1J 1 l!i . a LT.A-.-J Skit! II ) r u i.i l-; c!.-rt, ,!i jl !, ( ( t. it!,.? I w.. 1 a'! arraru. : ''' r.-.i wi'I 1 .nscrtcd at -ji . j i vii i... str I f r i' 1 ' ui.vTY-F.'vr Cin ' -' 'j.t of i ;'i ( ! C i . rnrir., or lliC ii 'r'ttH' -e i li.l for Li J, tin J i J ae'fuU. t!l la r'-ir-- z t' ". . , i i r!,ar f.r ai. , . ,. m S - for of.'ica ii v 2 53 ia a J;3;:c?, cr . tl. 1) Or. 3 - .l-fr-- tKr to !ie CJ.tyr nu,t C--V f Frct:i ttic IZwr '. i rbockcr. . - , Piclar. n cJ f Past. ' 4. ' coll uac:: Tim cr : ' iVilr llutKlrn! jtmrs i, i : n , , I "j.fa Grrmuii city, tlfrc sat ;i n m . in siK-nl mcilitniinn. IL wan ilo:ic, v, :th J w )ih tb-jhts rind iln-urn of r.ry. A. lr j htm wer threw n l- .'( II. .;f,i wish . 4 1-.i.')t irniieA on ! tmn. tlc;);t lSf but xvii'i letters of ilu- r stiri " u!j.h ..b':t. D fun; 'i'un lay on oncicni fn:inucrit, nJ L ii.lt- it "tt f ;jifJ copy.' Ii was th.-rii pr' ' I Bi. V,. -i the Dok of-Lif'!; th buruh, Js f iJu-rrppbaBiii.iriv-soft.t.ln;. iroiniho bou,,(Jtd aay'o3ain in; :.noj!u-r Uircc r.lu! inrn grnp iJT tia inapt: nisiruiui-nt hosc :remcr linn thai t.T the act-pin! 'r sw inl. ' 4if .n.lu-fir -jtint Juno . iii oi.w . . . t.ij l. , m ue rtil has portrayed it, w:n opeu'ntthe r V(i.?H,' "And thai tens. light". And as he -rd'na iV:atrjh-iie rutence, nnd seemed I. : i!n .n fffi-Niw. ot ambition, we wigtit ima -" C -J there, nt .tint still midnight iiour(, f J". t " -. . t . ben,,ath lhe.l unpa dim light, he saw far! enward irrwic paihol corning lime, the honor givrn lo his memory ; we might suppose thai i.o f.lt, tTi;-4is at the-1 morning of Crcntinn, , 'U in ttffrst Kplcndor broke upon primeval (' uliricrt' HI Iho mnndalf nl Ojiniootpnrr c'ukV.ert at the mandate ol Ojiniootence". i . - i ven'fto then. in (lhu) d.uk clvtrr.ber, and at ....- .( . , i'..c Call of GrriitMj the light of Troth, had t'-vti 14 pour its bta;.-i on all ihc" world," as frre and fidt'less os the light of 'heaven. :t it wa not so. . Although, ho Ioo.!i d up thutsicnd volurnt'f heft.lt th" pti-ud cyn' -i'xwnc s tint he had cou!errtd on man a ; u-at 'nnJ lasting bn)'-fit yefhc kncw'nui . -:J Jrcamrd not f the , p-twer wliich futun ' r "vs were (iesiini d ! i!evt-lipr in t!:'-: tri-mciK .'.'Us xTgine he had forged.- lie. dared tft ! jK? tint the rude offspring of his own unfet." u .ti d thought should prove the mightiest in the ! and of civilization. Yet there, in that lone tiiliut cell j. thoretin thu mystic .recesses oi i.jfj htlo lunwan mind; orrred 4cranT crtVcue in ou n'.al disnithralttnt, ihe pfoud t era in lite history of hum (i(improvcn1 nt.. v " " j -"" - ' . '. ' V - More than three hu tidied yrul ago a frail end storm worn bark, wus stiuinrini; onward through-the. vvhum-j ol Afe wide( All-rtic.--11 lie' ploughed the waves of ui 'unknown sea. .' To sailed iii gloom, where hitman eyes h id ' "Vir gf'Zfd beh-re. . Her only 'guidjes were k : suirs, of heaven, and" the conipjss, yvr ; isming to the polo with, it inysterwus finder. 1 t-spair was resting like a, pall, ort-jdl. ih 1 -arts she bore, save ooo. Columbus sood ; uo her bounding prow, ilh bis eye illocuming with the light of hope "be.nt on iiU boyhotids reveries: tho Yull rejihzitioii of his manhoodV drearns I.. For vert while he guzed he caught, far irVjtito west, the to. ken of his Jriuinpl n liglY-fuinllv filckeTing in .the dirk horizon. For a jnorenl hcsi JtAled, fearing that he saw n star -jusfainking tii its ocen pillow ; but To, it was t' e day jstar cf lus glorious delinj." - He nea.i . J those tinfcnoVn "show ; ke h-aped pon ih strand; end as he bowed in thanksgiviny, iin-'-J.is : wondering welcomers, he seemed t- let I that , .hough disgruci and gloom should follow 1m 'declining years, yet the blv.U sttp from t!. .t if rail bout to th shore of that Strang- l.u. lnin mighty stride tn tho stately march uf Jiuman improvement," ' f ' . 