V p. j ,l r: ,t ' ' 1 1 1 ' f. 1 i: t -. ;" u v- f.r t' r! at 0 f..i,..r l" I"'! f.r :'i 1 li ! A r m .i' " ( ' .,,( 1"I", tl'V't r Ctytt f re eti'Ui".' i -jo th r.; V,, I ....f v( ;! I "Court :,1 ,-t jnrtr-8. :y. ii;,'.r r.'i-'t fyrria fret of a' II" 1 ' "fl cot- i: :.?;jt.T l'E.TE5,ox. Cip,; . i'lsia'i t!o if t.n..IJ , 1... : ... j,,., th.-joand id awajl ' . . r"v ,' ,'& rii!iii.'!c to hi .,!:,' . " .. ' maC'i br had t ay, f " j, b.t.((fct lim. j. IhoKO who wctc - ... ' fiiv'oe ihiii.pii,i4 ii'iitt'l' a w v, : (Vt Lvtifvcotnra'.-e.jou will U!! . , "''About tb tl!y fray ' - .; ..,v yr country' t ind.trd, juy t Ii un, , '.VjMafo with ms to-Jij. ' - ' : ivitwd pi'.Wcf it nosv, ' . (in which tl iy my he ;vi :-Xmdini5hct'tyou'H pviao(it, . ,.' When. 1 am. wild the daid, " :i( :.:. , J Jino 'twill 'rhre Jili Inmost soul ' ' Ta tljiok that never rnvr,-, " ., t) w'tt!i Mm beneath 4; wk,' , Tl j4? 'sl c,,l; ' ,,nr . IJ jt t Il tho timo worn j-.-itf;- " - ' Tljt..3vr'ndfi! ofX- Tii.. , V ' r Vpod V.odyb4tt!e-f, I . ' , ; .; I lallit'dBot hiu nanu. . .' (- v'...' fr mother' f.irrt -i w'Uhms now, ' ' jl r U in mine tar," '. And.drop by drof, aJ.flowt mj blood, ' : - ' So drops fromhcr the tear.' Ttiv .'. wlun oii fchall ttll to hf r, . ; The tnlingt of this chiy, ' ; Vat Faflly, enmradf!, eoftly Fpeak, . What joU limy 1i;ivc loay.i.- y v. jicait not to W in hurried 'wor.'s, The blijbtt'.tj news yoa bear, '. ' ; The chords of life miht nap too toon', t' So, comrade, hayi a care, ; v , (' Iim hf.rotily, clierislwd cblM, " v-., 'v. Bji.Uti her tlmt 1 difd, ;' r '"'. ". ". '-Rfjoicwi that 1ietaus:ht rad.yoang"-;';;-V take my country' eide. . EjI, cainraiJrt, llicre i one,- I faro :. Once mtirti'wo'iri'l look up'm; J.le lvrs upon tfjQ sloping hilt . .: Tlmt ovcrlook;tho lawn. : 1 Tbehwa, wbcro I shall never, pwto ': . 4f spring timtS's plennant -hoard, f . ; G fortli fcntli hor'tn'mcrrj moo4 ' To gather wood anil flowers. ,, T;U her, when death was on ray brow,, ' And lifu rVcfdinj fut, . . .' ' Pl . Il'T toice, lriform, hfr parting wordi, Wore with mo to tho last. - p On ft iiena Vita's bloody field, ..;V!..J ";; Tuil J.n:r rdytnJay,'. . 'vs . , ..And, that I knew she fhongHt of. mcj y '-4: ' ' Suiuc thoad miles away. ' . '. -' V1" ' - V - . : Vront the Gi iiisborbuzh Patriot. ; . I fJnllfoiU Superior Co nrt. v J Qa tMoriJ iy, miisu!, na business tvas -;jne, except ta orgfirifeo the rourt. v; n lib' 1 mofs 'cliirgQ to iKe'-G r nd: Ju ry he Call if articular altonuon "to the conJition of -ie public" ronJ, onj chirgol strong on dj;ies of overseers. ' . . ' '. ' I 0 Tuesday; Spcn'ch S. Reeves was pd for the murder of his-sij.terH;irriet E.eerca,-.':; rho'';murder. wn-'-.cdromittcf f-t 0ia 13 h of lana-jry last,:, in tho county f Oracg whence the ' t rial had been rc to llinJ,!j)h, and again TrdnvHan r"1 Guilford. Thp. unnaturnl and Avus Bij-oci! of the att , charged upon prisonrr, scarcety has a ''-'parallel "t;.K ?t ia the first. jfVatHcidal deed , which. vs the Efoocjy ahnnt ot our race Tho -rt-roorn was crowded with spectators, -J listened' all day, vijih: almost- brcalh- taiercst; to the dctaiU of tho witness. J St o eloquent nhd ingenious argunCRt.