- , .. 1 ;: ' - ;.- : v-s ;.::; ; --4-. ? ,' ;-. -I ' ' i'v i :. : 1 ' .;- v-s-'.v, '--., ; :l - -j : .- . ; . " 1 ' -, . -. '' "''S.:': h .-'''' ;':' - ' :',;:.' hi;: Xf':'Liv . ".". r . THOH.;AV..ATfe34'! DouIcJ to Tt!i;ltV-Literature aKl'Gciienl lutrl.iscctc. 1. ' a 'i , v ur Yi I..N I? SI III . x. -Jcn.tS i per g.l . 1 7L ) unVcrnI"- " , 0v rt-. r- i .1 r 1 mi.'" ! or Ics, fir the Tcst irt- Till ""rke' 11 orffid d. ( 1 1 t' t'itinu-d ttJi furbtJ, m ir'ii;, J c.;i.rdmjjlf. (.urt-, Of jlers -U be t" itur't.r iiimitti' ii tJie name of rn." , j Ut v t w S3 ' l'' " after onc?er, ari in iIks cci.tt of t'n nTK)n, Joined W.ejtry t mm ihirg, no'da CjaIlows. AVhjr dots !, ,t c,LVt itnnJ iherc'VaeJs. t-uiir in ihf rnurntn min? Cnio Vilh nk; -jut vumJer inansion-T i tirpf ud ' iir$ into ilui I IllVilr.nM., .I...l. L I I I ll r V'r """,t 1",,,! frte of P1 1 t,,r,;',npd by haneu sof rn, whoi wdl.' ) i.m'jH i'iookt he tooJ for tvi l-jiivoti lu.ihv? prima, diiatwoJr! --.5iiiHas cnv.d g.iherU'-ruun4 huu, rry in ir f-sst fuli bi m rei'-oow i face Wis- oer n'Jr UwarJ Ani-sthl that Uuah tvw ucvrie unon lfie cjUii lJt will ij't-ss V u -srvirc e Cii.iJrcrj! - ! iiion j art low utl .v.ili Nji's'ry, utiho fl or s fcilcirt irthi$ c!iambr. -t A ingle glow rf mdfnin V'shV- steals' ihrnoh the parjed curimnHn? vond-rr win. brother rrjs'taoa c:.decTacd"tj uio. I can Jo njtl'Vg f jr curfv " .-" " , f J tarrtsd his hd nway,and h?TJ jhc rarchmen: before his ;)cs:- At last' xha r sieroheiri of the bjy as rnelted. There was. a jtpjsrrio iic motion nlwut'his chest; a imment urtcz-, cteato lhj Ci!U:l s fimbsri, sphere i xUjl. -'jt f mch 1 a,t!l - A Talc of IlorroV. r:l'4n.-nere -occjrrtj t,-v t' -i,vo-i: .;aJ't9A .lknliJ.cid a ?jn, wo believe. '.1 hcaJ, - , i i.i ftMii Int. M t' fit V,n" . , ink l ', mjattnoua uaj," 1 r 1 iiMr'jl t.tvte. i; .d-.U'u'l ,nil,'i :f'jjT!li tni?fWdtst, 1 ,,i 1 1 '( 1 lr , ,' it.''iii:-f'i y u'tcniJj- - . , u. r. 1 tu c. i. " t j l ilV- n J?p riar"f j.rr r Mti'fi 11 rnvi to ft'art r ... iCU 1: rt')fl ih'!.M.' ' t " , ,.wf ui.U tlic it rid j'pinr', vtint n r s'io'iIiJ i( h 't - . M . 1 j.v ji lm, Can W11 ftc, r,j J'ji" it il hi Hi lie. "ji ; i.i.j--w.j-.iujU. to. Iji!e-ccrtai6' dark ihgtylits lnin tlu' liuht, sin -a your,: m -fn) hU LiloJ, s.fcfoiin arr.ivdai a UntiJi uaifonn. ' I u,1,"t 'TC is iiici loorp-.- nj luu;iuiiht .wuvqnbwf there w titi , r of murder. orin that curhnV r. Uiji .ttu'ude 1 sjgniricunt 11 3 , heal -in- . itft (J jo otu' skU', the cheeji rcnnj on 1 10 Ic.'t ininJ,. nhilft tlie ,rit;M,'gir4Y5 n ;iCiwwni t w hi'.U bu!vri Ins siauturt',: tlk?' i.n mil i t CiiJ ,' Tu t i ircnorJit i,s a -deti warrant, i Jf;j-toil fo i ol y !y un Unt, red 1 urnffn vou ili sec itVit if is Miiiu-d wftb J kfu liicl oMuii, wjwe tin- CrV for"q Ar- ftr vi,..,, at.siru by; live (n,ih Iword nni dishonored thtnz thO .Martyr llacc -swanking boJv. of t3,e ike a satutc?.nil then fell on his kn seiz ng ryh; nnd ot L rd Riwdon ..:.. 1 . ..I i ..- -" ! .- . mi 11 o; in,mj iru flowers. , 1 , . Lord Uiwdon Ipqked down- upon th3t younj face, sitado wed with chesnut cdiUi, L as;pe, s.-n-ih hand. clutched bis wrist, and an exprcssjvrtr'uf surprise came over ; face.' , , , , ' f My.thild," said he, "I cm da ny.king foryoli!,' ' " The b)y s.Urtlv roset lie tno: a !$is. tor.bycach hand. -There was a wild took in h.s vojn.eye ascorn' cf defianct on H.-lip. .MUorT, vlp'rt Irt'us "" ' Hf.siid this, .and !r d those fail" gi'rf to watd the fi5ar, followed bj. the siter of jhe .condemned,?, a word mofe -;wa. sajd-.-.bii.tcre they passed trom tbo rorn, UjaV-tntC: wman .looked back- jnto the face ol D'rd Itnwdon'.. ' ; ; Ifo nevor frgut that look. . : :-.. TVe)' wero gt)iic from te room, an J, ho I a 3d ihi . -ri-ejittJ'-i Itvonci.; r Yes.i 'his 1st stnort alnc before that wjadow, with the iMir'.t p vr,nS iver t'i3rgyi'i5 .brow. '"Tht denth will irnkc terror in:o hcrs of'ilebf PoJrXtord Ran'don! - Did tft.it man, in his fiftp uniform, for ' It A f the LoKnl-wi:b:ti u f-riiv.four fi-'jra. ed ii ihii. ciiv fifiVnien.