A; W. BUETOIT, ATTORNEY AT L A W , J SJieiter ej Lc Judicial Circuit, , In the Superior Coorts of Law .1 r,,uf Cherokee. Macon, Jackson. JUy i iwlersoi. BSMtocbo, Madison, lancy xr.n.n Callvell. Watauga, Burke. Rntherfonl . And CkarcUmL Alof ia the Supreme, Court at Horrent on. . ryCoHoctions f H Including Pension Refers to the Judges of the Ssprcxnc andScpc HorCoarU of North Caroliua, - April t. ICol. ') . Z 15. Vance, ATTORNEY AT -LAW, . ' jisiievilLt jr. c. - David Coleman, Attorney at a&t-. bukxsville, n. a Mwh 3, 1833. til EanMn, Pulliam & Co., ISirOETERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS Itf lrtlffn and Domcitlc Staple and Fancy Dry Goods and Clothing, 131 MEETING STREET, Charleston, S. C. ; T)f.I. KA5KI.V, V j P. M. CRAIG MILES fe. r. PCLLIA5I, J ( A, p. SMITH. Sept 2 9; '33; . ' " CHEAP "CASH STORE i -9 .... f 1" t James M. Blair Br laT? to call the attention of hi friends isJ the public generally to the fact that ho is now -whin; and opening in the new brick store LMwop;wiic the Eagle Hotel, and recently oc cur ted by Dr. IlJUiard as a Drag Store, the most elegant and beautiful assortment of GOODS Iter oftend U the rwp'.e of Western Carolina. UH stoc h all ffb, having been purchased within a few dars-, an I the assortment made lip with fcU1 reference to the wants and tastes of the people of lht section. II is Gol were to igiit to be sold. And be sold I hey htil if there I any efficacy in low prices. Cwh bnjers are invited to call and examine his GOODS AND TRICES, Wf.re purchasing ebewhere. The csual roc n try prodncc taken in exchange for (Io.kU at cash prices. Ashctille, January 4, ISoo. tf DH. P. A. WILHITB, Wholesale and Ectail Druggist AXDEIiSOX V. ., 5. G, fa AS Jr.n rrrelTrd, and ril! keep. erntantlr on hand, a very largo and well selected tock of IVmls, Oils, YavmsUcs, Crushes, Ymov Glass, VrcncU ami ilmevican. Alio, Dealer in American, French and English Chemicals, Drugs, Perfumery, French Candies Snujfst Jpne Tobacco and Cigars. FANCY ARTICLES AND DYE-STUFFS. t : : 'Atsd-T Fine Brandies and llTnts, EwM only for medical purpose. ; Merchints and all others can depend upon their fcrlers meeting prompt attention, upon the uiot accomruodatins term. -rhyician3 and Families can rclyonhatinsthcir prescrijitiuns carefully compounded. Ilia G.kvI art; elected uith great -care, and will be warranted as represented. CeTCall at $, Brick Range, one door abore Harrison & Broylci Uw cifScC. . Ansust 10, 1 Sat . . Eamsay's Piano Store, COLCMDIA, P. C. Husid and.llusical Instrnincnts .wi'.JNtTNNS & Com:TtnlVh$ T onal Grand Pianos; Hallet, Davis & Co. Patent StLensien Bridge Pianos; Chickcrlng TratcH and oilier best maker's t'ianov nt'thofFACtonr Prices. CoIuraWa Antfct ! S, J S54 1 y Fiirnitiiro :For Sale. The undersigned keep constantly on hand at their shopin AfhcrilTe.a Ur-oqaaatlly Of nell Jaale and snperior finished , F, u r n 1 u v c 9 tf tfcf ro;t fashionable klid, cortfii of Chairs, Cane atid Cushioned bottoms and other qualities, Sofas, Bureaus, Guitarsj and a number of Vio lins, Botes a nd St rings ef the best ?rnal!tj. JTboso who arc'deslrons of Purchasing any artlclo of Farniture of any de- aitJon, will do well tocall ami tee theirassort asnt before purchasing elsewhere, as they arc de krmioed to sell at the very lowest price and on tebest teims J. & J. HIDDEDRAN. j pOOTS, ihoes, saddlery, lanlwarc, candies, raif rot. citron, currants, sugar, coffee, jewelry, iroo, toils, .hither, eastings, and everything else yi rer heard of tig-a articlo of . merchandise. Be ar tocall, at the old stand, and sec onr goods ad Lear oar price. smith & Mcdowell. KEADV.MADE CLOTIIIXG. "rb assortment, cheap as anv body can sell, torn opening at S. & McD'S. Lincoln Shirting'. ' The saWribe have on hand a lare sup Vj of this popular "pxxli, which ivill b? sold factory prices;: