j -Lai.- 1 ' " Editor and propriEi. . ""Two DoLLAka ind Ttfrr Cprrs per ana-in ."dfikTicp.orTuBtB Doixias. wlthta year, No papr will be icntinHs &, except at XJ.p. tion ettlic Editor, until e!l arrearages arc paUI j ; ' ATtruscmcnts will be inrerted at Ons D?iLAa per square of ten line or Ice?; for the f rst invrtn, Twzm-rrr Cents for each coniinaarn- fhe number of insertions dcatfi njus,: bo trtVi on the margin, or ' i advertisement will be coE'Jatu pi till forbid.' and charjttl accordinfflr. Cotirt-Or. tiers will be charged twcnty.fiTe fr. cent jnrtra. 'The charge for announcing ll, i nanus of a A" Jala for oiT.ee is 2 50 in advance, or p3 CO if jj toent I ! delayed. Lei .,rs to lite Editor must co.rne free of p lo inure attention. ". - its bead i, J Ijt-eusi uic silver, iti. In.cre.lrci... an Unri.ii.gicd cvr'-iu: these r!tpcr i "t 1 - BEPORT- h for TlYfit SECRETARY" OF THE "! '4 xiisTonicAii1 society I UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Prepared for the Anniversary Ueel'tr"! aUHC till, lUltl. : , jS'I ol guijj" t j i. v ... . 1 " 3 i.v" OCT .. I., o c' ii i a' , . .Li. ' ' t an;! . reun .' ; -j . rmi-: ncsari'v nVv-. . : j ... . ; upon gentU ir - a at the South." In ; ; -r..pri ting this ta,U r ; 3J;-n iy ' de"ier-, cd.Ml.ai althou : i jj c:V.siJtr iltif tl' all committed to t! labor 'r preparing uch a stdbte record of Revolutionary events its is i;n. clcr&ttJ by thji term li1ory, yt-Lht; urpr t '"orm of-iii tluty will Us to! render acccsubW to ir who Ver im;iy "os !far, as f .b' , a the f lis which , may be" con uccUm .villi th'j'warjii North Carolina. ! - -In nlicmpiing tj mike a collcciion if ihese facta, it was clearly nr-.ccs.siry to success, thit thq genera! attcptiuu of thy tate should bo a, rouscil to an appreciation o",our important Un ldortaking. Tlui degreoof cirioity and interest already ncntediimong distinguished nortioc's of our fellow. citizens is held to be ophiu siij proof that this enterprise in by no njcuns prematlirc or unreasonabtu ; and tho ta mount of malcrt. al already contributed may by assumed as a TheSt-cretary, in the perfurminceof,wUnll,?ir precursor of n greater degree of success Whoa deemed om of trbc d.y.tic aJia:hp(f itol' lan b:cn iMnticipated in the,ornniziUon tMfssarra o! - tua ortice;Vgs leave iu ulrn it the fuIIovf ngi u th Sxitdy In tho opening Mess UpoVif ; ; " '' f ;HL't ovi Mofieai3 to the legislature, at th ,A diafribution of . the matter under th?j UVo Jieadswf what his yet Veen rceornji!Ulicdy , Ihe S-icidy, and, what it may rcasorubly oil. rchle upn as its pospecl for hy futurcjiit tus been thought "will give proper method to . its rrunprti'tt. "'-'''.Jh . ' lror Hho purptjse of Mcompat iny: libai;? 1 K.a 4'bperidone by the Historical Society whlkllial "which wai anticiptted in it formation, Ijf will ,. bo necessary t revert to the professed xUjelts ; of, ilie iiicututioo as they c.rc succinctly Bp. led in the first puUicatior.vhich, appeariri un Ierits uuspices.' Jl was there sajd that' . v this Society tfii been established, JirstJor die purpose 'of ' tn&tecoring to excite " such interest At) the public mind, in regard to the histdry pf cue ziaie, as may mauce me Lgisiaiufc pi adopt early and .efficient r treasures , to obtain . front Er'k.i I theirs I Ucrcstnig documents irt -fi . h ; .j Hegal Government, tog'etfier . tfVA ;c1 Jrrs 05 wwy be found to rejleci light vpo.n lit obscure history of the Prop, ietyl Gop jmmcr.l of orA Carolina; and. seconity, 0 ' ,cot!ctftQtil arrange c,t .7'C Ifrii versify KEAtt. A' as may ee rossjBLE, cue or. more copies m every ho!; or pirhphlcf, ar:.d neicspaper J?u?. It'ih'd in this State since the introduction upf tie Frcurrr;us i IS U; i. looks pubishlcl ciih.y t S.'jc, i,i our oiz:i or foreign coui. tries, en the History c Carolina, and- e'fpcci. ally, ; 7 the licconisi documents and papers' (f Jvuni mini nthe Stale that may, tend to eh ci'Lu tic hktorg'of' tHeif4i?cicaiRiio!