.7 V il :J- . ' :- y-j '-'-V :T';-- 1 V ;'.:' 1 - v'-:';: -- ( 'V; :y . :.: BMOUlM IB PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY TU OS. W.ATKIA, t EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR; ' - , SC.' Dcvctci 1 9 Politics, .Litcralnrc and Gcaeil Intelligence. '1ZZZ1, IV C, 3IARCIl3i I S IS. VOLUME VIII. NO 30. - . WHOLE NUMBER ' ; 2Vrm$--$2 per annumt PAYABLE IX ADVANCE... 6" .TERMS:' f T o poL-9 P"' annum jr advance; not y in adrancr Tuft" Doixaaa. forthc paper wdl receive attention . ....Iff J1!" i itv ihf uo-ver . .Si of if ii r !, f'f lle (irt in- U id TwBvrT-nve Ckst fbt each coa. ,crt,n, Over one nrjimrc counted as two, over UnMnC.hrce ic- --ri,c m!'r of tn-eH.HH-di. 1 , .t b" mirkcd an the ijitrin, or the arf. jlftd . - . riiniir;IIrir till-forbid.i'and Co-1 rt Orders w ill : bu Tf ' .1 rcordin.ilv. tKrd Kit J!U'r.. mrari ib!y. - L.' Ti hr-,: f"r anrifmuctnif the nam of . Cl.n- Ijit'e htVfrc i mvarit'j'y m adva'icc, 1 Ituri to B rwt cj:i?;i free, oft post. r tlitv receive n.) attenrion. - s COME 1'VFT.xJiMK THING SWHET TC YOU. Com'. I've noirtoth.nz ewect to h'n jod, And a parting.' worj to ney; . . Tlul lo-niUt I KH'in bo gay, , -"fyr, thwigli my ItH look mirthful, :. : ; y . AJ ') tict k lowin j too, ' A!i!mv Uvart i- very jovLw,. T - ; ; For'it' l!ioi.!its Vtt all of you. . . -; ' ' 4 N . And if mt ryw necmedvUrlgUtcr, , . .V 'All ir.liJrr' made 01 te-nr, ' for tlimk' you I forget, W ;. . : y' ' That w part lo-ntjjht, (or yciri?" ., All. ""I hut romc nd-JslL'ii,' J Vhilo'trliid fri'-uJi are. awuv, !i- Fr I'VC .llllt!t,atlt RA'CC't to VOlJ, t , ' An 4 pirt i J word to ' ' i', : - , . ....",..'. I ' 1 have watchrd. Koii'whi'e o iir.njU-d Willi tlnvrcvtllorslu nii, ' r. . '.', V'illi ntfHljrsa WurtN wni your lij; Anl mftiUsof forced delight. And I've IsfiU ncd-7li, how paitifully.-r To V'ry lfoll,lw,lo,H, f Wtuh foil Ju my vpirit . - Likf un x'ciio of in v uwn.,' a, ; ; : . ; . A TEMPER A NCK STOIIV. - ' $T SOLlfAlRfi. ." -N'jt mnnv v'e.irs .inffj in nn nf A Chapter on BY tM.J .'Naturalists-'. eourr.eCate L our1' rattlesnake; we hive seea but lhre iluUSesiiakus. r Tarietis of Misii-jn river cues, the ;!andiorJ of a lf,e crofMus horriius,, or great commorr n otrd hotel, in spita of the "bud fare served rauiesnaKe; nex oootr.er like mm iaoumr. upn hv$ Ub'e, look an aversion to hi food and confining 'himself to the fluid' excln kivcH't drank thurst!f cut ot.exiVteucc-r-11 wu j,j'y spce'ifnt a A a fubtcanr and 1ml cndeard ium-M-It', in bis Itfne"rdijs, to a coupte of proliYl 'ung ' boarders, by . frerju.'n ly inviting them to shire in whit , he called a omfortaWe carous.'M Tliesf l.i;!i rcauunn, .as v,c ocrre stated, ero )rouUt i& a- time by, the vnriuci ! oudJenl'y tlrvpp'n o'm f tUe st, nnj bo ing no longer b!e to 4&land up' to hii share of the Vrpnr. The dece'iW wife being absent frJm the city, lih frieti cmn' foria(j!y p ickcd t:'urin icoffor irefcerva. tJon. :Ttie feelings ' of the hop&fuli 'young conviviilisis v. ere sadly, bhoektd at 'the i iea of 4 jurniir' in the sime house with yi; tnaniaiatu body ef ttxr regretted cnm. panujn. It was all welt enough whtn he was able to iluul ih Kqu-.r, ujid'drink his sharv? of it, but tha thujiht of4ii3 V liavr int of lato a ranjj-r, -. .i .. i i . .. 1... .i . .. ? WrUi cuMoiu'u .viicaut .fuvVfi wili tncctjT ' And ki"h tij n tn".r y, , i But ho o-niit part l!iu efail!y, ,v , Wli'iimiy iii'-rt no. unrc foray, : ' Fur, I've Kniiiethin: sweet l sing you, And a parting w ord to iay. , , -Mom the VhxJc!pi SaVM-Jatj.Caurier. 'Twcrc Vfll on i:iirt!i, Ac4. , y c if U) Ta cro wqll on carUj, iitvir to h'ay - ryifv Iifc'a mom of .ft foi-jjivcrif ? : I Smfd fondot pryftlio .oul crt pray,' 1 In altt-r yi am i.ity : not Ifiravoiil Hcwjft doth mVmiry'a .wakefiii, eye : Turn to that mlvury niiok t)f ; jx-um, - f "WLcrc ncencof awt'el cudaruifht lie, v And jimth'a t-oft vale kUJl j:ri'crl -rL'011?'-Tlie garden and the palace mo . J ' Enchanted in oir boy ish .drc-ams: , . We think the Spirit Jand llun lu ,' In azurft -rifliancc tor. the utroams. .. But how doth c!u!d!jwiN stead i.U rust ' In Hod, and ?ood, and man. dopart. "When hcnS wc' linjor 'tilltoc d.ist l)f eary lias tctlltd on the hrarfl., ;J Twrrc well on carlU to ncvet May., j Hond Uy m irn of 4fi f riven, j Jsitn-o. fmdoi-'t prayrr the 'nl cm pruy, j - la after, yt roy win not Ikavcn. '. h'inrt ja.