i. .a:;d plc. c...:i v.;: ire - . ' ! r. liar, c: ij al!e f pro it IP-'. " T r.. ! in t .1 1 ' t -I f Tt I n .Hit A :' . r- j . its nc. : r, 1 i !...., , i . c '""J tV ! - (!.ar;ef-r a".r. ' f r c:V.c8 ia !. - " r, n , . :ur t i ' " ' :1 laiiic;;, or . -A -ors!;'rr t'-irrnrr in lashl"" s t l;..i. !:c-j I Vo a Oiralo;i Swings 11 VJ ' ''!: happy of contented in, f r ilivera rcarons, 1 Ji- r.l stV,lpnl vvh'1 VV"3 l',cri3 tTl" irnS imcrt'in n n t ; an 1 though I hid often " lih-; to h thit she was nil 'ho wuild to me, ""'i'.ili nil '"''ilw v-'fU'of fihim were rhy. ;ri)P!iyJror,(cyinn; oiwou i, i f.luny,j r ihc'.t haw could I I J away 1 -re rnrtii.ed vbvjt two week, (jnJ P -: ' a of niy di. geStive"pawcrhaJ been w" waters J -t the Cjr.rc Fountain thi S"-J " rrnv.r.cJ ' hcal.t lcr;ia to Fproiil our i:i full If- " 1 r u 4 r i , :ch inclined to Iran' u: .i to fconic other hot bed of fashion.' ; While. uVfbl. ' lath. uliicli waj direct t! j head rf my tan lo.'.i leader, eircuiiiaii:-. V: h I an ' 6bv;t to rtUte, occiiau- .rd my d . w J was senW'd w ntlnj.t1" ri't ser vft'nt, whom I h id sent p-.; . - to sco if;i:nmi hail lluui-U of a-'-enns my last,' bcnrfiund mysrdf solij. ;-iizirj in somc--" thin- like the following strain i 1: '. . , ". j "This ivprob-ibly tho list sermon of my bachelorships oext summer tho gbr.v ftot ' will belied, and I enrolled a Buiirdiit t - KnmaS)mr'rtopf, whal d ) I Wcrifiee f r ir Iovr! , No more the Ik o' '"'p, her anm. liry.or the nigh i6li'acrib l ' will 'J In'Hhed v o't) mc fjrcwcll the crowded bill. room, ibe ' puit.stirringciilil!i')n, ih a 7. Va r - lie rc 1 113 ' ''waltz, nnJ irihc priJo, pom; r..id ciicism. of gloriouj1 bachelorship, 4 farewell , ,0;hcllo occupation 'a gone T 1 1 was mtrr ruptcd by thb entranco of my servant. . . . Nj letter, sir ; but a-young lady. Ins sent hecard1 said Simon, liaVJit?'' be embej cd acJ cronuill.ed artilo to h.e. , r - I Mis Susan Whealley M -ah, --t brings M; W (i mv nnnrlmonl DJhq wVnl I mechanically drew' my fin v-i ' . I p-r thriHigh my hair, c ist a furtive glance at ii ' r . I . ... it ....'.,t..V 'nr. A . t tie mirror, tt no sauMieu uiai ;m wjs.ugniw 1 that I lookVd sufflcienily, killing", o.waiteij'lhe Approach of my fair visitor, J , ; !. ' - J," My cear Mis9 Whcatloy j'the'eopderoen.' ston " . , - . . ! . . jS'Oa, Mr. JenkcDfion; t shall expire! " . j BaM'ateJ.proy." ' f ':' ; 11 ilow rude in mej'what il the' j 11 How can I serve the amiable friend of , Miss Somcron? " x '.' , ' Such was our first expressions pit m.ceting. iThcyoun hdv was-evidently mtich ctnbat. . 0 . .." . . r . 1 ' . - rjss;d, find after variou- prefatory atmpts at introducing business, at lendlh commenc- i. . ", . oi!"- . !"Mr. Jenkinson, rvcrybady Vr -vs. your Vtnincss your ttcn' ton oi our sex - -yoUr " -j 41 Oh, "ft hy, V thought I, Vh'as nature made me so irresistible ! Poor .Miss Wheatlcy ' kVieVgonc, I see,1 ' - . t ' " - ' And it is thatjknowlede that! iiasjnduc- - til mo to apply' to VouV. -r ?ryt jtcculiar ; iu My services, a dam', are at your dipo- 0 1 sal comrmnd'mc. ' "' r V , 0!i, sir!you are too good rtvould you Wliouutjsir, I have tun away from pa. 'Ho would have me marry that odious. English Mr. , Basil, and sosor:I ran away, c.Tpc-tin to meet a young-don't look at mo' so, sdall never b able ; iA jou--to y.zct a , 'jOUnS man'herc, sir L : T fr.J lis has gone, 1 and pa w iH be here this c -roon , cs ha irac- cdme that abominab'v; . i Frapton, I suppose told himnow, " if n' would r-1;' consent, in cass lu -'- HrJ r.sbcf-.