The? f.Ta the AirenU for W3 -ad and examine it. . ". smith t, Mcdowell; ot this article, and pu'rcI;.ltc can baj Ci at wliolcsald or Hetail, on as poocf Limit ' Jl can ty had 0f the manuCicturors. ' . rille. Dec. If, 1652. S'o m e thing Ne w 1 I . BE IT KXOWXs AND let it go forth npon the wings of the wind to evcTy InHridualin the State of Jiorth Carolina that ;. - .,. .. - , PDLVERMACUER'3 HYDRO. Eia-:CTItv.Vl.TAIC Clf AIXS are th only trnly scientific remedy by which all XERl'OUS DISEASES can beyiurUyrclieTcd and permti aeii L'y ctntd. " .'v..1' ';.':... Ithetitaatisin, Periodical Nerrons Headache, ratnrul and BwellcU Joints, Uterine Pains, Dyspepsia, Paralysis, Sciatica, Pajns between the cijouhicrs, Neuralgia ol tbe race, Indigestion Flatulence, Palpitation of the Heart, Ucnera weoiaty, Astiima, HISTORY; The Hydro iHectric-VoItaic Chains were firs introilMced in France three years since, by the far-celebrated French Professor Pulrermacher as an entirely new and norel mode ofanDltin . Electro-magnet isrn In therwre ef AVrrj Diseases and after being subjected to the most thorough trial, by the first medical men of tLatcity, la every hospital they were pronounced to be the most STkaciaus of any remedial ajrent yet discovered for the -rapid rtUtf and permanent cure of the abore mentioned diseases. and wetu also recommended to tbeiavorof the French rorercment. whoeran ted a patent in the year 1849. Duririg the years 1550 ana ol tttjiy were minKiucea Jnt4 Austria, Ger many, tJekium, and also patented in those conn trie, where tin y not only met with the sanction of alraojd erery learned man of Europe .but were brou-lit Into general use In every hospital on the Eastern continent, and the Ivncfuial resvlls pr. ilnced In the cure of Nervous Diseases, fonnd to be astoftshmg and strange. The Chains were first introduced in this country one year since, in the city of New Vork u here their faue had already preceded them. They were at once submitted to atrialta the hospitals of that city; by the cele brated Professor Valentine Mott, Post, Van Buren, VarnocLan. who readuy mcoveied that they cer tainly possessed extraordinary power in the treat- nicni ana cure oi nervous uixeases, anu ai once alvised their gmtrrlise throughout this country, Ifj pnblbhinig their opinions iii a pamphlet which may be oftaiued (gratis) of any of the advertised agents in the state. , . THE SALE AND DEMAND hasheca uMitral!kd since their first in trod nci ion. and Xio o:ie prrurn can be found that has expressed himsclf;di.Nat;sfied with thvir use, and in no in stance have they faihd to iK?rf-rtn tvhat they claim tot They are so constructed, as to be worn next to the skin, upn the part diseased,' and by sim:dr moistening them with common vineirar. a constant current of uninterrupted Elictro-Iane- tisut is produced, w hicli anpplictt.t he exha usted .Nerr ons System with that essentia! Fluid which is the source qf xorauch pain and suffering. IN FEMALE DISEASES they arc rai.Mry tahmg hc place of all Xosi'ntms talien iito the stomach, for the neither sicfen nor d'tsgvftt and can be used at all times with the most -Perfect safety. They are equally applicable ofadinH and children, and will Iastfor years with no danger of getting out of repair, and can be sent by piailto any part of the United States. itce fr Chains ;j and S, accompanied by a fmphldt of 30 pages, givinira elmr and full'nc- count ofi the mode of use. The Chains mar he setn on jeihibition at the Crystal Palace, New V$rk, "where they attract great attention from the earned and scientific. CAUTION TO LADIES. Ladies who are enciente are requested riot to tm? them, fir by so doing unpleasant results fre- qtlentlv follow. The Electric Chain are lorsaic in all ine prin cipal cities in the United States. SMITH Si .MCDOWELL, only Agents . Mr snevilio i. -u., JOSEPH STEIN EuT. lienerai Agent, 03 uroaclway, i. ., Angus! 