.-urn i,'filV V ,'r. - .s.f . . . , -r jt -; ' r -'t i 1 It fl T. WVivj'?- street Smoking. -' lht by li8wiWe that so laidy curled 4 r Front hia lips, 'twas l,'f i? I .happened to .. meet; V V.-'" And I naid. 'if a o!whcUtpreBen ihia world, 1 ,'Tia smoking eigara w frcquehted street;' $w .night, and Uio kidies , wcrs, ' numerous ,. , around, j :' : , . : .' ' .."' r - " . And in many air eye shone the glittering tear, But the loafer still puffed, and 1 heard not a sound, w-'- ': ' " ' ' t...-' f v Save llio nhtirt hacking coogh of each smoke. j. mitten dcar-.-r;. r.. u - ' r,i !; u '?J p I " - !: Death front tbe Ultoof a Rattle ''.;' luakc. '" ;.;;' ' "y"K most lomVot'ublu "nfftir". occurred ic yNvWiYujli7pn. Thurwlajf Vvcoing', which tin. a ltw lurs lesullerj in the dou h'of Dr". " Arnold F.' Wninrtahi, one of ih profi-ss. "ors in Crobif."!fHi'. Medical Collegf.- Tle"pir'ticufiiTs re thus related by ' one of ?'-.c'.' m.::.. . ! Iho Hew ? Tl raiiliiMnuke'Trorn whose bite Pr. TV. died .'.wai "received onThuadav froiij bM brothgr in AUbama. lla wn biuen'at iijw.Broodiray Uouusf where b hn'd takeii aim anuke for tlio puru'isH'of tiliowiiur, it It ,o let loose yputi the bur room fl Mr, hi; re It coilexl itstlt up and Corrnnenued n Uv hum.' and was tensed with a Mi and some persons ioUrhinjf it with tharf feet wiiu( allowing much coriacioixrtess. In returning h tit; ih box ttf-W. acized it " vVi'.lv hi ntyfii hand; ipjrfaitlly lh reptilo (cared fits liend thjw buck his jiws and iniok; hU fiinjirniifiit between th fin ger and fauMwng on the inside of the rinar finger n the riht hund. f remedies seemed to nvmi, anu tm- rri)U'ttttoiiif the rm, requcaieii by Dr. "y. w'js deemed inndvisiible by those pre schi. Another nccount siiyn: Th unhnpny mn seemed to posse hin funiculi i's alinusl to the lust moment, and was ertectlv1 aware of the fitH o which he wnkincvit'ibly huMpning. Some fifiecn minujebtfoie Wat der;nefc tgrninjj t( a frieud tio vn kuppo'rlin him, "This is Jiorribli rjsaid hfas he fell the extreme pniu' leaving fits hnndvnnd the sensnthwi ofiease slowly creeping lip l!ie arm from the seat of. the wouiul "'This is horr'bh ! to know that death is grndu illyv leeling his way to mv vitals! thai arm is iiMid alrea. dv? and" plueini; the uninjurH. hind over his,,heart-'lhe destrover willjni be here!'', 'This netiio kniiwl. de of f sure iliasoiuuon. winch ns a meon-al man he musthav oasessedf could have beeu noughl Vise than fearful! : , '.The 'body, nfier dwilh, presented the usual appearances of diieuse from the bite of ihest hidoirtis reptiles, it being fright fully swollen nnd mottled...- 1 Lute Hours. 'V Alk animals, except those tin! prowl at Otghtytre:irc1t icst soon ol'er the. sun goes down from' which ve, may conclude that haiure iniended that the human speeie. ,slwuld follow their, example. It is fiom 'tho early hour's of sleep, which are the jnost.swfct apd refrnihiiig, tliat the m accumulation of, muscular energy nd bodily strength fakes place, as well as oi ' hATijurr'TxritritJittTy"-lT rlrsr- bruin imln j)t'i(sablo lo . the operation of our waking hiiuraVx Sleep ha been called the "chief fioui isher i ri life's feast," but how lew find i 8udi! u order thai slei-p may bit re TreiihrrYg,' it is nocesjnry 1n i"k suffietent Vxereiso in the open air during the day, to lakeV light supper, or none at all, avoid tijl feV or "cofleo lute in the evening, to sleep 5on hair mat res!, with a slighi covering uf bedcJotfiiog, in a loom Ireety Vrntifattd. It is well known th'it the Ilufte'of Wellington, now a hale dd man, ' U n'eeysToined l'o !eep"orrff-jinrrow7la7't pallet, and we believe the couch of her ' MilieSiViS ulr uf I ho nillU!esl possible Colli! ruetfiri. ' It IS reporteil lliut the Lluko justifies th'narroinies f hin reaihijr plaee - - ' -kirn, it is then high timo to pet up V'i .Seldom hear th laborious peasant com n'ain of - remh'ss inch's. I Iw indolent t pampered, epicure , or the man who over tasks his brain and denies hnn-elf bo lily eneroii, is very hublo to sleeplesnnes, Lvglish Fnfer. EARTIIQtJAk'B I.N Chili. The follow ing particulars are cxliactvd iron) u Lima pa per of Nov. 7: , ".. '.'On the 8ih of October last, at 11 o" clock io the morniiig, n series of earth quake, which lasted two miuiite.s wilho.ui interruption, spread ou'stern-iti