1 ? ,1 1 v r- I v; , ' 'Jj Uo -V.-'n. W- rrr tT"X &t" V wii. VI lw. 1r :I -' .... ip i I 'ASHEVILIiE," N. C.,'.FHIDAY,i FEBRUARY 27, 18, 'vy -HOL3.WO. 2G8. HDITOPv AND I'llorillliTOU.; ' J . tr:::?: or the jiesi:.icczs r Two Pt.M mmi Vim Ckts jwr nnura'ui lrnert or Tiiikk Doixam wilbin- llc Jir. j. k Nfr'wicr wilt Iks d'mrontinacd, except tt!i ojv. lin of th nJ.lor, until !I 6rrcarac rc pai.l.; Advertisement will t instt-rtcd at Osk Vollah Jvr fuar of ten lines of lew, for f!rt in.' rli..i, iii Twr..xTT-mc .sts lor each, couiintistuce. Tie number of insertions icnltud must be marked ni the margin, or thb adreriiirmcnt will b. canlinu. "d till furbid, nd cliarjjid accordingly. Court 0. dor will be cliargrd i:x dol'arr, id variably, , j Th charge fur omwiuocia tiic name if a candi. &t dtr office i 0- 53 in advaucc, or 3 03 if pjy. tn;nt be delayed. ... 1 ''.. j Letters tu tbe Kditor must coma free of pontile. , Ashcvillc Female Seminary. tlcv r:. Rowlcr; A. Prlzirltial. f. '': ,! ''' .i,t ' V '''!: '. ;.:';r-L.V-'i;-4i:.?;-:'-- -ti!"' , Tlo (tnmnirr ciirnf this Institotiun will com menci on lbf iit'lili of M.ircli next, under the direc ' tiyn of Rpt. C KoLKrrii wlioq ability and fcoc. cc the Trusses hsive the a!oi'st Corfidence. j . Measures lure already been taken by tha l'rine.i. pl tn secure, ut an eurty period in llic f cssion, the. "ririccs of comjH lrnt and experienced Teachers in Miwic, Drawing, St. . "i Tlio warding IIxw will be under t!io drrection ' of the Frincfft I, arul will be open fr the reerptn . t'f pnpitsat l In; cii5i Ticcini-nt of ilie fseKsiun, at t!ie rrdnccd price of t per inunth, exclii-tivv of vaniiinj. 5 j ' - t Terns of Tuitlin or Session -of Five SIdctlis; . . ftf lrpmralorr Department.! Incliirtiri - Iinig. U' MUinj, ural Aritli Inttlc, G.o,rraphv i'id WrTlinj, , - In Jmalor Oiviaiou Inclnd'nff l1iealiet with Written, Arilh. ' im tirj l!iyfl Ui win a ir, (IiitUiry, Ancient lienjjrfipliy, Fin I lyi.ic.iiif in Astronomy, &, -, I'otUJtO'itlon ' r- ' , 'J. :'', :T JIu Sn:Iir DlvMoja. Inc'iidin the lxivc, with Uhc'nric,1 Nn tjmfj Iiitelleetual HndMori I'nUuvophy, . Ciit-iiii.lfy uud .tjit; , K v . i , ! - - Elxtrn, j,; . J For Music on Piano, f V " U-icnf InKtrnninit " . I.fxs'iii9 in Druw iiijj and Embroidery, Matlicmilic-. French and Litin, ''s N deduction after admission, fur absence, except for sieknos. . ' K--nci.jl facilitits a forded thosu wUhinj In pr p:ru for 'L'eHr; - i - ' It fleniirod thut tu Hltciid during tcitiioii, commence at iUix'iimin., ' ' ; , J. t IuIlY,i' r Q G 1J 12 i 13 . illSUElihAiVEOUS. I'rom t!ic North Ctrifcina" Farmer. Tin: rt uc s7 i"f !! S fruri :ViT tlif y;is.n, uill ktsniuta elver jr furnt r iasjri-ad !.;tTisi-IC" ftrja Inr" oneULc ntc-tcnt year. i !.f caipj,!p t'f Mr, Purler, f !.e "Suits -i I' Minbt. u !;.: -s laij U-fiirt' iiur reaf. cr List ir. 'i, j,;,.,. unMirtnt;i injslnu tiua an.) 8To! - mc ut in rail in tlu; prof-ocu ft,"' tuil LIh-hM i. ni Lj Iiji .-In it bi c it'i i .! to kiroKh jr ict;.-i!kt m iny adJU' :c:s en I lie su!i ct, ns we inny be ab! i s'i st, yitli the vioiv )fcr-. Cuurain uitl ';iiitljig ihiiir efTjifs'. . ; "The Juniiity fimjibef ul hn Xtl ny Culii Viitor, ivts'us n:i ifiNtjnce nf vltut may b.-effl-cttd i'rt nuii'r. tullii! liind, bv bbc r.il m;i miring and L-ej (''ugtiin. : II h staled, and appears lit bu luellj mheiil;eitcdf uiiat Mr. (Jioili-sBlatidv, of Ohio,' I;tst" year, tn'ade oiv li.Jii .f HS 0 !!) b!'v ti'HirJ J.inN Li 3 acres a litlh; luverjlO'J bushels? of corn 1133 bushels tt lite en . Tins be:tf Buncombe about 4 btrfel :Mx. Porter will Irive to iry a im. btrfi E-Ji tnenced iii)ii-tiiii tb.egruutul, it producetl, of vreftt tu llu: M f 1844 Jit jwben lie first com- with a Tght coat ofj trnnufe, (mly 8 bushels ncre. Kiwm then utilil the vas ti- cupipd ns u p-sture lot rciilt.e. ohuMioiM. HH'.s T . co s,)ii was ,i. t .r i " i :: I'll i unlv 3 or 4 lfu l.ts mep. k;I u s.umv. lotun and fingttsciis Lf s:ind sUum in considerable runnlitv tlii- kujiMfil of 5c!jow clay nudsatld iitrtiu the vfhole. i!:ice r-i'tli lin ttioiiru q ii in d. M-p, id 1 1st :t.bt i and u t u nil;.- it cleao and diy f Arh J'rts.of Mir Ttu&teeoj tie Stminary. aville, Feb. 2 ), 1843.3. 