10, 183 1. Gentlemen's Furnishing j Department. A maii by calling on ns early, can be fitted out and jo'it. from a shirt collar standing at an amrle of 35 degrees, to a pair of high heeled socks, Call at oofce, and the thing shall 1 e di If i sitnr it . iti t a smith. baiIid & Vance. Dec. 14. IS5i-tf 4-i . . Those Intereste d Will Read i This Notice. v We a: e under the paesin necessity of say ing to these indebted to ti., that wc niut have inrcy; ind if pajmcnt is not mado by the Istiof Januan- next, we will bo under the necessity of forcing collections. . RANKIN & PULLIAM. T ct.20. Hats and Caps. M magnificent assortment of fashionable HATS and CAPhcotoiitingof , ; Silt, fu r aril Ilrush Hats; every kind and color jf Soft Hats; Phish, velvet, cloth,, j . 1 and military Cap?, mm hw iwnw! At flit die an rash store of V MV -j- . t . JAMES JI. BLAIK. 5heville,Jannary 11, 185. - 1 , tf Few Goods! Few Goods! l I ; JAMBS Jl. BLAIR . A IS low opcuini? a larc ah(i elegrfnt as sortment of SPRING GOODS, suited in cVcry class of customers. He would rcsjieclfully request the ! , L ad ies to cslt, before making their stirrimer sc lectbn?, an! would parucularfy invito thcif attention tp his beautiful ;.sif If tis sues! bernges, muslins, gmghams, tfce. P II B CJ IS S:T L K M E N ; willjfind it to iheitadvanlage to exam hie tis varied styles ol : Ready Made Clothing coats, pants; and vests; his suniiner dress goods, dralAJetes, Italian clotlis, linens, drills, and vestings. Al- so, lit: : HATS, SilU,,Panama, chip, straw, and lephorn. Hij? nub SHOES, BOOTS, GAIT ERS, will Compete wifh any ever be fore offered in this market. . His large assortment of " - - i SADDLEEY. t has been selected with unusual care AU cheap for rash.- A he aks is a call, for bJ reels assured every oueVuHist be pleased, boifi wfllr his goods aint prices. (IeAVlLL sell, as his mollo s, "quicic safes IukI short profits.", . ; i; lli.. friends' will remember tnat tie takes hll kinds of country' produce, at the highest priccs--chickens, ' turkeys, ducks butler, eggs, &c.' ; pril Pi-r iIthat, coMHissioif Hpusp of T1KLEY & HERHOK'S, '.',. : Charleston, S. C- : : a - THE only house doing business in . that city, that actually had any experience' in Reccivin"' and jforwaratngor Goods previous to the South Car olina Railroad quittinlhe business -in Jnlv List: is still open jut the Keciiciny and Foncardin oT all jyuus oi goous, warts, merchandise, machinery, produce, &c, - . . - - - If yon vant yourgoods forwarded without the rcxatious delays and enormous expense bills paid "-vui "i4 4h iuv adiuc tiinu nave your businessdone in such a manner that somebody "iaujcyani'He ior i no aamagea and lost .packageir consign them to Ti.vley &, Herrok, Hw v -wnfu anu j: orwaruea an uoocis con signed to them dnring all (the past season without any extra charge over those established rates as given bdow.and np to this time have not encoun tered a lilry Complaint.. . . 5 Our y.r. Herron was Cleric orthe Recelvjn and Forwariirg Department of the South Carolina Rail Road Company for the past seven years, and is perfectly farailiar wkh all their books,' freight tariffs and rules of shipment, both by rail roads and vessels, together with the mode of proceeduro to sccitre "damages and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which, will be taken in all such cases without loss or delcy to . the owners. Another important advantage is that his thorough knowledge of all freights ar.d rules of suipmeni enables mm ro instanijy detect ana cor rect any overcharge in the Bills of. lading.'wliich in all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the oicner, in many instances greatly exceeding the commissions wo charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly "climated and free from the contagions