-":vi :, ,m: r h v V ' ':; 'v'i -v :r , y ,; :; ; : ' h : I !:- ::,v... -i.:.-' -LVJ L -1 s N't-" ls--:!r.A.U i - - ; V. ir i, , . , : - : L-n s i. ! - 1 I r: " , - runs -'J ' v s."' row .i i..' .1" '. ' , C' 'i '-. ' ": : ." . .- i- k TXRV ft --ler-'eral 1 oi". VOL. Vt--- ASIIBVILLE,! N. C. FRIDAY $1 , ' -t'.J S i V j f. - - " i .. .'.;,! i ., - y .. ; -. ", ::.;or Tin: bncr;:s .'.p r Tn IK'IAII w!!iii toe year. . ; !xj dt-if hnt'iui t, cievpr 41 trie op. iii'.I all nrr''ir4jrt nil.f. b irt- it- J V. ' . DuIXV I. i-r il.c " I-1""" or f''"'' Y ! ' ? rt - ''TXH"' I ' f f infen ion ! -"vd r. ' 1 fci ir.. J ' wi" thenar .c.oriheadvertiwicviit v nu- rJ t il Pr!J. and thtrZ'd aco.rfdiny. Curt Or. 4. r i'l b" clurrd u.t doJUri;iiv.it.b!y. fT rliair'-K f.ir aiinnoncinjlhe naie- ul frcurKlU ' 41 ir e,7 S30 V adkU,'fc' or - 3 CJ f pay. rii.nt be'd. Uv'i. ' ,' - Lttu ra ll.e Ed.trr mutt : mii; fr. e or p-vi &Ic cf ValaabPc Real Evlale. ' 'jy viftuo of d crce midq in iht" Court of Dpt. IT f r Uu'ii""!! County, "' J!iPr,r? Trm, lblii, in i rae m J'd Court jMiding, w fun in Mira Vici, Girard.an of the infant lie iris ut D. Vance, oc. . crMiw-t w Complainant - r-i M. L. Ncdn and hi ttif; Lmirwfl re lKf l-'I "hall i.JT.r that vul: "iiaV f-rra ncHiheljiinmr la id on Iic,tm Creek Wl4in"inj to the Heir r.fcl.vid , V.nv, iKceascd, iur ffTl. u,ilf Lisl'fi bidder ,'on ifit? I3:h ,f Ju..t nrxt. TV mI t'1 ' n 'con i:'e pr nnJ i o:ie iri.j'rcUclii or putrUu mijl!uu lo iVioulil bjt, 'n i ff dil of on, lwfi llirciv fuur. arid iro y:ui f !l iBtrrot fniiin"1- Onelhird of Hie iurcli;it! nin-j if 1 duhe first year, and tltg rvtirjiiudir in foiiVrquiI lifVt'tr. llie jt:irciuxrr or pnrchas. fit iriviM b-in J and approve d frrimfy. ! -- Af.O.nl liic MilUori ly. f-rmTiy tho pr.rfy . ftt K. II Hoghcy,. I ttlH wsid Md! and uiu' itjulTil jjrrra of adj-Jinm l.ind,1 rt a crt dii 4f iint art J tart yrarn, witit list.nt from JU", oh tliu l'2'b dy otJmut next Tim j)uu lia? r cv in f UmiI and' approved tacurily. (Tu bo boid ly tirlye . oi the tame di'rrt't;. i A I. D. SAWYER, c.i.'n, , Miy , 19l6.Jp-"td-. ' ,: 1 293 f Valuable Toirn P.roxscpiy lor i in 1 The 'undersigned will cll. It thn l.iolvett bidd- r, 011 Wtilnextlay of the Hxliu Cuuit at II'udersni(; vtlie, ilheiiiffllie 2 Hit il ty'of Jnnt- next, their valu. alt'e wm inn in the town of. H-nl rvoii vt!Ie, cqii. lt)lijr'of . J , ,. i; EICHT Hit F ATBE iTfl'AS LOTS, four ct which aro in onn block, Torminj an cwliie twndv ft ,t- acrx's of land.Hininediatt ly. on'the Nriiith.west eurner ot Hie tVihn Sq:i;tre. nnd thif U oilu r f-'iir Ms iinmedutety t .e-fc of the fcit m the puirte rmijje, , funning u'rioliirr: block of two acre(, .Imvihit 'a drain of wer pasih-r iliruiivli if. J Tin re 1 hI a eOiamod ou- .nul wlitly 1, " . TWO STOEIV l201!SFMV-, a ehinmev at e;irh er.di nnd an entry ji the miil!le with a Dininn roui Httd Kil '. i running off in the form of Sn ell, wi II fliiish i ofl'.Hiid mewj hIm'i, anoMur U ) t'rf hHi-e y- it h i ' huutiey in the 'middle; al-, a'new and well 'rn't j - I -FRAMED STAULE,:.. ' j v '' ' 1 MnriiT, wilh stalk emu utly arrnnjed. fin 1li premises, all Well fixed, ituJ convenient for a lM.e U"Ue,r r;vn1e U.: ' nee.:. l A credit of fix, ttvilve, .1.., k tIdern months, wi'l he (riven, bv tlic-pureliiiter g'.ving' nolc and spprnvru seeni ny. , Y-r fun Iter pjriirti'ur 11 rp liiny be lottnJ'i tlii" jrt ni:ae y to IJ--?j- Kiiij, t' KM-IIA'KIN't UISX'J. KING. Fasliioaablc Tailoring Eslablisluiijeiitj 'JUST rcc ivcd. a splendid sheet of Fashions for' Spri-ig and Suimntr, 115. j I lender tny gia'vful ncktiowled.tments to niv fni i;ds and culnineru for pftst fiivors,' and hope to ne t and "toneril a continue alwrn of their sopporl. I fi.t!tT nyse'f from -my 1 jx nerieej and lie regular sorrcs-ji-nid-'nee Pkeip npwith tlie North, to luroislfi my utrons with the l itent and most approved njlyK of fashion. Neat fititj jtimkI-workv and prompt; attention to bosim ss wdl be our motto. These promises ntd! good, and all . reasonable demands obeyed..' Priee uioderate Jliop Nortli-Uisl cf the mirl-houie.' f , One cne pair of cryoki:g iers fr sale Mc. DUNN. Mjy t?, 1816 tf, 29S -oiiU-tcvu narsiiony. 'A large utock of tbn-above work'jmt teceived KtiJ fur sale che.ips Mercliats and Olivers desiring 'I. an be furnished by the ! n. TKIN. A. T. SliyMEY1 . ! Will stlend In the'uftering "otes a,tUhe Ba(k of Cane Fear in Aslieville eithejt for discount or rcew- ithejt l. Prsms entrn-t him with tin tr business mav . relr upon ksbi -mg attended to promptly and careful n.l he will in all eases retiirn as soon a posible it an an aoeo IU be: t of his transact iorvs. 1 ItMve to- refer to anv of ties prbruit e it huints9 mtm of the place. -, . 