-? Charles comes, just to tJ--',', ; J " Wlut, Miss, marry . iny'solf, and so j -prove your natural pre J -J "Oh.ta. sirVnot f ! 1 ! I b?3 : paroa. sir. ! d.m'l rr.r.... VOU ae r"t a very nice young man, tut Fvo pror:reJ prr Charles, you know! " . ...'".Yei, ar.jl'.j promised Etr-1 ton,yoa Ir.: . , iWe. " ; ,iCcii:..:y, 'liusVird a I.;., r 14 -. . 1 Usw,t!r; v'.. tj c 13 ! .J ihat'read rr.!- in rt jc'-j yrJ -1 . . o .... I 1 cs Ch-fL3 cc -i ."re f-"r.- 1 i :!lr tl.-re 1 1 it s p3, it s ra ; S ' , , f vj nv;Jo r. ' my cirri-- t I '" n-h.h v: . I '. arm r.:.J I J4.. verity ; cavalier' At t: u t!.a ' ubseq:;'. Faulk r-: u.. . -: rr:: Icrs as !.. : i'., it I va ' ?o I d'-rr-ined t'J t possible. i i . nn" n' nnotlicf rqu'p'Jgc darted ' r I " t' s'pt.M !.( d bv the ;s scr and ny city friend Mr. , - liltt. I expected next to sec him turr toutJ nndUnnd out his charming daugh. ter Julii, who fiy thej way had been nn old f.irr.'jof mino; but a I i l if 0 to my surprise, the c ipri 'o doop viis closed ; he was solus. I turned from the Window to go down and meet him when, sn ccremoni-j, my dvMr was opened, and 'Miss Ju!r;i Fuuluner herself sto k! ; I fore me. l Oh, my gooJ friend! " she crh'd breath less v. ;;!i ufTiighl .r.no; h'istfi, 'I am in such terror such an equivocal situation. " ;u Actually so,'V "thought "I, for lhc y r.ng lady - h id turned 'the key' in ' the lock ! but whci' cr through agitation; inadvertence, or . I. it, l could not presume to sayc -- , " Oh, sir! ' y, and relieve nic!.Mj. ;$t IIww,-1 ; u: - s Miss? eak your wish- cs, odd whatever a; friend t r yours, and the bcti :'. of Mistflvmrna ji.ierton can in hor.ori' 1. -hall bo wihinly-performed.V 0!: -f rouldn't uulttct'a my husband 'v'HWhy, I c.v:U try." - . ; Well, will you,t':i n.my "dear sir? WJn'f rcallv M.s- Faulkner 1 -have no objection that -is I 'tavc no '.Oh, sir, you hesitate,' and "I ?m lost! ? but,' sir, you '. nov my f-ithers cleik', Edward Gaines, him, you 1 remember, . you, wero so jealous of .'4 wo years ago j when you thought your'" Tf indove with me.- 'VYell, sir, he pro reised to meCt ; me here .yesterd y, and '.we wro to,have clopnd together and bet n marri. od ; he has notarrived, but, my lather has j and if we are' torn asunder !"Oli !-considcr Imy iituation! ' J , 4 ; I , 'going to run awl-ay vhh; J lefra nuleonmy table, r.t home,' .'siying with tho man r heart"? 1 - ow.sir, coulchrt yoii bo he? y t "'Wi'' ;!io" greatest pleasure jm-tginublj ; so let's boldly-silly forth 1 and meet. the foe? 'si jylet me Hrst unlock (Tiloor. "-. : - J Oh, sir, ! v.c'iuld yoii be'so impfudeiit as toTock the do ? ,what would tho-, world ar.! t f!!if Avn nnt ntt'rirn.thnt the ir. was V'r oivn "As she open-' . 