. ,,; j- V 0 7, r . . . - .r.y 1 : . 1 ;. r. c. rrc:?I - 1 - - -' . t J .Til::1 f vert.', acnt v ' ccordir-' i t t) ( l tc l' . fr o r Vol ..r ;ry ' i ' th -JrHl.'F'-: "'(; church :5 m ,ru-' it.; r .-. 'l :i ' r thre -to -' ia fill -cyc.socV: jioii 'A or - anil remained uli ,, ,) casion U) raervo ., cr t, ; .If' ;": '.one. Why as.: . hiii the nru-sts have i liUVt v.-is fir-t d - 'lcrjliti u-'i (In-.-.!, ; . A na'nv" r ! . )t, anJ protect "it I. 'from'' t!: eyes of l' : ; ""cluircli. The'.frar r t in,n':.hhooghitis I . auiiuJcunJ aspect j;iv: j: a (! ";! uf agony. 'I ' e ;.er .i t!ic breast in . 'l I.' -. J ii s'.igl.tlj- bowc', ! 0 iv- J, if in "l!e t . touvy ficc bo rcfi tl i r.::; 'Tins. An uii'i i. i", and inurtd to V': , -.:e::iRCa ch:i. I.: c; 'j seems riviu ! t r , to t'-.o repeat t-J I -.t gazing, ns if in a u t.! iifter wL'.liad li:fi Ik then his voice was low a . ! l.istlf'I.adsecn tlto Jii: Thai i:un died lysi'Ocal. . v ;,V.vc th-t vu!L In ' ' : oiJcnt that h was acai - ., is 1 1: -.if ri .- , , ' . " i - r- -rave clothes, no cu, V j.Vfiruuad the body," "J The. poor ci n s t v i ; j v as not show n he r " , i x 1 4 l!,;) p-i'mts oj.ihc stones, 'to give cvci; pcamcv-e of regularity tut the cnc!o"'r i as pricked into ttto ;rouh v ' , ; "cvcrt li'"iiiiiin;j at the ft-tt. i - difTicuh to tell anything ' : '. .catS, whether painful or fcUViotV, for the fuco ah ys tr.ee o! s::loring, but tbrru r.t .ioniuijLtihis vltich show t'. a painful one, and caused , do1, cntion.' i uhe first. plav..-, lu crossed grruly and quklly in ' posurc cf dtr., but fttrc:i t -5 -.uiefTirtcr by force. , In. the the s!:oul !;rs jre cTavatcd , as i vETartcfthc nan .was fjr ' inner . ' t t!.irJ jr.es e f tl.J t tverthe cJgsof the stor.o on w! s if cor.;rttv J ' L inv when t And ,7 continued thj 1 ffssional Jet ail, 'hc C. powerful mi a. II: I wkhbrc: c! Iunbcd.w . I knew .... ; There v-Sm nttakir '.raia'i l'.; Y I could wr. .Md, . :r' "'h, to cor.' i a dark r.: -pod, W.r..I " , v.hcrahc first c, ' i t'.;a t!.2 crirr" c cr.iatiia, Ikii tc-;' ;Cf tzr r i in the mur hmpsi ,1 fty ceilir-;, the 1 :h pr.. . . j c. j: ; ccly rcacl - J : J r -,-".J t. -2 t..: tve: :r. n"...:'v; . 1 1 u!:c. .-tto s'-ri' . U j ci r.crv- f-r tho !-;, t 1 t: ; a . ; ci r '.. . - At rrpn v ; v. c a .air. ,-. r ! i!. . ! jit to lifi u iih . Hrt 'i !.'; .-, and a t lhu..!CCed ; "losed it, ti :i voifc" till ii ; -) ftr -'fni it, J fnin ; r r u ' w i " i . . : ; . d ii.U l!iO U i th, - .J f.iilcr.ed i!:rr i r e. t:.I tct-.tnir ' white fuxlu ila. ! i.i t!.i . 1 w .3 vi-lh!j in "the i pitcision 1L3 last t: irrow -spice the o-, er it a siiHod o cf the rock, brukc !vt r, v n J ;.!! was !, r vet -a was r. groan, ns if fis. ;n I roll p out from ':Ic pivc. a silil cioti3 of .0 mur jgh - the ?rovd. . ; the a in 2 Ar . T.ts: Ih wc -t.d the i it. it 1; I c: -Fcr.i ties i'cT. sen--C' 'tares -oh and. C ! ' , ' ; . : ( .L.i c. i...: ii xrrar i - :!. ' ri il t edition, by.Capf.ua t.) ..l.iti. The C in : ;ippro:'.c!)ir llu the . contrast , bc co'ist of Tcru was :i the tecp surface i:r. N. wl.ib t:c bt'" lit: .t --.in:-.! 1 " c, , u J v i:!t tropical trees, and rr ! will-taped- mour.'tains ' fr? ' hr vessels Were su r- j i ..ipis and size.'?.' cr of Chiefs f l - n bjard, ni.dj ro- ; . v. J Mi;all parciU o." uLit. The principal ' (.hct f f thccrr";.d w;i5 ti obtain the prhi- t;. ? 1;.jh c i:. crow, a du- Mncss w and C!.i-. Tah.