,:,4, ''! ; ... "''if 1 v v.l I I. 3 tal V r, L -Li a ( r f t I. If i. i w.:n I t jt!..r;' It As tr.y d- ,v-': .V.lihcJ in - "r j ijm.it f led on t!. : 1 "i ii'-t., 1 cf tue !, I rel -i; cave. rj lyery o::e, I rri,",i ;.) jt.:c:J cn my .)!... - lit. 'li.il t!. ? 'i . is t .dtary an (2J. Tim it is cdl- j Lcnefici.il to ccrnmcrre . tr.J iraii c-""1"-'- ."''. 3J. Ti.Jt it dacj ;.t, u; ..i il. jwhub, r-ise prices." " . . 4;h. That the TarilT cf4lCl rcviw'-ho dcooping business of the , country t -reanimated t!;c broken cr.crgies of the pple, arid proved Itself a good regulator of .the currcn- C.I.. That if it t-j " essentially reduced," another commercial revulsion na disastrous ! &s itat cf If 27 v.iil CJ.lovf within three years, -'causi.ig every ! ink from New. York to New Orleans to supen i specie payments . - . This, by lr.ur.y ... your r Jers, vdl no ' 'doubt be looked up-n s a formidable task; but, if they will j.ti.'.tly ar.J without Lias ."jjcfflseall my statemoti!,-illutntior.3r facts. and fiurck I liot ?t ere I take leave o(thein, ; to mate every thing promised appear as clear to my readers it t' ,cs to mc. - ' m I . I repeat, I tu i:.!ef . . 1 i.i r.. .aufuc. lures; but being perfectly satisfied thut thtt pritcc'iTC policy i-s in J't Jyaniaejjj to the whule country tecaiiis it has created arid will extend the homo iimkct the best after &'. for the prodocts of tWsoil, I Lave been t .. induced to investigate tlioruugh'y the subject ', chiefly iii the hope of cnllir j the attention, of ;ihe.lillers of. the earth to 1' cir trua.inlcrcV.S viz The vast importance of c!:?ris?iirj the i fame market, ichich' can is (L..: .ilj Ij vj. !' rholtin th present Tar if. - ' j A, we are firl to tlrvt Tariff U I eminently beneficial to u!l cultivators of tlTc ' Buil, hi us take a glance at the icmier.se pro. cTucts of our country, and th .ir final d'.lna I lion. From ihe .best dan .ve' can 1 iy our ! hands up in, 'Including V census i f 1 C IL) f vand the valuable '"reports of Mr. Ellsworth; t late Commissioner of -Talents, th ; 1 :u'jal. I products of the soU may baVafely valued at ' -fire hundred million of (' iMars. -As?a:ning . Mr. ElUworlirs report as iv. : : . :.tl-, as ! ilisof rcecttrdate and eppariily prepared ; with much care, va s. ' -ted from it niee ar J tides, viz: corn, vAcat, cotton, !:ay, oats, ; .potatsss, sugar, tobic.o, ! rice, r- T,ufier fuuing the present vaku 1 t!ie' r. t clive I : quantities, the whole a: : re z . ! four I million of dollars. As ":. -' -re j- not eniimeraledj they nnybE-ifJy crnpu. . JU one hundred miHicnj c'v! : ; t-o ' 'W.ons before staled, n:acl.i;--r."J c::arr.ous taum of five hundred rr.il! 1 r.3 T 1' .prorcrty.. U thy bulk of it cvHt eiga countries? No, becati' M1. - i prts cf all articles, u:z ; - ; "poJ, products "of the f;rebt, '-z !u- cf to Or- vrA ex. '.ci'.: red ran. !y 'cxcccnona hundred r..iUL.:is 1 ! ,t!.erefora it is fair ta es.ir- tto l -s: M.il cT the cXisjria of l!. -rn.!f: f t scvcr.ty.fivc miUioni of dcll.tr?, tr 1 rcrnh of the whole ! ' ' - , ' ; ' V hy is U V; Cvp.nrt r 3 r M ! . "tioaof t!;9. prodvi'cts rf ilu : ; t orll; t;.Jt j . . - ovc ' world, -i, cat; j UwJwk ww . t-- j . Grcit Britain-13 at !ctst tr.uch. ,o Kavo soLctc j Tttri.7 iweity .tight art:;, I M-.bc ry.ar.dt z: -r. j tsli :?r:t.: Of c .:: - l. I c.'st:' 'vhich r j s i frrm' "iilcli .tirts m cr- c":r.. . j ;.d ir Z-t l-rr 'l. " I::d : c am - 1 :re t t. . r.cr.t r ;nr; it - t t -- l:r arll;!a cf r ;.i - roi. f. jr, l. J r "d n i!.3 -J th : ,;iort-.t!.:ncf corn an J .' iriv.i. n uf lobic. m f i( ,"., i '' ' ' ? Jy n , ! ft n r' I"1' ' ' ' . z r.t.i j-. r r .nar.l; Lu; it j.