.SI .1 j--'-"AC5:iBiIiS,B, r-.v 1 . FTC. 4 ' - edito; fw )lLr nd Hrrf Ccats per Annoaa in rtnc, vt TntB loLUitt th year. ". . - S ripr Will b continued, except Cihe. op. J)eof tl.e KJ.trjr; until r'l arfcarajes arc paij. ,!rcti:cracn('wir inserted t QxDoua jet iquare ,f ten liuci w km, fr tl.c fr.t invrtii, Bj TwtxTr-me' Tints' fr cac'j cotitiaance. rb D' b;r of inwrtlont adrauU bo marked -,otW .rjin, r,r the Jrcrti.mcntwi!I bn contn,.; ,i ill fUiLid,BRd ehu'rjid" secorcfinj; Court Or. a r IM be chimisis t!: M be char jed sis j!c:!;irf,!r.ra;iub.7, clidipcor innounclnj ilia name of a CaiiJI- r.rc it fl2 W lft'tdvancc, or C?-" J f pij- it i . - -The Jjtr fr LctUrt .'th"EI.t-' niost" coma frcc'of postage: IUvip iKtlhd in the town of Morjar.ton, Irri. 4th .ftto'ialrrict. hc ranous branrli. wvf li.roft-wion. to'tliepaWic. " t - If 1. rotJ-n ht (et-thrctf jcar t hlirtljr I the p'ratt tco of profusion, ki-rpmj jwuc wilh Ihfl improvrmcnU in rnt d cnl cicnerr, andchwc, ;uJkHi Iifelifa duruije pt;riod, rntillc any one ta reward, tht h he wuld;:linmWjr h'.po to receive ur.h a j itrutiac as" merit claim, and itic'.r as lie ! Uei'rt'if'jrp neeured "' :.'..;;'' He., trail thf dltciilion of iavalLd who nuf. fr from U f rioti!i chrouk ufiVtlion. iiucli an Dy. fpst in it divcrsifi.''l'f'irin and arciat:on; din. n"t( the lircr, lun-, In-art, ttinich, bon-rU, kiduiy!p&.i?. itr. nd ul-io the gland Ur dtwjrji-r, Inch tire j romm r of ecrufu'-a aijd. canc(.rf hm ftnturc. Frnitle di"irj, r, ao often dilrci!ij: Mid complicatid aa lo jii'tdnc dtpndi'ncy in the pulicnt and, "wlajhn. do-r,' tvt o-.cn "mfe icrc.fii!!y' tnah-d by 'Iiiii.' Hi ni'de of Irvitt-i.-iiit la di IT rent, in a grwutdt.-frcc, troiawjisl u f encrally ruri)-d by o'.lK-ra, attd in timkiii thw ro. Mark he, wVt'M be niinJfyl oCi'due d fvrence to hi a nifi'Bional bri tliren.'- would' ho und rslttotJ dimply to at'tto the lart, wuhntat Brrjalipjr to hioi. ;i7. a Miprriority, and thtrtby dttrct fruilie iikj rat of rit. tK . -.- - y.- Tiie'tniny andnirctioJ dlana .of tlio Eve l5v- ban c"u;c.l !' h'iu tt r ri Ii iv- fiiU d. Dt. ttaerqiiiriti Surgical tr ai,im-iil nd 5nr'4J ip rratiuiia, haxc claiint'd no uri'ill !t.u .( hi 4io tinn, aiwf he i pi urd " y. n- tliia repect, . thut lucre!) i.tt rt wartlid in sorii'jl t,iT.rl, Hit uiii iHtciiii'l v rt. t I ull rulwL .ir or n ar. , IlftfWui.i'p v 'J'i; '!'' n, jvitjn nqnircd.' tfo ' In !)'' j. r ft r i to r 1'ivv .iiid accotnniod,ite at his v tiJi-iiiT, 'i:)r In in n ci-lanrc, and Would pro fi r trt-aiiii (mv'h i tn ii-udnru hat require our. lfj;icrtl ojH ration and hiN clumi auypcqu.'Mt attention, lid may he eoii.ulicd tit all tims at hid rcaidriice ororlicc iiiiMorahtoH, -xcit when absent Ttic pj.,,f frhuit receive his p'ofctwi-jnaf acrvictu without any lie Mririinm, M.irrh 13, Id 1ft- -3 m. 23"). A. T.;SUMMtiY -tx era-' as T r.a -r -J Will attend to tho oJVrinf of notca'ol tlm Bank oH Ciijif Frr in AshcviMc cither for dinctiot or renew' ui. l i mt.n eninntim mm wim -incir uusineps mi v tetv tiiHiu iia b insralti nded In promptly and carefui y and lumill in all caaea rcHirn us aouo u j)jhnih!c an aceonnt of hm Iruimaclion ' , II.-b;-sh ave to refer to any of the- prominent 1 1 mirths men of the pUec . ' -. -i I16. -288. . V lax SccjI OH 1H-tli' ) or bjrrc'.for tale bv maieh G.-tf r WlWlLLIAMS. n NOTICK.- . . "Tn nnd. ri-iiifd, Md-;i:iiUtrajr oft'li; estate of V Siinuil A; Lvlo,.d.:CCH!.'dl w ilj atti-nd the Courts of M,-Dm ill mid Bn-ip.nii'w! forth'' purp-wi of m ttli'i v.nd i flule, and all pi r.-jon mdvbti d riturr by nle . W otherwise, will o.oin-S forviard and make nfttle ' i'tvnt. Att pernaJiaviAff clauna ajfainst aaid c. - tve are ivpn-nUd tU.prcsei:t thoin within l!io time j.n scribed by law, rlhurwipc t!iU laotice fh'alljjv' phad.iii barV their ncovcry. ' 1 JUtli l,V.W' . Jan, 10, ISll, 3L.' . Melancholy Deaths Wo lavo been ' "iii f medthat mi tlio night tU. tho 1 5ih uhiino, thue pvrs"iiv. ifn frozen Co rf.-tiih in this c.uutv, nbout f.iiifireii liJiK'n Sut!i K .