' . ' ' v..-. Jji 7)" 1 J !- I .(H i;LJ .i- --EDITOR AND VROPHIETOR. t)jr j.df-'rcsS'irs ill fir1.i it t!:fT:ru!l la Lc. ,:ivtr ric-'JjJ rti:!:cr frn;n ll.'j Cv. litvc thnto important oivJ jnuin a dcclara j r.nr frcrsi any pari of i!:u crijiua! ground cn r . jon ja(J fxcome, leDrc ihc close ihfi fi'rlt c met! them ja ibis work. Aui if, . - year of ihc frieniilul period a "perfect nullity. c Oii m rwrlir, t'rr? ordinal and LrcaJ 'iVo D-llmi and Tirrr Cevw rr annum in Jn Dcccr ,," 1 u 3 r;ct;n Ujari f lhe coa R:l!a gro.Ja j c,f air.fcJcral-aa were K'f C7.1. l!, r5r?,crTtn:te Dollar willjit tLypar. I j , 1 , . , . , , , ,. , , - 1 vcr.tion. tt Boston, 1. J "' led a ncv cuahnca table, how carr: u : j ri-.y sr. I 1 :r : ..1 f '"rr Wi.I Lc d.r.contti.S'-J, j.ccpt at tlic op-1 ' ' I of t :::::or, unt;i U arrwrj, j-iiil. r "i fn - fur n:i?Hti3- jf r. ' new pclu! r-!;; i acted upon! If cjlml!?, w!.y t'.-j art frc.i AJrcti;. iii will iiiKc.rU! tJ vrf Doilah f t -: cf .1 lines cr Ic.-t, Ut U-X i."v.'rti n, ' Y.. . ,-ir. ii C.mu for each co-.tiii'ijnto. , - r cf i.t'Tliom cjeiiretl must be marked t f' 3 u. r 'in, or l?;c advcrtiKCincnt will be conilinu i.l l. i f rl, 1, and cLarjcJ accorc .. Court Or. v. ..i ! J c. J t'.vcr.ij-Cve fcr ci.nt cxlr-i. j ' f r . j-i.icinjj the, r.j.:." a candi 1 ! 1 aJvincc, or T3 00 ifpjr- viz: tint J If a: v r.c v.!;o h-t!l olTlr Lim-utl svlf for a mtssiu :-v, ! slaves, tbuM , AVe cl.tini la have lc:cJ ta .:frz..'.. ifj-it o rctaiirrj i!;et:i cs his j-roj-rty, they i vi;h ;,crah'ty lovvarJ cur Xor'.Lsrn lrr:!:r: could riot oppoint him."" ''One thing is cerJ Thrust from the common pLtform -cf r tain, tS y cuauv,vct Ve could never le a j rHts Ibctwecn the KoilhcrnanJ G -.1.. party to any arr.!: cnvjnt ivhic'.i implies op. J churches, wclnvc but rr? - tructei t probation cj IjU'ry." . jfjrm. Coiitc:.t i:h it, -. . .We.pr.y our; .ihrcnnnd r." c-r J 1: --i j rt ;irCjJ v j:f :,U:Jt..:; to rr.uk s thy :!,;- . f il.ls now! r. '. cl ; t; ! .,.. II n-n t' v thrj.i : t( the lii i,: :x r ct ll.'.ir three y.-. rs' I L .t o; - j!:.. i.i c---- - -owcr; a dale Jit v!,:c!j the cornprorr.iis res 1.' Ij-rr.cikaUj hare i :;: ccjr'-":!r tr ! c-tuW scarcely in re reached on remoter ,'a ohcJIencc'lo sUvli uurj;J au:!: :r' -' ".n-Ji If usurpation hud been inl j (J0fercrxc to su-jh a mar. lien L:' ' ; ! ' :e '..-.en i:..j;-c filly limed? I j5 -J, ..fc invu'ved. " A Ln-rch t.f t' -" 1 ' " ' 1! -t lof.hs vari-j-5 v.-ys ! " ; : -jec ' .. r r . - .i f r t - .r ctrc;: .1 ; ;. .. ".