13... V ...! ri o.,, i4b. If 2S8 ' lTl. G. II. TREEMA?i, would respectfully tender his professorial services ' to the citixens of Western" North Carolina 'Jo the 'various branches of his Pnr. -i .e, hut especially in the cure of Can-i-ers and standing which have hith erto' been pronoun.' ' ncmiible. Dr. "Freeman, has r.uiiitK rof certitk f -es performed by him, tlut !j tf-l(. ai., , ., ; ,i,u,i,t- that he can cure ny Cane, r li ; , r 10 six davs. while there artt several t, i, . ;. w m LSunoo'mbe County to whom rcfircnce is 1., 1 V who will cheer" 'ly ie&tlfy touieiact of Iu3 .having perfumed, ra J" ' 1 cures. .te may be consuitc d at his residence on IV 'reek. t three mites from tVT. Chunu's Dridgc, 0:1 t . West side of French Croad Hirer, or byhtter Pul paid directed to Lapland PostOScc, Buncombe County, ... i. v. ., , '-" .- '; ' - u V .t ' ,',,' ( ;s .' IV. n "' " '' li" .. . ' '..'!:..." North r Suth Carolina,' Gefgia atH Tcnnesse, tad;tHiM rec'itf iui;vnt. Kij knM. where tliey would hare the advantage of his medical attcn-H ?i u,uu Cur s perfectly cffected.Mlis charges Ut all timet be muderate'and in proportion to the tcrvicet n- ndered. ! i Refer to Cob HODGE Ka tUN, , J. M. RICE,E.a. . : MTfLETON PARHAM. Buncombe Co N. C. km. 297 Mr 1, 1846. JAMES -M S 31 ITU IS now receiviq pltndid Mock of at his bid stand a and 8C.1SOXAXSX.Xj goods, wh'chheoClraafthelowcstl'prices.- - " 1 II3 stock iafull andunuselally rich.afid those who want FIliST RATE bargains are invited, to the old scind.' - . . . V -. . As his Goods were laid in with much care, and every Ucthty for purchasing chea" 'd, he f 1 tiers fcirastlf that if his old customers w..t 1 ;r.i a call rrctiKJi T'ticios -oi barter taken ' .iange fJtatc, ofmlTanh Carolina. jcpBLK-ON C UXTf. Sirpcrixr Court of L-r, Sjvlas Termt 14G InclKrilrmjetoaitortJ r ri)adr ly bis honor Uich. morni M. Pt-ron,'t tUe prwX icftk of thiaOmrt, an fttra tj-rrri" o(rtid Crfirt n ordrred t3 be litld at V..e Court , 1 nine in IIciidcrwnvi!!r, on lin- 4ih "51n Zy in Jine'nei:t; wh n and w litre all rwrtie, witffip, andKuitcm havin auitjt, r caun to be iit-ard or !i'l.rrmirn-l in iid IVwirt, are 'rrqucFted to be in attendatnee, a 4 frfhtf ordered tltatptib l.rMiiin thrr'of b madj in tl?II;;fihnd Msecr. , WiriH J, iirX C. Gr!'ictc, Clff k of Mid Court, at ofiW. fir Mo'ni.iv afitr tlc fourth in Match, A..D. 1316. ; ; "'"!., " J.C-jGULLICKCrk. .UCi-i- J D. ij TI- alnurn jr-wnrd will ue eircnTorttie apprelien. ion of CoI'i:iin y. Jurruy, wl was let tint ofl tne Jail of Ncwpiirf, Tciriiicudcf ttf.mnnt of faltm kryt, rrj it- night of the lllh irifct. Ilebad on In n he "af in f rin, a jrn-j mixed pncs roat, brtiwn jam-t putt anij black hat, all much orn. lie i0 or 5$ y ar of au has darE hair slightly Itii'v; Las a lirl iesr on tike back of his haivd, I believe tiiC rl.t I.tid, M"hili Mtma to haveTx-fn caiJM-fl by anjet'jfid in-tnjmfnt; ti-eiphs !63orJ65 (xHmdai, ik abrit 5 feet 9 nr 10 inches high. " " Said .Murray was in( pi ion hf-re for priseinv coun. t rfui go! J coin, utd is, supjKjsed-to belong to a elan rf coMiilctfcilrrn in jliig county, and the counties of Uunrombe and Yney, N, C. Gentlemen of the old N-irllt Stat tvA out fur f'-- rural. ,' . , i ; ! t:ncku hxry, v - i , I Jailitr9fC-i. County, Tjnuessee. April 2 f. -13 15, -293 4 1. i!;At;j h ISOTlCE.r y.V , , ' All tIii)Rlh)eltcd to Pr, Jidm Diekson, wi!! find their acc 'tints land nt'i In ths hands of tlie under. ined, who jo Im authorized ajjent to settle his hu inrj". -f: ,:'..:' 4',,,' " jj.,,;" .''. .A;"-. irw ', Persons owioffanl wlini-CLjiotetr or accounts arc due tire earnestly requested to. mako payment. " K. - . ! . r , If v - ' 1 1 " ; - ! i I A.' T. ;SU M M EY. 1 .ApHiai, 146. S0G4t. . - , - ' Taken up hyf the subscribers in Henderson county. North 'Carolina, on i the 13!h tnt.. a ctrtatu negro m;in by the nume cf AlFllICK who was re. rcntly taken fonj this county by 11 -nj. Kjd, E.-qr., and Kold in ,Snu'U Carfinaj . t I Said negro. Is lodged in jail, and the owner is re. spectfuMy reqp-nted tti como forward, pay charges and -take tuidj ifi-gr, pr he will be dealt with ac cording to law. T. W. TAYLOR. f W. M ERR ELL, Sr. Anril jjl, IfS;G 9f53p V'l WILL t-elj, as Tfuitcei to the highest bidder, on the 2?lh of July next, nt 1 he. Court House in Marion, McDowill county, NJ C, the uplendid tract .of jiind i furtnerlw owned by Ch i rles Carson, Contain ing upwards of 300 acres of Bottom Land tin; a high elate of cultivaMon, lying on bolh, wdes of the Catawba river, adi timing .Pleasant Gardens. On loo place is a neat for a Saw tine Merchant Mill, and a suitable Mill. -The oul lands adjoining are very ex'c.n.ivcj and u preat deal of t fine, upland It will ull he socl in ene! tract, and is regarded us un Cqiialitd in- fertility", t he most desirable place, com bining more advantagesj than any other tract to the 'ize of if. in tlje wet tern part of North Carolina. livery effirl. hijs heen made to redeem it, but failing, ( has rilaci i'l in market an eftate that will not perhaps for ages he fi.trt d aj ain. v 1 A portion of jt!i' pi;rrJiusa;moneyii!y be required down;'lut tenps iwill In- as accommodating as pos- i-ible to I punctual ' purchase rrt. . Particulars made known on day pf al;J j " . ',- -!'