' , ' ; : ' ' - I -!T -:. - r;r ; -f . . ; .. . -If -i . . ,. . . - I i . . . h --.''...-,..- m 1 1 . k ( ' . ... . i . . . . - . I . . - . , , ..." . .. . -- . ' J . ' I I I .i . : M I i r U- V r . h . - - VOL. 7-NO. 2; A. W. BUETON) I Attorney at l aw , iStLBT, C1VX!JIXD COCNTT, K. CAROLINA Collections of all k&i, Inclading Tc iiron cliimJ, attemlfl to itrictly. . ... itiffra to the Judgwi of thebapretne and Japo- rfor Courts of North Caroliua. April 6. 18-4. - B. Vance, ATTORNEY AT LAW ASIIEYIIXS, . C. Axi'Tust25, 1853. i)avlil Coleman, Attorney at Laiet DURNSVILLE, N. C. ifarch 3, 1853. tf. Eankin, Pulliam & Cq., 15IPORTKR3 AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN rtIgn and Domestic Staple and aucy Dry Goods and ClothinsrJ 131 MEETING SjTKEET, Charleston, S. C. VV. D. RANKIS, ) j P. M. 1U PULLIAM, f (A. D. SrpL20,'53. CRAIOlllLES 6UITII. CHEAP CASH STORE tfaiiles ill Blair .... . Ti.mm tnrmll the attention oi nis 1 1 5 ends iu4 the public generally to the fact that he i t:.;r. an.1 niH ninr In the iievr brick fe now store . hoawopiMiMte the Eagte Hotel, and recent! oc- tuj.le4 by I'r. Htinarr. as a urn- oiore, lur titf'aatand bciuUfu! assorttueiit of GOODS kw. A?ri to the neople of Western Cnro. uiost na. ninttock 1 all rrvn. r.anng oeen purcaaseu Vclthlnafetrdtrs ar.-l the a5ortment niadi- up Sith iinccial reference ttf the wahta and taiiesof - - - - . . . , , j the people of this sectioii. . .1 Hit O vd were ho iht to be o!d. And b sold inhere I Anv efScacv irllow pride? . Caah td)Trs are incited to call and exatulrje kb tioous and nucESi f.ire Hnrehaslar elsewhere. The unl country produce taken Ih eici4nv far (1 xl at cash prices. . Ahcille. January 4, li. tl DH.P. A. miIiT 5, 7holcsatd and Retail Dragk ist H AS ja!t ttccived, and will keen, cor.tan lv on hand, a very Uree ana rren ecicciea si k of IVuWs, OWs, ViwmsV cs, t5rvsUesi Window Gn V rp.ncn ana amcvican Alto, Dealer in Americah, french'ar.d E CHemicalSi Drtisrs. rllsh trrfumrru. French CitiuHfS. Snuff. Fin? - j j , - . . TobaCco anil Clears. t-AXCY ARTICLES A XI) DYE-STUFFS USD PlHt! tirandlcs aitd iVincs, KrAA nhv fof medical puro?e; Merehants and all others can defend nporl their most brtiers meeting prompt attention, tpon tht accoranioiUtln terms. Thysiciansard Families fain rely on havin: preMrription careful lr comioundetl. His Godarc selected with great care their and will be wrranttia repn-stniea. CiTCall at No. 3. Drick Range, crndoot llarrl-on & Drovlci law o2kfc. Aurtnt 10, ISjI. . above EamSay's Piano Storo, COLUMBIA, 6. C. fiiialc and Musical Instriifii its i & Cos Patent li?- IT i Tlonal Orand Tianos; HalleU Vavi Chicterin, Tr.it e:s' and other best nrkker's liano at the f ACTOTtT Frices. Columbia AttgtXt i$. 1854 if The underslned keej ee-nstantly on hnrnd at thtlr hr,lix AshciiV.t.ti Utet duantlfr cf itell aade arrt jerior naishcJ Fur niltif c, ftlU tiojt ftonable kind, consist!) of Chairs, Carte and Cushioned boh arms and oticf qttalitief, aas, Bnttkut, Guitafs, and a number of Vlo Ims, Ifatis and Strings cttf. best quality. . Those who are desfns of wirchasrtrf anv article cT Furniiure oi ape ae- crii'tion. tfill lo well toc?Tl arrdsee their issort- 4r?nt before pnrehsrslr elsewhere, as they irc-dev xermined to sell at (id rerr lowest price at tte best teims. J. & J. HILuEDR. &iis,ieairrcr, castings, and cTCryinm Tcr ocaru or aaTr artic'tS of ruercuautn! fare to call. t thfc cti sUnd, and sCc oar orr ocr prices. , j- , ! . .. sfrfu 5; McDowell. ABheTille, AVrH C, 18M. rapcrB'aisortracnt, cheap as any body can sell, opeaiijeat a. at icajb. Iiincolfi Shirtings. The subscriber hliVe on hand a large ur- PJ or this popUilaf' foods, whwjh tfili bf sold c r.-i :. ti..- -- a k. r.