. 1 it, i'-ir . 1 1 I , publish no iv .. :;:;v tixos. XT. Erne: id r:";:iL:::.- n ,J4 p" nnom in avaocc;if not v '7!.. r.yfcUi '' fitnf'i 0 ,; "'? 0r ono'we etiontcd m iWo, i,r ', ,.lKrt mill he cuolmuJ till (VwiJ. and J Vj firje fr r.iounni the nam's of e4ev.s Our lAtt ::cpoe. Tt. fnYoz l,M were wnticn somo ytrji fcrthe Lt C4. IIrdirt;'lit!ti in Wntuttn;.' -j.r ar ttj'Utti mth tlio t!iOl iucU,ag tin. . . B-irf mf mt,!'n I am I;adt . .Vb Jt l!"' rity'i jlare i lMrc lho-tii! rrtl( M mnrlU tread, j-vd aUU and in terry are weJ; ' ()! bar in itol tttcrc, . . ' , 8 m? no1 h -r ni more, Iff" 1 oniuuuum l4re Wji re nj";5it tot ca' rr it boot .' itt-'nii ami t r. , rund it raar; 0l urj ino not tlttrc- . f jrr me n Jt"n I'm at real, - , ..- , Win r tu rl wl jmTii n Jfl r; f jf rmj''y liw and jfitrroua crcut ' l"n nt vrr iUic an icy breast: . -f - IV t bury mi nut there. ' , Bj't m" not, lH-n I liall!crpi Ppwvati' renkv !jir; Wh-fs ind and wave tttrlr vij la keep, JinA tr lii'Mni llit! rllc tict U.i! bur' iiiu not tliiru.1 Barv tirf not, wln-n I am cane,, In boimilLrn rairu'i, where Tlie burird di-ad hoi h f'l nloiui, 0 tam4rkrj rxci pt by a coli grave utone-- "Oji! bury mo nut lli. rc Cutlnjry nt-, whet! I uliaU die,. VtttJ.t 'd!i and fl iwcr rare; AVIirir Vr my (jrave tlift irida tnay aiglj; 'J'hf brdn iiiity.fins, and (i lends ars , Ua'. bury mc llieit tlurc. . Cbarat lcr and Dualli ol i'ilutu.. Tle fallowing is frtm vt work r'ii.!J, '(JrOicitanc au'J Cjlvury," rccenil) it IW: - . ' .: It i diiTrwH to. Jdineato iho rlnmctet tf Pili't. Uh corvijctfc thr.iuh iut the trial, U ilr:uit) mid inconsistent.- L'tuitiiKifii, fitiin ihjfirfrt, tf .the inmicen. cy of Kcvlccrtur, Kfuwin lht In; iwily Jiis w p-iirtT tu rrcue huu frv'i tra Hin inltMit"r, yet instead of exf reiiin l.uufli.-Ml r,J nJ dintiiosih the hcn. , 'ts fruiit liu tribunal, he p ifleyi with them ml tivlcMVur4 to induce thin to' with()iu tli.-ii priwrtniim. In ttii.4, h tit.iiiity howj KirriMlf tii U j'tTint'ii b) an exoO-ive Kive oi" (i'ji!i'jri;y. An I yet, niherct uf his prittur linrslnji pmve iiir (o- hnvft bt'wnJ ftiiKtnm',viitifrly rcckU-as ii ihu f.ivoroi L s uljlc;s Id tho present rase, horv' rr, till.- ruk auJ numlter .of llit pluiutiiri i tuj bur nrJ not cuun'rucied .by buy di Vtfria intprft of hi u .., .On t'n? contra ry, u ii lor his prvscnt imerrMS'to ihif coirficiiuni 4f hi iifn.jii!oint'f and rvm tl! cviJiincrs tf his bt n !, railu'r i!un toc.ir ttvo r'.'-itvHim'r.t o tiu tnfljen 11 fruvos, m!io enn easily m.tko hii'ollte iiiv Iwr hn litV. Hut yir.Uinj socownnt. ly ii the, iinjvwl demands ul a" ditTeroin liciion, xim viuSates cne f thu fitlest laws of lu country. ' Tim. idle eUiiiof of ihe pulico is nut to bo regirdvd, lieri tluy cj!I for a puihy in-m t.. b neqoiiied.or any innocent ono to bn condr'iniied.1. lie Wiisi i.aire forrjiitietj one of ihft miximi ol llonce, hoi p!-m he bad doubtless of ho. read in hie b 't bond: ' "Tlie mm in c )!icwim tirtin bhl, arc ret pirjxi hi4d. . ' lirari lf crowd'a tumultuous rrif a, Kriii thr iniH;nou) tyranl'n an ry heavy K'fiea.v this ee act ol limiJ. complianee to selfish ,nrere$t, lit, liss secured o.nme, allien wiJl fornver cleave to Mm. -Wherever the Sacrvd narrative of the surTtsrin-s ni death of Jc-sut is known, in. cartli or heaven, will it also be knowh', th-tt h. was con lenujedlo the cross by Pontius Pilnte. Yet e arc in d.in:er of meusurin the K nina i JTicer's poilt", by he - lint vhi e i-UrM-ivss rnjov. -We must remrmber t-lc et. niiitiuti the 1,1 oly Ghost has rerird ."U'lwm the piijes of this Wtrld nut, for had tney known, iby wjuld rwtUve crucitied (he Lord iaf iflory. Pi !!e, a well s