i:i;.-rj --TTAj.u jy.' i'.-''' . ! .V''-'-'-,;;. ..V..--icv f". .-;"?'' ,,,,,41 V m,. iim,---VvririiMitii fmmm I i mm 1 ' - jxumm t . ' Wk.hi. t it-- M.zu. II. '-MY"- .hroo-A O.MW,l , ... ' i i .... -llir.niW) the ',Uro' been, f- VI near, ile died 3 J:!. ". "-?. io-lU 4' i ,-xn,S J.coe ; I i , - - . . - Vis TO) tl p-v-'-' Mn2 Ins character. , . ' On .scco-img ' lne not oonl"nl . U ,,h the spsciU rdcjice "f h, falhcr' ertct J another mu.h m re ni-gnifioen!, fronting ry. lite Ln-iiinith bri-'liv rji.aint-d l!it-f 1. k jt of the V ivrV.' VVru,, Cl.6i-jc, 'Esq ft at siwr " . Zs 1 . MlUA . brT,3kr,;i a penny , ,nj nitrnt.r or tlu" !ovn r4 t un iri, - bf companies oi t . m MIin,.;nt. onj mcltxi most if cin ii'ciim many, hfrUslj fit n J, ; ? ' h1'? V3 tUr' l Ca3' r lV W l..,o 1 n,f rot i,d our ' letter. ' X-ti L.r?, M,S'Scm! u h. ? il uninJ w t! c fvrUW r.K-r. ' Uut f ji hal hyo -.me ftto-e; ; cru,ucs l-at l.ie mean f jraiHJriau ,r c f irr j,Timlrwi. At 12' o'ckV . - - - F . t r- , . r tw.- ra llltl .ikll inilll llll'a W.-W ..iifiKii i au..u iLiru ui l. 1 . lufttu'i ui t t n - ..l .111 r .. wf ii 1 A-t . . ! i Lh,, r....Sil j: neM.t . 1,rd..,-rn f-r 1 ... , UyU q . U forf, ' tl; ' tVTin i ' -h,d mirtfy arnt J I T was intinduccd ta ot, lhi Kdjr the !iu- 'Senate Omti Minc, fr Ibe tcira f sitVcarrram ? ...E1.'""1 lr,cith.t,torVU,tlrntH. i tr 'f lol n' Ul t ui3 untheWm hy vs. Hie tiulcnco of mcni lj pay to .irtngtr Mn-rbe h.d whoW u ?n tU 5 Trck - " " . Jmfc.no. l.r..is ho .IMnn...Qif ever t I VP.I ir lw Purlvos,t,lwVn qM..i f-';n - ,',J l-' " V 1 T H'.l a !J iron "shaft, iSh:ecn iwv iu rfi,Jai ry m.ch struck W U p-sU of jlnm, 7 " "" Afr ri n1' p'! bui't uf red si.no, ,-orni ln nt (i ih'rmrble, tbcarifwi nf the Monte i-nn vy.(n'i;le b-iirin a ilgpr in his taVwi-) nig !cuVlu,r'-' oVr . tnain (iu irj". CiU-'l ujnt'Jin, im iy pTt:; r Ai'rvoif('tMTie n ihborin.lnlli, plived in the ftst fn-U an.l girdcn, h J lupplu'd yu. j tcr tJ I 'Mi'Irpds jf nvrbbj baths 111 ilia inie- riur t ibv p ilatvs, - Crowdj of nwbk and il)4 -try inc.'' in.vrro coriiiuijitiy aaonir'r ihr.f ti ifit-h r loJlriftj nway'iiicir J, .ii r 1 n 41 1 i c ii I u (i l ' in U Hit b c ri r v . ii4ui svool alorn.d th 'ctilitin, beiunfit'l 1 m iiM' f p!i" t"lvirt d ilia Ihvyra. , Tlw wi'lu re unb coiori" ncblf fctau' 1 he ki1 ;f UiiJ arunuls, or gorgeou dT3p'-. rfTif fi uiSt (m!v 'wronlil in itnintion ml an eif C"!.r- Cloiiif of iiK'fii&v front trot, yili ii n 111 ri (ItiiiiM d mimic Uin odu,rn thru' npvlnT.t iyccuplfd b tho.)i hii flrcl amlsanhlii vices and five thou.wfid k vt s (f . Monh'Z una. ' . ,.v I, '..,11 - f ':. , . J uciniub police ginrded the cityv . .E.vtti)ive ' ar$-fi iN, gi.imi,l warf hcum , &u nvini .f 4tbi- nwr bet4iiifut birhj, meiihvrii., li-iUv for rpli'es and .s.'ipt nt,' fj Crilh ci oi tf ' iiiii'ii m Mivtei s, fi.fi piidd LmU ot' in'ar- 11 .. . . ! -i-.v-' 1 ' ,1 1 mini Hon, yv j ui''t' i). r. m rrv; 1 f r . j . .. 11 .1 -.. - .' tpii t .. n vH "" f-,1 o uv jorur.L uwj: , o-jics ur invi ! : 1 T rs. .,: 1 :x . .. ,rlirt.fbS,,npire. Thv tHy d M-Uv..:kJ?i I !t trv Sni'th, Elwa.M Hirle, U ' !W . 1 ,r,,.a Ivw.s b. Lv ' boa, ff'm ,,,1, rc.. lUj.,kL , ff.rd'by, ua ilui c.act' , whe ' I V f 1 . ,in,nibj .nun.bered twjeo uu ; ujany w Sih-nir, S..M Ilirle, K Pi J.ni"s. T.; P tniintnnu iiJapol, tct ariimi. . whether 11 were lh l.idywhi utieitd lb. ?e j w'oild of watersruihea oVrr the prei-pi and j j - i V ' " ' 1- Ixl. i'aib- as ut prej nt , nnd.oHK thousaiJ aHi Vvft-r.ntn' n.'d.' P. Tovi nes-JuKlah I K-iore, I v . T r'T:r 'TjrT . T"" jjoieiil shrit ks, w ho .was rescued, or'w, hthv 'j uslu( -.rar$ ttito the. g'ulf ; bclowV , The ( "- I ,r ..'.ik'enipl.Ai-diii wiinrin.a'nd sween 'r- Ai Cu...k, Meei IV,J 11 Jov.'-, yl severe Rebuke A good &tAry is told d erl.rrbdy w,riwai ihe boijon iT ,tiie S'.,4 ceuL' ss Kpray ris tip like jncqiue to the 1 ' o. . ". ',. . w.4 f. Dinimii, ll-O J..hM)tit.Ui4 J. r the imntti-r.m which Aiista'V othcers . were; Luvrpneer I con not all. ' , . pfteniM hither! The hn-ms of :he.jun, m Mn ' c'V- ' ' l..UiN.sirN, ktepm- tht m m . thit n n, J . U.,r, uit, Dr. O R l .Sh Whu-1 '- O...Ur lK.