--ii; :;or:' -r.. .! "ill brethren. T! ) t1 'j f.iih. T..- I 1 t.;.. r tAir-.i;! ii su. ' ,u to l.. -I a .rio'n i:;terruptiuu f ti.'.fiow of Souther a L:n;v !...rc. The wa.i the far rr. a re ; uJalh: evil; "ar.J t'..j D :J.on Doard ! w '., icli. Ti.' y . s-re fi;:n vrioi;- -jif tors r; ; ri-f 1 f it. Wc, on lha x;lh.r hai.d, C2 r.r in t!ij miller of a tmw nrg.'ijiizi. I "", liberal Stales had refused to t:"..l I . .iiward any more contributions. Ojr !crj;!crs h d chosen new rules, Tiius came i '.vur vii!,in enr gates: while the rr.enns of war , in? tiioq.ir. ,n 0 C(jn;myI1 enemy were daily c!I;r,ir.i;!i- .1.3 oitai. , .vci,' jd he. . I ; f.(;. "I . :' i ( ; -' " tilhu I'.'u-.'.-rn II-'p: '.':fT-. r in ro ar- - :r I by; -tin 1 ileal at. i t.v 1 v r " O.-rchri fJ'.o .; aw t "., 1 1 ? 1 1 ih-j r-.li. : : . r. tl it ..'Dlaurii.m h:s ; . r, do, lore' 'y far. Tii'- h. (I l -it 15 ' f hi":!- r ivt on 0 in (3 u.imist . c .-..'; 'it Am : :i;:h:;:' i) Kr.o s i.o tu'cm -' mt'!J(ts - nnd. non ,.r c'iir." 1! -i rcriod of its hy. tliii iJ; ciaion th.c li-.jaru had phtc J it- It 1.1 .'., -I ..r,n,u.!li,in l.t ll '1 P." " , tlll-'lV 1 l-f ' f il... ( n tti 1 -, I w n 'P1i rinltr rpicnn t!i'-n f. ir cr ?'. tl.ij cxlr-iordir.nry find ur.ccnstitutinr.al dictum .5 oon, . . . 1 , TSflnnnirilin-f n.nwr fir wis.' 1 1 - I- i. tnt pr , j j1.irj.,(,sc!f j4 confided to tlic.actin;; ' ' ' r '! td.1-? On mic! a slight huw of authority, " I ;" - nrd lu-'eitou!; to i'-'cI iro tzt to lu a ' ' ' I: m ia onu '.'." ;u'd oiler him- x' - l' . - . i.c a Mi- .loi-aiy, which the? Conver.iion ; XAl-1 'i ! 1 : t i l th .il not be n ilisq-i il.f.califin to Ai.li domnalinn on -slavery , although the conven tii ri h td said t . 0 1 " r.e'hhcrM should Lo done. An I (uiiher it forbade iIkho who h.i!I apjdy for a Mi-Mou-iry nrpoinirr.cnt lo ' expn-.-j nnd f roi-iv'tc t!?ehere" thr ir . ; t") I1 e s-jl "rt iS slivery in a right " mmner ar; i Fpirit," when the constituiion dfdared they " were fn oM to d y so. These brethicn, thus acted upon: a !enli!,,' ol'"Tey IiuvoTailcd "to 'pun o , ... c.f ; ; A- - -' thinr: it certain" V.'c rrJ.t 0 every .h.r pro'cl.ii,:: the; .r.r.h " We cin never L.; r i party tinny arr-:gr-mer.t" fjr rr.-:..: -J j .? G.,-ptI : nny err rr.ort w! ' Ja hl.c t! -I ( cfih! Autocrr::. . I.erdlct cf North, 1 ;cu!d f.ril diive Li frern our leljvid co.jrL I 'jople, of v.hum they prove that they km r.othir ; comp-iratively, and from the rr.ueh. wranjed Aborigines of ihe cf'ntry ; and then rut usiciT from th.i n-hitcninj f.e!di cf t!.? Ijat!