-fo con.:-IctO cflhccnpJMc o(,t!c,Yifmja Ke- j:tnctii. , Kclryi.-'ij'jr: to ttrvi '. during iho " 1-. yva 1 ; know n . at x -on s!a rs J n a; - bui jjr-.-yore t-ibc-n MCiJiKVa! l.i? "tiriio'u!ars..- 'I L' t;r-!jf the Oih,)ji ;ivc I jrthr J-:aui. A ii"tlt 1. v, l - ir D r, Li 1 - j tr:?rfi.rls of tc 'I oi kirfvorryn.-nt to t; v 1 u 11 81 it 1 Me : vt 01I1 'tt J i-:l;,C-i'-:i r .t . .... . . . r-i IJ-.vufll.ki-.Ja II Jr..;jj.', ,5 Cankhc-tdihe Richmond prer n-j&nd of I l t.f ktir...; nir h i.mia 1 UK T . n 1 Mr. , Ritchie s '-Jlrncun lhe cr 1 itrv df : u rr-tr i is JCno in T it I - "to ub, ntt b u.rt apjbiii mJ b. a cnieyory net coo.' Vmjj'atd bv iho Virgia.a roolutior.s oC eiP" able to raise iocii f-ttthnt tbere was a GoJ DiJT.j iargtt J w." i imt u1! .or-Linc. b i'uk'-J h ; enough in Mr. Rltcbic's Lo&foco Siaie jbT that the voice of a Martyr" blood cart ne. :' ' ,afIi ,Bt l!,tM l2 ",ri Vir-miito fornsh such 'trald and com ' t, ' ' ' ' r j. vX5. Of t,3 xcsu.'tcf cstii' ihs hii the cncijTij as1 he wishesi-nom-. . litis .death will -slriKHcrrori.' into" lUe.Jx;kborjirjivei9 'the ibVowin tictaiU- A od,xl t resort toiho Whig chv of Plnf. heart f)f the Rebels. 4 .' rn4v.i1, tli've ..u s, au!w ka hare jjdph'l for ''aid"! ,-. It roud one feeling cf au-rrrence r0' rr"'1 3t,,J e scc"e. r Tie mot harra.-f Cornmpm' is un'iccoarr.., v- through-ihp wlole Sauth. , It too!; - down! aihousan(i ritles trorn the hooks above the fire-iide hearth. Jlt Urned nunv a diubi in bout to lbs baaaj of froednm; - naj Toies.i by hundreds-, came fl Jcrknig tot he pinp of 'liberty. Tjie U!ood . ol foynu ioo iuji uuu Kr-v i" n arir bcpb5ckcdt plundered arid bufnt to lha grt-und. woO' be, to craw a.tcntion to an hic tJeiU 0 smaij Mi)jvrtdr.ce jn the Tac of the jrcvrr, rfor rorswfrh tljpe Lloov b rbanani comm tttd Mvi, -nncnJ cl. IJn'fj, 11 thcajon 13 of tor. rr.war$mt- tp.4ca:b by cvvry p3r.ijs (if iw. lure ,cn envftv could u.i,lt I1ji: were MoYe Mexico1 I Vhizscrif'X-L An other case of treason by.'' -.t lie. Uhig--in giving "uiJand romfort'l to t!ic enemy, recently occurred in the Vl' .3. Senate; one of thu noblest -Whigs in that bod,yt Mr.Criitonden, hnvinT brojjh; iorwai J a rrirtioii for a bi!( timi'iQ-nlto'wi'iv , !t. or iv i- f.- hv ihc ;v..r,i it to incroae tnc nav ol the a.n.rmmivsion. 1 . . M.. - '" '. ' -. - I ' . ... .... 1 ' i . 1 . ...... , . " 1 ' ..I'....' 1 ... V. ........... i . ik.i,u cot t'.t-r iMct,,.! u o'jin d oih-trsand uriatr;s of our, army, end TJirrccarne K day rti fieo'rSc Ws'k l e "Fr", Vnd "1 m. ll'0, u 'v rcai'dJcf r.K-ritopon lhen . ingtoQ.by 0 -coMpu.f otktbvw), I. id ,c rwtrp, cf XMor f , m;,r(.;,c J U .'.! atra.torj ,J 't -l n, . in r.is possession tUH in jftforcra .ha d.'i ihia4 i-iJpC.kdiJ'Kur-it oftrj." p-hii. WLit isjpal.i Ytt niotl. rprobf of Whig treason will iced; Lord jOrnvtalhs, condemned j "S .,.!; a -ur fcadvrs toocr.-tnJ. Jut 11 6. found in the aclton of Congress on" Mr. atid'coivmandedi': iski Uajvdon, uho )' at, VV r"1 ti-tflrtw tb it fn c cd! . Cuiterden malnin. , it m-uhs ihnl trm ...g.iLu.i.it.ediii warr .nr. fr lKti.f juiW v i;o.Thcrat m , lr.ai body IRre ws9a glorious cnnr.ee lor as'i- ihr.r libc-., "H ucrwV 'td.VccLm-r, f,i "d .c f the erred encv ington to averse tho .i friyMlavne, who No'u. yrt ii t'le m-t .i kn. mu-r tipty to our co!d.ersj O.i it a OA'ti cnoueu to oeatti by ibe.u men. " V,H air-virus w re auyi v. , UI, pc.uitncsi., tyas he: Tin feeling of, the arnv." lUc'cc : of rJ'.f, bo.lh V.,t-.V'V-1 r-c"h Mr. Rjnton's MJihUrv" 1 11 ' J Iwvws.'I.irj' and tall, 1 1 1 1 14 ,tU 1 l rr is. rvdils tli l" t v ir t;.ilf, , k:i I -Mihwi itt-.ur.lrww.