-sr tmn roturn to Moiiifrt-v : The Ciptmn of ibe (Lv-ht'C, np3rohenvi ; an I irii fill eceU sly.n ilntpna , and'f ,. uT , ' , ' ' .,'. i. .K iKt. ti 1uIe chy "with tisliuh,. vr.D U.U.v.bjJ' HnV -C Sr,., P. P "Abu'l-wts ivea ii a 1 irge, p my . ol offioeit tlmt fce nnSit Iwvo rcct i vt d ,om (ami u yv. are S; bt bnrk intn.ny eo'or- 1 hues io,v (0 ,.erif .,:w!his f-fi as hn f .c.e. ; A Ihqrie, U V ,;..Vidl.tt T,l2. I's u ih, ) h.-Kh dj it .ivi Ked from S'm Luis,-or Si.m- j r :md lalht b: m a 'sinkn coi)3inifl, Con-f :pu ee .of hhtl jS w..s' il wht-n, wheeling' dcnwJyrCX we ar'inaatlv receiving if th - i I I V, iu I m js.'uii4 u'd J public Jibruf le's ajt t. . t ' . . I 'i t ' '.' , . . i -V i. -ps p. th gioji ctiy f,f tho Az'j ci. (vor. . us tt mjih in .which burnt' n virtmis. -weiu . .c i(icd, and iheir blood .'baked in breid;or l :r bj.'ii's d:t ssi'd br fa d to be lievoun d lt'.t ; (' ,M ri hioys .liul ie ri J . U nr ) y i :.tn:dial uliars far nb.)e the yiht'st f .i i Tii'.-inJs of th ir biothtr tn h , wr -.i'is 'ui:fh'eir nruiuatly. , .T'he tenipu . t.( M ivu, v"i t wiir god, was .si ctMis'r.uL'ied - i'i i : .1 tirm ii'jlTs ui b. to b:tU . votKcd- fit vullty fir thr.it. leagues-- a round i J i J-:1 ue h hi lad tlMiis md arrtir'd'A;. : t o -T, t tin ntuecdjule rt hef of ilrftr 'lYutriarch: S n i. ii til 1 eolh C:i in of bints .f nrev , , . hi a iMH.iiim-r divun d H Uu in.i'.hai 500 t'.i'.. '', the cheapi'fii meal 'in Mexico, Mere, n! ',1VI l r iluir d o! cofiMimption. Such j 1 1 LI I'Nof C M e ti !!" fh" su-iijiuT. j-restoencu f ;lho iiionarc'tf "on the t ovoi lokicg the city, gti Jens : of sevl rah'ipilp.s were 6re$emd until lie s 'ifr,"iun.h-I bv t -wnt.anlJhTe ) He, ofihe last k'nturyj tvt) sirt.ucs oft the l't' ' -i. J hi fither, flic iltval Cn s I , - vnl ihum'tid years ol j, but are as-grtt n g asnn.io ii i s ot Mmtirurni whose 1.cs, .iie u bis ancestors, retidt r saered'jn "rv,, ,,f ,nlLive Mt-xic-ans, the hill of Qi ip 'Mi pec Natural decay and -a tvahirg pop .--;'w-ui n.nv mark fie scat .of -power" t)f ihO .-g-i-Jt .tivinifzumasv"-'. ipprobatioi of tho'pub ! firs; giving1 its quietus to thojbil. to ' r'Jf -xefj oj 'fosLig'r; . lh,e stconf, u i v!i!ii,f tliking up by a. decisive -nyjort. '' nrering ort tle Consideration of4 ilu ,n .''rctfd claims of our cilir.ens for in " for Fjench seizure and confiscation of tli-r property prjo'r to ihoy far 1800 n)'j iby by which this bill was taken up l" 'v:di! yibc b.ipe thit it is at length to K tlve a faorable decision from the rrpre'. at vt- oftb, people. II,w many n agfd n 1 M1'. Ifcjrt will its passage make throb v-"ti i'iv . ' " - v : I. It w .iicu'ar coincidence thst Mr. Wdmot, tiie onti J ''tansvKaniaii ! Voted for the f tr ff 'ut.ve of il.c same town and county of J tn"1 'ftaMr. Walker.- WasAj I . '!! J iurri,i n, . ... . jrton VititiH. says the ;'Al- 'urr.al. Tlir "P',ct. her interests, would be exactly 'the ' ' ' fTjiiuee uTioiiter. PenaVylvanfa may bleis . "t- -if ri,e has only one place wfthinbti- inilu! C'.'wbirlh to parricides. . . V A boy calkd on a doctir to VwU his rtherwho d Aehnam imnH'not'rishtl-; tvcoVrg rtam. l,. ..U . j . .i . j. . - j 'ad "i but vtry good English." . " , , lrs, uiiih r vxhiihdi,. A-ree' neft ig i vfind, jren"? in i!v--e Coontii ' to r pre-er.l lheni in l-i nits tnicr' hold ihcir intumiigdt rc' r ceiving .ub'enptims- for .stock! I ; iVV.ll b,lov!ie roa garden.. SWf X" no'Vol ,f MAjor E. D P.ile, -mnrefiMy.f tl , circumference, .rV m. ,J . ' i.hdL n .h, niilnr, ' - ' ' . ' THe P.inisi Ivaoi". f,iets wo.il I rri-at 'in 1 nuJricnt of fttf eonin:l3 given to political favor-'T " r . .! . onVlWv'tMhat Mr Polk and - Mr- Dallas , 'VW,for "tb support of parn dependants' .trough the dcclt, and thoigh nr t one' of our A'-5'IiI ln! iiigtmccr, 'Tefernng to.. ' - - ' . . t hat oo mennsjjr'e .portion of it is squandered, I ojit. s. uttered c it exclamation yf ft ar, there epax-.ednig, in Wouse of Ueprescnta. ' 'p'"" J'': vv " V fr 1' n,,'y ' i fraudulently. It . v d 1 be ,vas .uo t on0 of- lhp , tt hose ,3 nut ' ifuimui( Mr. ribngyos'h.1 We should ju go. th U T,4olleclil ibhl lurm the proflicacv of