of that city, therefore we will underall circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to ire. AH produce such as Wheat, Floa Corn, Corn Meal, Bacon. Lard, Butter, Eggs, Cotton; Rice, Rye,1 tuts. Hay,, Tobacco wool, Feathers, Bees wax, Potatoes, Onions. &c.f consigned to us, will be promptly sold and the proceeds returned with out keeping tho money a pw months to speculate upon; lor we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no speculation whatever all that we want is our commission, as follows: For Receiving and Forwarding all -ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of furni ture and machinery, charges according to respon sibility. Iron and steel in loose bars. 10 cts per hundred lbs:, and stohible for advancing 'freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you can save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in this market making the best selections forour patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. . TINLEY & HERRON. Charleston, Jan. 1st. iSoo. We beg leave to refer to the following gentlemen: Rev. Thos. W. Alkih, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Ashe- ville. . .. . . ' P. D. Gates. 12 Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. . John Caldwell, President of S. C. Rail Road. Thos. Waring Auditor " " . " John Kins, Agent ' ,l . lUatt , McBurney & Co., and J. S. & L. Bowie & Co., Charleston. , ,. , W. B. A. Ramsey Secretary of State; A. R. Cro- zier. i;onsptrouer oi ireasury, and M. M. Swan. Nashville. Ten. French &Van Epps, Und J. J. Brjaht, Chat anooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agent, and merchants v.. N. uanimon bon.. I .J. & U. Powell, Craig head ami Deaderiek, Knoxville. Tennessee. W.& T. Harris. Inman & Hamilton. -Branncr &, Mitchell. Fains & King, Dandridge, ,Tcun. f V'The GieenvUIc, S.C. Mountaineer, Athens, (f!a.) Watchman, and Charlotte, N. C, Demo crat, w ill each copy one year, and forward bill to T & 11. Wool Wanted.' ' Wc want to buy ten thousand pounds good clean washed Wool, .wr which we will pay goods at very Jow prices. W. D. KArKUN & (JO. May 20, '53. ' Eeady Blade Clothing. .Received and for'salc,a larcje lot of Heady Made Cloihinj. . Call and see at N . D. KAXKUT& GVs. Oct. 2o. . : Vllc AiraliC, Know Nothing ami Young America IIats,together with I'lunh caps, and other slyles, compose a part ol the large stock or gomls to be tounu at SMITH, BAWD if- VANCE'S. Dec. 21, 1854., . u SIIAWtS, SHAWLS! At prices ranging from 25 cents to $6. New, beantilul, ana lower man last wioier.- - - S.lilTH, DAIRD & VANCE. Dec. U, 1851. it : : GREAT ATTRACTION! ! ! New Spring and Sum'uicr 600D8J ; - TIIE undersigned aro now: rpceivin and opening at their OLD STAXD, a heavy assortment of spring and summer fiOOI of the latest and most fashionable styles; and erho'racms every variety usually; kt-pt. in a re tail establishment iu tliis country. ; - Thcv deem it unnecessary, to enumerate the varictis articles; comprised within their assort ment; or to specify prices; suffice it to say, that they have been carefully and tastefully selected, by one of the partners .in market; and will be sofd at.a VERY SlIALL ad VANCE ON ORIGINAL COST. . .They flatter themselves-that the superior advantages of tf hiclr they are possessed for purchasing Goods, Vvill enable thrn to sell as low, if not a fijiltic HjOTl'cr, than any onor else; and a, you can get at their store any aiiicleyou may slaud in need of." it will be greatly to your advantage,- one and allt to ctime,! with your! -Feathers, .Rags,, Beeswax, Tallow, Ilides, $:e., drc.; and more important than all, With your pocket books well filled with CASH, and mako. your purchases of them.1 ,.' '.'J. .V '' To Our old friends arid cusfomers, we ten der our sincere thanks; and " respectfully soli cit a continuance of the liberal