I I I , 7 ! -'-,. . . .- ,. . - p j- : y ; '. ? i VOL. 7-NO. 12. ASHEVILLE, IT. C. THuTlSDAY, . AUGUST 30,11855. 5; ' , rV.i:.:;: v : ' " ; V7H0IE ITO. 3ld . " i A. W. BUETON, A T T p H N E-Y. A T LAW,, AtJSXcifrr fij aetJJiciat Circit, frtrtor, CLEAYEtASD COC5TT, 5. CAROL! X A. If ILL practice In the Superior Conrts or Law 1 Equity f Cherokee, Mun Jckon liar- ?etoVrll, CahUell, VTating. DurSusKntdierford ClraTchaJ. Also, la t!ic Supreme Court at Wr?CcI?tlons of nil kinds, loclading Tcrulon '.irj. attended f strictly. Erfer fa the Judges of the Supreme and Sapc njrCoart of North Carolina. Z. B. Vance, ATTORNEY AT LAW, A HE VI LLC, X. C. . Au?ut 251833. . 211 David Coleman Attorney at Zni IBUUNSVILLE, N. C. Much 3, 1S53. tf. E. ION WILSON, ATTORN IS Y AT Is A Y t DUKN'SVILLE, N. C. Jan H, ISoo. B. H. HE2TEY, i T TOR N B Y A T L A W AsirnviLr.n, n. c. J. T. GIBSON, A T T a R y ; y A T ls j r f DUKN'SVJLLE, X. C. Gr. W. WHITSON, ' SUBGEON fftZ? DENTIST, ASIICVILLE, X. C. . DR. J. F. IX HARDY A X D DRl W. L. HILLIARD, HAVE tlU iUy a.Ki.itcd tlim5lv in tlie I rjt;Vf f .ft:)ICI.IJ, in its ration LmnclK-s. fl. II in laily in ttio village, be al-i.rn rca ly I cxaiuiuc catc anJ make out pie XTi4ionf, an-l nlno in 1U w!r vi.U raisin tfi- f.nfrj. Fr. Hillianl willattvn.l to Iiis tn n-JcintTT jricticc.$ umuI. Wc wouM ck iu!lrnll Ilic attention of all persons laborin unh'f tUrx$ ntjuiriDs Surgical aid, to thisrani. tt will tkrtHxi.it ains to ftM.t all iicn lifirrat aIstanct in procuring suitable loanlin? ('knc in oriM-ar the il!acv. ih! rrnJcr them ta- k rflHf a. I ho iirofj'!ba i rabble uf. O rr?at lr. Hilliard .1 Drugstore. A'acTi!!. January , 1. tf "hTl KEILSOIT, HL D., ASIIKVILLE, N. Juwary 11,15-5. T t " imTOTEEYKOiSsr" If WIXG pwrrruanotly !c3tcl irLAslH'tille, of ft hi 4 Prof-local M.ricis tu the citizcLS of tnm an! country, Ortirf and roIJciiw, Asbcvillc Hotel. Marcb S.lPrt. - ly Dr. J. D. Boyd &, Dr. J. LI. Stevens ItAVK ojciatrl in the pracli-c of A-'rwrf. All j.IiraiirtiiUuH vt with -prompt atK-iitkrii. Otiioe. MHjth end of Court House. At-tUte, Jlay 3, IS" A. tf r Eankin, Pulliam & Co,, IMP0RTKK5 J.N'O AVHOLESAI.K HEALEItS IX FtrrUn and Domestic Staple and !aucj Dry Goods and Clothing, 1S1 MEKTIX(S STKELT, . CIi.nrlcatuH, S. C. rtf. D.'RJtNKtV, ) i V. M. CIIAIOUILES, R. w. rt lUAU, j ( A. D. SMITH. S3HTII & McUOU'ELL, Heaters in Dry Goods, Hardware, Gro ceries "Crockery, Sec, fcc. ; AfhevtUe X. C. D. RANKIN" & CO. Healers tu Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard . ware, Crocket y, Sec. Sec. Ashcvillc, X. C. Dealers in Dry GochIs Groccric?, atd ' Mcrchand:so generally; ASIIEVILLF, X. C. Eamsay's Piano Store, ... . , f ; ' colcmcia; p. ; c. ... z , Husic and Musical Instruments ri xuxxs & Cos ratout pi- W. L. HILUASD, BL D.; Apothecary & Druggist, Ashcvillc, IV. C . HAS notr, .nn.I will ki.p constantly on Land, ... a' veil Wlixted slotk of . T ........ , Pure nntl Genuine 1 1??, Mt'iieut'x Chemicals. Paints. Oils, Ihe yij, Painters' arti tics, j fuh , A'atl and 7 oath , t II rushes, Fine Soaps, Co lognc Water, Hair. : Oils.. UxtractSf ij'C-' J"C 5c. ' , Iltitaj cmhI cam and attention in tho sc 1)3 of his stock, tlie patronc of ttic pnb- u rcp;ctfaHy olicitcdi feeling Asurc-d that tp u j aud prices of his goods caunot to render atisf;ction to all. j - - XtrPhyMciunt prccrtptiocs - accuratcty apounj!rd at !l hours. ' - - , Aabcrillc, April 5, '53. tf ' dr. p. l mmm, Wholesale and Retail Druggist AXDEiisox a ii s.:c. IT AS just reccircd, and trill keep, constantly on uanu, a very urgi ana well selected atock of PaiutSj! Otts, innsics, Brushes, Aincov Glass, lTrcnch and American. Also, Dealer in American, French and English Chemicals, Drtigs, J'trfumery, French Candies, Snuffs, Fin Tobacco nntl Cigars FAXCY ARTICLES AXD DYE-STUFFS. ALSO