- -wrj prices, Aiitrjr iu iuo lur fr sold of tins articte;-attl purchasers cjjubuj ci u at vholeaaU'or ICeUil, on argoodtt lerm it cnabe bad of the uVanufacturcrs. Call aad examine iU - :' SMrrn & McBOWEtL. WILL priut? W te SJpenor Conrts of JLw MV.U C WaUHL. Birke, Rothfrford ad ClwreUnd- ALs'5, la the Supremo Cohrtat 1 on N. I , rais Iron, 1 e yon . Be roods JLiietUJe, Dec: 1C, 1652. Some t Hi 11 g Hew! AND let Uq forth npoh lh ringa of the wind 10 erery inairidaai in the state or .North Carolina thai . , . . . . . - lULVERrAClIEk: IIYbltH ELECTRIC-VOLTAIC CIIAIXS are the Wajr truly seieniific remedy by which all XERVOUS DISEASES can be faicXy relieyed and pmnanently cured. . Rheumatism, .Periodical Nerrons Headache, Palnfulj and. Swelled Joints, Uterine Pains, Dyspepsia, rariksis. Sciatica, Pains between the Shoulders, Neuralgia of the Face, Indigestion, natnieoce, l'alpitatlon or the Heart, (ieneral n.i in. . The Ilydro Electric-Voltaic Chalas wero first Introduced, in France three years Usee, by the far-celebrated French Prefessor Pulvermacher. as an entirely netr and nre mode of applying t'ectro-Vncgetbm In thecaW Aermtt Ltistaxx anu aner oeing auincciea lotncmost riot&ugk trial, by the tirst medical men of that city, in every hospital they were pronounced o be the. iost tficaciaus of any rehiedial agent yet discovered, for the rApid Vrifand yrrtnant. cureof the above mentioned diseases, and were also recornmended to the favor of the Ifrench govtmhient. who gran ted a patent in theyearlS4D. During the year J. 850 and 01 they were introduced into Austria, Gcr many, Belgium, and also patented in those coiin tries, where they not only met with the sanction of almost every learned man of Europe but were brought into general use In every hospital on the Eastern continent, and the bent ficial results pro duced in thecure of Nervous Diseases, found to be astonishing ami strange. The Chains were first introduced in this country one year since, in the city of New York, where their fume had already preceded them. Thev were at once submitted to atrial ia the hospitals of that city, by the cele brated Professors Valentine Mott, Post, Van Buren, Carnochan, who readily discovered that they cer tainly possessed extraordinary power in the treat ment and cure orlWrvous Diseases, and at once advised their general use throughout thiscountry, 03 pubiiyhiniptiieir opinions in a pamphlet which may be oftained (gratis) of any of the advertised agents ip the Mate. THE SALE AND DEMAND hasbeen unfare.UclcJ since their first introduction, and not oHefer'utn can be found that has expressed himself dissatisfied with their use, and in no in stance have they failed to perform what they ciaiiu to. 1 ncy are tocons;ructeu,as to be worn next to the fkin, upon the part diseased, and by simplv moi.stehlh them wilh coinVnon vineear, a constant current of uninterrvhtcd Elietro-Slazvc- tisiA is produced, which supplies tfcexAautf;d Nerv ous System with that essential rimd which Is the source of so much pain, and suffering. . 1 FEMALE DISEASE3 v. they are rapidly taking thb place of all Xoslm'ms taken into the stomach, for thev neither sicken nor disgust, and can be used at all limes with the most erfect safety. They are equally applicable to adults and children, and will Inst for years with no danger of geltinj; out of repair, and can be sent by mall to any part of. the United States. Price of Chains S3 and S5, accomja!iied by a pamphlet of SO pages, givina clear and full ac count of the mode of use. The Chains may be seen on exhibition at the Crystal Palace, New York, where they attract great attention from the Uarued and scientific CAUTION TO LADIES. . Ladies who are cncicntc are requested not to nse them, for by so doing unpleasant results fre- qnentlv follow. The Electric Chains are for sate In all the prin cipal cities in the United States. SMITH & McDOWELL, only Agents tor Ashevisie is. c, Oencral Agent, bb8 Broadway, N. Y., ,'Anqnst 10. 