;:,..'- ' UvY: ...'j Y :. ' .. .V i ,' ; "'.;,,, !,;, (. I;'.'' , i . -.V... ' .7 ,::,,;;'4fH.i "k .: 1 : :t "' " A "' 1 V I ;T'"ik "-' ' "1 A t c.: cr:: 1 ,. ...... m -:,..tc;:;:.ii r . . . - - and tr.zr..lits cT llz Lr-::!i:--.3, cr. J l : ycu carta ft c!:sa -r, T Ti.-1 -J J i. i . T-tyou 1.-1-- tjpl.-n a t . , n -maic next A" "J, ;-P yJ f-'I t-l. M . y KcUcd" a victory. -;!:rjf r . '-. menLoccj, will not da. Every tody Lr.r.vs . . - L - . ... T I f- T sioekyoU sro f :-S3i tooa expect to tee the C..I riv?r c!...r. - 3 i:s course and flow a it neve r Izz vr.l rA" will, as to tec North C-jruIi.-a c!jct a P r cratis Governor, jThaiJ-'s u 'p.v; v.crj ;and Ton onljr f to u fjr t:.3 p;rJ 'peca cf misleading theu.:..r.;rrr:c I. Let ih j nominee of a E:te Wh?2 Convention be .who he may, he wiirb triurn;'. .ir.:!y elected Got. croor of North Carolim In;:!- cf Lo. ccfcca. braggarts to tha cc::!r2 ry, nratriih- 'The Southern ' Cullionicr fr llo rn::r.:!i of September has been received. It Isipyish. ed at Augusta, Ga and edited by J i s. A good work. ,"ty J. Cu: , , "r Tho attention or in lu. ' th adri-tlucmcut of tliu C .i ! j?t DcaloM, in tojday pnper. - i. l' -' ' ' - - k . (Ar- tD V. c. ;ccvi r - i L:.:ir.sdaht: i U JC:-S. IIw-UJ l..3r-.;ur3U:-:;;-..i. whir! r- f.i. nfe ; " ' MJ cnJ i -cd eiri"f TlwNew Or!0aa.t Uullttin uf tbe 23d u!u ty lhattho tiualjth of that ci:y. continued deritopj that it I J been Lied toth4utu. firtica cf thsdriy; !j cf Li:i!j Iluc'j. . ;; 13 lh f.t la learn! inda$,ry 5 ihe ?ove la barn tnccrract jto tha serpent u, -r v. : ta .lii PW:.-r to. Lain pa. t!-r, fjr cf ell men he U th-s t -1 qi!iSet to inculcate Ictson of ibrhcarar.-. , Tha number of b mciin thh fr-ma v. orkof a kivrinn ;body;b ZZO, 1C3 or -which are io the feet an J hand, there leir: j ta tach 27; j ; H'pr Cherrrian, the Arri-jrista ctiternabi', serrcd an upprenticchip to the ahoermktng bu:ncsj. No occupation u so hurotie but that they who fjllow it. ma, byjnduVtry and application, become useful citizens and orna meets to aocietir. - vr :v The' richest endowment of the mind are temperance, prudence, and fortitude, j , DiCrent nations have diC;rent modes of salutation. The Laplandei-s rub their note rtronTy atinsttho person they saluto. tn 0:aheite they rub their noaes together. ' Tile ' , i sr . - . . ,. -J : I j u?nal salutation ct Cairo if IIuw do yoi i- '. -v - S-. ,j - .i -i j . sjareotr a dry, hbtkln beng a uro indie, turn: of a destructire tevtr. Aruon-rst the . j i. ... tJ .t the; - -a t- ' "r.i. cz T:r . f.-.r. t' "i c::j. 3 Lcrn r..uch cf ia t: r. j r pir An ..3 :t . in c : t ; c!. rnatcly ut:er:r r"-fjr:.-SoatI.-ii:: ; i : :::'.crr.a n , -a t II - C.;rut! - J v,!:!i al.-ji r.:nh;r3 very good, and add j Tlie salubrity of iq c.' lower cl isscs in China, t rntf U almost without parttllcl fur the munth. tion isr " yafan!" ,tr H of Aujut,aod there u ci'cry indication that ricel) Two negro kio; iheacason will, to jts close, continue to wcac Africa; salute bv snapping hn middle" ibe same auapiciouii aspect.! .fc . v . ihrec times. ..'; V " " i '. Truly the Loc.it oco area raruoous et of fellows! i Already are there some fivs or sis aspirant! for the post of United States' $ena' tor frdm Trnncssce. Mr. Fuscr term hav Inj; cipired, and there being a Ircofoco mrv North Carolina was first settled in the year lC50,by the English. Tennessee in U5-3i Mark A nthonjr, after tlus Rattle, of Actium, chaHenged Augustus, who t!ok no further no. tice ofjt'than $y sending', back this answer, torhv ia the LrfrUlature. a dour is ut ctiurs pprofdfar the elevation, of cm:: no of the " rt"l'luu lucu u,-'7 ",cru aro rV mmypawhrosorcady to scrvc 'the ?m?m despatch ? I ahall not trouble mysilf nr-ople! Spcakingof this maitcrJlhV IvWr I " -' "! Lticniniuj; travels ai inc raio 01 iiuv.uuu ville Register says, sumo hole trouble np& renrs to bu brewing ninong; our - opponents miles' in a single second of time. There ire no solid rucks in the arc tip re- with rrgard to the election fur U. S. Senntdr . to fill tho vacancy nusnd by the expiration of llr. Foster's term iiT m?r5rn. Thr nrnal. ' , j i , i , i i I preferable to that of a' vicious nobleman 4 ready sbout half a iduzen candidates rpoke-tat t ii 1 : 1 of, whose friends are urging their re.