i WW V .rm 1)1 I Ft " ..J th Meter. i . SSSKlT wS be l-rtcJ .10., D, - k . Jf lcn ,ne M ,cw fjr 1 b 1 tiiTw nrv.ma Cr.iT 'or t ca. .TZ Oitr ane equare e-Aialcd is t,j,tif " j fc rke4 eUe mrirM cr t':a i, XJmeal Continaed' I I f ' . a- J 2?rs erto" Court, UH-jts ,;i U t,.irJ r-i invariably. 1m th'? fr" ",cinj the aims cf a eaa-e V ".tefcr '-' ' invariably in 4raica. . elltl fc t!. 1-J.tur ni'Jit Cv-ti fr" cf r-cU .,er Jjr wU rocei tielion. Antrim tu roti." ,; 0! let t'i Mb! it I Jintrr trfilc, . AfuM iu moms d ' a Ake, - - -T bw ooo k : Ijfe. with IU j1fie, glides wtj,. ; . i A4 tk vtrrn fouUtrpa of dcaj --' I' flaret like th fiinj wind, PUwi bj, 4d Ictret t nhl behind Bui jrKfit Utt; ' - : !a ttitl our rr,,M"nt 1 fpinM - ' Km . wlmt htt fiSt. ' , Ani while e eye !hi rot..r. title, . pwa wbieh your fijrio; niaateiid . lyt o the f reenl hour emptoy' ., - ,. AndNdct (n eoh dream of Jaiure joy Already Let no f iit hop deceivt t!i mind No huppier lt lp t find ; ' ' ' Tu-mor row lhi ttudyw : . t ' ; Our fwldcrt drevraa nf yore were HM, ? l ,k Uicm th present iUU delijUt - : Lke thrm due 'Ovr Iitm kaitrnt; iremmi maal b Tiit inta ou nu)fi e , 4 1 Are doomed t Ull; - Tiia 8 of Death. whoe.WKTe rail on, ' O'er kmj and fcttigtlm, erwwo n4 tltroae, And pwalrow '(. "Al.ke tlie ri'e lurBIy tMf, . Alike the bumble m'fcU (tide To thet d wrS ! t i". Dk-elh leU rfry ftnd fd.' ' ; ' And riehhd fxwf hjep side bjr id,v " Witliin the j rare. - " "OurV.rth w'but etrtinj pUee, ' lU I tlie runuinj of Ute rct . . And detU the gtalj r . There ll our tcpe l lest ere brought T11 Mith of all untountjT" lafoUtiUofalt.- rre the dampi of e&ilVcati blht, , Tli chrck'a pure glow f red kod white .:'!." ILta passed Vay; ' - .: -j. ; Yeudi amiled.arid ell waebcar'nly fir? ." t Ageraiwe, A laid htefinjr there, ,.. . And wher Are they? ', 1tcre ere the atrrnifth that nVckd decay. i The etep thai roM eo lijhl ahd . TUe huart'e hlilhe Une? ; r The !n'th la Kwne.ilie atcp taalow, ; Anu'Joy fro we wearincsa. and woo;,, , Wucn ajiTcoraci on. Se'y, then, Imw foor and little wofth" -Are IKojc jlittcrm lojra of earlll -. Tltal lure u here; ; .' Treami of a ihp that death inuat break,.' ' '.' Alanhcf'ro it bide ue wake, ? ' V ' STe dcppear. , Vgnt t $Iar SpfmgU4 Hammer,' ' A Tragic lucldeut of the Doln , feardmcul of Vera rtt. ' " I.'-. hV rTI KAMROD, V. . A ' .' ' "I Just B9 1 was sighting noex)l the gut) f tnv LiitTery oatho -first Uiy of air-ick; 1 hrard nijr tiario called. uy une at my eide,' nJ looking tp '1 aw Gr a young widshipmnn,? wh6w nctmty aoI -ofTictrV like cunJuct I h i4 nt1A6't a", the tiipe of our Undioj, w1n ho had charges if a Cot ter hich aided ln putting jmn 'hute. . He sovnvd vry much excited; hi d trk yjtt were Hjhng with tMtiution'; his fac ' a deadly pale, and-yet' there was -some ftinjin hi look as hu( stood , lWly Pi" tKe parapet of my batierV, i ha t tofj Vho.lt ,not fear that pM hi check. Though thot and sftvll came brUVlmg ihmuH th rkfloeJ uir, he niood urun6yed like sea. prf tuwer amivl the' storm, gMrin; city- . WKat io yinu vcanl , G , J I when i Heard hs Voice, aiui'ai th sme time feppin-cler of ihe recoil of my gun k htle (lie artilleryman advanced with bis fnatch to fire it, ' v ' 'For (leaven sake don't fire yet! ahotfU .4 he, at he apran Irtim the. ' ;aropet 'tront and glanct-d ilong ihe iight , of ,tho : then stizihg crow, and -withMhe ftngth at 'a Hercules heved tlio breach t the gun li one aide, o that. the shot that . I aimtal wi;h care' at ' on of tho largest finest, looking buildmgi in thd 'ciiyi Jr ahich waved the national flag of xk:o, would fly wide of its mark. 