Iff?; 10 J, 1 1 ; t r r-r i iibr col 1 1 i : x on an aver- r:3 r. t..wi- i i (! t: - v. . () !,y i - i ' 1 r. )r it. : ! i ' ',,r i.i tin' i 'V' i ' : . ' Wlirif ll.--f- ' ' : i: . ! : . . : !,iry mc r.ot i l ll. " .' ; , " '. I r 'Niat.'i tl U .;' 'V.'w'il I V.'litTt (.1 :): .j - - ' ' ir . O nc rw,t i: . : ; " ".v. "N.r yet in ?ie A v, (1 1 itr.,1 f;riy, Wncrf j r i. !l' .Hi'! i ::!;; i.r; ' j ,r, JV,1 w.lli rn !i, -out, ''p; 111 tliJ eus-t! m n'..;i, U't ; .. - ' 'N-.l t'.rii! Nut ti.in! i j.iu is l!,n i-sp firri rci'i: ire I iYn.1 nili.nv - u W'tu Tc 1 lie ft ;!!. i!' k. Ti' rv I i tl.i: I'.ii i!i r-s . Wl.cic !!.( tin'-' 1 O I. v !) n w L :c i iy fjtli. r? 1.V, , . i , A it J tho lavctj ir; -ioit" pre in", Tin I"-' rnw ray !i ! if !: to t?ic. t Eo'lit an:.-N j.!: i'l w.ttch oVrni.'.. ? f. . C.:y re'.. . , - ' - :- In my fa l lit i! ,t.d i; J fciiinv.'ijar.l lur.e, Wliora d..,, wit'r v itl,' rop-isr?, T!uir ;.:ot, I.V .-Ml..- vv'i.ti IieaJ-- " Tltcy .(; Y.ivh a toiMJ t fr'S .j'.;.Tltcrti rests tityamte "Tiit; fjiuvv i uk ar". ! Tl.Tr.; ;, ! .i tnoi.1 f.,. Di.rv i.i : r m. l." To u: ,Th- V ..lil i'irt: i.l ' ilt T" "J i-!' U'!,!i " r; t; " i- ikiJ. i Ltiff; () ;.!-iv.i t Cticliis'jrr,. nr.it t. i n. !., :. -ii ( -i ! u h:. f i :) 'ii f i are ii I ol s'oiif, r:.".t , ! -i r riS. 'I he tKi hip i-v i . 5- ci'Ui en u! 'i' u-i.' i. room nr wu ur mi o t: '.'kitchen rind si;i!s :'' 1 from the fcitn N ntiJ .slieeji ; i j-.-i '...I. 1 i ilo n Imisi s ;im- e.:,,L . st ill', iin'l are i.lv'.i s- in ; cows are ;t!wn s c n'- 1 ilie gfo'A i'; llni ucl' - - l)jrir i!ieMi:i.!.. . . y . food, CMV'ryv : . i. - il W li.l I !k II" It J' I 1 1 , - . .. rt'fuly f r J.u- t.'-i t ..l vt v!-,'-n t'".' v ;m .m ' Oft!-- - ' ':s ; t.f n o'-s t .; l. turnips jnr, i ! ti .1 -i five. . . i.l'.wo a: J j j.I.civ... . - in. t i .... k . i ! i i -. ! J.,,- IuUj .four c u-" 4 . .t- T. o... K . . ;-s uf I a. J, ci n O i . i:iii his n ujYj la l.iy Ly, laud i. ' i"t it ti ist, r. nn tivtrnge, GOOi) a ! y rt f' V i:t twi '.ears. ' IL' In-i ni'.v J .'. i e:' i ir !c:i t!: -:. ! dollars air, inter I . '. I.-, lmn.j it a i-nin" inJied. ' - Wi.n nf. i , t f t j a 1 t i in i4 10ii) iieies?i.Or !. !i is unproved his cm. litinii by loinrj wr-si j it: :c tfj-mlif I: is ! tf i;?' J fif-re! Ofro'!rf j !i it-!., is h- l-as u:7.-i d s::ih w 'ill fi .i!i in. j '.ivi.iiiitlii ciisi)kt, in s ir.q f liis crops, ,Lut j til.- coi re;t liv.lcm ii cnliun; m;u liiteliit nl ir'"ir.rirr'i:ent cfjcr itlv -b viato iverv liCietil, ty Iiirli s-pt Ir.'tn lb.it soiircPV ris 'l's c. o n ok alwaxs - letter than hid ' ntiiib. r i ,u!v.ii:cc in price mnrn.tlvm niukcs uj the tl fuMeney. His svstt'ii) ot s'lvin f'd ma. k!i' ma:im-s; turns t ver ihieg intn .llie im i.r t tnrm if his tml, wcet.s?, ahs, thei'fial ul ' 1 ,c 1 Kiii'i.j !-t bones anJ fv't;r ihini; t!. ; !.'