i 1 MOIL J t' I it 5 1 r " ' . m a . t.-J -. k . 1 i . tt Cevrs per annum in To I'-H..i-cr,tr'. . t : r . T- t r.ts r.-it; - " yr .r. I, ; t at da ' VVcr:' ii:t-iit- wili t irnco mint j'-'iMs yrr ;""" ( Un l ic or Iwi for t.. flrtt in- rti :i, i4 Twrvrr-riTi Civrs for fach eoutinamico. Tie noriibrr of insertions deind mut bo marked yn the nrnjtE, r ,ue dt'crtis"mcnt will tw cont'mu. td Mi f.tbid.Und rlwrjid f -r Jinjlj. Court Or. Vr- will Le ctiarjp-d dollar, invar! - fc 'the cliart,"- f r aonoun' the tit. ;f a candi. for cZc, u 53 50 i i or C 1 if pay: mrnt be dt-Urcd.; ' . , , L-lUr f''c HJ "V-M. Corns fr,. v.; p-istagc. POETRY. V Temperance klj.;tn. . I by s. rccriir.. Tcsc r"" Gieru'und'3 M.urtlollnl. from Holland" rlrt ri c f Gtn--' Where iliotwuidi, in V l : iJrtv', ' prepare the bait of t' ; j ' '( From mitijr ttj'-ryrivtr, , -, 1 ( rrum many a pti3onouj rill ;i t OjJ cajoi Of; to dativcr" , ?j ' f 'J1i vjctiuis of tiic'tlill.7 p r - i V hut Linus1! they einj or p!.-astirt, 1 , WJtjJe ticltl lie goblet fills; ' 1 Wlil though tfit ir llifn ihey moasuro ! Cjr quart. d pints and jil.V: ' In vain, Wit'i lavish kinJucf?' ,. .fit' : ' . ,.. J I, Iloarrn five us richest brcadjj '' ' t ", l),ukii,in lit. ir blind ncsK, ' , 1 Mukc jxion in its fctuud. by Te-Hja.nce aidcj ' i ' , " In Jit'ultli mid : llylH.-csl!ie b'Kii Ut givr? 1 m ', . TIie'lVNTAixf Oli! llic fucx taix! i ; Thwta'in of health proclaim,' r k i i Tiil men nVf !i-Hiid nvifintttiri j ! ' ' Mi'all liable to tell its funiu? i : i( i ...s . f . v .f ' -li'' " I ' I ' ' t Wult, win, yc w:df the toryt A'nJ -ou re water roll, 1 Till Ttinp'Mncc. in it glorj, ' m , 81ia!l xprcad from polo to poh; t ir Till Jicultli an J cace, and l'!osin . -i : 'h'liall fojluw in its train; ; , -i ! 3 And Christ, alt hoirt.i p.)sti ssiny, "God ovsaALi." shall rt-ijn! . ::-. J1ISCELLANE0US. 1 : 111 ?Jffliat3ic Hero. ' ' - 1 . K TALE Of THE REV..LCTION. . 4 f '! - ,,, ; ;r h : Til us" the adran'ac of-p w', -"..,. k . And lay the scmmcrVdu.st v. !'! liowr f b'ood, JIuinM fr nilhc v'vnof klaulifr.r, JJ-i-lIfljiiicn, Neoi Dilvv H ih corner, at,- thu timt; W the I 'U'-viiuttMt, I'm re :of! "milt t cit"gt'its'nH:. f vh tt 1 cd fidin the raider fhe shade i ul-a h &'tiyr trie. It wus n qiuVl cot I Hl g,, t:esf;rg nwnyij,0 denr horr.e. in llut I vi'li iihs, v'th .vfopiug ro;if,vWill?i ofj da:k ; g,-ey 'Mie, i.i: I a euseoK iit .hiddtn among ii!- mil fl iers- 4 J Oji one nir? nmid the fwrest ticea, wns , aeu ihe rttt!i outline of a bl u kmith shop There whs t siirdl girdwn in front with a b 'Avr.cd L'tavi Med walk, itn J bed:? of ild 1 i rOWCr."':'' ;' : j :r V:: i1' .;, f.t !:'T'' . B lit re, at' she tirhe tif the revolution,1 there , !i!iu st-'ii' hlac-ksmi Jt', hfs young wife nndt . h-'r babe. Winn c:ucd he,' vvovking, away there in. that' sit olowy n-iok of the fores', for Ht!( . Wiril llvired he fr , the A 1 il , uf tlx: I'mes, so long ar his strnt-g arm, rirt Mi that h'immer tn. the anvil, m'ght "gain brtud for his wife and child? Ah, l: C-m d 'itt'o for war, he to d; - - .1---' u J." jiulej nJte of the p'iii: that shook the j valley when some few roings before 1 the battbi of Biandywiiip, while i-ltoeing the I .: I ' . ... " ' ...... . .,..1. t i' ". j horse ef n Tory Refuge' , heoVftltt: id a plot fr the urpiis,c and capture" of Washington. The Ameiiean leader was -to ',hev luVed into I tlio toils of the Tories; his person once in the , -rl5riiish camp, the Uiiglish" Genen! tr:;;ht j acrid the 4T-iireVashington" homo 'to be " r tried io L in lost. ' g ' . Now cur b'ncksniithl working awny 'there t 'f'lnllnt dim i;'ook of the ipresli without, caring I or battle or war, had itill a sneaking kind. ness fnr this Mister Washington, whose name m - rung on the lips of all men.' . So 01.0 night bidding h:s young wife . a hasty good bye, ' mnd kissing, the babe that reposed on her .bo if Bom,sr. ling as it alert, he hurried away' to the Americm