of n: .(), :f i:iy fL'!Iov.'jtL- hJ .i ;l t., '.,'.1 1. t ! (' VC'i t i. J V- I V or 'a: f HNVSS) '..'n. Mc; r. ingor end 'jur 'th.tr.h ; .-cut n. u:idi CT.: rf o: the Lo::cr to v.. .cper- yOSDHU VMO" gov tj? 7. the fl! . J chead, it t. ill 1 xsscd Oe;i. T. rrmng him of Li jidencv; c L ft-cr, and v. L lor had i:t it? i i' . t Vi Las ;: .tL.itotLe L ; - ii ccived no ? 1! cai:o Gen. " iv ;1 :mv of his 5rs, as we' Icarrt from the New eans papers! Wonder if the as iaii of the ' Wa-hirtori Union and ."rf-Democratic papers, that Gen. rlor won't accept the nomination, j any thing to ii j with the non-nr-ti fGcn. TaIjr's letters? It looks jpicious, any how'. But as it is . known, positively tha t the Gen. Jl accept, oii2;ht' ndt tlie thief to wardlhc letters, as they cai be of i further use! ' ' t- V v Great i!u k r . Ju hj 1 S, 1 8 1 9! ' Its. ot the Grf.cn. V Patriot: ' On the 10th of Juno; as .President . the Wilis: National Convention, I jMres.-cd from Philadelphia to Oi n- with To the Ihm. JVM. Mo Z. TAYIOIL G re c . J.'M. Moki:::;:d, V horo,' Guilford Co., C. , x cms f:c::i t! r; vt.rv at ivnrite General-, " ''i Antonio -i of T 1 W; GL Lc' e- J. '"1 cf 7 ::u. WHAT COL. BRAGG SAYA A b on ut i f is bswdrd wns p resc ;i cd to Li. Col. IL-axton Erai; on, the h in-taut, by the citiztnbf 3Iobile, a token of.the estimation inwhica they. held ' his distinguished services in the battle in which hevas en gageJ,under Gen. Taylor, Iivthe val ley oflhfvRio Grandcj. The presen tation .speech was made by G. F. Lindsay, Esq., and in the course 6f Us reply thereto, GoL Bragg said: "For all the success which has at tended, me ill: performing those duties I have been indebted to' the confi-" tlence and kindness of my Comman der, and for the gallantry and devo tion of those who served under me. !Passing by the incidents of Fort Brown and Monterey, to which you have so eloquently alluded, I may", be pardoned for saying in reference to the more memorable field, of Buena Viata, that the credit which has been awarded for the nart nerformed bv :al Zfichary Taylor and linn. Mil- pr command on it'iat occason has had hrd Fillmore letter, apjriMng them its origin irL thc'd.MiitercstcdnrsHnntf ' 'uf the nomination by the Convention, giw W-h!,. 0ld Chiof usd requesting their acceptance of ; tbe nominatums. Having received' no reply horn ei (tier of. the gentlemen, the last ot June ' liJdressed then) again, and enclosed copies ot my letters of 10th June. j On the 3d July I l-cceived a commu nication from'Mr. Fillmore,' dated at . fVIbany, 17th June, which has been i forwarded to the "National Intelligen cer for publication. From Gen. -Taylor i bavc received ' rocommanication,and 1 see by. a. N. 4 Orleans paper that as late as 5th Ju: lv hp had received no communication from. me. On yesterday I addressed liim again, directly, and also through rvvo friends; so that it r tioixxl some one. of mv communications will reach - Vim.. His rpnlv shall be i)ubliahcd t soon as receive.iL Yours, -J.M.MOREHEAD. with i;r.