1854. Gentlemen's Furnisliiiig Department. A man, by calling on us early, can be fitted out and out. from a shirt collar standing at an angle of 45 degrees, to a pair of high heeled socks. Call at once, and the thine shall le did. SMITH, BAIRD & VANCE. Dec. 14, 1834 tf Those Interested WiUEead This Notice We are under the paessing necessity of Say ing to these indebted to us, that tre nirist have mouey; and if payment iS tiot made by the 1st of January nelt, tre ivill be tinder the necessity of fcrcinir collections. KANKIN & PULLIAM. Oct.20,'53. Hats.and Caps. A magnificent assortment of fashionable HATS and CAPS; consisting of Silk, fur, and Urush Hats; everj kind aud color of Soft Hats; Plush, velvet, cloth, and military Cap, arc tlow 6pcned at the cheap cash store of JAMES M. BLAIR. Ashcville;januaryll,18o5. tf New Goods ! New Goods ! L JAMES M. BLAIR IS now "opening a large and elegant As sortment of SPUING GOODS, suited to every class of customers. lie would respectfully, request the t a d i e a to call, before making their stfmmer se lections, and would "particularly invite their attention to Ms beautiful silk tis sucs, bcraqes; muslins, ginghams, etc. T II rjB'STLBMEN will find it to their advanlage to exam ine his varied styles of Ready Made Clotfiirig coats, pants aud vests; his summer dress goods, drab'detes, Italian cloths, Iinensy drills, and vestirrgs.- Al so, his . HAT Silk, Panama, chip, straw, and leghorn. Wis fine SHOES, BOOTS, & GilT ERS, will competp with any ever be fore offered fn tin market. Hfs large assortment of . I SAfiDLER"? has Wn Selected with unusuaf care. All cheap for cash. All he aste is a call, for he feels assured every one must be pleaded, lx)tfi wilh his goods and prices. He WILL sell, as his motto ts, "quick sales and short profits." . HJs friends wilLrcmernbe'r that he takes all kinds of country produce, at the highest priceschicken, turkeys, ducks, butter, eggs, d:c. April V&jj-ii- ASHEVILLE, N. C, THXTItSDAY, JUNE 21, 1855. THAT, COMMISSION HOuSB OF TINLEY & HEEEON'S, Charleston, S. C- TI1E only honse doing business In that city. iuovayMa any experience to Receiving and Forwarding of Goods previous to the South Car olina Railroad quitting the business in July last, is still open Jot the Rcuitiny and Forwarding of all kinds of goods, wares, merchandise, machinery, produce, &'c, If you want your goods forwarded without the vexatious delays and enormous expense bills paid thelast easeh,and at the same time have your business done in such a manner that somebody vill be madt rr'sponsttts Tor the damaged and lost lackagsjconsitn thern to Tinley & Hebron. who have Received and Forwarded all Goods con signed to them during all the past season without any extra, cliargepver those established francs ..?is given below, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint.. , Y - Our Mr. Ilerron was Clerk ofthe Receiving and Forwarding Department, of the -.South Jparblina Rail Road Company for the past seven years, and is perfectly familiar with all their liooks, freight tariffs and rules of shipment, both by rail roads and vessels, together w ith the mode of proceedtire i to secure damages and pay for lost articles from other parties, the proper steps of which will be taken in all such cases without loss cr delcfy to the owners. . Another important advantage is that his thorough knowledge, or all freights aad rules of shipment enables him to instantly detect and cor-' rectany overcharge in the Bills of lading, which in all easels has to be done at that time, ori Insito theoicner,x 1 3 many instances greatly exceeding i the commissions' we charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that.city. therefore we will under all circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce such as Wheat, Flour, Corn, Corn Mcal,Baeon,(Lard,. Butter, Eggs, Cotton, Rice, Rye, Oats, Itay, Tobacco, wool Feathers,' Bees wax, I'otntbes, Onions, &c.,onsigned to us, will be promptly sold and the proceeds returned with out keeping the mpney a Jsw nvmlhs to speculate upon; for we wijdi it distinctly understood thatwe engage in no speculation wliaiever, all that we want isour commission, as, follows: f For Receiving and Forwarding all, ordlriary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of furni ture and