:0 i I; f- I! 1 " I V Unc PUCLlSlir.D WEEKLY UY . led to Politics, ' Literature and. General Intelligence. VOLUME YIU. NO. 6.7 WHOLE NUMBER 371. v Tcrmi $2 -per annum, - - FCITC2 153 Fn ft i i" i it u 1 li I i. 1 b . -I 4 ' . 1 i j J - 1 u nlfiner: if nal ,d tr,i pop" w.II recciT attention rri,r be inrrtfj at Ovs T)ou ffl met o lew, for the frit In. ( w'MVrrt'-"T . Ciwra tor each eon- 0 11"" counted sa two, orcr m" V fh iuimbr of in-ertiona -de. ''rtlh.iarW jn fle marjrie. or the ask J Ixr continued lilt, forbid, and ,ij;jr, mfarwwj, - .nAinr.inV 1)k nam) of a cart. i fl3 innatIf m advance. w . . n mint roms Yea of nost- m uw ' . . .. ,3 rtct'Tfl no attcntKin. TJ:c Grcca He:::;' A Siory 1 tc lit ' !1. ' iitCra Iasl Reveille." ii ot Mane, tt., ' M uf tf,e -pl"2cn.M one J..,,, bT no avalanche. ovr Ihc pro. Oi tiiNna off now n'J Wii'cii iid f ' f u bef t.ibcat his drum f.jr relief. ( .JU n-mrh him (here, and (Ira poor had. .beaten hi vdwn to ,lC j ii.'4t rcrcifki not on thu blood itt u "f Franco nnia. the proud liil fjvcuu; , not wtien mo. oantc BY CAROLINE MOIS STA. ':. ((.uxo-juicnTEa cf t;;e lej or uv., . Tlie trt.rnneu to-- Jt t:l3 IpnUcri ! v. 1 The ghltcnn rpfjrn arc MnX'Jru ,r; The ahouu o' rr are heard afirt. " 'Dip batile ctoa thick and Uoo;!j;' Hut ta no tbe roar o ta or 'iore , Wad mak ma lanjcr wish to fcirrj; - ' ; Nor uliout o ar tSat'a heard afir. .Ilt Jcaruij Uice, wj boiinto PUrj." iVrnt. Tho country U thrcate'neJ. o We have been loyarsubj.;cu of a Kip. '.We have fuught hii battle we have taken Louis', burg, anJ we have taken Quebec, anJ we have nehtcved the chnqupst iA Canada. While following . the phiugh, tttrcahing lljo jrrain, budding- tho treca, tho farmers of Ntfw.Hairrpshire aod Vermjot tllink 6f ihesa tliiD4 ' 1 lv . Hut the Kinj must not tratnplo upofl ilk Iciip!e; and g! there U a king etneer, or e, t-i t'.-i c pi re if t e i ' ' franf c. 1 sjn, ar. i in Vi tncrjy if !' of ! h I.jrt rci-: J vr. -.a. Uut in V short urrw, a ih'ai nearly ail his soUisrs were accustumerf 5-P'cry Tokre i heard,; and t to i.hs woJs, pircefvfed at once that while L rs rccrzruse ihe voice in f tbs furest atnhi' pnrf r.f ih momv1 n, ' l-tr persoo j sit:jn sheltered jhy enemy, it a!o con- r, rrfJe swiflljJlo the jcealed the American operaiions from ' ob aervauoo. Ana -je rs!vja ai once, ta ouifjank'tbe enemy. AnJahus the Aincrt can General planned his'attack; but it Was bQvr cearljr sunset, ile therefore drew olFhis force, leaving on!jr a. small-party of rtiicmon to skirmish wtih the pnrmu i ti. L-V tjljfJ haniitr .flth-sproud!v in-tho iiU'rn ra'umnO-n Ilnt terrific Tt - 3 lrvc IclJ.iriald-rIi!i a r I)j the Aaslr.an . t ft !if lujrtial m'Hic (live . -tdr r.v and c.hnrgd once more fir t ,M'Tf far to tfi'-rf'r hrvc. ihti, five hun. klt a Uii'lt moved each' liowm when .Biinmj; iuil nfe: , " 'f Jjaii llw 1ms three hundred feet vt-" ..; ;' ":" .; f ;V rf.r hftrt comrudoii was truj jhnj , j -iiJ'd fed b low them! b'ul lis had no tr 1 f' IM. vilJ'''l't aol.hers tllcrc, could tot "iimi' 1 h.'nt w.rll, kno. n tunes. tut Li I lw jr J lHrr, . ; M.'!e ,ir J id gWy,, Mtid. the storm w!rml "of triumph conn's answering tt-,w thn'.iitij no'cs the roldii r triles ii t tnntt-y moimuni, his comradca r.'v'inJ !ur'i jn.ct! his car, is thef these coL)ntcs must iiCict'ii heart was firm hul j-et hi 1 1 1 i.'M..I" t!ut 'JvMir w ifj 1io h-ft iii f tv Iv sli! . . 1 ' 1 bv fwre .him the tear )in his ' ! . 