-t il..yic cf a large mrethr cftke 'ci'" Raleigh, held on Mor.y ' which fjprec but by'no i: magnify his peculiar virtue-: At 'a meeting of the citizen cf Ral eigh, who heard with painful e::.V tibns of heart, the death of Vision R. Galz1 Eq., cue of our mo-t c .ti mablc fellow citizen?, who departed this life at Petersburg, 6w the morn- I ing of the '23d int., cn motion of the iiiia-james ireucii, tu. IK 1 lay Wood, Esq v Intcndant of the City,' Vas called to the Chair, and Benj. B. jiithwas appointed Secretary. ,11. W. Hunted, Esq then introdu ce the subjoined Resolutions,' as ex? prciive of the sense of the meeting, anlyhich, on motion of D. K. Mc Rac, xq., who sustained them in some Wling and suitable remarks, were unanimously adopted: . WiieiVas, It has pleased Almighty God; to Vike suddenly from among us, our llow citizen and friend, Weston IRGale.-, Esq., a man who has long bW eminently distinguish ed, as well. br his public services, as for the private virtue, which adorn ed his lifcyand endeared him to the community. - , iiresoh'cd, That in the death of hasTosf.bne v'ho.-e pubtLC spirit and public rtVs4 have Jong - marked him hsxTirervr ih liriMitcst ornaments. ilCAUMlU lUdl, JM..1 ctu uis- de- tj CO -meeting ix nton - ; rcvious i.Gjice, n " numher of the t at the Court ' ' 1 foiiuiiiru-i All r -j:Lri: ihe cilT wjih a verj strong c;. j -i,y. j .3 U. 'Ilitlnv.- the r- calli:) ; , Chair, nr. ! rce, S.- CoL II. S. U priat,e rcmarb of the meeting, wuii.ilr cause of 'iVmpcrrv;n.'e tcntion. The meeting happily and cflectlvely the Rer." Mr. WiL:y, ryC t: and i'lr. N. W. ooZi Asheville. Whereupon it . . 't Rclolucd, That a commits . -persons be appointed to report .to . adjoiirned meeting, to be held in the Court-IIouse, on the-12th of August, what measures are called. for to ar rest the evils of intemperance, and to make arrangements for said meeting. In compliance with the foregoing resolutions, the Chairman ," appointed trvr, tinned ihs s-jiciJj cf Mr. jLuvc.was nerc cjaia tue cause. t a a. acv wiiii rUurale: tccorIr-lv'Mr. Bit! t.Js hi s Mill, by which he kit vlO,C JJ u f h j siiicr ia Lo'ar.J, aLj'a' u'.jruiof h: I'coperiy to tin (litAy Leaned Alurrcjij. Us thea cair.miited suicide. wPv. o Davs Liicr..--Sir.Ci ths abjva was ia tyj e, ho U. S.'fcieamihip Now.Or. luacs, Capiam E. AulJ, has arrived, hav irg sailed on ih 17ih ini'.aat. Si. Las ughi ocr lh heaJoparters of the 5ih - try, ui-Jt-r cd.iin.'iuJ oi Lieut. CjIoh.1 We hve not yet receivtJ a full si2Cers,'but by a card published - Cvjiamo, we n-Jta that Cjrjaia' the 2J Dragoons, Capi. U:ep " 1 Artillery, Lieutenant Iliiu :ry, Captain M'Ciclluu, A. cole,!J Dragons, Ad 'o;h Inlarary, Luttauni , Lieuieaaiit Merchant .unt Brown kjJ Pat. Jtenacf Ra3jrd; Ut Sj came passt'i:tf on LATER IVom A iYcto OrUmnM Commercial Bulletin GEN. TAYLOR'S ACCEPTANCE, Iri consequence of the delay which Jias attended, (lie receipt of Governor Morehead's letter, nd the general anxiety that is felt on the subject, the toilmvinir cornnondcnce is laid be fore the public, in, anticipation of its ofilcial publication.. The letter to Gov- Morchpad, went f.rf-.,nl h- tbftmail oi the ISth and wilL therefore probably appear at3 the North, before this rcachcs.thcre. : , PniLADELnii , June JO, IS 18., Ocn. S.achary Taylor: Dear Sir: r :.. xftVm Wli? nf tht"i United Sti. , held in this city on the 7th inst, a: continued from day to day until th. th, you were nomina ted as a cand.. 1 tc for the .Presidency of the ; United itcs, at the ensuing .Presidential