- W.r, h tiVfVt-rr.wotSuWtiit'y,: ; v. ii trMi ji'.l)i".'rrinu lv;t ' ''- -ac' Vr-'njfiii.;jm.i Jay X s.ll. up tv li v.. , to.ic o-t.tr thin tit nerrUrv, the tsuicti- u hij-u p firing river bu gyiliv .brow. , Tin feelinf of. the arnv tboMCc ' of t ' 1 , 1 p" Xt u''""rHtal cr"CC:3 ;.V,1 r,, trn-mrd' bv h.e ncplide "YkS 'l ""a an, es j Amerlcn Tiav, certain Voices iSnt oe 5 ,U vin jiiio Luid RWon.' ' trlnple' .Tk rcbcflion mii,t bo rrtisd;i ,a :he Brtlibh Tarhamt n wou! 1 hiC, "J K M'iVn r r,t ,r7 r,u,'.. tWlHe l.c i, th- by j.h'' window, vjv.i te Vt-Vs t lUht submission! The death 'Mfrcd the deed. The la of nations wo JA I Tocl "J,ri i i-r on. ''i to sp n Kin puiliitv r.t m' his hiuJ, tho doir tnis mja will striko" terror into tljr nae 'proclaimed it a loh' act. Hut haw J J,,n,,r4V0"s wt cr,-""v. J tl-n crj -It v, r'V'S'a siru- fiiUp tand dticluod' orijhsMrls TncvwiUfoirn at I lit th,it trca. aJkI.U asWrifitor aci 4 ' wl.kWaJfr a r.taiv.n , nr.r!) rual to fb l.ittlrj'J Z 1 " v s)n m nj trifltujr iztmc; that the rroev and! r. r; , , , b. 1 . . P .i 71 .. . v " , I . A ttomtn iA 1 I'trce children "dresrj in loibbtt will i(.arued:h Rebel !or jn con;c,-caCp. Jje fch0wtd the" wjjo'e Cf" l''' Vf,e bSek'sli..! . ., Pr. '" ! '.. 4 ilftII'ii :i',lirr. momOMn., f fArv-'o, Fl'e W7 ''V0 ""r f,kPKc at a U i' i i 'oi! iid i' 5 i f ( Virlnr tilrnul, i i, jj Uj. ii .1 a It f, r f.'ivi f, ir ur td ,l.v at, - r. t; tit i . ti ft't n nt i t i and d M it .di t I ttlOL.i jt on a Vul.irv. ' " : I .-ii n'"'J full, tt!iiIJ ilnol,' Put wnd.it'srr-ifvw-lv. A', i if liKi b ird to hnJUlorie Ji.rJ,t . r"Y. i M . ..4 . ' .- f Lis 'iyr " 'If i w r- Iimihc -5Tne!irre-tswerp? now utterly eScr'.ci. Kot a citizen, a aoJ lier not even a -negro vas lobi' seen;; A.atL'ice like, death re hsli. lord- !. ; 'jlney-slo w.y. advance; -.tta : you; b;.:niri iho p-iT lace of tit woman, : her VQi laic-an I Jry; not el4 viih tear, ).-if..jhrriij Wiiirp'.c'Jdes ; we? : On cue si. I. - ft ) 1 1 1 (iii-l .it'ltK iLfiiiiv rir:ittir j -iiiv Iho ..lb; In r v. '-..r nil,; i.r r.bU r u ill M UP" tl' .i!y- dirk luHrdimiia pdUd iVi-. , f, S-Wo,iTy thfi urt.I oT the Vad march evideice otdife throughout this wide city. ,0;.yon;Jer co.mm n, around the gibb(t is jnJc red a 'strangely contrasted cYowd. The re -is. the negro theputcast , ofsocretv the Hritib o(hce.r in his unifo"rm, thft'- em.-, i it a 1 Id Hi . . jt -', ; , ; . ir- ic- i cfT. r, w ii.7 . artj tea , .' -. "- , il i'i ii i iitm J , :..n;4iV 'wart-.bat :i tarscta day,-' . u . .i vit: ruid n d;.-i'i . : ... ..i i . .-:,-( .'j flrlf .1)25 n.il:iri'.t f.ivvt ' ' ' , i " , la- t mu-t h" r: i-'iti'ii. tor bunrin cause, .. i- e 1 1 ii 1 to tlic-t. ' ' I t c rwtilittoMs t'icNiran and the . S njiewh ft ro front, oi r" fjrm ii mii0 1 1 etMy incii'til a 'luhtf ; iand-t a h iy frJirtt cir, w id. cht-n ft tui'kcfo-itijr t wig b -Mil tti.H iviir countenance .xou can ec'ihjt d uk" ej'n fl th ir, foer1ip quiv. tr, as V,u silently controls Lard Itawdcn. Tlie. oman I um. thu.t ; word, fur ; to nie if expresses all that is poiid try passion, o i holy in. h u i r.un i iy , vv b; le: . your word ridv-nioans luuhiog bui; ribbons n'i iinl inerv ih!: wintafi udyancear and enctr 0 ; t hnd ren, stands ' before. tha ill Hirt I rd,' 1 ' 1 ' lme come;" she- ?neuksin a .,! -N ; ( ll I - 'J " P (:; r rli i In K't t r .ith ll i ;vUxl ol l!iu Ctevoiil lion. 4 j.k .i )'.'o!. Lirr.vsn. - tdi m Cn.itU.3t jo i i ii t.'i it a gn 4 CH fet I jr4 h'ut ol lum witty, hoe J v'-iiuou h hfo, can leef, it ho ro. je,. tertriie ,tuan l ie - bbio iiebt i,s, when those arlcnesotitcilv, an I . lines, and ntleys llirTjl Sim'; foehng,- uhen. like an ilec- fin, . it nMrta mvisiWy mni one ; ..orlu r, u:j'.il it '.swells ten , thoUr m-i, iho result'ia VerFible. : .'v : tut whi ther that rcsu!Vis 'rqawi tn a Riot, that fol lu)8Ueits blvuvi of men, an vomen,-. atid ' hi n,t!ot firta ihe'rovf uver the l iimorLUt, or sotulV the Church iiilioj in'smokoan imo.to the ) 'i 'ltN;)r wheiher that fotlinu U v'l in iho sdenco -of ilionsnndsi, the ill, I V comjirossod lip, On sfe