JJI1 ' ' v " - - Kin-foris. 'if TERMS: fo Ioi.la Pr annum in advance; if not Mid in aflrance, Turks Dollars. .. ; ; t N rl-r for the piir-will receive attention inN'" accompanied by the MONitr, Advcrlwtncrtui wrtl be inserted atOxeDot tir per q Hiiro of If n lines or L for the first in vtIkmi, n'TwE.HTT.mc Ce.it for each on. Oircr'one piastre counted js two, over (w.n.-i ihrne, tc. The number of iiMcrtiot da. urtd must b3 m irked in the margin, or the ad. vertienent e continued till forbid, and eli.tr.rJ 'aceordmjjly. IVirt Ordi-ra will be 'Jiie eharn fir announcing the mmi of a can. iVtat' for oliine $3 invariably in advance. - Letters to the Rl.tor must coma free of post. gc,'ordlrcy will receive no attention.' " w..f rto'u tht DjUimore Patriot, iicu, Scotl's. Welcome. , - . ...., . ... lie cnie. he eomej, from the fiuld of hit glory, Ami millions hiM triumpim proclaim; , Afnufi Ut Im nam-'i.b: written in story t Afrnlion the tablet of fam. , ' - citma id Lis triumph, and victory' wreath . rjib-iKlit on the brow of its chief, ; i' . Urt'Jimm'd by a tear, for mercy' sweet breath Did warm into birth every leaf. .-.; v ' ' . ' i Lrt the of the, tr be h'jnj to the galet Kioin m-t'inlain to ph lot it ave, I ' Tljooiriivy aHcrHc, hfiJ foul malice assail, ; . Tie brave will lienor .tiio bravo..- Li t tli r,nnon'a doctro.irt and the trumpet' ' wit.l 1, . - . . :. Rou-rhiV Ll.toiiih furost aid g)en; In;t o.ifi brf kidl-d m hoijja ai)d on hill 1 We honor the noblest of .men, : - - . : " All welcome, great rhiffiain! thy country i tip, A Hid decf Jrom her hoart bJs you ctiiii'?'. ; flio spreads wide the bainjutl, und fills hijh "the cup, . To welcome her warrior home.. . , ; Wheii fioe who f barely have slruik at thy . ' nun?, , ''"'' ; "' ! ' Shall all, in thfir jrtves, lie fsrgot, ' ' . I'iiH pr..udly who'll kmt to'trte rl"4'! of fame, Miil liu;.hiii tle brow of herf Scott! e - i . mi. ... a..l.....ff It il n f . 'Ci,c tU dttuchment oi this itrimcnt hat -j a i rived in iho Stale. lo a few day more; 'eachone of this gtllant corps, thn rcutnanlVuf a bind of hcrot-s wbo Iruly rrprcacnU'd thc hih qdalities of Souih Cirplma, and wdn for theinslves immor tal r'puown, will have rj iched 1 his'hoim, on b'i r j iccid ' for his toifj ani luzardi, 'IrtMhtf smiles of h'n kindred and litt? cheers nf'ln uunirmen. May ihcy Umg "lie ift the erj jym:nts of the grnttlude and ad inir'nian uf nur people, and thu mnory of tfn ir -doclla b trarismitied on rrnrblo and briss; to-a remote 'posterity. Vha tlfgi nicnt w:ts: p'wd'and discharged. at' iMohil, tun cbinnhuine by pMitics, wbicS pn-vcni-t-diiur Ton YIonT giving .iheia -a pubb.c dinner -as w.h' contemplated. ; Oar citi Z':n howover, 'have received f ach detacl-tiu-nt units ariivol id Atnta, bycom- '.riiiitec.'wcluuini'd .them with alutcs of ar tillerr. rxjondwd the'm a pjb'ic breakf it id all tho riospitaUlies of .ihit piucfp, and rendered - them on their departure, cyc.r dpmostruiinn of respect:,' Kcb District vill no huht giv-f a pub' in' rtceptum tci iu campahy, k which all others wiU bo mvi ted.'.t Ciiirlts,! on is prep.trrd to "ffer a very Inndsome testimotiial, and .