-Ii-.- ;:r: J C'-!, t'.; ; !.icca t.f 30,1 Di it Is uiel. t J swell t1 e li .i o! : :ry Jiies l' r- Cjrope upo:i cl.f articles of . I t t s V; thai E;: i lean -tj ill ; iuf- e of c;:r 1 :zz J-i ;u.T,L'ecauiL her own cV p. .-'j are and will . always be r' rheap v-!.;Iit t!.3 world cr :i:!L,cs at pence. Invin Darope, lei U4 see if thecuhiva. "-r f I are bvtier treated in another ruafter of the world. ; Brazil ren-jircs from " o;. jj hundred nnd f..ty to two hunJred thou. . ' "41 1 ' sar.J barrels c. L k. per c;-.-c. y irorn the Ilichmond, Virginia, and D ihi:.. . j milfsi upon which sho levies a duty (accordin to Value) that average inwards of Ql per bar. . Ner Gran-ia cliarg.es a d;; of C4 20 per barrel on fl-iur, H;yt collects a duty- of 03 SO on fl jur imported in American vessels, Venezuela exacts a duty of 04 per .barrel on foreign .flour, r.nd Porto. Rico exacts Co per barrel if imparted in American vessels, nnd Hnalyi Cubi, ''.a Island almost in gunshot of Cape Florida ; Lvirs a duty of ClO'perbar- rcllinour fljurl I .miht "be tedious, on-! narrs many other countric, :Iar.ds, jIjcc cceV lna.1 'evy heavy and, in most cases, pro. h'ibyory duties on-products of our-soil butj having given a fair- sample of thcwholej as ho merchants say, it is superfluous to-go intdf details.. Well as foreign countries take onl(ijr one seventh "of our products, let us see Vhl is done wth the rcsidjes-iy upwards' of Jour .hundred millions "pf .dollars worth. Do the manufactures of the United States con-; sumo the 'whole of this, immense quantity? No becausu a proportion is Consumed by the firtners themselves and their dependants, lL' ..JI.1.A. t ... .1.1' wane uuu uiuok , uui, uie . uiuvu grcaier por tioa is consumed by the northern states, and particularly the New England statcsj in which arilocated most ot- the fuctoriea bt the couni try; nr.J this is readily , illustrated by an es timate of ihe "products, of ihe - soilf ce'e, of ciler slates' icr.surnedj or-manufactured an. nuallv in i. Massachusetts, which we find in a speech ot jne uon. iir.. tiuuson,aeiivei.u in aComgrcss in July, 1842.1 .Mr. Iludson, upon whoso statements the upmost reluincc imy.be pl tccd, estimated then iho value of such pro ducts at forty. two millions of dollars, viz.': Gtfion, 173,000 bales , .. $7,000,000 Fljjur, QiO.OOO birrels fc ' 4,000,001) Carh and other grains 8,730,000.- , V j" -bushels. :, : 2,800,0 00 ; f :. i ,300 ,ood -.'V. 1,300,000 ; "3,200,000 . 7,000,000 Coai, .173 ,900 tons ' Ulobd, J8D,0b0 cords" yjool, 8,000,000 lbs ' Lumber of all Jsind3 deef, pork, hams, lard, butter, y . " : l cheese, horses,' cattle, pig lead, j -j tar, pitch, iron, sugar, iiio'.as- i .ses; rioe staves, and many ovh- j .'.cr a rticl es. 14,800,000 ;i ; . , - G42,ooo,ooo Ve have no authentic data to show the ex. 1 ;.t of the consumption in the residue of New Finland States ;"bu,f, as factories dot the most the:.!, we tn y safely estimate' iis v;.hie at liot less than fifty millions f dollars- Here, tjioi , we account for the consumption Jn the Jcw England Stales, of products of, other Ssutes valued at 'about one hundred millions of dollars; some persons "estimating it at a rluch greater suhiJ ; The gruwrrs "oftvheat v'ioold remember that iha New England "talcs consume of ona article -Ijoe .