:, '.fy r: y y: 4 1 ;:y :. vy . fjj ! 'y; j I i 4 r J4 . . ' h t , tJASH OFCOXGLSTUE ih'EX ffttlED 101- - , f." ""ai''' I.-. I-JO. . J04J, Vrasrukdr wilh C4m)rauve''.r-r I! ? r- Doctor ofe t!jj,. .i..' ' - .,,- J ,.4,,-fyV . . n - n. f k , I,,, , ;rrf .t rot.t t - 1 p iH.1ltinrcoi .J -uti! lunbut Joe 1Itidai.r and ta?. refv ihn.tv of Carryall, F0ggT, and .; V. incl. - lie t... j the piU hotfevec. 0,lV fov lie .II A. II ft SI, Uic'h" wew'i.t:il a. more arcorrj-l-ji I !1rtTi'flvi"ilv'l'hc d,chr;.' vArwas Lk a m -di,.p te-n., t'.an the wme nrt.'t !;., bus ever bc- I.i.l tl I li V ..... ... ,11 I . t 1 t .. .? . i Hi I r t Case. ?n iVrs-fr-rf, DttaltVr f. nil., nan- was taWtv wnh n.rn t.(r:eM-.Krn. (tent f. . r.- ,ll , look th.-f ,5- in Ufi apd lrl.d t i kit journey. Iluf gelling wc!, h r alUiowfU cm CncA l h' bo. fr furiryn ttzti ti4t iTtc or It dc, a lie i.tifi ituju 1l f r jj i . I.im, thai il'tm'.J cni tt be dr-Uvht, 'j' t-vwoiJJ iive-MTiif : bt UdjuRtrH JNtXa Tcrj t! n-j Itours. Dufiike lw f ickut lii K;J frer thirty pou:ii!i in WQtlit. Th: party caV(J orl ir. Drj.Jrp ih Ji fvctlj afir bw nrr jI ju Nc Wk frorti 4Lcutiit4 unJ tofT: Hm tin- ritnvf4 i.nJ lL.it iti, Iw ritj, Jvt after " i p, 1 t lad got Lack marly ull-iii lUtli More i r 'tsnf'lhftrill. n l.c found tit cwbtmnio jetdf 0 I J I.k JlxjMc utiack, tail, eff, vCCTcm, rrntivc vt r, I loaj J Jie Ti lt qijite uf1 tliiit thH iJrwriJritli 4MT, ic4l'J-l,''ii-''c-'t",tlic. nicana of img I t fc -'., S(nr, j' o-ijCr"l)'iiV unil biy bo kuj vf the - . c.rr.i. & "C(..'m .noi). n: c. - m;p. phnlanu; n..rm.iii-i7j. c. - - . K KLS i; Y M AXW CM Unit I y, X C. i 11. LCAV Snlpluri nn, t ' ,v J. f!. I' VTl'ON, Warm ti.ra, 1'. SSITII.JL KA1KD, I.nlin.I. ' June 2p j.n ' ' , ' . 3)1" 1 - : JiYSOy TEA. . . k . A mia!l qiianliiy of dcciJrdly Ui fititfit Ttacur : tronjLl iuIo tula country, at vcrv low ri.c-8.. ? h . . ;rA r. ; - . f,. ; , R(mcd Hirfif, Sdliratux, ltiijpglit-i; swUlrs. ' lojjttln r with tf cirura! t-jrluicut of turtiiiiia on lidntl'iind fur ea!c by ' June 12 tf . v3J3 Ut vtuf of a decrcq tftVila in Court of 1 jiiiiy 1 r Unmi imim Ho County t pi nT.rm llfi.'wi '!) i . Cmiit, p nifini:, IltiTt-rt lMlj tf'tind ftlrri rs cotpi !auait, aud Jtmc Pal- j . 'iner ii dlft iiduiit. I blittll rfa'.r a . , ,u . , ; ' f : ' SlYact of Juapd !n Branch '(nonr Vt. fwry'i.,v fiirun'ijy . ! jn-upi.ify.lif Jtht Pa'mi-r, D.cM QnJaimn ' ; 100 acros r.M rc or Scf ?, fur foIo Vj the lyihcfit htddi r r on . t!ic4 ilr Oi A"?u-' "H'.xt,' at thn :Aourt IlDiirse tluor . la Ahilft ( n n rrwht of Tw Ke in'-iTh 'Flic pur- hacr ill Lenqii.rtd 15 give l)u),,d i ill. jppjoVtd I.SAVYEU. cf M , J June HO, 16 IR. - ' rv;.l-u!s. , - JIBES r. lUIIUV, MttilK-, X C,'; ' Will aUcntt tu the orTcrirjr nf Notes -cither Jit'A- count nr-renewal, at Uie Timnch of tU-,lJRk of - Cape Fifctr , at; true place, and will 'iiiak-c jlicjseU't.. nojiln and pnymenUHipon Notes t a5rrt.ru!wat luy. TUg nmil IntftkUt froni't'his plac t j 'every p u t of the rountry-re pTteli thai imtvs in:y lc Mitjuiiil tlrt Bnf j rtPivtr by ma'l kii b1iVl.tt!i if not nV. Th mjAt- roriipt atuniion will .beuivcii to IUuchL'UhMJt confide to my care,, and an accu V.tic actiunt icdcr-d uv every insUncV, while, cly . 5'irjjea'wul ht; inodeiAtc.! ..:. . - . ; ; " 13 10. tf. t TfJ.iCUE i;adies..- ' i WT. ire no "T, opening a. ik'w'jh ilr beautiful flock or blueJliU'tX tndjelloL.AU'S. ' . 1 ' 4 . -:,,.. - t Stiruo fj.Tenilid irevr ftyfe fl'icoff ivorlcd nott KhawKs,jfine patusole,aun tiWMv T..: i . SonjpLnflw ftyl beautiful ,Liuek A!pu'CcR, i ; . '.ianc!kcrchK&t-4541c., Sto.:.-'- . :-' ;if : "Nock'Crfi and liandk'ert-hn, fs foV grntlcmen Call and exfu'n' our fctot k. . , : ' . - ' I - - J- vS. J. V. SMIJII4 . A-cvill?, Apr.117, If IS. tf-95. ( . . GLVIi IN TOUR TAXES. ,. 1 apf4(diitrdby Ihfoiinlv Ojmt otlI.trijr.i.1.Hi CrfiMi.tf, totalic in aTifol ibekTux blc riep(j,y and ; pulls id tbo AsbeVjlIc District frr, the present' vear. ' ' lVtoni Acsirow of iviif 411 wCl please calf at t mj f-tute i!urv the lut u jiow trtioy, -Jiuaft in( nn f ih nee t.il p-vrtioa w-iil b avuiMcd.bv A prompt ' " atUiitloil U t.i.S-W.c'e." "Ti ' ' ' " ' " . . ' WILLI vw Avru.i t ! July, 31 - 5 ; Thcnu-t Culleijle y -nr, or ilu I-ixtifulioa .TI 4 0mtuevc OI i,,c IStlr-daV. 1 it V. ! ,.. : Thc.;-.1 V ct-hy will thf Ji consi-t i.f ft C.Vt r; ,1'uc v'ui cy biLUh''iB u-currt dni.'ho P t-irtiruut bf Natu ral llisforv Ikmuij nhnrll'v lo iV.'k'd.. ' 1 i 'i j TUITION in the (.llrt-jia1tf .Bk-parmnt tn ibc Prcj ata bry and ,d:iis.!f lcMM.n r.tsvS prj -LEATHER ' - &i f.trr T'i;"i-' ritC , I Pfllli A SIl SOLE Ur-f nyant.K i 4 , CA Lt hi:li. bear W ULUK SKlS'S AU-ofjW.Wh-lct' t7vrvl Ml th h)WVl prjCC, r f'jr rj( jr,jjticc of Oie nl.i'iirr.- . " jan.T. is to. if , - - 4 a . MtaJcit and k'araso'ls. June 13 - . ; T- . . . .f Sr or Xcf-.Tii C- .OLIA. erior Caur! f Li' . .Var-jrct . . on, i " , - .. . - n - ' H. W. Dro- n it; f 1 ? i 3 :Svr-rn;r fw-'iiif-fl .. rr,, 116 .H- 44, V' ... Ill I -1 T. 4 ilk I I I -. w J i-'i .