'Drc the hejo ru tkes lie lift his voice jtslinr Iwrnfr years I've, fiMijht--tas ; i.j'in! .;i-itci'it--wi'J von leave' fc" to dr.! i ' . hy thc.wivea 3 vhi'd tiVct!irr, wllo was onco a king's dtfiecr and his loud voi-ro is heard as a nartfz-m commander The 'lords of the hills and of.tlie vallcvs rally around iiitn. Uut who aro the lords ot the hills and the lords of tho vallcvs? I hey are not men with cpiulitlcs, of even with 'ur-str'lps, but thcy! otca'tno soil which thc fjht fur. No gaudy drws in tigntKMtii military life decorans or mars their pcrona, but in defence o the soil thejp are ready to' use their guns with the satne prccisinn that brings down' the deer, the mhuto-and tho bear. Hut these' fanners wh.ilmve thjs precision 'wjth the rifle and 'Ii-? tiluskcl. huw .shill thev be induced in leave thfir avocations of a box to engage in" j Johr.'jinzdon riss in the council cham bjr of NtSv flamphire, and dt-clarei that he has thri'c thuusanJ J)l!ars4n hird mb-. npytlnl ho will pledge his' plate for three ihousjnJ more, that he has severity hogs head. of Tobago rnni which shall lib sold 1or the most it will bring and (hat these, wllliofl his.personat credit, aro at -the ' er vice .of vhe iState ol New Hampshire, it the State will raisi? two regiments, hnd 'place one of them under the - command of- "iny old friend. -John Stark1 (that 1c(nV offi cer I) "who'his vindicated the honor of our country, fttJJiinkerVHill, and. hq will do the s'niie nt all times.! ."'.'" ' If Hurgot tie-had .not been checked in his advance I'rooiCumdi', the Independence of nave uecn wstponen a man bp wnder the age of fifty, i jnd and compact . . and in hi pcr : vere norks of great ' f f ;'.:oc; and 1m 5 . f purs iat JJhe flinks i.'rte a c, r.'.aur. He !.. ! tc-j'J i some 5 i; i ! ' !J and !ruir- (:afjrt , nr.J.crc. ' '( : glance of his dceo-set- t vc. a kui-i.!: : t r roc: .. fusion. .1 ' T!.j- 1 A 1 1 iMnwr' te urc rathcr! then leave me j 'n.iia'iounji; ui latiucr now,- i m 4 ;.uci.ry seen a'ijve the nij!i. y ' s ku kumitt f ?, b it t!ic p-;r un l . ... I '' -j. -. " "i";:1, ".' 7 "i: 1 1 !it reveille, and then aydovn r vul eiu nn rcetirds thai lriitnm K - ' ' :Wk, rff.ilj 'nt, a l!io great croU ,rrU!iat mwnla'in, x ith Its high .and " A.jMMo blast, as round - Ins gravel for nt Jrnsi jen veic. The expedition of S'.atk, suggested by .LangdOn, ;chccked iurgoync'; a most fatal check, as he ad mt'ittdiimsrlf," in his labirei. atguraent use of Commons. , ' With theie prelin)hjapie, we proceed to our nirrative. ." ' THo soldiers march to Bennington. That peaceful villigo isflnooyed, b'ui not'stnrtlfd Uv rnilttatv occapatwn; for in'old iimsHhc icopleof Vermont yvre patriots, und' their eirs are not ollrndvd, ulihough they hear the roll of the cirumand the call op the bugle. t . r '' 'v ' i V On ihe'Mth of August, Il777, tho hVn of Bennington is tfive with the bustle of milit'tty occupation; not ljoile, but fripnd ly W eonlau soldiers of New England have g.ilhtrcd there, determined to strike n hud blow at Burgoyne.'. .-The i country is "thi'f:iteued-to liumm calculation the country is jn danger-1-. rtar4 blow is-t be struck, hut it is not a desperate one.' The sons ol liberty, rearect ami4 the rough aod wild hills of New Hampshire and Vermont, never rcnrd tVir Us: blow as dqsperatc u:;i jn greet.. J I.im. ' j s ti J he to the qder cor.J jctir i What are ycu doirg Mj":h try tr "I do not know that they are yc-jr li replied be, irritated by the' tons cf t!.i J terrogator. 'They aro the tro?ps , Congress, and I am marching them to t! naao-qaariers xt tnc maio army, tojin i cjor 8 origade. "And bv wharse order-. sir, oo ypu take upon yourseU thi tlufyi "iw the, order of- the general-in-$htef cf tho Northern Department. The name is wUI erJjugp'i,, sir, and alt I hav to say on -me suoject, is, that they shall f!