viz J JL - t - ' 5 1 :rc3 cr.J tr- tr j r upon t! - ; c : i '..irr ! .' t . tr- cr i:v..yf f . i " .' ce. t t but, i: r. 'T :h ta -ur .r.tpv. tarijT price of rcial and -fifiVj hi it ft 1 c: era tea, -ch-: ;e:ts c r : thics cf Let i: r.ow re- e cf - rices, arc .! : . if the: Low. - - ; , ; '. our puchets, in t?cc!'t!.j doL. ....-Mj'i bv th'la. -reign articTci cf ihe - axion b:ingadmktc J, !.t r j I y v.-iy cf illus. ' lrsii;itiVe a rphp.r? t-- irl:e?. T..3Uri.Tof lb in.pvrd (I u;a ih: word Ja c:""''"'2nt lo en;:, j if my lr !.;rCouth- r.'j to t! cpw ley) c:::t: fir r i r.j.s r.dvar.eirvj i7. I kr.ovr err.::, !;J Ui3 it t git j f posha la the. prctective j , Jycac-'isn L--, ! t, r . - allies, t:. or u. -i, - . Inrfice. loth dccU.ied :n" th:ti hrgs quintity offorti"'i h-"i- ( r.y fraM Cal jtl-? ; ;rc' !cir 'tioahi!eOi3 Tarl.Tuf 1612 v ; ur.Vr.ilii. cusj'ua id Cjnrcs vnssoIJ several tnuniha eftcr lVt till becams . law cf tl.-j land at ha of 33 per ccat. Even ths pricesi -cflV,ro aaJlV.3 rc;'oaro fu!ly c:::.',!.inJ Irs rhanlho32 prior cf 1612. This ii rrz.y ' tsc;-.i--i fr. ; In ccn,q-'? 1 f ::. is?J d'.:st thstovvcrs cf he trip u tf-T Wv lerJcd ihcir business, and now, t'y, orlho-o Viiananufacture it, not only r.ply.tha cot- " ton plsntcra with.baf ir. L j rop3 at iri,?:! reduced, prices, v,-; i.. .. u n article of cxpirr.:'. Tbc other article r.'.LJ . h e iich the tarifT of 1313 J duty. IJ jX sugiraiJ not advance ; it civiwiin c.J.itiil curinz tno year it was lo.vcr i tba ever knjwnr ' Why did . this rreat af. tlcfa (great, becauso used by oil) cf consj:np.: tioa decline?. Simply becauso tha additional protective duty stimulated the pre ' jction in Lcuuiana, whose crop hascversinca been in. " trcifiing, until It reached the enormous quan. titjof Bbojl 2:.J,000 hogsh-ads. i ' Uuiag lii.Hy stated facta r ' Iw6 tr:!;j uppermusr in my . , titijv.; U writa, I will no-.- ei tia r-.rJ to tho'pr'c.i f c " -a fill i calir-iCslcdiDtlih1 ' ' cf c:omo Jiiional i v r-.'.'!iocs cf dollars, and I l.-i ; r.3 it v.ill ere lor rcc!i one hundr-1 O.i this su'.j.'Cl most ir-ortnnl I "y c; I was njt ful.y jj-tel; 1 " en iu.;orat9 u: . n i:J.v..: to i . ' a w i.:z. turn to t COC StTj ii.Ttf : j.i t!. tit.j i. . i uo taL'e sl.'.vs t.. . tl-o ':V.j!r-ileI-j-: ::)) pr:cci Itl.t tl.v'tirs r.vcr fof t!:r: : ;rtjt! - cf -iit-r; tari.T ;t frar"? ,.J.t 7 cc ' j ; end t j averse (en t' 3 lt t ; M:ir) for the last t'.ir.j yciU ii erectly, 0 l.J cents. Heavy s". -ctir.33 ii;. cr. ! fur t:,c : )r year&.7 2-3 cenls, ni.Xr ...j !Jt tl... . cnr3' 7 cents.' Liht. fchiliinj avc. j-... t!j prior years 5 l-2ccnti'--'- f-'f I-2 1-it three jxira.S ccnti.-- -1 v?rr;";.! f - prior . a' fraction dvcr-n 1-2 ccr.U, :.r.J for tlu bst thrcri yen 11 traction under '8 13 cents. Here, thcrj'Vtt ii'mide'p-'ib! j that th:i tirilf cf 1912 dtdt r.zl bnhnsc the prices of domes t:2 f ibrics' but !lhcy were actually reduced! L-i 3,t U3hulJon a little longer to taL'.e of ; riccs--a document hich doc. .Urates that tartwi.uo no roue ; prices. ; ucJt;r tho comprc.r.i:' net, V.c all 'know was a gradual reduction f d-.!;-s" on. imports. What was V it cf tliis u; ,.1 the articles now und?r'co:.siJcration ? 'Tho avcrnge price cf li jht fchtin for 'eight years prior to 18-12 wr.sOccnjj; heavy sheeting? 