Mr.,Van , . . , . J ' . ''1 n,ir-d.y sas: '! thjngs mirk- xiy ltllIik othe.ttie by this time. ' The.atv Darci.'H rei?n U allied that a c'ertain'membor . r;'D,, ana-wrjose cjieeK was not pale. ti'.he :.ct;on ,".f , he House of R. Wesenia't.vt s !i nexVd ,s fabn horn -ibe TloHd lpMa-.S, otC nsr.s from the Extern States Actually box. - To' ournfpn.te rtLef we soon smthe fire . . '!' ' " ri- -r -'' -' r r " r( ' - it'ed oP'n4 bbipped hooie a larirequantititof Mipenor . suo tued, i d hw-p3$ingr.rs were -in tn? mean -rlnh.cl.1 wo are confident 'will.ro f theTtoeS Lne ro print.; fhe UKilvf(lUe wmifw remember cor. lmie removtd Irom f,o wrtck. 'li,re was a 'general annrobatio;, of tW public bhrk hw fti Vp.anU buttomrmolems ot rcclh,r ;nic Sli?,e tcflncs, and extravagance ;niCr. frmi. m scaVchof her dnMren. frbm the wjUjcot of ch? p-pooorftM ,irt tMin. - 4. Jlesnlced-i Tbt such Dis'nois (f this S ate, and ut North C.iVvlma ujtd 'IVnnos---t"a5 m ty fi I niif it sitd ii'tbvv Jtcuiiiplil. iiiiiit ol hr wotif , b t .invited : la unite wnf u in tu- i!el b rjjiotis."- '4 ! , 1 5. lie so! red 1 Tnat a Gmitirc f four I b aj p ii;ti:rl'in ni-.tt fuch "irit'jial ry ur- ruiwi'int ln s nrM be 1'ictssarv for I be H-1 noin ifi rtie n. 5 ? i ; i j j- ' ' Tb-- liehi:ium. were fconsidod, nnJ nn itnroHStnnvs Ti v-hcitifHJ fcuhenpioiM oJ slock. !.Htn'.J. !l Poinsett , sn'siK.'d an ?w nn ndtiirrii, (tvhicb was nccvpu-il,) that i!j; Coi nnS'.s utile rs thefnselfcs tliou'J tl reqn.s "V d toappp 1A said Cotinnati e; in which iorm Kevolutivn .i adopt d. he .itJd d to th 1M t U- 1 jjat ?,. t " Tli1 Ct'renuiiee of -n, oSci the i UtSlutHte, IMsis'S HI I to- folfnw l'Tr M n in p llTlin; u. puV,! - Ch.e Q. Pj'V"Sv'v- S. M. Jrl(); lt IhiHoiye.-ua, mid Ii.' l-irle-uDd i lie. lodvwiH mirdr r mJ d Ii.' h-trle-t-j-mid the bnlvMHH--' snirdirT ;i) rlies.ito'ion: d) U'kfjJ L'iinjLtJ, K Loe id, it fid W-T ll.wh.Kh ' f h di 'Col J. T". (luhtiin ' "iipe'-Ie 1 4li it, the iTiHetinij should la ke hwoi .v-iuiofj-Tiirr- rria ni to an afrit ndnit tiT td 'flu Chir.irT. .Tit.' pin posit i-on was supposed 3)vCi5t.'--T)wjIwsl nnd the. bilhtwiiuj; Rcso!u;ioft .,iion'iud.''bv him". Wf.8.Hooptfd? ' .i - ... t v., -i.. - i Rel!nJf- 'Th it dr , U ul It .'d Com ni:iouers j for 'r Uiee'ovide I) is1 net 'be n q'leiled 'in Iv htif " if. ibe ci'iyt ns cd Greeijv-iHe,:-1 T -'sive. jaibli.: netictr'titaU ap pheiiion i!i h"'irie in nef Lojis l iture hi; irrauv nn "artienlnn-'nt 'to - th VAy t er tof hp -.(Ireeilyillo nnd 'ddmnhta. I i 1 Ro id4 an.f ;.tlsi) lo exten i and rerifw tlr same If the 1 1 qii'i.ttf, Mibxe i iplion ."is, not nbtiinetl prev'ious, -dr the. snetin of the- LiejjislaluY Cul. T ,C.'reiVftn .M:ed lo lho1 KHttjtiS I'lit-. "hr-. Irul - received assurances front n -relv i rthle -o"J"'et, tlett m'uJv f le friend of th'e Uavl rii' Jiinoiiibe; and Jiettdersitn wt-re (h, siroiK i'i aiding the ent'-rprise, nod :v would oppnitFinttyvwas iitfe red, subscribe lAr stocli." The hk'i tig adised lhat the Uiil lload Corn and that thei Newspapers in lhf 'adio'n.ni'' Dis Ificis. and Highland Mese'nger bb rejue$Uil to publish thm Hiw, -i . - r CM motion, adjournerk . 4 f- I V McIJEECWni T. P. Dptler; Secr'. . 1 (jiKoatir f rom a'cuiisyl vauia. roou'jtirtg. V.,mn f It' T.,r,r IW in thr Srnntr GfLrfTf M. Dallas shtll be lo mOrtN-im- morta'l to eavcralinrt-r iinniortaV ti infainv.-- Tht Commoht Hhh'.lh.a'T.ad given Vnm birlh, i.i . . i ' . i o life, UvoT, wculrh, smtion cJ jwwer, chnJ upon him tt 6tr teh torlh flis nrrp nmi ave . . . . .1. 1 O.. . .L". . .. - . bt'in M.art( tT"feuh'iiii d b'v l!u Lh jinn ni ? ',' ;., , - tbemulvea frni ;ht- s'mki.ij; bu. wr.ri.n...,H.iaiai:i.d. v V ' 'V"?; JJl.P-,w," .The n ck drifted rapidly nW upon il W;Uh.wr;i:i uts;v,uhiM?wduJn.So!lJtt,lS-V,,r-'l,V0 ltfy ML75 broad eu'rrc cfMl Su Laired, and . . 1 ' . 