'What mean vou by lhi .Strang cob f',mJV said 1 sternly, not liking ibis tfilerfcrence wiih my orders.' . : 'Wait one instant tili I have fired, and $ ill explai tuid he, meanwhile sighting J pn. The net moment lio snatched rjaich frum the man who.sto'd near .ind fired. Springing wfm the para. . pHosratch the effect of his hottl w d"irribunt aiid reedtfr Aieles a gun on toemy wain which, had annojvd us try much all iho morning. t . V l laiiled when he saw my look of gr. " ?1"100 l ln'A unexpectedly successful ho'; n4 ihen more; calmly than, hd ha.d nWore.remarkeo: . t ..ueuoant, forgire ro . l'o jour ilutj; but Yin ,!. "?lhich Ihad ci Uei:nni r..-: JU- f ntrf.nnt vour run vas aimed come hither 10 0- BMrS VOii . -mr .. 1 it. t..A u "pare. iou see p-iiv p ' ! replied, not knowing which th- dft of his remarks. , Vl0iVh8 fcTtj of Ilearen f?a.rt that Lear nt if "every othar i blown C:p, but do not destroy that ont can i ft i re- J 1 1 my rc?i rj f.)r '..rti t; tra f Hear iu: My Istrtj' .v- Auai : CorrJ t d1. r U is thfcre; anj chv GjJ! tj rr re-jst-;;ra t -t I.j it.o - t-jcy I ti. :3t: f---l kr.w. llist sh, my lave, r.sy very U'c li .ztz proicctci cr.ly by "Walls uLicVr-.ntb ut every tV.ui! - t , 'I vvill, an J aim elsenni.ere,1 exchlra. eJv fuf if.Ltd 1 Kit frlhe fjcf f.!!.nr.' - Thar:V you dar Ham rod said he,l nave t cn lo il Uaiffirtca but tlia fnar tar on the extreme left, and at tho riA-k of being latrjhed at, tave bcged all ta spare thit htfic; all favj prorr.J me to doo," and if, when we storm l-rvt pbec, 1 can bar first over the walls and reach jhe doors before a'itherst' I yet may save her frorn thrs fearful perils which now environ hes!1 'I hope you may said I, shuddering as I thought uf tSe ftaffa excesses winch must inevitatty otiUT If we tlormed the town; the excesses which the madness, of victorrand tlie desrre toa'vene fallen1 com rgd's ever leads even well tJiacip'.ined vol. die,ry tocoCTiii. . Again ,he tvafmly Vf.aed me odturn. ed to go to the battery he had not ) et vis, ted. 1 passed along the line? of guns and directed my men only to aim at the ene my's gurtsand especially to spare the house which G. had pointed out; but what .were my feelings, when, in 4 he ac of pointing it out to ojne of tny gonners, I aaw in lis place nothing but a cloud of smoke i and dust 1 knew at once ' that a bomb had struck "it, and ' from the look of things foared the worst formv Young n val friend; especially- when, as the dut and smoke ettiedr l aw the D ig gone, a large partof the "wall fallen, and the palace a perfect wreck. - The bomb had been fir id by the ' mortar battery ' jvhich-W iaiUfd to reoch in tlms to prevent it.. 1 continued on In my duty, and a hot time, indeed, we had of U. It wastalmost painful! io sea tWmoked and sweaty fa. ces of onr worn out men, as they toiled on in the Wrk of destruction; it va!s sicken, i-ng to ape here and there a ghastly mass of flesh ajrvd crushed 'bones; 'which by some' huge shut, had been thus transforms ed from life and beamy; but. soldiers must sicken at nothing in times like these.' I saw' nojimore ot my young. friend G ; yet tJu1 ng this time, I had thought of him aod-hfs deep anxiety, and inwardly pray ed,0 that ,for his sake, as 'wefi as forjhe ca.use of humanity she was apared. Oh, it, was a harrowing thought, as we fifed those showers of shell and shot amongst J themk that the innocent, feeble and helpless vqti. fveh in more "danger thtn the gtri. son soldiers who stood behind their embra. sure; nod oftcu ! fancied my very elfls blood curdled with the fancy, that ( could hear the'hrteka o wounded and djing wo men, that the pitiful cries of poor children were borne dawn n the bret-ze I could almost see I hern crushed', mangled, dying, dead! 1 Ob Gd save me, from ever wit. ! nwsingthe bmbardrVlent of an .inhabited ciiyi at l(at, if so, let. there bf none. but men within its walls. . ' ' When, tho' city had capitulated, I enter pkl with 'the rest, who, we re sent to take fojrmir.poseession, and fond the street which led towards the ruay facing the ;aV ile, where we were dirocted to. march, led directTy pnst the palace which G had pointed out as that of Don Ignatio de Co rulfa ) As L looked tpoi :the blickened walls,!. 