in noil nlairVn throughout the city of Valpaiaisn .NohiiUn was thrown down, aTihongh shim worO Injured. The towers of the Matjiz andCofltoin House waveJvto and fro in TcVrfut Viiaiiner; tho' latter is mud a little put i)l" irerpendtctilr.' Uy news frotn Tillapcl, we learn the ittiimist total destruinlon of L'l L'g;ia nnl ' Putorca. -The directioii of the vanliqiiake was evidenMy; from the north. Qoquimb i' sulP'red extremely: its best public building WertV-mluccd . io a" mass-of ruins. Th4 ricif!atiiins of the earth were frightful. . JThl) w iiole ' pfoulationslept in-' the open i.LLiiyju tho slums it) the rivers we re raised from tlie.ir beds and thrown a did. " ArPOfST.MESt'y THS U..VEN0R. Gov. Tju'ttis,h!is aj.j)i4nted Vn. L. Mitchell, ' Etj l thw phice Chief Engineer of the HlllMilailR wd in place ul C. F. M. G ir neit; Esq, who hus hitherto so ably and ftccrptably ; disehared the duties of the ptTiije. " Mr,. G riieit1s crinie' was IJThtgge-rj.-Athent llViJg. ' 1 BOSTON Dec. 15, TV M. (jieorjjc Miller, the broker, who was charged! jmiIi hiving committed 'exteh'sive forgeries,' has returned, and appeared on 'Cliarco io-dnv. Njihodv mdesied him. He published a card in ihe' Eveuin Tran scipt, stating ihaljia. shall prove his en tire ioopcinco of any forgery whatever. . S.)RS.IoHnt. A tea made of low black berry In" kV tij(ery g iod for a, sore mou'h, hmher occiji JPe-J by .calomel or other C5U.es. t . ;,.: ' v . ' 1 Wasp sting. Immcdiotely , after the fllnfr, press th? hollow tube part of.snj key tiuhily over i tie. pit ri stung; ine poison may be seen si the moulh of the wound, aiwl siuHild tn wiped ofl u', .: ; r. JED UC.1T1 oj ; i VVantco, a Teacher to lake chargtt as PrincU AsiicTHic iaie Acaucmy. A eenilrman uf. cUiwicttl atUinmeuU cipnri- mce, and the higheot order of moral character ji denired. ' None ol hem need apply. ' " The bnihlin? is largo, elegantly nniHlted, and of capoeity sufficient o accomnridaie One Hun dred PitpiU. The growin r popnlslion of our Til lave the salubrity of our cllmnte, and the many imiuncmi-nti oilier wiS to muka this a point for the investmpnt of large educational intercuts aJUl lonihor rendi'ra this a rare opportunity for Mrrfn. up a pcrmaneDtTecliool jren.1 llcirtnn who donifca to build up h rx of iho fint clmrnctcr in the hcalihicstr and most dexirahle aivlion of North CaroUfm The per qirnitrs of tho sdnvtl, can ifp,roperly managed. b made a large remuncjiifion.' A marriad gen. tlctnan ie nrvfurcd Applioatl ni nCompanfcd by totimnials of character nmHjualificalions nny be sddremed, tustDSid flirholm W. Woodfin, NontrtviUt Patio, ' -r janui m. Aiii ttugn junrwtn, lrat Baird,' J F. E, Hardy, ' ' " , F.phrnun Qlityton, . R. W. Pullmm, - s ?m Board of Truttte. AsheTille.N.C.Dco. 16, 1847. 3S I tf. A beautiful lot of handsome ahd dcitirable put crn of moiiNloine de lanes are offvn.d at unprcccdi-ntedlv low pricM, by ; . RANA'IN Sl PULLIAM. August 3" If . . v , . . .. , Apprentices Wanted. Four or five apprentices to the Mill Wright hiinincii. will he laken bv the (ubucribcr. mon application to him one milo and a half wet of franklin, N. U. Any information regarding tlio RUlwcriber'i) character si a workman, can nu Had by applying to Jumes At. Smith or W. VY. Wood fin, Ksq'rs, of Aslievillc. STEPHEN MUNDAV. "Dec. I4t. 3t 379 KANKIN & PULLIAM Have a hftivy PtockVf Rlailkets, Flail' II eU, l.iilNuya, and Winter good generally, which they are welling at reu,uccd pricei,cpecial l Overcoats. VtstKand Pantuloons. ' Asliuville, Dec. 2, lt47. if , . Winter JJoois, Caps, and Hals. r large tock,"vrfy low, juit npened at K AIM Kill &I ULUAM'3. tf SchoolNind Classical Books and Stationery, a large Muck welling at fmall profita, f4.VAiV A VULLIAM. Dec. 2. 1817. tf Youth's Cloth Capt, of d anttjKt iciitlcmcn'g ffcrenl wrvle and price, by RANKIN PULLIAM. AllirllNt 9. it - - ' . ; ROW OPIli, Every variety of Dry Goo. 1, Groceries, Hard rare and Cutlery; suited to tho present and ap-proaclung-vSeaaons. ., KANKIN &, PULLIAM.' Oct. 7. 1817. A 4 ,' 371 tf. . , ' AIarffc Lot Of Coffee, bruwn and crushed Sujar, for. nalo by ' RANKIN 4- PULLIAM. Anpnt o. tr . . ; - . -.i-The ISrandrcth's Pills.