1 " ;r was passing $ he ed tho'd n- y. caught a !i;-.v of.l. ' uighter, arid rushed ir. y p pa ft menu.: , . ' oj, .f.iss, you are found, are you;and with the mjm of your hear I too ? " c i ' ' Pardo papa " J- - . ; ' , s ,. Pardon you, . Jt 7.i bel ! neverk never ! t j Oh, don't be st ""cr iiel, pipa ! and 'tv second ife ch.ng4o' rr.j for proteclio:; I now thought I had received my 'cue to f ;' so turning to her, s'ik- :. -' . . Never fear I will protect you, most i's: Icctablc of your se.i! " v, . j - Delcctal'j of vour sex be Ranged " s tho father's echo . ' ' Come, Fir! " jrejoined I '"no pr.,iectioii can bs more potent, than your gray hair.. your paternal relation to my "most Lc. Julia"; ' ;t, if j'ou'fjrget yourself,! shall be cor. """I, however reluctantly, to asc it my pre Ve as this hdy's future champ'on. " ' Prerogative ! your prerogative! and pray v !. itchf n cun your Wt?' "-V - "V ' Claim, sir, ;! of I husband, s;r. , Iluiband ! ,ut, already r -: i?" 1 Yes sir, already 1" -rr' ; ' y. whom, fcir, when,, and where, mv ' J, - Julia can Inform. ' :J ' ; Ar I-if she cnulJ sure :t .juld havo puzzled melo t.' t J.larried this is r-' r r tcrferes ir.n'frially with r.m -r.r .cnts ; i'.itR3lisdr.j why I must make the best out cf ! "t I trust : ivt a very Lad bargain, and sd, sir, the i ny hand you are forgiven,' anJin'tuki. ; my, d rjghier, you, sir,-have found a? jgT a r?r- -s th? State of N. York c-n r,.. ' T? I jj-p-c;?e, sir, you can spare yc :r bri ' f a' "f- " rr.cmentsi". and she will will n: - Tr'' ' '3 a " rn5rut8 or lw f 'r the purpose cf pull" g her father's room iu c.de, rnd mi'iirj i: as'romforl "v- she u.cd to t' t!" lack' parlour in Brc - . ay for' me. - A rc?d: comp' ::ce, cf cjur?3, v::s the rc""r7--"-- ar-d father and ' ft rrartr:.cr.l. ? ! . s IV ar.tl p.'. -"ny! though: I," a? the;-1- -d; .oll, foiuj has showered her fjy" .i:poa ma pretty liUf&iiy this u'ay;. sny i i ; c.T ! t n d.'u'.' l .!;e, i v c t-:o ! dir. on. ; J s n t yet bear like, i let i! j f-tily know I s!.all L fli'ccrj to i ii or.j cf t!. j the house : c::J it ii CT )ttd. J. V - . ' .... . Jdy, trus'y vakt soon ncquittrd himself of his r,.i-siont and' Col. Somerton, - lady, and my I;hmna, were receiving the bows if llieir most ttbsequ' rts, humble serv "t. Ths cn. vcrstion winch; nnued Lti njvar.t to ipi to do. mv pr stnt slorv, I v..all r tjueaic; sufTice it to say, ! was lounging along one of ihcfdshionnble prorv.r.nades ith Ctn ina under iny arm, and had almost forgotten, i;i the, rapture of - ihe. unexpected meeting, the two ladies Jwhofcl limed my most ten' . sym. pat hies. ; jl wasacliugas G.ymedclo y be trothed one, and lianding her4a goblet of the medicinal jwutersr when I wast suddenly rous- ed to actian, by the npproacri from opposite path; of iny two "caraspos 7' each under the )rotcctionof pa and papa ! i C , . , - Oh, MrJ AVheatloy, L am rejoiced ta see yu,-1! said Mr-Faulkner. - - - ; , - Kothing can equal my surprise and sat isfaction," replied Mr.' Whealley. J My dear Julia, this is Miss Wheatlcy , 1 continued Mr.P. ; c ''; i .'-.-". 1 y, this is Miss-Faulkner, V rejoined Mr W. - - !'llarvnv to make acouaintance," &c This was, of. course, followed by mutual inti mations that it was a mistake to use the term Miss. . - , ""'Miss, no longer, V said Mr. F. 4 Oil, you know then, all nbuut it, eli? : I can't say. I'm sorry." . . , -; J(S rry why "I'm delighled.:' '' Oh, you're too kind. " . r 1 Well , d n't you " think1 him a fine . fel low.? " ; , : f . v ' : Certainly ; but,.Susy I you must keep a sharp look. cut, for see -hoy afll-cttonately Miss tlmma Somerton is hanging to your husbiindV arm. 11 " "t .-V. "Your Susy's husband, rejoined Mr: JLJ. '.what do" you mean? 1 1 l T Mean, why, that rrpr--- .woman is my Susys husband 44 Pooh ! nonsc;. , friend Whealty this' is Julias husbind. . ' . ".