:.!:2 -f ' i v. ifj.1 " J Salomon was cs p.-1 cs h'i wov T, f.r aj cf thirty-fivc Ltllr him-ilf prc? to Ive baltlo to any ..;..pJ Li cr c;;t cf '".Jcf.Arr.asor.) I.j ,t i. ;ri;.J. At -sportar.t pes. - . : - ; r rtalia loc..:." I.::. ay's 'walk, 'lor ci .lever EtooJ full ; Lots, ho vz3 cf , !or.3 honor to rn ' J !ui:..L( . trVr.n d 1.!j !Vc:.j lech :.::a!.:.t'.:c-j:j cr c; . ;i . sayor; and his iit, (e:;cc;a"y uhcu '. 'gwilhdny thing in thes li!er?;3 cf a a) was a; pompous us a tultn's ; ,Ulj times his countenance always assem. expression that could r.cl 1. J ""ch of female fami!' rit'' T 1, . lom0n! J c'. osen forms . " . 1 1 u kip creature, so parcntly a hmb.UKC cr. irl V .rirt' -tshe would 4' wif,. L-j: that Solomon Mi- . . r - Rvstcm to , do. Help - . . I 7:c "'" , 1 4 had the forbearance : r- ' 'zrrc .:. . jv. saving d do- .1.3 .tj::- ..... . c.-; Vf U U recorded u -s-c:i....u,;tv on the night : I : o'clock tb i morn- '-ir'-.edtohr ..tcg part. ,-whca-"krea'fa- cady.)ou may . ! L3 sure ar ah,'' . ourn the toast. .aid Mrs!. Swallow, ' - I:ican, madam, that 1 . " -gun r..y--3- ' I-wca'tyc- .1100! " ,.hca". ; is ready, and my ' 1 aired!1.- C wallow we.j about io reply, "tut tha 't.f," as 3 wa,3 ashar.:: J to say -icjso s..-11 c: ..untance: prc r't ir.ance she did ' 3 xyas bid, 0 rtsglyed in her : vaa the last UK frx wouid ; ia the mornicgtD prepare break. Vr lock, every thir- I-;rT Tca3y M-d Mr. Swallow. -. Breakfast rt-ady. MrJ Swallow.1 1 Is the toast made V 'Not burned!' j " 1 Are my stockings aired;? You'll ;do,' quoth Mr. breakfast he went,! having Swallow, and to first received the services of the blushing Mrs. Swallow to as sist him in dressing. ; The breakfast-however did not turn out to be the thing it had been cracked up for. The toast was done a little too much, and the tea wasn't done quite enough, t ie slop bowl was at the wrong end ofi the tray, and there were several crumbs on the carpel. j ' These things call for- improvement,1 ob scried Mr. Swallow ' The servant hasn't beeri here this morn ing, answered Mrs. Swallow. - -, . 1 Servant, returned Soloron, I dlscharg. ed her yesterday. You dont think I can af ford to keep a servant and wjfe too I .The lady was ugaln posed, and Ehe said nothing, but the day wore to its close before shccould bring herself tothe belief that Mr. Swallow had actually! made isc of the words servant1 and wife1 in tho i;ame sentence. The next morning at six o'clock Mr.Swal. low again informed his wife that it was time to get up, coupling the rcmn rk with the sug. ccstion that in future 6hc must save him the trouble of remindir.j l.jr cf so r.cccL:ry a duty. " Mrs. Swallow, h )Wcver,lcncRttcd nothing by this soft insinuation, for ijt the moment sho either was, for pretended to be, fust locked in the arms of Morpheus. 1 ' Don't you hear, Mrs. Swallow?1 quoth Solomon. , i But alas!, a slightly ccr::iov:i snore vas the only response from MrsSwallow. Now this was a ticklish 'poict with Solo mon, but he was preparcdj for it. 