Fine Brandies and Wines. Sold only for medical purpose. i Merchants and all otbers can depend nnnn tbeir orders meeting prompt attention, ujion tho iuot accommexuiiDc terms." ' Physicians and Families can rely on bavins their prescriptions carefnuy coniiounded. His (Jootisre selected with great care, and will be warrantrd n reprwated. . . i,Call at No. 3, Brick Ilanc, one door above Harrison & Crovlcs law odicc. Autnsl 10,1801. Cancers Can Be Cured. DR. CLOP TON i OFFERS rrofosMonal Services to the alTlIc. ted in the Trt&itim-nt of Cancers. Scrofula, tumors, nki-rs, crysijiejas, hca?d-heads, white nucllinl pain in the bones or joints, dyt-peista, diseases of the kidncysr yphili!t, venenal atkctions, ring worm or tetttr. rheumati.mguot,o!dsores. F.rom hi Micct-s. in the treatment of these diseases, he ttx"!s iafe in saying he will turn none away until I hey are licet ually cured, when their general health is not destroyed. He will not require anything unijl a cure is etlVctcd. . His treatment is not in the least painful or unpleasant. He will y half price for nil young negrucs tifilicttd tcitk tiny of t.hc alfre tlixjscs. ' I wlilpayose hundred dollars-for every case of Scrofula I faij to cure, when the general health is not de5trovod. , Palton, "da., April 10. 18oo. ' N. 11. Dalton i within a few hours drive of these celebrated watering places, Catoosa, Coliut tah. and Gordon Springs. Otlice one door balow C li. Wellboru's Stoic, Daltou Georgia. ' This is to certify that I had a very painful can cer on my face that extended so larjntoiny mouth that I could eat with no satisfaction, and after trying a great many painful remedies that only aggravated the disease, and made it grow .worse, I called on Dr. Clop ton of Palton, G.i., who orres ted the diease immediatelv and in a few weeks my cancer was e ntirely well, I would rccommeud all tliose affliCjteil with cancers, to delay no time, I nt place themselves under the treatment of Dr. Cloptou, immediatelv ami bo cured. MItS. LUCY HARALSON, Whitfield County, Ga. ilIU.RMIi!!! S5 00 KEWAKD! gS llic night of iho lemh of March, IS55, David Anderson went to the hor.e of HhoIi Henry about 0 miles west of Dan dridge in Jelliron county, Tennessee, armed with a Ritle gun, fith which he gave said Henry one mortal llow on the head, breaking his skull bone, and with which sfoke the sard Henry died on the Hthof said month. Said Anderson is about 5 feet 8 or a inches high, heavy built, fciir hair, of a ruddy complexion, drink liquor, noisy and quick spoken. Tbe sum of Tho Hundred and Fifty Dol lars will be given for his apprehension and delivery to the nnder!ign-d, or for his apprehension any whert in Jail so that the undersigned can have him regularly committed. March 1, 1 tf. BENJAMIN HENRY. Ulatresses ! Mattresses ! ! UAiMCit is coming, antl every fami ly ought to he provided wilh good s MATTRESSES. The nndersigncd are prepared to make mat tresses of a very superior character indeed the article now manufactured by them is far superior to anything nf the kind ever before offered to the people of Western Carolina". They have a supcri or workman: employed, and are now prejuiredlo till all orders promptly, and at rates which cannot fail to giro ht bract ton. An v orders left with Smith &. McDowell, or Smith Baird & Vance, Asheille, will rveciv prompt attention. Mattresses will bo delivered nt the residerce o purchasers. W.T. DICKENSON & Co. Stoeksvillc T. O., Buncombe county, N. C. . March 15, 1K55-Cm. a01d Things Sliall be Done Away." The nnder?fgned, successors to Smith. Rafrd & Vance, havipg associated themselves together un der the name aud style of SMilTII, BAIRD tfe CO., ; for the purpose of carryingon the Mercantile bu- siness. in ics various branches, beg leave to say that therarenow receiving accessions to