-."" From the Afusouri News. This mudicine has been mnda a subject of much merriment thronjhont ifie UrTineewhilerils utility has been extensively acknowledged. . Tbo iinpri-nsion seems to be gaining ground that Bran, drelh's medicine may bn employed with safety ana cneci, us a renjeuy lornniiiiury inliruntiea, i oe re urc limuy wunsiuiu perrons in IIIIS CIIVS -wbh B!-w-im-r-aro-ri tntg-conritry,1 wtm great propriety tistify the good effjets of Brand reth's pillK, from frequent experiment; and no evil need he apprehended from the. use of them, accordiiig to iho direetiona. In directing public attention to thn Brandreth medicine, we only express our lione'st convictions, that the Brand, wtr Pithi -have-donw're service frr'triPtprc'wnt generation, than all 1 lie putenl mcdiethe which have ever been introduced into general use. Tlicso Pills are for salo in every county in this Slate, at 25 cents per box; and may bo had of the following; agents: PAITON A. OSBORN, Ashcvillo, r J. M. ALEXANDER. French Broad. JAS C. f MYTH, Morganton. W. L. Gil I & CO.. Alirion. M. P. PEN LAND, Burnsvillo. KELSEY cV MAXWELL, Little Ivy. K. DEAVER. Sulphur Springs. J. E. PAT'I'OV. Wnrnt Sorings. SMITH Sc BAIRD, Lapland. NOTICE. TO BANK DEALERS 7. llTTOA Will art n A;mt in Offrrin; Notes for Dis count nnd Kcnnval nl the Ashcville Branch of the Bank of. Cape Fciir. and will . charge (he fuslomarr Fee far his srrriccs. " Asheville, Aprill 15, 184.7. 346-ly. -ugarfolIlr-Arr?ar IflO Bags primo R. Coffee; 3000 lb. Sugar; jti, ivvi.iviu riiu isr rut" t i v ww, iu ... i i a- i art K.AKK Sl FULLIAM'S, Vt. 7. mtr- 371 tf. ir Stale ol North Uaroi7nrt. FALL TERM mi. Superior Court Ollice Cherokee County.' Tt appearing to 'the salisfaelion of the Court that the buyinesa on The Ciyit Docket cannot be done at the regular Term of said Court, rod that a ppecml lerm h neccHarj; It is therefore ordered that a Special Tetm of the Superior Court of Law for the to. of Cherokee bo licldonllie let Mon day in March next, in conformity td the act of Axsemblv. It is further ontrred that Iho Clerk aaver'.HiC mis order in intf ' lleti!and irlesscnger for six weeks. ' Suitors nnd Witnesses will take notirVioid attend accordingly lines, James If. Bryson, Clerk of said Courr Ilia letli day of December, 1817. . A true copy from the minutes. ,,'" JAS. II. PftYSON.CIk. Dee. 23. pri fee, g6. 3-i'i 6f X - Drc2.l847. t-itrrt r - . BANK AGJiXT. . . Will attend lo the offering of Notes Air Renew, a) and Discount at the Ashevillo Branch of the B.tnkof Cac Fear. Business entrusted to bis rare' will bo promptly and faithfully attended to. His charges will be as low as any. Ashoville,' D.'C. 39, It?4T. lyrow -333 sOUTIICK.1 IIAIl.TJOJY. New edition, just received, and for sale at RANKIN & rULLIAM'S. Pec. 30, tf State 1 of North Carolina, v Supreme Court of North Carolina ai Mor. Andrew Hemphill, E xxutor of Win.' McDaniel, ' . . - - i i ,' decrswed, Rhoda MeDaniel and-others, id Equity from Duhcomht County. ,'-,' Thiscawo brliiff referred by the aid Court to the undersigned to take an account and report thovaluoof the' personal estate allotted to the widow of William McDaniel, dcoeased; the val ue of legacies bequetlhed by the will of said de. ceased, with the namesroT the legatees, at the dale of tmntator's dcalfl and aim) on the 23d of July, I845; nd aJrft lo report an accouut of the administratiojr the estate of tesutor; and nai the r-pccijiciejacies were comprisod in the allot. mentVthe widow, and what compromise and agreements have been made by the legatee, and "6lher"matter relative to said Dilate contained in said order of submiMion. Now' fl appearing that Margaret Grimes, Archibald Grimes, William Men-it and his wile J?arah, una uunemnrs bna Andrew Dunsmore, Sarah Uillcspio, Thomas McCloreand Mary his wife, Margaret MuDarf. el, Elizabeth McDaniel,' Legatees tindor, said Will, are not residents of this State, they are hereby notified to be and appear before me at my Office in the town of Morganton. Burke county', on Iho fourth jtlumlay after tho fourth Monday of March next, (beina- the Monday of the bupe rior Court of said county of Burke) in order to the taking of said accounts referred to me by said Uourt. J AS. It. DODGE, Cl'k if. Dbo. 30, 1847. 6w Pr's fee $6 - 383 LtJLsVTKTSSi - IiiTal liable Ointment, , FOR SALS !! ASHRVtLLK ST IIIJO II .TOIIiVSTOr, The only Agent West of the Blue Ridge, s August J 6. 