7' iri'v.;--.: G. J i L- t .- ii I . . .. - f w r - -1 -- r Oil AND PUCi'.-IETiU t T : ,1Lt s 'nd , Firrr .CV-.rrs r-r ia ; 1 ' orTiiRCR Dousu witl-i-i tlie jeir.' j '; I'i f - .P w;!l L(j discontinued, except at l!.a ju -ri: Editor, ontH all arrearages are pij.! ( . -'rTtSscrocnt will be inserted at Ovs Dcllak ,I" :arc rf ten lines or Jessi f r the f .-at in-ertW, . J TwtvTT-nve Ocjtts for each, continuance, : i. ;-ucr f inner' ion. dee'red , nvxsl be r- .kcd 'J i !' ; raarj't, or thaadrertiacnier.,. rillba c. ;inu- c i t " I f rl: i, and char j.d accord: -!y. Coerl Or. ict be charged aix dollars, invariably. 1 ! . ' T! e charge for announcing the name of a cant? sale Tor c3ce i 53 ia advan.ee, or 3 C3 if t tterrt be delayed. ' j. ' - k I...ra lathe Editor must . EJ Of po! l't..i uxliiy of Iron at 5 cents a pound, C4il CtcJl t. i3; German tcel at -3, and at t CiUe.. ALSO, L'jj.." VIiite Lc$d end Window Claw, just rcc ired and tr u!e by -j JUsi; S. & J. P. MITIL J- ytfi'iJJj.,:;: ,, e have uii land ind fr .!e a larje stock of -n t If read. Call oo ui. ' - ' -A . ' 1 f , J. s. & J. p. smith V Fib. 13. 1815. - If - - , ,, .ptate of wYorth C. . Mna ' ' "UO.NC iMBS CJtf.NTY ; J - COURT OF PLEAS QUARTER SESS. J.mu iry Term, 11(1.; - , ! j VPctilin fir jrivhfn'tl J- triis &jJ ' Nimrod Morr. Hand other,'- V!. i JunHtiian Merrrll an! ollicrs. . . - ' . j " X lliin ram it apprarinv to the Court' that Lcfi Mi rrrll. KM Mtmil, David .11 mil, Njiicy.Cruirt, ' and Jane Marriw; dafenddnfH in 'tlii!) cim, arc noli rri(Jent of. tljiPJtaU, it i ordcri-d ihtt publication Ihj mtdc in the Ilihtand .Mcsi;nrr fr nix wcekij, notiryitig ihcm that they appear al'oar nrxt iur of Tleaa and Quartrr Seasiun. for thc?ijTifjrof Dun mje, at the Cyurt ILiusc in Abhrvi.ic utt the.Sn Afind;ijr after the Iti londaj inarch nojt, theni -aiid ttro. to aiiBivt r. or judgmtnt wi!I be awarded ay iiint t hem acronling to tho pnrer of the petition.! ; Witniaat 'Aix.iKDEft !Ia.ar, Clerk of our raid CXjrt, at nfiice in A-theviile the finit Mmday after - tlie 4th Mondur i Dvcctnber Ifiol and in the 70th jturof our I:iJpcnd-'nee I " V. A: HENRY, CH, ' Fb. 13, 1846. 6w Printer fee! 5. 2a6 .... , x W ANTE p. F t one year, .a nejro woman understand rooking, washing, and house work generally. .Lib.' rial wars gircn. Far further information inquire at ihia office. ' Feb. 13. tf 1 L State ofl iVorlh Carolina, -I : 1 ;. BDNCOMBK COUNTY. Superior Court . of- LnwFali Term , 1845 ' On rtwitiwn it ia ordered and decreed by tho Court thai hi red flrr the State Ducket of . this Court be ta keu hp and t!ic huint'sr proceeded with nn Monduy of tlio.T!nu. . Further ordered by tho Court, that (xihlicuf ion of the sum a be 3iade in the (lijrhluhd Meascner published ' at Aslieville, "t th Court hwut door, and at tlurec p)tcea in tha coiiufy. ; t Witncn. J. (I, Ci.e4.v, Clerk of said Court, ut ffici, on thr 2nd Monday after tho 4tU Monday of J. II; COLEMAN, Clri. Dor.. 13, 184. j , IPm.fcc 6 if 275) NEW - GUODS! NE,W. GOODS'! ' Thc snliMritKf hto just received a splendid slock of New and Si'MNoiiale GoimIs, of every dccriptioi. Ilia aloes riubruciT, anion? other thincsJ ' I H JSrnnd Cfolfn, Caxximerts Sat Li nr Us J Kersey f Tweclj, Janet C'issinelt, HaU CapSi - J,; JHootis, Shoe, pound, Prints of all descrtptionsf Shaicl$ Pocket- htindkerchtejSi Domestics, " Linens , dj-c.. is F4CT-evr.r.r abticlk in tub. vkt goods usr . ..Hardware, .Queemware, G . 1 r v. Ware-- Croc-ker. Sugar, coffee; spjces, c. ai. Aa it ik impoaible to cimm'trate all the articles on hand, those wh wish buy will bf course. call and examine for thnniHtilves. I wouhlnay to tloso who , want Gobo fUiujAiN! call at my ; atorc, and' you ' shan't be diaupixjinUd, : ' ... - ) ' - r . - . ) HUGH JOHNSTON. Ashvulc,Dec.5, 1345. , ' If ' 277 , : TAILORING In AH Its Various Branches. ' - - .... 