-k.-J :ixvn in vjc!i cold quarlers midc i"i'"'"';' J-lw rc them bh.pr wI'Jl a V.rango .apprtbenaion, 1?? ,n?llca,,?n iney are no1 nrm!y nxe0 rng .vVto' -the innimut when trt'itatjfcd. He iiooks on and ennrtot readily 'disengage :hinisflf. when i hey ore torn out .with. a tvvttch, as ot)o puTls out a njall fish from l.-anng.uo'.i.ujj;; lor ina 'emnis innocuous wken int.erna'.y. We have seen several whi were said ta v hae been sved o ihis P,r; I way, an ebelitre it was said truly. Uebehtve, contrary to belicl univers at; that the waruiifji noi of the Taulesnake fan2st rattles, tverihini. in short. but io matk; with his ;ai-f buriu his rifroau shape,- beinf much ahorter and thicker. t ll-ntise is not a ringing, but an acute, Of this species, we never saw but onet and lliat . we killed? Lastly, tho Massissnuga rattlesnake, black, aboul eighteen inches long, and cever exceeding two feet, where as the, largest' kind attains f five, perhaps more; we have heard of tangerines, but never stw them. One transported to the garden of , the Dey of Algiers is sVid . to have atiaintwi ten feel. The MussKsauga rattlesnake fence abounded about the Falls of Niagara; perhaps does sa still. Though Nwe liave dissected and seen disaectcd a great numbr of rattlesnakes, wa aru . unable to- ay whether they are viparous or nviparnus. We never saw a -gtavidr 'female; The venom of the rattle snake is contained in two - gland, at the bastes of the fangs; in the upper jaw. Tbe fangs are very slender, crooked and hollow hull way from the base. -They fit into continuous humvithoui vibraiun like thai of the locust, whidv tho. horny ex ciescenco at his tail is in no wise adapted to -produce. . This is a lifeless appendage, in'iio way connected with, or under ihe cojitro! of the nervous sj stt in. - Nothing like the t.ntne sout.d 1 eJi be made Aiih it Xlie Supeuiou of ticu. Scott ' bitter for bod mc that he lett behind him al It must be constdered. a fortunate cir hone an netny :finore dangerous to hitn cumianee that 4tie news of ihe suspensi,n ol Geo. Scott from his - command in the Army did not reach the c.iy of Mexico tin. tit after the conclusion of the Treaty, (now before our Senile,) 'iW "negotiation of- w bicb was undoubtedly assisted by bw presence. No)ihingJja-ice'n heard from the capitol oi Mexico since the news coufd have reacjietl that city, and we can only conje?jue that; it cannot but make an, un favorable impression Op m the Army, tle excellent discipline of hich will yet pre vent iis vinUiv mamiesiins nelf. At Tlio ! ins Child. , ' .'' r s eiint-riM iiEn.tN. i-Trantid from the.D.ihih by Mtry Ilcncitt Moihr, 1'nt tired, and' I would -.fain he !cp. Ijct mo'rcrxisc u'po'i t.iy bosom Tk; ; t .' But protui-e mq that thou wilt leave oil svpe;v .:' injj, . J . " ' " -- ; f" i ,, :. 1 1 " ; . : Uvcaii-K- thr loam fall lint npih.rty Ck.' " IL-iyM iscoldlfthc t.'i'iipcf't ravtili nitdl) But in my drcjirn-" all is w woumj'roiis bright: ' I soo the au;;tl eliilihon smiling gladly, , When lrom my wcutv .eves I tliut out r I J ' 1 M-iiIit" one Ztan.l-i hvAe juc now I and ltcn! ' 1 st thou not In. lr the nm c i-wccl accord? Soo now hi white 5j-ins i .-nitifuUv p!i.-.tcii'. .unlv tiio-e wings ivre iven hin by our - " iordt ' , ' '' Crccn,' oold'and red are floating all around ill : Tlicv uro'ihe U nvrrs the an;i-l ncattcrelli.., bl;all 1 have aWwuijs wlnKstfiia has bound 11,1 7 " - i ' i Or, m jllnr, am liny jtv m al jne :n death i AThv-doSt thou claip me a if I wot? ompT. . - Why dst tfiou pns-. .thjchvck tliuuntb mint! 1 Thy cheek is hot,. and. yet' thy tears are flovv. ' . . -1 T w ill, do.tr mothi r, a ill be always ltuiwf " Do not 'i;li U marrtth my rcHisinff; . ,i And, if thou wecji;-then I must weep with O'-i, I am tir.