.:.: ' ji. (vs.. f''T.'C. CARSON.--1. - April 21. ISjCf 2)6 tdO Cfrcd 'Har gains ! -CiVT EEj BCJ.TIN, ALL fREHIOX!! , j j CALL IAXD SEE US . . i Are juit rccejvihg tm(i opening a splendid ' .4 ' - I STOCK OF GOODS, i " " I r "'.."5. "' "" j j .. .. I : . . '"'" '' ' fresh from lhcfra$tcin cities, which they, promise and positively iec1ar; shall be sold as low, if not joivcr, llian any other jlioods, let thtm coinc from wliat quarter lley(ma3". j . 1 1 J'-It is usual tojlioast through the medium of an ad- vt rtisemcnt, and promise a great manv things, not expected to be! pt 1 frmod, but we only ask a call. litat we roav povc now iar our assertions may ue believe 1.; if you?.wtitil!a bg load of Goods for lit tle moni'v, eoititi amf stie us, and you shall not be disappointed. .- ! It will be sptlioiontly satistactoty, e hope, to ay lhat our st ck tSjgcnra? and complete, compris ing aim 1st every art c Is usually in dem ind in this country. "The sch hts bvvn selected wilh care and judgment, and (mm 'our knowledge in matters appertaining lollhis business, cannot be beaten for beauty quality and cheapness aoy where in the back ;ountry. 1 ' - - - . 'r . -Vi -With due defi re' i:e to our competitors, we will ray v inUnd to bct.t tht m. if we can by fair arid honorable means, fend i( we find 'we canl, why tlren we can't. I , " ' ' We inlepd id do a much as possible a prompt bu siness, as w-c'interid our profits io be so, low that in dulgence cannot, hor ought not, to be eipqitcd. We kindly admonish our old custom rs not to de vert us, and wci pledre ourselves they ll not be sorry fox it. Stick to us like broth.ersjj nd we as. sure you that no gol reason tor ccml'tint sua ll be given,leilher for-;wunt of accommodation- or good bargains. ' f t A. B. &. J. S. CIIUNN. ! jVv Bi All kinds "of country produce will betaken in exchange for Goods, on the most aceommodatintr terms, such asj Beeswax, Feathers, Wool, Tallow, and Fur Skins jn proper season, t .. . Abbeville, Fb:Stwtf i 237 ;. J.i::i:S P-j IUKDY, Ashenllf, N- c , Will attend to the offering of Notes cither for dis count or renewal, t the Branch of the Back of lane Fear at thhs place, and will . make the settle. ments and paylnentif upon Notes each renewal day. The mail facilities Irora thii pl-ice to every part of tin rmmtrv are euli that hitea may be sent and the money receive'! , oy niau who ,uui hoib i ojm ! . i , .. .... 1:1. 1 . it '.. risk.' The mop' - irrai aiiennon win oe giveu iu at! siir'i I i:-i'-- - tdto my care, ana an accu. rate acccvn ti- """" j barges will 1 - ?r-- ' ' FUR SKIIS S j WANTED. W William- wi'-l purchase all the coon, Tox, ot ter, mink, and wild cat skins, brought to him, at the highest market pn?--s, p 6 .j: Feb sij tf 'i -J : :, , : . : '.Aiv-.,;'. a . RIO" COFIfElRj - 10,f"" pine ' 3 of hest rio coffee jaat received and attl. ; r RANKIN & PULLIATI. Apt.; a.is-r4-tf. ; - -. 3 MAN V FACTURED TIN-WARE :Of"puperio'r entity, riveted and warranted not lo V P t,ls filter i sola" ,arSeJl"?"tit!cfl leak RANKIN & PULLIAM. Aprfl3,lc"i$ ifpnrtfn gbUIIVVI A.S!r.CHAu::,TA:E'. '. ' CHAPTER lir. I M-i ; l" ' :" '.' ' , m j.. 4 1 . :...' ':-' I THtf OJCADLY Nnvvrtf ' ' To rrmnrln jtf;rr this occurrence S.-rjc-ant Ilug!.cs .was seated in hi quarters "at Colotu bii, hi$ wife, a-fiue ttuktnp; nvilron, smtod oj'Msiie tal.im; and hU d iughier Mary, tkviutiful tfj..- lit? of filtteen,' prtMcnding to lie- bus-ify t nj;-ii d Miiih mnie svwing ttl.t' viiiluw. The' Sgeant :ns very grave hi his aspect jm ihen, and irt asan g..Kl hd he t hi- so, for ahh.jjoj jusi returned 'fnm a hard nnl d-ingerous exctlrsiicm n the kin thun )f Kand v he round that he was .required to set out ag;tin iinjnciiiaiely upon another exp'dition. ; " ' 1 ' 4H. avYrtgrant, th-ar Thomas," s-id his wife, "ih it this horrid war m.iy soon come t an end. I am h;df districted at every tmise ! henr; nd T never can ttir whther Votir lifts is safe from oneday to another. Oi! I wiih it wan eiirer all d tet or that we were vt II nrr of il." ' X ' VV. II! Well! my.' denr womnn, wishing M-iitA rn-ike it any different," sa the Ser irfnntjrnthfr" impatiently, "and os J tnust X", I 'wish you wouM get me a few pairs ' of . 1. ..... 