-li n prerogative' of t!e Queen Djth per.! tllO uliVT I3 a vo-ati ' ' f. 1 cr. .las, the o:;j callt-d Tuiraboo," possesses u, i. I In-.!. Th- fort; xtion, L i: !.:?re jr t 1 I - . . Tl;a vvie ob;Jured by clouds C, 1 ' I' ?; -.ny, :t of O. ," st, v. js rs.::.;ateJ r.i 3," vd of t!:- K-:a. 'The G . i '.'..;t f rir.'.avai lisall, - , ' :it, tiinkvrn pantne- an ' ti;" . !-.ih t 1 i!:ht. t an The Tlev. ?lr. cf tLe I'. .:J, r: 1 still ac. . a r e T.'.v in . .JtS, " ' c A 1 . r .c.i t.. n mr. I,-ire IV. S:. U iLc' s:fi't ter i.j ill S.,vrr. it.ty ,.f Tahi-.i V .., . . .r ;:j discove ry., t ,j his ;-,v;- r.jjriijj tho fit time P.imai.-, a young C.Lf of.Tahaa, from w !:..ri u -.d divorced ; t!. sccokJ, t( a young Ctar f of ihe Lliud of Hu aht ir, by ltuni '.-s ,",r -j:,,t!;c lircf :ht.;;J. Theg-t., , ppf.otion he - by is Io tre retu:valrnt to king r ;. ;,.u j:t rat;!; the Q jct n.'is !:er cl . Ariapaca, the Ci. est siieroi Jiji- :'hrr ntnnii;mnn. 'ent:; She still nos-esscs prral irL.-n In caso'-of-jhb failure uf the Q:itca s pWcri iya thc.ncxt heir; to the 'throne arc the-prin. cesses-,Ninilt and T.iif-, who nr ?' o'r: cousin, and neices to Pomare II. . .n, tl,. godfutl'itr of 'the Q jccn, altliijuglj not a C..i . hv btrth, has Irom this connection obtauieJ great ihfljence" in thiJ-QucehV councils and j rn ly bo - termed prit: . Ltcrv The seven jjdges of lhesujrenu; tribunal are mfninatcd by the Queen. ,"-I$ut t 0 nomiaatin must bo coufiriricd by the Legi.JjLture. , Those who' at resent hold tlje oHice are all largu land, holders, and men of the higliesi character and ictrUiger.cc to bufnun4 in the' pr.ala:! :i. They arc, in fact, the rulers of-the kingdom. Fiv.- t f t!:i rn, viz: Pa-fai, Mare, Utanii, Tan;i,- and Tahoni, reside on the Island of Tnhi:i ; tho other two, lluctone and Tlaliine, at Liimco. ' The cott.agrs are cf an ovel form, usually about fifty or sixtyTcl .".t length, and twur.ty in breadth. T!. : al!-i :.re LrmJ of bam boos set in t!e. grot::; I, u i:.' rvalsof about an inch between them, for ti.o admission of l-'hl and air.- T t!.; ton of these a rdate. I ee of hibti.cus, ;a lig: : and strong "wood, is laslh 1 I ; 1 1 sinnet. Froinlhis the rafters rise or all sides and tr.eet in ' a. r'dge, which is about, half thd length of the building.' The t - , - . . ' . . . i o rafie- touch each other,; and are covered with small mats .uadc of panda nus-lcaf. . These a rb .1 r - jy 1 1 ed togethe r , a nd . h ppciJ over each oth" r, forming an impervious and durablq roof. : The floor is the natural earth ; there are nd pafiations,. but tapa or matting is employed as an sional screen. A buildl ingof this dcsciij tiun may be erected for about fifty dodars. The Tahitians use neither tables nor chairs. Their beadteads are formed of a framework of cane, raised a s'jort distance froro the ground, up which a-few mats are laid.. A pillow stulTed ith aromatic herbs is in cepnil ''usGar"'-"" tV.- 1 tier cl ' The : ttvesare gencrullv '. ) W found in iL.ir I houses,, in a circle chatting, reading ar ! .singing, or smnki.ig, unless they l, es i tch the.caj'stvJefp. . They am ; 'J. : t.) s en cngigeo ia m.irivtl lab'jr, except o;i t! 0 sulos ..if tttu streams where they are employed in washing, qr at the reside. .0 ofthe Chiefs. b j The ; caj tutn &ays that he did not' see a ogle "worn in g the fjtivi.s, w. j !j v-.,uldca. -Their .r. arc bid, nid th ;ica: pan f thcM atv. .