-st!"foc lltllhboMtijiU: U.iet i'-"in wsw irrj jmcs i IUm; (Tn.irnpHoAian pra;vlhiier,) anoth. er Mr. William Cirringt-.t:, (belter known as Foot ('arringi-.n and the'.n n'-ejof llwlhird .-,. h-iv.L tV.it' 4ir-iirt..i!irtl." T tf 'been driakin , ihnt th rti so thauheseunfortt:riitirnon, having indulged 1)0 freely to bo nbh- ..find ihcia' way home, perished hy the i t What a sad cornmeu tary on the-w lei, JucsS of rnau i'Jl.is! Ti, off ia otMi niglit , ' through the ,6ncy of ardent spiriti,'anl ye.f men Will c, lo J riuk lliUior " 7 ;nuc to s.II and coder. ' 11 Great Uritaiu was to iitfeSoprrior, il Could not rMinJih!. b3 .s-:en fro i tSw "i!irc sur- There, ,are jG, . . femal opera -f1 Lowell, Mass. Of. these 27 1.4 arex:onqec. -eJ withacom' Sunday"0 iooI," either, as . leacbers WYchOhr?; , : 70 Vrc k church members; 527. have '. n teachers. , . : , TherQ has been quite alslir recently in New - Orleans in consequeiicc of a msrriage of a white man named Ruddington, a Teller In "the Canal Bank', to the ricgroT daughter of one of .the wcah' 'est mere!, i.ti. Rudding 'loo', btforejie co-U he niairtcd, was obliged , to swear lhai he had negro blood in his -veins, and to do this ho made an incision iChis arm and put some of her blood in the r-itT itThe coremnny was performed b" f r'"r gyman, and the bridegnitmi has rct.-c 1 b' his ulfo a fortune of "fiOy or sixty nd dollars.. The,. fiaicM serenaded htai -wiih such abominable music', - that; to. get rid T their discord He paid them C 100," to ba'u - J fa: charitable purposes. ; ; - . Legal Interest on monr-r ioCNi. York Us been changed f.lm'saycn .- 'sfx per cent-' " ; . t ha Hon.1 VdJ. Tliom-son io ab5ut tQ 'publish a work oa J.Iexico. t - ,.. t t aid .to'' sh-.p in. t!: igM 'rhood N'muhaticIy jjlio peculiar palihea- il U lrue bul bbcJie vcrsed-iri the fan;ua eveiiinir uniil a Uui' I iii'thoug1 j of he Cyiieipal and, his Akiistants, of s;' 9 w. jntomine, so as readily To cgn'. l weather wat hat remVkably cM ;r3 cl lssrj. T ttcn and Albright, for thd duties of vcrse wJ;h ilxeirPreceptors, and wul each "Id wns very WtVJark", disagncaMc, fheir station. . . . ' - j btHcr, thus forming a little social community I'oimiY rrrm ihp i" ar'rfit.n Courier, 1 -'Sits rioriiln -Sf:ir ' i Vt i Iti liisttru t-!;ii.r-i that iic" afjr, . i L A ilJilticss rati,?, there trllii-int feTuwjj ll , ny ucams o Rt, bn-!u Morning S:ir.T Oi r), uJ -TfUlIiiTwi.pirkliog-piiJ,- jE Mil Ku;), ot4 tvorlJ.,; tbyu ibreauj sj dy To !..j!J fr nr.n tt t.-ilcrr, I'co earility crowns' shall pass away. i iii'irs biJZ?.nn.J r,.w .iheir little 'lay,! .J!iin hut in carkneas, !--ir'au'j duuUj Wh:it; Uiinc.swct t Star, i;.? c.insj owaj ' Nur'c'cr tliy heavenly firca burn out. I a, nutrisrn toxvird the orj Jao Crow t-righier, purercbastef far, As .til thy rayafbhiiui lruni purt? - Thou sweetly glowing EtsteVn S:af. Like tb'jL'A'd rise on Faiili and JLove,1 j J From earth, and sense, o)d passion's pQHcr, ryu mi iruio 10 sunr uoyve,.- llrH ... .1. L L ' . 1 This Tiding scene delusive hour. Like lliet- I'd mnunt the! Htnpyrean liigh : And shed my ft eblu .g!lafj, " 4 ilriuurg d in beatin. of ;v.ondcf akvJ " To bliine a sweetly guiding tar. Sara2i!Vadc. Vike,! Tidy, vuko? the muoii are high, Too iwuiklifig stark is ljfcaniinv; Vilj now and theu. across the sky, ' !A oic-te-or are btreumiir. i Vakc lovely von ? The sky arc clear y lttfieshtn is the, breezes ! ' j It bl s my nose v(c I seij hero .'A' tiJdlin1 Vicuih the trecsetj , ttku Siry dear ! The, ladj pole's olc . Are heard in yonder ruihts I And the vaiblttt ireo-toad kwclU his ihrual A 8'gn3 in them bUshojs. Vuke,! Wenus, lnine.The vippervil ''rt C" .1 I- ' I .I'.-1...' I' It Slns on ll;t bi s itumrt yonder ; ... i. .J. :!. u.: owl pini s forth its hooiinUhrilli -rVt she tike ! vJnder; 7) AU's. k; -j&n the' gras sy -lea , Tile inoay'Jicr bcainsj are. pout iii I ho stars looks down and . Ss si rite j (By gutnif Sil ar'nt spijng.!) Vake) Stlly v;kc ! and lJyk oa aie, Vake Squire Sifiipaon'sl daughter j I .la- I'll l-"tvc uu, and you'll have me ' jBv "osh ! .who throw! that warter Oh.! SJly (Hi "re con "Bow;vov' m, ;)n, thus to sliIjfj cs tho buti.uos now !) i '"Oh ! now he's got a bite Alas F 'Uiw.wiiw1 'Oh ow !" MISCELLANEOUS. 