Camp' and. toM his story to 'Washington. It was morning ere he came back. It was 9 in the dimness of the autumnal morni: , , tVat Jhe blacksmith was plodding hts :y along " tha forest road. Some few paces al.tjd t" re K raa an mwA' nak . Ktandin" out ill i! 1 rc .1 J . - fc--- --. o 7 a grim oIJ veteran of the forest, tl at had stood th a shocks of three hundrei s. nrs. - Rigtit beyond the oak was the t'ccksmitiVs . home. ' With this thought war-!"3 ' :i h-'rt, h Rurried on. .He . hurried ca, 1 ..:kirj cf the calm 'young face and mild' blue cyc3 cf that 1 vvife who, the night tcfore, had stood 1 1 the cottage door, waving him out of t ;ht . iih a beckoned good bye thinking cf ll.a baby, that lav smilins as it slept upon hi r bc-m, , he-hurrit on , turned thstend cf tha wood, ho looked upon his horns, j , Ah! what a t vz s tl.srr! -. IrJ- Where, thar.! ore, ha -had left I v. . peaceful cellars, smilirj under a rjreca ches , nv - cr- - i : : ... i . j "'T,J-i 'V!" ' ' f":1 At 1 there roo'ljli lck'smivh, gizlr up t "t ur--k f-fl.Ui L unfi t!.cr I.e s: u jt uiih fuIJi J .irnU tiiiJ mooiv brow: but t - ! : i .... ' - ' ' i a m.mert a srn:!y brote wt-r bis facrc. tt ' ' " 'l ., u 8w it lII. Jp the niyhl bis hcraa had V'kvrt firetoi l.aibern barntd o cinders. ! i , 1 1 i ... ; m . , Bji I v.-i.'conJ bi child had escaped. For i i 1 inn be r..!-n"; d G id j " " WiV.i the H.H .fliijt 4tou( armplirg thrrc on Uie anvil, l e tmU,bui!J a Jairt'f home for his wife nnd chi! f . fr i fl wers should bloom over llic walk. onJ more luvc-ly vires trail CIS mrfjl. i Wi 'V . v . I rc leKidrin over hi face. mi:li atiiod ih re, with o tlucrfuT truing from lM large g'y -ye, ulicn u. in J wis Ia:ti uri tit: tied an I bIi Id iheihice if a mbhbjr. , - ... ..J. . ' 1. j. :.:...,.--... ,. V. til "i ..".',.: ... ;. . ,. i- ..,"!- if w;u aiieij;hbor"s!jfan Uit there s ait' av,'ul njny itampin;jihose pluir. f cuturcs o then? v:ls an awful iwMov flihi;g from tho diljted eves '.here vcs a d.trk nn l trriib! raVMerA U; ' i.klr (riitii! ta'ie thin lips, tin t - w v..-" H i m -Vi!d af.d moved, !.ut!m;i(!c ro s und. . For a morm'nt tlut firnrt-.-r tried to peak th horrdrj,' o convuls Id; his" features. - , At hst'orcing tl) licksmitii alonff the In own gnm-JIedwalk ,! jvv'.atrctvn with cin. ders, he pi.ii.t.d to It wi sm(kin embers. ' There, there- amid tip hap of- black and smoking ita'shs, tho hlajli smith- beheld a dark mfiJof burnt fl sh nnd blackened Imnes. Your wife!' shti d the farmer, 03 h:s agiv.y foupd words: 10 British, thoy turn? in- the night, th y' arjd then he spuke that f)Ut:ghIe!r ihp Jtp q'liyerto lo think on, which the hVrt grows pllvied to tell "Your wire,"' hu slicieked, pointing lo that . hideous thing,' a mid the smokirtg ruins; "the British tti- y murdered your wifej they flurtj her dead b'jdyjn the flames thcyj dashed your child ncninat thd hcnrtlv ston l;:vi . ipninat This wa!s the ffirmfif story. of t!ie breaking day T.AndTl.-ehr' ns t!o liht fcllarr nnd tlifisot, ihiTdj stood the husband, the fatlier gazin; Up Ml at mass of flesh nnd b! ickened bones all thai v as once his wife! . Dj iyou-isk fur tlic 4words ihnt trembled frbqi his while lips? rjoJyou r.sk.me.for the firo that bLzed jn his -ytj?j " . ": , tl cannot tt it 500. I can tell jou that .here was a -vov going jui) j to Heaven fiem that Uicksmiths hen it,'; that tiiefe was 0 e'enched hand, upraised' in thd I ght of tht brokint dav! ' 1 es, yes as the first gleam of t!ic cutum- ml dawn bt oke'a round thejK)t, as the, first .)nr cleam of suuliiht streamed over the peel 1 ed s'ui 1 1 of tin t fair 4ung wif? she was il;at Ins! iiiih! -there w tt vow going? up to Henven;' hq Tow: of a maddened heart and an angui.licd Ltam. , (low was ih -lu v.iw kc it Go tcrc to Brand; wine L rind where ere j'u- fifit the carr.aj'r gathers I K 0 - t'.i!i k"st , v M most bloody , tin fc Vuu nv y scd'a fit til form ;s rid ir-g on, lifiii' a hue hammer jn'o