1 . .. 'i must' MiK-Kitis t ppKe to von nbfiut Ma ry , my dt ar,"Hjd he lofhii daughter, "will The Mcdcllhr's: Vc you "a.over to Mrs. jMooney 's and gel "me oX)tcn l"k possi'ssion of the lovfzartictjun. pouni a ii iou tero: 1 . MrMook down her bonnet and shnwl and instantly wc"nt out. ' . When. she wns gohethe Srjfeant wife, after fining to rh windW; to see if she was nelulljverosinj; ih'e street, turned, ronnd to her huhtnd, and addressed hurt, ' ' 'Thomas," sa id she, Vl am . afraid that then'- Is something wronr with Mary. I hive noticed Lieutenant Wilson lingering about these rphrters where he certainly can have no business nt unseasonable hours. And one night in p-irticiiiar, that is the night before last, I found Mary's ehamber des'erted, he did nut corre home until after twelve I heard her going up stairs. She does not know that I know it. Out J wish you Would see toil before it is too lale.";1 tJ Vt l, J:ine,,fc replied j the Sergeant, "I can do nothing now. ; mustobev my orders and so 1 sfnll have to depend upon yeu to re m inslrnte with Mary and i bring things right ngain. I do not believe that Lieutenant Wil son would dare, jin, do anv ilhing dishonorable towards me. 'fT hrf should,-, it will bfa the wore for him, as he cnhu know." "t i ;,Do not trust to that," said the wife, "he would rfn re to do ffny thing." V . "I cannot help it," rejoined the Sergeant. VI nm sorry if Mary has so far forgotten her. sell as to conduct in ! such i n manner bjit "I have to h ave directly and what can I do? I s iv ng'iin, yon must do thabe'st you can till T come back ngain." ! j. "So it seems," snid his wife, and tshe ikent up stairs to iet her hu.shnnds stockings ,( We cannot tell wh'H it Iwas that impelled hp .Sergeant to go'lo the jwindow where his "daughter ha left her sewing .work. What, ever it wa, whether curiosity or mere ac cident it i eerain thai he found ihere some thing wliieh, if his countenance was anv in. dex to his fi;elings; aroused every evil pas. in within him. ! j ' J,,. ' 'i I' w-s a small note which he found en the floor between his da tighter chair and thmwalh Th-x Sergeant took iv up rtjvd rend av follows, D-'ar Mary, I have contrived to. get your f'Mher.srrri rn an expedition ',thisiafternoon. Do pot he alarmed--It isj noifiing of cohse -jnence nnd will do : no further mischief, to him thSiYi to keep him out of our way for sev eral davs. lie willlenve ihis-fvening. We ennnot meet in the old place tor I hajve rea son to believe we are. watched, but I will manage to see vou this evening,' nevertheless. t you win leave ihe jalousies open. Yours ever.. r, , - . n. w. It was evidently a letter! in the hand -wri ingot" Lu Wilson. I ' The most remarktble quality of the Ser. geant, wis !h promntttude with whieh. he de cied. Oh this oeeasion his mind was made up' directly. Carefully, replacing the letter hejook his equipments andsxamined every thing with J he most scrupulous nicety. While thus engaged his daughte came'in with the tobacco. He took it from her. and the most practiced reader of the human countenance would not have imagined that under ihe bright Kjnile with which he received it, was conceal ed an -agony more bit'er than ihe hin of death W e are riot going to describe Mary Hughes. Let it suffice to say that she was so beautiful, it whs a mouse no pities Ihnt she was not more, virtuous. " She cust down her eyes b fore her father and walked to her chair with. iiu saying a word. JVVhershe sat down the Fwraennt. who Wna walrtiih War fWimr r,,l or his' sh togy brows, saw her start and change col t. She looked .over to him. He nretend. ed to oe busier than ever over his accoutre. menis. . . 1 I The moment she thought herself unob. served, she held up the letter to .the window anc he saw wuh blazing eyes lhat shexthen put the accursed missive in her bosom. Ris ing. care.fully, as if (J hang up his belt, 'he uagru io lous out of ttie wiadow,anti ni worst suspicions were rounrmed. Liotenant WiUmVas walking iQ fmnt- of the house.-' - Pi gently his wife-came in with ihe stockings.' Hisb 'ggage was very quickly packed, for he took no more than i ho could carry in his 1'tvre "sack f and be stood readv for departure. j,,.-., , jj..hju UVtr, mrtry "'Miu he kissed his daughter forjthe last Umei U fill ii sor and it was with m soul lorn wiih the keenest nnguUh that he left the quarter. In. Uead of gng, dirrjly to the- government house; his icrended dctinationr he stepped into n narrpw alley which led to what i call ed the- "Black Town" After travelling nlong this, for im time he turned into a s .if narrower lane which ied from it into, u "-irt:'f Curt. Going tu! the end of thi he knocked at it .law4 door jat.thdr bottom f a flight of steps. It was opened t a him by a very tandseme native woqaanr who smiled pjfully.wben she saw him. : "(i.wl d'i tav"ou, S ;in," saiijti(? fjHbk i e s S I ra h a le e , 1 uc ' ( I r i t; c tr) i n he husel"r.