-.c.n Iiarvest-Iabjr; to .h:eh by cc;;er.i . ;'und soL'i.in prayers, they I.'ivc to ef j ..tested that, wit!:uut us, they were i... .1 . ; :'. c. tc . . . tc: .cen a &t -t 1. C-'.' 1 me Kir l?r-r il f Pec! lo In!-::!, jr ti.e:.:er Grcr.l Ui I: i:MiC I j ot of ojr Y.'-.'i is '..i'di III. Our osjncT.i, then, are the cxter :en of the ."dee .siah's kingd -m, ar. .1 the glory f cur God. iUol disunion with any of his people ; not the uphu! ling of any farm cf human p-li-ly, or civil riglits; but God's ghny, nnd No -iuhs mcreaJrg reign; in l!. promotian d ,. i r . . ir ,-:if.'f,f rf!: r.::v of our cm! lights. We will uever i:.'.. r- fere with ick;:l is CTsr.r's We will r.et compromit what ii Gon's. These objects will appenr in detail on the f;ce of our Constiiution, ar.J in the proceed, ings, which accompany thi address. They are distnbuttd u pre-jr.t belwen two actir; Haa.di' fir r.r;ign c::J Da :::z:z ?di:;:e::-, havirg thoir respective senta at Rich. ri;r.d, Va.,and Maiian. Ab. We sympathlaa with 1 the Moced anian cry from everv nirLof the tig-:. . c:.h l t: 2 w. . ' if ,..l ASS .,::!! O'Co; 1 t w )T) I.- r ia rt g-iro t. 1;. . '.' 'i': 2 r.:.t Lr -Ti. -it slavery, is in all circurastar.ecs sinful. . ; ' r . . . i.. ; t.. 1 (j i 1 1. c r . I'll . ;.r.hty. Yerh nt! -21:h, afi.r thj no. Peel's Oi'f"")n speech. i :r: ;:-..ler 0 f I' .3 ir lleathcrn world ; with "the lov; moan, far spiritual aid, ofthe four millions t,f 1df stif..-d i.arty yi-rs 1 it, " , V!. rtas iheir own solcir.ii Res.. jiioa i.i l..c Rcd Mcll( . nhbars; whh the sons of -r i:,:t!.:3d.-; : L,: C,;.veuii :n (thcir's S3 u.uch cj crs) 1. a 2irJP;, stretching foiih their I c.-:". ' jus fi-LC.t') piumotc slavery. Vas not this ltjn;3 ,j-,lTj fr the gp; 1, to Ged -r ' ' ; -;.)' '-JL-ivi ;u fru, and " iii a CrL:;..i .VJfuai cr j ui j cor:35rj wc i.1Va shah cn cur ' L'";":,'i''' ;:'.:- '-"'to promote tlitl which in their h.arts, from cf a si:: vcar' - f 1 . . . .. r n r.j c...a i e'li ers ci a - . -.h-i "r:.d lur.d'ito: j oi -v. - f t :' t :.y , ar ! c! r. 1-.. at!.,;...-. t .! ; c ave f . t a:..: fccor-u'j to me present stiewingoi tucir ce:id.:ct, the'y regird ns a sin? . - II-:.: a- 'li, j .-il.aps, has L.en euid cf ihc oii. rinff tli movement. Were wc asked lo c!r:!-'eter;"'! the cer: ! 'et of cur Northern r 'i icr, t: i-i t' ::: rr.") e 1. L. ,ar.. .tc .. ;l cf its c ar- i -u'oily nrA 1,0 -an . i. ..j a:'. .e. li vej ro..eir ei.N'c; ui ; :': i-::to t:: Gcntil-S." Did ils deny 1.3 1 5 ; nviirg'j ! U.J It 1 HCL OUUCt U3, lay a !:" 1 cf Ri'rrish.inlerdict upon U3 in the dii-fl.