-pcctit b gions, owing to the severe rosts. ' The friendship. of a virtuous poor man is We a r gratified to learn from the New . l . i m : " - . i . . . . - - ; I . ' - : ...... u ' i - . . 1 . '. i . claims upon ttia party with mvcli duigcnt I bern and iVHmingtoq papers' that both those auvj ut-ninacuy. iiuis. nowcvcr, is ai lti- i inaccs ruiuuiu rcujai nauif tieaiuiy ior ine sea ceedinslv natural.1 Indeed Loccro-nistn 5a I son. - k. 1 ' so remarkably prolific of great rr.on i.ir.ce tfco Wc have been furnished by the ofHcers of dawn of the era of.folkd)mfc that tho only the. Historical Society of the University of cause i,r wonacr.wnn us is mat tr.ero are nui Norlh Carolina with their firkt Uejwrt, which somhinglike fifty4or-six!y aspirants in the we HI publish in a wcel? or two. Every field, instead of jtl e petty half-dozen -or o citizen of ; North Carolina should feci an in. that we find mentioned.- , tcrest jrj the-object 'of this Society, which s TheCallatin Union, Un, clarfi itself tohunt up and place on tho j historic page- the In favor of Gen. Trousdale, and thinks tUat noyc deeds of !bur forefathers. justice is rather tardy lit her movements in re lation to him. .A flu: h.? r nnncr takes cround for Win. Fazgera d j another mentions impart ct c-jr city that wa"3 !:rycJ ! grca; C. v ; teing tt cp again wi;ii anr. :cr-ri3sr.J alacrity worthy thecili2ns of Gotham. .".' " , Tbe monster stearr ' "t, Great Britain, has been at bur port for to weeks past. Shu created quite an vxcitemer.t on her arrival, tnd during her stay was visited by S55 or 3fJ,. CC3 G i: ..:- i, al 3 cents per head. She left UsiCjij. ,y, and it U thought will not return shc u tent expensive. t The city $ full to thu brim of strangers visiters and 'merclianis. The fill tnido . has been going on briskly for a lew weeks, and to judge from appearance and the amount of business transacted, or.s wu!J think thai the great fire had but little eCect on the enterprise of tho New York merchants. There was a Temperance mass meeil.. i.i the Park last night, which was a frfchlene r, to rum dealers. The Legislature of this State, lau winter, " in its wisdom," passed a law giving to the people in. each town and city, (except New York) full cmtrol of the traffic in intoxicating liqoora. Vhy thi city should havo been eft Out, when "the bill was gotten up for its special bent fit, is a mystery. The temperance societies made arid sent up petition after petition, at the time, with- thousands of signatures, to have the exception of ibis-city stricken out, but it was no go, And it now re mains as it was passed. The temperance folks, nothing daunted, are determined to give another trial. ' , Yours, - 1 A. For the Highland Messenger. L ' Cccsarknblc Sagacity of tlie Dog ! pecies "( Tho thousands of singular and unaccount abto performances ot dogs are familiar and astonishing ta every one. You may call it instinct, education tnipd, matter, training, innate ideas, or what you please, it is still won derful and astonishing. . ' .- ' I relate the M owing as a fact, on my own i veracity, and I don't feel the least doggish nor ihecpish in so doing. In September, 1844, ! left' home and trav. eled six and a . half milc3 east, and when I stopped ! missed my pocket book containin a largo amount of papers', &c:, dec. I ut once recollected of having it after I had left home some distance. I m'ide immediate search all along the road,, publishing it, and offering a reward But no tidings could be had, and I gave all up for lost. , The second day after the loss my brother, who lives three miles west of, me, brought the" pocket hook to me with every, paper in it, and no damage save a little piece torn from one side of ir.