light, j When thitt jam mer falls it llills, wheiet thd liammer strikes it ciu-hes! !r .is' the blabkiinHh'a form. And the worCry ilir.t fie Uieu; s it a mad ciy of vi neaticr--half how hiilf hurrah? Is it (but a lll'll'l c yell, breaking u:i from hi it heaving chcls'J? Ah nil! Ah I: is t!u nhrifte of Mary It is the" name of Lis ;ur, ;wifi!! t (Jhj.Alury -wcitesl n n c ot woman name so soft i so, rippling, $0 musical name of the mother of Jesus, made holy by poetry nd te!tgiori--hqw strangely'did 'our. sylla bit s of muk:c ling' out, from tin blacksmith s ... . j I 1 -i p. f I ' I M ......... .if-" ... " lifw. ns hekvenll murderift?5 on! ' - ' . larvr"he Khfnif. ns hfi drars that red. coated trooper from his steed: Mary v he shriiks, qs his hammer crushes down, laying that ofiiceij jin )hc, dust, j Look! Another officerwith gallant j face! apd form another officer, glittering in tinsel; iclasps that black. smith bv the knees, and beg mercv. " . I have a j wife f mercy! I have n wife yonder in England spare-me?" - -The h!"ck$mitK crazed as! he is, trcn l, -..."' 1 .4 . j" l-v ,-: -.. v; therp is a tear in his eye. trembles 'l .1 spa fe you, but there; is a form before me thu Trm of my dead wife. That form I.ts gone before nie all day.- She calls on me to strifce!"j , j I . And the hammer (ell, nod then rang out the strange war cry "M.yy'rj' At ' ;.t- when The Dittie was over, n? was r.nA bv ft wBfffinfr. who had at least . rl flowing from ,hii 1- ny wounii. t-i, . rrner wov;, 1 have carried him from the field, but the sic: L'ac!;smith refused iiV,.i Pneirlib 1 , he said in that voice huskt-with death, "I never: meddled with thq British till t! -y b.ned my Dome, uu uiey - -t ho cru'J not speak the outrage, ' h;s wifa'ar.J cl.i'.J were there tcfrre' his eying rrcs "ar.i now I've but five nv :utesf life in , Tt li'rri 10 rive a shot at 1 tha British afor I '.2. D ye seo tii cr.erry ireej mjc . T ' - . ' t ' '-" i 1 Tv ink you ccil dreg a rr".i cf my build up ar? TUca ma ' ihar; ivs tr.c a powder th thar nut titrj., UiMl:-' . -ii,,. SVii7?; wns only a lea; ,,f l';c!i r:- f - dercdn cart wh.pm n eouniry s sr rvice j- rfived ftl New.Yorki a(ler he w fourJsitiing by th road-M- - s nfn years imprisonmentln his, native land headsu.Aen, his !.-g broken, tho hfe-b.. . , for his devotion to the cause of liberty; - , J h rnt thrL n'.f I ihawa'iatTrai.jJ 1 i rrr-it; he hf;.tl hitn to the f. : tf il c.tl.. ,ry ire : he pliCv'd the r-Hi, ihc L!, t!.c powdcr.t.orn in hi! grasp. I?) - Then whif pplrg his horses ihnugh -ihe narrow pass, from th? mairoit of a' ntighbor; ighei'it, lie look ! down upon the last Kcvnu of the tlacksnti .Tk life. . There ay lhettom m:in at the fjot tsf t!;o cherry troejhis hta I sunk, hU'biktn l g hinging over the rands; J bank. Th blood was fast streaming from his wnunda he was S idJen'y he raised hh head-a sound struck hi his ears. A pirtv of British e:1 j rus!- itig btong the narrow rood, tind carnagt and thirsting fur blood. They pursued a ccTitcnd band of CotitinERtuIs. An o(Bcer LJ the way aving them with his sword. m The biicksrnilh Iot ' ! his rifle; wiih that ye bright I with, deata io tO(4; the aim. "Tint for Washington?' he shouted os he " ldt ! ! ,,.ror hy q-jirnritiw in lho M.d st h: dsitt. Oa and on came ? Iriti!i nearer ' . '. . :. j." " " .. .j ..... ; . . . ... .... , ani n arerlhe cherry, ttc r, t! CJordiiierr.als ftwept,! ihrougiis;the pass. . Again the black smith Kadeda'g-iin he fired. ' That's for mid Anthony Wayne!" he shouted, as anoth er officer bit the sod. . , . '. Tlioi Biittsli now came rushing to the cher. rv, tree; determined to cut dow n the wounded nnn, who with 'his faeo t ward them, bleed, ing cs he was,! dealt death among their ranks. A fafrn visnged ofllccr, with golden hair waving on thewiod, led them on. 't Tho: blacksmith raised his rifle: with that hmd s;iflViiing'in death, he took the aim he fired the young Britton ftjl with a sudden slirit k. j r r..'r Jy .