their stock direct from New York, Boston, Philadel phia ami Charleston, nd that it is their full in tent tAfwle ttcir nark, In the line of bigness Ihev have iclcctcd, and with a view of building up ' i-rminent trade, intend reducing the ptice of Quods ai low aa possible. Test for yourselves. I , JJ. J. oAll 111, A. E. BAIKD. . II. B. VANCE, . n. m.jones. ; a AshcTU!j,May.5,lSo5. , .HIlXEIlAIiOGYi". Assnyiiipr, Civil and illiniiieT Krglneerlng, and SurTeyIngt, -TnEsuVseriber U preparetl to devote special Attention tMlif alove branches, and the applica tion of Chemical Analy sis thereto. Persons in tereslcdhi MINING are Invited to consult him for information or Instruction in regard to the most recent and valuable methods of condectinr 1 Astavs ifGold, Silver. Lead, Copper and other .Mineral Ojcs, executed with punctuality and dis- Asji fpcetmen of one or two ounces, Tvltb a rtmlit.nce of 85 00 for each At iny be sent lotheiuberilKT by mall. 'Metalhc Ore"1! by the most speedy and accurate process at vv for.cach pccin.cu. ..j,. . Jluiphi-Vi If. C, JsEcary i. 1605. 1)' THAT COMMISSION HOUSE OF , TINLEY & HEBRON'S; . . .Charlestcx, SJ-; , ;-.v..r ;: TIIE only house doinp- liniBrs in v,t -:f-. that aclunUy had any acpcrinicc in Receiving ami iwrwaruui- 01 tioods nrvSon t iho n. r." oiina ttiiroaa qumingthe business in July last IS still open for the lieccirini. and HW.inr.r ,; Jt 1 . . ...v IVUIH VlSI - kinds or goods, wares, merchandise,, machinerr: produce, &c. v, If you want yonrgocxls forwerded without the .vexatious delays and enormous exiensc bills oaid ...o. u, uuU ai me same time have rour u3.mumsKlia manner tnat somebody UiUbenndc responsible for the damaged and lost packagts; consign them to Tin-let & Uerbov. uuli..vmuiH'u ana jrorwaraea alltjoods con signed to them during all th postseason without any extra cnaryeovcr t nose established rates as given inrjow, and up to this time have not encoun tered a solitary complaint. Our Mr. Herrorf was Clerk of the Receiving and Forwarding Department of tho Sonth Carolina Kail Itoau Company for the pasfi seven years, and is perfectly familiar with all their books, freight tanas ami rujes ot sinpment, both b rail roads and vessels, together with the mode o'fproceednre to secure damages and pay for lost articles from otlier parties, the proper steps of which will be taKcn in all such cases without loss or delay to the owners. Another important advantageis thathis thorough knowledge of all .freights ar,d rules of shipment enables him to instantly detect and cor rect any overcharge in the Bills of lading, which in all cases has to be done at that time, or be lost to the awner, in many instances greatly exceeding the commissions we charge. He was also raised in Charleston, is perfectly acclimated and free from the contagions of that city." therefore we will underall circumstances faithfully discharge any business entrusted to us. All produce such as Wheat. Flour, Corn, Corn Meal, Bacon. Lard. Butter, Eggs. Cotton. Rice, Rye, Oats, Hay, Tobacco, wool, Feathers, Bees wax, Potatoes, Onions. &c., consigned to us, will be promptly sold and the proceeds returned with out keeping the money a Jsw months to speculate upon; for we wish it distinctly understood that we engage in no Scculation whatever, all that we want jsonr commission, as follows: For Receiving and Forwarding all ordinary packages of goods 10 cts; large packages of furni ture and machiuery, charges according to respon sibility. Iron and steel in loose bars, 10 cts per hundred lbs., and storable for advancing freights and charges 2 1-2 per cent, which you cau save by depositing the money with us for selling produce 2 1-2 ier cent. We will also fill all orders in-this market making the best selections forour patrons, at 1 1-2 percent. TINLEY & 