-.OIJ . lia'fioIJ will manifest her prdlaf ih '9(3 .B..9, at n raiid Birbectie on the 27ih ; at Cntro Spring. , 1 Ilb.N. Gaurett Divts. This djst.ingiah cd gcntlemuii v,a cveeedmgly anXrous for Mr. Clavs nomination; but;, like a ' V u" he.med pitriot ailwis b(0 goes f wilh al . t. ; t. ;,,ki (nr T.. n TkYf an. At -a tri 1... ,,iVK ,tti r.iititi.Al n:irfies in NTchot . a county, on Mon lay week, ho spoke, of ihe'pjhev of the- i resent Admimstratun, whose principles were adopted by General Cj?, with great s jveritv, aiw g i v. i of ' the military and p iliiical hisiorj' of Gen. C.i. which wt wish we cnuld correctly present to our readers. U then spoke the nroscriotion which his charactered the ddTtrcnl Administrations of the G-net ai'Gjvornmenf;s:nco .he days of jJohn Q ' Adam, and h'is' aversion to such policy -'Which ho thought was fasl hastening our n itfrnnvni downward from' tho high ,,; h it .inec ii.-ld. He iJwaght the e!eMiron of General Taylor calculated remedy this evil; made a thrilling' an4 ffo- :q-i?W appeal lo his hearers of all f iriies rn bjhalf uf h.m who had!so nobly Served bis -country and who was yet willing to serve y uponthe princi2vles 'of the coiistiiutioo J and in the adoption of the policy of tho ear ly Presiients; Mr. Diis havicaf remark- .'ed'that, ,in his 'enthusiasn for old UOgn and Ready, he hd a!mo.l forgla thai - ho'preVerr'eJ another as the nominee of the f! Convention, thU purlion.of hi ."remarks (as ' indeed' hi whala sp-eech) was received with , Dursisot appwtusa iruu' -...-..w - i ors. He uoncloded by presenting his au dience w'ith'an ofThand cafculatlon os . ;o the vote qj .Prekidenl al 'the November -f.Wli..n in whieh ha' l?aV8 Gtp. .TaYLOR i r . t.i' it. iiiniiii mill . ' near'200 electoral jue.Uuiw!k Jr. ; Fftn the MtuRUut Bjnnrr. 5 ; ' fflsrtli cf Jolj- Cclrbraiioa it BrackiitW, Wts iosert with -leisure ihe f!oinj acfoaetof a ctltbration of the aooi yersary j of In.Iepbicnce at Urackcttown, t'uroiab'j ed by' a friend who. was present anioirtic pated injhc conTtviafitiea i tlo occasion.; Th fullowlng note foir Ithsr'IJigidanl MesV enger.waa sent ui at the sune time ah a, rf"juest ifiat c would publish ? . . Owiag Ut the pcrjorm ingo ' 'of jvai imis dutiel'. l ;h ivtf not had .nine toV make . out ttvo cfpic4 of tha accCompanyitig jfifoceed JOgS and th Highland Meie,ngeri a re. ipofifutly ri-pj'wsted1 to publish theiij rom tho Ibnner." ' , ' i , ; ,y . . " Mean. Editors; 'tin .Fuufih uf July, as a .subject lor oratory; has been" said, la be trite and hucAnrytd; but tiiH -rose hlo-i- surged. in the gifden ol ;Eden and ha be n Ihctherno of the pet and romancer a all ogps, and vvq know not that it Is less beau-tiluf-rless seat in its frairrance. . than when gaihrtd b'v lht deiicato finf rs of JuJtra'a "irls'on ihf.fullen walls ;of ruined JeVicho.. ., :l2tichsujunjly over the emergent earth in ;ts airy tin'dng gleamed thf bu)w,l jhmiihv; yet we k .ow fiutthat u'ben'di Jess ovi.igly, or has? tost one tf its tnchauiing hues since - . '.' The eagle fcOT the ark 1 ( , l,irst sported in its b'arn. : '' - And woman j God. bless htr! hn lieptm'uh tis. since thu crcatioa ofUie woifd--a'oh.rl linm only excepted,. and how Adarq, .t thrnuh that is unacounlable to us but where, ts the man; worthy uf ' the name. w,n will ncknowjedge that shci is le&ydear -le3an ubji ct of .: admiration : .Tioiv'; hoa oo the liht of hr supernal ijvt'lim"s in the b lm breathing bowers' pf Paradise opened the eyes uf the -first sleeper, and found for unce vhis. waUing visions more than realize the angvl sh ipes thal :haumrd the ilFeamlnnd ol tug slumbers. . s with the lijvq of wiursn'so it is with the" km- dri d fei-lings of patriotism eternal t in the haiiljm heart; and twwevfer in" otbtir lands- and in other parts of