&ver lorm a part of t'oor h brigide. I am here as the- representative y of the snveKign btate'-ot iNew Hampshire, andI am iho commander of these troops." . ,Yoo ore taking a fearful responstbilfty tipotj your self, sir is the reply, "in thus arresting the march uf these men." w 'I'll arrest you sir, if I hear another wordrom you."--" Another officer now rode tip. "What is this," say s he, addressing the officer wlo ponducts tho march. "The troops ar called to'iilt," is the reply, "bv a' persoh not in"-"tton sir, don't sav I am iior in authority- -I am Brigidier General Stark, and am not to be questronfd by subordi nates," The officer, bowed ' and said, 'General, a re you aware tha( these troops aro marching by the authority of 'Coji 2res7' "I believe'that orders hive been .sent by an Officer, aeting 'onder the au.' tluirity of Congress, But my Commission authorizes me to act independenti.vlf Gun. grcssi." ' "Bot re you not, sir, tS'suming fearlul responsibilit)?" "Well, rsir, 111 take the responsibility, A man' is not .fit to bj truatcdjth the defence of his coun try, ho is eher unwilling or afraid to take respons'Bi&y." : . Tho general 'now gave orders tos Hhe troops "lo return to quarters.1 The men gave three cheers, and commenced .their" co;ititer-marchr leaving the continental; officers to settle .their dispute wrth the gurieral as best Ihey could. ' " 5 ' Tlie regiment has now returned -to' Ben ntnijton; and ris the general rides through the village,' " the soldiers and inhabitants salute him) and the news spreads that Bri. gadier General Stark- has arrived.' Joy is tanced parties): which they did with con-e-iderable tfL-ct. Ia.thesa tkirmishes two Ihdiaa chiefs felk la the' oighi it rains, the troops are sheltered but imperfectly, in hats hay.rly tonstructed. The ceit mom. ing," an hour before daybreak, the ".ccrnp 5 disturbed bt the arrival of 'the Berkshire i.jjiiia, under their pastor, Parson Allen ' -on ling introduced toUie ceneral's .s announce himself, l4Sir lam . t' leader of i he people of BerkT . " come'doWrt to do bati'e their country against the i."s; and perdvcnture s i; ; wilderness'.and wo and ,ight them' i ant darkhj?ss?" ( wont wait, they '(. '! J1. .1 to wiit until for if r B.::o'i i some pag-iij are now tc '2 "Wh.it, in V "Well, sir, r.y want'to fi 'In." we have -"sunshine,- and if I don't give them lighting ctnu-h, 11!' n.- :r nik them to resuiL Fron Boston the news is despatch, ed to, France, and the long. protracted ne gotiation for French' aliiajjcii .with the U o i ted $t a t e a re a t ' onee cone luded. France and America fight side by aideon the American Continent and on the eeas, against King Georgev ; And Ufncnrt Burgoyne, aAer hiisur rerrJer ajt Saratoga, admitted to an" meri can officer "that the expedition of Benbin ion cost rum nueen uv :rea ol bis best Wo Fttm theSL Lsui Herein, ' snow Yocn TicncTsr A Railroad Sketch. BY SOLlTArBE. , . , . rain t ccas :o , cf the .Jy v: jated. - the M Washincton .;ftit there were lately exhibited '". .'Jiia a new museum nf natural j-'J.ilie scvCQ wonden of the world , tofat4ho age cf sixty 'Tct of marriage. uhonlv 6e 6e cravats on Uis JcJ old.mird.' t' ho haled a pood fee. j- JJeratedoctor.bill. ' j. ' "JJ as never known to k r a rnr,.