-j , counsel r snd. the ; clear, impartial iMr. Solicitor: jtfhcs; arid - Mfv Wad'ieU ("?eared as counsel fo'f tho Slate; MTssrs. Nprwood aod: Nash fur the r.aoner. ; :" -; ':; I The cviJence ivai''circorftsialrilial;'but yt ind to incvItab!eVCOnviction i J jPriso4r,s g-.N" give jh'e ' maib ,74 Cistlosad on tho e.firAtnation of " ihtf 'tne'ssci.i v v.;-: ". : , I, VncerS. 'Rectus, the prisonorl and Iks .r. thrrk A Uce ves, j'he deceased,. ,te ith ih'eir.fnother, Sarah Durhim, ty taree compost r)'-' ;h :-cnt:ro wlwte ;1mi!y..:.-XhS;bI;vck.;t.nii!y-rCt)rui.ted--t)f "m?i a wmiT, girUbouV 12 Jn old. .It. was proved lhat on; the r.f- -'uoon htQ aire murder, was perpetrated, ;'oflh? Pen,Kr.(n,xvas at work 3t.i; CeWi grounf ab,)Ut a mi.!e;' froni the tju here he.ttsusKy.took' with -him' his iA'Mtani dinner ;an J staid nil dy. ,8 .Cl"'!' nero nian, Je330, u rJ sick, and if CBnf,,r S3rfte 'tia-.c, and was proven i j l'mo Mho . murder was cccom I'Tx 41 stable.'' . ,r j" P" of, the week," where 'ho af. . ras?. htj hid volunteered, or cn; v ,H 'as proved that lie " Term j.ces in -tho I c-ifvaJr- i3dvjariuiry; tha.t he iyc .t U 1 L. , S.: t ' vj,ivv I.; win Jov.. blocks b ; h; '' slia stopped at tn -tho r.C'z'lcthooJ ns iiCTeuirr.Pii no;:.o. on tr?.U. ,11::. ; 'u; ' 1 r;J "Wit-tit 't-u .W;tus l-i' i'itd ihr,j: Siiw thrnt ,. wjiJiiitt'X i-iU nff-way : to the Lbc!:?, ocks Di'in i -o oout t.iii way to i:.-o whivib are.jsttuait-; .torn,; I. i;-. .: l.kc '.a I Cti i -'.juris ' fropt lhtrlt;je. .' S.-h-u: wacd.i ' w i tie s s r,V a i k t-vk-' c ut ; totvards' 8'!at)!..sr, tut''-. ca?n fatct she bad'ts-s ' h u t " '." j, h c ca ! It d llarfi c t v"': :et: r n cstr. ,inj..l!.t- tai'e . poiie. toa .tietgi. jts, ;vhet'- sv . had isptjkpti' o ":pin tlmt morniti.--S'.-o VcturiK.-d iuto the house, and tho sick r .to, Jcsic, eamo in; ho said to fee uiisssa ;.cer, Ijarr.in'he had .returned. '.-..Wit' !. s.s, Had 'riot been in : the house long, be- fvre,or ri-cc-ivirg same infpmiaiion from th trvant til,'he'hastf:ned out and'.wenl il .die -stat'ts as i.i bt as' sho could, w hero .'he ,faw,h-'r daughter lying dead ! in." the siablesliV cilled; 1. r, and swooned' away herself, or was so co.iutsed that she reeol Jeeted"" nothicij : distVictly " for some: tiiTJo nftcrwaids, All this occurred within JiatfJ an liour or . less ircrn the tirrio that ihe prisoner afsd ilarnet .left the tiousd. iThe overcD.tt and the bloody tjrutting knife were produced jr., court by the cord ner of Oringo'coantyi.'..:';:Tlie deceased wa iouncl lyin on her back; arms "stretch-, cd out u full lenththerrieck cut halt cfT; A bruiso'nppe.ared,,as : though a'jilow- had boon struck, diagonally: across the - nose, just 'above- the eye, and on the Tjemple.--Thc knifo had been .Unscrewed fromt the cuttirig bax'i -nnd-Wf.s fuunl Jyfcig about n foot ahoVe ilia htrad .of tha'tleccasejj,' ".. The scrowitapS&e.;'.cwhi?li Iwd attached the kniftf to' thOj t)tjf::wcre;.fo'qhd in )ho Ikter. 