10 1.3 cents ; light shinipgs- 7, cents; .drillings 11 cents. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction, and this adajro is illustrated by, Well known facts in re- "ira io mo compromise oci, ana was nanc with joy bjall because It probably saved th itrc r ward We had hopt '...J fjotlv-a I. . fjilh l':-ir v r;;.3 cf irci l tD- t CI 1" ra. . . ii r.; we u: tl.3 "CiJ rCort'iC.a: .tl. irgy 'lorn lh b prices off V;i 1:.: ..ih? sales " tx::-.;.. Hi 'y ii L f : civo ms .t J' tr, " ' ' afVrl " air b i:,"-rr.:ir.;a thai tho .: ' f ri--', "-I articles ma..u. :.,'.v;re on ths 1st t1 r--s past as follow ; ;" it npj .2cs r . o. r s t 'n - j . ! - ' I - i t , p ' t ' ' w " - j tD A 1 A , ... I " 1 I ,11 1 ., ,il 4 :- . . -1' d the Union frc dii.olution. But .did not the South prof.; by, - it? 1 I say na,: because it is proved by figures lhat for the last nght years of. its existence the average nrLos of the leading articles manufactured from cotton were at least twenty per cent, higher than the average prices for. three years fallowing the p .ssaga cf thetltrifrof .l$12--that 'eppresbe, plundering bill, w Inch, without : any reason .. t. ... Ml T .. J' - d . 1 ' " . . ' wnaicvcr, win, 1 icar oidiuro me present iron quility of the present Confederacy: I fear it, beennso it is given out in the organ of the Ad. ministratt-:i that tho Secretary .of. the Treas ury is coh.King information, with the view,.! suppose, of prc:cntjng to ti.o rri Congress a tari.T bill'of .his hU: M-oi' . . . indeed c::r.i!Jeratu in tho Secretary ; Lt will he seek formation from both tl - v , t orients and r. Jvo 'cs of the .protective - !icy t -.Bing-him. Jf crposcd lo tho iari.T, 'will ho not send out interrcgainries' to his 'own political frier !j, and w iM rot, their answers, suit' his rp'o pr.ciscl ? No doubt about it; and 1, who u rot know the honorable Secretary save by 1.- -,-or rtj J r l , predict tlit' his plar ul... 'iroxima'lJ Ij fi, j IrcJc, which is : j l: rc M J t! v,xriJ. ' .r.;:..j: . "il "rld financial r-vulions ore . . ' f " ' 1 .'.II! I 1 JLI - -re lv ligurri i : laonsneu iu 1 r :ctuating duties on tc:ri!' Th.3 importer, , farmer, and indeed v. en:)'," and it ihould be ... ; . .J, inVnat case, all lands poppy from h?r l..,"1 r J . was ady to ti .rc'i ; I:j l!:- II; - cf Imr r -'." Z'r.zW 6 Hit r!i:'t GO 1 pro,- -r. position to The - .mty 1 ' ' cover ; r iwcrs. . i: ;r.:--1-'jrtalL.j . .it-ti.s an c.l"?rr.. : "15 ! judly and constantly t to ba rcKcved. l!: j y t a r j:st passbil. How j Lave tlieCape Vear and .i Lrc.i navigable fojr Ctram 1 with moderate deipatcb,by Wo thin!; not more than half, !.ra interior coutitjcs have -pp!ic3 from the koa-board cecity, which are iirportcd ; V.ive suffered in their trade produce cf the interior fjr cx ith a Rhil , R ad thii cmbar ! ba removed, for by it the ccr ty of transportation would, the case, produce activity and wcjld wakpup. t;.j r ')!e. I liov woulif see ana :. f.i 1 i rv them ahead,;a nd dis 'ir own capabjties and ''lanco tl. JbJrpoii ti., . ? wou!J not tho . .;o 04 n J anti' ; of iliO line r ' V23 cc: . tiCooi-.;:w;iy tV c:Mi.. v.ichDorr vcr.t ti l!.e WarJon's roo:n and waited V-!f Lcur.