- V ' , Your Julia's ? 'tis; my Susy V, " " Your Susy's! 'tis my Julia's. " ' ' -Emm looked at mo ; a'jshort flash, such a5 we' denominate h t-l'hti:!-- In a sum. rner, -visible, but no-' 1 . - - aherig in -Jict'c "I began ' 1 " - inys.lf her M. i withdrew fro , .'although , my vanity was;gratified, to think that I should bo a'bone f contention between two i.idics, to be bone' of . my . J ; but the vour: t Julia nr:i Susan -icast ;uwp!orii ; bol.s upon me ; at length I broke the pause, u universal astoni ishmcni.-" - "V '-.rMr. T?'irne'-. y good friend,' 'and Mr. VM"catle- esteerr i -""d sir, pro- n.sj mp r l 1 1 w'hl re. -ve your t curiosity, " omise ; v. M hi j this ip : 'iC ry.-11 1 l ' - ,1! n,-each t r-rr tQ to . rant i.iy fir ' v r M." gi'- huJ it . !iit it r , and 1 wjllun-hj ?3me little demur, ; .promise w.v ! I'cnndidly related the facts r 1! v pired. s ;' . ., You hussy, ' ??"- !" roared Mr.' Wheat. ' u c'l! L' ic to New York and a board. ..ool shall tcach'you better manners." " Softly, my dear sir," interrupted; I, a:-" boryour promise to grant my first re t- ..ama it sir, ;'.Ti est,. then, Mr: VheMley, ycur c ...sent to ihts'inarriace of Miss Susan with her ad- mi re ? Charles, end secondly, Mr Faulkr.rr, y- consent to tl. j marriage of Miss Julia !' .'ward G i'aes. " "' ladies1 ;cycs brightened, t'.e consent was 0iven f'ow and rel-ttant I v. as trijrrs phat,'and Emma slowly "ressed my h-r ' in hers.- Tiot v prolong f"rj, tint fortnight a' clerical gentlerr.nn from ' " "v performed a tripplo marriage, and I L 1 t to the reader' "vmpathelic '"q;. find out who the parties. .j.?'.'--;' ... 1 ' " ., ".:'S: . The heat in New Orlear.3 is . 1 rveat, that tho Board oi Health hav r.c.r..T.ended. the su pension. of bus:r."3 "n the hours of 1 1 A. and 4- P. f T - the total disuse of ardent spirits ar 1 c. ' ; I James GjIT.iey,L.; Iri.' afiVai PhllJj.V . l.r.ir i. ! u. .. ijiian luxury ci V.:o viv3. .an ii in !:ed'in-' mi i. 2 t-- port says " is thc-jjht s..,' Q -r ' J Theroare bet;, .e:: nv and TrrN thous, :' .rpet.ters cut ' " vcrl: and upon a strike at.iu;.: men, era 1 l ; ' - ..vpye l t j :rjz,3 ! ) bac .... cn J was er""'1 i. , i cJ tj r-.t-p'.. tV.? c-n i: 1:1 3 T:lh ef .-:!- ?"r r r :ar 1 1 r 1. 3 1 r J f.. IS CM IV' ' rr ; ! r" ' i tha Dri"" 'i omrr. muer to ' :j ..ial fiig, to which he replied: ' i'i recJ,rni-e vour cu r; vou c- nir::ti'":i; neither ar you undr j patron. a6 f any nitiori. . ' ? authori:y that grant! ( il vmir nnnprs i not a roeormised one: nnd what riiihl has the d d Yankees t ;.4ice culoiitc-3 on the coast any how ! Your eul rs I deem nod for nothing." , I. -, T . This is a heartless outrage iipon a fWble colony, but in keeping with the infamo . r- acter of Engtisli policy. One of the crew of the John S-'ya is missing, and is supposed to have been murdered by the oflici d pirutn.be- lo" ' - toiler Biitannic Majesty's ship Lily. Ti.j.t j'Xt of. the seizure appears to be the destruction tf Cupt. lJnson,' palm oil, tra ding pfists along. t!.c coast, so as to divert the trade r- m American, to . English vessels The Bri.tr officers rifled the J. & of the most valuib!'