'About an hour by sun I r. Stroud j who livc,s in sight of- M r. Dur h't m$ on the rqnd towards Il-itlsboro', 'while; working fa his newround, hcard tlih cKucr of horse's' feet in tho direction of his wn" house and that of Mrs.; "Durham, bSpence-r; 'lie-eves'' soon, camo-.it) sight, nding .ui half speed, -bare bac,.on one of hi.s sister's' horses, Oie other h orso following hTK - Ue! slsck- en"d his pace to a fast trot as ; he passtTdi through tho nevv1 ground passed wiyhvnl abaOt .twenty ".steps "pi witness i" Whov httifed. him and askrd how all. were' at HK)rho--!ie replied, 'a!l wtll.' Witness saVf blood on." hi3 HtCQ, and mentioned tho fact. : Oii be. ' v.g asked if.'l.p had not been jhe sworn ; enemy of Reeves and; -his father,' witness said he had na ill wilhtovyards Spencer, hut hi did not approve of their cc:htct.' ' " '- ApGther- -wi'tnessv Cv.ntblit ' Lbydmct Reeves nbour seven or eiglTt miles from . home,' riding' bareback in a sweeping trot . towards Ilt!!boro His faco looked pale --his Tm co and hair looked like he had been: stcatuig' anl wiped' it ofll;'-'br'-:'had:v--Vjst washed.' :' To'ldhef'thit he waVrgbio'ib'' uncle.: Fred. ReevesV to stayjha-t night.-i He' had seen- witnvss the. day before told her ilrU he had voluntecred;-r-ihat he had lost his jsisie r's saddle blanket, but it m ade oo diflrenco while' she; could ; have P.resl Snipes silting up courting her, every twd or three days'HW itnests' ..asked'hirii ;if his, Mai . ter.fwout'd he wilUn IdfVtW to-o't.O;MeicK. co; ' replied that he did- not care; If they did hot mind ha w quid Tserve them as he did RuHla Durham, -f The way he served Ruftifi Durham was not allowed to be giv en in evidence" bur '"it'iis", said that "he was a'suitor Qfhia,sislcfY a'tid. lhat.-h'e'i'..ltecv'ps,-shot him. Other threats were proved up on tho prisoner, sucli'ins that ii -Presley Snipes did marry his feisler .it should " do r.'etthcr of them' any good, S3 he -was:court:. ing her for her property; before his sister i'bci'iild marry J-f,'Nkkf Or:;a'.ny person, ho woold kill her for he had lost Ms prop erty on her neeount fee v" 'r,-:'; '''' Witness Gco-rge Law, -deputy she ri AT. of Ofan'-c asiitcd to &r"rest Reeves in Hills- hoto the flight ct the 13,h, about llo'. clock. - Met Urn-without knowing himin Vktyf;:Jace5 cfo'se to.;'ihe,.":p::,hps:s asked-, jrho, ho was, hut received . no answer. Asked him iir- when i!.e. hbh shcxiif, Mr.- Turren- ti:;-, C.....C V1 and said, "this is: the man av Iwold, cf him.":.' Prisoner then asked w'nt was the mnt" :r. ''iThe'she-rtS'iold him tu5'ss:ri "hzi teea nwrdered, and he'was s;ispectcV.of jthe'mttfderir. Pricmer'swore it was a d lie, ar.d asked who fetched tho now;, lie-was' told that it , was Jones Powcl. He aid, d Jones, Powcl-if 'that'ls atl the evidence they've got, I can oon v'tla a vf a with ''his' evidence." .-" :He was" then M k e a. -; to-t ; iclioS s . .; . lav er o , 'liand some t-j: tiOR$.'Wcrcasi'ea .nun; rre iaid thev.only -anUd to trap him. : n Dcssuhld Mmthpy did cot wUh-to traphinTi and advi vd 1 Ia .not to; answer c::y cjucs- Pr:s;ti'v-. 'askca-;. 1 urrer.'