acJ crJcrcj to lu p ri:;:t; try Ir. ' l ly t' sLii,; O ri. - ricayv.s ? - -r 1 1 t' j - i l."2 t -2, ;-i to t..j ;cti f - :.:;.; j w: s t r t ;A ..Jj'.l , ' . ft' -CIfI- - t i r ' 1 tj t;.j livit:V.s i ef i 'fi i-.-rciij ol " - 1 1: ( . J;; r i tum navy, - f ' 1 i tfci t-Vr ;.! rv.ilitary f res.- - ., i "H ' a f ' .. ill" r. : ' i rr;-rr ! r ein:;:r..i3 lo . Orf-oti. : I r t " .v. - , . .t j rn.Ki, f euro VVI T. J C31:" I;) rc-.i or t:. ji'v" r.i-ij rrctunmfn.Ijiioiij. v.i i.. j u-. ,;r ...r'jtv.;;; ex:,t wL.t-h, m my J J-jri:.-i.T, r. : '.r it i-rojvr id: ody that ilwy ;,:-I I rn ";-:ly carticj ri7 ct; but t!;att Ip.-utuatt .-Mt3 r..';Ja for v e ,r .--,. r- is-:; i ex:,t 5 Tl.J ;,;; Ucrat: ,i :r,f -wai Lrr.-U l..".fltr r - - -!'-' - J 1 ; itO Cutn. ti.cro,- r re parts - : ;r. .:. i, ty i:.3iitcretary el ar rrvtary uf ,iiayt on t nil; a j.. -j tf cofninuuicttioa with Coosrrs .tt;t i;-- r. ! i... : . .. v.. i , ,tJ innt iligibk. Sulwcqucnt ti!...'.i .3j cjinrnytl ran in -niy' cpiniuo t!.ivj rccu::irr-iuJ.jtOf'i were proper a rrccr.U'.l in ini vnri-1 " . - II -r;s a wises miiitii of tho Father of thn w-T.iry, V.-.n tio bo prvpurcd for war,ia , cno tf r;i wt i d:-icrit m-nsuf preserving . pttiwi,', ani tint,' Vavdulirr occasions of txprr; ? !,y cultivating j! :ir-.' we should fera-jn'jL-r, af.itf tltit iiimf" 'i.lursrinenta to prepare fjr djjcr fa r; - -.i;y prevent much greater Jiai.jr?: . r.ts tj rrp-L it." The general o pcifyrra this ditty is greatly $trcn-!lKncJ by ftcli known o the whole wu:U. A etitrov?rsy rcpectiDj ih Ongwv hsiiCtory now exi- between the Uoiwd Slates or. J iln ta D-jitiuur and !ii!c, n knoWjtho relations! the latter" vi;li all Curnpena tn'.lon-aro eftbc inoM.' pacific . charaeter, sho ns-Awia vnusu tl and ex. traonJimry armnciit and warlike prepiri. L twos, naval and niultury, b4h ar liomc and , inner ixorih Am-jncnn possessions. . , Itcannut bo dls--iised that, however sin csramrty bu the desire of peace, in tho, event " lions wuUiJ bo wed naihst our country. waawver may have liecn tbo nrigtna! pur. poso of these preparations, tbo fact H undout ed that they arc n w proceeding, in part.ut least, with a view to the contingent possibility ot a war with tho -United Stales. The gener l poliey of maair.g .addiiiondl warlike pre p i ratio:: wero distinctly announced, in the v pccch fm.-n. tho, throne, as. latb as Janunry ht, anihas since been reiterated by the ministers of iho crown in both houses ol Parliament. Under this aspect of our re- ' Uioiu with Great Uritain, I cannot doubt the propriety ofincrtMsin our ii'ans of dc fence, both by land nn J sra. This can give Creit Brittdn no cause ofuflencr, nor increa&p Ihc dinger of a rupture. Jf, on the contrary, wc should lo!d ur arms in s. curity, , and at hsl bj audJeuly involved in h-sttiiiioa for the ttvitntenanco of our just rights, without nv aucrpiaie preparnti-m, our respooitbtlity to tho cuu tit ry would be of tho gravest char, acterv Should collision between' the i two ciMintrics be avoided, as I sincerely ! hopo Jt miy be, thouditioiial cjue upon the treasu. ry, in , making lh') ncessnry preparation. - will not bs lost; vhilrj W tho rveot "of uch eo!lUin, tl y wool J he indispensable for the matntt is tncc of ojr national rights cnJ ua.ional h nor. 1 . , ! have seen it reas;m to change or modify iho.rccommrnJjtiiKM of my annu d tiirssagh in - rrg-ird lo tfio 0gtn uf$;in The nolico U brognie ho treaty f to Ch of August; 1827, is auihoried by :tho inraty v itscll", and? eunro be regarded' a . wurhke , mcasurr; and Jbatimt n hhhold i my stron" conviction thai it s'iouU bo (Jromptly given! Tho other rccommcn'i'Mis ore "in c'oni f.irmitT wiili tlic." 