: 1 OL V WO. 33. ASHEVILL FE.1I! AY,- L J ARCS (U TIIOS. W. ATKIN, i EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. - vn:m3 or tiic n esses aijix : Two Doluu and Tim Ctxr per annqm in - advance, or Thick Doixam witbin the yean . lio paper will be discontinued, except at the op tbn cf the EJilor, until all arrearage ro P'- Aircrtisernents will be inserted at Owe Doixak r t aiare of ten line or lew, for the frit iiucribn, r-J TwrsTV-m Cum for each continuance , ,1.8 nunlcr of inaertions deaired mul be piarked , onf tr.rfin, orthe adrertiaetnent will be contina. eJ t '1 fori ii, and cbarjed accordingly. Court Or. . ckra Ill be charged twenty-five per cent extra . j . - ebarje for announcing the name Caj eandi. i Tizia for oCce is C $0, in advance, or $3 00 if pay. ;. i . b Heat be delayed..' :t t : i : ""; r :-J j; j !,'." Let ten to the Editor moat come free of postage, 'at to insure attention. ; . :y::- t,f . . i ' ' From the Uoslon Transcript. Mi , J lit locationhow the 7lormont came ly it- :r fAc dimensions of t!.s City house temple r" -sculpture pilasters ?tyc. j , Nauvoo the city c' ihe Latter day saints -Mho place where T ' -rmonism is copecntra. ted, is beautifully located op the east side of ;t;i .Mississippi river below the first rapids, . jtr. d therefore accessible to the largest class of "' . V.c rnb'cats' on the " Father of the waters." . Its nimc is deriveJ from the llubrew wordi, k c:r.ewhat distorted, which menu 11 beautiful ' V,'l.:a ths Mormons were driven from Mis tZMtt tficr passing through a scries cf hard, ship of a very trying character, the present eite cf Nauvoo was selected by Sydney R,ig. don for a town. Several land claims were T parchscci cf i-JiviJuals, and by uniting the i rfi.Tjrcr.t parcels, constituted k Mormon tern, i tory. The c!.irt:rcd limits iuclude a flat four ' miles long by thro in breadth all laid out I into scuarc3 a:: J ilrot.s and on a scale of can vcr.icr.ee that hi:; .V; to the taste of those v.ho projected the plan. Those who have ex. arr.incd Nauvoo with any degrco of care, ac knowlcdgQ that it possesses the elements: of t!;.2 most esculent city of tho west. - 7hcn firsUakcn possession of by the new c.T.crs, there were neither inhabitants nor t!:vc!lings, ycta the space cf three : years, l'.. :re were one thousand houses ; and now the I ; ulation is not fur. from sixteen thousand r. r'.JIy increasing, too, notwithstanding the L.iiversal opinion of their enemies that the rrll is broken and the Mormon community t. ill coo a be dissolved. -In a word, ITauvco ii i',3 largest city in the state of ll!inoi3and i. lrJcJ in all respects one of the greatest f ricsitics of that part of the continent. Nau- 3 is divided into four wards, and governed ! y a mayor, eight aldermen, sixteen council :n -constituting the city government. ' Property, is not held in common, es fie. t::r.;!y represented. Many persons lining .1 estate in the city are not Mormon ; yet .-ir rights and interests are proteclc .W, as z care as they would be in Bos', ic? tlc7 Ark. There - is not .a squan; ir. whols thit has cot a building upc:i Tl. . . -res Icing about an acre large, t! ? !. ;u:c3 ! .2 t'..2 crpcarance of being. spc ' c.:ra 7131021 extent of surface ; r'.l pert'ens, i!...jrc, not occupied by buildlh. ti:".:.!. As the population iezi t .;J..;3.II1 La fewer in number r. cr j cut. t: 3 i...