patronage they have hitherto bestowed upon T y ; -. w. n: rankin & coy; Asheville," April..1), 55". tf V - Boot3 and'Shces. fl eiitlemcna water proof sewed Roohs Y Ladies11 Caiteri and Dnskins; children's b-2i-wal3ting shoes' and slippers;';' ladies -and gentlemen's Overshoes; a very superior article of 'Cork "Soles, . -... from th? "welt known establishment of Miles & Son.' for sale at the cheap cash store of . . ' - PROPOSALS. ' - - Niv Department. - ) ; r Bureau of . Yards and Docks, Slay 1; 1855. $ SEALED PROPOSALS FOR EACH CLASS Separately, endoniedPropbsals for Class ; JJo. name vie class) ior, the navy-ynrd t;nafrie the yard) will be receivea at this office nntu noon on the eighth day of June next for furnishiDg, at the several navy-yards named, the materials -and ar ticles embraced in the following classes, and which artr-jmnicuiariy uescrioea in prmrea scneauies, nintii nijiuB luruisueu - upon application, ana sent by mail,Jf so requested, to persons desiring to offer to contracfor any or all the classes named therein ,?by the commandants of the several navy yards jTor the -classes ffiivthe yards . nnder their cuinuia.nu, or uyine navy agent nearsiv.- mere to, or by the bureau, for any or alfthC; yards. . In case bidders desire the commandants or navr agents to serja them schedules by niaif, it wijl be necessary in order to insure their transmission, that they should enclose, in their application pos tage stamps, as the law requires all postage to be prepaid. - '-."I ''-r' l"'''' ' - djidders are hereby cantioned and ' particmarly notinea tnat tneir oners roust be m the form here- prescribed, and be mailed in , time to reach their destination before he time expires for receiving inem; np oiq win oeconsiaerea wnicn snail oe re ceived after the. period stated, and no allowance will be made tor iaihires of themail. ' i; To guard against offers beingopened before the time appointed, bidders are requested to endorse on tne envoione aoove tne address. ; ana draw a line under the endprsemeht... thtts: Proposalsfor Class, No. (naitie the class) far .the Navy yard (name the yard. ) . v .- t - i To the Chief of Jhc liureau ot Yards and Docks, Washington, D. U. " All bids which may be opened bbfore the pro per time, in consequence of their not beinendor- sed as above, will be returned to the bidders. - 1 1 FORM OF OFFER. ' ... ' (Here date the offer.) 1,'lhcre insert . the name,) of (name the foien,) in the ptate ol name toe Slate,) liereoj' oner to lurn Lsh under your advertisement dated (dateofadver- tisnnent.) and subject tb all the requirements of tho same, and ot the printed schedule to which it refers, all the articles embraced In Class No (name Vis cZssA for the havy-yard at (name the yard,) according to said schedule, vi2: here $aste on tht printed class from the schedule, and opposite each erticlc set the price, and carry out the amount in mc columns jor dollars ana cents, and joot up tne aggregate amount of the bid for the class,) amouu tinff to (here icrite the amount in words.) !. "' I propose as my agent ' (here name", the agent, if one ts-reqinrea oyine scneauierior nti suppiy uuuer the classes miscellaneous, by a ribn-resideht of the ilace of delivery; and, should my oner be accepted, I renuest the contract jnay be prepared and sent to the navy agent at (name the agency,) for signa tures and certificate. - ' V .j . (Here the bidder to sign his name.) ' . . FORM OF GUARANTEE. i I The undersigned, native of guarantor. of (name the toicn and State of nam the. State, and (name vf second guarantors , 4'c:,) hereby undertake that tne above-named, na me the bidder.or bidders if his for their offer as above be accepted, enter into contract with, the United State? within fifteen days after the date of notice, through ithe post iolh:ce, of the acceptance of his or their otfers before mentioned, i ; Witness: r I . Signature of guarantors." I ! I certify that the above-named here hame the guarantors are known to me to be good and res ponsible guarantors in this case, j ' , , Signature. j i To be signed by the district judge, district at torney, collector, navy agent, or sonie. person known to the bureau to bo responsible. . i FOR PORTSMOUTH, N. H. Class No. 1 .