" :- ff'lUl' "jl ''V , 1 JK NX 'M .11 : BY TUOS.VC7 ARISEN. t::I r. itiii VamcsEsiru, EDITORS. : TERMS: " , Two TJoJXAte P" annum tn advance; if not ,id in advance, The Doixau.. So order for the pper will rece ire attention .-,) rconiiMmea or "omit. . 1 I l. :. .j.i . n r-t I , J r of ten line, or lew, for the first in.- . rtMn. and Twajmr-mc Cejits for each eon. tinuaac- Over one square counted sa two, over (wo ki tlirce, Ilc. Hie number of lnnertitma de. atred must b marked sn the margin, or the ad. tertWment .will be continued till forbid, and charred accordingly.. Court. Orders - will be chrjeJ mix dollars, invariably. Tha charge fur announcing the name of a can ;Iate for otliee is 93 tn variably in advance. ; , letter to the Editor most come free of post- ijt, or tbey wui receive no auemion. - . : ' The Boat ot LlIw,-:s.-U ST TUOJMS MOOSE. Ixt'a take this world aa im wide acvne Through which, in frail and buoyant boat, Withakiea now rude, and now aeren e, , Together thou and I must 'float; JMntiin j oft, on either ahore, Bright jept where we ahould love to stay; Cut Time plica awifit hia flying oar, - : And ur we ajmed away, away. ShouSdrhillin? winds and rain CO Do a "on, Wf'll raiae our awninj gainst the shower- Sit closer till in aiornt ia one. And amiling wail a aUnnicr hour. And if that aunnier, hour ahould ahine. We'll know ita brightness cannot atay, And, happy while 'tie thine aad mine, Complain not when' it fade a away. T;iu reach we toihj at Uat, that fall K ' ' Down which life'a current all must go. T dark; the brillUnt, destined all . .. To "ink into the void below; Kore.en that hjur shill want ita cjiarms, IT side by aide still fond we kcp, , --And canity in each other's arms Together linked, go down to -bleep. fVem the Neu Jtriey Stat Oazttte. Trenton Eou?h and; Ready Clnb No. 1, , Tune "Dandy Jim.' Our country calls, once more to arms, To eave your workshops and your farms r "Old Rough and -Ready" makes the call. The invitation's to you all. Let Palo Alto be the ery , - And on tho breeie Rasaca fly, k VT ill Duena Vista's deeds repay The conquerer of Monterey. i The Empire Slate with noble pride tins placed her .Fillmore aide by aide To run lha people' raea with Zck, So Caw mrii Butler clear the track, Let Talo Alto, Ate. . A sound more welcome jthan the rcat liightsup the prairies of the West; 'Tw Ashland'a thunder bunt away. f . The well known oice of Henry Clay. Let Pfo Alto, &.e. ' ' Now "in the dark and troubled ntghl," A star in aen on Bunker'a height: To guide the old Whij army hJme ' ' The tnbca of Dan united come. Let lilo Alto. &.C.. Our pallant Scott brinja p the rear ' His burning aoup the Loco fear; Tlieirold rcjcjve can rte'er escape " . Hio deadly aim of Taylor's ra. Our harbor boys will wheel about, And help to clear the Casa-cado out, v "Chicago's letter" they will read . t And snsf; him in tho hour of need. Let Palo Alto, Ate. ' The people ,say Cass has been dull , Since he- surrendered under Hull, And with that aword he broke in fctwo A Mexican bravo Pillow slew. . Let Palo Alto, &c. " When starving Ireland cried for food, Cass like b native granite slood; He dreamed the day was.far remote -E're he would want the Irish vote. Lef Palo Alto, ic, Cass rides a Foptc by Donkeys led, Polk his n Pillow for hi head;, - " And should his Buckeye Bashaw fail. , ' He has a Cuhinf; for Ins tail. . . Lel Palo Alto, &c. The sov'rrigh people will it aot . 1 Old Zaek must to the White Hou C. For that high station he was made. . " Ha never wore the black.cockade. ! ; Let Talo Alto, ic.V . , . ' ; : fem tht Vnittd rwAman, 27. ..' Thpsara solemn days. . . . fatnomiess icff tne onna 01 t f nit r hearts ytwn the chasm befora us, 11 our sink, if a nerva trembles, wa ia.n P- - .. t - 1 post, and pins himseii - km. ' J . . '. i.iiti m mruu string mn.t meet the dog aaeaui v, kt ' iKnrever a dauntWs ViAnrt hr hfatln". I fi.rt POOU OU ' -.. : j m ra!s are- watchin- there. ' For two brave l.V rit n haulrf field,' fifty CQW UUU T1 i lJ w.. T" ard aW lain. ' Vigor is a very shield, and he who possesses a bold spiru What is the has a never failing talisman. nram..! '.r.rllV thM metl CttD aSpir to?. He lived abrave.man's life, Wh.us the rjblimm- epitiph wh:ch .9 grace h tomb? He died a. brave man's dealH.