I t i! i it IS i ' -- . f - The Mississippi River. The jVicksbiirg Sentinel of. Saturday, 15th "."tilt, referring to :! 2 ttaie of tho rivjjr, says : ! Thoj river ber$ Lis been rising lately At. a rate rather alarm in to our friends on the bank's and in the .amps, hit saw within sixpreven feet the highest poini last year, and thtf waters bove by the last nccounts wercffrearly all .ising. , At Memphis, we learn it iJ within a few inches of the highest point iluring the late OYerflow.l The bulk of the water causing the rise, however, is from the Cumberland, which will aobn run down. As a general fu!e, the early disemboguemcnt of the Ohio waters is favorable, and as we hear no account of cx trtcrdinary snowi or rains above, ve think there is extraordinary caas for alarjmc at to ttrr overflow. The levees on the banks we .believe. are in a better state than, it is usual to find them at this season. The Savannah Republican says s Our city h-3bccn thrown into 4Vrtitn.yiH distress a most painful state of by the melancholy tcr mination o8 Ufo of' a young and promising - . clergyman of the.Episcopal Church of this Kf."-" ' place the Rev Jn'tqcs Jackson late pf the 7'""J Diocese of Massachusetts, - He had returned but a few days (rorn the South: where he had vv been travelling two months for the restoration ; ' rJof his health, which I. ad been impaired by a ; . s -laborious performanof his clerical duties. . Ci-- He was apparently very much restored by . i " 'his absence J and hij friends hoped tkat he : . , Vobld be enabled to resume his very accepta. ' 'tie services In St. JohjiVChurch. !j put their r i-' hcp?s and his wero doomed to a j wretched "' - I 4 disspfointment, for after exhibiting ion the ; m rw previous days strong evidence j of wild. TEcsa, he suddenly left nornin?. without eivios any notice of his in- ttc'adeJ departure, and, although suspirion was oimmcdiately excited and search maue jduring Hhat day and eight, hd was 'not founWtil the next morning; having drowned himsclfi in the river rf:ts;,il?pnaventure.: ....His :boy.wasi rccovercfl una the Coroner's in;uct had no " hesitation,, upon 'the very strong testimony culrniited to them, to priug an instant verdict jot i.i Thu3;hi3 pcrishod a;.)joung. Clergy man, '-'tvnose 'pulpit performances had Vfctven. high evidence lof dr.tcllcctual power, nd whose blamejessness of life had . won him danyfrienastri the city J , wJr ' Hold Incendiary AtlcnipLfYhfi Charipston . Courier says i ! About half past hino o'clock v'on .-Fri2arr.ighn6st';' the, sentinel on Exctiange .wharf saw a ball of fire descending !araon a pilo '"of coltvT3, tipparetjtly thrown from cn joining yard, and immediately rushing to j the f pot, wiih thc assistance of anot!..:r indi- vidual, who "brought a au of ,watc, estm. ui$Viid"t the . fl line. 'The 'ball was" .found -to I consist of loose cotton,-containing . pice a of i brick, and bound around ivith - twine. 1 It was 1 joubiless saturated with alcohol or spi.rits tar. rrItio3, and ignited before being lirpwn; inJ but for the vigilance nod aromptnesa ! t f ha guard, the design of the wretch vho per. "ctrated the act would have been accomplish. J ' -,"ea '. There is,' as- yet,! no clue by which the ' bold viilian can bo identified. . ; T I from the Chcrlotta -Journal, fs - ! ; Ito order has yet been received fieri Wash, i ington for the reception of prtn'; for clearing away the 'ground and rcl".....',! . t!ui , jjrancn rJmt at this place. . iiiij n.no oou t ' caused by the pressure of bo si: : "? in? the organization of a r.cr :..!-.;:r.h The-following is the clause in t! i appropriation as it' passed Co: 11 For tha erection of a Loi' Jir:: i I- ft!. 3 ynp destroyed ! yL.ro t1 .iV sand dollars ; and' the L'oc rotary i :. : i -ircd so to arrange; tho p'on cf U;.o I l:itl to r,;.:n "cr the : phi co iy 1'iour '. : .. ' y re I ''":! d i n T, ! j cost cf aforesaid r.nd tho execution cf it, that tho wl ; ihb ' building shall not exr. . J .tho -um.' .' - '., 'r. - ,i . ! For the purchase of ro: cliincry a v,l toob , , ',:,.'