(fl ar) Eileen huntJred thousand barrels per annum : , 1 ' mai.ufacturcrs of ..Lov.eil consuming fir starchingHnly four thousand barrels; which .' jar.'.ity etc ds ihe exports direct to Great Uritain darir the K'.si twelvemonths. , - - ' o:r: . it2 . ' c ..:e Tariff of 1842 the ' ':.JJV;" 'li- of li.a uriiclos named must have sir "radu-'lly as'" we al: know ..al c-j i""l aiid pcisjr.3 Lave v. er n e: ng in thejma:!uf.'ct'jring a ca.v ra can b ;n c. c r j .1. no q en, and per , U rr -t id sir: '.. s. r.re tlv to a ,LJ'Co :r.try. T 1 ' u !tl. :. Jl a! s, thertare .- jj c f tK.rra - Iran. . j , t- - ;jr .oil-icgof iha 4. ti 1 ; and when s c. ha? Tiper f..rf!i . : r "j cr Z tits t, ..;ry,cM :q'-.rv-rsc' ' i';---':!nt thr chi-,1 ' ; i m'.U. "It v.-.,-j'J I here To re I -: i i r5 v u , M i s ! F.i r : r. e rs , i" , ..r-': Ta. .dv rrowi. f ur 1. Jre I t.t are i.;iliii;i tif LuV.. s of corn ar.J one har.Jff ' ritii.!o;.s luw i jf whe.it, and the lira : is hot fir distant, whqn these quantities will be dou. L!. J. jj-p.j then, by your votes for men, hers of C oirrss, y- 1 bjcoma the Instrument in ci 1 1" 1. . 1 ; by uiJ n t see tint yoj, Yen are r. v 1 i.t '. j Tu i I.r, Jo VOIJ ' t-!i ns tl.ey will sufer ? grain; but pr.. ..rate if yo 1 will, the mmufac turcsand ja?i ascertain, will 1!.. .0 boa dtcline in coin and whin.'. Thotig'.i he i.ad the credit of if, the sagacious origir r and able 'defender uf the:,? American Gystem" foretold moreihanjwvntyyears go, its favorable ope ration oh the cultivators l? the soil.' He did r: t advocate, jhe protective policy -looking only, to tha benefit of ll 3 mar.ularturers ; but casting his eagle eye or the whole I 'Rli and "breadth ofi our magnificent country, his chief irpose riiustlnvcle '.n not only tomake us independent of European workshops but to build up a permanent market for the pro. ducts of . the 'Soil. , Tha writer remembers feading.'a speech -of Mr. Clay, delivered in Congress abot a quarter of a centur) since," irr which he sqid,in substance, that whilst, he" adyocati d a permanent Tariff1, every - thing should tend to the cultivators of the soM the first and greatest interests of the" country. -e His vast experience, and enlargeed "views must have brought him to the conclusion that whatever lends to diminish in any country the number of artificers and: manufacturers, ' tends to diminish the home markct,'i7i most important cf all markets for the ruJe iroiuce ofthelancV . -; But eiMUgh for iho present. "The theme will be pursued, and 1 desire those that may follow me ui my poor lucubrations not to identify me with the New-England manufae. lures : l for J urn a Southerner, by - birth, sentiment and feeling.. 1 have little or no ih- tereouVso i wi'th the people of the New- Eng laud States;' have not been J to Boston tin out of mind: nor have I ever looked. upon Loel," thaljcclebrated place, whichj when-, evef the T!riff question is upon the tapis, gets'all the hard knocks from the S. Carolina gentlemen, who regard her as a perteet hy dra ! " I-do ; occasionally meet some of the Bostoniaiis;,nnd generally find them well, bred, sensible and agrecabla gentlemen, and as Suuthernor,-1 for one, am obliged ttr them for buying large quantities of the pro. duets of the, S-authcrn. soil, 'especially as they always pay ipunctually.