-!Lr f" ll.cir dirr.cncions. All th3 Mormons do not res!.!? int'.:3ciy, ! if t'.-cy lU their number wouli tl.j ri'.cr.'-hrr.c'r.t which already prevail?. Ti.cy extend Loth up and down tha river for nearly '."? r:.:!::, ci arcrs. - Qu!:3R tuv;a h g.-ov. I ; tpen the Missouri s;Ja c4-Jpo:!:e Nauvoo. .3grc-jnd plat of Nauvoo ij !.!.r.rc:i . hit liktj an ox bow. The river err.brcci tv. o l.123 of it, while the back, groan J rbc3 mag. recently about a mile from the Mic:::::rpi, giving the observer a vast field cf .vLIca ever '.'.3 most lovely rural scenery imagicabla. . At l. "3 tummit, overlooking the whole landscapo f-'r'ncirly twenty.five miles in "all directions, t'.:ads the Mormon temple iho largest struc -.t.rsia any of the western states. When c -r'.eted, it is assured that the entire cost ' !!1 net vary much fronrfour hundred thou t -1 cellars. Nothing can be more original ! . ;.t-ci::ccture. Each of in huga festers - r 1 r-oa a block cf stone tearing" ia relief -1 , t 011 nrnf.la of n now rr.ccn. rcpre. f : i i?hh a ncco, eye and m rjth, as some f . . z icn in tlnianacs. On t!.o top, net far frc 1 t;rty feel high, is an ideal reprcsenta - tVe'a tt r'uin' sun, which is a monstrcus, prcrr.:ser.t stone face, the features of which . c;jcc:eT;al and sinSularv expressive, -fcul ' '-I" '.:r ztz two enormous large hands, grasp- .i. 1 0 trumpets crossed. These all stand - iSe stone boldly. Their finish is ad. f .!; and as complete as any of the sjpe '"2. of J chiseling cn the Girard College at r:V.a. -The interior is to bo one vast 7-.:.t, a. hundred and tivcnty.cight feet - '.ty, ti'rrply sub-divided by three great cr ti'!i crl.. -on drsrerv. ucr;cnded 3 ceill"j overhead er pews ..er.3, norchair3 atJ to c I a the. basement is the fcn completed accordirg - ;n, v..l ba a pretty exact imitation .-zon lave: iq Xoloaon'. Teme. ; is perhaps t;:ht feet sqaaret resliig .'. l;.clve carved oxen. They .7.3 c 't.2b::odj wuh largo spreading horns, represented to be standing in watrr up to their knees. ' The execution cf these oxen evinces a degree of ingenuity, kill, and per. severance that would redaund to the lepu'a. lion of an artist in any community. When (hey are finally gilded, as intended, and the (averts made to resemble cast brass, together with the finishing up of the place in which this unique apparatus of the church 1s lodged a whole, that part of the temple will be one of the most striking artificial cariosiiies-ivices. in thii country. When the officiating- priests in theirJong robes of office lead on a solemn 'procession of worshippers through the sombre avenue of the basement story, chaunting as they go, tho,4f. feet must ; be. exceedingly imposing to t!iose who may deplore the infatuation of a whole city of fljrmon devotees. ' Although, estimated to cost so hrg3 a sum, the walls of the temple are gradually riili:g froni day to day by, the concurrent unceasing labor of the voluntary laborers. Every broth, cr gives one day in ten to the undertaking. Thus there are always as many hands employ, ed as can be cpnveniently on the work at the same time. . The architect and different mas- ter workmen are constantly at hand to direct the operations.. Each day' therefore, ushers in a new set of operatives. Some fine brick buildings are already raised on the 'different streets, and etbres. are con- tinually going up. Even were the Mormons to abandon the city as it