Tw DoiX" per. annoaii'la advt:rr if " Jr-tcwPedbr lh "T ' li ' xitrtiof will b irwortcd at O v pou . p,,jirt ien Ior r W, fur the ; : in. MrfTrrTT.rivc CWht for tmc'i in. buK Ofrt on" qtfir counted m o, mr trsuthr. fttwirnrier -of incrii.j!. c! am k4 nrkrd n the Burnt, cr a J. muui m& eonunoej f .i-iJ. a-i t!,jTd aecorla'2J. ,CMirt Driers . u tkrj i dulUn, invaratl'. . , Xf ekarru nni1'Ctnj lhem If a pan. ' C3 iirnbly i ,ce. U.'-ci U ti EJitwr must c-,; .) frx cf r-t-' .(r i1 rjr vill receive nu allentiont --.-rf IMYJJJX.D IN.'ADYAXCE. I1M. PASSAGES IN A V PIIYSICLJaNS life. Retribution. N.I rnortuis bouum",'. was cxch-rngM, yerr a;o, fur Nil roortui nii Yfrflrti S 4 y mulling of tho Dead, but Oa," fr 'Sjy nothing ot the Dctfd. bui i Truth.": - .. . Tbe change is a gooj oneKand theVori f ml j'ut Jiave btQ written" by aom'o ciiwical roue who was ofraiJ hi 'mis. iJ wauld be talked over when hq wis nr. Tt)a rulo suppose, oj Course t that mrn-thing it l b siJ. li j very ofieb ikcciie, however, t hit nothing not even ih try:h Jad better be aid,i either far ih $An of friendj, nr jcieiy- alJargn, Id their rhar-cier be buried with - their Lrfi. ', : H'iia regard IUkjIio .subject of, lha ; fol luvmjf .sketch, neither, of these considera twin operates to prevent my wrilio trfh. U?baJ n Irn-nJ adsoluo7in. d.iwn etfn in jhi friwhiilesss" wjrld-nd kit hi-tlry nny do g J, at l(inst por tioa tahich t wriie: t!i( ' !ii.i1fry of tho last the Ij at m-Mnrntf- f - a Usurer?- HtM a in tii uf. aluvwi fifty years, an I,foJ in a jItnJiJ minfion, in I ho must t!ttcJ pirUif lh ' village atyne. ' I dj M nit-an by (his no one livVl in the Jou inth bim; but ' tint' )io had netiler ifeur chilJren, nor kin of an? dMjrce. The. only- cimpa(itin in lha whuta lrgw kvW'iwai itho ff milo" servantj who' had iayi lived! with: him; . and ho ha! th f car of the csiablihment , if it cuuld fcect'lcJ by that Qame. Who S wasr, noum: Luc. S')n siw ni orte; and went M n bo re. The coach man, and gar ltt)f r lied in a-siparato bouse. ' Uj nut mean to a iy that r. S-4i was litisclf a sjliiurv or umocibfe min.' Oft. llw contrary 'ItesMw a grout dtu! of com-, iny'at bt house; - nd j've, frruently, lar;liHfvi'r iartit-s to which ll the nrin. fpd'mcnof the phica were invited; audi k often vititt'd them in n-turn. llo wa frrijucntly jailed, i-necialiy by0thi ladies, n Wnn such j kea fcct-m tq be very njitur 1, on ; lit - being a buchelor, tnd ring Ijiic in liuch a lame hVu': but ho bore bt ir raillery with ih5; most perfect cool.. lie was consiJered odd in t'ais re.' ,, anj nc troubled themselves, any fiilUr about it.- . ; '. -. - Mr. S n waj a riVh mw very rteb. U h id becomo'su by his own' means j for taaul begun life a.pc.or man. He h d bijJo bu money by usury -ind 'ofien by iHemoit gnnJmg and 'relenting kind, ami thu was mil knon in tho place, but tnide no dilf rclice therc He inift have irviJe it by piracy: su, long as ho reiniin unctinvfctisd nod unbubg h wouJd'be fpectcd.'if i be, were lich.' r He followed 'he kameu practice stilly and aeited very tffK.rtunity for mnkin money . as greedily hen he first began life in poverty. He occupied, a scat , lo church every Sun, as rt guUrly a. tho mosU deVutf and in ut6 advanced It la was received into t communion of the ehafch. ct, unpleasant and repoKsive as sgJch a cKaricter ought to its, every min' of truly noble and manly, leelinglf, I must 'ill ny, thai ..Mfi-S n bad niinifgoa Jraits. m He was a' gentleman', and.' what i roertlly called a, vertL clever fellow. asJ wrtcb(.J.i.Jl; ' for brirv.h z' if a 1 ; bout his, re lUiiiu t;i'j iur with lb:: cxtrt- J tT iro.j i i .TjiI w i : alrnots dii;rt ihip to if i 1 v -to the a-wTrer himself. II 3 di i n a 1 r 1 a!. , mo J ar.e, tad iu? ' f yo. r to calf j m ; i be awaVt . . I have a few i Vjf utinuit importance ! to' $a to it C oc I .Tan left the, rcom. The .u i not wake till nearly -seven r- i i4')on leing told that" a jady ) 1. j bun, he d. reeled her to be . 