- - : - J - MADISON. . ' Sifim r-'-r- ;; v -- : xfx , Correspondence of the N. Y. Tribune. Washington, June v4th, 1 845. "'" Straws show which way the wind blows," is en old'and yet a" truthful proveib. . In po. litical Tile too, the. indications by which we are enabled, to judge of the probable cour? of events j are frequently in '- themselves of slight, importance; and y- from r u very fact they are' the surest indicatu what is lo be. Regarded in-lhis light the recent nrocttdin:- of Mr. G.Ifet. lhe newly appoint. od Re-tstor of the Treasury, are of tome rnnsroaeneo. :Mr. Gillel, is from. ,uv. rvr.en CO'JRtV UiCS hom . - 3 .of Sdas Vitg'.t. On Saturday-Uul he" turned put of hiv o'Viee four e: V-f t-r.J on . londay three n: m-. These removals are made in sp;ie cf M.. Walker, (the -retary of the nisary. Ooe of those c.aoved, .ir. Gu,jt prewousi had warned, and. named his successor, u-i ?dr Walk,.- dU-prrovedt'-jrc'-f, acj :!r.,or R Vu Lawrence i.s 1. j is farr.il'.ai Iy c.."ad, was -incd only to 1 3 i-cri'-Je- r- anlte?:') c.i r. .-Lneu omy 10 Siturdayi in defn wecf "r. Walkers :r.-r.vn r - 1 rxrre ' d - ' , T C.-.. h.vo been u... -ca nra u 3 cl tns 5 la ur. cl. 2 k kir.d but they 1 i.at'on tf! Merlin Ve" ? b " "i -y o tnd zz .1- :s la. I -rs f4 f " ' IV.U.ar-itl-retore r .it j tl ti.3 -Van :ir. Bur m- r. " t t ; : ' n.V" -I. : i ..:r id Ciir with their .jf::-- li- a Ce"J" , frtl if. contr..! p. "a tl.-t - - call t.., lie ,3 1 f '1 a very l:rge n:n f:i r '-;.,.! .so ' , -r r;?nrrr.". , ihere 1 Vfc!i-i:i'ofr. 1 1 i r- L t i terc r"-:i - - r.-i:i 1 1:.;. z to i!.? t t: wij!.!!. it true. wtu;a ro tarn in prove ' .t -! rfticipaiiar.s f llie -Van t"?r::rrs La realized! and that they wi;. jl.-- !;e ascendancy, cr:d I 'nil too. Ti.is-r: tn i!:j'i.T.ct thct ll.a Nev-Yorkef: h 1 so:: means' or other the control cf ir P1., tl'vgh certain proceedings! is an.' teriar t nomination at 11 ihimore twtjvv -lonth ' k I have . 1 I, Jen nbjrt. yet to -jam. I. .a r;i t ,cf iU i.iatter, or t.hetlier it ail .as from, or is connected with,! the. visii of 'Mr Dij. F. Bailor to the Stat 3 of Ttn nessee some time previ jua to ihe.nuniaation ; be ' thin1:, fro:n wh;U I fettrn that Mr. lolk U in some i.:anner coinplfed u sw'Uow mea sures r-.d men proposed to him by jthe .'Tew. Yorkers ho .-v: r ''tasteful they pay la ,to his fcel:ng3. II. ' 3 t J to b'j und;r p'adges to il.-m, uivl ; : 1! -y ' ' 1 in tl -ir h-ind h-i-ters and other mean " exposure,, if he tempts to resist their .dictationt'or 'does not sucee;...l to what they choose . tojpmpruse. In ctinsequence of this position ot; his, it is said. that he has alruady determinecj io do so, and thnt'lhc business 'upon whicl Ex-Gov." ernor. B iuck.was here was no other- than to seek the ousttin"; of. Mr. Van NesV and the .. ... ..... , installation j of himself as iC dlecto?. flow the fierce do mocricie" .of Nuw Yorkci'y can; reconcile to ..themselves-' ;the iejea of put ting forward and supporting Mr. B.uick for this'post, wl.e'n onefof iheir rrasoiis, penina. ciously urged. "against Mr, Van Ne;sS"wnsthe nllt-ged fact that ho was nor a previous resi. dent of the city, I do not" exactly understand. However ti. ay. have reconciled themselves to "reatcr contradictions ihan this rre now. - 4' - Our r.ulic Defeaces. A paragraph" wl.ieh we published a few days ng( from a Canada paper stated that the Brit. ish-Admir.rty Builder, Mr. Tucker, l.ad'ar. rived by the last steamer on a touf of Milit'a. ry inspection on ihe ' Lake frontier. lie is now Visiting ihe principal poin'.s on the Briiish line with a view lo their, being put; In a state of defence. " - 4 ' . I ' The means of defencernowevcr; and of ofTince also, on'wbirh