:,; - .; . ' ; .... . . j ' !-: -1 "v. Li i J 1 1 .1) y 1 i - ILL IVo f 701: ''VI RtO: ASHEV il7,:'C:r-.FaiDAY,!;rf2AB,CH; :6- 1843: ..V I :. TIdITOHL AM) IMlOPPJBTOfl". ' TVj poLLi nSJr-rr Cevrs ;ir tinunviu ( .. ' or'Tnict Doixt within l!ie yr;ir. f -.Mo -w-Vvill be dis"r ' rm-J, except t tie opw lion of lit j iMitor, urIiI & trcrn arc mill. -" ' AdverliwiccntJ will b iiirtcd pt O.vk "i i.m:i per wpiure of ten line of Ic,Ttr the firs 11- ,nd 'fwMry-nve Ckkt IJur.cue'i ci'i..,. i Tb? iwajbr of" i;i!crTioiis dtirul b I "en the iir"i., "T lite ttdrcrtiffin-'iil el tul T.rV.i.:, .1 drirjjM? nrerm; j 'dcrwi'lVv'!' i'd vx.jJu!.ir, kv..i ia(,!y,. ' 1 - "'iiccliarje for itnnounciu j!ic ii-uu i..r . c .ruii ' date fur t2icc is .3.2 53 in advance, or 2 v j ,i" -. , Vnf nt b dVlayVK " - - ' j 7 Littur, toilic LJ.tjr rsrut cum Hyp of pa-tir. .r,il wncn grvcj. F.r fui aJior. . iMfarpiUiu:i irj'iuiro t itiii ulli:. ..iVJ. J3. ,lf, ' 7;- "A.;T. v V(!!iiM'nJt.illie-n.Jri;iTornica nt Rank of ol l.ui nro.'ij.ru'iil 2. - S3 tati: or Nqhth CAriou.v. ; - JURKE 'COUSTY. Th Eqwty F.iU Term, Hr4 : J!.iry Ui-uncli, N'uict D.-anc-.'i, J mi R.-anS.'licr. .WM wllSruneli,' anil J,Un -Urycly. 'jm t UVUm, AVxindt-r, nnd fi.-tij iruit liruJy bv 'i,'ir v ,j : j. Ir , -' i' Kx,.r j -i .iv V ;-:Ji . Jo'in JT- rrii.i ' nrl Il;.n n I wifr n. j "i , Jji!i!ic!)Jrtc b 'l.nn an I ,vif K urt' V t' r i'. rV.1 Kivcn4n.J yyfe. M ry t,iii!;.(f!T: J v 1' ".mi 1 . wifo IK-mrtSi-ynia-lii-ir- Al Ivvof L'i.- ' : tiniJ A. IT.; J'l'.'ih'n Miri' Wt'"' !'r n'; t' fV . ' J 'ill lif,uitl, tiJ rir J ill-C ii iu w.f.v A TI. .1 1.1 t'.lf jit idoflimi; nT lUi S u'l'Tt id.rvvd t t(i jiij'ilu-a ;W li.'ma'lj JtMJi.sI: li'tri'' ! n2.-rPr 4hc ;iit; trf mix wi.-k i'thfv.irr.,,,. , , i nid nt doftu il.in's to t-pjirr iTi.f rt: (Ii-; irr?..rn,L i.',nHr L' ;'i:y 1't bf W'lS f -if null I'.miitv it. ,1'm: (..urt ms., i7i M tffi'iTorj tn lit.- !''( j iy jfu-rHltc ii Ei WontTtv i-.J.if uU "M -XS ' 1 tlt- ix-lrt. i!i'.id! unswtjr, or l mur io i'ljin or l!tu wine, it jj..iit . W.iihm. i:. 4 , (ik ii..J.Al.iUr ..f mid" j 111 O p I II1JLT il. U. ICl.li ' ' I' ' . ,"fc . J:. ujo.e;, W. m. e. . Great ' 13 dr gains '! lflA7 BU BE)T IN ALL CR!2.TI!r call ax$jSee:v'sM:- A: t rccrivin nit ornin a spK-n JTiJ ' STOCK OF GG0DS.: fcs'in :.i tli rns?. rn. ciiii'u, tvliic'i l'i'V promii a .1 ; Hi 'v iIm'I iT! t-!; .!l br- j I I a ljpv, if n F.wt, ; Ul i . !iv it':,r Li(jjds,li:t ti'm crani lr-ln vv'it . pwrtir lin y in ly. fcl . '. -I j-i Auh!u Ii" ljiir'il 'fi tin" liK-tli nf 'it a'l, vprlw yn'-nt, md pi-dinifc a nrrut ni nV tiling, ii"t iWjK-i'tt d Jt- ii'tiU'iI, l)tt wc ojlv a; i ", iliat vu iimv j;iii'. o lnv far rmr a rtiiins'in t v be I c'.icvci!." If yqu Atanf u b"g !ijid. .f CJ mil-: for III., . ll iiiofuiy, coi;ic uii J sccy V tnd yuii Uu)l not be i-nilMiiiit'd. . i . . A .4 ', E k will be nfflcirnlly rtl'sfarloiy, vji Imp;, t i ay tbat our jMur!i i frrtfra' art'P t'tinji'ttr. rmnpris- ' injf alunst vury ;irtclo a-iii!ly in tliT.'Vm this country. ,T!ic stock tiu" bn;?! tr?iTtfd -tvlib cm- , and judtni'iji, urtd from our knii k-di: in ' Tni.it Icrs li)crUinintr lu ijiw business, c ir.not, bcli ntcn for bvauty, quality uitd clic'upnis uny win. re iu Uic back iourilrj. - V I Wjih duo dcfi re--cf t uir cinp. titor c will Kay we intt-nd to bt'iit ibcm. if v: utiii by fair. and Jionorablc means, nJ if we tind we can'l, wby tiu:n we c4n't. ' ' , " --.' . j Wu inti nd to d as inar-! na pfiiU'c-a prompt bu kiiobx, as wc intend oik profits tuba so low that in. didtnrcniinnot, mr iu!it nut, to Ik; t-'xiH-iti d. VVe kindly aditvmish urold cusfomiTs not to do. cri ift and'lwc plt-dTj jursclvrfi liny sliatl not be orrv for it. Slick l lik-brotJu-r!, nnd wo us pur jou I liaf. mi jjnoJ reason for roinj)!amlf fhall be jriwen, tilbcr for want of srec lotion ' r ffood bargains A. B. CHUNN. . . N.IB. A kin!of cottry p. 1 will lK: taken in-exchanpe foe iJoods.