- u t . l ;j r ; l..r c--can;. Ic - e . A:..! it I four. 1, if su.ii a ""-! at;. ;;::cer .'e, th.at the whj .vp re j e- ts divh'irgtho ceur.try cair.M ' If, I - vc c. h- .:e J v. hd...:t their he;t" r.r.J ;rce: n. . It h well, howewr, a J lh TI r I. : r . '?.Tl i cor. . 1 liv:v: , or' the I. 'c: r.. . 7 "Tf ri i , ! a " is J .C.l f i i i i id .. 4 t'.J i. '.( Cicatlirir.hi.. ' Vint th -':!, t t ' j that v I-. e;n ihj-I-2!... lu ie, t.j l! t : the Rocky" Mj- lh? Snowy 'luj;. ::.3 b.h.J io.'ltCSi try le. miie3 vAov-S i, m ::.t i:. mi the west 7C0 miles alan tin R.'cif.e conn, on tho north 2"') in., CJ -miles along tin N. American possesion-; tf Rimh anJ E:-j! 1. T! !j area ur ii::. ..;.. j valley cnti'.-j :;;:),C00 s.pnre miL, ble unJou' " of formin; . .e:i elites as ' largo as N - .;, or . . iy states cf tho- di mensions t . . - - chll3ett3. ' - . -. Some of C e Mir.Ji on t! e coast r.ro very largo, rufoeier.t to form a state by tlum elves. There am situUe ;.er;!i oft!..-) parallel of 48, Van Co'jvcr a Island, 203 mile? in length anJ 53 in brcaJtli, -contain - l'J. ;0 j - cc mi!c3, nn area larger than Ma s.ch-w.j.lts ;.n l Connecticut. Queen Cbirlutle'a. or, ralhor Waihintoti IslanJ, loO mik-s in Icrth" and .33 in breadi!)', contain t "4000. squire 'miL's. On both tliesn itntneno A v s, x: -tlsey lis between the liijh paralLlj if '1 I 51 de grees, the soil i - - lid to I veil ndaj.tcJ to ag. riculture. . The 'straights ond circumjacent wjtcra ob.vjii.J in fish of the fin. .it quality. Coal of good quality, nnd other veins of nin crals have been found., , . '- t ' . The region bctv- rn the parallels tf Jdand 49 degrees, u'undciiubly a splendid andde; siblo country.-- .Jtv possesses that variety of soil and climate and productions ro nccessa ry to form a desirablo whole consisting, of prairie and woodland, in rich profusion land variety. The forest ircca arc gigantic t'rom 15, to 50 feci in circumference, and from; 100 to over 009 feet in height! Thi3 i.-.iy seem incredible, but t!;?so facts are. vouched by ev-' ciry traveller from the time of Lewis and Clark ' to the present day.', T! trees are principally pines, cedars,-and firs. To farmers iri the Atlantic. States, "this n: .y soem a.stnge growth of timber for . fjrtilo soil.. Mr. Itrn. : ham, 'ho spent sor.iet; '.-.ths tl.cre, nndnvha describes with great power, U;t perhaps "with some exaggeration, rcrr.arlis" for'the country -'north and between iha 'C .jlumlia river : and "tho straits of )uart t!c Fuga, thai u The for. csts are so heavy and su tnatte with bram-' Lies, as to require the" arm of c. tlercules to clear. a farm of 10 J acres in nn ordinary life time; and the mass of timber i o great that an attempt" tQ subdue it by girdir would ; sult in tho producthn of nr.cthcrfer '. bsfo; e . the ground ceuhl le Jhcr.cuni-cn J of what "was thus killed. The small prairiw amcngthc Wodi are covered wilhvilJ gu'. , are useful as pastures. " The soil of th. . J,r like ' that of the timbered portions, is vegetable mould, 8 or 10 inches, i 1 tb;c!;r.c?, reittng on a etatum c f !.ir I blue ci-.y an 1 -ravel:." ; Th-C ..Yu takesits ri:- ' -Kv 'Moantah-.j, 3 high ls the T !!cl-f and in its various winding trv: - a distance ... .... ... : , o - cf 1503 miles. -It enters the. Pacific - Qon at tho latitude cf 0 dere'es. Frazcr'a rver 330 miles in lernh. entrr tV.3 ?trait cf Juan ' eFuca at the rih -"r ' Ons liur.drcd nni fifty miles soinh cf l.2 Cov.!m''!' lrr?iu river crrra th- Pr-"r." This Itk"- is about 1C0 miles jn lcr..' at its .mpuih Ihr:-firths of a milft.i. .Va lo f. ii wa ter . :i tl-3 bar the tido rets up .':r i . i' . -. . ... mii. -tCve that, it is .t:nr.aT:':I..o cn cc , . . . ijf .. ,. . count - " Mb end ra-: V Fc;ty e:.".'