1 , pif.si-iK (-Hi re ti'in mcessarvjlo KrM.uo4it, . . - .t i t t . .1 . . lion lor the tippoiii'ini-nt rif ,C.noiutif;vs in H. y rt-nuncM voln'Ti 1 " IN hj j Jot in lho gMom ot r.ib;, that n.. ditn-reri rr.r's of this ITTsUirt in 'n i'i I 1 J ' 'n l"L' f"V" 11 'V11' " . . . !j:ti' could h ttn' but the liL'his which w ere thi n.i.y .xt ut W. (;ttoirt, lq , in 1 (Jhdiri ' . ... j i. puticuur no it nuie votcc, conj:r. irom ; over wWe memorable tifiJs, :inj lol.uueJ by 1 . . j; V J r tr( Wfr-Nr 'i;,s frnueNiv I lo arp.Ant ih- Com.i.it , 1 ftC" rL,m,;r 1,1 ',DR Mr'- l'"m- ib- u:er4 so loud, so piercing, so ep'siw to-H, r note ot the Ut resoni.d irmnjiyl ot ,1 WOJ ' " letsvttutt ninl.i'&l bv'tht- UenirJu' mrf. - i -.t , J - 1 ! f terror, .th U eveniovv it rnis in xny cars , tune; but a. broodier ct nc tor those vt ffiirod, t .V)r iJ"-l- v - J " fW, Katio.PiUeco.uniiM.bjMonit 1 nt 1 ,url WJS no1 ! Shriek afier bi t k h jiHen d...s flwol.a AtrTvr trial of Coitr and deiphn, ; jlJl7 'VV . " wvre pi mn ttd, ainJt'ie nao'iesof tiw f''.'nw. J. . -ij-'j mTrs wo c inff nn" from dnr I tiA!l uPnn ,De drk stryam, rind ttioujh ii t r vm whi so srotion was okjruckely" a hi ''j'-C Li inr,2e'At'iii'il-: t anniiineid !tv the Cii;'i'--. I f 'Vi' .,,'l'V'tri.--Vf.1 fe. 'i'-lrn r0fT ,',fr I wa' rfl-ohubl y.not more thn five orjen rin- f uttid w.th the sublircuj and b nunlul uilio'lu e, t ''Vtr; V 0 V ' 1 mn: J. R P.-.iiSOlt, J, l - Coumm. W 1 , ,r, r, , . , ... 0 - -nit-, b. t ue lie'r vui:t was ih need, sei tin n nhe ,ot Id has nol fe-n. 1 do nrmie r---,, , 'v .M B , M,4Ud. n: li'' Ah ChVi'i.iii 1,1 rjcu m,, !id.it ilusbill An-n a UnJercd n.cisarv to examine h:s own bo-it i-ao the fi-1 1 oTbtnte ilw rIijii b nrni)f ; the ' iner&!ag poputan'y of Dr. Jaync' Ktctorant. . ) W'Ki.lp1!, M c 'ah 'it' 1'rv, Ifjj Tl A.i'in i -Vh-wti d -u. 1 diMrinet-d mb r.io ,opp.-ar- "bt hire he proceeded to he ti6M.tncp of the ! senin feuri', nrurnin frciriV the PV'Wieir. Wcbfve no urtereel" in -pofUojf uanj furtl. r Y. d-LJwrivUsfJ.fiid D.!l.v, K1... liirle,e,,.,- ui.if.iin .leh biu.btd. -haul wrh a,M .it'lu r- gome uimiues weie ich;pirtl h ibis I chd ;lw a.lv.jnrni'r cofumn WidrM' cot-j ban w?'he d.rt,'re l P'omot,9 Jh .i.?!f Jr. ' ' . I 'i,vl ;.,p. ...wnsnd opto th, bight ,a .rn .iu,n, hc, u opj,carin il..t stfri. j o.,! ,The sun wcnt down, hrm.nyarl h e j 3'?? omKi'lJlSSJIl.ci Oiiltinti m of M jor H IX Kirb it wsm f5L; lhv .lrii s'rockup, aul amoiy tA.ii tiain.ige liad bt en; mcw(rcdr. the Qui bec no more l lise on cuih. , f- u an ali'ita rcm-dy. And in calling the afen. ' n siUt d iVnl e Chdiiimn. V- NlelJ. e li-n the'fu to p-i V . tli; ir- repf d:s to t!;e J idn 1 ,n,m d down the ric? in peiuit of the wrick'. -Wnh darko s cam t!ie greater :n' ''of tunof tlv p.ib'ic to it," we feci fiat wc are in the ' . J1' t'ti )'ir.i i i ' v . Tit . . t. ivi..) ' -u . . r i' . v I'.'.. . TL. ... . I-. . rernily'adrini-ied."as fc learn Trom eif exJhanc inching .III, CXCl'y direction ,".10 find h.S Wile. . . ii ft '.An-. UA-er, "for inmates to lurty-.i the. numbers ol Here was a Slater, I b?i!ut V icsAoe and U t n co. summattd!.and by ihtMo.e f le,.rS. lt o3.h Congrt w.tn 800 A-Zisa pen-kmvesj ,.h- , .ra, fit ..' (, ft hT nn " -nfT MifflirDiMas of,lV.ulvaiiiiTlhrtl Qui f four I a piarl, or bii handk s, to bcof J v a " nnd htsrj inqjuing KMopr has tnrn bld-by the mgrnte the b Kl.oi fm.h andf the hrst qu .l.ty; the paturn brt'ir. anjl hom no one dared to handofatri-.-iehemuss.. L.ke'tlru oPbon -1"kuw- V 'li K! -TT7 f '""'Si' ,ll,Bt nJ-U wcbIio raKjgJin . j .r u- C- ' " .i ' i- ' -i icz n duio, two-bladed.: . ; Ihema-re 22 tnembcrHj wiih wave-Mere . was a sailor wnb an who G.edihe rveii-in'.dne, the. la,ne ot t, -llomthe-. .u- ,,e ,a - V ' , .w, her 'he nas answi rt o iuc t;m us m; ussiissm Mwrcr hub ms wiwwi tr .nr. , f,,u.aiiu A.ti fendsto .the rnV;rey Crv of the! b-lplc. ..uh.tlwr r.tfy W .yr, prat,-? purely -thkl hJ ,K.orPVnn,Uvami! "An e.i.idrc H.hml kr.ti n.isf.vi.iri'' i-oure of the real elenv ntx .! .: X ..." ... Fraud miis'f lie- ipd our-k. peal.i-j the w.od and we sr t the bdl. infOion, ven hi u-h m sand sjdnflfy .nd Mn'' Dm vre t-h li not t e dlon The rongfi ti-Ut nrrrw of, six- tb.twm.l irn-w'or,en! nU mmr., w.u r.dl on V nan, rr r , has been uore ivnnoi.uma. i. .I, i r ' Benevolence. W hen , the cr. n tie of pros, peritv' lunes upon 0, we,-viT .HgtU ou neighbors' "Wh.r are' in ine'darkj. and bav none the lefs Kht. ourselves: . , , ligru our of Wealth and tr all, s Iran i:,p entire union ; home.