- 7 . h f '.L-: : : : I '" ' :'' f,ye.i," s!n- n p.!rd in :he same liugu-ge, atvJ -1. " r. ii bff.tre'tiim lightly t:p thf" stairs. Oj vrie a lutice doT, she iutruducid him t the Si: -ghalese; Prnice. - ' r, i . Hi ws sluing in a large m thogaryislnir as t naked as when he cam iaio the woiUIs-ivo a thin muIin wrapper, ami bty rwjagvd in eating mangoes.' Ill- way .was tut select the fruit" from a lilverldish on hichj it was pi iced near Vis hrvi and sucking out tlu tie. licious ; Tcon'ents1, drop thu riud and slur ;!e an earthen rens'el of WaU-r.' When hc.v;a rd the &rgeant behind .him, hs suspended ope. rations, it nd wrapping Ids muslin indi?ensib?e round him with oue-ilnnd,. reaching uurtlie other to" the scrgant 'in the Huropran fashion, all stained with Manghjniee. llisituntin fls somewhat "difTrent, j to bo sure, bul it was ikjI difScult f recrgfiize in lii noble -ciun lennnVp-and haiightj learing the undaunted spirit which twit months before h"d iyhddrd tnly to theexiremiiyld torture. A scarround his noble forehead i-showed where the flam, ing circle had rested. It was indeed the, Sing, hulese prisoner r whose life Hugh,es hd spared on the battlefield, now restored to his rank, and a Piincc among his people. j 'What wants ,my friend Hurjhesl skjd the voting Prince in his own rnu-i 'al tongue, 'D es your highness remember Liieuten ant Wilson," Vaid the 3rgeant. ; - h i It Ls utterly ifttpossible to convey i?t.. ho re- mutest notion of thr tijier liko fi erecness letvi .anceat tills lit.ftit nanr. F.verv fentnrn wn cyhdsed. At lerg h he. burst forjth "D 1 forget -him? ; May his soul rest ' in dirkness! Do I not 'cany with m ai etcel lent. rememhrancer?" he" exclaimed, touching his frrehead-,,Speak , what of the d-g?".!"' t 'What if I can putjtimin ih&pawer!of your -liiglmess??; " ! - isSee jtheh, ,- said ihe Prince and taking him bv the hand, he led him up to what np. peared t bo the jbare walF.4 Strikingl he wall with his, hand a put of it opened out, rrrid dis played in arecess a pile of golden ingots. "See then. If thou give me the dog, all flics shnll be i ly no own! By the holy feet !f Gnu. damaP he exclaimed, "I would give thee my life, if thou wouldst but put him into my hands for the space of half an hour!" 4 It needs not ihe gold" said Hughe's after !iit!nstonisnmeiit! at this di-pfay of tmmerie wealth had subsided, "It needs nl thie"'gfdd your highness, j I will give him to yoti with out, if you will be ready to hty hanlcs o'n him .it the rising of the moon to-night. . "Be thou ns-.uredof that' replied the rince, his whole countenance fl)shiria with exci!ement-"W- ere wjlr thou be with him?" "Three furlongs from the rorlh end oflheT Company's cinnamon garden.-" "Beit so then!" said the Prince.. And he rose to dismiss the Sergsant But your highness," said Hughes,!! have one favor to ask-" 1 ' I v What can;my friend nsk in vain? What shallj not give to the friend of my beople. A?:K. and it shall be ffiven. " ' 1 - "I wish," said Hughes his cnuntenancej growing dark as a thunder eloud, 'I wish t belmM Ins fate." Yeu, and .so thou shalt!" rpplied the Prince in a voice of deadly significance" "Yea with thine! own eves shall ihou 4ee, with the sight !.of thine eyes shalt thou ibphyld how wo deavwiih the dog,, who fayeth impure hands upon -the descend-iot of princes! and without another word Hughes pada his exit by; ihe, way he came leaving the Modeitar to his own reflections. ' It 'seems t ha the.voung man who had been s cruelly iised My, Wilson, was indeed a na. live 'Mndeliar headman or Prince, ,wh.-had joined himself tilh the insurgents, aocf who having pniQte.n.oui the hiding place otjthe la motis robber Wikrasjnsha h?d liecn confirmed in ins sovereignly uy tue5 vjrvernmeni. as j. a matter of policy , they pretending to givc.it. to him lor his services (!) although theyj must have known that he was forced to it, and fie not daring to complain otlhe torture he - had undergone- lest they shiuld inyestiatn the matter and find jooi howlittle hi3 v good -will had to do'ith ia serpices, aforesaid. Just as 'boon s Hughes u ft him, he called a ser. vantand, placing! in his hand a talipot lleaf inscribed with Singhalese characters disn.i is ed him with a recommendation to use hisuu most speed. -j -j ; '.;;;..'-;'..'.?; . ' w "- .