- . .;v v-. ." v ;ii v-;:--- -Wii-r .iHl -H'f fe-R lltllfe W'SsMI 'lili'lWi ti::-f.i:ii- mum f .ys r : ,v.v: v w i o miiNtsi fixv wimim vmj? .. ..-,. -,. --.(. i . i i , i i . I Ll I ' i I I ::,: V I 1 II II . I X I I , l4 X s. X . I t-fl V'.-;- , I I I . r-i-r- I rTS'ii-.sJ r7vvKtf,lJ!iriti'S.v'': A ENTAIL 1 ?i D . i R 0 P B'l E T 0 S . : and General Inlyllicnce,- s 'U'iPit.rihs- VHOLB, NUMBER 303. i?AV,l;LE A' 'ADVAXCE." v. ..'i1 U lancet if not .flti.riNTi fr cc con ..... iiAtid is two. over the . ill v . I 1 7 -. I.- drc i , mirzii w tno Litter w Mnt'o. - . ft0 i.ri,on r ot'C'ornrnarton. Lp'j frrrri" Of the Capiurt, Liulci. S"frringft tic 9 0f, Mi;: . Caneimi Dorlanf partf in Mexico The .ctU'tiff C-pt. Kinney, ico.brm ove r ngl.i r lUa Amoncaa Ihcerrf. lioi : tred Lv it .vert tarti! viiuo wiU 'icry tinuluuo ttbd iiiiurjb at iimm arou'Ml :'.by".tii , 'iliroif ' ui t'he'Wii'-.1 It i Va .-finsliy agreed ,ua.'t' U Gairies ioelj ;.-WhgedecUrcd that hts auw an arnwd iuU Uav at iiitvrvkw' Withiett. ilu(uh. MitcatT'atDrbiichiH!i this Ka.ncho. cBut a Vtvin luia. thel ,Mhi t roctiiyVd vvenr touiri ihVj entint m the' top of the hoje declac- tit'ouf ireatuvcnt uid w faVurvJ itiat in uijs Mpj-ir htT Jii jparJt in:Lht?ir uiifurtu I'd they could st-e i n-uhinzv '; aihi-'tlw . man 1 surrenJfriu iairts it and bis party ,tht;vf ml situuuvrti, out r:tnuseu timni -uio nvu ti'.i c'aV.t. uge aWtif uaani d i e w i!y Mei'caJiiJa all sfiiils nd . courtly fiod hf jae th nlamtjwa treated as a roih;! Wuld: bj? irtaied iihIlih .'cqpaideraiion rvfvo aud. drvufiiin ifidivuluiji ..ll4ot prujfieni o: var, ; . ; V 1 - , r ofTicri r thert up io fvired; aain -to their bUiik-ubut :lid acarc;iy titleii: '.aticVp hea 1 tivy :i e rtj- a r iiiad by a opt fie r a tin from i hr n-m innl , w h i d'V4j rnJ tai he ha 1 gHto i,feti an flnntrd Mexican; ;apb hnd pulled trigger rt himT CiJ, !i fun"'bi4 t-t ihucbpdidriutexpKMif 0titrah'niu wefaali given by ;h-r seritMu.! nickeiied )ino dilnnro irutn ',lho IL'uchi. night Una xhjw auin fa si. i wta da r: nnd m.li i-Tlm 'otrtoer beatirred themselves, audarousinj jihe prvjir.-. ed to. inert ai aUac, tlifurkiuj; tlwt'.th4. nrn Consoled of ;a nircp f liwjr: or .-live hundred,' Uih M j. tiainet ii d already b?en ip yurhuit . of and uhich ho -consw deri'd JibrnMju l 10 hi uwn. " , Oar uteri .ie. nil1 clleet(ifr Oit the d t he- llijacli, u-iih v their jins:. ready iut actum, full ot'ciurne and t;'f.,ai)d warm- ir"s,-iu' Kobrt S. CuckriU, Jn-.t ly deM'roui 6f u handtimit bru-,b vuh'jh mod thein, 0 i ' ftl- Vrry , plainly die 'M ik :: ljaiiies;. no conrimunieqtih the f eu h . ; f hi "t a ttt v i e w w i ih 1J n ..M i uo n i u hi ij(Iicers; puk. asVuUr whter tley iniutd; lit i r u r re ndr'f', a hd 'Cants;' Cl iy and .I).ahy and Liuut.. .O.tvun we.re fur k.tfl'Jly; treatinehtr -; and ; bped that' ;- they abito r. Join Wit friv nds. ; The' mu be rs ;ol4:!j:M'4i.ii vty fiinv idhretjS'esirii, bat' the ' pf kiie m 'W g'uliiave tKen .beUtfr a ii tsii ed v" it h j siMjvt; more subsu ntnl p ruvf f a i tul! v ) ry iheth a liuW dicpVi)i' fihrtnigU whtch tliey pnased lor four or br4 Vero well tlojred' tiy the hdaV was nv bcauiifu! and highly coitt. rd:uiU; a -league fsprurg .fpl vated. 'Ttie dark foliage of tlie ergrccot .whicrii recnini : trie t ait i tue luscious :rou' inn ttenurur tCfons. tno 1 c Stverai"oi them Ame rtcaiM a in .const odvoce oi; -ne 'coo u ; nauireu: rwi-Deincu!: om, u fvrno he cair.Q dw.n. one morning after ne id ?tfte rows bet wef nthd cat lots 'and tWe A (rae rica ns V atid p f ocecded v'e ry did ib erateiy. iui many nfunis; mucu perspiA raiion, and WFace;: fullwf wisdom atid. a g.a'itv, tq dra' a.'clrillt.liuaacrvjsstltu HO; ptiifs of too) watet, nuihins; from hn inoumairt sidej ihe myriads of rtchly ctd. Vred nd jiariegated' bird, iha delighul ' vmit ty ivf uwuiitaius jpd valley rendeieJ the jjurnicy of the long ' imprisoned Amen, can ont ol rtat interest aud pie si turn. ' .lliey, were eH treated by tho- officer tl.-l.ui)-, und M .jr Games acd BrSanJ dispiiivU. : The coatrasi between the j hein tor pre;vinj; ihq ace, the wtiu lor hurrendertnir. ' WhtUt thev cre' I misoncrs and the masuiceiH ttlinuc of t o! I itllo choeUlrd ery heartily er hi ivf the prison, ';sght'irjHbe ;A'tneiic ntWf -bo.cmduc.leil . them.' nd irenefally'' by sloe o-na me eouvici-ine. omer. aiu as- he .'ComjJtted l?is ae,Bnd'! inenixm man, W, V pineing v itn trie ,mh icam didj. ; ;ou nma, tormeu a pjciurt wmcn wouu fhV U ajjies observed v that llu-ir inen'were .