-oo. t.he i ! cmnsiJ.iJatiir - town, fnch ms liitswa.x, Fiat'. Woo! Tallow, nil Fur Skini in proper 'asMi..' - J''' " . AsbevilUVFcbSi tr ' -v I " L PUiXT UAffil jKY. L: -'. -7 Wc would remmd tliosj of o'ur custom ., huve opi -n" aeowiits willi nsr'of.tbc rattl:.iC t.!--ir ; been m ide with llicxJicjr iin.li-rs.iand.Hffi - liuvmw Iireii IO ide Willi t!iC lf JCJ 111 it Hu O wi re lo be hctllcil !y the 1: sf of January, 18-1 wiiiih lns liu ulroady pa.f.ied. ,M " r ..') di-r the nc"cc?si;y r.f'inikin c:k-c1ton,and heme lha those ihdobtcd tons, rilhpr by ntp, jud2in.t,' or ibouk account, ill . nj.jke paxni'iit Iflwo n lliM .ind our April Court, for by f-ojloi..,; lh"ry will savcj tt.s trouble and thcmselvCa ic'oatvrfor ncccssilj' coii 7 J lUVlUA UOVJik.n. t .AdicYi'.lc, Feb. 20, I84(i - - - " I --i-For.ale,v'(.J'.--.; Superfine Flow Jr. citlior by Ui Barrel Ba? . 1 ' ir.inrs kotmx. Second Round of QJartorly toreting on l Ashei , - . ttllc District. - . I " -J ibjrnsvule 'Uircuil 'Asjevillo y"" " . . llendersonvillc rankha , Wayuesvilje S viervillo - . Fcbi 7-and i 2l -Of ;T.:.:-: 7." g r 1 21 2 JScwjiort ".-" 'JOS.-H. 1IASKCW,' f, E ,..Dec.26, 1843.-; 5. - . .f - - - ? - TIOOK'AND JOR PIIINTING " I jexecutedvilh Wca!no, audatyery ; ileilr'cc;! -,'Jn . '- r "X TKE OFFICE CF 7 . -SScf.GE,- v 'vtAVHERE r.VERY VAITILTY OF . - ....iLirtteii. iS" r ' Irs - WILL BE DONE AliTHE . .auuTEST 1.' ' JJOyiCi'AKD ON TIi:. IOS.T. acco.mmodatin'g TEIi:iS,u I -'' " '- ! " "' ' "A it o ;''' I - JIaNDBIIXS, IxVlt-VTlTON, Card, N.uies.ElctjjON Tickets, Blank Notes of lli; Hat Tirs, . Watch and SADDJtfi- Ticjvi. rs," Go&dj ..... Bills, .or Aii-slzca,- Wai Bills i t' . liloRS and Jacs Eills, ? n. v ' l' nr fXTED'WlTII I.. VT."t?S AND DESPATCH.. iZlVl 12 till Caps I'tfjrm As'icviJln titltir for ilijtcounl or renew. 1 IVwtin entrutiiij hiiti wjih i!tfir UiJ-wn.'-nn may -fy miJ hii will uf-ill uj-i rt-lurn n a nJsihlc Hi- 4 lie ir6i;Uoa rioiist-. ' f j' EY-BJ T.iTRALU ii A Iivi-i.r '.. .j j ,..t t , ,j f I At J op in" l! r ri! c.. IT , ' J"lci I.. pr!t- ijc control? I.. t t jh luiiunciii '; i :.m j si resign, . IT 5"Ai iht ji!olu M il! in. - 1 'i i iiC-jp;dc-ajrL'!u:-ks ui:i v kiis i'. , -Ai'',yt' rcc.jybo io ut;d ttt-aI4i, . I Vi.h jrii-ndsjand' lung lOst blijj. H I e ELUANKOUS. t Il IV tlit. VTDoi clus'.er, u bt n liEJips SLCOo-ded lnt!ieir beariiig; nwriy, vi.h. lliem the irMilee ri, jutUm Jiup'.ad re'seu.'d fiM:.1a fol iij" d ..TiliJilmriti'Il i f.b "et-dc p. 1 ' :u iligTuIJ, 'o U'tijo and omdiiiii; Kin i!i;jd luniiosi; over aiu i-.in 114 V xttmlning ihe bodies pi .!j;ny, and ho whs lonk- lUewrfilll. It i n Lr i f rr t!;t: bo. v i)f -' greatest enemy Ui I lunJ been cuernics " frutn 1 1 i iiiuijiiiru.s. nev a bio v k,:ven'I51unay by' IK flntrcd for lifef ' Ih urn- pkrifsJ h;jj fiv-J tb llll' tva a ,i,j". f, .:; Inji-uti ill iri.iri,scon!jKitf ; il Indian, 'who wundurcd oi: place tn) place; some j.nes Jil-i, t. ..njiiiy to b( on tivp Amcriean Side ill. (I utjuibtTti ii ii luily r-tliioiics. IIo went cverv W '.ere, til hJ did airi Urns to sc-rvc bis , j - " 1 twy-.d b it laciiuiis, nil his li.'e si-em- v d cciltor d m -i jct trc vengtr. lit; h id -s.vorrJ '.W'iiIw j.n had bjirfully sworn never to rt-sl until lie ri-J rf jib ri-. p a -efto'pfact;. tasked iho heart's b!bjd of had '"pursued him from iviilijuniii.ing vigiL.nce; he had f'o!!oed, bin; : ) Due tver, where he last ,fi)t Af cr iho battle he M jiojiing'jhat I19- had fallm. s i !ithi-in t e . mi J . j, ,J . M s-j.invte tSiej! f(L-.s hoi hh( he; luu lered to himself. No! m itte, 1 11 (j!uv & bullet for liimY 1! ' " Tt .;., ' ..' i. '. Ij'is "Lsrardr seemed! lo iake, an it per di recti in J and he now proccrdefl to J11I on which the ballle had lx.r l,h,cc-A n'TTrticu.'ar lie Iraccd ou: upon ihehs'oli ; rtd c!ayj wllicli h id retained evefy mi res-n of the , thejvjiK'Hs marks madeby;- t.ier hoofs !i d n II irses. One of iheje irdetj, i,nd pursued with en h i need i u !ly ,, J uirf of inti rise ili, sfiction. " Thero. was a n- euf.mr maii; uti:t!iOvs:ioq, as it a had been Stripped in ijwjiia, .and-ihe parts slightly, sbparali V. - The !JIilf.brctcf viewed 1; vit,h the keen Ho tif delight, and utjered a oppressed i p,jsprangir across the fields in tin' rli rift in!n ilni nerienns. , lie writs long in disc.ivcniijg khieh path ihcy look," A : -i .1 W no he o .; o .ed clue irt tneirjicels, 1 lay, night ofbr night, tt;ftl rnon h did Blotjuy watch for an -oppor. . 1 after month, tuniiv t ulutj hi.-, ryc(fgc, but none wa.soifer- -e J.-, 1 r tijUe.jhe rnihv' ofu 11 have sent . ; r' , p !'. . " I ' . u bullet: wlrzipg thnmgh the brain of his 9 . . 1 J vicllcn, Wl na Hit Ins Tisidways in cotprrany, ar :d Iih-owji ht"e!rr.i:;hb be;sncrific'".H3 Jiiero vos novc!aanrr of esc ape;! therefore he patiently waited f i a tlrfia when he "should find him- a ton e. . Humphries wcaaw;arpof th darjger.he was " i- :"rv"-" rj ing un j iiic carnal tie; na.ieo tnef savage us mtii'li as lio" yas 1iated ir! return, and being aware-jliht Bbny-Jn aogg'nghis step for iho purpose) of tjiking hU 'iifehc determined, if possibJtvt siivc his(;lf by taking that pf th tl'tifbfeedt ' ; jr ;.:?Jr!-vf' 'Vf-' - O.vo" mor yn Ilaniphries, arid a ,compin. ion" by Hie n of D ivis, attendefd by a fiih ful black s-eryunrj, belonging lo Marion"g camp!, were staticl.g on a small Jtill near the cn !;i:rp Tieirt, when a-strange dog suddenly np pcared ihroJgh tiWies, at -tle "sight .;; which Hamphrfcscizd his rifle wjtich su . ' no-ainst' a trcjivnd lifted it inslantaneonsly to "E his eve! i Timv bfadsfwas" about 4p express .., ," , .,;: -H v 1 w t i " ,."::.". 1 . r I hissurnriic ttine suj : .1 ierocuy 01 waunerj exhibited by RiscompaincMiw ufro, uviuouing them to be qui:t, 'per luwereJliia wenp on-; and poirvt".:: Jog "a iked-Da vi ii ....... '.: 1 '. t : S ,....: . ' ",!' it,, '., i&i.. he knew hriji. rrj L-nrt'vv thai'tfo;? " "His fKce "berry familiar, Massa itum phrey but T . iho rp.coMcction Tor ebbcr." t "That is iho cuAjf Bloiiaand iho blear. I,u-) but where I have sccn htm I can 1 ..t in1 ' ' 'r- " 2 say.repheitDavH' ; M . , . AnJVvha.l Jo yony Trf hb asked of iCWrr'j i:t fines lhat slaved htm;. "Don t 'cved'rasankmust;DtJ in uib iie.g..,... Ho.u-, .Krcu i.utf,13s:tr terc i o:7 ? .!ci.iliy inttMicn f. il tijmn ihe orcriui p. Lu Uiii-.J P' .'f ' ".T- t i.e i J i V- J . rcnjtr: Lt-aie a few !.vk-i:Ti iLo tec V"U ..'if t fi T . . nr,lu,i ".'.MarSso ihtiuv ub- n;o s. c ! it r 4 n. . a j o .: c' rc'li i r. i . : !,r.t - nt ti I.uri hi.n: nf,.I 3 )..tJ JI1)Vv; "Uttl, ihe crcrk, Divh; ti, jn "as'ilto'd ru,;S off. r Hi m istc'r'inuVt bf: iu flnt direction, andne must Ire tihhn." -",, X'f'i".rlk',,'gie caV.tiS iH-o of the rncn nd M-ut llit ni on t!ie'ialh dirt ctly u;t'osiie ' f .f!nt laKcntiy Davis. He Linisclf proparv t'le crcvka- a jpoitil- roiicJistaui -- .. . nut-to be can'Ot," Pr'??" :uJvaV.ccd polm5- frofti wliichr b ifl", atd.t d ri-.o npfand rufu nir?ginV.-'st;ailrt line hbont fiTty' yards' a. b.yef turned su.Ucnly about aiivj kept'a - for. wardcourk,"in tl.c( direction. of1 Ilia spot at wh: ' h 'no. 1d -'firs, t entered lite saamp. Hut HetJ(J, not take, liirso .precautions wiilioul sooio doubts ii in'tiitir a dt goacy ofliis cn- Cea.mtftit.- multertd diis npprehenons of the keen secnf oritlTo tlog, which ho feared would too Ijniekly find otu his track, ond '.cai his purauer upjn itl ilofiuriicd ntfttakinj; ihcwaJeT at every pportunitv, and bs!v;n as'smaM a :r:iil u pisjib!e. Buirlic; fld in vahifionx ihc'sng-tciis5, and trap.'c oi 'of lhe animal. :'jM-onp!accv to plaVe, .liuo in ,t-t.-i yeivingc, j;io cur JiepLortaiter Intn, grv.- injriorin, as ne tK-ci,, an occasional -'np, osj muyh, pbably, from ihe beating he h"idrc- iCfi'ivedj ns'frvnn not-finding his nr.stcr. 