elet! ion. - By a resolution of said Convention, . it was made tin duty of their Presi dent to commun.jate to you, the re sult ofthcir. declarations, and to, re quest your ac ptanco of the riomin "In-nhpclirr-iito paid resolve, I, the or-'an '-ignated, have the hon or to m-: to you the foregoing com munication,ndto ask your accept , ii... w-"i"itnn. 4 rr,o lr:ir sir. to indulge the hope that hewho never -shrinks from :u:i;tx- nnr fails to tlis- charge any duty assigned him by his Government, will not nou' refuse the rt,nnie rail of his countrymen inm 5r-with sentiments ot very ' ' high regard, your most obedient sr Vant L "M. MOREHEAD, " lWr of th h:: Nat. Convention Baton P. who iscver inclined lo ue&tow on others, honors justly, due to himself. To General 1 ay lor,, and to him aloud, tressed oi this Git may bitterly belongs all the glory tor that achieve- plore the loss oi one, whose lmpul ment. And I but express the uni ver- si ve gericroMty and benificcnt acts' for sal opinion of those who 'served un- their relief, knc no bounds short of der him, in saying that no other liv- his absolute inamt.tvto relieve. His ing man Mcomu uac uuiumcu mac jeari v;is u.iw;ijanu; , ins- xianu u.i- victorv. bo great was that conh- wavs open as d ivto meltinir chari denee renosed iri himbv the troons.lt v.". , . that no -other could have commanded! "-Resolved. Tha'tU friends ot the de it, that his presence on anv part of ceased, wc know tict where to find the field was sufficient iiot only to his equal, in thoknild arid manly change despair into hope, but to give virtues so effect'uallik winning liearts assurance of victbrv, andto dispel all to friendship.; II isfjj ends were ma- doubt of ultimate triumph." : nV and devoted; wdtt jievc he had no This is the testimonv of a true and enemies. . H patriotic son of North Carolina; who5, .; Resolved , That biinuly may well ,.i t t i. :-ir grieve, tor the loss oftb Head. Few amiougn a ijcmocrui, luiuui iu , , , fatll(avnfi hnoanfi join his party in their, ungrateful at- or master. God only an ..heal the tempts to blight the fair fame of one wound. . I t who has deserved so well of his conn- Resolve d, That w wll receive his r tj t ti body, on its arrival it t think of this, t mittec, viz: CoL.B. J. Gatther, 1. R. CaldweilEiq., Dr.J. M-. Ilappoldt lev. J. M. Wilson, CoL C. IIcDow- ell William Fullwood, D. . Copcning, William Gibbs, John IL Pearson, John Rutherford. - It was furwie&orderfd'that the pro ceedings of this meeting be published in the Highland Messenger . J. D. FERREE, Sc3. body, on its arrival it tie : Depot in this City, and attend t touts place ot rest. - J Resolved j. That a copy bf the pro ceedings be furnished-, to i he familv of the deceased. : On motion of Col, W. It II. Tuck- GEN. CASS LIYES--RICn DIS- CLOSURES. - ? The investigations. vof the several A.i;;nnc nf ihh r.nmnhlft Iivps ofGrn.ler.it was ' r i-i nffMiiil'iiTmn' Resolved, That the Mcrihants be Cass disclose a system of frwd upon . ..f d .1.1 iIrrri'v in Tn - . . , .', me pcupiu . the Funeral Scmccs. ' hl-tory of the country. ,1 he editor ot Qn motion, the mectiig adjourned the N. York Express, writing . from . W D. HAY WOOD, Ch'nYu. Wointr'fnn snvs: ' -B..B. S.MITH," Setretarr. ruJ'n ;rt tP tW fivnT Jivra IIis remains