-ip- h.tte V'd be higlieM p'owers'ot'a Martin ver f'proachiitg . near to the IlinCh. ; lie un or,a Uivu Tte fhiiad raggiil,' unarm inediaiejy. orueriu nis- men to lift? on the ru, p r woner s1," wyai: . -inet r --tat w-ar j i r-uino: MXic.Tt)!t'.)f iIk v. ftppo cWd ii To n arut, i-uiw b-l i'aiid manly cuwitienances''wuhout (nitolu ,ti)Olr outers hu' should not run. i sli.ts'. iVNormimhe, Wm. lunk.O. Thorn,,, . ..iwd beloii2"l ' tbe Arkaun cavalry , ..iSerati ihti n-snnenta frm Kentucky. A I'1"1 c,,y ur eX,co on I'l'rnh of. jj, ithjotner. prnver, it b-Zmg u.i. .AM'iwJib t their, du-iiitatiin lam- T....L ... r.'Kit wiltk A. Ii 111 ill tSiCttft Lffp ra" cidonel and 4 wo or three? rfiri t il' they .l,.!iyd Hde h rrt fh) were turned oyr as J ' (.'.' :.'n. (Ikrav. in coihinuid ol hittawu wliere jevenl htmdre J troops w, fc,,uii.rii d. 'I'M: Moiierere lpft. i. i d "ini- conoid' rail ii by i'len. G.iray, arvdmuvH more kindne than ihrjr hid 1 ( .re in. t iiht Thev wero UiUu and .by ,,n ih.n -hd h id no orders to dispose oL Itirm, mid Uial Uh. .u'i 'he jinnyined U wj ye purp i-ituf ho Gavernnient to aend eiicinv. I htfj morn brokaj i'alawly inisl hu,ns .heavily aroun thoult lhey etultt hMr tinutvvh parley utltiV rtbeir inenVfell ba'k ry'lhcire Jiliiral position, which they did j n very quick order when a". Jew .rifle wt re ;.fciieii - in , uieir i nireeiKi I nev I or' hii, 'and tmtiy uilhout t:oal"r fut w rapjied itrtlveii.b'aiikt'ij India n fuJi loq, Hiuud with eect" buJ niuwed irmt be(ore;.lhe ftiray" of th3 tUegatrtly aceou i-rrd uud well anned hussars,-mounted; qif the iejifl of ihe towns through which iher jisscd, Tliercare, b',cer, soma ex. ceptions to this remark, At the Urge mi '4iii town at tlio 6v Monte, the people wisdom, aud it ft -itlve.p.rsenv.:tih ai:.trer itSsaulttd . the jtrisonerswnh atones,1' and v conii lftd ood'seff sa'usfied air. .r :Th ..revolution in the'city suircontlnued J ;THie re a( mosti le Mil ic din; of c-an'non and small arms,' diu.ns btatm, bu, blowing, cav'ahyj Chirjhi:f k,e- ' 'Hi1 prisoiies Ihuiijjht , I r.'m v'lhc ; coftimoi ion appveut among the petite, and " from the lovmense consumption Kof gunpo'4erv tlmi M emed ti be going on, ibt a very fierce and detrucuve halite was 'ragtag in the CiiV,- Great win their .aonihmint tp woufd hae murdered them, if tho English residents hud nut interferred ind protected4 IhcroL 'Ivor this generous a ltd humane con. i3uct of the Hugh ah, the ptisfoners express tlur Jfet gVutitad (anJ thankfulness. ' : A Iter a 3opg journey oftwodiundred miles j the f risurters arrived at the town of llue iutln . whefe- thev were ieeeivrd vt rv kind. t My by Geiu .arny,,Jaiid wero allowed 35" I cents, a dayvfor their sup'ptt'rt. This rf)oney waj pisiu v n lorced ; contnoution from lnurifroin an Ungfishmin, w hov, vt-ited the ''people General Garuyj however, fiU'dly, Ctjji. Clay gwiog into Majs Gaines ,cfioiet-su, ifs with their long .tpcnrs and und Borland,'- ugfocd tc aurreddo'r, ,iu 1 n av) & ibrt Indeed there ' was tiol one I ll . ill. Kfi. Ii iflnr:ih'. , li'rnij ' n a nt i norw til 1 i if i hi nnfil. I ukt lliiiurl ri'iti'ftit:- war, the otlicj.js to -retaiu . tht- ir private j tivts' !of tP.u Anglo. American ree w ho j thm; thVt at -ws. all sound and fury I tog- j iid not consider that ho was prpeftv and, bide arms. iThey'dehed J would not Jue ivcrt nil his pro-iecls- in lil 11115 rjoih'ns!;tlliunlK! revolutionary pi r j sen,d litem rm o Tunpio the bonvodt r., however, ag btiij hs'Ki- Mde -to hive Ji.ld ne chance wuh his un- Mi-s Kept two or .tnfee tmnsTipart, Ole, wun 'tio ixpeei.jmou ot utiin ixintrc and L'uard us, hd- had "Under h's eomindiid. awtlxirixcd tar with such a tie LIj twtutv five cents each d.titv fij ileuses. Tins .rn ney. General j Lu tin-in 0.1 1 1 i'aiiiiuvice h ( nn uistruettuiM . it". . ' 'Tiie tif-isutiers w ere- here -... - (jrnis'wd w Lt their exii nses.: I his (m ney Inn appelr lo Inve riM-d by c'uiitnbu liHi iibn J'ur.lown's people., Aftor - inng htifi aoindiys, 'seeing no prospect i fil. ase, and fearm list fveots at tho eind miljt induce iho G veriiment to elno"' its,SiL.eu'itin of lorwardio 'tin m to T "pioo, they diiiermmed lo etl ct their alleiinH-(i mis 111 Hin 111 ppro:ich-o:" horse jiien', 'ihey could see noil uij'. A( hl the liL'lu t'-i'in' to' bfc?k liiirtugn. ih mist, immvdintely; ' in-.' j their Iront i and'the tuint outline of i wtrotig VJy of unuud hor& on 11 w.is percepUlet'i) the' distance. And 'tis th'e vjil t roih-d 41 nd galhertd up liito huir clou ds,'4pd gMillv tscoiiileiJ itov.i-rd lire ih ihb'iriug he-iht il revealed, witli must painjufdisruictiiesK.; a wji i!e ,Ki gfm-iit of s)teidi1ly tijnpptd Mexican L uiei!i d;(in bi in lux; ul ba'tiie. and; ocebp)'in .