14 There is one lheo, he, 3 n t f. "-:icn tne." ' , rj. rhroJvi .!l the :tcn - For,- fj .v.1 ri,. ,'i , , fjOtpitl.-i l.f loi.i J and rearing nf, J v the jounjj and b -ra, in the waste of f .s I.. of the wtMernesa th u around despised atsd v T.i.n ana or l and tear washed 1 "Peered rurjsip., !.', and ." vrdtng Mrl tv ! - ' ar 1 i ; . f ' i i ; r yuo now 1 nurst-d tny ait(;r chiUtyoUi child, restlved when )1ii &bou!J retura to "forgive all, and still lore on," Aid; Apgy, the gantle, forgiving gfrl, she told mo the rery day she destroyed her: If, that she forg tve. you, aod hoped that wc might be happy'agin. . JJut all that, is gone by, though I feel like a girl again as I turn back to all these memories- a girl in all save my love for you. The time came .when iu the 'very place where, we made our rat vows, in he church where we rov mirrted, ih tfie ,'reen fields where wo" used to ramble and be luffpy, every where .whejre I had ever been wk'i you, -1 taught my soul to hate and abhor yud, and on nif jsistera grave I vowed, k net brig by her aide, 'to hate yoo lilt death. Tbe sight of all these: nursed seema to acquire new vigor, ao tbai it seemed' almost probable that, he ntght survive the winter; and perhaps quite re- cover4. Hut atnndtn a M""w,,n the had never forgotten ar.d cc Am. WhjwuulJ ,a.! bs.1.-'. 1 : t; hardened and seared raan vj'r;j.J' sick iu that house, and who had never U in known to feel sympathy or ; sorrow for .a fellow mortal, and who 'was n ! v with the hand of God upon hrni and presstcg him down iniojhe very grave's - ro i3ih planning vengeance upon men because they had noayirtpa:hy for him that man h:d ever ) ieldcd to the power of woman's love. Vet such is woman.' .In- our boyhood1 she weaves about our .hearts tbe chuini that never break. Her lovetwines iiselfibout all our butter (eelingtjf aad if, iu 'after lilc, we cast it ofTand spurn it for" the grosser love of sense, be sure the hour will come when it will work its retribution. . 1 S'ia aiood by his bedsido -the same she bad'been sixteen years -btf ore -the same in all, but her loVe for him -And ."he thera only aJjck,, rsp 1 w,.'it ij ofien seen in .a s.n- .k. 1 -.. 1 i l - MMus.cj uy a lon cr.asj in . weamer; each ttttf rrj t bftr tt!:i v 1 fecial to f,IJ t!.j lurj. His' cr " ... was txtremtly rjs!.cd,,ib vei.u c " " and promnier.t; his eyes t'ojd t'. J, -a!rn,r- r-n-j -cling frorn their stckt t. , Ail tntcred the room heercei In;, and fixing bis eye up'.jo me wuh an : - mi sted expression cf noxious inquiry. he i.ever removed it wlt 1 remained; " !Io Culd tiot tpcnk; but through his thick , 'rupid pautiiig, he attempted to Ultcr vJirds liK;h ,fr.Ti ih3 motion of hi s Jips, perhaps aided sjrnewhat by,! tranvtatcd n..i... a ....... .i-..i. 1 1. f" It was not Mr: S n, the calm, gentle mnnly, money. lender.' All the man seem ed lot, and sunk in the overwhelming tin J cowardly fear of death. ; Terctlving at a glance, as I approach, ed hrm, "hat he had experienced a severe and sudden attack f congestion of the lung; I attempted, by a le wordi, to reuJer him more composed; and then took a largrquantity of b'ood from1 bit arm. He was sokTiCwhlt relieved by the bleed ing, and I Jell him; alter h,3viisg given dirertiotM to4ha housekeeper for his care 1 m 1 sltouia call ugttn. - Upon attempJtng 10 lay litm down,: he exerienceo. such to uVgre of 'sjfTocaiion that I left : hiias 1 found him, in hisVasy chair. r ; .."i ' The period of his first ,atiack was early in he summer. Id the cobrse- of six month rfiey followed ench other in rapid succession, and it became evident even Vo" hi. n self, that ho could not lonu survive. Bill as the . weather became colder, liis Ubitler ears, and the hardened man coven 1 money c strength increased and bis constitution 1 cdaxf his face and croaoed aloud. 