il. '.'"p, still' a u a .foanul ihrtig to r t ' i- .Th.. tri rom tn'day ia-Ciiirletoh. . i awe reign over the ,rity...: Every .!'e K st.'iippeo wnl gtiHn; inenw iv uv, wan angmsr. in tncir , oeari Uom n aro weoninj in ISifir I c'i'ui.b.fN: in Yonder churrh l I uiicflmg bHore the iUar, praying 5 p, muttered toftt'S. ' , ' ' r toldier wtiomyou rcet,cUJ I'tiiith uniiorm, wears Kridnf's fu T;iene men to vrhoT inufder :re giooi-nv t day. Th'f citiZ''fH riedy to mid Iro; cluster in'group; ? '0ciiicr; glide silently into ttuir h ?ncuks tn a voice tiat st-ikts iu'i Ii i!i music and tender n ""1 hivui cume lo'pltiJ for mytbroth- v hivr' : . T v$e d.s tvt say leoIJ uny lrofh?rs chitdrcti) bin thrro tluy are, and' the Eg" I s' I id Ik hulls them. " -'VaVsrc cdt:i$- bin ituim the -ctiet k of.-those:- "ttlle: .fjirls,; . h.it th-v of, t.io wotnaii la-noj dnn. j The boy of tliirtet-n looks intently in t the l:n: of thi Ii riloi), his ..under i f.p: nvy s j J.kd a haf.4 , t , ',!'. I ' ivor a i.ingli oionirt (lint " ptottd lord j i a o-s Uu ht .i I 'aui vuryevs ttm giOop, and j thn voo"h ar he dtr,p melodtou voice;'r -Madam, vouf broihec svre -aUejjIancO , ' to Him My.i.ty, andnvn$ afterwards .'taUh li in a'jm .igum'.i tho Kn; w Jtvrihy oi i reis.ki, ana imjs; enuure nie pepauy, nJ thalt -is you well kpow, kDiUTH:.-' 1 'It 4n v rord,' s.a-l ihe bravo wa?nan, .landing trt ct, her buauiy ; shinfng rrtore se re nely . in ' lb a 1 1 iiomo nt ot lie f ois n ' You Well k now the cncums-iancft'S under whrpn he swore'" allegiances '. lie, , a ciiizcn -. of S i tth Cirobni,nn American,' was 'drag gc Hron thebedideol a djig wife, and iJinued t CnarU'ston, where ibis langiihge n 1HI ' by jour oflieeV "Toko aho .nh of'alletjinnpe, tlnd return to ihe, beil. sido'ofvour djmg wifof llffiHe, anj we jllconsgn, jou togi-oll ; Tlvi-, my lord, 'not when lie vv as free to ad, ahj rio! Hut uhM'hrt u p Jy djirg of that foarful vliaeasc StiKili pov -which : had: already v!csro)edJ.tvo"of his children'. tUowcoulJ he act vthpfwUelhaa" he did? how -Could he-n-liNO to lk your'1 oathK Ii fo cas:e, woajid yoi,' my v lord, would any niaxi, re fuso to d. ihe sune,',' i I S ill Hhe silpnl chil Iren stoord, there be fore tutr, wlide the clear s Voicei of Tdlrue worn n p. reed his- s uJ , v. 44 Your brother ivond;Mtincd to death''1 he coldly said, burning hjshe-adiawty..j, tl I'ltt at noon, i can uo Jorc are cloJ today, a3 though tj:iiiy. '"he win low of those e cl )ed m thoogh some gn'at rc deal; there u a silence on the LiMi'i a p gay h id dspiiied the nbt lury and mtnh kjJ. t b fins n 1 t' l irr I a 'Wt, noil.ing c 9 zen in his plain dress. All are groupecfto:. gether iJn that crowd i : ; . - K In the centpo of'the denc mass, bps Ld-e tJiit horse atjd cart, one Tijot resting qnobject, focgotien i in the universality- of thufr.coftin.oLpme't stands the onlv man in hik crowu wi.ii: uu i uucovcreu orow. .-.jie; sta'ndi ;hero,nn image of mature manhood, with a muscular, form, a, clear, full eye, a bold fore heard. , j i Ii cheek is- not 'pale, nor tii$ eye;dim. . le dressed ineatjy fa a' snlof dark veUet, -mnde alter the fashion ofrfvi t,ime: one hind inserted irt Jna vest, reason hrs heart. ; " 'Ayove his head (Inniglc? tho rope,-- Ncair bijj back stands iiat figure with th? craped facej :. a round are the Rritish'cSOl-dicTSj-scperuting the condemned from thri crpwd. j.AtiV)ijj ail that rude band of sol. diets-not ihi eye bu'.vtiS Wet with -tears. :. I he bravo nlhcer, there:, who has charge of .the murder, pulls, hjj clnpvu over hi cyesjj to shield froin. tho sunj or kcaq"i:1 her fo lude Ins tpurs. i .' AllUreidv. He has d)i&3en thd last Jyrewell' to Hrs.slsterVihi children in yon-- oerjnt;ne nas said nis last wora to ni bcblo boy ,: pr&scd. bis last . Uisi upon' ithe lips of thpse fair girlsi -A tl is rcadv thdi murder. ' . At this momcjil a citizen advances, his face Convulsed wjth emotion- . v. -; -:-UaVncjV .he speaks, in a choking voice fhow -them liow- an -American can die!1.' .'t'l will endeavor : to-' do- s'o," was1' the reply of tho doomtd man.. At this moment tha hangmnnwadvariced, a-nd placed the cap qver his brqw. A cry wasicaid in iho crcwd, a, footstep, bnd ihosa' soldiers shrank back ' before a boy of thirteen, who Came rushing forward. . Faincr!" he shweked, as he CboUhSS the. conJtrtineJ 1 wujii the ap over his brow. lf v" i- : ' ; One gronn aro from. tha,V cnawd-ra simultaneous evfrosslun of horror. : .