rV BUSHED WEEKLY Tixas. a .IEITOI i5D rtOPWETOi. Devoted to Politic Literature aad General Iuttifecncc,. ASUEYfLLE, .If. C, ' Afl"ST lt, !Si7, 4 v 1 VOLUME. VII. NO. 51- WHOLE NUMBER 354. , - , . , . 1 crrns S2 per onAwn, pirj'ME.' jy' advance. . prr nnoni in advance; if.lwl eeeiv attention "ft.?rw .' for ihc first in. uiT;";.llke Con M c.cn con-rt-, JJVo, eirc rounlird two, ory I -Ark-JL ibu.r(r.n. or the md. frlK ;,f( Court OHtri prill be lt dollar, riaV.y. d 1 i t J.ior must eo.ne free of pot ntms of a can potU The evidence ha lug closed. ,Mu ros and aid, h wished ihe court tod country to bear in mind, ihat'ihe Duck river pis had been duly repcteJ by the Navy arid ad ins-ted to hfoistdf, aud iinig;ri thcul addressed to themselves, every : fworntng for thuty das; the Hon. member aid in .conclusion ihnt he bid hiimt-ti Jbea sku'i- ubiqueniiy dishonored by the prisvinqr f ned, literally fliyeJahveby ihemf ir mocb'i at uut a V ista and Uerro Gordo. , . I ?s thiu that time.. At trn stage q( (he The Lieut. General deprecated ;inid .'j proceeding, the J idgy Advocate rjuad the lous comparisons between tKee I Wo arm-. -! loilowing. note, which he said had mil been ol our national defence, and hot theilur.Jo in couft would frown hwn avtl nul'jfct cal' "u-,ih LuJJtn h p and Watt, . inJ autui&n tunc comrn?. Our .',n'w 'f4l,n?'; 1 Oar r'-rl- 1,,,,,,'J withcre, wbV "H"y h"iH Cf,uU' r,Mitr . 5 ' I. f.- "i"'1 ri,1 'UJ? W'h- i..brt f irH,' rij'lin; oVr, ' T. m !--'t fw4 tilm1rt ." ' 'fn tiie w.n J' feCftWcJ!,- A-i.I thtfli we lic-r the muHtc l.ir c'nl.lti.xiJ Wnf w Well; A.. l' Uun;lle i U ' air, ; . , 'J-w nwin, like anrU tiicrc! . iWarr ni my Arcn'm of glaJnc . Tht flinariniiii ttu M-t . C. (r...,i I hat tomb of fcrlin . - Owl l).ttijh t!rinni fat-- n... r.... uii lnvrd i d'iarlv: t . ; r-i tin- Iji'v f-w joiie, rstt fur t.j Ivt'k upon. . ' Ti.nr br Wl P'nIT."c"tii'rl 'n ' I Who Mitlll 'd, lF Wisp,'' , 'i'l'-'t.MioiH iiMj... In dviiy . : ' ft 4 oflf.j'iwl Itf'i'. ' 'An.! J.r I k of' p J' wrro fctrcamm 0r ftr..flV h -iwiny bnlft; s t . , h.Hl mil . f wi r-- i I..- . m v . In th'"rninr nii" f tf,,! y'ar--, ' l.tk' tin- rhitjrful glraiiw of Af4 . Tl'. r t.itvr i.n4'tl I'kc h.' away All Vln ir I" ivi Inifx- Iia-. ll O'i unnv -i If Art 1 ni-Mirniuj; ' i Tu4t llu-yara with tluv.Jcd- - , - ;t Ar iliv bnjjWst bul (rummrr - Tli. y ! f.itl-f tbm Hi la-u-Hi j . I M It IH a 1'VIV, tl.iitU S , .t 'lofiilo ivtn mrtliIiWc llimC j , - An'l vi-"t h' tli'vijlit ii MulderMflj ,' ' .j I'n iiumi on micii atliPVr.: .. '. An.! f.-i I tfi il(all Hitf bt-jiililwl ' rt- ainij f4t Wy! ' ' , . - T!t linflair Orn: wiMMU wolovt", .. -:, i L.Ur llui tt rnlri!! of a '. - ; t'.r.iw i1.n.-l I.j rn U I lvl;llfartt, . i ..'Hh ii h nIi on tlu tc flinac! 'j . ' Antl fin w'r lmt l!nivkf lli"' . ... J-iDi. u I mill p title U luu t la,- tpV are Wiving .oVr W. : im t f ll aio llHtiijitii-jV , , l-,.r'l.- iiiiiKv lli.il w;t(.tV -")in h ..' ' Vitlt li.i r.il 1 anl ni.trniy'fUv " Ami- iy l..n.-H Uoautv rui.i4 11 : , ; ; ' Ik t.iiuj nj; Iml tit tti-tl cutated to in ike treadles beteu ttw.-i)i. Thi brought Mircy lo.bi fvt-t;- be ih. cd to knaw .il. Bullion brd any allusion to. birrt by ibMord brt-vchosf , , rThe Lieut, lleneral dwoUi(TH;d any in tention to atttck the bead of War Di. iirtmrni iu'so sensitive it point; ha 'Tu'Ty' "agreed-.. Htib tho bera 'Pt. Lundy V aiW, ltb:.l rearward attack were ,; decidedly u " Sei?nor': AUbouh I: r.ot a menber of vuur honorable bnJv, I mo-t resitctfu!l bg U-avo to i'4g.st io the court, tb it the rio.-t efficient putyshmeril for theprisiners would be to cotiiemu euch ufre ul ibem to rue a boon. ' With biU Fim tit -V. V CwMwrcioi JiMrrir. - , A SM-riou Ctaarso nguiait the lreiieut. The baLituat rCaderi of thijoarnal know tM it iVnouuront "cilher to peak diarwfecifulfy ot ibd miiuVd chief nlais. tfate, or tu W'vcry:pruin?iviw'Hft',uS.V accuvui"w,n3, ofTeciifi hU j1tr.4olia or hisouVuUhaucier,afs finke'irretr ap1 tea ranee ui the coJum'ua v( coteniporarus. Ojrcnorse has aUjVi bei-promp'ed a. like by incUnaiioo and a u "hut e regird u4the duty of a. ctiiZ'Mi-W srek a lv jrable vxu mattn for wfiU ntxi-dd, ta bo cxpl niul , or to keep? stance ukojit-th