6uchwero-lwo oflhs ir-t i -morable -ernes in iho h"tstry fl"'! 1 1 I-zition. a hey m steps 'ihafwill reiv. ;res- d on .he sund.s vC twie, 4lio plainci luid-r.. ill cor.r. j ages:- Tl.'ay ' 1 ;' Jf ; inJ rr.cr"y to irsu.ct,... ; has burst the fetters cf i'.3 f - now .rejoices in. tl.j f... ex-rci..3.cr ;, j - ;ike'po-Ci'..- Ti'.dwcll3 t:j nwrc: ly.' - ' m'inrl- rrr in rr U tl. J i ecrtl3 Ot 1.-3 V- , every P"-r- ."nosts'.r;. j are cow v . io western sky. . ueinnu mm w.is " "'"''thtjrgilns, willwn wlnch lfer cn be no frie i -j memories unfits around him ws th .- ?jngU.lP poopic.'I joined . the cor. waste iif waters niTbeforu hi not u ud, after ,ncceding fur some time tu Jroary blank'.not the rhfra expanse of blend. lho' 0 f Ui rs picl u r e s qi io g roup , ' T per. " " . ,:' . i . i.:. u. ...... -i m e and sky , but the fairy land uiai IU U cetved the hioked-for iravuHets a Torsh'-; ward! ' earth, nnl mir car-' err.;' "fiJ-r;;". . tru ; Unlint. forcte' 3, 3r. ' . n.ci Its co-jr1"! .'-I us ever on . -r . 'ir': rlcrsi in th: !'. e,f i - iorar" ...i r;...-3v tr'-'.h ! r vcr ; -i r ri i f ii t c ;....n r 1 's n'-t f r ! .1 I .i t: a:: c;v r .i stern t;i r: jon. Wtr i:,rci. in r .wr.t, t! r ' I I !; ::..: , thror-'a ' Mh wen S'l'Tiiiuvs fy vu. ;, (3;-.;;, n t of lir.t, 3 it !.: r; "sn'nt cu:;trrtit ti jr;f nvcr. About !- -right of ih tun at immiin(j!fi--trrffit and inst:-.:1' started h puraui:. Vifu:rii ininuteV rinv bn-'-'bt t!f near cnuuli .j discover, l y --stlsni irrouldMijbo"4.-! butr.l.i, jet it m large? fur on 'Antt-Iopu or fi deer. On wc ivpntand stjon'disthiuishoil the "crcci It'-ad, the (iwi- nrnne. and the heau,.irnt i,m.; , Hirtiuni-yf lite, wi!J horse ' , prati '; lie saw uj'; tinJ ho uped1 owny . .... in arrowy .r,o f ,i:...- ' mtinn ' t.i i.l . I . C . 1 . . h i. - , . , , . . , - ' with a jjrncpfui ve.c'ity ddi:htful to hcl ' I Wc -paused, for to pursiuj hint w ith a view i. capture Twas ri.tirt ly out of the q-irstion. Whence discovered wo wvre i)ot following him, ha also paused, nud nuw seemed to by jjispired with curiosity rquajl'to our wn';."or oficr-'making' a. idrn. ' hc came nearer, HfilU wo could disfinguiih.rho nqairing rx .trcss!on of his clear, bright dye nnd the juielt curlof Ids iuflatcd notrih. ;,Wc had no hopes IP catching and did wrt 'ifUhlto 4;il!; but curhisiiy-Jed us to approacji him slowly. We, ha.!' not advu need far before ho moved findfhtcling rouiul, approached oh the jer hide. , fl w as a beautiful creature, sor. ...t. r 1 - , : . ... . T-- re.i, wnn y- uiaCK, inane OJICJ laii. Ai o oriveu, wq ould see. thq musics qcivcrjniis glosjliinlp,' apJ Whenpvilf I1 pT.iy f ul and hall iri frii'hf, l)olo,sst'4hin.iwing munu inihe,air, and fl.uuhjfTg. his Jong silky t-iil, -our ti'hi.ira tiorr'iuiew no bewud, and lonrd, hope. ely vexatious!, longed to fhssesf him. AVo" might biviJhot hitn where ho stcwd; but had we been tarvjng, wj could scareely have done it. ".lie was fret, and u chived him for l!io Tory pjsscfioij jof that, liberty we longed "lo lake frrfm. 'hufil'bul wo woald not kill' him. , We'ilrwl aj,cfle ove'r jhi he:nl. Ilo heard the shut und.lho whiz of. the b;ill, and away-hc went iJisapeanng in.the next itolow, showing ldmstf again vas he crossed, the distant Yidges. slil scero'ng sitial lef, untifhe fju'ed way to n speck on iheJfar torizin's verge". Krnntdtt'sTexas. .' . . I . Arabian I'ilSrlwis to Mecca, t ;T. h - - K , . D . : . '.V" , A let te from Algiers 3. contains the follow. -'."