tugs. v.. rr., trrRlIS or TKi: ?rXICa:; ' nMM" Itlb :?.,-Wr .NVcuV "r fur (Jis-I To Pnu- nmr lcvt, F. r ,. trf r r.r ! ,t.,.l "i . - - i m lUdtu nil mile- t.u nr arJ jMtm-nU .'ipon rack r'-ncwal dav. j jko mfertLlK ..fan this'place t evtry partoi country- arrsucji th,at notes nv be sent jind I e in'jn-wcuvfd by mail wilb but .-i if any r, 'I he mnhl prt r.) attention ,! bifcmntj Urticb lincss cone! J to .ray Caret aid an aeeu. fate account tendered in-evcy instance, while, bit ittiianrniTBaM'I.)HAM 't V.ar., . 1 'p'T br J fo ll.'U I. fin r v !J1S Q fori of thtf Editor. 'J rr. tr4rv are .Vlwtisrmiii's mil b inserted-at R Dolijix. per to'iare of tru In) or 1, for Ihc l-rt inn rtn, ,J TiT-Pl CS, f rarb continuance- JV n ii:t"T of jn-rtn ilourt nr."-1 be iMrk.l an th nir- n, or lLe.ivtrti-rm"' ",..lb cw,tiuu- rd t U t-rlii, and cfiafj' J 'i.i; jr. ' Court Or. SYrs I"? -lur J dollars, iiuai .ably.' 'T)- r!ire for at.noune.n j lbi ,ri4ih' of a c.kndi. "flat, f oiVVia i 30 in advancr1, or 5.3 OJ ir pyj r t tiie KJ.tor'munt r;nno Uvf rf jwtncl , . . 5i pf Letters w Knn i't.t- n I s'ce at Ahe i.Io, :;. C., on tlw 3,'th Juc IM,-lKh, if not Ukcn out in ihri- Di'.ntl will be vrt to trjc'tlrutJ ' l?t ijf. 'AUiaii.IfrMjl'y Mts Kin Djfi'el Aram if J"- r tfU'l'hro FTrtikit Jut L'wn -l-X. 3 jNmijL f -a, i,rd W l.iiii U.lanp J C ... . tr,,n I..l,n . : i . : Caw J i , I'M I W" . Car'n Virt . i'muil.-r G AV . J,l lv(l!l J !.'l lljvar Ji Tlics t lMajr.1i Allui l"ii-li r t' Mm ' iiuihrtr-ll X . ' 1! vatt Djv.J 1 lljinuli VV , Joiis A B " Jrr(tl J J- i. : ... K..t;i W U-A-.Vti:!.-, Jjly'M, JVftUt r iVtr r M.irt.n Juoab 'l'ortcr A l'almcr B : , l'allon Thoa r-iuViTT ' JVmo Miry A K Kerh E . 1 'iiMity i. !'. Jiicrts A J , f:clt.r A tl J. . K .tntl'ii Jiiiiri . .niitH J .11 rMnilii Snil 1 tburp I; 1" ' Smncy (JroTgcr ; . SrintJi Ctl.-b --Smltb Willum , -Mm ()'iord John 1 Tate I.ct i 'Iludway A or 4 : V'nlit,A.iron Woodwin ilalllicw Wcstall Wilhjiin t 1 3 'i': PATTON, P. M. 3)7 S 1 ATE OF XoilTU Cau'OUX A. t 1,11a vwooo CrNTn $ f 'riur Oc nr'i t f Lit ibSf ring . Ten,i ,1810. . Ordered hy . Cyf, hat an Ettrat Tvrm of tfte .Siri Coort of I.tiwJ bf h-M for Haywood Coi.ntv. at t!ic TinirL lU'p in VrfTnsCU', Vn ti,e 3tb M-jiuI ty m Au-i-1 n-nt, dnl to r.mtmuo xrtip in .i Loirrtra rTri"j u : 1 a f be 11T attendance. "' It i- furtb( r orj.i (J, t'nt rublicalifi of tbe. t..iriVj bcmidin tb Il.,',!an l.'.lcwcnr, a Asbft.lb, for vim ahccwsiVe vp ks. . . ' . " ' v:v. Witnns, Joha L. SmitJf, Clerk of MiJ Court, at ofTirr; Uie 4lh Monday in Marcb lS16and 'in tlie 7Ub yr-ar of our !d prndi-acc ' I.atKd the bth d.iy of June, A. D. 18 lo ' ' J. "L. SMITH, m. Jnn .13 1815. : , IW Pec ffj .301 6vr ' : il f r- :. , icur hi , us sti.'l rr.ijsi 1,1 rr3.,tv. ere, C tiff, it Clin iMtf (anh aucll'tq m.tj , . ,Trtril Aysu's'crpciit s wauturr )Iiy? ' 4, Ti f ot y g!:tr rs u birar . TuUcai'i rr t!c tt muery. - . . '.TT.-t ?m rift-'ot fritfn J!iip; ibcre any ha ' A vonf," a smilf, a gra.j for tine; Ua! wait l!.c iiuur jf tu cJ, art I see, v Cv?t vratJJer riot, Their fa?-jcj. , v " Tfwi'U "uui offbenp'y; JikeThe rf?;t It Ccsirs a'lusirenn iticret; , . . -Bat abort i.hd time rr stand. confewed . , . fabi.huj(l or itjj frailty. . Tbf ii cur. r6 mere 1 fv'ri'Jlo'j ' Ttfi J-f,Cf tIiVroudi?trown; TiHNv'ii ilj awhilu 10 5port upv) llt not io love so ffrvi-ntlv. . - . cm ;jeeti,v(? . - -j At Fifk of I'.jr'inn, HirWixKr county, wilbixun mnrr (4k the (fth uf S.-pt, inbr it-xt.-. Mh-)Ut, inj bn-tho n uf the odjojiiin-r r1rru( art invited to Ml. ibJ uss:t in the lab.tra k.T fhJ,wiN liny. f A.' II. I1UOYLB8, . ' ' iV. (i chat sr. Juljj IP. tm . , ; 3l7 NISW ;YOIlK' rVDVITlSEAlNrCT . .Jqscph lu. .Tvippr . j' . Importer Wholesale Dniggbt, Hfo. -UaMcn Luuc, cv: York. Wo-Jj.n rcFjM'ctfuUy invite tlie'nttt ntion-of cioun. frv I). Il.rir!' l'hv.iri .1,., f ..... r..t, ...... t .!. 111 jjcnerdl v.s't'n;. the city t-i fm extensive im iv 111, (t-uuiTiD trusjs anu ;m?tticmo cnrnicals, V ut,() U, De Stiiildu-d Mtiuufaciurora Articles, ., ivjjicb bo. oH'iTs for-eale ei b-lr for casb or ap. iiuvru pjjcr on ijicmui iiorral trrnn, and at the ltirttst, nitirkct ral.a. t II.4, Hock df ahvars bo f j., .. I ... J II ( r ....,1 1 ...u.n 117 uu iv im i ui imcb a iu,i aiiorimeni .l lli;h and Frencb ChnnicuV, Surgical ,Init'ru.' i:imt!.,VfM)therarit'8 li!assVrc, TcrfunierT, Sc Dnii-rs Irom Fhybicians Will rc,coirc special atten tion., v ' . " . I , 1 1 : , Now Yvk, J.uly 17, ISIS'. 