-t..l -rt at to In .4 k.r Uvwiwo1 j J , cvi"tv. t tio c'kti'i l .u-1 n ' 1 ttw'"'" ' Upon tbo tpttrrn f tlatilcaiinrtt be forr1 ftiJide ml tte ilii- . (i. Murt. Hou br M"K ! under 'the riJcr oi: the Court, for the ht r.oan-t .. to ' i Io"tsi.v 13 A' e j-sl . rt,iif4,l , en'1 piurpKna5 .lie in tJie app-ar aoJ tntter a Cotinna ruled oy tbr. Thrr. TlMT. ordered tha? oob'iCt44n b' 1 oia HifhUnd. Meen;er, at Atiiuuf, arnhb Rutlier ford Republican, at Rherioriifon, forlbrea pffwtliS reejjinng the d.lrndnt lo oe n afp ai m Coyrt-houw tn'At'lKftiJ'c on Ihu nd-Slondiy arte j wvci . 1 licit 'a-it(.k'Hv.! 'r.--i!W!f!:t' 1 3r A1..4! (if-l iitftriTii ii tt i lu. iit-.crikwM'-- 'xr?Z l.'iat lbs '.Vwl H fc-TTrklTfr.'. pd,.tt .!' .ci, Za r !aiAtt la imif f . 1 il 1.1 l-w !( iim !.. 1twC',l: A i.- . Uline JitM lw tri iiv; t?,-r f .id . nurt. nHic, t.c 4ii Mo:,ky.m M.irot Hio, an J ia Iu.'Uthu b'tri tav ofJu-e, Al. I?!1.'' Juie, 13 If Pi.' P. f.e Jt'SJ ' :?'t Me - . 111 1 iV'iTTrrti"fTirJ" inirnrir r'Mri iii'r wiiiiiiiinii i r iiiiin f"i"t ' " ' ' . ; '1 " t'ji .. r- . - 'i.i 4 j f ! .vi .jk.4 . Vi A'. I'll .-. -Wv. -- . 1 . :! :W. '. y : 'k I ' J- bad it dn-aufiil rf74lr; and thera were frton-nJ - t- ka tkicethrat ciM rot tinntk abov CZ. - . arJ. Vid-, Viu ini'JlriiuMiait froio mytBnT ,1 I i -n J 1 1 in v head, pi tlit.my h:armj trT I nnikh 'Tnpairod. flir Iki1riln ijp.ark.r.t'r1 1 fl fhirttrir my hralth iiprrenn1 my ihr-at wiL 1 1, I Bjii a free from "'i;h anj t -jhtn 0f ih -N abvrfl v n.f cin Var ij.tp dutinctl' My llinwt ,his been.: well flbovil thrra rnanlh,' ure ,,f yfch h is .been e:7 et d entirely by ths ! ''yikir ir iTunTTa ,Voir liion 1. i Cnrfciaan etl Hnawv nd tof t',j McSr( it V. ixhti-4 v n. b ft van. I I ' - r 1 Ps ved oil . ' : ty frie f Dilen ox tstrrcl. for fckle by " i 'mTcb if ' W. WILLI ' Sa'aaie&!. paddles!! W inre how repyiviny a larpe- aopplr of S D l h I- S, dirtctiy from 2ii vr York, v'hl e il bas.I'l'e Li avll yery"lvv Pr cauhf or produce-or thw lUbtT)' ' ' ' ; . t " ; PATtOkV A, OSBOR.' A-htcilUvJan. K?.-,4C tf- ' '231 . : r. ; 1 -k. XQTICE. Of 'alteration in the lime of holding l&e,Tuc(L. ' As fbc Wentrrn Convention no inert at the an. nual luno f holduijj that fyoil lltcrfforc agreed tliKt'said AswiciatMn con vtiuw Fj-iday before tue 3rd atlatir it .Si ptvWH'f ? it, iftth "the-CJiLTcJl at Jja. t annall," Alacon' co -nty, N. C , ,-', t ' ' . . ; W. IIAYNES. July 3.1 eft. t , . 3Ji k the 4lh Mmday'of ptrmbr ijet, of that TUL KICIJCSiT BLLMJS tU' Uf E IS HE UTU-3' mntwdl be taken pro cnfcj$J and pt tion,' . ' ' ;" ' -,y -'.:v.; litard: . T - !. Witnw. J.'Jl. CtSleman, Clerk of s4id Conrtj at orlicc,tle 2nd ,5lknday aPrr tho 4tJ MonSa v or j Aiarco. in-to. M i .jn rrp 4t li rsiparuU in caacigf M .b l'J A!a , J.r 3. l?f ' N f7r , 1 ;las nC etrd f.rrn t n j"srn nh r!t n'nJ ,J-.n, and .t is with plea. i i ioiLiy, rcH,liiii m ,MM!jiik, l)ov co)iriiivr4 ti i rjii,'iit1...,n..... .,r ...! : mi - 7 t l'n.uji4tr.in;" June, 5th , J. II. COLPXX. i'k. trr.fepJ -3;.2 3ni. ' A. TSUMMEY XR. UJjH. ITvELMyAN, woald refj)cctrully tend rbi3 profehcional services to thg ciliicns of "Wcj-Wn ivorih Carthnain tbe rarious branches nf lna Prnfiwoii;'bui es-pcciajlv ih the cure of" Can-, I ceii uuii Uleexs of Knig . standing which have biljj- l I .5 I T: .-..VI . I. ' ,.. a nuntbof of certificate of cures ferformed, by bh, that place, the riiatter bcyofid doubt that he can cure any . .Cancer in from four lonix days, while there am e'l4.ra persons now in -Hunejonibc County to w tiotii rt ft r'euee is made w ho will cheerfully testify hi bo fact of liis Itaris perfornn;d. radical cures, II.Mnay he c insulted nt tn residence onjear Creek, lb ft tMiu'es1 ffom Col.Cbunns Bridjfe,on the- "West jidc nf I fpncii .Brdad-River, or by UlUf Pit 'paid difclfed tu'laplitnd Powt OiToc, Uuneutabe County, 1.". i'uema'i would (Kil Punts any where in North or .Suh (,'amlina, (ertrjia an- Teniicsse, aiuf would necivc mtttMsi at hr on ri house, where (bey Would have the advantage of his rnudiCal altetj danrc ont il a e.ure w pt rft ctly ? frected. Ilfsciirpi a wdl al alltiines b moderate. and in proporlion to the Betvices reridi re'd. .' . ' . ' ' v , ! - ", h Rtfvr to Cof, HODGG RRUN i . . - J. M. RIQC.Iq. ' k " . . , . UrrLCJCON PARIJAM. . : j". : '' .; :" t- . Iluncombe Cu., N. C May I, 4 m. 2U7 I 'baVc, been' credibly ..informed that Jopiah .'H Ctef has-been. ollnrij to-jfeUAw JinaJl notes pu'r pm'tiusj l be.frijjnedby U)C - which not-s aro sporioiii or '.forced, and or no -va.luu.. 1 therefore forwarn al jSorsons-froi purclusmg Ihc same. " . .-.;. - . . ' SAMUEL SXlTir. Murjiity, Ju.ne 12, 1319. ft , , , 1 : 3'J3 COTTON YARN AT . WHOLESALE - AXD RETAIL. - 1 . '.WILUAM WILLIAMS, -;. '. -i . i .r .. j; ..i 11.13 on band a larjje quant it v ef -very superior OnlOV YARN, frcmi tht' Safnna Factory, Co . inbja, S. C, for sale. at. reta il, at tle usual - prices, emrwlkli a liberal deduetiph wiH be pilde'to those ;h3 buy to sell-' again. . .s . . ..:'. ' ' Oidcis from any of thf nqlhboring- counfies for MYarn, will', be promptly attended to at the rates' at which .the factories f?ave boerr furnishing it. i Th juahiy of the Yarn ih fully cOjUal lo ariyv tpun in N'oitli, oi Sonlh Catoljna. ' , . , , 1 April UV 184 S. If. ' - : ' : : '' 11 ." 