England mainly relies upon the Lakes a re ;ihose furnished "-by. her communications with the ocean. ..By these a fiijet of light steamers and war vessels could be Conveyed from the mouth of the St. Law re nee directly inULkes Erie and Ontario; and thus the vo stores jure e uf , British Navy could be made available' to' any required ex." tent on the inlan!' waters which, separate- from Canada- . - Lieut. Maury has called thepublic attention to lhe subject of our Lake defences in a seiies of-articles, the last of which accompanied by a map appealed recently in the' Washington papers. The Views set forth by this sensible ofiacer are eminently practical andto the point; ihey are a!so cornprehensive ands national.. In the event of a war with" England he con tends that hostilities on the LakeKvould luevU tably be carricdon by hips, and .thai by ships i.nfw wfirnn defend ourselves. ! It is idle U v , - , 1 - - talk of r building these after tHe'.war 'shal have commenced, for England has a shipca nal to ihe Lakes", wholly w ithin her control. through which she could send her fleets r any ior action, and prepared to sweep the Likes r-d demoliah at once every navy yaru or im valstati t' it we might attempt to establish. It is ur : 1 by Lieut r Maury, and with great force ll. - a t nal -of our Own, connect in " Lake Mic!.: ;m with' ihe Mississippi, and thus enabling u to bring our ndvul resources 1.1 hear unon the Lakes, vi -!d be the only ef feciual mode of meeting en. I La filing tliehos tlle'u'esV'srf Eiig!-:J- -..it' " thf iinlv one ; the Li'iUes v..io,.y wun.o ur I territi: r- 'By suitable cLiV.nces on ti.o iort -mly be made securely cars. .. a,i: .n, . - ..." m w.lit T in cprltidi'd nudsaft. i;H Ilia V'UCis.m 1-iiv.iii .i.i- 1 2 fl.ould have a place cuavenie:.. for sup s arid out of the enemy V reach ,'w-hfre wc j , collect b-r forces,- cqu-p our visels, d go forth in strength to contci.1 our sup re inyon Cria :r.J Ontaro;or to invade the .r.'.u'anr-trv "TL ct raits cf Tlarki- ,; w)" La rcr. Lieut. Maury, 'are- narrow and i --,rvrV por'.l Gibraltar. T tl.l t' cm -;!;cy trajL-r ' it' is your ' 1 . Itcrrr.r. - . Lect you naval magazine ct Chics t; j this is your Tciulon. ; D 1 lheso and L ii.e 'lichi Lceo..; er.;hati:al!y;c; 1. ,' ! re no 'g cnn er-,er except tl.a 'stars find r; : s."1 H:r? tx.tn. is ts'kej rf V.i Lz ' ..-- - ' - i iy the British Prczir.zes;... - " J J . c. - - ! u.Vj'j, ir. izr.r' cur -J eras ere U be ;tl l fee vich, cv eif-rTzi a- Czr.z-z ere to le ' :::H'c ' c-A set trf" ar.T.ar.cr.t pre t.ar .1 is rwlcd tL-t tl.-' -nsg hoats of lha v: -tern riT. t: j r.: Ci.. -Id Lm.. "irv t! c:i l e.V t : or 1 rcc cam- ia i l. ivy r.:arv :2rs ns l r.: I '; - ?! ' ' ' l: : ' 1 r - r b.-: qurc. ,1 vessels 1! ! . 1 .. --r cnL:';e ?. ta rrdr ar d r. dy fr r.c -:!d coi:;j e . , J.- ' cf war, "s tr.any nvi r , , ; . r...: ,n , ..j 1 rj rr-.r-'sn, t.. same M t' n r - i -5 tr.insports. and 1 h.. '..I i l: it'll. ! R-versSt.Cliir , issable, ns they arc not,' and Detroit were for Nuttawasaa L iy ar 1 th? invasion cf Cn r " '. ' "D sc:"baikirghere, rn American army of Weitarn maiksmcn uujld ba in the heart of ihe enemy's errantry, in the rearof his tro:' h'd is, l:. ! v ih f)nG t r two -days march of Toronto, on Lake Ontario. jNow threaten Montreal with Ejsicro militia, Htid amuse tha enemy in front:1 Wiih his n'ten; lion thus divided, Upper "Canaida must fall. Vlie peninsular ihus becomes ours, and we have . clear. passage to Erie, if not to