VOL. "6 NO -47. ASKEVIILE, N. . G THTJRSPAY-, MY 3, 1855. WHOIE IHfc 297. 6 : 'rf-. A. T7.BUET0N, i ATTORNEY AT LAW;, rirrrri?;D county; k. Carolina. i r ... ifVDoVc!! CaMc:i. Watauca, Burke, Rutherford . ilCterclad. Also, ia the Sapreme Court at rCcllccttons of all kinds, Including renjion hUici. attended to strictly. lUfc'f otl,e Jd9 of tbc Supreme aadSope Hor Courts of North Carolina. April 6, ISoi. :. . Z. U- Vance, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I ASHEVILLE, Jf. C. ' Acgt 23, I S53. 211 David Coleman, Attorney at Law, PUnXSYlLLE, N. C. March 3, 1S53. tf. EankiB, Pulliam & Co., lJjrOKrX!3 AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX porclgn and Domestic Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Clothing, 131 MEETING" STRUCT, Charles ton, S. C. nr. r. hankiv, ) ( r. m. craigmiles, K. W. pi-ittAW, J l A. D. FMITlL ' ivpt.2i 33. i HEAP-CASI1 STOKE - . 1 James AI.'Blaift4 TC leave tocal! r.M.i , ts-I th- f-ab'.ic gvnerar.j .. i.-t t t iiin- nd opening in the now hit friend brick .Ure i . .V. lij.le k HUIU, rtlHI VV es. ii l ly !.-. Ilii iai I a D.-ar Store, the most e.Vantand beautiful aortr-:' "Mmf - a. t . l . II I .1 r il ff ' - GO ODS ever otTortd to the iej:e of Western Carolina. if i ..t.xk all frv.-!i. having Ken purchased titMniV dav: ar- l tlw assortment made up ;ti. t,. -U n-iWi not'to the ..:$ and tastes of ll people t.f this section, t ;..,! re bo-ight to Vc scud, an I be sohl they shut!, if tla-re i J"y tVicnry in low price. CshbuTtn are invited" tt c-lt and examine his " goods and prices, iff re prtrchaingeLewhere. i The im:al country produce taken ir. crchaage for 1iohI at raL price. .!icll!e. January -I, l?C3. tf IIH. P. A. WIUIiTI?, Wholesale and Retail Druggist AND EUS ox a s. a, II AS jat rrcrited. and will keep, constantly. on hand, a very large and well selected stock of Vatnls, OWs, avnsACS, livvscs, W indow Gass, French nnd AmcYican, Alto, peaTer in Ar.:?rleaa. French and EnIih Chemicals, Drugs, Fine Tobacco anil Clears. FANCY AKTICLI'S AND DYE-STUFFS. . ALSO Fine II randies and 1 Vines, Po!.l cnle for medical purpose-. MiTehaat and all i tucrs can depend upon t!u ir fricr wet tin prompt attt ntion, upoa the iuit ar nuu!itii' tt ru:. . rhyvtelin and Faiutiie n rely on hwingthetr pr'Mritio'.i e.vrefi!'y cotiiptn ed. llii Ct U ar- . Uct' d w hh sre.it care, anl will be warranted a Teprrcuted. nrdn at N" Z. r.rick Uuigf, one door above ftartVcn & ItrTl V law cflicc. Acrut 10, 1S. Ramsay's Piano Store,; COLtilDIA, s. c. Music and Ilusical Instruments rr?-zri NTNNS c CV P.tter.i Dia--rrVhionnl Grand Pi Axo.'; HalUl, D;ni 4 Co. P it. nt Suijen:on lui.i Pianos; Chiikerin, Tr.iver nnd other beat makcrV Piaua, nt the Factouv l'uu r.s. Culumlda A2it 1?. KS 1 ly Furniture For Sale. The un lcrsigncd keep constantly on hand at tfc. ir shop in Asheville.a lare quantity of well made as I superior Cabbed w - r unuiuvc of the m?t fhit-nabl? kind, ccii'l-tln1; ' Ciairs. Cane arid Cushioned bottoms and other qualities, Sofas, Bureaus, Guitars, and a number of T7o-; It ns, IJoics and Strings; f the best qualitv. Those who are desirous of rnrchainr snv articre of Furniture cf any de cription. w ill do uedl to call and see their assort- -Bient l-fore ptirchasii.g elsewhere. tney are e terralned to sell at thv vcrv loxett piu e an-l thebet tet.r.s. J. J. HiLDLLiilAN on 0015, sh'xs.sa.'dcry. hardware, candled, rais h. citron, curranU si:j;ar. cofTee, jewelrv. iron. t.xU. leather, casting, and rv cry thing ('-' 'Ter heard of a an art: :1 of merchandise. le are to call, at the old -land, and see our iods taj Lear our prices. SMITH & McDOWELL. AhcTl!lc, April C. 1S-S4. WILL practice ia the Superior Courts of Law A Edcitr of Cherokee, Macon, Jackson. Hay- i ir.rtoa. Bcncombc, McUUon, 1 aocy. HEADY MADE 'CLOTHING. Aiapcf b assortracst, chcap'as anr lody can sell, opening at t S. & .McD'S. Lincoln Shirting1 i The subscribers hate on hand a large srin of tb" popular good, which irill bo sold U Factorr prices. Thej