-tJ. Tli'ey are very I ! of pra!ling,.nttd cannot !:. . lH"ir o- ;;j f . jrets. " Th if .jrets. ' The 1. m c;.. V tie about n:'js'e,bul the vorrien arsvery f 1 of it, p:..i 1 Cirrcc r"arv. v.; . C and e .ting, ov.;;, 1 ut a small porti o of ilieir lime.. jThe latter, indeed, is pcrforqied with more of-the air of a business ch j-equires 'despatch, than any thin;: else tl.cy do."-yfheir food consist principally cr breadfruit, taro, h tn .na, vi.apple (Sp'ondin. " ge's, cooanuts, sugar cat fa!). They eat ho salt, but e- of it, a :ort of soy, made cf coanut mtlki'and -the rout oi n. : of eating is sens !,at disagrc the . f adftuit r taro is dipped in the t th: s jked into t!..- mo-ih vv' t--they may be heard at ..-me di. esse I most commonly used is a 0 . Tnc children are fed upjn poe, . , ?e tf brc: 'fruit' and taro, pounded to. -r-with a little sa";ir. T1.3 child is hiid ..iS.ick,nnd I ci .uned v- it!) L!!sc! ; -,j size v. a wch..f.t v. ..ch itt , : , . . "inplrg its art hickir , r.;j. ' like a aung Lird. " , Inquirer. A - '. 1.) 1. i c:..; ci.ii lion in ricut. 'The cnterpr-' of C ;ius Clay seems, to '.r.i 1!"!2 fivor in Kentucky. rrocr-am4: j 1 ' ' j v-in idea that because there c a but ? ! ;a.!3 cf fimil: ia that State wh j are - . ;.crs f f slavt whole reminirg MM 'at 1 0:1 r ..rest, . ! . c-f . 0 .UiT 'J , a lrr.ct f. vj;"d to ' 3 slave Vct his object",- ier.'.u In ,r . : t'VLrv.;'...! I j .1 ;t:rn, that !.? r.jr: :r nl l! ? s! ivr'.. j!." ".j ir.t crest --'tort uastl.alf tho p'p! ' -r cf sarrs article j ' -' . ?t develeps3 the fact f r;?n-s:aveho'dcrs ia v .;c: t' -.. Ken! :;kv ar3 cppoeJ to z. rnqdq ofj,eman.rllIjj -ninctr-scvv children.-; . V-'.if. 4. x .... i.i L-'.v !. : ; - if - r -its it - . v i ii- r co ; -r. .'. , . u.-. " r'y with m:.;it rr " ;.. C r.,;: Jr.:-Jui- .'. , ..; :. . l;1 i i!.c t .f;-cts t!. ah) hii-icf tu-rv.t rl ir'-d'lhal 1' -T r-e.' n')t I-ej..' ' r j r.. -ri )!w nt"prc!, ' ; 'itis -Ncrik i- Jl v.ll ; cr. 'i tU Sj: . Otu.'y. fri:vi.. . . k 5 itj :r. ! v.nld ".be "scatterir.3 l!;ei - !ves dvi" v ! country. a II" !":w t!ut t!:aj j rlsfjv and. poor houses of i I.'. rth were already f.!!cd with then;?.. i iv cv-irc-bended that the rril woulJ bcc ii!--: rt. able if all the slaves were st z.1 If thc.Nvrthern people, "iIicrvfoTo, look . , .1 h oliit sn as a question nf intv:. jt, th y 'must sec that V y would, bei so riau-dy injured hv it. . . y : : : The. reraarks of "the Inquircrcontain some i -rf nt suncstions, w!ic!i ve'-t,iv will - et on Nor thorn op jr. We, -I ;v::h are perfcclY v:" -; th a the thou'd entertuiit- its o.v.. dis of i..wryl and its. moral effects, .." ikies n t attempt interference with our rights. Any attem; t nl abolition through the powers of the Fed. 1 G ivernment, will he stoutly, opposed by t..a iJouth, -with" peaceable 'resistance, in Cmgrc. .. ; and if the treasure succeed there, it ilj never lie carried into effect, as long as the South has on arm to raise in defence of her rights..- Letthe North," thcrefore,iih-; hold all countenances to the reckless fanatics' of the Abolition 5 party a j party which will ; never cfTect its object, bull by blood and in. cone able calamity; Let discreet" rrieri'ot the- North, who regard": slavery as an evil,1 adopt the advice of t'he Lexington Inquirer, and full upon some plan of eradicating the evil, not by; violation of. the Constitution, not by the insulting and disgraceful patronage of .secret emissaries,' hut by offering some plan .which will make 11 the interest of the slave, holders themselves to j tin in the scheme.' Until this muchjs altempted,the opponents of slaveryf need not hope lor its extermination. .