2o7 6 ' ': I .JlHS P. 11ABUV, AshcYillc, NfC, r. - Will attend tu the offLrinof Ntcs cither fur tli. count or renewal, " at the Jjrunch ftf th? Jiank C 1'itpa Ft rut llii plane, a'nd vll make the st llfe iKiifi ond piiym 't tp,n Note cueTi renowjil'd-iy. The umil fiiP.iirie from thwlico-tu every purl of the etMinfry' are such timt "notes miy- bo sent) and the in mey received by mail with bat lit" 1j f i.iy TiU. 7'nc ia sl prompt altoiilicni wilt U.:i;iven tu olltiuch bu-i'iesj co-ifi led to my care, and an uecu r it: aecw-.i'it ten liTi d in every ihstaiic., while Ij my CMMTgi-s will he m idciiite. ' . ' T " i! Feb. S, IdiS. if.'; i V: -27 Great Bargains ! . IIX'T U BEATRIX ALL CUE WON!! CALL f AND SEE US. .' J, Are just reciivint; nnd njieriiit n hjli-n,uid , l .STOCK OF goods: . jj fr(-J from 'the'eusteni cities, . which they promise : aiid positively dvure .haU- hi! sold a low, if pot Inft-tT, lhm any othcr (joudsi, let-them comjjrum " what quatter they m iv. , - ; It is usual to liixtNl through tht medium of an ad. rertisement, and pro ij tire a grenl m.my things not i upcclidto bo.pul"HruVd, bo we oiily, sk a call, . that wo m:y prow Unvr fnf ojir aw r.Rins ni iy bo v .. i i f ... i . r I . Hilu ve t. , II ycnuwani a oig joau or v ki- i.h ' llfnmney, cume and ice ,us and ybu.shall not be . d HiipKiul;d. -I It will bo snfii :ieiilly salfefactoiy, we hope, to I Jr tliHi iur ftlock w central aud comifate, eoiopris- l iiiiraluiost every arl-cle usmtUy In .deimnd in this , -country. The sloe k has jb.cn selected wilh, care ' ' ' and judement, and fnnu 5r knot fed-re in irtaf lers been nc -irrulino 1 1; J ni.ijuiiet- .12 jo 1 !v ko th 5 i!H'"J iit thb i tut SJrtaij p,Hll w.ell intt rmk: tl with n pUiiou of the .sub. s-.iil and roiiipK li-Iv ptilvt lird. ltfj.'liutij,iut;vi'"ii f .1 li i' m a i in i i; 1 1. u ' part and tw fj-elliil llrerdw, three corns tn n htlP-.The manure hciniil) !,"d rotten, there .'.t: ::, i .2:"" r,j. . - I !, , -. w:. re no wed.fs. f''"'1 wnlo young was hcirrowid tlicL: nri.l pUJ;lujd ,twiee. The eiuor, comiti'Mil" IJ .. . i . i . o. t ie h-uuiotj in lv r wet and spoj4y. -1S4 1,'ivn inches T'j" -vfQ:d on '100 two lottdn of compost manure from bis cattle, i This the" s::ibii-, inter- vaste odder, and horse w :' fn tiio yard where lie ;:d keipt "manure was! mudoru; froln nii.xi d i;h po!t!.n several courses of saw. dtisl put on ta mulct r ll.i JcuUle. This Ivid fr tlli co .rears. 'Afn r ie cross -ploughed tii r rowed ihorutrh and nianiirc were Ivtmiit corn Iopj .. - Kl V st-t-in siraiohi rows cob r . . ' . . corn is a 1 "Jit ni:eu (1 si kutiwn tbi'id ,;.s the Penns i-iiin and title s.iKtUiof letiJish ;iht arUm-ef;and w grain vt i-Vj lieiivyi Wiicie tl l: f;dl' we roulld w;ks not ri! i ' ' ' pr! sis- it will hive iimelto! blcasuie fri iblp, so as ? .be not ttirutd over in e the lun;ing up r.tit fine. korotijih'v.M iih the le !itiKt:rt7.fiil had mixt'tlit! ioil;'ns it lu'i.sl, b'-ftre it r:n nrodiiv'i; nnv ben'. ' : : " I S- ! i'li':Kit re-ulfM.f B'it tluf "ro-jinL sloii!J be li'uU'Vbe'd'diWtJ, ih) ihe mVsoiI broken at 'lie 'J Tfi1 7 J : i ti st 'plouhinj.;, by dia'.eljf i-fti f.iii ilie mw-n.-nniiur t tlii bn ineKH' cannot be beaten for beaU'y, q'JuliJy and ctic.ipies any where in the' back countiy-i : . . v " ' - !. I i . " .Willi duo defc-rc ee to :t; competitors, vrp will My ww intend to beat' ih'em. if Xve can by fait and . Joiiorable means, nnd if wc find we can't, w hy then we can't; , " Wc intend to do as much as possible a prompt urn V sincsf, as vc intend our profits to be' so low that in dnljrence cannot, nor ought not, to be expetted.' We kindly admonish our'old cuslomers not to do .rt ... -kr.l ivn idi ili'ft ourselves thev shall not be V, ;t itink tn n liko btolhers, and we us- sure you that no good reason for complaint fchalj be Civcn, either forvautof sccommodatiori or &oi brir.ii.-. ' v . AB. & J. S. C IUxSN. r n AiiVmrtiornoiitiirvDroduce wulbe laKcn in vzcliance for Goods, on the most accommodating . 'ttrms, such ns Bwax.