--' ':l''','';:".;-?iL:'.f;.i' - ""v 'I.have just, witnessed a ceremony very" ewrioui lo JSuropean eyes thd return to their1 families of" tho Caravan of.'pilgyms. to iM-fer-Pa!! J Their approach had been! announced ion he previous day, nnd ihe whole Arab p('pu. laijon went out to meet thiMi), some on horse, back , others on foot , with tlit i r wives an I ehjldreti,- komc of them parried fl iof vh J10U3 colors, uncKmany "of Hhcm kept firing oil pproachi The whole party," w4th wlmm I, was,1 com. menccd singing, or raiheVshuLiting, in cha. i rus -'O pilgrims, in ipe II usi of Gi'kI, have vou seen the prophet onrte itast High?'. 1 We have seenhim, and we. It It him. at Mecca; ho lhere prays,' fasts, performs his ablutions, rnd reads thsdudv bowks,, was ihe rcplv. After which thy hastened lo salute them, to kiss ihcirfrments, rfhd to olTer them hospi tality. Happ . wahe who could entertain them, in order, Jo jdraw down on his tent the b'.rssir-'j ef. thu; .A II Powerful.-'; Each of tht Pilgrnrvs had brought from Jklccea'sinall chap lets i which lhv distributed to llieir VL.atnns and also phials filled with water of Uirzem zen, a f : rr.tuin in tho Iloty jllouse. ; This water is kept to sprinkle over the holy deud. The At ' v-GrsiJer the journey to be attend. ,.sj ,v; 1 t'.irer, as tha road is infested c-;;'jr. - rs nr.J the expedition .occupies from : i !vr f.'-'rn r.: , during wl.wh lip - ' -y 1 . " - ships to uriJcTi, i c:. l-v,- ' - f v ' ;'h l'iey fc'iweverhope : l: t'..i rr.ca;. of t'.-.cir ' obtaining pardon r.nh-if su-.i" "v. r Tl - Inii.) -tiled the illsofSt. Anthony, in t! 2 Mi?--'. , i river, ZIc-s hi hc wa: ier twt,- - i c : ; r i. Do . h:i3 i'-.vj !lv:cl; j'-t rc-ard not wh a i.Ed of it. EjcucusI tilth desemng prai, uri your posterity s-hall rejutco in i.catirg it- . - I : y r .- '"T T1" C vc'l v.'i3 arrested at. Nfw C t ans ' idayaslncc.for r.tf .r; 'to &; U a frc l." ' -'med l, to a gc.oj. vr . c' Ds'.vV!l i?. Irrn North Cari na, r... J P .'3 V7orl:cJ for him as a cN vant. U14",";;-'-'" v ' ' ""' IV ';:,;'"TV"PV "i: ! i VV ii "Tha fira i ar-"iT oH,! said an old 1 . . vi-.... old its e. an: v, ti I -i. I.e.: ly omeiiiis!ics i.f its i dutiesj'nr.J di'V(t, j I ir Lis p ipr:- w i! -t thfit ;i 5'jns:b' 'L - . rr !.::;.! inc.". ) roTTru' t s!'iv ir i -. urui: j-ari of editing a f i, a !l ponion ( f the work. The industry is r.l - . .1 shown i' n The - ire rmplo)cdin &e. itctin Pir tiorc ! jKjrtanl-ahiTthtr inct of a good Kditnr is '.ttter shwrt by hisselcc. tinn lliat iiny hinp: dsn, ondihat wc alf know, . I3ut r.s we hare snid, nn . i . .". t, M, i.t.ir oi':;l.t fule s.t: ... ited nnd hi labors t:l1'!'-'-:'"" nndiif; rcciatcdby thogenertd con- i'- nuns its manliness 'rifv its pro, pro j ; :-tv To preserve iheso os they should be pr served, is enough to occup)' fully ihe lime J iittentwn of any man. If io this bciidded the general suprrvision of the newspaper estab lishment, which most EJIjors have to encbun. icr, t! ..dei is how ihey can find time or room "lo write atallP. . - . The Primer Ten Comma ntl- :. J' -inc ntS:'y::f I.yThou shall love' tho printer for4 he is the standard of thy country, " i 2. 'lr,u! Vhalt subscribe to hii paperfor hb seekelh'mu'.'h to obttin news, ofwhich yp may nt re.nr.u'u ;gnorant. " ; . 3. Thou .halt pav lutn for his nnncr for he laborclh hard to "give yc the news indue se&son. . . '4. Tivvj shilt ndvertie that he may v abb V give ye tho paper. v - ' ' .