.:'..,: '.J- i,. . j . a ' : i. : f " . .. ..... ", . 'I .j; i . '.)' i ; . jvk ; H .... , f ' .. . .. i . I i . ' ' ' . . ' . - ' ' , ' 1 , ' in la fijht alter ihal. in ourrcsfnce . " f 4 . It III! It 1 J 1111 1 V 5 1 ' I 1 '.'i-ditoii.ani) ruui'iiunhu. , J .' . . -ir irajPM art ojui. . jraTPM art- ...... -ti U til U ' r r iv I "T '.", rii tio tir-tl tn-, rtion. i lilt; GOO fly 'faa J arc now alUution Of our ; ukt mJ ai! IN wlio want louy .4. Hi . . 1 f liau-. i.ii n-i!' '..1 ?:it vf;?iiiift tkl mtny (I k iii.. ana .... : tti y. yT rif to 1 t .;'( , ll III X i ' Jnit- iltlt I ;it-e -yti or'Un jv. 'i 1 j 1 1 fo tuifi ati J 1 !rr N li. i 1, 1 , f jujil 1 li- if ill- y i 1 j H it L ht T). pt 1 4 s,ivl ;V YorV tyldl ' art 4 1- "it cf I'l'irrtOr li'j. t . .li (j..r"k:l-MlLcl 1 i. 1,1 1. i.'ai il i. nV bor,im.l Iran's .?.': 1 ! f,i,, j I U iW. tV It 1 v.. 'V t r ' it - 1 i tllV UK h.llliJ ;lll' priti w:rt" 'VtT. . .1 i .. .1 . . r 1 I . .1 n'l 11 k hum 11 i1' 111 ii' ' "V"""! ,lV i,(n. ,.! , Jl 1 1. r v V . .:'...... -. i .':iJ,v.;- W 1 1 A l-rrje fiipplv of Cyjires t.rtwii-, tCi5 h, S.r.nv. v T uf"? Ji't-4, tfimi ijij- U -to t! tu -I ir'.i U, j'lt 1 Lceivi.d nn 1 inr na'i- In ,1 rnti iV t'Ut'KiY. 5: cm iKWAiip,; f'U'j):iavi"i4y "from, it 10 .,ntfffH:-r.S onii. hf "ivht lili ... iv..Ti j!tiatictl (lAyiitlU. 'irXySj 'liwrti Isf . i- u ol,;';. , prett v w II -y'r vvn ; b! a c W li a 1 r asul i.-y,-f alM-i 'iir"K.; t.)viix l!lie? 'nhovn ?rt vnrd ' lint iixr.. Urutis ..Mlili'Vj.'al for'bU liv7 V ni fr. fi ' i'; ' ;," ;' ''' . . . '? i). iiU.sv.Kjiit--,'. : : ' ':"Au::Tn S !).- 3.114'; ; ; ; : - 'y, :. h;rt(lf at :tiio lowest ; . ...prices!!. vHi U'i i l 1. nstox: : ,: :.;: j&p. l''fsvt;i-fj iftfi'rin' Jii? (j'IJ V fri:;ml f. ai: t4o.-.pl"iJt . -! j,I ? !'ty ..t.Ht' Wi i:w; rel-Hriii'jj'.and'itijK'ri inil. ;2.kry-tvi.jTii';u,Vtrk,'4-;xj)iVijdid ft'e'k.of :'.t 4" '. S'T- v ; -'1'.. h 1-. riL hV 15 "iM'd rutin ly l .1 "" f?f-1'ii'i:!f. I rn ' can '!: 1' a Tittle Imit fpr;''.casft.he vi r tau any itv',V:'taT;yV'!vd ir VO:;t?fiZ :Aw''An b)';1ps0in- .KTtisifa'Jj 1undsoriie,'.iU vc! as very iberrp.-jThe f . lEGHOj.Y.'fiATS i lie tinvn aire his jt're, Bellas ibe cheapest?. prfii,iT?it.iu': Cict-rK:or.Mi'..ki:ri-.t. kept -dntnllV. ,' .fctiftii, .f.,ttwWrt.i1aliiyj siiut at nriec-S'i fHtftUk ctifyp.tthaiitho rbeap. t ; Aiiipsxfwhfj wii-li to bn v. w ill' of course . call" nnd 'xaibjar fwr 1 hem';:- V it'ix.beedliS.iA sj-iif if lopfj list of lirticaV and prices, .jt-; itLfufficiklt 16, ar h .st I 'have a epbi.did Atjk. of chaff j and dcpirable 'rH, wbveti 1 unf K'a riHi'v.cd to in if ulpriees wh'kj tied to in ll al prices w1ikj,V HUGH" 'OtiilXST&x'S " . f?!f.yi!.ew Jinc: li . tf . x"Kf!tnd fuI.svivply of Hhoh. U jokfyh' ,"''ii;Swi:t)i'i Gramtoar: 'Smtia -in ;''Mit'eleJI,: k: i.tj, hiv . anil ,..11141 L.an jlv WPmTQiJ ry ';Ui,J''u' it 2o ktfi .ai ! juit received bf assorted, e: : ; f FfJMS he t't rvl'j bj . nM:TJa'!ed j t , - 7 . Car5, . d -a f . . i'i tLj l.-ii.referv deiptipn.. ?:..r ut-. quatitv V--1- . - : t.. ij ...?-v.-v . . -c-. ; . Sole. lather at Wi?ts a pi-.uml-tVr atiier 7f Tl''w'.' I ' '. V i4-rV' -r-? V.8,1 !IH':!-t.Tk:tieTl!v oHi"d. .in't'this'tftiunUytoiisilsi 'f.ia art uf ibo-fdlioiv.inp fu-;1-; . ,'f -:" . i j' of.k's- Vhitwophj f.Ct'iuti'ci' Chemistry .V,'i4iiytVi?i .Emmrrwf nL ,and. SiiiSb-vVArclb j. .' ."Li'TMpuv, an' A.uai . , i-an a -;'. ...ti. -... . i i iV ! : i n?C ! W Uttend and assisl-.m tbe laboof ; tfie mfvtinC. . . Vf;! '.'ar? ' 1g . Dok; Fxanaryl . -ti . .. 4 '21- ;U -,l-Uf.tU?t,la;; - , - 1 ,k- WrW"ta.....:- , I - '3 ALSO, :N!'Vv.'aTbet lilV?;' . :'.' " :. ' ' . . J;'y) l;i.l tVfnns lVahlis'an J tiyrans ,;;: i-; : ' '.,;,i t ll nionr; Merrer's C luster, v .-' : fi. ;M, tl in.rony, -(for SinirinJ fchools:) : 'i;V? .. 'A:4? u Bibh-ts.at JIJ erhtji; ; ' Kfrt' 'T'xieaCritertVti;,njk of Pubta 'A f"' 0 n kKr-Wf idea nearly any varic "' f.;n:'M' usuallykept ;h,thne:entry. i jv; ALSO, , " ' Aft., wV.rneTt of;F9li Oar afld.Lcltcr paper; iSyU.V;aX,;a beaniiful'asortlneiVt;teeI : t i 0 v ' PATTON sS OSDORX. - " -Manufttcure Wiiniirj lo A ' . .. .1 : i . . . i . . t.i- f.