- He came in possession of it this way: Tl. morning after it was lost, he went to hU baro to get some straw, and after' "stepping in saw Trial for Insurrection'M a sessi on of tions Od. Ch1 County Court, Maryland, Bill Wheel- rulton of Fayettevilte ;, another urges tw k , ): j I , u mi t " i "' 1 V '.i tt : pr.mei movers and instigators in the late ne- cla ins of Mr. Nirimlxnti nf tlie Union : aia I r . I . - ii . I r i . . .1 ... I gro insurrection.- This crime is punishable .yet another, the McMmnvilla O.azette, cn-l . . y - - j -t tains an article about two and a half columns with death,' wh . ... I- i' ' I found guilty, long, setting forth ihe suprn ct qtiali.lsitionf J ch will be inflicted if they are and pretensions of man and eminent Uon Hopkins L. Sd)s, One evening 1 fuur. l r:r.e irj-uir ?or.:pmy of l.li d'. . t n :rc2t ',:ef done to mackinJ by tl.2 c:.J C..- -:i.inity. When he ra-j. J, I said 1 ! !r. - Paine, ynu have been iu Ccot. hr.J; ycj know thero is not more- rigid set cf pco;'a i.i tha worlJ than they arc in tneir atuchment to the C ' e;.ia, it not their school bj::k? When rt ri nvn leaves his father's h use, his mother always in p:icking his cheat juis a B.L!e oa V n top of his clthca. He :iid it was true.' c-mtinued Yu have been in Spain ni Portugal, where they hiVe no' Qibl-?-.1 Ho ssentid. Yiu have been in diktricts in 12urpe, -where rnii one mm in fifty ciil read and you' hve bi-en in Ireland, where the" m:juny never-saw a i . - k. . . i J f.rs, i.i care. Cm . :..':-n, v. ss tcu!!? C: ::ro; . !.!:!! u s: cd ta havj cri ter, v. l.r wera t!ia tr rirr escaped wi;h ti.V, - r: ' i.z.. ' : c!..h- Tr.e Governor c York has lVtued a rK..r::-iuoa dcclarirj tha county of Dc!a war- u ly jn n E.a!a cf ir.-;.Jrrccli03, The T." ' :rxlt by tha anti.renters, and ac--r:cf their associations rr.adaahat s'cp i Say mak Say Q. J T,.:i Vh..n you seeycur son ikingc d trade, fcay quit thaL When yea rre two urchir. f.-htir HjV-. street, say quit that.. ' " When you see jeur daughter slvly lan. cin at a fop or loafer, say quit that. , When you soo your wife buying lacing strings, say quit that. , - When vou se a person t;kin a newnpa- B,b!e. N w know lhal it is an historical rr iro;n anoiner mar, , uoor ue.orc yugm, fact, that in one county i England or In land saJ 5T lhal Jou cound! " - there are many more capital convictions in : The sloop George W ashington, of iden six months, than thcrb are in.tlM"whole pp- ton, for Baltimore, loaded with w! 'nk ulntion of Scotland in tu elvc. ;R.sidtt. this at the north west lock, of Disr.: -sp day there U not one Sctc.hman in the Alms. Canal last week. . house, S'ate Prison. Bridewell, nor Penitcn- t. n . ,m nlrl-w . milieu, uinouiuiewos so oau N j; a few days since, convicted of the mur. a uook asy.wi reptesent it tobe, tho5 who , def f ,ha Casts-cr fimilv in 1843. They j rr-' i:.3 pr; t.V-.!;,V: Ictwr. - . - . "? c;..i.ju ci .Muiwicrs, rf a pac:.".2 pcllr ca :l nt!. rd-L::::vcf V ;;. -t pTtrs-.:r.t er.d tha 17. I- -J DlJycj r--" "i yr ' " :. r .3 notextrerr.;! v... , ..J r. ; i lzr stsnd yc-r.c " ' - : . i Did you ecr i . j a t. r,"ic. who I an ctcrr.-lu::.;:I - . Did you ever hcr a ir.i- ! rr ah t ! 'i business, who v.-is rt forced ...'.a tn t:.::: J inIy s.r."