- Hughes wenlj'when he left thes Modeliar to r . . . .... t the Government house and received his or. ders. As" he marched ofJT hi little detach ment, h'et looked ; up at e'ne of th wjndovvs and ground hfs teeth" as. he sav Wilson look ing out after him. After leaving Colombo a few Vniles behind, he took one of ihe. most trusty rrferj asid and telling him that lie Jiad a government order to execute with speed and jecresy recommending him U 'pursue the route wnirn ne itau inaicateo, ana promising lo rejoin them in the morning (For il was nrw jear nigni;; ii.turneo asiae irojm. me high' road, and taking a cross cut, went back to the city,, runr.ingas Soon as the. soldiers g't out of sight, at the top of his speedj En-. tering one of the smallest streets, he look his hway along 'it untillie arrived at the ,b"ack of his own quartern. ' Taking off his shoes ' he crert stealthily into Ihe-verandiih apd climb ing one of ihe pillars like a cat, he laid him self 'down in thegalety flat en.' his face, a little way from his daughter s window. By ihe time he arrived here ' it had 'grown perfectly dark. The verandahv, or rather the upper.partnf it had, blinds and he saW with inexpre8sibrer anguish," that the blinds -op- positte his d-tughters, window were open. After remaining- here- upward of anj hour, ne organ to oe very impatient; and ceiling '' L 1 t 1 . 1 1 ' l m. up, no iDOKeu imoine vrinaow.- i ne. room rfcad beep fite.o' up. with ctmsiderabl taste, 1 for. the sergeants daurrhter was Tss stieenti. b!e-of thc-Jegant as. beruitiful woman Usually nre". - Every thing was arranged with 'scrupu lous nfeety, and, the girl was 'sitting at a table in :th ee ctre, with a small ge' watch in her. hand, which the Sergeant remembered tohave-seeh in lh" ;s rssion of ''Wilson. It went tike a d ir to his heart, and over, come by thevvi il'nef his feelings he groan ed heavily us ho Laned againsj the' window. The girl heard it; and ine state of extreme alarm, she snatched up. thedight lo came; out b it W US g'll ' r the Tr : iai : ! kui I 5 l : I e tl.J i'.Utv si; '.; t.t his S.:.n. Wheal!.- girl ..had searched lliro t!:o verandah, sV.e I i ... . ' : . ...... i i , . i r wini; loimi tin jiuep, uini hi ij i;;o. iini) out over ihojrai'irg, bat "s pitchy black was the night thai she noticed - iioU:p.- nt all, although she stood directly over hor father head, whicrr.was.in fact, not three feet b low the lump in hor hand." After remaining here for a little hile. every second cf, which ....... . - t , seemed an elernity lo - the sergean', .live I ntiise of the d.Mir closing b hind her -assured hitn that Jthe coasi wus clear, nnJ hy a pro. digtous effort of strength he drew himself u. into ihe gallery all covered wiih svt:it c: ! panijngwith exertion. H a - -" We will noi nitcmpl lo anaiyz the feelint of this w.n, as he la v in ti e. verandah playing the spy-upon a "girl -his own child whom he loved wiih all tho intensity of an earnest, encrguiic nature. They d.fy analysis. Let it iIhmi be enough to siyt th'vi akh ugh he had th'j.word of hrr mother ihft she had left her chimher at on unsecmlyhour though he had himself beheld her cnimuoicuitng by sign ils wilh an avowed libertineeven hiding hisjetier in her bosom although it had gone so far lhat sho was evidently impatient for the Comlrig; of her seducer ;n -itwithstanrlinj all this, i he re' were trwmenls when he frit d:s. posed to doubt even the evidence of his ser What! was she nol his child, his own d.:ar little Mary whom he had nursed and kissed and fondled, Horn her baby hood upwards? every ihouglit of, whose-heart he thought io know," who appeared to love him so dearly? tl'id v'.j fillen?. Was it really Ut daughter? or v;is it , nil some infernal delusion-soma hido ':s dream which the morning would dis. sipau ? II iw he clung to the smallest frag, merit . of a hope thai he -might be mistaken? How he busied himsell in inventing tenihou-t-and ingenious excuses, which never deceived him, no, jiot fjr! one moment Tor her con duct which he had seen! : S imetimes his busy fancy would bring fier before him in. alt her beauty and innoeence-and then a, gush of love would melt him into tears. Sometimes it would, paint her in- tho arms' of her seducer, and then the -sh'-im'sful thought' would bring the burning blood lo his face, while his strong heart would nearly burst within him as here, membered how irreparable was the ruin. Tenderness and wrath, a wild loving sorrow, an anger, drowned in bitter agonies of tears, r choked by convulsive sobs, would take pos session ofiiim by, turn and uiih all, a con tinual, npyereasing dull wonder al it an in credulity that would not be satisfied that would disbelieve jn the evidence of his senses in realitv in existence of hiinsielf iho .worldZ-of every ihing-rathsT.than hisdaugh- At last he heard the sound of - a fo itstcp. Ney&rerand nearer i: came it stopped under the bilcony somebody was -trying to climb up the slender pillars of the