.:lu.-ing repairs of the oi lan 1 continon. " '33, tea' thousand dollars; and th-t thf y-cx-Sdituro of -.the appropriati.;: ; for the'icrcc t .cf the -building and the'purchr.Te end rev. -ir of the machinery be commenced as ?oozi i practicable after the passna of this act. "f For salaries of superintendent, cfnyer, ; o:c.3rr-,and clerk j six thousirnl J ,!!ars ; rr.J 3 Cccritar) of the Treasury., i.j i...::rcl;.y re ;ired, immediately : after the passayo' (i't!;L; ol, to suspend the payment of salaries to any f the said officers until the branch is n a -"ilih-'-to' "resume" its operations, unlrri ha shall consider it advisable to retain theysorv." f-?s cf one or more of them in superintending . "erection of the building herein provided -. . 12 e AYav, A uey y,j. The wa?jhey do things in New Hanover, iCdifyin to the untutored in party manage, meet. "The Polkite magistrates of that coun. lately .elected Mr. Fulton to , the Solicitor, chip, who has been but about six months in 1 'in the county;; whose practice at I the bar'.; is - 6aid not tobo: worth CSG per annum, because favrliavecnnSdence in his qualifications; who tvfi a ! Va-but' a verv short time naturalized, "and r rer yet fully civilized and whose chief .c to-tns otiice consists n uw'n I r I i cf editor of a clumsily conducted JouV'n. 3 d ; and ia that peculiar modesty, which .is a great uiling with a certain class of his coun tr :n. A just indignation is aroused among " ' tlv- rWnle jat . this shameful outrage pot the rights of other citizens, some ten or ijwelve of r, rom have been passed over to make room r r ; 'young man having no shadow of claim ca t! -"a "public confidence or favor.; The re 'r nt oh this occasion, we are happy ts i, ii not confined to" the Whijrsi but is participated in by the Democrats of tnnover ; ana one ot ythe "magistrates, ' j Henry,- Esq., could hot be brought to ; vt 1 1 the dic:otion of Jacobinical leaders, : '"i otyvota for Mr. Fulton. We be. i: 'men are more firm and decided in t! " r ""1 -opinions,: than - this, gentleman is; ; :.t.vi i should cot expect that -he and some others we could mention ol the New Hanover magistracy, of the Polkito Combination, could be induced to commit an act so insult, ing to the barjof that county, and so express ive of contempt for the intelligence and luie. pendent spirit pf the people. In this gentle, man, we say, iwe have not been disappointed though we have in some others if they were on the bench when this desecration of every thing eacrcd to justice and ths rihls and privileges' of our nat;v2 citizens was committed. The names of ihooi who did vote ought to be recorded, that the public may be on their g'rj against committing political trusts to their charge and that the Jacobins may know v;hcre to look for instruments to accomplish any work of political meanness they may have on hand.- " - I, The complaint h not that an intilligent, vir tuous, and amiable foreigner is promoted that a man like the noble and brave and gcrt emus Emmett is distinguished but that ap upstart, unprincipled and impudent Irish chap, has taken the place that should hive been given to gentlemen of decent understanding and respectable manner. Iluzzi for Polk Texas, Oregon,! ould Ireland" and young Irishmen. ' Who dare trid on the tail o m6 coat I' Independent. ' -. Apprehensions of a great destruction to property by a flood, have been fearfully ex cited in Cincinnati. The Gazette, of the Hih ult.,8ays : ",The Ohio is pouring out a flood,' and the water is coming up rapidly upon Cas-' silly's Row. . At the Western corner, it was; about four yards from the curh-slonc last night. We fear a flood, greater than we; have experienced since. 