'I tvtt ,t k'trtmg anxiety to enter ii and try' and find out 'the fatej t,f G -;V betrothed, and obtained leave for a few minutes 'frorn my J captain. ' 1 hastily en- lered through the ruined arch-way which ' opened into the court yard, 'Vvhich always, cenfres a Spanish built palate, and siw at a '-.nce that -G- hadf been before me in his! yisjt. The: basin of a largt; four.. tain was in the midt. but General Scott had cut off the aqueducts' which had supfj priea tne cny loumain, iuu una i . -' r I .1.:. ... I By-its verge, however, on a ocoaa siao ?i marble', sat G f, and ah in hU arms, 1 padded for an Instant; is t saw him and ih beautiful forrH which he held, for l thought it indelicate to advance at that mrimcnfy but 'I could not retreat, and there seeined something jso strange tu 'his action that I could not well tear tny self away. ? fie held her .stillj-and motionless in his arms, he- Ipng black 'hair fell in dhheyelt: ed masses down irpon the cold marble, and over a partly bare and loved shoulder; and though it seemed he was .linking at him. for I. could see her large wacu eyes wen? open,1 still he spoke not, but with a fixed and strong gaze looked down upon her. ' ! slowly advanced, he could have heard my footsteps, but I he raised ,no hisi head , he did hot seem tojlake care whether friend or foe approached. bent over him ana her. I looked down u-wn . her beautiful faceU was as , pale as the mwble on wKfch she rested 1 gaxed in ihoste black eteV; ihey were akes of beauty frozen over With the be of death-open but ot lustrous. I looked down upou her awcl.ing bosom, uncovered by the disarrange ment c4 her drew, and a fchastly round black and horrio!e Vbugnness, showed ip she i 'i a rWA of the; iron shen nc 1 nWA of the. iron iiau w.eu. ctuVcft rent In fctr. hsom -Mch herJoulhad f- dlo a, -kinder orrt !.ap this one. J-.iji: eu I looked upo'a It and reccgnUed the l;JGJ-. O God! whati arght txitaiatars) 13 I'-IvvLUcniterc Wi J 'ti Lim.'ul, loit. ;j r.i LtL-vrJ jxi pone-, jjOJjtJ fvjrcvcr, aodi in rr:!i a'; ' ' ' I hi I r-y t.anj '-n G-i-V thouUcf, f t-J ';'.3toh;m: t' -n'f.jr the first, time 1 I up, e r.i I .w ihalja him there ! cf.?.p , ; cj . as great as her. I 5: c dV,tit h'.s eyes fixed and strong in t' - -i maciJC cf tre. his lijs i!o-J- 1, : cc' J big- drops of sweat on his pall.d L.'., li, who C4uld describe his ' k.- IIj Ae not his eye fcgain Itll upo.n her fw .i, tin l.:ch a lovelier hever pressed t i ,!.. I - i c f r-.a. I ' - - 1 -J f.r 1 i 2 scene na long-r. "I r.AcJ fjrih arJ j "?i my company, in. atauily fenJ.: uri to two of .'b ' a "T.at.:3 vv ; i' m'r:ht find him. and t!r ?i t.i -j lo h;j assistance. !V i tboarJ cf Mh tttip ta inquire sorrow that l.j w-s cc f.:v i I.) .' il J,J lerio.Ms fror.i a fever, aujilat f.'.LIj L cs were rnterii(i.J cf his recoory. , I learned by one of his s'..'-r.ttc's that Giii had becomo acquiir.V. j wi;h I) a na'Aaita on a former 'cruise; thit amu tusl hive had' arisen, been confessed by both parlies, and they were to Lj ur.teJ at the cHxe of the war. th And this, oh Gjd! this is irar Thcss are the scenes which the pen of his;ory must record or men who live in tue niqe . ,i . t . . . r.i . tenth rpnturv oi the existence of that re- ligion which has peaee, mve, and charity for its mottoes- and emblems.