Spceth.ofU.W.ilUler.Esq. jOehvcred in the great Public Meeting held. pUce defied thet puner ul Mexico, But no, no, the resolution had beri furrhed ih deeree had tone foirlh -utiorL trm field i... r n.ir.c ,i... i 1 l..i . k. . w - in ine tuy oi. 4vair?Sot ouuy m -i of yacna V wta ina American tug wu ta s1847, at which Mijor Genera! Zaciurtt L pamedr apd there it was toaund until TavloS wa noiniu5lt;d hr thu t"-rvictory perched Vpoa itjor ihebkKKl of th . dtocjf of the Uuitcd StaUs- braW had' drenched it. And ' uobly ' A. Chairman The ComraiUcp have Wavejy Was ihu daring resolve perlortnvd! insirucied me to repcrt ast-rksi of Rrso-j Stubborn 'a od deadly war tHarconfl.ct!- ' luttona Tarthe a.dopuon' ol this meciin r-j j For mora than Atxteeo boOra lite buute ra Before reading thetn, iw ever. I be le tvej i ged. Heg'ntrt ot aftr regiment of the eoo to Submit a lew remark. " )e have met J my, chtirged niib a degree of fury; abnoJt io testily our graii.udo and : honor to thatjj aai)iog; and iu successioa were rputjicd reat and brave rnau, Zichiry 'Taj lor; ! f;er " the mo-sl desperate conflicts. At i who ha$ borne aloft so nobIy ihe.il ig of our1 iime, tho (ortuaqa ol the day wereagaioit cWideraiioo"'''i:'cr''A!t rer. Bat; whxn charges of a very ; serious cumry m the war -wbica we are now waius ntfJ the stout e hearts appeared ready , I vihhV" -1 rtature-are itiade ogninst any utneer of thi? i jjntjj with' a foreign' nation, and who has tu prWounco that aH wa losi BjI not ti j " t"."?Li" i- 1 siaie espi'Citti! v 5iloi!i one w im-c- livsi- ni'tii tiiniiuuwiiy iuc ricai troutM.ui uun ( y rr wn 1 inai tiuiii'us uiu i-oiu'iiauoct; - ummed up, Ji it b"is o d.s 1 :. - ? .f , ,. j -... :.. i' c ,- u -.i;.,., ! .n. ' ' 1 .4 .. t) that the'v Cyuld ri'V li'rt'e i imuiicu yj-vvu? J-JJ11aui:loi Ill liiaiii;. uih.ii., j iJiCre-UO vaiui uitu n Mttt-u 1 . r i".u'U. -i r - ! ducf-'-w.Hh the authority of a known name, i toridtf w hich hae been acl.-Uved by our, summer seaV firm arid fnimoveabl ai v The court ;s 1 rae:ed 111 opinio : 1 1 -.,.' -. 1 l I ' :'i R ..... I! -...-...I . ;.t to,arth?t thn-i were .not goin wts a to Ue JuJe Advocate and hnt A loch 1 u c u a rtwuli a very pain- ....llUJ .1.., u. Ml .1 1. 1. I ..ur.ml I Willi t.lllfKl illH.l'. (W 1 1 . t . - I 1 -ll7.,.,iC, -.u,,, 0.iw..r..ri - 1. . .. ri ..iw. j..ji.,i re i nrfiixnlion a-ni rro- 'i.nirwi-lirii. i . -fecoit; not ifuutv of dfsobeo.ience oi dr 'v , -N; . ; i ' ; arms. mBji we. have met rnore parrtieularlyf I if ihe hill around would bo - n'veo, or tod to sacrifice himself into a I'lcmpo ernl II was for peace, an ho.n peii.ct', which meant a lar;- piece, and had Taj lor, whohn ; A ' . 1 : .".L.. st- .1. . . I i. eml: Ho wait for peact- un honorable , ders,J bav.ng been Sent uik 1 t-xprs.y to Utnti 1 d answered. " Ire.idy d.'obejed llie pteliipo sacrifice beet consum- j Duck, rivpr m mdu at Iluenal -Viiita, fof vould have ut;h a piece, and I C-d Scott to k.ck Sjnta Anin down Ctrr;f Uofoo to Keep even winn turn, lor wnicji they-.rts:omneud that Congress -siall pre--"Sent 4iim vvitli a tnasaive! sttvef. ladle, with the representation of ttie naiiouul eagje perched: in the tun, with! abcak full of iruc cafoni. ' t ! J'ivtn,tle llnurm.r I'utnvt. , . Cnnrt . M:irli:il rnortliflarv. Tlu! Mjtam.fis Flag iubitJict tho fol .)viu" ri iori i.M'oe proceedings of a Court . i,,Hj knw his sentiments . . .11 1 . I . 'V ..I.-!. . ;. the warrior mit d, he w n'it'a mro oaieh of.ilie bottotit of- Heril Alarcy rose, again,- and .demandt-d whetir pitch' half any reference to hiniJ B.illioiv e.ljiied; hu; meant 5 n pntoh at tbubottijui.uf' the Grand' : Ho hoped be wvurd ir,ot. be interrupted agin; the war department should restrain itn Jinpelusltv; lheri "waa ml vecusiou for it to burst us breerhva ' . Maicy ugn jumped o:, b-H K ive clauned Uhe lr, - and soaghl to ihtow oil ut)on the waters of discoid- tlo implored the Court not to permit i'elf to.be' riven and rent .o pieces like Mar.-y in extreme ire, demanded an ev--pta nation of the word .'rent' - i ' v ' Great confusion ensued. Bullion , ap pfakd I. the President, who Rafter whis iiermg . with: the iudgit .bdvoc'ate, decided that ilia war department was fundamental tj uutof order. 