-d inv wear,y eyes are closia. Look, inotlu-r looli! the'anjelkisseth hkV; w:ie!i eve:: L-ran-'y tailed to dissipate. They 'bad- every ti'ight to piss 'the - room where t!te"bJy lay Voi-Teachihfir own, and iivery- time they were forced to do so, lli h?t'!iiK' nf-tiorrnr itow. ri mr.fvr-r until .," i,.r.,i. ii .A-'w,r ; c-.u..' ,i t -the -water 1 1 ne -'snake then becomes as jHri'liord. bi'gan- to In veins img tlieni to - temperance wiie ariived, and the publican was con nig n? 1 to Lis- long liome; but e,regrct to add .mat . wii'f hi-j v departurq, he desire for aujtln:r "corufoVtablc carouse" began to miniiest itself. . i ' .Ooiyonc- nwic,-C1I,V said tho . eldest, "j'jst by w-iy of a vr iue ftir the old fellow r he 'deserves as Mjuch - roni lis to his memorv and then 'it shalJ.vbe 'an1 uti'der- stood .tiling lliM we qutt! ) ' The last latle pi riy .wa agreed' upon a few good fellow were intiled and on the niglit wucceed :ng' the biirial f they as-fembli'U-in a room b,xl a few ddbrs from; tho former uparjmenl of jheir dead host. '"Wimt s'iy you to juf'epsf boya?'1 in. quirec) Bill.- '"(jfonsuloring. the .state, of the weather, wc ictfl go julep".,-1' said a guc'sl J'juJiys all rcNinl." t I ' 'llunah for coolcri. drink's!" ochoed Ihe who'e paily. : 'S .mi,' a ir'-gro servant,' was - summoned Vtnd" a positive order issued foilSwiili, for alj llie concom'tints iu'Cesshty to nvkc a goiid j'Jep. Tilie brarily .came, then the rum--f.tsh frum the, c arihthen the su-, Now, Sum ihe tec," was; tHe .next' call, and o(T started their Attentive! 'waiter; lie soon rt turneaoviith a 'towel lull ot trie. watenel .broken: up fine, aii.l lin projer or. dr'r, and struighi the reel jbegn. The iirteps were delicious, and with sleeves rolled''up, fehirt collars open, and ' straw iu .Ivjtfriy -ilp,v' went tq-tcj :hem with.-d-'.-pcr ts i tleet in wiu-1 barinTes os(any other Serpent and may a J At len"th the ?"k'y ke? handled.. 'When the animal is' uoum iu ;j iu:,r ne v;iru s uuiiseii una a coil ar.d sufids his alaithrt. , His boJy swells, his colors brighten anvVltis e'es shine witli preternatural lustre." lln . iiead flat t en s , his y ws arc tfwo w'n baek ward, so as to form 6no 'phno. ' " u- . , tie does tior strike'straight forward, as t bird.wujulJ.pects .with that motion,-the curve of his; funijs would i strike first, rhe throw s and jooks hlmsejf iipon hisyictiirt. In striking, thd tangs are) pressed upon the grinds at tlieir roN, an J ' the Venom is forced outward through tho lubes iato the wounds. vTjhosc fangs retasci' their venom tor-years alter they are extracted.?. : - Tho rattlesnake is eaaily avoided when first seen or jhrjard, for he is-a slow, clumsy serpent, ne'br attacks unless irritated or alarmed, and wilt al ways-get out of a man's way, if su lit; red. -. lie canuot leap his full length; he. strike! only by taaps; and he is obliged, to coil himselt for each spring when" severed from i antni'iJ. ' Popular j home, among thinking people; il has ex opiuiori ; proves neiLing; if a cat had a Iciled more ofifceiing Jhan he silence ot mm.lir 'Minpffiuiiv ' if would vul-iirlv be the nress on tho sublet would lead one to beheved! thai she purred w ith tier tail. suppose. But Ihe press itself is not 7.st lent. , liere ana mere oreaKB ronn a par dtonaah!e (xp!osun 6f wounded sentiment, whether of professional admiration or per sonal friendship. t)ne of these is now be fore us, in lhp shape of a Communication Besidesthc rattle is not necessary to the nois.0, or, the nofst; to the rtlc. Another serpent, a covtenant; of the h region -of ihn crotalus,1 rrakea precisely the sanr1 atse without rattles. fanj;s h or venom,' I his is the Ca.Q-.or Pine snaRe, as it is' called in the- northwr&t, a harmless! .serpent, f xactly resembl:ng the rattlesnake, save in-the particulars above ex cepfVd.V ; Heard .in the grass, and the ta;l hidden in it, il is invari ably taken for the crotalus. " - The faitlcsnake' prcs on small birds add quadrupeds, .which it awa!!ows.wl)vle. ltiis . never seen north of ihe forty-fifth degree ' of latitude. It lies torpid in the winter. : It climbs' rees; how, we do not know, abd cannot guess; but we have seen it in the" branches. . It seldom . harms hu snan bei,ng's. It is said that deer kill it, by jiimpitrg upon and cutting it to pieces with their sharp hocds, ihe Indians never hfirm ir,;but,' ofi ihe contrary, pay it. re ligious honors and vfter it tobacco smoke, by way o incense. As food,-- it is worthless,-, being tough, insipid, c.nfl fuller of smaller bones than a shad. than any W was lo encounter io Mexico. - Hoiv he is to pass thecrdcal with such; ' fearful -odds against him, is a doubtful que. tid.fi.'