'What says my system on thta hqad V said ha to himscjf musingly. It says that a lazy wife who lays abed in the morning may b3 very profuably reminded of her tluty by tlie judi cious application. of a corcoo pin. Ar.J this ii:rgTtf:crjt idea had scarcely crc".:cJ tl-3 threshold of luTXrninp-pai lihan he inserted the point of a huge pin into jlhe right arm of the sleeper. . As might be pxpecied, the in. tended effect ins'aolly followed the c3L:l2, for the astonished Mrs. Swallov irr fr:r.i t!. bed as though she had been hrovn from it by an earthquake ! But, alas! her agility was too strikingly manifested, for she not only all Ivi : il iicd poor Solomop in rolling ;over I.'. Lu;f!:e dashed his pater.t lever from the r.'.ii v,..-.;:i s:r the ir.'.D a 1 it to lh.3 wall, acdbrcl. .;cccs ' What a dreadful dream, ejicuhted ? Irs. Shallow, presiing her left hand on her c. c 'srm, ' V;i-t a dreadful reality,1 shouted IW Swa!!iv, contemplating the! fraglo ruir.s cf his demolished time-ipiece. Here v.j z S3 over -th 3 interval iclwecn il.'.j Lj;:n-vr:co ar.J t!.j l!... when I.:;; I 4 Now, Mrs. in that ! enn't always 13 to call ycu up in tha morning, or cat lamed teast,.or dii:.A raw lea, ;c. Lcc. it 13 i::.-.ir::ct yu in your duties. 4 A: I are those, Mr tirr.3 I l:0in to Swallow V ' .'.!or.t madam, if you plcass ; not to t"'.': L-t ta listen, 13 one of l A3 most impor rs at lh3 ? :: i i n tcr ri'f tic n p rc zz ? ' : J , ' Frc.M rir; till cH.t yen rrpto r;ct rp, drccs quietly so as to crcat3 n c!:turbance, liht fire, air clothing, ar.J i, sweep roerr.3, prepare brcakfist, ! : t!.3 pcrfoc- tion therccf. E"J.:'t::i t:::, Wa:h tea things, Jrnakeledj, rvb fjrr.iture, ar.J clean windows. Ten t -Ive, goto marlict cr.J prepare din- ner. Twelve till Jwo, devca to dish wash-ir,-Tic3 UP arJ r--v"J f-rciiurc.--T j ti'J six, spinning, mcr.:;--c!;:' -' . -"-t cirekir?''. Seven, tea. I'rr 1 "t ' j till nine, a second course of fher.A " rr ! 'imin and then to bed! And this lAii course, madam, with a strict observar.ee ci tho rules of civility, fru-!::v, decorum, and dience, rr.ay in lima cr.-.L j you to do Ion- ortothechoice of Mr. C.!:,i:n Swallow.1 " Mrs. Swallow listened qu.y to tne end, and then mildly enqured, j And do you really espect t..;s cl me, l;lr. Swallow -f I To be sure ' rc,;Pond2d her sprji Then you'll be sadly disappointed, fjrl'll do r.o sucn I""'- -NoV . . . 4 'No!1 I've a way to'make you. HowT .. - Spoon diet, locks, chains . Mr-Sft-aHow! What' , '. . and a cowhk 1 You're a brute l1 and Mrs. Swallow threw lerself back and looked desperate. ' - " Now this -was "a climax. Mr.Swallow was called a brele at his own fireside, and "by his ownwife, which was the worst of all. He, Solomon S wallow, he celebrated founder of a vstcm of Matrimonial Observations, 'called ASE37H!,LI3, ' N. Ci, FRIDAY," El AH a LrLt3, and by no L a person than Mrs. Swallow. At Critl.3 was so astounded at such cpsa rr.i:.'