1 WINTER FASHIONS JUST BECEIVEDl yr Tun ndcrsiried ia trulv irratWul for the Very h ' tn.nr. Im' lin, rvivmt. iitd feci in deter- l u.W - . -I ' ' mim.fl tA a-itioritptinn. hft acrain oners hidproies- innal aprvieoa to the citizens of Ashevillo and the Msurroundingeountryt'no time lost nor paina spared to 1 . aflVct this object, our work shall be as fashfonuble and tifiiw ttorfe from the North. As jrotida are cheap in this place and our work low, we will ruakp ' it to the interest of the peor'o here utid at a distance to have thvir work u.m.e will us. - lit I. Mc. DUNN. pior. 21, 1845. ' J ; DISSOLUTION. I IIhk Copartnership heretofore "cxistit g between the subscribcrs. under U.e firm of Turner & fft. j- k:.. j.. i.ii' h mntuI consciil. IleBrrU- r.Pnn. i. ,Un. nutliiu-ized to close llio besinefs; and all persons iadeblcd to the late firm, aro requested t- A mako immediate payment io n-Ti. - - . v HENRY D. TURNER, -r . NEIO?7 3. HUGHE , . l?Jaiii ana Uc.zicy , i.j. r BOOK AND JOB PIUNTlNGf- iTPrntod wIHj TVcaliicr, r.uunt vcrf r Reduced Prices. - j . ! - :AT ThX OFFICE. CF-THE KEEC....j! " , WHERE jIVEST VAKIUTY C '."-j" j., AVILL BE DONE A.T.THE 5H0PvTEST xiui ixi J vi. a , ; ACCOMMODATING TERMS. . t ALSO" ' -.t lTnrrre Twrnnrov CaCS. NAMES, EtCCTlOIl Tickets, Luink Nots or IIahp, Hat Tir. , v Watch . anc .Saddle . Tickets, Ooods r . ... ClLLH Of AU. SIZES, YATUX HoasE amd Jack bixxs, An invalid editor' has discovered that n -. , PRINTED WTH .NEATNESS AND. DESPATCDT. vi C-Tf fi:- :i Tickets ub-'Xn. ' .v..iiftti-nranf'iuJcQ mixed with castor oil, wi V make tha? nauseous . medicine; so palatable rOE'iiiiT. ' Tort'ie Hi'Mand ".Iccnet. iTO V:i33 M. E. j When tLe IrlJ.l rajti if Jualr-lit are faJInjat cTen, AU dccla n IU grandeur tbe tlucvaultrd iky Vbeo tlie last rm'Jj oT auaact fl aU back ioto bc- . Ar, J g.IJi , .- a, moment the gold clouds onjiijjh -Ulicn mirr'd ia full t; rillny dcwfdroPe tberrdnet That C.ala l-k a nianlle ocr mountain and glen. And U.e eiara, one bj one. fdintlj emHe in their : ' jtladncaa-- . ' '..p. : . ;'' ' JVr .1! . fo::J : ! .I t!.; .'if thee then. ' , ;;;t b'.j.J jui cf ci'.dnight are ! '"' 1 ' '. " ,! . j '' j ''" j -' ' ; t'.2 ca'tli i.i ita gloom, " ' rt;nt!y i pealing '; 1 ' i tweet laolodj j h i i..rou '"i forest and -And liic s ... tiling tcpliyr ita fragrance ia bringing, - Fair II. fad M. I think of thee then. ' ', ' -i ' : When the bright fcstive.hall, with Us mirth and its ! gladnefa""',,,,' :J.. i, v ; " 1 1 A "' Resound with the shout of tlie gay and the free When the joys cf the moment are banishing sadness. And drowning each care in the sou! stirring glee-p When the heart. waking song of affection is sounding Ita impassioned strains on the. ppirits of men. Whilst yet tho last .note of ita cadence ia bounding Fair. Mj fond St. I think of thee then. : ' I , 1. : j ,4 . ...... r ' ,j " : f ; ;- ego sum homo. ; January" 23 1846. ' -'fJ: ( " 13 r";U MISCELLANEOUS. ' From the New York Weekly Timet, j . j. A FcillFIJIi TALE OF A Til EE. BT TIIADDEUS VV. MEIGH1N. .j j The talo I of the - Vgrwaning i tree," (with which 'evrrv.budv who reads it all is perfect ly Uoiiliar,) is nut more rcir.arkab!e than the one we qre About to relate. j. NHir wUhin a peculiar tho village of White' Plains, hand mile of the buttle ground j stands a looking remnant of what . was, at a .very singular oak tree.j It stood one time ke n giant, aluuetn ft cleaf enclosure Fused lfrpaturip',nnd was spared by the axe, aa it isa:iicljbccuse of its uhrotyh andtlnmatchj I as khape. A branch hid, when the oak was; ouijg been bent in the frm of a circle, po that the en J rested io what is eh'canilv! and expressively termed "t crotch." Inthi-i manner it grew, the "crotch closings up as ihe" trunk expanded, and securing the. in- truder, jrhe, 'other., branches grew, straight d strong -four of them indicating