!lx;orzcr? k, ,k wrS, oK-moers u socieiy ; Jied protesting their innocence. ! but the contrary is.the fact ; f.r I no prUons, . . .' . almshouses, and ptinitentiuries are filled with S mQt ,ho papers are ducusMrj t. o pro men and women whose ignorance or unbelief PriT'y 0I" ndmitnng an Indian Elite : prevents them" fro'm reUin the' Rible It Confederacy. This idea has been sr jested was now near ten u cl-jck at ni-ht Puint m consequence at tno rapia improve. aents in answered, not a won!, but taking a candle ci viliatiion now going on among the Choctaw from the table, walked un sihim. L.n-tnf.Und Cherokee Indians. . hU friends and myself stating at uaa anoih, I The best dowry to advance the marriage of e ! V . . - I In .mnr tart u urtvAlk eft a In. in Ii.. ...n. .. When such' arn seen to lm ih- fr infidelity, contrasted with those of tho Bibl. beha vinur mndoslv. and in her lifo virtue. ch?ldtarrJertf Cl,nHunce whal Cats and Babits -TUe Pot.sville Journal childreq read, or what a man brieves 1 ' L.i....k.. . . i.n ;r,. .k-u-j - i ' J ; ' - . . I 1 a . W VIIIOII lt.ll 1IV.I IlllUllt Ull IIIO VVU ifl a nil fact arcs. I J while she went down tairs to attend to some Th- Wn . . .ui o' u . i uoinesiic uuues ana on returning, sne found t he ablo correspondent ot the Richmond . ,. ... lv5ntT llrvi iBUBnV. ' . Wt A fl G ZJ Z Z 1 1 C U Z' i i . ,. I . Kcpc-tct charges in' t:.a tr.prraturs l.?.rs a very t- 3 t t r, r t..2 ? : ) ( a f t f , froo f.";, r encrov-s, ta a lov, rocr . .11 c --j, ; , ally irj.;r; j-i ta t'..3 t.t .::!i 11 ijJ.':h ti.-. weather. If we Lavs t.t&rJi ws n-wj. tot to prevent, as for u m us Ke, rcxt e.lrrrcs w a.l tmdv livery excess, cf heat cr c.:-', c. eat- ; "3 or cntii.irj, tcr. to r - jr irrr-r.ty crt-.w tloo-i; ti4U t, c;rCl , , 1,.- ;nrs l .;J; t-.a . eiiae of Ji.'. tro rL-- i; iJ t'.a f.-kt enrse.-q-jeneo U thai t!.a CO'., ..L:: 1 . . . -.a COSTIYH. We ara la thii contl.i.utj rt i ! to rcoeJve ar.j di. eaa with wtih o nay c "-3 eontaet j end. " Without anj contact with any on afTJCte4 will Kline, wo tLali l.avi Lia' heartauni,' foul ton ;ua, loss cf 1 4jct;:e all tl a rt stUt o costive nera. ' " ' . hca tlie at.-r-.-hera teconet impure and xp preve ta mal,ir.d, it r- s tt tempeat t -, taivitp.. : tlie bowels are rivo t!.t-v re-u'ro tha a3.. Uion of L l ; ; rs 1 1 LLj which, by excitir.-j cor-T--';on,or ccf!cr3,,-'t r3Temnt ia that cr "I, Ti 111 c-sion t'.l .1 : ---;sto be expell.J, f :rcb rjrodueinj -p an. ...a Llood -andhca! ' wiiote frar.S. 4 Thef i l:i for sale in every county in thia -te.at- t ..Ij per box" ', and may bo ta4 fcy ths . followinf arents: " . ; . FA ITU .W O S VO kn, Ashe v iile, N. C. , J. M. ALCXAND12R, French Broad, N. C. , JAS.C. SMT, Wor-r-intoiitN.C. V.'M. & COn r.Iarioo, N. C , M. P. PEN LAN D, Durnsville, N. C. KCLSEx; & MAXWELL, Little Ivy, N, C. Whig, mikes the foltowin striktna ob?erva- tiZZ V-'-V ' irM,H uwrsuu ,u tho act of sucking its breath. Upon exam urUiuV. i - '. . .' , 1 nation tne cnuu was oiscoveroj 10 do oej, tho farmers around the place are ma. A. it.. ,,tk : ,Mj. , king ten limes as much off their fa rm-j in j . . " ; nnvt;.t .1 . 1 . 1 f t 111 rv and distressing manner. - proportion to tho cnuital invehtediaslhe man. ? . ufacturerw do. Hundreds of-them "make Mr. Clay, it is said in his late trip up the more from four acres nl ground, land that all Ohio, on his way to tho Virginia Springs, 11111, ioau a . majority Ol ours in VirPUlia UO -"-- n timiiin ,,Mni.,i! from three. hutlred acres., gime of them went cn ' 3:ircl J'fher, he jocosely remark- from three acres alone, in-raisin-' ctrawber. e l."al 1,3 had hoped his public life had ended, ries, raspberries, and dewberries; make oyer but. .he, rcrcc,vtd lnal Jie. musl 8 ,nt0 ine 01,000 profit a year. And this all the result Senate again. ' of two month V wurk. The Irui crop alone, . In Cincinnati, there are said to be one hun- sold from the surrounding towns yearly in N. dred and three taverns, and one hundredlmd York, is greater than the entire agricultural five gtog shops.. The place is certainly well crop of South Carolina, and the