-a: com.Un.lirg r njjirfyion'j f withminMv' hundred ards ot th6 llancho 1 'ie eu irom.v'Vieji.";--v oors eamp.r it was an t prej!sc"Mduion in the "i .xpitularum ihai the Alevievtn igi'nde who ;1i;d hewn forced, by Mtij t G ni'! -'to act, in that c-mncitv noutu utve a 1 rial, ana -it no vyiis jicuutur, 'fj'l 'r - I 1 porn us of five ut one tune, wst 61 another tiiJ fivo at the 27di. '1 nit carried iIhmu nj;in fc tt teach anulhor. Seven n all leU on 'Iw tlst.'fivo were all retakeij Lack to Ituej.jiH.i, but orie of escaped and wtih the oimr d TumjiCo. They Imarelyd priin.ijialli' hv night - and wortj from four vta's..i or seven days on the route. , Ahr ihei qrnval at Tampioo, news readied' thei e by. a.Mexicanv ih if ' tibout '"ihtyyof tht men hiduNo a'tterppted'to --- ccr; thii woniy-flvejof them.. hud been. luUktii, nnji 'lree -odiefS rv; in the purauit' Tlrsts wenvth?' nporis in 'Pam . jiini 'but cijtfinlorm int djus'noi pliee iin. iiJ)ii ojifi l.iictf in1 them. He 'has hnle rijii-m ili.il Col; t : Uus,S sj expedition wm prove ol" iv avail in prein uijj llje it lease of llu o'h:r jots'turs. , M? think it ciriauily rill f.nl,if f liie. intention bo to t rtsc'u.ilieiium uv torcew . Vine nio-veme'pt ol Htj' col 011 I wdf inev'a'bly 'bo repoi ed ta lioerd ti iray- 10 ' tidvanee, and if htf J'f.Hot ftelih'iuot It stroll,; efjooih lo 11 ci ive un atfibk , he eafi Very retidily ettd oirh )risoirer lurlher uiti; tho interior. Tlio t He o these .111 Ml is grextly to b? Jfplored, iiif we e irnioi. 'hot. thi ik jhere Hi been tiiiHiii'ss on tho pVl o G. neral. H oAt 111 not oit unuig Ineir rele('te. J'.li miitherof ?'exiv;to oili rs m otir power, e to.ildJui e brought -ttli it Govein-mnnt 'aaw-iiji- i,( 1 s oblig tlms to our"pi ivmri bthinjmg U9oiitj ot their" own to live rro:ii the j Deln .of the satim dtte we 'tiii the folniwiiig vei v interesting n r -tiorel0 (t,t. Captvjro of M.ifirj Gaines' J UorlauJ's parties; " . ,v very raiiiymg intetvie w with Mf, 'g 't,oin of those ou'ng men; we luve icariiej nnnv interesting partMjlurs of the cjp'urti, s-lHrrngstrids' and advtntuivs p' Mij Oauiek p.irty. To relite alUhe Jiiierti;ijr ajul romantic ' incidents J so m";ksMV andforeibiv Oelalled h US bv thlrf bra e young IveiitUekiau, would swell jour Oirranye qoile beyond ihe eomjvis's of our Pjper. s; V trust mat the task "of snatch- , vg hum oblivion and handing : down.' to. ?rerity a liihful 'record of, tfih stirring ViJVri.ji couhecttd Willi the c.ip'ure and "mrchof this party w ill be 'assumed a ol ',fkijrgid . by aoma of the .ery capsb'e rs. ur aildiers ho parllctaied ir tiesp v..fiil ai-onoa Thrt . etiius of occupied by .Maj ir (Jamea party. . Uiid luntedly surveying ftnd count'uig the strong ibrco.btJ'ore them, aur men phMiared fir ciim.i, rJig out 'Oh'thefc .re omy mx iiiiiMirtti ftscm- us -a Mir l und weM jo it.ou'r1f But, cp! ok on tl'ie-'righi. as ! the mists leave t. Jtlt.it Jiido wf ...the- llancb, 4he.re is anoilhrr1 ret ment just as strong as Ihit in front. 1 . . 4Vel.l, cried a "ital wart Keruuckiin, wh 1 kpl all the? vvhitda 'bright eyo" r his hmg rill f, ''this is cofiiing it r;Vthvr Htrong: ihe thing looks, serious, roust .decidedly; bui i rex'kon, we can Tick a thousand iirea-" -sers, and throw in two hnndr'ed for good measure, (. ni l we,V was Sthe unarn m ius ery of ihV pifty ( J"' i 4,But,' dh cranky," Cried thpaJl serge-. aiTt'; here's nine of Ihe v in'rtints; A"d ;here sure enough on thejr h-fu was nnofhe, regmMit ab-jut 'six.-hundred-. ;siringV whose tinjht heluu ts, II iming pehnojis nn I sh WV unilorrtis ; I ooiiu-d :oul v 'conspicuously in ila; (fark. ; liopy.o'n; . And : there ,too, jtiit ,a lew-'hundred virvl.- in their 'rvnt -, was still .miher regiment, I tms 'was Jhis trt'dt. pa rly f se v en t y . t h ree A me t ica ivs ch ti re ly "urrounded by a Mt;xiam '' force 'of abiKij three .'tjiousi nd cavalry ,he tiue!jt;r in I. the cofitiiry and coimmndcd by ons.