.n.e ti 1 i t' ;:k:: L.:.-ty tt cur i.r, :::; ,: - ; tho laws, ifi Niii!! ' Cv: , !oth.3 .?';:;:.::, t &tf;c,L--i cj ... of tm impu rtia i an J a. ' .': ; i i i 1 1 1 . h2 made ' bf.ief, clcitr-. Bivl. ..'.: . raary of tho 'fVideru:e," fnf"-' cae. ..Mr. Moahead '.ir.ado :: .' whichj for' tact')h argument a;vl. i .i ; ty -bf arrangemeut, did-oo discredit to his o.nV established professional fame-.: '".'.The judge'ifec a pit uhi.ted 'the eVider.c':td the, jury, from carefully written notes, and charged the -I aw of.. t fc e -'case p articulaily explaining the legal diTinition of '.'a reason able doubt,1 which so often harrasses'the hilnds of honest jurors. -v The jury; retired; and after an. abse nee df about ftvd minutes returned a 'ferdici of Guilty -': ,( ;'v' ;;::'-; V' ': "v -" v'v :' : v Outrages ef this . unriatnral and horrible descHpttcc a re; so rarsthat ': w will be excused for ihe space; oe'eupied irj 4H13 ; ile iail of cltc!umsta nce.s. A ; brother mu rder toif'a'.i&isr; aft aged.-'diseased ttny. feeble : rriot her;: called :" 0pen;.Ugivevevide'nccVai: gainst -?n tBy ;o tor siaymg an onry daughter arc : occurrences which esjiibtt the .hideous passions of , the human heart in a fearful light abd' show s6methigof the deep ' o'h'utteTableangutah vith which one criminal act oiay pie'ce.he rnaternal bosom. The pi isoner- iai! a man of. rather well-lookin g tm; rson; ful 1 ro u t d face; and appeared 'ell dressed. : His feat u res; w ere either so folly, influenced by' a" hardened heart, or so weJh governed by a bull. dog will, that hothing, not even the presence of his;: rncjher; 'onihc; witResstand, or tho exhibitiori "f, the bloody "knifeviih which ho . rrpetrated- .the fuul : deed, " wrought much change. :mMhe espression; of : his counters nee, ..lib heard the verdict of 'guUty;! tcodcfcd'by" the, jury with appaC . rent i-ndifferehcev;lleis-;said .to ..bo riot 'vr:h;irijf. carccf has ivbecft 'mttfked-;.9y....c'issipa-tion.apd taany exniDiticris of ungoverned passion arid malicious disposition. 5s ; w-cll" as acts of crime. ;God knbwvclh; his heart; may its sonsibilittesf be fceltet Cultivated before hisetate is changed from . the.: riassing to the eternal? ' " At Vlf there is aoy; bodf ucder the caois- ter. of heave n I hat I have? j n Utter exefes-1 cpfice, satu ?.lrs. t'artington, tt is a tale- bcarrer and slanderer goifg about hke a 1 Vile boa-'consiru'ciofcirculatirjg his cal-; o'mePab'out: honest. folksu vl al ways: know one byvhis pM Belzabob had stamped men wtth his private signal, and every .things he" looks at np ; pears to turn jailer.''1 And haying uttered ; thfs somewhat elaborate speech, she was seized with a fit i:of ; coughing ihd clSed for some demulcent drops. ' How .to;'T beat L abd -The t r v 1 rig of lard ia an important,, branch-' of economy,' requiring a little .'-care ;and some direct information.