- I know; reader, that this is a poo? train of thought, and an inconsistent one- fur a soldier;' but were you 'to see such scenes as these, you would not wonder that ' I should almost be willing to exchange the sword ' and uniform for the priest' gown aad prujri- book. ;. . j Frvm GmylorS't itt J?e j1-. ' 1 1 There i a niost mischievous tnemy of the apple, that attacks the fruit only; and where it prevails . is knjwn as the apple worm. It is a true caterpillar', not a grub like the plum and cherry weevils;; and is Wi . i .e; .u j. t ..n. Jf me mrvse oi' tue niui uaiseu pomoncUa ih--o-Jim5 or Truit m.iU. In some years' this apple worm has been o coninvn in Iew England thatavery large part of the apples were rendered worthless bv it. ' It Is vcrr rare in the interior of the States, but we have occasionally met with it, and it is to be apprehended it will become still more common.' ThVinoth appears hi the fatter rpart of JuqeV or be. ginoing of July, alid without puncturing- ihe fruit, deposit their eggt in : the hollow at the bjossom end of the fruit. Where the skin is most tender, and the worm ihe least liable to distuibance. As soon as the worm is hatched, which is in a few days, it commences eating into the young fruit; making their way from the eye towards jhe core, and marking its presence Ty the powder thrown out of .the opening;.' -The moth seems to prefer early to late apples, ono liiC lliliiKirmeu suinuier nuns euuvr the must extensively ' ; In the course of two or three weeks' thti worm was burrowed to the core, and attained its full size. To get rid pf the matters made in its, excava tions, it cuts a round hole through the side of ihuopjilei and thus is enabled to' keep its burrow clear fiimelime'S the. 'worm leaves the apple before il faiis,but usually the injurv il hat received causes it Jo full. prerhaturely, when the worm quits it and apini a cocoonY-in which it changes to a ehrvsalus, and in a'fewjdays more'the per lect jnaec appears, io renew. iue worn oi destruction! Tht!s are only the earliest ones; the Uter o'n'c do not perfect their transformation's till the ensuing- spring." The suresl mode' of destroying 4 lie apple Worm, is to allow swjne to run inHhe "or chard to gather all the (ruit thul first falls; r where i his cannot be diiheu "pick them up by hand,e;nd fled ihem ui some animal, rhenium weevil and the. apple worm are uWinct; insects ' rrhe '! plum v weevil has heed found in'the applet but ihe apple worm ft ever in the plum, j ' , ItSoVniug Devotion. ' , . .The' morning is the time for devotioQ noi only from us relation-to lhe-pa51 lirght, but eon1derod as the introduction of a new day. - To a tbinkog mind, how natural at this hour aire such n flections as the .fol. lowing: am now tc) enter on a' new.pe- iiod bf ideV to siarl ajresh in !:my c"ure; I am to returrvtdlhil vocld whefe I have goho astray; to receive impressions which may never- be elTiced; to strengthen a character, whiqh fjts me for he;veu or hell. I aro ihist'd4yto meet temptations whiih have often subdued me; I .am Vj be entrUi. ted again wiih opportunities of usvifss which I'havetrften neglected. I am to influence the mi ndi of others, to help in Itipulding theirchnracters, and in deciding the happiness nf their present aod future life.- llow uncertain s this day!? What unseen dangers are before me! It miy bj my bit Jd)! ,It will ccrtainlj br'u'ig mtJ nearer ui -.death and jurgmen;!' Uowt when entering on a porwd f hie ,ai im poriant, yet sj Uncertain, hiW fi't vand na tural is It, before we tke the first itvp, to setk the (avor of thit Being; on w hum the, lot of rverv day - depends, t to commit all nur .intertsti to hTr)m2htT ard wise orov jd'enc, to seek Lis blessing on our labx.iurs anu nis succor iq icmjutHJu, aiu iu iui sec rate lo his sRrvice the day whicii ha ri ses upon us. ChanntHg. ' A witty AvcHpeer of Norfolk not long sinceifindi.ng his lombahy slow at bidding lor docks,. put up 4ie last, and said.