'Mirv! i Al'l'v's. and oh. of row many other M hen you know me. Georco S n'I Your ill ?ot i(iLiw never rn.ifee us tup aaulste alter a moment naur trwr i . ieiuis omv rii:iii. since. canoui Culleci-WHV-antrlteep down ny ot the be restored, and it.' is that upon which the tenderness of years agoihat might now world places honor, that voor child should nxire n, immeas'iraqly rnor; the aight tf t1"' ftir young girl that grew up by my "' , 'i her rnoiher'a face, but your trai ! I in her veins. And she I taught I ,r 1 . ;ise4and curse her fi'.hcr. - T. Si man hadJieard her, thus far, Aviiji cully an -joccasi-jnul interruption of passion, but mr he seemed to feel his woaknesia anJ the masteryl she had over him and her -word seemed to enter like dagirs in'.o his t. ..f. - 'Where is a!.o?' I. her to Jet r.. 1 can to atone f. r t , live 1 will use a!! viy i exclaimed; 't hr- I ill ,d all 1 rong, and whilst I wealth in her behalf. Let me see her, and, iliry, by Ml the me ra ories of the past, forivo rr.o, -and gpefik comfoH to me. Do 11a! treat r; j a the' whole world lreatsmo, I am deserted -by all; come la me once more.' ; - , Yes, t have comd to you, tut not to be as we4 have -been. That c I ne-ver be, looked in her face, and kne,w her-.knew ,if you had yet numberless years of life bo- for what she cameaird in one moment, fore you. ; .There it -between us tl)e bjurtd nniQtani, memoryVnd conscience tfav- lessvulf of deep andjotulacable hate and . it t t 1. ... .u 1 . J . . 1. I . ' . 1 ir t ' 1 ' eueu oaea -turougu iiioso iori,.niiu iju jwr coniempt . IOU- are rtcn very rtcii coineu irom my neart, anu in ler finger of the Almighty always pointing j be revived at the sight of his distress 'and,! have the benefit, of it.. And it is for that, e snent hours in' his comoanv. and , t . - 1, ; :, . na rum a very entertaminz man.. ' 1 I have felt it necessary to ay ao much general character of Mr. o-n in 0rer to prepare itm reader for ' what fol ''. Ciod. forbid that any of my readers Wj die his death. I wih I could relate 'ocaonection with the de ai limbed see oes "ncilwr chArader, which utokpUce t the same ime. . Cut I must give i:ra ioperatelVi and hi first. ; wx silling- dowh to 'dinner, when, a, rnf?fnVri'arrtvd, ummonin me hastily "iai hoy 0( Mr. Sn. Of the cause jl .Ufnmons hoknew nothing. IJ J knew that he wa'a tuaek rno louome Meekly as possible,, and it I were not at tor M 1 Bat waii to Kwallow a inMrsel. but I. entered the IB U lVin Run minilloa tin V. tny own ditor. . The single female nnt met rne at the- door with a atrsnge "Psioaof distress on her face, and, . , 6ure towards 'the stairs, and Pn,y lha ur a4 iup xnrt" she d,apper. "footle of the lower rooms: lrm3 1 by Wu muie demonstration, l j 1 rrf lh first flight of stairs, in the Jpl'nR roont, where I founder. S iv. t' iuing in his lard leasy chair his i upoo ,t(K)j l9 bltk an(J head Pjetscd forcibly against the back of ibe .-'rv A hand grasped ..each pf the such a convuUive ' grasp as seemed wjosMo crush iKtlul .rtd Erv ulo of )js wb,Qle body seemed ' exerted Z . mroo1 lension. yflis faco wore an "frttstoa of tha most ; rjnutterablo tgony at him, ho never U?l sight for an instant ot iHq truth th it be was a dying man-, and he lived from hour to hour in the mot abject fear of death. UnJer such circumstance it seemed wonderful tbut he cominued to live. 'It was fur retribution! ' . -t.tlshed him almost daily, and often aitempted to olTor him consolation in the hope of his . christian, profess.100. ; Uut ihere was comfort for him. . t .1 fiund by his bedside one morning the Rev. Kf r J a go d old man, and: lull of love to all his fellows, tie was striving, as nH' red 1 1 o d 1 reel the . mi nd of M r. S'-'-n to a better train of fee'ings', and was evident? ly in profound sorrow ui the state in which he found him. ...Hts eyes were tilled w'ttli tears, nnd his ,hands elasped in great ear nestness, as he-urged upon the tiard siul of my patient the mild a,nd refreslimg promises, and hopes, .and peace . ol the gospel, jt was a'wonderful contrast. . l am told, Mr. S n," said tha minis ter, as? I was entering the room; UI air told that you' cannot recover, . that', your dtsvase is of (hut character that you must sink under it.