'lifting treaty, and would fcfTird. to ,.A:nericaii citizens in Oregonl m nt )re vh"n the wuu tncsfstsw of prorection whjeh has t jug since Wen cx;tn!ed lo British subjects ;n tint ten it try. . ' I ; The staie of our rt futons widi'M. rc t stilt lit eti unsitikd condition.' Since' the meeting of Congrts nti.ithrr rcvi-Iu-ii! h:is lko plac in that c.uotty. by hieh thu Gjv cr time nt Ins pis-trd iuto tho hands of ncwVul lers. Ti;;irvcut I us a procruitinttt'd, rind uuy possibly ticftai, i!u scttlcim-nt t( iJn ihffer; vnecs bclwVtn. i h 'Uuiu-d States' and thai country. Tivo Mioisti rof tho United Slate to Mexico, at the dat; id tho last advices, had not been received by tho, existing ntt '- rittcs4 . Demonstration f a clmracter hu ih United Slater, Cotilitiuo to bo ma !o . !o ..m, which has reudured it proer in my jjJ ; f lo keep neatly twn.thirds of yr arti.y t,.s i ;r ou:hwrstcra fiuntier In d.iins tfi:s mi v tl 1 tlu rrrular nti&tuiv ntufs hav rii! rti , j t " - - to a small lorco, ra-it'equte to tnetr tr.Ov.J ancmcrgniey arto. - , C It: view of these "eirctnstnnccs," it imy ,j dgmentlh't a ineciwc -ef ou r inval 'apd military (orco is . tU tluV ime n quired, V to place the country iiinswital!otat-e of uVfc-nccJ At the same time, t wy sort cd purpose to pjrsuo a coi t-of f iy as tn- y bn best cilcuUWit topn-M iv. -btnii witi Great Biir. mb and je-xieoj' n honorab!o ace, w htch Ihrthing will so (Tctuii!y pvimvna as um. iilmity in-our councils, and a firm maiurc . rnc uf all oar just r:hts. . ' - - JAMES K. roLui. : Washington, Much 21, 1840. ' , .1 S--i i. t'-y Xetespaper Neighbor ShoemaLs! I Q yoj have n Hna Kt of, brMU i end thoca on kind; all sorts tizes q'talliit's, cowhide, calf-ski.i super.' tine extra superfine ft,r, gentlcu;-n, l.iJics, a r. I children.- Yoa wih to sell them, I --rrc?' v if- Yes.' r 1 I perceive ycj havr cc a sMn!c cvrr the i!.or whh thrf wi:rds, IJOt nl s!mms Ctoru'" insert - .1 tl.crcn'i. "'.L,l- prr:u-3 b to i.ifonn t!.-J public of ). r ocpcp&:L'3v acd to invite l:?tn to giveyeru a Call?. '; :; J...- -'Vrlljf nrr.c ; few of th'3 whr pr.sji along iMttrcr,w:!l dcubllcss cu;ico joar sign, f. . ;r r r. Tell ;- ; VA """TO i"- .:.J '$ CI DOOtS "B! :yil;oey,wut.: .. Thus in. it-ad cf tartly i ;c r-..i tLr; r.u cify t!.. who cias bhartvpo street, fc- l tl.3 c:J t!-;V f :rr.:..M away Lack on L.2 i.:elAJiC3,ir.tchs;icsncJ workin-. ofcLhcr lowni-fauJ h-jdJreJ cr others; ani r.:y wordfor It J c:.j such sign ia the new?;, a per, will be vcrtha deseo over vt-ur . "Fait!), 111 trv i: before 1 am a div oMer " Ar.l yoarMc .ji. 'Latter, cabinet-maker. ifiii jm, immen, an J s - J.Hers, jou've all got singles over jojr doors, as'.thdugh that wou'J notify every liJy in enfation. Had you nut better iry a'tn iu a nc;. x -per, as well as n-i 'hbor Sltiiemikcr? - ' " to:i Trr' :r of II Army tTt.r Millie . . ...:lcr r ."c!co. Cv li. r . ici L"..: GiUcsioii, fro:.; Aran. as II ty, Ttsai, ars sved r.e.Nevv Or!' ns on tlwl:'' i "! t.t s was rcecu; ! '.. . ihi main bo.' i U. .;. !rir:i y ! - ! tr h. ed towards Br. ? ZL Jago.cnJ:' ! . i.f ment i hU Taylorjand bis wcr to h a ve on the 12ihJ inst. There werc; ru. mors that a largo fojrf-e pf Mrxicins hud con. cciUralcd lo Oppose ie advance rd Gen. Tay. tors force, and thesd prnduced considerable exctU-mcnt. i ho Untied States trotins were in the! highest pptriii jin e spcctaiion ol a ' con. flict. j The fullowina orders Inve been issued by the General; f 1 Head Quarters army of Occcpation, : UorpusChrisyti, March 8, 1840. "As the army is alKut marchini to the frontier on a delicalft service, the Cnmmnrf ing Grnrai wishc it let be disiincilv vnJrr. stood, jthai n persons, not properly attach CQ Jo U, will bo permitted lo accompany, the troops, or establish themselves in their vie-in- Hy i cither on the roujc or on the Rio Grande u uu pieieoeo w-uaievcr. n may save ma. ny individuals irsi lescxit nseflnd annovanee tobe'tnforr 1 thaijj rigid measures will be taken jo t if .:e this rcculatiott. which is decme n .ary lurincmicrcsisot the pub- f . V. Vt . S. BLI83,.Wt Adj'i Gen." "Uga Quarters AkjiV of Occupation, ) Cotu$ ChrL.i, (Texas,) March 81843. r "Orders, Ko. 3J-t-Tlie ArmvAOecuca tion being about to take position iho left b.ank of tho Rio Graifde, under tho orders of tae lixecuttve ol the United States, the Gen eral commanding deejms it proper to express ms noj inn tne movement will provo ben eficial all concerned, and that nothing may be wanting on his pari lo insure so desirable a result, he strictly eniins tjpoo his com- mind he most scrupulous regard for the ngntsot an persons saUo may s be found with, to the peaceful pu'cstits of !heir respcciivt avocations, . residing n j both banks . of the Rio Grande., No 1 persons, under any pre tence whatever, will iniefere with the civil rights and religious pHvJleges of the poople 1 ? ui( pay the utinoit rtspect to b.Jth. V. .teyer may be reqjired for the uso of ihc army wjil be purchased by the proper depart incnta at the highest market price. Tho Gi n era commanding is lutppy to say that he has entire confidence in the pairioiism and dis. cipllno of t!vormy under his coinmtnd, and iceis: ,i.iuri mat ms oracrs, as a Dove ex. prcseJ will be stricfly observed. Z TAYLOR ; Bipjr Gen l. U.