- Now gectlemen.M present you with a new kind of clockr it is called ' the Snta Anmt clock t acd 'warranted to run without n-J Ucr.ord JslcKj-cscc A Touulaia ! fire. ot;l cimrti. lombler ur rarg wine g!a?' put fciirrri gra?n fiofl grait'ut.t. Zincvol U grain of phosphor ns cut ala 9 mK piece. . li another vessel mix Urcjiitol sulphuric add, ;fuh ibnlaanuiy ol waer. low,tak;m irs jngredieru into a dark room; pour the di luiei acid -upon iho phosphorus and zinc. ElTerrescence will imm& iaMy ensue, oc casinhed by the evolution of phosphoretled hydrogen gas, which fluid, by us. superior levity ascending in ihe air .wi'l spotitenc tiuiljr tike fire; brilliant jets of1 fltne will now dart from the wlwle Surface of. the liquid; ihe liquid ittelt, and the air around it,'wilt.Ue illuminated, and curling columns of luminous smoke will ascend froin ihe fiery mixvure, producing v risppfia ranee applicatte to its appellation a t'ouoiaitt of Fre.' ' A Cheap Imitation vfSilctr Urontt Put into a cruVib!e an outrce of pure .tin, and set !ii n-n 'fire to tneh; wht h itjbegins t r-t't add to it an Vqual quuntity of bts r. ;;h, and stir the mixture" with on iron rod till thd whole is entirely : melted and incorporated; Takq the. i crucible then fru -i i!.3fire, and afterthg melted compo- sitlon Ls bcome a little cooler, but while it ii ttiu a faid state, pour info it gradu ally i an ounce of mercury, stirring it nt Alio bj MB laiii nui iiic uivivuiiyiiK c 1 . . . . . . . . ' . iik.. . . tl . k. tk.. dien's. Win a, the whole is thus commix e& pour t!.c nuii cut of the .crucible htf a stone, where, it cools, it will take the form of aq ; arrialgam or mfetaincpaMe; which will be easily bruised into;,a fl.iky powder, and may.be ti n replied to izd figures in the innnner tjf -oid or, silver bronze r may be tempered wiiji gum wa." ttr, and opp-lied to ;h work wnh a brush or camel hair -pencil; and if prupeHy Se cured with varrvUh'ur laquersjwill be even more durable thajn either sijver Ictif or sil ver bronze. Sctentific American iJLet Children feluj. We extruct the f!!.JiVlml-i-,;", jiuiuMM. --wrKSTi4jo ''1'rirenology fdr Children." Ji abounds in paisjoa re markable - for tbeir simplicity uui elo quence, v . " HAIl'childrcn cifn learn to sing if they commence in season. I-do not say at( wi! huVe the; same sweet- voice of thr; nightingale; for some have naturally sweet, mild, and soft voices, when they talk while others speak in loud, strung, and mascu line toncs The same is true in regard lo singing r- - - , , . - In Germany, every child is taught- in use i;s Vice whileoung. ' In their schools all join in sinning as a regular exercise, as much-as they attend to ihe study of ge ography;.and in their' churches the lilngiog is not confined to a choir who sit opart from' the others perhaps in one corner of the house, but. there is a vffst yde of in' cense, going forth to God from every heart which can give utterance to the aoul?' "Chidreni sing! Hfrs sing ' with . your whole hearts! Dvid sang - before 'the Lord, and it is meet that you elwq.'d da the same; encf always when angry fauh"g-i rise in youf breast cUrb and .check (hcTn byvsinging weet aod cheerful songs! - Anecdote of General Taylor. The Atis&mippi volunteers r luie nu an ecdote lilustraiitrg Gen. Tat(ir' ctnrc t eristic goodness of heart. Soon lifter" the bailie of .Monterey, and during the exces sively tiot weaihei1, frmv which oITiccm and men sullcreli severtly, some gee: Io nian sent. General Tavlor: a barrel of ice and a quantity of uciiciouj cturtt. precioui b'wthen was deposited at I The Oert ,wr, J old t-i erai s tenr, wttn a nrti ic;r.5jr j i after politely acknour'tiijfIr whicl1, t hero caused the head ot tl:? hirit. 1 knocked out, and, takipg for hi m : a lunlp as large as his fist, sen; the uhuh ol iho reminder,,and the claret; to thu uis. riital, for the use 'of the &ick ' soldiers.