-oX thtyr besl olliei rs.1 , . ' 1 , " 1 . Ifnilrmyed, our ih'ett prepard for action,.: di-iei miiK'd :o sr 11 their .Iwes as;' dearly as possible. . !ever did' .mo n -go ! mov calmly and iroolly. tojwork hn thijrt'liulesSp irian b vndj as' w,ih many a careless Jegt and . with ihe most impertuibafole s-ng fitd,',.,fiiy rvhadod a nd reca pptVd , thoir . rills f lookvd "n their b irtouctu,. boxei ItU flietedge of iheir bowie knives, und: -glanced -a . prbud 'di ti nice atj their legion foe. . ", . 5 1 In tfie mem unTelhe t.nemy preserved' the rndst perfect intluarv , orderj and, pre s.'Mdeil a displiy of" ni.trtial m ignificeiice, suWi our men had never before vw itnessr eU TheV otlv'Ci s Covefed'Witlv. gohly and splendidly mourned and caparjono-il, rode' m fiont; whilst their. bugle; blew itwo Me,'l renn -charg' ari l inado ' Jhu h-Jts'-arund rcfiimd with thei- loud and exrij'.ifig ; bi'isis 1 ij ufms orden d-.Mns bugler lo're. sjvmd tojlleir ihreatemug'flHirishhJuw'. mg.-wiih all his itV'ght, try; A'moriCin cha rgi ivl directed . t he. t ine n lo: folio w u n ,lheh!.Ti wnh ihree li'J cheers" TheoroiM 'wai cli 'et hilly ami hearptyobexeal. .The M e 1 e n s ; ' w h 0 - w e re y u d v n n c i'i 1 g .1 p a t he - , 1 ,1.. . . ... . ii.. . . . 1 . -. .1 . . , .i - 1 . 1 iTtn ir rii 1,1 Men 1 1 v ) iu i. km n nrriiiui l nru v turn Lum i " " 1 , un .is ii ) ) i l inc tihiv iit'un u near : -'--:. . the s tried fniks ol.tlose bi .iWncd and -ituf-H N- pt rsonj wxro itjurfd but 1 fmn; ivo ,v re j 1 ?rtragi i sgunt the A- . V c f bewluVkertd hu-.ars. But 'this interview !ib jie h ,'(eiu-d.' l pas Un the einerieuns , lU it tl'ey tiou'd attack" -theni . 'V - . . ' ' I was loorf tewn mated Siota Anna und Vstu'eti 'Tlie Imlebs would watch thevuairmt.il 49 fhei were, ami - being a man , ',:' . hi'' retmue'; r:sUineJ1' their-J:uri1y, "and feannon bit s as 'jtiey wenU 'booming a'oog , uf limor, h dlJ nut wjvh to bu connected ' - ' . i Vio'eedid onward with creat rani inv. "l"P be jtf0'e, aDil wt) .they wt'm peit, w'lift such!a dgract tul deed. ' He there- .-'1 ' - ' . ' lit i 1 1 1. . 'i oi....'r . .,1 1 ... ... ,i 1 t . . a t o, . . 1 . , ,. -. 1 nuu4 .oe reiraju. , i ija 1 kieicins at i efpi tttouersp issj o lor tever.-n a i.s 1 o o , o , 100 j , ium ,u t iu uoy-vi i jh iwukiis ;omo wqeits' , ' f first ohj cted to tM, bu pt. tVy nd lirg ; botVes !'; Mexican ..spldierj ; w hoi pick tje.Mii up and s.Ul them to the .tppo- bnt gt timg Kule.ss afnd impmfentaeyeral - , r he'w fol-f 'diq ixtore "hi; wuuU sot model foins.l,'to le pushinon mw,Vds he Sijra- site pi fly.' - ,.! of thCnucapd out'o the town and pro.- 11 . ' f ihi'ihii'tuiutcr guides" without asnrances-z-Mare'vilh; Vat liundtic ". iTh y '.Kir filti en 'daj s fierce;' rev)lu eeeded lUMir way' hl'Tampioo. IfTlM ' . 'V , ' . .-' wtTsiteV)-., anon' as'h was surren-J in'iuf coiid'ju'on, will 't jiiped f icid sup- ftton r igejotttte'Cifv,'' T'h rjwlHs wfa Uivi w ho' f.jrrtvcd' here ij tW ioiAou got ' j ' t. ' ' defied, ihe Uithh-i-f .M.-icarti ' umuiedi It! V plredti.n alt( tlie -nw-ess iry .sityplies.: . At 1 re $frt' m tho-inor,niifciMwhih i w'tiJJ iyinlaiyrppico.', ; I'.Aif olherwbo1 , i fj red the poor ttltoW. J;jie'(prisonN ihl-y Hssi-J v p&iseners, mjjfj nhefol-! cojd w.i?,q pti?asayt ,d avuyu icaciv t5eiptd tfyr thenjjere rettken Rd car, f' - then u I'ehed v itliont'ajiv ftnlil or 11 diers . would ino't llieto'hv" irXi ni-.W mdi-KilluJ Verv' cdmiorl.dj' Vi'-W-liriui lor dhtir tiabaek to 1 Iu iultt" ()ue of i!icssmn 4 '""I" '' '? eoflee Nvater',:l;oy thirty or forty .nnles on. -the Voad j jo Su-u -,Lats tinder '.an ; escort. )U tfiirty -hn'icers. M-ij Gaines having been allow ed, to ride, ..suh cted t in.' preliiiVivee tJ his o v n e 1 i a rg e r a b laoU ed n iarc'4 belonging to .Serge "Ut 1). , ',l'' ' ;'J ipti 1 1 or. riv ' 'fytee, hamp is fa mili tr lo all who hiv I'ejd .llie si ir u rig 'h'story of 'IV'tiiQ wr(5ie aniJv adventure', and. )ho 'a'L'corw 'inred-? Maj; G unej ;asi aji interpre ter., had roode.ied hiiiist If extremely u-e-' af on ihe occssVio of stlieir capinre: by InV ek)ile8sj s-i.acny.v;nnt )tnwledge ol the : M e ica 11 hi ng u e. iid ? ha r acte r . Cu pt . Herfn'o w is yerj anxnvtis lra.Tiht , and 'strongly d.ssuaded- .M n.; Gatut from sur- rendenng. He tohJ .tju? juen count their JmUeHy and if :thyf.