lha ea'rth jh"o ex ilicd sentinient be depressed, and the, textern'l ceremonies b) which it t, m nit'esed, for bidden; yet never, the world ov:r .has "a muuuta.n hmked yn a race of sJa.vs; jaud so lo,ng as the dwellers ainoJi' IhethiUs. tn- hale the mountain breath of - LlcctY, uo-J can look, with a Irecman's swcl urg heuii- on the stainless (izare of their ipountain crests; sji long'wifl ihey'- delight, f do v her- festival da)s, to gatheV around t!je, alrars' of ihfir couniry like the children: of one beiovtd parent, and lay on her aljrine the dlTei'ings of a gr Aeful patriotism. In this spirit, to observe tho anaive'rsry of . American Itidependnce;,was assembled at Hi'iieki'ttown on tTui'sday, "4ll"-inst , a' number of Che citizens of lids and jiiMiung counties at which meeting the wit(ir was wppointd io transmit to ilioMountarn B in ner and Highland Messenger symp arcou'in of ihe'.procvc dings of the day:.' atd in 'fiU- warding for publication-lha Joljowipg artJ"i:t., i -r .'n.. . . r.. - t,;.Ji ii.Ki, u'ci . lit: fUhllua, so iii. as JJMii nun ms tut; rj poses of his appointment. j , The conipuny being seated u ndeV an a r bor formed of green, unwnhcred boughs," thtr exercises of tho occasion .were ccm menced b Iv. P. Vjllis Eqj in tho fol. lowiug're marks introductory to the reading 'oC the Declaration of independence: 4- (icnl!emefr: -ln rrfl'ctin"oii'the" mighty i i u k a,;,! ,Vl tlenunis ,at work in the human miod and 1 the- wonderful c bulges now tjking plate, in the social and poluical ttiirsE ot man krna, it must be in:ere.siing, uof ."only, ta A me r ica'us ,to celebra te'thej hitor c ) e ve nt s ot tins day7 but greatly appropriate und in slructtve to man unixe-r-sl. ... . 'Ihe 4;h of July,l77G,'waj tht day tint gve birth to Americas Independence, and.j 1 what is there 50 imperative, jet o die light. ful; as to commemorate apd .honar the; tri umphsfof our tco.intry. ,-Ycs, fcllow-citi-Zens, this is truly the .people'- d.iy trf. en lighten the Jb'ig of nations in'the ohlworld . Tvrart, ift vain ye tread lbs w;xajd nnj, ( .:, In-vain ye lull t Miva'-- u-iwcand prinjj. 1 . What! can ye lull the winged mmd asleep, Arrest the rolling world r chiift the deep" 0! the wild wave contcmns.your sqt-plrcd hand II rolled not"back when Canute gave cotamindJ -' Wiule the Alexanders, the Cisars oud Buonapartes of the world are sijmulutid to deeds of bl iod hy the assurance- thai lhJr aciions ill claim for -thern the proudLt niches iV'the-. temple of fame, the rtame of Washington-will' animate." the jcalm, ,, yet determined assener of his country's nattier ti)e unostentatious lover, of jvirtue by whispering in his ear the- h.e-inspiring promise ihtt . . , . Bright blafhin j'honora on bi brow all bloom, And w-ccpiojj vh-gios kacel arouad hj tomb The D-claxwioa of 'Independence IV.. .3, .flu CM it lh3 orasor I livery of t!, a A 13 the de--tijn. Wt r tofurmsh -rt. It itf ; n a cpy ofiVntr wiih much l'...:. rerm mat .1 - rough ourline of t!,o ; ' this patriotic ad Jress.. U ' - language, and claiming corrc:n-, j f tl, ahgtd scntimenrs orify so far as we nco'.