1839. The rain has been pouring down in aH directions, and every stream is full to overflowing. Reports from! above represent the main rivers as emptying into the Ohio v. itli the wildest kind of swell." )The Progress of Refinement. The Vicks. burg Constitutionalist says y that no smoking of, cigars or pipes U permitted in any church in the city of Vicksburg. j ; : r f ZassacIiusetts and Sct:t!i Carolina. - The following order, adopted in t!.o House of Representatives of Massachusetts cn Wed. nesday, will show the standwhich that state has determined to take in respect to the mat. ters in controversy between her and South Carolina:!. y. JVitec. j Ordered, Thitj the Comrnultce to whom was referred the message, cf tho Governor upon the subject of khe treatment of the Hon. Samuel Hoar, in South Carolina, he directed to report to the Legislature resolves to iho following effect, viz i y ' -! That Mas:nchuo;tti i.j restrained from further present action in bc!;o!f cf her citizens imprisoned in South! Carolina solely on ac count of their color, and from tho excrciso of her own powers to protect, tha commcrco .of her citizens, by 1 eri unwillingness to do-the slightest violence to tho Constitution-' of the United Slates, the protection of which she is claiming for her own fcitizens in tho premised ; ' That South Carolina having, by her con stituted authorities, interfered to prevent ac cess to tl.o Courts of the United States within her terrilary, it becomes the duty of the Gen. eral Government to afford to tho citizens c I our Commonwealth, while- in: another state, all tlte rights guarantied to them I -j tho Con. stl'tution of the United St atcs ; :. And that Massachusetts nowdemap , nn I will continue to demand, thai tl.e General Go. vertiment makes suc'i !chango in th i-juris lie. of ' the Federal Courts or provision's by law, as will enable any citizen cf Masiichu setts, 'who miy hereafter to imptisonJ in any other state solely on account of l.ij r ' r, to urge his claim of liberty tind ptotccti 1 ;) the Courts cf the United States; and that o :r Senators and Representatives be requested to loose no opportunity of urging this :! upon the consideration cf Conjrcss." Ckc:ric!:ric!ic.T:.2 iV.v York Expre. Ins tho following parrynph rei-pectir-1; o- ; cf tho U. S. Senators from th.e Empire : '"Mr. D.S. Diekins-n is cl i d... mileage, as ho hats', bet n to Wa.!,;, yy. ;n "i der lu'o -appointments, tha b:t -'.'"." rv. ' v.hilohe wa3;sitting uiiJjr the fit! II;. Mangum declined to certify, and tho Commit tee of 'the Judiciary have given a uninim' 's opinion that the charge was illegal, an J cc.!J nc t L j alloved under thn rules of the Sm to. Then Dickinson propc J to Icive t!.j a.'i.lr to Danitl Webster. Mr. Mangum ogreed, and 44 the great expounder" gave our craving Senator an exposition not to his liking. All this.ia very pretty business for a SenatorxJ New York ! . As Cassias said to Brutus, "Ago ! thou art shamed ! Rome ! :!.ju hast lost thy breed of noble bloods !" . I,. TCho' subjoined paragraph from the '..: ' - inyton Globo has its ovn significance : " AYc know' that tho people of Tex s i derstand their int?ic : j well, and will l..e t'..:' surest measures tor tha permanent a' i :nt cf their freedom, independence; L-.p; i ncss, greatness and glory. The stato v.:!! rr.inifest her sovereignty, independence, oi.d equality with the stales of the. Union "r J ths r.tior.3 c:f tho earthby her Senators cr.J Re. presentatives in Congress,' and l-j lcrzri':U pdlcn iz Executive trials, ::; rvr. ti:::: cr.o :: ED. EY E0I.DIN3 THE HOST .EXALT CP ; ' -THE CHIEF. SIAGISTRACY OF THE UnIO".1' Among the results ' having their ori-in : the councils of Generals Jackson and Ho . ton" was it agreed upon that one should I2 ihe elevation of Houston to the Presidency ef the United States! General Jackson's power to make Presidents has been demon, strated and very signally. He has miJ soma out of less available materials than the hero of San Jacinto. y ; It would cause no surprise if the fict were openly acknowledged that the promise cf the Presidency of the Union had been held out to Houston to induce him to favor the project of annexation. Perhaps he now finals that a more glorious career oper.3 before him as the leader of the young and growing Republic of Texas, than he could anticipate in the con tingent remaindership of a prospective Presi jency pf the United States.:; To realize the latter he would have to : encounter the jealousy of rival competitors more formidable oppo nents to success than the Mexicans would he likely to prove in his march' to power in the Southwest. , -'--::.'