; '.-V. .'!; r-.-'-h,: y. -: i-- v -? ; 7 V.;'- .-, :. ..".; .I.'. ; -V . ' L ' ... - . ' ' . . . ' 1 X I orvs pcrir)U kbiM to- f !i4.h br Mr, U. h ftKOJ would j liimHi'i l'J i tot rooest f it t ties ; 7 M A "T" -r-riS?f wMr,u. .-..I ... -I i -4. i -i! ''. .A l I : N , . it j -'"-v , . J PUBLISHED' wmTKLY JtY IPITC8 AYD PROPRIETOR. TERMS: rut mi.1; rontni Ml ftrbid. and Cmiiri " irocr win oe. nuancf. .4 ..'fffW ti?i. clurr M nnounnnz l'r hame qI a can. . .. t ... ... H.il.ttr wiimiI Irre of l ,of will nreivc nu ! pot- . frm fi4'f Olierter. j' ' iUierca4Jolfv.; . ' j IV f HFTTT4L. j j J (a Ton firmament ' - . ; ; orldn-wor!J f otrt, . k ec' p'nf 1 lhcri3 t'latmoyt ' i U W tlime heart whence iprfriM doubt; Mk, nd llima HTuiost nau Will 'Jhrrare Hih ork ina Ilia fclune AHiAllnl fiirblH.aT'n wasoe r, Hear )rx of Hini,-tl etcml One. ; y - I thrc a GcmJJ-j- , , IKk t' til" inty'ty lcloV -,.; I Wlicre ocMi mid darVcavcrn twopji A i.,-n- tinrtj ili 'ruvrtic tlb anil flow Hlit pnwrr roiiiiriauoH iri rcgiirya ocejT I'm nature.'. Irul ilure tSo," ? , ruM-Uiru to all proclaims aju ' IuIlN forth in v'rj wo viw 'lTje.jpowef of a ruling Cod. - ' I tlicre.a God'- xAta'hc fwn and fertile ytrth'-i-iook t elr hrrlr-etteh plant wc nee; ; ij atk Uiysrlf wnat jj avc them birth; . I'be ra't 5ii-iUe lollirni trt-o. m hurt inut tell ihee, ii sincere It nu ag tr Wtn of theprndf-- ,( ti.ou n in ,-1; Prri 'ti), are e rn tin re, . i trjll t!e fi i a r of hiui alore4 . I ! la t:.:ri a God? . Ujuitl it rru m ii- rv r .j we CdZ(r tfrtf e'er we r:m ij licje e'er wj bc; i in an unu o ry piace; - niyrmilt rnft Lurd, Hod of.lUcc: I'ltf'ioun'if in hiliair, - niKi ct on the iji av- so;l-i- : . - rft, th: m!l, in cacrj r)ltre : i .lalurtr' tvorUn procl.iun a God. ' I there a Gf)-JT , . . lV Uut wlftch witlnri Uiuc dA'tlls, lifak thy noultohopo or farj' ihrch thinir ev'rV action fel. . . 1 L.i ,.,Jiv, T... l...'.. i.." aroimJ, henuath" hbuve; . Where thou wilt tliou'It ever- ace, '5 who rcijni eternally. -ta.t-u irwn rnv ir,..t i..u.mi i intense ol hi. fectioS for hu govern: rticn and j)3riiruturly far my wdfaTc. f iriiific- mean ii,oe drew A plan of the cityamfrjvc,, nhd it scni to Co.n. t-iDtterrir.d CafL M Claucyf iho John ik r ' correct tecriplion of all me forts, the namber pf giin.U U-jt' oftjie trooa, auj hou- ih ere poSrctl, nrtd cyerI pol.itarmjTement, so that through Mr.tflidse and biaqgeot, they knew cve?v impoftaat tno?emeut ia '.Aw section of the country. incy abusci nd insul.d ijhe Amerl. ctn name and tnatit oltccauseditu: to rtt BV,J bray Ood for the day of retribution f Witf. the exception' of my . faithful Anelia. I h ul k. i:..i .t . .. . . . r-, .. , : : j v - i V II W mriiii; boghshjnfljcncc w-s uinsi ft r national 'I am, poTlnps, a littlc ; pro but 1 welj kooy the-aeositivo heart to whom ju.tj ui-uujit'iuut ' uuu ar con. Whut'. I daily wiTched, not.tery chiiian. hte, fo'r'ihe, niomen't ol"reta1tntiotTi0in to beab!'alihouj;h alone in' the con,-, io 'square accoWs" with -."my1 fierce ,'e' btors, ani if. posifjlc, pl-tcj !m)&elfa party on tyo credit skJe of thial cnUogli account. , , - , " t ' Vbanta Anna recommcnded to aDcvotod to Politics. -I jtnratntcW (icncral. Intelligence. ' foramoof ffio Amsricanj.' but not one pressed courage or national oirit- to Irni a hand, ;4M!nrty rriiftutes tf) Ayuxitemc'ot call. I cd tnon ma-and ordered mo to haul in vpi re,uea a .. w raised as a ritic of p-oicction. . Triey said I bad no juclt rrg!tt . I rejoined tliat if Was a rriatteV of optuon Jn whch va "could nut linport - Thejsaici it was. a burlesque 'npoV their haiioi lady taking :ho city-nd what wouW the 3 Jprcme Government of JSlex. jco ty replied very Jacopically, Qnne- ateftun& ofTered them wine uo dertix new bmncr. They thraiened uio imiie. i ran to its top. and .tukfji Mr. Uidor il he would stand bv m.e. He replied. Yei.r. I'hen," said L-ihe li t. kY.,if m :r:...i t . . uw inimin,ur anui u! oeen;ovcr ifMf house