-Fealher?, Wool, tallow, and Fur Skins in proper season. ' AshcviUe, Feb. 2a tf : - t 21 hi time secure too "j: around is capable l"P , . t... -i'. -:-S .t i of ere at bnfnrt:j Land of a ttaso: planting must ba bomb i:i relaiive posit ioi; which i t lioalJ beir'.tu each other - - A -.. il i must bo varied likewise g Wm -r,.u wmmil ion of our customers who have own accounts with us, of tho fact of their having been made willvthe express understanding fiat they were (o be Bettlcd by the first of January, tote h.a lr--Hr h&ssed.- We are un- "dcr the necessity of making" collections, end hope .u.. k. ;.iKfn inn, either bv note, judgmeut, ;.r book account, will make payment between th and our April Court, for by so doinjj lacy u us trouble and themselves coi xor uj lls us to collect.; ;:pATT0 & OSBOIIN. Ashe ville, Feb. 20. 1846. : tfJ ' Statis oi1 North Carolina, ; . . . . burke county. Superior Court of La w--FaU Term, 1845 ;Sumaiey &. Forney to tho use of J. J. ounimty, Jamc. Upton, Thorija. Upton James romand wifet Jbihxabetli,.Licmuei , Hmvi . a- - . ... .. i r r.i. ITninn AorfA. !. -. - - CCirsafcaw wi - j, , , SCIERl FACIAS.- - Whereas, it appear to the Court tbatteniuci w., rf ;fftJi.ni. defendants in t!. case, 'heirs aUaw of Job L'pton, deceased, are non-residents of . ' this State, and legat process cannot do aerrcu htn i it is therefore ordered and adjudged that pub lication be made in the Highland Messenger for wx ucce?sive weeks notifv'mg the stid non-residents to .r nt the next Superior Cart of Law to ba evened and held for tho county of Eurke, at the ' f ;o-rU otiso in Morlntnl-n, on the 4thTIonday after . a, -T.in.lav in .'.larva next, then andibereto v"-ad" to r-iJ Scicri Fa- as, or juJ pro eonfes. .""! 1 r - ! i'ui.t ihE'T. . I i- i XiiizA rir.30. ;ierk of said Court, . IV ' li!- x r in Sr-.s-mber. A. D., 1845. alcZz, the 4 il.! t :nl j W.'Ui'j It. b Li tier l. Ik.Vc thf 1.1 i tq:H ' Idj-itniil aeli way than as; they usiia'fy, are, wtfei.e war and cniwdtd the other? Would i ju'r ot ll?itd ilie , tog's a ,b -lit r oppoiiunitj of extr;' cling nojjrishmrnt from every pait ot the st.ilt and; pn venl; thejr iuttrferii g with each qtber! j Itf thet.lj ctuui to this, tint the plan: s must be? widn m:e ay. to rtctiveair, a uhtf oijcT Will thev ijf rt ceivc 'much air ore -w ay as ibe o'lu r! torn! htN ..ligjtt, in ... . . .'t . , . -i . .P1--, fatlj'f nmt h greater iu.prtanco thaa air? Is not ;ighl tl o more bei;i ficial ,gciit?. and woi.l i it no: b ? better to give , light Jj'jIk" jiiaUis a!l round i than. -on two 'ildc.s.i.onTv? We ktiovv" the want of i'v?M causes com "to grow up pabt Ppfi,- and tiekly, !in .cutiso. queneu ol a deficiency of . carbon; for light not only iiKircasca the absorption by the roots, but tho. power ofv;poiajion. 'in aa js'.ill great er rcj;ri e, and thereby carb n is di poitt:d bieh icau-cs the gncn color of plant?, the combination of thc-black or dark. blue r the catboti, wi.htho yellow of the, ctillular. tissue J tf the j hint, producing greeu: the color, of course, willl. vary accotding to the q ianlity tf caiLon. j Where. .the liht -imperftclly ri aches two! sides of ho stalks, ihoe . sides must nbcessarilv. therefore,' bo more or less 'X. i ' ' "i ! ".. - '-', ... , Jf thj; lauj be deemed kulTicicptly .rich 1 to wnrraijt pi inting it 5 ft. bv; 4, two stalks to t ie cheit I;, whic'h Would m ike 4410 on an a- i - -.A -'.- f; )iy not, then have j the same number of sialics, but arrange -them -equidistant ,cv ery.v.aVt so lhati wc would have to plant, it 3 It. 2 luifhi-s hy 3,IU2 ins .1 , which i would give 4:5.17 13 loytalksiin'y "j2 CIO, I ss than t!ic a;ro pt.iriicd 5 (eel ' bv 4? , Or, if the soi were considered rich enough to bear thicker pl.tnnng; say 5-it;s. by 2, two 'stalks to the check , a distance suited for bind in our clinr.it a' naturally very rieli, or-garden spots; t!ie ai r!e would have 882D stalks! And tve could Ikivepcaily as many by, checking ,Jt 2 1 4 il. bvla l4, there 'would then be' 8711 STalks. And by pluming a quarter of an inch closer we vould h tve; 8331 29 52, which would 'b ? na irer tho simfi.nuniber, being qu. ly 01 2S) 52 too j many.' jThe, -calculation; of dis'.iihije for, the! cheeks, Jcould of course be made for any desired number of stalks. The) B.iiK'ombe corn-stood 4 by. 3, 3 in a hill proJuct 22,barre!s and 4. bushels to the acre. Tho O'.iio crop 3 by 2, 3 in a hill product 23 birreU nn biii busheL-! Bt we :g 1141 pay, there niuat JjNiygreat .caution and skill iu iiiau:ijemeni in" close planting. , ' Anecdote of General .acksoss. - At the Soufhwesl, 'Jhe iieople delight to spin yarns oi uen. Jackson; ol his during love ot' Justice, and the prompt way he bad tt id. m'lii.ott'fii:' "iliat ai.ticle,11 wh'en bo found it nrctt-s Try.