. -v. The proceedings of th court may be mansged in auch a way as to poison the public mind against " him, during an ' artfully protracted trial - while the ExeciW.. . live press and pat run ge aid in the nefari ous work, and then, when new events and new topics of interest occupy the coantry, be dropped, or Usui ih some puny censure pr dull and unmarked acquittal. . -' ; 4Cut the glory cf" the General canned suffer any iliing b'johd a temporary e. v clrp-se; His enemies those wjfo admin, ister-his Government may jease and' worry ahd annoy him, and while they-vet.'. and sting liirn, enjoy the triumph of petty hatred, but he will have his stattoo irj his lory. He will be recorded to all lime as'aa" illustrious commander, by the side of ih . most illustrious, as fairly ranking in .his in a lateNo. of the Suvannah 7ieyA7icaft. military renown by the side .of him to whom rj, man is to hj compared but with re erential deference.- ..He will be recorded as a gallaii! sohlier, a r w isjo commander, a humine and Christian gentleman, and men in after times "will inquire who wat President'. when Stott conjuered Iexicol" MlORMOBALS 1 For Carried People. :' ;':Tjib last word" is 'live mosf dahgerous of iufernaj machines-: -Husband and wife Lshould. ncmore frght to - get tit than they wouhl strug'e for the possession of a light ed bombihtll. - . ,.''. - ' Keep : a n Epictetus i n y ou r. di ni ng-room , to reed, while waitin'jr for tllii.completion of j ou r wne s toiiei. parried people should study each others1 wealt points, as skaters' bok ;out for wvpak parts of the ice in order to keep off them. Ladies who may tnsrrv- for love. should that the union of angels with yrmen ,has been forbidden since the-flood. rtThc wife' is'thc sun of the social system. Unless $he attracts',, ihcre - nothing to Keep: heavy ; bodies,, like husbands, from flv'iug otHrito space ' ' '- . Wne, be lt-nient.tD the 'marital segar. The .smoke aways hrdes the most disagreea. hie ntrl of fife battle. , H ,v .i..i,. ..',..,i.';. i !... r ....;. it lit: never . uuiuu- uiuiu tuaif t ici itcii! . , i -.t - Aii I- i . re. remember nnu.a Siigiu uiow wuu usinaii s;ici!t-suniees to kill or disab'o him." i " Ti:e tfournge of "the croialus is indomita ble, his fightj- inrxtinguislftDjlOi. He i gives place't6 man,-indeed, bui.vriottVith live, lacr.ily.uf tear: he retires rfowJy aqid turns at i!;e firt uiutcqtion- of aWtve hostility, as ho . should say , 'l doti't. want tohu rt ?-..M:.if trn.rl in 'lritr. -t IlL'n It.-; .v l ... vT ' t 1 i j ,r . i . A . 1 he wife who wou'd properly discharge :XT irmti.'i-s mil Kf . tin tf itlrrrrno.- trt him . I ! r . . t , . , " J V bore rom i$ Tie tiiRL. . . : . ... I knelt bco're my Lh:.ic's feet,-.. , In al the anguish of dejyra.r, 4 And vojtd my trues ahoction there. She tried in accents "short aodwee t "Vou wriinmj fool, resume -your cjt, . What'ar vo"boul, a pquatlm'thar?"; in dnr.k. fi'Ct iros!o cjonj. to.i. and jsentinu-nt carrte i tlu-in gl jriilwinio the '"'fe w-sh'j.rt ' h:):irs,""' fcv which'time thev' wefc all iiet- tii ru'her ca.vjarti.i. " ,J f " , ,!lK-ro.is !m().iig 'our old host hn, be fire this, cKrieueed a J ct.nfor'Uillc1 changi" from h:s ic box roared o:ic of(the'prod. At A li'.llemirc lie, Sjfn!' shouted an other;1 ' . wC want enough -to: tnakD a part- am an abed. ( Co'ps: w hal do; vou: say,vlb hoUing a liillo lowwcic eround the oldfVl!pwj lat tub.? t Come, wc will wa'ke hiscold quir ters' vvrth what. he ustyito c:iM,-,h;v;com-' fortab'e carouse j.it to lay his spirit- .and keep it from sea ;f-fitng 'about j affer hoctur nal drinks. " - - , ' . " Thjs propobV.ion met .wiih'a;-shoiit of approval, and glasses ir. vhartd, .they pro ceeded' in proeea-ion to the i-ce bix cham bervtnla whrch they bur at, singirig - '(lliy-airft you comlnj &-Vc-',. SlopTK-.f) -. ' 'M'hat w as thf ir ntfnght and horror on fairly r cnteiing the' ehnmber, fd see a dark figure,' "with .hammer in vhand, seated in side t)fj.bjg rccenL receptacle of the 'deceas ed. A hgiit ptrehed upon one' eYid of tho hot, cast a glimmer upon, the ice .: in side,- htch was rruYcteu iri. numerous pa,ie vein roni2 unon.. him iwummiix' lhft Aliss s-:i .... ' :. ,. . .,..,' I...