.?i: .r- of rebellion to his royal will, that lac:.' looked aghast; but when lj came to him-...., he saw that some thing must be dona at once, or the field was lost forever: - ' ' You cailod me a brute, Mrs.SwaI!ow - 'Idid, Mr. Swallow.1 A brute V A brute ! Til o mad and break things, Mrs. Swal low. . . ; ' As you like, sir.' ' . And Mr. Shallow did go mad, but he had a method in his madness, for be seized the cheapest article of delf. that was on the table, (an old plate with a crack in it) and dashed it into a thousand pieces on the hearth, as if he was in a tremendous passion. . ' llowj doyou like that, Mrs. Swallow T1 , 4 Vastly J Mr. Sva!Iow,try it again.1 And.again he di J try it, (for he had become desperate) and dcmc,!::heJ the cream jug. Now,' said the lady, it is my turn, and jumping up, she sent the ilop bowl 4to keep company with his tea table companions. ' ' Thi3 of course was too much f3r Solomon; it snapped sunder tho last remaining chord of tho little reason he had left, and he slapped his Jielphiale we use the word in its-most positive term 011 her right cheek ; but scarce, ly had the echo of the blow melted into si lerec, erb th3 indignant dams seized tho tea pot end shivered it into atcm riirrt t!.? had of the djvoled llr. Cvailo1.. Iior c3 t'. ': all, for ashs was roiiir.j lech over lead fru.j the effects of tho awiu! collision &!:e plied him with the remainder cf tho tea traps, un til thero was scarcely a bone in his body which had not richoed to the shock of cups and sau. cers, and rounds cf buttered toast. Ui.-L! j to c v:m l!.3 .or ca eny hncr for ti.at cay, ; ; . ; -. i.l 1. Ci v.xllasljceulJ, r.:.'i .-. ,::-.-.::',: stuck hii pipe in lh mcu:h, lis lar.Js i 1 I.'.: pocketsand then commenced wlLilinj a j'j tothe tune the old cow died cf, bokirj as if ho could lite a pieca cut cf tl.3 gr: ! .!!.;, v. i:h. out retting his teeth on cn c'j. II; 3 e.! lady, too, being determined to fj'lcv 1!:? cr ample of her lord and master in clh:r rr.tt r : besides delf breaking, placed r.r.c:'..r e! ': liek to lack with Solomon's, r..iJ cfi. r pro viding herself with a novelrat her: "If . j and began readir j away, c.3 if !.:ra ::-, :.o such thing C3 bedj to malic, cr tlc-Iviri to menJ, i.i Cl'.rilnJ-r.i. Iler ..'. a..e i. .. -t c-.4 .0 &a fr mortal hears, each 1 r.: i:;a tiitirg tha e'.I -.-down, and ruminating tha whih i-ca tl. ir relative positions. I Jt it rr.::t le ccr.f.-:: 1 ti-i MrE.Swai:a-.-:.-;::.3i .urr : -r :; fjrLJcr"- ' -cf " ' : ' ' ' 1 - ' c-j - c-, r.3 muJ ti.at tho watch cil rr.J- tl.a creckcry.tr.jjt hi replaced; so t'rU tl:3 rcJj. cing of the fazl chapter cf his I:,m'.r:v: iy ' "a cf practice must bo attends J ,.i;h - . c -'.'-ycf at least twenty dollars. ' TI I irt' 2 c:?, t mi"ht as rrell la hur- f -r :. .!:: y Iamb,1 thc.'-hl he, an J with tl.-:t la rc.j i. .:"i lis chair, stol3 soi'ily from t'.'.a roc:.;, I urncJ tl.c ley rr :a t!.3 r.r.'.lj Mrc. .J ,,,, ,iuO IT ; The turning of tho key rr.tdo her aware cf hisintention, when she rushed to tho door, but it was too late. Open, tha dor ti.h insta-t,. Mr. Swallow. 