'Aroint the pop! there";) no loosing hitr. Now, if 1 hid niy'hatid on him, I should knife iim fr t'nit's my bUt caution" cxclu.inicd t'liell tjf breed, as the baiVof the dog on the pew try! lie Jnd made, attested tho''succ'fs?- with w,!ehi he pufued hina. Blonay rose upon a stump,; and dial ine'tT bch:4d ihe, head of Humjihi ies. w ho iiis sli'i i . t Salofi on earn i ' . 1 . i i' . , cs'lv, h-d by i!ic cries of iho do " J ' ' ; "I cnhit him rjow,V hiuttere'd Blonay. Ii s not two iiuiuiiel varus, and I ve hit n s:Ti iM!T'-:::-.:!:ll:t,ri that at a greater distance, before now."' - M " I ' , , - ' " . He raised his' rifle; and brought ttic sighi to his" eye.- IIo would ' have fired, but in .the 1 1 00 n?xl moment Humphries was covered , by raL tree. rThe dog canno onj" and Blonay -could now hear the voices of iho! pursuers To merely! kill Ids 4 victim', "and to run 'the. risk oC perislungj himself, j was not., iho desire of tiw, 'lalf.brecd. I . His Idia 'blood sought v( ngeanee by safer means." , ; At this monie.Dt his .do.i; reached him. ' ' 'rlV KvTlic.;fuiihful animal uncotiscious of the danger in w hrcii he Md involved his- master, mm- I.-ped fondly upon him, testifying his. joy by e!Hngal the highest pilch'of his voice, lis elj:iurs would guide. Uiejr pursuers ut the true! patVof the JWiiive. j. he -inomCnt was full of jerjl, und every thing drpendtd on decision." 1 The saVage and'ready -rnood o!" tlte II i1-brepd"did hpt -long dt lay in a ifme ofu-!i necessity: .He grasped tho-do firm, ly! b v ifie back o(f the nceltind" as the 'skin! 'ivfs ligluly drawn acrossthc. throat, with d quick movement -of hi hald he pasfscdthe ke,enedgo ofbis knifo but once oyer it, and thrust ihtboJy from hjm.J Willisinglc cry ! b:kf jsfruggle iho nr.inialjay dead" in the path of ihe pursuers, .icatbing his knife and s?izfnjj his rifle, ! he ogilin, set forward..' He pushed onward till he gained a s.inall t but i mpe net rable . "u n d e r- bi ush. , I lis. pursue rs now reached ihe spof where lay the body 'of the dog, whicli ' tecirlg, ihcy consTderecT fur ' " -. . .. -,.- ihe r' pursuit as almost Lifeless.. - . At tills r moment 1!. ) j-hrP,! sounds " of the" Uumpa fell opon their cars,""bting thesign-l for them to return to camp. -. Hlumphries'told nis companions io quey us -uraniuiis, . uui Vojkyed his dcicrmmajioti of still.pursaing Blo nay that being "upon his track, ho would not oive.uinursuit nntirbne or the other hadl fijlen. After parting from lis Li-mpamuirf, he again set forward in earclof the enemy. Ui walked' fast in, the direction . which lie sur nosed'Blonay had taken, and 'ere iid 1ad proceeded. fr Iij'-discovered tLis track 3n iti mud, whieli he followed for $ tv,d--y till al length he lost iC.am.i-ng the bavisahd tl.uk ntss comin'? on. hd-irave ui- the chas 0 " . t - , until neH morning. -Trnt tiight polh slept an :! : Wamn, hot mcM ff than two hundred Tirds n .! i ' , Uurteacn unconscious the vther Vku c ...,yr. Ct llwjnorninj IJuiTiphr!cs"vatLe fitil 'to w-at'e. ,rfD -cehdtng from ihe tree "wljere ho I.adsVpt.he carefully surveyed -the pltce.'Sluuyng vuKit courlc.st)uld"puiue. ViHo be stootj ihusas:i i,t -noc icached tiiSiari- ukc inc ihcp bilk: ihe noise tc .cated litile - m iniicnte the direct, gaze rested upon an beforcIiim.- Could stood iu iho v.-"or: Jv -enough co to qi it cr.mc. U ; rf press which stood 1 Ili6re7 The tree -lis iru.ak' wai hollow hni Reermnrdv- not larco enough' to 'admit , a . ad nff "human - body. . OfVa su2ien somethin prompted Tim to look upwafd,ndjii,lhe sd--deri-glance which he gave1, ihe 3 a. "of ,;t.i V. nrl wrtLfc nnwn eve met'his g3zcr rccr- Irt.