---i?cA. Va'.yTimcs. " ' .. . .;J ' -1 ' From the New Orleans Picayune.- 1 - ' " Kattlc Royal In Ilapidcs Tlie list Western Democrat, published at Alexandria, in this State, gives lengthly pur titulars of a;rcgular b ude- recently fought in the Parish of Rapides, in whih several 'per. sojns were killed. To make a long story short, it seems that -some time in November Jast, o" man riamed James' Spurlock, together with Willnrri - Norton, his overseer, succeeded in runninVpff to Texas, ab iut seventy -negro -j property oh which the banks;ofT thiVcity- and rivate individuals havo mortgages to .a coo- :ablo amount". Tempting rewards were d- for the'recQverv of the "slaves, nnd.n ti.ifi.. ' voung man went on to Texas and sue i .eded i 1 starring back with fivo of-them fie reach - J some point cu the side of the Sa. btnebut w;w.'i,c! : iken and 'obliged lii give up.the.ahi. .tio v.as lite first atfemj.'. . ; Nut da. "tod by this rever,, ycuhg man is said to K-vc ;diered t ; een armed men', and bV-'c'Vcuitor 1. 'if- - a gain" reached the neighbcr.Kridcf tho. runaways v xas, unsuspcc'cL'''VTo now' quote from thj Dem. ocrat:- .-- . j -".' . V About daylight, on tho-morni- of the lOthlIm f-riy nlcretJ i j .-mLcs, sreored 56 negroes, a number of horses, mules, eV:c., and marched directly to the S.ibinc. "- Norton and Cirbr. f, overseers, were, we are inform ed, taken priouue-rs. T!:is cavalc? re moved '-wlv, and .h Frid iy night hist, re -bed tier's, on "Ten Mi' - Creek,1 distant' this place ut 40 piilos. Sovcrc-y f)- . d by Ira about ICO n.i!:j, the par,. y sunk on lumber, by the v The lead, mcdi' ' 1 - r. " " ' . -Cl . MOfl dist iy.b,. bu!lL-. s t .ro 'h the tc.. i r-:iard at the time, and im- ' his tr.M, (vli u-e his own ,) ;.; i, with th.a exception two, "heass..ii :nts, hesay s( red ' - no two stood by hn, ' ? nd Wilson, v.-eu shot Qjr hero, and a young ma'if r. .:ncd nan. .'ead. J!'-"( v -i:' '" r'.u St.?' '.d'T ki inglv- -f th-i" . , ments, and wc . '' -r.r.. ther, ; nd the., i ' r""vd thcif retreat. The slav. 3 were re. and .Jihor -victors started : he." ; r , -4 ' "Thet-. -f-il.. . -.-at does ..otjjsii- 1 ;V -jch" high-ha- 'ed -jroctJings, and say-, no Liiizen of'Pvapi- . was in -..y way connected wilh disgraceful alfir. . The schema, he says,- was concocted i.n th: city, - .:d i..e per- sc !ecled to "naske th. Jespcrrta ci.ort to I c .itv wiil.-.n'thc jur;jJ-' r?n 1: cf I is 1.. ,.id2s i3 a stranger t3lhil cum' , t-. - - ocrat t'vjs cL-Trs'is Strang tl.it prize! and t!.3 party t' i crtured tha' slaves, were riex Ji.-jrh'.r's cftl.vhcV Ln;i accour f1' ! foVr-cd a 1 1 r. 3. nes3,but we must insist. thai iha hv. 3 cf the fT.'e le :'J cr.flrrcJ cgi:.;-t t' out- casts r.-.'- w.jr s'.il l!.2 the-' cf. bloody A -c:'-'.-':! !".v: '.jr in Eypt, cys'ths' rich Hi--. - -s ; rtj-two " 5 z.: 1 cr.s hundred i.'.s : , ; 1 v iiiio lost of the . , cur want ...a of the f tnaking'the bil : rr.i thereby, do eurrrr.cy (Vhij principles you .ii. :i cf cur. people, being as ', t! 'er'jir pre?ents itself, r.rr:!!?r- ' J r.r.J changed for st r ty i r t:.. llltlS T' t r.ow ; : :: 1 2 r.m:.. 111" . - . 