-r-,? f f an imperative duty ; a duty lo which u.iC !. Aoen, af::rll.j I'-e rf iges, 1 1 1 .. .. . t 1 .... 1 1 .. .. . aver;, .ay :a.J j ..;o. .i.y ; a hr. ds cf fJoetlae. 1 purpo-j c, i.di. It v r.; -rtu-i et P.n ; ;'..- Ir, Ih-,r.e, ta;.. ! ;.g:.iast th ; Er.:.oxation of 'IV ; ican Ur.io-a. "ftiifu obaut wordj to ?.j prLf.t," Lr tha profit of-thesc poor, peiihing ar.J precious soul. Ojr larguag". to all America, an J lo tal Christendom, if they will l.:ar U3,.is "cc-.it ever" a;J :,r dj:t3, as ye souls. nd th aniur ci sea. r th' 1. t.l 1.. -Ik. - c v 1 cr: 1 1 Tjrts far , thir -tntire aversians r.r.d ! i'i r'.l the slrci gt'a : ;c- '..f e. AiJ r vi -i'. a ti. j strcr-; L rn'1 r r ! : ' cr av (. r--' , - ', to tl ' ir 1 :et f - "ra ? . rp ci:! r1-' rf tl.o Consti. 1 c . : . t:o Af.J 1 c: a,, iT,? ' - - - :!rit c'!r Northern brcihrcn were d.alt with as brethren to the Ian i-omcn. Coveral of our t' es chcii-'?s thi h-pe t'r.at by r '.".r tf rcmor.strar eo r 1 r.pa.- !".tin;i, Oa. ll.-J I: I Ar... -.1 No: ' ' et' ll j Ro ird f 'li:- -ersat Pi v idvt.e v'e Actirg Pjani ir.'-ht b" brr,i,'T,-!t to fctd the 'rri veus witptI :rics, mz: il!ity j; fctcJ. . The .V'-r.eging Baard :tn t. 3 r : to r r.te, : 1 . .... Ai: " 7.r, wV,. We a.; he'; ;:l th: ; j melrau far uathirg c'.50.. We have h-d rerc tall; thin work abut thesa chj -els too hmg. We have waited quite too lan far the more learned aaJ gifted, imd opulent and worthy, to lead iur ...y tevard thocu iZ.-U; c ! .ehae ;'.ar:e:.; d di ' eta v or. th: ulr : ! 0 lei:. 03. Ojr eyes e: ih; aits are t : . : ita f.eli. zA... cfr :ei."d fe:J.. ' ; to Tern.eh ed t!r-N-i- L. reus; with a zeal in which -ve are willing to ( , ho coonsLilcd by Gad and a!! considerate" (Let Ly r.r.j ( !vo) to the cer.tir.er.t ilea,; :.d ,oer j :rr.rioeo f -je'.air.s lb:-. I: ' e-T vet r n'.m.:.:f"f : fight.a- Mh. Le.aL- '.. Th:.. cert: :. i:eci c: in ti j f , Tho L:: hi that . . - IV:. :r,t..:-t- 1. . 1. try, cppirrsicn aj arc ia f. '.1 coro:v.u:.h e'a in cur ueacrr irat.an ; etorv t-vi !er;',o cf "en. , . ;j f :.rr.: r et ia Noi, 111; '. V r r : I :a, ia I is ir.'i ry, it i i net r.l - -1: ui ll '-a above ntcJ. i.iorcovcr, rio.UroVr.t of the -1 L i 1 "- -s been us ' .t! tM:.2p::. " -chUiLh- 1 ' It. Ver: 1 t ep : ; 1 i i.-..r Lriik-d. L.-a c;.:r i e;a 1 0 cc "-oet of lha .i!J ta G.Jf d f ire er 9f our Lrc;l..-a io can s ar.J lit" ! Let l"l.o Tii . , ''z:rj - . . -o.ti flavery . t t T c 1 c e. t t.03-. r i :ii i i t 1 ' t " 1 1 - ! , 1 wee th. r. ."ore ahVctienately and repcclfa!ly a h'rc.