-u-hca we' re turned to the VrUza u.. J foan j vaiDorr had !:.:o bis cell r 1 in th lr ccrtly f. " great p.ic l!:f.t, in a . - to 7 .:.Zcr Jiirr, by the ucrortunate cctio.; ( f 1I.0 Legis- aturc in reference to lhat meagre. . 'That woulJ have Iceti . vork of u. . l advantage to thoenterpru: cf that particular region. But there ii another project which is t;tcem. cd by many to offer far greater i.. 'ueements ta .capitalists for -invent. 1, rrd which v.ill assuredly rcrjU in i;. ad- 'rtar ' "!"' :. -- i .. O " to the State, i ; !it'?al'y. It is 1I.2 cxperie.-.oo cf tho world, tl ".l wherever Rail lloads 1 Cir.als hv been placed in competition, t:.j i.. rmer ays succeed. cd, and the latter b- , obli -ed to surrc- or. Uj :n lliis n;;cerlai;x J foci then, my it nut be vers Ur .d to rccm' n) to tl 2 iv.ozi rr iU ir. rcs'rJ, ar... .0 ;tuc i eoj .2 r North f -jo-lina, thi cjr:trc"";on of a Rail Rod from the town of Wilmington, cr a point-on the Cap Fear river cbovo it," towards t!.o North Eastern part cf South Carol. .ia, and. the Western Counties cf our own Si-'.al In such a work tl..- '.hole country rem t! a Cape Fear, to the Cala..bat and beyond L,ja vi. tal interest. Besides these," other and ini. portant interests and investments "r involv ed, depending for continued prosperity cnti ret- .d ..j pnx . .. r : -ir cl iims, !a!- j? -n-J Li!:,oon. 3 a 1 i .;,.,! -fval:';. ' f-:i! rcy'u-. TrT trars. portaiionof : - ! irJir nhlch th-y i-;'ort, and iheirpre j mirll ulono, w.oJ.j, it is : "'-k ourselves very fjrtt; .ut: ' believed, inJepenJcnily of general -travel, er compelled to cat p--cr bread than th... gonu to lha worni.iop.- - We w 1 e 1 r . .' cf cherry, v;;ih Io-.v ; izt a straw i...unss, on which. eras laid a L-.h-r L. d.vjth a loU stercr! two' pillows.' Two large blankets with sheets double the width if those of tha other prisoners, end cotton comfortables, completed the - bed furniture.' "A- rocking chair, wilh arms, a small table, on which lay a pen and a cumber of -tho Penny Magazine, wilh several copies of the Prison Regulations. On the bod lay his Bible and book of Cora mon Prcyer, sr. J cn tl.3 shelf by a copy of Dick's". Philosophy cf Religion. 'A hat'wai hangir "p in t' -jom,and a brown camlet cloak ! sorr- t clothes were hanging nrain 2 v ". " n number of- faiw laid 7 r ' Mt oh-were probably paint- : f the cell. Onon .vi." i! . 1 st3o two jars, :d,cr.J I .JAq powders, whicli ' ' .ore, a cup of molasses, I ' h cf salt, with a plate 1 Graham bread. ?C2 ci ! ' -"mi, In iing ve rv r i - rall Cy ri.r.uco to ta -V i.) cor paper, ifvi.l la tc:3 -t f: :r cf t 3 ccr.v!ct3 ij c Pcn:::r.Uary have escaped. They wcr? c: ' y:d a kocr hi th'3 city, crJ cn tin.::' . j sr.:. 'j their escape. The had ccarly - :rvc:l cut ihcir terms cf .c-.inoemer.t. cf th:n named, .Svrarey, was drowr- ' .a trying to swim the river,- Nash. L An' cJI read ir, (says the Baltimore Tctriot) m onutl.wj-o t -per that u a tobacco; which if ar.aa smsb'cf clz:7 U, he ill forget that he owes a dollar ia lha world," inr-ccr.lly- conclude his subscribers have been fur r. article. A ; - , t many cf -i with tha f I c jntair We L:. il as ' ly upon the success of "this, cr eo- tim'Jar fa. "vie: -rt. will d, . 