.. s cftl.e L the! ' 'river : i htjtud 42,40,cr.cr3th-r.c:.... T(- l::.0v!i i:f5lC3 JirAlE -rii- -r "T!:3 ' cr.olijpar .p. Ml.:. Etrcr.m,.1 .. lef '..em are fe-..d p. myrt , hich v.! :n" h . i ce'rus tre : tf small i.. by tl.o lcr.it crccze, ch j r. rjrance threughout the grove-." - T ' ' -ihcf the CV.e..." Y. ' :1 1 h Th:: " -r.cii.....-.. .;e i il..y Lie c.i the. ih . 'ita'h-t crJ w.r.tc3 seem mere 4. .. .r. P "0.1 coal i There "to r.nnv v 1. ; tn the te: i f.r ce' t) - :t would L fi'1". i j t!; rir t... i arc -y 1- r-rvi- 'ry t. v (V ti. ry er OQ r ' :. cherry, ' Jr..L v.!' 1 : , li.ere t:..j.. . ;;oJ,j... cIV , bice!; ...J brown, end i-r 'jy I c..u.. on.- Ofthe t:.u wl.ito f'.-J. nnJ mooj-deer ; the r;rcy wolf; tT- ' hck, 'r : th-jrr.r- ' black, white, rc J, crJ mixed fjcs; L .' vers', hn, : irlin, otters, ir.i; i.. l.rats, wlvcrir., j, i:nrt;.tsf ermin'rs, wuoJrats.and the small curled tailcl, sl.tt cared o; 'com. t: -'5 among the Chip; 'jways. ' . . ' Of the fo-Jlh.crcd tribp,- ' goofCjthe brar.t; fevcral kin.! swan, many . lit'ti; - f tlia c' r.re the -, tl.j of several hi:; J cdvs, vultures, thru?!), gt:!!Jp woodpcchei-s i - .ts, . pLlicsns; parliit'jes -grouso, snowbirds, Ov;c. ;- i , " . V In the rivers and lakes are a very 5t"eri ior quality of salmon, br. : and sal.on trouf, ardimrs, sturg?on( rock, cod, th? hair seal -c.f-and , in the . bays and inL'is along the coa , arc sea oltcr .and an inferior kind of Cupt. Wilkes on the same subject "obseVvcs: " Fisheries It will be almost impossible to give on i !ja of the " c.xten-ie; "fisheries in the ri Vs and en the; coast.' They all abound in :: . .:i oi .. : finest ilivor, which iuii twice a year, beginning in May and Octo ber, and appear inexhaustible; .thcwhole population' live upon '.them. The Columbia roduces the largest, and probablv afjords'thc rcatcst numbers. - There arc some few of tho branches of the Columbia that the spring nsn no not enter, but thiy are plentifully sup. plied m the! full. ' v . " The great fishery of . the Columbia is at 10 D'lles ; out all the, rivers arc well si'n. lied. The last one on' the northern branch of the Columbia is near Culville, at the Ket tle fulls but salmon are found above this', in .10-river and its tributaries. , ! ! ) In. Frazer's. river Jtho salmon are Baid .to be very numerous, but not laro V they are imable'to get above the falls " some 80 , miles romlhesca. " -V1-'. " ..'' i In the rivers and soundsarc'fuund sevc. :vtM;inds of salmon .trout, sturgeon, cod, chrp, solc flounders, ray, peiJi, herring, Ijmprcy eels, and a kind of. smell called shrews'- in grcat'bundancc ; also large amities" of shell fish viz: ,crab.V, clams, tyslcrs muscles i &c., which arc all used by thenativcsi'and constitute the grc.atr- - !on of their food. 1 Whales in abundance' arc f. - . ; this coast, and are frequently capture 1 u ... j Indians in and at lhe mouth of the sti. f Juan tie Fuca. Y - , " ' ! " Game.'" Abundance -of game exists, such as elk, deer,1' antelope, bears, "wolves, to.es, niusKrnis, maruns, Dcavcrs,aicw gnz- 7ly bears, and sifp.eurs," which are- eaten by. the Canadians. - In tho middle scctio:i, or t ... ... - . ..... .. that designated as the rolling prairie, no game is tounu. - ine lur-beanng animals are de creasing in numbers yearly particularly south of the parallel of 49; indeed it is very doubt- ful whether they aro sufficiently numerous to repv :nsc of hunting them. ; In ihe. spring and fall, t!. a rivers are lit- cral'y covered iih ecse, ducks, and other waterfowl." . - - ; t( In the r 2tions the bulTil i a- bout.J.'and dby the Oregon I i- i1' cs wt'.l k..e B'.ack Fcetr Woh.,- :r!ut,',: ..e to the settlors, tut they 'arc . . ..." - -, - f : 'II .. in:, rc-ti.ag nar , Y portions cf the r; ;tve- , MO 10 oO i .zi sn ri.i I r in sotl, ins -rfe, or t-r?v0 ' f r ' . :i ' ca in. civilid ce" For i ?: Y'Tij r r-d ' -I I-c-o, nnd Y .., h'y ..; c. r. 4Jr. ; ! in i'.s e:l :;r r the valleyxf the r r.