3.n ' , . Hl-i rTlll the ebon port ind ni(l approved' Family Mub. ine ev r oircrrJ id" tbe Public. Tbf y arc ex f rrmclv mild in tlioir of ciyilion, neither cattainjf nir k. .nem of the stpraaeh, rtr any unpleasant; acnnatuin in Ibe.ayrtcm, as it tc -frequently the icase whh nn dirtnc given to act upon CBe bow(t?; bence mul tiTnJt, wlio Imve bocn un.'ble to take other pills or preparations of med eir.e, ca account of their naul se I in -r fleets',- uso tnoe pillj without the tlijhtcst di't'ri eiblo fcfl.njs. . . I5y tbir itian'if. . d.iJ 'senillf action upon the chyle, nbicb'isjhe fotntain head of health or di: ruse, , tbey miy .justly ;bd considered a Universal Medicine, .and the coiupbtibt that come 'most di. ruclly under their inlbioncr, and for which thev arc so J)arlteilarty Iit,i;iud, arp ;a fe'rowsiBHibom lever, Fever -and Aifr, Dyspepsia,' Liv'r Gum. plaints, fc.ifk luad-acbe. Enlargement of the Spleen, Jaundice. ' Asthma, I) -ppsy, f UVfrjattni,' Pi CbOrte, -n.arilifttiii.r coiflUwils, Impurities the blood, Female rilislructfn'Uo-artburn,' Nuu tea, Fiimid Tonuc, Pmtention -of the J&oiaach and Iwcls, Incij.ient' Dtuncpha, Flafnbnco, Habi'naU Coilivenes, . Df'lermmatioii of bxxl to tc brad, I-sf ApjK'liie, IJ'olcnetl or Sallow Complexion," and ip nil eases ,.of Torpor of tbe-.bo'wcl.- where tt Crtthartrcor appefient picdiciho h rvecdod. As umny uf ,t!io above en uuicrutcil diseases CAm'e on impcr wptiblv, and become f.r advanced in their progress lH-f(jrc i'Vis Mispoctcd, thit tjie exist in the system, nft one. j.!i.uld expect in such cases, to h al once rO.eved Intinly, but should continue thcrtw.of the ptitii fora considerable; lonjjlh of time. Full dtrec- t ions' uccompdDj the m.-dicHics for tbeir nwi'. Jn al. I thoscs cornplaiii fot'wb?i:b they Wc recommended. rricc cents per box, . - : - ".RICILUIDM'SAMEE, y . IS AVUJiam Street, , (.-(Adjoining Bowen Si, fM'Namec,) t : -,R -spcc.Uully. , Vn.orrus Merchauta .vwitin. New "rthc piMnteMin that be has a compkle bloc k tO f C.Kxif of t'n' following di psrtm'ents, iA . 1-t tJ I Ml J X 1 1 A S A N D I A U A SO L S . J.M-8TUAW (JOODS.- n- ;nr,()ors and shoes. . ' lartvcularatUntt is rt n uettcil to "bis fieb Stcik . 1: IVAKAULS nuWarin all Ibe ia-h enable s1les or Fringed and 'olifxM P.pr.o)4, Purasolletls. andSun .Miades, .m.ideTnm the uhwI cxponi ve SiJk. and finished with oiMi'y mimtihjrs, together with ajlarcjc aorlnient ofl rL,n IV:... .- .e. ... 1 .v. . 1. , .... .... 1. ..... .ii.t . j. no.iici U',uij 1 iiuuiit nam. ' ( In the J II V tJOOJ) depart nn il put. r in ti ilndan assortment, Nt'w, clear, and Per I'tt in lf llip iro.il fashionable fflatcrial und f-tvles f"", cf FUrnee.rttlaf, En?lb Pat nt Uut 1 1 'd, l:,ro, and'other braids Also", a. full asort ' l fit Purmma, 1 ijhorn and Fa.bnlc.af Ilals-Ari. Ml Flowers, &p; ' ' :i t r--: i, nuojj iuui MtUlXl department will l.o founj a clioier M U ction of fr'-tti leod14, eoOr.i.linj oTMcns, Ihjv-s, Women's, and children wear, all of liu-b are cxprreslv adapted to Spridj trade anJ fcillbe cold 'low., . . ' f j , , Coot and Sho SaleMnn-J-New York, March 27, 1S46. i' A 1 W i vi n wa - m w m i m im art I .'. U? virtue of a decree made in th Court of Equity1 ncuiaV County at Sprinjj Ttrui 184s , )n tbe fdsointaid Cotu t pendmjr, wherein, Kobert lb U aflJ wife antf otlicrsre fomplainann?, and Jesse Pal Jucr is dt fcfidanL, I'thall direr a " i .. .' .'. , U: - ." ,: :) rai : - r ' v : j v jw "t ;: - ! .) Ike Branch near Cob Lowry'g.v formerly . Vhe t ;irt? of John Pa'mcr, Dcc'd., containing - - - 1 ff '.. ' n ircor less, for sale to the highest (bidder on. 'the "th.of August next, 'at the Court-Iltjnse door ' 1n A slier 1 He; on a credit of Tw-clve months. The pur. ticr will be required to give Band with approved w-cur.tv. 'i v- 1 1. C. sawyer, , c. m. e. ' ; ' June 2G, 1346. - S-lds. , 1 WlLL fdl, a Trustee, to the hicbest bidder, on 1 w 8th of July next, at tbe Court Iloue.in Marion; MclK,Lji county, N. C, li..s t fpleilJid tract f fjrra-riy ovvjied by Cbirbs Car-soil, contain in? upwrd of 300 acres of Bottom Land in a i jb sta of cultivation, lymjj ort both side tf th tabi river, adjoining Pleasant Cardeni. Ou 'Je pUc4 is a tine Merchant M.H. and a sUitablc Jcatfura Saw Mill. Tlie oullaada adjoining are pry ex'thiive, and a great deal of it fine uplaod. 