- I was. 0111 the Mississippi hiht sAiitiiVt,-wTu n ! 1 JietiVdi-tliC' folhiwed-'storv w hi'li jit ver having seen :in 'print J I st nd you fir ihjt benefit of the readers of tho "Spirit The m;tu ey-d thejw-Hker lor ik iuoiiKn;i, without; quaking, nd tbn lei fuJ his cajij ons with the' wocJs Tlero Judge, its nr Uff, I give jr;" and suft red biitlf to be fedolTby the Sheriff withSul opposition.- lie was co-Tip'edy Ci"wcd. . - I A "few t!as after tl.c Sccuncnrje, he rrnn L .!s "skrdby onet.f hi comrati why he knocked tinker Jo one man, when, he Had bo fori? n fused to a"llow bintUll to bellkcn by p iholrt company; and reply jjhowed ihe estimation in whith tlte darin ami detcrmin- .was ju ld tbri ed spirit; of Jackson count tv." 5 f ... f- Why slid he, 'whin m c'mo-op- 1 looked in his te. and bv ' ' '. ' .jl saw shoot and there wasn't shool in any othej eye in thjc crowd, fond so I sajs lo wself, srtys I, hoss its uuoui lime to sn;z biuaii uuu &u x utu;: Spirit of the Times. 1 "hout the THE CI 2;: ClOU RE COUIVTRV. v A letter from a cii'ajn in the Chcrokcic Nation to a gentleman t Ltltljl jllock, Af kansas, gives n meiancfvdy accoput of a. ft ks there. .The ynatjon, is in tut? worst slate of anarchy. L'tvv nndihumanity jseem : to have left that il-fat'cd and. Wc jive the, following extract from live letter :i . .. : 1Fwu niorcytnurders have been1 committed by 1 1 w less haids.oh the 20d u!t. i, A nephew of Joseph Svvtner,whi killed soma time back,-.was T,nls skilled ir comij lining too loud about the death of hU uncle, J.sphS'iin cr. . .And km last, Sunday, Charlys Smith, jn son of lh late 'ArcUill.cs iSoiith, brutally idercd.. The. circumstances are .as f. 7 :,' : . :," .t rnurder luws ,11 rC A justice of the pVyt-c wat:arte1oq fertile payiiH-Dt of a bill of 73 cciiU." " Upon, pre senting the bill,ahe squire kked him it be would swear to the account. The ir. ti re plied 'yi s.1 -;"-.' The squire sore him, and handed Idm ffty CCDtS - " k 'StoJ squire ,V. said tbo mm, 'you are mistaken in tho amount; 'tis 75 cents." I know 'returned tbo squire wVbut I can'l swear rtu for not hi eg1 , ." . What will the wor Indians do when the BuiTilo disappear? "-Arkansas paper. ; 1 "We suppose they will to tear it. . " Boston1 JUail.'" lureot'n f.irtngii u.ia ster, tlw ijal... wln.s rect-itH.n bad been the cuh f tho evolution; and thus delay in "J capital function irv whosetciy preseitce' ore of the principal agents in the u volution h-td a fewd.-.ys Uf.ro d.ciartd,;Mo be uu. insult mnfrt6 and brav... peop'c" ..Ujwu.bwu ii-.s'trd thai tho ,Goxernmenl wamng - f,.r Pfi-sitlenl Polk's Messngo before they au lorcd the Minister t leave. . . Tho -Message ..was iconvoVcd Mcmi by Mr. White Lbout lh 13th of January, and una 'immediately' translated; into-tho principil pturnals wiib u commer.t of any -kind. Tno Message up pears 4n lnvu given great iaiUfutioa to alt tho American n su dem. . ' w . ;V ' luform-ulon was 'received by private advices from Mexico, the day after Mr.'VhiCo,'h;0 th-vt Oen- Arista bad arrived l San, L-m Potosi and declared in favor .of. .tho former Ttreinia -iThe House of Delegates in. rdcr f thing, an I invited all itiin I n iu; annually to me porptises 01 euuwiiuu, wr,s adt!od lhu rUn had taker Tampicti, "Oti S iturd.iy night luijt there was a sm party on Cainev. Smitlvwas ilieirjt.', and ul John Uiowo, a.grandsiinot'i U iv," $ Lowtc Drtwn rndeavoied to raigse a q itrrcl with Stnith for some lime. Brown tantalized him on the account of hii-;; father b,ipg bung-f- boistal of killing Bean, Star ; at length Smilli got angry an J: ndkcd r siucyl Brown totk a table leg and commenced beating him, whUe Olivers, held. him. bmith .then drew rus kniie t i . .