- : r. The father dre( ;tha cap froha his brow;4 opheia ino .lace, inc. glaring eyes ot his'son.' ! : - i r. - : V'Uod bless yen, my boyi, he ?pokq; 'gathering'.. 'that youog ; form to his heart. 4iNow go, and haVy your father to his' date. Ketum, when I am aeaa receive I,my hdy ahdhae it buried by my' fore ness and icorn. Irdmverwsa for tins hu- i'il,ia;tcd',Cdi;nwanis,i who, so far froni bAnng; Washiiigion ; homo" to - toudoa a priso.ne.c. in chains, -..was now , a conquered j hi vitv iinvi ua capuvu army; ' 4But ths Lrd Ravdon, who, ciplurcd by a French - vessel, .was! -brought r into Yo.-if.ton," this arilcVted murderer, ub'i skulled about the' camp, Atr olijt-ct ol universal foathing, how di$ Wus,.mgton tfeafhim!? v 1 . - He scorned him loo much ta lay a 4and. upon hi head; from1 . thu, fullness of con. tempt he pcrmiUed him to live: t Poor Lord Raw don! ' .. Who hear his name now, save as an bciicrjrwoan-Uey- was Li.-nsi-lf jrcsi-nt. Ilre llifi two bh.i ncto. impb;Attd from t!ra p!acb wcriJ fen 4 ttr Lu-iJrod boadi i j ikied) A i'ui-a ot njuuso!i, wrttb ihe msailu: ints-Sucrt-jUu&af tho Tarto vrru7nti ia nirrffst tha fpr-ncJcr, li? Avoa'd Hind to k-u.iotaiitinplu iriuaj w .lScstoriun,: 1 urku-ii huai praiijid. Outici?ta iu Vii.iiia-. b rtc rif Jini outrjifrt time lutoly bi.cn. rvcrtctralod in -Acco- tnac ctmr rfc Virgjna. Amoi tlicin ve,w.ice attack upftn a ,?lftIiodisi ckr)niin,-ii .Mr-IIarg-R, :(Sirmg - pbbhe. workup t wbi!c he wa's prcaeti n a. largf oi.jjrl gati n. '1 he riotu hrjt fnrron4!cd lln churcfi, commenced disttifcrjr inrj firciara and.llirowhi stone, which, created Euclfalai in and-, corifition fat in my left ih1 seornj.. J?ut hc Martyr where is" (ho. Iicart ihM does not hrob at the mention or his fatty at the name of Isaac Javne? . ' for oo!"' 1 , lathers! ' j oi !- ll titil n'nli A.ih hiv jteriiMl ml wrsnti thronh o.it-Jiuy loo , viua u, iiuw.it.-w iv'- . I j : . - . - me c-rowu, tne latner steppusu urmiy ,nJ "A Fix: Whilo passing rtuoagb WfUontLtne a few. dajs since; sn)S th Albany rCnckerhocker, wo raw, a -large blak turtle dragging his slow?-length & ton;V,oiirfth( sidewalk, aiKl.rpnie a; erowil had athe:rcJ'to look at the 'creur.''1 Soon a duny4tmle degro.Vnair, who had jU5t' thep ;caine along ( w ith : .-a very small dog, lookeu-al tin turtle-wrtb ' Jipra-rarit . asioa- isment for .-a.rho'menf n,d asked- v. ".v '.Wlra-what ;,fu ciill dat ar' foiiui?' "'Trait's a turde," answered a by si a rider.. Gorry! what doynio wid :,u.fn7 -'Make soap, of Jtiin. - ' " "Snip? nah ha tchil a lookm1 feller dat iso make soup obt Ileali, Caesar,; biteim! said tho negro, lo his dog, a he 'stirred Up-tho turtje with: bis : cane.' .--Thvt'.doj,-.seeihi ng :to. know a little fnore about "the natur of- jhe ; baste,V lhan did his master, hung back a-lnilc but finallv ho crawled up logct a. smell of the strange customer, -when the turtle, made a: 'di.ve - at his fott, fend, ci?jng-?it in his mouth, squeezed it so unmercifully thrt the puppy got up some ot the tallest vkind' jf.yein'iig, and the negiso made no. less noiSo ihin m. dog.' , f. "Ki hi ovwow,"' jelteJ the dog, wjn'e his master puffed like, a focorr.ottc, ex- c.aiming f ' . :v Gorry mighty! yoj .brack toad, vhy you not lei -go dt ar'!dig foot!' ! . r s Andj -afier thrashing, hun lustily over 'be shell wuh a sugar cane stick, '.unti! he had bro.'ke'n bis wea pon t a spl i nte rs