is asserted that they will, somebody will own the property and u city it is, and a city it will continue to bs, cf importance,, unconnected with the fils3 reli. gious tenets of its inhaLItmis. Dut the Mor. mons wilf never leave Nauvoo no, never. Its associations are hallowed to their excited imagination. They would not voluntarily, en massee, leave their glorious habitation, which to them is the gate of heaven. A Ilclic of tbc HcvoUrllcn. A treasure, a prize ! The follow i n g 1 1 De- claration of Independence,1 says the Vicks- burg Constitutionalist" was made by the Vestry, and now stands recorded on the books of St. Paul's Church , in E Jenton, N. C. The eclebrrted Mtchlcnburg decbration has de. servedly created great ir.'.erv:t ; the similari. ty in expression and sentir.-.cnt to the snise. qucnl national declaration i3 renariallj sirast to ay no more. Mr. Jc.7wr-w.i says he never saw nor heard of it before Y.2 penned the instrument which alonoj would Live im mortalired him. Let ti rs. Hers we have an honest, open dcichr-tica cf the Chriii tian vestry of a church in t!.r.tgcod old 'an. est, virtuous, patriotic North State, whose love cf liberty was then above all ether love. About twenty cf the descendants cf fivo cf those chivalrous and heroic.! patricli aro rr.J .avc been citizens cf Vicksburg: Pc!:rs. irjT Intelligencer. Wb, the subscribers, professing our a!!e- glance to the King, and acknowledging t' 1 Constitutior.il Executive power of Go. ment, do solemnly prcfess, testify, cr.J t'- care, mat we co aLcuiuteiy tel.jve ti.it neither ihe Parliament cf Great Uritein, r.jr ny mcmlsr or constituent braneh thereef, have a ri ! .t to inpoes taxes upon these Colo nics to regulate ha internal policy therccf ; and tl.it all cttctrpls Ly frcrnl cr force toes tatlish and exercise such chiir.3 and powers, vishiisns cf the pc-ca and security cf the recle, tnd c.'ghtto be resisted to utmost and that the people of this Province, sing. ly end cellectivcly, are bcur.d by th.3 nets end resolutions cf the Continental and Provisional Cc."3rc:3: tceuuj;e, in botliJ ih&y aro fullv rcprcser.te J by peiser.3 chorcn by themselves ; and ."c Jj solemaly and sincerely promise and c?-", under the sar.eticn cf virtus, nor, nnd sicrej love cf Lite.tv and Coun. try, to rr.i:r.ti:n end su-ort nil and every the acts, resolutions, nnd regnlotions of the said Continental and Provisional Congresses to the utmost of our power and ability. In testimony whereof we have hereto set ourhandj, this J9lh of June,. 1776V Richard Uosxins, Willi a:i Do yd, David Rice, ; : TncsJ Dn::LtJnr, A aeon Hill, , Jaco3 IIcnte2, Pelatiah Walton, John EzAcLiir, ; Wm. Hinton,.. Villia:x DnN::nTT, Teomas Conner, Willia;i RcnaitTs. : I do . hereby certiry thai the foregoing is truly copied from the proceedings cf tho Ves try of St. Paul's Parish, Edcnton, N. C, at a meeting held in the church ia Edentoa, oa lh.3 lCth Junj, 1770, and that the persons whooe nmes are above subscribed, were elected Vcetrymen cf said Church on the Cth day of April, I77i3, as appears from the're cords;-. J- j : ,J--- ... ! II. A. j GILLIAM. ? Edenton,J . 