1 Mi Iiifcrcslius iixhibitlon. T't .... ' - i..j Of both f both sexes nl ihe jPiesbyierjaji Church, oh rrhur da mofnbpg lasTj 'fo witness t ue first Public i ExUiuinalioji jjfl he Pupils aitaclied to the. Dv-afand Dumb Scbetjl in this City. Tho Ins'.iiuiion bias now Jjeen in operation about ;en months, under the 'supriBtend.lnce of Mr, A iiliatii IT. Cuoke, and ic rap d proli- rencfof iU Pupils - (Seventeen . irt W'JO Three classes wercjcxamtned oid by one bv each tfthe Teacjiers illustrat ig ia a most satisfactory a td gratifying niajrne-, td progress which has been made d tjii i rjg' the! Acudenticnl year. It was Vonderful, most wonderful, to witnessf 'the'correcinesi of tho Spelling, the exceJIenpe oi jtbe writ i'?p... , f . . L ... i and live knowledge- ot urammar wnici. even me most recoil Pupils d. splayed- L he leacher would make alew igry to . toe t .ano, m an instant, on each slate on ho ." I theirenlcanie here, betokened! litirf else lha'n noired answer lo his question InJe-d ( -!heir(,sn, ' v nd '( Ln. nremv regies evinced , intelligence .not hacre schoaroomdrilluforIie vjfexhibij i l We were particularly struck with thecvi- denco which was alloftded onurtjcBahec in Religious instruction.; Ll ithe TcolIeci. td that, a few month 1,113 V' ,,aT - lut" .ffij, nr hisittr l4es. kTheJJiM w-s them, indeed, -a sealed ..book ' r . i. . 'ItJI tr "" - jheptir. i i t..n n vnririu nf nuestfui QVaKeu ii" " u "";! i I . n t.' : lYftVlnrn t h n I "t l u L-in fit fnf. pose oi siiown'g " '-rr- -r, duct "them 4o the co'-ect knowledge of the Sactcd $cripturs aJ fhe result vf these ef- TortS. NYC IOOK oowu.ouui -.v answers jswers which struck us with peculiar frrceL in an li w yenjr JwwS rv'J 'l l i l L ,wer to-thecuestion-i'Liocs uo snow ihoughtsV was xWiltcnp"God knows all I think, all I say, ulM "du.M j4 Whe re iGJ."; was a nc5icr question aktJK. And the an. swer was'God ts'IA tieaven i,- t..vrrvwhere."Vtlow yu p. uv. Iho fruits of Ue earih? vva? then a ked; and lh.aWweYvwaJie.caV- (fesceud upon the just and .,Uie unjjusu, iti Q iiaslral a theirf several; neighborhoods, ;h' ,' ther"3 w-13 -iSiif rtostTsatisfattory ej. the tri -mph 0nudrcious and -cieniificlnsiruc Spec! of tho.I.CM hat ihe Ition lmU lion WerwKal warforni3ily" considered Jan tnsuperablede7ectpfnatureAI C State, and l ' I. .. -f . "Io air antiouitwa lok in" vnin.for any tj ..-.d (jnor) a tnni wuin i j . , i i - j wT ,,,:;,; :": :i vv- -liji ,, j f:.-:'; .- ..Wvv1; : . , ,- . v,. : ; , ;:. -;? ., tiyh t . tiit .. lcti Jo. ei' tho rritiu cipal,-recited a! prayer in :he 'language' td ins. Theifik-Ii;-i t:cc v.. . r.t with i aiMjs otanvt t:tiunal ruks for oj en"t j the ?- tir j of thought, aloks ijitainaignifcdncQ; hIkh coci !jmHi-d with t!.t pui? oud 1mp!i eloquence td fKent nature. ' itvt-ver was prayrr utb uJ by min;wjiu mvre:uiriuing iiorcr r, more com. vicctng t JKT.ce, thjn by , nr language errp! ycd on !hs occajn., Ve confess lliat u'r "nsibijitiea were roused g and Tdeeru Jyileptcd by ttisrcmarkabJeond soal.stiring Prayer-t Z, At tbn close H theTJserciseff, His "Excel, leney, Gov. Graham, who. is Tr sident, ex f.l . . . mi- r . officio, o the Literary B jard (uuder- whose charge "thia Institution i) and ; who ha tuken n deep interest !i n the subject; delivered the following neat AdJress, which we trust, will have the tfToct'jof nnore fully awakening putw lie attention to jihis nobba enterprise. - : 'Thecl jsef the first Academic tefrn of this infmt Instiiution, ii deemed a favorable hcirsion, for x endeavoring to" disseminate a 'iv ;i-ut-nii kuuwietv"i oi us oojecisr, 0110 of the sucTess with w l. (ry have been pros Muted thus farjj tlianlius fierciofore- obtained in llicvcommuuity, and in the State. ; lis. en. dowm?nt by the General Assembly at their last Session, With he progress which lwis been rnade,( in canying their I beuifict nt de. sign into execution, is destiued to bq regard- Jel as an era in our