1 It will all be ld in one tract, and is regarded as un j tq'ial'.ed ui fertility, the most desirable plaf e, com, b-n nj more advantages than any ollit r tract to t!ip te of if, lft the 'western tart cf Nortb"CafoL 1a. f-v-'T 'rt has bten made toredctta it, but Jailing, ha p.aceo ii inatket an estate bat il not perhaps, for rea be cfTered - ' . Ajortion of , the purchase money may be rc:jired We to punctual purchasers, known 00 day of sale.. . , T. C. VARSQN. u jn, ftut terms will be as aecotnmodiftin? aa pos. Parti.; uurs madjpl Waiilca IixinicdLitcIv! 7 ' A'J iind, of 1 Wfr, BB Prtt Jtttrr Apply l-Ue La-'e Hotel, or to fatton .it- Osborn.' A a.r pneejB dl bo riven - ' . ' 'A-hville, Jqne 12' tt 303 .WORMS cause tbedath pf lhovinds, and puf. ftrmj to liirilioni. Dr. Hull's worm lozeuea arfl besurcht and safest preparation ev'r discovered for expelling-worms.- Ttiey are.so pleasant to the:ta'M'c that clnIdTcn-wiIl fry for'tnetn as they would cah'dv. (iilyrhtfd rth-it thi-i mediemehas 'done." , " Yorkvjlle.' Oibnn C.,'Tenn., I)i-c.i21, 1813. - .Dr.;C.- 1J. Hull Some months: inC;C your aject left witli me fdr sale, u hkv lie considered a Iargo'sijp .o( njros,. but 1 bavc soKl all, out, ard could bavoold threcunc us many tmife. bad IIkwh supplied to that iwnount. I bopc 3 on will instruct your, ayent to lelvo a rnutb g'rfater siljiplj vslien bc - coViM s this-, way agajn. ! Tlicir use.in my family lew been of' rteaC UniHt. 'Edward Mi Cor. cle, K-or. gave hOmo to a child pf bi, four vear 'old, snJ Ihe. KrU "(lose brotijtit awav tn twcc'iii'thirlVi And forly, wornm. ; , r. WiUiam Mc Daniel rbrtd a tlnld whenj Ao. pbywcians pronounced" incurable; and said it would die, bit t&e clld was cured by using Dr. I lull's Worm Lozenges. , -. - . : Yours, tru! r,- , , ".' ' -STEPHEN LUNKIX. ' .- Price SfenTs per boxV- -' - , ' DR. HULL'S ! EVERY I Wiily m e United States slioule! kcoiw! a bupjily J Dr. Hull's Cpujjb lozenges in tlte houe,- j nor 'iiv 10 rounT(,rjct Ino consuuiitivc, tendencies of tTie c'unate. tut to, txc& as a preventive medi-i cine in all pases of colds, coVijjtis, spitting ofloodj,, pain in tho side and chest, whoop'ijig cougb, hTFta"-' tion and soreness of the lujgn, bronchitis, difficulty ..r i. 1. r i." 1 . . .-J ui inruiii nip. ue--uo icvir, !iijriir.iwL-aui, emaciation, 1 r r . i r. " general debiht,v, asthma, influenza andcroupsi A-j . ijtate and'Mexico, was-osk'ed. if single box of tins medicine ,wrll reveal its astouisln my virtues, and oHn at on;e tbe fountain of health aod atrei'sgfli to the afHictrd. Prfco 25 cents per box, .-:. ; ' . . ' 1 ; . Thp Steamship Dniannia arrivnd at B isi'un a few days siucc-. Tho news n of citnaiili. ruble linptyrtanct', ami vt ry iryerjntir.t prtr. tictilarty s far rclntua to the rt cVp;iori of llicncrHs of 'the'vctoHcs of Gen. - Ttjlor un win liio trjnde. .The corn bjll.has .triurnplicd in ihe commit, tec of ihe whufq ir) tho Houir. of Lords by a " jotiiy of Ihirty.thrcp; CvinsenuentlY all M:n ns to its final passaoxire at 011 end. and 11 .'f:rK ia.r our -sujirrabfindarit crops of 1i Lt n TVr,w, .,., k .... e 1 .; :.. f . 1 ..." Tlu ra has been a doc li,e of rni cihtn pence in tho Cbttot market, . though The uo thand contiMiod steady. : , v In EnVmd and Ireland ,lh'ci u ficaU and pt. tntoi', a-LWcil as other crop Have a fint- and prosp'prous'apcarxince, and tjip prufpect of a pl.Mnili! harvest' was considered goorl oq the TJ.Ii ult , !cn tjo Oritanuij sailed. It seems, tenrforc, lh il we have moc.upf.1i7.rd.iilJ ihe -in, mj. iiiisjAijrcciion.unicsi. ine tarn'cloud? jtave p lid them diator visit: , ,-t S.r il .hol's rclirernciif.fis' frre dtriily pkcn of than by fi;frncr arrivajs- n.cre u, now.evcr, noihirg positive known yet -HUh rrj.ird't.j h:'- Intetitinn 1.11 tivii -respect. It u based orV'thc suppbsiuon, that i the completion of 'hw great measures he will rqi tire i ram act i ve J 1 i'e. : 1 . Tjic wit r betwt c.n 'the U. Sates an I Mexi' 1N1 t-nnrssrji p'41ic attention.'" Tli vicla.. rirsif ihe Americans on ike" Rio Grande lm clianed public feeling boiii in England anJ Franco I nun sympathy for4 ihe Mexican I cot. tempt. rThvs change of jjpiniofi, bow. vvej, isos unjust to the Mexican as the for iijLT living was; to th American' IV Mexicans m rVe much credit lir their lant s-'.nnd, and il was only the r superior taql and energy of General TnJo and us- braVe llUlC a Till V lllll ilvurlliiu lt. " Mr. Guizot'a organ is still pointing but the necessity and policy of France and E nr1and interfering by a jomt action of. 8ameikiiJ to protect Mexico lrom what it lerms ihc fnpa cioos and tyrannical conduct t ihV United btalui; seizing, on thp territory of' rt weak nrtdrunfurlunato nat.io:i., Theguvcrnrnenl or", gun, however, does not touch on the- Subject, and the probability is' that the organ 'of Mr. Gtiizu.K used a? a feeler to asccttain th,e viriva.of thu- pet.ple in regard lo udh a mote, mer.t, v 1 k- .'