- . -. i , ' and cut Brt-w'ii in several places though not thought tti bo ut all dangerous. The fi"ht ...... I . . " .. . ' ; "I - elided and Smith went home to his motherjs. J:hir Brown, the lieutenant of the. light horse company," raised a company of 15 or IwenjU men. innd went to Mrs. Smith's on Sunday evening. Ch.i tics' S.nitlr Was asleep when they came: Brown went U h:m while h was sleeping. V hnld of him by ' the ajro and drew bu.. ho told - Brown-to wait until he put on his clothing and he would . gti wiih him. Thev disVeg irtled what ho said,' forced liuh out of .th house and shot fivctimes. Saiitlr is hcret.nuw a corpse, a!nd will bu bui ied it) morrow-morning. M fmm ihft Trcnsorv I P" ; purposes of passed a bill which provides "that S50.000 and levied an adJia nal dutj of U2 cct:U, i,., donuillv be transferred to tho Literary .FuiiJ support his lro ops. J Tins jntlljgen.;c U f .1 TV-.,. ' rLtrTrtfnn Prlriot ' ' " ' Without UOUUt auiiicn Id, W'-Wr" rtuat-i.x', of tho Trca.up.-Cidffcjttn l atrtot. dlsrifccllm lowards P.:,vdes;was ve'ry cVotIl- ;it , . : .-' indicated in his official letters -of i tha 24 b of : WiSCOflSlii. A bill IS before the December;- which .you bavo without AuU Legislature of Wisconsin Territory seen, a they were pub, ished on the 3;li i Jan. ( providing f6r; the formationof ,the uy to Mexico. Sj1";"0 - . ? o nnl ,iL nilml'i" declarations from thc Nortiicrn iKpartnienw Territory into a State, and its admis- h lve btt,n luLli;iiet!, indicating a tieterminerT- sion into the Union. The bill pro- opposition to ihu fetuUtdnary muvenvuta of yides that a vote shall be taken on Patedes.. ,,... iw' ,,' the 1st of April next for and tigainst Vou h.ycprobuWj r VJ.;!;? U;. - r Tr . declared its indt pendence, and adopted u II gf aState Government. If a majority whh a ce,truj sripc, containing .H should decide in its favor, the census slarsle ! . , i -- is to be taken, and members to a The S mta, Xnnaj irty is growing strong r Convention tO form a constitution every d ty inVcra Cf nz, It (is ronficntiv arctb.tcapte crDOr.. 1 ho election Ol delegates IS utuniUxoproaunchnCr' ' is ih-jug'il th t then to be held, and the Convention the revolu i mary UoVci i. . di not, ti. " is to meet on the 9th of November venture loVcav urce on Uiq . I i- . sea. board by seiidiu mvy military or nnvl uaM J . i - detachment n;iirisl the rebellious Yucatunod. rr, - . . - ! . . Information has been foceived from nlno The. poptllation of Illinois, by the Departments, whose gar.isons and mWitiay CenSUS! Oi l Ol D, IS UpwarOS 010.5, pf stsbave t'cchir.-din favor of Gen, Va redes, iunnin til rotilti-r -iiniuc r ----- -.4 . " ' ., . . . . .a lurrow o the plough, as Pw'o Iioisj team can draw I L- ' , wjfio intends .to.make oeen as a s; j. i H j - il: and h't e ! "j Mi I I nilV Hl'leini) j 'il.l 'ii y no his submit .1 . .,.1 ; I winter s troM U L if. r een lor me L't him be! s nvtnure In pi :ntii so sis to avdij f.iM f jtiirigt and at the same it'i mc nt nrrnnrnMn turn iiexl fall, Mat it may take the s. What a tt.ie winter this has lowing the aretu , toojtt I wiell broken subsoil! i add soriu tiling to , the- year round. j corn a safomd, proper tlislunce eutesi njlimbcr of stalks the 01 projjcin'i, is a mailer 'so m;. difiiculty. the qrilty.af ' the thirsty nature"! will not bear as that AvUiicb is ' not. This rnind ie stalks in a field And the distance reatly, according to and and tbo quantity and allowance must be attain (f war.ure; ond madu for v.ir;itions of seasons and peculiar t la of climate, vTho safeit planiin our cli mate, is not to plant too mo ml is sufficiently 'prepared and Ptrons, and broke deep end light especially, the stalks placed closer than Li.ifurmeril penerallv are ; in. tlvo habit of 1 ' L. .. .1-- : 1 plnntin'. Jl very ury unison, ihibll-i trruund heavdy rnanurea,anu very tmewiy sei ..r. nil mbst fail. But should the. season bo favorable, the crop, kvould be abundant. But 'ventures injike mcrdhants, and fannars who' wouldf , advance, mu i risk something frt it not ho1 understood, however, lhat wu .ill imriru!dent rl n of risking too L. - "ycooljr recommend