machinery, charges according to respon sibility. Iron and steel in loose bars, 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you Can save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 per cent. We will also fill all orders in tins market making the best selections for our patrons, at 1 1-2 per cent. TINLEV &, IIERRON. Charleston, Jan. 1st. 1855. We beg leave to refer to the following gentlemen: Rev. Thos. !Y. Atkin, Maj. M. M.Gaines, Ashe- cSUe. ... P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway, New York. Col. James Gadsden, Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. Rail Road. Thos. Waring. Auditor " " " ' John Kin?, Agent, " " " Hyatt. McDurney & Co., hd J. & L. Bowie 5l Co., Charleston: W. B. A. Ramscv, Secretary of State; A. R.Cro- zier. Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville, Ten. , French &an Epps, and J.J. Erjant, Chat tanooga. Q. A. Tipton, Railroad Agei:t, and merchants generally Lohden, Tennessee. N. Gammon A. Son.. T. J. fc C. Powell, Craic- head .and D'eaderick, llnoxville, Tennessee. W: &, T. Harris. Inman Sc Hamilton. Branncr & Mitchell, Fains & King, Dandridge, Tenn. L??jTlie Greenville, S. C. Mountaineer, Athens, (Ga.) Watclmian, and Charlotte, N. C, Demo crat, will each copy one year, and forward bill to T & H. Wool Wanted. "Wc want to buy ten thousaud pounds pood clean washed Wool, for which :we will pay goods at very low prices. W . V. KAiNKUN k UU. May 2G, '53. Eeady Made Clothing. Received and fqr sa.!e, a large lot of Ready fade Clothing. Call and see at W. D. RANKIN & Cb's. Oct. 2d. . jtO VC Awake, Know Nothing, and Voting America Hats, together with Plush caps, and other styles, compose a part of the large stock of goods to be found at SMITH, BAIRD VANCE'S. Dec. 21v 1854. ." ' SHAWLS, SHAWLS! At prices ranging from 25 cents to $8. ftew, beautiful, and lower than last winter. SMITH, BAIRD & VACE. Dec. 14, 1854. tf . t GREAT ATTRACTION!!! New Spring ami Summer GOODS I . U . friii uncfersigned are now receiving and opening at their OLD STAND, a heavy assortment of spring and summer GOODS of the latest and most fashionable styles; and emcTatirir everj- variety usually kept fn a re tail establishment in this country. :. j They deem it unnecessary to enumerate the variotis articles eornprised within their assort ment: or to specify prices; suffice! it to say. that they have been ca'refirlfy and I tastefully selected, by orVe 6f th$. par'ners in market; and will be sold at a VERY SMALL ad VANCE O'N CTRIGIXAL C GST. . , , ; They Cfattef themselves that the superior advantages of which they are possessed for purchasing Goods, will enable them to sell as low, if not a liilllc LoiVcr, than any one else; ftad as you can get at their, store any article oii may stand in ne6 of. ft will be greatly, to your advantage, trie and.all, to come, wf;Et' your Feathers, Rgs, Beeswax, Tallow, Hides, Arc., t&c; and more important than aH, with your pocket books .well filled with CASIt and .m'aka your purchases of them. ; . To our old friends, and cpstdmersy. e ten der our sincere thanks; and respectfully soli cit a continuance of the liberal patronage they have hitherto besf6 wed npcti ui. .. W. IK RANKIN &. C6 Ashevilie, April ,i '5$. it Boots and Shoes. t-9 Gentlemen's water proof sewed Boots; y H Ladies' 6aiters and buskins; children's ' vLwalkinir shoes and slippers; ladles and gentlemen's Oveishoesj a very superior article of ' -Cork Soles, from the well known establishment of Mile & Son. Fox aale at the cheap caMi store or Proposals for K8yal Sup- , . ; ; plies. ;;.!, . : - Navy Department, Bureau of Const'n, EauiptX &c, ! . i Hay 16, ibsL SEALED PROPOSALS to! fiirnish If aval Supplies for the fiscal year eriding 30th June, 1 806, will be received at . this bureau until 3 o'clock pT mV, ofthe 25th day of Jjne next These proposals roust be endorsed "Proposals for Naval Supplies', Bureau of Construction, Ajc" that they niay be distinguished from other business letters. ' . j- jThe materials