-1 this is but one induce, out of m u.v, f the considVraie i'nd . Vlf Kncrifitjin genVr. rostty and humamty of General Talor a character. . We state this fact upon the nu:I; r!ty of gentleman who lud it from i!,; sippi yoiun:eers, . c i. c ? a I ft me, LriJ'iafit new lustre lo the o J hMjr, brighter that; any' hi( deeds of armscould' Repullican, Proroclui . i The CiuriMi Hi Co.::." rzi iv r i tl 2 31st ,cor four- u't. s ijs? " i tiere is a i. teen jears ( f t;-", f : ( il u Hotel iu thj . city, -v. ;( horse an! a I- v ;y, t rutting -' :". '.be' - , of ;s bet of cmf . s :s.j tc? a cig irs a ny t.r.:. innumerable!, struma. - ionables, and orvcrs l.'.s paign Tcguiarlyat .!.. const rt'j:r.tia t i ; I : anJ hu c!:etT: $ 1 ' r j x ,r real l : t - 1 li OS i to the cc.ti if t r r v him clrr.kij j.'- - n . to be grand:r c i, r i tv leps in ilia s; . foots hisX'-J j L ' r, i V tVe a fjur. ( ' t i . reisfonune.) lid is from' f is travelling We-ward on a Deration and, cibscrvaOm. .Wb woojrifLU cIjiLcr rjut! ' -, . L.Tif r. j- The N.Tork Journal of 'Curhm that 01J0 fHtb uf the jHipulaikiu cf t!ut cny are pauperi ' ', , A block nf three story bu.tJiegs is abou! tc beV put up, in Gncinnati, the enure front of which is to be if cast iron- volume vw.-no.. lj. . ivnoLU -4 pAYAnirJiy" advaxciI. Cje llardenirs run, l o llwifig ar among th several rurfliod : of cae h'trdening bv rmansof pruriate of p-th. f"fhe piece of iron, afver Lemg polished. is to be made brightly red hot, and tUca rubbed or sprinkled over, with the above sah in Sue powder, vpnn the pirt intended to be hiidened. ,TI. i prusiae lein d composed, and apparently disiiixtted,-tSe iron is to be quenched in cold water, ll the process has beet well managed the surftee of the metal will have become-V hard as To eist the fife O.hers pfopoie to amear over the surface nf ihe iron with loanxmade inioartnn paste with a strong oiwvton of , we prusaiaie, to ury it iwij. then expose the whole -to a nearlywhite i?it,' and final.T plunge the iron into Cold Water, when the heat has fallen to due red ncss. Scientific America. Ret fit ftlAr Beaver ta lU VjSlaU,- la S. Hunan's iurnal for May," la a com munication frem 3, B. Uuckley, in which he lays f ihe range of the Bearer; In De Ivay s &x!ogy of trio State oi .New lork, it is erroneously s!aied that the most south ern limit of the BeaVer witlvnAhe United States, is the northern pari of t ha State of New York; there were Beaver jUlnamong the mountains of North Caro'mi in the year 1642, where Mr: B. saw,, trets hewly cut down -by them, and he' was infittmed by his guido that he had seen the ' BenVcr. Thisw-ig in Haywood county, a few.ntiles from WayoetviUe, on the Big Cigeon river 3 wild, tough rgionMabounding io grand , scenery f and rarely visited by uraoj being httlo k0on evn tothe hunters.' A n Udiior itt a had Uor. The editor of tne i int, cs'a&iisuecl, his . japer in i tdwft without inhabitants, and has contin uef io publish it without subscriber , or redcr8. .. 11a is sans every ihingj byt typei and pa pergene rally supposed i. requtstivio"' me ronouctin? oi a nuouc urnai. nui what wtfl not Yankee perseverance accom pr1.! The following is frctn jlp list nuih . VThis is our 4th number, but as yet we have not received the first rxchanre t rT -r.lrom anv qtiajier. We are getlipg like nno'd.maid of our acquaintance Miss ,ilvu owerhy, lo have a very poor pin- lun of the mails; and for ihe same reason doubtless, that they never comu; where. We are. Mirror. NEWBta.f , 0.) AU. 10. Curth Jixirni. The Broad Creek Church) didUut abotft miles from New bern, was consumed by fire on Thursday night, t!i 5 ill instant It was undoubt .' 