-or that wu my suldenly; aiAnv moment, dio in the most-horrid ag.uiy by suljication. I speaa thus plain Iv because I would impress upon your mind' tho importance, of preparing your hea'r.1 to,stand before your stern jand un- relentinir Judge. I beseeeh : you I drop these vindictive ihouhtsand . . Hie sick man hid listened .thus far wr.h. iul inovinff. but? now rising to a sitting pos lure ishs bed, and hung Jus eyes sternly on th minister, be said slowly and calmly; 'Sirt I do not believe in one. word you . . l r .i.r. v... .nv. say. 1 have oeen a memucr 01 -muh-h (,r vpnm heciuse t was my interest to j . . . be so. Now, unless Gh1 wil, aia mo in my revenee I renounce my hypocritical pio fession forever. I shall gel well, sir, and I shall devote the remnant of iny life to pay .'. iK -dlit nf neglect and scorn due to ... ---0 -.. in fellow 'rnen.,, Ha sunk back in bed. and the minister with eves! ar.d hands" raised to Heaven niJ Mkv G kI bv merciful to him!" and tuna and left the room. The anset of mercy had departed; : the .last appeal had been mide, and no what ' Mr. S n is- dead. It is RctrfouXfan; not the deilh but manner of it. Though summoned in gnat haste at fen o'clock; he was dead before 1 reached him, dead thi visiiation ol Heaven., vyna; wt- sickness. You' know me then' 'You have not rgit;en me. Well 1 am not chanscd, if have suffered, stncu I was your benu.T. ful itary." Do you remeirtber,atl, George? Qh l do I d t!" he groaned ojtt' 'you aced not tell them." 1 remember.;... v i ne days wnen vou- come to - my fatJterV house, a poor young man--poor as the rpea nest brggar cared for by none and bow we received you into the farmly nd fed and clothod you, and took you? to Ko repent, the memory of all your w'rons our hearts, and when you began to dorgetj and forbid you to think 'of heaven'.' too j hive come lf you in your dyingchour I??o not ask it for her, because when ou are dead it will bS mine, and 1 will give it to her. She is my child now, and as beau tiful and lov4ng,"and genilo ax her mother. What wonder that.jrou are deserted that you arc left here to die aloner - The traitor must sufier tbe traitors doom. I an with , yeq again: "not to smooth .your pSlow, but to ald thorns to your remorse; to bring to your mind, , when it is too late by hou lowsI learned from one of my students, a young man of great ' intelligence, ho had volunteered to take care uf him through tbrt nnht. Shortly after I left the t houso in the ft.rn,n. there was a loud knocK at tne door, which the young roin himself open ed: A w imtn ef ! lut five.and-thirty years, attended by'a girl ot. per naps 5ixr, lcentinquirea lor pir. o .. - persons ofplam appearance, uiuS... dressed, and seemed, by Iheu manner. 10 belong tothebigtier waiKS .01 me; uu. the elder one,- especially, -though she had look of sadness id her counteitunce, was ..;tl w.imiinu aurpassnc; '..11..1 a.iw-tlif in., and urvirt itrla : fft WINICU nwv... '-t -i being told that Mr. p iv -v asleep, and righi not awake- in some tune ahe ia that she wished to see him nd 'ult'tilt Ha awoket " " ". ii h mid." she saidMMthei ,ery sick.and there wjittle prohibility of his recovery." 1 . " "Scarcely toy M all iho young replied. V In-Joed h - may die t rnoment.r ' ' ' . , ' wnatiyou naa oeen, now you looKea.up niid saw t was beautiful and Agay-mv ebJer and dear sister Aggy poor girl d j Vou remember hen 1 know, you do. You shall never forget her, nor me. . She is dead, George dead in the'told grave, where you will soon be, if the car th does not cast you out, or refuse to '.receive you into its b.oom. , , VDead!" cried the -sick man',, "dead! How 3td sJhe .die! Tell me atf; Vet, no 1 cannot hear it. ' , 1 Bdi you rouat hear it., 'It U for that, with tMher things, that I came here to' day. I have watched you, George Sn, through all tne years of -our separation, and wait ed patiently for ihis houi fo tell jpu all all you -have ' been to Aggy and to roe.