4 Not until I have l:;t yc . '..?re seven days upon bread and wter,1 return z l the victo rious Solomon, anJ he went c. his way re joicing, i; E-t alr.s! haw ::::,'; i alv.: I -I" -.el"-mailers -ere ' ... re ' put h'13 eye to t!.a leyl. v. hen ! 3 l:"tn rear icg like a ball, fcr Tire. Swallow had torn 'every ono cf his j iir.cn &!.irij ('' l r a lis L -.i cccptco) into p.ccj, to 1...... u ilj to let herself down from tho winJv.; nor was this nil, for upon further examination, l a discovered 'that she had al'o thrown a Variety cf c! air ,cus: t! 2 : ar,!, 13 rr.ee 1 O ! c " Vri Solomon S. I, ,.s cf the Swallows are . ining cccurrenccs cf this t cn th " very r.? :t 1 : :c .in.? to t..c r eve; fjl C:-y ; . -seven o'( from "ur.Jcr SW! low.c. Yes,1, returned the I-.,, . y call me when you have ill tl.c ..re cr.J r cl c.i the kettle.1 . : Poor Solomon! TI " 'cs no r' ' -so he set about 13 erl: which showed that he ! I ken head and demoli.l - ' I strongly Ja hi3 mcmcr ,. - ' was a conquered man. TI... - J ' - ' ' ' prepare breakfast, sweep 1' a r.::m( t." ?. TI 1 next his assistance was rec"Trc:7 ia t!.c f ' bingcf furniture and tho rr.al.I.v; c." ' zl;, z. 1 teforc thb week wa3 cut la .s im:lc:cJL.l3 ti.3 mystery cf washing coarse- towels. Degenerate Solomon Swallow! Nay, ia after times, when the littlo Swallows began to gather! around him, it is whlcpcrerl thaA.is betterliaf '(and5he was his better half) used to employ.hinr atyet oro deeply conjugal of fices. T' 4 : ! If., ..' ' ii . b '.: ' I -' ' , ? v"' ' . " -i ' But for this we have no proof other thaa the fact that he was the only nurss , that Mrs, Swallow woul J trust with the children. About five years after tho" Celebration c ' his nuptials, a friend called to see him. ' You must go with me to tke ihcatrej tlr Swallow said the friend; ' lie shan't, said Mrs. Swallow. . j Il must, returned the friend, and so must you. - ' "i 'Imay, but he can't, fcp5ied the dams, ' for he must stop at home with the children-1 And Mrs. Swallow did go to the play, and Solomon stopped at horns. . ' . , Oh, hen-pecked Solomon Swallow! The , moral of this authentic tale is, that 4 bachelors .wives and old; maids children are always excellent in theory but as bad cs can be in practice and thai a- managed v.'ifo is belter than no wife at all. :IIaJ Colomaa only treated his better half decently ia tl.3 beginning, things might have fjbne on smooth, ly to the end; but as it wai, he compelled her to be a Tartar in her own defence, and had to take the consequence?. : 7cvvy is tray IIt:".rI." Vcary is my Icart with trcal!.".- Amid t!ie wreck of farmer years. Gladness ah ! how Iiht , how Ccetm, ; r . . How soon it leaves the soul in tears. ! '. " - ! . Thehud may opc its portals frail , - ' The blush, unto its leaflets fly , . But withered soon, its glow will pale, And dro'-pinj, mid its frsjrante, die. . . . V ! : !. j Jaws daik wT.l f.il atlw-rt i.j i''rc.t tr.J LiiI.tct tll.-.a3 ; And promised joys arc turned to naught, . . An .1 , sted ones will leVe their stings. I tJ back to lookuptdv :!:""s of r7 farmer years. 1 13 CourLr, cf .'..z v..'. I INAUGURATION OF A NEW PRES IDE :;t. W .:rJay, nr. 1 cn tr.j prcceJ!!