that a lew acre he ir'ed each vear with "closer planting lhan usual; rind.lctthcm.L:: i "-.u .strd-likia garden while the ba!ar f .hoi-tar's crop is so Jar improved, in ma ...:nnHcuUifation',as to bring at least iwo sulks to the hill at the old disiance of 4 bv5 ft;, instead one. pauca, . . . : ., land ouht to le thoroughly pulver s.1a .n.t irenareJ before planting, so that Jf .ho cuhivition will have becn don previously) instead; of all afterwards, as is often tbo' easel In all clay and stiff sods this is very important., j i ' . . .tL -.,Jr,.tion' as r'to the mode of Tluji General,' then Judge Jackson, was ilduvr IJurt-T-loiw lime jiijo (-in a shantee at a little yilhg; iri Tenn-ssee; and was di. r.bir!' jiistice,. m large; and im:tll doses, is seeited to him to be required in the. cases brought before him.' Ono'day tltiringCoun time, a gteat bullying-itilow, (charged with eutlin ofl" the cars f his tjwo child!) armed w ith pUtoI'tind bowie-knife, took" it upon him self to? parade before the 'tipciirt door? of the hanfo coui't house,and d- n thf Judge, Ju ry. and alllhevo'rld there ns.-vemblVd, in good set terms. . ,4Shprt'7,v'isung1)Ut ihe'Judge in an awful tone, arret that man for contempt of Coti tnd confine him."- r -'i Out noes ihe ShcrifT, but .soon returned with 'word to itlie Judge, that he had found it impossible to take offender. " , J' - 'Summons a jm,hen,"said the Judge; 'and firing him before, mc!" . - The Sheriff ml outi again, but the task was too diflieuli; he. could notnor dare ,.not lay hands on the man, nor did '-any one . of the jwsse1 like the job any better than be did,' os the fellow f threatened to shoot the first sku(ik?uhai came within ten Teerof ldm. 4 7 At ;this the Judgo. waxed wrathy , toMiave his authority thus put at defiance before all the gooipeople of the vicinity, so he cned out from the HencfcfQi: w r . s literally thebaic) Mr.'Slu'rilf, since 5 ou c-:iV obey rry or 1 - 1 - ' .n ders, summon me, sir, . c , .nmoTi rne: - 'Summon 'you, JcCj V exclaimed the SherifT, dmazed. .' ' j 4Yes, nie;jummom me! By the Eternal! Tlie 1 Turpentine Renioii.-This ,jart of our Slule h is never; to t-dr , knowledge, been tu so prosperous a condition as at p resent j- rLands h ive risen one, Iwn or lliree hundretl percent., negroes have jtsen probibly hCty per. cent.;, and' libor is sn'r profitable that ihe count iy- is lull ol money fl mike investments At a late public sale in Wilmington tf fifty negroes; the average price paiu lor -men women aiid children, is Stated to have bpeu $550. : In llu1 lower pail tif Bladen, hands hired lor frotn I2u, to y IUU. A gentleman who; had gone - to WilmingTon :to sellihis. turjentine,")n pockeiini 51900, remarked fthitt sum was the produce of thJabor of sour hinds;, ' i .vs a const quenep of this state of things; and for the first time,- probably, many ;er. sons from the upper couutry are moving lownV The lide of western emigration fnny 482, making. in the last five years, a viz: Sin Luis PotosiJ Mexico, Vera Cruz, sain of 200,000, or nearly 5Q per GiwnrK o , 7 , i and Pu'.bla.. Tlw popular authorities at San cen. ' ; - " - iuu ncrced to the pi mof Par.edesMn ctcrV ; ,17, . ..v tu l,r other Instance where they hav expressed any What. is man without the hope oM ... hplipve.iiev ,'avo him. by- future life? I low feble! howdlSCOn- jiive tVcinr ition of protist. Thc rrvolu. SOlate! how unsatisfied! : Earllf,; it ' tjoiiilahive nuwho met with' uny-aimed 13 true, has a thousand allurements, reliance, ami the h r.sl .i laretus, in . -, 4 - . . 1 1 inaugural siddr. ss to.rhe Republic, wns luMy y "-. 7 n supporied, "Unit Ins enterptis.i u-.u nm cwi the midst Ol Jnt. ,m,0n n Wwut blood nor a singly sigh.'V them there is- a certain soni'ethirig No "sure pugurv of iht-siahiii'y of ih pn-M tit Wantino- a ffratify the SOul's desires, Government can be draw n f rom.lhese nrcjm. if the hSpeSnmrnortalhy be absent. J". Government coll 'psed without a stfiJgIA aiHl - 1 he Mormons. It appears, by Hmo w, ,ilolU Tgroan. . No lending military, . the Cincinnati! papers,' that the ch'et appeared in opposition 10 Paftdo"J-.aiiiP uTur'flhra" nnd ilihir' itAvrrnnipnt nrn ncruin in the field iihuie. he pmctVeled to 1 IIVIIV UIIU IllVli W'VIUMIUMI v i .0 i - - I getting Unpopular with (he believers, orgnnize-the revolunouaij o . r, V" r .1 1 1 mt anv sort of reststaneo to ins dict.iiion. anaiinai mc.uroincr 01 uic aeau As ,h; constitutional G.,v. n.meut had ceusetl m prophet, Williain Smith, is regaining tt, rxist and ;h.;d" M.'h p u Paredes wn thicr Confidence.