fjuit and veg. 1 supplied with eatable and drinkables. west of the Blue jorty ih.Hisand pcr-4 r.n . unrl ..I lliAKtal. I Show this statement lo.our politicians, and er rl ... . nr M In tho LrWaJ lell them to go to the nearest rum-shop and ture' :r . , : s lane a uriOK 01 grog, anu cooiuieuce a k-viuic crop ot Bouttruarotina, ana tnc truii ana veg. supplied with c&table and dr etable crop larger than tho criculural pro. ln yirgia, the Country. -duce of the Kreat State of Vtrgirua! I do Uidgc, h a majority of lor notw,sh to terrify you, but these are.facts sons ver the eastern part I --rr ml . . . , on tho immorahtv of the Tariff, and then ask "TO Land, ozcSidney Weller, the tenants of dilanidated tents'-aud farms. Ps(l 10 a !?Ucr L.'1ilor, says, 'One raj mil gged, starving,-penndess, and wretched improvement as to helping poor land, I havt ;tnn r tnrt il-ir knP h. had ,n progress several years. vix. that of fore them, and theWiH call voti simple and covering small grmu, as wheat, rye, oats, unterrified Republicans L" , - ' 1 . - &c. witha thmcoatingof ptnestraworbeards, The writer of the fore-oinsJgns himself apef,lho rarn, up. Or when first sowed. i mWno-..-' nr . rKnil.i Kpffirn. hft U wheat or rye, It Can be coated over with visited the North he heard the Tarift stigma. Y", i.u 111 ie tired with nil the volubiht v of ohrase and iff. wnt,cr-1 1 . "av' doub ed 7 vheat and rye . . 7 b 1,1 . 1 rra in Ihi-i aaaiv nnrl l.Tt tln w-ium -n l norance of facts which characterizes the , " " " 'b,uu" ,,UT' .,;.;.!. r iio-.AAtiv-; Knlir-v I ed for . future crops, by the decayed coaling the pocket book lying in the bed with a litter t.. . . Kl;nj, u bnf.i, K!in-t 1,-nrt. 1 -n(1 Qe preat advantage of the plan is, that of hound puppies, and ihe slut there also. rrs . and While striving and voting to destroy lm m,r 8an;'y- .uch covering enable us 15 He picked it up. in astonishment, not knowing the tariff, and with their own prosperity they pui.ut -;-hu8 uu-.yloui whose it was i but after opening it found ,t to ow not what they' do. - lt;is well U . . . , ... . . a are discreet and linn men enough to save 'Mr. Uoneliion, A-fhtrge to lexas, arrived oemmc, anusoui-Hrt - ua cxam,fla 1 them from themselves, andio preserve a.svs-1 at Nashville on the 30th ult, op hisrelurn tion the prints oi the slut s teeh were distinct. lem aUk3 essential to individuil and general from Texas. Tho 'construction' of ..the line of Magnetic Telegraph between A'.biny and Utica is ad vanciog rapidly The'i Union , says t,- One of the best and highest I officers in the service, has expressed July IS. 1845. TO COUNTRY 1IERCII ANTS. TIIC undersigned, Merchants in the city of Charleston, are now receiving and will have by the loth tost., fall and cr Vte - rtnisnts of all fn their respective line's whio) they oZvr for sale on ine mow aeoommodatm-; terms. - . I fjountry lurrclmnts who have been hrro. tofont in the habit t-f viaitinj other marLcta, i would find it to their interest to examine this JwL'ch' affords as Jraany facQiticm for cemmcrco aa any other ia tha country. 1 - -... ; - llie facilities forpeUins here aro ercat, and the rates of transportation now so low to ofT-tr quit an inducement to those residing in tha neighboring Stales. '. - - - TOWNSENDS At ARNOLD, Now I HaynesU WILtiY, UAMK8 & - ",' KELSEY St. DEA9. 5 . '": ' GILLILANDS & HOWELL, 7 w , I1YATTV M'BURNEY & CO, 9 SADDLERY. JIARRAL, IIARE;$ CQ.;iHaynt tl D. P. CLEMMING , Z Hayne tt ' - . STODDARD WOOD, VlHaynert 1. J- BEACH, 10 Hayr.e st - l.MKTy i. W. FORCE t-GOii IB it. S. J. FARRARt 22 Hayne 'sl. HATS, CAPS, &c. . F. D: Fanning d Co.", 6 -HaynesU Rankin, Sproulls JCor,18 H.ynett. DRUGS AND MEDICINES. . Haviland, Harral Allen t ll llayne tt 1', 1y seen, where she eorried it in her mouth. :t welfare. What is more nstonkhinnr . - neither inv :We collect the -following facts relative to L''..ri- .1 - :!." 