--She died by her own : hand, Geome, the very otjjhl her child was born your child, ibe chtld of her shame and your treachery. ie, let it eat into your neart tut iv cann ers there, as it ought, and take h iulo the srrave- wkh vou ou remember when my father died. after oti had been cne .from our house more than a year, that with all the centi me nee' of the "unsuspecting heart lhat r1ed you to-what you were, he left our properly in qhargo to you, to preserve ' it for us. You know Irow well- you did if; Wretch! you robbed us of. our projwrty, and worse, far worse, you robbed my sisier of -her fair tfame, wh;le you made., rbo your dis honrired wife!' , - U is f dse! exclaimed thecraven wretch, who was beginning to col led .himself, and was now-determined lu den the whole: why do you not take iLi womajvawayl ahe will kill me." Out she Continued: h is not false, George S n. I hsvo the pro f here, though I did "not come to reclaim the hon or of lying by. your side, j You are . now, to be nvirrieo: to the grave. I am your wife and I v have come to fcce my husband die Will it net bt g'od to have me close your eye-", and receive your last breath, and 'wipe the dew from iyour forehead, ana- passea her iianiKercrupi over .a bniw, but he shrunk away, with a gesture of disgust. t She .smiled contemptuously and continued George So; ami not tour wife? Sit jt yourself, 'distinctly m I not your wife? ViU Uire IWI nnure . n vvur aoui 10 mi? your tryins ' hour, i r , you are dying ixejri?e. 1 l he aamps are Mtnerin on ly, while her eleg...; attire and her Caunt. mg pi jaies spoke plainly tha mockeryahat brought f. ber here. They reached , the graveand as-ths ,fe followers gathired about it, and. the Svi.tcn , was . preparing lu deposite the coffin in it a surprie occur red. Suddenly the sides uf the excavation fell in; and filled nearly , to its mouth. .Ha ha ha!' scornful .arid wildly laugh ed ihe loni widowed wife, 1 told him the earth would refuse him a place ia' its bos som, ..Come, Aggy let 6s go.1 She led the young, lady, unresisting, from the church - yard, and entering , the carriage drove at once to lha house of ihe deceased. ; Sne then sent for ? Mr. B--y , thu v most eminent lawyer in jhe plnce, and put into his band the 'proofs of her beina ihe i lawful wile of George S n. and fed the new-born hate in my soul, bui LThey were;; incontestable,'' and no -wil being found,-sbe became beir to his prop erty, put this was .not all.' In a few days she settled upon the young lady the greater portion of tho wealth "of her late husband, which was enormou. '' s r From this time all , was changed - with hr. Satisfied with the y retribuioi1 of Heiiven, and aftcrwatds apparently deeply repenting her own revenge, shT erected a plain but costly stona "'at the head of her husban iVgrave, and caused the remains of her sisier to be interred by his 'side. With her .now fuilgrown and beautiful niece, the care of her firit lonely cf.iys, and the pride of her rrrilurer" years, she is living. in : .contentment : and' useJulncs, devot ing the ill.acquired richest of her Ijus band to purposes ol bsncrolcnce and chari- tv. yHi-'lK:C '" :-y- tnan any ' " It wasow lhat was unmanned. The words of his tang descried wife har. rowed optus soul. ' Memory travelled ove'r nil the past, and gathered .up -store a of an cuish. Conscience -was now wide awake. Revenge waacrtjshed evqry! thought ol revenge. . The fear of death was swallow, ed up in the agony f hi mind , Then ful. lowtd flood o coafes'siqnn of foul primes, and cruel wrong, enough ,to' the heart ofany .'but his denertcd wif. She eat unmoved and heard all: Slie looked stead. ily in his eye and saw his -utter r despair, and spoke no word of hop. 116 begged her to