-wbv not hupjiv tne ludtttul upin w K..l. xhr his been ssenfrred ihecVMn is 1 u-ethcm? And ' Mr. JSuMiir o-c- fas kaife of'theSi'.h n.Mrated and "tr.d.fcr down d.Hcr wt.ly a,n aful wtfv ni uit 'umi t . 4 . .. , . . r , urnih ii?vuied srvAi.-U of Mto dear .rt.,or to Hie y r-1 r' " wh'aMW'plvof the rtal, eeajine lUiozaa I ' i - I- I. . W as. I C m xtrv n ' ;rit " fl . J lv nr.d tti writing,' t .n'"' ir. ;iir i woula lemi to elevate the tone ol tlieir- - r ' . . - ,t-' 7 . ran faros tkn .;do vf th.t city, N 1 Pr. J. , 0 .1, . bv'the shin's, h-m -bcn thr n Frorri rtMsi( uu H. par ol the tremy. b .J led , th ln riclr lrrf;)r Ju.p over, to thr bc!i, 1 m the rm Unt M vvar ws;t 1( jJ; . flLd ,l!c0nfu, uUt. an cud. - The jiPl,i8J..n u I bat ne?ot, ,n l.ft.n'cl .njflJ .Koj.tlst . 60(i n0l a; uutia b;r i.ucre on Soul.. 1 nero w is tm u fh sc , r..J.rr J.C nrc -fof the Ppaitfl., ;-ntP Knj lbf,tr wVa wdre.trimffluirh:ate .,1. ... ...i . r . u:.. .1 ... .1 . . . .. .1 . . ; breaihufatf moving- -iuq stillness of miiiniahl I r siu'eicrs exerleo every means tor t ue .-pro..".;.-. . . , -. :. ,: jl-v, j, ' .1 . , ; - J , f r , .wis a found us oxcept as we hraru iroip liie .ucHou o the -;i!izeo, . wirj were promised .:Vi'' .it ,- : ii vt , S lT . f I iitj . 11 111 4 u v u. V.V vi ivf lirv k.v lli ouoLi.v.to a cull ient tune al tlir Kisqi , The nn-?wer ot the ladies was noble: and at . i, - i. .... .- , . i . t . the smn 'uow eut.u lo(a degree:' li e do. not-diihce Acilh "our orri saciy- ., !. . " 1 ". . ,'' ' IIV Vunl 'that Chap .' ft vy d.T);s r.g.., i gcnii'Hian ('') ejine 'into Ir .-inc;utn an I t lok -i m tit lhvt.di look'nlfh.-jJi it, "and piekt d iip a i Vii (d ' .irjuiiu,rrik and 'co ti , nii.'neeilo;eiwiiui'thse!y.v We reacfh d yvpr: iiij .look a -letter out ot iils hat, unfolded and wmriVctt'eed .MiuiMng;' it. lie? was si . ls' i!i .t Ir diJi et dic hi r h nv-Vwe were, pay I mi huh in h - o.l n euir until we ti-U-d ,n - vvii-iV w.isit hi- ernie.!. indt nt.ws- w lirnef 'o Siini ih mi U'wommf Why, " look h'-ie, Sipme, s..s 1m .-Soil lyhie nut reading hpMvme" lettei-bf-' Ct-ahdv.-slf ,M uid wo' mn me. rtKvluiT our: oriv ite -m.iu-j--t !ion were th-. fi hows', who liid'dmeid -o htst c !ioulJ "iuil ovt r NtmieVid'eier fl ..ilin I n uino the f .int-hoams of the twJi) smij'iUd 5 rr n a ' t if u L, A" i ..Vi .sciipts"" Ue w..s"pligutd Kegged us Dot.t vij'V-1-! a targe number of French Can t ntion Jus n fi:'v--:)rimu'j to' do -.so iw -d ""one Indian (.imifiCN, -and as im- mote, nru we n nt cen i,luuianoogi ba. . ' . I t l'rnvi if.i Sai r-ynah Itt fltt'jliwn. fisaitllliit tiers. ' Tl) prcFcnt "'Congreas- neon, nso'veu to eivc a preiiy fair .iliisrat-on ofvla is:mnt "by Ucmo. t-r.orc rcQMoinV,," cr chargmjf the VlnT wfth PAlf.ivafi mce bi r.dlii th"y rc'ucf d ibe rxpmJiturs; :fH:rf?,:2Srffi y?).anilIoM.il dan.s. epon ImpofN to ixtenl. sytri,cot io pay imiooly ti.ccorcc.it cTpen, bud -.''-," - "-- .. - t in- ivmoicHv. utut ti riu H!too,r hicmi. vrry . iir o, aeeofJi.ff.to a statfiimnt, rontly..-inade in ho t Si-nawl. wall'have. to aprropnale -l lea.st Fift.yJbnr Millions of dblUrs diinaj tlit? prcflunt scsiont If an tLe u!!ic litUi puss, the aniounjt . wul b .swell. ni up l'oSJ6H,76G,C.6bM ! Tlns'i .-done - under the prttcit ll'.it the country i m u. stato.f wai, and in order ti eorapltte the dercplmn some, twenty prr ft'iiiy of tWfn jrtT.Mr- RitriitV"prijintjr accousit bt.t i o? nniihl waspncl thai )urbad cltarid ofe- inp hk- 6'l .WJoka stiL j?h t! Lit iwt Ue ptople lw doctMved howcFcr minense inn are rmt piven vr trgtiimait tear ca of tbeniont-v is . distributed in tlw; ma ?njail w a art OeffinniniT ajaiutr. oe e.j..o;iea. i i ."The Ck rk of thd II..use of Rm-tont&tire i l. ,ir.K.,t,.l ik,n Nn.l t,nir iMnknivr'a iwc 1 "of each rueniljeriand 12d over, fof whfct wc suijoso f v . i's j jwrk." 1 ""ili-re are 8 la.wjE.vcn fi , . ..S fof for pp-knirps; why not :trtll.riikc nH lorn rnntH 1 , r cket-handk'trcltn it Why not funis.!i , .Mr. t .. . . i : f . ..