arrived It the Depot rnn I sntn fni r iflprnnt in this Citv,about half past 1, P. M: of Gen. Cass, intended lor uuierent ,T , jifjv- .1 v i- TkAM tivnor1itirvnL on Monda v, attended bv, his' broken meridianSi Ihere erc twq coitions , L j a. ri.. issued in March last, dncltwo inJune; i X S -X i ' . . i:i. who had cone too late b close hi the two in uine vni, m cuau.iti, . l - unlike thos6 of March;, and the two W and .were immaliatdy convey US -r.,.An :ed to their last resting pkee, atten- otislv designed; for a Southern and -""J - i v : ; ah rtttnnmt the Funeral Service of theEpiscopal Norihem market. All attempts at , i tnn vm-iUfio matter v'"ulwl " WJ wiull A:I: u: Mason. . The Merchants cbsed their an worse. are alterations,7 : doors, and the whole citv scimed vei ed in sadness. t . Tniv in. is is. -1 ---7 . . I ' Sir: I hnve had the honor to rc cmoy. ..' c :r,r.-.:-nt!cu of June in,L i thit the hiT Con-. vention;wLich"a, at PLila. delnhia on tV.c 7th cftl.t mondi, and ofi:iv.Mv.rc rrc-.idin- 0,1- 1 vf",:r". .7... 1 ,f. t,0 1 ne 1 ress nas iosl an auu iauor eailion. una uuuticu m uu. umti, . r 1 1 i P A!" v;.i,ni.n ;ntth-ViU the poor a friend who neva refuses mot ProvisoT inserted 111 one, and o- ..s .v t j ninions upon the Jb rencn uevoiuiion t 7 1 1 i Vui K r ?. .. !.iiB..;.1,i,afU.- l,tM,1 sons, and his family Ah! Vho can " "r W WJ tell the depth of their rro! We Cass is" made to haveour faces, one uumuiuu.j mj pu.-r for each ot the different points of the May he temper the Ws i, these eomnass. - He, looks North and West Aorn IzmhsU-Ralcigh Rcgisttr. t in favor of Internal Improvements; MEETOG 0F THE" ROUGH aK'D boutliwara nc enuyi nrnv nini ... . ;rf tlm .nnrl nnnmves nft n.kA.Ul LC-U1J. nil that he has done. ' . - Wednesday, Jt;ly2G, J6lS. . i He-has two faces upon the. Wilmot The Club came to order: byf cilling Proviso, two upon the tariff, two up- p)r. MX. Neilsonto the Chairl nn the French King and Revolution; upon patriotic speeches were nade and his friends have shown him up by Messrs. W.' Williams, Johi Wr. in so man v -wavs that, hejias more Voolfm, James M.Edney- and N lives than a est: The last I have WC Woodfin, Esas : V . vLl:i is in German, and this , is ex- When on motion, a Committ of pre - ly intended, by its omissions and 5 were. appointed, whose diity it ii to rditiens. to mislead and deceive that I make. suitable arrangements" for'Jie lsrgo p - "'n of our adopted citizens reception of o;:.- Voluntei', and a!sq v.I.J d wi among us. These .little to tender them a public dinner. . 1 tricks of little politicians can hardly I- Meeting nd-rned to meet next Lave any other effect, now that they Wednesday ni-hr. ' ticcr, h'- wiio o.-cd, than to recoil upon those akeiiic c: t:iQ7.L M L. NEILS QN. Chm. L B. Sawyle, Sec.-' Fro7n the Ar. O. Picayune, J-24 it,tt. IjVxkw rno.u jlexico. Engagement between thd Troops of ISui , tamente and Fured'es. Our; pckuges by the' Alabama, contain papers Irorn the city ol Mexico to the Ilih iisUiot--tbree days later than our former accounts. 