Herod, rtiiht have known If esalted ch tractrr of the person inio "MniwuNly drapgtl Beforr him, 9nl by him f urm.!y crucified: and this renders his '-K)Tince ineieusable, Th fjctMhathe i n it know tho dignity of Christ patliites the tai'Jgjijiof "crucify ins tho Lord ot t ,r." Hid he been convinced that Je J Christ was Hlie true God and el e, rim I j-'' to have thus condemned Mm, had cnsicrileg to an inconceivable degree. Hi?, he trampled upon lhe principles CoQcience andnghi, in an alinnin ootr. In fine; his constant efforts lo . nft tHe-, milicioui accusations . uf .the ,.ei slu in h:m a strong so oe pfjus JjCe.(a ij a Ct.HscirncQ not blunted by tur- eci.'urs kfcow$ a j i ti na '-" " keep ori lh ?.,pu'r tven at tlio cqsi of justjee. s dect,in thaws the selfishness ol fta rht'art, ml his ruling a mbttion. ' . o'stoncul accouois of h'nn qqree U.i lheabJVe a:ures. PhiU,. Hie Jew, Jtpresen's hm, as i; marLUU( 'Sel jusace .',,se P!j:ired the people; and execu- iiiHocfni;': thothsoma rVJuctioo- Jfra fus statenieuti, fof ncilioo .), pnjudi. i iniy be required. According to Joe f "Ui, h as rr- naturallv disposed to f accessary bloodshed; bat vhcereithe r. a Ci I t. f.lrr 1 !i f'.vt v-v' i t.f tor. ' WhV'Vct: i r '4r la. 1-1' .JUli M f hi t' - f ,1 Pihte. io i t,:s I1 CSriNit v i re L it believer -m!.t Lj j iloubtta!. f l:s cai'icr t t J ti d cf tt ' ttnue ir.uch Jvj.ir. : prwCaf.. inaj !r.mtir ut.pxl;'i'ir -y pre.. . -presions upun th Jews. Iliscui. ; ... "t'lhis time with'.tbeir cVmar. Is, di-J r stcurelmn fiont thi evil hich bd aa'k i-1 paled. Ml was deponed, f.ur or fivt? years t.if;trvaVds, for an amlt upon t!te Sunt, ritins, uiumotied to Vi-uun to defend him. self, ani yns bani-l.td by ih'e cEmperor, Cius Calgula; to Vieoae, in Gaul, where bo Committed sulfide. iThnj closed thoarthty scer" of the on. happy Vlte. .. isi.nsif the mVvk, bleed. Uv coutiteuancp ot the Iledeemer'iniy have h.of)ted and harrowed his mouI. lie could not havo ' forgotten .he .hjost remarkable event of Ifis pro uratorship. Ho mut Iviive t I', it l "... r , , i ' -. .. ' i ii uiu.iumirneni oi ins wile h aram. in thejudgisietits Which fell u;on him, for con. demuin the innocent iloiij. Some op. pri'ssivo wejjht bjre upon ,bis spirit, .nod MVide hi (ife a load which be thought bo could uot endure, and he toak the ntadman's relief, of rushing into sorrows yci more 11 . . . ual ntsiioes,nuvu tmejh'.eredhar.lc To dust nnd no cii'tn knoweth hisestin ' ncc. Iho it.iiioos w.ilk over it4 heed!e4 of the liandj bulow. wJiich signed the death war lain if the Son of Man. Tho Country l'Iiylciau. ; A GlIoST.STOHf . ' ' Thr linj of a phyician -br' conflict with mt ny .t range evf;, of country practitioners, is iu n j him in flli't Kl if m-ido un of,. as grea a variety of incidents as tlie City could-a (lord. Tlie following incident the writer of this can Vouch for ns having tj(."-urred -fe!ai. td, and ll it did ftot turn . ; ' ' ' - ' T,"1 t least it came very near bt . . initials oply of thu party .1. Ur. G" 1 was the priuc..ti ,j -ician iti the vitl.ige of S V in .Massachu setts, 'lie hail been nttenoins an infant t 1 1 ' 1 un lniant (J, yuuug ..upir w u reaiueii' was a mile from the villnge, but the child died .nd was- buried, and the mother wis more thin iisiiiltyj ufR.cteJ at the loss of her first borii. - .. O.m tiight, ja week or two after tho bu fill of tho jShtld;,' the worthy, doctor was riding ut a late huur of the night past the Vfllagtj burial .ground. ,The- moon- was shining brightly, nnd a cold Mtch wind was whistling througfi the tops of aJ couple of jtafl'-'phres which then ornamented the grave yarf. ' Tlve d.tcto was' musing up on, .wo