. L Gomptc, tljc attempted assassin of lu' is P!ii'ip Kinjr xf the Frryich, h;3 been executed. This announcement vfiM b t. reived with universal surprise, as' this unfor tunit(eBan hus heretofore been utiiformly'ro. presented as hbjring'unde'r sincularddu bun,.ni;aily opproachihrr to insanity. ' ' Death of the Tokf of 7?. ILVMluli. ness the Pope of RSrnu isdeacf, hiving ex. pirrd Suddenly o the 1st' of June., Caifli n.j.FrniniVit,i.s 5ud, is. the 'person ' most f.kriy to succeed rhi if). . i Apprrl.in-,ioni,wercc"niertaiirdMn Holland of a I iluio of .tbe 'ry6 and poiatoe -crop. jFRANCE. .' . In the Chamber of Deputies the Minister ui Liuruie, m nicrcneeto the'war between tilJiinks Mexic is t a;iy umbb vi resist t,be Un:t-d Sf.lf an 1 t' it ciliiej hos'ifities will rvsuTt Itr'rts diioieipb.'rineu'l. , It ib'rks thnt tVe Statcwill rndeatof t wrizfl the Cal i.ro i to mike up for ihctf bcir b!i,;pd t.i Jo..-! Oregon, ao d thit iho Caliloroitis are lufiniiely, mre valuable. "i . r;.- ? . Al tiewa oil this with regret, Jbul beyond a' few sobers at Mr.'Pulk, br whom it appear to have cheruhed -llio inost proljuni ch 1cmpt, it says nodiing oircnsive to the' United S.ait, h poin's uuif tbe necessity ol Frant andErtgland iuttrfe-rfi tn the matter,', jn or. dur to bring a rccorioia:in,' and tr protect Mexico.' It h1 ledge's tb I 'Frti new has inter. t.ifts at stako it Meiicff n ltlc caJ prorr;" 'v lr such interference. '. !- . Idftllige'nce froin Algiirr i of "this-'-usual cliaracter. , Tribes .hivo multtd, and bctn liovr, V;ir ;til Dttt j. Jiyi Jewel ono uf the prfctVejj I HI, tbAk in ml tnc. iniii incc i.f . i! r braiidy.ajnd.wait f fice, r!Wj,f in "i jvecoruet l,ui I . ) .fU-V moriml Jnn as eVtdca.ly a castor, f jUif r, n coin pound or, all the casts.. Mi a nom'tla live Cnt Ir qLh usMtlii, proimstd-t. give .( irg i,' 1 '.i)Un, a pretty I i-jkmrr lri,i j;iil who Wu a Court a liima , I Jo hftd p1c'?g"d him 'f tp mako h t Mm Jrwil.--t lie.as"a p., tsjivecas, u--caue bo mih sged to beconio bcr sub.treaurtr for twenty dollars; and do what shfl co Jd; sle Coiild nlt rc r- ve tbe drppsiics, '. And ho an oi jeci,o case, b-cauc iii condvicVlo .. irg in t and to the watchman whu art.tcd him, w is Qbjectivinalnic in lliq highest degree. iM trgi ret at some omin?Qi uti irotix Jim, wilii i i?h.isacd ahdpuniilud:. ,Jsy, ,acg tow.rJilin, JI mado great eker.j riUltppt. LeCmptc, the nUcrrfpted ossas sm of tho' King of the French has Urn bwugbtj la 'tril, condemned and rxecutfd ft.i a-.paracidcr'that U toro barefoot to the scutKild, wearing a shirt outside his dress; ana to bave his head 'covered with, d black veil, to remain siauJing on the scalTjld whilst the sentvoce was read to the people, and. to Uj then beheaded. Oa the trial ho stated that he had no -accomplices, and was tio iro tool of any-political faction: . ' ' ' O IS It MA NY. , The German pipers announce, thai the Emperors of Uysia aid Aiina, and the King of Prussia, are to meet at Vicnn. in Soptember ofxt. S V E E D E N A N V N O R V A Y . . , Stoqkhotm, June 5-Emigration- is rapidly on tho increase from thjs part'af ihe wordto the Unhetr Suites. A United States fsel lately Ioft,Seien with 230 emigrants, leaving seven hundred ?prrparcd to fjllow 6n the f'ft. opportunity'. The greater part of, J he iuiiiuihb uto unmans. ana agriculturalists The majority orthemaje tolerably , well to do iu the , world.- . T'ho Cronfition of the Kitij anaQuccn is'tdtakeTplaco in October 0 IT has been, and some still-consider, that the tooth-ache cannot be cured without extraction, This -however, is an crronecus sentiment. ' Dr. I, count's Elixir will, if properly applied, deaden the sensibi-lity of the in (lamed tat te, and effect a' speed v and pi$iiaiicntcep?.. It is spld, at the low price of onlv 5tl Cents pr viab ' , Th ese truly valuable mcdicmca' Sre. for saro in Acbcvi'.le' bv Messrs.