top, as I shall never purl it down or stiff -r any Me.xion' Jtoi sully it by his touali'M had bc?n robbed, my'sVjrc enterod and pillaged of rViqre than twp liiousan.a.u.Miars in iho deaa of the nHif auj wueq ine rcLMment rom Iliph a :ntir. ed thfa citvf thy ctat'ered rnv store and carnea oti goods, and I had.no redress and still ton a;..UnVK... ' 1 .1. i . . ivoiu.j.,iiJm!,iJj wiougn atone, the God of the Just waj my captain general, and I had nbthins to -tear from Meripn' 1 JicutucKiaH AccoiiiiC ol Uw AKriciiiiuro of South Cairo 7ll na. . Iicfot ii;ivu. j. me, Uhtrlestoa Courier, iq its . mo toifowiBj; recount oHvifJn'P n VOLUME VJK .NUMBER ; TcrmjS'ij per annum, - rrjfj IN advance. '.Kentucky and thaejuses ani injnnprsPoi the emigration, warnusing, and will serve as agiKxl specimen of-the western s: lo of narrative: - , I-,' ' 'Vtladjast returned from the 'Seminole war, and was cightcenn ycari ol-d, when I became, acquainted with Peirjiv"i a darllog Utile iliings delicate as fresh hutter and us awcet flslioney,' h was corn huskltig time, and told her -about, thV Indian war and how we.h'nd bivouacked and the rest ot it, and she listef.ed Vt.allt and in lest than a 'fortnight j was in love qVer head pnd cafs Was, oh I said juit eighteen and sho &i.tetfrr. t or, her sake Lcould have whipped a w hoie . A. . 'Pk ' ho iion. rrcntfeman surmjsed. to a want of patience and perseveranco on. the part of , thosrj who had, undertaken them. ' ' i - The Olivo from the secrjwai of a very low growth, anl did not attain to ma!u fity under twenty yeaf,t but when cngraf tea, it would bear fruit ia two years. It rnrrna. pondence from. Columbia, has a Verv IntAr. falpz tetch of-an address, which wrfa ueirverea, on the S7ih November, before thrf. Siato Agricultural Sietv of Suu(l) CUroJina, byJudjje Mitchell King. Tho subject of this addres is one of ereat im- IT .35! t'?L WIS- !W Wanted to a light; gr.Te .nd dry IJnitPrl SiVt I 1- L 0 - r T'T WM mUch hardy trtthsn United States. It w,J bo perce.vea from the Orange, and hot mateiially affected the extract, wh.ch we copy from the cor. by frosts or the, .severest winter that oc. respondence referred to, that Judffe King cur in tho mild tntiW t i - 3...u ' maket th grivo announcement that theicrn rrtrion. .Th firf. t,. k cultivation of cotton, in consequence of established by tjie experimcht of Mr. Cop. .u w. .wvw, pruoucuan wnicn na er. ( VJiro, on was very nutricioos. acd alreadyaken place, and m'ut continue in a btill more rapid ratio, cannot be expected CO ) U UScroinu of T:ttiiiiMk. wincr is a r.nrtv nf5 n lntfi wri. VnV"at Tampico, arnJ wliiclt wo out)tri l bumore intercs-tins to that T li she hrinht nniirnnmr.hl T'lHhich wecouU's.lrct. 'TiMPirn Dtp 11 lRJft iir f k'riend: A reat chane come 1 c r " j 'j fj'si 'month so that I al- cvulcnce-rff myown senses, "(vessel .tje river -.'I'tWo atrttrW. l " I- " """nl ' ih' i. Ml ..i t. i . r ri ..I., iiivitiiw.'. -- uo an.I , .ring. I nm not a belli i., 'i Ithmtv'I have pass. CJ 1 ".nig IhaLyjeal by r.-sidm"R in on. fc ,Ut,',Vnprinripled,; I V- Je.ir inervWJ scuctjy know how ,9rIVtOOUr Inl BOt.Ml.ulo frtv v U, r ' T11'' in oeginntng w M-i.n.-v.i uarrai-e. ono 'H II III I tubt sad rs! whit ac rit mis. tnpnny mo -my pen woveroment'of Mexico' the iGonfiscation J'pf al! ' Aniorican property, in orlier to ca. fyonthn wir, und tint edl-.Americans'. residrtjg in this .courUMT slmull.hq made Yiipmj9o war, as a tat ii siroKc to tnose usurping pirafes the gentle ' rVamo en. rally applied -to theutnnd that- this garrison should bp reinforced . with some tnopi. ' When I-read thfi artiokj irt one of tho flmiing pc'riodro.ijs, it was rather gratiffg u .4114 in, my. Uofdicd on ditinn.ivl 'ilcicrniiredjilipwever jipon the old Uurnan rrj,ito i 1 -1 "vho "wwoM-'bo free, ' liimsol? must strike t!io bhriv" or in. other, "words,-my enscwas at bstjiplp'css, ani now even desperate, and rcquu'ed, a desperate jjumc dyv r : ' . . . . "Tivo .spies cimo daily to my Uousr, always under he .guiso- of frreniship;'and Cn ono occasion,- pno .pf the ; wretches hchcvjflg that. I was possesses! of items concerning- Amdrican movernonts I re p'resenti'd to him that $PVOOD in)p wore to j-nnGc'n. . Taylor at MafamtiraaO,. 