the points j the compass, and bearing foilagc, which, unusually, plentiful, formed a beautiful shelter, Tne"oaw rlng"grcw, as we ; have already intimated! below the'se branches or arms, and I consequently was complet ly ennopicd.: It wni u j l-fcurec and ..comfortable resting p!4e, of' which: the young people residing in the vicinity i maae ooa use. j jovers, .met i t ' "i . -; v'i.. . r there. I Public meetings were held there. May .day festivities and oiher sports were cel. J ebrajed atj thiscclebruted spot; and, to be rier, the residence of the Squire and i the littlelframe school.house were objects ofi se- condnry consideration comparedwiih this oak. erhps until thia day that tree, would have been associated with pleasure, had it; not been, lor a mournful occurrence which shad, owed; Its memory with the idea of death,, and connected with its name terrible thoughts of the attributes of another world. This mourn. Jful occurrence may be briefly related, i , , A fehort time previous to the, Dattie oi White Pla ns, theBritish soldiery wen? j ,c- cusiomeo io aeour ui vouuuy uan7 . ' J - .1 1... In. uiknl. ever jjood fortune might cast in their way. They blundered the houses of all the valuables they contained, stripped the larders, desola. ted the hen.roosts, drove off the tenants of the stables, and left the country thereabouts as bare as it must have been shortly after, the i i i . ' . . delugel in all things L save human beings Hunger, compelled by he .'want of food wroniMUii " i AH j withheld, will make any. man ir. tjd destructive. The Natural conse. rascibleai quence of .the foregoing was a feeling of 'ha. tred, as wild and ungovernable ns the north. . '-!-'" i , '.., '. 'i " '"'!: H ern tempest, against every man who wore a red coat.-r-If it were possible, there were others who were hated "more cordially than jjD. rjritisn. soiuiers uu mvoo .., mv.i , rv"inhabi!innts, many ot whom auo tormeu themselve nt marauding bands, and follow- lea ' ofthe lory bands was'a young . man of" mu-. talent and great personal beauty, ham- . j o '..L.Ln- wlm'owned the Oak Tree. I the A Brownson", who owned the Oak Tree, j the - t ! it. mi. ni9t ' lotlf ti?-!nt iboiit CftV "0(,s distant. By foraging, t o rmssed in a fw" weeks "aj large sum of iiey and the fact became es notorious the Scriptures. He had a yoiing and pretty fe whuso amiability and patriolism " shield h;m for alon-time from -any, extreme uo .... 1 ,,i'nilf hatred; but the ravages his 1 I - a 1 m-tA tr fl band madd at len nitch. ""that meeting of , his nd ooressfd neihocjrs was at last ? AtT measures, for the preven the prompv pu" mA ihn Arriunation of; "robbing in the king s oTtr wretched lives. Tfru for Which you "T i r . . ..... . " t ihft rxnense ot tnose wno were mv hnsbarrd has not. l .1 in v soul, as far as nl.horsJ arid had been friends. The chief rkhow:tjsreak'nu,fali-houj.?l":;-. 7 j ryd Lent headed the -meeting:.; ! lie aJkocateJ immediate i-ciin, ar.J ca!!d for t!,3Bj;Miir.:.i:ci.; if jcoc-.r..;;ice to stloct tub jeet fur f-ni-O.-.rct, acJ to criminate lite niethtid cf ila acniiu;tratic3. - TiO cornrnitiee reported ibit Crowcsoo hou!J be first taken ia l.ar.J. ; Ills Ufa : vis to bo span J bat they decided tLathe should be stripped of all hi earthly peswssions, and that his dwellings s!iou!d bo gtTcn' to the. fljines. Twenty strong men immediately a rnied theu.se! ves, a nd bent their steps to wurdj Croarnsuns hsuse. They: ha Led be neatli the Oak Tree and reconnoitervd. . Nowr," said Lent, who had gone to the w iodows of the dwelling and inspected erery part around, "advance, every man. There is no one there but Brownson himself. We will call him out and demand his money. All 'assented."' With noisless steps "they n ached the house and posted themselves at thediMir. Lent advaured, and, tn a laud voice j com nanded Brownson to come forth. 