know nol what, When suidenly his old 'while, horse pricked up his cars and J&e gin tn snort in a very umisu il inanner. The doetor ijtlved a roan ! but culd disco-, ver nothing. Too ; old 4Hg with instinct more ncute, begin fn shy nway from the grave )ard lencr, ns il hn h.ul no interition of cnnil)g in contact Viih any spirits' which might wirfk'thre. " : ' - . Z ': The dootor was ' n.")t ' supcrslitiius; he grt oir his . ho:se . and climbed tlie' fence into the gfjve yardj - to try anj discover wlut hid uU'riiucd his "staid and steadv animn ,caclwdhere Tut week or! his way .. Ihe Doctor was amin not css.ly frights jnl.,cr; My, ,.lie- wa a 8,.e almost sioml uo, and h- clutched the end of his riding whip convulsively, as he look ed . and (taw among the ta!t while tomb stones a figure in white,; wit') longdishev. eiled' hair kneeling be side a new mic! in fants iravf; ' itie Sjuro.wa's rocking to and ''fro, as if jnain or "grief, and wsji near hioi inxj.b could se. th.it its white Jr.ipery'was scanty kuJ thin, and thy cold, wind tossed the Umg hair- witdU, A mo menf, and his resolution vas, farmed. C-ire. Julty and firmly, he appro iched and spoke but he. received - no answer. Ho laid his han l.genity ' upon ihf figure; ,ii wa& evi dentlv. flesh a'tid rjoinf. Th Doctor fell relief eJ. A socond look Void, h.m' lhat 11 Was a fem..JetcNd, notwithstanding: the misirrss. v uer -e i ons, f oiw nao- nst r. . it- 01 t . . 1 irom ncr oeAt tiw, wttucu uwio inreii nine Iromher resiuerfce lo the burnl ground, wnhout. waking, and as may, bo ' Supposed T as horribly ', frightened ,when she ' found herself among the lomb The gooddoc- tor fjuieted her, fars,'anit wrapping her in his'umpW cl kr anJ placing her .behind himstiif-upon ihe horso,". rl-turned with her to her reatdence. " Her husbauJ " had not wakened during Mff absence, 'nJ coui 1 scarcely believe ihe story which the doctor told him. - ' " I - . - ' The Lcve'of'Uhne'X Washington letter, f jeakmg f the arrest of , yuftug Jon.e$, iheTiist olfi e ctuk; says;.; He was' not ttfufteo i com mi I, Crime by any of ho iisuM; induccmtia. Hi h td bten left 6100'JJ by aeluive, winch he had properly1 iatil jiitiiciiu.ly infested in stocks; he had a- rvsrctabhv salary, and was otherwise well to tlo'in thefwurld."r-i Neither had he any of 'tho.se vices which .tierally lead to ruin;i! was mere love of ru)4ry w'hicli inJaced htm lo nb those who w-re, perhaps, so much more in v"int of it than hiuW!f, and the arnouni stylen .he immediately, with i!w same calm and trao- tjuil mind, inmted ifl stocks. iijcieniMiey oi ine veainer, in u mm mgm UU i(i wllicn he wy i.,i,ere jm.d- bul dress. She tra errf ; It was Um young . iwii hundreJ ,r(.e ' Qu f h inoilwrvl herinUmchildv Her mmd had ! Imml)t.r tner ar Xv arB;ab,e ,( Wa wrought upon by us death th it j gIin k decrflt ;v' t - bjlaro a . even when sleeping !w 'was nl .perfect; ru-ken and ri.uih ..i L .u' i'-vjtcd f) iV;.ii.'sLl!cnitirc f. i' rioftlieru I'auutlc to i.. . Dr. . C . - ' d -f J. ire . ir J s..ie:t, of t t ii'lai.ljrgJi, iv turning 'fro. :i t!a .N'onb, " - ;""'( n, I'tter Poole, f. returned to ;on-in ISvw. LJjcksrv.nh, i. i, the Hon; i ,)irtatlo ' i rued lor ) , he was a s-'ive. by liis hw r-iity t i..., . and Col. Thouuis j.j r s !,f.. ; Under the Itws i..:;h (' j coujd' ftot" mifiinnil b'.n, "v. I . 4 : hi vi! fillt-n into the hv.. U i f ul master in the event of Col T : death, lie give Peter permis,i ( - I tort;i ."j-fec- btate," unJ f.;;. J I .u with proper papers logo whrrrter ' chine. Sm time Ia-i year be procttd ed lo CharlesioS, bul could not -t a pis Hgo in any ship t.New York; although he was vouched fiir by Mr. IKinnr,. wlu re sides in that city and who . knew all the circumstances connected with hi tearing. MrIIomar wrtjte .to Gilonel Thompson, wlto promptly forwarded to him a power i attorney, by whkh. he cleared htm ut the rosiom' tl-'U,- and ",he found easy transit to IMew Xuilc, Peter h id . several ! f., .1... I-..:.