1 i "" 1 . ' r .'' t'l-tvOowpeca,' Epsonr Salts: Su ear. Coffee. &ei JLe 'fof: ;ilc as theap as the cheapestV'or a btKe?more; u,"Oj', , ' , J. . J, l'. b.UlUl. lVb.2v. . tf. ' , NOTICE. . The FubVcnUr ha (laTiciv yharc of the-liable Iliittl in Afcbcvilje, N. C, formerly kjept by Jamrs WLPArro.Nj Jko;. In .takmr; .in'joharg'e' tins lare 1 ii.d coinniodtoH nahlhshnent,'hc assures the pob. iwmat. ne -win pive lijs.wiiole attention to Ine House, wlicre be will be proyided with good servants iinjd . Lostlcra, arid jvell stocked wiU provisions of all '(.ft'lsi romfflrtn in 'tho eoimtrv. fjRAIN AXD 'WQD frRY LOTS JTOi. DHQVEIiS, dCr.- i,Tiia k in tliis- announctntent' be doea not flatter himself with th.'prospect of -ncreasnnjr jhe atready fare atioiiage"tlrc: house has, but hopes' to keep nace with hid pjtdeccior, if be can do, this he wjll 5e! satisfied. ; Itt the ffimnier fCjUsonJthere 'will bf kept, In Wie R.iemnnt 'of tbe'Ju?ldin, and entirely nrfv..t-;AWEU REULTTED BWl fr the -Worn-uibiation of Travellers and hoardt rs. ' ' ' 1 '. MI VV. A LE ANDEll. -thevilfr, . C., J.in 30 IM6. f un " f 7"""' 0AL1 &. EXAMINE The entire" anxi'aL' (CSeKNJr-i bvuhiTrfjr Vlotliia;, Oca. ttocft Cf Amrriai)i. E nylisb and French rdsf in yiieuiioii, ntx d not, with ccva. i Printr, .licfuro purclia tedU'b 'iT 1 .i . ' " (iinJjt,,ut Can LCTMJTT 'Ts vxcectiinty bvtt!ifiilv ami tas I and plan) ..Ma-tins, f "and board For lllforluatl4lIlItct'a, (!.; u!iJ hi h may be hid" oji apil,atioir bv btu'rto the tiJi.l of ti-o Uui- vtr-aiy,;. 4t '310 Will sltprvd ti the vflenny of rintcs al the itmliPf Cape Fear in Alie ille, either Jor th-count or r tie4v al.' .Frrsyns ctr'uslirrjj him with then bqsiiJep? iu v rely upon its bemjf attended to promptly andcartli:!; ly and he will ia'aJI cases return a soon a- posilrle an a'er9nnt of his transaction! : j He hcjt leave to refer to any of "t'.ta prorument buvntst men of the place. ' ' - Ftb.2?. 1S4G. tf . 2S3 t y 0 11 T.R AIT. P A IN T 1 N G',; . --:a ,. i . ' .- i t ' .. ; . i XII O Jl AS STCPSICT i6ivee.t4 ARKthe I,4a" aid ? -t 'ppn.v ed F rni'v Mcdieirie Ci-i.'r CTercd to tJvu P;i':!.:c. Tliev arc e. tre jnely.ni':M in their ; iati'n neiJherr.iiisiri'' sick. ne-s of tjie sIxM-ifU, '! r uPrji. . int tn rij iri in the j 4-1 Lin, m LT"tvo , fi nf'i iy tli. tv-e wtJ'i. in-'tiie "Vcjin to c.et t'jmn tl. niwrU; herii e m i!. ?.!iide., e, ho h i vu bveft mabr? v- takt fttlrer pilJi r. trC'pnrat!n$ ot nitd eme u actfmlnt of their ytau. yettiio? tflceN, nc t' tse pills without tlie difiiwrecahio lex l ut.-' ; . : . - . : 11 v ih-'tr h tin iff ft ,pnd fmiiMi. action-, unon tue - vcrv ithll.. .l it-h tba fi'ii't n .1 . n-Nif I f.t'' i or d . vi'.l n ti j t.y n, i. j, . mnUfed a ITjn t r-al , the Utr't flit ti Li;e,ai. .4 .4tm an l- 'h it eoiue mo-l tJ -i. ; It.nli nt rreiiy i:.er Hitir (iiitut nee; a'W Vr .M Iiictt iae ;irr . i he. tMtm:tjg- tet t r-i.ni f r p rt.. i' .Try d t;nv'd, fir" i ItiJJown w-R.I : i i tii' 1'itudo of t tLtra kii 1 1 id Ivvtr. iinr ann ai-, i . tt.i i. ler-t. m- iv A 1 :V;;.iV- V X' f 'iVp fiw'it'.ip ara imvgror !n op;vortnmly to Tspm la ;irantp'irti V of s .tv. Vnur clcai i;- thrfv-U'm in ' W . ' fa'u-il7 T"SlT rirrUU1iad Mfaie, ' tf.wiirl,"m'rvorlii' J 4. ( i" Jf,Mirv, I?f"J, I ptircli.Ki d f Vur ajut. .i.-fj'iml.r.SMn.; l'!t.4; of th. r-vt'te if 1 ,A V""" .l"'? T(lCt.fr. botijV-; w1r ; lr rivAed to l t ii.t r lr vt.kr.M-,'1 i.nn, .v.!,',",J '' ' "''' ,y ,ho pnntt-J. Motions ht er vi efrot.i'tt o "Jm, '-'. - t .11 a f V j r''t,'VV' ,r' (einpl nf, and I haTe now, t9t Uut". n;lh.r u11l4,-'r. , nof cf,! j"""'."11 l' bkhere 1 iy htallh t pt rruanently ,T,y. t 1 1 .frV r ' li.f ji.i e r! Tited. a'nr f 1 vcrj k 1 1 .iv rt in cont-tru'e t !-t nl f'Hi'i ihc ' It fcLiom r, rH-J In tk l..!',4Vil tiv 1111-v i-4X it . - a lh "tif Fl 1. VF 5M or1 C()V. I (."IiN1 1-4 j mi)' 1 vi . p ri. o-"tr i 1 . nfri "-Kif. 1 a iM-t'n I'-kTi" tx.'r rrali u. ki?i d to in j rn ibe hi. .til T e'.!d f m, cm m . u J oti'H t i 4 j'ii)i'ti 'i.ivr;! 1 'ti ot t rinlu 1 bte't tiif tle.it lire, and rW'h' iili f t .1 the1 'Ui-cli and t - '. K. 'We V, f 4 riv t sttiMr.iU4t. t!n,t 'U'lterfeit Yourti, very rrrcctfo!1v !' f' r ,4 t J S. IUGARRO',7. ' fsnher p-.rt.eMh"- md c.ne!'it.e eiidu'o 0( if. or 1 ah,,, nrul . (Tu xrU r pamI.let. liicU Miiiylr.iaI1,rf,f A--nts ptattii. , - I . 1 rx Poland wlu.le-.ale and retail, by -A,' fit jiV i.4NN!)LoIr, .,r u 10!J ruItirt' ! Ctirm r.ilf' VV'.M k . . 4oia ao r.-.lT' uf v.-urj-'i-tiie 1(4 '; 1 wonnfi.- pronpt Hin ini n-i r j1 'Pi. ' " . ph i-mt to ',ia p1. ' y .-.ti, and .'.;1.j(1 to the n iif lis treat medicinal I Pn,. c v 1 a .t.-n r. JJ'-. Chjrlotut i.,mia, llarirnod&ro, i'."