000 mbre had been despatqhed to capture Sao "Juan, &c, nn-1; closed with rtjmarkv ing'that I would, bd 'compelled to! clbfce my. Jiouao'within n day or two, .as a force of SojOttuVor CO,OO.G troops was coming ngainsV this place which bit of romance so frightened my poor Amelia that he thought :the' general here j would call me to account for it. " , 1 "NcM day I had a call rom a cdptain of the port whq wished to know the truth, aijd inquired if Mr. Chase hatl written to mo" to Jhat effect; and soon after some olhcr of .the. high functionaries discovered me to be an important character ha theit daily rounds.':, fn a conversation with, the fatherin?law.; of: thq General, I recom, mended :to hint an early retreat, ns the wisest course to.' bo. token; and, that same night, a, private jjostwns dispatched' to Sin-Luis itosi, upon tho .strength' of the infurm-ition so received, through me; the tov.n of-Tampico wps ordered to'bo'vacat-c-if rin tr)('rippeaiianco 'of this lafge force offithe bar;' scouts were sent in every direction, to procure mules, cfcj for the conveyance of rfroperty to the interior; and two' schooner leads were shipped to ,lhe city of Panuco;. six hundred sjanilt of a,rms erp.sunfj . the cannon were removed frnm tho i'ort,' and the - troops ' eyacuMed . the place: U thel dispatched to Com. Connor on account, of. ihetato of things, nnd'iri tr.inhcate tb Havana, under different cov. ers 'to my husband, urging his - return lorimvuh. : . I heso were sent by an agent, who supposed. them mere letters convey 1 mtj a wish to my hushand. to meet trie. at ihe'Andlnow the Itour of my redemption was oanq. i expected .they would piiher urn or sorm the .house. I rested 1 my right arni round the flig.staffthe tl flr WaVI"3 in j1'!' beauty, and ,nc V-irdron neafing thp'city, where ihcj 1 jto know fromwhcr.ee it came, but ?UOD!h&jfcfr3 saw two fema Informs stand- of" the c!?00 txirC'9 CHer3 in fronl Jt.;K - ,and 1 camo 10 my house, which ha,)?en n0rf n .ary s.x omhs m Jf ,'r t 80.me'crime or P:aSue. and AfticnMn. Cnrtodore pca. a , en sent -to the State t .t - . e .. wc iruers 01 nanKS from the officers co.w,r . . .. name Of,-..,, , I'orl Ann , an compliA,,. m r, arrived onhrl&h. fc ?it alter cam:Mr. Cfiasc.T7:?.fihl .pinest., ' ' n,.uP U" m-V -YOU Hill no doubt h.lVhpnVdJnArf nf my story prevmus to th.s,,achin' knowing he tnicrest vou I, $ r,u . j- ; t 11.. ; ana this uuiimueu . .irienasm-p qvinceLv thill liavo fnl-rii- ipurwneuT nnax.v u,- wigwam lull of bmfno-leaf, that I coyld by to remain, profitable in South Carolina or yniK . oeerar jaiontns pa$eu, ami 1 1 inor ouier cotton States of tho Allan tic f thougb I was getting on well with her, and kept sncaktn ubjut her, like a wolf rodnd a flock of j.heep, or a sentry round the watch fire, whenwc weS out agafnt the Indians, said neither n nor. res. Ono .'e'.eninrr howcver,,sha iia-Td . to me loo wild:' 'What?1 cribd f. ' Pi says she, . 'you are really adeal "f- 5i-(i,ns to ra'.' nfver ' keep pacekvith mv.feelings. X ;fiJl.huye beenaUre of "A.r.XW.'s vuoo agreeable A tho 'deerco of tlie "Of May last; and in compliance with vitice to embarlr !..; I Veracruz, tn .acccompany mo Xo Hav. emvt leagues infL-; iij,na. 1 spent a restless night arfd morn. K'w'y chotheorUr. and embarked 7 V1; on b0"d or, tV S: Mary; the , a - v.. i.u ii.il mi I MUyfW t lin 1 V .... 1 1 1 a .vigiuy intusara dollars in 1 'uS i? M'ilh nfV 'nfrrroTcotion - nhJin Jol homwas a Mcxuah-and, in ac I ,1 'ilh lhe lru f Mexican t'lvalry, commencrAJ robing, nie. Mn , m announces ivere it numerous that -annot ;ive voti tUn:' .. .i.. 1. , 1 r , '".'