-rir .. lr- : lion cf t'..-; - - found thet ' :;rato ' lah; tho -.rnharh" dh:::n:.j f. - holds that Orcgcr. ie r. . capaUhties to California c iiiasis-ippi. Great Britain claisss ' without rcssrvation, ui. ! i i. . . Ik-1 ct I'.vlli lv it. In .a v .(V . ; Ci w . and js i i..'', prcv! it ip!oid by i.-r t t ,:t 1 y - .--j-: : -a. 1" isJ:JCi - ti- Lar; i. t:.' Ai Tlic.v t'.c'ir t! i, j i .va3 a niinii'.fi'i, j ?, Jterirs ul.;r!i ;ave l!. full in ir.p;:t:iiv ) a title- fo-.iiu'c !'upon - O r:. .i is cur3 ahso bv nurehasa fin ISHA fr. ..i L;pain, undeniably the first discoverer and ucct:; ant of tS;.j coat even as Uf norih as the r.'-.h p;ira"-l;- In 119, Spain,-for a consider.iv -:i of Co ,000,000, 'ceded the Uni. n,. States Florida, iid aLo all her right, ti. tie, an f claim to'uli-territory on the Pacific cor.st no. i!i ihc 421 parallel f btitude."."" The only circumstance caleu!.: I to weak en the pcrfcctncss of the United States" title is tho well known Nootka S.mnd contest (in 1763) which terminated in a convention be twern England and Spain in the year 1700, sot:.: t..wtity yours before our purchase from Sj-'.n, and with which condition our title is ,, : ; undoubtedly, digged. .The ' terms "cf t! t ; convention hao L '.-en tl. j source of infinite i dispute. After an examination of the terms of the treaty the de bates' in thi English par liarrynt,"vhen the. treaty waj 1 i!J L.forc' that body the con:. . j-orancous action in reLilon to llC surrender of the EnglU.i possessions of '-Nootka Sound,' which. -had been seized by Sptiin which rjrrender, by t!;e way, an English historLnBcliham, insists was never made the'.whole convent! -i'rms to bo re solved into a joint'occryar. . : the part of Englishmen and-Spaniards, fr commercial purposes. Such a one: now exists ' existed for twenty -sevcb years betwec. Brijain and tho Ih.ited' States in , rcL . i the very same tcrrilrry 'Yet wenloubt whe ther any American considers that we yielded in tho least our ultimate title to '' Oregon by that joint occupancy. Applying the same! principle to the convention" between England at. J Jpaih, nnd the conviction will arise that tho title was left in abeyance to bo determin sd by subsequent agreement. - Tho following is a clear summary of -.the American title : 1. Discovery. of. thcm. th of Columbia river by Cap, Grfy;- of Boston, giving the "name of his lssu1 to ihe river. ; - 2. Discovery of iho head of same, river by Lewis; and Clark, under ihe authority of the United States, y . ; ' -" I - ,-3. The settlement- of Astoria under lh.o auspices of Mr. Astor, an American natural, ized citizen. y . V. - ; , V -v "4 ) The treaty of 1803, , with' the" French republic. . . . , -s. 5. The treaty of Spain of 1819,acquiring all rights of-Spain to land north of 42 de crees beyond ihq:Rocky Mountains: -' "O. The Nootka Sound contest (1763) be tween England and Spain. "i '-' -' 7. TIir trc-iiy cf Ulrecht (783) between France and ' .:;.J,-settling boundaries inis' seulement .coming ours, as the success or of France in that part of her dominions. y ' "8. 