- - Vaer. . be 'it, remembered: si oul d T3e y c r ,t..be . rn a de" u s e c f i n t h i s: p r 6 - c'cssf.TEh)CO'-;:i:'t...'C,ooksi:Jh0'.v fat; and makes it soft atkidiable to become speedily rancid. Puta lutrj? of fat into a pot, and then Stand (he pot alongside ' of ' the fire, gathering arciind it a few embers; let a little of the fat fry out, af J which, put the fat over the fi re, w'ith. s-cli precaution,'" there, is no danger .of the; lard's scorching and'po need of water,; but th lard when fully coof will be found quite firm and solid, which can cot be the case if water be rnade use of in trjiag out. .- ..." '; -To :PicVle ARTicsoKEs.U-Scrape ihem carefully and, throw ihemvin-fo' a .vessel. 'of water, until alhyou intend to prepare have been divested ; of .their skiers.. They are then to . b -taken- ' out a nd p xeked in a firV kin;, crock, jar, or sultal'o- vessel, in finely 1 liltle as 'pc no verised silt, ana ;rer.mittca 10 reniitn in iinn -fre.j .this '-condition thirty -xx ho-brs, 'hcn. thy . .. ''Ttn-Co" 'afp.'to be. removed, j;expo?c'd to the stn for I saV,1 ;cri, J -'a.: couple of 'days, '-;; and-, -then',, .after being crowd jri;s!yv ' washed '-"iaVotxl wtncgsf,.. put into a suitai L-pctiicr, ;n r ' b'e vessel and cohered with vinegsr,- per- I- T; : fcctly: fresh', to remain .Vrtichokrs pickU a'.:.;'.: ; . . r ed in', this way. remain perfectly goo-J'thcj forty-l ;-T '. car 'round,-.. and, fcv miny; are prefcYre; l.n-j!ffn V"-'' 1 in r u cumbers:': nia n wc :f, or a nV .other xt : !' I totlc11 in corxmon cb. : ' i' ; ;.';: -,: ;; fj . i::.r ' : v:: f, 1 I'll' v v ' f?' f.:"; r as hi : - : 1 v .- T rr'- markr.t.'3 ; . ' ; ' ' . 1 " -- I tP th j .c, v v..' i , , i. '- ever., j,'' :;-::,V;V' , v v . ,,; t,. ; refil.b'd'V:':iS''C f'.v-. ;: ' " ' ' t!- " ' ::: eer," on his"c,v,,"v ' ..." ,"' ... j .? 'fine grcj :t:v; :,:,!.;.' .: ' c:.! cuhred to.a in a r.'y p- .' . ; 's a'Lsoluit foii', tor. . .. t'r whisper reaehd'iud!.: . : -.'.Bedadi'.you-M bcircr 1 '. ' :i wept;the:harr)rriert .iiid -. ':;..; nianrctwning. however, :...:i ?,:;:. : ;,vi ? catalogu0':ha'd been itt.n thrvugh. : - By. -,the.1orVh s a grest 0 c'l i :"" ; - made. of, her, any way,' saii-h?, ' trke the money., .. ' :-:' Take"'. tho. mbncyl :v Why, ::. boitghihifpr you : - For iriel; wheri '' Ii V;;? idl 0 hiy self vi ' . . baste l aiml ; Didn't you i knck her; do ;i at fifteen dollars?'-; ' " f Certainly' I did, and to jcu.1 :'D in'the'.'; fifteen tints, th'n, Dd give f. r her! ;i A party thing jou've; made of it for mc!';? Another week to lie over, and liyin' d;i-rjotbing,.for di?il a bite tehcKget out. of met.: i:"""-: -" .:;: ' -" !v ; ;' - ; v. -:;':' ; ". ;-. : ; . -The Irishman was going btT in a rage when he was, overhauled I'pr the Usual fee for pulling "an animal, up, ;.w heiher ' Sold cr not. Wrath now turned tfi-horrow, and: .Veiiring;;.'fhatAbe'.:.;.;murQen baste was ating 'his lio out,;: he departed, haunt ed, : probably;, to ,the present day , ; by the rrKnvf r.f n Stt-i.tf.fnn rrreiu mi tct ' -. ,' - . - - :'.'' :-M; .De la'--is .an '.e'd?'rly Frcnchgeri ileman of bob! e.'