-Bricks. i . 2.-Stoue. I ; 3.-Yellov pino timber. . - 6.-Sprucej hemlock, dr pine. I i 7.-Lime. Y j ! . 8.-CemeiTt; 1 O.-Gravel and sand. ! 10.-31ate. j: 11. -Iron, b 12.-Steei. ii 14,-Files. 15.-Paints, oils, and glass. lO.-Ship' Chandlers. 18:-Stafionery: - 19.-Wood; ; !i SO.-Hay; v I!' ' 21.-Proverider:v !; J 2g.Chafcoal; , 23.-Iron castings. 1 . 2 l.-Re moving ledge. II : 25.-Construciing sewer. i, . FOR BOSTON. Class f o. l.-Bricks. . ii- . T. .' 2.-Stone. . ' , S.-Yellovv-pine timber; 4. - , tr V I timber. 5. -Oak and hard-wood timber and lumber. t 6.- W hlte prne, spruce, juni per, and cypress timber . . and lumber: - ! - 7-Lirne and hair. ' 8.--Cemcnt. r 9.-GraveI and sand, i sJ lO.-Slate. ; ' . t! ' v ' ll.--Iron. iron spikes, and nails .. " . 12,-SteeI. -11.-Files. . 15.:-Paints, oils,- and glass. ' 16.--Ship chandlery 17.-Hardware. t --' lH.-btntionary. . , . .-t I ' 20.-lIay and straw. : '21.--ProVendef'; - - ! 22.-Charcoal. r ' . j ! 23.-PacRing. i 25 ,--1 ro n ca s t i h si:. 2G.--Pumpmg engine & pump? .'..V fordry:dock.--,-- (J ---I i : 27.--Siam engine for ropewalk : ; . , NEW YOllK: - t , Class Kol.-B'rickjs. V'-V"-. ".""! !f: : r 2.-8 tone; " - 'V '." ' -' . 3.Yellow-pine timber. ; !. " .4. " lumber.': . j , -V"; 5.TOak and hard-wood timber L- -S ; ; . and.fuinber. Y v , j - - i .:. G"."-White pine, sjjrnce, -jini-i; ' :;;.r per, and cypress 4 timber i - '-L - ?nd lumbbr. ,.; .!. - : - .-. V -: 7;-Lime and.liafr." I ; . . ." - 8.-Cemeht.' . ' - ' ' t 9.-Gravel arid Sand;' j . ; ll:-Iron, iron spikes, and nails. 14.-Files. . . . ;v ; . -1&-Paints, oils, and glass. . 1 6.-Ship chandlery;; , 17i--Hardware.' ;. . , j 18.-Siatibnery. -,r ,; : '20.Hay an MravV. - r 21. -Proveuder.. : . 22. Charcoal. r . '-' 1 - 23,-BehingVpacking, and hose. 24. --Copper.. and composition nails. - : ; 25. -Iron work and irort .cast J. mgs achinerv and tools. 27,-lreengineand appurten- 11 - .ancesV " -w . , . -I 28. Iron rooffngv ifcc. ; , ; S ;. 29. Gunnels house, Ellis r is- .. landj-.complete. ,x . j 30. Onn carriage shed, oflron. XI ol. Oakum shopx otaronV ' - FOR4PHILADEDPHIA NAVY-YARD. Class No. 4. Yellow .pine lumber. , . i ! 5. Uakand hard-wood timber and lumbar , ; x ; 6.1 Wrhite pine,; spruce, jnrii- 1 per, , arid, bypress : timber . , ! and lumber.. , -TJ'JLane and hair. j 4 !i 1.1. Iron, iron spikes, and nails. ; 12. Steel. . . 14. Files.' i 15.sPaints, oils, and glass , 16. Ship chandlery. ,17. Hardware. . . . - Stationery 19. Fire wood! , 20. Hav and straw; ;; 21. Provenderi ,f 22. Charcoal. : . i 23. Belting, packing, arid hdsei I 24. Copper and bomposition ! nails: ; . ii.26.'. Machinery and tools. FOR FORT .MIFFLIN." Class No.4 "IBricks. . V: - 2.. Stone.'" '. 3. Yel low-pine lumber. 5. Oak, and hard-wood v tim ber and lumber. . . ; White pine, sprucej juni per, and cypress timber and lumber. Lime and hair. , -Gravel and sand. i ' Slate. . , t , Iron, ir,bh spikes and lidils. Ship chandlery. 6. 7. 9. 10. .11. 16. FOR ASYLUM. Class No. 1. Clothing. 2. Hats, boots, shoes, &c i 3. Provisions. . "4. Groceries. i 5. "Dry Goods'. . 6. Bread. &c. ' 7. Tobacco. 8. Chandlery. 9. Hardware; 10. Iron and nails. i 11. Paints, bilsj and glass; . J 12. Files, i '13 Lumber; - S 14. Provender, i f! 15. Fire Wood; ; If?.- Charcoal. ; ' 16. Stationery. , , 1 FOR WASHINGTON , Class No. 1'J Bricks. -i 2... Stone. 