'The-trenty of Ghent (1815) restoring Astoria to the "United Slates as American picpcriy. 9. American cilizrns were once in solt- posscssion of the CoLmlia "river region ' Even should, the Nootka Sound convention le considered -a ccs. .. i of title and sover. ciyr.ty to England on the part of Spain, it o:.1' np:'!esto tho-places named therein, and . . ' . m n't - tl I tl: n :.uateJ r.;i i:i ot me 4Uin .arum i . It is t:i!I remarked, 14 Not an il in the valley of the" Colembia i inch cf and its tilhu'.aries was included in the pro. visior.s cf the cc.. cf I,' i.;!.a Sound a! lion of 1700' South parties in this country r.e-er that our liiie is " c ...r nnd -unqscs. t'enu! 'e." -ArJ there is not the r r.otest pro l -.Ulhyi: ' ..r' pcop'.e will ever consent Mo r ii e. i cur retted. e. c i rassr."n:3, g. r :t c . th.D jul lh 'd.r.e-olth.: artJ in r.o small cmbar- r ev, v.'e .ac the h"; e t S.or.er.! i.ees ' f ... rr r-,, j-jr ' 1 1 :.Iiar;r- I to i I ! i 1 r 'l itZC L34 t: , ' u ill i. r: tlu . Horn rr. . i.ueiiy, l h i t.. ; :rt y. "Thec.v.r..:. -yi ri:;; i "ulJe ( f ti.:. i. ai my soul1 , ,j! ' I ' 'd i i t! M h', v. u.. Ud ,M - j 1 ' fnn.i tho Lr.ie thai r' t cita:. .! a closo .w i! V o t,- l was filled with horror on (i::rvirj howlhy ah" d religion Slor the sake of ensIavirT the pewj.je. I mw lf then felt jlic chafing of a servitude I had never known, and i toon per ceived .tin; r"orapiifit;ringi of my compan i -sin n' .y suficring-i the. more galling, I caio'tl.-;. yhirstnot own to thorns' ' Y'.r cause : or the policy' of the Human hiorc; Yy knows how to entwine, its shackles' rout. J re f. v'.W. itself, arid its art is , to make them vcigh chiefly on the inferior clergy. Ti .: real. arsenal of these fettcrs'is t! f.r.i:: ; it is there, thai tlioy stamp on t! young n: :.i the seal of bonde-e. From the firt days of my entrance intOi,.lhe seminary, I could read in the countenances ofmy ftllow.students, .ic cording to the differences of thoir disposiiion, conslernation, anguish, or the resignation of t -sPu,r- Ire first evening, five pupils, who lay .in tho . .::: room" with me, did not give Utterance to a sing!.: word shut tip in him self, each sought repose' . in silence-. Forty young ;mcn in the flower of youth,' gilded through the dim obscurity like mummies j and although they spo not, we sought' in the countenances of one another what was pass ing in the heart. - -The most subjugated en deavored to !risc;.fb. that kind "-of heroism, which in one day f acrifiecs its y;outh and its liberty; and under, tins oppression, the heart oThe young man of twenty.four , so confiding and afTectionate was smoihcred.V" s .Ronge terminates this gloomy 'description by a pathetic appeal to fathers und mothers, beseeching them not to send their sons to thesd tombs of moral liberty. He would 1 :m- self, havq shaken off the yoke, even Lw";re thnend of the year . !;ieh he L.h ,.ed to spend at the seminary, if he had not been sustain? J by the. hope, that,1 haying once entered, on the discharge of his functions, he would en. joy sufficient "liberty, in preaching, or in the religions instruction of yoiithnnd in'schools, to open -for himself a sphere of action, con. formed to his convictions,, and his inalo pro. pc r la!.. to freedom. Ilavir - I cotn3 c!. ip. ii.e smiilk city lof Giutikao, he scl courageously to work, "acquired -tho confi. deuce of his parish, and found his enjoyment in the-instruclion of a free and happy youth. Rut some lines sent to a journal, in a momeiit of just indignation, blighted," as, far-as. his prospects in the