--The coward breaths last on a bed I ot down, with "niPer?02 v0lCM 10 y ear, the patriot falls' across a barricade, and dra-ed throuzh mud and atrtet- filthbut the memory of ibe one dies wilh his body, whiie. lhft other; in entenoj a tomb, ascends i throne, and rules us from rr.1...- - 1.';.. .'.. tanad era.- Not ineiims. ma ,v. t- .:i.r tnnti and measured sen 1 e .u sm n r nn r iuuio " ---- - . . 1 1 isfi: Hi 'on urei.uui';i nA It trt a fnrefn country ;a wi corrie iorm o . .V ana ourap. .., why multiply instances! la it now plain as from the dagger, trtumphant. tU God liveth, that we have but to ask days, -.rdicaiWo,a- ' wisdom. The man who ahrink. from a . ( U4 J 1111 V J v--. .: , ... rhetoric. Skill and irkka of-fancy. Toe strong tiling is now the only true, thing. ... 1 ; The lime. It is a . glorious ae. Old Earth sways to and fro, rocked hither and hther by the storm &fath of democracy. Tha great Lazirus the people hat - I 1 me rrth .from its tomb. The , slewing warriors are awakened. Tha clash of their twords is ths death knellof tyranny. And whed all tha nations art advancing in a "rhythmical inarch ahall we .not keep the step? Dress up your ranks, fall in and follow, . The time. ' It ia' no poetic, rainbow ha- e"d, golden age. No gentle sweetNvaiced sorerpign rules the world. Oar only king is the sword. At the flash of the riot's steel the torch af freedom can alone be lit. '- ' s" This is not the time for beggars' petitions. fio more prayers: no more 'whining: no more dying in the ditch-side, no more pa. tient and persevering cannibalism; no more soup-kitchen paternity; ne mre of the grin farce, in which two millions of men, with red blood in them, and something . re-: sernhng a soul, by the grace' of the devil a,nd the advice of their pastors, bid fare well to the sun i and committed suicide; no more of that gentle Mawn which, liko aeath, levels all, distinctions, and places a highJ-souled patriot in the same filthy cell with a common burglar and a swinging Jew; no more of tho licensed scoundrelism of pompous magistrates which the oth er day consigned one of- our best friends to felon's prfsyn, for walking 1 through the streets pt Dublin with his friends; ho more of that accursed mockery, cal!ed"goveo ment," which has trampled into sterility every god seed of truth, and honor and courage, which the just.poa had planted in this land, and left it without fruit and verdure. Away, away with all this 'spe cious fry df fraud"with English rule and' English robbery, Down to their native hell with aristocratic plunderers and vice-regal greencroppcrs. Their hour is come: With the4 keen steel,' which I redden, in the blood of the first foreign bulcherwe wilt write Finis, in the book of British crime, and trace ;the title-page of I Ireland new history.. vi-. The people of this land have aeen-dfea. ming an uneasy ilream. The nightmare vanishes at last, and the bloom'Strea'm cir. culates in tho country once more,. I hey can stir hVir arms and use tKeir strength apaln. ' A voice was heard'.'cryino; in this wilderness, and it has aroused ,thetri.lo sense ana voimoo. a. glorious nut tiuc was reechoed from one end, of the i6le to the other, 1 and the ..cloud rolled off from oar horrizon, and the blue sky looked forth on us, and blessed us. . A revelation came unto tho peoplr, and they fell that they had only to say , M we shall do such a thing,' and it wui done they felt, at last, ino ev erlasting truth flashing in on their benight ed souls, that. a people s will, and Qmnip otance as far as'regarils "earth are ey nocimous. .,'' . 1 . 