-liadr ne -far ovary iwu ..VJes:.icati it was a lairvgame aiitl'lie : would goitttii" He alo cautioned 'them to hit the Mi Vieaus ;be!ow their! bea rdsr that they Snfht frighten the ohrs by tberr groans. rind to give tlp-pi as mu'lt intLrv lis po-.. sible... ; One oj , Ah; JMe.xjcun officers,' re cognising' .him, cr'jed out -in vKiOKh, 'l hhall haVo tlie- plr isure 'of your cprtipanV to , t h e ' .cil y d Mxx 1 e o , a p t.. ; 11 en r i e YEtcue nil, bVnor, 1 .vgj tieraly choos'-; my .owiv'rCompJny ;'? ; replied-;, the; cool and ciurtlv Cinpunv . It .wis the'second ,dty after tfteir enp-ijiire-, and ne.tr the.town-ot", Stlado, iamous -UilVxait ll1stoiv 'h.s. tire place W 'the rfeci- maUoi) of the Mier pi Honors, 'tbatMujir -Gainer iderab I Laurie 4 If s -tsehool, to-''mouOt her and" lake oil TL.e- wirt -fiffc of her.lpint. Tie cipt un did so'and ridMig up to Capt.;Oluy, care lessly , .reiarked-,--?4iClsvv'':'I :arn going; to 5nakea burst.".? The Mexican Command-: ert hilf suspecting his designs, pl.tcid ad iirtyual. fofces n.;t the bead and rear o the column of lincers wiihjn .whK.Mi.thi pnyin. frs we.f placed;- and rrwde ; himse'1f-."by ihe. .Vie ol tlenriet wh 'would 'pace up ami fown tic. line. ciackliW lokis-With ihe a nd lonch.: cuiuig tfV'U ? tleir -:throas were to :be em, or -flfti ' tl(y were jo', be' hunz up! rf.fie ; 1 U'y would suspend iPr - , 1 ' 1 - t 1 ' 1 . r 1 I. a .1 ' 1 1 yny repty ur ooys macro 10 Hie&e cawnry-lyj'-Vr's,- Was a vi ry oignftlcant gviat); move nu.-nt .p I I ho iig h t t hu mf '. applied . it he apt x f their nasal 'appendage, and a hint tlKit. Old'rci) would 'fefve them a ie U ! f the, day ' jKHty and two others 0 unoihef party, raticirsi.ahniher1- olso arrivcid at ; Tamnicov : 'Fho five ha , til dirk t y xyotil.f begin the 5auU , a.tc- now n our city.btarled from lluejutl h-grtxit leioctv, and fight tho whole in the night, armt tj with their jack. knive .but wtih " lropotds wrre mide by boll) of the par lies to our prisoners to releaso them ii they dose whivh would I mik tliVMii hiqgh:.-ort.S would-tight on .tljeirwwde Ihe Mexicans the other side -of - iIumV faces. "At ni"hi had heard td'ihu skill' of our idh'men, and the prisoner? woufd-' encamp with, some ol Lhe divihiojis. .of the Mexican army, and frm lhe .sold ers theyMearned: what , were Saula Anna's-desi g n s ,- -1 J e h td m t c r cej it. ed,.they said, J.e4ters' .ot'Ueil.bcotti- show thev believed that it: was only necessary tor the prisoner's to joint either pariy, to secure its success. in the strife then goinj on in ihe ciiy. v But v out": boys prelerrt d fokmg on like the old wom;i n i n t he fight i) oi urn nier piisjners, nnai vviaj r 3 highrispirited ni ire .saowi ng eon- ble restlessness, -he retpJesudUapf. e, is a f mioni rifU'r of tho Jack In the midst of ihe rt volition the first mi: that Gen. IViylur s' arm was 'reduced - between her husband and , the bear, not 10 a few thousand i'U-disciplini-d troops, (caring a .copper w Inch wjiipped anj tnathe witole valley ol ttmiio Urando was without an tfditfoate force fo protect ilj ; Santa tAntia had 'deterrnihed: - to "poji'b on, annihilate, Tuvlor, reCiipturo Satltllo, lot letrev, '.Catnargo, and h whole valley fj'1 tiding, t Had, Dews iravel fa-t, apd of.l he-liro lirnJe imww hfrtAelr ih,- f Uiti pilvmers wej soon lnioinieci DV .ilex atnpicov kmvef and one case kudo among the 'five. They hud to t ruvt.l chiefly at mght, and avoided nil the towns 'and ranches." On one occa tot-on .h6wever, in . httempiing to go aryund Mown of some sue, they ,iodk up a ravine,--and suddvMily.found themselves in tho very cent ie of it. They numt-d, however, a very tnsy and :; inditltMent carriage, nd jjnss.ed by. jhe. -Guard- hous where there weie seyoral j-ohliere lounging about. Th sioldicr onboard Cried .out ' who goes there' in, Spanih,but' the men careletalr ijiibwoiing "dmos ainigos,v kepi on their news of the battle of Buena Via reached , course and got saftlv out of the town ' the city. There was a great rtngrg ol' Nehr TumpicoJlbey came suddenly uri.. 1 i 11 I . . .k . ' 1 .1 1 ' . , . . t. iv-'oi, tiiMi muni 11 I'm hi" uciuuiaui uie immense supplies ol Vnr arrriv, ihon'punh on jo.Gorptis Ghrisli, and hence -proceed to-the-'vaJjej-Aof .the Mississippi ahd- lay waste that whoie vast counfrv, Certmlv ihfs..d(iigtt'wit wo'uhjr of thp. Napoleon' ol the West. It, was'vei'y wrong m.Old Ziek . O""'0 pfubbrhty to m'.ethere wuh sut.