-" uciuu, uui nierriy ietC 1 .in nnflin I .1 .. . for my perilous position iothis n"- In 1 ho next place, Jnez, ft Insiancia. bv ordir ff h. ornmayin General, passed mo a'notico mv hi-i'ir.u- 1 l r c V i taatu uj me Willi 01 ' jtnvr.ioaf Consul, and my store must C osef I replied to him . in tho' most Vih-T ner, lhtkl ,.wa,'not only hU fj jV- u1 a,so his cons'titutcd: agent iff H-ion to this I wbs ,a British Rubjcct, V ,s,tuch" reithe,i.the Judge, rfor the neraljeoul fleprivft mo of my' natural o ,ls. M the "til Joa fee (! i-11 J" rim .aitop stau ngthqt any . irifft'etian on uy chastised in conhrmatton 23live wont K. t 1Hlffvernrnont; and, in co 3iK:i 1SMt'on referred tho learned Inez lot a!' fealed an(i cxarparatedr I was i.i-ul0 .to send an Pen nolo to my' God V. lHcn offlh lJar But, Uiank amb RtrtnpC"tho '?d 10 lho Bhorn inl-,n V-0.'rOv,tJ me,'ancl I concerted iupri r???3i-n 4efc0U?d lheir hosli,e in eir "flJl by straSem nine letters n rVs nnd through the same TlVed.rfr,ies- B-i those things nr-? F- ,nS inroads ppn niv health l.l V .vjf 11 ri? a I. ? 1 1 hkh mofct carefully con. ingbutit has certainly brought its reward Mv letter to the fornmixlarn ' w ftntpft Octnhor 23- f; he rrccived" it October 27tK, arid immediately called a 'meeting of' the senior officers, andjaid my dispatch before them, It 1 had. due dveight. Provisions were brought frdm Point . Isabel and.dis i rioyieu amongst ine squaaron, i and on the 12ih November, they left Ma - Verde. ami on ine morning 01 me .4 4th hoye in sight, twelve snil)ffthe bay." of Tampico. I was so confident.of the .coming, of the' snudron, that in anttfipation" l of ' their coming, 1 nau,a nag.stan matte - one week previj0ii5, nd ba.d it erected upon' the houseop, in order to ralso tho first Am erican flag hoisted ns a rishti over Ttfmni co. v . urst i sirH. oi ine neett mv pent up feeling gave tvav and I 'tvept.os a ciiild for joy, seeing that God hadbrought deliverance to -the capuves,' nud in'au tieipatioa of sobn seeing, tho object of mv affection, .and" alsojn. frratitude to' Him who "s mighty to save, and that my feeble e'ffortsj hid wrought so strangely indoor naiiortal;, welfare.: v Here ' I vmust pause", and sny I cannot, pretend to describe mv feelings at that time. ' Fortjtude seemed to give way, and inube-midtst of .this emo. lion, I again sav lho-squadron nearing to the bap," the" boats manned and, the-, lirie passing, (they standing their, own pilots ove.r that intricate passage,) n nd.the broad pennant -flying- at -.the .mast-heads the blue arid red. My faithful AmcJia and mvselHranto Mr. Chase 3 pfficp,- arid in solitude offered a prayer,', 'than pulled tho the flarr dwn.. and aloe rushed to 'the house top. l earned itup andMied it en the une with my own nanos, ana we. Am elia, mself and; Mr. Under, hoisted it rryselfi giving' the first ,'pulL should see old. Hickory: 'that a the maA ou may call wild.1 . 'ilalpht1 said she, 4 indeed You arc too ild, rough as a bear,' and then you drink too much whis'icy! M 'fMonpngahela, l'ggy; Genuine Mpnon guhen, and w.hy should 1 not drnU it, since God lojs ittgrow? -Tegcy .fcnv I. 'uenu- 1110 Mpnorijaheja, nnd aM pai3 for, owe no mnn-a cent; have got six as stout ne groes; as you'll iind in old Kentucky.' and a thousand dollars in cash besides, that mv father left hie. and a trifle over, and if so. the word we'll be man and wiCb.'' t lAlph, fiiys she, 'you are o'jite too viJd; dwuk too-moch, will see about it in" eight days, will, think about it, you may cume und. ask m"e io'eivTit tifvt nml'-. n modore Cpnncr.' ' My J sooner.' ' - ' w I was obliged to do her will,' ami wait the eight days, as. restless' as if 1 had a 3pani-h pepper .rubtred into, me; and when they were .past,. I went to lgg) 's houio, and whom dolyou thitik I found', there? AsaPumhling sitting arm-in-arm Wjiih Peg. gy before tlu,kitciie'n. fine; nd-f when he sawnje-.he laughed in my face',iand Pegcy' JaugTied rooA :I had half a mind tojatber 'him by : way!; of ;a wedding presont;' I couldn't