14 Who cal!s?M demanded Brownson, 'I, Peter Lent." j We are notfrkrjds you can have no business with me. "Leave my .premise!" continued Brownjontas he opened the dopr: 14 We will leave the premises,1 exclaimed Lent, as he watched the" gaze of hi astonish ed enemy, "but that will be after. we haveta. ken your gold and burnt your nest of treason about your ears." - j . 'Peier Lent, I know you, and I know ev ery man with you. Let harm como tome, and you shall all pay dearly for hi I As for gold, I have none." . ; - We'll search for it!" shouted Jeh,1 Tas he pushed. Brownson aside and rushed into the Iiouse, followed by his companions, v ' They were met by the wife, who jpathetic. ally implored them to spare her 'house-from the desecration of a search. ' 1 : " v ;: "We would do anything for you, fnadam; but your husband is a marked man, and must bo punished, He has searched and robbed our houses we will now pay him in his own coin. . . . I Thus spoke one of the committee who had proposed the punuhment. As if convinced of the right of ret ribu'ive justice, thej woman offered no further, argument fo'r mercyr but quietly J though more like a spectre j than, a thing of flesh and blood, glided to'q j seat in la cotner of the ajartfn?r,t.- Her husbancf moodily watched the moveincb.s of his ere mies, us they ransacked every nook n'ndcrev ice." When they had done. arid still were empty handed, 1 he smiled contemptuously, saying, as he did t " Well, gentlemen, you find that my house contains only what a poor man should possess. Are you satisfied! "No!" spoke one of the number "No; you have gold. , It is a pity that it shoud be melted in the flames which wiH consume your dwelling, i Speak, then, and tell. us whereyou lit i j ... i unve-noaraeu-ii. .. n I.have spoken, sa:d Hrownson, vana 1 tell you again I have none." "Tuke him ta the tree and hans him, if he docs not tell, cried Lent; "and:, if ho is obstinate, let him swing to death. . "Ay! to the tree! - chorussed the others Despite the screams of his wife, he, was dragged to the tree and preparations were at once made or putting the threat into exe Icution. A rope was thrown over a limb, and I one end placed in the ho nds of two stout men I the other end fashioned into a slip-knot noose, was . placed about the doomed man's DCck. , Not a muscle moved as he passively allowed his captors to make "these , prepara I . T . I 1 nons. ixeiiner.uia tne sons oi nis swooning wife appear to make any visible impression. j, free was blanched,' his eyes were glassy, an( h;s UpS were bloodless; but his nerves were firm, and i his heart . undaunted. He had lead a daring life, and iwas determined Jo me a bold and remorseless end. I - - "Now,"- said Lent as his companions form- e(j a cjrcle around the tree "open your stub- born mouth, and disclose the ' hiding-place yOU have selected for the money of which eVery honest man here can-claim a portion You have fifteen minutes lo decide. , Re. . i ... i r. " '.ijt .-"!,-..: member! disclosure or death!" - j At this moment flames barsfffom the roof J of the housewlt was, according to the decis- i juikoi iue tumnmiejwcu.' j See' mnrmured theUaint lemale, "you j havet deprived tis pf home spare;' at least ask vV'Perhap we nrovrcrT,"-suggested, one of the band. ;i :-r. ; 1 ' -VVronff!" said another, "nonsense! r. Do I Wrong!" said another, "nonsense! ' r. 1 vnn MmnncA 'li. ivnnU tell kr uhat . lifi i Im I done with his plurider?"r 1; ' ' . " ' j . . f f'Oncemore and for the -last, lime," said asi Lent, "I ask you to disclose whereyou have secreted your money? . For the last l:r.:2," I reply, I will tell nolh: - Ing.:-, 4 "Then mark roe. You. see the rafter fl f ab In i irt tia fl-l mT f n fl mnmpnt it Wl falU -s that falls you will be suspended be lweca wie heaven and earth. Your : fate is - ast, and mhy God have mercy on your soul 1 ,eacn iiun.ucitu,u . w ,w.w.. ,. s-IIaabaftd!'; sbiicked , the wife "Has Land! tt.I what t... j tt ;-".