&' . To ar.y one who stoves thought upon life .yV'ct, it must appear sin'ruhir. and ideuil ; .almost utijccuuntable, thitt down to lhc;pre em d.iy, when se.vcnty years -hive elapsed .ir.ce North CaruiirTarfoqk herta,nd as fen JrL dependent State,1.- no Instiluilotr having jm ' " .. m wi'jrvi simitar to ints nas nourrsijvy . -wjtiua b.T borders. The ttrtiqu'.ii. snd t mair.3 t.f the Revolutionary story, to whicjli may f U t j ; ;IU the W ; -j ififtad,flft?i- yroT,i,iL"idlii;.iconj Hcccr.J. .Jly scaitee:J "in every d:tsa;ion over the sz:no of thij lat.f ttcrcu Owing to this facV, many manuscript t)f great importance to' tlio illustration iff- the ur, have been irrecoverably lest. To prevent the prv Tress of an evil, which 5 J far. as jt his yet f. U irreparable, is a principal ibje4!t 1 t.s cv. .y. "h can scarcely I ; cxectc; that v.ur 7ifncu so dihlorpy uwatJcncJ sha.l l3 rewarded by an eluciJation of ciir kUvpl-jiiotnrvnnnaTj tn ,h:it has takcrtnlacfc . iptocg the more octivei , Northern mcmbefsti M tHe. Uoredsracy ; yet il is hopcd,thiJ, by btirryrj together and. reducing to sptr.jmor'e lie com mencement iifilits last Session. tho"auViect uf :. ;J . . ..;'. I - -.. - . 1 - j, . . ...I- 1 ., the 'History kj the StHtu" was urged' ou tho attention ji of . that t body in a very, J de. cided-, manner'1; und su strongly was Ub im- pressea t with n senso .Of iu importance, tltatori lho 23J of December, i: formed the matter of a special communication in whth was stiggestedtithe collection ty . pyubtlc author, ity of 'those RcvolutionnTy "memorials which are .scattered lover the State, and gradually disappearing ;ahd whichj-likrj the leaves of tho Sibyl, arej rising in value, as their num. bcrs decrease!." 4-etiunf was tike.n by the LegUlaturQ it! accordance, with tho .sugges tions contained in this message, and tt consid. 1 Its i.: u'.i Uus as arc obltle, txjur. or rivaled, lo two. volumes-(njarlo,) jvrh!v?.!nrgiaal uIcs nnd Refrrcnces, ....Jan v. '.ct Table to the whole. Newbcrn: Printed 'h) J .i Davis, Pi inter to the honourable the C vTnp.ons House of A ssembly. M DCCLX V !; Of tlw llow J -'l-t the history-oi .which is given, above, i.:. J which was the first boot printed in the Province", there are proh-v. yhalf dozen epics now cxtanh Of the ceond bok known to have beenpuhlished by 'Da'vM, , the title of uhicji is given at length; the copy now nn tho possession oClhe&iciely, js, so fnr os lhe.,wriu-r, knowledge extends, the UOly one jn c?ijenrc Tlie third edition of tho Laws by the same publisher, (in one vol umc, folio,) lhe title of which follows, though acurcc,.is not unfrequcttly met with. .1,1. No. III. A complete Ru visa! of all ths Xcts of Assciinbly f the Province of North Garb", lina, now in : force and use.' Together ith tho titles of ull sur;! lawg ns are obsolete, ex. 1 pi red or icpeuled. V ith Marginal Notes' and References, uud cjacl Table to the whole." New hern, Primed by James Davis, Printer to the. Honourable he House of As. sembly. MDCCLXXH. " i V i , . i, Ni IY Jtwa of the State of North CaN blina. Published acco riling to the Act ol Asse.Tiblv, by James Iredel, now one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court" of the United States. 'u Idrnlon Printed by Hodge 4f Willis, Printers to the Stare ot North Cufulinat 1791. (One volume folio ; presetted by William D ylan, Esq.J of Ra Ugh.W" ' -1 - -J 'r No. V.. A coUection of the Statutes of the IPariiwaeni of England, in force in the State of North Carolina. jBy Francis X-tvier Mar tin, Eq , Newbern 1792. (One volume, quarto; which, together withT Nos. L 111, was presented by the Presdent. oi the Socie. No. VI. -Ji collection of the Private Acts vol. 1. Ju y 12. I7d4,j to v.d. a. Ko. 53, - . Atg 53, 1783 C :ineclicu: C urant, , . Juijc 19, 1783 And sane paper, June 10, 1783, to March 23, 17S? ' - j " Indi jieiuh ni Cironicle and Universal Adver. . tW,"(hfbkn file,) for 17U3 nd 1794. Columbian Centincl,. on? number J793, two -numl-.-. 1791. - I Connecticut Couran,17C3,1797,il793il800, 1801 , .1602, and 1803. ' Columbian Centinel, (complete files,) 1793, -17Di, and 1SU3, 1807, . Hampshire Federalist a few numbers for leoD.