. -ry"'':.:- r. y-y;y "-" Inasmuch,! however.'as one lays himself lia ble to imputations of being under British in. Cuence, if not actually bought with British gold, by expressing any doubts of the speedy complete annexation enterprise, we shall not venture to gainsay the assurances held out in the above quoteu paragrapn. ; we are quite willing to take it for greeted that Texas is do- tcrrr.ined to estal' .'i I - :"fypendencc by hsing it immediately ; t!.-t . is aware her sovereignty can L": t"z-:r i cr.ly by parting with it; and tint Lt.i II would be un wise to forego Grr.?ril Jackson's promise of the Presidency cf t.'.a United States, if he has f"5' it, for an v c r .-jrar.ce cr great. ' :'ore Anericaz. v.z h'cv; I. : .loctcs. Th follow ir.g new rrulcs were established at the last session of C-. rrn"st in North Car olina, vis: From Rutherford:;:., oorifiehl, Ed win Thorn's, Buck Cr , cr. J R. II. Hick's, to Shelby Court-hcu. ' From Catawba Yir." to Deal's mill.. ' ' ' From Rut! rf !:..n, via White Oak, Grren River, E.L .j ;il!e, Hendersonville, to Mills1 River. . - . From Jamestown, via Deep River, Brown town, Midway, Hussey's store, and Phil'ps' ferry, 10 M'cksville. - - t . From Asheboro to Laurcnceville. . From Merry Hill to Edcnton. '' From Kinstoo, Lenoir county, via R. D. Nu'n's, Ln.ws Jones', and Stephen Grady's, to HallsviUe, Duptin county. j From Hal!;vi!le, in Duplin county, to Rich, mmi, in Onslow county. From Hunt's Crcc3 Roads'to Nashville, in North Carolina. From Chilhowce, Blount county, Tenn., to Chcohe, Cherokee county, North Carolina. Mrs. Polk was present at the Inauguration, and occupied a conspicuoui seat on the floor of the Senate Chamber, and was very richly and elegantly attired. She wore a mazarine blue .silk velvet walking dress, white bonnet and feathers arid straw-colored gloves, and held in her hand a very beaiifulstraw.colored fin and rich boquet of flowers. ' Did you ever know a young lady v.-ho was too weak to stand up during prajer time at ch jrch, who could not dance all night without being tired at all ? ; '' William," said a carpenter to his appren tice, 44 I'm going away to-dav, and want you io grind all the tools." Yej sir." Tha carpenter came horns at night. 44 William hove you ground all the tools ri'.t f'.arp?" "All but the handsaw," said Ei'.'!, 44 I thJ.t pet quite nil the gapa out of that." ';' Tha anti-rent rebellion in the date cf New York is progressing.' ' V At one of the late " receptions" at the Chateau of tho Tuilleries, an unusually?-large number of American citizens were presented. A fat Kentuckianylady, overpowered by the adroit attentions of the Sovereign, exclaimed in the' over How of her feeling, " La, King Philiippe, how you do talk Enylish !" . y . Hum j jt. tic Khclccn'th Cc.rj la passing along one of ..our streets the ether day, our ; notice was attracted by a vcrnan rubbing and slapping a horse, and cccarlonah lywhispering a . word in his ear; she would cdm-nence at thejjp end of his ncse and run her hand along hi3 entire length- Ther e, cn J Various other ; antics,. induced ;U3 to inquire wlnt was in the wind, and will you believe if, v,-i . cre tolJ th-t (lie z::.iz;i iczj u.i c..s..:I. rcss, c .1 izxs curing the horse, which h id been severely r.ttac:J v.ith t' e V 't?, Ij ic r rcfi:':.- .i:ic-jt (vi T. .'iy, t' 2 l"th ' :izrci J hn Ihvr-, Du-n P.--T. rf " to Mis ?Iatilt It. Ccnrr, daughter Kaclicl Ccott, cf i:.;yv&o.l county. Ar.J T ' y, C.'h, t' 5 I -"1 prrahco socit and intJ li t' iv - it they have turned lhr I. .'.3 ''T ?n 1 i' " !v-ricitcs. t' - ' to t 2 v.o.