got her Out of rriy head for ever so Idiig, but at kit" my brother said to ne, Let the girl be,:UaTph,' said-he, Mr sho meant to have you she wouldn't let Asa come -sparking .about her; she's only I tria klflg a fool ol you. ' , 1 "And I thought to mysclfJoc's right a. bout that, . , " coast; and .declaring that it will be ind pensably necessary fur tfiesc Slates to re' sort to samo other, staple if they wish .to retain their 'prMpcrily, ec6mmendi iht introduction of tlie Olive Tree as the mos praciicablo" rvmedy. ' . Jf this; representation of the prospects 01 pouin Carolina do not exaggerate and was osed cxtensivclv at an hrtiM rf : nJ to those whi becamoi accustomed 16 U would form a 'gbod substitute for bacon. The revenue derjved - to the ;ctu:oms ia Great Britain from tho importation of ther ; Olive oil was immense, amounting, I think tho Hon. geptleman said, to several mil lions.' The article wa uscd extersively ic tarious mariufacturrg. ' Tho longevity of the tree, was remarkable. If was cMi mated that it would live for -nineteen cen. iMiivs. ...... uuvu. j i ir maon mj itmn in n, there 4ino reason to, infer that it is,-her fact touching the longevity of the treo (.v.....vw W(bl.M 6iaTu unj.urj inio wuiqiuiau given ruetar some Conflict of tlie cause of her present pond the apparent 1 hopeless nes of hcrfuturo circer. 1 Ildr aJmiltcd inability to compete with opinion. It f stated by historians that tho Ulive trees that were-planted on (ho Ml. or Olives, in the, lima of our Saviour, aro Still in fTittfnrn anI .(Ml I : n . I, - t .1e.fer.1ld lands of the South West, can rnnm - litx-n. on y proceed from the depreciation of her Centuries otd. Jt lias been tirrred arrainst . ,. . j . i , -. vo as iar ua nrunciiuie ia oetaii, ana na , i cu in.qccuuni jar i oeyonO' my ana at Uio same lime trusting "ivo at least a' reidin? of this scroll', and may never feel the mervtal atmctiori as felt' by me. ion very kindly innuiro if the rxfk war ryis injured uv in a pecuniary points iius viiry materjany , . out mat loss rt 'ention, h you rlect P3 of. soil, and this depreciation from the nature ol her agriculture. Tho exclusive culti. vntiort of Any ono staple must necessarily cvhaus thp richest soil of its .virtues, and cottosi is perhaps tho rqost injurious of all crops It is therefore from' adhering ex clusivcly to tho production' of South Carolina riov? finds herself, compcll. ed to- seek some nw mode of 'sustaining this statement, that when Merusalcmiwaa besieged by tho Roman army, all tho trees in the neighborhood were cut down to bo used. in lho fortifications. .But it is- Insit ted, on. tho other hind, that the Olive tres thenstandihg on tlie JMquntwero probably small trees, usclcssj for anytsiich purpose", and that :hey havekliained to their prcsent growth and sixe though a succession of K,nS7aiA .hr" ?u,aV0.n,a".ud5,,rCc, and 'tbc .HPn- gewfemati eeemed ,kLP?ihL lh.G f acb,,y ..mrodocing rtUfcr inclined to tjdopt the latter opinion. oi..; rn;. " :r::u o oi 'And so says Joe 'Ralph,', says hq, 'youM.bc doing a bctf ter tlfmg if yog made your niggers "knock doubtless interesting, and valuable; abut it mj.i oe rememDere,d that thev are mere speculations; and that if they should prove, Vpon -experiment, to be unfounded, the question will. still, remain, what -must be done to save South Carolina and '-the At. lantic cblton rcgion'rom ruint It icoh ceded'that the attention of iho'-nlamp mUit hri Inrnnrl - r. . I . " ; vu au,l,o new pursuit, mat line olives. in traced ix or existence, whoso history might bo back, with infaJhblfe certainty, for eight hundred years. " . Judge Klhg continued at length with a history olthe modejof planting and graft, ing .the olive.' Hp said ' its cultivation would n9t interfere at all with lho planiing oflhe mall grains Oh the area occupied by ht from, a might be set : An ftvnm. nrnRi rn 'l llhiF l.ak0 Placc or cre pUtedith ,he'se "trees might be .e o.v.ou mid uniop