- hi tho housed, and? frolicking and gossip1 ing at the taverns. , "Well, now,- wont he give the red coats the devil. Didn't he do it at Bunkers Hilly and didn't lhat"in fcrnal old King George want him onjfis side B it the old colonel, though he can fihi hke,the ,LvuOne has got n hearty and it js just koro' said the speaker, lay. ing hta baud upon his breast.". "Why, the colonel, no natter how grand he looks; in' lus uniform, ' ho shakes hands with every body: ' . - 1 - : i This wis rye; but. there was one excep tion. l'"e wmUd not shake hanJs with the Contirmat Congress; and his rank and cbmrt'T,n,J hid' been given to him by the Provincial Cortgross, of New Hampshire. Liberty Miever , despairs.: "' Very many ,..ot j vhe'eommand and - commission ; had these! 'stalwart veotnen have scoured 'tbep. awVoied with tire express understand- woddsT-lnvo sTejrt uwo the unlentel field,j intrj tint he was to be- responsible lely wi.h a roll of suow lor a pi How and umrer Pwobert Holers thev 'have' fought agairst superior numbers of the foe. -They &- 'seen Fort Anne, nnu liconaeroga i Louisburg,,, and Quebec Tlicir Amate ! confidence in themselves is confirrd by i tho memory of their past success. ;' :' ! But they remember another offcer, ;.un der whontlhey have successfuly ftfught; and he was 'the friend and; neighbor ,ot Rbrrt Rogers. Colonel Jolin Stark: many iol them remtmbef .him at Bunkers Hill,' ii Trenton, nt Princeton ,-and -they have ismhlcd at Bennington, in the confidence bn i to be" their commander: and they .CiHn-T British manor, and all form of know that ha-holds British ' I n'i nation, and all nfistocratic-inslitu .,;n in.'iiMer abhorrence. 1 But this com -Lr' nf 'whom thev aro so proud, and '.hose appearance' is momentarily, looked ir. has not arrived. . ; . i Two officers, wearing the uniform ol f e continental armV ; ride inU the vtWage, Uit is soon kfown among tbe troops and habitants lnbey bear express orders Urn the commander-in-chief of the .north- i i . ..rrK ibe New Ivneland vol unars to the head quarters n the State of j t n. .L-.V . l 1 legion u L. ,1,1 ., .Mac to ad money , vC3 M $40,000 to the poof o Vi r 'aDncl in keeping, with 'r Roble generosi!)'. ir-?." of Virginia. The So a.. "''Hm !he nresentation'of the , ,5.J' to read, and ynablc; to buy a 'V)(n the troops, from the inhabitants, ariV Vard murmurs .of. disapprobation.--?i i ru, t,:x "Weren't 1 wilhltm at Winter UiH. Dtdn t tbey tet Xr. ,nr, "out that the eld colonel IHC airi i.TI. P.nrtrnc. . 3 i I frim another. . rrom me - A ww a inn hit. . - o-r . . wymi-u tuiii - . Prtlv . i j .nna irt nriuci. w . j so aiers uau r- . . ,nr Y.irt protection w i tu'-y b ,;'.. . v . ' . -SiaiCr. i' nprmtife." No(S liut me oruer.-wa- !"-: -. . to the Stale of Ne Hampshire; and m no ivay responsible to the Gorftinental Con gress or to any continental commander, lhe events we shall, sketch wilt snow tne wisdom of the -State in giving-him a sepn. rate, command: And the reason that, he assigned for his non-intercourse- with Con gress, namely i that a - man -w bo could r.qt protect ins own ranK was noiio oe-irusieo to proteci . tbe, honor of bis count r'y was sufiicieit to him; and a brave, gallant and successful olILqer of our own limes has de clared the saro.-" - The ccnerat had hardW alighted at his riuarters. when news was receivec man a body of lories ana Indians were in wie vt cinrtv.' A part? was detached with' .orders to skirmish with them, and. hold thm fl clTeck as Ions as possible, and then to re. tire slowly upon - the main body, in order thai the Americans might have time to se cure the military stores collected at Uqi. nington, and send to Lionel varner tor reinforeemenw." But this detachment was encountered by the force of Col. Baum, bad effroied. a function witli the In dians" and toriesr pr what i more probable, the Indians and forks were. the advanced