11EUR0N. Charleston, Jan. 1st. 1855. We beg leave to refer to the following gentlemen: Rev. Thos. W. Atkin, Maj. M. M. Gaines, Abbe ville, j P. D. Gates, 12 Broadway, New York. j Col. James Gadsden. Charleston. John Caldwell, President of S. C. Rail Road. Thos. Waring Auditor " ' John King, Agent " " " " Ilvatt. McBurnev & Co., and J. S. & L. Bowie & Co., Charleston. W. B. A. Ramsey, Secretary of State; A. R. Cro- zier. Comptroller of Treasury, and M. M. Swan, Nashville. Ten. French &Van Epps, and J.J. Bryant, Chat tanooga. Q. A. Tipton; Railroad Agent, and mcrthants generally Louden. Tennessee. N. Gammon & Son.. T. J. & C. Powell, Craig head and Deaderick, Knoxville. Tennessee. W. Sl T. lUnis, liunan & Hamilton. Branncr & Mitchell. Fains & King, Dandridge, Tehn. fif The Greenville. S.C. Mountaineer, Athens, (Oa.) Watchman, and Charlotte, N..C, Demo crat, w ill each copy one year, and forward bill to T & H. j 5 Clarendon Iron Works. WILMIXGTOX, X. C. TIIE CLARENDON IRON ' WORKS are now prepared to receive orders for Beam, Vertical, Horizontal or Oscillating Strain Engines, High or Low Pressure, and adapted to all purposes; Circu lar, Vertical and Portable Saw Aills, complete; Pumps, Mining Machinery, Grist and Flour Mills, complete; Parker, Turbine and other Water Wheels, Equipping of Steamers, Car wheels and Axles: Horse Powers of various patterns, Rice Field Pumps and Engines; Rice Tin asheis; Shin gle Machine, Fhalting, Pullics, Hangers, Gears, and all other Mill Work. I CASTINGS, 1 Iron and Brass Castings of all descriptions, ih i hiding Ornamental Iron Bulling, Pipe, Bridge Castings. &c, &c. Tl e Company would respect fully invite attention to their styles and patterns of Railing, which may be seen nt their office. BOILEHS. Tubular. Flue and Cylindrical Boilers, Water Tanks, Chimneys, and all other kinds of Boiler Work. Repairs. A separate department and force wilt bo kept for repairs, w here work will bo done thoroughly and w ith despatch. ... . . Having large facilities, the above work will be done on as reasonable terms as elsewhere, North or Sonth. and in a prompt and sati-fhetofy manner. Comnltation by letter or othcrwise.'in regard to plans and designs for mills or their furniture, and for manchinery generally, willingly answered. All orders or communications to be addressed to the undersigned. TIENRY M. DRANE, Agent. March 20, 1S5 Furniture For Sale. The undersigned keep constantly on hand at their shop in Asheville.a large quantity of well made and superior finished F u rnVtuvc, t of the most fashionable kind, consisting of Chairs. Cane and. Cushioned bottoms and other qualities, Sofas, Bureaus, Guitars, and a number of Via1 I insB6ws 'and Strings of the best quality. Those who are desirous of purchasing any article of Furniture of any de scription, will do well to call and see their assort ment before purchasing elsewhere , as they ire de termined to sell at the very lowest price and on the best tcims. J. & J. HILDEBRAN. . For the ladies, lEspecially WE hare silks, satins, gingham, alnaceas, prnts, plaids of c-ery hue and color. mnslns. mourning mnslins.lawns cfjverr color, barn ges,delains, silk tissues, veils, black, brow p. green amUdnc love veils: shawls, a large and elegant assortment; , a large anl elegant assonmenr; Uof .every kind, worked collars. cm der sleeves, chekutzctt; white 'and Lnlgii.gs, lace fringe, dress trimmings, worsted good broidcred un l.tjf !r laees..ed linens, jackonnets. Victoria lawns. , Bonnets , BcVrade, Lace, Straw and nioomers. .Flowers, wreaths., gloves, pxrfjincry.x:c. e. swim p McDowell. OB onnet3, Bonnets. . Wo liaye just received this morning by Kx prcJ?, aiot tif leiintifnl-Knglih-StrnwIon-net. Will the'ladiei -call and examine them! . .I FOR SALE. i75r! IX 'pursuance of a - Decree of L: the Court of Equity for Yancey ' nAllnftf i T trill caII sn ll tirotrt icfti i On tlih S7IIi or September n ex t, all that valuable' body' of " :r " 1 " Lrino; cn South Toe Rivera in 'Yancey coun ty, tlie late residence of James McDowell, deceased, containing in different Tracts about 2000 Acres, .'