-.5. Thou t.h:ijt not iisit him, regardless of his jfiiec rules-deranging the pap r. C. :Thoii idjalc toii' h nothing that will jiiv-f the prntcr trouble thiTtie m'ay not hold thee guilty. - - - - 7. Thou shall-n'ot read tho manuscripV-'tn the hands of tle Gmpositor fr he will hold l!i r eld-unefur. fi. .Thou shall not seek the news before it isJrinted f i'ihe will iiive it ou in due tiific. !i f; -' n ; - 0. Thou shale ask him but few questions oj things in the "iL'Uiccrom it, thou'shalt ' tell, nuihfpg. . 1, " v ;10.-Thou .shall Aot s'cn;l abusive and threat, curg "tetters to he editor " ' ' WcCoIlbch' ,tiap. - I . " The ground ; w?iefo Maj.- Smuel M'Gd. loch took the Krfi leap- to avoid being . jnade pi iiyrec.by'irTe Indnns, is but a few rods from V heeling, aiid yet such is the negligence of those who inhabit lho scenes fft'-great exploits, th st we venture the remark thai not one dozen men have thought of M.ijor M'ColIoch, or been upon lho table land, from which thai leap was takeu.diTmig jUo lal jear." ; It was on th 27ihnf Sejicmtwr 1777," thai Fort Ihmry was; nliacked by Indiana, led on hy the notorious Simon Giriy. The, ludjans were estimated at about five hundred warriors The fori coniained at first but forty-two fight inginen, of these twenty. three wcre kilfed iii ihe corn. field be law the hdl before the attack on i!ic' fort.-:The siege 'of the nrt was sustained by these '19. nu n, until, the next morning about Iday light, when Muj. McCol. loeh' brought 4'J, in j'jr.'eJ -mcS from Short creek to their rejlicf. " r - '"'.' Tho g vt'o of i3 lorl was thrown open and MeCoi:Jchij men, though closely b.-set by the Indians, entered the fort in safety. M Col. loch, like a brave oEHeer, was "lb?, last wan,' and he 13 cul oil from his men and nearly ijrrou L.Jed by the Indians. He wheeled and galloped towards the hill, beset -ihe whole way Ly Indians who ir.; '. 1 have killed hnnj but who ivisheJ lo take i.o.i rJie, that they rr.:';ht wreak tlvir vcrcca j j , .r,t.ic- torily upon cms of lho bra.- : r- r: i t mz ccssful Indian fighters c.i .". .." ... He Y resumed ho teu'J ridc'alorg tl.j i"J, fr. 1 jhus make his, way aii:Ho Cl.ort crct-k, but on arriving at1 tho top he v - - headed by a hundr ! savages, on thevest iliey were ga ihcring thick bid fast up ihe hid, n:-opg tl.. tree3and bushes, while ihc riuin body Wt-re following h; : ' ithV . .... - o . . . ." lie was - ' on all sides i;.2 Ij'-st, wl.rct! . almost r . criJIc-I-ir, and the L. t ft" a creek lay H'.ie a gu.f r.e.ir CCD foe. I .im.-Th:3 tea, would have Len pr::: i by the.ca-L:.rs savage bvrl th -jutii-g crags cf Ihpcitcr.j slate, for I .Jo h: irr.lt or d. "?r.Jir? itpvea ori foot, urJ.thry ('i tut f-r i -r.t su, posa, tl ihofeark.-sl j:s..r.na or hijh nettled steed eould. iuryiya l! - I: .p if' r.-.-Jo. DjI with the Mnjor it" v. j.s but a char.ca cf d?ath, and a n-rnnv c'.iarxe tf I!.rv II? cho. like a brave man. " Sitting hirr.:-!f back in r is nd- r : . i ii .,...j,i.iti.. - ; .a:. . . . . . , - J . W h n:i i::.:r.- lot lime, tha' I.Jl:.i..- rroital Lo, i !::::; darirg net ii.ey :n r. IT.- : ru! t:.. . ! . looked tin uith I urrcr v - j s'i'l sifefy s" ! ' c rcc !; L!ow, - -1 1 sr.'-'uu ' T! :-r ttvlt : .. sj c; i...u or s... j !'.r'.', : : -- ' n t:.:s : ( ; :: c -fj ; . i L.tnu:;!-- cr ire r- i h in the s( lev:! fn ruiite For a r'urir L- t Ic".-t c.r.ou!;ing our case and conve - Vkcr7i"T Times. ' "J ri A doerl ffry lo Cod!:? r::a WZzo Ijuvc batl.t,::, ::. h is often told of General (mi cr.e, of the httle Ltate i,l lUiodo Island, f : ' ;e he was! independent f all final: '., ' :i capital knack of s-t)ihing t!.j L.ipp ' .. f;f Jj. ftoa.nn-fi.Jat.