-. Patton ' Osborn; in Henv deronjI1le iy Kij!ty Pntton; 4J. C. llani.lton, KutnerlorOton; lr. U, Uibe,, tinenvvic, C; and on enqmry maybe found in atniost ccry Stor e and Postrtice in N. C, aid bc ' Southern States. Aprd'Jl,'l74G.f-296 6m. ' I JlYSOy. TLA ' I . A small quantity of decid ;Dy the finest Tea ever brought into .tliis country, at very low prxses. ALSO 'j" 'Refined Borax, SalaratGsi,'Iiiinj;Ia8s, saltfttre, tofetlicr with " general ftsjiorlrncnt of supdrtes on hsnd and for sale by" " T.C.LESTER. June 12 tf ' 303 . Spun Tlircach We bare on ham! and for fcalc a lare ctoc af spun thread.. Call on us. :s . ' J. S. Si. 3. P. S1HTII. i Feb. 13, 184G. tf . -i LAsliviIe Wlnlrlct Camp 72cctiu;. , Turkey Crect, Shaw's Crccli; , Frankbn, j Shoot's1 Homonv, ' . . Burnaviile, Rim 'a Creek, An just 7th." . . 14tb. ' SUl. 1 ;2fcdi. Scptcmbet 4 tlx. i lath.' " . ltb. J. ITASICEW. " JUST RECEIVED. Borax, Gqm, Gab cum, Pk Root, lunulas, Gin ccr.vmlverixed a'rfd in.tb root. Cigars of the bt qualitj'fc- &CC. - jeI. June A 302tf- ho- tutendtd to i:tv Jer.it ih oiir..,n which tl.o Mexfcans appeared disposed to mike of their letters of marque. The Mm. liter replied 'that tho principle vC hieH guided the ministry in re'ferenco to the cV&tir wa thui for n ship toavo (he right to sail under the l u nch ,Ag,Uhe captain, the officers, and two thds of--licit icrew must be French. 'Neycrtheless, in certain 'circumstan.es it was buffieieru if tm.ee fifths cf th2 cew ' were French. It was ton. such -nonJitiTm V.t letters of marque' wer'e delivered in tfme of. war to vessels sai.mgon Jertho French flag rhc circumstances w;hich constitud'' piracy were determined by.tho Jaws of 4825, which are, that a vessel must be found in the '"pre. cicuraluiau defined by that law io be npu. led pirates. Cat. in case French . vessels of r e.-e ordered to cruisa in,j.iaces in which r reach commerce ncedud protection, .and f thr.CS plains of these vessels of war were lo meet a ship which sailed under1 a foreign "fljg, and Should hav a captain, oOlcers and a majority of the crew not belonging' to that nation there wouid be just motive for suspi. cioo, nd tho captains ,of suchvessels of war .ought to protect, the interests .of their country. r It was only fJx French tnbjjnals in! he port of France to decide thu veritable situation of the Kbiji rcfenfed to. . , A' Deputy th;n insisted that ihe -principles n which France pcc5l were good; anJ that Mexicto should be, obHged to net ujAnn them alsb H9 then" rad an extract from a. des. patch of a. French Admlmr, to theiMexican Governpi.etit.in; VSSOin which hy blid down tl.at f very ye bearing a Utter of mnfque of Vhlcb thePrfp!ir,ijd two ihirdsflm crew t-hould iot bo MexIcrfcs wouiJ be considered pirate, and'trt-attd as ktrch, with all the se. Verity icf the laws of war. ' f Pris, June .ISTl. Jourr.M des Debate lau.. 'jbMshtd a rt.'iiarkab?e! artide'an the state alHirs bet, t eh Mexico aoef the Uni ' tdi eL$. Our coit 4. ;orry, says an En- tisi p.pcr,asscr:s t.ut :ir. Fu:k bs only goo agatMexico to Lcompensa.ta for1 bis" defeat in Oregon, anJ,"lo regain jwUiiiy. with jjrqat pomp. . RUSSIA. Persecultojn of the' Jfici, Vust prrpara. lions okfnm4r Jk rnalfll a$ of thMSilt peror's daughter with the Prince of Volgt. 1 Poland is encurnb'errd with'troops. The Er.-I 'peror of Uimia hag published a qkase order, jng all the Jews in-Russia to plact, themselves ifi onft of ihq tour: .'following classss: lii amongst jhe burgesses of jhc town; hyrhe purchqse.of a piece oflahdJoTa houV; 2d. JjiV one pf the three-- corporations of Tiasoy; 00,, in a corporation of arIizansMajicr having given tho proofs of ability required by: luw'j 1th, iithe grand body of lillervwhetheV on their: own prwper'ty or 'owned by othcri. Thry .must. place thcmtclvrr.-bv thi ft nnoint. ed time, in. one of the classes, and ore to, be subjeciyrj l0 retn'ctivo rneasurej,15 Portugal- v . . Lisbon June, tyr-'Vba Insurrectionary Jun toi hie alrrrost all Lid down-their arms, expressing their satisfaction with the. generMl measures of tls new administration. .v italy. Milan Juhe, ih His iwolincss Ppe Gieg. ory Ihe 16th, deparied this life on thr Jst iit - He had been indisposed duVtnji,. the m week of May, opt on tbe 2Sth or 2aA of tbatimunilr he was believed by his phvstciuns .perfectly recovered; -Hit de";ili' Was'-uddcri, nl .. Mi:.- - ' . t uu iiuj, pubmiy givo ri?pj 10 similar rumors a followed the decise of rfeveral of his pre deccsH;rs. . Ho was in tliQ t iffhtv .first vear of his i.e, having bcen,' born iii the Vear iu. in oruinary times .tlw decease of a ,Poc iv. iuld not occasion' any sensation in ihe poetical, world,' but sucU is not tho cas fn tin- present-instance. Popo Gregory the 16:h was a good, kind, bcnpvolcnl man, in, cere in. liif , religious principles, and more -tolerant than mu.t others .who had held' tho key of S:. Petej-i .,' 9 . Tbe r.Meniber.