-h A m;onificiut ,S"' proners wt vn a ranch, where .there were1 fifteen or ijWeuty ftxicans, all armed with that fur midible weapon, the labJat. SCeing that they were rioiir.ed, the Americans walked boldly up to'ilfe. .Mexican? an J Commenced Butler, and several of our most distinguih- (.niakinj: sign's to.ihrrn of their- friendly in- i-d oflicers. Ahhoiigh but little deposed ,jr ruions, ' . The Mexican looked very w. reiy (in iMexican srpnes uiere was sucn tthttaieiungty , atuir see hied to be;ad ustin icrins of me' total r;)upi and eiipfure-of -Gen l.ijlors whwh? atfny, the death of Gen A. were brhty about this rtpoit that ! ifn ir 1 uiati tor munediue use but lhe 1 ri4 forced to give ll some 14rher leans showed their knives ' and w' selicme H6.slouk: havd .allowid tlie ! crcrJetic, find weio overwhelmed ; w ith perniitted' to proceed onl lhtir journey :" . MexicviH to come unr TlWe, when we ' grh, f nd. muriificatnrt ' by lhe disasiuuis j Alttr rn my. trials and' bufferings'? the cuuldJi,a-ve caught them'.all alive andr put j result. t But soon other; stories were, citcu-prisoners at last 'arrived -'-"within sight of ihem to some more iisyfuf and profit-ible ! hin d, conflicting Statopients were given, ''Tampico. 'The csi uic joy , which filled ujiei taking than tighitng Americans. J"i u-noiug to miow tioum ojon me sioi) 1 th, tr tjearls, as tliey saw the noble banner Clearing our swamps would be i much a- f S'ta A-niM-'s sjihndni . triumph.- At ( d our Union, with ds broud stripes and sic r anymore iientficial .etwptov merit f)f iXst 'the harriLtl d j di h of th M k nn , Iwighf stars, 'waving from the k lofty flag Me.ican th Ii r'iiinji such' billies as 'General was recti ved, intdlhe iiultsorre." ttAY of 1'autnico, can by belter trna'incd 1 hose: of Burt. mi a; Vista andCerro Gordo 'Such however were lhe coiifilent cx- pectations of f Mexicans of the ofli-ers,' even 'those of intelhgt nee aui'i nlormatiou , as wt It iw of tin; 'common 'sokherS. No wonder wi'ili such hopes that they march ed, so ropidly, land .! bore so paiienfly. -ijie' many njats ancj sunermgs lo which they were -subjeVrteclJin this .'unpiralleledi mart h . . Ip lhe rear of, the Me,xtcan . army' the prisoners met tipf. Kd 'with'his' com. i ioieing in the city -subsided must per"eep:K b'V. A copy oj this despiteh w.is thiown down; by mc-a ns ol a t wme st ri ng,v f rom" t he room; where- hc;oflicecj ;wqre cofifincid to. the main court y-nrd, wh re the men were hoys, and dirmg' up tfie: sptn$ .b&!jjenr3'r,e4 pany of l.s:erler-s (took, the Afnbi ! arioi5i mgtihous'nt intern re;: KA 1 I Ut, I my. " He had a! ready fiti6ty men, who.. conoid u ted the . mam 'carttlTc4ry i o rce (if 1 hV a finy , a ntl- ha id tie wa 4 pic king Heurie,' w'emg a 'fuvurable ' dpporumiiy piungeu tits .jKifsrueep into ine.-srues 01 me noble bloi A , nd iushmn -i t ai nst a 1.1 d k noc k MM down thr,ee, or lour 0 the mustangs w;ith fheicJa,neerSj--;stdrtetl'off lirfull view 1 1 -. 1. I '.--;-j-i- i. - 1: -. ! '.-' ' I.' " :.' 1 ioie pony, .at a raie.oi wpeeu eq-'V est iimtv that Host on or"; Fasluoi oflhe wh to ihe b 11 IU k W.jLj,tu ;3IIIUII ever -muue. AMer nun rusnect n cluzeii Jtniich.vere sr awed by ihe.loul yvlls andr fnoJ1 ancers, ' who,, firmf their rrUic IIU7.Z-K of iff a b-.j's, th it th.-yjult- t.S(.ope,!ls al llin; stillICli off -jn c1se pur. tl; and looked.it our hide' ini in mule sujt frM n WA m Rt a,w Ken -terror ' nntt a-s'ioni-ihintMii th t So smid a p'aaiy could imke such a tremendous'.geise. 'IJivh. ihem'-tfiret ' lone"; thrn " cried - oill - ----- - . -5 . "-' . i V .....'.' .-"It tjipt. Ci'sun M" Clay, ' and d ' Iiuza .V j jv .we-ie . prolonged to .ihe. i lull -ct-mp1emeiu until thev mode the Xvtlkin rmu for miUs I vrotiud, and i frihtned, thii .Mexicads th:t their gene ttCT, I o' prevent his meH fr 0,111 rnnm'-ng w-avv"tiad to order 1 his fine tJrass ihd to s'uike up the Polki and Mwhe'l Ins men "i ifto- ctdqnift h'nd putiliem,on the C'US M Clay wuldkno d ubt "do loll t'ni'ireh.' In cpen ouh-r Vand wittf militii Jdsu-tu the jiubjecl, and wc ardently hope 'precision the Ixicaa-vjm ircied around ly may Soo k,, U a - fcitoauoii io. ia'tilr. the ihe .