-'J 1 1 the subject, ar 1 vr c.'.tr; ",d '-."" r.eJ rcver1-? to e' o:;i" irtere'let. AI 5 ! t! 0 iTsults were e -r.v. -t Vu v'i slhreo la ii a-tier. :j; ! a .V....te reiolvej cxprr- .rg s'!rI "'''y Vv' 1 1' ' Actirg T-Td, nnJ a dele; :"ieatira la 1 --V.il lber.1. II. The Pr.iNCirLr-cf iho V .:.eru I'p. list Convention ii remains then ta L stated, are cor.eervaiivc ; while they ara also, as we tru:t, cquitab'c and liberal. Thcypropobj lo J ) the Lord's work in lha v"v cur fit hers " ! it. : Its tith; d. : r.e:"s ct re-1 ito origin rr I tH simple, firm abiding of the on tl ; greuni from ubreh it hash-rert so ur.eon stltutiortally arJ unjustly attempted to eject us. Wo have but enquired for ' the old paths' cl Missionary c; eraiior.s 1 asked1 for, ar.J at. l...r pled to restore th"? pr: S:z "y ga ,1 v. ay.' The Co-mhutbn v. o cd.pt i ; r-cisely ihit tecr.arg thirsty i.iiI;or3. Ar: Cau'h, wo hao 1 rr; :rty, v. hie' In the Lord and h;s ca in; (; j r : , . i !..,;. ...... (i r. . . ' run.. -1, . : l -t : l a wh. : tl y '.. .1 " rest; Ler cf th'j Lad, ar.J h .a luy G..'-t, were t. In par'.m ' v. ith l-.a ,! ? , . co.Gkijutors in this causi! have wept, for cursclv, I. .3 sea-iaa, a 3 weil oi v if 1 - .n i...:;.I;r.oUj!y,' tho fv'.lo..irg : o'.Va : ' Y ; ?,',T;.etiac:.: ret:.' k ,.t-r, . '..-3 f f l' :3 Coov?:.' ' : 0. ia iha woih yi r. :..!:"?, V5 . i ha all i:'::eth;a, r....jc.ri -. ::..:, .. rj -very ; .t as indi.IJ . 5 aal t) prmcta. c! 0 rv n ; ii cerr.i 0: 1 ling, is we ore c :tra For jc has been upon us i jr , rrn have pressed cpr vilegc3 and our sa;r ouly urge our gush! l;ou-tf.ly cf iheir re , , . , ' . i to the c.urc.i univ It was n jI (Iff vi:h '!oo, t ro-gh'-t hii - V:;iry life, i .; wc do not Ador.iram Jud onhaj liv !, : .J ur.Jor whic'o Ann JuJson ;inJ I'ar! .:a i js cVd. Wo rceedo from it no : she;;'e step. 'c have cea. j ij j Elrinent a fa :. 0 tl.at one of the t ro-irJ.and Uw' Drcsurr.c. and ' structeu lor our oasis no nc.7 creea ; actirg in r . f cr ra.j, 1:1 l!i irsatter upon a jwpat avcrsjerj frogi uli rpcnly protc J 4 Ij t.li ::3. irj a c. c;.eds but ihp Ihhle. u;o the very terms t-a'y rcmir es ' u; hold th-; true p;ri: ar.d grc:.t clject e-:stin tU: ' f . .1 j 4 Gjr.errd Converti-n . cf the Djp. by th ..t'en j lit cVa;)minu.ti.;i cfiha Ur.hd L.-itcs - It is , ith y '..hog.vroi.g ::3 that hau r-.eedjd, . Vt tfor.Vii 1 Ci I i (.it j ie Iu- t:.2i:: 1 . r ta vi,. tl I I ;1 7 ''ii

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