educational history.' . Vl-uunded in publici charity, jand jm iinly intended for ihp poor and destitute, in first object is to instruct these: to fit them "for moral, social arid intellectual: enjoyment, and to enable them to cam o subsistence in hoqsc. hold employments, in the Mechanic Ari8, . or in gricutUireJ But those moro favored by fottune are not excluded. At their own ex pensc, the same opportunities of improvement ar6fr?cly oTfcrd to them.. And alfliough ex- ewpied from the necessity of lbor for , thtlr support education would seem 'toi' be still marc necessary lo relieve them frorr ; vacuity " thought," (almost nsT fatal-. to tha!Yn'emV constitution, osa vacuum irrnhoh atmosphc. to the physical,) to furnish ltem the ttieansf enjoying biciii intercourse to teach ihem ihuir dutyMn ton life, and to prej thpmfor the beatitudes m the next, j . ''Iliough their deficiencies muJt 'perhaps 'orcvi-cxclude them as a j class, from the highest walks of literature though no "mja'.e inglorious MiltonV-b$ omon them found: no Newton lo number the stars of the firmimecb yet, When we remember that they 1 are ra" tional and immortal beings,! what these have nil v been, what even nowjhey arotund what their capacities, under the auspices of .- . S. . r . 3V . . benevolence and science, may enable them to attain, their education becomes ah 'object! tif the deenrst .'interest! toE very pioui, pawi-j otic and bcncyolenl heart, vvlth an ixnper. f ct experimohtof less than twefve months? ft. madQndcr tHe disadvantage, during n porJj lion of tho tirri'e, ot a deficient School Apara . .i- V 1 . . . j . UU, witn noj classes ot oavanceu learning 1 the models as well bs efficient Instructors o' 1 the motlt'ls ni well as rffinient Inslriietora oT the lower cla'sses, in tilliichools, wih evey thing new, except the qualifications of ihe Teachers, wb6hi the State j has beert fuitun j uic enoOgh to engage, .ihe issue of tlie cxpe rimeut is no longer doubtful. We haverseen the Deaf and Dumb youth rk,w ;n ik:, hr;sr fr;rLt f nt madeJ toKar and spea,?sby miraculous p power, of their own; ; and enabled to read and wi iie our own mo our own mother tongue, with a degree of pficiency, WhiSh wild jdc ncaripg and peakingvppils, do ho discredit to with no" longer .With ample room ycplTjr E improve. It, to ioeye of a frequent observer - enf in r' ihertu, gmcof them is calculated to j y 'of thcchange wrought in the rude pro;acii'ofthe quany.or the for. . hand of mcchanicjj km. Featttres which on ighleneji wilh cheerfulness, .intelligence od CUtsity; joicing io1 their past gains of knowJe(jgef and eager for future acquisiiions. ,TCj.e nre bul happj; indications, that tTik.lr SUCCCSs iB obtaining ideashis1 been not Hess perfect, Trid iaeven more Erateful, lhan the power of communicalTn them ! to others. jilany came with but liitle information i:on - J - .R ufi felatiuns a ndT dependencies 'of 1 - , ' ' ' -J . J ' 1 . !. 1 ' - some ui llie most common otKcts ki nature. whh hardly concept wq of the, proper 'dut of. ma"n here, and his destTny hereafter. 'Now cheecfuliy' accord their j duty to their cheecfuliy" accord their j duty to their Crotor, ackBow leilging his j existence and nttributcst anduhe neccss:ty of submi- sion to his laws, and bbtdience to his will, whie end.BVor !o Bt!ain utulness a'nd hpphie3S tlB mC(1 by a lira- of "rectitude, J in ihcir day and generation.; They are now to senaratli (Ar a brief interval on vit Is honed. lQ respecvo homes,-to gladden the hearts of their parents and friends; and 1 The t luic secix wait from the ryt- f nny. Sir. ytructtons r,V .r vwi: .?! I and Dutbb, acd l.irt: jre thei. : i.i s-ci The y-vCm Jiii-il t T i!. .t c!a v. ' " i i ny re lit f , as y r - o 'jj t n- I1 c 4: c x ' -. . ..