veranduh, jual as he had done, nnd in a moment a figure bnun di d "into the bale ny. : Tli sergeant drew himself up into the smallest possible compass, held his breath, and anjtiously Rlrained his eje to catch but one glimpse of hirn. The figure slopped ,al the window and lapped on the glass and the light fell upon the tall figure and haughty countenance" of Lieutenant Wil son! - As he went round to the door, (rvhich was tm the other side of the verandah) ihe.scr. geant crept up to the window. -. AH the blood in his body became as fire, his strength failed mm, nis Knees iTemmeaynis neaa spun rou-io arid ruunddike a top, ihe'lighr became dark ness belore his lace; for therer belore his eves was the daughter of his heart, hanging round the neck of her seducer! 1 Presently the light vfas blown out. There were Iwo hours lo pass until the rising of the moon 'two, mortal hours, into which were Crowded nges of torment! . It ' was with1 the very greatest difficulty that he prevented him self from breaking in upon the guilty couple, nnd strangling them with hi owo hand.' ' But his promise to ihe Prince restrained him. And he' "gloomily., smiled as bo ; reflected -on his means of vengeance. - ' " Al length the moon rose, and the sergeant began. to tremble, lest the Prince should ima ginc that he was nol comicg and get tired of waning. : Sliding down from the verandah Iiq went into the shed where, there was a pile of earthen ware for household uses and threw them with aKu.l jcrash.- Her thsn ran back iirmiwitp In hia (JniTirb't t-'o nrinrl.ttv anf his station behind a large flowering shrub. it,had the effect he-anticipated, ' la about two minutes he could hear the verandah door gently hulling and, ihe Lieutenant came stealthily vout into trie balcony. ;. lho-moon shone full upuu him and the sergeant thought he. could disceyn-upon his face the signs of considerable nli rm even at lhat distanee. His coat wns thrown over his arm, and his cap in nis hand, and ihe sergeant sawwuh a throb of exquUii'e anguish, lhat his.. daughter in hr ntghl dress took it from him and Jheld it unlil he put it-on. J. He could see' that the grrl was motioning him away with agitated ge'irjres, and bis breath came quick and hard as. he saw the. Lieutenant give' her a - last kiss, and let himself down by ihe pillar of the verandah. The girl watched him from ihe window uri til he passed behind the shrubs -where her, fav ther was concealed, and' then retired. Just as t:e"strpped behind these, the sergeant who was inlhe deepest shadow, struck bim a Ire mendous blow with his naksd fist which near ly.Voke his sk"ull knocked him senseless at his feet. Picking him up then, arid ihrow. ing him ncrosa rrfs shoulder as "another man might carry a child of five yea rif, 'he walked away ssi.lighlly as if he had'no burden, to the street which led ap o me Lompany s garden. "CHAPTER IV. THE jcz:iszzniiNT. . 7hen -Wilsc-: recr.vcired hw, senses he found himself g -gd, auJ bound,'-. and lying in acovered p1..-- zn .which .-wasborne forward with astouis.ing speed. Hts covert ing was so close tint he could see noihing, md he could not tell whether it was night or morn:ng. H ; cuuld perceive that ' his iu!o the-- veiauduh. 1 Win! rtmiid : ; t out by 1! clinked over : r.'i" - r .down, he hung irom t... eJ fijjring by las fingers n utens s'rength to sustai.', 1 .. i C '.ll I r. :i i;. " si.xc was the f,- i : r -; - ch.uv; j ui ..... i I have como 40 urU-s, least; Iroui. -a!,!:,' ;! f XV r"re : . .13 t I i to :ior, t!: i:i " 5 en! ! -r . At iunili a bin 1 eo . .nnd to veninSi. 'uhse. nu.l tlie vu :i was laid u tl . L'r.e:o J. The retn-ived t:i 1 V - : u 13 v: ' -:;;!y dr; j ' 1 -out by.the slioulJ. ,s. , . .. t ry - It wass'imciiir.e before ho coiTJ - tea-rt all, ch-tryeg su.Idenly ns he d,d from thick darkness tolight. When at lenirthhe becm.: a tittle 'more accustomed o the glare, . I perceived thut ho was in th-i rec. ' forest and io the, hand , of-lwel.o '-"' t Singhalese who wore tnb'J, it Ih'i t:r.3,i.I 'IT.? re r .s--rr:'?. ception of a ctolh arouni the nr. wasA another palankeen- b'.-- . ihich he had bsen cunfini- ono thin whU h he sixw with s and that was a lariro varihcrn ,vha 1 . this coul mean; in fact what it c7 cqirimeua . wis entsre'y . beyon I . his .cotrprchetistorf. . iai nis asiotiisnmoni wus uoi kh iuiiii uum ; Hon. . ihe !l tngh-tle.se who. hitd,. crowdca. . ' round tho ot' ,4r p-d tr.kcen,. suddenly iperA'dJ ; to the rig! J left with tokens of the decp'2 veneration, m iking way for a young man- wio was very simply dressed.- He bore tn. r.ui li of authority except a, siri ill golden ro ,- curiously twisted into the. shape -of,-a ?erprnt but there was no necessity forany.