- t- f'l u,'' uuiw 01 m moustry hrc, which afterhis arrival in New York he dejositef1 with' Mr. Kersey a broker in Wall . Street. . He "set- About procuring work at his trade, which, he found dilliuliy in pitting. Jlo 'Was? immediately; taken by the had.hy the Abolitionists,' who promiseUhfm ti buy his wife ud child, whi remained here. ,They ffrequen'fy urgr d hiir to proceed to Canada, atating thev they would Jsend his wifo on alter bun. .He waned patiently, nsit:nin to their promises, and losing daily by bick of work, low wage; and high board, unlit paueicu iHelJ was haoied.' In hisuwu words "They were the bst binds at talk ing; I tve heard.1' Mr. KtUi s wis his goiKi friend', and at l.ut mirting cout)denrH u 1 eter nrofHised lo tnv . :)il inwarii,' ihe purchase of his wife, provided ihe Ab o litionixts who had vuluuteered t: . do' so j 1. .. .u k .i . . : : 1 w'ii maw up me uinncu requireo; i nd - u; ' , ti lest lie r sincerhv - went l-nna.t ivith hi oi" to - aee what they intended lo uo. i ,u,iy, now -r, -enneu anfi give as hi excuse.".. iilcjs agiii&t lh'if :hed"to purchise A u .flesh.' Cven c.-iariiy. and ' their, boasted pnneipje., of humanity coutd not.indoco . iherri to depart fwm tln ir principles, although ihev hid pnrhieJ.this honest negro, lo redeem, hi'a wif.f from shivery !'J , I Peter th..n decided' to return homeland risk tho loovitable conseq ience of being made' rt Uve again.- The- Abolitionists endeavored, to dusuida him from this, as they' s;iid 'Hyoult be against their cause,"' and he believes they would not bave allow ed hi it t.i depart, if he had not .kept his further tnfntVms -secret. This he did, and mating' with Dr. Bennett, tfesired to relurn home t?iier his proteciioo Or. Bennett in formed hirti of alltbe couseqoencea, and put him in possession of all the ir.formatio'd in tii.s power at the same lirrm'w arcing himlhat .he on Id ' 'become a sfivo tho moment he would reach, South Cirolina. With this knowktlgi?, bo det-rru:;ed to return, and lo his thirty. fur years, and a freem-nne;an1 deci les in favor o. slavery tn South CtroWa." Ho alsi says,.hocvu?i hot make' a sup port for himself and wife in NW York, and could ' rW enjoy life as .welt there a free mm, iis herea 'ivp.M1 Thnt fi? was in a .hurry to g-: i-.r omi?, far & .r lie wvuid become as ieij as the fre uegroes oflh North," who h; says, re ao'rt 'lo fogoery and drinking .v hen ihcy are out of employment'., U is his opuiion thati sk've in any.airuation here, is beti ier off and has cause to be happier, than a free negro in a free State; ' and .says 'that not only the free negroes in the VfCiCllVof NeMT -sVurL hiH ihnolnl.' r whiles nre woMe or ,n ,n thVtehves of S Icirolina." - lit worfc! i,i cnarc,er o( mo,i if the free ne-roe, ol e " Kstt 14 mc North. . W e have no comMienis it make, Thesu stnu m :oi arc . nu i down Irom the hps of on honest an I sophis. licated mm, whoW testimony we give'for the.be.nefit.of our&!avc3! ill hcT.e atiJ .he fanatics abroad. . ' ( .Death op-THs.rsjafCK kotal cf tin-ZLL- Atphonzo, the 1mle' impcrrl .Prince ot . Brafcd, died on she. lih of June1, or con gestion of th brain. The Eirpress re Jasedl to let lh Pnnce.be taken from h-r for nearly two days, f H at last tri tn her arm, f "fhu i awl family, reside l ai the pal ice, three nti!e from town. The next morning the body of the Julie' Prince was brojghi to the city - palace.