-.wjZA)y- :-'w -:-lfAr'd that', cried tho blacksmith, in a Mtcc ih:.t strengthened ii into a 6hv,ut. "and t iat s fyr I lis voice was gone! The, shriek died on liis wLit,y ups, His head sunk his rifle fell. A single word bubbled ur wi A s.ng'e word bubbled up with his death gro.r, I iKvcn now methinks 1 hear that word echoing and trembling there among the. rocks of Brandyvvine.fi Thit word was Maby! j.Lj . 1 . J Broiled Mackerel, . Somebodyl who - signs c himself "Ohio " tells the olio wing about a Congressman for "Hv of tlmt Sut'e:' , " ' i .T yenraVe Gen. H was for several consccuijyo years returned tojCongriss, and vn the huCels and b iarJing-hoysiTs ut Wash ioglon city in those days w ere all pretty-much on a -parlor father '"below par the members were inj llhc habit of occupying, year aher year, Jthc same grooms. The; table of Gen. Is boarding house (which was kept; by a widow 1 jdy who had -two daughters) was regularly1 furnished with sterotyped- dixmcrs, and at one end of lha breakfast table there I ; J I: ' i . ..V . . , ;, aJw.is appeared a broiled mackerel. Gen. II., uhitse scat was near the fish, had gazed '" I I 1 . . , ' s;j frequently ' (for it never was touched ex cept by ,the cook) that he knew it "all bv heart' - j " ' . ' -" , Now,! if-tho distinguished - Representative had anyone peculiar virtue, it was an aflec. lionate desire toj make every person-and ev.iiy crl: tare afound him happy. . ' re - Well ;in tlie coursc-of time, Congress ad. j ol-rned,! and lO, u. Ul p iid hs bill to, the w idow ar.d gi.l ready to start for home. iThc stage stood atj tho door, and then the old gen tleman skewed the goodness of his heart. He look the widow by the hand andpressirig it bade herTarewell, then kissing the ddught. ers, said he would like to ste them in Ohio and furnish them with! good husbands, &c.; but even, this was jnuuall. The black hoys', who'stojd along the wall, were not forgotten, and grinned as he handed each a silver dollar; and as he passed around the breakfast table, -which was not yet ; "cleared ofTr" he s tw his old: friend the mackerel. The tears cr.me into his eyes, and raising it by the tail with his thumb and finger? parted with it. saying, " IVell, good bye my old loyi good bye! you and" I have served a long campaign together, u!(wiping his eyes) I suppose we. shall meet again next winter good lye ' The old gen tleman rapidly left the -house,-and jumping iutothe stagcj 1 rattled otT, and fortunate fir his ears, the wido never saw him again." . " :. .''! '' ''' "-. . i - . "" .. , . . fT',.,., .. "-,: I Tlie Washington Union coptraJictsin the most pesitive terms the j rumored resignaliou of Secretary Bancroft, j ' .l" " : : j I r "- y''fj' ; - : ; ; Arrival from Germany.-rVv: celebrated George Frederick feeidenstricker, Dector'of Laws, from GjUmgen in the Kingdom of - A quantity of Beeswax from "Virginia; on being examined recently, by a Broker in New York, was found, to contain, pieces of iron" ore Weighing one and two pounds each. . . " : j"" The grtat Pittsburg Firo is aaid to bo Hill burning after a Ijpsa of eleven months. ! "I would advLeyou to put ycyr head in a dye.tub, it is rather rqd," saii a T ' ?r 10 a sandy headed girl. "Jn return, il. , I would advisoyoato put your head an oven, it's rather soft," was too ijtplyv " " ' ;' . . -nfg bv him never afterward I b- lorc::cn the sulject of this anecdote,!. ft home, anJ pro ceeJcd alone on a Pooling txctirio 1. . 1 should scarcely, however," ba justified in asserting, that he went forth absolutely c' .iej for lo powerful itger hounds fuUoucdjcLsi ly at his heels. . Hts favoiite blood bourd how!, cd long and plaintively for permission! to join the party, but bis master, iwas inexorable; he was tied . tipped left behind. IndeeJ, even the two dogs ht? took with him were r lore cs companions, than from nrly idea ho en ertain ed that their services wpuld be called into Veq-i'.iion. llald ho expected dangerL it was i:.: on them he Wi.