-ltanch to. the tune of U16 Or 0 coven nms tuekv blo.td w. is loo ni icli for the inusiau. . s The dancersv were jsooftdistancYd, :-aiid ihe Vlast view . thev not ol Henrie. ,4ie- was jiiif up a sleep iimuntaii). wav'10 bis much gratified 'lo.lie-ir somtfune white- .hnykerr.iief, f and ;ryin,g out' id, a voice wlueh echoed a'ur otT through -th- vaHev.,"Adi : inerjcan.- (ir or ninety up more every diy. Ha n,iade a greit ii tory to 'persuade some 01 the prisoners to tjiu a described. Iljdropliobia. W-c see ; ihe'.ftillowini;-! direclions given .1. . '. i.i.'. 1 p . r ab nrisorii-Ts . I . - -- - : r - , . -v...... ... I..-. i . ." 1 . -i -r;: .. - . 1 i - - j - lucun'iii aui ''k un, ti so. iiuvo oecn re. ligations, b'tf gve it j-du I m thrtij 1'Hid . , ri ' I , " . Uiceis, wluelf Martled'.h, inmate s of the b!"rn. Mgs,but that, by pnsMi, tnd brno-hl iho G-nernordowfi'1 Vm"Zl-c I here recommended nu u,,m them.'nvheWtatestterro and c " UjU. -n"T"nPe haveever eft.ued.- 1 ' . . 1 1 ms is s'ronir lesiimrinv in in in mom tuibation ' On ilrq nxt dny, fiovvecr, the spirits of tfie; Mexicans were somewhat resiored bv the, or rival of the trophies of thcbatllcol join. ,him, promising, them muj-h land (; Angostura. v The 1in;e llttjecntmon of Lt. mid -money us thev wanted and decfarin O linen, one of which, bv the bye, had w ii. vmiv.u 1 1 1.' 1 1 1. uiu- .'n..n.iius uy my TV, ;n,wi Ar.i,..; i:..i:..... .. . ,M,M 1 gimVnt. maethi r with a few rmrkers were ' Hlh f ,llC in,maI CouId brought into the ei$ and were .deceived the f f ople. 'll.e who! tftry, howpver, of the bloody t liy ul his ci.unirv in thit regard 'VpnuvMpal events of, the capture, ol "aj-r vj.tiiu- am Bprland's parties; are 'H ti'imto'our readers. These ojlicers. three ciunpanies ;ol Kentucky: and Arkirj,! Cavjalry, wereoulion W two dtys' "fcitbejuDdj our miin camp us a BCputmg fn-' Jt win thought' ihat ;there were m11 Wies u'f did enrmv's cavalry prowl- JX akiajj ihe Country,' but' no one had the r," 'appr nensiun that a large, torce j C,8 ntar Mer' Wool's cn'mpy . jj Gnes lux tms j aned Mai.- Birlmd Rtnc"ho t-nr ICncariaacioii, th'e. two afir'naaJ ujt U1" Vu! x or ll,e,,J,oht adv sequnell poitw distance n wJ". nJ 00 h top of k' the' hotasti in ,'C4lhJ Wvjre encamped; t That 'mght i ud seemed, like' the cat with its fitib xictim, to be sporiiiij"wiih tht-ir eap;ie before thtly destroy ed hrn. " 'Xr ' . ,v An officer wi4han interpreter and white dig .was s'eiVt ttx-Maj, G tiyes 'to demand los unconditional xurrendcr -1 Never," Vrt; phed ih3 gallant "American. ""Then 60 tpiarter wiil be given,! remarked the Hx -ican.": Very welt," etchinvd Ciptaui Ckiv; remember the" AJ,n; btforet we ur re-rider on such ewn more than fivt nviidrtfcJ t)lyoi:r tlhw.telhed .scoundrel shdl b lelt M beach on yotidf'r pams V ,Hus reniuk.Mhe 'interpreter did a j1. 'think ho ooulfldo full justice to in fie. transition, and h left the; otBpcf to guess at ijs mean ing, which however was.uo difHtil 5 task, asthe'Capuin accorrigaiiied hts declap. seno res ad 10s ; sVn; j:res-! Our readers miv iancv thtt inte-nso eitniont which this scene piiKfuced furiong the prisoners,1 and wil'j. no doubi, excuse tl)cm lof so tr trgetimitheir situation as j t gfvo three loud cheeks as they. saw the giLTint ilenrie having his pursers fa-r be. hnrd. 'and isafely ml ced beyond their reach that -it rWasJin possible" for: Gen.; : Tay for jo resist aanU. Anna s armywlueh wasMhir; ly thims'ind' strong, and jlnt the-'wliif'e spoil, of the .Va-l ley of the Ulu G ra nde wo Jl d bu divided amongthti troops. It is unrfle ressary ipsiy thAt tlie Haittw proposes were :. received - by our .volunteers w nlv Ltorn" and eo;iUMit. The prisoners were' ntter- I wards uy iho Garcel St J.agrr that Captmr) Ilitey s comp inv wa cut aT to pfeces und but twenty ever 'retor netr lo the -ri:v nfi'that uIorus victory .Mexico. Tins -twi-mv: too-ether wiih ,ku t Games and I5oi-h - . . -.: ' - : - ... ' i I 1 . r n ft - . er Annicai.clesprters who hil rcr-trial m vain. Mtaav. ana also from our artnv at TainmeniSfm Wr:. f irLcutetant Bitb nirai Ciuz, became ,sd disorderly and unruly I Smith, w h were l iken by L'rfea, btiwi en !' --fi '1. ' - Ni ...j . . ii " 1 . .. o id rntir nanus mat inoy were irdered.out ."u-erey aiiuxain iTgo,- m thing tne wtiolu of the rityt..and on: their, way-: were ottack- Atcr dehcnbing the sy mpiom?,. explaining ihp -nature and; aciivhy juf the virus, he ; 'Cauterize the wound. 