--' Crn.; rnand was stamped upon his princely foreheaiL authority breathed from every gesture. Ho approached ilw spi yflcro..A. iiso.11 vhy hourul, and wa'c'tod his changing cojout wlltr a savig satisfaction. ' - . :'So, dog, und s-n -of a dog! D t thou' ' know mo ihvul "Art thott the man t . .s t! ire!, . to lay "ihy hands .upon princes? I-hold! even now . thy hour- apnroachei,! Never - agarn, Oil man of blood !;jshu II ihy - hand.-r shed the blood of the innocent or thy soyU delight in cruett! Phou cahs't not sieak he added, as Wilson rmde a convulsive etFirt ; 'thou hast been judged, and jtn the prince -doe no injustice1 he continued, .-..'ilh dignify, . , ' usthou hast done lo others, , even so slvtU,H; .r be done unto thee! w . .; So saying, ho made a sign to his fulbwers," two of whom immediately .. approached- and proceeded to take off Wilsunscluthe;C When, they Jiad partly accomplished--ibis,- beingr obliged to takeoff some of the ropes also, it . r gave VVilsonan opportunity of using his right arm; which he did with great skill, striking , the Singhalese down lo the .rijjfht . auu' left likenine.pins. . But he . did not go faf , befor.eheTeTt a giant grasp upon his shoul.,. dert a grasp against which even ihe strength of despair availed no more jhan an infant's. He turned half round J his face grew ashyr. . pale as he met the lurid eyes ,tf Hujliesf Convinced lhat resistance was entirely usc-j lesshc submitted to hjs fle' u.v.- "ri . They then finished' stVippiogIrnV , Aid. wh'ii he was en:irely naked they Covered htm'1 thickly . from head to foot wjtli. a coarse oily " sugir called Jaggnry, 'in the. Singhalese dialect,. which they took u of thc..carihern vessel. They then bound "his hands" and feef" with the ropes." . - . .'. pcAl this stage of the process Wilson made : he .most tremendous enorts. to speak.. If ever human eyes implored for mercy 'they were his. But ihe wooden gag . prevented", any ihing more than an inarticulate ruart and ' the inflexible aspect of the Modeliar made his heart qNe within him. He even looked toward . ... Hughe, hut the glance he met there was one-; which forbid . him lo hope. , .;. , L. . NowP said the Modeliar x l.U .countemncn" assuming nn expression, of uiiiitterabie vcrf.1! geance, 1 now shall thou, ho didst excel iu ? cruelty, be .visited with the. extremity of -torment. Behold! . Oh man of blond!-'behjtfnV' " oh heart - of iron!, the vengeanee. tvhicltdivin - justice hath prepared fr the .crue l! r S o'si " thou those hillocks?1 m demanded pointing . . lo 5 or 6 low while risings -in -the.grnurvd- which Wilson had not . notice I. 'in these m ; dwell the legions of the devouringantwhich 1 destroyeth the dwellings", of meni whiclr': pierceth through the thick plank", " which ' tihgeth like an adder, which cousumettr like a - devouring , fire! " toVercd t with :s ihe veets uhichwill attract thti.i, ihou shiilt". . nailed. to yondeMree, and 111 every fibre of thy accursed frame and hetpair uptm jliw . ground, 'shall thou feel, ihe tooth of Ucs devijuring myriads! . Away -with himl he , suddenly exclaimed, 'away with Jiin-J he cumbercth the grountlP : . t . - ''?-' Dreadful to witness were the mule glca'cfhc' bnI).runate flaan asrJSe' heard ihf hideous sentence;,- He sprang convulsively . froni the ground he made superhuman efforts lo free himself from the ; ropes but all - in vain.. Haf pushed, half carried, heVeached the foot of Uie fatal tree. The ropes v erri'' thrown over the branches! 'Tlie merrTstrain1-' ed on theirf'and; ujr tie' rqs'b struggling all ihe while with the strength of -desperation " At length they lushed lum . down fr against the tree, and drove some heavy spike - inaili" through his arr.i and Iqgs. SoIttc. sptink!:d: .-' a portion of the sugar from the foot of tho' tree, to the nests of the .white ar.ts.: and finally .ihey left him to his fate. 5 - tiugnes got mio ono :: piianneen' and the " . Prince intn the other. . Tho imdve hearer ' , six to each, took ihem iip .ahd held nheci - ' where they could see lh -: viclim.' " ATreadiT 0". ihe snta had perceived the sugar, ajreauy ib-f f vorciiimf injects were pouring": in 'countless 6 ' miulons toward tho tree. They climbed the V rorna n myr-as upon myriads they pu ..d '.' one anojher ojt of -the way tliey fastened -'. upm ihe feel of the- unfortunate - nvn-they swarmed tin Lis fes they covered his body! t They were now" sure; and at the command - , of the .Prince, tho Warrs Vent' on'with the - ' palankeens they. bore them away and left, nim to his solitaryad most agonising deatjij ' t ' ' - -' .G.'s. - . , 'Daron Di Cypry.later French Minirlc to ?Icricor ' has arrivd at Jsw York, r.- .iJWibi .... ;.-."Hi: '- ' '-.V f "'.. ' 0 ! I -v'. E' I - ; :tr "...,: T. ... i . V.' 7