-o,;; i... i&TO VoWVllMrtop -ioatbcIeW Fat. . I I UH IIL I'l CIC1Y MUU fl'Wrn U i. f V le'liW; 7vf - ' .a ..,,Hatt ol - super ir-i ri-" ' oy-.u halefiafc or retml, t very rfAit Iitir!ains ! nvj:c r,m h all dEiTicv!! j -,aiLr, -y) surges. Arc jLrr vfiiafi cjriiiaVjhnjiiJ ' ';- . .rocic OF GOODS, -; t-'j from lh ciitfiW eiiic, nhirh 1tiv1y,k'c?ir":.dll bc'fcoJ.J lfvtr, limn anv fl'l.'er.' Guude, let thr a Ja; 'if n ? ri .illolxu'.l i'.myri Up tni v.iii ( ah .tl i uf t jicti J .J Lo ixfurra J, hot we ot,lv ask' a cm'! fun vv4-ifuy j ra'r l,uw f.vr ocr rt'or4, m lA In !.t!f.i), ant -'f u f,Kt yn frii i"l jiCt Lt ; ll wt la -siJ7icirll? .sati-fart,rv.. wf.lifp. t of t'-j-jritry. Th- I.jj bt r 'v kct.tl xi I'll t ii.rr nm ut; unJ.lriiir 'inir 1(r'iwletrr M ;iti ilttrs .( r'Uiiiuju this hu.!i.fi, cantKA be bcaton for 4t..tv uty, Tjaiity ua vhtfupness any;v hqrtf.in'lhc back '.''i - ; :: - J' .iVitll ll;' deU.tCr-C.V. I O-'vlUt; 'CoVi';.st ito, VC 'Will -.iy ft 'Mn'cn tt.hf-s t hfnt:t v t.- ; ly-f ir and tloiiurntle int jiiii, aid'rAe liiid w'fVi'tt why.thc.l wo.oihH.' ' . ,1 . m ry t.-a-Laj: latiottl-our $rv&k' ) be 'iuVL-lhaf ui TZTyii ruN n not, 1 culit not, la bii in ''t' d. .' I kiMil'r aJiii"Ti r!f giTrtf'il r i.t-tunnr n t t-i d . if -1.-, ;i- tf lit- -u t,br 'Mir--' 1 vrx" tli y' fe'ii'! hot hi itorryortZ titfck' b-' hlvf l)-tlur, and my js 1 "sure-) jt Ihbt iu ecJr. riiiu:i i.r comj!aint . hai b ''Jiii t ''ft Utt v,.ri tf jcfti, juioJ !,.fh t rn f ".uiV :v n. 3. mi ss j a. au k rrr-ry Hii'm''-- ' t 5 .hi -xtilianai' W oOtfs on the; turitl aocoiiiiliKUtm'r r (Ji'riuN, piLIat liwjVy l.illiCs Who', Tallow, . ,tnci 111. k.r in r t-'iJ in. J j A-h 'uyl, --tf , 27 f ' ; Kibunoiih Female Fnninary: ;i'k1 fi e'.i r il tljf lii.lrii-, (revkartJ liltis!i4i Ii- ! sr.(!rr.;-..M t.h: riMiics an luloxojy; 3Icn;o.l an. M'cir l 1 ' of ,- 1 '71 rs. "Mai t:i'-Mrr;nii, Viu I'liuf pal. . .Ji' itlinn'SV "Kmc! or of 1!.c Kr tu 'u in iht j inifli IuiJl'ri'.-i Prartfi.j a'lif ..'i 1 t 1 l VS t . , SiH i;. .73. CUof II, .sHnlt T'a'l 1 111 lln'h Uk r 'sliijict'und rnain(-r,!;d br-vicffi 7Sr.. ifj rU tVt;ilif. '1 1 ' ' 1 'ui .a mini ut, ui p. . i:,,.,.,l4i.. ,.i the TiakI, 1 Cfp- nx s S7."; .S.'H'.pjval tfu .uivrtiio. ; 'Music on the I", .mm S. N 1 ' , r rt.,',.tr'lllllr.ll.nV.I . . ' " ' ' "".' I . As ttie 'nunUM.-ir.oi:' hiuiffin.' pumls 'is" lintti-tf tu j.3f." twrly aji4li(r;'ttiui wjojfiil he n,.b for Iboso 1k.MIi rn iv be .i.ititi'tf.i.('l W- th!iYi: rfnop.it, w to ) Gov. -Mm it iid, (Irtvi !-.! irn(. 1 - It). a ).-r3t-. N.f. Junr : or . I.i-'. tJin nd, i'id.l riV i-.i-N-ruiil le il. v, , . f lLLi. IMS. li ' J'itu Vi - .i '1 , -CVrnrk-'d '.lii',0i'!'s, land I4a vif n.s..a..'sp!eiMHd nr.iiclo for lad'ies di'fst's, lon paik.' by U:. yjLLJ4 H$. : :Sv.rupf Wi'd.fliirr.vi, I'iioniipfon's Mye; ;aLh;:;K)i.v4Batttiv-a,8 ;l)f'ops..rt5;ilii: ll s 1 .VP; V.iit.fl tc bv.Vs-; C-aroiinalive, cr. uo h-fdo'c.:""1 1 u.dfrt A ' iordht, Stiernian'? C6'f:l.i and wxt'ni. tioscfc nines' &'c for Miie ly . :. : . ! . : .-;'; ; V ' . , :.i . ', -KyH .;-.Tcti.LrsTEiL MOliBVS? '"iiA:'.firit rate article just, received, and' for pale at rt.! 1,'- .i ..inwl Feb. G, llfitf X4,.4: 1 , :-f rXa C5al in ; ,& PlonsU 7IottIis. anj; V'3a2tt 'l.'IiiiVir'r bv tho t aff iir batreb bjih .from' Tcnpcsce L.4 iCt: r ,..rro rtwii .? ;'' ! "i-' .i- ;' c .rt . :.f -r , ., : .":"; !. :. 1 V '1' , -v ' i: .: td suih-r'himfl to bejbrhfwd' ativ ot Ms H Jilv? that-sor.: Jii thei,:?l rir'atcrVirlpm'vU'alia lllOsb 'visits; he, hketjvccy oue ol his. ay, tiTanttiiui 1 hiir- Tomc'::.ila-vi Inim nt. tSwaviv V rliad a (kiImi al .CunO.siiv . to visit tiUces of. ; FIouV. ... ;ri. irsj,; pni"i !vfTc.H ;.witi!i. M(1"1v!'.J .uoi:V'piai-: tiiiu .uuivcjrsauy ,;esjenjf..G ge,n ' ' ykv- 2T ')(''' ' ''M - viVLi;:"' i'.::'i,'v'':f ' A crritcf tainnyt , and ay - sue could :.;y v-; M.y;,:.!-..!...;. Ji;;'.;.-i:y;,;.i L,f:-.uty('l J J:in ;die;'a;mu4tir.t'Ut:i:ha t UK. UOrfc'Un,! " i ' ,'-iso Uiisst 11 stlcctrii a p ir.Mr find fliti : the J4witnttal : " i ; ' ' vr.'rujf a voum; Keiiiuckiiiti and, say iUhe . ..vpru .V to,. , mv .. - .- -.,K:: . ! t when herfolt hirnsdl .slighmiby soma H-r ffrvSV.v"! RAKiNVfeujLLW'JM ' ji'W Hhe. door of ,tho h.pas, andkicked -Aprb 3ytS46 - -I',;--;: ' ' - ' 1 .'Hl hnV"1' f ' l fT instant, the crv was raised of !'U 0 " iidnfOeivearalotWran rrpntalioji tt bein tial i F not.e'Of erior CO any 'tnanaitcitirrd in tha' Cnitcd'taUiaTLcl for eali ehtap; 3AtV-vV.i fn'2 Bretbrcn of jHheHto circutta; afe-.;in,vjlcd;'to Turkey Creek,, ;'.1 v Sha w1 Crbck, ;? ' ; j r . Franklic, ' ' ": ; , 1.: '.o'.. :::k- r. .". - .r' .;i..;'.H n-Jtrir-Utto-iwt-a a.u otiwr men.;'.?:tken.:eavT..;r T ;i V'; - ft.r. break (lowiw the . &Mm&fa mVhmfmV?i :-;;": J:ir;ifA'l'!A I h E'E T I X G. tir;':wy:;Vfhtsi be .jJcredlhis.