-., if.j, r i.-l buttons. . IU.M I 13 llli IIUV- 3V.1 . IIUilJILUO I,IUIU-.. " ,n;' -1-1. : f '' ' '' ' ' 1- 1 ' ' ' I I V' ....... .1: : . I !. ' I ifvo r :rc rsf I'.Onijmi : hit vn : hrori i woo by 1 mutual'-. icuncesstonsj-: ;.Xet ihe bus-.- r - '.'.' i i i i!:t) mi, uu v.u.o ut ii u ;i ti ,. inu -. im it itriio il He fights to Ihe , . . ' - f . last and sprihgs dl the Land, that touches ev. . . , . ... ' , . . i " i r it u'i ! rc-.iifii.ber .this whmius w t o hints at a him. even att'T his head s oil- W hen j . , . . , . ...n '' u?n. i bonnet. ,Tb if want is ihe hus- sp.aKs do-' in liC spring lioouj he gives your h )'. a'vvjjf berth, 'oat if you pursue, l.eb'uds vou boldlv-. own. fan; Si as the scorptn ifs van I to do. . . . 1 .' 1 1 -.1 li i- Iv . -Jrn ih.-i nrl (iii'i vu-ilSVStft llw nrnhlom son, tSr.tt Hie crotdlui does nut actYiirc'lus , . . . - ,v . i I. : . .. ..... ! wvv. 'iiv i-i .v.. i niH,i,k .r ' v. . . . - .. .. . ba-nd opportunity. ' 1 --Noiw tthsta tiding -the assertions' ef math- miTicia n's, the fnarriagecieg is a circle in fust ra-ttle til! the lounh ear l h;s ig, nud that "he -..i -her eases their number.- by one yearly;1. ; Vi -have, heard ofTattlesnaIy?s' with tiftf I y-iv rallies, but never saw tefe whh ino.re -than 'fourteen. have seen an infant croau, loo, 'not rr.ore tiian-stv-inches long,! quite as spueftl'fand much nuire'livery than, his father - and nuiher.i and. he had the ruoiment of' a rattle It is said -thit - rattltbfiakes hae. a mortafan tipaihy to the a,hh tree,- Vhuixhev will pass thnvogh tire jrather than ocr its leaves and -thai; ilie ilt)4ians wear 'wreath of the ,aue about their, ancles, as arsafejiuard ": Don't ,rusti: io-) much to .'good temper -when y u - get- 1 1) to on argument. Th e Indians produce fire by tbe rubbing 'of the driest slicks. ' , . ' : Sirga r is l he subs! a nee most universally. JilToed t' rouh all natural product. .L'U niarrid'I people tahe a- hint frem this provision of nature. ' ' " - ' ' , against the' Indians hewj - We will ;answer. for if thai do no" such thins,- and thai wc have seen! rattlesnake, .tinder ash trees, fifciiconcerned iamong tho fallen leaves. It is said, loo; that swave, cat'rtiem;. alive, and sustain no, ipjory from tJijir bites. . Caft- not say never saw "a hog fed with rattle ' ' - l . !' I i ' 1 .'-"' 1 1 I- .1- .iri.'-.Liinrin ihp. dark fiourn and ' the wall bcyonj'. Of course thefiVst' impure was snakes; neef knew ah) body "to bread the a familiar -'voice arrested . ,ai'' t; " -- ; . A 'CrTiritKCL Ti:ourUT. Life is beau fountain fed bv a "Llullv cunnared to -uiand streams, that perUh if one;be drleL It is a silve; cord .iwisted - witi a usar.d stringi, that pari asunder if pne broken. xlrra l u'nd thoughtless mor. Ta's are surrounded by irfna.ncra ble. J", which make it much more strange, 'tat they.Pscape so long,, linn that they ''pcriOi suddenly at last.' We arc nu JompasscJ Hith accidents every dayj to" 5ru the mouldering ' 'tenement , that w e" 'aaabit. The seeds of disease are planted . our constltuaon by nature. The earth nd he atmosphere, w hence we draw the breath of Jife, is Impregnated vriib deaih :hca.lth I made t 'tvneraie its own de. 'ruction! The food hat nourishes, chn "ins the cleinenrs of decay ; tho soul that nirrntoirbv ivfvin'fire, tends to wear it out by Us o'wn.ac'tip'.vdeath.lurks in'nm. . .sa abngVour rtatlis. .:-.KbtwchstandiKg tan a ih truth, so palpably, confirmed by Jta'daily examples before uyt eyes; how Jule da. we lav.it to heart! "Vc seo oar jriends anJ neighbors perishing among us, M how-; seldom does it occur .t.oyctir JWghts that cur knell sha'l, pdhap$,give next frui hsswarDirg to the worldl1' to jctreat,!'bul their fontittps:' "What the bil is de -irfatt'ei. li iricn.!' inquired iJam frTi the tub There wps a pause; anti i i nuir 1 What the d-f-1 are -you Soing there, u.j ii.at i gem. then the in; i he fcusof the :. crotalus as not ncces sarily mortal; jt . seldom .proves so to llvp Indians. "From whateveccause'it be, they seldom if ever tire of rattlesnakes thovg'h sometimes bitten '. by them. ; Outlier is death y f rotii the rattlesnake neccssa rily. w hen it -oo.es ense. .In ihe sum- i .i . . i N , . - -, i, - ... r ... - -.. !. - x . . t Kw- lip'rt hiltl-n nt 1 hf Irpiltt-infT .vi Kip' r,Vhat!Ab! Oh po-n..'