are tho Agents for the sale of this article, and purchasers can tuy cs at wholesale or Retail, on as good terms it can be had of tho manufacturers. j Call and examine it, smitii & McDowell: AiicnncjDcclCjies?. Sontetliiiig New! BE IT KNOWN, AND let it go forth upon the wrings of tbewind to every individual iu the State of orth Carolina that rULVEUMACIIER'S UVbltO EkECTKir-VOlTAIC CHAINS are the onlv trulv scientific remedy by wbieli all Si: It VOL'S DISEASES can be quietly reiieved and permaumtlij ctreJ. . Rheumatism, l'eriodical Nervous lleaditche, Painful' and Swelled Joints, Uterine Tains, Dyspepsia, Paralysis. Sciatica, Pains between the Shoulders, Neuralgia of tho Face,- Indiyestiou, Flatulence, Palpitation of the Heart, Oensral Debility Asthma, ! HISTORY; The -riydro Electric-Voltaic Chains were first introduced in France three years since, by the far-celebrated Fier.ch Profes&or Pulverniachcr, as an entirely new aiid n,rd mode ofappljing EIectro-manetisni in iLvrkit Xerwis iis&r$c and after tdug subjected tn hc li't tkm-uvh trial, by"thef!rt tnclica! rueti ol tLaicity. in every hospital they were pronouncetl to be" the niot eJ5cacitu$ of any remedial agent yet discovered, rVr the rcpil relief and permanent (Aire of the above mentiont d li.seaes and wcrealro recommended to tht favor of the French goverrtm nt. w ho -nt!-.-ted a patent in the year 1 S-l'J. During tht- years 1 SOU aud 'il they were introduced in!i AUMiia, Ger many, IM-Miim, and a!.-o lattnttd in tho.e coun try's, w here they not only met w itli the santtiuu of almost every learned man of Europe but wen brought ii:t.. St ! vial u?ein every hostdtal on the Eastern continent, and the l:uHeiul rcsuts pro-d-.t-i-l in theeure oi Nervous Diseases, found to i be r ' ,: atd Tlse Chains were first iitr"-Iuted : : !si" .:.: y r-t- v-np since, in rl:e city of Nrt- V 'Wiirt- iV-n had already prece!ed them. They were ;.co .submitted to a'trial in the hopi:a! of lh.it tiiy, by the cele brated Professors Valentine .Mott. I'o t V.. . j'u. . u, Carnochan who reartiiy djVcovcrod that theycer 'tainly psses.ed j.V-. .- 'in,ti pon-erin the treat ment and cure of Nervous Di-eases and at once advised their fft.fcl i :.c t hpiuhout this country, ! pti!Iisl;inii: thi ir jtiliioiis iu a j ampldet w hii-h :. ;v .. .tined (gratis) of any of the advertised ag.-i..- : ' ?t;ite. 'Hill z.LE AND DEMAND lias been uuparulUle I since their fir-t iii!nduction, and not "fS rs--n ?in be found th;u expressed !.r::)Nt If IiMii;s':ed w ith their use, and in no '..;e. have the; f'HnlXo jerform what thev c!.;i:u . They ar-- , e.-vr.ruotcd. as to be worn nt-xttot.A v, .. ; ;:t diseased,- and by .simply ruoisteninj thetii.uh mm'iir-n vinegar, a constant cV.rrrnt of uninterrupted KtVctny-iane-tisni is prcauccit, which supplies the cxh-jv stftl Nerv ous System w ith that essentia! Fluid w hic!i is the source of so much pain and Mttlerii.;;. " IN FEMALE DISEASES . t . they are rapidly taking the plr.ee of all Scrimms taktn into the stomach, for they neither kclcn nr disgust, and can be used at all times w ith the most perfect safety. They are equally applicable toadults and children, and will hist for years with no danger of jjcttin out of repair, ant! can be ?ent by "mail tti r.ny part of the United Si.itos. Price of Chains 5"; and i: ii, accompanied by a pamphlet f SO la . civin? a tUw and full ac count of the mode of Use. The Chains may be si-en ea exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York, where they attract peat attention from the learned and srientifie. CAUTION TO LADIES. Ladies who uro e A' irate are requested net to ue them. f.r by so doing unpleasant results fre oueiitlv fulloW. Agtit 10. Gentlemen's Furnishing Department. A man. by calling on us early, can be fitted out and out. from a shirt collar standing at an angle ofi'i degree, toa pair of high heeled socks. Call at once, and the thine shall 1 e did. SMITH. BA1RD& VANCE. Dec. 1 1. lS"4-tf Those Interested Will Read ' This Notice. AVe nre under tlie p.