j he sejzed tle lurtlo ,b'y the head, and , attempted lo fores hun to, release -liis hold rof the dg Unforlunaiely,' Coffy; got his thumb in t,o the Iran, with the' dog foot and thvn there w'as tnu'sic! , Finally, the ''bark. shp ped1' from thoegro's thuloib, and he "ex tended his area ot freedom11 to such a dis tance that there -was no immediate dan. is enough to1 make- a are . not pnt -ot giving gher this subject heat Committee has ' not yencpoticd p6 Mr. Cuttenden's re- -,elan to. to invc tbt? pay of non coiumi'.bioni ed oilicers nnd privates in the army in ercafcdj aniito hesjow1 reward of. .merit--. ii,of) ihern when fde-erved Whv was there any necessity to inquire into tho propriety oj reporting sucn u. i.nwi i nft; i,ct-wouJdbo a just iind merkoripus one- ev -iy hody kaows it wouldbe, Why then . ceiay, postpone tfn.j enquire? - t- . TiiC people cannot latb to see icht ar ' . iio friends of the vourileor-s, and icho have r no fothirg for thciT -They will not . faif f to see teAo'acA Tor thpm and icho iict agaimt I l,Lm' " " ' f- : Arrange 'Lile.X'w N O.'D -hi siys J that a few jxarsnce, a Sergeant, in tho i army at Fort Lcavtrnworth was arrested.' on u? fchargaof. having -stolon money from,1 LkuI. T. ah ofnso'r at thAi station. IIo ran away, wa rfo! lowed, .Wrested and money Udnd upon hhn.- The 'Lie'Jteitani - IX house oifiworsliip, ft-armg toTciiuia lyiijVrf.'. jvir.'j Ji hvaring of hi arkiest-, - osappearpd ani Ilarrtccntinucd , to j.rt-ach. Ual Hie riiHffs was siiPKJaed lu haje -hcvti ; murdered.'. tore oft the wnuh 'miuturs and forccj lhtin-J . Tuo.Sjrgelrtt wa's brou rh't u: for ex auunaiiun. The proofs wero cxlubitetf to solves imto tiio pu!iI, wlK n ihi Confusion. It. i ttii.u- Mii1 t'L LijtL iriii r-iiM 'rt-cr;! i i.tt. njri . hn i - E ... . . d in -etil and Mr It 0 w.-h i, fc . ri tn-it '' 1,1 )no)V ljH 11 only my accuser: : tiring ou siiaii - see w hi is fiat it's c!"rc 1 had rtfud towehdria fr,n 1 .1 - r r -1 . rH uterdni f 11. fouio no rgeanti llien iponfessred bribed bv Lieutenant T 7V,., r 7tir.rk' u- r 1 . 1 'o u.serlaiiu take upon lumscil the inltxmv 1 he. l4fhri in 1X1,0 i jv ( yun bj..T innl . '1. 1- of lV.jiiinsWt sa. Arcaunl? froio ar, I wb'ch justiv bcfongiil to theT L,ieo:nont (jiiarti-rv iLjc re: by tlf.e-Mjf-.cnt iuj, , .iviU nf; c.'jUf t-'.ul M Ui iiin-llil) Vol. fVH V.-f,1 fcavo y.l ; no aiithcnfic aeeounla. l'lioij.,-frtfj .nie?lia?Airo'tr.(i!j.lr'2aifu!i-'inurut.'ian-jeal' our .worst japprcbciisi'ifis. - l!..mih-t"i)-.i:cs;s:iii:-y t$ soiA tnA'i h. forcj.j extent ol- ti'c diinii-iV?! irom inciious", an t,6v lorcats t 1 10 oic fnun ' rcpiv was, neje is wit; -lujir.... i uu vti -iivc uuvjrtiu. amnst ir. n , ia, mm ucore mtr ami v t .at es cjai had r.f.wdjo w.thjr.i .fr.n ,ie ,h,- Riil Lu the 1 iidit!?(!j)iiv cynuronco and atU li its If to 1 c " 1 'Vu o the Cnu-clV otnli. and i)t ,s.n..1)i r. I uo loj'iU, ihe.bj vorbabjJitKinN.ii. i . ' I dial he hai b Vr oetntii: in tf t!ic datri:i-s c-jim'iI f biVnsCjlj ho, was a (lefaolier to ' the Gov iwj.ul;tiii-;t m tiiu.watirS.r J er-nment and avikUc ' to- coivr. hrs trimo be asdertunvd vitn any -dtreo ol ucrrtcV. I 't'Hi State w.ili be a vtry 'irrcat loT'Ify ii-n i" i'i her Kranal? atitl.Sur puol'u wo'-ks. . . v r An Excel rut and Cheap Pwhhr? n 1 p jt. of ricci. Iwclvc aj)j!cs ol goud oyi:-, r.-l uj jure, core, and b'.cc llict.i; lin 1 ic tu. .i'i J v' V 4 J by ih J alleged robbery of the Sergeant : IhaiTtC haiJ given ht.n two. lianured dot uws and a-liorc, to fly from the fort, which a''tra f vt re conlSict with conscience, l e at hut ,coneulcd !to do, bfct that before ho had g)'iwuiiriy rmlcs hi horse broke i'uapi ui he was thus overtaken nd ur .e?d;.':T::v;::irfJ:;:' k t;l-t?"-:v' '"'."' C: Oa tlc lt of Octlober liT, as ihe Mex aspics, arid pat aW in jo t bag fund ioil fur ii-ilf: ati lean lrcoW-as rnacciaing;oiuoi- tWumerey! hour. The bar .