1847 6m. 363 The FarmciV & JMa literal For the Year 1848,' Published by Blum & Son, of Salem, N. y., just received and lor sale at wholesale and retail by -, .' PATTON Sc OSBORN. Ashet-illc, Oct. 7, 1847. 371--71. NEW ,F ALL AND WINTER Is now receiving at his Cash Store, direct from New York and Philadelphia, an excellent Slock of ' suitable for Fall and Winter, which he invite his old customers and the public tfunerullv, to cull and .examine. , And us he both buya and sell for CahT he warrants to acl) aalow.aa sods pf.lhe same quality and Btvle can be .sold in this mark et. Ashcvillo, October 7. 1 847. 37 1 tf. Saddles & Saddlery Goods. Our stock of men's and lady's Saddles is very extensive and cheaper than ever. RANKIN fc PULLIAM. . Oct. 7, 1847. 371 tf. 1 JDt ZtCstcr lias just added to his former extensive stock of Drugs and Medicines, the following, among other articles: Sulphato of Quinino, ' M " - Morphine, - - Zincy- Cupper, Silver, -, Liquorice, Opium', iNilratu of Extractor , v Powdered ; Ctor Oil. llo baa also a largo quantity of Linseed Oil, White Lead in Oil, Copal armsh, Jnpan Varnish, Leather. . Varnish, f-c. fyr.. All of wlueh will be sold on thc.mot reason abl t,riiK, .. - Aihcville, July 15, 18l7.tf: 359 Slate of Worth Carolina, Hatfwood Lounly pcrior Court of Lt w. Fall Term, 1817. saair-rtenrotr; Vs. Elizabeth llenson. Petition for Divorce. On motion and judgment pro confesso, it is or. deretf by t'ourl thut pulilie.it., in be umde in tin Highland Messenger and Rutherfurdtoii Repub. tenrrj"trtTcwrreCF!'iveiTnonrtis.--notrfyitig'the defendantto appear before the Judge at I lie next court to bo held for the county of Haywood, t the Court. Ilonse in Waynesville, on tho 4th Monday in March next, then and there to plead answer or demur, or this case will be heard ex 'parte,, and judgment rendered againl tier. Witness, John L. Smith, Clerk of said Court at office, tho 4th Monday in September, 1817. JOilS L. SMITH, Clk. Nov.4, 1847. Prs fee, .G. 373-3m. SALT. ,A large supply of Virginia and Liverpool Salt, just rcecived. ' RANKIN d- PULLIAM. Dec. 3, 18r?. tf $10RKWARD. , HEAD 111,71 OR DIE! Stolen from my tent, at Shaw's Creek Camp ground, on Hie night of the 15th of August lut, a LA PINE GOLD WATCH, No. 7121 (I think, with the word Godamvr engraved On Iho same case .with Iho No. The watclf is -very thin, witii art-twq-tiiwninnea men. t nenoovo rcwaro oi icrt ""UT' w.vwj,. - - i" w" " the lookout for said Watch, ascamp-mceling thieves, above all others, ought to be detected. Address to L. S, Gjli, Cuytopville, .or me at HndiirsoHvilltf, N. Gn and oblijfc ! , ' J.. LIVINGSTON. Oofober 21, 184'7. 573-3m. -HARD H AKE d CUTLERY. English and American, including scytlies and sickles, of the very best manufacture jtlut recei ved, and will be sold at the lowest prices Among these Goods cinjpe. found many seldom brought; to tho onuritry, and worthy the attention of inc. chanics and farmers.' ; RANKIN k PULLIAM. may 13. 350 tf. Heady made Clothing. Ilsndvomu assortment of Coats Vests and PanU for summer wear. RANKIN .f PITLLIAM. may29.1847.lf . , 3j2if. WANTED, Waggons to haul Salt from the Virginia. Salt Works. Ths roads are fine, and price liberal. Anply soon. RANKIN &. PULLIAM. Oct. T, 1847. . 371 tf., Licathcr! leather 1 1 Upper and Sole Leather, Harness ami Skirting A Urge lot jut t rtcived, at very low prices V- . Oct. 7, 1817. 371 it Books & Stattoacry iiuNTINGTON: &ISAYAGE, PoBtiisflERS, Booksellers S Stationebs, fl6,-pEAEL STREET, SEW I0RI, . TT.u niintfv fur sals a very br ire and Well selected stock of School, Classical and Miscella heous Books, Blank Books and Stationery, to which they would call tho attvntioq ol liooRseu. era, Merchants, and others. II. & S. are the publishers ol tome oi me oc and most salcablo School Books now in Use in the United States, among which are .. v Bukritt's Gsogsaphy of ths Hbavsns, and At- las, 'jio. only treatue on Astrongimy, nowin en- eraluse. . ,. ; Pitss PA.si.mf's NswGkoosAMiy for Ucginners. Illustrated with 18 maps and 151) beautiful en. gravinga, and ncatljrbonnd with stiff covers. This is decidedly the cheapest and best inlroduc torv geography published in the country,. .in,. ui.ibujji u ... eentlv been improved by the addition of all the genera of Southern and Western planta. WKBSTEa'a UsivsasnT Dictionary. Thiaedi. tion contains many thousands more