.! U-ui to e'ruicli it, ure eurefuKy saved and ju'-jt! Iy pplud.. - J Thu hisiory tf this man i.-f biief, bur ta' the firmer. Ui!orftin . - tic berjan wi.h ihepat. r'-twi i f go d se nst; , so u n J I .( a!;. h , a nd i n -duvtriuuV !iv.biii. j 12xc-i:l!ent (i far. In 1930 Ik- liad cix tlr.ldreii-and in cah. lie i inj.b this farm in U Rtioof nature in 1831), J for" which"' he piidlOtK'. ' Ho expended lUJ itu-'Tc, in tieaitit Ins l-md, ui .auuiiion to bis own labor." j Ilo fi'St put -up a ,teiipoa ry caUn in which 1, a,'. moved-his fam.iy. Oi:o lltotjsa'nd doi'.irs ho put tnil M jicrmn.' ner.t rtniiiiil jnlen tl nrd iho n.nnirnrr uaC thovisanJ two liundid m itb the earlier profits Cln's (artii, hv app1 rnpriated to thc"cj-cqlio of hnbu, Miners, wiiich woro complerc in lt?34 In thti sr!i.ci!an of his frnit he sot' ht for the best vaiietitfe, !ich a!und pave1 Lim 'prcf erenc; iu ' c v- ki t. , Si""of ivs stock. In .i,-., i .. ... ,.-.) ,.i .!,., ..r i -..,,1 iisjlt''- " IvlVIVU II III ."II VJI lllll ll iVI OIJU t : ' h;s madt" uj in i-jdicia-is crosins ',nn J breed- iiur ! w'ni 1 1 il !)f'i or'l rt n fi'nl pfiKl in ' fiir.'' ignl co'Milries. i Ever) tiling lie does Js dot.f uell,' Everything ! ho sends ta l!i3 m rukvt commands tho highest price, because it is of the best Hind. Tn ITT pailor 13 a weli-silt-cl-ed libra rv uf e 'C'j'J vuL-.m-'. and this' boolyS arc read. He lakes one political , oi;o religions ar.d two i ngrieuitunil papers?, and the N. A. Review refuses -i! of.iL'C'p; with his hmily a re'i! ir attcanant at eLureh and ii a pious, upright and cdnseieiiiious man". Il is the peji . t.talver in his neiI.boihooJ, and i ' el.oM n .b ier in all their, dispu'es; lr K:ans l.i-j uuney at p per cee.f, nnJ will tako i i m.ro. " , . . ' 'A a Mi no iiiiiro ! .. d for njs vn ..i cuhivatii well nn more stock i l.rrp ' c II more land will -in-; hi? 1 ibor and 'exjt'enses will Jjle 0'u CahivzlcK ' 'I t'e- a:.i.i'e!and The L. ;-;d!n f ' mmodi . , !. t c.tpa. :'.:m i!y '.qd a .",i. . d.-T.e with writer fii :e eat. o;i in tiji ir ndi i ; .The t: - b!:;i!;'-r. j lies".; loj t-ian I ' c rt r I be ! 1 c ei : !r::l in IZ::s.j!:i. c i: n 1 - . - , v. c..:..-. . .... o.x:., 21,.;.: D'.v. I.V-ri , "ft :? i:t- r - - - - - i J,- Fiai:cr!.-;rn;- A!,-s, 1 :,C J Gii.oitl, I) .t i " ' O.C j FI.c'.i, ' - K!;: !, ' r.,i 1 J'jr'-frcti, AltTi, , , . lo,7 " L.bii.u-i, i. ..i, 1 , r, n lllei: JJy Ru'ns, I.'cla;..!,' 3, 1 ; i Mont Dl.iH!-, '' Swltz?rlani ' 15,C t Mont Roa, D." f ' ' 1." Mont Ir !.?,"" ' F. . , l,Z: o.'aUix-:: .-.:.t,- , c. io.ee;. O.tK-f Cviiz, -Tyioi, 14,027 Sui M iw, : ; -' 'England, " 3 ,022 i-novvd.'-i, --' "Wales," - - " 3,573 P:-Ivi r.i, ,; 'TroI, ' " " 0,272 Tr. rrfT-, : Tt'neri.7e, - - - 12,331 Vesu-.i.ts, -' -Italy, 5,731 -iui: v.! :rti. y 4 r. : v.