forgive him, but she answered inH. My young stuuVnl.who had bvrn prtsi nt throughout the whole scene," and hid fur btrne to interfere, on account ef his cm viciion of ihe truth of the lady's claims, now interposed and besought her to retire, least the man should die at once, lkt her deed wy . not yet - completed. ( -.ic stepped to the door and called 'Agy. .Whether it was the memory of the ptt, renewed with greater poignnncy by 1 ' mention of thnt name, or whether ihe y - :f; 3 of a hasiy, liht- step on the stairs ia ri. swer to the c,ay, gave him the i" 1 , .t his wife hd deceived him ns to rha dt .uh of her sister, it is impossible jotf ll. Ti t1 truth, be never knew himself. He jaisril himself, in bed tod looked enqerly to r ' the door. He saw the vecv lace el" l.i r I had wronged and de.strmt j, i: : ... ' had bVn lu her rirlho'd, 10 t!, i I1 year before. He atrttche J 1 1 1 -1 ! eagerly-and beseechingly I ! . r, ' hps parted , as if to speak, l 1 ' hts voice, tle're Issued fr. 1 I -sudden and copious' torr-. 1 ,U i'.. he' fell back in bed a c the house, ol 10 o'clock, rj t c but the young mtm il ru'.i'a. above scene, and sai l ;l. it i', j seemed lo be uretly alTcci ! bull. But ihe .cUor one, iU U-dside and hyi: ; l.r I i- i t head it!' - cor, , l ' I ; !-iiJ Thou I. -t .-( ; our ;r a;.j t - ; bin I. t-fl ll.3 roj ;i; . ;' 1 d.'rccied the rr. rr moned, and hnvin'T l a charge, lobe prcparV 1 f r' , J Itha deep t.; - ; c '' t Heaven. Phe funeral to kJT lo.lowin. .A Remarkable ItJelcor. v w Oa the 14th of July, about 4 Vclock in the morning, 'the inhabitants on aevral points of Norihern Bohemia 'observed ; a fire ball, that suddenly appeared in the northeastern part of the heavens, drag ging, after it a long; Jl une, nnd-shooting MtTrtanapTany towards the easi,'leav.' i: ; L-jhind a long bright stripe which"Ye. t lir . J in the heavens for nearly half an hour, ftst in a vertical and then, in a hor izontal direction. At' Braunau' a black jcIduJ show ed itself suddenly in the, almost cloudless horizon, which becoming gradu. ally' more light, suddenly exploded, with a crash r.jt that of a annonin halve? and after a tecund violent crash, it came with a revolving motion, when a, dark sol id was. observed. Soon, after, tbe infornntio:) ca'me that two! meteor stones ha,d fallen in the neighhorhoodi one dam- nged a brick house' so much asto split in'- lo pieces a l irge biiuta; the second .fell down half -o league from it, in Haaptmans dot f, where il buried iiself about ,a half a fathom depp ii ' ground of, a- field. The latter wci;;1 ; lv f. 3.2., and consists ot solid iron. I', i . .orthy .of remark thai meteors arc r. a uf rare occurrence in B 1. hernia; one foil down at. Elhogen weighing l'Jlbs. at Lii ! ichitz and Ploschc6wi!7M 33 meteor stones; at birocow, a stone ram, with pieces varying,; from hulf to 20 lbs, BV.-j-fr cf ChrviisUy, Aqusfortis and .':3 air we breathe are ' nude of lha .sama ( maieru'-Jv ' Iwen and ucar, and spirits ot wine, are i..uch alike ia their cosmic ai composition, that ; old shirt canfba .! converted into ita own wctgit in S'ar, -uad the sugar into 5; aits ol wire, Wino is made otwo substances, one of wbfclt . w 1 ' r r . .11 v... burning, and thobiher' turn wiih mora apidityv than fenyl! 11 irc . Tha, , lamous reruvjan cark, jj ni-:i usea ,lj , strt;ngt?n stomachs, and ' the poisonous princtp':o of opiuiil are fu- J bftlio it-n materials.' - , T - - ' A Queer Chap. Near a village, called Seguing away down west, ihere ,liv r . queer old fellow who has a atranje habit ol using lhn longest , word's j tnd I r variably misapplying them, for insiance, . wished to sell some' lots "Look here, gentlemen, if youwish to Inike fortunes here lha location' for a' magnanimous city, we'ro at the foot of navigation. IScxt year 111 : put a lawyer 'a fixms, apothecary's doins . and tt blacksmith's institution, and after wards a a ref'?r scmetary,. where all iho folks from 