-i.-ssiMy; ncce.-Mty of snv in U thcs indebted to u-, tiiat we must have tnonev; r.ntl if j.-u r.ieist is not made by the 1st tf January next, we vi!l be under the netcssitv of forcih? eolleetions. I:NK1N Jc PULLIAM. Oct. 20, Hats and Caps. A magnlLV.'nf :sortn. nt of fashionable HATS and CAP; eoi.-i-'.i ig of Silk, fur, tttui Ilili V-i's: vrry kind ntd color of Soft Hats: i iu-!.-. v, 'ct, cloth, r.d military Cap, arc now opencdat the cheaicash ftore of J Mi;S M. BLAIR. -Asheville. January 11.1SS3. tf Hew Goods ! ITew Gcods ! JAMfiS M. BLAIR IS now opotiins a larirc mid (dogntit as sortment td SPUING GOODS, Miitcd to every class of customers. He would res pec ! in I ly rrqiioct the Ji a d i c fl to call, before uiaUing lii.-u summer se leotioiis, ntid wotijd pariicularly ittvife tlieir att:hthn to his beautiful Mlk tis sues, lHr:ges, muslins, guig!iams, itc. T II H G E N TL K M E N will find it to their advantage to exam ino lii- vriried styles of Beady Made Clothinr cirt' pants aud vests; Ins summer dress oods, drab'defes. Italian cloths, linens, drills, and rusnu. -AI- so, 111s ; . - : HATS, Silk, Panama, chip, straw, and lshorn. His fine SHOES, HOOTS, & GAIT ERS, wilt compete with any ever be fore oflered in this market. Ills large assortment of , SADDLERY has. been selected with uutrsnai care. All cheap for cash. All he asks is a call, for he feels assured every'oue must be pleased, bolh with his goods and prices. He WILL sell, as h's tnollo is, "quick sales and short profits.'; His friends will remember that he takes all kinds of country produce, at the Inchest prices chickens, turkeys, ducks, butter, eggs, fcc. April 12 tf me it-eirie k.h.i- h- o-. a4 in- ..tn- fvThe Oi eeiiville. S.U. Mountaineer, Atl . . ft . ... ..... .1 - - cipai eiTs. s 111 i,,c onueo ciau-v 1 1 11 ,r s Vatehman, and Charlotte, N. C, Dt T a I A I 1' . a . T TWff' - - A McDOWLLL, ou.y AgentK lor .As ,evi. e rs. u.. ; ri ilt. w ill each copy one vear.and forward General Acent, CCS Broadway, N. V., j " THAT COLILIISSIOrr HOUSE OF Cn A RLKSTO N, S. C4 ' THE only house doing business in that city, that "acluclty had any ez'rrierce in Receiving and Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Car olina llailroad quitting the business in July last, is till open for L licciiciny and IWarding of all kinds of goods, wares, merchandise, machinery, prodnse, dec. . If j on want your goods fonearded without the vexatious delays and enormous exx;nsc bills paid the lafct M?asen, and at the same time have your business dopen such a manner that somebody will be via de responsible for the damaged and lost lackflges; consijn them to Tinlet & HeAron. w ho have Received and Forwarded all Goods con signed to them during all the past season without any extra charge over those established rates as given below, and cp to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Curilr. llerron was Clerk of the Iteceiving and Io r wan! i op Depart merit of the South Carolina Rail Road Coniu-.y for the past seven years, and is perfectly familiar w ith all their books, freight tai ilTs and rules of shipment, both by rail roads and veiM:Ts. tojejther w ith the mode of proccednre to secure dumagea and jay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all nch cases without fr.zs or delay to the ow ners, brother irap'u-tnni advantage is that his thorough knowledge of all freights and rules of shipment enables him to instantly detect and cor rect any overcharge in the Bills of lading, w hich i-t;:li '.'