-of.-. tho sacred Colrbn-o r)ost likely to succeed Popo, Grt gory is tho'ar. dinal Fiymzont; President of the CongroolT of the Pippagandi. He is,- howluver J?onstd. ered fri'cnJl) ta the Jesuit, . and wf be of course fierce l.opposed ; by France Cardi. nal Franz'ini was bomjat Gnoa, on the 10th of December, I77ol4aodof course in the 71t year of his age: Cardinal Acton might not iru'pr.obabl b idccied, nd would in that cae be only the second Englishman "that h-js ever held tlue Papal' dignity', , Great agit. tton continues to prevail io.' different, parts of tho country,- csp-cially in the Papal States, and is tp bo feared that outbreaks "will lake. lions to atiract her attention,, but. the all pmvesi unavailing', ty of seem-'tl . lo sij "1 ve ioieumy lat;"unJ Jim mtght e.e!ain "Hor bair n braided not fur. mr,'. Sho turns lier.eye awaiy,' , Jim wits Gnally called up, and'ho nnswercfd lly? call like one prepared to make as strong a defence as,-his case wouWI admit ' . " Yuur rams' is Jewel siid the corder, isitnotT" ' t . ' M. .Well, ai tho rulgir plimiwJit' s ud Jiir ) "it mnl nolbjng else; ar.d though n UpiJ.ir might not ,bcj dispyfed to j l moth v,aluet0b mc now, itre itas a time wasn t therrt f lis Moylan,) when a certain oUng luiy of my ..:.: .t .' . , 1 1 ' 1 '. 1. iuaniiuiice, i say; your Honor, med lewca me the peerless jse of her r.r:!M Pf goody gracious! ' fcaid Mirjaret, lurii mger eyes upwards, buta iking , in Jnn. U k.ien mu-u v, roooy ffraci.iu?, wtiat a storv! Why, it would bscn-wli lor a lidvl player on the stags to talk thAt.way. anJ ni a p'r gin 01 mysornnat bus notbih but me place and rho character, and , iNo matter, madam; ptmil me to ficar wnat iMr, Jewel has got to s,ty for himself, auiii ms upcoruer sind jliotne to pny my poor mothers" rmt ill Ireland, with your tellm me o: -yuur plinta tion in lexa. and all thei - pave'irs I'd own when you'd in irry rne; arid rionrlc.id of uilt, 1 nod youg mti oil a fu I privattf aoldiorj wiihout even mi kin an h must woitian of m.'l "Miss Moylin.V snid,Mr. Jewel, assuming u wiirmncu uiuiudo u 1 m c 1 :n; c ".!-1 , Uraz. n nir e! Vr u it I 1 ..ref n iv (i a ucCuinnaiii a!i 1 1 ; C 1 .1 r t t;, (t. w iy li d by' h: wiJl;,' Com iv oil - ' - ..tm - ti'n if v. ; ...1 . 1 tins ii Oileirn T,ri, !c pi l1" ' ' avV' i 1 mMm, Lvrs Ins Sf:y,'pp lined. " ped.tiun thriAhJUl. f"j t-lrtv.d ti frrbfa li.ahhV but n t Ji d fH'ich iitproM f Uut muled by tbir p.l.t, the fx f i hi. -in; 'Jt ar ima. lima for t!o sp icu ul li!u in yl j rXit 11 g ibit tiirvy, ) the nwninj ulMI.4 !jf)Jl Janu iry, vr rul heid of the dm ?t s'v werH stolen bv r..j Wnil mr ni.il iib' i. r i m 4tdler, iI.q sime ui ''.t. tho rvwJe riporif J that thry were - in the rary'tf bo Cui.'. Khr', nJ tr.t iby miSi e; x( wit it .c!i Vjtinjf' iho'r.ht. Mri.' Lk i.ij'ftiiji ' i. Jin thrtl4iionh1 n !tli 7 i lsuni. tion pf the cbicfi, w,i4 f t rteetty n!m in thu miiM of he excitrtu'Mii, rus l.rvbn" rief that' ihe jWrty was fuHytf :u ti rV p I ony forCo'thr wild..tnbfs cu'nlJ uitr.ier.-. Fqrtunatt'lJr t hmg' happm-d. O.i suh uc'; cafin-, and fV"1"?. 't rnut nMrncnt weather alio urnfonnly ltd a'.T iy'i great thcerfuffty. At the Council GrounJ. her p"?eionce" an reconduct did n-ur,S to beplf JonfiJeoee on tfi part of thIndiin Tiv) Ifie wives of tho cliicfs and cndliuus she tnadvi flrescnti of jewelry and cL'h'Tig, which wer n-i-eimj wiiii cxpriss.in i-i ;riiinuu v anu vodcri We hnve pr, i l.i stratioo tf het CRrtrit'kri V In n file war ctcurslon, mmo of th- Cu. minehosliad broken In Upon the frontier of Texas, murdered 0 fsmily, and nrid.e ?pfis oner of tt, lad ' four f ac u)A. . The littti Vii low w,i .brought intocamn. Apparently dd.rnngctL; and very wild,, btnng ulraid Mf every onv-iinttl Mrs. I. spuke to him in her - peewi,arlyi' mild tine Tho hippy child rushed at once to her ams," is, to" those' of mother, an J Could not be Induced to lenv'o her.' When lold'th'it Jm inu4 im tukert l.r All-in, he wppt bitterly, clinging (obis nev mother, and refusing .fo 'go. Sha wsa not aUrmed at ?he threntenlfd hostilities, of tho -i. rilMin.L...I.. I ....... I .r... A- . Jcujtr.tLPl VouK4i rr.r,.f thnd. ;! " . . 7 I1! ' V" Lshall ab.de tho consequence.-. 1 L cl,-w wh!1u 'hV" "n .r-'rb.dJlng Margarcl"0, . you d.