--, in iLj i.ir ,cl Heaven!1 4 ' "Nevci! I have cogotJj , If li.ey n;t; they will be ir.urJcrers cr. J my death will cot 1 unavcrccd.1 ! A crash aiiiioL ceJ that t!.c burninj ru!rjl haw fallen. . Lent" lifted his -! ind, and in a foment Brownsous body swung clear off the crouod. The wife fell insensible. Lent raised his hand again, and Brownson was immediate y; lowered. He was soon recovered sudcienU Ijr to speak and listen. , j MBriwnson,"B7iid Lentj "you see we are determined. Save yourself if possible, for me sase oi your wite. .,y - I The hitherto strong resolves of the doomed man seemed shaken. He-motioned ihern to revthWopefrorw his neck. They did as ho desirtd. Drawing near to Lent he- ' i i " t faint articulited: "I roust recover my uaru. m spe-amg oi iue ou.r m.ua oy mr. strength. ; Grant me a few minutes respite, Po'k to Mr. Pickenham,of the 49th paralle!, land you shall know all." ' says "Never wfih our consent, shall'ihe, j 4Look tolho woman,' said Lent; "see that (meaning Great Britain,) le the amsequen. she relives.1 She was then raised upon an Kftai 'jf have one. ttquxre inch South elevated knowl about five rods from the tree. of ihatyaraalUir This .eitles the question They dhafef her temples, yet she recovered and Great Britain' might as well cave in. lioti Brownson' eye glanced imeaaily a Notwithstanding, in 1844,; ; the "Democratic round." j A close observer could have detected Coinin'ttee admitted under their own hands, the faei that' tho embryo hanging had not 'hat Great Britain had the wholi of "Ore much disordered him. Suddenly, his vision gon on the West, ihe puissant-Editor of rested upon a musket which ono of the men, the "Standard now declares that she shall attending upon tho ft male, had left upon the not have one inch not one tquare inch--- 'i-i'-i r i. t i if i. ' -t o ....u Lit.. it - t?1m..i.'" r - groiuiuii v.i:ck as a uasu oi iigmntng ne seized the weapon, and with the butt felled Lent Jto the 'ground. Ho then ran to his wife raised her form eaiily as ho Could that of a child, and essayed to escape.! 1 - " j; liFiRE!Tr yelled Lent, f 'Fire, he has bro. kenftnv arm. i - ' - ' - TheshirpVoporlof a dozen muskets pier. 1 cpd the air and awoke the surrounding echoes, Brownson staggered, fell, rose again, and blindly attempted to pursue! his way. ; He mistook'liis 'direction, and, going towards the tree.VeacheJJt; and fell with his burthen, The woman was dead, but the" man, though aot through the vital pafjsV still lived. ' " i;" Butchers!" "groaned "he,1 promise, me one thing ere I die-" " ! V " " '('What is It?" - ' v ' k V That we may be buried at the root of this! 'rpe Your request shall be fulfilled." '"Enough! The gold you have slain us to gn is buried here, but you shall tee touch a piece! Curse you all! accur- . Two lifeless bodies lay bathed in blood, and Hip i Biuugiiiercra giidvu uu iiiciu , ntm hiui horror. , I .lli-.i i. ! Brownson and his wife were buried at the foot ,f the oal, tree. . As may! reasonably be supposed, tales of supernatural appearances connection with the tree were freely cir- cJlated among the ignorant and credulous, and the spot was, for a long period, shunned bvr voun" and old. - The dreadful manner of thfe death of the foroffer and his bosom com. pajnion, and the impossibility of finding gold here it was said to be, are excuses for these nonsensical rumors. j 1 The scathed and. blighted remnant has all tie curious attributes described as belonging to jlhe flourishing oak. ,---. No dwelling was erected on the sight of the burned tenement. The only punishment warded Brownson's murderers was the ago nvUf conscience in those lawless limes of Jf I ... .-I s . - war a trifling infliction.