1 Let theml tome - forth then in the sun light, and take the rights which 'have beeri withheld from them sd long yes! take them for they have only to stretch forth uirlmniU ahrf ihpv will - soon strasp lhet treasure which they desire.; Paris willed that U ahouJcl be. free, and Louis Philippe packed up his things, put his umbrella un- dsrhis arm, nd, renewing nis youm--. I 1 iM..i' , r.th n . ira vllmrr. ' Sir! - - . act.which sucked 1 . . . , . ,;r- . h .1 bereoealed ana iwu , . ? . glistened in the pat riol's hand, cut the' parchment link". that r Miianc-ouu .rtmmsndinfr accenl of .. i vw... o . a t Come forward, then,.ye .suffering poor, and prova'to your oppressors that you are men, and not dogs. "From , the .fields where you toil io lhe heat of summer and the - frost of winter , coaxing1 out' of lhe hpnrt of earth .those hidden riches V hich nister to your tyrants' luxury trom the filthv lanes where you cower ibt, uu wet and misery, hiding your hame from Ihq cyea ef your fellow men,' arid goading fTou have done it!) ihrough'Jthe flesh 6( vour own , children, 10 wu i u,...y6 flame of lifer witnin you uom t.. und cellars, where some ot you,. en- dowed, may hap, with High aspirations and sunot genius, grovel, worm-like in cold and oastiness, cursing the ruie w.hc. crushed you down to dusf, and extrngjuish ed -the -heavenly. .fcghiwiihirt you-fiom lb. haunt, of crime, wher, with breaking hearts, you sell ths beauty which. wa. in, tended to adora home, of virtue, that IV. ''lies, Literature; and General Ictclli Z C H C C LE, W.JC.; the Hunger Cer.J v, if eying on your entrails may ts j . como forth, ye rc r. "i the garb! of humanity; yo-j !:iv3 tearrice of men. Let the irb hiva 52..-.2thing with in it Ut Y.-3 arr .irjir-2 c!-the a realitv. You were riiaJe u GyVs Kkeoesa. Pro miors and aristocrats n-.cy deny it, but the Man-God nho d.t 1 f -z cu 1 13 said so. Blood circulates in vour velsj, ttj. You have rights to demind, and wrongs to a vengr. You .have as rich a fluid within your heart's as the tyrants who tramp on you. You are-like them ia physical for rrntioo. If , they prick you, doyeu r.3t bleed? .If, they poison you, do you not die? r-Yoa a'ra stronger tha,a they are. They are few. and you are "many. Up, then, grapple wiih'iheoi, and try afall or two V lt is' only when you have your hands round their waists that you can iruty esti mate ther strength or weakness. ; - t From the Lauieville Journal, Brazen luipudcacc. ' , Every body knows, thai, if Mf. Cllyor Mr. V'ebster, or Gen. Scott had been nom inated for the Presidency, by the 'Whig Convention, the. Washington Union would have professed to be shocked beyond- mea sure at the Convention's bad . treatment of Gen.Taylor: but now that Gen. Taylor is nominated the Uuion affects to; bo awfully ndignani at.the bad. treatment of Clay, Webster, and Scolt. Of Scott the official ditor speaks thus: ' . ; 'And Scott the brave and gallant Scott who fought from Vera Cruz to Mexico who entered in triumph i the city. of. the Montezumas, and through, whose direct agency the olive branch is now! entwined with the lata hostile banners of the United Slates and Mexico--he,too, has been push ed from his stool, to make room 'fur ,1 younger, hot a belter syldter.' ?! The editor of the Union, the official or gan of the Administration, says this, . and says it without a blush;!; ; "He :: says that the gallant Scott who fought his way to thjb city of the Montezumas,. and by whose street agency the blessings of peace are " secured to our country, "has been pued from his stool to make room for a younger, not better soldier."" Wei), this is- true the gallant Scott has been 'Jpushed frojvi his stool to make room for a y6ungeri'-not ' a better soldier;'1 he has. been pushed r 'from his proud position at the he act ofjho victo rious armies ol his country to make room for Gen." iVm 0,i J5uf r;!ay , the brave and scar-worn ofd veteran, alter winning his glorious way to "the centre of, the enemy's country through the fire and blood of Vera Cryz, of