- ' ; -:""! Weekly Messenger, (broken file,) 1813. Tim above furej the yalu tble collection ol Newspapers prescnud to the Historical Soci ety.Vby JJev. Simeon Cjlton, jof Fayette. ville.V "-' ' " ' ' North Carol Tna Chronicle, or I Fuvcttevillc Gn-ttp, from St-pt. 13, 179i)j lo March 7, 1TU1. From Dr. James Wbb, of HilU- borough 1 i North Carvlina! Mercury," nrjd Silisbury Watchman, vol 2fc No.. 02, June 7, 1769. i From Archibald .Heiderson,6sq.,xjf Sa. lisbury -J ' -Fovr Supplements to the Cape iFear Mcrcu . ry, Nos. 43, 50, 5l', 5! (presented by ;Dr. Dero.nct, and transmitted by Griflith J. M'Rea, Esq , of Wilmington. MANUSCRIPTS.! . Order. BMk, k,ept by the late pL. Thomas Browu of IJladen, under command of Gen. Wudde.ll, frornSth May to lltlj June, 1771, during the expedition agtinst the Regulators. Presented by A. A. Brown, Esq, of Wd. Nonh C-iniui.t in 17r t 2,, preetued t- lhefie Hisioncal t Cot ieTv through Dr. i.ur.e IVebb. of IlilLs. making assidjor? - . . w " l-J.rut-hfkfy,Mis. .V iry V. Burke, daughter f vet : " i - -r eiiigi.l m t..v . S far as i has r.e, fresh li. a luis ! t o fouud to break mtngton. crable sum was appropriated for the purpose of tho General Assembly of the State of N of carrying jibem out. Since that lime, Gov. Carolina, froha the year 1715, to the yeSr braham, who; has entered into the scheme '1790, inclusive, now in force and use. with great spirit and cordiality, has bjeen ias- Newbern : 1704. (One thin quarto volume; siduousJiy engaged in performing the duly m. from YVestnn R. Galea, Eq of gulcigh.) poed upon him by theso; Resolutions. The ,' Niu VII.' Historical collections of South the subject. I , j j William A. Wright, Eq , Wilmington.) We come how to consider the efforts which , .The. first pamphlet in order in its compila- have! been made by private" individuals to Itton is entitled A' ib'rief dcscrirti ki ofthe give j success po mis pairiouu unueriwRiug ; tprovinco oi . uaronna, anu ine coasis oi .no and it affords us great. plesure lo repeat in rida. Andlmoro particularly, of, a plaiua- thU. place what has been stated abve, that I tiort Jtcgunt by -the English at Cape .Fear, on the contributions from, various sources, as that river.: now by them called Charles River, well hey ond as within th( limits of the State; tho 29th May, lGl,n dec. Mr. Carroll both! in umount and importance; have greatly' 'might, with obviGyS p top rieiy, . have given his exceeded our most sanguine calculations.- I work, the title of Historical Collections of . bo e Rev ' tr:- - v oynoa ol tnejj f resoytenan lynurcnaiso in L,aro!ina, embracing many rare and valuable session at Fajj-ettcvUle', In November of.the' pamphlets; and other documents relating tuthe, JaiU year, expressed g'reat intercs't'with ire- history gftlie State, from its first discovery, gard 6 the illustration of our Colonial andto. its indipendence, in the year 1770. Com llevolutionary History, and addressed a mci piM.nvith various! notes, and an jntroduc nioriul of some length to the Legisiaturc upon tfon, by 43. R: Carmll. 2 vols. 8 vo. ; (from The 'early example thus given' to owne raj of j Carolina. . The northern part of the Province books and manuscripts of Historical value, is I was first settled, and a respectable portion ol wonhy of all possible has been thought ' prore collection, as well. for thp 'commendation. It this' pages have'quite as much'relation to the character of i' those memorials whose trans mission to the archives of the Historical So ciety is respectfully solicited. ; J . " I book!s, I v No. I. A ollection of j oil the Public Acts of Assembly 'of ..the Province of North Caro Una J now inlforce and use. i Together "with the Titles of jnll such Laws as are obsolete; expired or repealed. And, also, an e :t Tablo of thi Titles of the Acts in fc.rce.-77 .Int.- '.ruoill'.e form the materials of .a gene .ration v !s?j-.!jice now knows thr;,: " 3:,ip-rft ttp3-rfircvcr. we shall in socvj i:;;3.pccua Vur--v.s cl debt to ih fast eni poster1 4.