-fiH be hfAiMi,i to ijhw 1 one of theoijkers uij Jtr General Worth, the r.c to swej, iiid j ct 110 hVr V ' a 1 1 c sC4ps were draw n up to sal ite them , w licit Jl licd, v.i; bil- LilwniidMtaii Lfut - ' J ft.i 3, . , r 1 t,,i., 1 ..i-i i 11 . . rtc icn.zod in one ofl the dlextcan Colonels b'-il of the . Pa'uiJtttr S-fle fo partake of the wiflnencc jof the 'X, fllinj'froin' yon ler statlj it k s ti s t ll buiivanily ai m tho breeze,' iheaily.-to- th ground. L ooU 'smn i ynu liear save the hur ul -'f oi;i2sn, i thi ' low; s-tlemn. !t.lj.?ad Marchi coming' from drum-.. 4 .. . t tit x tins glopm, lhat oppresses the :l toKlSM cye?;:Wfy; WhJg bv-e icL had'-'nk t,n ber' knees; but thej boy iH tinretn,iqo 1 ertjc. u i;jwu w thai-grmip' " Twoso haiuls'upraised, those voice-, tbe-c'iTar voice of the .woman; the infaat'ile tones of lh"se seat ..RiUinlingr hng in die cryfor l,Mrcj! ' while tlie IVuon lo6ks upon' them w;th a- face of ir UiM- ano inc ouy 01. imp iv-n. ' -.-: no teamn hi t-ye, bat a convolve tre Thru tneteirs of that wonn' come at l,,jt iht-n as the ficj ofihastern man .5..om lefore her, she takes tfc. Iifilfc tianil of tV cirli within her ow'n, andiitts ibVm tofi knee, audbegs'hitn to spire iK i'jit-ir hfti ' - : ;: . .- a word : from the Lnglish Liora the bn stU firm, erect. and Mlent. no . : - a :Vt, tbu-h stares steadily, in ier oiiii- 100 -7. T ihe fo6o of, lite tyrant. - "AhSoii rlen shrieks lhat sifter olil'-ecohJ-mned-mao "You wiH not deprive thWchiUfcacfft;Ilbroum . . f .-.--.- .j '.ri'v ;v; 1 1 U-j-.-.! it - ;'.' y..'. cTiie Iarlinoo Gazette- pi;bi.-hc' the -ftaiv'aV Ncwbold receipt for ciirp h iins. Tac ;!d i;cn tleman -as .very,. choice of-his Eccref,' und nre Rcrvcd.it , until iho dnyof his dcafli.- AfjT that event, the receipt, was kun4 hid. away in , b!c in the ccbar wall.. Jlere it is: .7. lbs. -.eoarsn suit, 5 lb. brown "igtir, '2 oa salt pctre, J o pjarj ash, -.-Ivjialloris waVr,1 Bjil all.:toellter,-.a.Td ftum'lbv. picaMe fll Ah.'n coll. l'ul it m t'K. incatM-fJams to rernim 111 6 weeks; beef Savv-Ih.' Tho'!i')-(e i fjr" V 'J ltia. w.'.ht. The Aoirty (Geo Courier sai-: mt'sp. rho'jr acc:dt:rU happened injtour c ',in TlnirdaJ last; a young -man by the nuiji? ol John -Sharp, in tomjiUny w itb a'genllpirlan from tne Country; went" iA$o a,store ..m -crdoi to take a r!;iss of bran. j-tiy,- but fostcad oToing to t!ic aicustotiicd -ijMcc j oMietpilitlic spiriU.they .laid liol'd on the firsi bottle--they cam.? to, supposing it 1 bo b.randv; (nolwillstand.ing'!ip bottle was hbdled, "L'turtV tonura,") lhey f.-aid no attention (o it. and -b-sth .of liicm look a .plas; Which resulted m the death 0.1 ?ir. CMfarprw t learn tint it lu j b it nttlj nsl upon tho fHt -nikiiti Mcd.cal ad v. as called, ,-Jjkut withnut -fuccrNs. ' - " , ' . KenUcly. lr'g-islatu--. 0f IjTn'ii kf f- mbi.d at Fruiikf -t on i , 3ht L't. Gen. L s beCcm'ihuaMUHaSpktronife tb-usj. Ti v rics Jfof Gn.).;ev try b ,r jt Ul 1 a -a ; ni ia f f ace w h 10I1 proved io.be lhat of lae cart. 'fhofe'waa.'ta pairse, as though every -. . . '..-w. .... .1 ...nr.- d-n'n (.rr.rv.-f In Ili'lll'iU tllia UVu tu auuuyu j luiuv-u iu ' "Tne boy looked back, butonce', only nr.ee: and then beheld- rnh.r I dare noifprak'it, lot it ch.hs the plopd in the VtiDs-- he behld -.thai manly form s.ups-ndtd to lho gibbet, whh tbecap over his brow, whrlo the: distorted. -face glowed, hoi riVy Ki thvi van. 'ihatwashis FathT" That buy ; tjiltvbi shriek, nor groan," but instantly like a :hl -extinguished sud .d'cnly -tho ;firo . left hi' Jpyej lb cdlor ; his cheek, llfsi .bps opened in a; silly smtle.