.sbr ' lot) VVPC -MtssUsipni, a famous loca:i: n rM rrp 'itoinpin. la use cis . lJ '--' - . ... ,lil?Jt J V " J : "-.-7 . r.J . T" -. " . I1 SOI) :-.i...r',,i.. il.. ,i. n.u v.-i up fuat, kaso do.arugjc is scacc ; & scat ' 4,l; ,lul , u.. ' i .. . . l whiimScri a wnv two inches .round it. pavin . c-j j . . B tte bone bare, and ihe fad was wasted to a skeleton.",: .Nevertheless, Lis case did not look: by any means desperate and we thought that amputation would have savecU hi'U , even thenv. I. his was theonly " case of bite of a rattlesnake on .a bif man being that we-witnessed" during upwards of .eleven years thai - we sojourned in a rattlesnake eouniry. We heard of many others in deed, andsaw live scars. ' We' have reason to believe that 1 he bite of this serpent in cither of the limbs may always be cured in the follow irlg manner Tie a -ligature above the w ound immediate? Iv, and "another below . it," tight enough to stop the circolation, Then tut ouv- the wounded part, boldly; as well die by bVcdin'ir"-as t- bv .poison. Then- let some. person suck the wound with all his -niight; ' From "Scrpturc IllHtraCed-V.Ifarjcr and i ' , Brtflhcrs. TSie Fool's Reproof. There-', was a certain . no"bleaan j says B -hop. Hall, who kept a foTj, To whom he oirsday gave 4 stafFj with, a charge to keep n fill he should : meet, with - one who is a greater fooi lhirt himself. Not many years after, the mtbleman fell sick', evt n unto death. . -;Tiie fool came to see him: his tick lord sail to iwm, V-Iv mifct shorlly leave t V And whether art thou goirv-aid thff fool ' ' -'.,'.In:o'.acoi.hcf,-.-tv.orIdl?." replied bis lor. a,'i: ... , if '-X: And; whltljer :tvill you: come again? within a. No.1? ' Within a year?1 - . - , "No.." Whfn their ' . ' ' ' ' "X'tver?: . . ' 'IYrrer?" said the fot); .,ahd trhat pro- Ihou rnada for thv entertain -; slvowcr Acf pint tumblers, ice, mixed juleps and all, saluted the d.ykey on this, announcement.- He kicked ever the light n,(wnh heainj stomachs the revellers -hunted for the dark - c;at'se of their nausea to'u-?E lilnup;' but in the struggle he es- capedf and the ' Uncertain frvjt v e me n ts or the party brought them into stVeral collis. ion, before they found out they We rJoua ding the wrong customer. ; It is almost uonecessary to acio mat iu:s t 'romfortable caroucn;matfe a few r com tort a Sons of Temperance. Bill, everlsince, insists upon taking "warm -drinks, ' to a nossibilitvof there .being in hi -floids a; pa.ticle ot. secW Mfi St. 'Louis , Revctt ' , ; ' ' Mea may live fools' but fools they can: not d.e . " ' . . vision hast thou irjent there, hither thou gpest?? - ' None at all." . - ' t ' ; . .I1 NoK' said ; the fool, "none ali! Hereyiake my sfaff; for,' with ail my flly, X am not guilty pf any such," folly as thi's.V : LciE, xii;, 2, 21 .-i-But, .God said unto him, " Thou vfool! ibis night ih'y sou sh'all he .required of Ihee: then" whose shalfihose thing bg which thou hast provided? So is he that layeth up treasure, for himself, and ia not rich tpward God. ' 'V-.-y " h. 1 ' - :-':'" y'.''v.:', v;-Li:V-: J, licmcdy for Chilblain'. Baihe the; feet with a strong -solution of alumjdr a mixtureof equal pa rt s of oil of iflrpentine'and - balsam copavia; prycip a piece of white chalk in vinegar and- f re quently rub the cbiiblains with. it or; bind- on them ihe thin white skrn wluch cornea frOrn.suet There is too much. spice in the cmpsl lion to allow us to publish it entite. , VVe make the following extracts from " it, how evar, whichNve have no doubt will, find a response in. the breasts of tfrbny of our readers: : ' . . , ' 4 A war thus originated and waged hy such an Administration has been conduct, ed as a CaUict-wnY a system exploded sifoe-lhe days ofl Marlboro'' I hh plans, details, - maJe al Washington for Mexico, it