'i- .."!.?.. 1 Paterson from this .communication ... , l - 1 , "There aro about. five thousand persons 10 pass 011 uni uay or wio-.urxi , oui ui .ui cng;,gei-in lhe factorie, traking about nin came to my house -very often, nearly every thousand men,' women and children, who are week, 1 have uo'e: found it and carried was lost. Bui as the . 1 possessed her to do at my house, and beyond it, what made her Th writer states that the Savings Bank As- J 77t? Do Sar. Those who are out early carry it from three to ten miles, crossing Clear J sociation told him that thcr wasUioi a week J in the morning will notice a' very brij;ht.star Prtr with it nArfil- A,v ni VrWin e opratives were not nt nis preceding ine sun. It is Sinus, the Uogfetar. and astute politician; the GafcetW, has prepart and :so!d . withjn the eycry f , cnnfeS3 j am not doohaUl un" ouiceto depit m-wiey or to buy,; lot. to build JVeto Pofcni - A'patcnt has ju.t been taken 1 I. ii 1 , - t. 1 1 ' . " 0 0 on. Many belore they e n. here, says thenil, i,v-f!.ini nri..1 J ,a.n nrTvnnnphiink. P.M.Cohen Co. t 19 JlforfOn Sf Courtney, 8 Hayne si.' r Roosevelt Sf Barker. 17 . , st. CROCKERY. st. that distinguished states I One house in Philadelphia, saya tho U S irthly doubtbut that .tia dependent 00 these establishmehts, directly - ''- uu.u Bmj &m 4 , iV ,1. it ho,nethe 'nirhtaiier h - J?. VK oont bdvl e r? I ,00, CW. nnkees say, whatl ... , V.i... r... lean, tnmna who mav threaten to cross the ,-:.V,. . - it,' how she came to beltrics Wliu"u cause the town to bedfseiVd. rlrer!,,r8iXmonlh!- nVETS lfl STIMW rRflfi. Turncy ! 1t three venrs. 17.000 ooonds of Calomel. u m i .i . ! 1 " , f " " . 1 out ojrv.pt U nel 4son Jr., ot enneouna, -! . ' f ' . ri . - L- i ""6"-- o-7 .,.vUn,.... letter, :werenaUie io. reuj or vruo, imu w j,- f an enlir,v neW nie,hwi of raikin! . . ' - i. " -1. .. .1 l ..... ; . ' . " . ; 7. .. w rrv . . . ... .i' l 1. I mi. .1 J . L. i..L.. I.i .a. .1. r . I a I no editor ol the Union nas iouiwia i iue cyusumcr py uw wjiuiHt-cary mo i love oi gain, me Mmiiy instinct, an on-1 tnc very poini oi sin.rauon now nre cnangea ,1.;,,'- -a;i icipated a clear field for himsc-If in this chtc l medicine, at prtces.varjtng from C50 rt C5 30 Meet of food for her young, a desiro to cistin- Ia all these relations. . On the Sabbath, you could hardly tell them from the weulihiest fa. The steamer Great Britnin, uhich left New Uoo; looking upon iheoGrV it may be as his I prr pound. , Putting the above quantity' (at guish her ladyship," a providential inter. ftnd fhelf dcmPatlor ia cvcry York oh the 30th ult. took out $140,000 in snoi cu cnanca ; - mis Worthy and commendable. . Solu- J . - , V .r w " ' r . ' 1 1 . . '. . .i . . I :: ui: I aPDronriata and merited reward for services only IISO, it wouia appear mat the price, paid pwauiwu, ui, umiu ooi ..i gimui-u: -m worthy rendered the caiise. It is nossible fci eVy fof it has exceeded a million of dollars, lit mUch 1 know J losi U found it and .We commend these paragraphs to the at. ThaiNashvillo Whig states that, 850,000 endered tho cause. , It is possible he for it has exceeded a million of dollars. t obtain the prize ; but judjin frcthe ls supposed tjial the quantity manufactv cf hn papery he is cvtJcr.tty r.iarui forbidding aspect ofafTurs, and fech itctured I corr'c ilsome wiles'in her mouth, an . rxA r v.. .:ntiv tiiirme ioi i Mt mnpr nmi-irx n ii ii-kt hit nmpini miiriv i . i ....t . . . .... . . tho forbidJiL..!,, rfkl.4- f.cUW tfn.MeM.fe.imMl ih three yoarii. hi, . ,,OJt ,ne . 