1 r . fi - I.lrcy ros j with- great wrath and said be )i.i.J been invited thro to condemn tho prisl iners, not to h'vu his breeche.s(contin uiHy t'hrown inhisietrh Hi ,ru at thy brad of lire AVar De'irirtmeot, and a pro- jcr! rtPjvect for that Deprirtmenl, req'itrt-d th it 116 MjotilJ figtU or, retire; hu hoped tti Cotirtwou!d spread upon the um is tb it he reZirei, not retreated., Hereupon he lefj- precipkately, hiving obliqued to tde dofir,' bui ifs he squatted round ,to,-pass out a sniall patch:was visible on the SQat of honor, wh'ch Ritchie said was a crescent, t.;Wr ted no tloubt as a coat ju( arm from hii knceslois having been crusaders, but Vld matter. o facl" 3aiJ U looked like a hnsey hiif doiltr.: ' . y The Court then' resumed business, and. B illion wi'.h a moJest. blush; agiin odvau ced. 1 1 15 begged that ihe qouit would not oousider'tfcny .time consumed by him as, mis spent; in fact his was the sacrifice; he was .-pviiking. for tlie weal of nunlytod, and not us usuil, for his $9 per diem; besides, he us negleciing a treatise on AlgtbVa," pirtieulaily adapted U trie computaiion ot , Indeed, bjth tho court anw the country had a .very madeqna'to idea of his tmpor tunee; tru he did no! consider them very, uiueli to blam, as u.wasrxtremcly-dillicolt to cinprehend.him in nil 1ms1 vast; fnagni tuii. it would sucm til a 1 greatness I, ad of ate becb m j a family .(H etion, and t( not soon relieved, boil) he and his sou in I iv, wou'd have p put the government 10 the.eipense of the Mircy quirterin'gs. In conclusion.'he- would: remark; that'every they had ; long '! Taylor, guilty f eiitrge and guilly oi die speeifica'ion. The offence being one of grave importance, jhey benteince hi.n to bt kept asi 'inrictive as , possible during A - frequent charge against. the present chief. uiigtlra1e is'liiat' of( insineerity ot speaking uud acting id a double "senae..; It s a charge ti which we have sjmelimes -alluded,' though caoftouslyLa'nd will med" Cialton'j when it seyied -to be borne out to inq'ikre ino the propriety of declanrg i wrenched from their base, by the thunder I our preference of lijuHor tlie jiigii ollice ,f .'Ariillery and the shock of ih confhet; j of. President -of - the United ; States the ere Ac would be driven from that field! f!t I highest office witbiiithgifi 6f the itrpub-. went not thert lb be bealen or ti surreo- It rn v be useless before, this en!i Cool and collected, not a nerve un ened fifinibly1L to recounr ayy j.f ihe disf strung, casting .bis-cyeJ with coinposur fc tinguihed noeds by .which he 'his made his lover Mi ii a m'e as. familiar, u.niot, as th-H of V ash ijigtti.n throughout ,tiie ?. w Ule' extent of our country.. i uougii mjow n pt-iore uie coin-t bv f.ct apiarepily wtH ' amben:iCAted. - j un.neciTicnj of this war, as the braved" Ao'intauce-'of ijiv kind may be remeniber- 1 ei eel, and patriotic leddt-r, of, uiily a smalt ed in ceiiutctiou with the' Oregoucoturo- lforc, JH,' 'ince that time, his abiiuynis very, .Mr. S-uator 11 innegan being par- ) gt ti us -as a mliitary captain, his iufivxitlt tv. :Bat oii'nr'.oreerioijsv. more astouit- ' riuHiieiii and itiegritv. Ins "t rleciioc iiiad dtiig.'iiiid "apparently bcitefhuilfeMiCated,. Uit.se vir'ucs which fidorn and t miob'le l-ie the raging storm ni if it were biH the mock fight of a gala day, he sent fortli his orders; xd some Abe firm command, Id some the voice of cheering, to others' the -su-m rebuke, but 10 one and alt the invio-. lat!e lojunctieti, "never to surrender!" The . enemy wereepuUed-tlie American arnn'; slept upon the battle Geld, aod the NjleCn of the West who but a few lays beforewas surrounded by his hostaj I -.. 1 - ....... 1 1 I . . . K l -"' "j r .. : Ll' .' r ' r i . - i I. ' iv .......f .t i. rrt.ft L!-i 1 .u r : f'iii- rvnri i; hi.ti').i.'f.iivw.i... . i tr i . i : i...ii. ....i-i. ... 1 u . ... j .. . i ..j ... ... ..j j. ...r . the b.lanceof the war 1 and -at the end ot f !a "'" '-. r t v 1 i,Us,,tu eouuuew 01 vicuiry, it to relieve the m in J l)uck river from 1 111 lt,e ol!owinn bnt ''r''iioe, brihin,cy which has not only wonnhed j hke his gieat pro'.otypb lit h's.rdtrcat from the cares aiid respond bnities of his prw ; uhu$ wc fnid in the, National lulehigea- our ovtii people, bJl electofitd the lottital j Moscow, found nothing left him but de: sent dan-rous station." By order, . cHr!' . . 