and articles embraced in the classes named are particularly described Jn J 1 . " f 1 t !,' ! ynuwu ocueuuiea, any 01 wmcn win be rur nished to Such as desirp' to cfTer,Jon applica tion to .the commandant of the respective navy-yards, or to t)ie navy agent nearest there to, and those of all Ihe yards uponfaJipHcation to this bureau. Ihe commandant and navy agent of each station -will have a copy of the schedules of the other yardsj for examination only, from which it may be judged whether it .will oe desirable to make application lor them. . " .. . ; , ,. ' Offers miist be made, for the whole of each class at any yard upon one of the printed schedules, or in strict conformity j therewith, or they will not be considered. j .. - All articles must be of the very Sest quality conformable to sample, size, c, to be deliv ered in good order and . in suitable vessels, and packages, as the case niay t be,1 at the ex pense and risk ofthe contractor, and in ; all respects suWect to tlie inspections measure ment, count, weight, &c.j of the yard where received, and to the entire satisfaetioh of the commandant thereof. , : Bidders are referred t'd the yards for-sam-ples and a particular description of the articles; and, all other things being equal,' preference will be given to articles of American manu facture. . Every offer, a3 required by the law of 10th Auiist, 146, must be accompanied by a written guarantee; the forms of which are herewith fpven., . h Those only T?nbse oljers may be accented will be notified, and the! contract will be for warded as soon thereafter , as practicable, which they will be required to ezectite within en days after its receipt at the post office or navy agency named by them. ! Sureties in the full amount will be required to sign the contract, and their responsibility certified to by a United States district judge, United States district attorney, collector or navy agent. As additional security, twenty per centum will be withheld from the amount of the bills until the contract shall have been completed, and eighty per centum of each bill approved in triplicate by the'eommand ant of the respective yards will be paid by the navy agent within thirty days - after its presentation to him. j Tfi It is stipulated in the contract that, ' if de fault be made by the parties of the first part in delivering all or any of the articles men tioned of the quality and at the! time and places provided, then, and in that case, the contractor and his sureties will forfeit and pay the United-States as liquidated damages a sum of moner eqtial to twice the j amount of the contractpnees therein agreed upon as the price to be paid in case of the actual delivery thereof, which liquidated damages may be recovered or retained from time io time as they accrue from the said parties df the first part or either of them. j ' , , Classes No. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 1 to be delivered one-fourth part on or before the 15th May, one-fourth4 part by the 20th July, 'one-fourth by the 20th September, and the remainder by, the 1st December, 1856. Class No. 3 the whole by the 15th May," 1856. j Class No. 8 the whole by the 20$ July, 185(?. -The remaining classes to be delivered-rone-fourth part on c't before the 1st September next, one fburth part on or before the 1st 'December next, One fourth part on or before the 1st April, 1806, and the remainder on or before he 30th June, 1856, comprising at each de livery a due proportion of each! article. Class No. and all following," additional quan tities of all articled framed therein must be delivered on like terms and conditions during the fiscal year upon receiving a notice of fif teen days from the bureau or commandant of the yard. .; As the law requires the prepayment of pos tage, persons desiring' the commandant of the yard or the navy agent to send them by mail schedules of such classes as they desire should enclose in their application postage stamps to insure their transmission, but . applications.to the bureau for such schedules will tot require prepayment". tokii Of OFFETS. . of State of- hereby agree to furnish and deliver at the respective navy yards all the articles' named in the classes hereunto annexed, agreeably to the provisions of the schedules therefor, and in conformity with the advertisement of. the Bureau of Cons!rtlct!6n, &c, of iGth May, 1855. , ; j ... Should my offer be accepted, request to be addressed" at , and j the contract for warded to (he navy agent at j , or to for signature and certificate. Date ' " j ' ; - . . , .