-roen'tiTir :.v. i.ii.-- io.K'-Jf.i-w' !if;;Q.v 'h...,,1Jj h-.r.. r.,ii .vn.. ..;il;.. 1 Htkck irf Ih6 Road. is?intnrtnnt. and lllCtie. OH IIIF.-Iblll vi kij 'Htlilknri : lic.li.., . J v r in. 1 l."jiu luni. H - un. uuu itlH Y Uimilf I'llltl -x. A0ra?i!;h:-rik,: itji - "2 Isti'1 1100-8 :; : j : U Homony, ; ; J -'Barnsvili, j ' Han's Creek, st!i. cr 4th. r.;.i'i' if AtvIvV ','"" r:v All" kinds : of Fo'i'Jn at thf Ilairk . tVh r fair price 'w.tll' 'be ipwreni.'' :'"; v Asbeville;Jarte 12' 5t..: Ua:. J- ( 1 t salts MlW'm Toftl Whr'ks of Sali htist Verivrd and ". for b? by f.X. - i a ijankin irfJujAM,. i MaVisiS. ' : V-:' 233::: ' finrn GniUum. Hak Root.. !Gri -jiu Cigars oi w oesi -A v A,.?-r VT:a -T. -Q. tfife'.cIUs'sjiUVb.rtt was at . ASHEVn.I.E, .C, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11846. 1.' I 'eft to s0 a mm 'nj ntitt, A-vuf'4 ttciLunl' ut larly ytar, - ... Vi;f ikaJf lhtir c.ati: h jjoiSrr 3t i!J-a lb-c uodn? of ins heart ; llj-f cro foe "ntuniwr on?:"-! The lve hr ft.'!s fT r ilar fr.m J, . V'o inilit pr Srfp cc t-han, ' If lie ilrwuid liitlc jNidt tJie.'fKiur, t 'qw fnrk hiui, a he a!k' the s'rfi,:?, -i W ijh utc'y tte.p, and v , T h- 'ualt) ot 1 mrc he inut, 1 Y iH b 1 ts- hl" 1,1 tV know. . I: y ai' lun Wtj.l.fbe Lp ard tares, , .. h x)cct mot profound; : I ; HuV It1, li ut Jiiicl a'tiunn d'jnm,' JI Jb' d tu to t?v!L ground: Nr u dk'il slraiig1' d-jr rea:di.r mine,'' 1'orl.U is' iri codfish Juve. ; ; v t ,. , ; . . . y AjtiI Ibi rc'i m a harm in scilmj fihf , TrovicTt d'lliry'ro nut '.s'alf; j . Nor H il lranj;e he shun the poof ' V :" ' ' Yhty rti'Tcr buy ufclcjaU; ; ' I(,vidi.- we 111 ut allt-bcir i mind, ' I And e cry om- mutjn;nv . - v ;. V 1? -'never to. the poDr-appJy . ; ' Ujbf.a we rrq ire a . , ' . Thca roT in flmid at -Uf. .'.' - 'or fcirch lb nj-f t atari's Jins riqii.fc Anot! r cUs of men, I (verp,' In tins fair land ubuui'id, - t "v 1 1 Tity ddik,or country (rifn, ' '1 hi'y'rejiyi. twb-' hi'pi.- S nl tri Lit-pefiptc-! imjjri grtti! i 'TfJiPnruL rj tiicojnpa.rvcT. :'. .... (Oi the affairs of t ai?, ' . . YouVi -ure to find tlirnithcre ' 'With ;?o!r;-ij words.and aCTX blaed; ir' : Ttitjy kn:!hr f hakyouf rirsty;ha"n4.. Qli!.. bhwn y 6osvuxthrob-w6ji joy-'.,-' : , ' . V unsi "Such Vccrjc I lx-hold; ; TJi y 'lunid rue of the pv&snnlry :: ." ..' And" barons stcrr:, of orJ--f -- - V '. F;r..wf are 1au?ht.m Ieard bouks, irul m tfaanti-ut itay-, Tiie poutu uou'dir.) iid tl.eir.lorjks ; t '. "J.'fiiu t vii'jr'Sr p;i2c . -a .. .'- A h(ic.ltud 'and 'long ;hii, pei.ple t-hevrvd Ikti t ,thtir rultrs k lid i iipraitd 1 1 fiT', tii I'ik's to rAedaiiy kii'jly r,tt " ' i A.bapiiK'r land when-;- '. . . ' : Nv h 1 , nili r. .t tlK ir !i n(f s Tkhi un, ' . ' Stii fix tlit crowd apj 1 -T ' Mut in ' Ik .r 'id, a sin T r bind . .AlecnMlie anxious ifa. -4' ' . k, ;j liovvtien called ri vf i'J vo'iccs bltrnd,-- Tlii j'Vrat unw Hi-! d" ) jll fei.t. 'ijo v y upon the s-tanil !), ' . r:vc wVv wie tf mH fittf tl btl ' -' ' I. . . O- ti - Otfi" . tiuliiicutioiifor a Senator.. j r," i. "old .J w hi " v' . IlusMeU'hus bveU .tfom. 11:1 ted as a'f.tn .iuaU- iii llio fcjeiiuto ill h!i utucky , , uhd the L" itikloit ConnnOnweutli ooi,tait);i Lt)gi aiohik al s-neti.li ol rlu gttjtlcuWn, con- .fawjjg;;!-eyni.l -cluinnslronci jwjbich;rwto eXj ."tract' oao "Ot:. Wo.: '' ',' ' ':' -p'' ;:"? . It was i tiie custym iu; those" Jo vs for t,hc T''iA'i - Ur .andie iiierpf iiii iig: h.ooji nt? men of IvA'iii. ft iic'k' v " t iy. . i jti a;k e "5i t ' Icoa l" im o ; . t r i o 't o '."JC'bW, fet truiiS) and lius.se ll vvasirtat of ir.i.einpeiameut tunO.sitv;. to visit pi . 1LA n'l -iff 111.1 1.1 si-( 1 m;i unci's- :;md it. tvii.5 ot a itrjjue . land.' NewiOflciiua was at that rime .."the tendczvou oU'the piratJs'tf tlie; UuLr,ud . those freebootersv bprje then?- i '..;. ..i". ' .'