- i Tber Pcuitentiary Question. The Editor of the" Raleigh Independent, who is himself in favor of a Penitentiary, says that he is satisfied from the tone of the Press ofthe Stale, and the silence observed on the ubject ut the various meetings lately held. that the pcblic mind is settled down in opposi lion to a Penitentiary. We confess thai We are surprised at this conclusion, as well as at thej strange premises taken by the Editor Xrom which he derives it.- It is our opipionl that a majority of tho Presses in the btate are! in favor of the' measure; but with one cbn sent they seem to have determined that the question shall be, freely discussed pro and con, and! that no partisan bias shall be .given to it; ana tnc reopie, .we mier,-ncquic-(ii:o in mc vertneiess, me suujeci is ju.u.c minds of the people," and iLar pi paring themselves for intelligent' action When-the time for votio shall arrive; and as'the weight . ' . i '.r. : r U--r it, mo.a ofargumenns evidently in favor of the meas- ure we think the people will ao aeciue. The "tone of the press," therefore, as well as'thi silence observed on the' subject at the (various (polirical) meetings lately held," - -L-f 'S- . . L.;ffi. iT.i.t .-.hm in we jf lew iii ciy u.uw..H. - which the editer of the Independent, ses it we think lliem decidedly favorable to a Peni. tentlary. - " ' '-" ! " - " 1" Tliough the Editor's of the 1 papers in the State observe so much silence oi the subject, their ' Columnsldo 'noL ' Many -well.written commuiitcayofls have appeared,: which hav6 been extensively cooied; and in this way the qucsi': j can bar' ! 1 cfore tfie peopfe," with' II less dari'-er cf I '. . mixed up with exci tin" political topi. j. Iffllsboro? Recorder. . - f ; r j1:, 'i .f.t-: Tlie seat of Government ef Alabama has been removed from Tuscaloosa to Montgoin ery, wisdom of this course, and !.? nee they nave Kentucky, payable at Louisville, which is notl thought proper to eprrfi nn opinion deemed counterfeit; ' The note in question is onlhe question Tn their - pullic neelings. JSn 'I,'Scqtr,' Cashier John TUford, ! ; H, ... . Prest. I. Ware, payee, dated May 1,18 Nevertheless, the subject is occupying the 41leler a .rsharne was. found at -rrv tj t Uch U Sv( -fosvd to s-ik t!.2 t l 1: Hy, r.:t t.3lythro i"j xo J a.. ' :r u; w.i Mr. Jlat. X.. i,j i.ppusing it T'? r I t:on,"our rcaj.rs tti'.U recollect, ii I -'- l-y the 'r nico' ta Great BiitainJ out utfS0:!i J .Consrcs. void ' to' rjvo it, with an oiler to submit our cco.l cu.v- claims to itbhrationv Huw any onc, pretendinx to the slightest degree c patriotism, or love of country, to say nothing of the ob'igalions of humanity or Christianity, can oppose this "peaceful remedy ," weare at a loss to di I . t a. -. . . - ,net un 3 supposing -mat, wun some mn lh hehctts ol parly have greater force, than all other coosideralioris combined. r In relation' ta the same subject, the "Stan j i i - '.' t. r .l : it .. i.. i 1 1 uui ui iuai iaruci;-?Bn cguio. Seizure of an American Vessel. Itn ' prisoumcnt of Klr JLoiTrj.of Hal . tituore. : i,;:V ';: . l 'j.' . , ,, Uz The Philadelphia Ledger, says ' We have been shewn aj letter received ' in this city from Montevideo, dated 23rd of Octo- be r last in which the writer,! Mr. Naultv, formerly of this city, and who is now a jrner. chant of Buenos Ay ress'iys that on his way from the Southern coast returning to Buenos Ayres, which, iq his absence, had been blockaded by the British and French, his vessel was jclzed end he taken' prisoner, as ha attempted to1 enter by an English frigate, and;sent into Montevideo along with Mr. Lowry.frorn Baltimore. "He was there de. taine-d at the time the letter was written, not being alloyed any communication with1 the shore or to send to Uuenos AryesTor his clothi. Olivers of our countrymen -are probably ex- posed u the same danger." G,tt, pri.