! articles on' board . ,r . The Cjlonles nie; generally prosperous Gov. Jlu-jsworm his, visited uir interior. tribe of Natives at D5.'na.f: about, thirty; or ., forty miles due east from C pa Palmas. He madQ a treaty of peace with hem,: which, was duly ratified by the ceremony of spewing.yatcr, which ; ' the form of oath observed by the Dot; le; ' The covenant is.performcd,by the chiei. cf. the contending tribes, after.the palavar is talked which is a kind of Court iield by the head r men, kings, chiefs, and all who have any influence. . There is a bowl o water preparcd,'the king which appears to .bat the'most willing to makc:peace, first dipsihist hands into the watery 'and afijer slightly wash ing' his hands, ho fills his mouth: and spits it out: on the ground a few times, and; spits th last time he fills his mouth ,'jihe Whole" mouth ful into.u nds of the other king, who sits before him white he .performs the act. yTh j being done, the mhtrji.:1 'Z. 1 j;t;iji.uj una goes iuiojgirtues.iine process. This buing done by the (kiogs,; peace is. made throughout '.the tribe or natiou. The Governor succeeded in getting a peace of this surt made between the Demi and the Cape Palmas people, -there; be ing one of the very influentiaTmcn from Cjpc Palmas in the company. ). , .The Dena-JCing -expressed a: wish to have missionaries and teachers in his country, a r.d arrangements were in progrcss to gratify this" ' .udable desire. His country is i very fertile, - J is the key to interior tribes oL great pov. er and influence, inhabiting, a celebrated part ( f Central Africa, knwn nrhon the natives the long bush" country. :. , The Rev. F;. A. Russel has gone into the Goulah country', the mission station bf which is" kr.own'as Mount "Andrew. ' Mrs. Russel nppears to rive ast. nishea some of the more timid, by venturing to r- .rrpany hir hus band into the wilderness. . " : !' From the.nev territciirs,o.Sinso ar Lit. c Cissa, ih- r;.!esionaries write encour. tic Jy". A n-itiveof.tlie latter -is supp :eud- to have been murdered bv a neighbor, nd the ... . ""..I r .M. .. - . M 'O " ' I - : . I I I.I f I - ' - . t . xeai wiir. vnicn ineu. tiomai .si'tioritUo invcs- ,t cav3 in.idtj a t lious impression upon tl - "nds" of the ir.tiv'' who have con accu tDmc'd to scenes of blood without retribution. Tl ? ' "cv.ed ,waj 'cq"iitte'd for want of revf that t' -."ivsing man w. ally dea. ' . A new dwelling, eor-'ruc'- J ' " r:tc- r.:)d etc- r. r, fell; 'ricks 1 iured. - brick intended as a de!!ir. Samuel Benedict, Lieu:. 0 MonroviaT 23lh May, ov ir. -ing imperfectly burnt.- Ni; " A-yr-ihg man nam: 1 -T,i . Butler of Marsh , 'vhila divi:1 fcr oysters in Junk Riv: , :T. May,' was foiled by - &!,-irk. Half cf '. side was torn' oft, , and he: died r a after getting into the boat wiih his com. j-enions. , Th. Critisb coixed ten of. the settlers to go '. Jiimrdca two'or three yeari ar i ' : ff i!.;n writ: back ' " You who have your ' yourselves happy; ac! t ny in the Tif ( f God, cietlcs; fc. is th I ever sw. By the- 1 :o reach home sr ? diy frien- L a "heu...uij, mah .ear your Colo ' improve v' r'-So" Smin-. place i Lord t hope 1 lis is a rhisera- tie and adulterous hole." '.---' " .J '. A Boa Constrictor: was captured near Old Field settlement, Messurado river, thetom ach cf which contained a full grown deer, horr ; rr. Ja!!. The natives' w,. pre; "ng to f ' Lpoa his f-ih'cship,lh carcass; cf n-hich they described as " big hog meat.V A correspondent cf AfricaV Lur..! ..demns tha haetcvith vrich cf I.' cr her r.::.!. "3 ! -ve rr.arriri c.