- fie was laid in ihe throne room. t lh ..cral earned off that night by torch light".. It began io move abhut eight o'clock thro the srreetsi 'whieh were gtisrd" 1 by tfce military. It. is impossib'e ti describe tho rnsgryficence of the scene. " TfieS:a!Pearriages"were neh ly. caparisoned with g;i!d, anJ , biautirully Jecorate'd. ,The b dy was deposited juS at midoihi all. the rm'o-cf.war aad the military firing a? the iMant. .It aopetrs lhat all iho firsuinale born of lha Bra'moza family ' die off. The Errrror is him!f nn 1 Ucncral'kl"! ;;.c::cc. 10, .he io give birth tu nvher Prin or Irlncea in; a ft w iiays. Considerable alarm was fcji for heron account of the auJdori death ot Prince Alfhonzo,-' ... : Tjie cam r:u. fc - Some diys au aVtor,- .vni i. j . roynis louchinj; a m m, v. . o," havir.J: Wcvirtd t mmst.lt iii.bii s vk-fvm Alii- Ameri cn . Museum, New-York, reCeived ielV.an of a post fronS Jilr, Difnum, and after view- ing me curiosities, sloped with the girmenl,1 thua nb!:nnrg a ssht of tlie clephmt anif wtple- J ' wallow-tail for twenty five cts. l.i r- ms if an afTiir that incurred it ; irJ'theoUPohimbus, l.'en I iy o- C ; wlesVow ,Vy Yard. One ., n biugrcen". Vermonitr fctfuggled . . L utJ lni,iriaie,'affj examined every s deck uh curious' eyra. TlwoV- ie watch, from tlw beirih and t. f bis 's t. ;H(;e, i foriTi,, attracted the i 'V ny good pLcafycre liev?" hcl l ' ,r. r.ted. ' V '; ft .'1 )UU Ret!1: . tr;i twtdty.fivc dollars o ' V :fy-five dollars! . 'Wlm, 'O.i itior.l'.i, t rO-.c All lew y.v.r 'Taci, Mf.' . '.Way, i . thirrg lo d.) .. On! ye: -midshipm i ' Wt-ll, !.- i!nt "get souie good, for a gr pii hund." ' V 'y dollars am"' . l( , forty oli'jrV I u .s t ,i' lo hire i .'.Jjr ; . cu:i 1 Lo tn Jj t. . ' ' ... . , ..' quick. 'D.iwn b-ilow, j s r , . i i tho stccrajj. A's aooft as in reli vi..J ! I sec lo it.' Down went tho ; -.?r anJ the qu':77. . A bevy ol yoan mi ij.iipm?n refj-iirid i prompting "to perjwmteu piece t)t'nii' , A spurious warrinl was soon rne.'e and the green horn rq iipped ia a Fp'i .. ' uniform, including an eU-gint chnpeau mi.', u3i- iwuru, oy a 1 iini.cintrrj'Jtiun. ot ; I mess. Thus lurntshi'd, Hio was direct :i I ? j vt present hiuiseif tu Commodore S.(in tl. ! s J cab.n, and report ready, for duty', i'ld v.i ! told th.it the. Commodore' micht Jbe nreltV i ftrillT- 'il'UIJA A ,m,, I... 1.. J I ... . . H1""! ; ". ;on H'lvi ' uui no o mind it.' -Tne steerage being lull, the new midshipman. was to domnnd,qu.ifte,r in iho Commodore's cabinj ift fact,, ie was drd;r ed to lake possessum of a certain stme oom. ' Tlie Commodore s M ick look and angy woros were to be rrgit ,' - . noihih" he had no- right to ue either. J'JS 'posted up,'- the victim presented .-himself lo ihe' Conufiodore with t Old friiss, how are-you?' . r- S. stared.' He had come across a rara avis. ' "Take n seM, sir. I Win help myself, old feller; 1 gineral ly do;' wa.s ihe 'feply of ihe Vennonier, as ho flng hinsr lf into one scat and crow ed his legs upon . 'aiiMthe. . You T0 one of ihe ne- i.iidh"" Iujpoitl" rennrktd the Conimoifore, 1 from thejftrfttku-peoiul'soiiiitl 1 ainl.nvthin' 'Shall I troublo,5'MU for your warrant? , 'Cauh hjMcM bo,, - . i ne iommouore lookeJ at lha warrar.t and ihenai the visitor' , . "- . ' Who give yo this?' - 'The fellurs dovti s::iir: and lYi r; ' ifor cluty.''. " IhTti s enough, n.iw you cm -1 - i Not as yuti knows on,' Sjt.. i '. cellar's' chock full :ir..1 1 ,'i(,t a f . ' of this .i in a hurry I u.; . , , . ... Oh! you needn't rare up, M U jt. , . (-ej whu's tho milter- ouVe a let lie cricke t t up. here! end Jt.e, brilliant yeuih louche ! ; hi fort head , with tin ore'drr. I ..