.. i ' i '.' i . ! " ... i ' '' .'' seizes wu.a. ingn ; tinnu, ana v?re uouer .ino cVn.t rvl .of a U aOer whoj ha rhi;j was a terror tu li'ilie AVi stern seas; fhaYiVe fqcl! llussell ft nd G'ipt.i llolion (the 'dfs tin gu ish ed.' s ream- the qiu'itcx from vh!ch it.carhe,'. fixed hivVye Ufnm htm If took ? the mcasurv.of,hrs rpan arid determined, if the insuli was r"f'd-on;fl.e .het: rpuncl ty '.dent with .him. a$ he tiVstvr.yed. llts . ossuiia tit was: a., dark, thick sei'iWkying mati, br.dizzened,. a,s. ruuurdnodies 'gcneaU y tre, w!tii-a large xttatpo.nd. breast-tvni:; wnn the i chiTrigfi of posiiion .brpuglit him .again iieafhistu:tkr.ow n "Jf.i versa y a nd the si me fn tiigiii'y wa olVi-red, when Uussell.1, Wfr'h6;ut uh-irt cf par.lfy , knockerd liirn dywnj fira'g- .of -'r, the . ftiyorsbar the doorsf fprLAFtTTE Vf'i back -again iw, a jpoint' with. all' his: i&urdijrtfsf j S- bu ..ti S e,u ; ;v g!'r ' of' ; r r And s tr : enough Lahtte soon .retivrned with' pirates to work veijgeance on : the a.ttjk thiii'-')iad:."so in a stet fit i whe se y c ry U j,Usk4et rv w'aa ooHi td iulo tl hbt::1Sio,-1 lain IlHpti!;; Sh had been in hottest; :of he i battles at Raisin and ha:;be V banded in one of ihtm'jdjateip tbis.'iday; iti i ho-fi It in -tnn i m mi niiV'.. ttiw f -'n f' Kic frA."rt Stf'tb. Rrll'rdi ihfcn l,, f,v r. v. . . - a ..A. .. :, no city police wasauracre -toj trxr psace oy ; t tnein'Pss.uii report oi tne; guns was rt pun. ed bv Lafitte and returivt-d to the citv ibr a trfctachmtiu ''of:.reguhrs vho reirevfd thet oa-; - ' o f uuaiuig iu uu-cckiiiccrs. wuii.UJteo u.iunvis. uc.v to cmuuiejr Tt . . :( - iiver one 1'fias 1ierdof ' 'rajiclie?under tho Hiite'M it exitd some vears ac;6,?P:Ii was the; .yeTyfesteridgfa ni i o u f , v it s " ;d i s g u s (i n g ?i fid ' :. iioftib lei 'f o rhis i There the most led and abandonee of wemcn are; fouird wjih . refugees v rom'''rpisii?c.t frorrv. btldneM, ;jnd they cornmittedi; crime ' with rpinniity. - pne of their usu il resturce Was to iqb KvaJlbat passerigf rswh-v w'ould ih.; atjtious:y. scroll frojii the boat wjiu an'chor- id.ut: the wharf. On one;pccasioni whtv the hftdtrig, tine? of his minister ef.ihe 'Goswc'l 4 ' T-C?' ' of lhn bvsrtarider' r HkfrnstaVilv disrrred gi.(;rifig .llftger Vigs a,fTd.a1ppfusiri.:pf:gi!d wiiains aboiit bis persb!"tiui foj-hictt all over with pistus and dirks '" Ijri ii fevv ;;roomotH8. tjvery' nation under tge 'on Prench jEng : iisli,', AniNiein, It ilian; SpaniaU' cuU'btsyj robbers atidycimblers; ' NuinbeTs ca'Ve tbem Lnd, fkrd un imir tlie qliy tv buy bTroe af- 1 Jiole t mthuh ho, $!uud in nccU. He", h! (JnnJ-eJ Joibfs vtiith hu jmf ruiJepjfy iiut to 2-1 a, sr ill' iot for clutif. He ws Ifn furnitiitlc gn pg b adroitly teharping h t drevs, ..Hotted preacher aqJ dt;ued Vim into aiK liiVljtAu: AiJe io iiqi iiuperior arlicle to hr ris l.aJ al'aJv urchase'd,-' and while tiafre hi w Sviv;cd: his uiocry Cut, from his tiy 91 robbery: unct nruriler,-anor,uuisuii tup 1 . 1 rienii.-t t' pti-J at thV time, m ictf intaot pur. t vJu't alter' Pis' jii ia who, was pointed at as the tliiof, ciiiispd him- toto. ariothcr d their nc. lartuus .rl;tC09s.of.:-.rt-Atg, whera- he for a oMitnt'eacippd.' Russtlt, dctt:rniung j Vi!.vi t i:h. n -I.jio.3xnif, and ha lamed j Aihcns, Geo . toCUrksville, n U rur.nus jr rt I Uo-st'.t.j mako.th j bet of his w.v luck to the pcuvcnkm n dfiklanoe from Knoxvitte that it 1 ijo it. "Aj ti v he M clr'ar ot'tht lhuts, twill probibly draw most uf the tavil, hod om of wlitn was siiU in"sio!.t, hr r-Uod the ! and rtirchtindU which now cornfi tu South liiot ;-this Vivnerablt! olir rrnrohould tiot-TMille. -And if tlvo intelligent v portion oil fhtS 1. irf rr 1 v 5!sf -J o r una ve 1 1 fed , i m tried iai cy his- U n -d h& btiat,', rni(?d pisciow and such jis-in'rs us wvdld take part atjd forifit'd a trl'td rj Qf tii:n bclw'eeH the fiver and the. hill, ineurrtu. cta;j' r ,rthcf. Hire :he held ie; whole pa-qk at hiy, aliimujjh his hfe and ih't of his R.ch..iva ia imminent ricril, and dl rh mded jhe mjr.C'aad lha ri)bber.4 Neither l V1' broke oen every house Jw.ili .1 h"tky b-nurni? bcqm and .seurched Uk n ihoroaitiI ivrhout faueces. lie tnen, lik'e a jjrtat French 'general has since done in Alni, built flies mut blow m Ae ii.tJ the sijwifrs tj cfrivii thtj rufli.wi frum his5 hole; hat hi was all in vnuii;; r At lut, aqd . as a last resort, lie proelaiitd Ark pyrpose: or .rraj;j oHijthe :M whole '.uf;; ij iiiehtZ ut;d r.Yiie, HiIIV rijtij the river and set. ubuht'-1 xecutirg .his threat iji'-good- earnest ila 'passed a ; cable ajcviinJ wjn-nF k.1 hoses and uade fist toliis b-rt, a!ed iteani.ond gve yne ptiM, 'when t!.kbuildtnw moved, from its 'bnte -orn'tis march nko ih'-5Iississkrppi ) ' The old gamblers 'cut l- r. pti, llii'M 