-.dd havo rtiied, bution the nub!c animal nli-isc courage and 'fidelity; he had so often ;rovx;di and ifin was nowjjeftat ho..' " The 'ty'passcd ever, with; ; any -remarkable t ..o enter, and.Mr. A-, jts.on hisireturu, !wme', .his grsme-b-ig biJolt whh feathered spoil r and a fine biick sM,ffcnded from Aproj;riing Branch 'of 1 uwr.v j tree, awuiting the "morning's suinj, till a sl.ive Should be sent for it. . Hi-had now nearly reached -j. i . .; - - ; . 1-1 1 t& - ' " ."' i -. t! outskirts of the; wood, jw hen he'sudenly" pcioeived in the , thicket, on oho side of the path ihniugli which the must pass, two small faint and twinkling Ughts, like that ota pair of gluw.worms; hispraciied eve 'instantly informed him'j that this ppcarahcc proceeded from not hint- but the malevolent eyes of a wild beast whether Cougir, Pumma, Jaguar, lie hesitated not to det rjnine; one thing; was certain, retreat was fatal, and to advance w.as apparently equally so." , Now1, for a b jldjshot, a steady hind, and a cool sight, end you nr-y yet be saved! Take care, sir; lake care! The sportsman's first action is to throw the barrel 'of' his piece, uufortunatclv 'omy a I t f. I II.. - , ,.. -n 'i- smooth horo, across his left arm, the thumb of. his right hand cautiously 3nd t, oalesaly cosks .the gun," and the fourth . finger cf the same hand feels the trigger. Mr. A. steadily advanced; he was not sufllred lo remain long in suipensej lie had proceeded bul three paces, wheii, n with a terrific cry, j the Coi'gar,! (for such it was) sprung from his lair and dJshed upon L him; ho fiicd, hut apparently' without ellect; w here were now liis hounds ! Thev had fled at the firt glimpse' of the furiou.i beast and rent tlie woods with their cowardly wailing?! lie had struck, .indeed, at few blows with the but -end .of -his piccei but the robber of. the fuitat was too nimble for nim; a momentary' struggle, and he waii jiipcin his back; The ferocious Cuoger was staud ing, or rather. crouching over himj one! paw was upon his broad chest;- and each protruded talonj penetrating his clothes and flesh, caus ed'a stream of blocjd to trickle down his pide; the other p'uv grasped 1 ' : ':ull, nnd he felt ia if each cla netiattd l.!s bruin;.. his senses reeled, an 1 ' blood sufTisecf' his eyes j. and nearly blinded him; TioWever, this he. roru Arneiloan'faioted not, nor censed sirug. gling manfully fo hc victory. - Hisjrig. rous arm. was expended j aud his hands grasped the monster's throat ;i jthus keeping, him,' or a time, from bringing into play those rapacious jaws, which, as th hunter's strengih declined, were gradually .advancing into a closer prox-' imity l with his fqcr;i such a fearful struggle not be of long rontmuncce Tbv burnirjg eye-b ills of the Cougar glared nearer and muru near Lull, as they looked into the blood shot orbits of the proitraio'hut feajless victim; -their owner was forced to lurn; Aiem asido :from ihe.encounter, as if jconscioua-of the dastardly nature ';of his attack, und the superior brnvecy though inferior-strengtn, of the man upojtfwnjom he crouched. The powers of the madjrelaxed; uiaturejKid done her utmost she Vps at length exhausted. The darkness of despair .was on the point'of plunging his senses, into unconsciousness, and death was about to seize upon his viciim, when the brushwood behind htm crash' d. and yielded before a heavy-Aveight; 'the bay i)f a blood-hound awoke htm to consciousness and hope; a largii animal hounded ujon the raer. c i less foe ; the shock hurled the animal from its prey nr.d thetbrave hunter feft lhat he was this aaved.' Need I 'explain tho , occasion of truly providcniial orhJ almost miraculous rescue ? -Tlie- favoiite blood-hound, which, on quitting home, he had left behind him, 'and conti:)jed howling all day , aslf possessing a sort of prophetic prescience of the accident by which his owner's