4 ;', - ' I inUiU-Ct l Eope, and wrung even from 1 fCat ai disgr.ee, a pattered, disbaodeJ IOTF Jud .e dvocav A ,t "A 'plainym the Army. "I Jon. lul,tbe relucnnt hps ot rojal greatness and j and Marving.armj! J , t i .vlirown ot I litladelphia, lately u-JJress-t grandeur, the,-h-ghevl encomiums ,npop Had rM General Tatlor resolved uport 1 ed the following, letter. to Rev. W, L. Mc- I htmseJf, and tbe mi fliUefing Commcuda' t mikinc ai 'tand Where lio did. 'what would j vaiiafioroiiierti uoii. j, .0. n.vaua, iau- , uns uj)jj tiie uimiary proutss ut our roun- 'luve been Ihe inCv,tab'e coiisequcncesf j of Ir Xijigioh,' Ky., itna now of -Washing- try. . - I ! The wlLie valley . of4 the. Rio. .Grande t'rt. - ' '.' j We -rill know, sir, thai. oQr. people have j would hake fallen into the hands of Santa ' V. TTIie Vauipire'IIat. (Jirdiner. in his travels ui the interior of Brazil. liAys: The bats were -scarcely less itermcnuiig to animals .of all kinds than the Carrap'ato.- -..For 'several' nights before we reached . this place, the hor&cs were greatly onrioyed Jby . b its which, wre. very numerous-on tliis iSerra;. where they uihabVl. the caves in the limetoue rocks;' durjui the nijht we rem'iiuedat Rtachro, ci .... - .. . . .the whole of my troops sutfered mie from; thf ir attacks th m they hid done before on any previousoccasion. AIL exhibited one or more streams, of clotted blood on f their shoulders and hicks, which had run ' from the wounds made by these animals', - and from, which they had sucked their fill of f'DEAfi Sir; I earnestly but' respectfully request you to-aiiswer truly t candidly , and fully, .the. following queMioiia: ". ' ' . -1 stl : Were you not; ieeemly an opph- cant for tlie Hiruatioii vd .chaplain, in the A 'iiienVah army now- in Jexleo5?,, "2 I. Had you iif a'.personil interview with his; Kxcelleticj , 'James. K Polk 01V that siibjctin . " ' , ' 1 '","81. Did "ihaTPresidvMit tell you' riiai when, he appoimed ; iyo Catholic priests; chaplains he knew he had pe right to make any . such appointment,--as ttiere was no blood;-wheo a smalt ,sore : exists on thef1 sueh-oiriee vithin his gift; but that hti hid Marti.il assembled t iry Generals Ta lor ' ut,e, before" the country, they were smi- .anlS.-M. N olTionl. aeeouut h isi et j py cmdeinn every body generally, but paired tn the '.' Union.V and there; is n j mmselt an sonun-law," and. to violently ivnknce thai ihe seiiteiiee of ihe Court has - ajVocale both hcW gentlemen. " ' Unapproved. - Und.T llie eifeumtanjes, 1 'n,0 venerable father, Ritchie next nd .ia shall et j'ect lhe olH'al journal to deny dresstxl the'couf,t"in the foltowin-g laconic iv cnrrccineM" nt the repoittiuu even 10 t speeri: '0'iJ verrons back of a horse, they- always prefer-ma kingaA incision in that place.. The own. c'r. of the house where we- stopped, inform ed me that he was not able .Io rear cattle here, on iiccount of1 the destruction mid'e bv jhe bits, among the calves, so that he was obliged to keep them at a coasidera. .ble.dtstanefe'in a lower paiTof tha,.country; ev.en the'pigs did -notvCscape.-vthetr-nttacks.' Tne. singular creatures which' aw produc tive.V.f,so mtfch annoyace,constiiAiied the gemus Fhylixioma; fco named from lbs leaf -like appiM.dage auached to ihei-uppr lip; t hoy are pe'culiar-to the comment .'of A; merica -beings distributed over: the im mense extent pfierrilory bfiween Parog uay and th Isihtnus of DarieJ. t- Their tongue, wmch is -capable-- of , consrJerabie appointed them xhiphins ' nominally, . that l(icy nvgld become iirics" 1 To uite .questions' Mr. M(eClh return-, ed the following , laconic'' answers lit the conclusion of a long letter, reflecting se been ofieii charged by foreign-w Tilers, wi:;i J,nna vanity ' and bo'stluJucss uicessantU iui. I upon tbe "meri and.fjrLKVples f our o,;! Gove luneut,' ; But j however lh;s may bci uhgre never yet has risen in our couurya truly gieat iimii- ajinan ol real worm ankl geiiius ho "has nul.bceti able , co.mn e u surate with the increase of his' jaiV. to cominmud . respect even frm he bitterest foes of our : f 1 ee iostiiulions.' vW.hu now evKti amongst such advocates of imnfaiehy as those wno .once proanooctd him a rebel a trd a ( ra 1 to r fo r J lis tfo Is in' 1 i 1 a 1 g ran t straggle .wnich resulted in ihe establish mciiuof our ISatronal Independence, dare assert, tlwil WasIti.wxon deserved not eve ry Utile, of,. thu praise -t'vury cxprssiob of the veneraiiou, bestowed on him hv-h"i Every, rnibtary station- between: istiulness wiiii indulging Gulf itui Monterey would have been ofiyj biiJ f-.isonie eulogieE , captured and the MextCHn Army which was then on. the eye of slaivation would have bee'if fattened on the prot isiQns of - .ours. The depressed "and broken spirit of the w h o ie i Mjex ica n 1 n io n . w o u 1 d h : ve boe it revived and resuitated! Sir, if any thing had beetle required Io confirm the fame which Gen. Taj lor hid already acquired; this !, victory was amply, sufficient. No wonder some of the Engl ish Journals, on receiving. the news of it, declared, , That nothing to do: with the pa fwcufar; point un 'der consideiatiori, for which reason it is ! My answer : to your first: -jestion is, ierfly on ihe 'Catholic cbmeh,wh:ch ;hasi countrymen? r'Wfpi now-throughout the civiineu world, ; presumes to xiec I a re ; , tout tub much respect s entertained for the m.jmor,y of the illustrious Fkanklin? ' Ap, sir, Ihe.fnne loo oil thu great living Or- xr,as vo-the second, l,hdd to the third, .tor- and iSritcsman f'thc west, is1 n)t cod kc did, " ; , ' ' !' I fined within the limi: of-our" Union, bat ' Respcctful'y,, yours, " 'the inhabitants of fvery 'ch:n'e v.herj. paj. . 1 . W. L- .McCALLA.1-', friousm, 'eloquence ai.d'l.fxrivfre admired. a mr ivev. ivir. ;iiei6iim . nearbs a name But unknown to the citizens generally, or considering" his means General Tuylor had 1 accomplished as much as Bonaparte or Wil'irglbn." But, sir, there is another light ' irf which we shouikJ not fail to view the character-of lfiis d:stitguishi:d man. His simple dignity of manners, his -.junatfecicd rnodJ&wy bis rea dyv-:'.sub.nssiveness ; to abthoriiyhi open ' candor' his warm patriotism his unceasing kindhts end attention - to his n ddiers and all why come ander liis aulhoV it v t 'tesel -sh.ne as a bright halo of Virtues around his victories', and addto their splen dor." Bat there is another characteristic dow heard ; for the. first lime. His posiuon .tgsocitiv comm. iiids beite ui whit ue ihs extension, is furnished ai its extremity with tincily and Cthberatery alb ues'. '" B.jt on" I iciion lhchuthentiiritv 1 the whoJepro cvt Juigs. B it no one vvill bo misled, by ttie contradiction, or indiiced.ro put less-coriliJe.tK-e in the rep irt 'than they oilier iv would. The probability that such a' Viin vhouki Inve taken jdile, .imy with out rent violence, be presumed 'from :w lul b Lt'n to have ooeurie j.c . H the report In; um tu-, it is something hXe Macbelh's wj'cni'svn Mies like truth.. ; rtivn uini.s of a eoL'KT MAntr.iL, , t?aussjgj rephed: lie though; no 'good democrat would mikOj ,use 'of "furrm words. It smicked f aristocracy, but he hoped from the proverbial cbtirieiy of the vene-rable martyr, that ,"no'us rerrons" had ho allusion lo his innocent indulgence in sau ages-. ' It was ; true they were' Jhere to treai'.ol' war and con de'mn two old.wa.r 'riliN . bin he most enufess that, amidst r r , V l'nvmber'of papil'ie; which -appear to b '.so arranged as ; 10 iorm an orgari 01 suc tion; end their hps . have'also tubercles symmetrically arrangod -these are tSe or ,y.ms by'vvbieh they' draw -th'life (blood boih .from man and beast.: These animals are tho famous Vampires, of which various travellers have given such redoubtable ac count, and vvhteh are known to havff near ly desirujed ihe-'first establishnient of Eu ropeans in the New . Vyld. The molar teolh ofihe -true vampire, or. sceptre bat, are of the most carnivorous cbaratter-rr the first being short and almost 'plain, the other sharp and cutting, and - terminating in three or four , points, - Thei?