-s for o.-o ; ;i:.J, on such oc ensions, he used lo fell a fa-roioo Sorv, iu a ftiylo or inimitable humor, whch recmciled every body v. ho happened ci have had n dish ot ill fortune. Tho substance of the story, is this, though the -zet with' which lost r. u ii ..'' .i V- s luiu.siave in llie -South, meat was a rare blessing, one day fount! in his trap a plump rabbit.r lie took. him ouj ulivejiyld him under hisjirm, patted him, aiid began to speculate on his qualities. j Oh, howVa; f Berry fat'l ;nc fattest I ebbcr did see ! Let me see how I cook him! I. broil him! Nohe so fat he lose all he grease. I fry him ! -Ah, jes I he so berry la , he fry himself. Golly! how fat he bt! o, I .won't fry htm. I sjeiv him!" The thought of ihi? savory stey made the negro forget hi nself, and in spreading out the feast in his imagination, hid arm ' relaxed, when o(T hupped the, rabbit, nnd Vquitting at a goodly distance, lie eyed his lat,e. owner with co;.l composure. - . j... ( ' The negro i;njw there was the jcn l of the sicw, and summoning up nlT his. jlliilosophy, he thusadd'rei-sed thy rabbit, at ihe'same time baking his Hti at him. " r " You long-eared, w hite.whiskered, red. eyed son of. n gun, you no so berry xd n fiilajlcraUr! ' TAff Biler , Biltcn.Sumo one li s told an anecdot3T something' like this. A "ambler challenged jnld pilot on tho Mississippi to phry a game of Too.. TlieTaTLmrw-Wos much "-for h'im,"nn 1 bled him to the tune of "630 in sfwrt metre. VNowV'Vaid blackleg, - I"I! bet you 030 against the v9 you havo just ooiuhut I cati turn 3Uf jack the first trying."1 , ; ever. mind,1' &aid ;!io pilot, 'Met's have a ha nd !at Ki!d sledge ; yen can easily get all yotir'-money'bacA at that." ,' , . - But stvar from this, in a fewr bauds the gnmblerwas minus fifty more;, when he1 of- fered trbet $It)l) that ho could tUrA iipj'igk." : - V-cry we., go ahead. " . Qcr went ihcjwholc pick. y WtIlt".saWthe wrunblcf,'! reckon ther? s a Jack up.1,- . "' '-'" ' -. L'J Norihat you limwa'aald iho pilot, 4fr while we were at old sledge, : J stole all the' ;..b'"v - v V . The blackleg had run against a snagjVnd he wasn't jpsured.! Zree of Gail. The Americans arc prorcrbialljr fond of gain- and many anecdotes' arc toM of the! unscruputoHs avidity with, which thcy;p ;r : r iy path which leads lu rirhes. - Dat it is s well " estab lished fact, that u-"-' .ciplcd bcin; t -irl- ' -" 'l of all nations, J.- jvill-bc induced Ly lho 7. A :of gain to pursue wjlh glee, th- rv)st disiwtin e;,r;loy ricr.tsTcj.lojiariits'whw. arc revolting and dis gncef.'.lt3 human nature. And how .many thou. E irjils, n-:)-, j.aiWofitofhnnnnJkcmgsitroton'y gain llieir very s ubsTslcnce from, but fatten oii tlhc misc.. rics of others. ' ! .- '" ' r" 1 ' During the great plagac which roged ill Dassorah in the year 1773, when three hundred and 'seventy. five thousand perished, during the summer season, through the viole nce of distemper, ah English gcr..;e tnan who, resided at Dassorah at lhat li..Jn:,prcscrp cd himself from infection by retiring with his goods and mcrcjanjitfsc tojJLadJat winrrc tip raTcfuIly" "iTvohJed any d;rcct coi-juuieatio'i with. tho iiihabi. lants. , Cut not wish tag to remain idle -during the reln of the pcbli'ence,- and having h-To quantify of Bengal cotton, he sold it lo the ',feop' to "Wrap the dead in. llic price he demanded, and it was proportioned to t'"'- .'istress'orthc raiscraf)! inhabi tantp, 'xns put into a basket, which was (hauled op by a r , - to hia ware room, from which, apcr under. o'-tt a certain disinfectuigprocc.8, it wai transfer, r. 1 ta his vault. Jand the basket vfa again lowered .;.h iUc proportionate i'J:intity ,uf cloth, n ihe eourse vf tlic.sarnroer be accumulated aihandsorae f.