church were concerned, the fruits of tenor fifteen years' sudy: . Y The Roman Catholics have made a great clamor about the dismissal cf Ilouge from his charge, in, order to enfeeble t:.. ; rriLIo L!w which he lately JTae to r.omanism in his let ter to the-biaop of Trove . The occasion of his deprivation ' is this. This diocesan chapter of. Brcslau had elected tj the Liihop rick of that city'an old man of eighty years, respected and I -loved on account of his mod- eralion, and the mildness of Ins disposition But it.was precisely onthis ground, that for licCF years they waited ' in. vain for the act of his confirmation front Rome. " What the whole ill- cee i thought, and spoke in whispers, Ron'T'tht.j Hie bolunes lospeait aiou... lie asked the puLI!" . a later signed A C.jp- Liin "what c J ihe reasons tf the court of Rome'for depiu...g a .". ecse of. its supcrio, pTstor for two entire years why they in fd.ct'ed on a venerable old r.an that disgrace -l-i"-l "whrther lliev expected the return of i t..e iiiv.js m 'eh it v. vcrssary to send to R-it". i..ul ' : . .iMgo or the crca lion c f a i:d. -p.11 j... Ilo: wjs de pm ...,wk.i. y 1 '! i i, iioi iintun j. ing :i protest signed by i..!y members cf his parl-h at the head cf v.h:h '.ere the names of: ' . the magistrates cf the city. Rorge tek f re '.! 1 his parish with "sorrow; ar.d frcm th .t time only, he enjiycd the privileges of a .-.. ... gaining an horicsl living as a pre c. . u- i., the family -of ft magistrate. Aft r.this letter tojhc bishop of Treves, p was drgradedhnd excommunicated by decision of the chapter of Breslau ! It is a circumstance most honorable to him, exclu sive of the ardently afTectionate testimony which his wWe parish render to bis seal and i - .1 - . : l i , . i 1 h, ' i- rsilv, wit!. ters cf ths'p r".te f.w ..i tk - i f l .1 ....iiOyc.e liihcj come Germnu j i , n 1 gion, ' But lit i ), er t.T Ih-r var.rf,vsiie will r-tf:d!.'' V s s.cj.-:sary t' ' - rt: ; these convcr?iu..o ah iut v ! , : is; made, arc for ihVniv,. : .u the Jcii'wlts 'y they arc paid foi i . .i ! It a t. ti ll. i mi::-!i rtc.i i "".Ji:.h J !y tho in mov whic!i;hoy thei.. ies Inve txtitid fio.n the people 1 hv the iale i,f cht'plcts, indulgences, nnd prayers."'- - - ' '. ' ' 5 The author crcludes with a' demand for a German Cithollj, Christian 'wvn.hip con f ..oed w !.e gospel, rclcbrale I in the moth, er torguc 'of t' -coplo, and frct-J from the i:. 4 iiaitorial of.nnricular confi t 'nu -. w t. ......Ui Jilt A port'n of the BrjtUh. pn es harps upn ihehnumerieal strength of.our. black popula: lion, as a reason Avhy we should le careful how w e engage in war the B.i. h Lion more Li, a:; Mimatirg at tho same ti: . j, lh it they v oulJ 1 cqnl to an Enylili art' y at rc;Jy in our m:J.'.. OConncll, i:i his u,.tt:;l strain of slander towards our - coimtry , h is taken cp the cry of tho LonJ Times, and read, us the following admonition. "-To America I say, denVdare attack England; they are conciliating Ireland ; and jou have three milK-T.-; t-.o hundred thousand slaves among your i: h ibitants.V Skipring over ihc error of mv ' . thu3 exemplified, it may. bo profitable to weigh "the import of this sen tence.. Ve . are warned ."gainst, attaching Engi ind if t' - tlor' k . in conci'.;,uii IreLnd i . -h on: -,: . wc know to b? r .rr--: : . ' y the Brr:-'- T.-emier, and net iy in c 'trse of accompli ' icnt.'