? hi-! to be done at that time, or be lestto theoxruf. in ninny instances greatly exceeding the commissions we charge. He was al?o raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and tree from the contagions oi that city, therefore we will inderail circumstances faithfully dis-eharge any baM:ess entrusted to us. All produce such as Wheat. Flour. Corn, Corn Meal, Raron. Lard. Duttcr, Ugs. Cotton, Rice. Rye, Oats. 11.iv ToT,io(o wool, Feathers, Bees wax, :a; .. s ';"::".... &c., consigned to us, v. ill be promptly sold and the proceeds returned with out keeping the money a Jir rui fhs to speculate upon; ftr we wish it distinctly Understood that we . ; . no specu :rt u n wiaiever, all that vrc vi.; io our commis- iuii. as I'.jiiows: .. . For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of furni ture and machinery, charges according to respon sibility. Iron and steel in loose bars, 10 cts per hundred lbs., -ind st-Tahh- for advancing freights and charges 2 l--per cent, whi'J: yv,: ennsaveby depo? ;t?rir the money with us for selling produce "J l 4-er cent. We will also fill all orders in this market making the best selections forour patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEV & 1IEUR0N. Charleston, Jan. 1st. 1S55. We beg leave to refer to the following gentlemen: Rev. Thos. W. Atkin,Maj. M. M. Gaines, Ashe ville.. P. D Galrs. 12 Broadway, New York. Coh Juim s Gadsdey. Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. Rail Road. Thos. Waring. Auditor " " J'di:i Kinx. Agent " ." " " Hyatt , TdeBurney &. Co., and J. S. & L. Bowie &. Co.. Charleston. W. H. A. Ramsey, Secretary of Stdte-.A. R.Cro zier. Comptroller of Treasury, and M. 31. Swan, Nashville, Ten. French & Van Epps. and J. J. Bryant, Chat tanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merchants generally Louden. Tennessee. , N. C:inimon & Son., T.J. & C. To'-rull, Craig henVl ard Deaderick, Kuoxville, TVfinessee'. W. ec T. Harris, lnmau A; itamilton. Branncr & Mitchell. Fains King. lUinirnige. lenn. lens nio- blll to Carriage Making', Repair ing and Blacksmithing. TEIPLETT & STtllTH, HAVE formed a jar(nrshij for the purpose Hf Carriage makinir and repairing, In their numerous departments.. All descriptions of vehicles made to ord. r. and kept constantly on hand. They have t!i.- vcrv best of workmen and materials, and their customers niflv it 1 v 011 ut-od and Jiuc work of all hinds. They do not expect to succeed in business by claptrap and humi'usgcry.aud will, as hereto fore, turn otl none br.i first rate work. Hi i:iiri!i" done with desoateh. Horse shoeing and blacksmithing executed in a suiHTior manner. I'l ieen as bw as any other establishment, North or South, and all work wan-anted. . ELI AS L. TR1PLETT, JAMES SMITH. Asl.evillf.SravlS. 1S-31. N B. A good wood workman, and a painter and trimmer, wanted immediately. Wool Wanted. "Wennnt to by ten ho;;;r.id pounds good clean wiisheti WchjI, for wlueii we will pay goods at very low prices. V. V. KAiNIvliN dr CU. Mav 20, '3. Ready Made Clothing. Heceivod :;nd for ;!, a large lot of Heady Made Clothinff. Call and see at W. D. RANKIN & Go's. Oct. '20. Vi(1c.A;rakrf Know Nothing, and Vounjr America Hat. tfyetiirr with hish cap, und other styles, (impose upaitol the iare stock of poods to he for.iu! at SMITH. BAWD if- VAXCFfS. Dec. 21, 1831. n&LS, Silili'LS! - .At r.riops ranirj frnm 25 crnts to S'G. New, heautilVdiund IowjM-rhn last winter. tiMllH, BAlltD & VANCE. Dce.urisoi. tf Boots and Shoes fa uentemeir3 IL-dies' Gaiters vtowalkinp shoes i Gentlemen's water proof sewed Pcbts, and Buskins; children and slippers: ladies and Cork' Soles, from the -ell known establishment of Miles & Son. " For sale at the cheap cash store of J. M.' BLAIR. January 11, 1S55. tf Rcteiving and Forwarding Gr O ODS "VVo will receive and forward Goods of all kinds at ten cents a package. SMITII fc McDO TFELL. Asheville, Oct. 7, '52. . . 