-rt r.cby disposing in this nianncr ofrfy lhav sail ir.'-. '-"Z s.heeti.-r?ston Journal. ' . ' : - ! .'".pcJj'j AUxa" ' r JIiutc.'KTlic following anecdote, recorded c "s (::! ;"jruishcd man in CJcn. Vi!kinsons memoir-, - la a strong' light -his extreme fiacity as a z -ry co'anscllojr; . : , Afi had bee 3 Zz'. .1 by G-a. We-ainglnj 1..3 r-"t!-!i er-v hy ii . Yc-rlv, fcr scbin- ."r thea thcVEnghsb 3 considered, tjctcrniin- Cc-nr:. tide-" cion, and on the pjlr.ttT L Trjt into execution,' when Hamilton v -'-3 to Jen. Washi"Jt' that although it raight ...:,r.r.jrrat.-.:t -' 3 a favorable impression, he was cf c;'.r:or.i - .t -f more advantageous to tha er. - kja .cans, ir.-- -- :::3t t --- . x . mearn&r-r.-:.. i' . - 't . , . . 'a, t'..;j Live i -n r. 4 t.C I 3l:)tj C.i i' to, ; Lout i Id tako a 'j c. 1 2 haaric and impaticat.- en.. . Halloa, Ca..'- -I" '. '- ' , - Cumin j ilJia-J?Mi -" , ; ' Nol I li.oujht maybe somcboJy vuuM bs travelling to lay i!cur and I'd just ax yoa." . 'Tl'ellcnry Cry fav'a snort and a Jangi, enough to burst her boilers, as slm turned on Lir kctland got -under way ojain: tlio great "unhanged hr-man sweating that she had 116 accomuioda. ti -cr. ' ' , . -- " ' -v t 4 t.iia Luf.1.; had nearly forgotten llie incitL- ', when f&lUs' dislanco frtm GIargn'.Y, the jncr.t saiih not wh.-re a man was cl "rvcJ t'.u."ni . the river bank, beckoning, as - li m !, ...,0t feci. ingly, first with ono hand and then with tho other, b.'ulingtuc air before his face, and loolvi"-r verj in. tently towards the boat. Ajin the pn tile Henry Pry fetched a circuit of some half a mile, and come in. i Halloa ! stravr, what da you want ?' - - "Noc;-..' "What in Ihf h (' J you inako fciri:s for ?" ' Only Vcrpinj the mutquiloes off to sco what oal that M' A word to l;rmcrs,; i ken in the New, - York ,'Tiibunc.- ; In relition to deep p'oiighingi that journal says As io deep Ploughing, all science, nU prac. tier, all auihotity recoir i.d it, at; 1 yi t thn-e.furihs of "our fari.:.-is perit io skim 1 , - , . 4 ming ttieir land over from five to ti-Lt inIi." es deep, or not half what is required. We saw fi. Id after field uf corn which will not yield. l n bushels lo the arce, (and poor slufTi al thai) which might have L.t v. e:i to tHcntj by deep Ploe'iing alone. Of course, one car" woul 1 not exhibit all the benefit cf ihis fulture; thouli even the first year, if a dry one, would hhuw its decided advantage ; hot let land havo time to gel used to Deep Ploughing, and it will tell you plainly how it relishes that treatment. And . the man who plows deep is pretty apt to put something else itilo t'.ie soil Us well as iron. IIi will have muck and peat from his swamp holes and a noble compost heap near his burn. . -iAVJieiiiLlnTriers complain, nnd most trut ly', that they can makco:lTnig"ljyrttTttr buu ncss and this while. they are paying taxes',' kec)ing up fences, -and perhaps paying mort. I gage" interest, on twice as much land .as thr y i can cultivate wc-U and htting half , of it go from year to year without tillage, without fer tilizing and often growing Up bushes and all manner, of mischief. - Now the.wonder is not that such farmers do not thrive the marvel is jlhal they manage to exist. ; Lf t any man ufacturery mechanic or mercjia'nt do his busU. ne'53 after this path j n, and he must . fall ihcre is "no help for it..' . , x . , But must wc coneludo that bad farming has bepo.mo invelcratotamong