words than Walker's large Dictionary, and very few persons rcqniraa larger work. ' . r WtSsTsa's Scikm)L DieTiosxaiRs. PorssTdo. SoniocLKs Gnetx GaaMSAS, the Text Book of Yale, Harvard, and others of Iho best Colleges and Literary IniiiutVn of the U. S. Psof. Fslto.is Gases Kcades. Do. do. Ex escist. Goodsich's National GsooaArHT, for Schools in quarto form, with maps in the book. PHEWS NAT. PHILOSOPHY, 12 mo. Chemistry, 1 " Nut. Philosophy for Beginners, - . j , ltjrto. cloth; " Cliemistry, do. do. " BotanyT "X" do. do. These elementary book arepeeu!iarly adapt ed to Common Schools. II. & S. have just published a series of Astro norpieal Majia.'cinbracing 16 numbers, each map 3 by 3J feet, beautifully printed on a black ground nnd ntully colored. Price per set, mounted on rollers, with cloth backs; - with case and book, 820 0(1. The sumo, on thick paper, without cloth bucks, $15 00. No Academy or Common School should be without a set of tliew maps. They have been fully recommended by the best aslron. omers in tho country, as well as by the most sci entific Teachers, and withMhcm a Teacher can ininarl a ' rreater amount of information to his punils in six mont'is, than ho could possibly do in a year Ty tho old method, bckides making the study more interesting to them August 26, 1847. 364 tf. NOTICE To mu Old Customers. Tho subscriber bees leave to inform his old friends and customer, that ho is still at his old Stand, in the South end of Ashcville, where cv-' ery vuriuly of work in his line, is executed in the best manner, Axes repaired and new oncsmade a. short notice ana at reduced prices. Corn and Wheat taken in exchange, fur work.- .. L... WILLI A iSOiV WAHLICK. Ashevillr, Nov. 4, 1847. 375-5t. ivfii u ro. coiAtia.;, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Will attend regularly 'the Courts of Macon, Haywood, Buncombe, Yancy ond McDowell All business entrusted to his care will bo prompt ly attended to. Ashcville, N.C.April B, 1817. 345 ly " sadIJiTry; Of every Description. A general stock of women's andjFrten'a 8ad dies at unpurullcllcd low prices. " Call and sec RANKW'if PULLIAM. may 13. - 3y0 If. - ' 1I ' Caninctt, fancy Casimcrcs, A general assortment very hvr'r just received. X RANKIN 4- PULLIAM. , January 23, 1847. "' , 33;tf.' . X CI,OTII$, CLOTIBS. Super. Blue, ..lack, Brown, Green and Invisi ble Green Cloths, English, French, and Ajnrri can Cassimeres, just opened and ofTorad-!-' very low prices. Call and sen ' RANKIN & PULLIAM. Oct. 7, 1847-tl 37,f Wanted. The subscriber wMies to employ a Saddler and IliU'iievw Maker. A sober, Indus. aTTri'iTmnilST WhdTs a emid workman, can hud a comfortable situation by applying to mu immcdi fttely. , R. CLAYTON. Hend.-rsonvjllo. Rfpt. 16. 1817 If 368 Arriyqls. aiu Departure? of .ftlails atfHiti from Ashcvillo. For Clarkttillr, Ga. Leave Ashcvillo every monday and friday at 5 a. m. Arrive at Ashe. villa Wednesday and Saturday by 6 p m.; horse mail. For Waynesvilh,hy Turkey Creek, J-ef Leave eyvery Irnlay-by 1pm.; arrive by the next friuay by 12 in.; horde mail. Fur Moipunton. Leavc every Wednesday and Saturday at 5 a m ; nyive tliureday and Sunday by 1 1 p in.; horitc mail." For Il.ti untitle and M.rganton. fcav' every friday at t a -tn ; arrive thursdsy by 4 p m.; bursa mail. For Greenville, S. C. " V.ve every Sunday, tuesday, and frid ay at 4 a in.; arrive every mon day, thursday, and Saturday by 10 p m.; twa horse back. For' Salisbury. I-ave ryery sunday; tuesday and thursday at 8 a m ;rriV9 '''"-'jmiiuv ly 4 am. - . . , For Warm Spring, Tennenee Kentucky, and Western Virginia. In ate Sunday, tuesday, arid thursday at . 4 a m'.; arrive tuesday, thursday and Saturday by 4 a in. , . The delivery of mail matter on sabbath to the ilixeas oLtown, will be between the hours of 8 and haif punt 9, am. E. McC. TATE, P. M. Dec. 16,1 fl47. "-jf o all -Teach cvs, AND SCIIOOLZCOMITTEES. Walker's School Dictionary. "NEW" EDITTOT From New Stereotype riales, greatly In. proved, and printed on While Paper. A Critical "pronouncing Dictionary and Ex fxmition of the. Englith Language, in which the meaning, of every Word i explained, and the sound of every "Syllable distinctly shown. To which is prefixed, an Abslraclof Eoglitdi Pronun ciation, and direction's to foreigner for acquir ing a Knowreoge oi tnc use ol this Utctionary. By Jnhn Walker, author of 'Element of Elocu. tin:i," 'Rhyming Dictionary,' &.C" tec'., Abrii'gjed for the usj of c!ioolii, by ane American Citizen. Publihli'ed and fur salu. by " GfiIGG, ELLIOT. &. Co. 14 North F-nirlh Street, Philadelphia, ) ' and by Pattou it Oslxjlrn and Rankin & Pulliarn, Ashcville, IC C., and by Merchants generally throughout the South and. WesL P. S. This is a New Edition, on Fine Paper, and imp.