- - .if)!. ; - Tlie iC5iui:;c .lliic. -A correspond nt of iho "Gieensboro1 Pai 1 1 iol"ircvives- the follow lug - jcil ' (T esprit ivhirfVhe truly says, is unequalled unless by sn?i-, - if Shakespeare V Epitaphs: ' . , Four" Lawyers practiced in tbo same Court' in fto'th Caio'ina their names were Ilu- man, 'Sicain,. Dews and DoJge.l 'While the I ist named was making a Speech i:i a cause, 'he thiec first w rots on -a.iBtiip ofpjter an Ep--itapli, fin-i cast it dirt - y L.fore H!r. Dodge, wheiehe most nereis, irily see it as fidlows: i ?'IIcrc lies a Dodge, who dudg'd all "goad," And dois,d a deal of evil: -J " j-. Uut after dodging- all ho could,'1 - Ilo coiild not dodge the Devil." He raised the paper read it.'trnd ioita nl- ! conipos"d ih" fUowing bnne-cuiter:. . '.'Here lies a IHIman and a Stcalt.- -i. - - Whoc lot let no man chouse; --- They liv.'d in tin and died in pabv i" -L X - - And the devil got bis t)ews (dues." ' ' 'The, mineral , Discoveries in Noi them Wi?.cinsin are Dot confined ta Copper, and Silver ohly.ljut Iron also has. been found in great abundance. Dm . county of Drown, in which the town of (Trent: B'y is situated, is pne vast btid of Iron Ore! .We htv2 pic!: ed up several lare sjecirnens on the West siJe'ofihe River, at diiierenl time; and it i.9 Abo" opinion of scientific men,. that the Fort Howard Receive is obundai:tly. stored w itlr this valuable Ore Ray Settlement Tow nf ship," Jiitu'itcd ' a few miles cast of Given Day, is also rich in this mineral. , . . v , In ;.ddn ion to .Iron, fjieciments of Lead have been foun I ' upon and near the Wud, the H irabo'i, and thq .Menomonco ,R vt,rs; itrJ West of this town tbo Meiiomonte la. diansNty li.t ic is.a great Copper Ruck . in their ciuiiilry. ," - - -' - . - The .el thnt'sueh ;d jabTd Minctals are to bo found in such ;rc.it abundance, in our iniMitdi li; icinity , vvuu:d set in to loJieate iliat r.o"binj e :i prevent the onward progress of our town and its particular section of the territory. Green Bay RervIJican. : in his deutli to Lii L.rj thrcivr. ; '. t a trca by l.ish.jr"'. To r.r.'.e.Ml.!; t , L'3 they to.di Iho I. Jy v I '.l ::b-l'c -1 c-''''1 ' ' i i 1 'r-. j'l l ,1.., , it ' 1 " ' l" - t ' ' 5 !-orr t-j - .'. -it . ; par i , if ?!r. l-.t' i i.-.J L.cn L vtiiv; l.i.a, : 1 ti.en (..-.' j t!.j Lome r.;n by the tree, horsa went in the direction or thi mill, w!::n ! jt: jr-..s r:si -;d tl cry that their master had locn killed by hi-; l. nse. This tald tofik ! witlr somn,' and ajurM of inquest was helj jvcrtho body at ll.o lipuse, where it had teen removed, but one juror was not satisfied in his own mind, and this delay ed the verdict being made up, wl-pn a gentleman called lend requested to sec the body.