-; Why :' -' er itioa: Is" it . ant that if.'Enghmd can be induced 1 3 yield 'a point to her depot), dency the venom of Ireland .will be turned ngaiut tho United Stntcs--nnd that the same ympathies which have been excited on this side of the Atlantic for Irc'and nainst Ens- KnJ, will then be rih eted by the interests of Eny1 .r I against the United States ? Is it mens.:. il. ;t the wlmlo bdy rf Inh Repealers ere, ,.- Live t! c? f..:- i-ycd i! . ' r',i O'ConncII. may I Iran-." .-red by him, wit'j the Repealer: in Irebnd, into the interests i.f England i a j rt cf the consideration of u compact of cc.;ciUation to Irehnd and that from thenceforth-they,; 'will bo. a foe in our midst ? Let the reader ponder over the lan. guage cf the barley Repealer, nnd draw his own conelui j.as: : . - An - "eee of admonition is, that we haven ! .el; nnrid.ation r.mon? us. .md the iustitutico cf negro jlovery. The language of thi3 portion of the sentence, though equivo cal like the other, conveys a r"ining which no one need misunderstand. It is identical with a late threat of 'the-London Times an official organ, that t' - standard of rebellion shall Le raided emc: the T'ac!: race of the South, in cee of a war with England. The black army which recent' ?ot out from Ja, micia, furnished Iy the B. .tih government to overturn tho liberties of the Ilaytien Republic, will be cast upon 'our shores, to carry with them rebellion and the t; ; ch ! This is pre ci'ely the import of the lan :a"e used the return which i3 mr.dv. t us for oil ;!.-" rjrr pa lly and rints th:.l have i.ecn showered forio in America, in the cause cf Irish liberty l: i repeal ! - ' - - - 1 he phm of the British, in c of hostili. tic : " between usnd them, is evidently Mo fo'mcr' all our fimily animosincs- -rndjce eertaiii ion into : eorlo .1 if possible, portions cf our promueoe:; pr; ihe folly of "aidirj ihepi ogai:;,: who. have opened their amis to ali rations t.f the carihj" with a liberality 'beL re uhpar- ale - ; ' Let the i :t it mav. l ' ' ' , l..i. .r-I let t he i..-r-di::, as i.ail et.d ti e atlcrr; . " elr :eh " 0'O'-e:ic-;:-e--;tidek err.; ;ei i' z cf in ;:n i. :lh.o e.r :e..:.r. .3 i.z Loldly or-as ihsidu ii.ey l:::e, there is no fear for the There 13 yd j -trictism enough, and uae.y ree'jlt mu .ele cr.ev h lh .t still clings to all that the reve .nd the hstwzr with F 'nd i t i l ow?. lliey c----;t t titutior.al to tiistri'. .. t t ' ' - iles of the pm '.ie 1 it is u. ... proceeds , w hh c.dlo i i ardor ns they cl cltreit 1 f cci: wt. Mo, i..e Oiatea i.i which they lie. ' c - i io sivc u x , ,nj3 to n th ; f : itcs, but. uncor. . to !-' ' rn eccdi'cf th? v d ;t!...so w", -vll ihe States It i , ; ecordinV to d.ony to tho Slates by v.hv e Hood treasure these lands w:crc won, any of money which is derived frbfn sales, whiltf d. h-ght fully legal to take ail fch lands and l. .em to States which vpn nrt in evict. . to it i Yt - Iicn tho title to them was acquired 1 a wonderfully sagacious set cf fellow oJ "oco constitutionaMawyers aref 1 u;..; cars ago, when General Jackson . .d d a distribution of the land fund y t'-? n-eral $jatesj 'we heard not fun g V 1 - neo titutlonality of the prop.KMtiorr i it. o .ho now'sce that to carry it into t t;.o Constitution would bo dreadfully J. C jr:umstances do not ofiiy hMef s,l th y also have a miraculous influ." e over the opinions and perceptions of o mui v. hj have tho hardihood to boasl of their co...;.-'.crey.. 1 recoiooo .id. ilion These . individuals , think emanating from JacJtson ry ut-t, legal, ond patriotic, whileaosimu ht. le: .