3.' Yellow. pirie timber; j i '5. Oak and hard wood ; .'ber. . , , : 6. White-pine tiniber; ; 1 v lumber; . ; ' 7. Lime and hair, i I 9. Gravel and sand.; tim and I : 1 1. Iron, iron spikes and hails; 12 SteeL" j 13. 14. 15. Pig iron. . Files; .. - Paints; oils;, arid glass, i 16. Ship chandlery. 17. Hardware. 18. Stalioriery; ' , -16. Fire wood. . 20;. 21. Hay and straw.' Provender. . Charcoal: . t .-. 22. 23. Belting, packing, aridliose. NAVY-YARD, NORFOLK. i Class No. I. Bricks; ' -" - U 1 2. Stone: y ' . 1 3. Yellow-pine timber. A. Yellow-pine lumber 5i Oakand hardi wood timber Whitepine arid -jtiniper timber arid lumber . 7. 8. .9: 10. 11. 12. Lime. . ; ;L Cement; . ' Haud: ; - l " Slate.-;;.-j 't' -: r Iron, iron spikes and nails. Steel;- -. . '. Building . ot ; magazine keepers house; . " ' Files; : ' r ; Paints, oil, and glass. Ship chandlery. ; Hardware. lb i 15 lie. fl7.: -ji 18.. Stationery; -;!20.;Hay and straw;". : !:2t; ; Pfoveuder.v . " .. . Charcoal. ' - 123.. Belting and packing; : 24. Copper ;and composition .p.S -InailsJ I;, y ,t j;25;.Iron castings. ; ::Z r .-.!-'26; Machinery and topl. ; : i!: "5 Steam engine fof.dry dock. i ; :for .pensacola; . - Class No- 1. Bricks ; rfi f r : r 2. Stone. -yyf? -ZST 3. 4. Yellow-pine timber; Yellow.puie lumber:1'- s Oak. ancf hard- wood Umber Hi i 3 7 , ; andjiimber. -" . i;6: White pine; stiriice; jiinU per, and, cyjuess lumber .and timber; :-. : . 8. Cement. 1 .'' v D: Cockle shellar.: '' s ;: -r 1 ' ;: 10. "Slate; :yJ 'r: I ; 11. Iron; iron spikes and hallsi J I ' . . 11; Steel. ' ; J!.yf.' ,v j I"'. 13RailroadiirpnV , : " ;:, --'.44. Files.:-.. ; ' . 1 5. Paints, oils, glass; 0 " " 1 i. . 16. Ship chandlery. r v - 7 : t v " 17; ' Hardware. . . v- ' , : -: 18. Stationery. , ; ;; - , -: :". . ; 19. , Fire wood. . , , . . , :;V; 20. Hay. .1 M - 21: ProVender1. : ." , I - lChafcbar;,.. . y 23: Belting, packing; rioso, &e: ' 24. Copper; and composition nans; ' .,: ' 25. I ro n cast i 0 g?. ; -: - ... 26. Machinery, &c! A : j The schedule tvIII state the times .within whioh 1 articles and materials will be; required to be 'deli vered; and where the printed schedule is not used, j the periods stated in it Tor j deliveries , must ba j copied in the bids. ' All the articles which may bo ; (delivered at such place or, plaices, including dray- j fage-and carting, to the place where used, within ithe navy-yards, respectively for which the offer i is made, as may be directed by the commandinff 1 bflScer thereof, and other things being equal, pre ference will be given td American manufactures. No article will be received after the expiratjlon of the. period specified in the scheaulesforiho comt pletion of. deliveries, unless specially . aSthofiifea by the department. 1 ' ' ; . '. ! It is to be provided in the contract, and ! to ba i amount ahd numbpr of articles enumerated iri fclasses headed 'iniscellalneous!' are snecifled as tho probable quantity which jmay be required, as well iu iu uiia iyr uerieFfninjjjg toe JQwesr oiu, om the contractor is to furnish mores or Jesst bf tho said enumerated articles,; .find in such quantities t ana ai sucn, iwws, as ine oureau or.: commanaani may require, such increase; (however, 4 not to exceed Dne-tnira of j the quantities stated, and reqtiisl- tionssentthrouffh the Dbsto ce snail oeaeemca fiscal year jeriding Bufficient notice.) duriiig, the suia June, 1000; ana wneiner the quanties requir? ed be, more or less than those pccined, the) price 1 shall remain the; sa.me; J ? All the articles underfthe Contract must b'e ob the best quality, deli vered in kood order, free of all and every '-extra charge orrexpenso,; anid sub ject to the inspection, count, weighty or masitfo rnent of the said nayy-yard, arid he in all respects satisfactory to the commandaati thereof. - Bidders are referred to, the yards for pans, specifications f; , nr cnninloti ntin a fiirtlimi' incfrMt ?fn rF flirt b'ffl les. ContractorsTof classes hcaded.frhisoellano ousVwho do not reideeai ho Jilacfe yyipre th 1 irticlesre to lie delivered, Jtytil bfy recjuirdd ,iq hanie iri their proposals an agent At! tlio , iity or " e called upon' to delirer ' articles Without dclair . when they shall bereqniredii fUVVj: t"Approyedruretiesin the full amount of. 