1 . i; Ii C. , ihing m iy t t .7 ' ! but this i ' Kothinj ii.. health and pr Jargn. .. It is cert litical economy, t! shoutd be all 3 to fL. trv.i 1: .1 some i:.Ji . coriomy, : cc.vr-'N'.i the' end. cf e an restore : 1 thu community at correct maxim inpo. very State Nation jci.Mf-: -t however has not bee i Tlie np"rt tlicn speak.. ; 1 r made "at tho North, m. New York, "Ten ncss.'e, and K.. proceeds;. t. ; v , - ' With all the rhitcn ' ; anJ elements manufacturings wq annually expend millions in the' purchase of articles manufactured at the North and tn Europe out of bur own raw materials. While underpins state of things -we have been gr.ovvingjooer, the hunufac tuKr-; have been growing rich. The individu. ul who buysm jre than he sells, "whose expend, iturtf- Is greater than his income, sooner or later must." reach j the; brink .of poverty and bankruptcy; Tl'e remark is equally true as to a State or community. , , . " In setting about tu ameliorate our condi. tion, the .first step is to adopt some. y stem that will enable us io buy less and sell more that will enable us to supply within ourselves, "our own wants " and .'necessities. :.' And here wo remark, that i hits "effects 'o"n ust it is "all the same ;vlietherw$ buyfrorivEufope or the northern States!". ' "'-A ;. , '. . . . The Report 1 then speaks tof the dillercncc in lite expense of sending la market the raw, Instead of'ifie -manufticturedxitrticle the ex. ports", arid consumption of North Carolina, and 11 proceeds with the .following Whig doc trine and sensible remarks ; .-.V lut the profits arising Irom ths-process of converting : the raw material are nof the only advantages attending the system Ab other is that it will 'take from "Agriculture suhae of the surplus labour; and, turn it into other pursuits. It will conve reproducers to consumers, anu tnus create ai nomi, in me bosom of the community good markets for the products of the farmer.' -: The Report. notices tha Geographical, dis dvaht.T. s- we labor u"der In a commercial view; our remoteness' from market, our sand bound cast and the wheals and Aru'ctions in our rivers,' .and comments .at lougih, as to" our.advantages thall the elements for'manu factiiririg ; ' it then, in contrasting black labor with white', makes the - following fling at our mechanics : i , . - - - j " -' What branch of mechanic I.avc we in ar country, in wjiit li we do hot and negroes often distinguished for their skill an 1 ingenui ty ? - in evciy place ice see thetn equaling, the best mechanics" . - - . :t 1 1 -.; One more extract and I h 'done: : ' - The v Committee' havo thus, at 9 greater length than they could -v. iih," presented their views onihe policy "of: introducing -the manu fuu . sysuan into North Carolina. Tliey firn -eh, e;t!iat it js the only r.oursetfiat ... veour pcciple from tHe evils that now j - j . vify press on th.: i. We have nearly ach- J the lowest point of depression, .and it is titne far. the reaction 1 ;.n. ..Our hab. its and prejudices ace rgai-.-t manufacturing, lai we must yield t.i the f ee of. things, and profit by the indications f ..alurc The poll, cy jhat resistsihe cV --;et is unu,i3 and si ci Jal. ..-Nothing elsecan restore us.' , ::, " .' Let the manufacturing sy. ' ie root among lis, and it i. ill soon -f - . h..-' a iiorojs elant in its "native iSA: it ..ill he. cotr our greatest nv ;nsof wealth anu1 pros ferity; it will change the -ours- t:-de, and in a great measu; . .e cs ' e: . jnt of Europe and" the North. 