-S. A.. Commanding." j I ' ' 1 The first Brigade, Under the command i of Brevcr Brigadier Genii W. J. Worth, com posed of the B tttalliorj iof Artillery, romrqin. ded by Lieut. Cl. Thymus Childs, an i the eighth Regiment tf Infantry , cucnmandcd by Lieut. Oil W. G. Belli np; left their rncampl ment on 'the mornirjg lof-tUe Dili for their des. tination. j -: t .' j The2'J. Brigade, commanded by Lieut. Jt S: Mehioh, nf the $th regiment of infant- ry , under ;M-j ir I .:, struck their tents on I hi? morning of the J j. i , i ' I L i I ! . i I0:h, and took np their iio' Gnindt. - line of fur the The. :jJ 'Brigadeg'rOininanded by Col. W. Wbisllcp, composed iihe 3.1 Raiment of Infantry,' commanded; by Lieut. Col. F. A. Hilehj.ick,. and thq "4 fh infantry, ".commah ddby Lieut; J. Gar laWj, were to lake final Icnive of tjiej rold Corpus Christi encampment, op Wedrtrsd iy, tho ijlth inst., to join the mam uiniv. , Vrsrn PiruUt. ThaNWnrk Ad vertiser al!s for sonvi jtiieiftit moasurcs ti extirpate She gnng pirates wUeh infest t'ie eoasi uf Now, A-rwy. L jU is indeed rotnarka- b!e; ih it outrages -v( au:-h atrocity as ore iaid to be perpiraudj by th'm, should nol be checked. It is aidj. that at the lime of tho recent terrftj ship-vrecks upin the coast J I the auffecVw who wen-thrown nslion-, jinstciKi tif jbedng aided, were rcintrsvlcssly robbtd jot every thing the? had, by thesrt jnen; nud tui'hiermorc, that iIms le;iI auihorilitjsi into u1mk) bauds tho wrecked prope'rty fidl, dared n;t Ikc-rp it nearihe beach for. fear 'ifbeini pluntjek-cd, and; in case of rcHisiancrvmurtfL'Mrcu. j i 'I la ISp; these "outages had beconre so frcq i-r.t hnddib .Iicat,th u tho G.iverainent iu vtw ia-iwiru3 irieo. i ittti was scnttT'Ced to i he State 'prison for two years, bat the rest escaped With fines. The lesson, howi ver.'for a time. Was silutarv nnd ihrir praciiers Wercchx:ktHjl. J Recently, however, thy havej bn Teaeurd to such a'nitch of mJamous jO-iioarity nsi to iemanJ the mosi stringent pleasures wh!ieilhe taw ca furnish. The Advertiser says tncjy are in the habit of tfecoying jresscls os'Kr& fo A he sake of plun- dVr; and lhatin ' this 4v'iy iljey Ijivo, somr. limes stolen prrpriy la ii.j amoent ofC-oi), 000 in a sio:;U c -I -1 TVrjf Mean Brepch cf Promise. Miss Fanny McAuley recently rccuvercd five han. drta dollas damages Against one Rodcn'c C Pn'ppini of Crown Point,! as some compensa tion tcr a; breach ol premise on bis part to commit niatrimuny wifhIie aforesaid Faoor. If iho circumstances of the case are correct ly stated tie yarlet oogljt ia fc- -; paid more, if ha bad it to pay, r Uilhav - r ' t, h,rd labor till he had earned Inoe ;a tlie frsl place be Jiad courted her for thre'ii-.,,.i. years, and cft her at h;;t ia the sitaatwa in inteifered, and the United Suites Martha! ot the district seized some; forty of them, with ihrir Wader, one Piatt, ki ho were all lodged i v. .... t: -1 rv i it: i I; l!::t It i is th t.:i r t iv.w".:ii rjp.tL-t is any -r rcccrJ. J. ar.J iV.'s CvVii v.Iio was ruit. Ji'ntssfcn As the cultivation of. ibis roi for iJgt hwp, atid c tt!o is at tracting the M tent ion tf farmers, we hav thougfii it worth while to publish xha follow, ing remarks from iho Oliio Cultivator. Tho artichoke is but very little known as a f-irm crnr yet, nod its nmperties aud II u uubcnuwo vr upprvLioicj as itiry j . . . j . .1 to grow. It seems to thrive on almost every kmdof toil, and is kss affected by the seasons than any other crop with which I amacquin ted. . UI its ability lo withstand Irosts and se vere drough., I bati the fullest proof :ihe iast asua. it line uh otuer crops in tins secltoi f country werb nearlv destroved by thes in flt nces, my field of artichokes stood out, in bold relief, us if in defiance ol the worst wea ther thai could bluw; grew on and produced splendid crop. As n root crop it rHissess- ciucu advantages over all