'contract will be required, and twenty per centuni as add 4 fcional-seeurity deduetedTrom each payment until the contract, shall have been completed or cancel Jed, unless otherwise authorised 7 by the depart? men t. On classes headed i 'riliscellanebus" to bq delivered as required, during the fiscal yearj, th bventy per centum retained m ay, at the diicret jon of the commandant, be paid quarterly, on the; flrs of January Apfil. Julyj arid jpctober,! whe.nl- jho deliveries ; have beri satisfactory, the balance eighty per cent, will be paJd by the rcspeciiyo navy agents within thirty das after the prescn tation of bills, in triplicate, duly vouched Knct approved. - , ., j . t j No part of ; the per. centum reserved is to , be paid until all rejected articles t oflered undcr .thp contract shall have been removed from the yard.' unless speciauy autnonzea by the aepartmerit. I It frill be stipulated in thet contract that if de fault shall b made by. the parties of thqj fifst part In delivevinlall or aufof the articles. 'menfidned. of the quality and at the times arid places abov provided, then and in that case the said ; parties will forfeit arid pay td the United, States, as liqui dated damages, a suhi of rinbnoy equal to tvico the amount of the contract price herein ogrecdj upon as the price to he paid i for the articles irr case of the actual delivery .thereof," 'which liqui dated damages may the recovered from" time to time as th'ayj accrue.".--: 1 ..,' ;'..-. L , f The sureties must 8lri the jcontract,, and their responsibilitj; certified to by j a navy agent, col lector; district attorney, or some other person sat isfactorily known to the bureau; V i''-. I t is to be provided iri tjie, -crratract that, ,thp, bureau shall have the power of annulling the con? tracts withoutj Joss or damage tp, tho;government, in ease Cons-ress' shall not have smad nufiirieni appropriations for,ttfe. articles n'ajfted, tor the com- . pletion ot the works cstimatea for, and on whicu this advertisement is base'd anfl shall lalso have the power to lricfgase or diminish the quantities' namedfin the classes not headeot "Miscellaneous' in the schedule, 25 per cent, i . ,,;"" ' ' . ) . Persons whose, oflershall bo accepted wUl be notified by letter through the post -office, whicft noticeshall be considen-d sufficient; and If they do not enter into contract for the supplies specified within fifteen days from the .date of notice from the burca'tf of tho acceptance of their bidj a .con tract will will be made with some other person (of persons, and the guarantors of suck defaulting; judder will be ; held feJporisible for all delin quencies.; , " " . . , i All offers riot made in strict conformity with this advertisement will, at the option ot the bureau"; be rejected." " . '' " . ' i . - " I Those only whose offers maybe accepted will be notified, and contracts will be readylfor execu tion as soon thArcafter as may be practicable.. May. 17, 1853. v , , : 29'J4w. G; W. WHITS0IT SUEGEON DENTIST l ASlTEVItLE, N C." April 7. : ,1 ; S3HTH & McVbxvEitj; ; Dealers in Dry Goods, Hardware Gro ceries, .Crockery! c. KCs 'Ashei'He, N..C:- 'i -C Deaiers'in . Dry Good s,r Groceries, Hard I , v 5 wsfrc Crockery, &c. &c; -- AsiievineK.'C. - v y:;-:;': ; .V", :J)6fi in Dry Gooxls, Groceries,., and ' ' Merclian dise generally; ; , , . ' - &.000 lbs.. Eastern NaIIsf at ,; A - . . SMI TJ7, , BJklRD ANCEy &addlfcryyof everyjdescritipn, and l t sole and upper, Leather,' inaySbe h'aa at low rates of smitii :& M'rJowEiX' '-t l. 4I