-cc.pwrAil.j.n It i.i!., body uf irt o. f.,r . p:arrflnS, dip the r'nika in lit, m t Ilii enemy, jrf every -Pan S.w brjjiiicHilJ fire ,io iivmJiTO aocoh Hd S?tScsiJa fion bi rttreaybui thi- 'nssc'rls thnt it will site ihitn rorWi Jalf ' j as to unniol Siv ihcxU rJaiuv of squirrels 'mice; birU. &ej J.. wjjiehhSM!g-iiaid. . The j.i;jgcst!jn is petil-VtlyJcew i. Sj and i; ,vtime !t ufaij metV your cru-roy j ue pnsume; :o our Farmer fi'te'ruls. - - likj? a"inan,'jk x'eluiinedll'in)phiiei?, 'aad nut Ukc nalvp t'j'lwl into a hollqw, at:diio wnii. i in: fo r his '('. Ome ):"t n: r sk uii! Yuu '" i - h-jill hfrve f ii fiii!it?v!: ! ujr own distance. I:.ih-ill,be mi;. 1 arc ihaf slrall.Yi .ko." the difTer-.oe ci" cii"r.ces. Co-yne out jfVoVrc a J, Tiius uiXlic go m in Jiis fury; but 4 fiend, Uiilaogli was. the only answer the H t!f.bre-.d nride him. He nevftried to cut hi? 1 j He ne tried lo cut hi? legs w hit nis kmie; bott a bond in- lh . tree, a jsmt d knot, on whh h Blofjiy rested prcc:;ted him At length n'new pf.in snggesttd itsel" Ut his mind.- nojstdecii d;!from some limbs', which l.iyseatterd&Vound him, one pf the largest' whiehhe" ctrrie'd to Ahe tree, -and tirust it jnto tho 4ioSowl,'seek;'iog U wedfs it beiweervi mo inner KijoasOn wi!chthe leet uilhi-UilK. breed tvidepiv , rented. Bat' Blonay soon be. camc-fav.artjoi'i his tlew defcign, and opposed it,t.a ;!! ;s lie' cueU, w ith.a d.s:ie am ef. for!. - For n long tipc ho b iffted the. (Tuts of hisuemk'tuil enraged aHengdi, Hum. jSrks se!z?d Ju4t jil a rig ku it of lig n. wood un luru-st usagatust tjnoi Uic legs ot Blonay. JJs!n-fnj;lK.rf heavV!-f kiiot r,s -a maitit: I o Ls!nnj;lLrr drove' "die weSglvward .aainstriij ielJ: in- njJi.v.1iii;1t Ibeciime flreudfully "tci-n wrjf laceraVejd by hpah)rp c0"es:of tTu wod nd Uudfl-tlicscivti-e, paiathp feci were'djiwn up andHurnplpies jsuCed t proceed id his o- rioinal design. J The iniseTable wretch in the tree, thus doomed to bd buried alive, w-js - 1 to 1 - - " .- . now wniiug tq come to nnv terms with liis enemy illlJ l) d hJ agreed to acci pt his terms of urrip'iries refused him, exela'iining; fiht; but.Hu ."fiio vou dn t, vou cowar(!Ikunk? You shall die inyojlr 'hole lil-;oa vimi'nt "3 vou are and the! cypress shall be ywur colijin, 'hs it has been ypii" hcuse. Iereyou shall s tay, if h ret chunks; ajid solid .light-wood can keep y our until yout yellow ilesh . rots aw ay from your bones! Iep )oh shall stay till the light., ning rip-t'penyour coffin, or the hurricane n .... ,i in oepiunuer yjfiiu.es you inio me.. svnmp.v . AnJ ('".is 1 'ikft him and returned To the camp " 1 j perish in the cecn forest rcccs?, ' fihgkd," where no human aid couli i... , ! :ie: and thus alone," buried ulive, shutoutsfrem.thc woild, perished the revengeful Haft breed. - ' , 1 'Yankee JTinaucieriu;! -a larmer, "iiown Jtasi (a .possessor ot a voracious'' nhpUite) - took" wit-h him to a neighboring town! to market ,1 fine fat 4urKty' A tavern keeper enquired of him -Jus price .-.Wall "s-tifl the Yankee firmer," 1 "1 I - i. - svould likeo bm, I will kt you have f you it fir OUQ dolfur in fcaih with' the understandin' Until. am to tiro! n dtnncr from ihe tuikev Ti'io tavern f keepcT unconscious, 0 f the farmer's dcv&uping alililics , finally accrpicd Whtfn the dinner hour arrived, in ;v a iked the" far frier, anrl; seuttd- himself at the upon which v;- steaming' His turkey, c in fine jsty ! rr! all the etctierasr AHprtTuTiltiarics having been disj kuble, ioked eased icllh tho Yunkfe immediately commenced operations. -Dwawentonc leg ofihetulrkey, succeeded by. ajwing, anoUior leg and ving", nnd so jon, uhti ell (minus hones) followed in their coursd. Tfe company present looktd nrst ax me lartyier tanu . luj-hey unu iiij iiNui each oiTior.- wojudcring ,wJie.re wpld bo the limits of.his ajietitc wticn up j urn pell the Yatikee: having! finished his. dinner arid Ihe turkegy leaving his " astonished companions to reconcile ilif rhselves a3 theV" best Jeould to' their deorivation, Oil went th Yankee farmer .with iiirs one dollar in, ca$ht lkrkey, dressing and cl, doub!cssfecling assured that lie had " satisfactorily disposed -of a jp;a rt o! hiVmai kciing.