-d J f was theDurnb 'man ti nhi : icu ivenj as rxecordoJ. t.y ue i Now Testament. TI. j 'mc! . oil'J 1 v as poweilut, as wcllfis the ruder nations.. tJrnt l.mpc t. rm 1-i . h'i v " rfti - r rJed ,'theni "a incijrab'e.iinfij'ri.ntes, tj b placed Vu t same calegtirywjih idiwts tndlunatfcsV Even in lUer limes, and wirtlMiIs'.h3P'tlvQ centu-1 rics past, tho writers oir municipal kiw in lb trios! cn!ig!iieccd nations of the wiorlu1, treat uf them ns persons incapablooC mulirfg valid contracts or wills. it ..was reserved fjr the last century,' and to,.. the p!iilosrp!:v. and hu manity of France, Gertniny; and Holland, to open the Citors or disomcr new utiels to the beniijUted minds of these children iff mUfor. tuoe, and to lead them ftmh into tU light of .. .. .. . ' . . !i. (! f f .i;;:.-if ' nitural and reliioui truth, acd 'Jo restore them to'thcir lost estate amrtnpj tlo human race.' Amon tbe benefactors ivhonvere con. snif iirnj , in I hi nn'i . . ni-l'' '"'npnl. trip ncnl, the names of the Abbe ' IT, iu9 Abbe' i Mermanyi i.r.nd grate- S "rnalurcd Sicard of France, ui I I T t i r deserve to be especially rr fullv rememberer1. 'V ll - n France, and first iritrodutd into" ho 'Us Slates, by tho Rev., Poptor , GaUauJet, 'a,. Hartford Connecticut, in I8l5lwc are main ly indebted for the cxhibitiorweihavo this day beheld, .'pid lime and opportunity allow, utiuni oe inicrcsting to compare una system which aims to enable tho pupil tocommuni. calc with speaking ppjsons, by mefns of writ ten larguagej with t'.af-of ihe Germans which endeavors to teacn him to speakf or utter ar. ticuVaspunds. Ii is sufficient af present to remark that7 the French system is preferred by all teachers of pra'ctical experience in jour own couplry , and is belieVed by many of them, to be Hie only one capable of tiae, in a lan. guage so variable and arbitrary in its pronun- ciawonasine inguti. "The chief purpiyt-. of these Mt . ' v . .i . .': v-.r remarks re- i ... .- . - - - mains q l - jrccomplibed. 1 Ins lAsylum num. bers as yet but 17 pypils., Of these -15 only are, State pupils. The- bounty provided by the LrgJature with proper Jje'vies ' by the 'Ma--gistrates of ihe sejeral Counties'! Mis equal lo the support of thirty-five Stateiupils per an. num; and suitable accommodations will be protld6 for on ditjonal number who are able to pay iheiVown expenses. "I . "According to iis census of 1840,'there were, 16 Deaf and Dumb w lvi.t a persons ,un. der 25 years' of p'e in ihe State ofi! North Cur. olina. From inquiries made jby the intelli gent and respectable gentlemen "now at the head of this Institution, there tare believed to be even more. But from cnusesi uoknovyh j,Jer .asps the ignorance, incredulity or apathy of h parents or friends of these Unfortunates only the few now before us, are permitted to share the boon so generously 1 held out to them hy'the' Governments AY hat we desire in now obtruding on the public attention, is to awaken ihe warm sympathies;' 'and tc.'cnlisl the strenuous ciTirt, of every intelligent and humane citizen, in behalf of the neiilectcd-ihai in whatevcrneighbjrhood one of them may be foun'd, . may be brought ,' to the notice of the Coun'y Court of his County, and res. eued from l lie darkness and eloom of his. present condition, i Charaublo eflhrt in 'such acause partakebof ihe quality iof thai mer ::.. ..! ,... .' f - 'J ." I cy which 'is twice pleased, "Ii blesselh him lhat- give,Sv and him that lakes. 'J - . :.Y " I, I. -itt, , t j i 4 ' r ; ' 'i .-, , What more can be added of an Institution lwe this! T.An lnsiiiotioimhat its capable ol lifting the soulfrorri its chaotic laby : its chaotic labyrinth of darkness-, and pointing it to light, and joy, by revealing the true springs iof Inppiness, and dircctini! it to.tlie true source of its attain- ment We leave the heart of our readers to answer; and should tb-i heart be at a loss for a htttng response, wr any, go t;o tne. f jpstuu lion itself, and drink injisVe1 have 'done, that mute and thrilling eloqyerice which th lips cannot uttery'jwid which VvorUs sanuat eoprey.--i?afi Register, The-Jstrfra of judging whether a man-has i - ' ..t u.. i:....l.t.: t L ' j a soul no auui , oy ma uipuiiiou 111 reguiu to money matters is not badlyj illustrated in the following : Astutterinj;; man; in Igroat wrath,-was rating a neighbor who had over reached his wife in the sale df a rennet.barf Tkn-ow you,yvoti st-t-i-nlgy dog you and your frtiher before you. i Whcn you was bo-o.rnrvoui ia.Ia-ther tvou7a so-so-ul would cost a shi-shir.Jij?jj, and ha pcould get a gi-gw ifz-zard for ninepeiiQetancI so 'he bu-butighi a -U iliMillw. .