-jii.it af;e. thc death cf their .. Ives c-J hjir.e!;' ". The British cruisers captured tizer.'r; t -j.li slavers Spa:.. l.Portugues?,. and Brazil, ian d-jrhrg tho five rr.or.:hs,n:irg Cltt cf lUv hst. . . . . : .v , : ,'; . Crcut I'i; - 1.: . . The ' Ocean I .. Death cf S.m;:r r probal'c fas of s: 7 - Newport, Dsah Sitt:W. , It iJ. ' :ias . ,, and . 1 the . i:g with : turned luck the iV.-n sp-?nt sacbuselts,' this m .. . . were yery . greatly c. - ' to Ocean House" full cr.J ... people- more than . a hunJi - i away.; We trhnJ with "sin.l'. w Atlantic nnd lh.vu Hou--. four or. five hours in trving ; to a private house. .-At lengil. cd in tolerable comfort at Townsi 1. Probably r.o watering place in the' was so crowueu ks ixuwpuri.is uiu j season. - -There were over-three hundreu fifty strangers in the Qccan Uouse olone, ui. every-place in the city fulL - - " But.it turned our that our , regret, nt being exclujled from thu Ocean House was foohh and wicked. - At about one o clock Jo'-ilay, whilo tho. fashionable, throng were dressing for dinner, the ook-housc, a small building adjoining , tho cr,st?rrj wing of " the llotel, caught fire, and blazed from the floqr,'-where it fell, to the roof. t - ' - "iv-:, In an instant the cry of fi re-. ws given, and such a scene of confusion; and distress ensued as ho man could wish to" see ,l wke Theibarders wererunning from room, to room, screaming for their friends ; brothers, husbands, wives aiid children, and all inquir- in with white lips the cause 01 uio- aiarm There was a most pitiless lack, of -water, and the, flames seized with fury upon the ext reme. ly dry and combustible material of which the cook Huseas welt" the' whole building- was " nL. ""j iho "nlrm the COlllpUcU whole City hurried to the frpotf and thq opini jon already became general that not a limber of this graceful and aijj but light and iinsub. stantial edifice could bo saved. . I ' ..'The work of carrying out baggage 'rjow began in great earnest ;.&nd-fair aristocYiitic hands, albeit umlsi-d to the working mood,1 fjerformed incredible tasks of porterhgeV The large, and magnificent parlour of theIloteIi occupying the whole of tha North jrodj was now stripped of its cosily furniture ; 'and tho field oirectly opposite and to the Noithward of -rtho.. Hotel "became 'speedily filled with trunks, boxes; furniture ,"cVc.&c., whiTe'lh'e street was lined with elegantly attired ladies; lamenting the ;ioss of tlioir dinner or their dresses. '. " ' "v. - i" ' Water ! water! water ! 1 iva, ihe unan swered cry. of the'Firemcn r.;.J the citizens who had rushed to the spot to render their assistance ; but none "could be procured, The fire Department appart ! t '-c effici- :;1 and well organized a. . nd daring 1 . what food wero their half-dw. 1 fue en gincs wii. ..t wutcr? It was now c riy seen that tho bujldinir could not be save.;, and in two hours the whole pile was a smoking ruin. The Ocean House waVbui!; ' y the ' P-jan House Company 1 winter -' ' last., ;. 