3 to pri..;.; i.rporls frc: cooeJing -rti . ; - ciiti-iarui rnea clay yraij 1:1 ij work. : -There t:i:ist be a connection by land, and th .t connection '.by Rail Roads from Wil. mingtom The people of South Carolina . are preparing to construct a Rail Road from Gads, den or Columbia, to Camden," in that State.' This would bring them near to'our Line, and the conmiion Would be eery' from that , to the Wilmington and 'Western Rail Road and we would here, remark.,' that we are wed ded to no particular spot, but give us a Road (rom Wilmington in a Westerly cirec'ion, to a point near tho Couth Carolina Li:::1, and our r.ds arc aitaincd. , ' .-' A 'strong feulir.g his iorg existed in favor oT a'Rail Road' to Char! ton, direct from Wilmington; and thatr.sch a work would pro. dure beneficial results, we do net pr?"?nd to deny, but il is evident that the sole rti. of soch a R ad, would be upon travel for sup port a momentary gl.mce at ihe- location and condition of-the country will. exhibit tho foci. But, as has been previously' f?-.; J, . tee must hale a connection With tlb Cj'jlh Cire'ina arid Georgia Iliads,' and we cimrot r :irr 1 nboui'a Route, whilst to' our vi. th I:ir ' here prnpo'od, would secure to iVr t r j to us, all tho advantages of thesarr. :. :cl, r.- i a rnucu greater amount, and wc; from oar Western Counties a co able, i for t! ! , o:.J i.!0ht r.U..t opprc.-:. i-lan-- 1 : :f Cor keep p.o x r,h and . by conse-: ,.!al and' financial rc. '-ior lacturcrs of the North cs . ..t -the the Coulh vi!s lr.crcas3 tho ? t: "y u f-t t"- .1 r.s c. ; - c . II le:- -U-rr:- fabrics will be (Jo:r.rct:tion :r Lou;:. 1 :i- :.:r r. ,:a l.-r -3t' . . ::.:!:d. If ill l"t - and 1 r r-. 1 , t' IL . ..1 :. r:.!'.- -'4 -rodu- ".ti?:s maas of tr" '.0 maiivci, bene r.r it . t it as thought , wculd ba . eh a Canal to Lumber i: er, h g, supposed lo do, to a further and more aluable e.x'.er.sion of the means of trans-port:':- a to the Wtt.1. This 'project was'ad vocwt.d by many. We may say thot all were i'.3 friends r.nd r . .j is great u. , .r.1:: . it .is -brr.:::-J 1 thor tho' plan ! .... ;.g?':,.od does not .-( 1 the rersrement -nd e cure to cs c . a hirC) r - "J iv - permit rer.t cd vantages tl :n'the other t', cr.nbin- par I - ' ! t ir' --t?" ' r.t' :t " , 1 f - V . . - r - -t'-t i ' - ' pr.'. -'-t:'" - - -... "Vz t "' :'f " : i. i .1 - .f.- v';:,:,r,;,;,-,';..,r.-:;. t t A Rail Roid towards, the Nrrth Eastern I . f Co'Jth Carelina w ..J crr;s Lumber r r. ..orcT.r.g uYt t'..e fac'... "s cf t, , .! a Cin-.l tv ' :u:J t!.rc '1 a ..a!;hy cr ! ve crr.'.try ; a .co .porta. furnish support to a Road. . -But at the sair.e lime, it '. to b? rcmeir.bercdj thai' j such -Lir.3. would be the ccnr.ecling h: h ;hetv, n the Vi!i:::r-:ton ct;d S j.ih Caroh. -J Geor gia Rail W vid.s, and t' ; c.invi "j -;n i': -!rc , that there "-ou'J lal-. -ly i. : .:ed n-o .1- berof passenger; wp' -j r Till , compared wilh tho .V. & l. R. 1. ' and their Boats to Charleston the sea ; 0; ayoidce, and more expedition secured to e public Ut t wOSt ct suen an c. itasmg .11 L;; u.-'ev.