- rqugh the oiher'hand hts 'charge -ngfimst'iJie Prcs id("nt is sp extraopdinary tl.at it seems most incredible.:; .'What possible motive ihe President could, have to' niakc uch a confession, e ven supposing tfi'e act or pur pose cohfessed to be realu-is ulmosl im possible to coiKiivei To do' the act 'was bad( enough: to procbiiili it appears to'be tho very height of madness,, or at least, of. a folly which "wohld almost qualify ihe per petralor for a lunatic uijlum, "' There surely must be an enormous mistake some-' wherein the rclaiiori. . rAnd wet tnsLst that ;..... ".- . '-. Mr. :. : . fraVe learned to repeal with fVeligSfo1. ven- -strong! ei Uijdi the :mm iri.if name oCIIi'nkv ClaV i allu fi which not one can contemplate without the strong! 51- emotion of afleet1onand pride. !e to- hi-. unexampled mercifulness, - r . ' -. . " -i - : . :' . : 1 j 1 r n " no olh.iai . reserve or etKpielte .:ci be j co'i;inandor, the whole il' Europe gjized pleaded "as a reason for not promptly cle;ir, ; in wonder and ato-nshm',:u! . iSo grosu ing that mistake away. No man, wjth ' and bnlliant ir.decd ;was this virtory eon-' uh an.' accusation hovering over ' hm, is 4 sfdered, ihnt one of the most illustrious of tongue has been supposed lo be intru- 0 . 4 -..-; nuxit imi. i'inf l.ir i lr ifinit llin LLin c i nc ! Ill In li,.M thn i.ncili.nl nl .t. I' mi .u.lr ii., I,... e.., ( . J ..I, . I lo enable them more -r-eaddy. .t.o nbsiract of this- greal nation . . fZacliary .Taylor: Ho is a rreut a ve ky Uaf-si iv.-.-cTit tk. 1,1 ...rl k..t .ml ,' ,...! " ' : ! i ' ! . 7l 1 f I" ' ' mi. u.,...., .mi t.fU...p.-.,3 mi. "r1" c , , . , fguu ytncrui.'t 1 ruer sir, 10 me 1 xpi es- t-ood unlj a;,d '.oak sncri- -supp-MNUiini w-wnoiiyv'. prmiuuiess. ,,i,or, ."I slon' Or iVlarstiai aoiiu; one ot Hie lait re- rain bt f I omii r.iuiui, i i iiiina-ufiiijiiatiji tMs, " - "-41 ftiainiBg o( inose " tnuilder ooiis ol war ! nairi.it -t.l the wounds thus iii'cde on horses,' mules, .. ...'. ... " '. ..- -...-...-- . '. .--......:.-.. - -. swunf, eniuJers and pompoons, jus gen j - ,nj -ajt omrr animals;.obervaforis tie t'hrtiig'us still turneo on s-iusages; u was jYh.u h'ive been confirmed bv inform niort Convened at Mango Giavo-; lor live trial his passion and Jus weakness; ;iie rejoiceu l rt,ceIVttj from thp itjhabiiams of the north . f G i d Si'nti and Taylor, u;n the j jt, t Democracy ,'bul he gloried in sausages. 'ra )arjb o(- jraz-fj am ied" ta.beJleve iliai ilnrges prUerred by Gen". Sapta Anna: If the two "refractory old bantams were, to t lhe jlUnciurc wmi:,lhe vampire- mikes in Tke Ciiurt w is -organized, wiihA'noT.uc punistred,. he would propose Jhat the sto):x he-'k'iu '-if ohunhl-'is.:: ttlectedv' bv the fll Juiliro -Advocate, wiih the . following lTuii.bers: LtciU. vlen.1 Bmlon. Warmer Marcv,Kvo J.dinon, 1 Adiniral Maon,; Uirtjr Ritelne, S uissage is iwyer, Minis ttrtaf Wilaing Siuunou and Sucker Eick l.n "' . : .-CiTff rDisoVdienee if Orders.'-- V". V4 at tho .instance and upon ihe invita t.onut their superior officer, to wit: the conirrartdanf .of all. Dd-Jk river and its de-P"fOi...-ies, at an immense sacrifice of tocks.gktTa, and slashes; ibm lone'd a fa tonte bet valued by all cock iockfes? at one thousand Joubl ons, upon thV fo'low ln;afeguarj, which. they, 'thj said Seotli ' ? V a"jri disregarded, to lhe maniTest "jjifj of all the Chevaliers d'lndustoe ol, Lar)i and scandal to ttieir superior of tJJck river anl its dependencies, aforesaid. i11 the Jodge Advocate read lhe P-ssr "To allijaek Tars greeting:' If the ,Jforn, relugte' hero of San Jacint pTiCS Vanr br l"i o.. him n iw as Presi lent, a'ud Seignora i,f none j sige ratiim of'Tavlor be stopped fur'thiriy j days; and Scott stopped d"ru.n Writing pro clamation-i. ' - - j i'lCky Jl'-ick'in said he had great respect for llw: gentleman who had just addressed llve'vb'iiit he was a top, Stwycr, ae, a tip'aop fciwter,andif titles were not ami Democratic," he vvould like to see hi'rn ere- 5H-c:AaWfi-TSwi, whereas, the afore- ate,d . Duke ol Bologna; yet he must ad id Sanoi Anna d-d leave the' Mand'of t iiiouish his f'ieud thirhts degrees of pun- ishjiient did not meet-tho cases and crimes of the. two prisoners for, , while T-vfor, the-fifst transgressor, cared' but lirtle for fsiuWes, todry up Sotts inK hora wa-s u.kran ilinn fi vinf live eels., tie sharp hooked nail of its .thumb, and lhav from the wound thus made it abstracts the b!ood by the snetoryi I powers of jts hps and tongue. : That these bi,is . attack ma n as well as-animals., is certain for 1 Jiave frequently- been show ri the scars of '.their1 punctures in ihe" toes of miny w.ho' hav;e satTered from the,ir aUacVs.