-,orn dehcicnces, such:as" tho. i casting records of our own Stile, il'mut ' ii that a history cf tl.2 An:Cricaji 'ry war whose" merit" rro", corr " l the ir::"orlr.3 of tl.t grefi.l . .;:.!.cut doubt, ranftt.-j1 h r" i r , or, for 1I.3 1 - pat x :our,ts cf whatever f-cts thej ' to rc!:t2 ; -cut general 'histc :-vsrt : -al lhcy tsscntiallyhhough'.pqrhaps,' ; ,W unaccoumaMj dencient,;' It could har'dl i . "F,ecHd lh?1 accurota collection of ths j f journa Is .nd other memoranda of a jthlcK i WlC;Je? Veh hundred and WiktyMoi j nd square miles comprehended by thelimtte 1- .of , the thirteen orlglna'lJStatescould be' madV . y - .u cesiaiog as most of our his., I , oo.aa ot ahef tV Union. TbU ftct has impressed itself bongly upoa ou'r .involutional annals. t ' Whilst the evehtsfef. .,S,rr,aSCa"iedoa iotho Northerdai Middle DOrtion rvf- K. r-r-j . . . 7 -jr:icueracy,1 narf5 to enumerate the reign North iis South of Cape Fear.1 If with i purpose of appris- .ihis ehanjgeiof title, .hewouJd give us. n third ins the publtat)! its nature and extent, as; lor volume, made un of Lawson s and Br. kcll a that of informing future contributor$ of the Histories of Nlr'.fi Carolina, '..hewo.U ren " . M.I " ' I "I : I ' .... ' I r. ' 1 ,. ! v., " . i I der'ius compilation nearry complete, oi.j would present a fairdaim for liberal patron age on 41 the colder. sicTe .of .the Tweeil.v ' , No." VIII. Office. anc. authority oi a Jus. tlceof the Peace r by James Davis, ivewbei n: 1774. s (Presented by Honi John. L Bailey, of Hillsborongh.) 0. IX. ; Proceedings and Debates of the Cnventiont of North Carolina, convened at Hillsborough, .Monday, the 21st day of July, Revised by, iCommissioners appointed by an 783 for he' purpose of deliberat:: on the Act! of-the General Assembly of the said Conslituttoii recommended by the General Province, for that purpose ; and examined by Lovenlion! at Phiiadeh.hia, the '17th day of !l - r,..l, 'L4"r,fi.,rl tn full AccoinKtvf 1 o. . ! ""i -rrt "tr f - . . . -: J iL II ine naurus ouu wmh. m jjcptemoerj uoi. 10 wnicn is prcuxeu me 1 Newbern Printed by James iDavis. t MDC: same' Omstitution. Edenton:' P. ..ted "by CliU- A; II ',-L " Hodge VVillisPrinters "to the tate. J .110 connection witn me oatcui mis voiume, UjdcclxXXIX: ; (Presented by. Rev. Prof. it mav not De luapnrooriato 10 insert me 101- - , rT-n , ;r,..J. JI J , reen 01 unape. 111... lOWlug ' CAiruwis iiutit uiuiuua ajisiuij'. ,v From i?.y r heenfdly recorded", fcu rart "of the?sarh 3 . , which not d: - 4 4; ,No. n. A collection :cf all heActs rf 1 j . , . . 1 - f , n 1; irr..;. TCEt cf ' ...Ich distui-bedtkfr M "V - Fmirnnl nf i Viek nnvnl ion which ;. .. . ' ..... . i ' " .U-'i'--'I : A tf W w miaw w"-. North Carolina, with regard to the introduc : j- ur Ka iTJ. Stales, imn'nf the Press into this State : Uli .'.:.! - ... ' IW" "' V ... . . . .. r ... ' 1 An1 ll;hlohmil.nl'Hlll'llIIIP I i M II. .1 r II 1 .. - - K I .Tflllllllll'l "V & .Mij wV- A. Printing Press was this year (1749) . , , n ... : . - , ; imported into tms rrovince, ana set up m Newbern oy James jjjvis iroin Virginia. Thisvasa valuable acquisition, for, hitherto, the waniof on establishment of this kind was severely felt j the copies"of the law being all manuscripts,: were necessarily very scarce, and, U is Ukely, ianny ana inaccurate. ileyof NEWSPAPERS. ; ' ' Number.' Boston Gazette oiCoun- . trv Journal, Connecticut Journal and New Haven Post Boy Ctmnecticut CouranT, ' 245 Dec. 10,lf9 124 Mar 2, 1770 120 V-rlG," ( 153.Sept.2l, . V V Sept. 17, 1771 11 lu the course this year, fr-JS I New London G.z-, vol. 9,246 Jab; 10, 1772 completed the brintiiig of; lha". first reyisal, ol the 'Acts of:' Assembly. The nmlliplicalion of them by means of the press was a .valuable advantage : tt tended" -IP introduce order' and uniformity iti the cccisio'na of courts, and by I defining the rights ol the pcopier a a oegrte io nut an end to the great t- '-chy and confu. sion, whirh had "hither. j pre, ailtd, from the . -:L:f 1 iU npnnin and ll.e