1 B L A.Yr'W ABRANTS For Sale at tbU 6f3o. :.PM8E.1fl TOWN!' shitb: & Mcdowell HAVlijust received and arenowopeningthehea- Tiest ana best assortment of Spring and Summer i :-;0 tney iever bronphtto this market, and one rhich fot richness and variety cannot be surpassed in the South. They were bought for cash, and are oflercd at prices which cannot fail to please every customer. We do not deal in humbuggery, and when tte say we can sell goods cheap, we mean what we say. We invite our old friends and cus tomers, and the public generally, to call and look through our stock, and examine our prices, April C, 1851. Assay ingr, Civil and ITliniiig r . Engineering, and Surveyings TIIE subscriber is prepared to devote special attention to the above branches, and the applica tion of Chemical Analysis thereto. Persons in terested in MINING areinvited to consult liim for information or instruction in regard to the most recent and valuable mtthods of conducting the same. Assay s of Gold, Silver, Lead, Copper and other Mineral Ores, executed with punctuality and dis patch. Assay specimens of one or two ounces, with a remittance of ?5 00 for each Assay may be sent to the subscriber bjr mail. Metallic Ores tested by the most speedy and accurate process at $2 00 for each specimen. . ' . , WM. BEAL, A. M. Murphey, C, January 4, 1855. ly smith if McDowell Have a few of the finest bonnets ever seen in this market ranging from 5 to $10. Call and look at them, whether you buy or not. April 7. THE FLOATING BALLS; OR, Knuckle Washing Madhine. ilOLLINGSWORTII'S PATENT.' TIIE undersigned takes the liberty of an nouncing to the citizen of Western Caroli na, that he has" recently purchased the right of the above patent for 20 counties, embra cing the west ns far down as Rowan and Ca barrus; and believing in tho Bible maxim that "cleanliness is next to godliness," has made arrangements to have a large number made at Asheville, and will at other county towns, where they can be had for Ten Dol lars each, with the right to use it for life, and will sell the right to one or more counties; on terms which will enable tho purchaser to make a large sum of money. The novelty of this invention consists in the employment of two hundred.. Balls of Wood one inch and a half in diameter, of sufficient buoyan cy to float in the water, and when brought in contact with the linen or clothes perform the pro cess of washing, by a constant varying and yield ing rubbing pressure. The box is two feet high, two feet long, and one foot wide, and the handle used by the washer plays up and dowii with a saslf attached holding the clothes in the water amid the halls; and they do -the Washing Two hun dredof theni comtantlv at work, instead often knuckles. The washing is done with two suds, the Grst tepid, and the second boiling water no battling nor boiling is required it washes the largest table, as well as bed linens, as thoroughly as shirts and collars, and all much cleaner than human hands can. without the slightest damage to the clothes never breaking off a button, or doihff the most gauze-like material the slightest injur-. A girl ten years old can wash six shirts in threi? minutes. . 1 not all the diseasbs to which Femalesare sub ject are brought oii by bending over wash-tubs feet wet, arms alternately thrust to their elbows in hot and cold water a large majority of them are. Tliere is no exposure so prolific of Female disease, as washing. Men know nor care nothing about th toils and hardships to which their wives are everv week exposed, over the washirig-tub Many of them are brought to an crtrly grave from this veryexposiire. without either the husband's or the exposed wife's know ing the origin and true cause of their sickness and death., , This box is fixed epoTi wheels, and may be rol led anywhere, aed the washer is never exposed to cold water at all'uor to hot. except wringing the clothes. A personal inspection of this extraor dinary invention, will at ouee convince every one that it is no humdiig. but a machine of tjie great est utility ever yet discovered, and just the in vention the world has always wanted. and its intro duction and universal use in this country, will in the end prove an inestimable blessing to "every human being, whose task it is to work for them selves or others. The undersigned has purchased it for no other reason than its unprecedented utility, and the benefit it will confer upon the Female world around him, whose foils and hardships helms so often witnessed with the deepest regret and mortifica tion, and the additional reason of its great saving of time