11 utuniudt.' and passed his f fei iMi eiitli3 around tins housejprc'parkitur) I hir' another and rfle'cual drrg. At. this;, a ' tmi:s izt d upon .th ? robhti s. a narlev was dJiiMiMud, riOd the iJetitioal pfoney, (tlussell rtjfusino; to receive kijy.iiihcr) was 4xjrtd, aid the old m ili.wVpt 'cvn laway njo.cjn. The e'fllct of this, rough dealing was fell by I Vtfx fiarnpy in m he ivadmcs bl other Cp- tiifs to ' imnato Rnsii'l?s rxarptilr and' the f wTious iir;i 'quyrtt-rs. of Natvrhez uuder. the I lill was chinked to' Vieksburjjt :hjre a few v ta r& a fte rv a rtk-'thev , w c re" lif.erl y d ispe rsed ' I tfle: inflignaiil citizens ;'pf hal "place, ha virijr fif-t huti-fivt if tin in 'fbr n oulragcous .' . . i . . 1 ... .:. - 1. J : A ,u.: uyn iter.' 1 r ima action uu iti niM . inv ijaiiks'ot, ai'fhat region of thd cou.r!iry, and ;is"-iliint conduct. wa extolled 'in all tiie j rjum tit Qienir'rlTfi yfountumeet. J ' TIp HaiJ KoaU. iiA frjend ha'perrninfd us publish an ex t?ci frtfrr V.,iiUier: written, by a gf'njlemaa iVcini ILU)t:otnbe J'N.- C:-. who tsnJe9in I that Cdijniy dti Afy ti;real p;af, df thjypary ;;rThe: s Aii,& . '!!) for mat tii iv ' -sterling good 'sense j v ficl hkihnigvt the.'wVtjtcr.j''' whom wediavre tl ie I'luaVu ro .of k rto w; ;jpjy entitle' f lis : teinaj k's to' eppside.f at Wti. ':; Our readers will .rip d.ijLibt b.5 pleased to- Jea'irrj that Buncombe: and H-yiidefsyn and ' oUie'r portions of Vestcr'n Jfyrth ;CroH to! di ilct their tiittcption 'to pur Uiil 'Jrloadp'roject'andld ap.; fjrrciate' its great iirrportance to .them; and tmty.,' it.' would be,. for aJl .puppsf Kef 3 lra.de; Ijnd ; .traVel!n: ijnd 'vifelpj a'ttendaht- benefits qhfvts.fi' Mef s ime av ton , 'were ji movtd to Greenville; for a .fta 1 1 1 i ) . it ; ": i& i . G r eep v i i 1 c ; w ou! d p la c e the lirirke'.; .:pr.V.t.W--'v.btld r. wivin convemeht ttia.o'h ot the'ir.ouittaiiTf.regiao, both of ...South parol ina a nd' Western ' JNo rth Ca roh'na , wit li tiHfroat,-advantage 1ov'er;:,',any market over one of. '; tv'o' bundrcti.f nujes further South: .Greenville is ;as iheaithy in Suuinief ai :in WouJ-d bo;; i annually :. prcseoted; as'v bas-.iieen the case J wi.ih;t hyi inai ket tovvns'b 'Hamburgh Augusta4 ana ,voiunoia. i tie re anu certain t jfver'in.pa country "iyinii betwfcrn (jreenviue L7istricl ahdthose place?; :which. ser with wagoning precisely U; rliatpferiod of the ; year when.it could bemo-st conveniently attend 1 U.d';to by ; t he -fa riper4, th'e mohth jpf August aiid beptember? w hurt erf ps are ' lata by? and ;eams aro at leisure,,-; ' ' 1 - : :yr AVe c a ri: Assure the frie. ovtdhd niHntayhs'jMnw U'd; t he btst fi ie nd'fi of thei f cou n try , i lh V w-e ieelUhe n.ios. lively ijerest tn" thV-ir c"o ope-! Vaitipn : with;u iq-'a; ,Va htagetiusi'; -Tli:f !ggestion of i lite Writer in ipppHunity ende'rsony ; to lake we have T. $CW '&y&::? Vf:;?VytWP next meeting of i.theXpgislature ; of rhis Ssiaie -V;V e.tvould Inyil atienupntb thefart slated by V.vt w ritcr, : t h fj t : G t?rgt a is e x I rod i n g he r Itail Rbad'so a 'tq ,rfra: ofthyiiisi rJeisS.'f KVit lVnuessee cniif When 4 il h p.pe.-pip :of , Green v il !e , b f live whole vjdatej and (harletlp -y'pa (t.ioul) ry be-t 'dused t'pVa just scns nf ' the fpr,essinff 'retresirtv4' of i t s : me a su re b la !R aj I : Rb ad. -to AG, tee ovi 1 1 c , ;iitJ''ihe ilangejs W del; :ri 'forwVrtling'the .tiiteVbisej;:-;Exei.)?ig 'resunpV'ihis fiuit4 jej&l;'.rpn. timte''-CsnW'tt wj1a Iojgr iyith bold the extract iVom the letter which has W'niter in fact a heauhy perhaps asj any" spot; on 'the gtobe ihq whale -ytr - rdiyndi a nd Cur this reason . ho r?i ndiia nee to trade Reason's pfE'thq'yfiw Ter,ncss(e,au i North Carolina run Some ritk of feverin passiD ihroui'h tfiat f pa'rt of thA have In klen-td's'iveraV of ihe most hiflueritial ehiicens :. Bu ncoib-arid 1 ode r son about the G rpe n i ;t ,Rair'oa,V4fit. lhat;;'.theirfonaninrous opititon is higlvly favorabte to it-'Aahd t have fgj(Kjd 'reason m suppose that ft, considerable .amount of -itock would beaer) Jf a comiins'' sinner to iwue rlp eoutd b,appbinei ,1 was at Ashevinc "k extraor 'cKH Courii?' whch vas nnmerouly attik hded, and many ; per.? kbnsL there expressed; a ; desire ;to subscribe ium, uo.aji in tr eir power to promote an un .t .ifc-rtakins so5 iikelv inii-'erv4" ''respect .to bene- vfifiTwi'Wilf 