-- . . - ... vM. t l.ii cmi. prupost'd by .Mr; Clay is altogether v. r. ng, (;..luf .bribery and .utterly iincoiistuj -tutiomJ. - y' , e -, .When" these Locofocb sllcklef3 for Jhe ' constitution, r.s d.oy-understand itdie, y.tlf, . noVttll the'v" lorn .of'this ! World die -with them? Leu. Joui ' v vA -' T; -1 f'rikir-j 'illustration of Der:cracy.K -noicr1 ;.u:TiI'-t in New Yrk, named Bill Ford, who was ; .idoned from the Pnit?nuary,'bjr Gov. Bou k, in order that the. Democratic party might have' the advantage" of his jcrvu ces clurinOhe recent political campaign and . afterwar ? feni'aru'ed for his achieve:.. tnts as a n; nd .r of the Empire Club, by ; , lace in' r tho C: House,' was arrested h ot week for rL. r. ' -t in tt...t city, whilo in" A t of intuxic n. IT- , r t eed ht , lions by kt. eking tlo ; sailors, who were harmh 1y p"-""" : thir 'way.' After greet di'"' , 'l.v, rrcstcd'and ti J ken to the To- s, l ;t.imi. ' Uely bailed but by some Frier. J cf a kindred strips. Ford is -loo valuable a man at elections to ha punished for these little ebullitions of rr.imal vivacity. Colunlia Chrcn. . - Bargain and Intrigue. Nr. CoUofi; thd Editor of the Whig Review,-has passed. tha winter with Mr". Cl?y, , deciing material for a.hM'.ry rf fir. CI iyV life. . Mr.dJDIay to, given him up nil his papers in connection with the 41 bargain and intrfgUi.)' talc ' So mo of these, when published will show the au ihors, Geni "JicfesanT; Mr. Buchanan and John H. Eaton,- trf a very unenviable attitude before the, public. It-will clearly appear that the bargaining, or, rather the .proffer to bar. eain, came f .n the side of Gen'. Jackson & Co. Observer. . ; ',""' - Curious Fvneral Service. The following curious funci ui serviv-c was preuched in Wash ington county, Mdf It is said by the Ha gerstowu ITjws to bo no hoax : V " Friei.wj and neighbors ! You have ron grcgatcd to see this lump of mortality put in. to hole in' the ground. Ybu all knew the deceased: a worthless," drunken, good -.'for nothing vagabond. - He' lived ifl disgrace and ; iniiimy, nna in wretcneaness. luu an de spised. him you all know his brother Joe, . i:. . t tin' .- i i urea uu uie ijui. no a noi a on oetier, e0!i he has scraped together a little pro "y by cheatimg his neighbors. His end .1 be like that of this loathsome creature. . . .... .. ...... i l ; : witl t jaso r:::t in the hole as soon ci possible. I won utl: y u to drop a tear ; but brother' Bohow will ..ase raise a hymn ul. , e f.,1 np the grave. V ' j" - Several of the Locofoco editors are casting imputations upon their-broiher"McNulty for stealing the public funds. Thcvare svident. iy in u rage occnuse ne nas goi a nine ine start of them.- They don't think it fair play iit all. They want an equal chance. They would like to havcth. ir hula party . await the military order of the chief disciplinarian: " Prepare to 6tea I ! Steal! "Absquatulate!" Lou. Jour. , 1 The Vi::c Iuss. ; y: - Who haih wo 7 Who hath sorrow 7 - Who, hath contentions? Who hlh wounds' without cause! H ' . x AVho hath redness of eyes 1 They that tarry long at the . "wine ! : They that go to . seek mixed wine! Look .' not thou upon the wine w hen it is red, " Vfhenitgivethits . teLoit in the - CUP; ; . . when it ' ... ' i moveth itself . ..S-i- " aright.' ' ' - ".:.. At- . . the last' - it biteth like a t . ' . serpent and stingeth like an add . o The madisonian Jiope d.at the will decline the honorary member ed him by the !J! Society cr , . ' which ihe rd:r t mi-it r: res r.e "r.er, oi i.uii;t t.. e.dedlv ce; :J to all hietori- , cal r-e. t: lie regards them C3 a pc p! ins- to h'rWeelf. . Ha thir" ci;e- r-utrar9 epen his.fa- '.erieal i vC.- si rl n : in ft: Mr I: : i . t 11 ii It X! ,

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