and labor to the families of the! country: A half grown girl can perform the task as well as a full grown wonan, and that too, without- sus tainingany of the injuries incident to th6 old mode, such as blistering, chopping.: and bleeding fingers, doing a week's washing with this machine, by a ten year old girl, is among the lightest tasks involved in the daily routine of household duties. The working of the handle, is the most beneficial and healthful exercise to strenghten the arms, chest and loins, and well adapted to the dvt -h.'pmeut of the chest and lungs, and in my fndgnicr.t.tne most suwssful and. powerful pre-' Vei.tive of consumption and lung diseases: the per son standing erect and the motion of the arms all the while perpendicular; all necessity for boiling is superseded, and the abvnrd practice of battling or pounding entirely done away. Those who des ire to treat their wives and daughters (or even servants) as human beings, and not as brute ani mals, I know will patronise this great invention. The highest evidence of civilization, is the res pect and care men show to woman; for wherever in the-world true Christianity is f-lt, woman is elevated, and where it is not felt, woman is in variably oppressed, and in most instances, made beasts of burden, as said by the po'etof old. She is with usm the citv, and with us in the country in. sickness and in health, in adversity and prosperity, "et nobiscum pernoctem." B. M. EDNEr, April 19, 1855. 3t. " DISSOLUTION. ..... The partnership of J. B. Lowenberg & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. B. Lo wenberg is alone authorized to make settlements. , . J. B. L017ENBERG & CO. Feb. 10, 1S55. r . 2.000 lbs. Eastern Kails, at SMITII, BAIRD 4- VANCE'S. Dec. 14,1854. ; 1 fJUoiir, bv the barrel,' sack of pound ' for sale br - - . t - Y. D. RANKIN fc Co. Wi L. HipLIARD, WD., lApotheeary & Druggist, - C f -AsheTiJIc C. . HAS now, and will keep constantly on hand, a well selected stock of ; j -Pure and Genuine; Drugs, Medicines, Ciem icals, Pa ints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Painters'' arti cles, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Fine Soaps, Co ' logne Water, , Hair , Oils, Extracts, ; fyc. fyc. $c. Having used care and attention in tho se lection est hi fitocfcr the patronage of the pub lic is respectfully solicited, feeling assured that tho quality and prices of his goods cannot fail toj render satisfaction to all. jggrPhysicians prescriptions accurately compounded at all hours ! Asheville, April 5, '55. tf GREAT ATTRACTION ! M New Spring and SuiiinSer G00D8! TEE undersigned are now receiving and opening at their OLD STAND, a heavy assortment of spring and summer !OOD8 of thej latest and most fashionable styles; and embracing every variety usually kept in a re tail establishment in this country.' They deerp it unnecessary to enumerate the various articles, comprised within their assort ment; for. t.' specify prices; suffice it to say, that they have been carefully and tastefully selected, by one of the partners in market; and will be sold at a- VERY SMALL ad- VAXCH ONT OKIGIXAL COST. ": They flatter themselves that the superior advantages of which they are possessed for purchasing Goods, will enable them to sell as low, if not a LitffC LOtTcl', than any bne else; and as you can get at their store any article you may stand in need oh it will be greatly to your advantage, one and all, to come, iw)tn your earners, as, beeswax, Tallow, Hides, &c., &c; and more important than all, with your pocket books , well filled with CASH, and .mako your purchases of them. To bur old friends and customer? we ten der otir sincere thanks; , and respectfully soli cit a continuance of t he liberal patronage they have hitherto bestowed upon ns. , W. D. RANKIN & CO. Asheville, April 5, '55. tf j f ! Money Wanted. All persons having notes or accounts with mo will da well to call and settle. You will save cost by it, for money I intend to have. T. U. WUMUAI1S. Feb 8, 1855. Cancers Can Be Cured. 