- ,; H,W by l)M-j:i4t4 ctntral'y'llii'oii.rhoit th iiub d Mate,. yfll. s ,,1. botUtj if 17 Tho ptd hci are rvipcel fully requented tt '.rH'bef that, it n SaM.li'i .SBn ifilti. ihl k.Jh;. andVcinstapilv arhnvmj n.eh rt nurkable W of the ,n,M 1 fficult tl.i 4Jf diasei to which Oic Sandav ',infirnii:ir ' . it . . - i . -i , n I nt.'i nil. T-ieiT hr:in.n('Iirt. l-.nlnriinvi lit nl liiii .NmV-i n . I Ink f,,;!t.. ., fi jmi. i. n .i.i..,rt I1; t-.i'i-, . . I "''ino 1 iitiorins me ciiizenoivsnvme anil; -? . . ; ; 7 : fr .' ' -s ,- numan Inuae. : fohieef' lliefrnriik" fur asbrt-tune di-ntr wrfieh. any f r0 df-.rous t-f ( fl ' 'rV lJ.A" " r roP!t Iinpnti. lr II. I. t 1 gj.r.p!- .mi - m r. mm. 1 Anr.l -J t 1 M -.'"JG- " obtainm? ft Fceond vcrion of hun-elf. nr beiwlf,i ('f lU l"'d, I ei:i-tk o -trueHon. U' arCrn, r. v ; (t , . I.' y...- tubi .'.!. Verm toe, , - ' ' maybesupplietfatthe cheap ctt of 815. -If'twr,!?4' I Wfid itnee Dntinoi thcSloi-Mch rnd rwy rlv ea 'MJU.1 l Iha lnfiM.n.'.njit Frfiirli figures ere rrttrodue.ed upon ih sime piece, it ji,:iy -K Inopivirt D'arrnrjha, Flatnb-uce,: llibuia!fivT .-lycf-. year. Nnfttiti iMT tlui, kind -have. I over '- - v JVV.. .?IIlCrCW, linn fnf R2.i. Nn tvtl-li nhnll hp rir4il T .r Ar f:l.-rn by the employer unlevs U gnes Fatixfictiori tfjlh 1 l',v Appetite, l'.,lihed or ilia same. Vanning -ran he made at Ma.' M'Di,Ws 1 dn1 n Ml ra,"4 IM0-f'f J',l,h Tailoring Establishment , 1 - N. B.-4-Ladies can be waited on at their liouses,'or at lUe rc$dcnco of Mr. Ilutselb ; : Mays;'" i .ryjtt ! Casting? jubl rcceired-ut i i"veeMnnpjny .t 1 ' m d -i,-fjj fuj- .- ' .. :'..J-t!tose;'courb.mO-fr.v.'b'.e!i fkey rc A mall lot of handsome C the Clicu V SCorv of W. WII They are going olf rapidly, call soon or yoirpiay not get any'. . .;! ; . . .; ..:: Anr.t-4.,11P. 1 .. SIPESIOK" LLTCH DULTlMi CLCTUS.'.-. , cat hrtie or ajerien t n)e 1 01 rue ahoi g rnu'tiTja'i.i eeptiblv, smd becouik fa 1. bv'foro it irf ..fiwpk-e.ted ? lb no-oim. should csp-.ct- in ueu 'c.ipi ,1, to be at eneei rilievi d 1 nlirtiv, but mnbl e n'mne the mm? !.' t p."s f r a rOiii)' r .b'e n'h uf ira 1'idl t'ine. i -irs for tin ir np. in aU U com.tilk?;td jiuiri i iitKKi n me in .m., ... snia uiai ri.i given puru .piyivtaisaioMCiion. . .- -.-fTrsju-o nrwi rlucked Jmen, with lied or illow dmiplvt i. 'll.n in can' i.v 1 i jutm i n iMMlnwjd ! " "n v ir" lJ of t;lu iparital.wm frtuff. ununallt iporr.f the' b mcJs, win re a l.nt I ikav rfuiKtuf 'i.J iUiiM!' J .-h mih'iI , IJi1.v. WILLIAMS.' ediefne 4 needed. A than'i the expo's ion it; ;). V; nj. frtvni " a child, 'ua j J"ne I J , ,f , , . , . - ., d dwat-ik oonf on finp 1 tb" Jmu nl i.if.i ri' 1 nte aO ard4 " " " - ' - r ddyanctd mi their priigj-d.. ' ' ti v n fi -!v ' v ,11' A'CTl1 A filX V. " L lat thty exi.tmtbesx4.tcillV, . . - ; joiK 1 A.NCUY,' I). " . W ,. ,WnA ,v of our cuMomcraW' V-tij-t fmn a le'irr re. At" J ,f-t -V 'n-,ii,l'in 1 Prt fctt.ii 1 itit Jk'i' , Ju-in- Pi, IM 1. IV II. F. Ptfrrv-I rrrt'ived t!- m. dieine (I). with u. t.f the fiet of fKr i...k 4.;.. n .m-rn,iM, witlr u?, tT.the fiet of (hcit b'v ,nc bun 1,1 ir', w itj im! fJ,rM undeitanurtir urn 1 Ttiex w , f I., h.- M (M, , 1V ti)f nrHl nf January 1 .... e are un. e'i W kfr : . 4 ; ui ) m in - a it w- xf o ;L. i - ; : J uiui lhir JkCili?-ariJ '.wu.n.t.J.jj n.'t. II -.'I 'l.f i , f bop Irs Id a ja s ,t f.'I.l! ft. r fa! ll 1 tl tl I- iJr, t Ji pn.srrl ' , 1 ..-.... ' . . .' . !. -' 1 . i . ' u' r nn-neees-i v. 11 tna invf. en 5,-rn.in. -mn-A . . . - - V -.,-"- "Ml. if tli'itrs inr. ir '1 ttORMS iM,ik tt,.Mltl! f re r ' 'I' It'iiis. 1 1 . II; I. worm h- 1, . -' fjrn 1 'be MiFt M olid fattM pnpira.'mn ever dNCnvtrrd t ir lust nV.i.Pil m.rf t.r t IJk1 tr-v r-vt riti- T i" Nl" arv. 41 : niXITIV'A .nif I I Vltt'' 'V,til. I.'i.ii LM.lj IVlnrtnei V.'-'4 1 1. 1 I'll 4 I 'V-.IT.lf I It I.f ll,l'I. in: IJlt nrir i-'n! Anchor brand assorted numbers-warimti d A pnl 21,4181231? tf. , - , . , j f STr v.Flou'rl Flour!!; .'1 4 ,. ...f -4 . --.:'.. -.-. :-. ... .(..". : . 1 I". ' 'Just reteited, a frcIt. supply of Cl. Jmwtyfs su. perlinefisur, warranted of the bust qoah;-. " ' , f PATTOX r O$U0IiX, , June- 12$ ' It 4tatjk cr outii carolh a, IIay'vool Cod lily. Superior Court or Ijnr. . Sprinj; Term ...'. '. 1 1 l . ' '.-'.. ........ ; ' ' IltiRs ok James 'IIollvsd, : 0. j'-Ifkits;uit lo tlie 'lute j Mil Hi .they H'Du'lc'.v'f.-j mi' YiYkv.le, i.i m Co., Tern ., r ia . 'i:, i).d J soi i j-t-M.ii - Ml v.j iiiuV (n.,M r,4ii i h ti..- 1 p'v .t yur .nu i ' nt1-, ime-l t 8.rd r.ouif l;ie-e Sillil liree titinir u I been . snppbi-.ts to- that- aiii!t. 1 J.o- fTiuuM sjm. r fi 'i i.t to u iu . nun r rn n 1 tu.r a'v:it 11 d a 1 ii i't 4. 1 1 p. r cf tl: kind t; r t I't-.rie, n ; ,, :i,. no- e,iV ll on l ri'e ri'n h in" know -I pi d frnPf.f-.m )t)":siu g; at La-lk. , f. ( ?! V ' f-t wbt i'i ci i I t'.fk. wv iV ,i 1. f.mi J haslMt'i of vriuil I u 1 d5F'4,r, L'tvi-ifin ai'.'jl I- -rKu I . -t,"j Dr. P.'. 1 i-j'.iV' ntcre.-Je-'td ;. lb'ar.; VOIt ii! i it. St W-lS.l r s ' ! 1 l t .1 -1.1V Srifn JoHTi Crows lviLix'AxLEY',," I.B. TiUMEL, & W. IL Thomas Grant.