nrty-of Baum's force, lhe American Vachnient was repuUed, after considen 3 skirmishing, and Baum'a army ad vanced. -'Upon, coming jn sight pi me American lorce, the fnemy nauiieu; ana nftpr some manccuvering, reurea if eie- vatcd ground along the front oT lnch. fi,wd a small -stream, aow ground rose with a, regular and gentle slope, wnr.aui Trees; or auuciuusn,, it r-rst. where there were several sturdy come ,'i;u August tha six'rcD'. f ed, the sun his risen. In .:. plan ofayack ive hae r.irj;j Colonel Nicholas was ordoref t enemy in the rear of their LA. C ' 1 derrick to attack fhe rear of the riLt, r.v. 1 to unite if possible b'fure commencir : t fight. Colonels Hubbard and; S;icl;t v 'were ordered to advance imon thu t j jrl.i and fron, to divert attention from the rtal point of attack; and the commanding gene raj? was to move forward in the 'direct front. until tho- fire should be heard from the rear. All of which dispositions wore admirablv execufrd. ' " When fhe forces were paraded for- action, the ge-neal "made n brief ad dress fo the troops; which, although his was ' (he poetry of acton rather than, f numbers,, we give here in' w-rds of one who- has ' most felicitously immortalized (that Roman speech: T . , ' t'When on dial field his band the Hessians fought Briefly he spoke .before'thc fight befan- "' .' 'Soldiers! thopGormin gcntleaien are bought, ' For ffltu pounds eight and seven pence per maa, By England'ii liing -a bargain as is thought. -v-.v Are we worth morel Let's prpve ittnow we can. For we -ipii'sl beat them, boy?, ere set of Or Mary 'Stark's a widoWi-It was done." ' "It is the season of harvest. ' Corrttaad grain art; .waving in the fields, silver bifs ches glisten wi;lr. rain drops, .although, the sub is shining. Tbe commanding general nt tho head-of. the mairt bdy ride,s slowly forward. But,. hark! ttere' is ther rattle of musketry, and .the wprd i heard, ''atlheiri boys, the. game, .has legun;? And without artillery the' whole force htfs . attacked the entrenched enmpof the enemy.. ; ' A second volley isheard, "mingled wii Indiati cries, and Xhe'savn-gf sv,nre seen running; many, of them are brought down by the unerring, shot of the Yankee rifles. The coniba' rages.' 'The Germans fight with tho;,ob stinacyof veterans. 'Flie Pr ovirici a Is. imi tate therru.'' No sound is heard save the roar of battle. ' Tho-word of command cai: scarcely 'bo',, passed through the incessant reverberation of the small arms ;anl ar'v til lory. ' ' ' . - . , But although; the Germans fight well, some of them will attendto. their jnihtary duties with a pipe in the mouth; and late in the afiernobnj . in handing out amrnuniiiob from a tumbril behind the German tinps, philcfsophical gentleman, officef or private we knov not, with a pipe'in his mouth, ! sets fire to the cartridges, fl he whole cx plodes, and at' the same ,limo, likif a hur ricaneon rush the,Acrtf rican. r Tho Vigir and resolution of their 7 assault, .flnd-the confusion created By the exylosian of the tumbril, cause the enemy to stagger, in their ranksf . It becomes - a hanJ-t,o-Uand hi. ,-ihe brave' Germans, are unvt n baekiheir commander mortally wounded. With loud -shouts the Americans pursjJ their ''advantage.' 