others, in Uiti more certain and coiiing less in its produc non; vnne to r't ot vsilue or nutriment . lbe lievo it is not inferior to ; auy -iho opinions uisome learmu men lolhe coutrary notur.h sianuing. , i In addition lo the value of ihc roots, the ton when cut in season and rightly cured, furnish a largu nmount, of Unidrrt (say from three to nvc tons per acr;) which is much relished bv -h-f p, horsis, and cattle; and to these advan tages, it does not require planting after ihe first season, and the crou mav be left in ih groutjd uil winter wiihuul any danger of inju. ry frem freezing; on the contrary, the roo's are, benefitted by. the frosts of w inter. I have fed these roots to all kinds of stock and they all seem to relish them much. Th two last seasons I have fed them to my whole flock of sheep, and the cfleel evidently was to increase tne growth ot wool nnd cause the ewea toyield an abundance of milk, as shown by the large fleeces and the fin, thriftv and vigoreui Jambs. Previous to uinir artichokes jl fed potatoes in the same manner, but I give 'the former a decided preference. - i ;, I have tried several modes of cultivating the artichuke. f The plan I would recommend is to put the ground in good order.' as for nota iocs or corn; then with a plough open furrows four inches deep and three feet apart, as crt r- int. A.. ,.....M.I.. i .!.. . - I . I. I iiiSih,uj jjuaaimu,:u iiiui a piougu or culti vator can work between, close to the rows. 1 hen drnp the sets ten inches apart in the fur rows, (if large sets tire used, they can be cut into pieces ol three er four eieseach, like po. tutbes,) then cover with a ploagh, apd smooth witn a light harrow, j , The after-culiurcj to consist ofa thorough harrowing about the time the first plants make ineir appearance, followed by two or three uressmg wi;h a cultivator on suitable-inter-i vals during the early pari ol summer nothin more is necessary io insure a cood cron. . I generally leave the cmn in the ground till 'ihe frost' is t in the spring, I then plough me groutui and gather nil the roots that can be found,' the plough again atH'g ither again. When all are.' gathered that ran be found in this way,1 there will be enough roots left to fill i. i ground with plants for, a new crop. .. .ic-iuiv ounjj piams appear aoove ground , that is necessary to be done is to go tit rough with a cultivator and cut them up in such a manner as to leave rows as when first planted. jo repealing im cultivating. I wo cr-three limes, the work will bo done, for a secondcrop 1 is advisable to plant artichokes whert they can remain for quite a number oi years. as it is'duiciilt tocrad;cate Ahe roots from the ground-,.andrbeside9p the trouble and expense of replanting- is thereby avoided. Ii will, of course, be necessary to manure .i . i . i .. i . . me ground occasions l(y. unless it is uncom munty rich. This clan easily be done imme diately after gathering the crop in theVprio". Lale Destructive Fresfiels. The a'reatn loss by the floods, within ihe hist fortnight, h is been enormous. Oo the Susquehannah alone, it docs not 'probably fall short of half a million of dollars. 1 The damage td the public works o! Pennsylvania has bren so jireai as to effect the state-credit. and cause a full of ihrec cer .em. m me state-stocks Irotn the annrehen- sion, that it would prevent the oavmeut in full oi ine mieresl lalling due in August next vve nope- mis is not to be ono of ihe results of the Ireshets; but the loss and destruction of propei iy without reference to this, are truly lamentable. . I : i In all cases of ihe most Krrins hv nooos iiieicc is mnt;or.e1 as one of ihe nmsl Miwerful agents.-, Tl.i bljck un the chaii. nets of tho rivers, ' formim? ehims in vartntN p.aces, and selling tho waters back lo ai nn. prcedeied hcigiit, and greasy increasing the destructive cansi-nii:npin ..r iK,. ..i!,.'n'"" ..i . Oor Resent oljeet is to the aitention of engineern and otlw.i skilled: in water works on a smaller scahv bhr the formation ol dams by ice be ni insn0 degree, a matter unoer ;the eontvol of anf : Is it not peissible to oegin ,ir eoougn aottas!rcamy and cither pre- vem me lormation ttl. ihese temporary dams r break them up, as soon as thev are form. cdyby theapplicathm of gunpowder or snie utner jKjwcr.ul ogent, ,so na. greatly to limit ihc destructive e&ects of these icc-wallsl 1-ast spring, rite navitration at the citv Hui.ljurg (Germany,) was feaslewetf one or two anpniha, by blowing up. masses iof ice wjiich had, f.rfeda bar in the principal chan- nn m toe liOje. k ttli the command of two such forces as gunpowder and steam, it would seem as if the. formation of these mounds in our large streams oght t( ba pretexted or -pteiuiy often vp pua the immense injury bvt in w lude or in pa rt, prevented. The ri ving would warrant a Ure outlay. some p rfebsi.