-yvln' ' blat'k f but Jr' 'l.,eoor h.ld, and gard,ryou; th,t', ,'he way jou in, "hend n 7 1 IO "V' out of my twinty dollars, thit I bid saved l ?Pf completely ov.r. i wnip wiicn 11 vecame neressarv to lorco linn p.aq Srii Accident A, -young man. Edward Gobs ton, son ofMr. J. Golston, cf Gha'tham county, was drowned in Fiear Creek, on Fri. day-last. . Mr. Golston and' some others. .wcrui bat hi 7 m tbe Creek, when it was jrcry high, He- swarr out intp the current, and it w supposed became frightened, and wa carried down with; it. His companions' were uuau(c iu leuuer luwi wniiy assuiaqCC. A'Female Spdr.The'Lou'villft Jour. ail says .afte'rvthe Indiana volunteers were, mustering into the service of the United States,, one of Captain , Walker's company from Evansvilh, 'lost a.handke'rchiqf. Oe setting doUn to-'mes WobservexJ it stickins out'of the bosom of one of his .omrdes.i He immediately '.took hold of itwhento his surprise, vne. Iiscitvered that bi. messmate was a female. On inquiring ino this strange proceeding, she stated, that btin very poor. and wishing to go to her father, who resided 11 TivTas revolver! tn' inin dpa r.f'iU tcr OmpanieV She iaftcwartU went ' to Louisville.and'; her' fallow -soldier s raised c subscription to carry her to her father.' ; Gen. Gaijus.2i V said that Gen. GaineJ immediately" on his arrival a ' Vashirtmon. repsy.r'ed to the Vhit flou'sc, and ated to thi Vrcs!derit; "that-he had come ''without lay ja obediehc to bi orders; and wish- ed to know his .'.pleasure. -The President discoursed principally' hbom the state of ihe veatheri and the General soan took hLs depar ture, in oroer to pay tns respects to tbe JSccu seiary oi vnr, ;rom wnom, we suppose, he learned something about the, t ate of the wind. "Wind and'weatheV piiitling, we guess le oldgeneral will rjet handsomely through theVaihington ordel.-nrwi'?n. . mtinuiaciurc IJj, not wouijd -tho one doi not impeach tbo other ; ris'rue, I had u ime jiliougbls of wedding thee- of ibak.ng uce uy name wnal tliou art nature, a Jew l . . 1 . . ' ' '.'.i.i i .t nuu may yei UO II UUl not now, MTsi Moylan, nal now. My country mjw dem m J my scrvjee, and shall have it. Tu.morruw J goto the wars, and il with rny sword I carve (nt myself uri .boiorable DStM 1 .namo ol fit association wuh tho TaClors. ih" Ms the. Walkers, and the other wost'lius. of, our limc-wTy, tlien, Miss Moylan, -1 miy'piiuc of mairyiug o,u; but'nol before, Misa M y, lan' - . , - "Ofi, you smooth.thongue vngibohe!" ex claimed--MiS!i Moylan, "give ine twinty , lrs, and, I donXca-e if 1 never sVe your face agin.- Sujp, it was th u.itucky dyi fftr' mr thit I first laid me eyes upon you,-- yuujjood for ilothingblack-guard!1, . ;j . f .. ! ,,4I bsve borne'with this' said the Record, er, "till patienco has ceased, to ' bo, a virtue; I"I,I hear no more of it." v ' .i Mr. Jewel. "I .have but.' one-, remark, your honor It m ikV, It was bv ' 'niL''h!. and 'not by day, that I first met Mi,ss Moybin, .1 inougiit, irieu, nnd 1 am pretty mucli of ihe strie opinion still, ihtft ; . ' ' v.l. "There was none more fair lhsn&y . , "fluf, sir, it is atthd shrine', of .Via rs'.iod not of VTenus, that I now "worship. ' I admit i.v:... 1 .. .l.. 1. .ii.'ji, . ,. . . ,-.. mo Muy twenty aoiiars; uut il sue ivea.me wn rrvre just to wid irja rn an ou;fit, 1 win give her An order on br; regimental paymaster for thirty dollars. m Atjd my word of honor,' tint if I return ahve front the wars, sue snail oe iwrs. jewel m rs, uenerai Jew el, perhaps.11 , ; . ' The Recorder rould not re'sisi Ihe -anticipations - of tbe aansuine Margaret nod J(m had a faw moments pnvat bonversaiion, when the Tprrher turrif-d around and cou;tesk;d modciitly a the court, aaying "I w-ubdra'w the charge, your' hoijor.11 On 'which the" case was dismissed. anJj tho embryo hero of a hundred. fighUlfi tb of. fice, sHtisfied that, however ; he raiglit fire with the Mexicans, he! had cerlfiinlv mide 'a conqjcstamong the Irish. A Q Delta neressar We bivfr to record such in- froi"rt her arms. stapees of, ibnt rrmarksblf t harabtcristic of j tb'wx vrhich m often1 unites Jhd'itcril, - i.Mi imiiuuii'i- ui man tiiu u;e c-mier on-sof woman .Compliment to tfie Wfug Party Air". MC. ?c itleman ,,f ni,-., n.i!,,!!,! ' . L'':".X.UrT "fMl bar Safter the Vols I'Hior is keen as ever was u ade ul LiomaHcus "of the Si-nalB advisit.g JhcTrraldrnt lo nc. cept thu proposition of England,, "that. the WKiir pailV de'serVpd ibMennl m-ntr.'