(Signature.) . (The schedules which the bidder encloses must be pasted to his offer ; and each , of them tiyned by him. Opposite each article in the schedule the price must be set, ihe amount carried oaf, the a go regale footed up for each class. . and the amount likewise written in teords.y .r ; ': 1-,. - ' i j . FORM OF GUARANTEE. .: The .undersigned, , of State of '-r2-. and- rr-of '.'Si -r. in the in'. the State of - , hereby guaranty; that, in, case the foregoing bkf of ' " ..--for any; of 'the classes therein named be accepted, that he or they will, within ten daysaier the receipt , of the contract at the post office nam?d or navy agent 4esignated, execute the contract for the same witngood anq sumciem sureiies, and in case' said: - sh alt fail to : enter into con tract as aforesaid, jre guaranty to make good the dinereqce : between the oner ot the said and that which may be accepted, t , Signature of two giiarantora. j q' d' AVitness. it , li:.,5J v,. .... t: ) I hereby .testify that tHa above named " i. 1 are Inoirn to me as men of property and able to make good their guarantee . t . ' ' ' (b!gnatura.) (Date.) , r . : v (To 6e signed by tht United Slatis district judge, TTnited tates district attorney, collect- or, or navy agents ana no others.) i ;. xfafoitowinff are the classes requia at the respievvyards: 'v . ; i f K1TTERT, MAINp , No. I, white oak plauk stock logSi No 3, white oak promiscuous timberTNo. 5, yellow nine plank stock loirs. No. 7. velldw.Dine mast timber. iNo. 9, white pine. No. ash and cvpress. No. 11 black vValnut'and j cherry, j No. 12, locust and cedar; No. 13, white ash oar and hickory bars. No. 14, white oak staves and heading. No. 16, lig- nuravita). No. 17, composition and copper nail. No. 18, bar iron and steel. No. 19, iron spjkes aiid nails. No. 20, lead pipe, zinc, tin. No. 21, hardware.' No. 23, paints, oil. No. 24, 'flax canvas.' No. 25, cotton canvas. No. 26, fiax add cotton twine. No. 27, glass. No. 28,1 leather, o. 29,. hose. No. 30, brushes No. 31, bunting dry goods. No. 32, pitch; rosin, tar. No! 33, oil, soap tallow. No. 34, !ship chandierv. No. 35,- stationery. No. 36,;fire wood. No. 37, oakum, r. CHARLESTON, MASSACHUSETTS. No. 1,. white oak. plank stock logs. No. 3, white oak promiscuous timber. No. 4, white oak keel pieces. No. 5, Yellow pine plank stock logs. No. 6, yellow pine beams. No. 7, yellow pine mast timber. No. 9, white pine. No. 10, .white j oak boards and butts, ash, cypress. No. 11, black walnut and cher ry. No. 12, locust. No. 13, white ash oars, hickory bars. No. 15, black spruce. -No. 16, liguuravitse. No. 17, composition and copper nails. No. 18, bar j iron, steel. No. 19, iron spikes, nails. Not 20, lead pipe, zinc, tinl No. 21, hardware. Np. ?3, paiuts, oils. 2fo. 24, flax cftnvas. No. 25, cotton canvas. ' No. 26, flax and cotton twine. No. 27, glass. No. 28, leather. No. 29-, hose. No.. 30,' brushes. : No. 31, bunting dryoods. No. .32, pitch', rosin, tar, No. 33, oil, . soap tallow, j No. 34, ship chandlery. No. 35, stationery. No. 36, fire wood. - No 37, oakum, j BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. No. 1, white oak plank stock logs. No. 2, white oak plank. No. 3, white oak promis cuous timber. No. 4, white oak keel pieces. No. 5, yellow pine plank stock logs. No. 7, yellow pine mast timber. No. 9, white pine. No. 10,! ash, cypress, white oak boards and butts. No. .11, black walnut, cherfv, rfiahog any; No. 12, locust; No; 13, white ash oars, hickory . bars.' ,NoJ 1.4, white oafe staves and beading: No.' 15, black spruce. No. 16, lignumyjttfj. No. 17, composition and eoppei r nails; No. 18. bar iron, steel. No. 19. iron - spikes, and nails. No. 20, lead zinc, tin No. 21, j hardware... No. 23, paints, oils. No. 24, flax canvas. No. 25, cotton canvas. No. 26, flax and cotton twine. No. 27, glass. No. 2 , leather. No. 29, -hose. No. 30, brushes.' Nou 3, bunting, dry goods. No. 32, pitch, rosin, tar. No. 33, oil, soap, tal low; No. ,34, ship chandlery. No. 35, sta tionery! $0. 