Cerro Gordo, ofContreras, of Ctiuriibusco and 61 Chapultepec, and rais ing the stars and stripes of'; the ' Republic upon the loftiest spires' of the capital,- found himself suddenly degraded from his - com" mand, called onto surrender up his author ity to a comparatively. inexperienced voiuo- leer, and ordered for trial, befora a sourt romnused of his . subordinates ; and upbtn charges prelered by tiis-subordiiiaies; but, thank God, this grossfcutrage; this pushing of a glorious old eteran ,Vfrom ,his stool to make" room for a younger not a. better soldier,1' 'was not 'perpetrated by a Whig Convention or by the Whig party, but by the infamous" Administration' which recog-' jiizes and uses the Washington Union as Its'; b rgan.' ' Y Tbat the editor of the Union, with all, lhefacts of Geri; SiouV monstrous treat ment by the Administration - before him, can.have.the audacity to taunt 'the Whigs with Gen. Scotfs J having : beer!' "pushed from his s lool lo make room for a younger, not a better soldier," is lo ui- among the mysteries arid the ture.' - ' ' marvels of human na Gex. Taylor in FLdnipA.. The follow ing extract from, a' report of operations rn Florida,. made by f Gen. Thomas S. Jesup, then as now a supporter, of the Locofoco Administration, shows; the estimate placed upon Gen. Taylor's military. services and talents before he became the Whig candi date for the Presidency: ' . . W'As'hi sgton , . J CLY 6, 1 833. 'Gem Taylor was directed to preceed from Tampa Bay J Open a road, :in hea rly a n eastern direciion into the heart 0$ the coun try, establish a road avPeaseCreek, anoth er on the Ki'ssimmeCi and atlack the, ene my w inatquarter.' He came up .ith.the enemy on tho 25ih December, attacked the m , and tn tie , of the lest 'fought actions knurt to our history gamed a complete' vie ipry, thou&hjvith great loss of officers and - A - Cass, of Conscience. The- Pike County, Illinois Free Pre da- states that a Justice of.that' County voted against the New Constitution on the ground that he bad taken an oath to support the old on.. .. JMiT.SJO,' 1818. A'wfttl Couf lasrratlon ia Norfolk. I ncl I o clock, a fire broke out in Norfjlkj lcandidite forVica President, afTircls a use- in tha Lumber Yard of Messrs. rergusoni ful aad Milhado situated on the south side of I Wide Water street, which spread with J fearful rapidity in every direction, destroy- by energy perseveranceand strict inieg iS almtt every building south of Water ' rty, o public and private capacity. ,, - reet, between Fayette street on.the vest ' and Commerce street on the easu Oa the "J north side of Water street,5 commencing with the Bethel Chur oh, the fliroe extcn- ded west, crossing Payette to Washinston street, thence o : Main street, sweeping $oth sides of Fayette street, and the entire scuare between that and Washiniitoo street. Qno building on toe north side of Main at., belon-ring-to L. Tazewell, Esq., was alsodtroyed. It is estimated that about ' - il sixty buildir-s, valued at .some - $300,000 were destroyed. : ' Besides the buildln-s an immense quan- titrof Lumber. Coal, Cotton. Su2ar. Mo h iakses. Tar, Pitch, &c. c. was consum- ed. Soma of the most extensivcrwarehou- ses in the jityi filled with merchandise, were totally ost. Portsmsxih CronicU. From lie Jonesbonf Tt5;. ' Uacki tiff Oul!, - The Democracy of Virginia no doubl 1 at the suggestion of Father Ritchiehas appointed a. Democratic Committee of Vigil, ancet who aje to actas a sort of Central Cftque, to; furuishtslanders for tha smaller fry to retail," .It seems lhaMhex have been either unfortunate or indiscreet," in the I selection of Some of their men., - ' X Mr. Caldwell, a leading Democrat, j publishes the following card in a paper of J that State, in which ho informs the 1 party I thai he ca'nH do the dirty work they expect him to do: j , . ' . . I :'-: Newcasfle. June 16thii849U 1 Mi. EfiiToR: In fflancine over tha Fin v rlJ . r with others.on a committee of