1 fin ished l,ii winter. Il w 'cd at $30,000' and insure! in Provide, .c and ;Bo6ton for 318 It - 3 rented by John 'GV. Wea: ver, t , ort, who paid 8 per cent on the v ' building wis in the form of an ., i. .'ing north rw.j east the northern ing being .2-0 feet lon, and the eastern winj: 12o 1 v C'J .our itorit ' i"h. ' It con- :ii.J looms. Its situ .,.1 was beauti .... and commanding, r.nd its loe :? a heavy blow to Newport, s well ' - an indescribable inconvenience to the boartiers, a fjrcai many jof wlmm wcrq from Now York . ' . -But the saddest portion of this cr' '. Ity the death of Samuel Fowler GarVr. Esq., ro of the oldest, wealthiest ar.d ,jsl esiim : c ens of Newp. rt. - flu o .1.3! a !ar' i yf property I re, r:. 1 w;is th; jg t and "part proprietor of t' , ive'Tewport Cotton Mills, the. C . rry Nc. t ortl. .mMiUs, ar.d another ... he was exclusive o .jer. He leaves a vifo acd ten childr ei. : . . The'body of Mr. Gardr. as found in the ruins, more li.e.i half consumcd-a key and a.pencli lyi goal.!: est. I also fear that 'Thorns ll. Ilazzard, Esq., 'residing in; the beautiful country seat of Varcleuse, h'iS per. Micd! You will remember him u : the? author . orr.e lilical Tracts; published in 19 -14. , W S. Ii is certain, I am told, that hv is :ead. ; ; ' ' - George Currows 'and R.oh.a.Coxill rer3 catha laddor iih Tlr. GarJ;:er -.hen the eastern l.-j came down, r.J tl .y fell out v. ,td, h;.!3 ho fell ir.sldj the burning" walls. ie two former arc s.e;ouely ir; nnd it ep;css . rov".-::::3 .jr t.. Missacl-.useits to coma here at:d take c.7 tLa pisscngcrs to-night. We aro novr v.-;;!;: h-rN Meantime t despatch an cxrrc:j t. come through if ha i3 ahve. , tJ lodgings for the night, , - , - , Vrt . . , qlso food. Yoursin hastei rt -A Kfrinoti nt t!i. The esteemed Editor of the United Ga'zette; is again off m his summer rlrabC.lt communicating 'p!eaaa,nt descriptions andx,. wholesome reflections to his" "Dear Arm Chair." TT j thus discourses of a funeral at a grave'.ynrd near PortsmouUi N. H. 1 The" Sexton and his assistant took' the cofatJ from a poor Ifearsc, and laid it in a.usepul c!ro hewii out of a' solid rock," that end of v j tl.o grounds-having . only a slight layer cf .till over an immense stratum of granite. " ' a being of the whole followers' left the . :.3 to go near the grave.' There wero rJs uttered, and no sign given by ths lc, . rl.itv. "-thing broke the slillncsi o ih i.j wiici a u.iie ciiiiua a girl. 1 .... 1 ;':nt amid the almost inaudible bs o. ' r mourners, d- . when from thftwii. . e irriage, the saW them beaiing awav:her ...... i lay ing that form in the earth, she fort 1.. y son 'of quiet under 'which &he had l:Ti house. She remembered enly the boi::n on An which sho imd nestled, and1 she "I ted up t hht voice and - wept.l There .was 1 uf bp- f sides deep seated and silent grief ii. live while-, the-mourner lives. Tha j.x:zs ' ' had Uen performed that is,' a prayer . i Urcn ofTered-'at the "house; so the trrin cf- carriages passed onwards and co.,. . d. ...j ' 40 their home, new left desohte, i..-ro l " a home which may lark iha.T-oa to 1.1L3 . it -better. ' f - "Are tbere no services at ihe'grave I :re?" . said w to thc sexton. - - . v . -:. -. . . .None unless ii tho Church ' ' have service at the "grave, but v 3 do rtol. . .' 