-nal gm ; lema n give the m i tte r o niiunuoa u seems to tnerit, atid would not n rnlighteccd legislature auihorize the re. Hutsite wQtlay! . - r' " !.;.; 3wrti 2aIi6nr.I Press. . OTiio Lr;:jurc The Oalo Hr-e of Re. presertalives, by a v :e of 31 to 17, has de clartJ against lite rrpea-Tef all laws iakin distinctions 6a account of color; ' v . Ar.:i.W U::;c3. "Mtf, what Ks a tjtii t!e?n , "A luslle, mv c!car, simply means a runpws," calmly replied the lady. - - False friends will setk es in a happy home ; But true ones cn?y to a prison coma. . - Li , OIV.NGIi COUNTY, i ' WT,' We are at.'. Caster f roontr ia i. ? Lf'ri;jLturc. . "-bounce Col. Jotlll iJj rrpresviit IIcndcMoo rttaitvc Lnncli cf tho next Several weeks since a small hand-till was printed at this Cice fur Mt-ssn. Gash ec Kilibo.df ClsTtqnviilet Henderson Go... N. known as a C , packed up nd given to the Mills Rier ud uses are j M .H-rarrier, for delivery to the proper own hey should ( , . ..x hy nadmMn&heUll v, I ver reached j f : ,-x by some mibllRpMhe bdi ,V3 wo . 1(lllkfl!!; . th,( - 1 forward them thherto - i? Z ... ii her to i,. S. Lsh: I-n . t Claytonville, or ia bs, aV this phec It ii of course of no v;ifue to any body but i" ers. and we presume thfe miscarria" purely uninientioKI. 'i ;n- 'vv-..'..f,t: .u .i-'.-t. . y v .juu.i4u uii$sw ceit (two more commum caiions in relatjon'to that everlasling-never-to:be.fiirgottcnibocVry b; "Ego Sum Homo," As we know ouh reader's-are getting 'tired of the suhjext we nust decline publishing any thing more re-a ting to it.- Our friends are inviicd to cojitinue sending os iheii! favors, buj Jet them be Vvriiicnja subjreia of general interest. ,Wc have several communications on hind men snail appear soon."' In. another coloinh wilj be found a Message iitsiuuu hk lOfJinc oenatcj rccoin mending'an auimciitaitjiin of tho army and navy. This is a bad ottjen for tho lovers ol peaee, as it involves the, probability hat the Oregon Question may yci have to bel settled bymn appeal jo ajrns: f:; 'p -. . Kzra HoldenJ lin.- irinn nf tho tors of the Philadelphia! Sjturday Courier, dud at Washington Tityii a few davs sSnreJ His disease wns ; brain ? fever. Mr. Hoiden .? ' I i. - t'J. ' 1 .... f was lunv. three years or'ae. We? had intended to publish the sp. eech ol Hon- Johu C. Calhoun on the Orcort Q ! ues. t. this week'saper', but have bet a Com. peljled to defer it till our next We intend s,hortly to publih the substance of Hon. W; H.1 Haywoods speech, on the same subject. Both will; be read with ; inter. esti iHr. Ltak'i Add mtf'i. Like our i friend of tlili Rait ifh R gister, we, do not publish the following address to the Democracy j of lie Stale for the purpose! of uiterfjring in a famifylquarrei, but that iho Democrats iwhojare scattered through the mountains, "few land far brliceeu" thouWi ilicy be, may seej into What a deltciois snail their leaders' ha rrjgoucji the pariy. It will bo seen that Mr1. Leak idee la res he will tun if be should W Receive'! five hundred votk-. It remains lo be jsccn whether he i:an be frightened or cpjx!ed froiri his purpose! i An ctlorl is-now being. made to have the matter again refer rk?d to- tie Si ate Central Committee,. exclusive of; those members who reside in the city ofi-Itdeigh, ngainslj whom it will be remembered Mfl Leak makes! heavy complaints. 'W ieibcr or no Leak and Shep. ard will consent tb-rnUi'arrnngcmeni is riot yet ascertained, but jt7ropinioQ is that L iilier of (hem will, for iho reason that thev have boih addressed thtipeoitlc nt several kbices hud have gone too Jfar to be wilh'n tb bsck To Ihe democratic Parly of Honii owe it to myself as, well as in the rvJt,.