-U t:; Li.t a .. f.l :cd aud rcquv-stcu to announce C'-rh rf t 1 1 - - 11. Le for Superior Court rt ths Avr-. t else- pou r vi ! Di-trict: ui li 'A t-Oll. i.Lt E vlho ciiCi, Her '- )nvillij " rr.niiiliii"' ": '. ..'avnesville cf Carrier ly Atlcciijigs. lay- 3 i 4, at Carnsville. " 17" 13," Hendersonville. V 2t " 25, " i !ountZion. ' " 31" 1st June.Ech. Mi3. II. As'ieville, June r 7 " 8, at Flat Creek. t 01 11 00 , . ' -vierville h".vr Vt M 23 M 23, " Newport. ih Ilcu::d of Quarterly Mecilvs. .r.-,- ... j Circuit JL-.y i.oth, forth Cove c. g. Jcr; j.n h'.2 " A"j. 1st, haw's Creek c. . ""khn ' fih, Campground.-"'' iyr ".-:" '" -'15..!!, hook's e.g.--'.evi. ; ' " Copt 1 1th, llccms Creek. vicrvi::3 " ISt'.i, -, ---rt C'Ji, rarroltavilla c. :ry ", '-y-r----lir.g ("i Hominy) August 2-ad. .rkey C.wc'c c . p-mcct..",:j Auj. 2 ,,!;, ; .r-.svi'-! c --n-icetir;'- .'opt. 5th . ' e. r. sevieh,p. c. April 4ih, 1815. 212 ' As the Administrator of Tnos. L. I.Iattiiias, cce'd, I will pell at t'e dwelling house of his widow. .3 Uiver, on I-iy, l' "! C.-J day of :.Iay - 5 V . t. i 1 I fone ether per lA, with apyrovrd 'it?, cr havi-'j 1 : it!"T',',.t i 1 1 :! c;ji -tir- j. v;. 'vooDn::. April 4, i:t5. State or I To -.ti: Carolina, IIAYV.OOD COUNTY. Sprirj Tern, I8I0.IN EQUITY. TETITION rOH PAUTITIOX. James 7.1, Wells, David Mann and, wife Lueretia, Gloud F. Long and wife Elizabeth, Andrew Wells, Thos. Wills, Jonathan Lidbetter and wife Nancv. " '' - '-- ., . ;" TS, ' " ; ' " '.:' William Wells and John A. Wells. It fccirg' nac'e to appear to the Court by the pr, tition of j ."iinlh"-, that the defendants, Wm. Wells and John A. Wells, are non-residents of this State, and have rot .riven their onscnt to the partition prayed for in thi-. petition ; it vriJ therefore ordered that publication t3 r-.ids for fix wtehs ia V.,o Ilhland ?,Ici.SLn''cr. nstiTvir U.3 said c'cfnJaTis to Le and arr-oar before the IT .norah'e, the Jo f f t'c Court of ryj'fy.at thi net C -ttil-! !'yf 3 coun ty cf iJayn-ooJ, at t 3 1.1 . . aj r.csvule, onlha3rd Mondsv ia ' .'-Trv!, I'.-i e-J Otherwise judgment will ts Uh::i jro corfessj, and set for hearing accordingly. Witness. Allen T. Davit jV, der and ;.i3tcr of said Court, at dice, the CrJ i londay in T.Iarc! 1S45., ; A. T. DAVIDSON, C. fj. E. .April 4thi, 18 J5. Prs. fa Q7 7JJ Ct 212 ID! IAD!!" r.ZADU! . Viis U:'.'. :ny i:i faor cf thj r.:J:clh T.IIi, and the thzzt.'.-.ts vrho are da'.lr ra' J from a Led cf cilery tjr t'-.tlr c--c, render "it in ; ? that til who arc tZ'.x.r. t:.:nickiiC.i should '.s fUca a tnil. . . . -. . ; To he renei'tlercd TLif Cir.J.-tlh T.'.ls Lave stood a scrca years Urt m C.3 United Stales-. That they are a vegetal !a ar.i inr.occnt n;c Jicir.e, yet all powerful fjr the reniovl of ceases, whether chronic or recent, infectious or o'.hcrwisc. Tliat they purify the Llood and ttj;y the farther protrree of disease in the Lt:rr:n body. " ThaLfin nany cases, where the dreadful ravages of clceratioa bad laid tire Teamed and bone, and where, to all appearance, no human means could save lift, have pattentf, by the cse.cf these pills, been restored to 'd health ; the devouring disease having btenicoinpletdy eradicated. ; ; : These P1II3 are for sale in every county in this state, at 25 cents per box ; and may be had by the following asrfnts : ' ' PA ITONT & OSEOHN, Asheville, If. C. JJM.I ALEXANDER, French Eroad, N. C. JAS.C. SMYTH, ?llor-anton,r.T.C. '. V?.I. t. GILL i CO, Marion, V. C. April 1 IS 15. ' " . a object Fes cc:;:nATUUTm. ' " Jtiie postage on Gotiey's Ijriaaxiiic & t,ady' Cool; To any distance is Reduced to 4 centa on tack Numbcri To commence on the first day ,1 '' of July next, ' " Ijf the Lady's Book you will find the best articles of poetry and Prose by the best authors of the day new music- and, in addition, from ihrte to fire monthly plates including the authentic Laches Tash ions. ' The hea,vy postage tax on periodicals has been very detrimental to a great mail distribution. , That