36, firewood. PHILADELPHIA, PENNSYLVANIA. f No. 1, white' oak plank stock logs. No. 5, yellow pine plank stock logs. No. , white pine.' No. 10, sh and white oak plank and boards.!. No. 13, white ash oars and hickory bars.' No. 167 black spruce,' No, 17, com position and copper nails. No. 18, bar iron and steel.. No. 19", iron spikes and nafls. No. 20, lead pipe, zinc, tin. No. 21, hard ware. No. 23, paints, oils. , No.1 24, flax canvas No. 25, cotton canvas. No. 26, flax and cotton twine. Np. 27, glass. No. . 28, leather! No. 29, hose. No. 30, brushes.- No.; 3 lj, bunting, dry goods. No. .32, pitch, rosin, tar.. No. 33, tallow, oilj soap. No.34, ship chandlery. No. 35, , stationery ' No. 37, oakum . , . . . j WASHINGTON, D;C. f Clffei No. 4, white oak keel piecoa No. 5, yellow pine plank sto'ck logs. T$6. 9. white pine. No. 10, ash, cypress, white oak boards, and butts. No. 11, black walnut, cherry, mahogany. No. 17, composition and. copper nails. No. 18, ba'r iron, steel. No.'. l9, irQn spikes, ;nails. No. 20, lead pipe, zinc, tin. No. 2l hardware. No. 22, pig iron No. 23, paints, oils, c. Ito. 24, canvas. No. 25, cotton canyas. No. 26, fla and cot ton twine. No. 27, glass., No. 28, leather. No. 2C hose. No. 30. brushes. No. .31, buntinff, dry goods. No. 32, pitch, rosin, taf. 20. 34, oil, soapv tallow, kc, No. 35, shfp chandlery. No. 5 stationery. JSo. 36, : firewood4. No. 37, oakum. No. 38, tank 'and .galley, or comboose iron. No. 39, chain iron. xio. ingot copper. , .! GOSPORT, VIRGINIA. : No. 1, white oak plank.. tock Jogs., No. 2, white oak plank. V" No. 3', white" oak; promis cuous timber. No. 4," white oak keel pieces. No. 5t yellow pine plank stock timber. No. 6, yellow pine beams. No. 7, yellow pine mast timber. No. 9, vwhite pjnelv.No. 10, ash, cypress elm'. Nq., 1,1, black walnut, cherry,j mahogany. No. 12,. locust., No 13j white ash oars,; hickory Jbars. l.No. 15', IMacE uuiuvua;. iiu. ic, vat .' 19, iron sp pipe, zi Warev 1 1 NdJ 2 pig J ron. No. 23, riafnts, oils, &C. , No; 24; flax canyasr iXp . 25, cotton canvas.L No. 26 JSaantlr cotton twihe.--No. 27, ; glas?. No 28, leather. No. 29; hcvR. .riO. ou, ujusues. iw. . o, ,-"'. ' dry (roods'. No. 32y pitch, rosin, tar. No 33, oil, tallow soap. No. 31, ship chandlery. ;l " f. 2 ..i-.jf No. 35, stationery I - No. 36. firewood. JNol .L 1 - 37, oakum. corida: Class No. 1 white oak blank stock logg.- v. No. 2. white oak plank. , No. 13. white fash ' oars, hickory j bars. , .1 7 com position an4 May 31, 1855. 301 4 w.. , mm f OWN! SMTTH & LTcBOTTEIE ll AVE just recelfei and areraw opening tbha ju5saa oesiassoruneuioiopruiK&u wiumuw . a a a. a A9 n a V M O th;iUiu;v;Uaha on.,whi for richness ind variety 1 cannot c be., aurpaaaed. la the South, rihey iwere,boujshtprlcaahll,andvar offered at prices.whichcapnojt, faiHapteasa evftrj customer. .. Wo do not deal, in .humbuffseryM.and when we.aay we, cap, 8pU goods .cheap,, wf Waa rwhat we say.? Wadnrite Qurpld ffclenda aid -cua- tomers.and the public generally, to call and I00K through our stock, and examine our prices, April 6,1864. : ZV, . ; FL0XJE, FLOUK ATTENTION, ALL y FLO UR y. ... t : EATERS! i Wo have on hand a superior article of Flotrr Telford's best make at $5 per sack; also a small. lot in barrels, at $10. , : , j Come quick; If you want any "Flour doings;" as we can't keep it. Also on hand a very suparloc ; article of Corn MeaL ' ? I r - S r J. M. BLAIR 3 Co.' y I June 7, 1855. : . . ' " r " i ' .'i r '" ' r" - FiviB Cents ewardi ' The above rewafdj but no thanks, will be glvaa to any one who will deliver to me a bound b?y by the name of William Ward Said boy waa Iwund to me by the County Court of Madison county, and is about 19 fears' f age. He left m in April last. All persons are forbidden to emv ploy him . BERRY DUCK. I June 7,1856. 