- Ject. them, however others nny L' t wt kimw the Doctor will fo'give us for ihn i ptrfect sketch of his; excellent speech, iu c josideraiion of the. motives which' prompt ed ihe undertaking. - llo- commenced by saying, that it LJ been au ;b!Khed. ussge among the most enlightened .'nationi uf theeaith, frora .time !mmmorit crlebrate jauch epochs in their, bi.iio-ry. os'wero ffatight with 'beoffits and b'esairig-j to inemst-lvts ' and - to' ihe world at large. In view ot'ihia ;time hon ored custom it wa a, that we as a ; portion ol a free people , forgetting party Umi& and party animosities and liketha Wild tribes ot ilw West wben they gu up la their corutnOn peace grnuud, Iraviug bthind u the .tonw UiViwk aid -sea'ping knives ol parti& warl.ire, hal assemh ed to- celebrattt thj deeds of our. a iKvsiors n ancestry nd ecji man which ;ne tartn can boast none! . , . ' ". ... i . , , ..' .. ..... . .T iritaitr'. . He next took a rapij reviey of the cau scs, w-fjieh had led U the sep iralion of thtf (Ni A.) Connies Irom ,Oieif rrCither court :rv, and ci.umed thVi'thal evrnt hid b en ptoduciive vt a greuier vtni'uni vf blesnuig- to tht civil. zed world, than any othir trans uciiun recorded on ihe pages of. histiry. llo spoke of ajm loeatitin h( our first pa fcn'svih nhtr distant Est, and hIuj 'success- ive peopling of other qoarters of -the g!ub ot ihe .ioser'vaiioo ol'iht- discovery "tnw, in. the plan of me Almighty , to'lmer; more, enhghli-hcdr-and bi igiiler, d-ij s -than daw uc-d on Vhe j'ulions amiquity." , He kaid there'inust jliave been in the cuuncLs of lh tiami ,Vidom sonn'-cVep and glorious pur jinso as' yet', only partially.' developed 'ia ihtis res'-rving thus com in -nt to be inhabit.--cd at such jn period 6y th ruling race .f mankind. .The Supreme B-:ng,, foreseeing ;the wickcdntss, sujjrstiuon and idolatry tha,t would prcvul in! the. old word ; htnv revolution alter, revofutin wouldconvulse it from end to end, how tyranny and uur pat ton would predominate,.- lea' the. same .sta,te,of thiols should bo .established here, fiad 'concealed till his own good time .the b.aulix:s of llhir Novv Wotld; " '.- . ' : liut vhen man: hadbecn laught ex. pe lencoto1 consider his own rights, and to reflect on jhis own propor gredlnrss, on epoch in his history, arrived requiring nly a suitable theatre for ihe exhibition ut those splendid qualities 'wjth which he was to 1 1 ilily endowt'di . Then was the. Western Hemisphere discovered and a theatre rpen cd and spread out lor tfws 'd.nplay of the sublnnest energies of the human mind.; ; Iu was like-opening the floodgate of ,an -im prtscwifd sea the 'rush acjoss the Ajlin'ic in qut-sl f a land'of liberty ermih as it jt would drain Europe of its popuhition. 1 He Ctmi rusted the nppejifaildaJ,-1 ot f this Continent jtheo.wi.th the scene which itfnow prt-serts Thf-n, all'iis mi'.jh'y" resources were ouned in the gN.orjm.uf an int'ecmiuiiblr witdcrnes, over wRicU brooded ttke silence, ol prrmeval night, broken only by the yell of ihe unlettered savage arid the, howhn of beasts f prey Nothing but onboundei to rests through which deep nnd rapid nivers j i , devolved their currents to the-ocean,'1 and from the tmdst ot. which lolly mountains' rose -iowvpng'to the sky, presented them selves '.o the -admiring gaze of the Europe an wdven'Airer. ' IVtfW,' ihe forests were converted mto fruulul fields, and over the crystal waves of those mighty streams bounded the w hite sails of commerce, mak- in;! this the filiest and most dehghttul land this side of Heaven. - He ptanced at ihe incidents of, ihe war ot lndepebde nee ihe- dingers, d;fB 'Hlties and distresses of our forefathers in ihattre ; .mendotiss'.rugle when trnmulous -oqher-two wmgs ol Vt'op fear, over the field of battle hovered, lovely as an ange! the form of freedom. fThe contest wa