-- c' ! - f c .r Whiracarr:-;- ' e J to r a ta l"::.!. ar.J , . , " ... I ,. , ,, , , t". 1 ; , 1 rt t. ci tl J i. C. :J iva L 1 x -ural .(-Jr. : c 71 nil ; . . .Ming for a rcJcctlc. . .' r:l.:c! ; ' jc, was signed by t:. 2 Pr: " . cn rior,J:y ; : ;ht. It is therefars a 1 iv r- 1 will "ol'to c-.'.ration on tha 1st cf July r:!. Ilerarts frcm Washington, rcccivcJ i.i ...... . . -1 J ..a li.J i.-Mv-l! 1 i.- C. s.m.I. 1 l!;r" :.rports. After th.3 IIouso cf Representatives hai disposed of tho Appropriation Bills, and they wero sent to tho Senate for concurrents in an.enJmcnt3, the Army Bill was next ccnclJ crcd, and a long debate arose upon an cmcr. J ment cf C2o,0C3 towards tha compla'hn rf :"'':ry Ho-p:iah a: Clevc! -r.d, Lcll ' , 1 TI" " Tho amendment v. ,zr I l . ' . - ...!:r.'..: r r' r; ; -' - " . 3 er --a r; Sea Wall at Bo-Ion." :a t!:a rr.:r :rz: 1 T' 3 Secata tdhcr this amendment. ar.J tl.a IIo rclvi. rcc I j, Ayes Co, Ncc3 C3. I ha Oouc3 tl.cncdl.crcd, CD tat:. -Tha -C en etc tc co t!.3 Revcnua C ' Bill vetoed by tho President cf t! 3 U I States, and the bill was parccdt::: a tie The House of Represer.tatfve3 cl. l'..3 ITU by a vct3 cf 123 It T ! , .1: - ----- not withe tan-., -t :c! a U'.l mahirg ' , "..- tl.a ic- j ...c:.:cr.t cf h-ilor : . " , cr. J f;r t!.c centi..c:.;Ica cf lhaC. .. .:1:.J r::J, irJc ding (says tl.a I-:', .zl JT.-'cVj: :rcr) r..":: 1 eneHcial legislation than all tha ether ccU cf the session put teacher, which had pc::cl tl.a House cf Representatives-, tves. taken cp io 1I.3 Senate I: ta ia tha c: ' J, i.turn c 1 T w i.!.;uttrc:c i::. : :. t , j-recant- - 'Mtlal1.' " tri Lyhlra re.: lac J with. ' I z e! ' " r ' ; ::v. I cr returned ta the - ia ,,!.!:!) I. r.riira'.cJ, cr I thu3 izzshzl; .. ii grc ..ly to la regretted, tlcc-h ;t has . V cl. . .1 3 .V.3 c - j-: r.-ry i-par-cr ! C : !r. "3 III!; . I !:h did r.ct -ct ca . r 1. j v i .3 1 t:rpet 3 1. ... ; i . : 1 1 ci r t aelr. :c s 1 1 a r va r- l'..o, .a 1. .3 1 r:, All l:-o - , . I. .c. carare .: edl" tl.j i. .!-.:t erect t!.3 Harbor 1111. - ' ' At h-i: pact two tT:a Speaker cf l!.3 IIuc3 cf Representatives raada l.:3'fcrc...i: ;ccch, end the House adjourned zi.t dis. In both the Senate sail! : Ilcueacf Repm S3nlalivcs tctes cf thsr.!:3 v. crt? r c'.:r:3w!ed-cd ia Loth cares by epprcpri-ta rr'!!:::. 4 . T1.3 Cecals held . C3 Gxccuif.o C.::!ca ca Moadayjca that a hr3 nitalcr cf r... !..a tious 10 c;C3 triads by the late Prcr.I Jcnt, re. training unctd upon at tho clc23 cf th3 tioa Las Tallc.i td tha grcurj. Among them was the ndmiaalica ta tha ir.uch coveted cp. cut cf Cons-I cf i!.3 Uul:ci Cl-U3 u Liverpool The pap"3bs contaia fll dctaih cf tho cere monies attendant ca tha Icnuguratica cf th"3 ccw President. ' We copy tha LlIo'.. i::g from the Baltimore Anerican, believing that itcca tains such particulars as will la interesting to our readers: THE INAUGURATION. Tic city b full ct ctrargcrs and tha cars car.. a ia frcra Eahimcra crowded. Amer j ti.3 mcctimpcclrg cJJitlczj ta ti n.: :"... cri ras the military escort from yc jr city. . , The military cf the District turned cut tho, and ens cr two companies frcm Virginia. The dl:alay cf tl.3 day, howe. :r, v. :3 mate. r:a!!y f-I'-Jty a:a;'y riln, :.' :h Iv.:J r.ll e y. - Tha-rc::::'.?.