-- II -' 1 i-lftn if nrt"rexw. II members .ol t uniti!.s arc r . - . . f ,f. n i r f,. ,L V i . , n.t t 'Pie"1 "w t Mn, and e-vc thrtti iivcreaj-ed nzaT;fa tlie'vapooa ifjfs w liuhTrtnolde and distinguisn psirticntatrly tae lowtr Itiuse! : j :. . -, .. . Our cH.uit-iryof the CharTes.tcn Uteniag Atr. t-ptak.n,; t-i-(uiy on this utjoC, ta)--: ."".Midi I" .ninilr,:.' i a ' peculation is nmvortiiy ol. tlie f , . j. , . ( . T.- ll..nl',n. Ml.. rnf..KHsinfft-.ivnn rr mnn j u uh-oUl' w 4 foi h vencrabl wire t dK .,.... rr inildau'-liter. watt sentenced ia lk3- J .. . ------- . i , . I toa, on SaturJy Ust, "tp three . jyc'ars and a half ia i tht oeti'tcrtiuTv, upon the bo of : uur-.boaL . 11 aU r uas nnJ lhefe VOJJ b4 neOa 'ruSShng in wives. .?uch 8li;u ks, aj h.tving been 01 cv I li .ird, cdir never, be fi.rg meti. , There wusj tipou thy' water, or stj thetsomo b Kit proceed " i;ig loVthe rcficue .'ffom.lhc &lwe. During AM ibis tune, whfeb iSeirieiV very long, fearful. rit ks were i nces.t nilv lra rd from' the re. gt. rt f ihe'.sinking6tQitr and from Jfil -rent, pours in the dark wster around. Atlengjh, ' Iduci er,"vvo ai ned .it hersrie'. yl'ule boats 'wire pm uir om the Steamer, .and one or 'two Im 1 ar"i ived from thr shore, lo search for. M isci Avh wero struggling hi ihe atiein..-- We fiuud the', Rowland Hill, lying upon her side. sunk.in n bout ten , let l of . water , vpon-a h i r; llPl)11 "h ,he h id pmvidtniial tlriiliVh v d the sunk a i w nirn'.tiis sooner rr a ft w t'i"oaien: - s later, .sht?' would have g me dow n i ul,J Wn fnhtmis ol water and fc-w could hive , u!-1 ivi. nwpinnm oi me water wa t'ojjitd w idrlho p-isse5ger nd er.ew, ' : -'ThMe'wtre, m ad inion do nnuy cabin .u . oniml. u. ","""";" tlln Wlirtl- 'tml till !i hit i v .il-'Pn.1 ir-iricr tlrrough the. air, thereensued a dfic of terror and' of Ujiroar whuh Is indisenb-dde nn1f u n i ii igi ua ble. ' ':i?o r the lo j s of Go J , t li r oi,: 'u soma 'veieV:.-' Cumo'whb . your -bucket., V. 4 we nro oij- on . fire' '-worn fxelim'i lions which cie hcard'lislnij above, the clamor and CAlran V I . I. ..t. .I.i l... t. . - 4"11 u,,'u UJU "I"-" i "."' i.i ms u'jeui. tft-vi wo 'were bis !agrVu6d, arl,d could nol j t-.iej pe nouj mo uuruiug wreeK ai our siuo. k ' ..ThrrF! Wi-rc .several -i-ehfleinen IVom IMrth. and New -York, "ira'vd.mg.ia company, nnd l nil, of us, Md Udies under our. nro'.ectlou, Aoorehen.ivo thai we shoiild be ii.::d.r the'j n.onv 4,f l.ikirvt r. m Ileo ..nd rltin.r m'.r. 1 :..f.. : : .i," :.. . ; : : ai"" " y,Kj ik,uiu iu,. 'tv-1 n-f; ot bjing si p uuted from our laiiein sn - tcrrib!e.an emergency; and consequently Ind . lo-waich t!e. progre&s ot Jhe lire, without iwiy efforts for its c.v.iuguish;neni. Vast billows ol black rnoke .'"rolled up, as hnlowcrc cut , . . ,T . .. na-. par,a.v uc.u M.i9jt iiuimih Here nueiutitul Ihl'c girl,-- rics.lv Uresed, about five eiirs of age 'crying out 'Hmmn m uyoia! w here is my ,m'miu i! ' . And hvrc Cfiiifs a grey. haired old gpnifeman- wiil the blood streaming down his cheeks frdrji a gash - . - .i. . r,: '. . r - - m h h ad. f bueh were sime of ilp.ctnre.s j scen of conS.er;tron. - , . ' P. h'th the Ku-wlan'l ' Iltd w racing, oon rem h neo uy inn wr c tmiti, toe m irnmff; and then went oiibnr v &V tu M-.itrral tat-in Willi us tn ny or ttv )i wlio baa been; vi d The Lord tSjdfc'nh'aiti- toak. others. lo-Qacbtc, nt miny n iri uned..t'tle vioge Chlkd Three Rivers. To were f.und 'Ciuhedtio oVntb br tlx1' chisioh' and it Is s j:nxosu thit m i n,erc dr..Wffed," but it i 'nt known Ifon from Or wa'er Most of the Jb.ncrje watt Sfivt-d, though several lot every thing, es capihg on1 t with their Miight dress : : ! ' i A4 a .subject meeting,' on board the Q ieber it sCenwJ ,to be the. ukinimous opinion of H prcsedi; fiom both boats, thit"tte Captain of j Kn-hsh ladifj aro ucd bv their hinlaDdOon Vndy mrninX; tbr 334 nit, Mr., Ymi -r.rtd not boast Jr.dd i ( thfr fimerior 1 . ----- - . . , .- Iibertu' nlUlwt'd yu when tbry iucR yop up 1I1135 in a box. . . 4 r - . , Vw" J(irJf. W roipnwfatl the follow, injr tu tlie nuLifepf all our krnale readers, rnurrivd 'niid uifmarrad tiioreerecMi!jr to llie injlrui.. It points a Very truthful moral too truthful, a 4 gnrl'lLing-, to W gTccb't : , t pe lncndhhi;i, Iot, common' pcrsp, nd c-nir iaon inrMj, vacnlicca every hour, to wbvt n adU cd pol'tctirts. 