-r-but ,1 never mef wiih a recent case. .They grow to a largo szt and I , have 'killed som,e that measured two feel between lhe tip$of the wings. . Varasols in i.'ie Draictng.Room. would introduction of g is lights inio boloo w i in many other disimguisjc i iiiintf. nnJ thu-Vi'.y lo 'a vanquished an,d fallen foe. which adorn ihe ailuak of our cou,iifj ; j To sie llie stern Warrion who hacl. in .And ahlmugh alHr ihe newts of ihe sig- job.-dube to ihe call of his country, (need nal htl.-sot't'i.: 8 hand J.h of May -ipreotJ j u nlr aU .uly oje and iron nerve the 'serri. uiroiiivour coontrj , a;;j eitcue.i .tne - t,.d rankstn truck array, 1 of her enemies, tlm--iaslie plaud.ts o our Jwo peoo'e, m-i- I when tint f n"my h id suf rendered or fallen, nyiri tho luhiibitdtdVof '.he old Woild may T raNiiiii a'dn thi liahilimtnt nf War nJ hiiyo, affected -i look- ,wi;h ontempt upn keeping vigil 'over their dying, binding up Jhe vvouii-. of tlicir helpless, and., paying -..ii; j.iji nviiui u f;-t:iici oua soioier iif iheir dead; the h"'st'o(y of the World may: be seaichiii in vain t.T lurnish aty tbirjg thai surpasses; it- in Jrtoral. sublimit ! Si,' A !ex. amler w as Cftlel; Charles ihe.XIl was ob- Ktltlaie an 1 re'vi?nr ftll- Tl innnartil' InrJi iwid vindiitivec. Hat tl.ey but possessed . i ! j- rnrtra-f viiiuef nf Zi :h.iry Taylor, how mucji fnore bright- would be the pgfs of history, which record their deeds! They wnl live i thHt . history only as conquerors is tame will: g dowti to the ' nut only as a great and transcendent milimfy chief- msij inu: vitiuous. ana agisirato of a -great an4 Jite ii'itiotij ' - . ;. r And 5 hy shoufd he not be nominated for lial tifgfi elu.'ef W fiat reasons anL urged Hgjm:--. i There are those who' these ach ie verneiits j when .compa red w it f; many of the boasted x victories of aMurl tiorough a Eiederlck a W-pllmgl-jti or Napoleon. YQt w.heii the heights of . Mon terey had been storm d a'li'l can ied her the almost ifnpn'gnablt battlements- of ihat strong hold of Mexican power,: hud jield- td"io the.bravery ai.d skill of the American i-ouMiv , iv-oiisiu. j. ne .uuicuuve ocn tt, j, wmc,h ap,Won was ciiabb d lo strike liftel, in miking the.snnounceo.ent sa ,ierrofiiao the Monarchies of Jrl.n-, and .Ttiu Norweg-nn seuleme.ms r the W-tfjC4tel vrvdiul Fnn.ce .a blz- ufj inihtar are already numerous and growing fjpid-' !orv wulc!, fur a ,j,e zzUd lhe- whole ly.- There are novv in-U isCoKsin, Bhnois crvird world' F-rrn r,w-, iK.isn IT I - I - ll " " aim iuvvi- itreuiy sucn seuiemeji;s4, ana siflctn of th' in with termor)-. - They ; embrace a fleet " to doubt his fucn Mnite.n.'i,:s . ana ..ne,,, tich .he vivtui .es of Gem Tu vlor j aW's of a high civil office. ' fl.pv have a brace oonulai h, I . mv f f c H'T1. raUoa for W.miliiary . 1 . . -3 v s-uiiiiiu in in . oioooy UvUjies rw-riius Ijiil r irom u.een twenty thousand; lrgil,V,j lUe V ltmilC6? Wai mt.si ),ave been 'Toev arc rcdv to admit lt"r ',UVh i i AteS- H' tiihmeot of all I i'U .Un ignoble, and his famcfoldsia abidtngciPiens.; I he principal settlement Kur. pc, when the , news of it last treat Tins wb the enr rf " J".lwas js-ori the K.lskonong prairie, where there achieve nicol if Ta.,r burst upon tfiemf- Stilt he fcao, studied 'politics "read rruit., are nearly a thousand Norwegian families. ,.d' uU can e,ti mate th i, - Vri .no - if V i fc-u,J' po.uics.Teaa quite 3 . . - aiu wiKjcm tiMmate tne im,riance of . enough oi ,ewyppvr slang,, had the honor The Trench Government has ' ordered I ;WIP;Jl ior .wio does,-not" admin- of being a me mbt-r of Congress, rubU-dhi. baeki against thrj walls of the White 1 loosed al Washington, committed the Constitutions' of ll the States to riiemnrv I .jead all le:dcn!