Vigilance, under the fltie c-f Cass and Butler, I btk leave to saj that being a Republican I feel' it my duty to give my hearty support to General Taylor, and thereby'contribute lo the, furtherance, of the principles as adVo cated by; Washington, Jefferson, and Mad ison, . .Kespecttuuy yours, -, OTIS CALDWELL. . Texas Cottox, From lhe Galveston News wa' derive wme' statistical informa '.ion concerning' lhe. Cotton crop of Texas. In 18'9. the whole crop was 500 biles. and in 1835 had increased Vo . between 3 atid 400Q. , In 1840 it amounted to 8000. Since that tinVb there have been thrpe sea sons of nearlv total failures. In 1846 jihe crop,-which in the year was not more then half an. average one reached 3000. The crop of 1847 -reached ; 40,000. In iniu siuicuiKin us uui iiigiuuc 1110 uiup . ui Easiern Texas; shipped to New. Orleans bvwarof Red River, and which haJteen estimated to equal that of oil the rest bflhe country. ' Before the declaration of-Tex- V. . Before the deel an Independence, almost. the whole trade, pf the Country was corjeentrated l in New Orlean. Subseqdenily much cVton was shipped direct'to Europe. In 1831 and 183 some shjpmehts wasrrfade from 'be B ra z is Rivef lo Tampicio, where' it, was sold at!30 cts,' per pound;' . - AN!-5xrEDiTiONA-Col. ' Fremont jwilt start upon a expedition., to Oregon-, and U pper uaiitornia , eany in j uiy. - ne win ness and study. , He read law ; ana gener hp jiccompanied by" about twenty chpice a literature, and slud.c J and practiced sur nir'H. hnv of the Wcest. Tiie , undertsk '" r--T- j . . . - ing is of a private nature, and the design of the projector is tocomplele lhe exploratiens wmenr were imerrnpieu oy mo war wnn Mexico; :;- The Si aates s Twins The Si a mese Twins, for the last ight or ten years resi ding on a farm in North Carolina, purpose to make another lodr of the Southern ' and Western States the coming Fall, for exhi billon. They will start from home in Oc fuber. '.Thfey have wives and three children each a feet which has given the husbands additional interest, and go whee they may, especially if, their wives accompany - them, we predict rairer crowded houses than ever before.- L ' " ' ' SpiR'RAnoifsYx the British Navt. VVp learn by recentintelligence.frona Eng land, that theiJriiish Government has" is sued orders jo. -alt ? its 1 , consuls In different parts of the -world to institute in quiries into the character ' and capabilities 'of Brttislv se.amn in compared with thosq of other nations. The result thus far showi that lhe British seamen, are be'low otherB in morals, and, as seamen, are much less efficient than our own! This has been at. iributed to the spirit rations in the Navy. VOLUME VIII. NO .47. WHOLE NUMBER 412. J ' , Terms $2 per annum, . PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. ' nillard JTilltxtore t 4 . lessoa as showing .what may bo ad, complbhd in the face of the greatest ob- staclet, by intellect, aided and controlled ,is lamer, Nathaniel tuimorey is mo son of one of like namewhe nervedr in the French war, and was a true Whig of the revolution, p'roving. hih devotion o his country's cause" by gallantly fighting a Lt. Under General Starke, in the battle of Ben. ningtotv He was. born , af Benningtin, Vermont, in .1771, and early-.io.Iile re- rpovedvtowhat is now caUed Summer Hill, Cayuga county, New Yor1t,here Millard- WM born, Januay J, lpuu. ni wasva . W . .Ann II farmer, and soon titer lost all his proper x7 Dy a baq title to on of the miiaary lots bad purchased.' .Aboul the year 1802 removed .to ifce town-, of. empromos, ntJW Wiles, and resided, .there - till 18l, Wl?en n rempveo 10 iria county, wnere hostill lives; cultivating a'small farm with is own hands. He was a strong and liform supporter of Jefferson, Madison and J omp&tne. and is now a true vvnitr. narrow' means ci his father, depri Ved Millard of anyjfadvantages of . educa tion .beyond what vere afforcjed by ithe imeprfect and ill taught common