awfyl;' buj, there were many iO"b!e spirits r. who cold exclum with the R mn philosopher, A vesrL-a.day a single hour of . virtU t.us Ubery is worth a, whole , eiernitj of bondage." ' He spoke of iho disparity 6f force between the two "parties: -the, were truly frightful. On one sKie- wj re ar rayed --all; '.the' pride and Strength of the tnighticstj nation oa earth, -moving in al the pomp anJ splendor' of glittering warfare; while on the other thers was a want of ev ery ihing except true fe,v)iion to the glori loos' caueof their country. v Political; and ctvoMibcrty was ajl ihy foughl. for al' Literature aaJ General Intelligence; JULY 27; IS4S. lhy cared tor. . Over the rest of iKs world tyranny and pppresiTuabeli uoivt rsa! sway, and-Lipertf wras, wua th exceptioa &l K mer'tea, a wraoderrr and atf x!e ovf r ihe race of ih earth. Io vain hd she knick d for admission' at the doors of all the gov ernments of the old world; and nw, as a last resort", bid consgne her cause tq the uodisciplined yeomanry of the American col.rme. May'wetiot hfccy that "wften durnvg ihs Iof.g .andc-icntfu! conflict tb genius ol'L:berty was almost tetppied io fttir ' ' '7 fires upm her altars and hi. ' ; ii-; ' T t ur;f ' ei'er::"!.; .ati- r.l i lasting fl ghi from, earth leav ; :ti iu-su! j out .political 'Te .1 t gi dqwn in the-kjaciojf an e. ; . ,:.J bravery loTha fold; fitiuliy iru I t.r the, Bj-ittah Liou, and laid li.r.i :r-'. mt-ncan'E"!ti. , Bot lha -war-Worn v feel of the A- if did not stop t 're- t, 'i :. .' t : . Jopl here. They went : pub'i' an lorm of govern a constitution whtch ecuri J t ? tile bjtissmgs for which th-y !. bird. They hve 1 rati in; i i Jeg ie'y V' os in. all it beauty i M iy A be preserved until tmi . ali hl and i iiih i .- h. :i tl-'i.-j nlot,'!.; ILr paid glowing iribuio to t;: n-rnie ol v AhUINGTON- tu SDvait ot in :t lit .. . . .. .. ..... comparison. with oihei men were em(t souii'J. Tliere'was ssomeihing ab iit tint mm in its excellence? far be)on man imtiniiun.. r ' ' , Immediately on tho close of the Revolu tionary war, the United Stales took a high stand among the nations of the eaith. The same noble spirit ibsi led the. . patriots of thai period to victory' and glory, . induced'j thein Ui mvitf the oppressed of every clime fo sit down wirh them under ilia tree ol liberty. "By sue ha coarsothe wealth and jlopulatioin of our country increased with utVxampied rapidity j and spon. the - biu'ad breust'ot oean waVwhkemod with bercstii' vass. Uueland beheld with jealousy this 'rowing greatness of' itie Republic "She used every inuans to cripple: our commerce au'd with ruthless hand'j insulted .our fl g in the high seas. ; ' Aooiher war ensued, trrjnm-iti.ig as glorioudly as the first. Titfie rolled -on, and now" "wo. find our ,a,elveag-iin envolved in wtr, und th:U loo with a nution on our owncvnlintfiit,clairii ,ing aso to be a Republic: Whitever-dif." ferenctfof opinion mi exist as to ihe jus- lice ot the war, this jpianous annivtrrsary isln d;iy on which1 ' wo' should ' forgcl our prejudices j and do, honor 10, the, bravo of fieers and men who. left, their native soil tu fiht, thousands of miles from homo batiiea otrtheir countrys , Who can d,ny to Scott and Taj lur and - Butler, arid 'winsandShLelJs. and Sniih, and Worth o-nd Wool, the fame, so hardly entered m: tliis war with MexicoT , Ler us, , for a ins. meflt-, i suppose : oursjlvea bdtoldihg jjitt migtily struggle of oui' troops al Palo Alio, Restca t& ta palmaV , Monterey and Biieni Vista, Vert Cruz, Uerro Gordo. . Cnuru busco, Ceoireras Ciiapultepoc." And who does not fetl' motions ofgratilule to these who yielded upMheir lives on the fed field of jheiri fatne, in niimtaimnce of their jyunt ry "s 'honor? to' R'ngold and Ridg. ley, anJ Clv; an J McKee, and Yell, and Haidin,' and, Vaughn; and Butler(of SC.)