1 jpec women every tlaj'in llicy My, out; il resj ectto their husbands, trieke'd 'lui with a bcltt r'resfl, ilh better vo!,t, ivI beltt-r luinur j IOri-coic S'rangtrs than to receive a hu-lunA,' the rour Vrsuadinjj thtf . good: itv,' hcn tht'Vl Veoilur men a clean; r tablecloth and 'i bf lto,r J dinhcis that they doit out of respect for bnu!" v ' T w . 1 . ' H i : j- Jfran Mantfitld't lift ot Gen, ScqU. -. The Ualtle of .KlUprii or Crldo ' ivatcj. 1 - The World Ins seen m!ty nrndu r.ove J -with the spiokeand gavtc- a. bll!e:l!gtiu Tim armv "faint an 1 wtaiyl dmc itself fiom iht?; bloody plain. The vu ink to .their coucji to C ream ot npoie-s Idr awajjs i Voundeo- groan -iiuhcir painful -hospitjds1.' dead re'M. iU the lat irunnx-fVh il umui couch: to;-; J ream of hpitiex fVr r.'away! i :: Tht' i !tton !r'-c) rritf rt rr no hhvsvt lho would mu that I deed, it an mr-ahoible in: li u e v. , ' rapid fl ,hi s ohmiLlS'"' Vn'' C'- 'r - - " lt 4 tt,?d ? rtiC'c that no fam h",,, Mr,thaat r"vf " the he-vy,cH Ibe fid.t raged 1ft ;. ...jy, ana w-lw4T fo"d i i-ek aaJn- f dai kne of ' he l.uht. I iooi th - Ju ihl or, ficirnt 'retted j fjr thinyi oftlio lungs, produwd ". 1'ie ridge the b"lte,i ryof the etiemy Mtlhpour- hylon pfolractrd cald, yhirh pr.lu Ihe liArt ed its deudh fire ? hacking couh, the prcnjwnUor -of Ca-isurnpl'nn, i , . i( was then ihe galianl follerraiJ. "I will ' n"h,cil I1" t"ttXr braiiiia'tii'a ia lh cliina"t. . 1V ,i i ' l . " , - " proptrly and icaonaIt!jr admi'iistered, it - ill .try. U wait ben l h.ibeolt piloted his coK- icffVcbi.Ily" break up'-lho nist lluk-nl' cold, and Uttin through. "las kness to Uundy : j me, lt!. thcri-hy prevent th many violent fever,' ao frcqiWi. - . '.v'lhcnahat b'ravc regirnent charge.d to lho i dy consequent up.n Uiem. I would tnst chtfcrfully i . o. noon's mou:h. ' Tpe biltery vf t .ken . 1 Wj ' ,T,, . -ii4. . I o.f that ralurc, a invaljaVc. - I l.c;icten rests with lho Amcncnn. anvfy. j, '-JOHN' II. WEDSTEIt. It is n.iUnitit, ttio bnt.e is ende U i he enr tr.v vrtrTt n f ikpa itfT.v wondedi groan iiflhcir painfyldiospititlsa-T-bp. .tnn of tbejstomaeli an bowels -v ,i i i"'n i. . I" o '."L. These aiedicioc--ro ' fur sale .in Aidievilh by - dead :r-cM.;,-idl .the last irunipefsinJj !Mmuioft,;:j ..... Patto. t OiaL ' theniju ihUt array. : IV wariior nhhia, -UllUn rsonnlld by . ' '",'.' ' garments ry. led rn tjlot-jfl h is itji. tt,ef seen t ..r . r,..i, .t .it, ti .'n., r' tjr'dcad; but the war drum, had eea?f'd'nfol; Hittf-fio.v the soIeinn.sonorii-j full ol Si sgara is lo .y)e dead their rcfju:em; and to ilm Jivjng ihmii c.uliT nf t'livri I ; ; . - .i i." . r-i t . .1 . .. i V" : . Tbcrbaiilo ot.Wi.igara'lina be'eo, by mistake -r or nccidcnt curnmonly ". calh-d in Uic.'Uniu d ' rsutesi die b.nle B,Wftifrr.ln die! t ' ". . I 11 : .- .-! "! -.1... . .- . : 1 .aincni report oi tne uruiu uenerar it was calleil ihe bailie of 4Ividy,$ Iina.1 .ha oeen Usual. However, to caw a b-itH.'or other t.,.rfatr',.hi( IV ,," b ;t Vt, kU olyecl near lho. .action. - ponghr,i'aij this .ft.inl. tvusT near that -micrhiv eiit'i.raet -Ahieb milf.o mirJ ;rf lho -nnl..r m:iimwu i h i. I r j i .. -v.- nv...t..n.v ,.r ....!. ... r.r.v r. . - " rr.7r r sociauoiif ny kii jumi ii uyi eausojor ii loud sounding waters? , L-fit then b' ca 'Thc'battle'XiX Niaga ra.fv Let 'the men" sociationy-w hy sh ulu it not bs called for t b,iJe j called mc-.morv 1 of the deod, andihe iamotjt ilii .living, roll tin rwuh those waters to the distant future! 5 J $.eakiiig of this, taulo an languish writer rem itlis: . s ' " ' "Numerous asere the bittles f Napole- on', and bjrav'e a-s weroihi.s solJicrs, I di not, Ih l.eve lhat even be, Ihe grealet wnlor lhat ever , lived, can produce Con ristn'ceJof. a contest well 'maintained or in pnportiou to lho numbers engaged, po bloody i as .that ot Chippewa ' . ; ; tke Last Frght B.ll Stamps threatened to thrarh .fljm Handy.