maffistrates i- th respect. Tha.Kork was handsomely prints, and , boujJJa 3 Wd folio volume ; ti yellowish h-a cf the lealhar.with ivi-ch il -.. ,.rtvrred: DroceeJii from the unskillful. nessof the tanner, procured it lhahome!y ..iu,:lnr th Yellow -Jaket. which it rc- 1 ie 11 a li .w '" - r tain.lolhisoay"." Vol. 11. TP-?3?J" ' 59a May 5, 1775 t270 June 23, 1776 C ,72, Dec: 19, 1777 to . ; 'r to 107 June 11.1TIS Aascmh'v of tha Province of North Caroli- Connrcticui Gazette, & " Universal Jp.tcJhVen cer, vol: 12 Massachusetts Spy or American Oracle Jcf Liberty, . ol. 6 Pn'nnncticL Journal and C 72, Decl 19 1777 r. weettty Advertiser, .. to . f to - . .... . n , Boston, H Independent Chronicle ani'.- .Universal -Advertiser, " . ,': 1 " . 'Vol. 0. ; ; 470 v .27,1777 Continental. Journal nnd, ? - Veekly Advertiser, ' r. ' Boston,-) . ; . A.- Apri.otoOct.p J1.. Independent Chronicle& C rJu,jr i ?-T:S VUntversalAdvejger American i-.Iercuy, frcn - . - Qider-Book, k!i pt by.EpglishiOniecrs, un. tier the command of Str Henry Clinton, Gcn. Leslie, n.nd -i rd Cornwallis, from Sept.' 2, 1780, toa, March 20, 1781; found among the papers oftli late yViljiam-Ilooper, (one of the signers of the; declaration lof 'American Independence,), ind presented by his grand.' son, the ..Rev. Dr looper, professor of 'the Roman Lnnguage and Jyitc-aWre, in thu Col lege of South Carolina. ' , - L . Biographical sketch of Gen.j - John Ashe, and other interesting manuscripts; by A: M. Hooper, Esq , of Chapel Hill. . : ; " ' ' . .fiisloTical .sketch, of the Town of AViU mington, and other valuable manuscripts; by Griffith Jt M. Rea, Esq., of Wilmington.' - Extracts' from tho Letter. Book of ihe late William Hill, Esq., uf Brunslvicjt ; from letters wrilten during the years 1774 and H75:t commupicated by .'his grand.son, Frederick C. Hill," Esq., of VVilmington, Communication in Velation to the Revolu iion.irysejviccs; of Col. Murfihy, .father ol tho' late Judjjo Murphy ; by Jonathan Haral son, Esq., of Haywood, Chathanr. Letters and papers written during and s ' -sequent to the Revolution; from the collec tion of ihe lale James Hogg, Esq", of Ilills- borouszh : selected and " nreseiued by .his daughter, Mrs. Ijleleri Caldweljr , Manuscripts '6f QovS Richard Caswell : preserved by hi daughter, thedale Mrs. Gat- I'm ef Lcnofr. , - . " -i - . '"'A large collection ofjettc'rs and manu ripta,' , comprising Ihe eorrespondence" ot Gen. John Steele, of Salisbury. . S Gen Steele was ao efficientmember of ihe Convention. which, rejected. theiConstitulion'of the United States,' in July 1783 at Hilfsbo. rough, and Ihe Convenip 'which adapted ill at Fayelteville, in November 179. He re.. presented ,the Salisbury District in ;lhe first Congress assembleJ under the Consiuution received $6-appointment ' Comptroller of4 the Treasury ol the Unitcy sates. from Gen. Wpjfhingtoh served throughout Aw ladminis- t ration of theldcr" Adams, and resigned in opposiliou.to the earnest and repented remon.J VWCCS 9f lr. JefTurspn, in 1802. He sub. sequently represented the town of Salisbury in the General Assembly on various occa sions, and, as tlie succcssor of GenL Davie, conducted with great ubility,;lhe protracted discussion with rejjpect jo tlie jdisputed boun dary between ths place a nd South Carolina which, after tr contest of" more than half -a century, was forrrially settled 40 1813, Uis public correspondence commences with the adoption'of the Constitufionq'nd exhibits in tercsting" End lumtnqus' vicwf of J&c opera tions of the Government, by himself and olh er distingtiisbed individuals of :both the great poHtical parties that divided'lhe f country, d'u rliig thc firiilwent-fiveyearsef our national exislencd. Among his cot respondents were Presidents. Wa'hfngton, Adams' and JefSsr- son ;-. Alexander Ilarcilton, Qliver VIcotJ Att.r.rtr n.ll.