Onta. rio r.Lj, . To say the least, a .cesiful ma. r.w jvrc of this kind would give complete com ma no ot the Liakes nd t-ntranf- m ihnm'T r Age e ral s u mm a ry of tha lr.e isu re nVo- posed for the. Lake. defences presents these is me prominent leatures: A ship canal from the Mississippi lb the Lakes; a naval depot ut Chicago ; n Navy , yard for repairs near.'the straits of ..Iackinaw with forts' lu command them; another on Lake Erie cither at Erie or BuiT ), or some other convenient harbor ca pble of being fortified ; and another on Lake Ontario.il These . CwoV. latter ttsblishments would be important as auxilliary to the rest cf the system.- "v . v - , . i- . - Since the; above article' was written the fo!- lowing item has come under our notice. cop. ied from t ho Toronto (Canada) Globe Mr: Tucker ihe Admiralty Builder, who came out" in ihe last sieamcr, has given in structions for the building of tico War Sleitui ers on Lake Erie, with the utmost despatch. vye understand ihat the INiagaraDuck Com pany are the Contractors.1'. ".'', " ' Broke tip iii. a tloxv.""' - -J- The New England Anti-SI nery Convcn. lion', at ' B ston,' terminated its three davs,'. session an 'Thursday evening in a 'grand, row, niucn was not? very creditable to .those con cerncd in it. P.irkcr P.IIOjurv wns interrupt- ...M .r. ... j . - e r 1 " ' ' f . . uo 1 11 i ue rniusi 01 one 01 nis most .vituperate haran;" s against the church nnd clergy, by the hauling, stamping, 6cr, of ihe uudience; nnd forneaily half usi hour previous! .to-the extinguishment at t. birhis. outrun!? cou M bo heard diatinetlv save tne son;" "lliri ho. thoboatmau row; which was sung in chorus "by the. whole strength of, the. company. fur a moment, comparative .silence .was re, stored, when the" Rev. MrT Binev came forJ ward and slated that he had ben charged on ihe platform Mith befr??"the cause of the. rli.-. tuibanee, and appealed to ihe -audience to de cide the truth of the charge. A Ie ! .i'inut ot "iSo ! was, raised from all quarters . t'.nd me lumuuuous noises were Hgain resum a and persisted in until the expedient of .extin- jruishing the lights,. was resorted .'tb.--jV, ',' Y. Sun,' - . ' ' ,1 Five ihous u wives -wct.ted in Oregon and Texas.. - ' Diamond and Plalina in .North Carolina. hi a late meeting f American Geologists m New Haven, Conn., t'rofessur Slicpard expressed the opir.ion that both-diamonds and platina will be found ia th? 'goM region ;.cf this State, and alo in Sbtilh Carolina and Georgia. This opinion he predicates upon the Tatft that, elastic :caadslonc has licen discovered in Borne qf: the. Western Counties-this Stste,- Durke'and Cuncombc, and in the other States named, Lad. where this' is found it is a geological indication of thepre scncelof iiamond.and platina. In Hair county, Georgia, one perfect diamond lias b 1 In .one of the gold Washing deposits; worth aLv-t and another was broken . in" pieces by the ' workmen. Wilmington Chronicle. ' ' -' 'x he .Memphis Eagle of the I Oth, inst. " mentions the discovery of. a negro boxed hp for ehirment on board one of the wharf 1 its al Memphii. The box was marked to the care of John Cennet tqisviUe, Ky. The T fay?: - - " 1 . 