-..:: - ;.v.:J ci Tjlta n;a Avenue, cr.J t!.3 Ir.-j-ra:;ca Jack place at 12 o'clock, frcra tho Portico cf the Capi tol. The ecena upon Capital Hill was roost imposing. Cancan were sialic-cd upca tha brow cf th3 Hill, cr.d cn tha rrc.'-Jj, cri tinah ci r r. rai;ca cr cc a v.cre f.reJ ;..w;..I.:g u:.!l t!.3cct!i cf c.lce was ad. j : ; j ' The terrace we 3 lir.cd with pccp!3,acd the groundi well covered aho. There were but few persons within doors compared with the many without. No ger.tlcrr.ca ciccpt priv; l:g'-d prssns svera ad...::::J cic:; t up Caarcf tha Chamber. II. rc ..a ? end Ex-Cena!cr3, meml;rc c 1 cz 1 . Jl '-:3 cf t':3 C.-frcma Cc-,'r!,i' 2 V ;I Corps, G.7.ecr3 tf 1I.3 Army ar.J J'avy in L"!."crr:i. rTev Ten ate rs v.cr? prccr.tcJ frc:.i . . chucctia, RhcJa Island, New Jer:y, r ' . war?, r.Iaryland, Mississippi Ol.io, rr.J TI:! -an, one frcm ccch state. . " "..ha cor: ...a i!..!,- 1 V' --r. '..sN.'IIur.:: - JC. r.VJpc. - i,A::.;t cc...-:. , . i. L. .ca. t , Vra. L. D iy t a a. , Ti.cr:: -sCIiytca. J, Ecverdy Juhacon. ,i,Jcc:3Ccd-.t.; a, Le .vh C'tes. c :i,Thc-.c 3 II. C:t. r 1 i I'i -a - ' " 'a vac ::c3 ia Tcanccsee, Virgin. I ". - c. v.c-3 Co Dcmcc;-:!: :.c : ::J 21 Wl; -tl3 v: ccn.:;j - !r!: ;crat3 a mayji. Dallas had the cat! - :J ta I' ' cr.3 cf l!a T valors, .... T " -. r '. : ' Jtath: T-ate. 'i... 1. ;y c:! ever, the Cer.ai3 c.'J -urr.-J to t! 3 r- rtico to tal:3 part ia tha ir.a-jarrl r:r-v!:-icf t:?r," " TI.3 prcc::.::a left Capitol Ilillat I o'clock, far ll.j Prc-IJ ...;'j House, wlero Mr. Polk r:c:i, .J hij LI ia his new quarters cs Pr " t cf l' ; T: ' ' ! date?. T:.3f'---3cf :U-::?ir- ' I'i. .!.!-.;, t j I. .1 1 I (:ays tha ia Extra ly the i . - . . . :r3st bill i , U .... a 1 T'-. r'c - Ir cf tha Z.:. tc, r-I lock tha ta .3 -r.:r:lr paocrccrr: : r,7 JAMES K. POLi:, Pr.nrir:::T, iitie preser.es tf Cs C:r.z!; i -l-rz cf V..z VrM:i Zldlzz, ct L: .:,!, :.T. !, ic::. ' . rLLOy-Cinc-::3 : Y:i:l: ,.t : . '! :T" : . my part,! havalccn c' ::cn tl.a f - -voluntary rcT'rrci cf ry cccr.trymca to '' ; k 4.-..J. - . ; t. .. J J.. . i j , j.wui. w . J C ... C l . . 1 . . t ..... 1 c 1 c::a c. : , . i.v.prc: :cj w::.. fcrt:.3cc:.:.:...:jr ia i .e. Il.c.i V....I 1...3 c. car'.cr periai cf il.3 Ahaa cay cf my pre J 3-. ccccors, I cannot d.'rguica t!.3 d.'.T;dcnae wi.h which I am elect to cct cr ca tha die charge cf ray oCcial Celiac. If tha more ced and err eric nee d rr?n who a 4 have filled th? cIT.ce cf Preeider.tcf tha Uci ted z23t evea in th.3 fcfarcy cf the Pve;Vjr ha, clictructcd .cir ability to c!ischcrg3'tha dj.I.c cf t!.c: c.c!' :J tl-tica, s- b: it!.; t a L 3 1! . a c p p r c !. : :!e a cf era r a "rr.c ch y : : y cr : J l::i er.far. cd, now that cur damila rr tcnf3frem ocean to ocean, that cur pecpla lava sa rrcatlr iccrccrcd Ia tcr ;rc. ci.'i c: a time v. lea so great ci . : :-Ify cifopl.vlaa. pre- vaHsra regard ta tha pi.::";!:-; ;:!Icyv n-- which should ch-.rrrtcrlia tha r Jm:r.!::ratiod cf car Goverr.:.'