can never down nt about thirty seven dollar-. U.lrtn. Thl Ml Pr0.4per,.,-V- ' 1 ; prqPi derived Tromthe same ianj; sown ' U ' ' hr n V1 fn: "tract from the atthesame time inltha small graini Ho C 6 k g -S a, rp$,r " ' " ea.v'a Ml cxplanatjon of the mode of pro. conlLfe parin, the oil for market. Mr Jefferson, . .hu.uw.is!, respecting ine snwJ , had recommended, that Southern not in least allied -my spirits to flarr iUp a t boat; you've a couple of hundred My trust is in llinv who can wiihhoJdW35,9 mcaI nd Indian corn, and ha.ms, bestowv, " We have suffered in mind, in person and pocket,' but with feelings of interest toward oUr "beloved countev and duty to tho cauae,5 rind .like the "widow I was willing to cbutribute.my mite for the honor of the country he had 4so. long represented, and as a dutiW( wife to follow him in weal or yvo, according so the pressure of misfor tune, and ih impending' danger,, even the bleak wasts of adversity should not rhill my, following his advice and his cause, and truT, to Uod. i - 14 Ve will loose nearly one-half of our stock of good. , r?o doubt the UniteJ States Govermont will indemnifv Mr. Chase at a fiture day. ' V3ur house will be turned into-a arri- son, and three field -pieces will be placed upon it. I; am ; wiHIag !-io stand b mv husband at a gun untilTve ;bath die or are vigors. ' . ?! have been trvinn to keen, a wurnal of the rjeaulics'ef.the Drama, in rather a rough torm, and may "' place it in your hands at a future dav." Cnrcfor the Cousaniption. . Anofficer in the IlritUh' snrvir rrL ded in the East Indies: had been stricken with the fatal disease, and was reduced hv i Jo nearly a skeleton,-his friends' looked upon him as a doomed man. anil he him. self had 'given up all hopes of' long contin- uauceoi me. tie wasOpi morning crawl ing qbout his, grounds, pnd. accidentally wcpi into a snea where a man had been boulrng some wine; and af the moment of his masters entrance had melted some ros. io to seal the corks, with. It could nt ho otherwise than that those, within the room should inhale the sro6kc arising from 'tha r6sin.' 'JTojcthe surprise of the ofilicted one his respiratitM) became free and unobstruct ed, and it instanllj occurred to him. that the. relief he experienced was produced by his having inhaled: thc.rosinous smoke.-- no rcmameo oetter during the pi cider, andmpplcs; the articles will fetch od prices in Louisiana , ILdlo, Joe,1 says i, 'rccon thals good r ; Jhe Cumberland's' rising ind Til ill' 1 ' ' ,i;o iJ'si"'in lormcj u ,vvnr the Mississippi, and ee what the in .juouistanna.- ino. .-' 0f' boards in three weeks I iJl J,ad pJcnty t .lull liuuuw :, n'. t . i i ,. , d f 1 H uouiij,s soiuias ever 'a f vfe m-V Uvo Jmarcd C3ks of .' ndrrd hi:nq nnin ni,t- flated nnrl' ,hr rn.indrcd hM" ""iw, cider, , t; tpok my ha f dorrn ni. gcrs, and a cr,,Tft 3 i . t ' ! f bor Sna I rscs which neiU- i . i ?V?u rie have ovi commission, and down the La. , , . . ' . -. ,t. :, .. per ml into the Ohio, ondvheshrnv Mii - ., , . ' f-. sippif a thousand miles or more. rioeir'V 1 i . -. i -ii "beautiful bottoms, capita soil thought', . ' -too' low for vou, li;U oo innch water land. But when I go! , ou ind.the Vdnut !IulhWn lo" Natchc .i ' s-, . ' . Tagain saw t-ome. thing iike..inountarns-,.ir 1 iv j- - .-. A Satchca'I got,rid oftf09Cf T "er' ni , . . rindred casks, andas rrany bams, and i WooJviIlof the rest 6f my caro, andi t . : bargain; Uoked about , the '"lh,e and'found.a' bit "of Jand; juJt"1' ; i c ' .1 . uited. two uiuub iuu acres, uve aouars an f ' year.s . rc.rm. Hallo, fttlph; ' rc "v.fi thafs the fhifig for you. Two"S !" 