1 i - . fern i ea.y ine Kom oi an incenaiarv iMo e'ue is we have learned, bus been pverV tdadis cUvery of the t)f the wretch wtio' thua wan (only desiroyed a building especially devo ted lo divine worship. Republican. . ' A letter from Sterling, Woreester coun ty, Mass,, ivtjsan account of a malignant disease- umong the cattle upon ihe farm of Mr. Smith of i hat place.' Six fine work ing cattle died in the course of a week. rrt. ' . t.. ' . f i ne svrrpioms were-, iih the mtrrain,5 Several pmons,v among, ihe in fhe thysi ctn cf the place, opened two or three of the cattle lo ascertain what the disease was, One of tbenTrti cut his finger, and tor?!; ihe infection fron ihe, dead ox. ', llv ded in 20 hours. The physician also lay dangerously 1ick at tho lime" the letter we. written. . - , - . , T .T7ir.i7i modett, and llelarl Cgurte out. We cut- the following; aliort but pii quant colloquy belween ah itlcDciaieand a rumselferl " . . w Landlord. "-"I'M you. had avoided rum, your early, hiibhs of industry and intellect ual abili tin would . haveplaeed you ; inn high stution, and you would' now - ride in your own carriage.' . - - , ? - Inebriate. tl And tf Vou tint) Meter sold run fotme to buy, you vould hqvc been mV drivef1 . Grf. . Tyhr andGeji. Scott The New Orleans Times states lhat the difltince bctttPftt rte populariiy of General -Sc-oti and General Tiylor may be clearly iHo'i traSed . in the feelings , exprehsed by dhe Ltlunteert. If you abuse " Oen, S.tt, they will are in the defence if voir a buSe Gen. 'Jaylor, ihey will turntit and whip yout - -j 5 " ' Tlules lo bo obscfv; by visitors in aV. Editor. OfTi.-e: ; r ' Enter softlv. , Sit d wn quickly. T '. ' v " " j ? Dorf't touch the poker -.,' ' Sjy rolhtrg in'eresiing. i . Engage in no. controversy , t . ; t Keep six feet from his table1 . - ' ' 11 t nd ofF his manuscript'. t If he be a decent rm lK pu, wbat paj-rs bedoM hot wish, within your reach them pom over to your heart a content. K; iC be obrupt, or Jook sava'getake 11 for granted he i stalled and vaoi; n. " 1 Freedom nf Elections m England In iho Londoo Tunes i ot m recent date, may L'! found:' the fallowing advert raeoichf: 4 W b n ted t o . p u r c h ae, nf'ilneVal uo-of fr wu X.i),000 to. 70,000 any eiae car- r wilh it snjjicienl, parliamenta ry -influ-- . to enable the purchaser to obtain a : i i the nex Parliament.! ' T..r?tKing of AahaDtee js allowed by law v,4,2 ivc a privilege of which every sable incarch ot thai kingdom is said to avail himself. - , .' r , The hs by fire in tho ciiy of Boston' during Je. ftejsi seven month!-,: has been Clij.OTd, lnurorieeg74.579 An omnibus has breti ia"( iri St. Louis, two stories high..; Ix xJAfries sixty pssengers. ' ': , A f.st, yurg, ani'j:':, i r..'. f " " of our acquuuta-ce, rcil ,i it tl l - rtii JJIe seciiM U l,a citv end vl ty t' bye,, has been wtjoinj his ' taijr.bVd fjf ithe Is at. ."half dozen"e7rs tha oihtf y Comef what might, lA it ir.ta hi! ! J t'J fp thtj noestioou rf tl.a btnGt tS rJf Using1 readers we quote the d.alj; V. onl for wotd, hoping at the tamo tiiss t:.U ethers mas profit by the colloiy. s -ICttte- siid Oedrge, .for thesa werw their "cotji ner.s, yoa kaaw ifst I hav now adircsied ycj for the f cried cf at Ica&l six long yearsl"'- , , , ' f . ''Ayesryi long ones saiJ Hat with' an emphasis. , : But not loo -iiYmt Kate thaa tears in'generah ,i 4 ' ' " s 1 1 t 4 True Gear?, said Ksu year hath but three hundred and sixty.Avt caleo dar idays in ii, and you Can r iVe no m ol itr-b Jt then, ycu K r)r,.Vf f org? M . the maiden, leanirr wn...iJv oa AU9 . shoulder of her lover,' srma years are and of course" must be mora teci.o'Jis than others ; ' r, . ." - Tis even snv my Kate, bat I hepa th next six cio..r lives rniy be more screen ble::i tedious, , What say jrodr my ! bonny !! .