1' jcuir.japer countries will ' send in their oys and 'gals of both sexes to be McAdamized into a college, edica . tion. jTh'en 1L instruct meeting houses, ana me stores a no in course. Come iiquor.y V' Dehciour Apple Pudding Very -con f venient, as it may be made several hours before il is baked, or when a. nice addition -, -. U wanjed unexpectedly Prepare nnd chop line, half a" dozen or more, according' to theirize,yof tha best cooking , apples grease; a pbdding dish, cover ihe bottorri; and sides ; half an inch Mek 'with grated : bread, and very"" small lumps of butter, then put a layer of apples with sugar and nutmeg, and repeat the layer, which must ' UO UI UKUU ,uu iiuiici iuur Vlt, IIIU whole 1 a teacup of cold water. Put into the oven as soon as the dinner is served, and bake 11 for twenty. five or thirty min . utes. It must be baked the day before it -is waniedt' .when ;it" mu?t he heated ihor oughl turned into a shallow dish and , sprinwed with powdered sugar. It requires '. nq sauce; ; 1 , ' ,' -' A tVomanhoipoke icttkout d Tongue: . tavern will sprim; up i n i ge n tie meu ' !el at Li liarrcl making?. Birrel mnking forms no inconsiderable. iiom 01 1.; 2 loecnamcai .ousmess oiuswrego and vicinity. Probably from 600.000 to t o),CD3 barrels will be required to supply the Oswego Mills this ycar; nnd tHe a- r'n'a I ( 1 money that will be paid out for 1: s ; h, ulone will noij probably, fall v.JtJ of 02511,000: The number of workmen 'employed is, of course, very I " a - f a - . a iar;e. air. i nomas vvcntwnnn-nas tne 1 .. . . r: t ' . ; r .i t. . J ft 9. i. . t tj v5laOll3llNl":Hl Oi ine.HlUU. IllSUU; slness' is "so perfected by labor saving mi cl.ifies. thtit we apprehend the old way of 1 1 r. 1 cn l i s t it1-: .n f.! it depirtt. J. 0ur brow ihis momen;. . , . ' Away, fiend I hell! he exc!iimed;rrjt;ie noose, more I fi starttn-iipri2bi, 'aV4y it is a he-r-t am! landing such secrcs,t" not dvins. Yu are ail leaguea together l ot irienusntp tor i:.i CerrtiJ. .As I U kill rne. ; ; Will no one lkf her away?! 1 little procession yroved -!nm: jhe Im No.' Gtforsre',1 she - replied, none wilt I preceded by the t.iaister afid the I tar take awar the" wife from the bedside of her Inn open carriac-. drawn -by -two t dying husband. You know me, George J harses, nd containing tu fermles, t yon know that I was vour war, but you tits position in the plac ,of the chtl d J not know all. t ; You dii not kir-iwhov I mourners. .' They were ihe wif of the loved you when you fled and left m inlqead and his daughter. Tlie- latter was dishonor, and my sister in her ahune you I closely ' yelled, and - exhibited, signs ol do not know 'how, for years, 1 continued j deep sorrow. .But the former .sat stately jo love you, and knew m where to nod and erect, and her dark eye flashed proud r f hr fhiV woman was a native of Monsaryi in the ' Jerritory of Elvas .in' Portugal. The cc. ; Was attested by Wilcujt, Bishop, of Hocltsterthen chaplain to the English ttl L'sboni in a letter dated from that city ' oeptember ; , Ii0Ti' and law belore tha - Royal Society in London. The following is on extract; from h& letter! The Condt d'Ericeya, r a nobleman of- letters, shd - curious in i natural knowledge, . broucht from tho frontiers of this country a woman , without a longue, who yet speaks very well: the is sevenkn yearf' of age; but in stature exceeds -oot one of seven or eighti I waswfih her at ihe count's hodsVj and maile her pronounce every letter of Ihti nfnhnbtili which': fthft enn "Hri'Hi:inett. a )rac, zc.