- .1: WHEREAS," it appears lo 'ie C-oUrt that 'Johjf j in this case, arc jmn-rcMdcnjs olSihis' Mate, and legar T. l ii e in 1 Fiw dr I Ali t f of -Iih, f i;r ve:.r emit end ( I'-- , ih, j trotiji'it'jn a tntvt.rn tJ v'tJ liinf fou'v uiriii. ' ,r. .I'u.am ft Ittnit-l hud a cbijd rwti-.jii hM:i.ni!irp,'i)nr)iiiik.'t d : incur-ibJe, i and 'iwidol.- wauld,inef-. Lfein.-iC eluld- cured jy jo n,j; Dr. VI i'IN' 4i in Li;i j.is. I " vi.r , '-m . ' . 4 . r-'ICl'ilPN Ll'.NLLS. fk- ' . T I ! . 11' P arounrl tav.VK. tv n r t n n 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 -Ait it. h;h Ui r( in rv. l-l I k I 4. ft iO ,ri- : gi vi'ii I. ml K men 1 l-X ( , . PI I'C ' 1 i , birg" ijun tU No .inorej but rk.iiuiii J S1I C. HATCH L I ' I i 0 . ' ' 4 IP f 1 l" f 3 l' H an 2" "4 ..1 t.i uMiWri) I 1 iw. 1 nil t liv ivae huUwAni I badl.tVJ I cr bwik-aefuurrfL W n!-. , nr ke t;o-meA Uiwpfa tf. f re .11 y ',Jnd o-. r.f (?M.rUT by ih.'mj tbr-y will ilvc j.' u-t'.viu 411.H1 tK jn..iea eo-rl 1 nectmaity eiu p .!n us tt u'!i !. ' j '' .iPVl I'uN L pMlORK. A'i- v ,( , l'.St.t. I-!',, tf io. V2 .tituy I.unts 1; iv York. j Mitn rtl j'v- mutf ih-j a'tn ut. on of eoup. try, limzz M, Ph,-fMS Al iriifirHun .aiivl int'r ehant in ji-Onnl. i-n. iijr tiic eily ti hiH e'ttenite 't vek ! JC 1 - r.i Hr ij; Mi 1 u-nev, Clienrcids, i'l-ntM-, U.S'i.fN and ATif, iiCieMm-r ArlieU, A , v. !, , 11 he rr 'U ii li, r f .r cah or ip. pruvt..rt. p;i.;M- mi t hi- m4t. liberal It run, and at the It.'.V'I imiik't r'. lln i-toi-k will alwar bo 1 t'.ilil.d tomn . t' lilifl i ill -i llil.r..i. 11 ffiM o .....rl ktfll .'' '(?;i. .Vitilt j'h merit f, tn 4 - . 1 im l.t fur.' ik. nl r., t 1 r 1 iVi f'J 1 ,11 -i t's-hi'nent, the first . j, I) llf. I 4" 1 ai-iin u.-ti i' d rt 111 U i ,i h r iii-L.ii.cm . 1 j e, 1 "uip ' ,u,d v. 11 i.h'irteA (l ffi !I aortfneri I with iiH-'fr. g-ml Mi'- ;k'1 it .Avii ufi'.nl rue j of .lv.ighsh am) French Chi ti.VU", 'uri:teal InitrV W- 1. inm ji p!.f. r-i -i." :- i.iu-'p.iWi.r. to i i ion- j tuenti,, 'Ap.rleatHs, (flaMWart. -l'ctfimiery.Ap;" I in' in! jil 1 1 f. .'(,. ,'i .J. ,1,. ,-mJ t,o j uh'ii-, (Urdus' I ron 1 Ilij nr wus will fccuie special atlco. S - p em ti$ . W. 11 . - ' 1 h . a.-, ' ' i'-n " - " ' I ' ! ' , c ', 'l".s-J. .HRro:,. 1 Ntv Yf Jnv 17, lla. .1 11 t W- Pgce. C. ceiTf per Jiox. , Crow and William IJ. Thomas two of the f'cfi ndimt rocess cannot be served on them, it in therefore ;or- f dercd that publication be ifude 111 the Hihl.ird Mipscnger,'f-r mi r-nc;essie wtik, notif mg the j' -:J l.Uwt. .1 -ht-ii- ... 11 :ri...... ' -i saiu juuii i iuwanu , iihhiii u, i iuini;i)j iu njijM Hr i at the ueit operior Court ot Law hcjd for the.. ouitW orlla.y in ayntsville, on the 4tij . TOt: HULL'S x .un. , iu,,,r..ir HVT:U U.lwnjH Fn ted MM should Urp t of Law to be cpe.n d arid, , , of , .; lJX t r, , , , h ..y wood,. at the X onvt I louse h; . J ' , " f .. . .- . . ;, T . . 1 J.. . . ..i. , 1 ill l fii tj Cnitji t r et tin. coie-urnjiiiw , tt nth in ii i Hit M-mday m hi ntemlv r .f ,-... , , . k . . , ..,. Ii. next, to plead, answer, or dcimmtoithiR Seifu -ntsul: ";---' .V , i i ' i: '4-4 ... . .. i .. i f- PJT.Irt . I ffisu's Til l'i. I4; ! Pi.llftllk; i.lnlllllir 111 li'.l.i, a'd John C roW ; r ... , .1. 7 1 . . .. hIiow caufsc why the rrrajit. of th ihall nut be eancelli d, vacated, annulled and in i.V 1 void or Judgment Jiro conJe$t wiu be rtndc,riu against tbcnl. . . v t ;s - . . .Witness.-John Lk Smith Clerk of our said Court . fcat ofliiio,t hi" 4th Monday in Marf i 1346. , IisueJ the 1 GA tin y of Ma 1 tN fi, . - 1 , ' . , 4 J. ) SMITH. Ci mi, -V . pnnter'H fee 6. 311b"t y uvi m the -'uli ,ti)ti 'and sort ti ajid ciit-i', whoop ir roiii, 113 14 of lb' hi ,jr- bio iChnK, J ihi'i.'n ' T't - 1 " Ti ll'l'a',' 1 IM"Vi -Hr: jMJV aIki'.I Ovi- ',- 111' "t i i il ccv . 1 1 m' v 1 , I'litn, ll I.' I) i . I I r TapK.W fM'iy bit je ii'UA-nvit tne Jta.d. W- m no 'm . haii vuj. ui- , i X..".2I l-ll. - ! 1 tl.'e nn ri y lik II. F. l'nnffi.r I -Vif jv;tne:'i:!'i 11-4 j?J. . .'.I f ,':r' 1 It 1i-T 1 j a .1 ' H1 h t I' I ij'ih 1 J H "It 1 in J11.il d to )ntt,J iviiii-li he informed I ..lUCHAlUUIWAJIEE,: ; TVo. William Sirecj,' fA ll?' 13 : in .V M ' j merA !!",- Ifitly irji-r-i. M r h o M isinn.r.pw ll-k t I '.Hi irtt M l .( !.. Ii m fvit.ir.l. 1. kl ' ' 1 oft; ij) i-A f-thlt'ljwragfhpirJJflent), Ml''' f d Kiii-ll itPKi r.ic- i vii iiAH tanif 11 nfi.-or two id-; and " ' , t".. . ,. . . . , ii L ! Prr. in" t'-f,' n il. -t 1, .'in uv iu.' f 1 - r tA that Ih pit tut j 4 1jK 'LY.MAN. Ijijt..i r - SIIKKIFF'S SALE.. , t . '5 I wr!l pell for Vaadi.'on the 5.1) Atond.fcy afir'in 4th Hlondav in Jtme,.at I he Court-lrodk; ih)ur'4n Alaj non, McDowell county, NC ; ; ' ' ; i-: 20 NEGRQ.F.S, . the property of Charles Carson j toTislintr ofmenv womertiniJ nluldrrn, to patisfy Fundry emhtiom exponrff s and fi. fai, issued from Ufirkeal'd we.!, McDowell and iTthcrford'i SupVrior Courts, and Burke ;Ctinty Ciurt, : in- nivor of Jamcrf Erwm,, Guardian to the use of John Carson, NViIliam ..VI nr. phy's AdYninistra'ltif, and tbciV ag,dinat 'Charles Carson. Due attendance Will nv frnrv July 3, 1 8 16." ids' -r- u: a. ni;vt)KRicK. SrktTarv-M tie Hoard of ,Ower.. .',li. " : 1 .