'dollars, a'iyear to 'pay the devHV',' kou ran't m;tnnge. thar. : So I 'str "., bargain,' .gave' a thousand, dollars K and 'went back to Cumberland rivfTPV the .Lootsvillo steamer; 'ljuilt another 1 hoat and" put 3v it .the rest'of myplun and as, mucliTmcal as I could get, and. dozen hnrses winch I f.fierwards sold tamous prices, and went down Benin Voodville, and cleared, and t planted, and scfo forgot lhe P illy 'a rind Peggy's ' atKl aJ!; tjie res't ot 'them, ut'd there arn, and well ejiab'Wicd.' . r ' ' - And well established ,hs .was. as anv man, ori the MisssissippL and the rifht I I UA . .1 ' . i . . n tluio ihj huu 3jn.m mere oiu nun. wmor. UiajSit negroes had increased V more thanlorly, his wilderness .had'-Gecomc a ciHton wa not only wash's land free' if dtbt btrt herhad-alrcadyi haqMsome sum trithe planter's bank;' and;sent off .every year'fciia'hunJrfcd and fifty halts prime cot. , MikeJVa?sht the Ppresentative(Electj n! hia . la at . R-iKi r.V r A J-f...? n.-i v o r A without connitinr".hi ilArtn. .l expetimem in his slernin-V ti,. i "T,P?clab,c" P '-matatiun,, .Lis niznt he slent sour.dlv a h'P;n'A' k.j ' sJuS aflCf;' 1K notknon for jears. Ticet a day, for a-week, did lw contin. op his experfment, and i;h increased sue. cess. . . He jhen mentioned the affair !o his medical adviser, w"nb Mas equallyurprlsed with himself at the improvement of the pa, tiems health, nnd advised him to continue the inljalat'us nilrt anc morning In the spaced three montlfs his cough left him, and his appetite returned- ' In six months his.hcalth was so improved that heconfem, plated returning- to. hjsr paiive country, he delayed, however, doing so uqtil a yeaY had expired. ' Still persisting' in hii new found remedy, his health &was coropletelv Thus !mq j rstorcuiana he was once more asound man. .1 . . . . 1 w me over production of Cofton: and- th absolute necessity which the- State ) was now under of turning its attenHofi to the cultivation. of some other sta'ple. The over, production of the articlev hud so di. minished.its Value tfia't cotton in Si Caroli tn wa8 no longer a,profitable cfon. ortv flo means so profitable as it was formerly. a ne tuea mat less cotton must be raised in order to enhance tho price, of the article, was a falUcio.us one. and not to be depend. ed on: '. Such Caroli States that cuhivated cotton. Oihrr anrl nofccrtife' States had directed -thcir at. lemiuii tans cuiturd, , and these could by means bq induced to plant less, in'orar to jncTea&e. tho value of cotton irt Sooth CaroUna. If the discovery of tho cxplo sive.icoUon. should increase the demand a'nd censumption offootton by several hun.' df ed thousand bajes; ;still lhe' production wpbld btf increased; at the same "time .to such aq extent in. the rich cotton growing regions;. of. the south west, as cither to ex ceed the demand or keep down the firicc of the article. , Entertaining these views he Jlibught no other course remaioed to S.1 Carolina, if she wished to maintain the character of a wealthy and 'prosperous State, except to cljiange'one of her princi pal staples, at, leasjt in the lower - region of he State, - lying upon the seaboard; and he seriously recommended the introduction of the olive tree as a permanent and pro fitable staple, admirably suited to the whole low country of jdie South, jocluding "South Carolina . Georgia and Florida.- Judgc King then gave an account of the rise and progress ofthc cultivalie'n .of the O.ivc tree, in foreign- countries and in our own country, tracing its history back to the earliest times, and presenting a mass of, interesting facts lo the society, which were new probably ; to the most of, those prCsenW 'Judse Kirtrz. from Personal' ex. "periencewasxH acquainted with thecul. to.iro nf th4 niivn in.. K.it Ur.A .j yniorrw, rnmseil, - Indeed, he seemed to "Ve searched the records nf 'V-irra tfmes" with indefatiablo indna. anJ1 oru'e,r lo'hed light on jjje. subject, nak,Ppened a CQrrespondence with SmI.,.''1 who wcre acquainted with the culturv.:, ...u t j i . . 1 1 uui n-vuiu no nap eertvea much in Pis last &ul)tcrraneAnM nHv. nicrc thus:' ' . ; Wanted A stout, aWebodied; man , of, a mild jemperament,' kind disposition and undouh'jed enduracceiis'wdntfed t6 rea Polk's Message for me,' To one who will engage to read it ihrddgiv , with, out tailing tOsleep more tlian joc curio th'e onerous and gigantic task,, a hben3 remurjerationw'.ll be given.