life, would be placed in such extreme danger; and having at length broken loose,' had gone , forth in quest of j his missing master, and found him in time? but only just in ;ime to save him from one of the most (horrible of deaths. Naturalist. i ' Factories in Yirginia.rh- correspondent of the Boston . Atlas , states that ' two young and enterprising men have bought tho Falls of the Potomac for 8110,000, .ith tho view of -making a V Lowell in Virginia." These falls are in Fairfax county, fifteen mi!"" from tho city of Washington, and " are capable of farpishing water power to an indefinits cstect. The' term-loafer is c.ri ed from tha Greek Word lophas, which signifies to remain ijuiet, or to live at else. 'As thero are-a large number, of. this cla$3 in our city,' perhaps tha knowledge of thetr bri-;n "may be in- tere;' . CAar. Pat. '0.;e morning a:: ! it iy:.3 a v. -- . Civ. -jtcr. J!-" -t "r..cr u .jo; c.Uu: rtc'f :..a-a:r.a B. attt..J ly twu: ..:s, J in a very clt-tt carrijc,; tillage r. to::2 hundred milts frcrn this ciiy. !m iirove i t besf hote scsured lodgfngs, an I h Tt lyhfterwarda handed the landlord a card, (announcing a number of Lts ia New Orleans lor ta!j oa tocg ciedits) which sle deidrvd him lo piece in his bar room. Soe prc.fessed to Le a Tvidow in bad health. Frum this Ho. te! ihe reir.ovtd to a furnishing house which she cngnged for six months. . Sho so-in s?. lecti d from the merchants ar.d r' rket people a chosen', few,-whim she honored with her patmnngcr. She had a number of rich dress- os made, up, bought jawehy, gave a soiree once,a week, lived generously, purchased all the old wine in tuwu and inoitop Mized the young chickens, cream and other d: Jlcacies in the neighborhood. Several -oun 1 itlics were Invited to speri I the winter ' with I. cr in the cityr and tho son of a respectable planter was engsgc ' ' superintend her sugar plantation, f-r the casuing year, at a salary ef Cltl' J. She got up a subscription to build a new' t c h in the vi.lige, and headed it with paya. ble'i n the completion of the buildirg. It was soon wh:-peied, f ir and near, that her wealth was tmmetise, and 110 ore thought of present. 'rz her a bill. 7 Things went on merrily. Tlie two merchants she honor d with her.pat. ronage were desperately smitten, and each had reason to -believe himself . the favored swain. Thus prssed the vumrnwr. One Sun. cay morning, however, in themor.fh of Ne. vembcr, at about "eleven o'clock, .one. of the lovers, dressed in his best, and glowing with hope, called to escort Madame to a Carrtft. Meeting in the neighboihood. At the same instant his rival arrived with a rntilar Undcrt standing. She had oCered to each orthem a scat in. her carriage. . Looking xbyn&-means' very amiable atone ¬her,-rhey rapped at the door. No ansvVXt was returned. They, kriuckid again.'. S ijl na a-nswer:-' Ti. v le came alarmed, bul soon concluded that t;.u la dy piqued at their delay, (they had dallied a lit-' lie too long o.erf tha'loiklte,Xbad driven ofT solus to the Campground. " Wl-t were they to do? They had loaned their. horses 0:1 the promise .of a scat in her carriage, and not an. other was to ho had.' Indeed scarcely a hu. imn being remained in , town.- Halt angry nnd ashamed they skulked back to htif rev spective.:lodging, and spent the day as , nil crusty bachelors do in country towc, mum bling crackers cVs cheese and swigging brandy. At breakfast, however, next morning it vas whispered among the boarders that Madame l B. h id not been at the mccilng. i The lovers turned red. .