. Of the finest land in Western Carolina. TERMS. A credit ofone, two, and three years will be given.4 Bond - and approved se curity required of the purchaser. . r M. P. PENLAXD, C. & M. E. for xancey County. t 9, 1855: Ntds ' , ' Aosrust BOOTS, shoes, saddlery, hardware, candfcs, rais ins, citron, currants, sugar, coaec, lewelry. -iron. nails, leather, castings, and evervthins: else mu ever heard of as an article of piercbaudise. Be sure to call, at the old stand, and see Onr goods and near our prices. - i smith & Mcdowell. Asheville, April 6,1854. Wool Wanted; We want to buy ten thousand pounds c:ood clean washed Wool, for which we will pay croods at ver? low prices. . . ; W. D. KANKIN & CO. May 2C, '5.3. ' ' ,f SMITH, IJAIHD & VANCE takeoccasion to inform thsir friends and the public that they have associated with them in the Mercantile Bu siness. R. HI. JONES, and that the style of the firm froni and after the first of April. 1855, is Smith, Bairi p Co. Asheville,iMay 3, 185o. YHEAT MARKET. f. I wish tomrchase three or four hundred thou sand bushels of good merchantable wheat, for which I will jny the highest cash price. Charlotte, nom its facilities of transportation, is one of the best inland markets, in the Southern States. I have erected large Merchant Mills con tiguous to the Railroad, capa"ble of grinding three mndred barrels of flour per day, and to keep them running I must have wheat. So bring it p.Iong. if vou rant the highest figure for it. - I am prepared to grind for toll. If you want flour whose brand will be sufficient to sell it in any market fn the. world, hereis the place to avc it manufactured, ihese Mills have already made a reputation not inferior to any in the country. t LEROY, SPRINGS. June 28, 1655. 3m. New Goods ! New Goods JAMES M. BLAIR s . IS now open in 2 a large and elegant as sortment of SPRING GOODS, suited o every class of customers. He would respectfully request llie ' Ladies o call, before making their summer se ections, and would particularly invite heir attention to his beautiful silk lis- r - sues, beraeeff, muslins, cinffnams, ccc. T il E GEN T L E fl E N will find it to their advantage to exam- ne his varied styles at Ready Made Clothing' coats, pants and vests; his summer dresssoods, drab'detes, Italian cloths, linens, drills, and vestmgs. Al- SO, ins HATS, Silk, Panama, chip, straw, and leghorn. His fine SHOES, BOOTS, &. GAIT ERS, will compete with , any evei be- bre offered in this market. Ills large assorlmetit of : ; SADDLERY r has been selected with tinustial care All cheap for casji. All he asks is a call, for ho feels assured every one must be pleased, both wiih his goods and prices. He WILL sell,vashis mbllo is, "quick sales and short profits." ! - His friends wilh remember that he takes all kinds of country produce, at the highest prices chickens,.- turkeys, ducks, butter, eggs&c: r April 12 tf Gentlemens Fiirnishing Department. - A man, bycallilig on us early, can bc fitted pat and out, from a shirt collar standing" at an angle of 45 degrees, toapair of high heeled socks. Calf at once.and the thing shall be did. ' - SMITH, BAIRD & VANCE, Dec. J4, 1851 tf . ; ' ' . ' ' Hats and Caps, ' A magnificent assortment of fashionable HATS and Ai'S; consisting of ' ' " ' . Silk, fur, and Urush JIats; every .kind and color of Soft Hats; -Plush',' velvet, clotly ? , '. ' and militarv.Capp, i " . . ; . arc now opened at the cheap cash store of - - i : - JAMES M. BLAIR1 AslicvilJe, Jannaryll,. 