tax has now been removed, and our subscribers, and those about to subscribe, will have to pay only 4 1-2 certs per month postage on one of the most beauti ful an j useful works of the day. 1 This agreeable alteration of what was a Tery im. jupt law towarefs periodicals, now places as in a bet. ter position to : : nl subscribers. ' We five four times more original t. .t!cr than any of the weekly papers, three-Engraver - a nonth gratis original mu?ic. and at le?3 j L. A. GODEY, PJti!ada. Ayr I ',: 212 ,i oi'ILcltcrs ' Post OOice at Asheville, N. C, 1845, which if not taken out in sent to the General Post OiScc ''IcClatchey Samuel lorrison William liev T Ch.:re E II ..t!u,i Jascpli Oliver Jncrh ' - . -"v rter William - ", - 'nd Henry or Robert ' A J - : f -t on ths'l.-.tf three mo- ' ' as d . '. ! ' I G, a c G i Harri I)-:. J. Vlili'rf I.iEIh 'IITIiS. ' r ,..cie7" c cxcla'r:. -,'..v. on f ''";f ,.-3 01 Jivzcs a,;z . a i r rti !v! - r. ne cf t!ie naueoiid f! n rwl.. i , - ac!-'. ? v.t'.i ths idea of rliysic Ch ' h-c : r 1. cr it quite a treat, End in taking it tht!r ; ' , l. j prati:.?.!, p- 1 tl r hr-.lth restore J at th; . . th.-.?. Jayne's Tu-I Veniifjge. not or.Iy dci!.ioj-3 rr.", but carries clt the mucus in which they aro ' -dod, and t.cts a radical and permanent C!'rc. I . r) mother knows the prominent sytor.is cf v- -, t-uch as veracity, leanness, fetid breath, gnr. - cf the teeth darir s fc'-cp, paleness of the Jjps, 1 .ng cf the noe, iLc., buf there are other indicn' not fo geneia'Iy recognised. A dry cough, 'I 3, enlargement of the abdomen, and nany ' rtj.. toms common to other .disease?, f.-ec,- I. -iote the presence of worms. If their exibtc i cv"n susoected, this Vermifuge f hoi.! j be a' 'tit, because it can do no harm in any case, 1 r.. iy do incalculablo good. N. Y. Tribune. Prepared only ly Dr. I). Jzy;:, llo. i f-aiilh Third street, Philadelphia. : . WarI War! TI e r--hers h rd ic- :;r hostilities air ten.. r. Dr. J. n 1 t co::r.t cf his Hair Tonic, wlucli is knock business into a cocked hat.' Laes an ! old an,! yor.ng, zr-2 f! :ching; io the D:l..i '.rj. of ...th ..-.,clf with 1 ain Le. IIead3 lorjg diverted of even the f.rs.t r hair, after using his Hair Tonic, soon ; new and flowing locks, which Abs--might have envied. Beardless boys r large and bushy whiskers and lach" through their raven ringlets more I witching than ever. Uald hen :- ' ir wigs, and thro'irg then . ;' while the wig makers fctar.J - ; .v t.. the demolition of their Li: ' . : . ' t!.? consequence of II.I3 war ... ; . , ; ; .-g. gies arc outragcooji, anJ ti. Lc: r r...,'.;ja fir..), and declares that "some t -1-1 Can Lj dr.c a3 tvcll as others," iand that ! -! 1 r . ' ? 1-33- a v.xll wear their own hair as tLc LIr cf ethers. Weekly ".Its. sen Ter. : ; :. Prepared cr.ly 1.7 Dr. D. Javr.c, 7lo. 3, Sonth Third street, I hllaLh'ia. - i - Have you a C r ? Di not neclect it;. thousands have met a prcr : iture d,'.al!i f;r the want of a little attention to a ::.-ion co! J. Havejia C i ? Y-.l -Expectorant is a sar-1 1' - ft,: "-"Hg no poisonous drug"", a I 1 -1:1 an cxtcr.yive practice for several years, v. i.l m-t po.tivtly a " rd rthef, and 6aveyou from l' t awfl d -' -ry Consumption, which & ac, i 1 'o I' 3 grave hundreds of the jc ig, tliC c' J, t' ? f r. the Io-,c!y and the gay. IIaveo'ia Co"gh ? 11? pcrs'J dud to purchase a bottle of the Expectorant I To-day! to-morrow may be loo late. - i. i Have y , i a Co t Jayne's Expectorant is the only rn 1 Jy toj s-aouTJ take to cure you. For. this plain reason, that in no one of tha thou, sand cases where it lias been used has it failed to re lieve." : 1 . ' Prepared and sold by Dr. D. Jayne, No. 2 3, South Third street, Philadelphia; - j .What can 1 2 more trying to the fccllrsr-; of a moth. er, l.iin to t' .f-1 1 r.er ir.!ar.t wr . inc a-onirs cf ch-! :,rr v. a;-, tyui ..rt . a : .rr.t.e ser-.'go -? -n ! i. '. ! v.ith s-ced ' - ' t ; t' 1 1 ::3 1 . 'cr KjnJ. 3 C 'V. ti jr. -r.c" AnJ a p-. 