-v Ho examined the body and thc'Veund anJ gave it as his opinion that he was not killed - by-the horse. This ive cause for further examination'of jha ground, when suspicion was excited - ogaiiist the nc. grocs, they werd taken up and - a confetsion was made to the .deed being perpetrated by one of them.' The whole :re taken up and have been tried" and we understand " th perpetrator is to' be hungj and ih cthrrsto ; I receive 100 lashes b p 'iccc.--ChsrlcUz ' Jour. i t! j I 'IL-nry WW c.ii::- f V:' -C2lVn - J. J3 fJ , It .Ml i tc.i cars ot.J: 1 1 t . 1 1 i - . - ia it. r ! i . -t "iy: I ! ishc t i . '.2 r1 , ill t 1. i i a correctly us any b v .ci as well fa the rroit accomj !'-'if-d dancur, waltz," cut tha p;-"on inj, t ; cjuiii tl.j nu:.ii; .-r cf ". ; in tl. rjo-r; 'o, tvj .';sti..ui;h tl.-s n-...Lr . . ! color pt:rs")r. pre?3Dt. IVrto'is wis..."1; to have do-s ent.T lh! school, wi'.l ' '""S3 rp- ly immediately, us it ii inteMion cf Tlr." Winfic!d,&: t!. erJ t f tl j t....o;li, after lLo dog have cnler. I, t give au exhibition, specimens can bo,tcn at ?Ir. Vrin'ld's i: o-t t . .; ; 't.-:i r d.:.l.f : vcr 1C1 ' residence.1 , Supreme Court. , This tribunal adjourneti on Tuesday last. .We annex the closing opinions of iho Court: ; ) By Kuffirt C. J. In Johnston r. Johnston, in Equity from Warren: decree for the Plain- jiff.. ; ' m -m : ; Also, in White v. Trustees of the Univer ty, in Equity, from' ...Warren:, declaring .that the lands belong to tha University.', " A l-so", in Bridges u. Pleasants, in Equity, from Orange: declaring the plaintiffs - entitled to an account, except Bridges and Duncan. . Also,' in Justice v: Scott, i in Equity,' from Ciaven: rt versir ti e dt . . Also, in1 State ; '".-aiiLn, from Cabarrus: ,:nd for reversing the claVu : By i E re la 1 J. fm.n F j, ... ,- i" f j.-'JiV e.,r,( cuotc .-; :.:jc;i e i'. . . cts of t!;u tni'o'c .i c:er e.!,.L.itrdby t!"? Rus is wc!'. kiMVn !h:.i there are in i' ?-- -n r t u ho ar;; Is. :s. A I r:v I.. 1..- I t on a late ' i i.- :n tw o t .. : : ntti u. r"i 1 1 is attcnt: both I v t!e pre i r..i ' J icver..l Jii j ; Iliy a: J i' .ii. t .. ; n. r was to i:--nrdiately j-romoted ' - otl'.er he op;""ir'fd TV-ro is '...sutler Jv s to w c ir cv, t u- '. :? ;, who i'e 1 I l'.,-.t . V Wt-iu j. ' '. i Ii: ; or. -i .' i. :-. r, 'lh .!('-:" l - frii- h t' a V OualifcalOfts for a - Senator. A Wash, ir-lon letter gives thw skt tc!i of'oe. f-the United States Senators from GLurgii: " '-. " ''Mr. Co!vr.iit is ,.)! otdy an able legator, hut a sound lawyer' and a gnod ' preacher, lis is mnn of decided taler.t, enprgelic, ntt! srd i:iduslfiosi?.' He is- said to have i., .Jo, i.i one day', two stu.tip .clu i preaei.e d lw o sermons, ag".:ed a cases in Court, and joined a couple in t!:: ! ''y'ban 's of wedlock! ' He also possess, ftC. i Ji;" : t j bis fiur.Js, L.r.o:I.cr yry f n.i::enl quibf. j:.:i ... for u i. .tor of l -o United cl ic-s. To use t!;e lar'-u -:e of t! 1 authority referred to, "": i-eler r. Wheeler, in Jrcei v? if'iur.rtien to bt? etirr.it tied until secutiiy is given, ke. Also, in Lindsay v.' Aneley, from Wash- ii-tiin, ufiirniing the judgment below. 