- j. - - r . T , Rppeated-tsh6c'ks of eartliq' -i'' were fell at Smyrna, .Calcutta, 'c., T -i thosame timei last October', .inat inukr; eliocks were expener-ed in Long Jslarld,. Connecticut and various other places at th, Eisfward." : a. . , . - .T!r " '"Not ladto TaAe."-Tha Lower IJotise of the Alabama Legisiature has consented to. receive from the United States, the portion of tho distribution fundvto -Which ; the Slate is enti'Jed.' Aaother ' instanco ' of practice r.: profession.. 1 ' :l - "The, Governor of .Delaware, Maior StoclU ton, died suddenly on Monday evening last. - ....N;" . ".j.. .t:::.ii of iht At i!?iica.J . ,kiiV . s an ::'n4s. t u.fr Uib:e ciuse i : H - ; f ""P'.rv!t n the "round, of its i-tit::s:c meriss. 'A i y 1 - i iiLiu tl.etrown bosoms an honest cnnjjc'.i '-i a' soCs-itlsfy -jt, assiranci th it.is i e caiiscYf God, anj that U will'fina'.ly achieve hs hVavcn.barn purpart s. I j present ing j;s -claims, ihcrfjre, to an a lightened corn amnit V, tHi-y are under '.r.o nress'.. . , . p t resorting Uf stratagem. Thcyf. would notuote appeal lo unsauctihed pssdtns ofrien, than they wouldjn setting forth the claims t,f any other chriJtian'duty. Nothing W to b?vg-tin? edifitiiiiatel by cxtiavag.inv.culo) . " "Ard yet, so really iloes'lhis blessed "cause Iran." scend alt-others that' tho siberest meeds'of .praise the common awards tif justice irtits favor are considered by-some as the adulatory snllres of 'ofuhusiasrri.' Ooo reason why this is'lliocase is ihu simple: fact, "thai the ible is an oii bcc we have "stecu jnd. lu 'rd il reMfromjinfaney. -Men are fond 'ofor-elfies- thcao 'will ;admit of (a ney sketches. But the Bib!e cause liko the book Itself," is a trorn out theme i with rcnny. ffad thisj sacred treasure v recently i. fallen Iroin tuo j elouda, with golden leaves, :. , ! ::ors embossed with diamonds, it would bo worth nomoro llian iilsjbut certainly it would excite more i ' . .Jor ,a time, llad." the terrible fires .ii blazed on Mount Sinai the fearful thunders which shook its deep foundations the cloud of glorv which covered il, and all the terminable incidents which accompanr. ed and vindicated God's relations to Moses, but.recently transpired on the summit of our own 'S nlcy " Mountain1' in full view of assembler thousands-and fitd ! ihcse rcvela. lions been published for the first time, during the past year, what astonishing anxiety vou!d bo manifested to obtain a cpy of them! If Jesus Christ had died and risen ngiin. but a few weeksVince, and, taking with him a comparjy of trust-worthy men: had stood upon sonic loft eminence, commanded them; saying: ijio je into all tho wprla and preach my gospel, to every creature, "'and had then ascended to Heaven in the presence of i "more than five hundred ' witnesses."1 what intenscness of, desire i would -all feel to understalid iho galore pnnd import of ihe Gospel-message! tAnd how zealous would the truo jollowers 6f-'ttie 41 Divine Redeemer be to circulate the uyok containing that Is not the gospel of Christ na important now, as ; il " would have been in like circumstances? 'And "does not the cause of the Bi if it had blederhind as much of us now ns -..- been revealed but yesterday? " Has bo ok lost' anything by age? Are this blest w e to eslecm'it the less, because, it - was "the power of God uFdo salvation", to millions before we were burn? because it , proved itself to be the solace- and stay of countless . muhiludes, in gone by ages because i'clouds of witnesses' from other lands as well i s Ui- own, have b x n enl gh-encd by its truths, 'comforted by its promises, and guided by its precepts, through Christ', ihe "way, tfce troih 'and, the light,". to 'an ' in hcrilant e whichMs incorruptible,; nnd undefil-' etr, and ?hat fadeih not awayT ' No, Verily! Vs.iTic ijod.of our fathers