- A feeling f alarm -perhaps n dim idea that they had been b imb jozled-came over them, and accompanied by the crowd they rushed to her house. , JPhe doors and ve. nctians were-carefully closed, and for a. mo mcnt the group paused until the quesiiun of forcible rntry could be determined. The two Attorneys of the place were summoned, dif. f. rjtl in opinion, cited on each side a r' j.cri cases directly in point, nd finally flow"; i..v another with great fury. . The migisirut ahd constable interfered, an I duringthe melee the door 'was burst open, and in "the mob wen?. - Every thing was in perfect order; flowers bloomed on the mantle; a liille. slipper lay in one corner;, a oVlicate glove jn another; and oh the tabUj was found tho following note, written on musk scented paper, tculcurd'ratt in the prc.tiesi Italian hand: ; : , Adie,"my dear fricn Js. : The first frost summons rH away;- I cannot: bear to. say farewell- 1 will be with, you next summer. When you visit theci: . .'on me nt No. 27, Rue. . Make my h. : your home. For your bills cr-w on my merchants, Messrs. -, Canal street. Adieu! - Adieuf '-' ..' It is impossible to siy precisely hat vaa the feeling of th iny.' Most of them t were bcr creditors L. r nt, some for supplies. and for considerable an;ounl of cpsIiT loaned. A few swore roundly; others slunk otT silent. I v, while the two lovers grew very angry with ca.h other. He who had loaned the money declared her an impostor; but the other insis. ted on her junoccne?," aud treasured up the a. bandoned slipper and glove, as memorials t bo cherished forever. . He that 'night drew ifp on her batfikers, and'enclose I n letter, full of vows to the lady herself, " In tin days his drafl re-imo back protested, .with a polite note from Messrs. r thtl taey, had not ' the hon r of knowing any such lady. Since then not a word. has been he:ruot lhejair widow, and the whole village has voted her an impos'er, save tho one fniihful lover, who confesses there is a mystery aUiut it, but insists that she w ill re turn next summer! Such is the spelt of beauty on man's imagination. ,r . - . : "'3 "-" -;: '" . 7':1 ." ."r "'-"v ,:' . " ' " " V- - Manufacturing Resources of 3eitnessce., In the House of Rt presentatives. iif. Ten- hessec, on the 29;h, Mr. McD ugal, -on" the joint committee, reponea on tne manuiactur. ing resources ot n J en nesee. I his report contained a letter from '.31.-DJ1 "Morgan'; of Nashville, giving an estimate of tho'-amount of capital invested in manufuelures as follows: In the production of lrbnV84,lOO,000; in cotton and woolen mills, $990,00;!in hemp r.r,J o;her factories, S5,30,ODO - JVoraZ -The U. S.' frigute United Stales is to be fitted for sea at the Charlestown Navy Yard, Oud despalched.lo the foast of Africa, under command of Com. Read. The Boston Journal says ' " ' ' ' H I ' Jl Is reported that, the Columbus and Vin cennes have been ordered, from China to the coast of Mexic: if so, we shall have a large naval force the West side-of. well as ia thsGuif.-- ; - -;. ' ''-:'" .r - The Columbus 74, frigates Sayanah, Con stitution and - Congress, with four; or. five sloops -of -war, may be expected -at Maz.lan on the West side-r-and in the Gulf of Mexico, tho Cumberland, Potomac, Raritan, Miss', issippi slearrr frigate, and five or six sloops and brigs. ' '" - . r.fr. Gales, of th IJational Iniclligeneer, we are Uppy to perceive, has Lccn pronounc. cd coavalcsceiil. ,-' " , " " .3, :.!i' : 5 tuT tfuf, :r fjrty ! t : Tr 1 i t t!;2 ar;..y it rps.us tl.it tl.J t- r " t 1 L .1 1 sive 1":.' , cars ef r c 'c ! ' Our w , . L .. 1 i....!er i! ghU t; l. cf " are to v. ever to his i ..ii. -'.Jiei:! only waiting 1" r a 1. , pr t ". aboliii-iaistsor . 1 i'.t..Tv "c!..;!. are to send . him, t c-trry - l 1 ' -;gn-i e; n this l,;i. : ! If.-l t f 1,, ! lie 13 r -r v-.-' - r .. " 1 . cf hOman buichory, A!.'..oc-'i and febl ".n, I.j w?i i:i ; . . '1; of tho pircrfil jet L! ' fi desVoyed j tlieir mat'.:r?,' V. master' and .mistress . with Li ...ta 1 i ' 1 r vy i tou oi t -i'c." W .Jet; tsml ".Vi J hiV f-l cn-tyrey ...'. o v..-rs.cr, .1 ativl " cd ThcirldcJy daugktci," a I:-' vhbm'l!:Cy female slaves were l as Pierrot rushed into the r her, he made h's wife,,ar.d c!r.w nr:-..J hi new cstatoj a 'largo number of.r.rrcs who j had also taken th ir master dauht:rslas " wives. Ai the exjiiratioh of '.