has been signalized by most miracplous victories, under. Generals to whom tho Administration was in notorious . . . . i . j ..... hoiiluy., l he people have felt from the beginning; that! the (Government would re. joice in ihe-. disgrace of its Generals j and have suspected ihatj means wourd be: Je v i s e d : 1 o e fTect th i s lobj ec t v O pe n i n d di -v rect efforts have been made to supersede them by inexperieniced political partisans. Must; I believe all, or the armointments to high rank in the' arm'y ,havb been made from hot party mcn s1.4 White the 'public heart bounded with exultation at tho wdnderful battles: of .Qen;: Tavlor, the Government looked on with coldness and chasrin: and w hile the world regarded with amazement the achieve ments of Gen. Scottr his Government cast about for accusations against him, atid sent a commission to .Mexico to put him on his triafor some unavowed offence on . suspi. a It is one of lha curiosities Dfiliis war ihatupon the term ination of as bfilliaol a series ol military succcs-es as illustrate lhp history of any General, the conquer, ing General is instantly suspended, dis graced as far as his (jovernment can dis grace v him. FVom ; tho enpture of Vera Cruz to the occupation of thetity of Mex ico', that GencrAlV conduct has been sig nalized by the most daring energy; he has exhibited a wonderful combination of dis cretion and gallantry of wisdom in his plans, a.nd .firei in ;he execution o" them. Every incident of the campaign' was calcu lated by his forecast, provided for by his sagacity", and met by his energy.' The time required for a match, the lurcf ne cessary for each rencounter, the moment when it must take place the men that must fill, the ammunition to be eApend'd were a If foreseen, Calculated and ad us ted with a precision so accurate thai tht event but converted 'an;icipalion into his tory, J . i i "; " What military science and experience de.vised, was executed tfriih the' spirn and' dashing courage whiqh o his,-youihful epauleits at Lundy's Lane nd Chippewa., lie was ill provided with all. th? munitions pfwar. The opposing troops v ere Vastly the' most numerous. -The, nature of thes country and its artificicl difences presen ted every species of obstacle'and difHealiy . i His achievements senj to transcJbri'C his lory and rise i'n(o romance;: - a ; - : ' '' While he: Was in the agony of lhis great enterprise, ihe GovernmeiiV traduced him and his linle. army at home, by misrepresenting and-veraggercfting' their strength, and at the. same moment - of their miraculous success, while the country i3' absorbed by rwonder ?and admfration, the Government arrest the General!';- . The coldness tht has grOAvn up between Gen. Worth and h:s c!d friend and commander, between, wlioirt there has oeen a" romantic' association forgo many years; )ri .ihe public mind, -hnd in their p'ri- vate relations is-an , iccicennoi unwor thy to be noted,. cVen -amongst the rnourn- lul and lhey magnificent events of the w ar. hue every vne laments iruch an occur rence, the commander incl.fpf may take consolation (a sad and irisufucient One to him) that by the nndiug of a compefem boarrf oi ofneers Gen. Worth was in the wrong and how little this was a coivsofa.- tion to Gen. Scott is proved ,by the gener ous ana toucning loroparance with w inch b circuhascribed the publication of this tnuing to the narrowest limit allowed bv the law of armies. - Still if bro-j-ht hini in collision with a man of infi jence and rep utation, it exposed him to' the evil inter pretation of many adherents, and to the prejumce f : the admirers of Gen. Worth. 