27ih,' lr'v ' An I. : ; A creat r ,: been created in Philadelphia .it cf the Ti.r.es by a recent decision i 3 cf bur Courts. It is fiated that a large extent cf property in Philadelphia Valued at from four to six mil lions of dollars, and covering j whole squares cf dwellings J was lately laid claim to by the heirs cf one. James Patrick all of which ; i oporty in the courso of-years got into and mow stands in the hands of many owr.oro. The property had' been originally confisca. tor conceiv. The deci j, heirs of Mr. l It renders as so much brown , paper ! Mcc.;j. C ---s M. Dallas, David Paul Drown, and V;,!ijrn L. Hirst, Esquires, the attorneys fjr the heirs, arc to receive, it is ssi J, cr.z-Jx cf the whole value of lhe property rercv . : 1, for their legal ser. - Half a cr.V.Y.zn tncl). will render them independcTt! i Trcr.T t'.? Ileijh Reyisler. j- An ' "Itaral School : In the Southern Slates j the cultivation and improvement cf the soil has been so generally committed to dependents and to the less edu. cated portion cflhe cerr.-unity, that, Agri culture, as cn Art, has Lccn kept in a state of cl" cement, zzl cr;e!udjd from the station to which its importance eminently entitles it. We are always glad to hear therefore, of any thing calculated to advance an Art, so cz?n. tial to the comfort, and indeed to ti e c.iit. enccj of the human re.ee. An Agricultural end C!:.::!eil School is about to I? eetiti: ;d ia Ai!.3 County, in thii state, under the nuicci'cf Pwt. R.er. Bishop Ives, which, wc trust, v.-ill do much to il!u3. trate the theory, and improve the practice cf Agriculture in North Carolina, where the cut. tivators of the soil, being most generally the owners of it, have .the stron3eit inducement in the world to avyil themcelvcs cf nil ti e lights cf cxr.e ricr.ee. Frca ll.e jUjI leeued, crr.-'ir. -tery cf t..e designs cf t!;e Sel.cel, wc m-Lo t i re extract: "The .Proprietors cf this School were I d to its establishment bv the follovvin'? consid. o crations :, - - " In the Eouth.trcst corner of Ashe Coun. ty, where the School is situated, there 13 a populous Valley, unsurp - -d in faluhrity ci climate, richcce3 cf soil, c::d beauty cf r.i tural scenery surrounded, ci it h, Lv e!o. ping hills, deep glen?, end I: fly ;. . presenti'.'g, at ence, all that n i:n!'T"3 t3 t -lover cf nature, cr to the practiced Ajrieu'.tu. rist. .'1 A Valley, hot pent up by rocky ter riers,1 but cf easy access- opening in every direction, through the free n;:ur.tain peeves, to large districts cf similar country in the adjacent Counties cf Caldwell, I'uney, c:.d Cirtcr in East Tcnneecee.. Eut a W.'jy, like the v.l.le r:J .n nr.ur.d it-;! J. j pled by a genercu3 and njtur-l!y ir.tcll" rt reee-:;:"'y cr;rc.:d ll.e cx'.U cf i noreneo Lt every s: the true i :j c i. here f:er; r-A dv.'.i'.c. ;ect cennreied villi .1 here, cr l.ii l.c( -1 :f r.cir.3 ia'itc.lf to rcr..c-y t.-ce cvi.o to ceve.cro i'i r.lun to r.:eo;e; After c j.... j- ronol ncquii.'.tr.eo this state ol .kings, aided by the careful cb. eervationscf t re:'2cr.t Missionary, the Eish c p rf the Die- he concldered it cn ineprn. ti.o cuty to i..cke cn immediate efiort to f ... euro to th:.3 rcdy ccuntry, tho L! :r : Ci.il ii;a t:en ia all' its mcret,:?- ,-, t ' ' ever, it -in'.ere.t in l!" in 1 ...i ..t ,jc; iys.- Ti:o LvsU.j cf cur Agrlcclluio, j rticulorly in the Mid- n nr. , V-t'T -r'' - - r " ' - r "if. ,1 r :o, n. on c,l s.