-4-rxV. Y. Journal of-Commerce. Cfi'crjuhiess'md n7c,--rClariesD'.ckenst w!.i.;j w iiitngsr contain ' much 1 1 to cqmire, ami a keep perception "(if Jium c!:arpc'cr, remalks upqu lids subject, as folow r . ' -'A woman my bo of great assiitance lo her" husband, in busint ss, - by ; wearing "a cheerful ,rmili j upon licr "coutitcuanc4- A man's perplexities -and gloomines', arc m. 1 creased a hundred fold " whu di's - better .ha1f moves acut- tv rdi a 'comtnuil scow her brow. . A p!ejysani, 'Cjlidrlul wife, upon is as a rainbowii set iu the-sky'whenttrhus who delight to loriureJst spirits." ' j - A hothe r w r he r expresses si mi la r lews , J n language coualjy forcibje. bul t. I togqj her 1- y so ptactica'l... Ile'aays "Good l.ui.. jr in v. ife is iike golB leaf in a ' pill. ' It docs not alter thVdoes, u,t it makes it godewn.1V ' The"pearTi,t(tVsjn JHobile are in fu!lbiom 1 ar. aaOOOO Jiogsheaof sugar ere y , . . V 'i -" m r r 1 "-ir pcslD-t a uisu. -jieu-'anu ireuui wite, lit iho hour of trouble, isuiike one of tiles fiends - . i - -vr " .. r r . . 1.- . . " The orange, limcand otf.ernrecsc.;":;: ci,t. ic i,kiud1Xnn7K "pai'ts f iho .ishu llf -Cuba; are perishing by ihe ruvages'of a smntl insect, ft isfearid ll)it tho-fc!ighi will extend tsyeriho whi le island; f ' t I 1 " - An enopHious r.est of" icoiinteru. iters and Horso iheitca, .a p-ut of Murrell s hind, have becnb;okcn up in Kentucky,' by thb; uppre; h nsiu:i of the larger portion ol ihcng. h i siid ta.be ihe nivisi xten. ve band evcr.dis. covered in tho .United Siatcs, ,,P ': ..'; ' t- .;,;:" ..; A Veniicnliary presrnled las a Xtuisimcer The guind jury 01' New York has presented the' v.tgrant dep li tment of iho peiutenitary at Bl-icTi weirs i-sltnd as a nuisance. Tvvo huo" dreQi persons arc confined jtV1 twouoOrns, which were swarming saiih enriin th it the grandjury tveie'waroed not to Kner.. A grcai number of tlifi 'inmates ore idiots, and the re. ma i rider laiuw ! ordiseased. j P4.1t of thejury isited the interior of the buildijij, nrtd found there wcru neiifier bcdsnbff s!raw nor was there rven room o'n 'tfie fljir' for oil these w retched people lo lie do w a t'th i a me t i m Tho. keeper informed the'i'irv.ilicMe were fie- quently two hundred and fifty pyrsoa cdnfined i:j,incsc 1 wo rooms; tnere ucwg Co oil- - placa to put 1 hem, andr in conicqune'e of-twtj state ul thing, It is almost impoUibicV u" prevent 1. 11.111 hjiji ij.j.ifreujng huj "ijaiKig. .f..-ki " E a Z . ; . 1 -1 . . -. ' The' Chriilisji more thin Canqucron-'li appointed unto men once to die there is noes caping it; "byt thentlnnk Go.l, it is but once. Uver every chd J irt 'fjhrisl s Redeemed 'and pardoned aniiiy the .scono d.-uth Jiaih no power. Ue.ee passjir narrow vIletj and it &haj I oticn into a'wid"e expaiiso of m-ver-end. in' glorv. -Pear nofj ihenJ the approach ol loan's 1st enemy; but Q, see that you bo rea dy for him alone. '.None but Christ, nonel uuy uimsi ljiiiiuii joii, loen; -iv unoui 111(11- tho best spent life will make a' shield ihat-viU j "drop into ponder-befiirtj ihq oissault in ' must do ci :t-:eo m celestial a rrnox, lo, n uninjured, tho unearthly attack, i 'YouTntK rs "one wiili Christ, And Christ with''yoo ,to pass, u.iharmed, through' the dtl; vallev-, 1o stem "the swellings tgf Jordan, o enter with in titer gates into the ciiv." iBiit if you -a ro thus " one w it li , Christ ,'J . ihpugfi Vou may lj Uio weakest man, or tlie most tinner Woman, or ;ho feeb!e-vt child, you shall be Tnado rnure than conqueM-or over Sil'm, jsin and death, and over cvcrv rnemv! I c:vecrilime and c. t-'inity.- BJunCs Life of Elirha'. A Good nanio jmd a Good hea-l are iwo'of i he besl items going. -pYoung! men should re- mcitiber this We le.