'The President, in spite of and against- the decision of the court of iuauirv. ha promptly thrown himself into the v ofh faction and with eager dexterity avails himself pf -that general's heat and partisans .to. -strengthen himself in his attack unon ihe commander in chief. : ; -Thi9 is a dangerous condition of thir for Gen. Scotf It. fulfils the, v only Onac- pcomplished prophecy in the p1ata of soup' letter, which . but tor that loose phras was luni oi forecast ana wiseom. All its suggestions were wise, , all its predictions have eome.true to Cc ietter-dwn to the ; The Practical Schoolmaster ' - The follow ing amusing story of n New Vork Se.hool.ma iter is from a Hudson pa. per: I head of one of your commit tee t itiieTfering with a vengeonceand turning -out a school roarer for . committing cnof. - -mities in the. way of illustrating lessons. . It appears that hc'hiid enlisted tho feelings of his puads. in Natural Philosophy i but was told to do the tenching, and leave ho : nonsense. "But nothing daunted, he got ; some apparatus' hfmslf, and told the boys : if they would bring him a mouse or two the next defy," ho ouh' show them the effects of niffogen gas upon them. The pcxtday . came thti committee to reprove him, be. cause, fQrsboih.,tVhH boys io their eagerness : to learny had been up all niht . trying to. qatch'mice fbr their master, and drsturb - ' ing the bpusef He promised to do better, out wuen ne earner to astronomy, ne com-' mttted a Inoro at-rocious crime, for being deficient of an orrery; be took a boy in the . school and placing him for thet Sun, told him to turn round slowly upon- his axis as; V the Sun did, then he placed a Hitle fellow (or Mercury next, to him, n grrl for Venu; then a representation of tho Earth, ' then a fiery little fellow 'for Mars and so ofj till he ot all the planetary -system ai. : ranged, and explained to each one how fast ho was" to turn on his heel, as it went round ihe orbit. - f .' ( . : Then giving the signal,- the Sun cortU menced revolving", and away "went th "" whole tcjimpf Plahets around him, each boy- keeping in his . proper distance from : the c ntrc; trotting with propor velocity . in his orbit and whirling round in due pro. .portion n's he peformed-hfa revolution. It must hjivo been a rare sigh:, and a les son, which, the, boys: retained; .; for dd yU . think, my dear sir, 'that John, who rep. resented Af'ereury,! would ever, forget that -she ha . an easy ; time ..w-alking arobhd. the lubber, in the cent re J while Will- who ' personated Jlersehnl, must have beea much oui of hreath in scampering around his orbit- " Butyf h boyi did' not forget- the. Us.-. son nVitber s did llio- master; they danced but.be paid the 'piper, for horrified, trie -Committee then dismissed : him at oqq -; he had been tenejilng, f jr aught they kneWj tho dance of tho'Tuikish dervishes.. A lUilgirl, heaiingher mother say that she was'going itito half mourning, inqui.f edi4Are any of'O'T folks half dectdV . , USEKULfHNtS. t y . StarrhiMg fLiiicn. -r; In Starching linen;- the effect will be tb same. whether the starch be hot pr coldt ' provided the irons used be "propcrlv hea,t ed :Ji is'sufiicWnr io mix the staieh wkh a litilo wft;er, to o'lp the. linen in it clap- - pmg ft nun vi;e nanus, nni then apply ihe hoi icon- while the.hnen ii. still moisi. By this mennsj ihe grains of Starch will burst from t'le action of the heat of the iron. itt membranqs . will expand as they . combine with a -portion of thro water that is present ( its soluble;' matter will bo partly disulved in ihe rest of. the. water, and' the linen will" be starched. and dried by one process. .vUnboUed.lViieat Cakes. t A quart of unboiled wheat, and a tea spoonful f s"lt.. ' Wet it op with water. Or' sweet milk,- in which is dissolved tea. spoonful of ; sileratos. Add three spoon fuls of 'molasses. Scmeaise this with1 yeast , r.rid leave: out tho'saleralus." Sour milk- .and 'sa-era'tus are not as good for unbolted as for fine floor. These, are bet tcr and. more- healthful cakes than buck wheat. ', "" " , To Extract Lamp Oil from, a '. - Dress.' . . If la mp oil is spilled upon a dress thai vfill not. bo injured by wetting, lay it im mediately in a t?maJ! lab of cold water. A portion f iho il; wilfb een to rise to the surface; then pour offihe water, re- ' place it with fresh, and still more oil'will be seen floating on the surface. Again pour ofl the water, and fill the tub anew, repeating tbe process until no more oil can ladiccovered-pn the surface." Tberi take out the dress, wring it well, and dry and iron. ' No wavhing'is -pecessary. ' If lamp oil, tfir, or any other grfese is" -spilled on . a ..white ; dressy. iU can; be eradicated by washing and boiling in the usual manner. l