-.3 r;; i d-'orcd; but . .or u i-vcro.o ir.;tcadcf tcir h. ziuV.t. with no decide! ci;on;:o, Uur v; : r.::a. co i"--4,li -'-- t 1, Li ...j from cur Cc.k"-Co, i. "recced with tho notion. that v.0 zvr.lh-zn. cr., in tho true sense of tha term, Iz a Tc.rzr.cr. A School, therefore ,"es. tabllshod in that part cf the state, where land and free labor are cheap, and where every cd vantage i3 enjoyed for connecting with such an Institution, at the least expence and the greatest facility, an AriculixiTol Dc?zrlzz:r.t, seemed in the highest degree, desirable. " The Proprietor, therefore, were willing, under what appeared to them a duty r.f pecu liar i eney, to undergo sorr.o riik in tho un. cort3!:ir-. Lii tr.ev C.J not heo::ala ta ha. !I..c .i.it iko pcc;,lecf North Carolina would : " "a 1? i h it ; that Parents, in the more scf.l.d .i .:jcf ti. 3 country, when they ccr zrr- " t o cuor.tanUal advantages-of tko p rcr- l.ool to their own ",nsl would give" it their c 'enane-?, co f..r ut least, as to entrust to tho c-u .i its founders, a sulli.' cient number cf there cer.o, to enablo them to extend iko blessings cf a ihorouh Education in letters, Agriculture end tho rUligicn cf Christ, to one cf tho - t cecdy, t.i '. ell ns the most fertile and bee ' ! wect;on3 cf the state. They determlnedj th'-efore, to enter at once and with enert o ;..o prrject. "To! carry cut tho c .. 'r-iien, thr have puihased a Farm cf l 2Z2 nearlyHlC3 cl?"red I racing tho c-..Io Valley, (called IcJ.V C. ::;:) vTero it : uited: Ies3 than a n.ilo f. .'.!...;-. V. ' cf Wataga. Upon this I . :. : i " C:' Saw. Mill already, end j Li , I : commodate from 4. 3 to - - ' -. c- p!etedendr,:d..-l tho Ltd .Ir.'e-t." 1. Tho Sckod i t- rizz.-J.iz. o- ' E. " Educatio.. .."Lick ii to ho tki.-wu-.kly carried throughout, cn I made th other department. found; ;acf, every led, it was said, cni tic!. ; . cd.is title thcrcfj.-oa r .1 sion of the Court in fv;.r v..' Parick is therefore as! our..'., hundreds cf ti:!2 z' i v::;! . 2.; Also, . thorough Chssicaj instruction with French and,; Spanish, as a preparation either for Colleges or for any of tha profes sions or employments of life. 3. Alsa, compeie Agricultural instruction, theoretical and practical, both in reference to the cultivation of; the soil, and the raising of Stock. ; - ' v- 4. In addition to ail this, and as its basis and governing principle, the knowledge and practice of the Christian rellgionwill be in culcated in the daily services and instructions of the Churrlu '! . ' ' ' Good Classical teachers, in Ancient and Modern Languages, have been employed. Also, a Farmer, educated in one of the rich, est Agricultural Copnties in the state of New York, and just from a three years' oversight of one of its most improved Farms. In coh. ncction with this department, lectures and ex. perimenls in Agricultural Cheniisty will be given, with an analysis of soils, and the theo ry cf their improvement. "In respect to practical Farming, every Pupil will be required to labor just sufficient to give him a knowledge of the application of its principles. Inj short, it will be an object with the School to jmake the Pupil 3 acquaint ed, so fir as possible, by practice, wiih the ueo cf every Science taught."1 Division of Wisconsin Territory The Milwc-.V.e fntinel is advocating a division of tl.eTs.;;!. ry into two separrte Territories. Ti.e C. i ling lino to run as follows: Ccm- rr.e the flissfsjtppi ct Prairie La t a direct horlh-eastern line to 0 Menominee river on Green vi ' 'i along the Menominee and . ' fnke Superior, and cm. breei . tcry rr. t t:.3l.. Surerier'I area cf r.L ir t in v.l rthward all the terri- r t! "j " """p Wisconsin. -: " call an riv.: - -rJ ctrcims for h)dre-!ie - ; end ail li.o ie-uirec' resources v.... : .jr tho growth end prosperity cf a r.