'iUL'rf;. ii,t.rtVnU' ltreatmiriunori.hia-iteckei'J with the ; ;ipcnpt on tfjt" the country, imtnvdiately and perm Vnt." ly.'''Some nmieJihai the Lfgiilj:")"4; or Goveniirr of South Cnrnhna had u cjyjMid Hooks to bo -opened jxr Heulerson and Buo. etnb, an J the peighboriog count ics.o IKonb Carolina and Tennes.tee, 'as all ill .partici pate equaJfy tri Iha' adtfantige il wnlj give rise: to. Afid to shew ih expediency- nayt absolaiu recesJty of prompt and deciir octiou on this alt-important schema, granjJuni useful Hill feasible, oiy attention .cuittnt 4 to the fict that a charter has ben granted for tho e 1 elision T the Ve ltoad 1 Iffom 1 Oiruluia ond' Gcorcia vi.t i Honcoinba and j(jr;cnvile; and it li not difficult to foretell how greatly those places, and alflhii.adj cent parts uf lhc c)Uutry, .would be iojured bv such a change ol route, which wiajld; be ; . . . .. c . ... ' .. . . .. ... 1 obyjated by a uil Koad terminating at Ujeeu community could be aroused I rorn their pres enj state of apathctuj acd (jo their deirest iiiujrests) most fatal inJjflettnco; tacnereni? re andrsimuUaneou3 ex? riioht ,thi I project, that pfomisps most fairly such advrUriges to them nnd their posterity, eould easily bo tc coirplihed. ' "There wifl probably bo mctlitigs nt Ashe-, vilhj and Henderson 4in tire course of the. Summer, for the purpose of givim some ex- lrcssion .of opinton on this r sobjecf, and it wrjruid be very dusirablo thaisome tt your feadins men should be present toeJCFliin and advocate the measure. ' I "I was much pleased with two articles Opncnrcd in thfe Mountaineer of the 1 6 1 li that nh leu. 'on ad. the the on the same subject, as they arc well cU la ted. to awaken j and inform the people the importance of the subject; and as the jfantaget likely to bo derived from nudoitiikin:? are so self-evident ' when nttcniton is only directed to ti'uch informal tton is truly vauluble." Circat Excitement ul JLesitigtoii'ICy; '."... B V': ' ' 1"V;.: J : : vv o tnve nerio:oro,given an accoune or itie muiuer au -Liexinqton iy.( ol a fMjng ni i,ti by the nartre of Murine; by Lf,ij1etlo; Shtiby..' S.has. been tried', ;-but the jury could not acrec; vhty stood 8 For acmutuL 4 fori tb iVn.t.hiiiarv' TIm JikWo ihsi-4inrn...l thp :ury set' the Prisoner free ur.on bail. J liis has greatly Txctted the pcop.S of LU;x. ington, who have" hung - tha judgu and' .the jury-in efligy, nd, at a "public mee ing passed resolutions highly -condemnatory ol the course pursued on tiie Irtal, r h . .was one of the most unprovoked, cold, blooded murdcrsever committed; still public outbreaks ouht -nit ti be Tf sorted to, to avenge lit. i ' The following vvc copy from the LcAioj'ton Qbserver and Keportcrrlj-;! :''"t 'i'i fSX- K A. The comiiitee'(except ''NdlhanTjnond. Ja me? lie ndersbh- Payne! pleaded jth it his ipffico precluded hiiji itctinyji nd : ileifiJe i isp'nr said liu would hotact wjthput- Paypf) nriti at the Court HbuseyrrsuantVtof;e$o''ti'io,n,) artd .; . .. r - . i. .. :'.:'.'.'. nt r tr ' ' ' i . wen.- into ousiiicrsa.i. o.e looowino . rcyjiu-. tions were UDanirricusly ladoptetiy to; kit; ; 'Kt'solvcd, That the." petiple bf thevcitybf Le x ington andscounty of Fayette j disapprove of the course of; the JudgeyndiJury i'. M the "case qf Li fa vcttc.' Shelby .: 4 ' m k 7'; $j ? : lievslced, that if Horirie had shot Slietbyy he (Horine) would have been ; hung beore the going' down of theyri .' i Mexdhcd, That inasmuch as yiirioneyv, and the inflaence of jtho':4 aristocraifey of tliis cn.uh t v : has ' v; 1 1 ual ly cleo red ; hi fa ette Slielbv, that wey Vine people ase mbled pp tdfo. of the course of the Jury. ' 1 V ? ; .; h Jietoitek y Tfiai th Jpdge-'fjf Circuit Court be? apd he is hereby reque sted to. resign.; , '''7V':V' " VV'V' -U'' 1. 'Resolved, That the eight Jurors ahd Jl dg b cu.1 dow n- from their present, hafiging p sit too, .'at 'a minutes past . 1 1 o'ciioC k'i' a nd t Uey be marched 'round the streets !pf ; Lqxinjj on, to the tune of the ':'Rog tiers' niar ch,?a'.nd ;hat vhry be publicly burn:;. ;. - ' - . v Resolved, That- the recession i be com iroanded by William ,R Lo?in j Sand at his order 'to 'be publicly turntiVF.V SH'.A' lB .