- with whom it has been ravVridr. and ll.ncf t have acted throtigh life,: .to make the Ifollow. tn statement of l.ei utif. J.. ; "I . 4ijr uie&eni fKjsiiino before the public, not djt,biinl that upon a candid review of of ihe whole -?ound it will be seen by .unpri judiced mindl, that vh;ilever ol schism produced in .,r party by "the recent nomination ,fiW. S,.."iM Cerjtral Committee, cuunot rightfully L "ai tributed either io myself or fiiends. If' be'. gm then, by stating; that caify io February there was a meeting held In I tilt ("Mini mm L. F son, in which my f 'fiends thought proper to present my name to the State ui Lri nJ n suitable person; to be run as a candidate for Governor, and t thh same time they al-poiiit. ed a committee.; to nblify rrje thereof, abVask my .acceptance.: Un tht 2lsl of February, there weremettinWin ihecoimth ..f r.i co.n and Cuawba, in which mv daiinL were favorably urg !; on) the 2 1th "of the( same month, a meuir.g was hJJ at Charlotte, of iho; of.MeckU-nbursa. , Union coon. ceptancer .nll of.which were publishedfin th-JeX-rsonian, and of which I was immediate, ty JsppriZ'-d by! leirers. 1 thr9 sifaie -f affiirs, I visited LawrenceviiK Motitoom which place I mei friends from lht adimng counties, who,-warmly urgeI upon me to come out ris a candidate; acd jn the 27th of FebVy, i made known to them tk-o I WjlTtJrl .jt-i sn.lll... T ll 1 . . "i wpHis announce Jt lolhe State al-lurgein a letter to n,n j-m, . 11 t . - ... J.U4VII lommtttec, hcCrpimg Hn-ir n6minatoa. j ninenextoaytheS I comniunica. ted ; to the Hon R..lrl Strange ihe factjaf my having come out J od then foT ihc first time learned lhat he h iii received .a Iniri octor Watson, ptie of ihc Central Commit, tee; asking him to repair to Raleigh Un the 4th of March, for ihe purpose of making a nominariun, I . i' - 1 Finding myself lhas awkwardiv fJ.-l !i asked of Jode Strange io nddrpS : i,J-i,. Dr.! Watson isf.-.-.-nin? Kijn nf U:,:;. that 1 had come out in gond faith, and i that t wou.d mtio even! be driven frm th Ifi had taken, 'under the advisement of mf friends the day I previous. Jn.l wu ... uay, tne vstii, informed Dr. Watson .1.1-.- -i . . . - r.- -V. ues, exp-essing a, decided: pre ference in 'my fa vor and urging tipyn the Stat Central! Com niitiee to apprise mo? the rcof and 2sk nU nr.. i.. t . ..y .. t i ;,l ,f i;i thou itl::, ai;J . . .eSi!j l "t t!u? rLrrKr -r i Sta' . .t very i-JitioRablt-; wl.irh Ic'iii f n i.i" i:o i-ieseiice. i-:iit .. .1 ... , tl.-i: a c.j:i;s.i.:n hJghr Lc kTouht ii1n:t, ; well kt:i: iLX I wA i:tt in V ' r u i:h ihe " Ra!ei-hXo,V u:t t I wrute a ltrir toi the . Cutor n,' i" d.ird.v 'J'his letter, with .the bao . ... JuJ "j Strange, vaa m tiled at Cheraw. j. (J. oti lite Ut ef March. yIu my ktcr to W. V (Itddcn; who was jmc of the. Comv.-.Itte, I informed him of v!ml bad taken j iace, and authorizctl mid requested him to make known 10 such ol tho committee ?s might meet, un ihe 4'h, my "position, and .expressly staled, that ct uning out as I did, and l the time I did, that I wuoU give place to no noinina. 11 n the Committee might make. On retain. it home from LawrenccviHe, I wrote my lot. ur of acceptance lo the An sou Committee, and enclocd it" dirttl'y to ihe SiHndard" for publication. This letter was mailed on the 2d of March, nt Che raw, S. C , and must trivo riael.eJ- Raliogh on tho 3rd at night; ut.J on the 5ih of March I again addressed him a letter, feaiing a miscarriage. On the 9.1i of March I vit d Anson Sr pcrior Court, when and where I again nvtdo it known that I was a candidate, O.a the 12:h of March, John W.; Ellis and Judge Strange, two of tho Central Gmmit. tee,.nt my n quest again addressed a Irtiter to the Editor ofthe Standard. 