- The fist wofd he utiere I told tthe story r Iv" fatlier!w he -crjev, then pointed to the body, and broke i Oh4 it was horn lowlshrtil and Martvr was an Idiot gcr of his being V.armed by the turt,!, which, with ." AdaesnycHes l7,till clung s .i., uia-&:u:tsa ;nA..i ,'i.Mi. ti;;. I.5 J.ceal car & ien eif.,,d cn i'm c 1UI 1 u 11,'tfiK '.ituir;. L n t - : , "' 1 , ,1 i i : - i;-iu, was .jil,iv.',iJr. 10 me UJt', on 1 11 "" w"uuuc M-i-'i pajir.o-is have b er. mJc e-,i the r difficulty ihav-hii: jaw a. co-uld be opened! P3' uy-.'a bi 1 th-cr.vir,t of .Sl.td, ;ind sutacienily -widto "rendcrto Casar, lhat If '.ab.iiticscroaie.l t, the amount 01 ijlb.'i'W, Lieut. ;T-I The DoW-savs: ; soort as tho Mexican's, eye foil upon thr ficrt of ihe t wt Amerreanv he was observed to grow depdiv pule, rfnd 10 puTl hii' enp oyer Iws.eye and turn away. '..Cut. iM American had sden enough to satisfy thctm that nhe Me.vic&n coWel was no otlu 'or llinn . :iha--rcncgrj!e'.- Lleuienat T ; 'or whose crime a poor man now suffer the infamy of impris inment in the pen?- . ten'tiiry oiMi.spurL An inspection ol the. Mex;carmi:itary ro.M j and inquiry among the' Mexicln officers' conlirmea" . th truth o( thri'persocaJ-.obseiyaMon et pur-ipfficer9- Wo understand thai thii :evidenco will.:' rbo jaid bxre she; Executive vs for tho pur- . ptiso ofi'hjaunngj el cftmmutatior. t ct Uta punishtiitnt vi tne unrVnunate torgeanr 1 li e victim of 1 hfj i n a 1 no us t ren che ry and vjllany. f this base olTn:erv who" to o cr.me of hnvin;; dlscraey bis country nmf irm nnd betraed its confiJence, adds; thocti-ihal iulamy 6l'iQ patricide-a nJ irui traitor. Walker. the New which wa$ Caspars.11. .Tlie poppy was lioe sooner at liberty thah Cully suoirnuit-r--s ,,tleah, Car come va.v, from dar! an1 if dat dd "hasty piate pf foup git our finder in him mouf ngins h "nry'b.te till fym "ioof ech'c, dat'sall J's go; to(giy bout urn".' ' -'" . The negro "put'-and Ms dog." hobbd "after-him-ot; -three legs, leaving a crowd of spectators, who-yVixre sh-king their hides with laugliter. " a ' " . ' '": .' '"'. .. 11 ': : '" '',"': '."it " ' .''' . Vlu.rcsnltmjr m a further actual tj':iTi'?ni4i 1 Urnru CT7 ani Robert . L Ith 2 "Co uier" rxirtsses, lay 'incl,' Ofleans Ttoji.o, td confident opinion trwt S'-'ore;Try it 'thfij-i feasury nt .Alex, h r Mnrnuvn, Gallarin, Wm. IL tbp dclt ' J,43'J, end 1 ,e Slav 1 1 th p , won cf'.MovKs to'.tbs amount of'.J 170,5 )0, !!'? wWc li prt of tLa boe dut ina,"be d b-! arj,.i rviyjouVb.:rdfnij th p-on!i w".th tixition.-W The Jaitvrum ny d-iuchd rcrij-s th a..u d debt to $33Jj,:.t,t lb- a ltd Crawford br Triomfs .Ewng--bol-.L."i. V.- k r has 1 ccoiyi 'r at loihsrg 1( Iler.rv Chv "This be"! .e f bo ' to the J.i.tr tts ihro i nUl.rlaa, on ro'-n. i -it an I tMltU Jelow ,nattaV; oiAlC 1.16. y AolJ-.Ur Ul ,1 i7r.iv Ul'l ll l4 , tut t' LflCTitV lO 1l" Her. fitw' ,t. ,k -r ... 1 " ofii -f ' l0 &ft.mal ,was 12 cd'jcat.n can't! jns k a -4aii .-la't Jjid r ' ll e f 1 'l.aJUo'd ofLitT but lh J lidishcdr a wonderful an the dertiOhfioti of - .. , - t - ts ' intomparbly tin n We h iVc heard rduig-wiih (innts, of" fora-se'.rooir.ndio .'.V. ,K u.'i ! o' k sanow , r..jl:ing inmafM.n ft U9 ht uivtn a nornnt of Walker tc?.A'ihtii Hen'ry Clav fcchpses alliliesa !;- ' i y-) i - Jt 1 L .Jr.. . : :ea--s." ine ioKjrim iu u.ecoirAQ aa ir. vetcra'.ojwr; lUTl'.g Ul 11. ' i o.?e tad aaoi for th oc'rf Kentucky b'1- 'iv d J i'. X, Ci.f 'TiT'l 1 Iw," "btltvrzrc V. S. T?f ttfor. T Ls3- l,-!nr tif Hi'liwarf ni.v 1 : Vp.t i i - " -'inifav- ... , T v , . , .1 ' -1-'0 P-y r.'uWe (W ) lcj vu. ..cVii be reJocnt vrl.t'trl satfcd m UUers lrom-Washincoi - njo.a' laugh. , ' ' i ! ... ...r of tl.c. Lrtiif d S;at-t tn pi-ve o? tiitMiftHiaitt-iue iicjT!.;.-tj,j cn.-.iUjn f ta-. Mite i I'liit General 'A root Ward, ol Westchester . b'e, that laaib, so , , Mr. Iho. V5UJI J i, i, e, irrfti fcxprrps on V';r " 4' "".nMB rn.T.i, v , , , e ! 1 Y to be appbancd-bj the President wd- , r-oj..c7 tVA ihe4t."ol .niarcn n-xi,aMJ wio c'.nrsai m rid a.,.l.....-u b, iv m-lw! MlrigU.t-General for ihe ihreo xwrhera ;i:;:--' . rq election. - .. " ; rv:- - : ,-X: 'ti"-tra-i ,: ' ' - I . 'T;---.-' i r2iment:5.: ;::; .1 :-; :;: V ' "" ".1 v':t"-;

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