- . He adVOCatCS the fthe only declared nuMiOi.uy ns mere was policy of living in the United States -Pi;ncnt ar.,n w Vconr I ft was , v ,t o A 1 , . , and order couul rabi tl.eotily course u u was and spreading over the land living nn ..pcnMiof'tho P!o of PnVn. It in a'Christian, honest, and respecta- ro,nillS t b. seen what will be ihe result of es, me;jummom m ril see what" I can do. .; Well, Judge, if. you siy so, though I don't like to do it, but if you .VJtry, why A suppose fmust suoiinouyou."1: - Very well,".t ' Jack&on, rising ond walking to the do-ir 'I adiourn lliis'.Couft fot ten minutes." ', The rufHan;w ;13 t...r.... a short distance from the Shahtee, in ihe centre of a crowd ef people, btispheming at e terriblo rate, and flourishlhV hU "weapons,-a vwin 'jath- and destruction lo all and singular who should at- tempt to molest him. Judge Jaekson walked very calmly inter the centre of the group, with a pistol in his hand and confronted him Now,'' said tho! Judge looking -him fctrnbihi in ihe eye;., "surrender, you infernal villaifj;ihis.iniani!surrendorlor by the eter- t j nnnearance.'! bo's iid, to hive ceased entirely. Fayette- ville Observer, 27A ".'. ;; " v.-' An Extraordinary Feat. The New Haven Courier slates that on Sabbath evening, Jan- uary 18ih a young woman walked jrom Meriden to North Haven, u aistance e i & mihis) after 9 o'elock! T4to night ,was one of the coldest of the e-ason, oikI. she made her way the whole distance ovei -an oobrpken n?th -of snow. A gentleman - present) liatt proposed lo her. ,(tn joke ) to -fwalk that dis. lance, and offered t givje - her .&U1) if she would do it.1' She secured hi 5 note. fo(r the amount, ond then-won it. r -'.'-..' ... -T ----- 1- ' 'i i" rZhhxiTPs b iarter the firmi head of the' cabbage; pat the parts in a keg, Sprin kleon rhemgood quantity of salt, a0d let them remain five or sixj; days. To a gallon of vinegar put an ouucjj of ' mace, "nndj one of pepper-corns and cinlnamvn. Cloves and allspice may be added, Jbut they darken the color of the cabbage. : Heat the vinegar scald, ing hotTidd a little aluw, arid turn il hoi on t! . .ibbag'-'iWs-iii remaining. It is neces- 0 vinegar from' the cabbage blc maiinef like Other gOOd Citizens, Arisire opposition ported by the Northern 1 - t . Deportments indn . iarie.irmd force. I ho Defalcation. In the U.S. Cir-unanimi-y with wh.h tie pi-n .i cuit Court of Louisianaa, suit has 1 C'LZ been brought, aganst U. Laurent, wi, t)b.lbjv pr,jV-'k;sive..t The ppul.r- Receiver of Public Moneys, and his aulhoriiicb will have limeto rally and org.n;z- securities, and a verdict rendered for something jike'dVeidcd usisiancc to the d:e.. tatnrslup.. - - i . 11 II rista c::nr.otl rlnt st the rourse tf thf?- A Washington. letter1 says that revolution, and eA!.b!ih Ihe' CoiHtilu iJntl Uldeon wens, ui nai .u.u, u, independence 4n;N-, Prr.l...cs.' hasJjeen appointed to the liureau ot , Wilh ArS (l .tiAw North, and;Vuc: .AVr... vim Com. Siiub- Ln i S .1 tVi iii' irrmt rl opnosui 11 rick, removed. . 1- . - : CaliforhiadisaUciflrd," and V. -ra CtM-unHLi. ' j - ' i .1 uC in US uooeit i;uo. i m- "- "" From the New-Orleans Picoyunc, February 3.j ; Potosi it does ti'A e. Tn p-nssible t'.jal tiio .".LATJBXI PRO.T1 3T1EX1CW-7 rev.ilutionary power-fctv-ufi. d;j pciminen Another Rtcoluihn Reported -Revolt of i Inve. beard an' oiig ji l;r .wn olt , -that T r j- -. ' 1..- w - I'are'dcs would n mam in-power -.aooui in noiiths. 