-oved in Printing and Binding: Tea. rhers will please examine "Grigg, Elliot Sc Co'." Improved Edition. 376 6t. KERSEYS, TWEEDS, LIXSEYS, AND Flannels of every variety, just received at " RANKIN & PULLIAM'S. Oet.7, 1817. 371 tf. TO COUNTRY ::;;OIlIG4,;'EEMOT:dtH,Q ' Wholesale Booksellers & Stationers , . PIIILADELPJITA, ' KEEP constantly on band, a very extensive assortment of BOOKS and STATIONERY, rod, as sre adapted and usually purchased for Country Sales; which llicy will sell ox as menu,! terms st tho Srticlcff can be pnrcliased in this city, New York, nr Boston. J Having sn extensive BINDERY connected with their establishment, they are enabled tosappU orders for all tho varieties of Blanc Work, In the best manner, and at the shortest nstico. J Ofllccrs of Hanks, and Clerk of County Courts, Will find our BLANK 300K8 equal,-if not superior to any they have ever had in use, and Ordcn by CousTsy Msschants will be promptly attended to. , Particular attention wjll also be paid to all Orders, through Country Merchants or by mil, L Law, Medical, and Miscellaneous Books, for public and private Libraries, and no effort will be snared lo complete 411 such orders, on uio mosi fjiunlry ueaiors win uuo a w i nuiinj msking their purchases. , ; . To All Teachers anil Patents. - . STASDAISD.. . S CIlO Ot MI O OK Publlshed-'and for sale by G a too, Eujott A Co., Phila.. and for Sale by Booksellers, and Country Merchants generally in the Soirrintaa" Statss, aud by Booksellers in New York and Philadelphia. For sale as above, RUSCIIEN. BEIIGER'S . . - - 1 Elements of Anatomy and Physiology, for beginners, 45 outs. ' ' . 2 Elements qf Mammalogy, tho Natural His. lory of Quadrupeds, for beginners, 75 cuts. ' 3 Elements of Ornithology, the Natural His tory of Birds, for beginners, 81 cuts. 4 Elements of Hepeloli.gy and Ichthyology, the Natural History of Reptiles and Fishes, for beginners, CO cuts. j 5 Elements of Choneology; the Natural His toryof Shells and Molluscafor beginners, 119 cuts. 6 Elements of Eatoni-dogy, the Natural His. tory of Insects, for beginners.0 1 cuts. 7 Elements of Botanv, tho Natural History of Plants, for beginners, 194 cuts. 8 Elements of Geology, iho Natural History of the Earth's Structure, for beginners, with 300 cuts. The above series is considured one of the most valuable contributions to the cuuso of ed;ic;ition which has ever been published in this country. Each book of the series is complete in it pel f, and has a filll glossary appended. The illust ra tions are numerously and birnutilully executed. Teachers are requested to call and examine these works before selecting for their schools any book on Natural History, these being very cheap, d and having been approved by diMinguisuu scientific nlen. -----4I have-examined Dr.r Rnsehcftberger'f- pwblr. cation 'Elements of Geology,' froni,lhc text of Beudanl, wLllier, Ed ward 4- J&L AehhV, Complo.' "I think Jhis an excellent jvdrk condensed, lucid, exact, 'and comprehensive a safe guide for the pupil, nnd a useful rjrtlcw for the teacher. The illustrations are mUiiu ro jh and exact. (Signed) B.SILLIM.VN. Yalo College, D.r.. 13, IS 15." Tho above vallfuble'iiifies of books have been introduced into niii- y of the public and private schools of New York, .MaM-ueliiisetts, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, IVniisyivauiu, Illinois, Indiana, &.C. 4.C., aud are pronounced by all, among, the most valuable scries ever issued Ironf the Amcr. loan press: Grimshaw's History of Enziand, " Queiitiuiis to Do., " Key to do., " Hihtory of Rome, " Questions to lo., " Key to , d,(., - bound stitched stitqhcd bound stitched stitched " History of the United States, luund " Q'lestiuiis U do., ftitched " Key to do., ttitched Ilwtory of Greece, bound " Uuestious to do., stitched " K y to do., stitched " HiKtnry of France, bound .:i..,.t..