-.og..:.'.Cwt State. A!.:"T t! e r-jl-'jc' : tory, 1.. 3 v.::l;- :;- ras-.i.tg r. 1 . a tiii'.r..: 1 is cf Ir j to :. .1 1 -r i;; : . t " c '. ..ircc:. Tl.i.- . ; i 1 tko inter: C. .! : c:j r.. lernlo. .... ( 11 :r. Tho ry h"" r'-- f.ve ri::: cf r. 'ition n.uny n. pi 1 , r ,icccr.'ed v.hh t;on:l; l.civy t::i-:rfc:";:.3 .!i . ."ty r.i e ere r. j ce, U t' 0 cr;r.:j. and in r;:c ul rpTnticn, !;ro rv r:i!l. er fur t!;o Mississippi 1. :r! :t. ::'-':on are for thorn." 1; :! ..ijltiof the highest e::j ' i ., r ,0 3 climate cf the country it of New England. N. Y Cirzrjs Discovery. Some few months two individuals were out on a huntin j cxc-.e:on,,in t!:e mountain region of Polk county, in a retired place, and one almost in.' accIh!e, when a human frame was discov ered in the water of one of the,. small : laio rivulets, which appeared to hav 1 n dead some montkj. Upon having th i.-.ior. motion conveyed to the Coroner, a J cf Inquest was summoned, and repaired ;o the place, piloted by one of the individ:- Is who was present when the body was disc .ered.' On examination, a moccasin wo " :nd a few yards above where , he was lyi; large flit rock ; the moccasin apr. have been cut from 1.. foot r. Ir'' ' down the left side of the ankle, tremulous hand. The C esh hi : l.:3 bonc3, except ca tho cm. 3 1 on the inside of the ankle a re d covered, about the size of a l.r.k" J ... .1 being pierced, discharged z err?' !r3 !" ra a : ti -:.J G .3- loh ' ed ear. just and water. On applying the moccasin f. ;ni, it ed that the piec ; cut frc.i tho r .occa corresponded w ith tho ;'ceo foun d ca tho an kle. . ' ! Information ii v ar.'eJ relative to the per. son who was lk ; sloJ.arly discovered. No individual is missing frcm the ccur.ty, end it may hi' I :n a stranger cn a l.ur7-; ex curs: r- rone tf the North Carol! 1 Ci .r. okc- A::.:r.t(Jcr-.) r ;.7:e.:.' -;- r . ' or 0 t! :evc3, r.ho have infected :.:3S. . 0 for so no 0 yr""J, has been trcken tp k ' ' ' , cf Marshal -i, f Ck.ok. It, ii thou-hlthat from otoT; 13 have h.ca etolcn in the vicin- j 7 r . Ci -einr-ti . tho bet tk.ree nc'hi ! . : e cp crating was to statin a 1 . 3 fovorelle poir.tcntL3 Canal, : d .k;ch ti.o horco3 were driven and ; . : 1 vr.zT concealment. Tho boat was the:. . . J to f;.7.3 ether peiol, to avoid all tr: " .' here-:, -..klch were speedily vl.l... J! . "; of the' elate, and soM. Ii ttrrcf.ts cf the Connect; out Stat I .i , .cm IZZ7 to 1C5, inclusive, ver Exjunction 7cztci. An exchsrg j p--cr relates the following sirgulir s'rcun-.stance o"j the authority cf an eye witr.:? cf c:: question. able veracity. It is represented as having occurred at ' Gillctfa grist rr.i!P at Lebanon. The fact Ucf suCcient importance toengsge the attention cf scientific ir.cn, as it seems to involve a principle hitherto unknown in the welding of metals. The mill suddenly ceased run nir", and the miller, supposing that it only required a great, er head of vrater, raised the sluice-raie and increased th stream tut without producin" any eCcct whatever. Oa an examination it was found that tha steel-rod or spindle, which passed downward through the centre cf the milIstone,nd the upright r;!r J.'e upon which it revovlfid, had