1 , . We have at la 6t accounts of an engaged rnent' between the truopi uf Busts ineute irid Paredes. The oihctal ; report of the former officer is bffure us, tJuted Marfit, the 7th inst- It ii nut worth translating a: length, "but e givo the substance-ot it, He arrived at Marfil on iha 5ih itistani aud established there- his headquarters. lie immediately ordered reconnoissuntcs to be tiude ot the heinlus on wkich Parade bd planted cannon, and 'ordered a Hoe 10 be termed by which alt the entrances tu the citv of Guanajuato should be secured. fhis wfs done amidst 1 short discharge of rhuskqtiw, which did no harm. "Ttieprin Cipal" positions of the enemy were fduud 1q be the carita tiurmiguero, and the heiwhts of El Tnjado nd San Miguel, On the 6ih he determined to attack the; Hnniguero and the Tido.. Thia was accordins'iv done, hui with no decisive result, o far as. wc can judge, noi knowing ihb' localiues He claims thai he drove the insurgents sev e?at limes behind thtif works, they having sallied out to attack him.. His own luss is said To be slight, white P4redts had 27 killed and about sixty wounded. he tor ces of 'Pa redes received considerable ac cession from the people ol the surrounaing country, he having promised iem ' jhe -sack in:; of Guinijuato 1 after hii triumph should be secure. 1 he reports ol bustamete is accurnuanied by various subftrports o no interesl here, and an address ut Luta ; iiin"te lo his troops, which is as genuine ft specimen of Mexican gratdiioutince as we have .met in wu$ a long wmie, . Th ive?p.ipers ha.ve nrivate lellersfrom Guanojuata to th 7th. These gves a less tavorabie coloring to the success ot Bus tamentei though ihy . speak wait of :tho courage displayed by hirrty. Thy say the pronunciados-hud much the adiTn:ae ot position; and Paredes, coinma,ndng in per son, sucevded in. rtuting 'u purnurt jf th tiircs of BusUmente.,' The Uteres touk prtwjth Partds and wumabjui s'ealir.g theguos of the slain and ' setlig them.- The letters say thai many wre UtlU-d 'wnhoul specilying m which sadti A Yau 1 kec artillprisl, on the side ot Ptwedes, had a foot shot off in.'lhe action an .--oao- of pastamentes ;uns was d:sirioun c J " Tht superiority in numbers if the fr ces of liuiiamente enabled hvn to put a good fic on matters ando relnsru Iran qulf ail the Tih. The paperswtin:ier whv t..- Tttntind piysive, beiievinj vi fM.otis uctutn-an'd with his Mij(.or lorct" at one cruh ihv iTiiurjrectioa. From :sfniiK ifi-J n'l ; i e i'Iij 4 ,J tu'it t'. 'C.U- ( i" lV'ld-S HM'KTV jV ecquincg sir.. w . llece tl;canitcity cf ijers not yet hsing at bally that it was cur ht'VL'd m Vera Cruz . icuted Bu&tutnentu, Jer of five huudred ' the Alabdmi gave y . and uuon iuulU iat i .. ciil- 'I .., Jt Ul. v Si-. Su'ictt 1..' CfciVt-d ll ! tesns u 1:: . i.. : - Vera Cruz, ui ... . .1 no latest lUiellleiiCO Iro;; ;, ed lito dcUit ol P-'. . and uoi Bji'ii.:..-.' h ive it from , onuiJ:, r r Captaiu. AulJj in co::; the lullowtng para,-: dum; - iQietlieot Mcxic.r.H . : the Uct uf tnert poitc J u . and without c'ouuud.i.;. t Ktfirrn'thal he will t.,; mcnt ot llorrera. f Lieutenant Martin. CJ at the Naiiondl Bn :y of yelluw tJcr, ui.r I. - . short leave ot atv.