-. j ; csrsf when the new rp. of mulattoes first Lciri' j p exci.e civil corr.:..j!ion, th-j bloody Pierrot ! wis the first to plunge v the fiit:d d.igr intor j the bosom of his wife abd child fcrt:: Hu 3fl , ample was fo lowed by his neighbors, an ( tho' .j, rt - i . rf . ... . -whites and mukltos wer il.u exu.rmtnntfd in that district. . Thisnet was applaudid hy the blucks. Pierrot U-caine thj rgni Hayti," ani at last "he. has cs .ended - loathe, Pi-csidentiitl chair. He has vowed that every white malo; shall be exterminated, wiih'jh femals children under fivo years of ag.' . V- The legislature of Mississippi h 'is pissed a. bill to construct tho Southern Riilroad. , In the'Hou e the v.iUT was f3 to 33; in tho. Senile 23 to 0, This road is Intended ta connect Sa.annth nnd Charleston !hrcj;h. ' a distance of - 753 , miles. .. I he Yieksb'-.-j ; . . -Whig thus ! describes tht? direction cf lhir important work: ' , - - V - iThc rotjid .commences al -Jckjqn, l!.3 ieat of Government of Mississippi, an I con- f" r I , nect with tie R tit Road from Vjw."burg,.cu, , c the Mississippi liver, frm j3cksoiA it will,; . , t perhaps run through the counties of IVlnlrinJj''. Scott, Nott, ond Laudcrcafa, and con- tignous to Simpson,-Smith, Jasper, Chirke, i :r Leake, Nasjiofca, Kemper," Winston, Noju. . ... bceand will also he an outlet for' the . irado" of ColumbuL 4 Lowndes codnty, all "iiv ' State of Mississippi thence it crosses tft AUbimn Stfite line into Sumier, an J thKiuglr .Lrjngo, PrryiDArjnsj A'utauVajflnl Mon.' " gomcry ct untics A'obmia, embneing tho r wealthiest anji mj-t p'oductivo cmntiw's ia '' thatState. JU- , ; -' - 1 "This road .will.alaa .aflorJ an; outfe'l fi11 c ' the m'nerals and .wealth 'oCthe ri'clitst couti 1 :V tice-' around AVetumpkn,. embracing 'CosVt-.s. .1 1, TalIudcgi,'Tallapoos'a,'Ch'tmbers; and ot! 1 r'' rich countie in' AtJbi ma, being the g dd ati I " ! mineral. -rGgfons; 'nhd( th6 continuation-"' ihV Gexirgia'willlalso travoro the .Id and miuei.-. al legions of th it . State. t At f.lritgomeiy, ; wbich is now elected as tha seat of (I.iyern.. men. of Alabama, there wilt be two route j coming together toward tho W-s',' ))nt; b i ing dio road from Charleston and Hambnrg i. '. o Atlanta, in Georgia, -and from Itjennt to . West Point on the 'Chattahooihe; ;ic- lino. , between .Georgia ."and " Ahtbaiin,!- and from I, I West Point to 'Montgomery -the Rail Road V ' j , now in progress, and' nearly forty, flTt? rfiWvBT comrl;led. ,The other'rputc from'SlvSinnahV j Georgia, by the Central Georgia Railroad Ut , Macon. ' Georgia and from thence .ihe Geor. j gians are ahoutio muke.n'rad to Columbu, omhe Chatfah'oAchef-antl i!ihnc fi'orn'Girard oppostto . Coluinbgs, U Montgomery, and from Montgomery, to Vicksburg will be 'tho Southern: Rulroad."" . ; , ."--" - Death of Win P. Dolson, JLsq f- Wc ortf pained to have to record the death of WrnCP,'-. Dobson, - Eiq of' Surry coraty.-. He- TxJ prred t his rfesidence on the' 1st tnst. , of con gestive fever, in the 64ih year of his "age." Standard, -j - , . . r , "Russel Harden, -has .been tried ' nnd can?, victedlor thef rrmrder of hi slivet a- tha present jsession of . the (Jiurj j of - Corrrnorf Picas, for P Igefifid" lSxlliamliir-Jovff of instant. M; 1 - 'J$Ka itrf Warning;' Ling known in 'tf-n lucky os a miii of violcnce-sbloo." was " shot by some unknown person', iri'Versiille, . ,Woodford county ,Jrty., on the 7h inst.', from .' the window in tl.o" uj:"per room' of a ho:cl. '. . .VlifS fojndlrnhe room:". The". wiurid was supposed to I j mortal, -flewcj about '- 70 years cf cgs. . v -' i - J Avtry vioteri shack tnnhquiko rri , felt at the Bel giaa SeU!er..-i cf Canto To ma's, in CentrarAmerica,T on" FrL'ay ' evtnv' ing,Jan.SCth. It: is described asici- ' iiko'V . the discharge ofo hf ;y pijee of rdicaaci. j - J ' i. Tj v -.1 K4 1:1 iL i 4 ' f J ' V i ; A 9 " . - t - i n i r ..... r r" V. 4 r -X