-irn that there is gteat1 distress in some of the districts east of tjii on account of the scarcity of corr.4 cattle ind btherstock. are said-to be bj ingjor tlc want of provender, and it is-with difiicul'.y thai niiny, can Obtain bread for their lamilte.-Wiiliiis, time's would have been quite easy, ai not o.hcr-distiitt drawn J.rg-ly upon us for ! iopiiies, which has raised the price of. corn par bethel, and s.-arcc at tint. Wc see, t!h;o the-article. is plenty in ..IL'mburg and Columbia," "nt about .j cents per bu$:xl.-f-Anderson , , C. Gazette. - t r LiabifHics of J,osJ.i:iaslcrs.-fVUfs St. L )u!s Republican s;3 5-:- " A etsc fi niarkablc, we .b.liev, for its novelty! is to lie ,li if d ai ihe nc.t term of life St. Louis. Cou'rt'nf Common Picas." Ii is an action brought by a citizen ol Carroll c.iuntv, in Missouri: io recover ore I hundred and fifty dollars, which 4 it isiTtrged, were muhd at Oarrollton, ar.d idiiecHd lo a ommcrcial house in St. Louis,. It is further alleged, thai the I,etter, containing this remit tetnee, was received at'liie Post Ofiho in St. Louis, but never found its way to ihefirm to whih :t was diiected. Unde,r.ihtse circum- stances r s"uit is brought a g:.i. 1st al Si Lou's, for ihe recovery al!eged;to bo lost." .' I : I tljc Postmaster of the money .Notwithstanding all the Icarping displayed in the mynacs of voluincs which have been writtcnand' which still pour from the"- press", yetthe knowledge of tho fufidanientaK'pfin ciples the-first tepswhich lead 'the way to happiness, remain cxditi- paratively. unknown, or almost wholly disregarded bjthe, mass'of mankind. J - ' 7;- Iclaiicholy Effect of L.ir;!itasa . Stdotn have we beencal!. ! upon tji perform a more melancholy duty than lhati of reorih ingthc death of p young ludy.jof our cityfUss Gifolinc Gjodmon.agedabVut!ll5,.ho " ycsrerd.iV-TiVoning iostact -d-ly kilkd,1 . - - s - .- I... JhiIo,fyiPg iajjed, by figLtJimg.i .i wo '-ctiukt 4catn uf , the ' i j catastrophe ii seems -tint at "abdui.slfpVlock in ihav morn ing, !iw . fo'tdc nee "oj" Dake 'JV Goodman, Esq iunteil on ihe.corner of J&ckhn a nd State-'rexts, was tfuckbyj liglifning.'aiid mucli ihstteccd.r Striking -the chimney it enterVd the room in which was tho deceased, in coirfpmy v- i-'i Mrs.; Sampson u;d her c!uld, !ei ping "in joncj .bed. . MUs G." was jIfVgt;tl (he farther fcide," but the subtle fluid, r!M..-g uie j mi. v.v.iutijj un,ui iuiwiuu(t tei over hcri ir.ei with 1 an obstruction ;'in a small hole irr the. plaleriug- froni wich it glancpd dircx-t'j" into the dcccpscd,! burning' her fi.ice breast and arms into a qomplcto cinder! M rs.- ..-!':r;:;'"" 1 1 Sinvisun ami n r ch iv. woro bji'.i slu iiijured, but we, b.'.rva n i s.ria!y. Thi- d j-bcdJin cnuplit fr, nnd but fjr t!.c; tlriicly iS'iii.tauco of a- or.:!. ;n an ; fire-, itdj lining npirlmu:r an ! w'n Mnjir. bur&t in'otlieroouT, and i il 0 unconscious phcirgs, we;dtvjb:!es aliould huve n.o;ety and to jour rfs rrow. 'I v At ' il is1 !: hl and "fair "ornanu-i't (a soc. : she v plan, peav or. svut - .::' i!st Ci. rch of which 1 I - ! "en trans I ;ru. ona mora' a r..; arxhoJys to tiravi' ,"-tf:o' r.-.-'-r -3 vCl us .', i h v life on lea i fiotr t!. 3 f-ie::J nut. eaith.was su k'e:.'y ; vtitaiEy .-close -so;-:i!- realm u . ' :ch jnav her life i:i -i i she has brn cald, l T o, "brigliU st an . " purest et.joyYiic J7.?i'? llera'd ' and Tri tune. fc ' - , , " ' ' i ' ' f A shlji'l trip into the ciuntry lastvveeh"; . tord d us an)p!a,prof of ,ilie thi:rtyr condition of 4be-r. -people i of tbis.pait i)f ha , State at j least. r Never Jia vc wc seen so muctv myney ' in circul I'tion, never heard so fcv complaints ; of .ihard limes." Iu Tact, almost every ono scemfd toV contented and alUiied wiili tho situation pf ...viir "pecuniary nrT4Us.';'vlQ view thenofftjiis stalo of ihi' "nhieh we doubt j nu. prci-asUin almost cvtr p .rt cfthe' iydoii . .why should politicians clamor for a'changein- 1 the