4 Kalure hasTntdeus far. more ii.Jepcr.i- "ent'of "them than they are of us. . ' They can manufacture our raw "materi d, but they cin: not produce it. J We can miseit an i manu facture it too. -h aie our advantages, that we may anticipate the time," when the manufactured ailicles'of the South will be shipped tc the North and sold in their markets t cheaper than their own fabrics, a:. J when the ! course; of- trade arid diflerencq of exchange vwd turn in c-jr ta .nr. . ; -di- ieian'of !th3 r t n fri- ii'thel JJ. ;"-i;'v-:tTc..ho-,Jr!tWid.,-4l .. . - - . .'"-''Pollv Ticks," rer'ied his c':trz:i f tiiar, Tri. Oli, cever j.:r. c t' -I f ' vcr of.Slr'.Toli?? a caadidita for re-thtlc ,- liver. Lu"kjl? tho ter was not ds.cp, tj.J i.istcid of capsiiic j wno iy tho weight o! the boat ca ma down on iha larboard guard, which strcck th3 tilca ana prevented her careening over entirely: ? i ne had jumped from tI2d. r JW" who cida ofih ki : : berths hurled Xo on is Cidoof th OflKtrt in r," every decanter, tumbler, pi l5f mlIR3 f the bar and pantry, the srashof (&c- the cabin and cook-house agninst SSjfJ lrf . the whizzing of the5steam and revolau'yj! the engines, the shrill shrieks"nd tries cf the women and children, the hoarse calls of th men, the shouts and orders of the officers, all rising together as if in contest with the wild tempest as it rushed by, was. terrible Jn tho extreme-. :-' : , , . . ' T ,. ', ; Fortunately the boat soon righted, and tha . officers were- enabled, to get her into port without any of the. passengers having suffer c J serious injury. The boat will require ei- 'r.-nve recurs., . - . . - . ' . Ilarlor discovered on the Georgia A '.tier from-Captain Fatio, of tho tier Ci-aivford, to the editor of the -a, states that he had. dis co. - it run iiitcen miles of th 'ivan. !vanta;;csfjra south.. ern naval c4 tion 13 in Ussabawr Sound, 1 r Mo.. .... - 'epth of water over the bir at low ti-e.v ' "?i s feet; and for a distance of five miles udov tho bar, along the hai jor, tho water 13,- frorii four to stx and even "fathoms; From thii oint, ten miles, th Mi ' aieryi thci - af nci less "than two and '. ... fatho-as water at any point.' - I he lower harLjr, according to Captain ratio' is protect Jc.io',:::.v3!rcnf -wind "and 'storm,' and the- country -iirour.J' abounds with livo oak, cedar and pine enough - with tare and re-culnvattort to' build navies for our country for centuries!'' Montgomery says Capt.'F., is the r oint where the Frcneti Admiral choose, in th Revolution,' to land his troops unuer-cover nts ingaies, ana sug geststhat, in another war our enernies might land . there, unless the .Government vedopts" soma measures for i!9 defence.'- Car.tain F.'.. urges that it be F.h-ctcd as the site cf.t! 3 nai . val depot at the south 'and, if his stat nanl does not vxngerate its advantage, ihe port most admirabty situated for such an establish, . j.TFoo?. . e copy the following' from tfie4. St. Louis Republican' of July 18th ; v;; --. We werer ;t aware, "until within a day or two, that wool constituted an important item , of export from this city, ..A gentleman who " is engaged fn the purchase on eastern CC count informs us that within a few weeks about 020,000" worth of wool , has been pur chased in this market for "shipment. Tho principal