'Customs -difTer with climes,' siii ve, "fd.to tr.colone ; -rson with-whom we csuld converse. tl.f? sexton, CI have. .r.l t 1 r,.n , r i ' . I VJ I VI 1 IVJ f good deal of ihatTioi and I have 'found thaufuneral customsvai meveryport,.andeven in-the same port, aiufug uuicreni classes. - ' . "And which did.you think the most erpro pnate?tV"" : -f r.' '. "WjjyI could not always tell. I found, ' th..flghr that however -mubh the 1 clergyman f ' might $ny in fvor of the deceased, tl.a com- 4 munity'm yhich he had dwelt, soon lrcu!:t, his life and conduct to theirstauJirJ, ,&cd measured them' with 'severe truth." -Bat do yoii not ihink MhaiVsbme have been i ried in' tearless site'ricewhosV virtue have 1 w-o- rccogniz-id afief their death, and thus si cad a srt of lustre upon those kindred fjjeiuU' whom they left behind." " ' A'. somc,:mcs certainl) ,somctim3J," ' sa. : bextou ; end he" stuck his "shovel up- ' r' '.: In the fresh carth.'and approaching tha"'."" chain which was stretched around the ea-'-' closure in which :ho" 'stood,' he pointed fa a -prominent but not large slate head 'ens, in . -the burying ground immediately adjoining. ; V, There" said he,. is buriec a man who". , contrived alnut all of-his lifj lobo bci:o;.ir.j . benefits on o:! rs; but as he did r.a r.iar. ary ' very - remarkal le ' favof, and; had no - great ' wealth, ho Was never pirticu'arly noticed. ;T Aitj as I remember, siiJ ;-3 was r. "-ood man. . but there seemed to h ; i.j o:.c t . . cr:; ; . ; particular.instar.j cf :i;l :. -' y !':. II had ofTen fed a'socic t;- 'nee, pay fij'r a -pulpit or buy a be! though it was; said he spent t "refused in' assisting a nur.jer persons. 'Well, sir,' v.! 1. r - - r to - ;.- vd. 1.2 v;-j buried in silence, as this l,.!? Las been; arj-- - 1 uiougni ne was lorgottcn.v.ucn-nuricq; lui -some bf-his' secret acts of benevolence were. ' fresh Tn the hearts of several, and they gpcie - . out his praise, and thousand j fell the ab- sence of ' his kindness, for it was.like"- '; 1 i . iMy friend, thersexton, was unable to illus trate . He failed for a minute to" find a com parison. . . At length seizing my hand and pointing : iwardsthe vanes. on the. numerous steeples of thctown, he continued wjth ar;rr, Hon . . ' - 4 : - - " l; - J - - It was like that ' The sun-hat has che " t down from our sight, is yet in existence, and '.ose vanes tiraucatch his beams, are bearing '" utimonyto his setting effulgence'; while all , .-. below feels the absence of its light, an f elndj -t in groaning chilliness and.gloom." '- k ' '' believe;"' said the moralizing sextori, that if a man will steadily : do good to his . fellow men; it will be, bund, "when he -hss gone down to his grave,:. that his virtues will, ' .;. . like that sun light, bo reflected by some, zii rt embered by all. - And I if he does that ' goodin.a proper motivej he will, though ro.V" s ing dowrr. from uv be allowed, like th'-t sin, to shine oh, and to be regarded by.othc;." " Tho.' sexton had donrr,-by accident, v. hit..- the clergyman, 'by; thcJ custom of Ihc.-.c?,' " had omitted ; and so I lefi him," that I t..:ght : - -consider of. his funeral discourse a the cpa- " rave. - : - : ' 1 ' ' e ,:. -it,;-.. ..,- 1 .. i 1 m- inini u i . n i'i.; " ." A. G McNutt, the: great repudiator, i? a . f,' candidate for the 'United States Sertts 'irt Mis' 'pp'u and he has signified his inter...oa of addressing tjie people at sixty-eight cl.V-r. . ent places, between the 27th of , July c.r.d.t"..j " 4 :h cf November I Banner, - - - , Rome could rank amongst heir greatest ty -rants also her gre- drunkards, for icstscca," 'I'M. ..... JJ, .... V .j,llt 1 (asiJJS:1'.,.

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