-.. i . . . o- r ... 4...: : ' i Til , Riroaminginlhc IVt 02Iee at Ah( nil , -? on lb9Jth Jute, w Inch, jT not takcrr; out m three months, will be scht to the GVntral; MOu ''fkea dk.d letUM , " ' " , 51 - Atesandcf M-ry ,31 is r P '' ' ' , " ' . Art.mnmt Jfu- or riM?..l 'Iv ul.eil Jack'! ' i Austin Wilhuia . Ilciitly Ij M . 3 Raiksett Win . -v IPackftociis batttr ' " ' i Wt'lu.n l ,:?iTp j - UruwnJohn 1 ' ' CawJ -GtojitW . i -Carson Wet - Catidkrti U4 3' ' Clarkio Dicksfin Juhit : ' ' : - DoakAtleV" KJard j I tin , ' l:Uaj:JsAi.u ' V Foster CTMr V i ". ?'- Fiwtrt VYilIiatn ' . , tWgtr Sirs ' ."tc.udgir MC Miss Hyatt Divid- ', IlaUMa W ' , viorics All Jfimjoft 1 k'liss . 4 . , Jonea Stephen ; Jvirrett J J , 1 . KIsct Sv,bmon JCilh V,li - ' .KJi-ctr.Jt ' Lnn J II ' Lvb-J din M.Iltr Peter "Mftjtur Jacmb ... a Porttf A ., Palmer E j ' pjiion Thus J -' Pa'ilonTT ' Paine Mir A t j.bcT'.ii-.U - ' IliVley L -, .: ;' f : liet -.jja i j , llet r A or J - 11 AidieJobn iSalkJlX " 3 Sorrels Ptit-u'.U ' SunUi-Stiml ''.: -' 5 1 S'rpRiP " . SlimeY tkkprO . ' ; i SiHitd" Caleb1 ' -Srorth VVilliara ' 1 Sh'cpUrd John Y- - .' 1 Tate Doet Tudvx iv A or J ' 'Whetrrci A''r, ' ' VVrt.t 'Viror. " : Vood-oi Matthew V )VjL.-t JJiVV'i.bam . ",V. PATTQXtP;X. . i -. 3 n A!iiltrtJuTjr 10. 1 . 'T . N o7? ''it CKE U A L, Ric tnol.ces, r-o di.r, lead, Jtnd palt,-fnrate by I lading tiltiewhm. 1,cit slock ones, -Jiickt rnelt, iwifs liook and dritj-f? ban.dkcrqhiefs,and if you ro not purtliasu of ,tjt it Will not b? lecausc you tlisiik ourj.noes hilir, for w soil a 'le.tte" cheajer luanapy body Use. iyus. - V r , ;'J. s. & J. -IV SMITH. Asncy.lle, Oct. 31, laio.tf 272, A large" - lot juct rcukived' unusually i. low for RANKIN '&j rULLIAAf. Ap.l3.'l4io,, . , . j, ! t Ftrt-V iju-itity of lrohat ec-nt a pound. Cast SUJat 2.").. German dtocl at 23, and Nail at 8 .' Uso-. . ! .i ; W bite I ad anil W mdow Glas(!j.jut rceeixed and turtle JEE S. & J.J -SMITIL J Fb. IS. tf , ' j . - STA.TE, OF No Iiril CAUUf-lNA, , y hendkksqCjuktsv, v . S.uperitfr ConSl of LaiCj, Ju i Tend, 14G: : K :. .Mary Ann Ward, ;i , vs. ' f 4 '"- i , pen j t mm Ward. . j PETITION. FOR ' DIVORCE. ' . aptxariitjT to the patisfaeiion of tne Court lh;il the jdt U ndant, Ie',ijamin V art!, 14 not art inhalijt irt iill' AD EXTENSIVE ASSPRTMEXT 1 . i , of ; ' ' ; SrRlXG G00DS,O . fr.w arriving at bur NEW STOREJ Jn Ashot yilk-, w.'tich w.4 be syld at either ' ) ' WllOLtLVLF. Oil 'RET Alt . at tlie cry lowest prices for cith. s. ,4. ' Ptdlar. Coutilryi.MerchkTvJs and beads of farm. Ires 10 Wetcrh Morlh Carujma, who liave hjth.erl palron.ied the Ag-ta' and CbarreRton Markets, will iSiVJ iy-J(a.mfiation, a combination oTipooee inentii tontake thoir purchase efts'. 'We are. grate ful fctrlhe liberal patremage we have 'received ewue the rormpi neenienl of business .bere and promise in. cleaned t'tSrls tt Xui n u-T. gdi at eatwfactrry rates. RANKIN ic PULLIAM. Asbcvdle.'Jiril 3, lSllik. . , - ' . SCRF PLATES FOR SALE Forty of. tbe ; beautiful Engravings, nsed in 'the Lady's lluok, will be senV. to any pcfaon on receipt of ; One -Dolher.. r They are all Irom Steel plates, aud lsm.rr.rt l.i.rtu.i.. -j.-l ,t . - . V..V . ' . ' ' 1 Ad.ti'. ki ' , r i nnntf ' r tt SlrtJSfrr. fPila delp ui. uc 12 Ct - - d 1 i) II. V H' Hi. f.m 1 4.0 .1 v h 1 -i' m Iirv-iniijr.l.icha fiJV.r'niji.UMf jts.t ntei tlicni -1! id bi A' I tj,J; i1-. t'n.- is, Jlf 1 i ui.'j girnr.il i'j bihty, rtsjh'rna. inlbit pi 1 and ru u,-, A to,, M J f,ri.rf f j , J y , " " iiigU"leVif jjli-s inedTr me j ill r nl it .iMiini-h J ' j, ,j yf, J t f ( ijt.,,,,., k , v n MrR t 1 in Aiit-vi.-, nd optn al oiif-i tuo'l tutitaiu r I bittllb 1 (, T , y. . 1 i 1 1 1 i , o 1 . ( " . Ai-UtrC.:gih,Jo li.e.at.1 tl,d. PiTco' 2.j r 1 hl p. j ; li( 5 hl Ir'.-t't,', , .Tv. tl-r L ' ..ot Lu' UW.v .A. . ' v .! '; ,!' .V - - ,.- ul 1 V-' '-r W fl E v ; :n iH)iiiA.M)iil(i3': - . , Part:ti..!ur altfVi.M.is rc-ft-ui-cted. to hi rich Stock' I PARASOLS . " . - it'raemr nil j ff, lori.ible styles of Fringed and jsrnhped P.'WJiKfjls,jPaniriIVits. land Sun --ijliadry. nud. fr.im th rmit exjM-nsJ ve Silk ahd finihi'd tiitli I en ll fmn ti!iri''s, to 'i Ih r w itfi?u lirtre aortiuint i Un-ik n i u ; 1 1 . 1 i..iii. nits ' 1 .1.01 n't' 1 ik. l tv . d4 s.'& -r IT!-: oj4 u.t of J Itw Prfo 4 rfdiftrd to the conntryitradf. . In the 1 f RAW COODSi department pir-! e' m r.-1 iM fujij an a-s'ortnn nl. New, clear, and Per. I itl in all the irnnst fashiorjiibl" wiattriala and itylcit if rt: , J' t '-,:, 1. 1- linn, fe- 4.1(1 still rci-iii r I. it ih t tnntif .if lie , Can 1 it )i- ei.r".l without eti n t m 'Fr.tr . huwevfr isin ercwotis? 'Fvntiiner.. Dr. I..-ti ' .foTiot'fs .1 j.iXir -f.-iit, if!-properly tij'phed,-di-rdt n llvl: -iij-ihilit oi-Ih nil. ute4 rr rc, . pd tl i ct ii sj al-i p -nnanunt cur.