-There is no such -doinj anylWn , ..gratuitously in . J ' 0t . b : f - o ------ j r-j - every thing that is done. Not a line can be set that dues not cost money fur the setting Either the printer must pay -the whole, or the advertiser must pay his share. The only question, therefore, to be asked by the publisher, who has to pay uio money for the labor; is what ground has this party or individual to require me to pay for the promo. "o oi us or nis oojects i It is stated that Texas is divided into 32 C0Uut,es Galveston is the largest city, and Houston the next. Austin j- the seat of gov ernment,; has a population of 1500, and .Washington about the same number. Sunt Antonia is the oldest town in the btate, with a population of 1500. ' ' ' We understand that some of. our business men have it in contemplation, perhaps have It. 1 . '". ' 1.. . . .L . determined upon it, to apply at the next scs sion ofthe State Legislature for a, charter for a " Merchant s B nk" in Wilmington. Wit witgton Chronicle., - ' There are nine hundred different kinds of roses Counterfeiters. We feel it lo.be our duty again to warn the public to be on their guard 0n the'subject of counterfeit money. ' There were lwo arrests in this place; last week; the grgl for passing a counterfeit $10 bill, on the Bank of the State of N. C., butllhe accused IWas discharged because the evidence was; not deemed sufficient to establish the fact that the j individual knew it was counterfeit when he passed the bill. The second person arrested os)ohn M.. Sharpe, charged with having 1 pa?sea a?iuu oui on uie iurinern cans: oi 41 letter D. - Mr. Sharne iFlint Hill," (the same place where that ve jry worthy ritizen, John Bulloch, was taken,) when arrested. Miss Moore handed lo the officer at the time he look Sharpe, a' bundle, whicbshe bad .. hefo;8afo fee" ing. anj which, whenpened by the officer jn presence of the magistrate, 'was found to contain 8440 spurious coin; 19 pieces intend, ed to pass for American gold eagles,1 and 50 half eagles. .; The counterlcit coin and;bU wero pacc(J ia , he hands of the Sheriff,-and Jn default of bail, Mr. Sharpe was commitied j to answer at our Superior Court in March. Salisbury Watchman. . r ; ' Bffl hu dbonodecacl the Le2ilaiare of Alabarn authorizing the CfoTcrnor to apply for Ala- bama's portion of the proceeds of the sales of public Unds, under the distribution aci ; ' ; ' a b'H has been reportt 1 i.i ihb Alabama legisla- tore, prohibiting under severe pen 3ltes,t1ie latroduc. tkm of slaves into tne aiaic cy nt-ro iraoera. God has griren soie ticn U l and opportunity to .store their i :.htLo i. chest treasures, bo I in ralserly n'-zz' -nc6s they seea dippc:cd to lock tlien? J El t" 5 C-- :.-.3pri.JI--i t.i Y Ci.., t.l by C-IO.IJ,: .ufjftha year. Thirteenth' ingsjr-pers ' r.ers, to'CauaJa. . .Jr-:to3, U. C., crntracu . aro out for makinj !;r-9 bail:;:: "ia r-rious parts of tho town. ,'".-."? When 'it fr let ' " d Ou v.V, take-tr r3 , cf ; your r jsc, that it . i n't -ct (ccz? en J wriji -up your toes ia x.ar vollenjiose'. ; . The above,, - 3 suppose, was written in prose, by some t j who kn j's the ep-xt cf culJanuws... ' . T' v f ... .- 4 The Atlantic Mutual Icsurar-ca Company : of New. York, have declared i i video J. of ; tventy.four per .cent, on tho r.ctt earne4 premiums of 1815. . m - Cure or &re Ej'M.--Uuait four fjs; , take the white and press the' juice, through ; a fine cloth j put in this liquU V piece of su'ar of lead and white vitrol j the size of a small ' shot , a nd of alum s much asof the two, and ' of loaf sugar the f a 'chestnut. " 'A lady recommends the above from much experience. s , An English lady of high fashnat Bou- logne, lately separated from Hher husba.;d,1 has changed tier. religion,' being resolved, as she says, to avoid his company in this wwrli j and the next ! A convict, named Plumb, confinr In tho Auburn prison, was whipped to death a fL'i days since by ono of. the keepers, who la- - flicted upon his person" 420. Ushes! -vV,... j f Dried Fruit KeW- in an 'old salt barrel, will be save J from tjjw depredations of in. ; sects. This fact 19 of great 'impirlanctt th - present season, a$ next year we mustdi'pend j n fruit kept over. o These barrels' will kcop grain uninjured froiri insects.'