&tMessages through, from j the first ip Mr. Polk's last! And there is that scientific me,, irxal .he departrwr is 1 "nd ? T fl'fiy"! Uu"' khilf eximine nucrosciVc.llv, ev-rv foit-1 f1 'he d.sVvantagcs under which our night, the growing potau.es; ',n the seyeul j f'-' l'r.d, t .e greaj d.spaniy ol nuin d.str.efs, wnh a view todover if the I bf'r ; 7 b,1 ,Uu?h 8nd a"i plant be gnin tainted,' and the- cause H JLJ P. ...... r - t ' l .l . I .-:, :.. - ; .h,t .hPv hoth be Aenien. &esin 1 i,r,s a?n a V t-, J t . hv iTip ladirs. who. umler nrnlit ' in -ed to read his- la; speech every morning before breakfast, for ihtrt) 'l k . , 7 days on.Xio consider hi.n a gonilema.i for, fuch br,Rhl' u"'5i ' . , tnrAt.r'iniinoi-ftii the same length I time. , Ambssadr Shannon differed with both ih.r gentlemen.. CU was not the province of tfv court to pass sentence of death'or sen inreof imiMissibiii'y.1- It 'would be death io &ioo Scott ink, and- an imposMbinty . 1 At- Firklin a gentleman tfven tor a IIP t.llJvv. l . I e'"" v ... iiu vvuv. ii i a . .;.-- . .. ; r ... T., ,:.,.....,.., ..,-. ., ,. ... , Thei sucitl a cair.ttv again arise. - ... ' ifr "u , " UI'JU4,V Pvid ul. nearly a4t the 'e e.rahst too, which he hasn't read private boo-j " - . t n,s ars, most ol tlioe l.-.'t him were"'; ihiough i.iore than; once or'twice and at" dvantage ol I he 'London' Peace Socieiy hive fi3 i un Jiscipunea, inexperienced ' volunteers, j to Munu squif-n'i epiri: of Law-,' Locke against dressed a communication to Pfosideni I.!, ; Wf,J p-'inaps nad neyr wnsscd lhe ter- ;-on Govt rnnienwd 'Grotius"and Pof ' ularrf and dazzhnw uncomfortabhness and another "to barua Anna, entreating 1 rorr-or ,nard ti:e thunders ot the batfe hts, delibeKitelv spread i jnem- io oring in iumeiuie cose t.e i ," MJ- v" -imw wi.n rw-ymy wijajsanu mtP'ninga game -.with hiui. and singla'mo'meiU, far. less Mr thirty 1 ivs. iptgrMo Knox' P of R id Duck. ' . 0 of which the prisoners plead, I The' mojt cruel punishmeni ha cocild thiik AfVfMl ihev wer.oananuers h,hh) paraso! m an evening soiree, and (incident jfl advanthgej) converse under' and' behind" . the sime, very agreeably. A pink para. sol; judiciously -held between a lady's face and a gas-burner, throws a tender roseate hue over the complexion ', and "can be dexterously 'maiucavred, of course," to curtail au.annoymg perspective, or furnish glances in cfficiive monopoly to ihe privi leged. TW A rts do not seem ; to have faNen behind the Scinrs in the "'march of u.1 ""u -.cihit thrv aWen benma tne ocinces in t could stand it. and hrj,) was hat. tit) J should read Scignor Kejon.s .cesnatencs ; ...... p resen t w a r. .r A to the Prime M j n iste v of England,' the Kirg of Franci the Em peror of Russia, so)iciung their fnendiy influence for the same result., : : . Mrs. Hannah Moore rssys,: 4a snund economy istivsoond linderstTndip"- brought into action;, tt is calculaiion realized; it i-i lhe doctrine of proportion reduced tb.p raci" lice; it is foresee rt - consequence ,: '- a od guarding sgaiinSt them; it is expecting con. I iingencics; and being prepared for them."! wt 11 'disciplined sofdit rs, hurjgrv for rilun def, eiger lor revenge4w'as, marching rap. i.ilv .o u track hon. A breaihleis almtsi f-ndorf vhy, w fi n docs he know about them? urh 'fie.rfamicr objections com ofily fronihnse who think oo' one is suit, ed tor the Presidency; unless he ha$ first so.locatmg Vnxiety pervadea our whole nre anv so stunk as.to sunnAu !,. .coumry.- Many and deep; were te ex- j rnind as ihat ol Gen. Taybr.'has been io pressions of apprehension, and even de- j relive, b-Vn sleeping for the ik.-I V"" y Ul?1 V na not studied. years; and profiipndiy, the principles of that Go- spair, . wincn burst lrreist:ulv Irom the 'whole people, hst lb-it galLanl JiJle iirrrjv snoo.d be overwheime.j and fles.f royed, lor J vernireni;fnr which he has is often neriled disgraced it reu'd never bn the hand. U hUt his 'all? - Think they that U Laa i titonotis old commander: . I cev muld i knr.n inxisn;,! J , ":v .. , . . .. ... V . .."v. to passing events.' have fallen back upon Monterey and at that Look hi his defcrtrJi- wKi,K t,.-.-

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