-. .It. 13 .oId r at tho low price oS : ,m .rt) cm t p;r vi tl. : , ' ' , . j.i t Th pe tr-illy alu I'j'k iMi'dieii arc'for '-wli n -AbhtMlJe lv ",M, k-is. Pattmn , Oshmu; ni.IIhp-. kionv j by R .'' -3 P.tVou. U. C lLmuJUi, I on t miterv m-LV b- 1. un J in .lijioM 1 erv S'or e f Kno" ri." ' V' r.y ny .i ucs. r xlt ' " 11 " f 'f 5"' t hr'd -!, ) r -Vim rW cvr " L-Vpriiai, 171 li. i..J-tu,i. - . , t bv lln.Its . ,M w'hHM.a to -- , .-r . ; , . , triui am.: tftrtv fe? prpi-a'4on in. n 1 "J" -r c:t7 QfjfTi t r s 5 r34atw iit'z t ins ctf r 1 1 m s. i" -(" M( , ,, ; fun rilli .Et'f 'j!:Cilt -. I'l-r.r, UliilChC-i-H.". - H oiM or.:Tffr vJiaii t I) ?f l fit l " fri';t fifj V, .1 kt' "k f j, jj.' ri ie. it.i -v , r-on.s Mm; of I jOrence, Peilni, Eoglli Pat nl Kut-pj jJ-'ii , U ire, a Old othr "braidn.- -A!i, a ftilr. ayott i"rnt ..1 P.nnmi, la shorn and I'almrt af Hat, Aru- 1 ' ' - Cif. 1,(1 ii Flow t ri-. A.e. 4 ' t ' "n k f- rf' - I" Hi 1IOITP ' MrOEudrpartmuilml! V i- E lil-ns bi f'lund a eh6iei wHt etion'of frtrsfj gfMdn, conwsliiil Eii'-in uiid of MiTT, hovf, Wniiens, and cltildrcnswear, all l '.S.'' ' Virv, t wbi'di arc-fxJrefiily itdantid L Spring trade, and w.rh-sn !,!. ' 1 Ho t ani s10r s:aifT11f, Ytn."Mansfuld. , .N. York, M.ro27, Pli. , Tlie , t'alue'.of : tlfi pr-ir e ol on t inpnrv jiklv he-1 ViV-t.' fV.-'e inN. X' . It r::i -.. is tat t.J Vli.S .71. f u ... ,' , . 1. t - loot Joeal in- Ts p ja'ioi,. It -on 1 . 1. ' nn ti r Ilnr rlU.i.m tni-townof Morganton, f1 I throngh tl., yibo'J sytti tl' I) n ..m . s'n k .7 drs hif.po.e'on.U'rvicm, in the various branch. m,l (lt, u,n , iJ, n 1 t 1 i,i 4f l,wrric i.tlH-f 1,1.1. b "t in 1b- b..?l atidr M.r.1 le lihy .i y : ,: . 1 Vnij-I 1 1 1 ft 4ft n. r7 " , in 1 i a k ii-r -f Mi. i i ui'lri l"'J UltiiJ j" no'v ' v-ui4-Iy . its n. I u';i' .- is ' J"in!ii n 1 -d r 111 i-t p'i" - ; TO.H 1 i it i O'l rJiei . I T-c Great AtU'actionJ . WILLIAM WlLtTAMS' ' I nfrty oikti'1')''! b.s rln-ep store in AbheviIIel be uiiiil f?joi k f new ai?d Tafkhionable jpnng and hUrnmi f 1 , ", ' : " y ;?2&4S3 y 1 4 y 5 eoinj.n-iln j ef r'y variety 'Jof Dry G-Jods al 1 wrlromlilC 1IIOM" chnwitl ir'rtir.ii! tur'i tit,": ok th's fttate,-and thai proets cannot be rx-reoHrt.H , i . i r i . ; serytd up43n turn, it is ordered that hu dieatioit b i mf .1 . " f , , ' r, j u - f-Ji; ,r 11 . : 1 1 . 1 Y . '"ifes. of t,h Jiver, . lungs, beart, stomae h, Uvn made-- in the littfhhnd Me&scarer and the. finhrh- -. , -4. . . , , '.. .. V . Rrsitter. fr : three. months, omniandmg i the'-;.a id i- . - W-. -: 1 1' - ,y ' 1 i . ' i h' j . 1 '.' ? is i which arc ft "0,1113100 of a sero uluns and - canter; Uenja ram Ward to appear at our. nexl Superior , 4. .J r--ii .1' j '.' - A j- i -t- . r . t. 1 ia c .1 ' . crT j.. 4 oils t o.tnr. t-tsflitle rliif' rd Tb, fo often Tj.-trrs-PUjtf Court -of Law to ba held for tjie countv of.llcnderi f i' : t . V 4 . '. '.', ' k ' ton.- to tLi-tcin wht tncinfrK,. ihf l?Uid. In "," 1 " p " 1 tlr many 01 w iimu aro tuuinj , tiep.?.t.r.. M s rof.s-,.m. ki rng ,Mfc umU r 1) , i( Vlli . J ; :J.lt J 1,3.4,6 1 RI. 3i brd an-I brown shtct- to reiid, Oienbe w,JdJim.Vy hope to tteen e f ;'nV 3? r I. rr! '"U .Jt '"r 't.,.A: fine tVn:ct trumfrilng, J f r-nc', ap,tnn,ge at merit (Cl.nds and tudi an, h- i Ul t'M lu rnat .unUom & culkfV. Ligh'sh ftHv ' 1 . , ,.i.v..i.'ik-, ii.uu uiu ijMiiii .ii is mil llnni -. . ; 1 -'.'.' ..- i . . .r r 1 1 j. ..4kU, i-.-.i . . -1 i : iv,. iii" mm 1 1 1 brrs lieretofore set-.urcu He would c11 tl.E. dtt.tiotwf ina'.di wl.'o.uf k . . ... ; i . : - ..j- .4 . i . 8 m:ra;r as 10 nrortime. i!fcrwo.i son-,- at the Courl-linj-e in llcRderionyile,' .on Ure f .r .yL 1 L f, 'k- .1 1 . 1. 'f i- - V " r,M'Bs.t .f,.,fh.rHt, ir,k.t M,lf- nl an 1 Plei.t" doctor,' have ber-n and ar ..... ..k.... .v.- ... .,rVk , , tnati'd hv' Ilim ' IIic m.'U,.f Irt. I -"' Iivxi, ito urcit 10 jJitau 10 or jii!vr inc -mu ,ritaiT"vrl tl i" rut-" itn !1 f is 1 a-lhr.' furi-tied nr ol her, iir.ij"' m .it; m. t.:;-fk I ' . " - . ' vf'! t nut uti Hirmrjor curiveinenee ai:d tr. tdhjjtt, afiJwhr.t I i''.J Hcef.ti' t ,r (o ti mn r. t.oi . t nh 'x.iili 1) pi (i k i. , th ijN iplilv, f qu il to, Jii- qinrt, ainj ,!t'5mii ririnWli'-ul valuo lohc'Vario.us. pi-Iitifioi3 bi'ann the'n;riu' The pp'pni.-torfj'ard amojk'iii. dily rtei-rArfg tcHtiuio- ' 1.14's iM tin- ni.,t rnp. et,j . ibarrtt(r, ti si,fi i n .t, i ; -. A n i . . . 1 1. v v pi il..loo,.otll-vi v, I?-.? mi;,., r&oit;. vvll, viz ULdiy rjpi AVitnesVU. John C. GulitCk. Clerk of said Coiiri.'ll otljce. th folrtlf Monda v in J unc.. hV.: fr., : 1 8 1 6. ' . - ' - J.C GULLJCKCTk. 6V . Fruite r'tf Te SG. 3)5 iwtrk by wo ild j.!. mindful of due deferenco to I in pmut-kinf:!! h-ttl.r'Mi. ' He would be andcr-tood H'oply f le t! c ! irt, ttflso'lt arrtijat.nkr-tr, rpjj,. its cat fvue as aii.t.--i Tne fouoWnig I'll1: ii-.r-g r i.ie ttadt f m iYa to lit! n i i-al. r iiuc preM-tile d, and C tj.jimi :tl J.,-'Li'cii 12 h, ls:lR. tV-f Al'. i.iver.Vchiiii. of rrncwtnr and crailliri scll.ts, ta- x Lit .'if! pocket " "KNIVES . Irirte!!, hnJ. , Rerew, etc. ivc., j ' CtUOCUKjCS-Sptc'c, Pf I'Ph r gi1,4",P''ii"S mcd- .ie.ntii, dve&lul, S uarl" Mfarr' Tf frd-b3ndy;jmackeral, rice,molas.s"3, 3I'ir,A.B.4 D. Si lies pl-.ce, was.BtMiltflju'r'i a s'twlua wiun l a o ( cttc "erv' Ji p.'J i,nss'w8re, etc. &c."dtc. A: 1 a'ii a'd, which t-Mii r'!t.ei d if r I i i jn r kfJe.' i ". i , . . . the flinin' m rv.'olil u t . ii! l ijPse jrot'd, acfited to tnose already on. har . . i tan- JU.f, J, lOIU. .. 