'This J...ii F-:.a;ljsa free n(gro, vholias been living here somo lime and is well kivj ti. -The ne no i . t1-: t ;x t -.vs he rave this Cc-nctt fifteen dnl lira thus to t b;rn into a free 6ta':, -"d that C.n nctt Wiij ta accompany him." L.....eit 1 v :.r3 ars held : l c U 'r. TU Eagle adds; , 'VtV believe there have been more slavcs'ruti a-ay, and as yet lost to their owners i this region r.f rnnntrv Hnrin'f thf last twnlre months, tbatf for the pecc-din twenty years." ; - - " "- I"ojzing.Tle United States Journal rejoices to know that the rrcpent active-head of the Navy-De- rartra-rt J '.craiincd ta Ii?c--air.t.cnnce, as T: ?.s Le ci.. i. exialinj 'Jaws,, the infliclion r corporeal" ru-.hrm for pelty-ranees' in the "1TV fT-- I t ; cr.:3 to a dclrr: :- '"- l to frrV I the inH'ct::n of cci-'.-.rc-;! un'-Vrr t t our,r.avaU'-i f--', p"'! to r'CTeut it on V-rdtunlrs3 dlrcc i - wriltta-orJcr cf the c 1,"rf!icrr. - Gfrrz Guess. Tills' celt!' rated Cherokee In v . 'j yc .r. Tii amount ap pmpriated by G.. vcrr.ir.cnt t ia'!,-"- him ivrhas re'ilted ' ! .X?l'Z 11 -V 1 ' 1 '"' v2br- -?!-?.':!-st a-cro'it. Ti.is inftlence was broug?it . fome C from t' r-.n'ico'-Ttr. It will.be r - ..it . - t'..aL-.T.-.i-r rf t-3'Cl.:ra- ice.iphi"..t.; . -VV -.i y ' ";- 1. .. ; T;.aV, York Comm . '. , fr. -t r . 5 d-1" m I.. , . . e" , nvs: " V.- - It;.. here at ti al 1 ' . !r. "' -t, t! chirg d'ui r - re'. ' I cn ! xico from Yeja C " ? eV ' l!-t ;:::Istrn .:. "3 .,r-:.. i a.lir;:Lh is way to re' ,'.-r:?s :e ur.1 el. R-ilbsry of pul.l.a tunction".:! ... ..J i'- ys rf a mysterious c' meter. th - : :n rf p-1 ; ' in fp" "". ' "e " irt.tdte: 'j 1 It 1 oep-ctcl 1 . JwS-i for the Gvt rr , . f t' litiaal ol-j-rs'unJ 1 nry, anJ 1I3 Govcr.. s to get pe ?s..;3, ri ate ' po" .. ; of 1. mixtion t ioarl .J-y makes ' alios taken "nw . i m-t or f C3- fv-c. an t.. tha n. " l..w- nbbrs: if 1' cessuy, take ther.i. . Gen. Tlvimr- - .-s "rolSed n !.?3 vs-ayfa ' i.I.-xico. Tha G-.. rrment immediately c. fercd him ample ameads,but his paper weid not rcturrd. t Wlien .'dr. Shnnn he-vast Warriedthat hf wmitft nSn r.,hhrt tin- J tween Vera Cruz and .Mexico, arid adviied to tako no money with fhirn, but to procure a d :i, as can always be none.', at -Vera Cruz. on Mexii-j. He did so, and was duly robbed. The Government offered its condolence, and tendered in ' ir .iification ta a lare amatinf 1 .'Ir Ciithing passed through Mezt co, o;i . .j return from Uhina. he waa KnnntA by a troop of half military, have savago look in? tIIov who demanded his keys, &c. Ti. y .uled every thing. "His trunks , wit and with public papers; were ex ' amiiK locked up again. , A box with, papers was t '.cn, and he wis then fold to proceed.' . " it - J ." - Cur ,-'Jor P.-r'-r, wh'a'th-y cttempted to rob L o.onl.ite. " ' ko, Mexico," hav hadsfno difii u'. , : '". it Goveffl. ' ment, nnd being in r.o hunio.- . ; t' 3 r"?rs tion,' wheeled, tiis horse upon the c ip;l;i ot v Jhetroap and shot him dead, whereupon tha; j rest took to flight. ; . . Cisas have .been known tvhercin men of .importance have been robbed, acenrditrj td order, and upao their arrival at Mexico, ccm. plained of their largo. losses, and the Govern, merit, though ..well knowing ..that the loss was trifling, have restored the 'sum claimed. If ihe Government . wishes to gam a man, .who has lost but twenty doL. loons, they say you must have lost sixteen hundred doubloons, and if he assents they pay him accordingly. .. I . do not n(imate; that" this has been the case with any of our functinnarics.". ' : ' i TAVcstcrn Oratorfi T,I"i Feller ciiiz 'tis and Hosses Hurra! ttieres apmspect of war..'.