16551 tf' - ... . , .. . r-. WE have the largest stockof Hardware and Cut lery that Ve have ever had. Give us . a call ye blacksmiths, carcntersf waggoners. shoe-makers and farmers, tretran supply" you with'almost anvthingnuderthisbead. 3 SMiill aiCUUlVLLL. ft.. A liir-enml vrelK as.ortel stocK oi Allies ia .11- dies Shoes., varying In size from Ijo 7,,which can i.rvl.rt xtrni-lr liitr lor casn. J-auies iiucn- i..i.4 tfrpnu' r Iiitr Tor casn. .. l-oiic ttiueon- L . i . ..";. T .1 ? ..It ft-r a f.ivor.both on themselves and us. by giving usacall. u r ri t r WE always keep:; fin cJTohacco and i f Starr- Call .:qn drseJTor. yo rsVs I f. Oct. 20. sunn " & a r ottcll; t i - . - . i .' ' w.'.i r- ' . .v j . - i , - , , .. . . , ... i - - . .. .. . i , - . . . ....... i ... ' -'! '. State r of sUortn Carolina, CO USTY OP rjA CKSOSj' Superior CovHop Law Spring TermfL: 11. T. -Burnett : '" r Nancy Burnett. r-'k.i letitio n fo rylfiv or s' It appeating to the Court that tho Defendant Id this case is. a non-resulehtof this State It is therefore ordered that publication be made inthe Asheville News and Asheville: Spectator for three months, -notifying the. Defendant, Nancy Burnett to be and appear at the next tenn of .this Court, to beheld for the county of JSckson, at the court house in Webster, on the 3rd Monday, In Septem ber next, then and trfereto plead, answer, or de mur to petition filed, or the same writ be heard exparte. Witness, J; J. Hooper; Clerk of said Court, the 15th day of, May, 1855. v '- k t: , ; J. J. HOOPER, CVk. ... . i ; ,i; ;-. 4 JOS. KEENER, Depl CT. J nne 1 4 3m ' printer's fee $6. State f of Nortlr Carolina, COXfMTY OF JACKS OXtZ Saperior Court of Law. Spring Tenn 1 1855. . : " ' T .A.B. Shooler , . ; Vi : ,- i , Eliza Shooler. Jetition for Divorce ;. t It appearing to the Court that the Defendant in this ease is a non-resident of this State It is ordered that publication be made in the Asheville News and Asheville Spectator for three months, notifying the Defendant, Eliza Shooler to -be and appear at thp next term of this Court to be held for the county-gf Jackson, at: the court-house in Webster, on the isfl Slonday :in Septembel" next, to plead, answer or Ccmur to petitioufiled, ' or the same will beJ heard exparte. ! Witness, J.if. ; Hoop- er Cleric of said Court at office the 15th day of May, lb5o. J. J: HOOPER, CVk. JOS. KEENER, Dep. CVk. ; June 14. 5m ' - Prin tor's fee $,6. State of North Carolina, , COUNTY OF JACKSON. Superior- Court of Law, Spring Term, 1855. Kf William Welch -v vs. - Elizabeth Welch. Petition for Uivorce It appcaritig to the Court that the Defendant in this case is a non-resideut-of this State it is or dered by the Court that publication : be made in the Asheville News." and Ashevillie Spectator for three.mouths, notifying the said Defendant, Eliz abeth Welch i personally to be and appear at the next term ofj this Court, to be; held forUhe county of Jackson at the c&urt-ho.use in Webster, oh the 3rd Monday in September next, to plead,.answer, ordemur tol ietition filed, or the same will be heard exparte. Witness; J. J. Hooper, Clerk of said Court, the 15th day of May, 1855. i J. J. HOOPER,. Clk. - f JOS. KEEN ER, Dep. CVk. ' June 14. Cm . Printer's fee $6. ; GKAS SEED No. 1 Clover, Timothy and Herds grass seeds, for sale by I SMITH, E AIRD & VANCE. March 15,;1S55. ; : j i r - WOOL CABDING, s The subriber wishes to inform This old patrons and the public generally," that he will be prepared to accommodate all. persons "wishing ta'jbaveV Wool' Carded, in good slyle, acd with more promptness. than heretofore having' purchased another machine, which will enable him to do twice the amount of carding in he same time that one could do it. Come on, then, witlt your Wool well washed, picked and greased, and good Rolls will be made every time, if the wool is right. Tejrras asj usual, 6 1-4 cents per pound for plain! wool; ;8 to 10 cents for mixing in "caslf or wool. The pay required invariably when the Kolls are taken away. ; S. WEAVER. ReemsV Greek, April 19, 1855. . -, y Sugar, c5offeei : ; 5 Rice, syrupi, molasses, copperas and qvery thing in thej grocery department. A very supe rior article of Brown Sugar,. in 100 pound casks, for family use.' J. M. BLAIR. Asheville Jan; 11,1855. ri: j i tf . 