schools of the country. r Books were scarce and dear, and! at the' age o fifteen when more favored youths are .fair advanced jn their classical studies', or , enjoying in colleges the benefit of well furnished lihranes young Fillmore' had read but little except his common school books and ifj Bible At that period he'was sent. irjto the. then, .wilds of. Livingston, county, to Iesrn, the clothier's trade. He remained, there about four momh3 nd was then placed with an olher Person 10 Pursua lhe ame biness arid wool cardins in the town where hi father Jived. - A small village . library that was formed there soon after,' gave h;mthe first means of acquiring general knowledg through books. . He improved the oppor tutity thus offered; the .appetite grew by what it fed upon. The thirst . for,;knowl edge iSoon became insatiate, . and every leisure moment was spi;;tin reading." Four years were passed in this way, wor ing'af his trade'and storing his mindj dur ing such hours' as he could command wiih the contents of books of history, ' b ography and travels At the ago of 19 he fortunately made an acquaintance with the iate Walter Wrood, Esq., whom many wi remember as one o the most estimable citizens of that countv, Jud3 Wood was a man of wealth and great business capac tjs:1ie had '.an excellent law library; but did fmle professional business. H4soon saw that under lhe rudes exterior rof the clothier's boy, were powers that only re- rqurec Pper. oeve.op. ra.so iu possessor la high distirn and useful - ness. and advised him to q.it Lis trade and 'Study Uw.. .In replyto f tbjeclion of a' .laeK of education, mcar.s and friends toJ aid him in a course: of. professional;: 'gtudy; Judge W. kindly otlerVi to ive bim a place in his office ta adyacc? tr.ory'to defray his expences, and .wait until! success-t.io business should furnish r nns of re payment. The oSer vrz - .,;.ed; The apprentice lioy bought his t!;r. entered tjie office of Judge -Woo J, cr I i : .-ryonp than lwo years applied himself 'v 7.1 bu3"1 . . . - pearing e 5hou1d incur t - - "! :re a debt Q hU Decefaclorj ! -, v . 'lool for h,on,h8 in the veir, a. : . squired the means, of partially -.upparlT.j himself. In the.fitll df 1821' he removed r C.y coun- ty f-Erie, and the next pri: c:, law efficein Buffalo." There- It -rr J'. a ,Lui,n- edhimsclfiby teaching con- tinued his If gal studies ur,:Il f.. t 1823, when he was admitted 13 l mon pleas, and comments J pr-ll: sir ' cf j cm village of Aurora, where ha rc:v.i! heu h(J 8 In rern0'ved t o - 1 ver and has coctirjed to rcrlii 1 since. . His first entrance inter puLilc I'fa wii in January, 1823, when r.3 u-ok hia ten' as a member from Erie county, tot v.huh office he was re-elected the two4f-"oni years. - -His laletits integrity, "and assidioua 'C-:-vot'ton lo" public 'business, soon wen f;r him. the confidence of the Housa . , : i "exampled "degree. It was a ccir..r::.i mark among the members, "if F.' t says it is right, we will vote for it.1. Th moat imoortant measure cf tr'. eral nature that came tip during r vice ialbe Stale Legislature v i" ; ' to. abolish imprUocmenl for debt. In be half of that great and philanthropic mcas-. ure, Mr. Fillmore tool on active part, urging with unanswerable argument, it. : justice and expediency, and, as a mem. - ber of tha committee on the subject, aid ing to perfect its detaill. That portion f the bill relating 10 justices courts was draf.i ted by htm, lhe remainder being th'i, work of the Hop. John C. Spencer.. The bill met wun a nerce,. uorelentmg opposition , ' at every step of its progress, and to Millard MlmQre'a.',rhuch as to any . mother "man, we af indebted, fer expunging from the v statute book that relic of a cruel, barba rous sge, imprisonment lor debt,' He was elected to Congress in the fall of 1832 The session nf 1833-4 will Ian? . be remembered, as the one in which lhal system of politics, knownunder the com- prehenstve name of Jacksonism was fully