-i : Cruz. - j The troops are t ', have had trujsporis i them; except the l&i L stationed m part ia t; town us the garnsua 1 - companies of drajjo. , i. jear.guardof the airnyi (juueral Arii'.a, uia,.: h'is rfciiynd. ' Fosry. Arriv al of t2. s At .au early huui t.. ved our advices by l;;- 1 . The papers f rom U: j . . . are no liiier than wre i; abatna. : v ! The Great UV at poon ! Thursd i Vera Cruz on fc'v... t, brought over STOjO'JU ri ( the oilicers and'men ct tl,-; besides a laje nunit r . The troops were :r:.;.. board Ihe U.S. stea;.: r ... . , be conveyed lo E'uscj;, . A letter trom .Mdjr C . lerniaster in Mexico, -ancholy tnteiligetice oi 1 T. M. Gltason, A. Q. .' . Vera Cruz'on thc lG.'. : pau 10, P. 11. , ahcr - . ot the voinifo. Major C can do no justice to t!. ) ; meritorious otficer, who ; country wtll j h1; j Capt, I, was with Gen. 'i . tie ol Monterey, and s;... . 1 performed arduous djt) u Mexico, and parucjlrly i 'Ve have cosurs. i foreigner, a passenger v 1 tern, whti kit the c:iy cl ." I2.h. Ho sis lb it i exceedingly ahnr. . J t : 1 . cets of ParoJs -.J;t sw. ; lortiry the 'cr'j .t i!. city t appruUch. it wi,iu,ijI. be lo w 1 hit th'- l . v -j i '.: 1 1 f lament was sinady Jtf.-a. e J he rt jrlot the I,::. . irary nutwi.hst n J.' T , -- Two Americans trz ro'L the cjhv b.'lore iiuo- i.:t then murJertJ. TU. hd a ot iroae uit!itLti, -uiVv..'-1 The Mexican aut.hu'K.'a robbers H '.vi 1:. ;tl.j rj i 1j as t&Si as takt.i.-" . V.' ; ; rf'.'T c ut i - C '..: - rrv "f: I ty M.' liil'fci .: tl - 1 1. Ut -t uvo n ! ' iii! u! 1 froi t"rrj!.-j i ; hne cf t ':r ep'; bi siir. j I .iui it rt ly l-?..fapr:v,::.t iho IJiji't d Sia!c3 lin t try, cor.-j';:r'il c't kc? A rur.i r wn-ni it t ParJt :nij P.,a-.inir.:c fi ,;!.!, l-A I coa!J cl tqa: lis source. . " ' .- The ' Tr.s w'n hr.: n t!i? cu ? ji I ;r ou'jiori'.ii ..1, held a mceiu irg and pissed resolutio; tneatnry to' Mr. D.aia'ni' tor. 1 have also heard I thjttof t!.e mrfclmn cf llieir sense of his ur.L'r attention by a public' di VI:i!j 1 wiite, tl. marching past, with dri colors flying, on ihair there to embark on bj in mer for Cat hhnJ. T iH-ahhy, mid are clc theyhad just marclu.d' o Speak r tig of tlw-lth, I ) pteasura cf shaking luru C.-Tib-v.fifiiu-. 1 posed. ) ro-Or-..t arcq. v.as in r t, may ga. , . ' 1 have heard nf i ever a fever within thw last f-w them ibnt cf Capt.- Gl who ts not expucte to sv , . Tilcgi ; .Froi; rtcw '.Bkkakinthe Lcveu Undr date of 14th ml leans, we loarn that pi ?ce Ml on'th? night ol by iich accident a, uyre drownrd: Some by swimming. The nu ts unknown at tha tin: market general!; t'.y doing in otto: ;ndt;d by holders. 1 XX ev. Win. i: 'jjs gentleman, win b miny ' tho i ent out wiiti the 1 2see, as ch.iplair ".ed, but whiit ab ' with quite an ndvet written by him ' i in this place, we make the fultawi "Vtsterday i!,3raiL .'ft lha city, and in ihe r:t occurred, which a: titu innocrnt 'amuse a given hour, wa wi ..iy. Through some'' t together, u'nd the -need some five miles A frif 1 ficcompa niles; wht-n he toturne ertske my - comrades ro two great big Me' j nn either aids , ant going, &c ' Pies vicans fipproaehe-J. imes "were &u brauiifu ' could not misunJerstc 'i . a fine horse Jar i:h till he could ma a ' ' all put spurs to our anning.lwo Xmile ! me, except oao i this moment, 1 and fell. The i, i long ropo fi; lns.?0'. ' me. Welt7 fit my neck.' I ol, raised it I -.ik as thtfugh Tjst then 1 r kill noDod vas fi: to die, " fnd been, t.ions up( m '. '9 fiy tn As Iks call .RINGS', as C! jvhtr tin " re, wtl 'it- A ' A j do j Ti'Li iC.r Pic II: -tcf tl-Unl