- lo guess.' Survey rh)ne e-., - -hibit th": ' !.!i any dfgrto cf certainty; '--I te- 'iry " "irds a hea!:!;y, ferti'1, ppufous, y region, and. proffering aivanta. ;:es to them of immense vnlup, a proper calcu lotion can la made upun t! powerful 'h"' in t!.a c-ju-t, and sopport and patronego c... t :r . ards. - , .' i. : r .pie 01-li runs wick,, piaccn, u. lumbv.?, Ih.Leson, Richmond, An;::., ""n-; gomery, Randolph, Mecklenburg, C. Virus, Rowan, Lincoln, and Rutherford, have a large direct in'-r"st in thU -liter. Their produce would rise in value, and bo' inercascd in amount.from their awakened energy and ac tivity;Vand their wealth .would be enhanced by the necessarily increased value, of lands and property of ail kin.ds. It is not doubled that the difference caused in the yaluc ol land ed property alone iff the Counties : above r;amedt would -iiistanter doubly repy all ihe cost of tha work. Look where you will that Rail Roads have been constructed in a new region, and'see the consequences. Their viv ifying influence is not to be resisted. In place cf sloth, negligence, inci.Torence and py-,vy you see afonce,establi..od activity, au. to business; vipilance a!a animation ! . si ' ? r '' ' Let us not be longer behind the times ! Let th'-.o most interested make a beginns - and take a leading step in a matter of so gen c'rnl concern, aud we doubt not that they will ba sodri followed, and with" alacrity; by. those ever ready 4o lend 'a Helping hand for "public good! V.;-;. "ANSON. May ;29ih,M8iV '.;: : 'fc -.. ' From the ProviJ.ncc Transcript. T!ion?a V., Dorr. ' ; A VI l to th z Rhode ' Island :Priso... , We r.:ide a" visit To' the"-State" Prison cn !av '.iaVins obtained, a permit from one ci ; Inspectors; ana were mucii pleased ith tho neatness ,,and order which evcrv portion of the Prison presented. .v The wind ci Nonh We&taiid.a- fine-breeze lloVvin" throoliihj window ,'.made ;lhe air. of the Pii: :n 1 r.d hcathfuh We, to .th- ' -r of woikshop, to pass, and v -nn: ci'r.eablv :orpriscd by the rp-chjus, well V ehtcd und vt!l vcnt''-t-d r' the prisoners spend th' r their lime. . It is V ' 1 oe large .. i:dow . : . . : !. . . Ior:"; stove sto.. . - . the. v. orhshop. -'ir.o. p..- i r . - ia3e.w'ii;i ,i;ic:r cac.s 1- . d. ,r, Looily engird in aiv.h:g fir.j reseated in "chairs wi'.'.jbic' ; h. ii.. .3. . 'l)jrr was rut i" his , r. yet Icfi his cell. Ah ...hiog tl t n-.d o-bicrvip i'.s t ' ' 2 v: " . .3, marking that I; s Traoed rr- - or'.ii! we nave ever cr. ro, ana trial it was 1 - su- porior to t..e u visile J, sa f t l . c... f t' rerr.amcj in tne c : on hour. It f.cq from any un; ! .J, and there v. a free circulation of air. - - ? wo, left tha cell, uhh is one cf ths ! er range, we v:cnt te t! e iiai- ' ? :nd to the window that over' , s ihe j .! s ;:s they sit -t ' erk. As we 1 -d th-itdrs, we saw Dorr r.andin: i 1 the entrance l j the "Mistirical Society" AUcztioa-.Th6 fa!, lowing list bfnatmal nick-names, which we cut from" an f.xchane paper, shows how lit tle we need apprehend a dearth of distinctive titles try which we may be known : j The in habitantSof . ' - "! r Maine, are called Foxes : New llammMr Granite Boys; Massachusetts, Bav Staters vermant, ureen Mountain loys; Rhode .Is- land, Ga:. ie lints; Connecticut , wooden Nut . megs ; JTew" York, ' Knickerbocker's 1New -Jersey, .am.catchers;.PennsyIvaniayLeath erheads ; Delaware," Musk-rats ; Tfaryland, Craw.thumpers ; Virginia,1 Beadle North Carolina, Tarboilers; South Carolina, Weas t'.j; Go '.At Buzzards ; Louisiana Cre. :..a, Lizards ; Kentuirky, CtrrJ -"ssee, Cottonmanies ; Ohio, "i, tioosiers; Iliinois, - -i,Tad- 4 , Gophei; r.iic. ,atit "'cl.