-itin. Joseph fiabers'iam, ana and only chitl of G . ver nor Bjike, arpreseot re :dii.:; in ?! iVj .hb-ir;.!. ; , ' - T! !,,,;, i-TirrestiPT. extensive and LvaluabL: ....eciiu:i of rirj h"eb has re. warded our exertions to coV.ect Revolutionary records. ; - A.mple tnatcrials are I r'o 'utToi ded 1 for the. rlucidaliontof .the, hitherto t must ob. scure periiKl of out Revolutionary history.. From the era of the Mecklenburg Declara. tion to ihe capiluf.iliontf (Y3tkt6wn, there is mmo in "which our future annalis' - will dwell with more patriotic pride. Amongthc letters of G(v. Burkr, will bu found communications from Gen. Greene, Gen. Wayne, Gm. Ic, Gen. Li Fuyette, Count JJ ichaml ";e English.) Gen. Leslie, M ij. Cra'j, c ian. dant of the British forces at Wilmington, and from Gov. Caswell, Gov. Nash, Gen. WiU liam Caswell, General Butler, Gen. Robert Howe, Gen. Davie, Gen. Allen Jones, Corr nelius Harnett, William Ijfojper, Arc!i!bald McL'iin, (North Cirulina Whigs,):;: r. actoritic despatch from C1. David F the most ejje.rgc'.ie, remorseless and cruel of American Tories. ) . .Letters of Charles, W Harris, Principal Professor in this University in l795-lY95. The scries commences in 1793 and closes in 1801. The letters were addressed, with a lew exceptions, to his uncle, the late Charles Harris, jiVJ. p., and to bis brother, Robert W. . Harris. " 7?liy reflect considerable light on tho history of the Institution, and on that of the political parlies which at that lime di vided tho tatr. : Presented by Chas. W: Harris, l?q , Mill Grove, abarrus county List; so (ar as ascertained, of .he Members that have represented each County in the General' Assembly of this Slate,' from 1776 to the present lime Prrpared under the, di rection of Col. John-(l. Wheeler, lute Public Treasurer of ; this State, and presented by him to the Society. ' i As a n'enns of more fully carrying oyt its designs fc Historical Society has begun an interchange of courtesies with various kindred associations in diiTerent Stales of ., the Union i and with tLii vie. the Introductory Address delivered before, this Society on the Jth June 1844i by L. Silti nan lves,D. D., LL. D-t r:.'i: I f .ulTi: t vr.i. r..-i:i.ti OlSi.Op j,OI 111C UUIUCSOJUI OUI ill, uaiumiu, together iih several "'.pamphlets of historical value in Nortli Carolina, have under the dr reciion of ihis Society, been arranged.Jih'J bound for ihe purpose of epg anmitto t t: their archives. i aving thus1 given " some acccjunf of the operations of this body since its formation in Jjnuary, 1844, ihis reporlwill bepropcrH concluded, by arJirertiuglo its prospects for the future. . A method of giving an increase of effect to the prosecution of ils grand objrei, is an evident desideratum.. Tho particular means bywhich its intentions shall becarriejd ou!,has uolasyci been cU:ter mined.. Among the various schemes' which have - been ug;- gesled; however il is supposed that lhe;ful. lowing' is the moU" leasable" r " T . That br lie u Associations . be constituted through ihe J. 17; rent sections pf the State, ihe members e.f which shall, bo appointed by ihe parent Society, or by its President. In theu.bse3;ee,yf a 4hettef plan," it is confidently believed that the efficiency of thU Institution will, in this way, be greatly increased. ; Al though! the, contributions as yet1 received ha ye exceeded our warmest hopes, jt rayt.bcejear that, frorr our peculiar constitution, oiuch vajl. liable material may never reach our archives. Manypersoin in the State nrfy.nevcr, or not until late, sn much as. hear of the existence of a local body of such limited numbers nt t)urs:"some may utreasou.blv "distrust our motives others again, be wholly, unaware of ifie. valueof inanuscriptt in their- possession. To remedy this evil,' it will be proper to in vest some among the neighbors ofthese:f e'rV sons with morejhan merely 'an intelligent in- teiesi iu our. auueess. f luis.enu, it is con ceived,. will be best attained by incorporating theri intojfur number, and -in this way, cloth ing therewith aner officio authority 'lo make collections fn our. ntrme at lho mido time, it is believed that' a membership, will inspire therri with a peculiar irrteresi in ilw welfare and. prosperity, of iho Historical Seiet v.i- -That in every portion ofthe State1 there will a f Jt .1 I ' - " .I- t " ! oeiouuu gejuueniea wuq. arc willing anu even happy to act under such commission, our pride in lho XSerili Larchntan will not permit u to doubt. North C troliniart modesty has for so long a time tee; rn .tie the butt of fid. icule l)tf the forward sons ofother States; that nl la si .the hereioWe silent pride of her cili. zens, in htr. ancient subriety and time-hal. I lowed character Z J;ohor,b.