supply ihas been brought from Illino nois andihe upper Mississippi,and regarded by ju ucs as of good, quality - We are also in for. d that a large portion of this year's clip pings has . nut yet .como forward. . -Tha amount to bo brought-in will, probably more l' an t Yja' ' i'nn,,y vvhtc'i has appeared 111 the market." In Iowa, Missqurf.and Illinois, a large number of farmery arc turning their attention traihe raising of sheep. .They have found them to thrive' well, and it U now al most certain that this will, form' one of our' , staple export. -.."The increase this. year, . has very largely exceeded that of' any former year.. . " . - . '. -rx Correspondence of the Bjslcm Post.1' -, . ; - - NonTHA:rPTONT" Julyi14( 1 f 13. An Offer of ri:irs-::is:e n ZlX i Tex:i. . "As a - party f ,.;Uro .,ero r.acendinJ Mount Torn a - 3 s ; ;a, e. 1 Jre sd man, furnished with n.-lauj; t..k!j, c jsted a lady, one of the p .. ,-!.ji ..! itrc j b.5- tiina her cotrpanions to enjoy -:. .out inter in the middle cf iL U. ne sceno wun tnG ra,n poario down; sidel!PinS fl4s!lir! the boat laying on her strojeaVtJ!er fonv?rd ca-ia E;afly t.J. .J,--" on -ho rooi"ui.mney overbija. ocilzt rpanions u enjoy out inter " ' : eautifi ! scenery v. hich lay alon '"'' - "-' 7 of C'rr..eii:..t. -; ",yr''. iorni..g, r. JamP' . taid tne fish"-" ,1 :j ruption,the Leautili the rich valley ' Good rrorr.i erfnan. toucLtc hts nat. - ' - Good m .ming, sir! replied the lady. with a dignity of manner, which would havo been considered perfect at ihs curt uf Queen bhzaheth. . " tit is a 'dv.-i mortdng, madam. ". continued the gr:: .' :n; " I saw yoOr bonnet at lha foot uf ..ill, and I thought I should like to mar'y tl. v ! 1 dy who wore that' bonnet. I struck r..v .'...'v exactly, and I have walked uphcre to as'.; ycu if voir would likVt'o enter ' lhat bleVed tlate witb rae." "" " ' "' Th? lady was somewhat startled Rt the ab. ruptrt :s of this proposition, and c firct im pu!se was to hurry on to her Cpmpanionsbut her dignity and self, possessfoa ;pre'v'ai!edv' " and she quietly lurccd to-the strai.sr and ! saidi . it was a very serious proposal to come j fromcne who h?.d never seen her before; ' ! , "Cut I hav? ire:, -ur binnr-t," said hV ! "and I know' you wil uitme.'i have money and. a good 1 j. j :. the foot of"yc-3er hill. 1 Mv wife and ...Ildren are dead nnrl T nn !! ne. ! f you outlive me you shall . have all -f' my pro-erty. ;f you die first, yoii shall bo j . buried well. I havo "lust ot a new stonrt for. T?' the grave ot my wife, for which I give twen! ty-six dollars 1 buy all my things for . thok ! nouse by tne quantity. x You shall. bo. well ) provided for in r-.-tV,in f ilnn't tMr.k vouT 1 I ' J t f could better; !, . - " -- r.' Tlie lady, had ceen rnuch of "the worid-r' had held c0rnand in the fashionable circles of the r.,,i d the "chivalry" had bend ed v to her beauty and accomplish i , K-r.tt an J the learned to he intelligence And- -i ' c-;;v-.ion of her rtind.- . She. had sailed tn- - j- --..land unconqurruc---.,. - , 'J-rCttVS' I. .nr. s a uiii-b - -1 more i ....... - .. i MHawnnprM. iiljli iu . .. . "nTj ; . nd c-'V raised her form to more dignity to ;- b1 ,Vlo fishing widor-r, JV't h?m to. bestow himself and his Cryo ; 'j'on some one Xlse--' : ,M "; T ,13'V- ' That. d er iv sicoJ I; -c.ici! . . i!y twi !,' i " : ' -: 'i!!-j p 'A' hi" '!'' y t'wir own coantriw. ' J MA km ... V