jS . ou God, so shall tukiook of our fathers" "be our book. ye should "neither forger nor neglect it. Let U3 read it as the oracles., of 'God read it'whh increasing zest, and patronize it wilh untirini zeal; uiin the' most efficient means to circulate it among all people, jis the only, and all. sufficient rule of ..i.hand practice. I hat man who protessCj -Lo have . received r b r . . and rtT lhc b;bl5 'et, fecs Do ?es,rc that alf others should possess it, has godtl reason .to question iho.: christian ':. character of his'j pretensions. So likewise, has he, who, professing such ' desire, does not use to some extent, at least, those means and instrumentalities which,, in his own estima tion, may seem most -likely to accomplish his wishes. .Earnest esire w ill produce honesljror. Thispositijn needs no stron ger support' than-it 'receives from, the "vol untairyl responses of every tie w.bara child of Gd a .' testimony ,, "this,-, which jbecomes stronger and clearer as the babe in Chirisl succeeds iri cultivating the christian graces, according to M ihe exceeding great and pre ciuus promises' of the gospel. Wiih what fervency of desire will such a christain pray to his- Heavenly Father ".Thy "kingdom mme; thy will be done in. earth as it is in Heaven." How anxious are such that others as well as themselves may be partakers 'of the same" 1 icli r blessing g,"-. .Will, not- such (.persons late a ueep interest nn4.n active part in circukilingnhe" word of God among the people? -They may not have been; train pd lo such a work; e"0 want 0 such training 'many good people neglect this duy; but, 'to him that knowetri 10 c& gooajna doeth'it not'toliim it I'-n.1 Arid I miht tu!t!, he that volanlartl ? remainv ignsrant .f duty, s alike guliiy.with him, who, knowing, neglects it. ' ' 4 'V; V"!: THOSSTRINGFipLD."- ; '"r- Acnt rj tfie Americ't'JibIe Society." The Draf ond Dumb Beaufort county. cour.t.hnsileviedj.a tax-fur the Education off in or talking jn a printtng ofiice, and 'any.', tliis uhfortopste class in- that c-onty; So jbody pthers tells you to go ii lpujert daa'l yoi also has'the cov y court of Jphoston. ' J mo. . -0i '' ; r 4' -r: 'a"?-" , "v-' . " . (.,; ' '.i . ,".:. ",-t" '.,4 ..... ; ' f W.:-" .- . . ,, - .. i ;'.tr v-.,-. .". . ' ,--vj!:.-f -"!;..,., j k,- -,.'...( -3 tt-T f. . -i;f, . 1 .uk,.'- -.; ,, . 1 .", ."-", .1 f :?v f; J I ., ; v rV, ' " -ar-; m! :,:!-- -i. 'p . . ' . "-Ji;.iC!.4'j-ii J .1 f. 'W- " ........ . ..... , (:' M.r" " " ,,, ... .... ,, - , ; .'- , " ' ' .'".'Ti .": ':-"" - ' -..I-i.,: :: !.v; :;: F ':"l:-:? ' 'i '' i "'-'V:'' " . -: r ' ,;' i c Ki -VT ";: ':' ?''v"--: r;" -Shf:'''''"' "vr-- s -f-x1 .r:,r: " V'4v.'. ' ' ;,r ' '-nVftA&'':. - ."v"; '..'.!." !' .;.'f,j. V -'V :V;f.;.;l 'j f-vv V'.-'- "."! r-,. M".. ; :. ! hVr-k' ,:-:';l.H. Y' i: . I'.;:-:':;'f '.''.i.,. fs ;,H " !!';;:" .' .V;'-;--: 'ti'.'1 ';;v- ".if.-.-?. - ' .T .!.-' " ."'.'. - " -V'.'"':'"'' '' ! "','!':.':''. "X"-1'-1 ' ' r r-r " ,: ; !"!v' ' i , i-.'- -n''"' l; : : ' '- ' : 13 ;' ;V..?v; J. ''' .;'.'v -T t in a'" Virginia tew sparer, some years r; , .tit the first newspaper ia that Siatc wcj ri. .fa in iuJr-n iiiiamsourj, v..j i- of ';oyern-.:.T.!. The fo;iJ'"i.'n wcra con. spicuously placed ai the head uf the paper, f aniantliusj A!I persons u.ay Lo stipplici whhVhfs paper; aVFiftj Dallars-. a year, c:.J baveardvert: "rnents Aola 'moderate lertn inserted for ten d)ljrs Jlhe first, week, and, . icvcti dv-IIa'is ...v . -h -vcekef:cr;' ' T-3 - . paper. i U'sucd cnec d i-eek u'.hLh r.;adj i iii cost j ibscribo.rs ab.t ii- six cer.is n number, V . V '- t - ' " - I ,Thls was 173 years .after' tl'i settlement o t" Virginia, 04 yeaja fir it. tad i , Len. settled' ; . ihutikGod that'ttf lu vomit free. scho', nor 2." yov; m. Bei klyiwlui exercised the magfj!" tenal office? for 33 yVdr', in his answer b iho V' enuiries.of ihe lords of 'the colonies, slid, VV f thlitikGod th&t''wf Ii pnrfring; and I hope' wc shall not have thesa 2 hundred years;'for learnitTg" has brought dis . obedience and heresy and sects inlo'ihe