- Skunk Holler ja in arms ' ii"ud on its feet,und the earthquake shout; i biistin- I nun 20,000,000 of trreasrd Junes, is 1 LreverLerated over ibis lull fand. Mean,sr.aak- ; in , toad hopin , snako crawlin','-sword scar, f ed 111, house etiin' on fire, barbarous, Di vid Cfockcit killin xMJxrco has ddred to shor her cat leelh, to the Jie'ayerirous, ltghtnin de fy in and '.de;o.irswtif rinV" .Uncle Sam. (Shouts;) r Mi thinks, and oh bosses, I the spiriis of J70, goodnesses, ofjiberty f s oarin on its.. turkeys wingi aniund 'youl (Whar, says one, looking up.) You great boss, Vm speakin in figger,v I see iheml fiappih their 'Mnin' pinions aw1 pipinV the affectin war ciy"of Yatikey Doodle ! (Crowd. Yan key 1 Doodle J . Cack a-drjodre-dmil) - Bring1 out ihf Long Tom of Banker Hill, and that thousand pounder of New'Oi leans! Let them ToaruU'tliev crack ihe w-elkeo'lsel the clouds ivq, fire and knock the Poles over TheVralh swung cjeaver of Uncle Sam shall split the numbskull of Slndy Htuinah in a handy man. nor,- Hnd vikunR Holler will bung op the day. light of his country ! - Let us,dig a hole with ihe pick-axe of vengeance, scream the Mezi cans irt.j it and sink em into Cnany ! - Whar ( is the tisunk that don't echy iliem scntimentsT He amt no whr, nor "ever 'was. (Three cheers and w histle.) " The country's safe"! , (bliout.) it s t"u it but its afe! (ShOut.) believe Til lake a drink. The Half Ovr.zz Letter. A writer In tho Doylestovvu Olive Brancn has been at great ' wins tu ascertain how much can be transmit ted fur five cents. An uvuirdupoU half ounce 218 3 4 .grains. - AVders one grain, Seal. g wax j usual quantity, five grains." A sheet '.foolscap paper weighs 172 grains ; 'letter piiperi-'1 135 Suwll envelopes 42' grains- large 52 luu can send "300 miles ' a teller for five cents, containing, viz: the sheet -of letter paper enclosing seven bank notes sealed with wax, r the tetter and Ibree bank notes ihan envehpew- Haif a shf-et of letter paper with aT half cio'gleccc'oitd under wax. A - sheet with a dime and a halfenclosed secured bv -wafers. '-One sheet of letter paper with a.: quarter eagle enoloscd; secured by wax.' VA ' . sheet of fuohscap in an envelope Sealed with a wafer. One and a halfsheetsof letter pa." . per scaiea wun wax or . wuier.- inese catcu. latmnsare oaseu upon uie oruinary leuerpa- 7 per in use. tsy usin very inin r rencn paper, y a great n r of sheets goto ihe half ounce, - of course -'.;"?--. 4 " ; ' An Imperial. ComjJimenlT'. a Emperof . Niclioli-, of Russia, has "sent to Mr. Johu Menrs, o! :r lstunja sp?inci J gold medal, in return f a valun' 'a i,1ol",:, which tliat ren- ti'-man iz-ve tr.e , .Tor - ,-Thc rr: ' il, which weigns fifteen ounces, - ; i on one side tamped'wijh a fine likeness, ; r in L 1.1 n '' f of th . Emperor Nicholas, rur roun i.;d wi.li the word;, " Nieolaus, l.-Toti- , Uussice Impefator."1 the olher. side the -motto, " Prsmta D'g no," surrounded with' a wreath.- The medal is of elegant workmnnsMp, andxthe reception of such. a l-.kenof the Et'nperor's approbation, mtistbo a exceedingly gratifying to Mr.;Mears. . - ;r- & . . . . , - , ' '--yr - '. " 'Tks'rrr.s cvJ CfOps.Thv season h?. seldom smiled more propitiously- than' no" ; every t'.'r : igreen and thrifty ; biddlrj fair f.iran : j.idanl h-rvest.---Aire nave s-en soma j frmi 1 .his vicinity, ar,d can' -y v r.av;r . h,,.,, t.-ir'tpd over jttcr: the u.n cen tl. this tIv tirr.o'i about waist-r.:gn, izz, green and stron-, whil-difon, -hear ,nts are.fi luiisb'aa t V - degr.-, that e eve n ncar-sihtd e-i',;cad.- Ten Bur. 1 see "c .Lar urns "w"s 1 ' .iih 7c lli 3 tt fJ1" Jc" 'V -C