? ' fie, for one, would like to see' the mon umental pile, the massive column and state y pj ramtd,;- rise a high as any thai gra. ces earth, and tell. to all toture generations ihe glories 'of the victories they achieved in dying; and, like ihe" monument erected io ihepartAn haod al Thermopyln?,- let the: inscription be, 4G passenger, tell it in ihe United States -that we died here for the piomotion of her glory aod honor.1' In conclusion ho . reviewed in fancy ihe gr itfdtur nd greatness of our country ttsvM exit ot of territory ,. with a healthy choiite aqd lerrlle soil, covered, with mil. Uons . of happy and. industrious freemen, living uiJer th only truly republican gov. Tnmriit . itl the- world; ' eriCiHirfgmgf - our people, ih schemes of enterprise and scj, ertnfiii research; ;Bhedding upon -all arouud the blessings nf ivd hbertv an! rquil 0 - --,'- la w .s ; a nd b v h e r . m U ii o5c ie o c e a' mel io r 1 1 n g ihe condnion uf peoplet'tn other Ucj, a.id s!imul;Vung( ihem bv her eiampld to throw otf the yoke ot b alag- ua firVh'ch they have so long groined. . As secondary t national hippiuess he spokn of nation J greatness; of our . army and navy; of 'the dsJ flig ot star fl iaimg in the current of v. ery breeze thai fans tha continent' from Canada io California fluttering n the pin tjacles of Popccataprl and Onziba, and waving in triumph over the ancint city of 4he Aztecs. 'Tremulous; through the mists ol tears and . blood rose' on ' the political horizon thehrof the glorious; coastella. j lien; and .though , now the brightest ia ihe sky of fiioe, it has not yet ntuioeditvausteo of ft chcrrjr pit, buce or twice ihroughi tUh, , V'lf we are true t..ourscUasVhe said in conclusion, t4e sball stand the lest of agesand remain ihe same-free and happy people. The strong pillars of thrones and dynasties m'fy decline and sink as revotu lion on revWution' .shakes the tvofld; but we as a" nation will rise , calm and sere'ee, aboe;slhe engutphing .vdrtex,, tranquil at Msdbm awful. as cterqity, and the binds of all future times shall Mtig, ' ; " MC4vlumbia! Columbia!, to gloryarfse---.-..?:--" Tlie queen of the t .wo rid' and the child :of ( ' the skies; , 1 ' ' ' Thy genius commands l.hee wtth.Taptures U-huld k , ' ; " As ages en ages ihy splendor unfold.V ; The greatest enthusiasm pervaded the assembly .during the delivery of this-ad dress, and at iu conclusion the speaker wis warmiy congratulated. The company then sntdown to a well furnished tablf well attended, and showed avery hearty appreciation of th good thipg set before them. During dirtner he foHowing cold water! !! toasts were drunk: ; Bv K. P. WiMis.-WOor fepublic In its birth triumphant j 'in its progrrss-glorious -nyitbe perpetuil. " William A.-Grah,im.--Tho great -.. 1 brave-who died in th Mexican war When' the l ist reveille shall beatv may tluy answer to their names among iho roll-call of theju?l. , - ,, -By Jmrs Goodrum. The: Republic of I'rnce Though surroutided by the mon arcl.ii cf t'hu old world, may it be clcr-s. nah " ' , 'J ' . - - : By -William Smwley.