1 : ... ;., v. V. .-j ., 1 ., '- For the Ladies. . Kow opened and for salej a very desirable lot of Ladies Dress Goods, latest styles.- Also, wool Shawls, of a superior quality. - m i). RANKIN & Co. I - j - ; ; ' Attention, Tailors! A Tailor who is, sober, industrious, and a good workman, could do -a; first rate business by locatingj aV the Isabella JMine, lJucktown, Tenn. For any further information apply to i J. M. DAVIDSON, & CO. Ducktown, Tenn. May 24, 1855 6t. SMITH 4 McD O WBLLJ Have a few of the finest bonnets ever seen in this market ranjnng from to $10.- Call and look at them, - whether you buy or not.- -,- i i . : , Ji April . .. Receiving and fyricardingf n We. will receive and forward Goods of all kinds at teb cents a package, j ;, t V i l SMITH & McDO WELL. Asheville, Oct. 7, o2 f Carriage MJ inff and Blacksmithing. SMITH,; HAVE formed a part nersh p fa the purpose of Carriage .making and repairing; in tleirunne.nus departments..? All descriptions of ;ehicla mae f o order, a nd kept constantly on ha nd. They have the very bcist of orkmen and materials and fheir enstotners Miv nlY ongdod and KJiit work ofi ll kinds. They do pot exiect f0 Succeed, in basiqess by clap trap and lmmbHgecryr Andn i'.lj'as Jicrc toftre, tutri off hone hilt frs rale x6rk; ; 1 7 r Buy Voles, Carriage Tolvs, Single Trees, Rnlf Bt"erhar;1 beiitiaed traisht-Shaftsr lring Cars: KCPtiCOnstacty onrnanMl.- 4; Horsi shotliusr and blacksmithing' executed in a sifKTiorlmaner - T, - r '"'Prices' a shrv- a any - other r establishmenmt, North or South.-and.all vosk warrantwl. -;-r EhUS LTRIPLETT,' i -r- 3;AMEs,sMirn- v? - .... . - i- r The Solitary Worshippers: ' ; A irigle number of tbd Societ 'of Fricridsr in Boston is-said toIiaa gone! to their placa ; - -V - it -'. i J - , . . .- !i . .-''--:. .... ' . rof trorship (or some jer.- aAer hia fallow-! worsnippers were an aeaa. - ;f- Alorio and jsnen taere! Ksat Yithin toe house'of prayer, here, once with liirn his brethren taet, In si lent1 worship theVe; i I . t Tliej had all gOne--jtlje yotiiogf ' arid i,Were gathered to the dead; r He saw no I more tlieif jfriendlr looky.- lie nearct no more uieir ireau. , - -' - - j Zi.y j h. ':ii rp f .' Yet still he loved as came the da ; v iWhen" tiey were wont to raeet ! Tolread the bid familiar wav.? "1 . :rtY 4- U And take his.! 'customed seat, ' " '; Plain was the place, an humblo haff u - In wWcV" AeVsat?f jifotie ?-'f rv'.v the show of for rav io prtdet of ary. To hltaJwere alLiminbwn. t w-i No organ pealed its solemn notes: ; r o choir Ihe.stillireiis' broke i No preacl jer read the ' sacred pagey ; Qr to his hearer spoeM- He heeded not those outward things To wake the reverend mind 1' ' For, other ends than scrch as this ; Thej. seemed to him designed1 ' ; - ., 4 ' - I ' i1 ' fl In silence, gathered to himself - A The spirit he implored ' And without speech jor ! outward sfgnV , Ihe iatlier he . adored. . ; , i And to his mind was opened then The meaning. of the word "Ask nd receive," "seek ye and findf ine opirii or me ixra. The Spirit; strengthened and consoled And gav') him' inward sigbtj : And on hiSj lonely, darkened path 1 . It threw ja heavenly, light. vi t y 1 " No more ajonel for he had cotne, ; To Zion's holy hill, ; - The city of : the living Gfod - s - That saints and angels fill. . , v 1 - .- ' --nJ v' ? , . The elders there with silver locks. .