-'g into liVctiimber ui a ri;;!.t r sfiooz b-Kits and all, by gravy!' Ashe was proceeding IjYt;' me.nacethe Cmtniod re I 1 ' - am -. na led, hitn to hu - . , e t io me sentinel, it3 u. "You see that mAri rn you won i ciear t i,, ship and yird,: i:etr here agaio, 'Uordr 1 The Vnkee broXc- '.t-ctiy t a!. i t. i I -" o his blue coai-ni was rert rear, as lie dashed mn . f t!. sp ectof ' flying jici. In a inusu'c afiCr'.vi; !,-.' a-Kfu tor v.oertytog t-..i . . .'Voun'g pnili'm..!,' n.'i dore, 'I anr.o bei:v t.j t; Six lares ti.Jl a i ." u r J - kers returned to t'.f'ir r.-r j anch.ily as tr.u:e ! i 1 hev never aw ri. Yar; tf:crrt trrf. r 'a ax on t-ei ' Th3 Cppetor : lent a hundrcJ r EnglanJ, fi'iy i , 1(l mil;ins to Pr"-'. i als f r t r to the large Linkers .f I", re. m isnirig his , treasury by a war beards ..of Jlie.Jews . A rccer,:' i -r ukase has ben tram!tJ to r .' all the Synagogues .in l.h i'., :' manding-an -immedlitn m v-.J ( beard of his Jei,h s-.;! ;cis c mily to the order eMail'tr- a cert 1 pr.a!ty." .As the Err.pcriTr :....'., Finance itry welt unj-r0jn.I, it loves lis beard better than lb sn l l. i p I. cf hi purse. . The fiscal feisf ratorc u. their book of taxes', and the r trrrr-J I ' barbers with their soap and razor, rriJ:e'- me 7001.-01 tojreiUer. and no IsreaVm . borto esiapts a choice between :Lcs. VOLUME VliU PAY Tho excittment or,; t!m Jens at thu new tyrainy is said to : vcy unuuat an i UargeratM. HomtJ ,J, GciiH TajIorNcijaraclcr n a ' J;!.-' ;S -'a til:?-' -j; T, 1 1. ! At a.barb-ieu eivn lo th Kentucky Vtiufiteers t -JpiTc-rs.jntown, on h U:h int , C I; HjfrMrey M -VhVl driven ! speech, in th" ciurse' U vhtch be ;i Lin iiowntj em of the t U r oi u,j Ik ugh and Jleidy. It rny U remarked. tint this qmlntcs v...TcJi-ttJ so conspicuous in the character of ;lJei era! Ty lor, such as the simplicity-, sioceri ty, manliness and hommy, are theJ: very !" attribute a that endear him to .-ihc-msxr. No:hing nc immpdsa mart murii gpeedi ly lo the afli-ctions of the petp!e kh.inAhe presenr of :bvse horiifcIyand old fahi.n td virlae which p:ovu the stetling :nelal of hi nature: -v - " at'tvico. iri Mexico fqueatlv j brought mo near to Go. Taylor, tnd I was n,fustciom in my cxaminition, of tlw ifiacieroi ;ne man vvnenet,er op. portuuny waj presented. I' have ty mo tive to (ecei?e ymi, an I you must-take the impressions I received (ot whm thty.nre worui.. u i. ueirrd, to express' in the jewesi wor.is uat maOner. . 0f( man Gen lai.or i,t kiMHiKi sayf that, in. his mhii- ncrs anj his; ppf aranco A is cne of 'lht com-:,n people of ihis ,counlry.t lie might bo translened from his lent at Momi 7fv t hiS HHst'mUv.innd he .wruild nm be remirked'umong this crowd of respectable: oiM'irmers as 4n nvm nt all distinguish eu irum thosrf- nrnnri'i htn' P,iii lemperif.e in Tits- fciMis;; ncrfectly plain m its fires'?; r nit rely umsbumitTg hi his eiinnrst lifr nppeai lo be f.o old gentle health, wh ln.gtWrej u.. .wilt upon -.his personal : aor:aranee. a.u-j ho has no pu.int uluut him to uttract l-itticuir tiKemioir. fu-his " iuii remit: vrh , is fr-e, fnnk aril m.nty. ' ' ".he airs ol Mh-rgreif ',p'11 1 mel. : Any one may Inm rJS !ry as can L-j dehired, " morn c J- - fjr hi c'mnctcr'H i.er J Oiils -ii discIosi 'ti "7, I ijj nut mean f I. ; ,i hi docs no; 'cheat ori I J is a man thtinevr4 tj scins all dio-gutses., . firl rtmung hisjiiends - ;ks to bi:what he is ; i --M you hear what s, and, whether right I oto- ince lhat fie h rs I v iniola. -,His'dcalings e-i of a m'jst'varied'chaT-, I not. he h r v . expre with in rir' - v! ne ver In atd his h-j'urFt i breath of