here me united, so as to con. vert the two tars into one solid piece. So perfectly had they become united that the point of junction was barely discernible ; the two spindles one revolving, one fixedwere circular, of equal size ; the point cf juncture was within an iron box always krpt f.;;td with tallow, and the mill stepped insiar.eeu:!y. The junction v.e.3 so perfect tl.it tl.o Ik.ck. smith, incttrrr-'.!'3toc: jr ':r,e:p arated them at another pc'r.t. Ti.e cierr.e'.er ot the bar was little rr.::re tl.-.n one inch. It was not in the least discolored, nor did it pre. sent any other appcaranca cf having been subjected to the action cf beet. Tho weight of the milhtone which wc3 sj;; cried cn the pivot wasjufjed lo Lo clout c - ? : t. j",' Y. Cr-. v. r - " , , yyVf. .&!., A Charged Fcrl -.z. Tl.o L" rier statc3 thot S:. Ceo-.- 7. :.' nephew of John Rand j!;'.,!.' V. :;i:::C--J. h. ll.ofJl who by the recent compror under his will, c"-i in C123.C33, was Cr : perhaps now i3, a : ' ' ty,iry. Hemarri . zj cf the cl iitr.3 for two-f.f;h3 cf r rf veers, cr 1 TIP , , : . jv.tto c : 1 i-JinLir i 1 in : " cr-. Co v-i .. - ci ..- cf nn t rr.d ll.ii 1 : '.r ti.o rrm 1. 1 1C r I I t: z 1: ll-ncslnmcL i cf the C:h ult., is cf a most disastrous Eridjctown, on the morning of the 4th. f.urth cf th3 stone : city i ; in ruins!1 Ilun. .on.3 !to i iiiijut ..ousc ? 1 ?, end thoue3r.d3 upon t' ;,. sterling worth cf prcr .ty ! i a. various ways', or tcuh 1 :vcuring element !" :s a list cf about two 1 , end a statement cf ! L fro, cmounting in r ' 1. 1 ' -drcd millicr.s f.ro v, ich c r.il.t cf ti.. Ti.3 t I d It portion ,J3cf the 5 cr f - .r.-j ti a C: yccumcJ. Tho Gl ' Ti. Or!. a; .T.crJ ti.o I ,,,.. , 1 V, ! r -' , ' J - - 1 -at V! e Cby played corJi c;i t e ' cu.o 1.3'. is. that Mr. Lyon, . t..o s."r.er a.i over :t;j. ( ori. ty Ci however, that :o m:ejn-cr. brought to the knowledge cf Ce. :t weeks before the election, but ho cid fit to contradict it until some tirno r the election. Wc perceive that this Rev. Mr. I spite cf his savage nam?, .r.3rcc: !y i k. ed down at Jackson, Mi;:: :T;; :, ' n ':. dock, for lin.4.o..-.ir.-, fro.o i!.j ;."t!:, t..; V'Sz-Cl-jbcf Jcchcea in -er.c: !, 1 Vr. Juck in particular. Jack evide:..ly that Lycn vas acleman. Eut Lycn ; .:. dently forgot it first. i. -tsviUe Adtocc'z. The idea that the Whigs were d::tr:;-d because Mr. Clay was cot elected, i? n.)-.v cb solete. There were tens cf theuc" 1 ' 3 re. : i against Mr. Clay who were very terry t! t Mr. Polk was elected. Several local clecticr.3 have been held, which prove that thi3 eoct cf feeling is quietly showing itself. Ia New York'the town elections in the cpring are tho meet decisive indications of popular feeling. The elections havebecn held in several counties, and in all the Whigs, hae gained. In Broome, Lewis, Oswego, and Ulster the Whig gain is very considers Franklin county, Virginia, has given -ft majority to a Whig Senator, nt a local elec tion, while it gave a r-jori: l M- "oik ja November. These : - cut " straws show which .im:.- ; u a j 1 Snmrthin'r InvcrL:. I e hae r.: j li : .0 ... , Dr. Fulton, cf thii ci his L-en u:' 7; sometime post crifoii .-eoso'.'j, ia c 1 pulmonary c to there z. .k "cticn, "iii. j ".-i er. . j v. i:h thii -' ' . .-!- !