- Woman The mirror upon earth of the beauties of Ilea, ten. ' By JosphGondrum.. The soldiers and officers ihat fought our baltle.s in Mexico-- Honorvto tbe dead and happiness the? living. ... , i ' By Dr. J. A. V-uI.ny. The". American ! people -VicioricJ s i.i irin peace hap py ' : ... . : . - By John Smith, jr. J. A.v B. (initials of oratorVname)--We t!. ' t it co'mmenc ed jb-lerir!g;"Lut v. . jW find ,it can talk sump, ' , -J.By Wm. U. Pobird i;. The'pra tor of Ihe day lie has shown to us that hU time hat not. been chtirify devoted lo thn . ptIUbox. '-.Success and happiness av ienas, mm. By 'ST. Dyzirt. cn.XriJk nothing Ic -C ' ?r rr. er We 3" uever drink any thing sorss. m By Wm. VL Tunlall r.'io ihe Mountain Banner. From Venezuela. I v : vay uf Ha. fromVepezue i " Puerto Riep ' 1 on ' th y this we an attempt vater, and , The Und ,ana weJiave later tc-. - Ja'f feCojTei ja rjiv,r; i f at hich' Wart thorp ' 3 hich' pqrt ll lOthdnsuj lr!om Msrc-. learn that Monag:-. 1 upon .Maracaibo by h. had been signally frti-'.t troops, 1500 in n :-ri! -:r, mand cf Marin j,' v.l pletely foreseen and prv are not auflicianlly ec pography of tho -country ; gibje narrali?e of his t ; account says: tTh(i i.. comptetely par,a!izJ c ,the" Indians, hunger, fr. under com-; ere cum 1 "Ainsti . We vith thtf to - inteili u but the : Uirw was irrows of Mid discour- agement will render t' troops." Monigts t mt of- his b y water with 500 men l , but this was equally un tie was promptly attacked, an J ; 'Lis boits or vessels sunl and u. j fd and fifty men drowned, and th3 r i : : i force dis persed. Thcss d.i;'". : 1 the situation of Moag7 5 v r' has been compelled tj t. f 1 - -?d r" le f t'ioG in the province of Coro, '. must .continue la retren, -ery a,nd destitution in l.U : r . other hand, great enth -hi Maracaibo am ng the pu!;-v;; and , every prepra'iTn wis tacjt the fleet of Mon t z is. v ;- 1 b . We have before us.t;ij d vr; President of Venezuela, a ptrt: - ) agas, declaring the bl-wkod j r f and the adj ceot coasts. es.s ot friendly nations are allowed to c , ice nil merchant vessels will be siopp ihose which may attempt to cr.ia ceiving notice of ihe' blokaij a seized and confiscated. . Tlia 1 ' electa red as far back as ihe ."1 111. iY. O, Picayune, 3 Oth ull Dysentery Those having tery or bowel complain, will C . mot unfading remedy, by r smII piece of the root of :. rbtTbarb, and chewifeg; a t ky he VOLUME yiJI- NO 43, VJOLE NUMBF.U413. . ;Tcn?w S2 7cr annum, ;' , " - PA VA BLE IX A D VA .VCH. the tlay. If the genuine article is procured, the remedy' is said (o hi almost sure, .& , " , 1 ' v Clioouc ye between tlieni.i ; As ihepeopltt'sboQld alwsyj endeaTdr to .select sugIi rulers as will reflect their opin. loos Upon great questions of naliwoal poli- cy, it is of ihe greatest frnpurtance that ihe . sentiments of thdse .who aspiro to dislin' guished stafioas should bo thoroughly scan. ned. Hence ihe ftcccsiiy f making . the ; following -extracts, from the language ef Messrs, 0 S3 a A i Ta ylou , to which 'we ' invite the careful and considerate attentian of every voter, lhat he may be enabled, id' chooser between them. - The hearts of the. people nust be . pri r pared foMVARj"--JUicis Caw, in ihe Sen. ate of the United Sfjrr. - . "I sincerely. rejoice at the prospect joF PEACE. Aly life 'his been devoted lo arms, yet. ('look- upon Ayar at all times anl uner " all circumstances j ds a national calamity,, lo bo avoided if compatible "with national honor,"1 Zacharj Ta$lor.t in his AllisoA kilcr.' We might suxilhno the whole of Mexico tcilhout being hurl by U."