(-.. Rrsored, That the? editors of the Obsci ver and Reporter, and Kemucky G niette be re quested to publish iheU6ining'bceeumgst . k;. j ;.;;-,.:;:- ,,',j; v;;,ujr w l'08 ClVn Wi. l iie commniwe v woui;.i s'ato 4u.nneri uiat Id a ring -t hei r gittingy Hcnrv TI & mptbn per-? sonaliy appeared ; aod 'ms'd5''t5a''-f'i!win j statement, tow'it: i Thai bytheV'uryre. wreg,n was proposed to go m'p secret pes., sion.. : AHr that j was Carritdy 4 proposition was made: whether; or Apt. ariyi jury man i was for. hanging, 11-agreed- not toi hang,? frdrrr tne instruction oi the von -re,, .theadmittea evidence of Slft.Mby. s father and Prnde'lL J t Upon inesecona uaitot.l the, mry.votea as folia w$ ; ; -; ';h t V For unconditional achmidl&X Cl u'gs1 on J.M Kidd, P.M . Todhu riter. W m Down art AVmy Ca rd , Jarnes Penpy , Samuhl D6w n4ng; Tnrrvoa : Tlo v'orl'., ';' ..3 '-'t-. I'l. ,' W ; J ?u. .J: ...I '.V . jpor Penitemmyh 3fj'earyy.Ju:hn Dolly, H. vy ... Hampton, U iniel Kossl i !; - i ; Tiie following-' 1ttefi to the Geprgetrwn, Advocate,1 gfye'8 'irttoar'rati.e':p(';-- sbseotifert Iransaccipns, which .the eciipr says he regrets to be; 'com belled to record such events1,; and ;thaViheftf should have bee even the shadow of an : excuse for thero . ' ' . H h,1' ': . : ' ' Lexington - fKv. ) izUlYZ Mr. Ffenckr The Jiaht ol this rri irnihg disclosed to thcitins ufLexingtorr and Fiy'. et le , C y,, nine fjfigic Hn' og'' vt tier was renresentd in .-a f e "P tJack fot brams: i one li hand x Briberir?y on the reverse m1;1 ',Pf, "V e l in fa rge capital A JpDGB Wj JIIOOT J USTl C Ei. -; '';Op' JeVeb : J ' were y wr it ten "Perjury," antt on fMonetges ; m j'' Sjma efforts -wbi. rule ;tj Nay lhejisi biuletl down b fjre a crotfd cbujd Acbl.eciy but. lh Lj i or who undertook- it waicornpenedfo;ret!ire Tlr.s. being'. County Uourt: gay, u ihon as jihp' pou'rt waff iri seUnVa jj'nad e fo r an o i de r'to bh them taken d m .n; 5ui it was refused , Hie vourt (aj-i ng, ' IFi w nrsa. m jnuung- wem yiert ana we- BuckneY and .eiVht Jurors whoi were; Tor;;! he H-cqirfttal 'of Lalayette S fehelpy indicted :br i he m o rde r "of I lenrv Horitie. A Judge Bui k i tcill hare none instating thetz atfajj, ' fv ; ; A few rninu'es beir:ll oVlock V ;j ' Ca pt. itoV rt W1U9Q 1 a ppta red at a yv I cda W; in the second tory of the Court House,!-and . '; in a speech if so fifteen n;htes,n ; ; ho spoke .a to vry soft tarrnj of iheijej . and. jury . ai d affirmed .ihat If yitfn5-.. had. killed Shelly in t tad of Sktltj kiianx-i Jhrine, lie would ,haV jiren ;Mng; in' lew ihan 24 hours; but here is a tSlthy and r. ; ; iStocraSc murderer, bjr fore of his iWp- V ey turned loose upon socjety! Af urder fuiJ ; uiiproroied and inexcusable, has been cJtinJ f mined oft an unofU'tidinj; yodrig msn; trt juf j I street, arid tkts perjured jurgl te( lltO; b(ur.r "il ;f. derer g out unwhipt of justice.. , ; ; At ftio close of his speech he read c"eraK . ; resolutions which wero adopted by ; oecl J ination. The firtt'rewl'itian tw.ali "ihit to fivo i j minutes a fte 1 12 o'clock, they w;ou!tl procied; to burn In the publid atrectdf.iha 'mrrov'fj ! jurors.?' The aecond I cauld jaol bear? Uuf. i ! the third called for lhe appointment oC com.- rtvittce to wait on Ju lgo Uuv k,nr ou ht$ rttura -1 from St. Louis, end earnestly request hirft to ; relgn hl oflicj as Judge of Ihp Diavrict Court; ?r mi.:.. ...: . .... r t rvsoiuiitiu was receiyeu: wiin arVfVvlv round-of applause, and the -omni tu e irjirne . diately appointed, Capt.Wilsoii beioj' chtir -inan. He declared oti his ettctinn, - that i w ould bo he proudest net of hi life,-to! r sentihat resolution to Judge 0ucknefyt.j : A committee of nine was" tvWV-apppnledf Jlk;..!:t;' take dow n the efiigiei which' was dunekamiq : the roll of martai! music and the stSoKtsUiC , the crowd. A procession was formed under the direction of Mr. Logan; the effrgieg were ele- T ; vaied on poles, and tho wholov Pioved offj tp r tho tune of tho Rogue' March; after pacing.;; , along several of the principal fitreeit ki(y :'. formd a circle on Cheapside, and. fsurned , to " nsbosj'tlns ciligies.. : j f '-' r- '.',: .', '; What isthe'state of tiie public? rhind wlien 1 such things happen in broad day UghtT " 'flto ' 1 excitement is very great.',-,Tbero is.' to.', .bo aj. -meeting of the young men to-night jiti the City Ha II, to collect all tho fa.ct in i-nnnction . with the murder and thV trial Whut ttve u!; - timateoljject is I dp not know,- May fle.v-Vr ! en sae us from the whirlpools if anarchy; A SPECTATOR. . - Water for Water is not deemed sals dutely neeessa'ry for sheep as f or oiher Uornesiip apimalsVairrco; lhvir instinct leads thein id. graze early in the ' mprningwhen the dew, is bny and 'again YocV awhile m-cvening, herr the temperature; of, the season is the warmest.' V jt; V 4 V a ' J 4 In the hotnontb of jrVugtist'f TsovjrererV Wber;:; the feed isiess succulent, they appear eager- . lor water, and sheuld be gratined with it if possibla. But thc larhbswhensucVing. 