1 r'-' I -1 ' OttH I 3 Tr. V. ..'r'l 13 ? J :t '.c; if' ; : n r ill Prepared cr." T Dr. D. Jsyne, II Th ird e'J ect, rLl- j "i. vy: i O.vlt CnrrrAFaia'Ai- Vet-iray I any one, Lhaa lo jive Dr. J,j. . "x; tct-rantvl trial, and if it dcs rt ct:re i-.a .... cleasesSl Vxica Uirccc.":..;r.;.", i Iy than any t:L.r : : ".ci.-.e I' to the pcb'l.c, th:; - ;-::.-r : penaTty, however t, . to imposff rpen hira. 1 1 colds, asthma, Lronch'.'.:, V.i ..t and t.. ctuih scrcrlst-i cZ.red " -7 tsur.-crgo t::j '..z rrzj see f rycr i v, '..I c". covhs. tl.rcit, w Loor.in cor-h, creep, c:-.J - jority of the most hfl-'s c:"s cf ccr. '.' -,, htn phyiichr.3 aJ the'r f rrr cr!; ti;.;s f-.l t i any goo I., Aaiaweny, c-.'y try it. It r. ! : -t harm you, but it muft anJ xrY.l do yo j 3-d. Prepared only lv Dr. D. J--, Iv. 22. Cc-lli Third street, rt:iac!;h j. Notktxg cas r ccal rr for cf, - z c : : e 7 '. : a tr. J other pulmonary d.PiFC3. The fJlj-.vh: Kticr I Dr. Rriq;haa, of Low.!!, Mss., tut f ; 3 th; form hrg"--e cf h- l:cls of ot!cr lijs'z'.ir, t. ! 1 have tried, tr.J thrrcf.re knotr Lowt j -"-cch..; Jayne's Expect rra.it. . . . " LoEU,!.!ar3,Jan.7f IT!!. Da. D. Jatxe: Dear Sir, 1 have used ycr r2'.z'.r (ocr.ivcr sally known by the rac cf Jjjt.c's E.T-ec!rr;:t,) io my practice f r a r.,...'. r : ; ir, J cr.n r.:t truly say, T .t I ! --ve I cn i;.cre f-rccfrjl in l1-? ue of that as a miM, fafi, and thoruujh cxpecior ii.t, tLan of eny which I have ever used. It is the I. A foi th fohowinj obvious reasons. It docs not (tf gi v. en in prcper duics,) occaii.j a cisagreeahle nauca. It does not weaken I s e-J rertrats the sys tem like most other errt rjr.rs in ccre.mon 1.0, nor does it lI 1! : th z it t -cf thj f Uh . t hie o'.!..r ni35?,.-, r- - -t w jjave i,crn r.-oj w t3 acuity. Ia a vwrd itis nearly cr ry;!'.! th thirj VfhicU has been sought fur bj many of the f:--I:y for ages pone by. I rcuuin, yours, &c, ' . Lcrnca Ea;c:un, I. r Prepared only by Dr. D. Jaync, Ko. 2'J, C . . . h Tliird street, Phi!ad;hU. Wobjis are Swept Awat frcm the s'cz.c!i z.:. '. bowels by Jaync Tc-.:; Vrrmifu-e, as by the I-ti of destruction. Th?y rl h unJcr its r T'' " - j-. fiuer.ee instantly, an 1 rr2 cy"cd ri''i l' in which they are in ' 1. The cer: h 1 1 t all cc.-cs pcrrcr.:r.t, r J if a rc-rr:- " order f h";!J tal ; j f T 1 f ' tion will 1. ever f-.l to 1 . . the cTwd docs r.ot v-"-' 4 .1" '. . who 6ufTer from piles cr rk... t f-vir, cr a riy coin plaint where a mild t.'.io cr ul'rnative niay Le do. sirable, will 6nd in Jayne's Tonic Vermifuge, a cost valuable remedy. ' ; . Prepared only by D. J'yr-,r3. ?, Ccu'.h LJrd street, ri.Jad-' ' TrsIlAiact " ' ' '- -r , ged with f;urf a-J ' '.- y: . ;l. ; tr C.n uourhll - rLurii. .r"U with, moss an : . .f r-3 -JreT t-r-j caused by sue,' n, a.-d tra u certain sign thatth' . 'jti l .2 e cJt require invcratir soastoenaL t' . 1 t ? tl-ro-.v tl.e nio!stn-3 h; -.'1 now cries We know rr tually as J the healthy . i"T th? VP1 r ' ... hi t. ; s -r;cc cf 1..3 f .i.i. -h "i i V..U -Ate-y c ' -. r r -3 1 1 . e th. r ! .i r.ct ; : cr'.tL . IS v , Ltouth . rot, da net dj!?y 'y ; if you htvc L:cn i th-Jy Lought a y.A I.ai3 recovered ( rl Iand::!. . 1 1 13 the only medi'-'ie i cf persons, have givd . :. llo family should ever I .. D. Jaj-ne, No. 23, Couth , !iia. ' .ant. No other roedicirs , 1 is from the throat so thorny My I'y loosens the coagulatrd ljj. -i ' which lines the trachla, an J r l 4 will Lringrp portions of t! 2 ' 'I rrmj-!aint of th" p- - . turo serins to Lc rr.kiV 7 ( " ease, Jayne's ExpccUt r t cliinery of rerpiration i ' themselves of the h ! '. t' 'At free pt ration y: ' J tj this 1 r' another day, r.-acf t' h ttle, t' " t 1. I .1 c ( . ... Thh:t'-.:tt, . Jat .'3 i: rs It c flC'l t' - I- c.rvr --ht C;scng3ged r; .. : . r.ary r rgi" -, e . r.o t..hrt It I' r-y. rant i.-r parts vr aim injj.cs i..t ..1 1 1 tructL . . I ' i - - --.if :. . Third ttr..t, r.: '.' ' .. Tj:?: ffr- V.Y--1 f -:.o r I .