'i By Nash, . J- In Green 'v'. Miller, from CieaVeht -'r reversing the judgment and d:. rc- ting a venire ds Jijfi. ' - .- " .;AIso, in Mauneyr. Motz,' in Equity, from Lincoln: dismissing the bill with costs."1 . r AN-o, in Eiiloe v. Shcrrillj from Haywood; reversing thejudgment below and awarding a venire de 7i0to. - '! Lambert v. Lambert, in Equity, from Rjii dolph; contined for argumeni. ' , Lindsay v. IJowren, in Equity, from Guil ford; continued for argument. HaJyh fie. Turpentine i i Garclir.r.. C r bors in South C.irc!in.nri at Ust a.- ''i-T, t.i tho value uf their p i.: tries, at i fj Lr overc-mirg th.-ir piejido nii.. attar U;,J, lurj j.-.tir.o, "ii Ij toiivIesCend U h.coirta p"0-1 ducers of them. This i:i an evidence of good which they will feel very ? r.sibly in their porkcta if they wi.II but rerevere in it." We sco by the Chcraw Gjzette, that a premium has been awarded Ly ihe.Marlbo. rough Agricuhural Society to 'Dr. - Wm. Croslani for 183 barrels of Turpentine made by one hard- list year. , The' expense of barrtls arid gt-tting it U market in New York, is rstimitcd at QI31 50, and at the present price, "C5 a. barrel, it Unexpected to yield C015. , Nctt yield $783 50..J A prtt. ty good profit on thV labor--of one hacd.--Fa'jettevUh Observer. The Schoolmaster at fault. A ! ; .in was lately - attempting the convuoio:j m" a convict, in one of our Prisons, who had shown some sign .which were 'cc-mddcrc i hopeful. After a -suitable ' opening, the instructor, wishing. to make bis teiidimgs appropriate, st id, " What, brought yob here, my friend1 , "Two sheriffs," said the catcchnment. "Ahem! yes, but i mean, hid ltvmper a::ce any thing to do with your misfortune?' "Yes,11 fi id the convin, meekly "tliey were both drui'.!;.'' Thu txa.i.iuer passed tin to the next ho: " ! "-"ct. can tin1 to ! tl. t ' - it. let !r.G: It ) bv ht. Express suit-s tl. it it J l!t5 IG'd.lM) cunt- ' tr, : ' i between thi P. t i.:iii fiatt ly l..iit, .! they slnl! leal in tio t! the Cunird line-upo - . ai ed of three da vs. dthut I ' rt to- . . i'orfs . . ' r'ate ' f fc Thf:.3cf this Ui.L;i 000,000 worth o t. a. Ti.li 'a tl. An Irl-'i Diclor : ivcrt! t' may hear from him at a h .. i . I. where also his blind p-.'i -:'s r: iy -ten till three! "I. can t' in i' o s.i- 4' to fTl ' . r.nrpcd r ".iicx.-W c r. re per: f ' a:- "1! iv f.ve to thir' d i:i t: is " !' h ; in- if U. It . ti'ia" "I - i i .y j r oceans! si- K - on rc.. 1 - rt- 1 t - - . Or- Superior Court - Adjourned on Siturday U;st. The greater part of Fiid.iy and Saturday ;waa devoted to the'tiial of Jefferson, a slave, for rape., Af ter a patient investigation of thscasa'h w :-,iven to l! " J :ry about 0 o'clock, Salnr t' .