-giiw 10 present an ujijjeoKmw ui tt-ia uouer oeiiueu, uuu more tangible. After our Revolutionary con duel had, for years together; formed lho sub npu.i lho eye at every s'.ep ; Ihe confirmation grown more and more intfia:-ble. ' V. " In. the end of iu association, it must l i clear that the members of tl.2 Historical fr. ciety rannot ha more pnrticu! rly i. r: " I. thin are any other intel!; ;ent c.uzr.i cf State., should unite in the p redaction an bse in which all are equally con.-rnu-d.- ; tiyji sit ol uonuser on ine pari 01 uer ciu zins, North Carolina had TorfeUetJ tier old re. iiown almost beyond the power of recovery i and vit is now confidently fcribmiued to ihe pub. lie, as a plain principle of common -justice, that the labor of repairing tho breach in f: f character should be shared 111 equal propm. tion among those whose deli"eit-ucy hnbeen its occasujjj. v ' . - . . Tito Pi Inters U;Htap:i , ( Here" lies hiajorm in jm, . : ' : '' Beneatvatms bank with br! pvcrjrownj I!v msmj casts Tav liuvo..ieir . 'jNcatnsomo xmpjmtg ttontf ; ; . t . :J " a. St column puints our lo--3 Ko fc . -rf d caps his bUtory 1 4.1- "Veda fairer cf 1 nw, -'r cf the fcttr ' V .; Tits gtlde rule lie prized,' " ;; "And K . U $i t toktu of his lotei . And all his eit, corrected and revited - ' - - 'Arerr ;rtd abovtf-.; ""' f ; Tlie copy of his wrongs Tho pi oof a of all hi pi.ety arc' there; And tho fair titU hich to truth belongs, Will prove this fitU fair, "..' " "' " :" '--'"A; , A"."' !V..'V '; '- Tlioujrh'now in deatVs tn.htae' Z ' A mouldering heap our luckless brother net . llo'll appear ori i Gabriel's royal chase, 'v .. " Andfrisk.il to the skies. . I . ; " "'' 1 RltTT.rt N fi . 3irM 10 ' The Crops.'-" We rfjoice .to learn lhal lh crops of corn in this county, and several of the adjoining ones, will be fully an averpge' one ; indeed, some, of our Farmers have told, ? us, that they will make more of this grain tht season than lljey have done for several preced. ! ijcg Qnc3,v Th parJy ieorn . suffered greatly ir.,m the , drought, and . y leled .very , poorly ; nul lite late uorn, owing 10 ine . propitious : ' latter .rains," und the low . gn.mvia, wiu amply make up lhe,dencienc,ot tlie early crops. . . w , By'a recent ! ttef froni Burke CfUirtv; We learn that iheir upomd corn a' .turned out ., wretchedly, but the lowland hns yields very . k well, and they -, w ill be able to m .ke j?ikmiK for their.own Cinsu motion, nnd on to so re f foi.vheir suffering neighbor counties. Reg. ister. . 4 -c v ..New Flour' is selling at Uiis" market aj 50 to $5 00 ; superfine, $5 50, and old r : at ,,50 to 83 00 ner barrelv .This '..,cs not h" 'i c?ucib jtef-rixiff hereabouts for bread stuffs, at all events. Ibid. , Execution oj Green. vVe learn from the Mbany Argus that this wretched young man, ' convicted of mu'ider the, most revolting nd I I . I a 1 . f I . T1 unn utirai, paiq ine irieu 01 ms crime ni 1 roy on .ednesdaf,.- ,Hc was hung at ten minr' utcs past. 4 o,clock in lho afternoon. In the usual mannej 4n the prison, ll is said that re cently ihe air of swngger and indifference has been .changed for. .uppa rent' repentance. ana ne is saia 10 nave uee-iuue - cased in'praver witluhe clergymen in attend: dance; ' It ds ulso confidently stnted that to them he made a confession, though to Wyall, broiher'af th murdered wife, whom ho en for, and whose forgiveness he craved and obr. tained," ho refused, nltht-ugh 6trongly urged -to miWe xiny Vpnfessi'ob 9c7explanaiiofl. i "It . has Ijiiherto bee.n maintained that tho curl in a pig's tail is more for ornament tha'n use. The position is no. longer,.