'm do better if the mmhiin hWefcceu.lMl it, t mlf V. times. ; Thtrefue, since iverjr pastare is no supplied with water,-those hat do contain it should bo appropriated "tp the breed eVe,s. V Ji slioul'd b' considered lrja'rlt)rsiI1t jeJbretlen a1 cannot lie so abunuant, if tho eweii sufTer from ;)'hirst.jlorrr( Atkeriton Shepherd. American in ItussiaTHe grabihgand : a winking on the entire railroad1ineJroni5v Petersburg Warsaw, extending a distance of 440 milesy and the contract' for which "is V" valued it four nd a halfmillions prdbllars ' 5 was given to American conlf aVtdrs Witboot . . seearjlj notwithstanding a powerul compe-; $:-:' tition. of their -European rivals. - A " . '-a !;;' I ) Vr-'- The end of EdncatJon ,'. "'The multitude think, that to ' educate a. ' - child is to crowd into its mind a given a. ' mount of kriowjedge; hi. tcach'lhe ihechanismi- ik ; of reading and; writing; te tad thj mcirnorv- .with wards; to prepnre a boy for tho ,ro of trade. JNot wonder theri "that they Thin -'; ; I " U aJmost every .body fit - te Jeacli. Tbtr4ue4 - ; eiid of education is lo unf id and direct arigliti V ' " our whole" nature. .. ti iifdVc is to call furili . powers of thought, atlectiony-wi-ll, and out;.' ,; ' ward actions; powers to observe j to reson. . i tp judge, to contrive; power by adopt goodi- '. , cpurses and to pursue themfficiently; power; V'. V to govern ourselves and d influence others ' . V power to gain and to spread fiappinctsRead., ing is, buLk an instrument; education ,ra' Ur, " ;' teach its""be8t u;'-TJjo irrterieCi ias cre. -A---.V. 1 ated not : to receive' pa ssivdyo fcwwurd4X:i dale and facts, hm to e active for the ac.i, quisit biii of IrOthJ' Accbrdinglyy education. I r f M'insrAPrA ,4Ve pf truth; and ; av" tty teach the pjidesses of 'y investigation. -A' ' sound. logic, by which wp mehh the scienco'. , r of art, which instructs its in thd lws of reaJ., sontrig and evidencein theruoVmeihoy! v( enquiry and io the souca:of lalse iudg ment, is an essential part of a gnod, cduca '. ; tiorf. Lnanmng. ; 4 ':-' :. t ',;-' ''; ((OId Ilotisli and HcadyV' ' 'v ' ; ; - K .-. . 'A" , .. .. ; ' ' k " .' We have heard several very good jnea dcies related of Cneneral Taylo by a feiitt ' ' ' ' inan who served under h;m in Flondas Tliir - ' following is one of the mimber-.k"" ; ' " ; ' ' f During the war with ". lira: SemiiKiles, tb' -army wat frequently -supplied .with, ,crn which 'had; beenrne damaged by. expi;sure u., - damp air. Generaf -Taj lor ;ha a horse t ' . which was called ,Claybankjj,4a very good y' ' animal , but lie did ntfi pa rticulac Iy t iapey j - ' Uncle Sim's musty" rations ; ilTheGuiicral,; ' ' -used to partake of the samel fare ae ihj. ,461. 4 die'rs 'under him, and sordid "Claybank .ao " far as the corn was c o.-jCt- rued j but be wda V . i ' little dainty. The Gepcral ,wJ very , fond of ' horoyny,,: and musty corn mnde f anything but a " l' pleasant diet.'-a ''. ",: .''4 '.'t; .-, .. '. '. t'- . Hej vrpuM iU lay hirilf suspicion of -Pcking,-! ; . soldiers, so old ,Claybank" wiuld bo let loose ' " among the kacjta of corn, an! aitermellinr; l very caVefully the Ugacioua'! animal, would , ' i commence ';gaVhul - pleased, him. The General.: wimid Watch tho ! : I minceuvreA until he saw VClaybank" had W " V made, a choice, . jhen callift;hbVservant, " . . would -direct hinrl to have "giaybank'J 'MIM V ; ' ; bled imniediately ipriarHbe1 wigrrnia " V; ; rihief; b'ut'h Would 'say, as 'Uio animal, has ,4 b .i.. !,u.'i.ij. .-i-u :. ( .-..4 n ''." ti a uuio iu ijiu ug, ib-kt.uwi e-iquari.pt ' "i po ot the corn . to make. liah oii hominy I ',-;V ; - : Th trick was played eevejra -times, ibut by ' ? and bye it 'became ' knowp iharr' w-Jerer' i. ' MCUybankrgnawed lmo a sack, sweet ernl J: was to be found, a ndtae incident, became ;V j standing idke'durinr'lhe worii V a. IV! m 1 il I k- .: ;-': "A jfJt',: '1 -; 'li'A :;5tAif

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