- , w!y)'ws;s t ..tr.LDut tw o hirs, when they i..:urr I :: verdict of -?". The. prisoner was' r.hly deft r:ded by Vm. J. Alexander " r. J . I . Bovden. E-qrs. - ? Ir.i Jr.nes was aided in tl prosect".! -i by G. W dld.vd! crJ D. Cl; .tn.E.qrs. Antf was rr.-Jelo a t trial, which J ' Ca!J..ell refusing Ij f i u:t, fin rppeal wr.s Uken to theSj'rcmo Co-it. CrloUe Jcxrr.zl. . . C:i::o; v.: ami Alcoliol. .' The devil as ?!.'!;on represented Gnnpo' r Lmg" ago-invented. But get, iv'j -I -.:.) i find a !jcI, ' ' And m m . .' urse bus L.-at the devil, .The wight who alcohol found out, ' Surpass ! the fiend beyond a'doubt"" IIu therefoio merits mrre renown, AnJ oulit to'- .ar a hotter crown. . . The w ise man was CsV. I what cures .all misfortunes, and he cr.j.vtii J d.alh. . A fool v.- j to!ied the tame que J ion', and he answer. t i , n')t!iii)5. ' " ' Beware,' as the ; potter said to the lump of clay. ll"ilbo burnt first,1 saucily respc.-J-edtlmuJ. i '. - ' ' 1 Envy is rhvajs f: I on so cr, and lis a s-r; eye, ii i 7 thin1: bri -ht. ' The' Magnetic Tckgra; li i or c: a tt:st i: i .'.3 tuct. of iiew-.i oi t . Of'ihi a,.;.: Warrt-n J,' 402; S.tr.t on l)i Au-tin -VI 2 ,7 "2. 201. o - m . r tV . af 's-t,. :ry . as a .i:,:.3 a. -.sury' J J " : af.'t . .ao :2o,. n-v: enof-'i ive It v. r.s l' tli :t he-huJ io., J t.; o iird more bad in expectc "Genius t in r'i t-iort, -a ci an pit. od in "4 as t:.o p-t t e'LjVir of his c .t. Var.iiy. Vanity is love's visitor, trA oft r.:-:re powerful thin his m-alcr. h i;-.. Ivjiiii M:Le.nir t' . ." :pren.2 Court, h d:ni cf ths American P ' tha-. 3 of" l'rcsf. IV on r, v. rtt. "Cor. -; i." : 1 t3 ti -- ufiin i boscm," as'lha tJikcs t.. "Zlarucr Zli CryeJ.1- Tliey say that iu is a plo.ee in New. Hampshire when- thev cut vn eld maids- to make dried t ,ft: oj L:;;rt..ia t:.:.l t.... i, we cl:1 tl.. -f ;.i"'i..:o fc....ail bits and planl tht m t-- t r j have a f.;.2 i t of c;.j trees, bearir ; f c i "art fre.:l for tarls sc ;:r as the dcLe. T-i Cherokee c! if. v ' , v.e l :')f!r '.vere r.' fd tf -ir . - rr -; "';tj: - One efthem re;'' 1 i priests in their country; an i i where thc-ra , li.'ij pr oct of egrt eing, tint eacii one si. "uld padoe i-'i caiiou iiis own' way. --.i'-i u I. ',: Lest. T:.3 Prc: I h' - n ;.l.-:;anJ;-iJ, CYl' ,) IL-ry Ci L '.Oo. -let .rry, :i r- J L v . It it c a : hv,;..o . , that ;::i i"r. ' I :i i..d.; t.'-l. P ' ; i:; ' v.;.. i an i ::a -.n c A r-w..'..-."..-.i t3 up tl - c .u: try i . I -14 Who H tha i:. r ii T " .'.. . 1 ' ft' ; Vr 1 f;::t, ' fcvVLhe!. . the rat ica. , i?taii'!"es ti I averao f , "... . .. . r, . t i. -it' i C."' i i. J W if si maco mil i ad, ct lO I.. .j ... aS Si. is sv-; ')5cd thai h? ' - j his-work ' , who was' pc : ;a was seen. "?rs on . their f . Hnk out for, i r ... -nencr itlv-t' . tri-.it! put pear 7 cn th r d( -Vnl r revi. T - rl i ... - ;