. ri ! Well tray C.2 I - f art fcar anJ ll.c t.Lc.I t:;.:.i:a x.lca ...ccrri: j rc:pcr..ILIlI.Ic3 ci !.!.i r .cy C. :. I : : country a j'C-.a c . -- ' ' J-Tcciti.3 horc3i humau r:-r!y. , la essumit. Tr'-'aacil.'....! Vcr.Jy Ir.Vc!:s tba tia c." at Al r : c r.eaj ta --z the": It-- v. ca ;,V -z- V ?. rr. ..I.j ; '!c: With a . . 1 -:. .1 trO-r, . : --r I : . : : ; la tha f I r-i ! ! ia pur:.c, I . - -r - cf t!.!? rr-Ur.::'.: rr.y ccc.tr , 1.1 tc'ia epen my: 'tit'al-trf r.. ".a c.j -n l:-:: cf tha U: " Ac-::- . V-Mch w4.;;j. 'j; cy v. l ;(...;. cues iv L Tit:":, 3 ex ll c ut . .1! 5 cf tha ; ?i it!.3aj.m!r.: ..tj is r.ct c:.!y 1 ' :r t: 3t;-:!l c:c rv I -I' T;.3C.....;t-;cnhcc:f) : ' it i 3 , 1 ! . j t . f.-gu a r J c f c - r f ; J ; r a : '!- t: ia the h; u:::aa thh r.it cnl ir.crea -anJ independent Ctakcj will? : t'' : which Itl.all I3 c!Irc:t:J. ' It r.ill 1 3 v: iT: : tc.-c ia zl ' G-v-r: " '.zirhzl ? ' r : :-.v.a Ua j" . . grc:.. .J or clearly Ir; lied ia I 1 t:rm?. Tl: Government cf tl 3 Ur.iuJ I ate? iu u' dc!-: -!'-, ' ' " . j v. icLartyiJ, -. . ..' 'Z f .i t!.3 cr.crci:3cf ' I irrplIeJ powers, t' : ij - arar.". against V ) c. cr.ly 1 - c: t : . .;:.:..U3' cc...,.: ;:k . . .at..3 i . . ' . :..:3 r.uthc:.::r j I.-V3 ccccclcr.a! . 3 rr.cch d!:V.'rbc i K 1. cay cf curfj;: r-J crcat' rev j rrpctuity cf cur 'ariouj Uniac. ixV 'Tolls C:c'.3rpcctively,c. jlc'havo l;..j i.vers -J " t i' ' I ta lh- United Tl. '. :' t-.!:a,r3r prchM!te! I' :h rtate iha czr:';2 : ' l.. c j. ..wTO c i i ki r t . : r j j .. t , ... c r.tcftl.a Ui.i.a ... .. tf i-jd.'l'g-trJc-: ;ri raver: :--.!y... WM.i'.a tl'; C:' rr : : 1 ehculJ tb'taia frc.i ;!. th-i.'ty net cLarly d.h r;;...3 I., ; i!.-!J la c .lly careful tl. .!, : 1 ; trn'aaco cf ;l!.::r glts; th-y u : tT a L'rr.!:: cf pewers re:er. - i ta -cftha meet dicthaguichcJ cf rv;:. " l::cc!.J ccrved impariar.ca l3 " V;l cf tl.a ttal3 Guvcrnrr.cr.t3 i 1 : tig'.tv-i ihar3:tccrr;:::r.: f:r c:rdcrr:c::T3 ccr.ccrrtr,r.r.J t 3 : . crl: r jain:t anthrcpulllccn tea T.r.;! lal..a"j... .r.at! 1..::. 1.1 its I .! : I'-K-I-r-'r- Volha'Gi-... t!.3 Gv.. I:ct:j::cl C3L1 h'.r. 1 Url'Mf l::n cr.tr car fart'-a 1 tl :..V3 r.ir,:; It: 5.'"' It" I ;crc3 t.. -rra c. : :c' vidcal3 ever w I it c - ' fiuence, entirely fr; : fj : ccndiiica Ly ll.j 1 ' . .:.t rr.c:.:..! c.J ' . .1 cc.-.man ; .h cf every 1 n v, ha 11 . - s :a c crcf r".t!v a cr f:r:' i . ': : ; cl . -!;-3: ct,iat' -r.I.'pci ti. " - tI - 1 -c. , - rl.cJjtf c 1 . . ry; cf t;:ry an, c And .c 1 I -rt v.;:!: ' 1 .-.pent 1 freedom-, Till r well rr;; c-..rt'!. cJ If . 1 - " , Cl 3 natcf; If gcv: c.cry ; icj sellc! t Ua harmc:.!. t'zz' consists Sate..-!;:.. I ca-r.c; ". tl.a Excec.i. e- r power wi.Lli lav " '..cl C overrrrre;'. " f . T .' right :" , : ruli;.bu:t e. . : is a t w tloa cf L.J cr mity i3.iv. la c r :r I,

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