1 DR. CLOP TON OFFERS his Professional Services to the afflic ted in the Treatment of Cancers. Scrofula, tumors, ulcers J erysipelas", - scald-heads,; white swellings, pain in the1, bones or joints, 'dyspepsia, diseases of Liie. Kiuijfja, syuiu, vcuciiai unctnuua, iii:- worm or tetter, rheumatism, guot, oldsores. From his success in the treatment of these diseases, he feels safe in saying he will tiirri none away until the are . effectually cured, when their general health is not destroyed... He will not require anything until-a cure is effected. His treatment is not in the least painful or unpleasant. fie will pay half price for all young uegrocsajflictcd icith any o-f the above diseases. I will pay one hundred dollars for every -ease bf Scrofula 1-iau to cure, when the general health is not' destroy od. Dalton, Ga., April 19, 1855. ; N. p. Dalton is within a few hours drive of those peleb rated watering place, Catoosa, Cbjiut tah, arid Gordon Springs. Office! one door below C. B. Wellborn's Store, Dalton Georgia. J This is to certify that I had avery.painful can cer on myface that extended so far into my mouth that I could eat with no satisfaction, and after trying a great many painful remedies that only aggravated the1 disease, and made it grow worse, I called on Dr. Cloptou of Dalton, Ga., who arres; ted the disease immediately and in a few:week3 my capcerwas entirely well, I, would recommend all thejsei afflicted with cancers, to delay no time, but place themselves under the treatment i of Dr. Clc-pton, immediately and bo cured. i ! MRS. LUCY HARALSON, j . Whitfield County, Ga. ' i : n NOTICE. The iindersigned give notice, that an v per son pultingStock of any kind on their Black Mountain and lialsam Gap lanas, without special written permission, will be considered guilty bf trespass, and so dealt with by law. il i A. (jr. ANUEIiSON, ! , '; X . , WILLIAM PATTONf April 19, 1855. 3v Hardware WE have the largest stock of Hardware and Cut leiv that we have ever bad. Give us a call ye blacksmiths j carpenters; waggoners, shoe-makers and farmers, we can supply you with almost apy thiagunder this head.. . . j ! smitu & Mcdowell. 1 1 For tlie Ladies. ! ; jUTotv opened and for Sale, a very desirable lot of Ladies JJress Goods, Ja'test styles. -wool Shawls, of a superior qualitv. j. ! W. D. RAXKIX & Co. Also, liaclies9 Wear. ; New and beautiful styles of delaines, meritios, atpaccas, and Persian cloths, at prices froni 16 to 62 cents. - .', ; ; I !;v;v, AIso-y j-...'; A splendid assortment of opera fiannels jforVacks cloths and trimmings for cloaks, gloves & hosiery. - , ; i , . ; : Almi.t: ;y n - A heavy supply of Salisbury Sannepmall figur ed delaines, flowered velvets, Jinseys an.d'plaid flannels for children, at prices' which need not fear competition.. r -:r ' ' ' ' I . SMITH, BAIRD & VANCE. ' -Dec.2L-1854L-;;--... -i-r-.- ! always keep fine Tobacco and i f . Segars, Call arid see for yourself. 1: '-f;Bui,iisviIIe';Jn!':- '':-v H I G H S 0 II O O i Male and 'Mnale-:'lr THE next Session off this Institution will com mence on Thursday April! 5th. j - W . A REV. T. P. THOMAS, A. PresideMr. Assisted br competenit teachers In tho Mal and Female Departments, t Tuition per Session of Five Months :. ', :i Primary Department, '"t:' t Including Spelling, Reading, Vriting,fjral Arithmetic, Primary JGeofrrab'hv? and ; i . English Grammar coiHmenced j . 8 & 09 T Academic Department, ; - . -r' . Including English Grammar, 'Afithmetlo, -.'.I . and Geogrardiy completed. Natural PhU . losonhyj Astronomy. p;hysiologyr Bota ' ! ny, History, jjook Jieeping,- lilocntiMi .nnl PftmnntiliAn J ,L- "t--' . ' . u V Ad and Composition, viooa Collegiate Department; w " Embracing all th'ergtndies nsrtaliy tatight ." I ; in our best Colleges, - - -j - - - '15 00 ' A Contingent Fee of 1 per session wlli lU tharged. .j ' v . ., ,-.