-' Floi.di, Fly-up. the. Creek ; Win- Bad' rs; ,lov 0. 11 iwkevcs x" N. ?u :ne Doo ; Orcgtin, llird poles ; Ark es W. Territor; :s. wou .op i passed ale. :vcd : , .::ig ' into l 1..0 con idor, la. cr r-oinjj j 1 Jlc'ort A drun' served bv ...inijter who ! thus J l4.l u tear t itr"-s t'f;"ierat tho day of 'i 'J.' nt.1 wc 1 t 1 - i , .epta'li which is the farti. jor on l!'3 left hand side.' :We i'. t window and t'crved him as h across the floor, and could perceive forence in his "..: : rd l! . vhich he r while on his trial.: I.-, , rt ui 0. str.o. 1H3 &;ep j. .. ..oj been. He .l). " no rp pa rent stood in the Locr we observed him n: ;.t a &!oo. Jt..e - t ea the J to the I . L..f. .1 Her into ! "? !rc --Tint t.. . ...ycr .fting Ins Head wh.j .-'.iiy, replitd " I h..-e practiced U -Mjf- vA bar; r.nd u- t always feesr.d th3 i;rc atcst r real is the firi. to turn State's evi-cenco.1'. mouth, V ia f" " ' i.j ! "ition. ct tha . r. :ns .ecn er.rcl Jack. ilyx cf c4 iaion. cajha Ore liich :: ' of .3, - : : .j . 'i.'hila he jailing at lis, . '.j .... i could discern no change in his appearance, except that he was net quite as brown as whencxposed to the sun and wind. ;- ,His eye' was unchanged, and his frame appcaredas eioui and robust a3 ever. Dorr took his'seat al his desk . in an. arm chair, his being theonly arm chair used by the prisoners i" the workshop.. ."-We inquired part., .-larly of the Warden as 'to the fa roof ihe Prison, cH were fur. nishedby him with ihe follow h g statement. I On.' Monday, corned beef, wilh salt pork' and vegetables, as potatoes, turnips, and cab bagc. . Tuesday, "soups of L ef, or other fresh meat, seasoned .with Sumn: r savory, coc, with onions, potatoes,1 nr.! carrots. Wed. nesday, pork and. bear. 5, boiled qr stewed. Thursday, "same as"-Monday," Friday, same as Tuesday" - Saturday , salt fish, minced with potatoes, and fried in pork. A double allow ance is given to the prisoners on Satuj oay , for Sunday, as no cooking is c jr.e on the Sab bath. r . , . ; During the fish and chrri caeon, tho pris- soners have their soup d :-"ts but rnce a week, and a dinner of clams once a wet!;, and freh fLh chowder.once a" week. Ocl t. sionally ihe prisoners have a dinner of roast orbaked frcli meat in tha place c some of the other dishes. . . "'j Eich prisoner '.receives hot coffee'evcry ujornintr, :d a supply of whitel brown, or Grahare Lrcrtdjas ihe physician may pre scribe. - " .. ' ' , Tb.3 c-".3 arc constantly furnished v ith' peper, ratt, inegar, moiaei-Sj ana wnti pure free'o water. ' , - Dorr was drcsse in Jhe unh'orm pantaloons of the j risen, a. i the green frre!; -oat which A late number of ihe Moon: a iournsl pub hshud cl Ag: in Hungaria- Croatia, coru tains, under the rte of Bucharest, 1 ; Wal-' lachla, the following advertissrr.ent ; " For sale by the sons and heirs of the Cerder Nicolas Nike, residinc at Bu ' . th.3 suburb of Ci.'Vanire, tico Aun. ...Illescf Bohemians, of whom the majority cf the mala members ore laborers, locksmiths, . p;old' smiths, " shoemakers, and , musicians. The proprietors of these Bohemians will not sell less than five, families at a time, but, ia re turn, the price of rarh individual will h3 ono ducat below the, ordinary ; .!ee, and facilities will be atlorded to payment. This adver tisment -is not, ns micht-have at urat sight. been imagined, a n;ere.hoe. It i3 perfectly serious, and what is more, is quite legal; for the civil code, granted. in 1818 bv John Karadecha to the peocls cf Valtachii' and Moldavia, and v.: eh is stt.l in force 1 a those tomtries," confirms in t !icit and . formal terms the law cf slavery. Thus whila the groat powers of Christendom annually ex pend aat soms in maintaining cruirers for putting down ihe trafic in black slaves, a trada in white slaves Is openly ! carried on 'under ir very eyes in two Christian countries sit. uated in thc,ccntre brEurcrs i'el". JV, O. woro 1 .1 his trial. -T ise I n v: ii .lO'Ot r. t :.:'i v hich he m lect- his 1 , . ... . , j j. q j - ..,,.1' , ; t ; r., .; rfit- .'..". , Tluro- l a great friars d, and rea?y re for , this article .in our markets,' As they ean b casily raised, and are very profitable, andprod- constant ' cn;?, it is eurprLinj lhat pcrso:. livir.-j nqarLSa city do not c. Itivalc them. There, is a nan who lias a email 'garden near .Liverpool v.-ho rr.akea ger cral hundred pounds annually by cultivaL.i mush. r . " A Lint at iiome-of the numerous UUe small r ; '. i a1. its about Gotham. Nets York pajler.- ?' The article grows Bpontancoasly! in most of th ' Slates ill "the- Union particularly at th voulbv Tl..y are fpringln ;up ' like ll.s frogs of .Egypt, in aliroi-t ?.vcry possible direction, and are equally as . great a pest to society . We mean, of course, tl6 : ttvo-leggcd kind, the things manufactured by Ut. -lor I Idonging to the neuter gen -r ! who, because - aome of their relation, who - lived before they were L. rs, happenrrl to 4 have" been somibodt, ibey takw r-.-n tficnselVesairs and talk about "clizz'ry " t ''i.ih l.iU "lire l J ...'.tits, ju ivn..-tv of t!.e C'.?"'"1 ' T' r r vpsiart locanncsa. It - ' . . 1 . 1. r . u ..j-ut pentlhty. Faugh!- c-r c : ierr t.. Dorr. .1 Ci " ' 1-5 ' j r ; c-..s r. l .4 ' t L.i. wi -.r-atij..: t-ei l::gtifl eh f.jorte: h : ci t:.o c. nd t!:al it wa f ... . c 5 cor.e r a Co... n.".ecn jh.. J by t-vo h.oin-'...;. cf 2 "... II. j 1 r a order to contradict '' . ' ' h have Leen circulated by the Loccfoc. -rd other Slates. 'These have been -r.s, and so" often reiterated, that we r br ' r Editors intlier States, uj or ' 'rs the facts ve ha vest 1- folso imp region "v.! ich - - ' odhio:i of he Rh:.':. r.-- room nolle r.::n T. id t th i a th at, .. . r., , 'I , --re ii a r.-2 nnmerc ' . net r ' v cously, . . oiinst all ' - cf mush . . by cul:.'"i- r badii; ited." ah i'XC, ..rii'focil. coy South. c .o..otc J 7 M ct foe!. to r.l a f- t: c u ly to . no th in- i.".! th. Itr wor.'t a cgo: " Ercl .'- u.-.i:-:';-1 "t? h cr.e f : or Ices ia v Zr'u - - 1 -i:re f ' h f " pe'' r, ar. 1 to. ? , wl - vot 1 --i .. 1' Jiucobl-ty. Somebody ,' dec1-rB!: , .tzt Jvchae.IiV---'.' r- f - - licr, simple wcron, cn. '; . -rmindtion, becaase fith?ri3 ;j but a mecnanKJ Lr Of a doctor; and tV'-sit goes , ;.gustin ch2r4-r" l--c f t..e t .tisliroca "! - Jyzi i3 every villar;- i va '..ncr 1 ' . : .- If v-j want t? r.3e a sobsr man a drurf. tid. give a v,h'3 that wilUcold him every i j I..? t.:e.: r: . -or 'rt i '

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