. - ' ' Hinton, who killed Stallings' in Cherokee county, Alabimahas" been "expelled 4 irbrn . the Masonic Lodge, and notice ts given w ' this effect to all Lodges throughout the world, 'j' -' - ' . ' The receipts into the U. S. Treasury dur. ing the ;4th quarter of 1845 were tM999M The expenditure of the Government. uriog the same period were 5iQ3,810,6& The Mouse ol liepresentaures o; icnnrare . have passed, resolutions providing -fo the lacing In the State House two marb e statues - uo of Washingion ihe oilier cf Juckson. . '. They appropriated . 1500 dollars for this purpose.. J . . ' . , . - It is the opinion of several respectable prima thatrEngland has been"ihief and robber the world over." A rrest.and punish her then: A wag of an apothecary at -Washington on being applied to for an emetic for a member of Congress, sent him a phial labelled ' Com pound extract of an Oregon spetcb. . , - Dr. Campbell of Barbour County,; (Ala.) n a dispute with Hiram Carter, of the same) . County, cut the two branches f the tempor. I arteries of the latterly, winch he expired soon after. Dr. Campboll has fled. C. T. Kimball, the keeper of a hotel at Covington, 'Louisiana was killed on the 23 i: ult, by J. M. Kirklaud. rThe deceased charg. ed Kirkland with the seduction of his daughter and sought to lake his life. -Kirklmd shot ; him, and immediately surrendered himself, i protesting that he acted in selfdefence. ; Sugar of a very superior quality is manufac ture J in Portland, Maine, from Molasses-. . Queen Victoria, ii is said by' the papers of ' . Paris,! intends visiting thai city in the coursei of ihe present year. . ." ' ! 1 Clerical Sarcasm. In some parish church-'; I es it was the . custom to separate the , men J: from the women.,; A clergyman, . being interrupted by -loud talking, stopped short, j when a young woman, eager tor uie no nor. of her sex, arose and said, "Your Reference, it is not among u." 1 "S.i much the belter," answered the Clergyman, k"it will bo over the sooner. -' ., ' The-population bf ; Washington City is esumaieu u.oo,iu. - i ,Thc ravages of small pox 'ia New. York, j have been greatly reduced. Eirly io Janua ry, it carried off23 victims in one wck, but last week there were only ieveu deaths by it. The tide of emigration into FloridVis said ziT.lct i'--.:cs rcc to be great---especially around the liammock j j . lands in the vicfnjty of the Water-courses. r. A baby, three months old, was st'n in . Cincinnati a lew uay - v.t..4 w k . tolen from . ibe cradlo during the absence ; of its mother. ' - ',. r "' -V Biahop Miles, of NashvilV, Tenn., has.r . mad'a purchase of. 13 or 20,000 acres of t land in Kentucky, with a view to fts settlement i i by a large party of foreign i emigrants who;. 1 are to come oui uuuer nis patronage. . Sleamboaf r Explosion The Steamboat i Oeola, bound from Cheraw" to Charleston, m, J uuii uci uutici ikri utoisviui'u vi. ihe 20.h ult. Three firf men were serious- . ly injured, "two of whom! have died.' "One. belonsed to' Mrs. Hillcn ofsGr"r'town, tho -olherrto RVT, Powell of Cher -' ' , "There are aaid'to bSTsix or seven, hundred, seamen losTannually on the American coast. ; 'Chief Justice Taney "hs'-recovrrcJ front his recent indisposition, "and. has r"Jmedhis seal. on j he bench of the .Supreme CV:rt , , j Tlie work in the Navy -Yard' at Memphis, Tenn,, U lo be pushed fcrward rapidly; ,f -ii I . r ...... ; I . i t !7 V ... ,..that "cMUrenyi!! cry fil i1; v 4--- ' - j -9 a ? m