worlJ and printing has divulged them and the libel s ,' .. agiirist the government.,,. Go4 keep ur from 00111!"' Lord " Efilnghanl-'who ', was -p pointed Governor in. 169p,iwas",ordt;itd- ex."'" pressly 'to allow no person. to'uso a printing ' "'v1 i " press op any occasun whatever," , . . . This violent opposition to the printing presi - ,T " has been hown more recently upon the 3mov , ; spi.t. It will be remembered' that the .Hoc. L- H; A; Wise thanked God that there was not , a newspaper in his distrfcc-ri'iVK Express. . ; t f Sermons are like. Guut. . ; y "-x .J1, Some are large, .others are -..small; soma at c long, "others short; some are new,;-ethers . oljJj some are bright; others rusty; some are ' made to bo looked at, others to be used; soma ale loaded, others cmjitysome nre .owned, . other; borrowed.- Some arc air-guns, sonio.v. pop.guns; sbme of ever.y siztf, from the pock.11"1" ct piatyl to the - Patxhan' gun.4 Sirne aro charged with powder, and make a great noise, . and smoke. Some send only small shot, that,. irritate? rather than kill. ' Some carry heavy -metal, that doesexecuiron. "Some dischargo f V chain shot, mowing .down .wholo' platoons. r'. - Somo are mouthed 'mortlrs", throwing only . j . j 1 bomb shells. Some arc duelling pistols, used , oqly iri controversy vile things! 1 Someo ;. , bff half bent. &jme fiish in lb.e pan. Somw ' " . make a terriblofiz,, the charge nlliscaptng at the priming hole.- Some sho t too , high, some too low, some sideways, a few directly . " nt 4he pointy Some ure, aimed at nothing - ' and hit it. "Some scatter prodigiously," some 1 ' kick their owners ovefj. Some are unerring,., o'thers always hit the wrong object. . Soma' j liave too much -waddipg;; and vice vefsa S iirie are alarm guns; pthers are compliment ; tary. guns, used only for salutes on special occasions. Some are in, a series, cbnslitutjn , ,a battery; others aie swivelsmade - to tdra!,,- in any direction. Some are useful, some use. 1 iess, some dangerous. t Some amuse, some frighteji, some exaspertite, some explode, v some gain tlicjTiJtory. -Very" much depends upon The manner in which thev are" madatid 4. u managed. ., vv r .' Those who ht siiate ;' abiut tnefr ability id take n newspaper, are-. ad.vied to" keep onc hen more than usual.; Slie wilt pay all;the cusis, uisiul-s eanng .iiiousanas 01 and grass hoppers. - - worms 5 - A poar, starving,' spliiary Vat walked, ovtr the floor of a broken bank at rnidn'g'l, and' remarked in deep despondency' . 'I feel likcone who treads alone :'jt- Some bankrupt hall deserted V. .. ; A.sheep weighing 754t pounds Is onexl. bition in Philadelphia.. ' i - S . - .: r1 . ' ; - i . ; MailRoble rj. The Rnckingharn Register announces ihtt lhr Vulley S:ag Lj robbed on" the nigUtvf theHtli iili,yi'few rntfes belovy Ilarrisoaburg. JPho fc0i ai'Vut open, and several-boxes, a tijk, and'one of the mails taken pff Virgi'jftn Paper.' Chinese punishment The 'Chinese Mail says that aryoung majr. of looso habits at Hong Kong, residing wilh hi mother, ytho was greatly afflicted wiib rhumyu'sm; neglect, ed to take proper care bf.her.-. She reproach' edhim with his neglect, and beconvfng InfnJ riated ho rushed upn and strarTed her For this horrible crime. he hasjcen sentenced to be cut into ten. thousand pile's in the market place. The sentence had ben confirmed by the Emperor. '"'." - ".--n :;'",- i" . 44. : t ' ; ' ' iiaii j 1 ' :-..''',llL,ll M A''AK m An English paper contains an account of the flggitg of n sailor boy in ;ilie ' Briiish? VnerclfStit'servIco upon whose lacerated, back' vitriol 'was voured. Orders from the Navy Depaitmentfhave been receif aMemphis . Tenrie W, tq puh forward the Navy Yard lu be establish ed at that place. - ' Hon. E 'ward Everett ha accepted tho of. fice of president of Harvard Uuiversity.' 1 London editor calculates that the nation. -al d(tbl of Great Britain is equal to a dollur a minute from the'eonimence'ment of the world. '"Should yoir happen to catch yourself whist. ll if li

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