- r-r. .1 Boarding in the best families, or at Jhe hotel,' 1-1 50 per week, including all j expenses. Bul dents wishing to board themselves can procuro The two Departments, ihpugli iinder the sami government, are kept -sfeparatej : Arrangementi are making for a handsbrne Library and Cabinet of Minerals and Curiosities. ".' , " . ' . Students charged froni the tini of entwln ' gSpecial attention jis called to cheapnossl neaun ana scenery. r . 1 .. ' , , . M. P. PENLAND, Pcs.b'.of TVui; i. 3i. ijrovles, sec. pro um. . Eurnsville, March 22, 153. J " 1 Bale Cottoii, Great for rte, just received by the pebplo'l servants ' SMI Til UAUiP f. VAXCE. Dee. 14, (t- make the WANTED, at brices w hich ivill pay, . . ,. lA 1,000 Beaver Skins. a a I . . i i,uuu utter " 10,000 Coon " 10,000 Gray Fox " 10,000 Red Foi 10 000 Black B'ox " 10,000 Wildcat " 20 000 Mink " 50 000 Opossum 50 000 Rabbit " , IJuntevs,:;wake up! bring the$c things In andf give us the first offer, which c think Is our rlghi as we ouy au ans oj jut. . j , , . ' ' SMITH, BAIRD &'YANJCK. Notice; ALL persons having, d(rnapds .against thd Estate of the late, Dr. Thbma. C. Lesteri will hand themrin legally ittestedj, to tho Adraio istratorj or in his absence, to his nttoHcy AL S. Me r rim an, Esq.; and all thoso indebted ara requested. to niakc immediate pettlement : V. G. LEkTEll, Attn:' April 12, 1855. Trom 'Augusta to Niiifly-Six, via iZdgefieldr TIIE Stage will leave - Augusti every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat,- uiuay; leave iineiv-oix every iion day, Wednesday and Friday Passengers by this line can come through lln -ono nay trom Green- ' vilie, S. C, to Augusta, Ga. Tjliis wUl4make ' Daily Line on the road. Mr. Douglas runs! trlj- K weekly, so by fhisroiite hcro isi no delay. Tho ! proprietor y ill run his largo 'ipick mounted on ' ' eliptic springs, carrying 12 passengers; ! Fard j--through So.! To Edgefield S2..- j . ....(' i ; Seats can be 3ccnred at the'Egle and rhoenLx Hotel-Augusta; at Nicholas' Hotel, Edgefield; ,kI Ninety-Six at the Hotel; at Greenville. 0! C.,! opi 1 posite the Mansion House. All packages? and ' fare must be pre-paid Leaves Augusta 8 1-2, a. m. Leaves Ninety Six on the arrival of the pars from. GreenTllIc.f Wc will wail until the up train aVriv a! Ninety bix. , .. ' I-'- - - , i January 4.1855: tf W. CBAWFORD. acl(ilevy9 of every destription, "and j sole 'and upper Leather: mVy be' hnq SIITII f Al DQWELt April 7. t j ri AM. VkL TX y, 9 9 W SU Aj MJf Dealers iu Dry Goods, Hardware; Gro- Asheville, N. C. . l' : :' j; Hi? W. IB. RAIfKIN i& CO: . Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries Hard ware uroc leery, ccc. &c; w i ' : Asheville,. N. C.-! (-:. sniTIS.i BAIKU VAiYCE, 'Dealers; in Dry Goods, Groceries, ' and Merchandise Igenerally; 1 ' ASHEVILLE, Nj. C "FT The! Last Call;jH': TT is now! near tho, Isti'd.iv nff .Tntin-irir 1 16 and all persons indebted ti-nsi rc -rcquef ed. for the last time, to .caii ana make payment. With many we have waited long, and now. we arc com , f pelled to collect." If payment is not ma do du- . ring the month or Jatmafy, you may dook for your note or account in thie hands of ah ofllcerJ Collect we must. I uriherj indulgence cannot bo given.-. j SMITH & .McDO WELL r -, Asheville! Dec. 21. 165Lj - vf j ', Tlie subscriber wishes to'; inform his old patrons and the public generally, that - hewjijl ' be ; prepnrocl to s. a ceo in i n od a to all , pe rspin $ wishing to have Wool ' Circled, '-.in'good tlyle, acd vith more : prornjdpeSs thari -heretofore having purchasgd another machine, which! will enable J him to do tn (ce the amount of . carding injthc same time dhat onie could it. , Come bn, 5 thch, with yonr AVpol well washed, picked and greased, and t good,, Rolls will be made every timeir the' wool is "right,1 Terms as" usual, C 1-4 cents per pound fox plain wool; 8 to 10 cents' for mixinin cash! or woof. . The pay reqiir(fd invariably whenH .. lUU xuiis c tjb.cu aity, ... , i,, , r l Iteems' Ureelc, April m 1655. ETEY;: . A T L A W, ,; ' -r, - Coviu loi. viv ATTORN t 'i 1 A'

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