-tenable. 'A fargelsowwa's seen walking down Broadway yesterday forooorwi mih a pwvee fiS rrd tape attached to the said qurl, and 'euxpending n Vard on which was written 'Patrick Doolan'a pig Betsey." jw Pedigrees. A gent If ma i p.ssing through our "(fog maiketV inWaUtreela few ijys ag.i, saw a man and .boy njeJbi V.rving in uieir uriws ii ie.ounn:aoo pup.- j wysrrving a pajer tied about ihe peck of tlnf tjne wluch lue boy carried be inquired ii object: VOch!,, said the .Vnv'V tlia.1 tnlli ail 'tiUout: his -rej, tions.M. N. Y. Qom; Ado: , The ttay to be Happy,-' Happiness ii always to bo found ji wc only cimdescend to pick it up seed by seed;-' As none of its ingredients t rj 1. .,, .1.' ..l ....,. z't. : i 1.- . 1. 1 suouiu 00 lliouiii 100 ujinuiu 10 lib uiucrcu , and. added to our !oey'o jnc. fcbaajdjb' drcmcd .lotp-Jifisigoifieant for distribution to; othern. f)i-.isu.os for feriferrini? rreat bennl fits do uoJl oieh occur, aud .when they do it may nor be in our; power to bestow them but the little services and gratification which are wilh.i,n the reach of the humWe'si 'meinber of society will constitute, if wo all throw ur i . . - i- . 1 . scare iu ornmou 5ucn, 00 inconsioeraoio aggregate of human enjoyments and mutual good yIL - - c " - -. U j ..j. ... , uuji , ivu ur-h:iieil- cn chimney d(esjConfouhdedly..pnc. ,f ' Judges Iredell nnd Moore; Nathar.:.l Macon, Gen. Davie,. Vilfiim Burry.Grove, and Ar. clbaldl,Uende.rsou, .f thi jStstc. N-rth Carolina has produced few indridoal, whose public" services offor inore interesting topics for'history ixpd bmgtaphy ;pd il i-bjped,, ihnt" under ihd au.uce 9f the Society, some attempt to do justice to his memory will be .made at 00 distant t'-yC ' .Tho, Socie v U in debted for this valuable contribution to their cvllec'lions; lo Archibald f '-Tl? Lctier.Books.rnanusdripts and cor. rr??o.. 'ce of Th'ar...i Burke, member of ,1 , f,-.,:"r? f!"--?.' and Governor of A splendid triumph of science. jn id Mr. jc?ct of, railery and. derision on evrry hanJ,i "ggV"M h w.ife "a Mr. 'Hart ford, has and again and again been thrown im-ur teeit) yv a ip, rwnicn ne 100K irem ns a ialter of ricvnr rlvind Wr.rn-.rh and dis- 'liselieckj 1 ' v . 4 - 1 . grace i aftcr we had, rej-jatedly, but in vaip, endeavored to defend our reputation by the arirumcnt that it was no part of human ius? lice to visit the transgression or fhe parents, oa the: heads'' "of' the T children s-wo have sit- length every other VeA provjug .insufH-H Cienf, taken courage to e.vinmio ine au-. ienttc records' of our . Revolutionary days,'aiJ, to our unspeakable surprise-,". have discovered tht, s5 far from their exhjbitingthe smallest ground for the ccuiiinp soecklessly made oa our pat not i .n,"every thing contributes to' prbduca the belief lhat there was no S.aie, eniged jn thal'strugs-ey which was. more f 1 or more forwardha-n' ha4 of North ' ilina. " : It is for the vouchers (if this set 1 .. .1 , 1 ' ..'1 - r . - . ... io..j suspecicu, on j wetcn every - day's .exps- ncuto j;os3 10 rencBr. raoco- undoubted, fni: 44 That s nothing. Pa. I saw a new doctor lake .two from -our Patiys cheek the other day, and ihe operation did hot seem to b painful either." . ."' .-., . -ThuiPuinam Democrat records a most an.. palling accident,! which occurred a few days sfnceiht "juth Est, in'Puinam county A! Mr.-Elwell, of that-town, directed his son, a tad,pJ;9i;t ,teJnftp.rj? cif .oge, tplxke scythe gi jnto the lot and cui burdocks; nXst min. Utes after he told another son f his but 6 vpnri old lo f?o to the finld lo foUovv hit broth. ' er'and pick p 'be docks ; and whilo Jc the aqt of picking.tbem :p, his brother brought about the scythe with c nsiderable force", triljing him direcilyjunci-r ihnchin,. cutting his throat in ,tbe tnost shocking manner, of which wound So instantly diei.. - ' vics cf phaldei ; although r.r und me. together with 1 tho. Utl. 1 HI liv--- 1? si'Mtei-i 1