-? ' f In sooth, Ueorgei I know ftot whxl . you mean. , - ;y Bi cannot you guess, my Kate? - -v Guess siii the mai,dt;n with avbetrsy ing miU.. j. . ' j Aye, guess, .Kate.1 I'Somethirigs, Georgo - " : I'But catt' you Ao goes What 1, sroull noW prupiscl" I . ' Indeed,' George, I cannot.' fThen Twill tell yoit. I sVoalibs man ried, my Kau.' , , MBe wluVGeor?e? : . -Maryed, loVeJt -- - 'Bot to whoml quickly . Jaterroated . the maidens I T. iVlm else but r.u, lovs re sponded, the. frank .young man. JWitir lPmy heart, said ltafe.- "iVbenthe; dsyr . Tomofrow!1 With all my heart Ifiain; stfeeity lr culated the oVcrj iyed young girl. -jTlius pleasingly ended the W6rk 6fli Katig yearaths knot was indeed lied dd the ioitowing daywe vritnesied the marl rtoge ccreinony the young couple art now 'man and wife, and apparently in tha possession . of more real enjoy merit ihad even Queen Victoria and Prince Albert backed as: they are by tbe wealth of Ma British rt-rttm. Long lira Id tfte 'happy couple, hoping that their example may W art iiiduceiivem to all young folks in Une,' taf t morne to a firm conclusion, throw courtship to the winds, and likb honest George and Kate, go and gtft rharrledi ' Auimut Affection Messrs. Gunder & Con Co'ritfaHdrl b3 the Boston water worki. had a vafddble cirt iorse severely injured & Few day t sibte, near Cchituate village Thg ani. mal was'led hotne to the stable; Where a b0ut fifty horses are generally kept. r Thd hoMlfcrownfla Water spaniel which -for me murithd has btjeri constantly about a. mopt! ihe horsrs to lh stable, living 00 Ivrm o( g'reat friendship wiih Ihem. IrrJ nk'diately after the disabled horse wis led ' ii, ho' IW down and began t j exhi signs of great distress, r The KpanieL at once rab 10 the h ir$o ahd commenced fawning a- ' found hln, licking the- jxjor aBirtiai fsca, . and divers oihur ways martifcstlftg his sym pathy with the sufTorer. r ' - Tlie struggles and' groan) df (he liorstj -bving continued, the dog aought his mas. ' ter, and drew hisattentUn 10 the woun ded hor!!e) and manifeited great satisfntfi 1 imn wh'-n fie.Todiid, hie master errt-lloycd in bathm the wounded ariimaj, and utter. wise ministering to his watrts;f The fijl tfer continiied lus caro of the horse until at ' lm Ifour iu ibehightyand then called thi tg 10 goh'.fne; byi tlie afleciioiiate crent lure wuld ;not Inarehis eufTeritJj friend( fijd icorVrnticd by him' all night. Arid up lo tln tuVie we last heard from the d)g'-J ' forty-eight hours after tlie horse was in. j6rd ihe 1 iihfuHpahiel had not' left tbf sulK ring horse day or night, for a minute, riot evt-ii io'ui; und frbm his apivarance. ; 11 is D'riitvcu 1 hat, he .scarcely slept at a II, j. Ue i Cutis'.amly on he alef,, Oo guJ"tff. irg any one 10 cime near the horse. x- yJ;,.iyav.n.v.Jo,0 me sianie and the t her of ce animal; and his whole appear anc; (( one if extreme distress and anxU ty. lie tftehlaye his head on tbe hone eck, caresses 'ium and licks around' hi eyes; which kindness the poor horse ac knjwledge by . a grateful look . and olhe? a gns of reqognition. i The abtrve staTements, wbictr Btay fa relrd on for ihei'r. accuracy ; furnish ono ff tins moi-temarkable ard aflcting exhl. titionsof hti4l kindness lhat' we hava tref met s with; and should cover fcuH 5hmTe the unfeeling creatures called rflen, yt ho be,a 1 and abut.e ilia t fioMe a nd nsist useful of anhuaU, without ai'mt or remorse and are krerly destilota'of sympathy for Ihe whole brute creation. iortosj Trav -' eUer. ' j Tlie poir wounded horse, whose case is rnrntt.ned above, i. dead. The faithful ad eaeci iooaie spahiel xenaalned by lha hre toiba lasi,? ahd then in company With anotlej tt fallowed the carcass half mile tii the ptilce of burial, and was with tiinlcul-j Induced io leave the sppLiid t t(rh mail do' hit duty, bo matter whefbff is ihe tourtth sefiattfwthe field ,ir the maatifai-tory sfiJ f.ihsf tills bo canaoi hold to the reipeel tod citetra of his fellow men. ' " 4 I " . ',,., .I. ,. - ; i- -v- 1'lT I!' 1

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