-, The sisters modestigracc, , . The young jn all their innocence, ,V j "NVilh glory filled the place; . No cloud of sorrow.br of. care, . r t A soul has never known, t .' That in that happy band he saw9, : : - Nor felt it e'er alonei .. i - There looks of peace and love unchanged . A . t . 1 ft ' t. . issurea nis iremoung souij And bade him banish itery fear. - And every doubt control. With them again as when on earth He held communjon sweet; And bV their syjnpatliy, was. made'' For HeavenV own .worship meet, f A Pleasant otihli'y tort a A Texas correspondent of the New York Herald describes the domestic products of that. favored land inflowing terras. " If "the half of v' his account is true, it muftt be apleasanjtplaco for a nervous tuah, or onei to whom a toad is- the cause of a . fit of "conniptions." f The cattle, however are npt the fole occu- pants of the prairie by any; means. Droves, of Wild horses are not unfrequent, and deer . are, in countless numbers. VJ he small , brown ? wolf or cayeute is quite common, and you oc- ""i casion'ally get a glimpse oi uis largo i oiacK' brother. I5ut lexas is ine paraaise or reptiicsf and icreepi ng things. ;" ; Rattle and : tncca3in ; j snakes are too numerous even to shake a stick T at; the bite of the form e r is e asy cu red by d ri nki ng raw w hiskey ti II i t prod uces comple to' 4 intoxication, but for the latter is1 iho: cure.--, The taiantula is a pleasant institution to get into a quarrel with. He jis- a ? spider 2 With body abi ti the size of a hen's egg, and Jejgs fire or six inches long, andi;;c6vered witn:long.i coarse black hair, lie lies in the cattle track; and if you see him, moyeroutpf his pathr as his bite is absolutely certain death, and ; he n-rr tYf-fs out of nnv nriia wnvhiit Mn liimn eight or ten feet to inflict) his deadly bitc.; Then there is the centi)ede, furnished with an unlimited number pegy each . legarmed with a claw, and each claw inflicting a epnr- . ate wound. If he 'walks over you at anight, you will have cause to remember Itiai , for,- many months to come, as thewound is of A particularly poisonous - nature, , and is ve'ry; difficult' to heal,, The stinging lizard is a lesser I evil, the sensation of its wound being 'likened to tlie aDnlication of a-red hot-iron to the rer- son; hot one is tooi thankfuL lo. escape w!t!t raing, stinging, they are, everywhere, - Ask for a cup. of water, and the rejoinder, in our camp invariably is r"Vill ycu have it wilh a v bug of without? The horned frog is one ' of the greatesixunosities here, : and is perfectly harmless It has none ofj the cold, slimy qual ities of la's northern brother,: but fis frequently made a ft of .Chameleons are" innumefa-. ble,:darting over the prairie in "everv, direction : wiin inconceivable swumess, exercising a weir, peculiar faciil y of changing Vtl eir color, to correspond with the color of tho objct under, which they may be.'Tbewoodson the banks uf tlie bayous are perfectly alive ' With ; mock- ' ing birds singing tuost? beautifully and fea-f thered game; is abundant andyery tamei' as l, . it M i scarcely ever 'sought after.1 TU$ only -vHrieties that I have seen; are the : qu.1 1, par- tridgesnipe,hiallard, plover and prria hen, Dorbii love trie SiijibnH j I ', love yqn!fask th c su n if i t loves" the flq wrs ask a cxddjdtten1 Lore 1 yOiT show,ir.e the man that says I don't, aud Til cave lu his head witlt a cistern; pole." 4 Some of t ha papers4 in rcnnsylra ni.v ar a ' talking of Mr. Keeler,Mh labr (iOvernoF of KahsWpa a cardidat'd for tho Gubcrnatcrial ;f chair of the Keystone 'Sjate.' -v : ? T life to consider the lesser evils nnv great' ant noyance. lut the insects! Flying,! creeping,, jumping, r runnings diggiing, ' buzxing, :. hnni- ; I,' v. i . 'id 'I "'I ;pl r I - J ms-. r