( . Keys i.Qucstioiis to do., stitched " lli.story of Napnieiin, bound " ' Keys &, QucbIioiis to do., slilehed GJJIMSHAW'.s LADIES' AND GENTLE. MAN'S LEXICON, and Parlor Jt'oinpanion: con. taming nearly every word iu the English Un gunge, r.nd exhibiling the plurals uf nouns and the participles of verbs, betn b!m parlieularly aeTtpred to (lie iisc ol ueadcnnt. and selnuils. By William Grimsiiaw, Eau., . author of the above histories. " Tho editor of the North American Ruvicw, speaking of tlieo Histories, observes; that "A. mong the elementary books of Ami'iieau Histo. ry, we do not remember to have seen any one History of the United Stales.. Il is a small vol. umc nnd a great deal of in itter is hror.g'it into a narrow spuco but the author has Miecerded so well in the construction of hi' periods, ami the arrangement of his materials, that perspicuity is rarely sacrificed to Im'Vity . "The chain of naralivc is skilfully preserved, and the author's reflections nr frequently sueh as make' the facts more impressive, and lead the youthful iniiid to observe cnuw.-s and roiiacqucn. ccs which miht.othervei.-o be overlooked. Aa' a schiKd-hook. it may be justly recomiiiended. "What ha.-.bccnaid of this volume will apply generally to liis other historical works. Tiiey aro eacli nearly of tlieamo size as tin: one just noticed and designed fur tho tnmo object, that i? iho'iiscof cl.isseM in fefiools." 'All these books ure. accmnpanied with very full and well digested tables of questioning fur the be 0 fit of pupils, und also with Keys to tho same for the convenience, of teachers. Teachers generally, who have c amincd Mr, Grimshaw'a HiUucics of iho United Slates und England, and improved editions of Goldsmith's Greece and Koine, have given therti a decided preference lo am oilier Histories in use as school book, and any person" who will examine them, will find about ono thousand errors in' each cor. reeled; and teachers ofdering these works, will do-weir to say, "Gri'iuslniw' Improved Edi. lions." - ;iiNVF.R.SATONS ON NATURAL PHI. LOfOPf I Y-fn whiidjjlijijlf nieiiis of that science arc fainiliarlye.TpTiined. Mustraled wjlh plates. By tic author of "Convrrsiktious on Ciiemislry," Ste. Wrtll considerable additions, corrections ahd ImproVcTt-t nis Jn lhc borty ol tlio work. ap. nrnnriitlrt l.ili.Mliril, mii.I m7 T. ni II., 11. 'Iu... prois-iatM uiieslions and a elossarv. Bv Dr. Tho P. J.ines. ' . CONVERSATIONS ON CIIEMLSTiiY in which the elements of that science are familiarly t A J :ll.. .....it. J cxpiaiiieu hiiu iiiusiraieu or exiieriineiin and eih. gjsvuigs on wwmI. I roui the last lyindon edi. lion, m which all the Into discoveries and iru. provemcnts arojkrougiit up to the present lime, .by. Ir. Tlio .P. Jones. a iJJ'hfi learned and distingnWid Professors Silli-maiMutd-Bigelow, speaking of these works, oh. actve 'They are sali.-fied tliat the works contain iho fundamcnial principles and truths of the sciences, expressed in a clear, intelligible, and interesting manner, nnd that tlu present edition are decidedly mor6 valuable thun any preceding one. Tho high character of tho author, as a Itcturcr, and a man of science, will, we doubt not, secure for these works the good opinion of the public, and cause their extensive adoption among scni'iiaries and students." ' Teachers in ordering would do well to say, "Jones' Improved" Ediliops." SMILEY'S ARITHMETIC & KEY, Sco. , Grigg & Elliott's new series of Common School Readers. Nos. 1. 2. 3. and 4. Grieg 6c. Elliott's series of Common Se.hn.,1 Readers is en of the most valuable s iVs over published. Country Merchant are "ordering v i h 'it t. i I, rcasonanuMi - rnis. -" - iihiiio moci, befors- February 25-26-ly; them by the groce for the supply of Hie sehoolt in ihefr neigh horhoods. BIGLAND'S NATURAL HISTORY of Ani. mals. Birds, Fishes, Reptiles and Insects, iu, tratcd with numerous and beautiful engravinri'. By John Bigland, author of a "View of the World," "Letters on Universal History," &c. Complete in 1 vol. 12mo. , 1 This work is partioiilarlf jiVpted for the ass of Schools and families, fornon tlie most elegant written and complete work on tho subject of Natural History ever published, and is worthy of the special attention of the Teachers of ill our schools nnd academies. - THE BEAUTIESOF HISTORY, for the uM , of families and schools, .with questions. By L M. Stretch. 