't The rout is complete. The America f.s in fcxtac.ies' w$ fuccess, scatter iu pursjit of the disorganized fugitives. The sun is sinking beloy ihe horizon. But, hir., drums, aod bugles are" heard in the distance. Breyman is coming to the rrscua. T1-: flying troops of Baum recognize the frijn i ly notes? of the , German bugles and iniiinrt with the discipline of regular Irru-pj tl rally. . WjU'Brey man turn the forma 3 cf the daV? ', '.., The Americans, flashed with their su' j cess, are forgCtru' or tlie little ,riiscip'ir.o I . thev ever knew, it rcauires r.ll the ir.a- 1 , encc and personal rffori of. their. jjenenl.ta Oo the rail cars between Albany aod Kutlalo, the conductors are' freouentfv changed; during n single trip, and1 as each new one takesicharwe.'he announce himself in offi-e by. tho exclamation "Show yotir, llet-Dlel" IV- , On a night trip, recently, , a tesjy old Yunkee was one of tho passengers 'and having exhibited his ticket to the first Con. doctor, he carefully placed it in a w-ell-woropocketbock, buttoned it up in the breast pocket of his coat, pulled his hat lightly on his head and foldinj; his arms. resigned- himself to the cartf of Morpheus llis nasal organ had scarcely proclaimed him in dreamland, before another cyn: ductor ft mo a long, with 1 S ho w you r tickets?''' t The old YankVo awoke "witli a snort. p, 1 harving been mde' conscious of what wanted, be" exclaimed,' ; "I reckon ; you doni want to be seein' i; z the lime, dew you?" "Once will do me, sif," said the con. :j Ct 0 r. : I 'r .-X; t-.' t , i. ;. ; :' j " WJI.yau hrv seen it that offin," re plieo' the old gentelmajr, "so you kin pass ob.V ' . The conductor insisted upo.n looking at it, and the disturbed, passenger unbuttoned his coit, unwrapped tho .old pockeibook, handed out t!u ticket, and the conductor passed by. . . ' -A "Them fcllari nir mTtv: nfeaVd of giir chiseled," s-i: 1 ! as, .placing his ticket in'hts vest pueU., ho ogaiii resigned hirn self to sleep. ' " " Th econuuc: ,.t' ' .ip he had rfs.sed some of the pa6ier . r-. came v back- ng.iin presently, and a-.'aJ : j ; c tho tickets. ;"What! agin!" c.' i.ed the old man,; "well,- I swow yo; rir tho most? peskid Bother I ever seed. J . t take u gocd look now, and have cfone." ' The conductor p.i1 . J i -. aain, ancfthe old man stuck his tic'. ; i.i his hat band, and this time got ;'iriy to isleep. The motion xf the cars i i i ed hiaPhat, and it fell c, wag in, the car 1jic-.. djwtor, cuttring, la which be addi-'J, are ai Auburn, gentlemen. " .... .. Here, takait said (he old YarZ.ee, 'm a high state of excitement; "I'd just ruther be locked up in your dod-rotted old Jail here, than travel by night on ihesa waggiLS. A man's Harnally showing hh' ticket runnin Bgin"cross dogs, or wh'at'sr nn all. fired sight vuss, cross old wimin!" Ashe Jeaped from the car, hi wag;ish tormentor shouted aHer him," "Show your . tickets!".- . ' " . ,"Darn your tickets, and tho hull bilin"' oft yei'Vhe shouted back, as making tracks, for me hotel, l.o disappeared in the dark ' ness. ' i -rt lime loosen 1 ;ch a sleepless i. , he pickfcd up ... i ' t (" roach ing' lhe c v "Show your :ai ) tho otd man t . . ... tneconuuetorsta m p , old gen.; shouied in I "Priencc masiv!" "of here aintoncuf thcr.i iic!,i-f fellars; and then be pulled out his rooketbook and searched it, put nln-, t!i"n fell hi -bis vest pocKei, put r . , . ,l x ou 0 got it, vc j, 4 knciw1: Here it in his hnt-'bund. . A hint to yovng Married women. Never tell your own affairs to any old gossiping? .s housewife. Let her Hflpt&r ever so speci ous 90 sincere ao candid be ; sure. ta ; avoid her, and keep your own secrets; " for the only reason she has for prying Into your6ecrets for insinuating herself Into your confidence, is to Icaru some , error or deformity existing in your family, on which she may feast 10 secre: delight for a luxu- riant momet, .aod then share some of her- choicest bits with her neighbors Treasurp this up and . act upon it, and it will savo, you yeacs of mortification, if not of-heart . burning and sorrujy. In the immepsa sum of hu-nan existence, what is n single unit very sod oq which we tread is the grave of some : fqmer be- : ing; yt is there something that soltens, . without enervating the hart, in tho Jta. t cing in the' life of anotlier those emanations .that all of. us haVe known ourselves. For w ho is there that has not in hi progress through life, felt all its ordinary businesa. arresred, and the varioiies of falo cotnmut. ed into one chronicle of afTeciions? - Who hai not watched' dver the nassinir awaV ofsomejbeiiig'more toiim, nt that epoch, than all the world? And this uni:, so trj,vi al to iheY-calculation -'of 'others, of what inestimible value was it cot to htm?" Ret racing in another sucft recollecticms, shadowed and mellowed dqwn by time, we feel wiiat ciruitiops a single being can awake what a world of.bopo miy :b buried in " a single grave. "And thui wo . keep alive withia.ourstdvea the soft springs of that morality which unite "us with our '. kindand sheds over, the harsh scenes and turbulent contests or earth . the "coloring of i a common loe , ' - - ; said lie "I gin i; u he recollccti 'J f: and noW evi -piece. T.. I. .t, passengers fi, under sevf ral d. search of I crcciveilit b, i la .rn-'ii; ' r - i, . "Nv"1 t -snap;'.. C5 la-djvn-oi;l,j.--dj ! sound s p. "I'm cr'v i " sa:J !., -'. "Itcil;. j " a i, ice t boiy w't'i, . the - - I " VOU J . - - - .:- Li I . a i!. tl.crc', any rv pee, "f: , prentwbo'conceived eitber thai authority, Vlhfl l T ? , ? SS e tbe responsibility of tnlerfering ccr was he had authority to take tbe respo with it. 1 he P3 ' VJ ow lingandgmmb. himself commences: There V f . ' T l C rVisteredAndtbernarcb rallv.tbenv .Bot, hark again! A.dri and fife is heard in the diunce; and if ar,- t American bt-art, in. tint now d,rrIni-T , , host, had doubted i t the -jcc-fs cf l' t day, the-doubt.givQS p!ac"b.tr h.ope-r.t :..: sound of 'that' dram and', fife. Yu' 'j Doodld announces tht the brave' Wurr t f is al band .The .Americans ir.'ly , -1 1 , ," united with fresh troo enccr.'rr y-!tl-i man and the remnant tf Baum's farce. i The action is renewed, Brej rnn, is n ; , , 1 he grounos streweo. witp,tne ptro-.r-i nalia of war, and the bodies of the shir.; i and the Americans, wholly occupied '.ii uuivr-.s vno W.ur ' ... . . .. ! .i .. . . . . j r .u ' -. .' i oaks which were at once cutxlown oy meme cusiouyoi me iui;y prisoners i.cr .A inWildmr a breasl-worK.vnave do urns iu oursjo iu iew. i -htrW rr,r cannon ere mounted.- h ho are hastening lo tell Bar; On the right and leu were vuiuu;.u, and still farther Iroro Mia or wu trie fiinks of ibe t nemyV position, the for get .fT.mW shelter for their sharp shooters and the Indians. Of these adantaes.of the crownd Col. Baum skilfully mailed himself. I rte.: American vcoci.., f tale of disaster. . - Colonel Baum. tiles, receiving ccry,r.t tention, that thebrave cart Vendor to t' bravo: and wia anhouorable federal,. is buried on the banks cfthi VValloonschaick. A Boston "L 'wrg-v, : -,t T -,. . . an excj "IT messenger is dispatched express )o i on, WUh the n,sws of the battle an j its - i t 'I Vu'Vt'W '.cr r; ' ' " :-- rch for his head 'iuffl?ng of the' kicked along .. After a busy , he' thought h ' . J hdy?s seat. chor. ' ' she inquired most amiable old akened out of a for my hat," marm,V r your seat." '," said she. "That's Tun' feelio'" round a i "re." asleep. I'll tell . mair.i," said he, the same bridin dream of techin 1 71 of doir,1 so' said . bit too eood to. Fll ' 'ti people up in the i they're all alone; : car,) talking about j git your hat, if 'it's y ; but I tell you it aim it's enough, I think, for jnalwavs a disturbin' by don Y you laH itf f ' ?, lhe. distressed old '?r, the scat at th 'i f t . cn ne t a need was . ot by the neck, seiz the fingers with" the consar tied thinT" 4 , . . r- .. It S a Iivr vnrr-;-.i1" i .