- Applicaticvi to be' made attfis.orlce.,, - inJr..alllf0rmai:Wn-. I,5 read 11 ,00S and iii.:i;AA.cPmmunicaaan:.frorn Jamts , A?Cf El . of Georcia. a dis ,. ". ,)Sricuhirrisl ho lias been for r-iVrca" in rA Ita successfully en- t..S lhP Olive, anl he presen ""I'.ii,,, . -i "rj..i. mong itsarchik ; t1; iU, uu , w Ba o5i vaiuaoie uoc- i. ihe cuhUroofl-IilaC'!, in .rWfl f..Hnn.i,Jllrcelicb might be ; ':;r.r::.r -v kw was; of Z?7T?iMrl nd soil of Caro r u ts wos'well suited to the culture of the d. . t a cu r. r.Ll t- . "ir. Jeuerson, one ui iiKTcamesi nonorarv Lk r,u q :: ":J ?,,lullu. uete ofthe i .. !r V.Henmenui had r.-""-"'vv ,ww nu vJiife planters should make a fair experiment of lho olive, and had suggested 'that they should plant one tree for every slave they owned; ; The profili derived from a singlo treo would bp sufficient ,io support a hu. man being. Judge King advised that lhe Society! should, at a njr rate-make a trial of the olive, "by : planting .amall tract with them ort some 6f our sea islands, although their adaptation to our soil and climate was sufficiently proven by the; experiments of-' M r,.tQopcr. bull itf was well that we w hould havje some evidence of the facts be- t'tro our own eves.' . j I his might lead, in time, to most important' results. i he conclusion of Judge Kkig's address was vtry eloquent, arid although tho ad. dress, was extended to) on unusual leprrth. yet it would have bcci gratifying' had hi remarKS,ai tne close, ocen., continued somewhat longer in the same strain. In style, the whole address "was simply ele- ?ant Without anv mpfptrii-iniia nmnmonl O ... . j ... win , . still savoring of lho. rip fountains of clas sic loreVfronT which the Hon,' gentleman is apt jto draw his inspiration ' !A copy of it was immediately requested for lhe press, ana wnejj ugoes torth to tiro conmuntty, ...:n k2 ,t..i- .i'f-L . i.-. ... i win u uij u jujiquiaieu lor lis llicrurv meritSi. and may be the means i of leadinr to a revolution in the Agricultural pursuits ui a u.i won ui ruurj;iiiens. : . - i - ai I ' . f 'IAWt Anoint; to do Anuthint Else." There arc cerlaio setjph'rases that, onco under way .'""ihat,' as the saying is, and are "all the go.,,( Just nov, the expression above is the fashionable reply ? to almost aijytninginatis agiteo.t t ' Not long since a minister stepped into a buse-so the papcrsj say anq found a lady making a-a hwdle He; asked her whafcsho was makfng that bustle for? She " said she intended to wear it: to preaching ne.xt "Sunday.! ' ' i "Youdoh't inlened to, wear that bustle tochurch?,vaskedthe "man of Israel. I don"l intend to wear anything else, replied thf lair one.. I i. ' ''.Well,' replied lhe preacher" I should . like lo see you at church ycilhoul anything . else"" on tui that busileff ') - Marriage is; at all times, a perilous ex- perimenti but Foot rJehnej it' as" bobLinrr for a single cl a barrel pf snakes! , Shock. ing ; . , Old JcthroTuIl said, .lazy to dcanything else , on hist field," at least he ought - to take ja stick "and. keep Bill II Mil .11V. Ull.,,-,i." if a man "was too ... ..ivj. . .i . . ... uie in ine nistoryVf .u n nnnW tjis State at . ; Ae-Exphtian of Sixty Keg of PoxtfyrJOn Weoneday morning 1at, t a quarter paat 3 ' o'cleck, the city of rravidEjncc wai alarmed bj an exp'oirion which ancKik the budd'jngi and start led majiy pcmonS from their Tee. ; A' powder l house belohirtg to Meara. Story. Wood dt Ved, i r, contamin about aixtj Kega or powder, bad ' been aet pn fire by aome ineindiary. '.Tiw bmld, , inj was aituated about two nS'iles and a half from ine "bridga,. pear the residence . of I C. EatoD, Itie mDtonho'M of Mr. .Eaton was rouch tnjufedrand aome &f Jhe furniture deatroy-i ed.. the farm hooae on the( estate was much in. jurcd, and the trees arfd feacei blown dawn,