the sligWsl reprc- :f ... ' 2. . II i, By n o i ,. , of g(ni u of rare good iwievimt i , ossi d; ot th it brillianc? nrf uuiucis oy nt tlishrs, Vet, nivc i.e- r f if. t'Xniro ...... . :t. - . t " gafcj upon i:; by po means nosse..in.r that Com l) t D'st: 'i ..inieiiv wnielr penetrates Combinations of which ci ;,'(b!e. . Whey, he rtn chi ins you fetconfident .Wm ands the , groufid'opoii I'h S'.lf, and yu rcsf.'ns ' " . .fusion is ,ihrt deduction I 1 J v;, i- , ' : --fl sense "faii'hful f!j.!t-cl-r in hinJ; U U this" order of has' enabled him unhke rranv. tsf the army', u, attend lohe : :s fundy, by so. uing thcincHfis ' ' ' i i a s io su rrou ud h mjsi If in :e with a handsome privaie for be - tlessi d i u an almost .:UHMin.Jf houI J lo-day prefer o nv rnnner o y uy inciter, of ., private )n A ns in a schfnif' ufir pnal was to be erribfikvd, woud 'ieconfidcr,i!jr his counsel' where T-mentof an rmy a3r involr true lionor of my cou'mr y ws , t.'jin tht tJf Rny 0rhrmsD 1 r, known. I reprd his ;uVgnent ; .. f"i--t-rat at every ;ihirig. farm tradtfup to a trade in lofjiau life r. field of butlcl ' ' ! . jjc.'mi -nrf possessed 'oft "r& ,vf character. U were a imie-lodwtlt oI0, thr-ae traits of cterfor h;; rr.iljiary career ha 'ucit abu.djoi"i-impIc's trhi of ihcsS qual,r,iS. a o fendtf ;i.iar tonLrv citizen f,. i. or heard c f Vn! In his v arc. daily exhibned and st.md . uismaicd m .t.r -pnalra from his j,en. . " recc a iCTvvoent rtan. ,Tl.:s f;r.!i. 1. "'fuimly di-pLiyed ii hi, 'prisoners who have ! ' n s "er by thr? vieisiiuuV d n w.V nad sm , hin afur -'jen Vista as he ordered Ihe 'fngin the McxiVn mounded ri field, and Ucvi ;h;.m as he i his una .- -j n that ia '.o b? tres: J w;;;i rnrrcy; .L lie wa.'uiire io-"aitthe l-es f our fi'tiure The nV f youth he chides with pajero. yet w i-h the drcNiun loch 'on&ndthc vooog men - n )1T. ,' ii is a irtj-au'e lo ' easy there tht-y re h 'lltey viiited Ihe oo hornrj and thev f.v int;ttd lo.paruiaal Cher, as if tliey were! -l a ffchec. Hi condocr . tteserlera who Were captured, 1 i ; '. Jflrusr-t tu!i)i ki ; .land brendih us if "by, imui via .going un., Jnorder, there mior yet has ,th',t o,rder ofj fofeu, frusi rat . )e pl.-,i,, 8o far as his Co more slowly but q-iiie ai d.iyghier .was implicated, hn fastened the t j mi ii eiHg.-, ou rooty an , sat Iiili: r.v - a; 1- vi i 'Uii"al loJ aitlltJ tti i ) r t i I. . t;ce and his judg. -'li.ntH .1 V.iem'satd he:Vthp w 1 ' put. ' ''''vt 1 ii.f.ict ji lo returfi ihm to, Uty Mexican ancy." When NapiU'ti aVJ t. cfu .'iN;m -tti!ions, "lii'-cribo it o.t!irtr flig: z&'ut' ihe ariy of i !y," b; .usH ant. rrton wlich . J s rriTVti Ksb'a lhat hUloiy :pies-.rvtd U fr '' : - ' .itration of tuturo i ;ts, tl'was t.-k 1.. 2' lorcilno as an ijtu'. i rj hi p vvf r t;l I jUJlnrtg ihe nringsi n m, action lhan i. thai f Gehifral 'i 1) lor, Vlyfalivacf the min. nvi iri witch ho wouM'.moiXo tin exampla 1 . in. .t .w ', .'..- - - . 5 .T "r tt rtivt of I. - -'it A.i? '" nt-vrr 1 . kn-jwa bM. wyJjr lo;, . Jp a day tu pleasure.' I L vo never tinted his viui.jui steiog tueU-.s of lh ' industry . with wjiich he ;tiled. If . his , talented ajatanl ws surrounded with piptvj ao was lh.'iGeiier.ili. , And though.! ho wiiuM, 5?lup a. visitor kindly and bid hirrt with fsrnHUr gi -cs in amuse himself unnfh6 was at leisure, ho "nevrr would ; interrupt tho duiis which his station caJled htm to' perforin. When thi'se-. were cbis , -td for the day tif pemrd to t. joy W, '' remarkable Jegree, lh vivacity of youog tillicvrs, and to be. gUd 1 1' rtiinglo tn their society. , As a conversMiunt!, I-. 