our, people ? that our farmer have' resolved,-though they know bet;ter? to hold ' twice n3 riiueii t't-j they ran till thoroughly, and torment it ii!l it ruins hhenr. Vo will nut give jt tip. Every firmer wc;see admits ihe evil says be a nd his neigh. bors.7run over too iT'ucli land, cultivate lou slovenly are-not sufficiently wide aakc to the march 1 of improvement,' and lny bul too mtieh nmin strength on what could bo easier and .bettcrido'ne by 'ihe aid of skill and sci enee. - AlTare awarethat Ihe.y must farm bel. ter' or br :ak ; for lho' car of improvement moves en, and the only choice is' to ride on or be Tun over by jt. j . . - - ' ' ' !. rrc:n the North Carolina Farmer. , v Iittcsilnji f log). . V, - This h an important rtrlirle toihe farmers of N. C. J. am not u ,raciica! farmer myself bul my extensive t ravels ;jlriMfhr'lhIs State, have Thru"" mefwTthin the! reach of many a oild experience on this subject. - Most of the N. C, farmers fatlen their hogs upon corn. Corn of itself, in p. raw state, has been disco v. ered to produce Coslivenessi and fever, after lho animal has fed on that alone a few weeks. To avoid these bad' effects, some have let their hogs run at, large or in extensive j 7ure;ioget green roots, . ecc. Tii'n helps young hogs to glow, while they increase but little in fat. . Others have the corn tnde into meal and wet with water ; still lbs m,a Is subject to disease, as above fcs:rw& Some boil their corn then, the bog but. - ' - v. 1 Some add pota. Ihe flesh" is not as suhJ., ?0 - V !',. '. ' 1 fisc flain is found noto toes: tho fat in ibises . - . -rr.nce. farmer leforms me, be firm. .Aocxper , , , . fjr rr.iny years, raised a great -V?pp"; flHl " v m,,cr' Ci Tciy on corn and pumpkins, ar 4 ...-ver fails Jo have the firJt quality of meat when j. 3 kills , Yn-s This gentleman having made' a rjrttine by Lis &kill in farming &c, I hav Uen indjerd lo believs his experience is r J. lj3 fat!ir03 are confined in a cjoso pe:. ; well sjnMied v iih water, weed3, c"rr?tal!:s and a ...tri variety cf- traehj ca that : i.;.;;n.::?e amount oi ran . . - - J ih ;t one ho, if kept in x ' :.J well s-jppliei v. lilt ' i..'. , ' 1 pi'v ....jj twenty good hndj cf : ' M m-!c ccrn and p:r.pl:nj cr.-; .. u : '. .- t1 !;c"s ths followif? vesr. -Lethir.i t!.M i. .ihi 'crstacJi P. G. A very : :c 'v "uircr sys a ir.h I turs cf weak r.r left in a vessel - .. . . : I itself near tha hogs v hich .hcy-will fre keep their -lth -' -- '' ' v BY THE. WAV, Pljr--:h,St-pu 1, 1843, ': j . '" Tr-J,Tcrlb Carglina r-iaaej. ; Caution. - . , ..ur,y Lnr.srs often lose s' jch as r,'jf ,r sheep; cattb- &c.' Sometimes" the Li of' such stock is ascribed tq a distemper, when in fact a local causa. exists. But to f4$d out that , " cause, there lies" the cimculty. Expose no r feld to jj.t estate cxi shcept tcftrrc 'lAs cn : rci cAfrrr ti growing , Aat Arfr ?csrf ; r:jy l' did by the s'ock These 'cherry : io sure poison; ft"-clally if cropped a ..iihcrh state. I have heardof many . ir. tap.ces of flocks of sheep, and occasionally of cows being killed," by .being past ured abott iheso trees. ' -:.', rigs. I have seen a whole litter of young ; pijs killed by eating the berries of the china, tree. To young ph-; iliey are very -destructiveby clodding iu t! 