-! -ose. .o p.raratioa l. .;.u!ed hy tha eu-:. into the l-. rs.cnd r -hT.O-t r.Iotcly rbalizcd. ' at Munich, a girl six years cf wi3 rle::d as cciid in cn c-cn Ci.:"n, in v. hit ij c J i.i that country l.illcf death, prrritrt;ry t3 interment. Oa ..t flle .i.-j !:y '..3 v.e3 found pliyirg with ths r. been ttrc-ed ever her. T..- -rLftl.a r;.d her 13 hall lock her ia h her mother. arms, and Zlclcrs:: C.-rj-. Mr. i . s till at ill pul!!2 heu:o. ia Ci. :! -li, t-rir.g tl.o f- . l.our3 1.3 wis in 1 t city, :s cr.ly cno 1 drcd t r, t.. Cir.;.....iti Rtpu.ccn.1 Th-sr. '... i 1 ; cf cn ir -' ';nt ia the l'.."j cf it.iro.cen. ..o u... re jj r.n -t Ii::!;?' , ....3 I.re; .. t3 : :' !' e r3 cleuro place, where ! 0 cr- t!.r.ac--3. When the ti'.i ...... him to hiscurprira he? C ' :' weroSwtdownLt a Ilspde:-..; a ; exclaimed the Enrerer, cre c in this pait of t!:e ceur.try, 1. t for them such cn encrme::; p. sire,' rrrlied ll.e innkeeper, I re 3 era an v 1 i.e Americna Ccnsulota tt ', frtm fee3alor.3, 13 coid to Lovck loC10,CCJ per annum; the cr.e tt Ilivar.a, about C10.CCD; thocr.3 tt fhvre, pr.lik! CC'JCD or C10.CC3. Fat cZzzs, tru'. The Va.l.ir-'.on Temperance Co:: A!l:-y 1.03 ir.dLcJ cr.o thoucor.d cr. J f. to sT3T th? fl: J3"3 within the piet ynr ! 13 tu.-oly 1! something worthy cf K Frc:n the Lociirille Jorv.zl. During the discussion cf tha I the reduced rr.t"'3 1 eoue ho thoi"h I. .1 I I U J 4. . i L-Ow tv . .... t 1 - . i 1 hie to t- re? (.: :n3 r.o rosin: icters ( 1 t c . . -1 . j 1 - ... 1 v. - -. J L 2 uwa. 11 1 t:.rj cljectien, !!r. ::;i:3ttl.e Loc , ; lirfrcr.i Connect:..:, ciid: Tl' !ii: :al char: iter cf i' 2 ecu-try c lutionized before nny cT-Ico voul IIo had huovn r.ur.7 ca es cf t irg enly thrco C:x3 a ycer, ee .ht for with r.3 mvck nL'i:y l c.7.ees." Ti:e prccent cendkioa cf the ecu. Mr. NiL-3 to Li correct. Ti ::o i. . ... town, Ii! 3f cr cl.ciiea redact in t! ? r lien in ,.h::h tk'ero ero c.l r.;any fcr..3 cnxiou.ly cirecting ta be rewarded Ly t!.3 cemirj Adc.-.k'.!.tratica wl;h c.7.eo i.i u:u;a for r ortican corviccs." In cur own ciiy v.o rre: ;mo tnere are not fewer than f.ve hundred men wha c.rpect appointments Id cT'cc When such a tate cf things exists, there can. net be cn c.T.ce with n salary as greet ca C. d!lar3 for which there will not ba r.umcrr--j cpplicar.!', every one cf whom will pre:.:.: servicc3 f.ndcrcd the successful party C3 r. reason v.hy !;a should be erpcintcd tu it. Proper Lu-ines3 rualificatsons are cot tl.ov J;t cf Ly the . 3 h-'gry crrcetar.'.3 cf c.T.eo, z.::l th-.'Y ?"z it! 3 r; regarJ!.,: : .. recerr.rr.cn i : hi .uly; a r " - 1 ' rng-.ged ia t.. ; toThuu-.ar' I: -3 r cr.'cr will L3 r : s c." tho c:.!y proper rra cm pceeesj. to h. thit so lar3 .his country : ; :j cf racking cr. cf t:..::r': perso c::J anxious to c:;c' tho c.7;ecs cf tho c wi hevo I. :n 1. Lo c:. .rty 1......J 1. s;Jer r.a c men think the po r cendan-jy cn.,: ; . : t tk:t c r r ! " .' ih. . y d , -' eo t j 1 c.r::tc , ' to ;!.ich th .1 cl x. .-.-ry r. TL:s c.. they ar ; wikirg to subn.'t to for.i t : 7ro t ) which i3 .1ltael.ed a r..i... i.'.-c'ii 'in spirited ereer.i nr? r. ih.i.-., Lo. They era. ch,-'.'. ; 1 r -:r.!y i ' o and in-piraticn. It'.. . . 0 ikcee v.l i z. t iro to c..!,j ffc7.ee, r.. i -. he:o ? . :t the re wc ...;;r com.ort- r cr to ti c I j c. " IV " r.an;. err tialc " tc.ii;: V-': iv 0 . v. Ci CvC. . ... ' p'"'!o C ' 1 Cl 1 :r t :,Ioron3 I . t they c::d. : L ' X fo' .. 3 r,ni '

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