'Tic loiters weie handed to Mr. Guionol ihe Ci'y of Ri leigh.aud by him I presume were deliverd ti leasi by. the 15th. .. " What the leiier of Mr. Ellis Cfintainc d 1 know not, but was informed bt Judr Strange that he slated in his letter, that I wasihe-u at lending Anson Court, and was fairly in ihe field, and thai he again advised that I he re be no collision of inter t's. ' O.i my return home from Anson C uirt, 1 found a leiter from ihe Editor ot ihc Sund. ard, dated tl.e 8th of March. He ackimwt edge the reccp-ion of( rnv two letters, but said nothing t bout rny. letter of necrptancp, which I know he must have rtcritcd, bvth letters referred lo it. He stated thai Use rr embers of ihc'Commitlce about Raleigh had written lo the oilier member nf the Com- miite in different p trts of the S.ate; n-quet-ing among other thingi, that they would ex press a preference betw-en Ja. B. Shepnid nnd myself, and thi as soon i.h ihe-y were heard from, a CmdiJitc would bo,?brou"hl forward. ' , j These arc life facts ofthe rnicj- I re-Tct exceedingly that any ci.llisi.m Khoii!dD bt brought nbfut, for w req iire'our whole aud undivided strength at the present crisi. - I owe ii, thereloro, lo 'frit nds wlui have been most active in bringing me out, as wt-ll ns to my own character j not to with draw, and will canvass tho Slate if I do not get 500 totes. In conclu.ionrit will be seen whether the Democratic party of the? S:ate, tho men who do the battles ofDv mocracy at the balot box.. s, who neither seek or elesire ofilcc, will .sufTe:r to be put down an humble individual, who, under every vuieiv of shade, has ;been true to their pi iueijdes," or whuihe- thev are mere puppets, in the hands of po'iiiral wire workers in and about the city of RaVigh, who now, as heretofore, ''really seem hrpress.-d with the belie! that Rdeigb, like P uis, is the St .ie, and ihst every citizen , imii bow.' iJ their dictatiiin. ' For one I am lo bo. dictated to b ti.i sncl. irrenponsibli! clique; and whet! I say ihi, mean what I say, for the Convention never having au.horized by resoluiion, the provi. ding fur liny such ro'ntiiigtmcy, tins exiM-t-ise of this right w as nothing but a nakt d nssump. tion .-of. power, without any n-spotiaibditt whatever. In truth, the Convcnlion ha j iiotjihi pow er to give; they were but themselves the re iK-cnon ot tne people; and when tit- y had iriminated, their power was at nn cud. In any thing I say, I do! nol intend to eensu., in ihe most remote degree thoc membeni of the Commit! re who reside out of the c-ii of Raleigh. They arc n.t in tho! idiglu, i degree responsible fir what Ins beeii brTnight about; and from mv knowledge ofthe -nM... men, although they m;iy have preferred Mr.'! Shepardto myself, yet'l Cannot bunhinkj nau, uiey been present when the Raleigh "clique" were assured of my being in ihe field, that no opposing claim would, have been set up. In this I feel partly warranted, from tne hiirhmtnded and honnniblo rfw.rco ..hLr.h Judge Strange pursued, for although not hav. ing the least agency in bringing me out, yet, when notified of ibe fact, he magnanimity "Iternptcd to pcnir oil upon iho Tioliiica'l waves. - I To you the subject "matter. is referred, and I most cheerfully abid. your decision.. Respectfujlv Yours. j ' , ' : : W. F. LEA If. , March 19. 1846. ! i , At a lale election in Memphis, three printers were successful cand:ditrss one was elected Sheriff, another AL., arid-the third Constable , - We o:iM like to know' what iho business is corning to, whe-ii ihuso who follow. it have no more pride ihan to 'ccept such iifaces ! Pretty fellow's, truly The deserve the uni versaranathrnas of the craft for llius lowering the dignity of ilieir. profession. We should not won '-r if tnuac u them could be found after a ..j - with r j i.iore spirit 'than to ac cept a st ,neng il,3 blackguards at Wash, ington! "O shame where is thy b!ish P ' - Th Hon. Henrir Clat- o -lias epsr t ns, went - (says .csday) up the t the Alexander i rievr Orleans, several months in I.'ew Orlr the .Mobile Register Af Wt river on Saturday afterne Scoit. During bis resident, as the Jt fiVrsonian tells us,. , Jed r.cely wiih l!;e citizens witbrM ?;itni;,,r, ,.r --- -- - ..inviruu ui pariy , was welcomed by all, and' left with those benedictions and goad wishes which sho-j always atiend a great Salesman, lJO irs rendered eminent services to his country. rJohnP; HeissrEq., of the Washin-tbn . rn, has been sentenced to, nnv r. ..r fi.iy.dollars fttrbis assault on ! r- -ir 1 Grr7 month of November hsK. ' ' Vera C; uz, . I It v.-; s I i!...r.i ' i. ' ' ! il;?l: rpatr lo n .1,' "?r. -:" 3 lade CCp;i; ' .Jit tiI..J. I. a r.cte r..' '.e.J Ly l.iui to l! I.aJ I : rr..o ttUiLer or i.:it I.Jtl. MlJiwjIveJ ---! t';'i;.ions dllTerc J as U lU r-:-!:h was " i J thai 'Mr: C"J.!1 wcu!J cwaU tt tx . . eiht days at JNpi. . J, The U.. S. brig ef war C;i:v.:rs cr,I- j u Vera Crux on the Uh ult, Oao fiij-.j aad ihree sloops of war cf the gulph f ;uadroiv were lying al Sacrificios. A British Lloo?l warwM!ulso'iherr: " The iatesl dales from the city cf Mexrco n rr In il.