-, t Javne's E"; '-tjr-.r.t m a certain cl."3 f - and that f.r ClJs, Cc-.it: :'A n,',, ' Covgh, Cr-'-' 1 ;t't c 1 rvy f of Lie Liin-s or Throat, is t-ro to r ' ' decided benefit. It is recommended ly ; n ho have tri-d it, and all t iy t!.- t it m 1 edy, v. .ti t any cxzct ti 1, fr ali a.." rr t!.-.t ! - I ever L.-en '. -y r, f .- It : ' relief, and cures v. hen every ct! r ; ed. Prrp-rcd r-!7h7 Dr. J-yr.-, ' Third etreet, Philddclpl.la. Jatxe's Verkifi'GE, has ladJei:' t' many a mother, v:!o had cxptc' If her child to the grave, but found it rf ' and rosy health by this ccLhratcd f,.c' pcls worms wit hoot irritating the ceil eft' ach and bowels, and combines the vht.. f with thope of an alterative. Neither th? V. nor the Expectorant has a rival in t! " ' -1 of the materia mcdlca, for diseases to I . .. -adapted. Prepared only by Dr. D. Jaync, !ZD (' ' T.'rl strei'I, Philadelphia. Tub JIoj-ey is t.ftvrt.i it Jatxe's CARvrvATrrr, does not produce the r. IdiciJed hpr.c't in L.'A'. H'lck Headache, Cr.';! g Pair!, D.arr'.iea and t'l derangements of the blomach and Eowc:3. I"r tale at No.3 South Third fctrccL . If Njeve Fatls. TJje Ainerjn Hair Dya r.rv er fails, when used as d!rccted,"t f.. ti t l.air from any other color fo a Leaut."..! s.-A. ra cr j:t black. Sold at No. 3 o-jth TI.:.--' str-.ct. Piles Half the cases cf Tiles are caused by the irritation of small worm1. Jatss's VEK" n.,c2 cures all euch cases by renoving the wormesTtnd ipipart-i.-!g a healthy tone to the bowels. For yahi i.t N'o. J Soutn Third ftreet. Asthma oa Phthisic ts caused, by a u. ..icnt cf phlegm or mucus in the air cells, whi:. obstruct the passage of the air through the wind tubes. f Jayne's Expectorant removes the obstruction, with tbe'greatcst facility, and cures the disears at once. It is prepared at No. 3 Sonth Tliird street Corona' am Colds. Jayne s Lrfrtorarfm - pleasant and certain remedy for aft Pu!.or.ary t tions. Prepared at No. 0 Soul Tliird street: JaoNcHms, Cocans, Coxsrarfjo?-T-r--zi die annually with the above diseasp?. J-., ,.As Ex. pectoravt never fails to relieve and rti .anenlly cores nine out of ten vr.o.'t.. 3 it as d.rcl-' I. Vic pared at No. 3SoV.h Third .:;. L - " . Woajii Dr-TRov t: 1 Lives cr Ti:ji. , only of chllfrcr, tr' t cfaJ r:.-" rp: r-y- -y f c. p,:, t' 1 rr.h'.j t: ' i cf nerve c1" '-f,t. J? - on 7 rem; 1. . 'iy re'.d to insure arts C. .,.?7i3., Eaoxcirms. Arr:-:. rcr "y h. i ever Li.en found to remove th 3 tA .ascsfj I rc:nr t'.y and a.T'ect': iliy Jyr."'i 11. ir. .1 . It c!ar,;eslhe l.:rgs f,::.i .11 i:..tl r ; l.AU.s, wh,l3 ctthern:3 tit. 3 it h:'j s I invi.-ratcs thea. Prepared at No. 3 i'-r :tUT!."r J if'rc-'t. -y y i J ' Q .-3 ,ro fr rr 'rrT ihcu'.J l.avi Jaj:-- : thirj they reed fJL ft i r i; . - urei (he Cholia all- w.. and E- I"-r t . '. : Con . 1 Arrf i'.ltU. ,1 Tear.N rrr.r. . :: n r IN 3 CAi;DLZc,r A hi c:::r :s : 3 ci a a . -, CO Tf roDDrz ric::,r rrs ii :: '.::: . jc .e:!rrn n u :;; r ' : 1 ' ? 3 i ) H) G t ) CD Z',t Z'-'j r v r c : : S f in , r v - ' .1 r r i i . i . ' I v. : ! - Cm 13 iro:;,r.-: i L'icedes, crtr I :.- Cle'tt ;-',,.f . LARD llOLAZCrr. v t (JILiJ, ltd , oat.': pzrrr.::, : iiAici:;:.,: c. t".- Ill- i. II ; .-. :"" . .- V;j"er'r -i ' SPICZ OAP, Aneri:, yj.A do. 'i:o.2 CA L T, Llcrrj-c z I rc and I ut. do. da. ' . ssel CJIOT.rAlslz'M I"- to:: a ceo, ;;. Csrziu T;i::r. . , TZA,L ; A 11 f fc A M 1 :i 1 :3 ' r ' I ' J 1 ', . , 1 . ' .IZ:,-A;ent ' r A ii ' - t- Tire I "'.Tcr.ct II Jr. I ci- ( . A. f CA:..l&s, ll-ccn cl: A- .. . Tr::!'jaZs -fc : , -l : -1 ; "" ' " Ik .t.'""t. r. ' r. i r jr.J C." ' i c" Cecris . . AirfC! :i 3 rr. ci. : 2: f .... 1 j U c: ? rrr r :.r, wl:!i .rr.c:3, cn Ls Iv-y ' 1 hca:h,n at thlj rf.:e. r- f - yj - Er the Sack cr r h'l f r thesp, " uiu O m. . . April 2 i: 11. W ji . . 4. -V ' ; ti p-rchass Wool, Ft ".hers, T " , .v, f.r r. hicli l" - 'V 10 1841. ' v -. L.rooi: a::d jc:; : v -yHESS Errv 1 -s.." -;'..; :.'-,:-:., y,.; -v.--Mt--';, 1 : y!o "y; , ;v-; , . -.y .- :

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