- TVtn who was a steamboat pilot, heard- ol , it, and, seeing' a crowxj grybere-i one doy. t "tho, settlement wherp SiuiVijvs Jived, Handy rounded too bis boat, tied h to a In e. and wept'asbore. . "JJdl Stump," esdfiimetl 1 landy, coming directly; toftbe t.usuiess in b iji Fyyou want lo lb rash me don't oj?v' ' ;'Why,;norom, not"f t knows on-yoa; ham't done me'nothur perlicular.as.l knuws on" 4 t WelUBiHif '"you don't wanf fn whip me, j I feci jest Ilka wbippng you, and Ftl give one. oaiiar ana the ia rust ncs . y-n "m1 y to4nie.M ' t . ' ; , ' "flldoit hiss!1 ejehimed Bill, stripping fiirth; fi-rhl. Two stalwart ftdlow were stt. , lected lor second, or to see .mi., i , K p-tid over to B:U hi U dtar, and st. pd.up- Iim j dicw ofT'and popped Tom rn .the eVe, knock ing birp down. Tom ro-s and siood up likeJofP iiThonest m m for ihevihr lrck.2 Kill poj'd ? iim it the other eye,' wit'h Ine Svime efkef- but ho sooi.iir Hail tie Oooe s . tnan ne syng Out 'nutll null ! tatte mm ou: ;ae rum oili i ThV secoods.jas. iu duty bound, yi-aught .Tom nd held hhn fatf ; tho jighl was ended; one party had Cried enough,. , . , - i Tom Hiridj' went on bonTd the. 'Sflbrter'V with two bunded ejes, . and with a lesson of wisdonx tliat lasted him as long a!s he" lived. Xaainyw, relict wf 4he U 0n.trancM rrwWn, in the C3tb year of hsf a. , At his !re4JD0' in nan eo. Tron:; on thr Uiiih July. ISlp, HtvitHiY D-HO.UT, Sr., in the 7diU yrar of hi ' rarccD,T3r,ncxi3i33c ' On th ilSlh day of Srp!fHiVr unit wtrv tlif un driijfri..Ini;ffiiifcrH, will nfiVr f r nalo in lion dvrotivile, all t!rt ot iu r.-t'fir un.UI in' Mil place, to the h'2ht biddvr, u a cn dit if oud an.l twOTcarnJ iThe tMifcbawr wjl -bt reaai.-ed lo tivc boodai)d apprortd trtirvir. t;i:t).7C?K AM.CN,- 1JAVID UEES, JAS. bPANN. JOHN I.VlS '. ANDREW MAXVr.Uv CouiniMkicT.' . : 1. .... .. ' V of Jayfte'a expectorant,' and in th;a conaetion I. . Every mother ahould har Javne. Canninativw.'-. It is Ihe, very iliinsr they n:cJ for- tbefr children, as ititn-bnediaicly cures tlic cholic. and arayn all imu ; lit-taEX l twro fi b lif0 falJ V unco' ii0 f all ns LicsceJ oil jnnt rccvived and frr fIo Atlen pouc;ls lo tlw dul!dr,'cin be 1ihI of ' ' i ; W.WILL! IMS. nidrt.ii 6. If ..,'- ' 4 ' , vi'ASLC tUTLEK V, rcKTKtT &. n:KXlVKs f Thek-"Ci.t ar.il finest ,Wk we evrr had 'th u I . - . ; ::.,. p!caure uf exhibiting, at Uu ni t idiini-d - prices Apr.ia,l84r. - . ; ' WIWAT, OATS, T.V r, V,(Jll, ll.-rsvva arid Tallow, r,lvcj i,, c2c .r g , by W, WILLIAMS. march 6. tf Spina Thread. . We have"on hand and for sale a. Jare- slock of. Sn liircaxf. ( i4tl on u ., i J o(. 1.,' J. S.. J. p SMITH Feb. 13, 1815. tf HAVE YOU A COW? Tiiiti;i: copies for. f i-' , i j , A TREATISE ; MILCH CQVSt Whereby Ihe Q'tabi and Qnantify of mifk . which any Cow w"iJJ pfv rmiv bo .acrurairlv d.t-r mined by f o.jernf)j Katural' marks or External Indications abne; tnc length' of limi she will con. . tmuc to rive nn!k, S-c. ' ; - UYM. FRANCIS GVEmV, or ubocb.n'R, ntA-ner;' - . . Tratnlafek for the t'urmer? Library, from. the. " Fre-th,li ' . - - . ... . S. N;i r-,1 f 1ST, i7. tar I, ..ininl 91 Jlaentt. . i. With Iiitrotnctorf KvinUrk aut' , O.!yervatio-,i " - "' ON Tlll'V , COV AND TilK D.V1RY, j ; - i ".T'v , . ! I- I bV johx s skixnee, ' EmTORpr THE, FARMERS LIDRXrY." : IlloslbieJ with aratrons EntraTlctrt. ' 't''-'1'-: 'f'-' ' r : ' - - , . .-'.. r;-; t. ;; ...'-f: ' t 0rri( djr w'njjrte enpin neatly donei np In paper covers, 37 tents. Foil boond in clollraod lettered, f 2 cents. Tlje n'futl . discount to , Book sell cm, Agents, Ooon'ty Mcrchantaand Pcodlcrs. I. ' f .1 . .1. . IT . . Farmers tlwurhout the United States may receive I the work tsbrouh; the Mails. T4e postage on each t of poa'as we wilt send sercn eopyet tof lite worlsv,' 6one up in paper coters, or three copies for 3 1. ; I : CoontTy ' ? erchartls T)sitintr any of the. Cities t 1 ran r.ir tiro tJ u.niic fmni' P, uWIIrn fur lIlOSO , , ho may Iwish to obUin it. Ilea send on your oicer. . ; GREELEY -oELRATIli Publher, . t. : Tribune Buildmcs, New-York. ' ' .', . . BlanU of ?iU" kinds constantly ory; hand. vir 'r'iMm I': Vs"'' f

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