. connect ijdn.s,. but altered, to r 1 vine S; h"e sustains ; h i cri se I fj' ho wo ever, "in a handsome position in sociery by. his tab enf; and is j withal, a model of gent lema nry deportment and ;.feeling. Ue not long since, bought splendid looking horse fcr one hundred and fi fty dollars , w hich, how ever j proved to htvea vile, trick of.ft-i'trmb ling j.vti nd af te r j: three ,:m no w : . esca-pe3,of his! neck j vAlonsieur Was obliged to request our 'Auctioneer friend to include the an, mal in his next sale. ..The morning came, and this 0 Wne r -a lo, was i n atle nd a nrx; front I a., conscientious ; rnotive,' however. 0oAi"tcr .s ritrds'i. . -i-iscalo condition .cfendihertidding., "to t g r ea t ; t ri b ata 1 1 on , . bee a me q u i les ..:-'Mon vDicu jlw? .uttered;, 'ti shame foj me ccl to spc ..!' - . One -hundred ' doihrsrgoir; .'.V magr!-5cera;.sacdle;,hors;?, and ,ktiJ uj'har. nes. .OiiO; hundred -tli-ah you, hurid rs: -i a n d fi v e g 0 i irg h a Q d r c d i n d ; t e n s 0 .1 for no. fault '"":'"' ; ' '' : " i; 'BrxjiscTiiy neek trqe, times'' 'n-J 'ti : ser urulcu-s'Tre ncl-i tr.a'n , i n an r"Cny; r.nd catc.lurg. the'-. a ucUonce r by'-iho t'kirf, i'-'-compn' ny wo-ndeH eg, i..m.!!anvhi!.;, vlt tint taU ,.h.'uYff'lK';!-.?r-d': td 's ivw '.v..:...:, a fa! . ft e-.n-tw c r. : v 1 ia ttrry rn'r'ticul-iy, u.-o t da:nciz.-abouii.' i-':''lJandreJ you; s'oun. and v. arr." ;.No(, '-'no, no,, r:U . wifnr; MonsicurV'.' Moa .Die5,--iis" Knock - hini down - wji; r ut t1.? I:: tKit'i.is rrer.ch '1:1,1 ! v . and' he dcternv':.:t J th'it l- 5.'',: :: ,.f,v i-. ,!i Iv! ,. ,v- r- , ctr"- l"'1C JarlJ1n"; that he wcejtjrpy ' r ' lv': d'J :h?V! .Mr. Turrntir.c' rr.. . aiQiW.ercotti hic! '-u-as found t r' ,Ti t l- " i n wln srst f::VVn :th VHng-roorn'.-.r.d.. tiV"' Prisoner szil -llrU'i'truih;' nl r-s':u- v,''cre - th.i dc-.d'bvJv i-cdittcly'sid, r.o, r..)t'it is a.d ;acVS,Vcd .tl.at he. bad wi:h;l.;r.i a izi.s V Id; h'n thai ti.vy 'hv.; l; -'e wi;U acorn.'::; sio-: to .'; !.',' If'rcn c:i hirwr le i - : '; trj d, tli! Iv.'i.uM i:v Oe C:;c s; cn lead,'.ar.d cr powder, nv Tcfktsh s t ;: w-:i.rr:r; . CO TT; . 5, Tt S :rS tii. l,;rt on . li,s -rr... ''fJ f-fr;o 4 'ti ty';:t;.rdv r,.'! V 8 (J ( f - '"" '" 1 nest c 1) in a'L ,1 a; corn-; a..; s: .1 lift r,-rooi. :.--lietVv i tjire qart ..cr'ij, tb:v::t'I .t i vc 1 ! 1 ., , .. l. ..re to II l :. 1 r . ! i-.n , .. 1 , VlZ. LiVi- A iv; : I he I" ,. ., v, x, ! ,.,t ! to A :uc? :ur.K hum' ' the i''.' wdsc'. :: Ms r w j r tc rc !, ladies, L-j ir I , tent'."; ; 'Kwrh compm Of dj"."!; thc::: 'appcTi-nr: in th t a r ' Lmiki' ' fcmri - 'Wt' Vi -;, ; ' i 4 . . ta'the ':,'"- r. ii. ' Nor ht .fJ -1 t 1,. r.c, LVj cf r, r' a ti I i cv ,1: 1 t (. otf0 :'.,y cf . -d iC: II llM if-' d r t r- t 1 t a r; i I o ,j r tiii. :cc. 1 . t! vr u-;.-.;.:: t i ' 1 o : r - Ti i . ' ' ;'.'! T. ' the lv l - - t' vy ar,J .C'j rr p i? ri v. t " c ) i n - ' j'-'if .'.n .It. - r r's ' 1 ,::,' ho.L-ar d T Tloft-r-' , 't th. II 1 . - : i i.,-3 drC'i i t r c ur riv I'j ir.-r Ti.j i r. 1 1 r r.i A a f 1 f i!S t..,t I His ' r i . r . J.l 1 p'-Hli'J It;r. i-r inn f t1 ir. - t ' t t ' j 1 1 v. "11 "V Ir.,.;' ' . r 1 r ! t- u.J a 1 15 n r ef rnsoa. in cbx;l 1 c. :

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