-Letlerfrom Prague. She has not the least bit of a toueue. or any tiling like it but the teeth; ha both: lides.J of her under jaw turn very much greatest want of a. tongue in eating; for, as others i when ihey cat, move, their muat about with their tonsue. she is forced to use-hqr fingers. She pretends to distinguish taste very well, but i believe shov dies it imperfecily. Her voice j though very dis- uncl, is a utile hollow, and like that of old people wjio have lost their teeth , , ' The Lictheon The editor of the Cincinnati tHeratd,M not lung since.' whilst under the itifluetidd . ol the; Betheyn, had a toyth extracted; Ho Jhus, describes his feelings! - 1 'We have taken it; we have had a ueni it extraction, unler Ms influence, and this w;ig mo wuy ui n. vv c iook.' onr seat on a tage chair and look into our ' mouth 4 larie tube, which convoved the araa. Wh commenced inspiring ' and coughing at the same time. Ah our inspirations crew more ' regular, oUr coughing ceased; and we began to lose our consciousness. Then- we Degan to near a noise ot a ihousana nail nulls; Then we seemed tube ridieg upon a ruit road, along' which myriad cars were thundering, and we were going faster into a black void; in which were loud noi ses, ns of an earthquake.- Then we tho'l we will tell of this; and were Tramma what figure of speech we should Use in de scribios lhat. jarrinjfi ihundKnog noise. when we lapsed away and. tdllnd all quiet. We were unen an island. Siirrtrtier breath- d av Elton , Preble county . Ohio, on a e'j over the blue wafers; .odors, as of fideni Of arson. In tho course of the t rial I ma At iK air fuint writ K ihi ltinrir M u. Vowing disc,t ire? were made, by a Lical fuuotains plashed in marble basins- birds sang in cool gfoveav . Awsy dowo-a vista, overarched with. climbing roses a white marble palace upreared its walls. We were lying taint and Janguid, but j-y- fut, gzing down this vita. Over vs bent an old man who gzed' inquiringly Inlo our iface. ' Jut ihen a bevy, of maidens' came capering along in graceful sport to wards u.! vVft, laughed at . their glee and ley '.1 reT aitempted lo htnd us wiih roses. We put up onr hands to save our. sel ves from' such a calamity, . and awoke wuii our i.anas nrmiy cjasping tb arm o( Ihe ope m tor, who hadjust extracted, ibe twib. The first ihtng we recognized; aa a picture imiling upon us from - tho wall4 whifh was that of tho old man of our via. ion., v , . ".Afterhe. tooth was- t jt' of course came the .'lassitude co nsequtsa Upon vti n action nf.nur pxciitrneni ' V . Hiking barrels Wilt not very 'successfully te with htm.' In one shop his' staves 1 1 cit and dressed by machinery, propel!. - . " n steam engine. Ihe staves are : Ir ' the block, at,, the rate of 8000 a iy. 'i he steaming process is "done by :;i from the ennine.' T Alter the 'a ves aru cut they are sawed py two huzz nws, an oi one 1 icngtn, ana, Men aressea I jointed in a very expeditious manner v large wheel, inlo which knives are in ited. The stave is then ia for use. hx men will cut and dress 6000 in a day. i another shop the barrels are nut to tr. Tha establishment turns out. from : thousand Mo . fifteen hundred barrels y, and gives employment lo about . .. -five workmen. Qstcrga Times. J -prr ia nl De eelopment of t Crime. A in named ueuben Maddux was recently ftld encei j wiif turocu - ci:ate s j to vis a.mammulh company ofV pick ets, thieves, robbers, and even rnur. by the name of iho ,Byal Band,' -ton Srtni," that have their' head- ' i Pittsburg, Pa. : At Lawrence-J , i ., i y have another resort for the of ihe -SonsV at a small-branch, yet organized un- rruiar captain, who enjoys the no. q oct of Captain 'Kidd." This "J their plans for burning the hpr prorariy cf the citizens, 1 ' rg,; and even murdering, me p in. ile town. Georgia. Con- Thumb Surpassed la an old pa- (t! -j London Literary Gazette,) for t-ir lt-i, find no account of dwarf even -oi ro llliputiio; than 'Tom fhaa.h. . Ucr n mo was CrachamL a Si cia m ly Lirib, and at lenyerrs of age she was only 'nineteen inches in height, and teeited. out fee pounds! Sha' was exhibiu cd in London in May 1824. . Be ready .'to bear, Careful to tatitii4t and slow to advise. ; When you cannot find peace within yourself, you ill sect il in yiin elsewhere

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