60 ttol " think Gen' Taylor jiosstsv s greTipowt. UnWi'H P-w words and expres- him T with energy arrj force, but nol lVi"nJy. Hh language is .select.. I' woutJ. . say', -however, fivtn the knoyt'Wg: of th mn, tliat h; is ehtirelv'cap',bie fF vrn I'i'mg anjthirgi In 'the khapc of on er-J, r of 1 Her wjhch has ever,Bjnnttrv'd'uvcr his signature, and in Spying so muchl understand nit, I 1 r .... r r - ouotwtonu'&o I "dn' write abut (is sell as asseruns tlrit tic is master ot his i IfeX'tively and Inn )v n Jie can frKt. tfieflf i tb; p;cure of iho man not . 6l tin rj,-r..f -iviio won rny rstcem.- &l am not i in th" . habit" of eurgisin -m'ht and jii'ivo ii fsjlgu i on this ;occaioij" !. causer 2 "desired , to "describe o ynu with lher .ettir'lirfa of tuvh, ihnsa qualilio', which, ctm'j,1 tu d in t " nl Tay lor, mdM 1 5 -) n ppe 1 r' t mo a t a r s t "rate vvadc I of x true .American .chiradcv Other's will dwell, upon 'the chivalry ' he J.as so often displays',.. and his gTealneia' o conspic ' uously tllusiraied upon the. field of .battle. 1. funned : nfy ideas of the man when he -was free; frohi duty, and had no motive to appear, in any oilier sjcht'ihan iich ai was thrown. p'nou .hint by, nutore, education and principle. - t t n c fitughs at Loctimhh .'? A n t;.;p"nicnC' Vk place iti . Worcester, ou Tiieiv morning,. hich, According to ihe 5 TiIegrapC-ittw that rown' into a perfect fermenit The 6li;J hour of midnight ws elecittMor iho rendezvous," by ,4b wholo party, wlri were-; to siarl in ' cmripmy;, but;.a perplexing delay occurred in co'nJ sequence of he precaution. of lhs father of jottutthe recreant, muiden, who, on tho up -4IJI nJni:ht. - mU fu. relked, having a brother of i'ip' ii, t continue ihq wajcli; but . "hn (Ai ns'leep.l Aller crj .ytng .a -Comfortable snioZ", ho vokc; fid(fm examination f un l M.e ' door nfastem-d':-'The bird had fliwri! -Tiji was pboia Ul.pat one o clock yfslerdjv morning. The affirm was nt once g:wi, and the father sf'ti.r fed in rim pursuli. H' riinid up in f rori ' of I be 'fc'q j i , , b f. , --w.;s looli:et, , His honorAad already tied lifm three siJkcn Kn.ilAf..nd the happy nir'.y had been gone abvui J '.j 'teen minule .' PEPLOrtAJiLi;. Th iinr.rint.nni r puhfrc aclo.iU in v-ntueky;. stated, in n -.rech of, B .Almg'Grkri, in Um s' bv Illation in iU rltrla ffl-"i.-. - v ...uvt, inn moro mm oq half-ofjhe roales whr had married in thoe coumres wnhtn thrt vear isjt had rxfruti-d their marriage bondj,' h'rl mad- their mrk, insteid of Pignir their '' nrnr; ad-that al 0nt? Iialf. of iheir se- curiiicsin those lndi were unal'a to write'. iWi, ' rian ChurchesJ According to,r lh niinui of'ihe iGeueral Assembly, for ihts yepr ,1b1 17, the Pre by terianOiurcb in the United SiaUs anraces HIS rH.;n-.i . ministers; 2U ' ficrused retchers, 313 " candidates for the ministry, 237(J cJiurcl.es: d 179,453 member in full commnnioni Daring the r,ir. ending May ,.'18 l7r the sum of S3 10,10.? tas collected or domes. c missions, jteucauon, &c, . The oncers and ud!er of Gen. Scott's army comiininoqhnf bt iniir annoyed by ' vermin Charleston Mercury. ' - - "When Gen. So'uu re'ids H. WHV-tori Union, ho sceiind feeUlhat ihe veit'o Irt Vjr-.re noi only r u,e Wo,fsl I JcLl'rs.-zUu Journal. '-n TJwmti Uuine.aiirUf. ', ' eralj V 1 ' ' T'lbuoe $a ihr'Ge f t ' . . ' f ' - ' .'-.He had iritrndrl ' - . Ullii:ufM ElIlL . n t . - '"lle IWia PPPT1 JUtAiH. "''I'a; the l.'ule rral v ' fa iho lr,. , I rA ...... . r . - !' or J, in, rpe t a25 - d - f J aiiSed from their Jooj J'ancy'Neck s"H.teWdtftefeftrft6M,ky . . . cmp it jg0 tjtAXKJff $ PULLIAX, m much thee.dv bUlencst, . .. . . I'. -. "I. 1. 1 n 'J""- T.'' ' i ' " i , 1 ' - ' J

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