.,!. hjfor of thc'tvrorii ry, for tho' patriaiism and foib'ir.ittrc,Tind'"slf siefificin deVotim :...L! i . :S1 t .. . . " -. wnicp ir.oy ..iiajj- rnnnitf sted. tbrauehout the slrugIe!; When was it ot'herwistT , 1 'Encouraging the Rising Generation At iTL'ent eximiuation id m district school,: In Maine, among ilm visitor was' the Worthy nnd fcV'iy 1 cccntric Parboil D.t ttlia af'.cr j.sk. jng liiy-.fj.iiifinsr.Ciflculafed in how tho prof-cieuey 0 jho seblars. Vxtiraswd u gratification in 11 measured term and el. horti d them Jo persuveru. ''My youni irn.nili 1 ' '.I 1... II. im .1- ' 7 . M.wr ,-, .0..iU nr, prrsi'vere anu you'can pot. fjiil of success; Vmie, of ydu'rnay yut inakV-, Wyiingt.Frfinkliri; Wtbsters, ' ralhf you carf make Polki!" - - The OlJen Tig Queer pcoplowerij our forrhtb. rs, undiirM'r laws did they enact. . A . " i . 1 r rt . . ... .- .. ' . . rrcorus 01 d mil) Heading; Mass , th? fwirowjng entry is f.und under date of IGdi: ' tt "This year 'the, town ofcrfd tfiatl'nowo, man , in ud, bi.y nor gall shall sirin thcTanuili all6) of tho meeting bosu, openl fn-nalty -of twejvft p oce fir eath day ihey shall sit tn the ajiey bltrr ihe pisenl day. It wsa forlber ordered bat- every dog ibal Tiunfs to tlio meeling," tiller the present dyt-rhhef 0 Ibw Lord'i or lecture dys,'except it be their dogs ' that pay (of- a dog whipper, the owners. of ttiese difgs shall pay, sit pence for every Uuili, iH-y come to the m,elin.,, . J ' . ' ! Rich and Poor Christ uini'-U th p u'nt of p!tjrf.etotHi5t in the truth ol ihe remark, ihe ' isi a smil m hHwifig contains sUd- which rmy pthaps ne; Mr.. Jewel jtfvVlfdt by n Ctru'in cl iss In almot every cwn Gen. Gaines The PemacuU Democrat, sn out anJ out Polk and Dallask pajier, ov iho following langtwge irtregdrd U ihocryirse pursued by Secretary Marcey. foWards ttw: bravo old Gen. Gaines; '.-. , "We have no hesitation in iyinz thit thu Jellers of Secretary Marct lo Gen; GiifJe: have been in their terms coarseunsoldterb'Vv and unwarranted. We pretend not to juw'tity either their tone os language -We tbiut thern unworthy the heatl of the War Department at any timej and, especially at-ihis.' . , , P T . Love Letters. I "1J bdt a sheep,- said old Tom Walker .10 his. better half, 'Jihai 001 boy ElKcJs going era zy--fot ho is grinning at the plough, and be is crinoing at the cdrn- criband hei is grinning at ifc hbP, md U grinning 10- mnpcii : ncnin, ucg, u'jnav "Pph1 replied a unf Poll, "doni yeu know' he got a love-letter thu morning . ' ., ' f" - ' "'' ' ,' "lr ' :'' A fu'end of general Scott accosted him a few freeks ago, a liltlq befifn tb'el bnfham victories on .the Jlio Grnd,ubu: "Do you not aipreb-ndf Genraf thai by achidvmg ' brifiw t yictory, General 'Taylor wi'rl bec.mie PreaMffBtV . 4.Supv 'be .dcW s, . wk ' hal have JorPreident an Hioupiuo and a V Nid 'hig,' yns. tlfc roagoarvimous reuy--cbar. 1 Christie of Gene'rU Scott.jVaZ; A. ry "Ma;11 'Vatd an inqufsiiive bulc clrl. 1 rich and pior people live together whan they ijo up to UenvtytT"-"., : , v- : , j. "ir, my oear, unsifefeij her. mother, ibf-ywillbf all alike there. ' ' 1 'Then; m, why tdn t 'ncli ,and Christrtint; associals together berel1' Tbe mother did. not answer. 'will poor Il 'appear"! that Matamoros .has becb.ms uite an American city" baH rixirns. biiliatd r ' 1 1 : - t - . ' . rooms, gsmwjs, ie ana mint ;urp b irj - i Jong afp ejvihzition. Tw American pap'-r are fti pub fished there; and 'the .Mexicans -appear dtlygbW with the Conduct ' rif theArnerC4iis. t - '' U-j;- ' " v',v:0. ': vj ' Thf Season 7-The Georgetown - Winyth Observer, says; "The ncf, corn and ootati cjrops inbe oeighbiirbofjj are tm an ar;.gpt . gjod.'' E-irlyriUVi wpe'k allUe rke pfanta! . tiifos high up tbe Pee, Dee and Siatee wert ifluna.ie'O, but th wan r ha .subsid-d in all tlte rrvers.and ili w'attrwas rtrtr..t ,.r:.u: oit mucb if'jury to bo rice crop.1 - It is rated V) lh" W.nhil)"tn Union lbf Mr. '-McLa.AIiotatirr of Jho United S:ht. "indoHi pfoposra to.returo .frf'sLinorMh' or ' two to IW Until 4 StstrV; and thai Mc'Kina. " Mfhwtertof-tb United States to Franca; also ' wisneg to return to tba uoueo siaias'-terv lorilv. , - . - v 1 -;' 4 r-1!' ' . " ' :V " .. r-' k'' - jAn Irishrnaft warned Johwin was trtruwrj-' fnm wngoo t WwfdbnryCt. on-Saturday ; U i , and mo badb) inpjred that lie JS not et -ptK-tedta reouver He Hnvrna wageiQ load of .whiskey, and bad undertaken to car, 1 too much of ittn his bead.-