1'ho Publishers Invite all the Tcaeliers trim have the interest of their pupils at heart, to tt. amine their valuablo series of school books before introducing any others. ...February -25, . - 2C ly. Notice. The undersigned still continues to attend to General Commission Business y in this town, and respectfully snliejls consign, menlsof merciianuiks lobe forwriicd, and rio- DUCK tO be snld. . Ho will givo his prnmptpcrson:il attention to the above, und also to tile J.urehasc of (Jooiln q order. 1. F. tiRIFII.V. Hamburg. S.Cf July 22, lrj6.-Um. Eady's French Morocco ancLKid Slipiicr?, and walking Siioes, Philadcl. id'i - 1" m,k' A'"0' gentlemen's Ca( Bootccsj '1 finest cloth ouarlera and other stvles fomnm.npr wear, just received at " y RANKIN ,J PtTJlAlf may 13, 1847. " 3Jt if. HATS CAPS, SHOKS & OOt7. A large quantity, every variety, and at very low pricesj just received at RANKIN & PULLIAM'S. Oct. 7, 1817. 3TI tf. GUi liOCKSs A superior' article, just rnci-tveif. RANKIN & PUIJ.I.U1. April, 22. IS 17. . 3J. tf. Flax Seed Oil. - Just received and for sale, either by the barrel yr gallon. Apply to ' RANKIN A r JLLIAM. may 27, 1847, 352 tf. jTI. II EI TZE 11 XLVf Allornry autl CounsrlloT nt tow Vayse.$'Ili.e, llavwoot) Co., North. CoraHim. Pec. 21.- leiflly. 33H State of Noktu Carolina. McDowell County. Court of Picas and Quirter Stsfion.', Sanwf Term, 1847. .Samuel Hoppis, VS. VAltachmenl levied on Ind. Jacob Hoppis. J It appearing to the satisfaction ol the boun, that the defendant. Jacob Hoppis, is a non-iri. lent of this Sliile. It is IhtiriTore orileredBV the Coiirl that pubhciiWon bq m idu In theiligli. land Messenger, at Ashcville. for six mccrsiiirc w eeks, thut the defendant be and iipp'-uf before the Just ices of the next Court of 1'loas and Quarter '.Sessions, to ho held for the County of McDowell h(-i lie Court. I loose in Marion, on t ic all) .Mon. daylffic-rHftrr Ihen end "there to answer plead or demur, or iudirrnent nro confesso will be eifen, and Ilia lands levied on condemned lo plaintiff's use Witness, Suinucl J. Neal, Clerk of said Cuart at office, "iho 5th Monday after the 4th Monday -1 tJI? i V ill June, ij ii. S.J. NEAL.-clk. fecS. 3d2-6t. Dec. 23, 1817. Prs, AND F.lCTOK.iGU. The Subscribers have purchased from Nathan! L. Griffin, Esq. thcCutlon Ware. House in llamj burg, recently occupied by Dt, J. F. Griffin, and formerly by "Messrs. H. L.Jeffe's A. Co.: situated at the fent iif ,tho Hill, and immediately at tli hcud of tho'jffltain .business struct. From its su. pcrior locaMorsj, and btung nrr-onndd by a-strcaid of water, it is comparatively exempt from thi -casuality of fire and entirely above tho high freshets. . , They . proposo lo carry' on exclusively tlio tVJKE.YOfSE AND GENERAL 'AC TOR AGE BUSINESS, nndiTr the firm o GEIGER, &. PARTLOW. Having engaged an experienced and compe tent assistant, in addition to their pwn person al attention, and possessing means to make lib cral advances onl'roducs consigned to then care, they heioby tender their services to Plant ers, Merchants, and others, in the Storage sn Sale of Cotton, Flour, Bacon, and otber Pro ducej.u'" Receiving and Forwarding Merclisn, disc, ana pnnrha'iiug goods-to order. Their charge will bo repulatcd by tho usuri rates or the place. - W. W. GEIGER, JAS. Y. L. PARTLOW. June 17. 1847 355 Cm. . II AN A WAY i jt rrom uie owuscriDer ... . .I t. , ! about the. lOtl t'lif A 00111 Intl. N, of Auoiisi .lost, a -s:ro Follow namei MOSE, about 23 years of age, wcirhd lb5 or 170 lbs., about 6 feet high, tolers bie black, has a downcast look. - speaks shorfj rather suppressing his words 'when not plcwcd, and lis a light beard for a man of bis age. Hi may be harboured by some white person,, or hsrf free papers, and aiming to get to a nonIayehol ding Slate. It'may be that be is lurking sbouf the mountains of Greenville or North CaiobnaJ Fifty.Dollars Reward will be given forproufts convict any person of harboring or aiding au Negro, or Twer4y.fi ve Dollars for the apprehesjj sion of said Negro and bis delivery to me, af lodged in any js Jso that I can get liirn, and giy ing me information at lylcrsvilic, Laurens ii4 T? r.Tl a -WTS A ' DAVID R.FQWLER. Oct. 7, 1847. 1 I71-v ' , r . '- ' ' Mir-- :

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