3t . 1 . For thf ii&dies, Esjpeciall WE have silks, satins, ginghams,"alpaceas, prfnti, " plaids of every hue and color, muslins, mourning muslins, lawns of every color, barages.delains, silk tissues, veils, black, brown, green and. blue lor veils; shawls, a large and elegant' assortment; worsted, goods of every kind,' worked collars, em broidered under sleeves, chemizetts; white and, ' blac laces, edgings, lace fringedress trimmings, -linens, jackonnets, Victoria lawns. Bonnets Belgrade, Lace, Straw and Bloomers. Flowers,' wreaths, gloveSj-perfataerv.&c.'.&c''-'' -1 " ; SMITH McDOWELL; 1 " Dr. J. D. Boyd & Dr. J. M. Sevcnfi: j HAVE , associated in the practice of Medicine All applications willnieet with prompt attention, ! Office, south end of Court House. r ; Asheville, May 3, 1855. tf ' -5F WE always keep fine Tobacco and . ,. Segars; Call and see for ysoursqlf. J aMrrn fc m dowkixI ,MITII, BAIHD !& icja: tate occtisla tonform thejr friends aij fjacK public iat they lmve asciated with, tljem, the Mercantile Bv siness, H. Itt.i JQNES' and that the stvle oftbo mm irom ana ajcer tne nrst 01 April, 1855,. U iSmufi, jjuira tj jo. -. ! Asheville, May 3, 1855. DR. J.F. E; HARDY " ' " A N b : DR; W; Li HHLIARD; always ready to examine cases and make pyt.ttj -scriptions, and wlien In his power visit cases. in the country. Dr. Hilllard! willaf tend to hi. tnwrf and country practice, as usual. We would espe -t"-i 1 uni9 4 u 1 n Biii persona living at adistanccjn vrjocurihs suitaLfe boirtHnM houses in- or hear Jthe Tillage, and .render thenS such relief as the ! profession Is capabla ot Officeat Dr, HjlUard's Drug Store. . . Asheville, January 2, 1855. tf f I A ?re and w,ell 1 assorted stock of Mflea' Ul dies Shoes, varying. In wze from I, (oi, whieh ca be had extremely font foreash'.. ,Ladies will con? fer a favor, b6th on themselves and us, by gWJoff nsacall J, M. BLAiti j I BR. J. D. REYNOLDS, ' HAVINGf permanently ii' ArjeVuie, fT fen his fProfessional services to the cltlsens of town and .conntfy, . , . " Office and residence; Asheyille Hotel. . ;.Martl 8, 1855;. : j; . -: ,. . ; .'. . jj' ' j Vfl : liadies9 Wciiri ; I Itpw and beautiful styles of delates. 79 erlppik alpaccas, and Persian cloths, at prices from 15 to 62 cents i - ' : ' ,:v '..',''.'.... A splendid assortment of opera; fennels for jack. cloths and trimmings for cloaks, groves fir hosiery. Also ' ' A heavy sripply ojf Sisby Ssinr smsjll flgirj ed delaines,-flowered velvets, Iiooys;and'pTaIa flannels for children, at prices which need not foar ' competition, j , t-i i. , . -.v V--c! , SMfTH, BfALRt& TANC2. Dep. 21, 1854. . . ; - . . Leather! leatiier! leatfierlf I A good jupplyof hemlock andfoa,tiapnpd io6.. Leather, upper Lea her, calf kios, ahoe, pegs. shoiL thread, &c, ftrsale as low as any one in thrj country can offer, by . 1 : v;. ! " ' ! SMllil, VXiliD fc VANE. Dec:21,185i. y ',,;: S''-' V.. tlef without farther delay Wii.fc hVlliard. Asheville, Dec. 21.-1854. Receiving, and Forte qr ding v We will receive - and forward Goods of 1 ' kinds at ten cents a package. V A'f , , ; , SMITn cc McDO TTBLC ifeheViUe,0ct.V,57; copper. nana. . n o. 1 0, ar vpiVi steel. io. 19, iron spikes and nails. No.j,.na7 No. 23, paints, oils, id No. 35, atationery. HAVE this . day, .associated themselves la th practice of MEDICINE, Iq Itavflnousbraiicho: Dr. Hardv, whoia.dailv in llie villa re. will 1 ,1 ; Al.Ii ' pcrsqsindeb tquaubscrlVcr-ltl1' : by note ,or book 'account, j$rio,to thoLH-bf JannVt iry, 1854. a re requested come lof ward and ieU 4 J 1: 1 ' ;.i t 1 ., ,. ! t; i, t . : 'j j j- '( C : 'i V iy 1: i i