--Ltwis Cass, in Ihe Semite of thr. UtuleZ Stales. ... :.' ;':Tbe principles) of pur Government, as well ns its TUPrp6lieff, are oppoie'd to ; tho subjugation of other nations, tfnd lhe ! dis memberment of other countries by tonuest. In tho langungo (f tho ' groat Washington, Why should vfii quit our own to stand oh Jxireign grounJTV!--Zachary Tayhr, in Ms Allison letter -yviiim-ii Mum? juiimeui5, i mericans, and determine which of the two n .more . congenial lo.your ncticna of what shmud be the fcclinps nf an ;Aoierifcan President,, , and cast yodr vee accordingly. Augiitld Chronicle 4 Sentinel.' . . - WTiiy Col.-Bpvt.on Suppois GenksAl Cass. There was a gwl -,cil of surprise manifested thl Col. Benton . should, have been so very zealous for Gen. Cass, t Thrj reason was loai sight of. Gen. C. " Voted for the Lieutenant .General Bill, which was to rmkft Col. B. commander of all the geri. erals and. lb army io boot. -This U was" defeated thanks to the firmnesi and sends did riot forget who voted fer it, end he right; - ly concludes that Gen. C, who was subsdr. , vienl'cpough to do snfto serve himt wilj not " be. reluctant 'to oblige if he should get lo ; be President. iThoreforo, Col Benlon will vote to make Geo. Cass President ; Gov. Jone, of Tennessee, in a Ipeech an Hartford, Cnn., said: ' had himself (teen a private letter writ." en by Gjn.' Taylor to Mr. Clay on the 30th of April, ten days after the Allison letter, in which he declared lhat though his posU liou was kuch that h cob Id not consistent ly withdraw ;yet: his firsV choice fer. the Presidency "wea Henry. CI ay, his second, Crittenden j fo 'ithird dbhn M Clayton. D.d that look like Locof'ocoism? : Upon ihe above ihe editor of the Alabama Evening Journal rem4rksi We saw a letter fromjGen. Taylor;' of a still later date in which he expressed ' the hope that the Vhig' National Convention would unite upon some distinguished stairs, man, instead of himself, as 'its. candidate for President, 1 ' 1 : Neither Taylor nor Fillmobe can be. charged with-seeking" office,, like ITewis fj.iss. The latter intrigued with Southern wire-pullers in 1844, to cheau. Mr. Van BuEN out" of iho nomination, although a .decided majority of the "National Conven tion was in his favor. This was done by r - O . .. , ant is now to be paid in his own base coin9 by Mr. Van Bortn. Hiinnuiiitiii- iwii- us luic. i. iiisintiiiru. ' pxT8AHDiNARY Case 'The Sam Reg. ts:er aays: A "little fnhing schooner was ing atone ffour wharves, last week, w hich deserves notice. , Sho was manned by a veteran crew, consisting of akipper Majrshall, aged "Ti; his brother, aged 79; rfthr m-n arred 7a. and a-bori fi5. Th " i O ' . mf " 13 years uiu( uu iiic uiuiru gvg sel and crew number 3t0 years! i : upper has jollowed the pursuit from e;of nine-ycaYav' ' "'A -writer ja a late number of the Boston and ??"!'tcal Journal mentions the theory; of a !l , j'.hero Physician, who maintains, that consumptive patients, when a charge of location . ia advised, instead of creeping onward farther Siuth, should hasten North ind their only changes of a permanent restoration depends upon that movement u thinanv other. He calls to bis aid idme cogent - facts; besides dwelling with enthusiasm on ihe pKilosophical principles involved in the proposition.

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