4horough!y with tuUnr cumUc; Let this Siarpened tc a. JiMfnt, be applied, thoroughly .to every recest. ''" oinunjiiy. Mih ui.c, wouuu, wnere- 1119 jfc - , -nave peneiraieti,. jnis'wii la ft m& friumplnl car, t, r. , . . . , . , , . :.iJ , V , tHcharhard,; dry, i ;and io$o ub e wnh grcid parade by F - j, . K ! - - . r, """oc t j r t pound pf the aniunl fibre and thq u ' r.i 1.1 1 ' 'which' the ' virus is wra,ned ' I , - 1 ik: 1? mil'..-.. v ,00 w vx'j , ui 1110 uioow . ; r- I i' . " - fight of Jlu.r,a Vilta Vpf soon n, fa-miltar ' 1 caf separated, frr a o die privet rs'.a's a nice -.old tale".' I . filter ; sloughs away, Their only regret wn, their unfortunate I." mis wcnieu! oTTwuh Prey. ily rxelusion from ihe hunors and laurel 'of rbYSUbequt;nt advdniures and sutferingsj-lho sword. i Henrie. are well-known to our reude'i Alter miny nirrow escape from ihe enc niy, and starvation,; and -after losing his noble marfivlleprpti arrived safely m our cmp, -.and gavehe first atulit;,ifc inicllj Mice of iho capture 'of Ahj r GaihesTand IJjrland's party. " - 4 ' " s Jtfjer ie;esc ipe of Henrie, tha-prison-, vrs were closely guardedrand proceeded on.iheir j nirney 1 to Sin Luwl -Theyiiad not gcjiio far before thy met Gen.' Santa Arma on'hw way. o Augut Nueva; toat i.i eW Gen. Taylor. The General was it! f large "and slui-wv carriage dr.awn . bv six iuus tyappfymg the' caustic, it will often 1 be ! necessary to' enlarge the ; wound, that nrv. 1. Mic m fit- fit Alma . . ' - ..,',1 ; ; 1 i I eefy pan may be Girfy 'got atj'and after ady . and 6lVbvV inVt'v 'J'. fi,sl eshar bas "Wg offil will bo .Lh-utenant BirhM.ranJ '(artlTimei-W,Hi,W,, lUu cauV,C'B seC"nd -.. - . : . Ilium , ti t .1.10 f .ir n ri v n?i rt tHnl.mnu ed by a largii .Mexican torce andrall put to '. On. me first' of Mirch' the nrlsnnprs ar. riyed wiihifnin miles of ijiecity 01 Mex ico, when ihe-Colonel in ctfmnind of ihe guard recejv'ed orders .to retain them at the pUce wht;re he Un-n wasuniil 1 jhc revolu tion) which wasthed raging in tbe cityiad abated. But the rev; Ju.uon continuing longer tbanwds exp cud, "the prisoners,1 were mnrVhed into the city on Ithe iii"ht i d the 5th March, and were lodged in Ihe f 3 lve rVceivtd ihufull influence of the first. operalion', Or tjiamay possibly have been inntou'ia.'ed 'niorjj'r by ir. jTbi carefully and "ihouglymlly done, the patient ir.ay r t .r !.. , ti.a ":m 1. from ,vne. want of exercise and bid ' diet. K .- v 1 j- .1 '1 1. 1 . , ... , , , been en'nely removed, und no danger can their health waN pener.d'v good, nod but I reiUJ;n - " one 'man died of iheir -whdlo rnniK(ir .irte I t'n,J'il ' i . iheyT vvere captured. runiber 01 lhe American vp isoners in the Carcel orfe hundred and -seventy ; Although ihe men yifiercd considerab1y The New York. Mirror, irf describing tlio appearance of I'-Kesidenl. Polk, on tho Alter Vh-v bad been in prison three months', ihe prisoners' were told that theyv liad tern i rrh-inrpd and would be sent to 'l amp.co,. Their ofTieers i." rvcepuoo, says; - v however; were not alh.wed to see them, t1 dressed in a suit of very plain but ihey were told ihey would loin Uiem i I Tt,la Vn,P,e neck Mock; and al- h'wo.HS- - . - ' ) fogetrieii har; the niahnerb and appearance secure prison fortiess of Sin.Jaro. Mere i Un 5th of June they ftiupct them$t'lves-.in Hie society of ia 1 1 ffhed. wuh shoesw ie, the men were sop- J or oumry par..n of the Presbyierian and in ihe- mgbi they I cu"ov. He speaks clearly and distinctly, otUnr -gloomy prwo'u ; tulwl;il a trng: 'twang of jfae cooventi- they the ormcinal " ois!elaf tiSr .n I id lknifinl. Wt rfere match d out .Mexico, and a more rascally, filsht and 8,1(1 hrough the gates oi the city, l'hey I;ke a Mdhndist clergyman i prayinff.'- beautiful ifrulesytfnd escorted by'a battab J villaiopui set wereJoever, before-tcongrelia. wcre ,l)n put-iu.-:. charge of a colonel' and J- f V. ltyFWUi,ra, ? "V peculiar..:-!- He pro-" laon of husstiti inosl spJeu'didly uniformed cd, J, Their i.npertirect and d:sustim b-f- lHtriy Jaticer.s, and' proceeded ontbci -poiincea .New Vork "New Yarck," and and inoWvCd.-' As the .prjaoucrs passed, naior soon' rendered it necessary tha our joyt-oey towards' Tampico. . The country 'l,mi'Jlf rds in a similar manner.. ' '" 1 4 ' ' ' f -'-. 1 1 4 J

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