-J I .' . n i - . - .... ,,., uuijf, ikvmors i;au renciieg there ot the advauee cf our army upon the- RioGraide. FrnmVr. i.; o. . . - "W K fidf tl.i r..t i. .1.. ... ...v vutpu ami lii. Urondc -the. prospect ,10 Mexico from the . S. was deem, cd hwstile. ' . - t The .Mexicnn Omecrs were busy drumming "P suppiK-, t. ri I invasion. -The Mexican think they will to able lo concentrate ;e900-' men on the Ri. n.-.. I... .k.. i General Ampudh is said to bavu reached! as far as St Louis Putosi "on bis wny'lu'cumb. mand ihe -Army r ihe North." , A - - : : " 7f7JIonirafnilw'nlo D, .ciatic Ao. ciation for building a . mnnumer.i to' G,u Jackson, at the. City of Washington, bavu - bud out their work on a owgnificeot scale.- " ' For instnnee they iately "Rcsalccd, That to' forward this plan ofV iHMiur to iho ilhistrousjldead, ihe Democi'acf should uroanizo h th,.!-. l - i t so until i,c pdVyull tower. JLJU cW, . i.nK.r!h..l,Vf wd unelmngeahlc e videi th't themiilcqdes -with which h, IiiIt ir. ....j:, np p the country, have .vitality ia our breasts." - ,. Mr. Chalmers pr. M nt. din the S. ..r Ihe Ui.iiJ.1 SM.SorJ 'lWsd.y,.,he rndvii. "is o i, H.,ii. TJ inn inn r i. ft.m ilw State of T xas, whi. It Mr Ruk was qualified and t,.ir his .eat. He w SJ,i( ,t " pP;reullv r.boot d( ..r ... , I' .r-- i win a dark o.,pkAion,ha.rof a very dark brun and a frai.k ..jen ,.untenan.-r. - M. D-. Ai ihe recent (omniencrmmt of iho Med el 'f he . State of Sou.l. C-rolinaj 74 gem leim u received the D.grrw ofDoetor of M.dieiM., i.mong tl ,,M.,0 were from Noith Caroliu Geo. C. Nwby and Sam tel A. Minis of F.v. -li-viT-r tJ Ii CmpM , Moore eoumi; W.. E. p, inilll New 11 nover eouu; j, A. 'M.:D.iwVL Ash ville couti:v. nnd W,. D. Wh'iu. d, i:,.tHK( Thomas Rilchie. Jr. The ! f (Va) Tunes of ihc 2thh ult. njs:-.Vo l-rinhn Mr. Th.noas Rm,hi... Jr , ,urrrn. dei:d hims, U at Chest t-t fir-1.' Court IIus-, and was duly eomrui.t. J Tm-mLy Jaf:t, ul ail hin t-ial. which will ro,,,,. tn ftl',hc '""g ,rm of ihe Sojn-rior ClIrt rt,m-"-nciiig Wednesday next. II0 d.d Uoh k to be admitted to , He waived !-s privijege of .-xamin.,,;,,,, be fore .a rail. , v-Hin, aiju auhiiuts iuin.s. If f for trial at oik-q before '.In iperifir C 'Urt.", . The K g and (J,,, ..,, f iWijt hurc denied tu hcuvw Evangriieal Lu herai, con. reg itiou of Si. P.,ul ,, nl Wa.hii,gio, D. Isome M-rviee o w.mmuuiou plate names iuscrib..-! wi ii. The trvl was made throui;!. B .ronth. fW.h ' C, a h;iu wiih theiij sent at ion I the Pruss : an Minister at WahinM.n- 'n Washinm Union saysi-Si. PaulVftmh.. ran church is now building in Washinou. If is Gothic in it, nrebiuxiurr, and, when finished, uill ltr an .' .. . city. Less of alPaclrrt SUj, and Six Utes Tho lackctfchtp Henru'Clau. 1.;.. the Liverpool line, yW t g, sailing obt of thep,rl V-New Yo,kas wrecked On the 2 I I, ult., ,,0 Squa Beach,- ? wt.hitt ,a mile of the place : wheru the John Miutarn vyas luaindii, of the pass c'ngc r. , were drutpecMB . aitempthigo get on sho're. . rfldUtaesi?c;ii-.Thc Philadelph;: U. S. Gazet esaysWehaVein our power, to . stale lhai during yesterday c:: arrangement was made) by, which ihe claim of the United States against the Bank of the United Cutca--m I)rovidcd far. DarVs tfets are- "T " Tom-ine lt?n of t:3 GarrrnmrM and its a flii n now be more readily settled. Tliis arrap "t t --a thii ;a mI..!... i ... be of v. ' i i- .t iO-th--, ,o.sly awa,..3.a ?edy sct.Ie.r.cci of tho. ffuwol tUr,.. insthutbn. . TTih iff. Durin? the "vV . hinst., there had ber 337,843 barrels or rurpemme eV. 7 barrels ol t.r, ,nd 44,. v.??7 nf l-r rricd lo and sold at -i-ainsVia r - Th4 estimated value of the articles is Ol ,2o0,C0a; ! , fe 'crei,--.vera! attempts h to fire d v.;.n-s in the citT of have beeo. Raleigh- .evenny, avhicli proved unsuccessful i Ahatizzd Fair.h U contemplated to h"J at the City cf YasLing!-n, soma lime io the month of May, a national Fair lor the exhiUtionjof American art and industry, ia all the bra'Gchea of domestic labor.- - '

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