1Z . Here th, olhere b indubit.UeevidncB.th.t .aid la bef. .upcrior quali.y .c(., . r.a 0 . rnvnnrt 1 H r 1 1 smcc containing a uumoeroi uiu auit; pu the encouragement ol manutapiurcre in mis isonaum price. tttag but cnmrurtable in.' tiew cf l3 w". ua- , v-, ,v-, yi , fhirly.o:ie,doar3 ia money ;&c.f and malrJ has "no tendency to degrade the op- tatnty which surrounds the result. id I 6t tentibn of those who denounce lh tariff as a worth of got kIs manufactured by Allison, Mor- i system of oppression to all classes except the gan te Uo., in Wilson count V are sold anou master manufacturers and capitalist. I ally by:. Morgan,' Ga rtJ ne r & Co., they an ! Tlie Cherokeej Advocate cf -the 2lhU' KDQrtl twn fprnl wnr(,"r tha I3r)etl anl attributes them, to the inatdinaU tijo oil ardant spirits: ! -I An old Chorokca naracd Crmp.unprovokedly stabbed a ycunj man tamed CaJo ; he jthen turned on a ycjrpin cacsd Jusiice,ho wa la thi hcu::,' ar.d Mr.; Todd, charged with, seducing arc- pewing Thayer, Mee&ig siretU ROOKS, STATIONERY M Carter & Alknl Afrtnj street, near the unarieswn noiei.ji" . . . . September 19, 1815. 8 w, , 268 i - , hare never heard of it since.- Mv brother peratms cinss, w reuuue iuen -- spectahle young lady named Earle under pro r ? ! ' ' ,1 ' j C t k i :. t vf.Mt'.0P and low wages, to permanently snk them into mjse 0f mQrriagei has been' tried at Harris rm'MThMii-ihiM.r nil n-.t.i o.Bntl remarked when he heard it, You II qever - . . ti fiV - t . . - .j,- p , v,, ...-..r t - ' - ignoreocu uuu. iiujicisu-r so, ourgv ra., ijneo iuu-una cos, ana one year cf motion "indicates weakness, corruption, find it, old Singis dead. So far so true, lho coyntry-a paUpCr papulation; : : - of solitary Imprisonment in jaiL inanimation and death. Trenck in hi damp . Yours,;- - . J. M. E. ;Tlio falsity f any analogy between this ,:'mmrr;,w;fl- u m . j seventy pound, wehi," i order to preseirre . .. . nnias,U.lu, M mauer.h.. ? -Ttopro. " Whj . .? e. iZf'!:" ' Lr" -, ,he nwb. I f ihi Unuau.! French U6M on hit rt.irD C.p. --V f Whig, nnd S Worn nre elected , - --- --. , ...- r r . o. i. 1 them: nomine is easier u nncu .uv......... , , Nnrhnnmrinm i Mr ' I InstettiaSamhCarolira State Tc.rrcr-ce Jr. " ore h.rpt io their So'mritli -Uhihe fainil. he' bec.mo .eqaaloted with .F-"". ,n. . HillrXi S.ConMio-,,hc. M.lWfcW.-AW. nd.UachedtotW f ?I-0 j ,1815. The fou-g is extracted r 1 3 1 r-AV aV HiSl refinemeot ot tl 1 her moiber had beco ashop.keeucK but both htelbgencer. j .-. . -I Vri 'V 703 , lwiwu..- - - -V- i 1 mind, wiihcul improv-er.t cr tho body, cajal reduced to dwtrcss. Hieir name was TYbiwwi. Tho last notion.ofl There is, consequently, no electjon. - , . ?tIr.I-.Ar. fl R,n.niU tit fal. 1 151111 " ...-', , rn tf.-.n h-ir i. I Le Vasscur. and the rlV TPr-Msn - 55ti "i,OW7" . .. . .J . - .tVt . ' .t.:-sl.-- Tn..:l r . jiu4i v.- never crrcc::;c.i . . s . . - - - - ; -.kh we have seen anv notice is paiem air . -Thr-newsDSDers trzu .arc mtrir iu.csi. .nic ot.i-:3 nM,, mUA he..crr..r.-i3.T " 'tlin-." ..; i V-V- W l.''rf rw,0, l-lir b:8 l NefYork tnn.ercial .ay, that " Gea. ( lefTi.r.s, .cUits That thU C-ivrStuoa . , -. - : J 'ndsoraoch without education.', that. een !'8' a hdr Llied with one of them, Zi, ,nrtei in riiliUm point of vi.w, krriM t!.-!..,.i. i .f,.,, .T,--rar.c:t .... r-.an.ind. eincct but HttU ':r hnn2 with hm for r--.:iT nar:-.h. "n A : lady, tupp lea witn one ta inero, Gai g" . . .J.-'Z... .tuJ ' ticrentbr-tol Geo-. rKnh Cir JZ . . i,,, tiew tbdi f-M wuU. never coU!d read , he CSurc. .bo 'tte dial'p! ,e LTErS'." "he "T'v SoingW.r t 'e.J...iw..L r r-.-. .!t. n r ... . .;V.k iji K h-i. -rUk, 1 to ber-'she enhit t; , --a lnus.oj sinmcgn iwui ia.,w lban uagmeui -r ' - . ; . 1 wi r;:iV: rHL -a w a. .i::V '";r ' T-l : bimCicWUren: .! of "I: cankeep-herself tuVat. . .r-ij- . :. - TheCotobiaSooth.Carolimao w 7jt f wuw..-. . --.J.:.' ... r.. . -n.-jT- r. r,w-In I-I" ..n rricril at New-Urteanstroro pi jenvect oa.ar: rn r.-...:.-n. .tr.o ire.. . . , . -i t" . " w roun-.u - ltosr-.tni, re- - j.rora.'iar tuu4UJ.-. myi. I. " . .