'lorrarh, afsd thus slop, pirg all passagu of water or food. - "m . I have known the charT of bearded heat to kill whole litters of p'gs. The pigs of a farm should never ba suffered to root among ihis., chaff until it has been well wet "with rain. . BY. .THE- WAY, v ' Plymouth, Sw-pu 4:h, 18-15.'' v" ' -' Tea in North: Carolina. It appears fronV the September number of the S luihern Plan. lor, lhat a' successful attempt" has been "made ' U cultivate th Cluneso tea plant, by MrN"V Pucketl, of Lyr.csville, Granvilli2-'couniy. Mr, P. has saved a quantity of the f - J, which '" ho rs for sale, with dircctior.3 how to man. ' , j age it. lie f.nds that iheYla.nt flourishes hand. - sonu ly in our soil aud climate, and rkes ex cellent tea. If Mr. P.vill tleposilc a few of, -his seed withuo, wo think we shall'be able to . sill them for him,, which we should do i'with '-" pleasure, as we desire, to see the plant intro! duccd in this neighborhood. JV. C Farmer . Great Yield cf IVooLMr Luther Smith, , 1 .... . j, v, , , . . of Springfield, I Mass., recently brought' into tlnt,town from he east a lot bt, Spanish Me.; rino sheeprfrom one of which heshearedlquK 1. teen" pound it and from three others, ihjrty three pounds ten ounces of wool, being of pno : -ycarVgrowth. IV. C. Farmer.' ; : . ""A 'Spider Catching Fish.-Tha following - - -curious 'ecc'jrix-nco was witccAScd by an sr' ' tist, a fijnd of ours, says tho Pittsburg Chronicle, while taking a sketch,-at. a few1' miles distant from this city,; last Tretk. -,It strikes us as a'curious and novel incident in the natural history of the spider. 'Our friend had scaled himself beside a clear, limpid pool, fed" by n smallislrcam, nnd was carelessly T casting-small fragment of some cake upon the water, which the numerous fish "vera, jumping aficr . with greedy voracity, ' All at , once he observed a large .spider carefully creeping down the limb of a. tiC2,which ex- -tended into t!io. water and as ono of the nu. mcrous fish came tn iha top for a crumb if tha r;;I;e, the spideiseized it with great dexterhy and carried it 'afily to j,he shore, notwiih siandin ihe fish-was at least an "neb and jl " nail in icnjtin. ' - . r r ' A. Wholesale .Poisoner. There.was n fa. mous'-poison known in Italy during'' the 17th; ry, Uy horn a me of Water -Tofana,'". . , o1 poison." I It was prepared by a womarr named Tofana", who sold it in small Cat vial. She is said to have carried on the traffic for a . . .. - 1 . . long series of years, and when arrested, con., t fesscd the poisordng of six hundred people. -The preparation was chiefly used by married! women who were tired of their, husbands. It - was'as clear as waier, and five or six d..j were' falsi,' but hot suddenly, thus avoiding suspicion. . " .-' ' V Temperance Convention -h. has I .a unan. imously resolved by ihe Executive C -riitiee of the Stato .Temperance Society", to call a, , State Convention of the friends of the ,Temr perance reform,, to meet in this City, on the first Friday in December - next. -.The pre. ceedngs of tha Committee-' will bo published in a few days.j and e very Tempc "a nca Soci ety in the Slate, will be urged to.ouse them. , selves to, actionand prepare send dele. jrates to the Convention. Star. . ; Improvement in: Bustles Tho - Botori Transcript Editress,' rcorrmc.lds the imme. diate m""'jfaclure 1 of air ii.t bustles from. India Piubber, - . Je as to kepconstanu" ly'b'own 1, f 3 warmth of the bodv fcx," M.. . - panding the air within. ' They are looked up. ca somewhat in fhe liht of lif? preservers, er j thsir general cperatio.i is urged, especial ty in warm vealher,as beir, h'ghter and less cxpsnse fhan.thosa stufT-d h old cli'.I.rs, boots and blankets .- - ' ' Quelling and tight ' iegcro two fc:1. " able modes of slaughter ! In th? on3 c-cs e bullet' is ths instrument cf r!ath. l' e:h. er a strm: "'dro.and hli f :i Cr ; r.:h 1! - -J V..- - 4; i la 111 .' ' 4 fx -1