1 knw not why Hits express i nu ilon willr Yucatan. Important advices from Mexico, by way shouj j,- s; t ,,",,1 u. beihe shortest f Pensacola; brought there by the U. S. biig . M,yjc;ms c.in-Taccdi!)idisl borne rs, reacneo us yesieroay morning, j. t- newa is uplo the 18h ulf. from , the "city ol The interesting letter ot our corrcs Mexico. pundent,! which we append,; will give our readers a don nected niid satisfactory account of" the nature, extent and objects of the new revolution, headed by Arista, 1 in so far as thev were lenowq at'the capital and at Vera Uruz, up to tnp last iates. aioro auiiieuuc y founjed by thl;copio;M intelligence .of Mr, Slide IPs position,, botji janTUVV.. .lie ICe- bn i a. regard to his personal - whereabouts and s,,jary Ji Preside i-t; g( i'Jl , hismiiiist9rial attitude to ihe Pared Govern- .'. . Cr,iu m f I vis mcht, will also be found in the annexed letter t j, aJfoWtd Ile'rnTa 8 and -also a brief notice of lho; secession of juntf'uhat waTduo him s 11 mo h uny thing. Four m'onihs ag i,-Herrera wcseieci. t d by 110 of 131) ; votes"; . he was -bin ly installed b-fori.-a revolution a prt ojcirdj it has been at lengtii m complied, und.iho military dictator-, wholnsromo tn'o power by accfamation, will probably last no longer 1 li- n liicni-cilirrsor. -. f. Tho patriotic profesion3 of ParajK- aro 'nnlv iLitinded bv tlie copiousness o the Span. in s receiving tho and only draws n:l of I) visdon of the-t.rmy 8l00i..oirs c he U krtii'wii 1 - Yucatan from tho Mexican Confederacy -a I vt,r. rmfch .ritba'rraj'srt'-ir proof id lir . movement Inch dms not at all surprise U3 wty sumCtth:ti ouuftl on Vaviug cflie in I sarf lo.tu: 1 t several llines, aim svamtuiiu-iuiu'ii jujjaiu .iJeVhoir- .This, maiics them tewjer. Puple cabbages, the heads not large, hut fine and firm a re best for pickling. Alb. Cull. The-' American Agricultural! So-, cfety ofNlTvv.YprW havo determined to import from Peru, three hundred Alpaca sheep. -It is said, they are extremely Ttardy their wool finer than 6ur sheep, and they resemble U 0,,tli A tnrirnn' I IllUCU lUt;. MUiu '""v jT as the news from that State lung since in di'-otcd n purpose of the kind. , . , Navv ,Yard;Perisacobtf J..n:31, I$4f3. . The Soiners arrivetf from Vera Cruz Jo.tiay. d.iirs fnimVt ra Cruz of the 2DM January, and as late as tho 17. h from the cily.of'Mexico. Lieut.,, AY bile,' ;of the Som e-rs, was bearr r of despatches V "ur Minister in Mexico, aitd lefr the -.cphl iir company with Mr. SlidelVonihe 17h of M Mr. SlidH will remain t lalap. a k:w.reks be fore proceeding .10 .Vnf Cruz. I he di.a- Hnriness ol me- iesicdn - --: - Ubing'oJr;Minister'witli atr eacoii, wmcu was-demanded ot least a fortnight before it was finally granted,' rind ihchmo pretences under which it was deUy d r - refused Trom time to time; have Jbcen ilmoht. indicate a dnt'position to uVtaiU ,'uf iinUter K- the cou'ry lo : ' possible mwiienT, in hopes that ue sent! .1 f the people wight, finally iak a turn favorable to npgotiation.. - Itiseerialnlv yery singular," that a millta J ry vroveruujcui , ihi iuicc 111 uiw vupum sufficient lor overawe nil t!.; neighbofinw Deparlmeh'uVsfroiild plead irbility tosup'": ah sscort.of eight men to exrdlta"th Mexico. - .-. ' Ef Monitor Constiliiej 1 n l of Ka'n h', ) r nay: i Wrwbaverleen to d thai .Gtr. S inta Anna Jias wiiiten to h:s agent in' tH;Capjial, ' to friiresent ti llu? G ivernment Ahat his jie. cuniary enbarra smetils ore sucjh lhat he has n4 wherewith 10 ciiaer bis necessary ex pen. ic.;and loask theiflfto pay hfm any'aUMuiit on accou wiru.us uiw uyn. The oCi iT ctirrHsjvmdnccr tjetwepn tho . Fri-nrh 1 .(Mr-oiim and tli liiolpr of FiirtJmi . . .. ..... r - - r affairs, On thoVsul jVcl ot the occurrein't s tt- the baito de-Cb.iliof, is publi4ed ;n thefr.ist- Mexican papers. lof irmatioa bad 'hern rr. ceiyed fn Mexico lat ihe French;G ovrrn. rnfU? h td disavowed the rourse pursued by Biinm Alley c de Cyprey, inegnd. to -iheso je vents.;- '.j : '.r v r..r ' The -Monimr commenced, on lYifi &th,"a translation lir Ivivd ill's N 1 r.uivo of iht Expedition tti'Saniil Fe, and cuntinwa its- extracts opto th last oait-s. . . . Did yt branch nw'a map t'-sticli to one .., howpver unpromising, fuf r, and. not prosper? i r ..v. ius j . .'. J. PSAlwU.N, G V. U. rrs.fc56J4 6w 279- . ! 1 i ...i -K.n liftncfwdc this arliCl nal, 11' blow you througl h,. . . . , t K - , - Poc. 13,t. n antinff. ana i i - -tir

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