-it -to Ii-?ht wurk. . thii Cr-v-.;.? ,v-, t" Jc:n cV.c jto. . T'. j ccr.:r.rc? cf " -a.fjrAuu. . 'a- -ar-CS3Ctl 3 poormother'a trsrsr and afier Charleston, Va., lately cradled nearly nine Tampico, we learn inai wa,. apeni. who wilt t: r ---il c:l-!".., i r ' r". rrL I tweclv-f , ? vcaracf t' i r-, u 1-- rf bar-; uhr.d ia cna dav.end on re- -oCt inc-jrr.benf. has been Te-eiecieu rre- L? hills amount to ! " lf. . c - , - .J.n' . -'itul: : l.;r....v.,i:.,,;Ish-l f,, - ThMpmhersoftheUeX- aamoeh typ -7nfMsrt in j. ;t :jt3; 3L.- c'. -:-:-3 Vri-'lE:--'-1 vs!j. tr.d Ui Urc. ji-aca JL'U cs;.:..:e V 4'.u.ur a vu .Tr and icteJ "re ?3 '""7. '.ujl' .. -"-.";. - . ' . 1 rl " rise Is abov rol;i, ittothe JhnG.r:..-f- u:J Leaner. iCao-l ; . mj not enJare, but cf ,vhc:.i PanklLArrl v;r3a Creat;man, tut the no , W c:l : L:.:i. f l. IVo. T. 'J. Yhat is bocey T ITye gtve it c?t j It p Theresa, as very fend, , on the pretext instrument with which you powder. B5tc?Ss di-ercnce.cf.o u..un noorGetL Rent. W, 1845-6n,. V V;.T.C;::ca. -: :j . -. Ito the njorcir-nd r at h:jhL 1 icT economy, sent tu ihaa of ei-ht 1, the I aratsr, . 1 some lrnponanw - s ; 7 i : ; .;... :-uv ' U vf.-.v'- . j: 'if-..'v-, s-:o--;v-;---;-?'-- 'vtr tv--:--.K;'-t-' !": !. ";v-':;.w : t?-- --. t ' ".' - li ,. " I. !"v " ' :"" '' -: -':.' . ' 'f- '-'I'- ' :. ' ''I. ' : - .- I""' '. ' , 4 - ' ,""'! '.. h- , ... . , . -' ; - - "- t4 '-- . 1 , '. l -; I " : ',' ' ''.'.'"' ' ' ' 'j '' '''")' ; ' ii I" ' '' ""'"'' " i " '''" ( ' ":; ' ' " " j' '"' ' "' :: r-'''-:r ' . 'V,".,;"r i' X . S . "V ' " ' 1 :.. V;;-'' '. v,;B .,-' ' -.f'v-v- --'it'i"''.. "" ' 'I' : ' ' I' !- ! w .ir,.' ' H .'a.; . : 7-------- i': ,-. . j--J"-" -. : . . i : Tr -.. r- w t.i " : V." - : T.-"-.:--:: "-" - -r - f- .KT ",' .. :-: -j---.-"-. f, ' - .-."V-:- jO'. i-i;! - - V ;? VV. .aV-Y::1---'--' YY'!:"'-YYY.' ftH" Y'" '"?-j -'Yi - '.Vr'''' :" :':'! Y.Y' ! ; ' " !! "fY '. . . ' ' ..: ';' ''Y "YY: v ...Y1:.1. ' :YV?-'",:-J-YV ",Y : .;;Y;", V . ' :! , ' '.!: " -' , 1 " ' 'Y Y . ! "T -V , ':'"' .":'Y ' .VY '' '' ' " V-r;.': : , - ; , ;';; . . v- .vf :i" yC,,-,,'.;-.-. it 'y:.v 'f- L-1 .M- -.-t--- -i - ". V , I;--'r-:--?- ---T:-s- : .y1: sy :. :-; ::i'':V-::K. ,Y'.'.: :Y''lfY''Y 7;.: -Y'; DAGUERREOTYPE. -J. W. CONRAD, OFN. C Photographist, ' '. ' Kespectf-jlly offers his professional services to the i eilisens of Aihcyilto a.qd vicinity, for a . few days only, " - : " ' -' " . . -. . Persons interested, and others wiEliiw miniatures, ar Invited, to call and e.taroin' specimens of thi most interestinjr a,nd valt-h!e Arti 1 7 which individ uals may now obtain the roast correct likenesses In a few minute. The lijrht of Heaven alone son. stitnting the pencil, and Nature the artist.' ; , ' For a ainjle miniature, in peal morocco ease, I Q 4 0Q 2 J ; . , - ' 7 oa i . . 10 00 4 -r 12 QQ Miniatures neatly set in lockets or breast . " ' ptos, - 9 ? - Portraits mav be copied with great neatness, Room over Messrs. Patton & Osborn's store. Sept. 1 1845-lt. 263 j. : ON last Friday, between' the" Court Tlonse and . Mr. S.Mc. Roberts, on the Southern road,lQ Trunk Keys, on a etcpl xrg. ' The finder will be suitably rewarded upon leaving them at this oQce. Sept,19, 1845rtf; ' ; 26fi TO PRINTERS. Type ronnu-T ud Pr!ol?n? Wr 4 . nlsliing Warehouse-. tin i r nktrlkrM hnve noenod a NEW7YPE FOUNDUY in the city of New York, where they are ready to inpplv "xtent, for any kind of JOB cr FANCY TYPE, and every article neces. 8arTri which 7 cast to mw moulds, front The Type, wn matenah with deep eoun- an entirely new w nn,urpasaed by any. and ters,arew.rrt nta.-57 furnished, and also Meam En, PrintiPZFf " ved patterns. o-f aShiSst i- ew-tanUy in attendanca bay three time .may five the papers, and send subscribers. OVEUSNP, , Acn Stjpeet, . 1 v 1

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