developed. He'teolhis seat in the stor- hit stssiou ui 4000- immeaiaieiv. sue. ... i. - ' . . . ceeginirlhe removal of the DepoMts. In those days the business of the House end debatea'were led by bid : and experienced members new ones, unless they enjoyed a widespread and ajnost national, reputa tion, rarely taklug an apiiye and conspic uous paH. ' Little chance, therefore, was aforded him as a member' of the oppocU lion, young and unassuming, of displaying " those qQaliiies that so eminently fit him for " egislative usefulness. Bui the school was one. admirably qualified - to more fully de velop and cultivate those' powers which, under more'favorable circumstances, have enaoicu mm-10 render sucn varied and im, portant services to his couatiry. 4As ho ' has ever done in air. the stations he has filled, he discharged hia duty with scrupu. ' louj uueiiiy, never omitting on an proper occasions any eHort to advance the inter- estsuf his constituents and the country,-"" and winning therespect and confidence of all. "' - - . " :At the close of his term of service, ho resumed .the practice of his profession, which he pursued with distinguished repu-' tation and success, until, yielding to ; the - , public voice, he consented to become, a. candidate, and was re-elected to Congress in the fall of 183G: The remarks above made in relation to -his serice in the 23d - ' Congress, will measurably apply to hisse. cdnd term. acksonism and the Pel Bank vj ; system, had in the march of "progressive Democracy," given place lo Vatf Buren ism and the Sub Treasury. It was but an. other vstep inwards the practical repudia tion of old republican principles, and an advance to the Locofcrcoism of the present' day; In this Congress-Mr. Fillnjore look a moreactjve pan than he did during his . first term, and on the assembling of the '' next Congress, to whrch he was re-elected by a largely 'increased majority, he was ' -4 assigned, a. prominent "place on what , next . . to that f ways. and , means, . it was justly anticipated ' would become the most impor tant committee of thie Househ8t on er lections. It was in this Concress that .the famous contested 'New Jersey case came up. It would swell his brief biographical ' sketch to too, great a length - to enter upon -, lhe details pf ihal'cuse and il'is the less . necessary to do so inersrruch as the circum. stances of the gross outrage then perpe- - traied by a party calling itself. republican, and claiming to respect 'stato rights must " r yel dwell in the recollection ofi every read. v . The prominent part which Mr. Fillmore r took in tliat case, his patient investigation of pit its complicated, minute details, the clear convincing nianriers in which he set . forth the facts, the lofty arid indignant el-, oquence with which, he denounced lhe meditated wrongalt strongly directed pub Jic attention to him as one of the ablest men of thal'Cdngress, distinguished as it ; was by the eminent abjlity and siatesinan ship of manyof its members. " TPublic in dignation was awaken4 by the enormity of the outrage, and' in thai long catalogue : ' of abuse and wrongs which roused a loug suffering people, to action, and .resulted in , lhe signal overthrow of & corrupt and ' in .solent dynasty in 18 40j the New Jersey case stood marked and' conspicuous : On the assembling of thu next Congress ' . to which Sir. Fillmore was ze-elecied by at. J rity larger .than was ever before mvi il his district, .hai was placed at the 1 J c f lhe committee on ways and means x . ? Jiies of that slaiioo always arduous and responsible, were at that time ; pecul iarly so. -A new administration, had come into po'wer and found public a flairs in a state of,, the greatest ; derangement. -J Ac. v counts had been wrongly kepi, peculation cf every kind abounded in almost., every partment of the government, the reven , , .i:as inaderuaie '.0 ' meet the ordiaary . t . r S t

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