1 , k. t-, 1 u "J l.rtlirctiract IrGlU t!lC tnt.. . , . ,f ' . . , . i r,,.t.c.rfment And are ofrrrrl for Ktlef " ' ' . "i Ho will rf.nnv.lv attend ,Td c-11-.yfir'cr' i.r-af. rn,1',f',,',0:'t';'-''l'e'''! '"'lfih " Cl,. J UJ....I.L I) p;.,. y An IVter . i. lEsto!HrT alv ice ti ill ho ,r,v vi tt "nio-iaiiuijumui, ' dlV Ul UlUdUIU 11 fill MtHU ' ' -kb-7 P" pjrt.it to rect-jvtf.and iarcommoditlfi at hi 231 Mary A v iou(it' .kiw,oC. , t rfsjdent. m Vein's fr.ia ad u-tnec;.rd wo-iJd pre F pon "lbc turn the Shenf?, taut the drjcpdsni' j-HVtr.lteat iitr cics at- bin residence vijat-. require 'tfir cariuot ; be' foun'f, and: protI.m'al ten Ijavmrr'nbecri R'Cl (L'k.r-it.Mmania'li!!i. close stthxentient -attention made at tbe do, llie CourUhoJasc by the b''jttf r ,TWJ be e jnnlt. li &U toes ?t r; sdiTr.ce tmdertbe order of i.jc Covrt, fqr the deb ncatit lo ap- o'r'oC.te m Mirt ntoneyc pt i h o absctit' pear' and; answer as 'fcorriua.d,t'd 'by,tLe', trubpata.'r "' Tut; jHrr s.a4' rcqt-iv his 'Jrotesf4onal' 'Ber vices Therefore, erflererl by the "Coart :bal . ;rfub?icaioh With-iut ivnv f. e; - ' t , : . . - be made in the HejliU-fid Messengeryatf Afhevnle,.!- fAUr'iJ! March 13 and Jbe' Ilalcgh licgifcTtif ajt Iialeigh, for, thne months requiringof iht'f ndautto beaadaptar! i at the iiext term of tlius Court 4q be held at llie C'ourt.- bqus at Abeii le.'op the 2nd MtMitlv afUr" the 40t Monday of S u lalxr fiext, or tlmt jadrntii. nl will be taken procniess awd Ihc .tAion tuard. - v - r ; i " Witness. J. II . Coleman I Clerk of said Court' at i k 0;5ee. fiie nij'Moaday alter- the -lib JLonday of Maroli, l2lt." . ' ' - r . J: ij. colem a, t c. ' JaneSXh WlS." tlr.C.$6J 302 3m- tlie circun st&nr e of tlie'Y a-e. The f.dd, who i now aged font .ycar, wad one comi-le joant of di. tase,, and inciij-ahle .tf pMijg-'any- of her hmoB. tv tit ai ly -twice its natural , lfv3m. llt r body was trwulb-n t -l7.rti the l,.'rt', 1 m' I O. i rt O W Hi, l .i,r e. .... ... f. i , .". . 1 .mo u. J laic no t ol s-hnnk from being ttouc 'i-i.i. J. .r ore iiiM jnt,vai . mi! panu A.KVILS AM) VICES, ' j , , CROP b'Lt ' Just received; aud vw dl be -euld- at, , the lowest prt .If : I-)JJij2L.T frorh PlJtd. Jphla; each naptr be..r sPi ces.' ' ". ' . '"... . I '-cl and warranty I Da'vil LmcrU'i For p.'j 1 A ' .RANMN&PULLIA.1. y.. RANK IN PLLLlAVI. Apnl 3, JS4, . ' . y - Ap-,1, 3 Ii IC. pan. la, and btf.,r Ji fb. Ciju.dtU.idjun t- .ui tl .roi-rn. l,i, r-4i'. O'lttie, r,.i I'll, ft, rc3 aru l r gOy I. 1 firc-restored i t iltfip nalt ii al: u, Mi 'ti, o w.rc ih'. I--1 ntirclv ."n u.i u ri'c to rnovc, ic of "a-r. i.'iMig, nriy to i d t-vn . ny lier mother. ip?; was equally severe inward!, att nai rf , ttif i 5.!.dy n teirtti ns every ft-W bours. 'Piev nrof Jed m- "uure f'J't'je 4ira iiad lai.iii one Itoitle-Fhe i 'iu r ..u.d er. ep aero1-, tin- liai-'.t. J i 'ki'V 'be r eooil U d, lhf rnubs is e,u;tc chetr- luL ami ib ja;t lim-rovwiftJii health- . - YA.r t try T. -p t ful! v,. 'I C. J. WAR-NCR. See. f V coth's st;tU 17. nu hoc . By Virtue of a decree tuUdc in the Court of rv ly for 'Duniconibo C.tunty at Spring 'Perm, ISt'i; the case in said 'Court pending, wfiPrTtn Ml.. Vance, Guardian'of tjie infant hirs of D. Vance, tea'pd, is Com pi nn.urf amr M. L. NtMpn and ll wife Laura II. arc JX ff ndant. I fiwtll ofl r that lahJc farniiindaUltie adjfing lden Rcam'b Cif4 belonging to the Heirs of I)a"vid -J Yan'ce D-cc:. iot fale to the. bighcH bidder on 1 he. 23, 2t,Bnl'.v days af iSeptefnber ncxtf Tlti sa'to 1 be tuadeoa premifses j and in one or more tracts orpareci : may tbiilbetfuni-hl U-p on a f red of one, t tljrt, foil,-, and five ejr, xiitlrmUrcl fromd One third ofthe jurtli -t- tn meyddifad df c firi-t year, -and "the remainder in. 'fotjr-equal 'r. p ent-ttbe purclrs-f r or purchasers giving I8f '-Jit a'fjiroivf fj security ' i , ff," ALSO, .tt, Vie Ali.'.i.on Ivy, f mnerly lb .r0 of l. ri'iio-va;.! nbail ii tiw said Mii'w,r i 1 4 Ircuf.Mi Iu;,rti,(t ll-i.ltVk,! lor-iual "" nd t y.-atf; With rntercst from date, veornVuh Brrtft.U.. I yeIh-mT Mac ,v.J ,'iJ f Npttuibt r ncxl. 'Jhe purcba 'itcnilv wit t an d. et.oji' ol U.k "T.Voit and CI,. s1: ? arovyd eonly-. To be sola by i. fc ' Rcil-y-ti-r-'X VV..I. 13 n, I54.I. lb -aiu-decre. , . - .Mfr,' V. C tI)Mf.-H f.n I.-nnnKnJ.d M , R- f AWYLR-C Aj ' 1 . t. ,!,,- , itv I"lf tlk . mmm m mm t a wmm : . - : y ; i':'"'-.,:-' f-;'i-'-;y '-..'-'is! -4 .i'-l't :.,-;"-' ;y-i' - ." . ;- i-'".---- .Y ! ' ' ;-'-.''., t f- l;-'::l'"j- i:i"S" i "; Eii ' ?.r;f;i:. i;-'i:..-i';i;'..'i'' -v,....t. -('..... .. r. .;?..'- '-;.!;: 1 i'ii..':-- ,.. " 4 ??"H;-;i.- ' K $K--r"J'''',!i:;:::;:,:;'':;4 ;f i--;-'i!vi t--A&f-4 Vd t .; & ' -I ' ' . ' k ' ' ' , J ,.y-

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