Tariff, which uas sj iinporiatit'a. bearing i on jho industnal -pursuiis of the people; pnd why should the! peo'plathHnsclvcs,i!r,aiargo part of lhcm,jo led away bv this loud clum. of.' Let well cnoogh alone j -Is one of tho bisl of masiins Tl ih.iniiton thro. - j -The fallow irg suggestion! !jkvcre matle-111 the! Lawell Oikiic.' Ttcir geneva t nccep: -latioti would -pro'duco'o JojTulstJte.'of things: AUcsnnol le greatest, hut alt can be kind," ; "!..' '-- ' '- . . "Cpca,ii Kmu.y to my ieiow m,, Ijijm lit; SiiiiJUiu e..L j" i.t.v j v v Thy biller acccnttTwt mg hia he;uT, t 1'" ..1 ...1 i ,ir.. I : wr- fi And make in 1 a. a cIicck wot. '-"fc kindly to thy. brother, man for he has ... -arts thou dofct'not'kno, Vripny" or.'r 1 t fliinu vyo Jiast not seen; 'and gncF:m'ay , Pjtl gnawing at his heart-strings, w hich, cro long wirsnaptncm-m sunuer. u spcaij. kjrrdiy tohtmj perhaps aord-from.-thre. will kindle tl.cUighl-of joy ! Jis oiihadowcd hea'ii, and maho his pathVay to the torfib a pleasatu one Speak, kindly lo thy brother nian, 't cn thougirfci'n has mrrcd the spirits a beauty cc turned jnto "discord the once perfect harrn.ny uf Ids being.- Harshness can never heelaimUim. hn.dncss will. . lrr laruown ber.e-rthill depravity . thero- still linger a epaik of the spirit's loveliness, that ono w&rd from'ihee may ktnJIot lo a'fl.ime that will s ventually purify the whole man, and mAo htmlwhat .ho- was des:gr.ed to. be, jho truo spiritual image of his Gvd; Speak-'kindly , act kindly 11 all, .without asking who jt nrny be. ' It U tiviogh lor thee lo know he belo-igs lathe brotherhood' uf man, and reeds thy tbv. Then L'i'vo h to him frceh!-as' freely as the Fa'tci' ll'Q jsih'Whycnjgivcth- Saving for Damtgrt." Hollo, S'nrp; . said Pop, meitirfg him the other d.iy .in iIkv " strct, 'i ou hobble, my boy; what's the mailer. witlJ you?"1 ,0.i I hid my. feet crudicl " throilh the carelessness of lite conductot, ihe other d-y between the cttrsf'thar alh" , "And don't you mean to suo'for damages .'Dimige3 no, no I have haJ oanvgcs , enough from them 1,al ready; liadn't I be;jer. V sue for repairs ; - A yourg Logician. V rily children do ut , strange questions lo their papisotid rrnias. srjme'.tmcs; ioitl-f-'-Pat-why db'you utar f sirrips?M't'olceep my.tfcyiitf sdovvo, John." -Pa$ why do vouf. wear' braces? v ,T keep my -trousers up, iotm. ... vycn, - a, that is fbnny.1' " '! .. ' ' : J' loved my-wife," said o"wri "at -firsl. as mu:h as' any " b;ldy K vcf .,OVC, . Uft' " For Jhc ''first iwo'ryofttlis, vt nctuaMy wantiid to cat her upland aerinco ihen Jre cfn ; sorry IdUnt."" -' ;v- " -''t,- Comparative Prvdaice.An old grr.ile.. man, who was paying misaddresses to a ouhg lady, ono day said to .hr. :J?rbt uur 'npproa'ching union, my dear, IVooftostk ... catc unbounded, happiness: your agound inv im prudence will to 1 pproved by all the woCld-' . 4,That may bci sir1, (replied i)to" lady ,) 4;6tV . what will all the world say lu' your. age ind . jvy pi udr'n're? - t ; ' t ' Te7npi6.''rv;re ,uje very few '.its couiHry who have Ysm rea'dtln?; 0 sior'y,cR:U-d .-C5h"illo'ie TinpliV bed bveruha nal!f 'te of". iUat"iu:nbh'" por.s aflocli.. '1 no n'ii but deecK'id xtnd t.'-jraieJ being.-. .Jl will bo ittleiestini'lo b!l those persons to.knuw lh.nl- jiI the laje. fijc (00 Saturdayi.niorning I'V') at'tiic? cqruerof Pi stri ct and .Jho Botfciy,,. the identfaf bdusii in which" ,ldiod was de- stroyc'J. Ch'iTlotle was lurueu iut-. of doors nt tho od. Walton" House, in Pearl street, which is now standing,- and sought reiugo 111 ibis collate ivbicji -was ihcn outof town, on tho bo weries "r Farms, and soon after breath, ed her iast. The housenow rcducod lo ash. -cs ,-Vas long: kepCcp .by props. Thus fado ihe mementos of roraance.iY. Y. Sun. i in - upon him from its enclosed rdrea. - Y4 ciylci Do you think i so'Billf asked DjvIs: . - - 1- annally matpuuciureu iu