- i . i '.-i ... 1 ,au I rtCiion "it the kind of hnt : m go somewhere old hat." nearly th .him a gaye a l'gLt election. -. - . sir," saiJ the 'the 'conductor, i his chapeau, -band. Vith - it: ' ticket, will . prom-' ";'jirrd. y it a no. ed the con. - Serpents hav lungs, and a single heart,' and co)d blood j hut no jointed members, wiih a brai n : a r.d skeleton, r I , . " " Reptiles have Jungs, and joined or divij . fled .member, but a single heart and cold blood, with a brain and cartilaginous skele- ' lon" ". ' " . , 3r v iMaromaMft- .hive n double heart and warm blood, with an internal bonyltele ton and brai p,-.. and fcuckln their'.youog. Bi,rds have the same, but do not sucklo their young. ' Another Letter from Ex President Tyler. Mr. Tvler has eomo out in, a Vvjoinder. . ' to pen. Houston, and replies, with some harpness; to the General s innuendo jtnat he (Mr; Tyler) was humbugged irrtd tho' belief liial ft Smr!gU3was on foot at thrt -lime Texas was annexed, to put her under freign' 'jnfhieoqe!- 'The ex-President rar- gues stoutly ;to; prove that England would very soon have. had a footing: in' Texas had not anoxatin. taken plice; bat hj , ' ml-s, to our mind, to inn keo tit his case.' . ..: An -Introduction. "The "Whig Con vention has uken.'Gen. Neil S. Brown of I Lraies county, woo is very little distinguisn. ed in Tennessee 'and scarcely 'known beyond her borders.' , v Washington ' Union m .August tatty 1 "Ah, but he will be .Ttnown widely be . youhd the . border of Tepoesseo after thi August eleciioni. Mark thu; Mr. Ritchie. , , JXashvui'. Whtg April '29. r Mr. Ritchie, permit us to, introduce to your acquaintance. Lien. iNeii a. tirown, (of Gi(est not dates county,) : Governor . elect of ihe State of Tennessee, whom you . ill readily- recognise as - a .-Gentleman highly distinguished in his own . State; and whose name i known In every. State in 1 the Union, Nashville Whig August; 21 STaiKfxG Anecdote. Charles XII. Kins , r' of Sweden, drank sometimes to excess," so as even lo disturb his reason', in ono of bis drunken bout's - he lost the respect which : was due 16 the, Q.ieeat his mother. She retired lo her chamber,-overwhelmed with grief, and r rained there 03 the following day.- A .j did not make" her appearance , . the King inquired the cause. This being told, he took a g'as of wine io his band and went lo the Queen room.' 4'Madaml said he .to her, "I have -learned ibat yes-, terday, in my cups, I forgot myself to-v . ; vnrdsyou. r l come to ask )o;r pardon; 1, tu prevent, a recurrence 01 sucri a 1 I dnckthis class to Tour- .health; it -V ' si. .I 1 3 thtS-!ast during my life'."' Ila kept Li3 word, and from that iime neveryT lasted wirje. . : " i -". - Death of CapL SVce. -We trutv rr"ret tj announcthe deaih - 5f Cdpi, Mania . Sliive,-of the. Cabarras - CompknyY whick occurred io J'-.'.-.ro on the loin of August. It will be recollected, ihu'ftheiube MeckJ rc'nbur'g ftnd Koikan .Ormpa'nies "showed uch a spirit of -insurhofdination last Win ' ter, an' attempt was maue to involve Cape' Shiveia the rebellion, but he ' resisted all attempts upon him; and at I La vpr wf tha Wight of the diiafJectioD, maKhw) --,..tT1. . Register. 3

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